We Needed A Little Push free porn video

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In retrospect, we should never have been trick-or-treating that Halloween night. Less than two months into our senior year in high school, we were way too old to sport costumes and beg for candy. Yet there we were, weaving through the neighborhood, trailing behind droves of younger kids. Amy was in her Cinderella gown and I in my pumpkin carriage garb.

We deliberately hunched over or stood on a lower step to make ourselves look smaller after we rang each doorbell. Occasionally an adult would grouse, "You kids are too old for this!" When they did, we would simply say "Sorry!" and turn off in another direction. No sense playing "tricks" in retribution, especially since we had both turned eighteen on October 2, and if there were any criminal mischief, we could be charged as adults.

Though Amy and I were completely unrelated, some of our friends called us "twins" -- not only due to our shared birth date, but because we had grown up as inseparable as twins. We were like brother and sister, only without all the bickering.

That fateful night was the first time since we were pre-teens that we had trick-or-treated. Perhaps the start of the final year of high school had stirred in us a longing for the simpler days of childhood. Perhaps it was the Halloween dare from one of our friends from school. Whatever the cause of our setting out on this All Hallow's Eve, Amy and I found ourselves having the time of our lives.

"Scott, this is even better than when we were kids!" Amy laughed in my direction. We were nearing the end of our neighborhood, the comfortable suburban sprawl where we had grown up as next-door neighbors. "You wanna keep going out of the neighborhood?"

"I dunno," I said. "It'll be getting dark soon." Unlike many Halloween evenings in our past, there was no rain and no chilly autumn wind. It was a dry and balmy eve, part of a nice stretch of renewed October warmth that once upon a time would have been referred to as a not-so-politically-correct "Indian summer."

"Come on, Scott – let's get a look at the old fart who's moved into the old Weatherby plantation," Amy chirped. "It'll be an adventure."

I wasn't too keen on using trick-or-treating as an excuse to gawk at some stranger who'd just moved into our town. "Parents of little kids won't be bringing them up there, Amy -- there won't be any camouflage. He'll call the cops. We'll be busted as overage candy-holic tresspassers. It'll be a waste of time," I complained.

"We won't know if we don't try!" Amy retorted. "Besides, part of Beth's dare was to get some candy from the 'ogre' that now inhabits the place."

"You know I've never been one to fall for being manipulated by other people's dares, Amy. I agreed to trick-or-treat with you because it sounded like fun, not because of a dare," I stated in my firmest brotherly older-twin tone.

Amy turned her lower lip down in a disappointed pout. A slight gust of warm wind pushed a few tendrils of her long, straight blonde hair up in the air into a somewhat silly-looking spike. Her eyes, a shade darker than a chlorinated swimming pool at dusk, were fixed on me in a silent challenge.

Had her Cinderella gown not puffed at the sleeves and hips to create an image of austere royalty, she might have resembled a little lost waif. My resolve weakened. Despite my belief that I was in the right, I fell into my usual trap of wanting to make her happy. She truly was the "little princess" -- not just the Disney brand, but the youngest-girl-in-the-family variety.

She could see in my moment of hesitation that my resolve was beginning to waver. "Okay, let's go -- but we're back here before dark," I ordered. The frills in her Cinderella sash crinkled between us as she gave me a quick hug.

"Don't worry," she quipped, "Nobody's expecting us, and nobody's going to miss us if we're late."

"Tardiness is not the point. I'm talking about safety. We don't want to be outside the neighborhood in the dark, on the shoulder of the main road with no street lights, possibly becoming the deer in somebody's headlights," I quipped.

Amy smiled her cutest waif grin. My heart always skipped a beat when she showed by that smile that I had done something to please her.

She had paid the price to get those well-aligned teeth. I remembered well those years of self-doubt that she had endured while sporting a set of god-awful silver braces. At first, I had done my share of teasing, but I soon stopped when I could see that it was really bothering her.

"We'll save some time by not stopping at every house. I'm really intrigued to find out what Beth was talking about with the old Weatherby plantation house. She made it sound really mysterious. We can just go there and come back home before the twilight fades," Amy suggested.

She grabbed my hand and started out of the neighborhood. My pumpkin outfit was beginning to weigh me down, but Amy's tug gave me just a tad of momentum as we headed up the hill. Houses on each side became more sparse as we made our way the three-quarters mile or so up to the Weatherby place.

As we turned off the road and walked up the gravel drive, the mood changed and our pace slowed.

"The place looks spooky to me," I asserted honestly.

"Yeah, it does," admitted Amy.

The brown brick house was massive and sprawling, with Gothic columns two stories high. Only one entrance faced the road. The entrance was on a raised porch, and a yellow bug-light spilled rays of golden light from just beside the entrance door. A few tattered Halloween decorations adorned the window beside the door.

I didn't see any lights on inside the house, nor did I see a doorbell to ring. "Maybe they went somewhere," I remarked.

"Maybe they just have thick drapes," Amy countered. "Scott, you knock on the door to see if they're home. I'll stand beside you with the candy bags."

I stepped first on to the porch, Amy making way for my expansive pumpkin carriage suit. The porch was made of wood, and as I made my way to the door I was vaguely aware that the floor of the porch reminded me somewhat of a giant picture frame.

"Go ahead," Amy encouraged. I had a queasy gnawing deep in my belly. Something just didn't feel right to me. Then I saw what appeared to be a giant door knocker, about three feet to the left of the door rather than on the door frame to the right.

Amy plastered a princess smile on her face, readying herself for the inevitable "Trick or treat!" if anyone happened to be at home. I reached for the door knocker and pulled it down hard.

What happened in the next few moments is difficult to remember, much less describe. At the split second that I slammed the door knocker, I heard Amy scream behind me. The porch gave way and dumped Amy and me into a room below, sort of like a cold cellar or wine cellar with concrete walls. Though we dropped about eight or ten feet, a thickly padded over-sized double mattress on the floor below kept us from serious injury.

Even so, I was momentarily disoriented. I checked on Amy, who was unconscious beside me. I checked her breath and vital signs -- she appeared to be okay. Maybe she had just fainted – there was no sign of head trauma or concussion.

I looked around the room to see more clearly where we were. It dawned on me that the illumination was not yellow, but rather a sterile white fluorescence from beside the lone door in the room. I looked skyward, expecting to see the porch light and tattered wood above us, but the floor of the porch was completely intact, forming the ceiling of the room!

It was then that I heard the Voice. "No, the porch did not collapse," I heard the Voice say. It was a voice like the one from the old Halloween spoof song, "Monster Mash": distinctly British, somewhat creepy, and with a hint of humor.

Amy was starting to come around, and I knelt down to help her up.

"Where are we?" she asked. She looked shaken but not badly hurt.

"Not sure," I said, "but we're not alone. Someone rigged the porch to drop us down here. Maybe it was the door knocker that tripped a trap door. We're somewhere below the porch."

"That's correct, my lad," said the Voice. "You two are now my guests. I trust you will stay at my pleasure."

That last part sounded ominous. The hint of humor was gone.

"Scott -- I'm scared," Amy said. Her ruby lips were starting to quiver. A tear leaked from her left eye and rolled down her cheek.

"Don't worry, Amy -- we'll be okay," I promised hollowly, having no idea that this was indeed the case. "I'll take care of you," I continued. I intended to do everything in my power to live up to that last promise.

"Who are you?" I bellowed to the Voice.

"My friends call me by my first name," replied the Voice, "but I prefer for my subjects to call me Master."

At this, I was experiencing a strange mixture of fear and anger. I tried the knob of the door, knowing instinctively that it would not turn. The hinges were not visible, obviously being on the other side of the door, so there would be no removing the door from the hinges to escape. I tried jamming my shoulder into the door, but quickly realized that it was of steel construction.

"Son of a bitch," I muttered, partly at the Voice and partly at the pain in my right shoulder from jamming it into the door.

"You need not try escaping," said the Voice, "you will not leave here until and unless I desire you to do so."

The threat was neither oblique nor veiled. His previous mention of "subjects" could have been a coy joke, but it was now clear that Amy and I had been kidnapped. Amy tried to suppress her fear, but her shoulders were heaving with unshed tears.

"What do you WANT?" I asked loudly. My head was spinning, trying to figure out possible options for Amy and me to get to safety.

"If you don't want anyone to suffer adverse consequences," the Voice commanded, "you will obey me completely and immediately. Do you understand?"

"Y-y-yes," stammered Amy. As I began to reply, the Voice interrupted, "Yes, WHAT?"

Fear shone in Amy's eyes. "I don't know what you mean," she shouted shakily.

A blast of noise like a ship's foghorn filled the room. Amy and I covered our ears to dampen the pain.

When the ringing in our ears had stopped, we heard the somewhat agitated Voice state plainly, "Yes ... MASTER!"

"Y-y-yes, Master," Amy complied, "I will obey completely and immediately."

"And what about you, my lad?" asked the Voice.

I looked up on the wall where the sound of the Voice was being piped in by a large loudspeaker suspended from the ceiling, the underside of the porch floor. The loudspeaker was likely the same source as the foghorn blast we'd experienced moments earlier. Attached to it was what appeared to be a miniature video camera, pointed directly at us. It moved in tandem with our movements.

I knew for Amy's sake that I'd better not make trouble, at least not while we were trapped. "Yes, Master," I replied meekly.

"Very well," answered the British-accented monster, "I have some tasks for you to complete. Young lady, I would have you attach the young gentleman to the wall."

Shocked, I looked around the room to see what the Voice could be talking about. I spotted a set of handcuffs dangling from a steel ring that was implanted in the concrete wall. The cuffs were situated just above the headrest of the mattress that had broken mine and Amy's fall into the room.

Amy took the key from the handcuffs. The camera followed her movements. "Is this what you mean?" she queried.

"Quite perceptive of you, Miss," answered the Voice.

"Come here, Scott," she stated flatly. I moved toward her and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Are you okay with this?" she asked. I nodded my assent. She crossed my arms and applied the handcuffs. Securing them, she removed the key and raised her costume to drop it in her pocket. True to her modesty, Amy wore a pair of cutoff blue jean shorts under her Cinderella outfit. After depositing the key, she shook the dress back out over the shorts.

"Very well, miss," congratulated the Voice. "Now, you are to remove the lad's costume."

Amy looked at me with concern in her eye. I nodded my assent.

"Yes, Master," she said.

She sat beside me and started by removing my boots. Then she undid the clasps on my ridiculous orange pumpkin carriage costume. Since my wrists were attached to the wall, she had to pull the costume down over my torso and off over my feet. I wore a tank top and boxer shorts under the costume.

"All of it," said the Voice.

"All of what?" asked Amy.

"Remove all of the young gentleman's costume," replied the Voice.

The pupils of Amy's eyes widened. "Like, what do you mean?"

The foghorn blast filled the room again. Because my wrists were constrained, I couldn't cover my ears. Amy's hands were at her ears, but her eyes showed overwhelming indecision. I desperately needed the pain in my ears from the continuing noise to stop. I caught Amy's eyes with mine, and nodded to her to proceed.

"Yes, Master!" she shouted. I wasn't sure whether the Voice would hear her over the blast of the blaring horn. However, the noise stopped momentarily.

"That's much better, Miss," answered the voice calmly.

Amy leaned toward me. "I'm sorry, Scott," she whispered. She first began to remove my tank top, but it would go no further than the handcuffs. "I'm going to have to rip it to satisfy this psycho," she whispered.

"Go ahead," I replied. She managed to find a seam on the tank top and ripped along the stitching to get my tank top off. Then she looked vexedly at my boxer shorts.

"Complete and immediate obedience, Amy," I chided her, "Don't just stand there."

"Okay, Scott, but remember that he made me do this," retorted Amy.

She slid my boxer shorts down and off my feet. Whether from fear or anger or whatever cause, my dick was shriveled to the smallest it had been since I was a kid. Feeling ashamed, I told Amy, "Don't look so disappointed."

I could tell immediately that I'd hurt her. Regretting my hasty words, I mumbled an apology. "Sorry, Amy -- I'm just a little self-conscious. Don't mind me being a jerk."

"I'm used to it by now," she retorted, and the gentle smirk on her face told me that all was forgiven.

The Voice interrupted, "Your tasks are not yet complete, young lady. It is now time to remove your costume."

Amy's expression reflected horror. "All of it," continued the Voice.

"Y-y-yes, Master," conceded Amy. Her shoulders slumped in the same way that they had done back in the sixth grade when she lost the last round of the state spelling bee. Amy was not only smart, but she was competitive. This time, she knew that she'd been beaten. "The perv is going to rape me," she whispered to me as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Let's not jump to conclusions," I admonished hopefully, recognizing full well that there was nothing I could do to help with my arms cuffed to the wall.

I watched her with mixed emotions -- protective brotherly feelings warring with a stirring yearning to see my little buddy Amy in the raw. I'd occasionally fantasized about it, but tried to quell such desires because I didn't want to endanger our lifelong friendship.

I was sure that Amy's fear extended beyond the possibility of being raped. It was also grounded in her modesty. As difficult as it was for her to see me in my shriveled state, it would be manifold times more difficult for her to strip naked in front of her quasi-twin.

To her credit, she rose to the occasion before the Voice was tempted to send his foghorn blast ringing through our ears again. She lifted the Cinderella dress over her head and tossed it to the side.

The dress having been cast aside, she stood before me (and before the Voice on the other end of the camera) in her cutoff shorts, white bra, white camisole, and faux-glass slippers. Due to the length of the dress, she wore no panty hose.

"Promise you won't laugh, Scott," Amy pleaded in a hushed tone. I could tell that she was serious.

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"She'll like this." Jessica said to her friend, Sarah, all the while holding up the denim miniskirt to her own body and examining it in the mirror. "Who?" Sarah asked, clearly not paying attention as she thumbed through a nearby clothing rack. "Lyssa." Jessica said with a snarl, insulted at having been ignored. "I'm going to her birthday party tonight, remember?" "Oh, right. That guy's little sister. Why get her anything? You're not going for her." "Adam. His name...

4 years ago
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Pampour Parlour Mum Pushy

Pamper Parlour Mum: Pushy & Proud By DebWeb. "Mum please stop this and let me go play with my friends." "Stop complaining, you know I have a reputation to uphold as the owner of a new beauty salon business. We have to look immaculate at all times. It impresses the customers and attracts new ones." "But mum..." "No buts just sit still while I fix your hair." I knew when my mother would not budge and this was one of those moments. I had planned on a nice day playing with my...

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I could tell something had changed. I'm not quite sure how to describe the difference, but it was as obvious as if the sky had changed color, or gravity had gone away. It wasn't an ill feeling, but as I turned off the alarm and pushed aside my covers, I had to shake my head a little, like I was trying to clear away cobwebs that weren't there. There was an echoing place inside my head now. I can only describe it as feeling like big, hollow cave that was dark and private. Not even the morning sun...

Mind Control
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Littlest Nymph in the Labyrinth

You are a young boy, approaching the awkward age of puberty, but not quite there yet. You live in a small village in the mountains, and your father is a goat herder. You are likely to inherit his profession, as there is not much else you could do in this place. You spend your days playing with the other children of the village and chasing unruly goats around with sticks. Ultimately, life is boring. You gobble up the stories about grand adventures that the occasional traveler tells you and the...

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The Littlest Red Hood Part 3

They made their way up the hill and through the woods to the back of Helen’s house. The smell of food hit Cordelia’s nose as she stepped on the porch, and she realized that she was starving. Her stomach growled and Micah grinned and opened the door. She grinned back at him as she walked inside. When Cordelia looked up, Helen was standing there staring at them. The look on her face was clear, she knew. “Aunt Helen, it smells delicious,” Micah said, giving her a kiss on the cheek and ignoring...

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The Littlest Red Hood Part 2

Cordelia ran at a hard sprint, pushing herself harder, trying to outrun all the emotions that had been building inside her. When she couldn’t push it any further, she slowed to a jog. As she slowed to a walk, she started to feel the cool air and realized she should have brought her cloak. She looked around and saw that she had run a lot further than she had planned. Cordelia was almost two miles outside of the village. She stopped and bent over with her hands on her knees, so her head was down...

2 years ago
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The Littlest Red Hood Part 1

“Don’t stop running!” the woman panted, dragging her son with her. The boy was scared and crying. He didn’t understand why his sister and father were not running with them. They ran for the hidden cave in the side of the mountain. “It’s a little further, son,” his mother said as she tried to reassure him. They made it to the river and she paused long enough to pick the small child up and leap over. She landed gracefully, set the child down and they continued to run. She finally saw the...

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Stephanie woke up and couldn’t move. It wasn’t long before she realized she was tied down. Three large leather straps ran across her chest, belly and hips and pushed her down into the mattress. Her arms and legs were free to move about. She pried on the leather straps but she couldn’t find a buckle anywhere. What was going on? Where was she? It was dark, she could barely see a thing. The silhouette of bars surrounding her. Was she in a cage, but why tie her down if she was already...

1 year ago
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Principles of Lust alittle buffy faith wil

"Tell me again why I'm doing this?" Faith asked, arms folded across her chest. "Because you love me," Buffy replied, grinning. "And because Willow has been feeling kinda left out lately. You and I have been doing the Slayer thing and the relationship thing... I just don't want to be absentee friend again." Buffy set down her grocery bags on the kitchen counter, and started unloading. "Besides, with my mom out of town and the house to ourselves, it's the perfect chance for a girl's night." Faith...

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Alittle bi action

I’ve always been very curious about my sexuality, but I’ve never had the courage to try another man. My wife and I have been messing around with a strap on for the last couple months getting me ready for this night. We drove to an exclusive club 15 minutes out of the city limit, and turned off the car.“Are you ready for this baby” Cindy asked“ I think so, I’m getting hard just thinking about a cock in my mouth”We walked up to the club and showed my card to the man at the door, he took a quick...

2 years ago
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The Old Reality Bar and Grill PropLittle Timmy the Time Machine

Character sketch / Design notes. "Little Timmy" is a character in the various ads and sketches being put together for the Detroit 2015 campaign. It is a hand brushed pain job old refrigerator with various hockey team stickers, a Molson's decal stuck to the door, a Canadian flag decal and a bumper sticker for Barnaby Canada on it: "Barnaby! Home To The Future!" is what it reads. "Little Timmy" is the type of thing you'd find in any guy's garage that works on cars, or back stage at...

2 years ago
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Needed to be quick

I'd seen Mrs P several times but not alone for quiete sometime. It wasn't without trying. You'll know from my previous blogs she's the posh widow who lives close to me that deep down in her later life has discovered she's a real slut. I'd be silly not to help her!So last Sunday as I washed the cars she walked past with her dog wearing the usual tight black leggings and short boots with a coat covering the rest. She really is a hot GILF.My wife came out to chat too so it was all above board and...

1 year ago
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Marcus leaned back. The drive to the mall was pleasant, mostly because Marcus enjoyed the pitter-patter of the rain on the windshield and roof. His eyes were drooping as they came to a red light, before the light turned green he was nearly asleep. Marcus has dark brown hair that was a bit longer on top but short on the sides. This hair was currently hanging over his face as he nodded off. His closed eyelids hid his deep green eyes (inherited from his mother), and an attractive face with a bit...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Jumping Before the Push

The working environment at the office had quickly turned nasty under the new owners, but recently it had become just plain toxic. I talked to my wife and some friends, and we decided to jump ship before the crash, but first provide ourselves with parachutes. Turned out to be the best thing we could have done. Just gone nine. Great start to the working week. In to see my team leader to hand in my notice. Josh’s facial expression showed clearly to any observer that he didn’t like what he was...

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The Package DealChapter 17 Push

Well, no one is going to jail! At least not now. Lena has been good to her word; there have been no problems. Rose and Lily have been good to their words about how they were feeling. The only real change is that they have attached more strongly to Jake. Nic2 and I have a talk about the RN degree and what had gone on relating to that and babies. It seems I was completely left out of the loop on that whole matter. It's not that I needed to be in the loop, it's just that I feel miffed that I...

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needed to pass highschool

Jimmy was your typical highschooler he tried to lay low from all the popular jocks who tried to mess with him. He was not the best looking guy he was about 5’10 and slightly overweight with some acne. But he did have his tight knit group of friends. His grades were not terrible but he needed to pass geometry and chemistry to not go to summer school or fail sophomore year. One day during his study hall his dean Mr. Vantage called him down to his office to discuss his failing grades. While he was...

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Needed to move in PT1

My wife and I were looking for an apartment because the lease in the old one was up in two weeks. We just found out the Landlord wasn't going to renew. He left us in a spot. I was kind of glad when it happened. You see my wife was a very attractive 24 year old Brazilian hottie. I was only twenty six and in shape. I guess average looks would describe me. Jackeline, my wife, had a great body. Long brown curly hair framed her well tanned face. Supple lips and big dark brown eyes almost filled the...

2 years ago
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Needed Experienced Landscaper

I'm feeling pretty proud of myself that I managed to get my husband to hire you to trim our shrubs and trees. Even better, he got a phone call and had to leave before you finished your work. I stand at the window, watching your movements, hoping you can finish quickly so that we'll have some time together before my husband returns home. I walk out and whisper quietly, so that the neighbors can't hear, telling you to hurry up because I have big plans for us. I purposely lean over so that you...

1 year ago
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Needed to move in PT1

My wife and I were looking for an apartment because the lease in the old one was up in two weeks. We just found out the Landlord wasn’t going to renew. He left us in a spot. I was kind of glad when it happened. You see my wife was a very attractive 24 year old Brazilian hottie. I was only twenty six and in shape. I guess average looks would describe me. Jackeline, my wife, had a great body. Long brown curly hair framed her well tanned face. Supple lips and big dark brown eyes almost filled the...

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Needed to share

let me tell about how it feels when I first penetrate my girlfriend's pussy... I write this as I stare at her masturbate and read to her out loud what I'm writing... Inspiration is just flowing right now... Her pussy is always moist by the time she takes off her jeans. She rarely wears any undies, because she knows how crazy I get when I find out. I typically like to sit her down on a table so I can savor the magical sight when I spread her legs. First she'll slide a finger quickly up and down...

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Little Flower

WARNING!  THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION.   IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE.   DELETE NOW IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO VIEW THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL.The Author does not condone any of these actions, this is fantasy, make believe, ya know day dreaming. COPYRIGHT 2006:  This story is copyrighted by the author, Stillbehindblueeyes. I?d love to hear from you Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) comIf you post this else ware please let me know and give me access to it.                ...

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Adult Sissy Little Girl World

Journey Into A Special World My name is Hannah Stone. I've been a reporter for a newspaper for years. A couple of days ago I ran into an old sorority sister and good friend Linda Hart. It's been a few years since we last saw each other and we decided to do lunch together. At the beginning of lunch we had the usual light chat. Then we sort of got on the serious side of chat, when I asked Linda how her marriage to Bob was going. "Oh, Hannah I divorced that bastard years ago. He was...

2 years ago
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Naughty Little Red part two

Introduction: Pre teen sex story Little Red Riding Hood and Gretel left Hansel asleep on the bed as they adventure out into the not so dark scary woods. In no time the girls came upon a waterfall and as you might have guess both of the naughty little girls were as horny as hell. Little Red Riding Hood stroked Gretels pretty little face as their hot mouths met. Their tongues darted into each others mouths as Little Red started to unbutton Gretels shirt. In no time Gretels shirt was laying on...

1 year ago
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Little One

Hello boys and girls, and my favorite sissies. I have been here and there and enjoyed the Christmas holidays, I hope, and pray all of you have also. I am back from my sabbatical and in the mood to tell you a story. Yes, I know I have several story's that are not complete, but here is another new one. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. This story is very familiar to me and hits me from the past. Like some musicians have said in the past that "we have had our ups, and downs...

3 years ago
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My little naughty daughters

My Name is Stan and I'm a member of our neigboorhood „Teeny Bangclub“. What? You never heard of it? Almost all male citizens in our community are members of this club! Once a month one or two daddys bring their cutest little teenage daughters to the club. But there are three important rules for the choice of the girls: First, they have to be not older than 13 years old. Second, only the cutest little girls have the opportunity to participate. They have to be slim or...

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Jilnar Jardaly the Little Leb CockRiding Slut

This is the story of...جلنار ​​جردلي Jilnar Jardaly the Little Leb Cock-Riding SlutOne fine day, Jilnar the Little Leb Cock-Riding Slut's mother called her to come downstairs. She had just finished preparing her a basket of X-rated goodies for her to take to her beloved old Grandpa, in his cottage, in the woods. Of course, as we all know, Grandpa wasn't Jilnar the Little Leb Cock-Riding Slut real grandfather. He was just a lonely old man whom she had known, and been visiting, ever since she...

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Little Cindys Texas Adventure

Oh, yes. She smiled as it came back to her. Texas. The lovely little blonde girl sat up in her strange American bed and stretched, looking at the harsh sunlight glaring around the edges of the window shades. July; the dead of winter in her native Australia, but high summer here. And so hot! She smiled again. So much the better. She would be sweaty, and sweaty means shiny, and shiny is sexy. She giggled and got out of bed. Today would be special. Her parents were in America on a...

3 years ago
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Little LuLu

LITTLE LULU by Deirdre Rosamond O'Conor I. Permanent Wave "He looks so cute with his long, blond hair, Maggie." It was the next-door neighbor lady, talking to Mom in the kitchen. Jimmy was on the back porch, playing with his soldiers. Mom had not cut his hair since the awful news about Daddy not coming home again, ever, and it was now down to his shoulders. "Really, though, you ought to do something with it besides just brush it." "Such as?" said Mom. "Give the little...

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Daddy and Little One Ch 03

Little sat in the front seat of Daddy’s car watching traffic and people walking on the sidewalk. Daddy drove slowly down the street in front of his house. People waved and smiled at Daddy as he and Little One passed by. ‘Daddy,’ Little One asked, ‘Are these people your friends?’ ‘They are our neighbors Little One. You will meet them soon. I’m sure they will like you.’ ‘Daddy, where are we going?’ she asked ‘We are going to a special store, where they sell pretty clothes for young ladies....

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Glassy Eyed Little Old Lady

After John retires he starts drinking wine all day. His wife tells him that he is starting to look like a glassy eyed little old lady. She requires him wear the clothes of a glassy eyed little old lady if he continues to drink wine and eventually he becomes one. Chapter One John and Teresa had been married many years. They never had children but took in some foster kids over the years. Teresa had always been a stay at home mom for the foster children and became very involved...

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Daddy and Mommy are very excited! Their daughter has come home from college to celebrate her 19th birthday. It's also spring break, so she will be visiting friends while she's home, but for now she is spending all her time with her parents. She is their baby, the younger of two sisters. She's also much smaller...she's very petite and little-girl like...the antithesis of her mother and sister, who are much larger and very voluptuous.Her parents threw a birthday party for her today. Many of her...

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