Jess Ch. 09 free porn video

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Chapter Nine – Flashes of Brilliance

I didn’t need the alarm. I had awakened 20 minutes before it was to go off. It was Friday, finally. The week had taken forever to complete, and here I was like a grade school girl on Christmas morning waking up long before I had to. Usually, I set my alarm to allow me several snooze times before I actually drag myself out from under the covers, but not this morning. My body was tingling with anticipation. Tonight was the orchestra party at the Gilson Mansion. The Gilson’s were a pleasant old couple who supported the arts in town and were giving the end of year gathering party for the ‘members’ of the community orchestra. We had joined a few years back and actually liked the music, whereas the socials were always a bit click-ish and frankly boring.

We tried bowing out of a few of the socials with planned excuses, but the grand old gang had put enough friendly pressure on us to make us start attending once again. Tonight was the only orchestra social I had ever looked forward to and it had nothing to do with the social per-se. I stayed in bed until the alarm did finally go off, all the while dreaming of what I would do to poor old Jon that evening.

‘Jess, how long till you are ready?’ Jon asked from the kitchen.

‘Oh, give me 10 more minutes.’ I shouted back. I had completed my shower, freshly shaving my legs, pits and pussy and had just finished putting on my makeup. I had purposefully run a bit late, as I did not want Jon in the bedroom with me as I dressed for the evening. I chose a tight fitting stretch white top that form fitted my figure aggressively and a silk black skirt. Over the top, I wore a jacket that buttoned twice in front creating a classic V-cut.. I wore pearls to accent the top with a white on white kind of look. I wore black hose, but not panty hose. I actually bought a black garter belt that had the old time hooks that held up hose that ended at the top of the thigh. It was frilly and sexy if I say so myself. I wore nothing else, no bra and no panties. Without the dinner jacket on, the top was so tight on my chest that it pressed my boobs rounder and flatter, and you could easily see the full color of my areolas through the material and their shape if there was any stiffness to them what so ever.

‘Alright Jon, I’m ready to go.’ I said as I exited the bedroom and headed for the car.

‘Jess, you look wonderful! I must say with your change of heart lately, I was a bit surprised to see such a conservative outfit.’

‘You thought I would dress like a hooker?’ I said with a faked shock look on my face.

‘No, no, not that, I just half expected you to be in something more colorful and less classic in its lines is all. Although, I would gladly take the hooker look and skip the party.’

‘Men…you give them a little sex and they go off the deep end! Cool your jets honey and we will find time for some fun tomorrow maybe.’ I let fly with a bit of apathy in my voice. I wanted Jon to be shocked. I did not want him to suspect anything.

The orchestra performance was good. Jon only fell asleep once during one of the longer pieces. I spent my time half listening and half fantasizing until I was becoming uncomfortably aroused. We reached the car soon after the concert was over and got in to head over to the Gilson mansion.

‘Not a bad-ending concert for the season huh?’ Jon ventured.

‘I liked it. Especially the long movement with the bassoon playing the bass line.’ I returned.

‘There was no bassoon tonight dear.’ Jon said with a bit of superiority in his voice.

‘Well, then I guess it must have been your snoring that laid down such a melodious bass to the song!’ I dropped with a sarcastic smile.

‘Ewwww, Score! One point for the gorgeous brunette with the long legs.’ Jon said as he laid his hand on my thigh giving it a light squeeze and retreating his hand to the steering wheel. ‘OK, help me find this place.’

‘Its easy, just turn right at the light, go to the end of the road, make a left and soon it will be on your left. You won’t be able to miss the place. It is huge.’

We arrived within a few minutes and headed into the house hand in hand. Jon, I am sure thinking he was in for a dud of an evening and me knowing it would be anything but boring.

‘Jess and Jon, so glad you could make it.’ Patty Gilson said with an air of royalty as she greeted us at the door.

‘Patty, we would not miss your party for all the tea in China.’ Jon said as we slid past our hostess for the evening. The house was stunning as we left the foyer and headed into the living room.

‘How about for a blowjob?’ I inquired in a sultry whispered voice as we got out of her earshot. Jon stopped dead in his tracks and smiled at me, turned us around in a dancing pirouette and started back for the front door.

‘We’re out of here!’ Jon whispered back as he headed us back out the way we came in.

I stopped him and said. ‘Just kidding! I just wanted to know the price of tea in China. I guess it is far less valuable than a good sucking, huh?’

‘Jess, there is nothing as valuable in mind than having you do to me what you did the other night for dessert. I find myself thinking about it during odd times of the day and all I want to do is find you and ask for a repeat!’ Jon said shying away at his last words.

‘Oh Jon, don’t worry your little head off about that. It will not be a one time event in our marriage, I promise.’ I said, knowing that if I continued to feel like I was feeling, I might just suck the poor thing off in the next few months.

The evening progressed as expected. The Boneuts showed up and had a little more to drink than they should have. You could tell by the way Roger was flirting with the ladies and the way his wife Helen got more theatrical in all her stories. The Johnson’s told dry tales of their travels to foreign countries and everyone was trying to show both an air of good pedigree as they mixed in snippets of veiled vulgar humor.

As the evening progressed, I began to half listen to people and started to think about exposing myself to Jon. It made me go wet immediately. The more I thought about it, the hotter I became, but I just could not find the right moment to do it. So, I did what every woman does when she is a bit unsure of herself…I went to the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror, I could see I was a bit flushed so I unbuttoned my jacket to see how obvious it would be if I let Jon have a peak inadvertently. I could plainly see my nipples straining against the blouse in the bright lights, but I did not think you could see them like I wanted Jon to see them. They needed some help. I placed a little water on the fabric and the nipples showed a bit more, but that was not what I wanted. I pinched and tugged on them and they really jumped, but it still was not the effect I was looking for.

I opened the top drawer of the sink cabinet and there lying on top was a pair of small scissors. I grabbed the tight stretchy material over my left nipple, pulled it away from my chest and cut a small hole in it. When I let it snap back into place, my nipple was squeezed out through the hole. I cut it a bit bigger to allow my entire areola to be pushed out. I did the same thing to my right breast. It looked funny to see my nipples straining out past the holes in the fabric and it felt like some one was lightly pinching them. They were standing out like they were being squeezed out of a tube. This was perfect.

No doubt about it, if Jon looked down my gapping jacket, he would see my nipples jutting out. I put the jacket back on and felt the silk lining rub over my very sensitive endpoints. Between the soft rub of the silk fabric and knowing I was about to show them off, it was very erotic. I could not help but lift the front of my dress to reveal my smoothly shaved and gently oiled pussy to myself. I still can’t help but stare at its beauty. I touched my clit to see
if a small touch would relieve some of the desire I felt. I probably knew it would not help, but I did it anyway. Soon I was leaning against the counter top, masturbating furiously.

Straightening up, I left the bathroom and headed for the living room where everyone was milling around. Jon was standing by the punch bowl as I crossed the room to join him.

‘Would you like some punch my dear?’ Jon asked.

‘How did you ever know?’ I smiled and winked at him.

With my back to the rest of the room, and only Jon in front of me, I realized that there was no reason to be coy. I wanted a drop-dead affect. I quickly unbuttoned my jacket as Jon was looking down to pour the punch. When he looked up, I had opened my jacket in a casual way giving him a look at my straining nipples. He spilled a little of the punch on the table. I reached up and pinched the ends of my nipples and pulled them up, letting them go, my breasts bounced and more of my tit was protruding from the hole in my blouse. ‘Want a drink?’ I said as my nipples gave a great showing of themselves.

‘Jess!’ Jon said as all the air left his lungs. I quickly but casually re-buttoned my jacket as I felt my vagina contract and the juices begin to flow.

‘Yeeessss.’ I said and reached for the punch glass.

‘Jon, old boy, it looks like you just saw a ghost.’ Bob Dornski said as he rounded me on his way to the punch bowl.

‘Huh,…oh yeah, I thought I saw someone I knew’ Jon quickly recovered.

‘Must have been an old girlfriend by the look on your face.’ Bob laughed.

I stepped back behind Bob, with the feeling of obvious lubrication between my legs and seeing that it was clear to do so, I lifted the front of my dress and gave Jon a clear view of my pussy. I reached down and ran my finger up the full length of my slit, let my dress fall back into place and licked the end of my finger in a very sexy way.

‘Are you sure you are alright?’ Bob asked. ‘You still look a bit ashen.’

Jon stood up straight and recovered his composure. ‘Bob, you have no idea how alright I am. It just must not show right.’ Jon said with a wink in my direction. Jon came around the table and began to speak to Bob about the evening concert.

Standing next to Jon as he talked to Bob, I took Jon’s hand in mine lightly and acted like I was listening intently to their conversation. Slowly I maneuvered myself in behind Jon where Bob could only see my face to the right of Jon’s shoulder.

‘Bob, that sure was one of my favorite parts of the concert when the saxophone player took center stage and started wailing the blues. It was not exactly classical, but it sure brought down the house with the mixing of New Orleans blues with Bach running softly behind it.’ Jon was saying when I lifted the front of my skirt, spread my legs ever so slightly, and pushed forward far enough that Jon’s fingers slid through my very slick slit and into the warmth and wetness of my vaginal opening. His fingers jumped like he had touched a hot stove, but not away from me, into me.

Jon’s words caught in his throat and he tried to continue his conversation. ‘Yes, the sax was something.’ Bob was saying. I leaned on Jon’s shoulder and grinned at Bob. ‘Tell me Bob.’ I said. ‘Did you think he had depth to his performance?’ I asked as I pushed Jon’s finger deeper into my aching pussy.

‘Oh yes, his style was deep and rich. It almost made tears come to my eyes.’ Bob said with conviction. I could feel Jon’s fingers working around inside me, and I felt this incredible urge to rotate my hips. Meanwhile Jon continued to talk to Bob as if he had nothing else on his mind. He had two fingers sliding in and out of my wetness, unfortunately, the angle did not allow him as much depth as either of us would have liked. So he found my clit with his wet fingertips and it was my turn to squirm.

I could feel my clit flicking as he ran his finger over and around it. I grinned real big at Bob, drank my punch and tried not to scream as my body contracted around his rubbing. There was something incredibly sexy about getting off in a room full of people, none of whom knew what was going on. I gripped Jon’s shoulder as a wave of pleasure washed over me.

I reluctantly stepped back effectively removing Jon’s fingers from my clit and allowing my skirt to fall into place. I watched as Jon put his hand into his pants pocket. He would not be shaking anyone’s hand with it for a while.

I headed across the room for the kitchen and found that Jon was following me nonchalantly. As I reached the kitchen to put my punch cup in the trash, Jon caught me from behind. ‘You are a hot woman and now I am a horny man!’ Jon said as he put his hand on my hip. ‘You sure do know how to turn a guy inside out.’

I leaned towards Jon and whispered in his ear. ‘Would you like to put that big dick of yours in my pussy? I am sure I have plenty of room for it.’ I grabbed him through his trousers. ‘Or would you rather I sucked on it for a while?’ I said with a sly grin, licking my lips as I said it. ‘You know I really like the feeling of it…running my tongue over your little head and seeing how much of it I can get in my mouth.’ I ran my tongue over my lips in that ‘Do me!’ kind of way that makes men go weak in the knees.

We were looking into each other’s eyes when we both had the same idea. The garage door was right there. We looked at the door simultaneously and then back at each other. I reached for the doorknob and opened it. The garage was empty except for the little British sports car. I ran through the doorway and pulled Jon in behind me.

Jon stood there facing me and I unbuttoned and removed my jacket. My nipples were still straining through the holes I had cut. Jon reached for them and lightly pinched them between his thumbs and index fingers rolling them, and pulled me to him by tugging softly on them.

‘You look incredibly sexy in your makeshift lingerie.’

‘Thanks.’ I said as I pulled Jon’s zipper south and reached inside to find my new friend.

It took me a few seconds to fully release Jon’s cock from his boxers and pull it through his zipper. I could not help but think back to the time Jon tried to remove my bra for the first time while kissing me at the same time. We laughed then at his clumsy efforts, and I could not help but giggle a little at myself for being just as lacking in the ‘smooth’ department.

We must have looked quite the pair. Both of us all dressed up, me with my nipples pulled through the holes in my blouse and Jon with his dick standing at attention out his fly. I wish I had a photo. I would have captioned it ‘All dressed up and nowhere to cum!’

I dropped slowly to my knees on the throw rug we were standing on and slipped my lips over the end of Jon’s dick. He tasted good. I sucked him into my mouth and pulled him all the way out. I ran the tip of my tongue from its base up the shaft and slid the head back into my mouth where I again sucked down. Jon’s eyes closed and I could hear the grunts and groans of pleasure he was feeling. I kept this up for a while savoring the unique feeling of Jon’s dick and the way Jon was reacting to my attentions. Soon I could tell he was about to cum, so I slowly pulled him out of my mouth, kissing the end of it with a little swirling tongue action as we parted. I grabbed him by the hand and led him to the sports car.

Bending over the highly polished hood, I placed my hands squarely in the middle of the gleaming hood. Standing in my high heels, I spread my legs and turned my butt to Jon. I slowly pulled up my dress from behind. ‘Come on big boy.’ I said with a sexy turn of my head and waggle of my butt. ‘Stick that big dick of yours in my pussy. I want to feel you inside me.’ In this position, Jon had a very open view of my hanging pussy lips from behind. I knew I looked sexy and I could tell by Jon’s face that I was right.

‘With pleasure.’ Jon said as he eased in behind me and slid his cock deeply into me
. The pressure of him from behind was exactly what I needed. Jon reached around me and started to pinch my nipples again. He was working them over, but it felt great. I reached between my legs and found my pussy to be extremely wet. While Jon slowly worked his dick in and out of me and rolled my nipples between his fingers, I massaged my standing clit, reaching orgasm after orgasm in quick succession.

Jon’s pace quickened and soon his hands were on my hips, holding on as he thrust deeply in and out of my gapping pussy. The sudden feeling of pressure and then its release inside my vagina was wonderful. Some times it feel great to just be filled, other times the feeling of full-empty-full again is awesome. This time I wanted to be pumped. Soon, Jon was moving in and out of me like a sewing machine at high speed, coming inside me in great gasps of relief, collapsing on my back as I leaned on the hood of the car.

We stood up after a couple minutes and you could clearly see my handprints on the buffed hood. ‘Should we clean them off?’ I asked.

‘Nah, leave ’em be. I am sure it will give the old boy something to ponder when he sees them.’ We both laughed at the thought of finding handprints in the position mine were in, knowing that it was a woman who was bent over the hood. ‘I am sure he will wonder who got bent over his Bentley.’ Jon said with a slightly wicked grin.

‘This will really make him do more than think.’ I said as I straddled his front fender, pressed down, and rocked a little bit to create a perfect print of my butt and pussy. You could see both clearly as I got up from the fender.

‘He might just have that fender removed and hung on the wall!’ Jon said as he ran his fingers once more through the slit of my pussy and over my clit. The feeling of his fingers running up the length of my pussy and over my clit sent warm chills through my body. I just wanted to purr.

‘Jon, you better take me home before someone sees me leaking down my legs.’ I said as he leaned over and kissed my lips.

‘My pleasure.’ Jon said as we escaped through garage door to find our car waiting at the curb.

‘You know…I could really get used to this lifestyle.’ Jon said.

‘Good…’ I returned.

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Jessica picked up her drink as the bartender moved toward her. He was busily wiping the bar down with a damp towel. He smiled his thanks at her courtesy and continued on past her, cleaning as he went. While taking a sip of her brandy she curled a tress of her long blonde hair around her finger as she surveyed the room. She noted there were not many people here, just a few couples in booths and a couple of businessmen at a table. Perhaps the place would get busier later. She sighed and beckoned...

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I saw her coming out of the shower naked one day. I had just woken up and my bedroom door was open. I know I had closed it when i went to sleep in the early hours that morning as I always did as I preferred to sleep naked..I was staying at a friend’s house whilst working on a contract in Richmond. Due to the nature of my job, I got in at about 5am, and went straight to bed. John would be away by 8am and I normally got up around lunchtime. Jessica and I would normally have lunch together and...

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I never expected my life to turn out like it has. How could I? When I was growing up sex was everywhere. Ads on TV, ads in the newspapers and magazines, on billboards and on the sides of buses. Scantily clad ladies and buff guys all over the place. Raunchy television shows and movies, magazines dedicated to the beautiful, sexy and famous people. Sex education in the classrooms and guys trying to get in your pants as soon as puberty hit. In my case it was even worse - my parents were swingers...

1 year ago
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AssParade Keisha Grey Working Out That Booty

AssParade brings you some of the best asses in the business. This week we deliver with the always stunning Keisha Grey. This chick has been in the business for three years, she’s a total pro. She showed up on set ready to show us her assets. After parading her delicious booty around for us, she began to demand J-Mac. Her scene was supposed to be with J-Mac, however He is a busy man and couldn’t make it this time around. So we had to call up our boy Derrick Ferrari. She wasn’t too happy about...

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Thirty Curlers and Picks part 2

The voice was softer than I had ever heard Jim speak. There was a small question mark at the end of the "Yes." It melted my heart to hear Jim's voice showing a little fear and a great deal of longing. I stood behind Jim and we both looked into the mirror in front of us and I smiled the biggest smile I am capable of. My lace covered breasts cradled his head and I kissed the top of his gorgeous long hair with my shiny red lips. I gripped the side of his head with two hands and drew the...

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IHaveAWife Bridgette B 23295

Hey water man! Bridgette B. needs her water jugs filled, but not before she wants to the water-delivery guy to fill her with his dick and take care of her jugs! She’s scared away the last three or four delivery guys that have been to her house, but the new guy, Preston, is convinced that his happy, faithful marriage will give him the strength to avoid any mishaps at this client’s house. But he must not know the power of big tits and a lonely, leggy, horny Latina who wants nothing but to be...

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Where Will It EndChapter 6 Practice Hospitality

This is fiction. No part of this story is true nor do I wish it to be true ... If you are not 18, you should not be reading this. If you believe this is real, you should not be reading this. It all comes from an overactive imagination. She woke up to the sound of her alarm going off. Her bed was a mess, she was a mess. She felt someone in bed beside her and realize it was Jon. He was using her thigh for his pillow; she could feel his breath right next to her pussy. She just about...

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Anal Annie

Annie was not having a good day. It all began when her alarm clock didn't go off when it was supposed to. Luckily she woke up on her own, albeit 30 minutes late. So she had to hit the ground running and scramble to get ready for work. Running behind her already tight schedule, she quickly dressed in the first thing she could grab from her closet and threw it on. Then putting on her nylons, she got a run in one of them! Great! She took them off and put on another pair and then slipped on her...

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Starlight and Hellfire

When the red lightning crackled across the town square and the first Hellbeast touched down, it was chaos. These days, it was routine. Sure, they were still horrifying, dangerous monsters, but after the first few attacks, people knew to clear out when they saw the warning signs and wait for the cavalry to arrive. Besides, there was something cathartic and uplifting about watching an attractive, super-powered young woman beat a Hellbeast to death. These mysterious monster-battling heroines...

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Little Shop of Curlers

Little Shop of Curlers Belladonna My eyes opened to greet the morning sun peeking into the window of my warm bedroom. It was a welcome sight. The weather of late October was decidedly hit or miss in my northern, little suburb. It was already unlike most of my Halloween mornings of recent years. They had mostly been overcast, windy affairs. The occasional year had a sprinkle or two. One even had an evening snowfall. Blessedly, the dreaded cold had decided to hold off until at...

1 year ago
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Forget The Drink Gimme The Bitch

With fourteen months still to go until I hit the big Five-O, I had pretty much worked my way through the world of wine, women, and song, and ended up settling on Scotch. At least for a permanent relationship. I had never really liked songs, at least not in the popular sense. I was more of a classical music guy. Brahms — that's who I liked. Brahms the broody. Brahms, the guy who couldn't bring himself to write a symphony for decades because of the enormous shadow cast by Beethoven, who had...

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ltttle girl slut4

I was 40, made my money in the .com biz and now retierd. my name is Jack but from the moulment we met sissy called me her Daddy. the fucked up thing was she refused to spend a dime of my money all she wanted to do was baby me and treat me like a child. When she moved in with me she told me she was quiting her job and would be taking care of me full time, I didn't know what that ment then but I learned fast.....This little girl was a freak. The first clue was when I went to take a piss, she...

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Date With a Rock star

I've been rockin the club scene since the 80's and still have fun from time to time still meeting alot of chicks along the way although my time has pretty much come and gone the band is still popular enough to score with theladies I was playin a series of shows on the Vegas strip and one of the localRadio stations asked if I would do a dinner date for a lucky contestant and take her out and have fun "The chance to meet a Rockstar". So I agreed it was time to meet the winner and she was smokin...

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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 3

The fear that hung heavy over the town of Crescent Valley was reflected in the faces of its citizenry the following morning. On the streets, in the shops and within its several bars, men gathered to recount the terrifying rape of little Annie Purcell in solicitous tones punctuated with vile curses, their anger at Deputy Sheriff Mark Blakely for refusing to allow a hunting posse into the hills, an open vent for their concealed inner-panic. Something had to be done and right away! It wasn't...

4 years ago
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She done me up the ass

Me and Mrs Silky have always been kinky, we usually love a bit of role playing and, sex in new places plus other things… I woke up in the morning had breakfast like usual and was just about to goto work when the door knocked, and it was the postman with a package for Mrs Silky… so I signed for it and took it and left it on the dining room table as I thought it was just some more random stuff she had brought off eBay and then put on my coat and went to work… but things were to change, as that...

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Hardware HarmonyChapter 17 Tidying Things Up

I felt reenergized with Marianna and the girls moving in. I wasn’t surprised at Mama Alvarez, who wrapped me in a bear hug and made sure I understood just how happy she was. But Papa and the boys were just as happy too. They knew how close we had been and how upset I was when she left. They also pined for their daughter, thousands of miles away in a foreign land with little communication. The Alvarez’s were a tight family and Marianna had been an important part of that bond. Now she was back...

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Razor Ch 03

After a frustrating week, trying to make things right for my daughters, with meeting after fruitless meeting with the counselor, other administrative personnel and finally the headmaster, I had come nowhere in my attempts to have Ms Roberts relieved of her duties. After contacting the school board I’d been informed that Ms Roberts was a valued member of their staff and that I had to understand that I couldn’t throw around accusations like that based on what my kids had told me, kids were just...

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My body searched in a back room

I was that afternoon at the local mall, having some nice diamond pieces between my fingers at the jewelry shop. I could not decide what to buy…Suddenly four strong hands lifted me in the air and dragged me into a back office, before I could open my mouth to scream for help.Two giant security guards had attacked me. They locked the door behind them and made me stand in the middle of the room. They were both black men, muscled hard bodies and even handsome...I started to be scared, thinking those...

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NubileFilms Alexa Grace Lily Adams Lesbian Beauties

Early in the morning, Lily Adams wakes to find herself spooned around Alexa Grace. With such delightful bounty right at her fingertips, Lily doesn’t hesitate to take what she wants. Pulling the cup of Alexa’s bra down, Lily tweaks her girlfriend’s nipples into hardness before ensuring that she’s awake with a long kiss. When Alexa is absolutely willing, Lily continues her sensual assault on her lover’s soft breasts with her hands and soft mouth. Once Lily has...

2 years ago
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Typical fantasy

You wake up to a brightly lit room. Your room actually, still covered in silly string from last nights sleepover. Slowly you look around and see Anna and Jenny lying down on the other bed in the room. You get up out of bed and quietly make your way across the room.

3 years ago
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Love For Prostitute

Hi friends, this is my first story in this site. This story tell you how I fucked a girl in prostitution and late how I made her to come with me for movies. This is a series of stories . Hope you will enjoy these. This is someone from southern part of India aged 24 my home town Tirupur, it is famous for t-shirts and hosiery products. Here peoples from various states lives. Mainly now a days North Indians are more here as labors. Because they ready to get low wages. Let me start my story then...

1 year ago
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Man to Man Industrial Democracy

The first time I saw him was at the pub after work. We'd all been doing overtime that week. The new model's dies were not working out well and it took a lot more work to get it all assembled. So when I saw him, standing on his leather jacket with a pint in hand, I wanted to punch him. He looked like the only rested man. There was something, can't put it in words, something unique about him. At first I thought he might have been a student slumbing it down with us lowlife mechanics, but his...

2 years ago
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A Little R and R 2 Alyss in Wondercute Land

A Little R&R 2: Alyss in Wondercute Land By Morpheus Part 1 Saturday morning, Sept 22nd, 2007 Roulette: Study Hall. Technically, I wasn't in study hall, but the Saturday morning Power Lab class. There were only fifteen students in the class, a mixture of freshmen and sophomores, and it was less of a classroom with lectures, and more of a free period where we each did our own thing. The only requirement was that we had to practice with our powers, or at least, do...

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JulesJordan Robbin Banx Fucking Robbin Banx Is The Best Workout

Fitness Slut Robbin Banx gets her exercise in with help from Manuel! Robbin is a self described fitness freak who loves working out in the morning and at night. She loves working on her biceps, shoulders and doing squats to tighten up her ass. She’s working out by the pool in a tiny white top, black booty shorts and thigh high socks and after working up a sweat she heads inside to take a shower. We watch as this sultry vixen cleans every gorgeous curve of her body, then she finds Manuel waiting...

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I had a real Perv Nana growing up. Holidays were weird, to say the least. We’d all gather around the dinner table for a big meal, and every year she’d have a young new boy toy who was clearly there for something more than just the stuffing—or just the stuffing, depending on how you look at it. There was always a race to cram the cranberry sauce into our faces and then get the fuck out of there before we had to hear nana getting her face crammed with something else entirely. Let’s call it the...

Premium Granny Porn Sites
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Dr Zaaijer Family Therapist Role Reversal Part 11

Chapter eleven The hospital that Adelaide checked herself into was out of town. Steven and Joanne went with her staying in a hotel. The family didn't tell anyone where they were going. The only said that the experiment was over and that when they got back, everything would be back to normal. Staying at a hotel, gave them lots of time to be alone. After all the time of being 'apart' Steven and Joanne were looking forward to getting together. They threw themselves at each other...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Quinn Wilde Desires A Clown Cock To Fuck

Quinn Wilde loves carnivals and all the games and attractions that go on around her… but her real attraction to these carnivals are the clowns. She always wonders how big of a cock is hiding under those big clown pants and how much she would love to get one in her grasp and hear his laugh in her ear as he penetrates her pussy with every inch of that clown dick Could she fit it all? Could it be the best unknown carnival ride that she would just keep coming back for? Quinn’s dream...

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Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle Accident My sister Stormy is older that I am. She was nineteen years old and dating a guy with a motorcycle. I thought that he was a jerk and so did our parents. However she was in love with him. Then one Friday night we got a phone call to come down to the hospital…there had been an accident. Stormy had broken both of her forearms. The doctor said that it was a simple fracture but that he had to immobilize the joints on either end so she was in two casts from the palm her...

2 years ago
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My Life With a Muscular CheerleaderChapter 11

Because I had been too busy trying to make partner to take a vacation at the time, we had postponed our 10th anniversary trip back to Aruba. Now that I was free from that burden, I surprised Patti on her birthday with tickets for our twelfth anniversary. "Oh, Bill, I can't wait! Thank you. But you know we have a lot of work to do before we go." "What do you mean?" "We have to get rid of this and these," she said, back handling my small but growing gut, and grabbing hold of my love...

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Drunk cousin part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a very long night at my sisters wedding rehearsal and everyone was beat, so my dad decided to take my family out to a nice restaurant and have everyone relax. I was so happy to see alot of my family members that I havn't seen in a long time, including my cousin Megan. I haven't seen her in a few months because of her going to far away. Let me tell you about her, she is a beautiful blonde with blue eyes standing about 5' 8" with a killer body...

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I'd known my friends Matt and Julie for almost ten years. Through that time frame, I'd watched their behavior get stupid, I'd seen them cheat on each other repeatedly, I'd seen and heard about the lies and I'd watched as their family fell apart. I wasn't sure when it started but having heard and seen it all through the years, I knew the outcome was not going to be good. The worst part? Seeing how their kids had to live through their bullshit. Matt's wife Julie had multiple boyfriends,...


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