Skunk Junkies_(1) free porn video

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Allen and I had several things in common which drew us into friendship early in college. We were both from small towns and we fell somewhere between the labels of "dweebish" and "geekish". Throw in a little "nerdish" and I think you get the idea.

We weren't bad looking. Just skinny and socially awkward, especially when it came to girls. If one looked our way, we looked the other. Girls were like mysterious goddesses and we had no idea how to approach them.

You might imagine the humor of one of us daring the other to talk to a pretty girl and how the other would gather himself and say he would do just that, as if some kind of magical bravado-dust had befallen him and his life was about to change forever. Of course, it never happened.

The most adhesive bond of our friendship was our brotherhood in something so diabolical and covert that we would not discuss it with anyone. We trusted our secret to each other while imagining just how evil and darkly wicked and depraved we were, far beyond any of those popular students who just had no idea.

Ours was a dark mission with certain dangers should we ever be found out. We called it “The Allegiance” because we were sworn to secrecy and even more because our secret was so licentious. What was our secret? We wanted to pay allegiance to girls' butts. Yes, we were that deviant. We were ass worshipers. Can you imagine the danger? Imagine being discovered wanting to kneel behind girls and fondle their buttocks and kiss them and speak words of reverence and devotion.

The popular guys might rule the daylight, but we ruled the miscreant night. Only we were brave enough to pursue that great decadence. We were the pioneers, or at least, we would be some day. Then, how the others would applaud!

And, we had an icon. We had full-sized, full color posters of Jessica Biel on each of our doors. She was the supreme goddess of The Allegiance. We bowed to her. We kissed her ass until the posters dissolved and then we got others. We pledged devotion to her ample rear-end and we promised that someday, we would start the First Congregation of Biel and our people would all kneel and praise her ampleness and kiss it with reverence.

It seemed so wonderful. But, there was a problem: How in the hell would it ever happen if we couldn't even talk to girls? How would we worship any girl's rear-end if we were scared shitless of them?

In October, there were two days in which I couldn't find Allen. Then, on the third, he showed up. He was unkempt and his eyes were filled with excitement.

"I . . . I . . . did it!" he exclaimed.

"Did what?"

"Bryan, I did it. I actually did it!"

"You talked to a girl?"

"No. 'IT'. I did 'it'. Bryan, I kissed a girl's ass!"

Suddenly, he was either my greatest hero or my greatest liar. He explained how he had gotten down behind a girl and how she had an amazing butt and how she had willingly let him fondle her ass-loveliness and kiss her buttocks. And, he had met with her twice and he thought he might be in love---with her ass, of course.

I asked him how it had come about and he replied, "Bryan, you have to come with me!"

"With you? Where?"

He described a club at 7th and Atherton but when I told him I had never seen anything but the Mustang Bar on that site, he said it was in a basement, a private club with no signs.

"You have to come!" he insisted. "Bryan, heaven isn't a million miles away. Heaven is right here, at 7th and Atherton. You have to come. Keri wants to meet you."



"You kissed a Goth-girl's ass?"

"No, she's does memberships. She's not a Skunk."

"Skunk? What the hell . . . ?"

"A.J. Skunks. Name of the club. We're going. Tonight!"

He drove. I listened. He spoke of "going with the flow" and being “open to new things”. "Willingness, Bryan. Willingness. The willing shall inherit the flesh, or something like that.”

He parked his older Toyota. I was shaking more from apprehension than the cold night. We went to the back of the Mustang and down a narrow set of concrete steps to a dark green door.

Remember, Bryan. Willing. Eager. That is, if you want to be invited back."

He pushed a button and a feminine voice responded. Allen spoke two numbers, two letters, and two more numbers and the door opened. We entered what seemed to be a foyer. Although we heard party sounds, we could not see through a door ahead of us. A narrow hallway was to our left while a rustic counter top to our right had a tall blond girl writing in a ledger. She smiled but didn't bother to look up. She said Keri would be with us soon. She was wearing a black French maid's outfit with course mesh stockings. She was gorgeous and her legs were amazing.

Keri approached. She was about five-foot-two with orange-tinted auburn hair, a ring through her lower lip, and tattoos in various places. Allen introduced me and although she seemed friendly, she also seemed cautious.

"If you're Allen's friend, then I'm sure we'll be fine. If not, then you will get the fuck out of here and not come back. We have little tolerance for 'posers'."

She led us down the long hallway. She was wearing a floral peasant top with form-fitting khaki pants. Her butt was very round and, of course, I couldn't help but stare. Allen whispered, "Don't get any ideas. She's bi. Not a butt girl." She led us to a room that was about ten feet by ten feet and dimly lit. Allen and I sat on the floor.

"Allen says you are an ass worshiper, Bryan. Is that true?"

I somehow said that I was and told her about kneeling daily behind Jessica Biel and how I reverently kissed Jessica Biel's ass and spoke words of devotion to it and, well, maybe that was a fake Jessica, but if I ever met her, then I would do it for real. You could bet on that.

"Are you telling me that you would rather worship a girl's ass than fuck her?"

I didn't know what answer she wanted. I gave a shy nod.

"You would rather kiss a girl's ass than fuck her?" she asked again. I nodded. I shrugged.

She hit buttons of her cell phone and an Asian girl appeared wearing a similar French maid's outfit except that her short black dress had two white stripes down the center. Keri spoke softly to the girl who nodded and bowed and left. After an uneasy silence, there was a tap on the door followed by the most-stunning creature I had ever seen! She was brunette with dark eyes, a sculptured face, and a small mouth with full lips painted quite red. Her eyelashes were extended beneath iridescent aqua eye shadow.

"This is Aria" Keri announced. "Turn and show them all sides, Aria."

As the girl slowly turned, she seemed to absorb our adoring eyes. She was about five-foot-five and wearing a maid's dress with a single white stripe and her dress revealed her shapely thighs at the same level as my line of sight. She smiled as she slowly turned and then . . . her profile . . . her . . . her butt! She was wearing soft and thin white bikini panties that hugged her very round ass and when she was fully turned with her back to me, I could imagine every outline of her glorious glutious. I was in awe and filled with butt lust. She continued to turn and the vision of her bottom began to move out of sight.

Keri asked, "Now, if you are like Allen you would like to fondle Aria's ass, wouldn't you?"

My head bobbed more than I intended.

"Aria, why don't you give Bryan a little show? Give us a ninety."

Aria stepped toward me until she was standing no more than three feet from me as she began to slowly turn. Although I was young and healthy, I thought my heart would stop. She continued to turn until she was standing right before me . . . right before me! Her butt . . . her butt was . . . it was three feet directly in front of my face! Never had a girl's butt been so close! I was breathless. She was a goddess. I was nothing more than a butt-pauper.

Then, she did the something that will never, ever erase from my memory.

Aria put her hands on her hips, spread her feet as wide as her shoulders, and slowly, slowly began to bend at the waist. She continued to bend and her maid's dress rose and her pantied bottom became more and more visible as did the lust within me.

She bent more until I suddenly knew what Keri had meant by the word "ninety". Aria was bent over ninety degrees and her butt was practically in my face and I was practically out of my mind. It was round. It was full. It was heavenly. I wasn't worthy. But then, who could be?

"You may fondle, Bryan. Just the left side."

I was paralyzed. Allen poked me. "Do what you're told!"

I realized then that the rules of the game trumped everything. If I didn't do what was required, I would be kicked out. Although I had always craved feeling up a girl's ass, I was about to do it more from obedience than sheer butt lust.

My hand went to her lush left ass cheek and I timidly squeezed it with my fingers. My entire body shook. Allen whispered for me to actually feel it up and stop being so damned uptight. I wasn't uptight. I was just in awe of the first girl-ass I had ever touched. My hand cupped her ass and electric shocks went through me and the feel registered into the banks of my infinite memories.

Before I expected, Keri stopped my fondling of Aria's ass. I was so hopeful she would let me kiss it. It was right there in front of my face, bent over and beautiful. She HAD to let me kiss it! Even just one time! Let my lips go where my hand had been.

"Did you like that, Bryan?" Keri asked. My head was effusive with nods. Aria had straightened her posture, brushed her short dress into place, and stood facing us once again. "Do you want more? More might help you to pass the first test.”

"Test?" I managed to ask.

Allen whispered, "Yeah Bryan. Remember. Be willing."

"You want more of Aria's ass, don't you?” asked Keri. “Well, what you have so far is a tease. What comes next is a test. It may be easy for you. It may be difficult. Either way, it is essential. If you pass, you may be permitted to come here regularly and have all kinds of pretty butts. You want that don't you? Are you ready?"

Since I had no idea what the test was, I didn't know if I was ready or not. I had become so lost in overwhelming lust for Aria's ass that I would probably have tried anything. I nodded but she required me to speak so I forced myself to say "Yes".

"Very well then. Aria, give him another ninety."

I watched and panted and the shapely brunette turned and her butt-profile came into view and then . . . then, she was standing with her back to me once again. I could see her ass in those thin panties under that short frilly maid's dress. Then, she began bending. So did my insides. Her dress rose, her ass became visible, her panties stretched, and soon she was standing with a full bendover, right in front of my face. I marveled. I nearly prayed. I was so in awe.

Keri came close. "Just think how you could be with beautiful butts all the time. Ass goddesses. Imagine! Since you said you are ready for the test, then move your face closer. Yes, just like that. This is the test you must pass Bryan.” She paused and leaned closer. “Sniff her butt!"

What? What the hell? Ass worship was fondling and kissing but it sure as hell had never including sniffing someone's ass!

"Bryan, do it!" Allen added. "Do it! Don't fuck up!"

"Yes Bryan," Keri said. "Listen to your friend. He's already done it and his membership is already being processed. You want to be a member and have lots of ass like he will get, don't you? Now that you know how to get it, put your nose right there . . . " she said while pointing to the very center of Aria's stretched panties. "Right there and then smell her!" When nothing happened for a few seconds, she commanded, "NOW Bryan! If you know what's good for you, then sniff her butt! NOW!"

Her command was forceful and as a person, I am not, so it was more the strength of her voice that caused me to push my face forward and my nose into Aria's dark canyon and then . . . okay I admit it . . . I . . . I sniffed her butt.

It was awful! My face twisted and my head yanked backward until two hands stopped me.

"Keep smelling her!" Keri admonished while Allen agreed.

The hands pushed my head forward and I didn't resist and my nose went into the seat of Aria's panties and I sniffed her again and again. The smell was revolting but I figured if I did it this time and became a member, I wouldn't be required to do it again. I smelled her over and over and my face wrenched. I mean, I was . . . I was sniffing a girl . . . well, you know where. You know what she does there. And I had to smell it? I thought I would hurl but I kept doing as I was told. It was NOT ass worship, but it was also not negotiable so I kept sniffing until Keri told me to stop and the two hands pulled my head back. Aria straightened herself and turned to face us. She seemed to have a bit of a satisfied smile.

"You did well," Keri praised. "Do you know why it was important for you to do that? It's because we get guys who say they are ass worshipers but all they want is to take a couple of licks then move on to trying to fuck the girl. Nooooo, that is not an ass worshiper. We learned a long time ago that the one thing that TRUE ass worshipers have in common is smell. They all love it. So, if a guy isn't a true ass worshiper, we'll find out soon enough. Those types all run out of here like wimpy little puppies with their tails between their legs. But the sniffers, yeah, that's what we want."

Ass worship suddenly seemed bigger and more defined than I had ever imagined.

"Although you did well, Bryan, you haven't passed the test."

What? How could I not have passed? I had sniffed Aria's ass just like she told me to and for as long as she told me to.

"There's a second part and it is as important. You see . . . " she moved closer. "You see . . . ass goddesses must KNOW that you love their smell. If the smell is what separates ass worshipers from the rest then you must let her know that you love it. Ass goddesses are here to be adored. If you don't adore their smell, then you are a poser and they have no use for you.”

Allen nudged me again. "Listen. It's important."

"So Bryan," Keri said, "you will sniff Aria's butt. You will sniff it and smell it fully and you will tell her that you are in love with that smell. Do you understand? It doesn't matter if you love it or not as long as you say words that convince her."

Again, Aria turned her butt to me and she bent over just as before and I was staring at her widened hips and the shadowed crevice of her panties and I knew what I had to do. Somehow, I knew it was right. I was beginning to understand that buttsniffing was indeed part of ass worship and either I adjusted to it I wasn't a worshiper and I had to look for some other erotic pursuit, the prospect of which made me fearful. I knew they were right. I had to put my nose in Aria's ass and I had to not only smell it and say I loved it, but I had to somehow, someday get myself to actually love it.

My head went forward almost as if on its own and I buried my face in Aria's round ass. I felt her butt cheeks against my face cheeks. Her cheeks were soft yet taut while mine felt flushed. Then . . . I . . . I smelled it. It was as if I was smelling it for the first and I suppose that is because I was smelling girl-ass on my own for the first time. I had to force myself to keep my face snug against her buttocks because the smell was almost overpowering. I mean, it was . . . it was smelling her ... back "there" . . . you know. This time, no one was pushing my head. I was willingly smelling it. I sniffed again and winced but forced myself to keep my face right there. I sniffed again and again and I can't say that the more I sniffed the easier it was, but I mademyself to do it anyway.

"Stop!" Keri commanded. "Now, look directly at her and say how much you love her smell."

I did as she commanded even though I had to lie. I did it by substitution. What I mean is that while I was saying how much I loved the smell of her ass I was mentally substituting that I loved fondling her butt cheeks. I told her I craved the smell of her ass while actually remembering the feel of it cupped in my hand. “Your ass smells like heaven”--- (your butt cheeks are angelic and should be kissed 24/7) ---- that kind of thing.

Keri was pleased but not fooled. Even so, she said it was okay. "Anyone who would struggle with it that much but speak those words anyway is good enough to be considered."

Unlike Allen, I was required to stay for an hour and keep my nose in Aria's rear-end, smelling her and telling her how much I loved it. When Allen picked me up later he seemed pleased that I had grown in the appreciation of girl-ass and I had to agree because, for whatever reasons, I hadn't bothered to rid my face of her scent.

Allen gained a conditional membership in just four days. Mine took six. We were told that conditional memberships lasted for eight weeks and at the end of that time, we needed to have achieved full membership or we would lose all membership altogether. Of course, we wanted to know how to gain full membership and that is why Allen scheduled a day for his second test and within hours, I scheduled my day.

With our conditional memberships, we went to A.J.'s nd those small rooms and the Skunk girls with their black maid's outfits with single white stripes came to us and we fondled and kissed and, of course because it was required, we butt sniffed a lot of girls and praised their smell. I was still faking part of that appreciation but I found myself perhaps accruing somewhat of an addiction.

Then, Keri met with Allen to indoctrinate him into full membership. He came home dazed and mumbling and unable to explain why.

My appointment was the next day with doubts about whether I could do whatever was required. I was led to a room nearer the end of the long hallway.

Keri ushered a half-dozen girls into the room to stand before me while I was sitting on the floor. They were gorgeous and all dressed in skunk outfits except that they all bore two white stripes front and back. Keri told me I would choose the one girl who appealed to me most/ She had them turn around and do nineties and that is when I thought I might have fallen in love.

There was a girl near the end of the line with perfectly spread hips and a perfect rear-end with canyon shadows down the center of her thin panties. Although I had struggled to love the smell of girls' butts, I had all I could do to keep from leaping forward and burying my nose in that girl's ass and smelling it fully. She was THAT gorgeous. In a way, I think that might have been the very first time that I ever truly worshiped a girl's ass because that is the first time I truly wanted to smell it.

Keri had them straighten and turn to face me again. Then she asked which I preferred but I was so in awe of the perfectly-reared, honey-blond girl that I couldn't even speak. She looked to be about 20 with hazel eyes that quickly took me captive.

Keri saw where I was looking and reacted, "Then Shay it will be. The rest of you are dismissed."

I suddenly realized something: Sniffing Shay's butt, or any girl, is the most intimate and personal way of experiencing a girl. She is permitting you to breathe in her most-intimate and most-private place, giving you something that is extraordinarily personal. That alone is worthy of appreciation which includes adoration which equals ass worship. And, since I had learned that true ass worship didn't exist without buttsniffing and speaking words of love for a girl's most private scent, then it meant to adore Shay, I needed to sniff her butt and love it. I suppose my eyes were like that of a droopy and pleading puppy dog.

I was so ready to smell her and when Keri had her turn around and ninety herself into position, my nose went eagerly to her ass and I truthfully worshiped her smell. It was honest worship; pure and unmitigated. I sniffed and praised and smelled and adored. I became lost in the depths of Shay's dark and mysterious wonderland. Buttsniffing had made no sense in the beginning but now, with this hazel-eyed girl, it made all of the sense in the world and it was easy to tell her how much I loved her ass and her smell.

Shay was told to step away and stand-to. When she did, our eyes locked and hers seemed as if she accepted me. I mean, maybe she wanted me to be her boyfriend. Maybe she loved my nose in her ass or maybe my over-wrought expressions of adoration.

Keri explained that to get a permanent membership, I still had to pass “the second test”. She asked if I wanted more of Shay and I said “Yes! Yes!” and Keri emphasized, "It's all or nothing now, Bryan. Either you pass or you fail. If you fail, you're out of here. You want to kiss Shay's ass don't you?"

My head cranked up and down like a bobble-head.

"Then, remember, it's now or never. Comprende'?"

I had to have more of Shay. I had to kiss that girl's ass. I wanted membership and I wanted to sample more Skunk girls. I wanted to become a true ass worshiper.

Keri advised Shay to resume her ninety position and for me to once again start sniffing because "It will get you better prepared for the test".

After several minutes, she told me to stop but to keep my face in Shay's ass. I felt Keri's face come close to my left ear. "Now Bryan, this is very special and maybe not easy. But it's necessary if you want Shay's ass and all of the joys of A.J.'s."

With my face still in Shay's butt, I nodded slightly.

"Then, you keep your face right there. No matter what, you keep your face right there. Now or never, buttface. Understand?"

I nodded again. I would do anyth----


I felt it. It couldn't be! Shay had pushed her butt back slightly and then she had . . . she had . . . Shay farted in my face! She had just farted, right in my faceI I struggled. Then, I stopped. It was my fate. I had to have her. I had to take it.

"Do it again, Shay!" Keri ordered and once again, air wafted through Shay's panties and spread over my face. This time, it lasted much longer and the heat of it warmed my skin while the thought of it wrenched my guts.

"Keep your face in her ass, Bryan. Now or never! You know that!"

Shay looked over her left shoulder and back at me. She had a coquettish smile and I felt her hips move and then . . . once again . . . she farted right in my face! Unlike before, I didn't struggle. I accepted it. I surrendered to it. Why?

The answer came as quickly as the question. I was looking into Shay's eyes and she was looking into mine and that had made it very personal. Our eyes being locked and her fart coming into my face was like some kind of deep, deep communication; like some intimate connection was happening between us.

With a small smile, she farted again, right in my face. I received it as a very personal and private gift and not one she would give to just anyone. She was giving me something from her very essence and by inhaling her farts, I was consuming some intimate part of her. I stopped all manner of resistance and I smelled her. I earnestly and honestly smelled Shay's farts and took them in and knew that we were somehow bonding in strange but deep basis.

Keri was pleased and said it was better than how Allen had done and I felt proud. Odd to think about that; feeling proud to be a fartface.

Shay tapped the side of my face and I again looked into her eyes and she farted and I kept looking while I fully breathed her in. And so it went for quite some time.

I think Keri noticed our budding relationship because she dismissed Shay and brought in another girl who bent over and farted in my face while Keri challenged me to prove that fart-smelling wasn't just because of Shay. I did the best I could but the new girl's farts were were deeper and darker and nastier. And, she wasn't Shay. Even so, I did actually begin to adapt because I realized that no matter who the girl was, she was giving me something very special and personal and for that reason, I needed to love and appreciate and be grateful. And so I inhaled. I smelled the new girl's farts completely.

Later, Keri brought Shay back so I could fondle and kiss her butt cheeks and she even let Shay sit on my face and fart for ten minutes. Then, she brought in the other girl and had me do the same with her.

When I got home, I was excited. I told Allen how I had fallen in love with Shay's ass and then her farts and how I had taken it from the second girl just the same and how Keri believed I was enough of a true ass worshiper that she was forwarding my profile to the administrators for full membership.

Just as we received news that we would become full members, I asked Keri why facefarting was so important to A.J. Skunk's. She reminded me about the word “smell” and how farts were convincing evidence of true ass worship, at least at A.J. Skunk's.

“It's not an accident that most of the girls here are dressed like skunks. You put your faces in their butts and they spray you with their scent. See? Skunk girls." And she explained the meaning of stripes. No stripes meant a girl was not into ass worship and was probably just a greeter or a go-fer. One stripe meant the girl was into ass worship via buttsniffing. And, two stripes was for facefarting girls. She said that “A.J.” stood for the owner's initials but members often thought of it as “Ass Junkies” which had led to the creation of the term “Skunk Junkies”.

On our night of membership induction, we were finally admitted into the big room which had all of the noise and music and sounds of a party. We were put on stools in the center of what seemed to be a dance floor and the moderator, a lady who looked to be about 50, explained who we were and that we had become full fledged members and had been recommended by Keri and many of the Skunk girls and we were not only buttsniffers but were also fartfaces.

Members clapped and cheered while we felt very proud. I noticed that a small blond tart and a fat older man missed the announcements because she was farting in his face and he was snorting like a pig. Okay, that was a little ugly but I felt smug because I was new to the scene yet I could already snort farts almost as good as him.

We were put on our backs on a stage and ten girls in double-stripe outfits took turns farting in our faces while members howled and the pig held the tart by the hips.

After that night, we were taught ass kissing “in the way that it was intended.” It wasn't just kisisng a girl's butt cheeks but rather . . . actually . . . putting our mouths . . . you know . .. . putting our mouths right on girls' bronze rings and kissing. And then, not just kissing it but making out with it. Licking and deep-tonguing became our form of sexual intercourse and I must say, we not only learned a lot but we had ass, ass, ass, ass, ass! It was heaven, even though, in the beginning, it had seemed like hell. What I loved so much was that I could go to the club and either go to the main room and kiss and smell girl's asses at random or I could take a girl to a back room and worship her ass and smell her rosebud and kiss it adoringly. Or, I could have girls sit on my face or help me to grow in loving girl-farts, or deep-tongue her or, as with Shay, all of the above.

And yes, Shay and I dated. I wouldn't say we necessarily became boyfriend/girlfriend, but we did in the sense that I fell in love with her ass and when we made out, I made out with her ring and when we had sex, it was with my tongue buried in her butt while she fingered herself to orgasm.

Allen also had a butt-girlfriend. She was a little thinner than most but he loved her ass. He had become a fart freak and that is why he wanted her to be his girlfriend. I mean, Shay could fart like an angel but Elissa was the most prolific fart girl I had ever met.

Sometimes we would double date and while I was fucking Shay in the ass with my tongue, Elissa was stinking the place up unbearably by farting all over Allen's face. Shay's farts were beautifully scented but sometimes overpowered by the residual aromas that Elissa expelled.

Okay, so I know that kind of thing isn't for everyone, but it certainly is for us. There is a deep and sensual and sometimes romantic intercourse between an ass goddess and those of us who worship them and it cannot be replicated by any other form of intimacy that I know. Worshiping a girl's ass is to put her on the highest pedestal and what girl doesn't love that?

And so, The Allegiance continues as does our need to sneak through the dark of night to A.J. Skunk's to engage in our strange and decadent act of worshiping ass the way it was intended. There is so much more to tell. Perhaps, another time, but soon.

So far, we have not convinced Jessica Biel to sit on the throne of our faces or to let us kneel and reverently kiss her bronze ring, but we do have new posters so, as for now, those will have to do. If you happen to know her, please have her get in touch with us. Life is hell when the goddess you worship is only made of paper and is Scotch taped to the back of your door.


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I guess it all began about 9 months ago when Beverley - my wife, at the age of 53 started to think life had slipped away from her. She was typical of all woman - brought up our kids, worked and was now at that stage where she didnt know what to with herself As i was leaving for work one day, there she stood looking at herself in the mirror - not an ugly sight - standing semi naked - only in her pantys - her eyes critically looking at how her body had deteriorated over the years. We had just had...

Group Sex
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 4 Twelve Days of Christmas

Mike’s Bedroom, Bryanston 8:41am, Saturday, November 10, 1979 I had just thrown back the covers and was about to crawl out of my bottom bunk, when the air alongside my bunk crackled. I immediately knew my computer was about to materialize. When it appeared, the McGregory’s number was flashing on the screen. ‘Answer it,’ I thought and then heard Paul ask, “Is Mike there?” over the speakers. “What are you doing calling me before nine on a Saturday morning, Dude?” I tiredly replied and...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Karma RX Pool Boys Get More Pussy Than Boy Bands

You may be thinking to yourself this guy is too old to be a pool boy… well he is not just some loser pool guy. You see, if you watch pornos you know that the pool guy is always getting these hot babes to fuck. Their boyfriends or husbands always seem to be away working and they always seem to be so horny for cock. Sometimes it is just something dumb like flipping a switch and before you know it clothes are off. Always being invited inside for lemonade. This isn’t porn. This is...

1 year ago
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eleifend arcu nibh, a iaculis velit sollicitudin eu. Nam m*****ie nunc at mi aliquet tincidunt. Integer efficitur bibendum neque ac rutrum. Quisque bibendum lorem quis tortor euismod sodales. Fusce semper metus ut varius m*****ie. Curabitur in purus ut enim pulvinar luctus. Mauris varius risus eget sodales malesuada. Integer dignissim enim vel rutrum euismod. Maecenas viverra, tellus in finibus tempor, orci lorem laoreet...

1 year ago
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The Star Player

"Hey! Mikey!" Sammy shouted across the street. "Are you coming tonight?"Mikey waved and then quickly ran across the street. "Hi, Sammy. How's your summer going?" he asked. "Enjoying the rest?"Sammy had been the star player in the reserves team last season. At only eighteen years of age, she was stepping up to the first team this term. Mikey had taken over coaching the first team last season when they were rock bottom, rooted to the foot of the table. Through some daring tactics and some blind...

2 years ago
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Dick Picture PerfectChapter 4

Adelaide squealed. She dug her fingers into Sherry’s calf. Talsy and Sherry were laid out sweating in a mess on the twisted up sheets. I had Adelaide’s hips in my hands and our feet on the carpet as I fucked her from behind. Every part of her was the right shape and felt amazing in my hands. I squeezed her hips and rolled my hands to her ass. I lifted her more as I fucked her. “You like that?” Talsy leaned over Sherry and ran fingernails from Adelaide’s ear to her chin. “He’s pounding you...

3 years ago
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Incest Commenters

This story is an experiment. I will write all chapters based on commenter contributions. That is, each chapter I write will use ideas/suggestions from comments on the previous chapter. Any theme or genre can apply. Things could be grounded in reality or fantastical. It might turn into a cluster fuck but hopefully it’s still fun. This will work on a first come first served basis and I will use the first 3 comments that are posted on a chapter to write the next one. Comments need to follow the...

1 year ago
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Had several sweet fucks by the husband of my own sister

100% fiction! I am Deepika, a middle-age but still young looking married lady of 59. Fifty years back when I was in a co-education school I was in deep love with a very handsome and brilliantly studious magnificent polite boy, Sumit, who was 3 months younger to me in age. It was my deep rooted infatuation and strong will that I will marry him in my life. Although I never expressed my wishes to Sumit, but possibly he knew my emotional attraction for him and maintained a very sweet relation with...

4 years ago
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Sister For A Day

SISTER FOR A DAY BY JANICE I am Ron and have a twin sister, Carol. We are 11 years old and are as close to being identical twins as siblings of the opposite sex can be. We are a small family, just our mother, and a grandmother who lives across town. Our father was a long haul trucker until one day about three years ago he went on a run and never came home; there are rumors that he took off with one of the dispatchers...

3 years ago
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Ariel knew he’d been watching her; he had to have been, all the way from the garage on that stretch of country road when she’d turned off the main motorway in search of a full tank. It had been her own fault not filling up at the start of her journey but she was impatient and hadn’t wanted to queue. She was almost half way back to college when the car started to protest, the needle showing her petrol tank was almost empty. The cop on the motorbike had pulled her over as soon as she hit seventy...

2 years ago
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Snatched off the street

Never take a shortcut you aren’t’ familiar with was what I was taught as a young k**. ‘Don’t go down dark alleys.’ ‘Always walk where other people are, in a crowd or something’ Well this time I didn’t listen to that warning, and cut across some train tracks to save some time going home in Brooklyn, NY one night. No one was around, late afternoon, so I thought, why the hell not. I was walking down an empty street lined with trailers left behind by trucking companies that closed for the day....

1 year ago
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My Mom And Servant Raj

Hii ISS readers, I am Savi a 19 year old boy. I am a big fan of ISS and like to read stories here. I especially like to read stories on gay sex and lesbian sex. I am here to narrate a real life incident which happened with me a month ago. I live with my mother Kavita who is a divorcee. About her, she is a very good looking woman and is in her early forties. She has a figure of 36-30-38. She still looks younger than her age and is a modern day woman. Raj is our servant and is just 20 years of...

2 years ago
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Part 3 ndash Gagging Nicole lee

The sound of the American teen screaming into tape faded away and was cut off by the bang of the torture chamber door. The elder was left in a daze, his mind wandering into territories of torture and pain about to happen, wondering vaguely how long that poor girl would last in such a room. He forced his mind to return to the preparation room, where the only sounds left were the mewing and sobbing coming from the small Taiwanese girl, and the heavy breathing of the fat Indian r****t, who was...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary Girl 2

Introduction: Last night I fucked my dream girl, now was my chance to get my dream guy. Shortly after we all woke up the girls left as they had other things to do. Id had a great night though, fucking Ashleigh was the best thing Ive ever done in my life. She was the girl of my dreams and she was even better in reality. We had a quickie before she left, just to set me up for the day. CJ realised that we had gotten through all the food last night and decided to go and get some more from the...

3 years ago
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The routine

I was addicted. The first thing id think about when i woke up was talking to him. I was torn. I wanted to stop but i just kept doing it. It became a daily routine. Id get the school run done as quick as i could in the morning, see my husband off to work before swiftly prettying myself and making a bee line for the laptop and hed always be waiting for me when i signed in. The night before he had me lay in the road with my knickers down at 3am and finger myself while he wached on camera. It was...

2 years ago
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Sally Goes To A Photo Shoot

Andy loved taking pictures of his lovely wife, Sally. The pictures often drew praise from friends and family, and this led to Sally thinking about a career in modelling. With Andy’s support, she took some modelling lessons and applied for work.It was disappointing at first. Many times an interviewer would ask her to remove her clothing; the result was always the same: either Sally stocked out in an angry fit or the company rejected her application. It was clear to both Sally and Andy that she...

4 years ago
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Obey Him Part Two

I hear a car approach, stopping right in front of my apartment. Oh. It is him. It has to be. I hope it is. What would someone think if they saw me like this? I have to giggle a bit at the thought. “Is something funny?” A male voice, one that doesn’t ring any bells as someone I might know. I jump a bit at the unexpected voice. “I, I... Um... I was just thinking how awkward it would be if someone saw me like this. A random person who had no idea what was going on,” I blush deeply as I speak,...

3 years ago
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Got My Friend8217s Mother

Hello everyone, I am Shravan,23 year old guy living in Bangalore, Karnataka…. I would like to know u all out here. I am open to friendship and any relationship with ladies. Please do mail me at my Email ID. Secrecy and Good relationship is promised. Waiting to hear from u all. Please mail me your response to my mail id, don’t forget—> My best friend Shyam and I grew up next door. We have been best friends since the first grade. Shyam and I are both 19 now. My mom and dad divorced when I was...

3 years ago
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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 28

Edmonton, Alberta was a sparkling, handsome, new-looking metropolis sprawled out on the plains of western Canada. It felt like the cities I'd visited in the Western United States. It was better-maintained than most of them, and, even in August, the air seemed crisp, this far north. It was a little bit like Scotland; but more than a little bit like Denver, or maybe Salt Lake City. I liked it. I'd always liked Canada. Just like the U.S., it was vast enough that a person could find lots of...

2 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 84

Althea Crenshaw loved to fly. When she’d first taken her job with Jayanesia Health and Hospitals, she’d been trepidatious about the idea of getting into a helicopter and traveling all over the island chain that made up her recently-adopted country with so little between her and a long plummet to the Earth, but it had quickly become a favorite part of her job - so much so that she’d been learning to fly the craft herself in her spare time and on her own dime. There was just so much beauty to...

1 year ago
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FilthyPOV Michele James Funeral Fucking My Sad Busty StepSis

I knew my Step-Sister Michele was having a hard time after our Pop-pop passed, but I didn’t know she was taking it this hard. I walk in her room and she was still crying, everyone was back at our house to have a little get together for like a celebration of life. I tell Michele to relax, Pop-pop is in a better place. I give her a little foot rub and tell her to get comfortable, I didn’t expect her to get up and strip naked. They say everyone handles people passing differently I...

2 years ago
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My New Personal Trainer Part 2

MY NEW PERSONAL TRAINER, PART 2 by Zenna Swallows 1 September I can't believe it's been eight months since I started my new training program! I couldn't be happier with it. My body feels so much stronger and more flexible. And my skin is so smooth! After all the treatments the only hair I seem to grow now is on the top of my head. Plus a neat little bush just above my thingy! I've also lost a lot of weight, even if not everywhere. My bottom is a fair bit bigger, and my chest muscles...

3 years ago
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Our Sissy Slave 2

Would you be our full-time cross-dressing lesbian boislut? Of course you would. I knew that from the moment we'd made you beg to be fucked whilst dressed in a red corset, knickers and stockings ensemble. Your clothes matched those of me and my new student girlfriend, and your makeup was messed only by our juices. It was easy to make you submit after that. A hard fucking does wonders for a sissy's attitude. You moved in a week later, and I knew you were ready for the next step. We...

2 years ago
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John and JoChapter 4

By the time that they got back from Wales, Jo had read all the books on her reading list at least once. John told her that the higher you get on the academic ladder, the more your own opinions matter; as long as you can back them up by reference to the texts. Teachers know this, and they can help you to understand and stop you going way off course; but they will expect you not to just repeat their opinions. A lot of students who move from GCSE to A-level have trouble with this, as they don't...

4 years ago
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An old email I found

This is a message I sent to an old girlfriend when she was away from home on business, she would text me telling how much work they had to do and how tired she was at the end of the day, this is my first story so tell me what you thinkAs you walk through the door I am there to meet you, wrapping you in my arms our lips find each other and I can feel how tense you are, taking your bag I lead you into the house asking how your drive was, we sit talking and tell me how the week has gone, then I...

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Secrets by r. gold It's my little secret. Sitting at the kitchen table, I'm looking over at Billy Talbot dreaming about sucking his cock. I'm half listening to the conversation between my roommates. As the sound of their voices recedes to a low buzz, I'm imagining the warm heated member pushing against my lips as I wet and lick him. Lost in the rush of heat to my face and body, thinking about kissing the swollen head, chewing and flicking the underside of his foreskin with...

1 year ago
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Fortress of MemoryChapter 2

I never thought I had any special powers. Somebody did, though. They thought I was too lucky. That's a laugh! Me, lucky. If I was lucky, I wouldn't have lost my mom, dad, brother and sis in a car wreck. I was trapped in the mangled wreckage with their dead and dying bodies for three hours, you call that lucky? I sure don't. So what I didn't have a mark on my body, I had scars on my soul. Somehow, that fact, that I didn't even have a mark or bruise, caught the attention of someone who was...

3 years ago
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Roof top

It was early in morning when 12 year old Abdul went on the roof of the block of flats he lived in, it was normally deserted this time of morning but today he saw a girl there, he knew her and knew she was trouble, he went down the opposite end of the block but after a few minutes the girl 16 year old Mandy came down and asked him if he had a light, Abdul told her no and saw her blouse was open quite a way showing her yellow bra that covered her ample boobs, Mandy said ” what you looking at”...

2 years ago
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Me my four best friends and my sister

“Us girls have a little surprise for you two for after the party.” Said Courtney looking at me and Sha. We both looked at each other and smile. As we approached the party, we got out and paid the driver. When we walked in we saw that the party was jam-packed. We found a table for six and quickly took our seats. We got u to dace by shifts so no one would take our table. We had been dancing and gulping down drinks for least three hours and we weren’t even near being tired. Finally, we teared...

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The Subtle Manipulator

Adam Jackson smiled grimly to himself as he looked into the container that held his life's work - the MCD, or Mind Control Device. He had spent countless years on the project, dedicating his life to making it... ...and he succeeded, at the age of eighteen. Which was a remarkable enigma, since he would have to be working on the project since he was a young age, just a mark of his genius. However, now that he had the power, his thoughts were a lot less... scientific, and a lot more perverted. But...

Mind Control
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My Wicked WaysChapter 5

When I awoke the next morning, which was Sunday (but felt like it should be Monday or Tuesday, given long Saturday had been), I felt a wonderful wetness around my cock and a bouncing motion on it that could only mean one thing. One of my sweet ladies had chosen to ride me in my sleep. I looked up and noticed beautiful blonde hair, silky olive skin, and the lovely baby bump of my sweet Sandra. To have one of my pregnant Assyrian princesses wake me like this was certainly a very pleasant start...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Kissa Sins Kissa Sins8217s First Interracial

The wait is finally over, Kissa Sins meets Mandingo in her FIRST IR scene! Kissa’s been craving BBC, so Jules hooked her up with the biggest black cock on the planet to satisfy her thirst. She’s on her hands and knees in white lace lingerie as Mandingo leads her around the house by her leash and collar. He lets go of the leash to allow Kissa to show off her amazing body for him as she dances and rubs herself while slowly undressing. Kissa gets back to where she’s more...

4 years ago
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Lustful Desires for Annie part 1

I’ve always wanted a tree house, a sanctuary where I could call my own, I wanted it for such a long time. To have a swinging tire tied to the tree; that was a dream of mine as a kid. So my dad built a tree house in our backyard on our oak tree. I remembering peering up and looking at that tree, I thought the tree could have reached into the sky. We finished the ladder to the tree house and that soon became our second home. A place where no one could bother us and a place where you could only be...

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The Marks Brothers Prologue

This is not the actual start of this series. This is only some background information that will get you ready for when I jump in the story itself. Please enjoy and keep reading, the next part is the story beginning. Arisamorak ********** Brandon Marks had always believed in the concept of love at first site. He had grown up with the stories of how his parents had met. And he had lived everyday with the proof of that love staring him square in the face. There was no one his father, Anthony...

2 years ago
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Beautiline A Short Story By Maryanne Peters My aunt's house was bigger than I remembered, but still nowhere near big enough. Her internet home delivery business, Beautiline, had been a huge success, and even with the old barn building full of stock, I found that we were only able to live in a few rooms. My mother had received a cry for help from Aunt Gabby and as I was out of a job she had volunteered me. It meant moving to Gainsboro and living and working in the big old...

4 years ago
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Giving In

As I get out of the shower and wrap myself with the soft fuzzy white towel I think of you. Your strong hands, how they hold my body, how they tease me. I think of how you can almost read my mind in the uncanny way you know what I'm in the mood for; soft and romantic or hard and rough, you know when I feel like playing around and when I just want you to fuck me. So when I came home and found the playful new outfit you had bought me all laid out on the bed I just smiled, and shook my head at how...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Summer Cabin in the Woods

She knows the trail well. These are her Vermont woods, and she leads us with sure steps along its winding paths through pine and birch forests, over bare bedrock, and around cedar swamps. It is a warm day in late June. I follow Jane’s mother, Linda, at a respectful distance, but as I walk behind her, I cannot help looking at her gorgeous big ass in her summer shorts as she walks casually along, swaying her generous hips side to side. Her buttocks stretch flatter as she climbs an outcrop. Her...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 8

I made New York strip steak rubbed with crushed garlic. I used rubber gloves because I didn't want him smelling it on my hands. I also made candied sweet potatoes which I learned from my grandmother one Thanksgiving when my parents were in Europe. A growing boy needs his green vegetables my mother used to say, so I added buttered green beans. Actually she used to say growing girl, and it might have been the cook instead of my mother, but you get the idea. I told him I would clean up and...

1 year ago
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The First Time

I waited silently and checked my watch. It was 6:50 in the afternoon, and Daddy should be on the way from work. Daddy is my boyfriend, and even though my actual father does not approve of him, we have been together for two years. Not only am I his newly titled submissive, but I am the love of his life also. We go to the same university, but he's a senior and I'm a junior. Daddy ordered me to not have on any clothes by the time he came home. We share an apartment together, with the permission of...

2 years ago
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Grand dadChapter 6

There were an awful lot of grins around the dining table that night. But only Pop and Kathy and Peggy seemed to notice. Polly kept talking about school and Paul was talking about work. Peggy smiled and said, "Do you guys realize I will actually graduate from High School in a few weeks. Granddad promised me he would take me to Los Vegas for the weekend as a graduation present." Everyone looked at Pop and he nodded. He had asked Kathy if it would be OK and she had quickly agreed but only for...

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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 6 The Acquisition of Apparel Accoutrements and Information

May 1826. London. It was decided, between Mimi and Amy, that the Greenaway family should spend at least a week in London before heading north to Grantham. I of course acquiesced to whatever the ladies proposed. Even after less than two years of married life I knew better than to go against the wishes of my wife – and those of my former mistress. Amy spent the week showing Mimi and the children the sights of London, including some of the more fashionable dressmakers, while I dealt with the...

3 years ago
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Clone A Willy or The Troubles of Mixing Science and Sex

Most of the stories I write are sweet, romantic and a representation of real life. Complete with dialogue and feelings. This story is not one of those. This could probably be considered a real life account of a humbling experience. The wonderful woman in my life, Maddi, has come to enjoy sex in her middle years. Since our divorces we have been making up for lost time. She has gotten adventurous and insatiable. So much so, that we have slowly amassed a staggering amount of toys and sexual...

2 years ago
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Submission Experiment

Allie yawns groggily. She can't remember the last time she slept that well. Not that she'd been having trouble sleeping or anything, but she was feeling strangely refreshed this time, more so than usual. It took her a second to realize that her alarm clock hadn't rung. She let out a sigh of relief. Thank god. She didn't have to get up yet. In that moment, getting out of bed and going to work seemed like it would be the end of the world. Especially when her bed was so soft, and her blankets so...

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Sexual awakening Part 10

I had come to Cleveland to attend a national science conference. Researchers from all around the world, from every possible field of science were present. It was an educational bonanza. I was very excited to meet scientists working in my field and bounce some ideas off of some of them. After day one was through, a few friends of mine decided to usher in the evening and a day well spent at the nearest bar to our hotel. It was a quaint little place with dim lighting and a rustic charm. There...

4 years ago
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Virgin gets a well deserved fucking

His name was Tyler. He dropped out of highschool, and was three years older than me. He had dark hair, lots of stubble, and didn't care about anyone or anything. All my life I had been the good girl. I went to school and got good grades, never touched drugs or alcohol, and never even talked to the boys who I thought would try "bad things" with me. I was a virgin, and I was fucking unhappy about it. I couldn't stop thinking about sex. At night I would lay awake touching myself, and thinking of...

Straight Sex
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mai 31 years old hu. meri marriege ho chuki hai 3 years pahle. Par abtak hamne baby plan nahi kiya hai. So we are still enjoy our marriage life. I am 5’ 3’’ tall and my complexion is milky white. My figure is 36-26-36 and weight is 50kgm only. My hubby loves me very much because I am very much pretty & broad minded girl. Jo bhi mujhe dekhta tha tariff kiye bagair nahi rahta tha. Last year ki bat hai mujhe apne mom-dad ke marriage anniversary ke liye mayke(Banaras) jana tha. Mere hubby Delhi...

3 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 27

It was 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, before Barbara and Bobby finally got home from the wedding rehearsal dinner. Barbara went straight to bed. The expectant mother wanted to get plenty of rest over the last two nights leading up to the wedding on Monday. Bobby spent some time watching TV and channel surfing. He felt restless, almost anxious for some reason. He eventually realized what was bothering him: he was worrying about Julie. If nothing else, he needed to let her know he still wanted to be...

2 years ago
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Poonam Bhabhi Ne Jannat Ke Ser Karayi

Hi friends main ajay 25 saal ka chora agra se fir se ekfir baar apni story ke saath ye kahani hai meri makkan maalkin nisha ki pehle mere emil id le moonstar111112gmail.Com koi bhi bhabhi aunty ya ladki gupt rup se sex chat ya chudai karne chahti ho sen me mail. Toh story hai jodhpur ki jaha main studies ke liye gaya tha mere chahca waha job kartey the main unke saath wahi rehta tha mere jo makaan ke malik the unka naam shyam ji tha woh army retired the unki ek patni thi jo aksar bimaar rehti...

1 year ago
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The teacher part three

n carefully creases the letter she has just completed, slips it into an envelope, seals it, and the in bold letters prints GIANA on it's front and sticks it inside of her back pack!!! "I hope she'll read it," Ellyn says to herself while entering the front door of her high school and making her way towards her locker!!! She exchanges hellos with several of her friends, stopping momentarily to make small talk with Janet, her locker mate, but all the time scanning the bustling crowd for a glimpse...

4 years ago
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Thank God for Science

Introduction: Drug Cocktail for the wife Gotta love science Graduating from UC Berley in 1982 with a Doctorate in Chemistry and molecular science with a job recruitment offer from a research and development company specializing in human behavioral science. My first assingnment was research in the neurological studies of sexual behaviors, DNA and nerve studies. It was found that the DNA mapping and genomes of the human nerve centers were in a direct pattern in both men and women. In the top...

2 years ago
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From Afar Ch 07

Chad tightened his arms around Sara’s limp body as curious onlookers gathered around them. The little bald hotel manager approached him. ‘Is the young lady okay? Shall I call for the hotel doctor?’ he asked. Sara who was struggling against the unconsciousness snapped up at the word doctor. ‘No!’ she moaned pitifully, winding her arms tightly around Chad’s next and burying her face in the warmth of his chest. ‘The lady doesn’t want to see a doctor. I’m in charge of her now, so if you could step...

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Summer EmploymentChapter 4 Negotiating

Missy got on the bed with me, and we had a long talk. I explained to her that my name was Brian Thomas, and I'd taken my brother's place because, at the last minute, he preferred to remain at home for the summer instead of taking the job his professor had arranged for him. "It's our secret, okay?" I asked, and Missy nodded her head. "How old are you, really?" she asked. "Eighteen, but that's our secret, too, okay?" Again, she nodded, and that prompted me to ask the big...

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How I got my Nickname Bull

My friends call me Bull. Its an odd nickname and this is the story of how an otherwise average guy comes to gain both what became a title and an unusual reputation.I was born into an average middle class family in the early 1960s. My father passed away from an early heart attack when I was 4 years old. My mother, a saintly woman, did the best she could too raise us on a bank teller's salary. For the most part my c***dhood was happy and without unusual events except one.When I was entering...

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