- 3 years ago
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This is a re-posting of my earliest story, Quartet: Ingrid. I have re-edited it to correct errors in punctuation, grammar, and hopefully, readability.
Monday evening, Steve and Ingrid strolled across the parking lot of Maurice’s, their arms around each other. Their idyllic weekend was coming to an end and they would be returning to their regular lives tomorrow.
They had avoided talking about what came next as neither had a fixed idea of where their relationship would turn. They had been so absorbed in enjoying their three days and nights together on the ‘Matron’, they had conveniently deferred any thought of their future.
They knew now they were destined to be together, and Ingrid was convinced that Steve had fallen in love with her. He had bridged that gap on Saturday morning when he told he was falling in love with her, but he hadn’t mentioned the subject again for the rest of the trip.
‘Tired?’ he asked her quietly as they approached his car.
‘A bit. We didn’t exactly have a regular sleep pattern, did we?’
‘When do you want to talk about us, where we go from here?’ he asked.
‘How about in bed tonight?’
‘OK, but I don’t think we’ll be coming to any big decisions there, do you?’ he replied with arched eyebrows.
She turned and looked into his eyes with a sober expression. ‘I should be taking this more seriously, shouldn’t I?’
‘It’s up to you. This is about what’s right for you too, Ingrid,’ he said quietly. ‘You’ve had your heartaches. You’ve already told me you didn’t want to rush into a new relationship.’
‘I know,’ she said as her eyes searched his. ‘Do you love me, Steve?’ she asked simply.
‘Without a shadow of a doubt,’ he smiled. ‘No doubts … no ifs … no ands … no buts. You’ve given me what I knew I had to have. This is the real thing for me, Ingrid … and I’ll wait until it’s the real thing for you too.’
Ingrid’s face melted and the tears began to flow. She pulled Steve to her and kissed him with all the energy she could summon. She stepped back after a moment and smiled a wrinkled smile.
‘Let’s go home and plan our future,’ she said at last.
‘Yes, but … whose home?’ he smiled gently.
‘Ladies choice. My place,’ she said happily though her tears. ‘But I guess this puts the pressure on me to get your … I mean … our … new home ready, doesn’t it?’
‘Come on, let’s go home,’ he said, opening the passenger door and guiding her in.
When he awoke on Tuesday morning, it took him a few seconds to remember where he was. Ingrid’s bedroom, but he was alone in the bed. He wondered where she was. He hadn’t been here before and the surroundings were strange. The clock radio on her night table said it was just after seven thirty.
There was no ensuite in the master bedroom of the older home. He slid out of bed and padded toward the hallway. He stopped and went back for his shorts but couldn’t find them. He wandered up the hallway. No one was in the bathroom and the kitchen was empty as well. He walked into the living room and peeked out through the curtains. His car was gone!
‘Damn it!’ he thought, ‘Someone has stolen my car!’ But that didn’t make sense. He walked back to the bedroom and checked his pockets for his keys. Nothing! My cash and wallet and other pocket stuff were all on the table where I had left them, but my keys were gone.
‘Ingrid!’ he realized. ‘She must have taken the car. Of course, she couldn’t get her car out, so she took mine. But where?’ he wondered.
He pulled on yesterday’s shirt and pants and slipped his bare feet into his boat shoes. It was another beautiful West Coast day and likely to be warm as well. The only thing he would need to move from his apartment would be his laptop and some clothes. Well, maybe some cooking utensils as well.
He walked into Ingrid’s kitchen to familiarize himself with the layout. A bit older than his, but all the essentials were there. He poked around in the cupboards and found few pots and pans. He’d need some of his to supplement this motley collection. He found the coffee maker and the coffee, and put the machine to work.
He returned to the living room and pulled the curtains open a couple of feet. He wondered when Ingrid would return. In the meantime, he became aware of his somewhat ripe body and recognized he needed a shower. They’d been too tired to clean up last night.
He undressed in the bedroom and walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He found plenty of bath towels in the closet and for soap and shampoo, he would use Ingrid’s. He stood in the shower for several minutes, relaxing and cleaning his skin of the last of the salt and sweat from their weekend voyage.
After drying himself, he wrapped the towel around his waist and walked back to the bedroom. He headed for the closet and jumped back when he came face to face with Ingrid, standing in the closet with a big grin on her face.
‘Good morning,’ she smiled brightly. She leaned forward and kissed him.
‘Oh, Hi,’ he sputtered. ‘Where did you go?’
‘Over to your place to get some clothes and your computer,’ she said with a self-satisfied grin.
‘Well, aren’t you the clever one.’
‘I like to think so,’ she said haughtily, her nose in the air.
‘Well, since you are the hostess, what’s for breakfast?’ he asked brightly.
‘I don’t know about you, but I’ll be having my normal, workday breakfast. Juice, yogurt, fresh fruit, muffin and coffee.’
‘That’s not my regular, but it sounds sensible. Mind if I mooch your supplies?’ he asked.
‘I think that’s how it’s supposed to work, Steve,’ she said laughing.
He poured coffee for both of them and sat at the kitchen table.
‘So this is domestic life, is it?’ he sighed, smiling.
‘Yep, this is it. You bored already?’
‘Not yet.’
They sat at the table and ate their morning meal. It was sunny and warm and Steve briefly thought about sitting outside on Ingrid’s small deck. He decided the view indoors was better and savored his first cup of coffee.
Steve suddenly looked up and snapped his fingers.
‘I’ve forgotten something,’ he announced. He rose quickly, walking to the front door and out to his car. He rummaged around in the back for a moment and then stood up, closed the hatch and returned to the house. He was holding a box and a medium size manila envelope. He sat back down at the kitchen table and began to open the envelope.
‘This is the design program I told you about, Ingrid. I have some notes from the designers. They said we just need to load it onto your computer, and then follow the instructions.’
‘Wonderful … oh I can’t wait to see it,’ she chirped.
She picked up the disc containers and quickly walked into the living room to her Mac and loaded the first disc into the tray. There were two discs and it took a few minutes to load and dump the contents into the hard drive. Happily it wasn’t a huge pile of data. Ingrid’s machine was limited for hard drive capacity. When she had finished loading and installing the program, she hit the ‘Open’ icon and watched the new program boot up.
There were a number of screens declaring the license and beta development data after which the main program appeared on screen. Steve passed the instructions to Ingrid, pulled up a nearby chair and sat down to watch Ingrid work through the tutorial, options and base development screens. The only sounds were the clicks of the mouse, the clack of the keystrokes and Ingrid’s occasional ‘ohhhh’ or ‘ahhhh’ as she worked he way through the screens.
After a few minutes, Steve asked her if she wanted a coffee refill and she shook her head wordlessly. He walked into the kitchen with a satisfied smile on his face. She was totally absorbed in the screens, and he hoped that it might be the answer to her business needs. If not, there would be anot
her coming along in a couple of weeks, and maybe that would be the solution.
He sat at the kitchen table again, watching her face from a distance. She was completely absorbed in the computer screen and he could see her eyebrows rise as she discovered something new or special. Her smile was evidence that he may have found a winner, and he was delighted for her.
He turned his attention to the carton and quietly opened it and unpacked the contents. On the spur of the moment, he had wandered into the electronics store at San Francisco airport before his flight home. He strolled about for a few minutes, perusing the various items until he came to the digital camera display. He remembered Ingrid’s little 35 mm flash camera, and an idea popped into his head.
A clerk approached him and Steve described what he was looking for in general terms. The sales assistant showed him three or four cameras and Steve settled on one and purchased it. It was a simple to use, all weather, waterproof, dustproof, two megapixel Kodak that would be perfect for both her job and their time together on the boat.
While Ingrid was absorbed in her new toy, Steve assembled his gift and inserted the batteries. He booted it up, adjusted the settings to the day’s time and date, reviewed the program options, and quietly went to the back of the house to test the camera without Ingrid seeing him. With a few quick shots inside, he again slipped by the living room and sneaked out the back door to try the outdoor shots. As best he could tell from the little view screen, the camera was working just fine. He turned it off and returned to the kitchen.
Ingrid had been at the computer screen for over an hour when Steve heard her exhale and push back from the computer screen.
‘It’s fantastic!’ she hollered, hoping Steve would hear her. ‘It’s everything I could have hoped for. Easy to use, quick to change, and capable of handling odd sizes and shapes. It even has a decorator’s program where I can add paintings or drapes or lamps or all kinds of accessories including furniture.’
Steve walked into the room and stood by Ingrid’s side, his hand on her shoulder.
‘Glad to hear it,’ he said smiling. ‘Don’t forget, you have some feedback to send DataScope in San Jose. I think their reply form is on the second disk.’
‘It’s fabulous. I can’t wait to use it on a real job,’ she enthused.
‘Great. By the way, in all the excitement Friday morning, I forgot to give you a gift I got for you on my trip.’
‘Oh Steve, you didn’t need to do that. Our weekend and this program is all I could ever want.’
‘Well, call it a spur-of-the-moment decision,’ he said.
He walked back into the kitchen and picked up the camera and brought it back to her.
‘For you, love.’ He smiled and he bent to kiss her cheek and hand her the camera.
‘Oh, god, you shouldn’t have.’ She was on the verge of tears.
‘Oh yes I should have,’ he said firmly. ‘First of all, it’s another aid for your business and secondly it perfect for use on the boat. Call it an early Christmas present,’ he grinned.
‘Christmas is seven months away,’ she laughed. ‘You are spoiling me … and I love it,’ she added, standing to throw her arms around him and kiss him soundly.
He spent a few minutes showing her how the camera worked and the options that were built into the programs inside. They loaded the software onto her computer and downloaded the test pictures he had taken. They were clear, color-correct, and perfect for her program. She hugged him again, her ever present smile lighting up the room.
‘You deserve a reward for all this,’ she grinned.
‘It’s not necessary, but then again … what do you have in mind?’
Ingrid adopted a sly grin and reached up with her hand to gently pinch his earlobe.
‘You realize the true advantage of both of us working from home, don’t you?’
‘Probably, but tell me anyway,’ he smiled, turning to kiss her wrist.
‘We can take a ‘sport break’ any time we want,’ she said brightly.
‘And what exactly is a ‘sport break’, young lady?’ he asked, feigning ignorance.
‘A combination of mental rehabilitation and physical exercise,’ she replied, her face only an inch or two from his. ‘Very therapeutic, I understand,’ she continued, grinning. ‘Are you up for it?’
‘I will be soon. I suggest we retire to the gymnasium for this activity,’ he responded slyly.
Ingrid took his hand and led him down the hallway to her bedroom. She pushed him onto the still unmade bed and began to undo his belt and lower his zipper. Steve reached up and slid his hands under her tank top, removing it in a single upward motion. In less than a minute they were naked and rolling on the bed, their hands exploring every inch of the other’s body.
Steve pushed Ingrid up the bed as he moved between her thighs with his mouth moving directly to her rapidly engorged nether lips. She was already moist, and as he attacked her with his tongue she quickly became very wet, her hips responding to his aggressive actions. Ingrid’s hands slapped down on his shoulders and then moved to his hair, grabbing handfuls as she held on while Steve’s tongue brought her quickly to orgasm.
It was a wild and uninhibited sexual adventure. In their brief time together, there had been moments, but this was a reckless, no-holds-barred raw sex-fest. They were fucking, pure and simple. Every possible position they could imagine was tried and abandoned as they looked for that instant of gratification. While Ingrid was the initiator, Steve became the leader, looking for new ways to satisfy his beautiful lover.
Ingrid’s orgasms were explosive and irregular. She came twice while Steve ravished her orally. She came before and during Steve’s first orgasm as he took her from behind. She sucked him aggressively, revitalizing his flagging cock, then rode him, first forward, then reverse ‘cowgirl’ to bring herself to yet another orgasm.
Then it was sixty-nine as Ingrid brought Steve to the brink, then backing down as she demanded he finish her with a ‘power fuck.’ He obliged her, pushing her thighs up onto his shoulders, folding her back and driving the last few long strokes into her from above as they both came within seconds of each other.
They lay beside each other, not touching, but each looking at the other, gasping for breath.
After what seemed several minutes, Steve spoke.
‘Yes love.’
‘I think we need to change the sheets.’
Ingrid burst into laughter, alternately gasping for breath and holding her stomach.
‘I think we’d better get some extra bedding if we’re going to behave like this,’ she laughed.
‘That was wild! Now I know for sure that ‘goody two-shoes’ story of yours is B.S.’
‘I’m just using stored up energy,’ he replied lamely.
‘Oh sure! Every young innocent knows all those bedroom tricks, don’t they,’ she snorted.
‘It’s true! Until we made love on Friday, I hadn’t had sex for almost three years,’ he said seriously.
‘You can’t hide this forever, you know,’ she lectured him. ‘Sooner or later you’re going to have to tell me how you know all this dynamite sex technique stuff.’
‘I told you, I learned it all by reading,’ he said, gamely trying to sound sincere.
‘You don’t seriously expect me to believe that, do you?’ she shot back.
‘Suit yourself!’
‘Show me!’ she challenged.
‘What do you mean, No!’ she demanded.
‘No means no!’ Steve restated. ‘I will not tell you how I know what I know. Period!’
He turned his head toward Ingrid and fashioned a crafty smile.
‘I’ve told you everything about me. My plain vanilla life is an open book. You know all you need to know … for now,’ he said cryptically.
‘What are you hiding?’ she asked seriously.
‘Nothing important … possibly nothing at all,’ he s
mirked. ‘Aren’t you forgetting something, Miss Solberg?’
‘What?’ she answered petulantly.
‘I know nothing about you other than some sketchy basics. If anyone has some ‘splainin’ to do, it’s you, young lady,’ he said, trying to be more serious in tone.
‘What are you hiding, huh?’
‘Nothing … nothing …,’ she answered absently.
‘And nothing is what I get for an answer?’ he asked with a pained expression.
‘For now,’ she answered, propping herself up on one elbow and reaching over to clasp his arm. ‘Some ghosts are better left hidden, Steve. Trust me. I’ll tell you all about myself, but some ghosts …,’ her voice trailed off.
Ingrid fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a while. Her face was expressionless, but thoughts were racing through her mind. Steve decided to be patient and let her decide when and what to tell him. She turned her head to look at him.
‘All right then. I guess I owe you that much,’ she said quietly.
She returned to staring at the ceiling and began to tell him of her childhood in Kelowna. She had been born just after her parents had immigrated from Gothenburg, Sweden. It was a happy and secure family environment. Her father was a skilled custom furniture builder, and her mother was a housewife with an artist’s eye. She had a younger sister and brother.
Her sister was two years her junior and looked like becoming a permanent student at a well known university in Ontario. She was living with an older man in a common-law relationship. Her brother was three years younger, married, living in Vancouver, and had a great job in the communications business. On the whole, a typical new-age family. Nothing remarkable about that.
She talked of her high school days and her early awkwardness and unhappiness with her unusual height, finally blossoming into the woman she had become. She had attended an Arts College only a few miles from home and had excelled. She had inherited her mother’s love of art and color and shape, but not in the classic sense. She wanted to be a designer of fine homes, homes which would feature her personality as well as the personality of the owners.
She met Max Davidson at a party in her second year of college. He wasn’t a student, but a friend of one of the guys who lived in her dorm. He was handsome and had an air of adventure about him. Six weeks after graduation, they were married, much to the consternation of her parents.
Max didn’t appear to have a steady job, but seemed to have a ready supply of cash. Ingrid didn’t care. She discovered she loved sex, and Max was a ready and willing initiator. She was adventuresome, but he was downright kinky.
Two things ended the marriage just before their first anniversary. First, Max suggested they open their marriage and invite others in for intimate sessions. What he had in mind wasn’t just other couples, but some of his buddies as well. Ingrid was having none of that and said so in no uncertain terms.
The second and fatal blow was Ingrid arriving home from work a bit earlier than usual and finding Max in bed with their frumpy next door neighbor. She filed for divorce the next week when some of her friends admitted that Max had been screwing anything that wasn’t from another planet before and during their marriage.
Ingrid cried, got angry, cried some more, and then got even. She hired a very clever lawyer who wanted to know exactly what Max’s assets were prior to any settlement agreement. Her lawyer hired a private detective, and his investigations began to uncover a dubious history and some significant blank spots in Max’s background. What the detective confirmed was that Max was living off the avails of several illegal activities, and had carelessly stashed a very large amount of cash in a very accessible bank.
Ingrid’s lawyer told her only the basics of their discovery and then arranged for a meeting with Max and his lawyer. Max, ever the confident one, saw no need for a lawyer and attended the meeting alone. The lawyer, licking his proverbial chops at the prospect, laid out the facts of life to Max and suggested he had two options.
One: pay Ingrid a substantial settlement in cash plus the house they were living in … or two: deal with the police and answer to his various activities and the cash supply. Ingrid’s lawyer made sure Max had some money left to get out of town and disappear as he made it clear his presence would be a threat to his freedom.
Luckily, I had the cash to live for a few months without working, but the months were quickly going by and the cash was wasting away. I had many interviews, but none like the interview I had at STRAP-ON ENTERPRISES. A week had passed, and I was dreaming of the phone to ring and hear Ms. Kitrell's voice again.As I surfed the want ads on the Internet, the phone rang. Ever since my interview at STRAP-ON ENTERPRISES, my heart had become accustomed to skipping a beat every time the phone...
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Morgana was not best pleased when we reported in and had to explain the loss of twelve Mages, nor in her examination of us did she spare us from any form of criticism for even a minor mistake. In short it was a typical Morgana dressing down, the only effect of which was to make me resolve to try harder next time. “Despite the losses, you both performed well as a team,” Morgana finally finished. “As a reward, I believe it’s time for Thea to be introduced to Loegria.” “Are you sure, my Mage?”...
It seemed like I'd just got off one endless flight before hopping onto another one. We did wait a week though, Dagmar and I, and managed to become closer to each other by the end of that week. By then I had every confidence that she wouldn't try running away. I think my calling her Dagmar and never Linda had a lot to do with it. The sex did too. It wasn't nearly as intense of a relationship as some of my others. It had much more of a friendship quality to it rather than a torrential love...
"I, Nicola Christine Thomas," I whisper as tears start to trickle from my eyes. "Take you, Sarah Jennifer Phillips..." "Beep," the minister says, derailing my train of thought. "Beep, beep, beep, beep...." I let out a long sigh as the pristine white veil of my wedding dress is replaced by the dark brown veil of my hair, which had flopped down in front of my face whilst I was sleeping. "Morning," I whisper to the beautiful girl whose face is the first thing I see every morning when I...
Karen cupped her lover’s balls in her left hand, alternately massaging them and then his swollen shaft while she texted her husband with her right. Her lover was amused. ‘You multi-text pretty well,’ he said with a smile. ‘Where is he?’ ‘I’m a mother,’ she said, returning his smile. ‘We’re natural multi-taskers. And don’t worry. We have plenty of time.’ They were in her bed–the bed she would be sharing with her husband in a few hours. She was sitting on her heels naked and, after sending the...
I always had a fantasy of watching my wife having sex with someone else but It was always just that a fantasy, My wife would be on the floor on all fours sucking my cock while i sat on the couch and id try to imagine a guy fucking her from behind while she was doing it. She would always joke about getting gang banged not knowing that id only imagined it in my dreams. Well one day i was outside my house working on my car while my wife sat on the porch having a drink and a cigarette, My wife is...
Tina walked along the driveway, practically walking on tip-toes in her stilettos, and made her way around the house to the backyard gate. She opened the latch, glanced around and giggled like she was trying to break into her own house. Her skirt lifted and a breeze caressed her ass. She had wondered if her mom would be in the garden but she was nowhere to be found. She crept back to the driveway, waved to Stephanie, and whispered with an exaggerated movement of her lips, ‘The coast is clear.’ ...
I grew up in a fair sized town in the Midwest, having fairly normal parents and a fairly normal life. At least up to a point. By the time I was 18 and heading to college, I was the proverbial wild child. It seemed like the more of the things I tried that my parents had warned me about, the more things I liked. You name it, and I did it or at least tried it. I drank, smoked, got high and had sex with anyone that I felt inclined to be with. It seemed like there was no stopping me. I was having...
During my first term at college, Naomi Kurtz was my fuck-of-the-month. Actually, the fuck of several months. A spoiled, girlie brat in designer labels, Naomi was allergic to studying and hard work. But she had the face and body of a straight A pole dancer, so I wrote papers for her and let her take the credit.Naomi had an idiot BF named Kyle. He called her Princess and she acted like one. His boy band good looks and unlimited cash from Daddy didn't make creepy Kyle any less moronic than he...
College Sex“Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.” Nancy’s voice carried partway across the patio from the gazebo. Several of the other lovers laughed despite being in their own throes of passion and lovemaking. Her voice was so strident and needful. She was with Dave and Sheri. In the middle of the patio, Nancy was feeling Dave’s large cock slowly stroking smoothly into her warm interior for the first time in months due to her pregnancy and the recovery from the birth. Sheri Seaton sat on her facing moaning from...
Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two, I was a freshman in high school and had just tried out for the junior varsity cheer-leading squad. I think i was the youngest one in the new recruits being only f******n but i really wanted to be a cheerleader so i worked hard to make sure i made the cut. After a long day of boring classes then cheerleader audition after school i was beat. I went home, took a nice hot shower and got dressed for bed. I think i ate dinner, but i was...
The wreck Waking up to the sound of an alarm in the background. I slap the damn thing to silence it, missing it a couple times before landing the hit that allows me to sleep another 10 minutes. As I start to fade into an even deeper sleep the damn thing sounds again. Not wanting to get up, I moan in annoyance and finally sit up seeing the time, fuck, I'm late. It's 7:15 in the morning. Damn it. As I get out of bed and take my morning piss which feels like heaven every morning I ponder the...
Right on time Mr. Johnson showed up. He was a short, overweight man who made Cain look thin. His suit looked like he had slept in it for the past week but he was clean and his hair, what there was of it, was combed. He just looked at Blake and handed him a credstick. "You get the rest at the end of the job. Let's go." Outside the bar he climbed into a Mitsubishi Runabout and took off or lurched off I should say. He hadn't maintained the vehicle properly. From the high pitched whine I...
Now that Gabriela had finished performing oral sex for Leo, and he had moved away from her, Floyd got up. Grabbing a handful of her long black hair, he pulled her to her feet as he said, in a demanding voice, “Get your ass in the bedroom. I’m gonna try out that hot pussy of yours.” The Mexican beauty slowly walked to the bedroom where she had been staying ever since she had taken the nanny job. Floyd had followed behind her checking out her fabulous tight ass in her jeans as she walked ahead...
Hi, I am Rohit and I am 28 years old and stay with my family. I have always had an attraction towards my sister. This was when I was 26 and my sister was 24. One day morning I was out brushing my teeth I noticed my younger sister was washing clothes, she was wearing her skirt but had taken her blouse off to wash it and her half-sari was covering her chest. As I stood brushing my teeth, she raised her hands up revealing her small, wonderful breasts. I was stunned at the beauty of my sister’s...
IncestNova Cane is a classic horny blonde teen. As soon as she gets a moment alone, she plays with her body like its a wonderland. She sticks toys in her holes and changes positions like she just cannot get enough of her own sexuality. So, when our stud shows up and sees that there is a bejeweled buttplug in Novas tight teen ass, he understands exactly what kind of girl she is. He pulls out his throbbing prick and sticks it in her sweet, young hole. He pounds her hard and she squeals in pleasure,...
xmoviesforyouIn my final year at uni I was working in a community mental health home. It was a regular shift, once a week supporting a young man with day to day activities and a big change of pace from the forensic work I'd typically do. In simple terms I'd take the lad shopping and then take him to the gym. This consisted of, literally, two minutes on a treadmill and an ninety minutes between the sauna and jacuzzi. A tidy little arrangement.After a few weeks of working this way his gf and her support...
Crossing the room our eyes catch each other for a moment... notsaying a word I pass by you grinning wickedly as i slide my hands passyour stomach... looking at you I know i am going to pay for thattransgression later... You eyes look at me angrily showing me thatbehavior like that wont be tolerated.. Your man stands next to youtalking to you in whispers, he laughs and turns away not quite knowingwhat has just happened.. I keep walking away from you heading to thestairs, smiling as i walk...
Episode 3 "New Arrivals, New Era" Citadel Community Park, Citadel, Terra, 17:00, Climax, Saturian 30th, 292 of the New Era "Alex, they're going to rush us! I'm afraid their intentions are..." Jack warned as her head whipped back to the main grouping of men! "Stun only, Jack- we don't want to hurt them." "Aye, phasers set to stun, Captain!" she replied in a rather convincing Scottish accent as the crowd inched closer. Even I knew where that quote had come from and rolled...
"Oh, Jesus!" Ric gasped, shoving Vicky's rump up away from his face for a moment. "Lemme breathe for a sec, okay, babe?" Vicky simply hummed an answer into Cherrill's open mouth as the two girls continued their long, erotic French kiss. Vicky's torso continued to move up and down ever so slightly, her rhythm matching her Sapphic lover's movements as Cherrill happily humped up and down on Ric's long, hard cock. "Squeeze harder," Cherrill whispered, her turn to breathe into...
After my teacher and I agreed to meet up once I returned home from college, I grew impatient and began counting down the days until I would finally be able to show her that I was no longer the boy she remembered. We constantly talked and flirted and tried to plan a date that would work. I finally made it back home after finals week and started back at work. That summer we had several big contracts due so I had to devote most of my time the first month and a half back to work, delaying my...
Hi friends, I am Joy from Kolkata and this is my first story which I am posting for all of you guys who love their mom very much but slightly in a different way. I am a final year engineering student from Kolkata, West Bengal and a regular reader of incest stories. Let me first introduce myself to all of you. My name is Joy, a 22 year young, tall good looking and handsome Bengali guy. I have all the specialties that a girl would like to see in her partner. I love making new friends. This is a...
IncestHi friends this is Kalyan, thanks for my last story response .Which encouraged me to put more secrets of my life out. Thanks to ISS. This incident happened eight months back. Let me introduce myself am Kalyan 31 good looking IT entrepreneur. I have my own IT consulting company with 85 + employees in Bangalore. After working long hours and sometimes continuous I feel like to go to pubs and enjoy myself but most of the time I go alone as I don’t have company(my 2 of the friends are in USA so all...
-Daniel- "God-damn it good to see you, you old fart!" Antigua sighed when we finally came up for air. Or at least she did; I'm not so sure I had any say in the matter whatsoever. "It's good to see you again too, squirt," I chuckled. "I guess you want me to give him back now, don't you?" she asked somebody over my shoulder. "Sooner or later," I heard Alee laugh. "Down girl! Behave yourself," I said smacking her bottom lightly. "Well, that isn't going to do it," she...
Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality & lesbianism fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read...
Part 2 of 10 Parts. Part 2. For some reason, Tim didn't refer to the incident or the toys in the attic again that day or the next. While he worked getting the house in order under Diana's directions, he sometimes found her looking at him with a strange smile and he found himself blushing, guessing she was remembering how he had looked when he tried to come. On Monday, they kissed goodbye and Tim drove off to his architect's office while Diana drove off to the school she taught at. A few days...
FetishIn retrospect, we should never have been trick-or-treating that Halloween night. Less than two months into our senior year in high school, we were way too old to sport costumes and beg for candy. Yet there we were, weaving through the neighborhood, trailing behind droves of younger kids. Amy was in her Cinderella gown and I in my pumpkin carriage garb. We deliberately hunched over or stood on a lower step to make ourselves look smaller after we rang each doorbell. Occasionally an adult would...
The four couples sat in the back of the limo and talked about the dance. Megan told them that the seating was reserved and they would have one table. She said that the last time she went the food was very good, in fact, the only thing she liked was the food. The large car allowed the teens to sit comfortably and not wrinkle the girls' dresses. When they arrived at the banquet hall, the driver pulled up to the front door and waited for the limo in front of him to move. He rolled down the...
"What the hell is this?" I mentally asked myself. I'd been absently scratching a spot on my a arm as I worked at my desk, and glancing at it noticed the area I'd been scratching was inflamed with a red rash about an inch in diameter. There seemed to be small welts with small spots of blood in the center. I got up and left my office; heading for my co-worker's office next door. "Hey, Max. What's this?" I asked, showing him my arm. He looked at for a moment before replying. "Jim, it...
People are always talking about slavery. They talk about how blacks were slaves in America, and how they should be getting reparations for what they went through, and all that. And some people talk about slavery that is going on today in places like the Middle East, and in Africa. Then there is always talk about how women are being trafficked as sex slaves just about everywhere. But what most people don't realize is, that a very harsh and cruel form of slavery is taking place year after year,...
Adam parked the U-Haul truck along the curb in front of Kara’s ranch house. He saw her Buick in the driveway, and the front door unlocked. “Hello,” he called as he went inside. “I’m in the bedroom,” he heard her call back. Adam headed up the stairs. “I was packing the rest of my closet into these storage tubs. I was just about to start on my dresser.” “Leave your stuff in the drawers. We’ll pull them out, haul the carcass out to the truck and re-install the drawers.” “Okay...” “What about...
Today when I came in from work I noticed a service truck in the driveway. The type with a ladder rack and all the tool boxes. I parked behind it and walked into the house to see what was in need of service. I walked all through the house looking for either my wife or the worker. I couldn't find either. So I grabbed a cold beer from the fridge and walked out onto the deck to have a look at the pool. That's where I found my wife along with the guy driving the service truck. My wife was wearing...