Emma Waston 2 free porn video

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Emma! Emma!" I shouted with other fans from behind the velvet rope. "Can I get an autograph?"

Despite our pleas, Emma Watson could only flash me a curious glare before she was ushered away by her people and unceremoniously bundled into the packed theater. I had to snicker to myself as I watched her glance over her bodyguard's shoulder one final time, trying hard to recall where she had seen me before. It had been almost three whole years since we had last seen each other in person, and although I had presumed she would remember me and the events of that evening, she apparently didn't. Of course she was in the midst of promoting her latest film and was on the red carpet dressed up to the nines. It was a far cry to the way she had looked the last time we were together. Although I knew it was going to be a little awkward talking to her again and rehashing all those memories, I decided that since I was in town it was well worth the effort. Just the mere reaction on her face would be well worth the trip out into old London town that day.

With that said, I watched her arrive to the star studded event flanked by security and all I could think about was the way she looked (and sounded) that notorious night as she was surrounded and fucked by all those guys. The lewd imagery played over and over in my head, and made me grin.

"What a difference a few years can make." I snickered to myself.

By all accounts, Emma Watson was a shy and innocent college student who dressed conservatively and mostly kept to herself. From the moment she had arrived on campus, everyone had made a huge fuss over her admittance into Brown, and it wasn't unusual to find a few paparazzi lurking around the grounds trying to land that special snap. Despite this threat, I had noted how her clothes always seemed to be a little too tight for her slender frame, such that it was a common occurrence to see her inadvertently flash her thong panties as she walked up the stairs or took a seat in front of me during our various lectures. Judging from her attire, you could almost be mistaken for thinking that she actually enjoyed teasing the photographers with her body, daring them to take that million dollar shot.

Like Emma, I too had originally hailed from Oxford in the UK and was delighted to learn that we shared a number of classes together. But as eager as I was to introduce myself to her, I soon discovered that she had a steady boyfriend who somehow managed to visit her from back home at least once or twice a month. Meanwhile, as I stood there at the film premiere reminiscing about our brief history together, I found myself wondering if Emma had ever shared the story of her night of passionate with anyone. I mean I assume it wasn't everyday that she got gangbanged at a party, especially with the knowledge that she was such a willing and eager participant. Nevertheless, as security came over and began to usher us away I took the opportunity to reminisce some more about our torrid time together.

It was a glorious spring day as I walked from class and heard someone call out my name. When I turned around I found it was Emma. I waited for her to catch up and ask me about some assignments which were due later that day.

"Oh by the way." she added. "Someone mentioned to me that you're from Oxford as well?"

"Yeah. Originally." I nodded.

"Why didn't you say something?" she smiled as she playfully slapped me on the shoulder.

"Err. I dunno." I shrugged. "I didn't want to bother you with it."

"You could never bother me silly." she replied, before we walked and talked for several more minutes getting to know each other better.

It was during this conversation that I discovered that she was apparently staying in an apartment with friends just down the street from the house where I resided. Feeling social, I then told her about a party we were hosting later that evening and invited her along, never really expecting her to accept.

"Yeah. Right." Emma scoffed. "I know all about those parties."

"No. Honest. It's not like that I swear." I insisted. "It's all above board. Just a lot of drinking. If you're interested in that sort of thing."

"Interested in drinking?" she snickered. "Are you mad! Of course I love a pint or two. Hmm. I might take you up on this party offer."

"I hope so." I replied. "Would really love to see you there."

"Is that cause you just want to get me drunk and take advantage of me?"

Shocked by her comment we both fell silent before she burst out laughing.

"I'm only k**ding." she giggled sweetly, while flashing me a knowing smile.

A few hours later the party was well underway. It was the beginning of spring break and almost everyone had plans to leave campus. So with that said everybody was in a real party mood atmosphere after class and looking forward to their break. It was there that I surveyed the crowd and eyed a few women that looked drunk and unattached but was bitterly disappointed. No one simply interested me in the way Emma did and despite the alcohol I started to feel a little depressed... until I glanced at the door and noticed the girl in question standing there. Unfortunately for me I also noticed that Watson was holding hands with some guy, and as I had feared it seemed that her boyfriend had arrived in town earlier that afternoon and accompanied her to the party. Nevertheless, I approached her at the door and was taken aback for a moment as she greeted me warmly with a friendly peck on the cheek.

"Oh! Hey James." she beamed. "Great party."

Meanwhile as she spoke I was still a little dazed by the kiss, as it was the first time she had ever shown any form of affection towards me and from the way she was smiling and carrying on you would assume we were long lost friends. Inside the music was loud enough that I could hardly hear her introduce her boyfriend, Jim or Jay or something along those lines. All the same, I shook his hand briefly and smirked to myself as I could see the look of disapproval in his eyes as he surveyed the scene. There on the sofa sat several people who were passing around a large bong while a thick blue haze hung over the entire room. Others were chugging down beers and spirits and taking hits off various liquor bottles that others had smuggled into the party.

I asked Emma if she wanted anything to drink before I headed off to hunt down a couple of beers. When I returned the actress pouted and whispered thanks in my ear but explained that she had to leave since they were apparently flying off to Mexico in the morning - for a romantic getaway entirely paid for by her, mind you. The look of disappointment on my face must have been evident because she immediately sulked.

"Aw." she quipped. "Don't be like that. I promise to invite you and the guys along next year."

"Yeah. Right." I replied, before we both chuckled.

As Emma started to leave I walked them out to the front yard and without thinking my eyes happened to fall to the back of her butt. There I checked out her panty line which immediately informed me that as per usual she was clad in a sexy little thong number. The mere notion alone gave me instant wood as I admired her impossibly tight jeans, but then to my chagrin Emma happened to glance over her shoulder and caught me leering directly at her derriere red handed.

"Fuck." I thought. "Busted."

I was mortified to say the least and impulsively reacted by flashing Emma a complimentary wink. Fortunately for me the sexy starlet did not say anything and simply smiled behind her boyfriends back before they both said their goodbyes by the letterbox outside. Shaking my head of any lewd thoughts, I quickly returned to the party (and drinking) albeit a little shocked and disappointed with myself.

"Why the hell did I do that?" I chastised myself, recalling the way I had let her catch me checking her out.

A few hours later I was fairly drunk and enjoying my high when something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. At first I thought I was hallucinating when I thought I saw Emma across the room clutching a beer. But when I realized it was in fact her I went over and tapped her on the shoulder to say hi.

"Err. Hello stranger." I smirked. "You look familiar."

Once again Emma laughed and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek before she went on to explain how her boyfriend had dropped her off home and she couldn't sleep as she was too riled up about their vacation in the morning and decided to come back for a drink.

"Besides." she added. "I wanted to see for myself if this party really is as wild as everyone keeps telling me."

With that said we toasted to her curiosity and enjoyed each other's company. Ultimately, Watson and I finished our beers and wandered around the party and found ourselves in the kitchen where there I got us another round of drinks. It was also there that I offered her a hit off a joint. Emma shook her head nervously as she admitted that she had never smoked pot before, but in saying that she was apparently eager to try it and experiment a little. Thrilled, I quickly rolled a fresh blunt and we found a private area by the laundry where we could smoke out of the way of prying eyes. To my amusement Emma soon coughed out her lungs but not before taking in a considerable hit. The pot itself was impressively strong so her pretty brown eyes glazed over fairly quickly.

"Ha!" I laughed. "You look so fucking smashed right now."

"Nah. You do!" she replied c***dishly which only proved my point.

We soon spaced out and discussed various subjects before the topic of conversation turned towards sex and her private life, where she candidly explained that it had already been arranged for her to get engaged and ultimately married off to her boyfriend Jay. Unfortunately for them it appeared that her career and studies had prevented them from taking the final plunge earlier, which naturally shocked me.

"Wait. What?" she finally gasped. "Aren't you like eighteen or something?"

"So." Emma replied. "That doesn't matter. Jay really loves me. You saw the way he was giving you the evil eye earlier. He's really protective of me like that."

"Well shit Emma." I scoffed. "I know tons of guys who love you. Hell. Who absolutely worship you. You're fucking famous remember?"

Emma simply shrugged her shoulders before downing some more of her drink. At this point we were both well wasted.

"I mean. Why would you get hitched so young?" I maintained. "You know it probably wouldn't work out in the long run right?"

"Well." she argued. "Look at Jamie-Lynn Spears. She just had a baby and she's just a teenager."

"Wow. That's your example?" I laughed. "My god! You are stoned?"

We both laughed again as I couldn't help but note just how incredibly adorable she was. Emma and I shared a few more hits from the joint as I soon began to notice a change in her demeanor. She suddenly seemed to be a lot more animated and increasingly affectionate, constantly touching my arm and leaning on me as she laughed, and she laughed a lot.

"So how do you like it?" I asked her.

"Meh. I'm easy." she replied without thinking. "It all depends on whatever mood I'm in. Fast and hard I guess."


"Wait. What was the question?" she said in confusion.

"I mean the pot." I clarified. "How do you like being high?"

"Oh. Oh! Right." she began to laugh hysterically. "Yeah right. That's what you meant. Of course. Yeah. Um. I really like it a lot."

Her laugh was contagious and realizing her slip-up we both laughed so hard and for so long that we could hardly breath.

"So you're easy huh." I remarked a few minutes later which caused her to blush. "Hard and fast eh. You sound like my type of girl."

Emma simply grinned as I dropped the subject and we talked about something else, even though we both knew I was more than willing to discuss sex with her some more. In the meanwhile it was during this time as we attempted to finish the joint together that she whined about taking the very last drag, and as we briefly tussled with one another she inadvertently placed her hand over my leg and rubbed her hand very close to my crotch. This naturally caught my attention right away and my hands instinctively slipped around her slender waist and I pulled her in tight, holding her close before blowing the excess smoke shotgun-style into her open mouth. Emma happily pursed her lips and we both laughed amongst ourselves as we then proceeded to take turns taking deep tokes from the spliff and blowing the excess smoke into each other's mouths. At one point her lips were so damn close to mine I would practically taste her.

Caught up in the moment and our high, I suddenly and without warning leaned forward and pressed my lips against hers, and to my delight Emma did not resist. In fact she reciprocated. In an instant she allowed me to slip my tongue into her mouth and the two of us proceeded to make out fervently. I soon moved my hands down her body and across her ass, and pulled her harder against me - grinding her denim clad crotch against my leg. I was almost certain she could feel my erection as I pressed it against her hip. Nonetheless the actress didn't seem to hesitate and eagerly responded. The "Harry Potter" star moaned softly into my mouth and I figured that if I could get her to a more private and comfortable area like a bedroom she would go all the way. With that said I abruptly grabbed her by the hand and led her through the party and up the stairs in search of a spare room. But unfortunately for us the room I had intended on was already in use. Standing by the door we could hear a couple moaning excessively from inside and it made us laugh.

"Wow. Someone's getting lucky in there." Emma snickered, before we proceeded to look for another room.

It was during this time that Emma and I stopped every now and then to make out and grope one another right there in the dimply lit hallway. I couldn't believe how aroused she was, which in turn only excited me further. We just couldn't get enough of each other and the more we kissed the more frustrated we grew. In fact she soon began to play games with her lips and tongue and now proceeded to suck on my tongue and bite my bottom lip urgently.

"We really need to find a room." she whispered to me in her sweet English accent. "I'm really randy right now."

She was definitely in a playful mood and horny as hell (as was I). With her urging I mimicked her actions and happily sucked on her wet tongue, which seemed to really excite her. Emma happily offered me her mouth as I reached down and fumbled with the buttons on her jeans. Finally after several attempts it opened and I unfastened her pants. Despite standing in the middle of the hallway Emma did not object or withdraw as I plunged my hand down the front of her pants and inside her panties and proceeded to finger her. In next to no time my fingers brushed across her lush pubic mound, and dipped between the hot wet velvet folds.

"Oh." she whimpered softly as she instinctively raised a knee and parted her legs to accommodate my exploring hand.

Running my fingers along the span of her slippery minge, I smeared her wetness across her tiny clit and proceeded to tease her, reveling in the scent of her overheated cunt. My finger worked her clit and she caught her breath before I took her breath away all together and dipped them even lower and reached for her opening. She moaned into my mouth incessantly, kissing me urgently on the lips as I entered her cunt.

"Oh. Shit." she let out as I quickly discovered just how wet she in fact was.

Emma was clearly ready to get fucked, and as I contemplated this I smirked slyly to myself as I felt her reach down between our bodies and stroke my hard-on through my pants. She wanted cock, and she wanted it now! I responded by slipping two fingers deep inside her teen cookie as she grabbed me around the neck urging me on.

"Ugh. Yes." she purred hotly. "Fuck me. Fuck me with your fingers James. Get me off right here right now!"

I could feel her sweet cunt muscles contracting around my delving digits as I proceeded to spear them in and out, watching her hips sway back and forth as I eagerly fucked her with my hand and ultimately brought forth her first orgasm of the night. As soon as she finished climaxing I started pushing her pants further down her legs, leaving her to stand there completely exposed from the waist down. Emma wriggled against me as I hauled her pants down to her knees and grabbed at her tee and pulled it up, revealing her pert chest. To my delight I quickly discovered that she was not wearing a bra, and I immediately devoured her beautiful pear-shaped breasts with my mouth. The starlet closed her eyes and flicked her head back while a moan escaped her lips. I in the meanwhile gave her succulent tits a good tongue lashing and bathed her erect brown nipples in saliva. As incredible as these sudden turned of events were, nothing could prepare me for what happened next.

Just then, Emma suddenly dropped to her knees and started unzipping my jeans. For a moment I thought I had died and gone to heaven - or worst still was dreaming the entire encounter - as I watched the Harry Potter alumni grin up at me and insist I take out my cock.

"Pull it out." she insisted. "Please. Take it out before I lose my fucking mind."

I peered up and down the empty hallway before I helped her pull my pants down to my ankles and released my shlong. My cock sprang out at full attention, almost striking her in the face. Without wasting anytime Emma swiftly wrapped her lips around the head of my cock and enveloped my stiff prick with both hands. Her mouth felt like strawberry velvet as I watched the English sexpot lick and slurp her tongue across my bell-head.

"Jesus. Fuck me." I gasped, as she hungrily devoured my meat stick and in the process made lewd gurgling sounds as she worked me over.

Gripping the side of her head, I then thrust my hips and briefly fucked her mouth before I finally pulled her up to her feet and finished removing her pants entirely.

"Fuck it. Come 'ere!" I growled down at her. "I want to fuck you so bad right now."

"Yeah?" she teased back. "Are you James. Are you gonna fuck me?"

Emma now stood there completely naked except for a pair of white thong panties which stretched around her parted knees. Without warning I dropped to my knees before her and started kissing the flat of her belly and abdomen, and using my hands I pivoted her hips and directed her to turn around so I could admire and kiss her cute little butt.

"Mm. I've wanted to kiss this arse for the longest time." I told her before laying several butterfly kisses across her skin.

Emma giggled sweetly to this but quickly lost her sense of humor as I gently pressed the small of her back and directed her to bend forward for me. There she braced herself against the opposite wall with both hands as I gently pried her taut buttocks apart and exposed her teenage slit to me. Without thinking I immediately swiped the flat of my tongue along her gleaming wet slot, causing her to moan out loud and trembled violently before I quickly straighten up and pressed the head of my cock at her slippery opening, and pushed in.

"James... Ugh!" she objected for a moment, before she began to moan involuntarily.

To my delight the naked sex kitten was incredibly tight, but also so wet that I had little trouble breaching her inner sanctum and buried my cock to the hilt in just a few short thrusts. In an instant I proceeded to ram my length in and out of her tight young cunt and she responded to each thrust bu moaning my name and wiggling her hips enticingly every time I slammed home from behind her.

"Ugh. James." she moaned. "Fuck yeah. Harder!"

A moment later I felt the contractions as she experienced her second orgasm of the evening and I reluctantly pulled out and dropped to my knees and proceeded to eat her glistening cunt enthusiastically - making sure to stick my tongue in her ass too - which she seemed to enjoy.

"Oh. Yes." she pined against the wall as her hands snaked around to shove my face even deeper between her soft cheeks. "Mm. Eat my arse James. Yes."

Finally after several moments of this I was taken aback to feel her cum again. She was absolutely insatiable and utterly on fire. I suspect this was mainly due to the combination of weed and alcohol and our current location - both of us standing in the middle of the dimply lit hallway essentially naked. Suddenly, Emma grabbed me by the shirt and directed me to sit against the wall as she stepped over and proceeded to straddle me. In a matter of moments she lowered herself down and impaled herself, and immediately began to hump my cock like a woman possessed. Despite her attempts to keep it down, she made so much noise in the hallway that a few people in the adjacent rooms came out to investigate - including a hot drunk blonde who peered out from the door, and finding us fucking there cheered us on.

"Oh yeah." she encouraged us. "You go for it girl. Ride that stallion. That looks so fucking hot right now."

Realizing the growing audience we had I found I couldn't hold off any longer so I grabbed her firmly by the ass and jammed my cock as deep inside her as humanly possible, filling her clam with hot gooey spunk. Both Emma and I grunted aloud, just as several onlookers routed for us to keep going.

"Oh. God." she blushed with shame, as I watched one of the guys from one of the rooms boldly stand directly over her and grin.

"Great fucking show." he said before chugging his beer. "Fuck the shit out of this little slut."

"Hey. I'm next." another one bragged before Emma turned and acknowledged them directly.

"Hmm. What. You think you could handle me?" she teased. "What about you?"

Suddenly, two more jocks appeared and snatched her by the arm and pulled her up to her feet and pushed her into a nearby bedroom. Truth be told I was so drunk, stoned, and exhausted at that precise moment in time that I simply lay there catching my breath as I watched them casually man handle her. The entire event happened so fast I actually thought I had imagined it, and as shocked as I was by it I was equally if not more than surprised to see that Emma did not resist in the least, and in fact spurred them on. There I watched as they playfully pushed her onto the bed and instructed her to spread her legs. Noting this I finally stood and proceeded to do up my pants while I watched as one of the boys swiftly dove between her parted legs and proceeded to fuck her on the bed.

"What the fuck." I gasped inwardly as I watched her willing take on a new lover.

For a moment I was confused, even angered by her infidelity but that emotion was quickly replaced with sheer lust as I watched her get fucked by yet another guy. It was during this time that I happened to glance at the floor and quickly pocketed her discarded panties as a souvenir before I pushed my way through the crowd that had formed by the door to watch the free sex show. Inside her legs were spread wide and we could actually hear the squishing sound emanating between her legs as the second guy drove in and out of Emma's sopping wet cunt.

"Oh yeah." one of the boys snickered. "She's so fucking tight too."

"You like that?" another blared down at her. "You like getting fucked hard you little slut?"

While I still tried to make sense of it all one of the boys grabbed her by the hips and flipped her over into the doggy-style position where he began to fuck her hard from behind. To our surprise this position more than any other really seemed to turn her on and we all gasped with delight as we heard her officially consent to the situation and moan for more.

"Yeah. Fuck me!" Emma grunted aloud. "C'mon. Fuck me hard you bastards!"

The bystanders all cheered her on as her lover drove into her one final time and without warning deposited another pulpous load deep inside her from behind. Emma groaned and shook violently in bliss as I actually began to wonder just how stoned she in fact was. Nevertheless by this stage several other guys now began to unzip and proceeded to form a line around the bed, waiting their turn and readying to fuck the sexy starlet. I watched as they impatiently approached her on the mattress and rolled her over into several positions of their choosing. At this point I could hardly believe my eyes as I watched one guy straddle her face as a second guy impaled her cunt once again. Even so, as drunk and stoned as Emma was she still seemed to know exactly what she was doing and thoroughly enjoyed herself. It was only now that I noticed that the guy that had been face-fucking her had a huge black cock and his balls slapped loudly against her chin, as he tried to force his throbbing member further down her narrow throat.

"Oh yeah baby." he blared. "Deep throat that black cock bitch. I want to see you choke on it."

She struggled as it slid deeper and deeper inside her mouth, before the guy pulled out and let her catch her breath before he jammed it right in again, making her gag. Pretty soon he had a rhythm going and Emma was doing her best to keep up. She was totally consumed by lust as I wondered what her boyfriend and future fiancé would think if he could see her now, getting fucked for all to see like a two dollar whore. Ultimately when the guy finally unloaded in Emma's throat she started swallowing as fast as she could but to no avail. Instead his load seeped from the sides of her lips and dribbled down her neck. When he finally withdrew her mouth fell open, inadvertently inviting another guy to slip his manhood into the unused space.

I don't know how many cocks she had sucked before that evening but the sexy little tramp was now getting quite the workout. I watched in wonder as she took on at least another three more guys that night. Everybody in that room fucked her mouth and cunt at least once, and some guys were fortunate enough have her three times before they ultimately came, and left. When everybody was finished having their way with her, I finally stepped forward and handed Emma her wallet and clothes.

"Here," I grinned. "I think you may have dropped something earlier."

Emma was too ashamed to look at me much less respond, and realizing her shame I quickly reassured her that I for one was not shocked or offended by her wanton behavior which seemed to at least comfort her.

"Where are my pants?" she slurred, as I passed her shirt.

"Wait. Where are my panties?" she added with a dull grin, still high and clearly out of it.

"I have no idea." I lied as I pushed them further inside my pocket.

Instead I took this opportunity to take a seat next to her on the bed.

"So did you have a good time tonight?"

"Sure." she smiled dumbly before she doubled over and proceeded to throw up on the other side of the bed.

Wiping her mouth she grinned. "Assuming I remember anything tomorrow."

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Emma Becomes a Slutwife

Chapter 1Our marriage of just over 4 years has been thrown totally upside down over the past few weeks. Changedbeyond all recognition. I've now been well and truly cuckolded by Emma, who has astonished me! First byher blatant unfaithfulness, and then by transforming herself into an extremely slutty 'hotwife'! I didn't see itcoming. But, to be honest, I'm not at all unhappy at the outcome.About a month ago Emma announced she was going on a 'girls night out' on Friday evening. Although it'snot...

3 years ago
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Emma Chapter 4

Emma has just witnessed the breaking and initial training of her bitch mother into a submissive pain slut. She enjoyed the experience oh so very much, watching her mother subjected to cruel and painful torture until the fire left her eyes, and lust replaced it. Emma could not feel more wanted and loved. Not only did her master use her fat body for his pleasure, but allowed her father to fill his very willing daughter full of his cum. Emma's mind continues to bend, and not only allow herself...

4 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Vacation Part One

Filming of the first Deathly Hallows movie had just ended, and Emma had decided to take a beach vacation in the Canary Islands. She, with two of her ex school girlfriends and just one of their boyfriends: Daniel. Emma was a bit leery of taking Daniel along, because her girl friends had told a few stories about him. But as long as he stayed away from her, she would be OK.As part of their preparation for lounging on the beach, and walking about in the perfect warm climate, each of the girls...

2 years ago
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Emma is punished

Emma was a very shy girl. She had a strict upbringing and consequently had a hang up about having sex. She was also very shy of her body as she had very small breasts on her petite frame and thought she looked childish, so nobody had seen her naked since she was a small child. She was however a very sexual being, easily aroused and very horny. She masturbated regularly. At 24 she was a bit old to still be a virgin. Emma was also a very attractive young lady and got a lot of attention from the...

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Emma Disciplines Her Chummy Mummy

Emma was furious to see forty-one-year-old Linda, her mum’s girlfriend, come into the living room, and demanded, “So it wasn’t just me you were discussing when you went to see Miss Johnson at college?”As Linda blushed and was speechless at being caught out, Emma was more positive and incentivised by her authoritative position over Miss Johnson, and said with a sharp tone, “So you are cheating on mum, then.” It was said as a statement and not as a question. Linda knew that wasn’t totally true....

1 year ago
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Emma Watsons Graduation Night

Although Brown was an Ivy League school, it didn't mean the crème de la crème couldn't party hard. At least I assumed that's what they were doing on campus tonight - despite having a graduation ceremony tomorrow. I was being a bit more...constructive in my last night as an official student. Maybe some of them were too by now, but not like this. They weren't in Emma Watson's dorm room right now. They couldn't say they'd been in here, like this, at least once a year the last four years. If one of...

3 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Japan Trip

Emma was finally on her way to Japan! She had been invited by a very rich Japanese business man to a fete in her honor. There would be dancing, dinner, and an award show. She already knew she would be the winner of the very prestigious Emperor’s Cup for best actress of the last twenty years. She first starred in films at the age of ten and she had just turned thirty.Turning thirty had been traumatic for her. She had yet to show her beautiful body nude in any movie, and she knew gravity and the...

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Emma Watson

I was awoken again by the sound of laughter, doors shutting and a heavy trolleys being carted down the hallway. It was becoming intolerable. There were a multitude of guests moving in and out of the room next door. Gales of laughter and chatter signalled their arrival and departure. In hindsight, all the paparazzi and security downstairs should've tipped me off that something was going on in the hotel. Suddenly I heard a female voice call out rather loudly from just outside my door, "Are we...

3 years ago
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Emma Disciplines the Headmistress

Emma Kemp was eighteen-years-old and at sixth form college, but hated it, and so sent a message to the college saying she was ill. However, far from being ill, she went to the seaside and intended spending the day on the beach.Miss June Johnson was the fifty-three-year-old headmistress at the sixth form college. She also wanted to get away from the college for a few days and spend some time by the beach, so she told them that she had badly damaged her ankle and had to convalesce. She...

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Emma Chapter 2

Introduction... Emma has her bags packed and ready to go in the morning, she strips down and slides into her childhood bed for the very last time. She grins as she snuggles in, remembering the events of the day, excited that her life is finally beginning outside this miserable house. Emma's ass and pussy throb from the abuse they received today, making her pussy wet and excited. She slowly rubs her swelling clit as she drifts off to a deep happy sleep. Departure The alarm sounds and...

1 year ago
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Emma Chapter 1

Emma sits at her computer, completely depressed munching a bag of chips and slurping her soda. She is watching text scroll by on her screen on her favorite chat site. Look at all these happy people with lives, she thinks to herself. I wish I could be as forward as some of these ladies on here. Wow look at that one.. The lady just posted a picture to the room showing her topless, she has nice c cup tits with dark hard nipples. I wish I could bring myself to put myself out there like that, Emma...

2 years ago
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Emma Disciplines Her Chummy StepSister

Emma had known Lucy for a while. Lucy was her dad’s ex-girlfriend’s daughter and was twenty-four-years-old, so six years older than Emma. However, they had struck up a friendship, first as step-sisters to be, but then something more, and when Lucy needed a plus one to go to her friend Jackie’s party, she happily asked Emma.It was autumn and so both wore dresses with hems down to their knees but with short sleeves. It wasn’t so cold so both had bare legs. When they got to the party most of the...

3 years ago
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Emma Watson in Actress of the Month Club

Emma was exhausted from playing the lead part in “The Fallen Nun.” She would leave the sexy parts to her body double. Emma had stayed to watch part of the filming where her body double gets to have all the fun stuff filmed. All it did was make Emma randy! Emma had been reading about how her fans were hoping she would finally do some nude scenes in this movie. As usual though, Emma would disappoint them again! Emma was getting tired of disappointing her fans. She was determined to show her all...

2 years ago
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Emmas First Time with a Black Dick

Emma had been married to her husband for almost 5 years and had always been a dutiful wife. She often got compliments for her good looks especially about her ass which was round but firm, very unusual for a white woman. Her best friend Naomi had been living with them the past year. Naomi was a free spirit artist type who wandered from job to job and was very outgoing for someone of a Japanese heritage.Naomi had suggested a girl’s get away at a cabin she had been to before, but Emma did not know...

1 year ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Fantasy

Emma and her boyfriend Greg were traveling a bit north for a quiet weekend together. Greg was driving a very nice sports car. There was barely enough room for luggage.“Emma! How long have we been together?” He asked.“Six months and three days. But who’s counting!” Emma answered with a big smile.“Are you enjoying our nights together? Is the sex good?” Greg asked.“Yes and Yes! After a few tries, you’ve made me enjoy sex more than I ever had. Why all the questions?” she said.“I have a two part...

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Emma Watson Pays Her Boyfriendrsquos Debt Part One

Emma had just started seeing her new man friend, and thing’s were going hot and heavy! She thought this really might be the man of her life! He was handsome and polished and great in bed. He wasn’t as rich as she was, but he had a nice job and appeared to be on the way up! Then in one night everything changed. He came over to her flat late one night in a really bad way.“What’s the matter Ray? Did you have a bad day at the office?” Emma asked.“No, work is fine, but some guys discovered I was...

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Emma and Prof Peterson Chapters 3 4

The College rented us a car for the three hour or so drive to Boston. A travel day, I was wearing jeans and a polo shirt, total Dad look. Emma had on a sun dress with a plunging back that plunged almost to her ass crack. When the wind blew the dress up tight against her skin, I could see she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Another day, another boner for me. We made some small talk about the event, but I was totally distracted because Emma was messing with me. She smiled sweetly at me each...

2 years ago
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Emma Watson Best Friend Best Actress

It's hard to think about how much time has passed. I remember, I was about 6 years old in Oxfordshire and a divorced family moved next to me. Their oldest daughter Emma and I bonded instantly and we were practically inseparable despite going to different schools. A few years later we were still really close, we would always be exchanging books and playing hockey. Naturally, being around 10 I got really into Harry Potter, thinking the character was just like me. I remember I was trying to...

3 years ago
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Emmas Crush

Emma was a "good girl". At eighteen, she had been around people her age who messed around, but had never felt the urge to participate in that kind of behavior.She was more into observing and reading about life than actually living it. As a result, she began to have fantasies. The main fantasy she had was about Bryan, who happened to be her best friend, Jana's, father. She had known Bryan for four years now and had always thought he was nice looking...for her best friend's father.When she turned...

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Emma Ch 12

XII ‘Are you staying with Mum again tonight?’ Maisie asked Emma while they watched two of the cast of St. Denis Road making love. Maisie had become rather accustomed to seeing such sex scenes and Emma didn’t really feel at all embarrassed to be with her as the couple carried on in their enthusiastic way. But she did get a little embarrassed by Maisie’s question. ‘Why yes, of course,’ she answered. ‘Why do you ask?’ ‘Oh, no reason!’ Maisie replied. ‘Oh look at Melissa! You can see she’s...

2 years ago
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Emma and Laras Trek

Emma was smiling as she stood on the side of the hill with her map in her hand as she surveyed the final few yards of her trek to the cabin. She felt warm in her winter coat, long woolly blue-green and yellow scarf, and her green woollen bobble hat. She loved the feel of the fresh air as it blew lightly into her face, but was thankful that there was a blue sky and only a light wind. In fact,, for Emma, it was the perfect winters day.It had taken seventeen-year-old Emma an hour to get there. She...

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Emma and Laras Trek

Emma was smiling as she stood on the side of the hill with her map in her hand as she surveyed the final few yards of her trek to the cabin. She felt warm in her winter coat, long woolly blue-green and yellow scarf, and her green woollen bobble hat. She loved the feel of the fresh air as it blew lightly into her face, but was thankful that there was a blue sky and only a light wind. In fact,, for Emma, it was the perfect winters day.It had taken seventeen-year-old Emma an hour to get there. She...

4 years ago
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Emma Watson vs Camren Bicondova

Emma was meeting her new friend Camren in a few minutes at a local bar. They had met at a fashion show, and got along fabulously from the start. Cam was younger than Emma, and a lot less experienced with men. They talked about men a lot, as most women do when they’re alone and at a bar. They had graded various body parts of the men who walked by. They were somewhat hidden in a dark corner.“Wow, Emma! Look at that guy’s ass! I’ve never seen better!” Cam said.“Very nice! That would be a firm...

1 year ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos FFFM Night

Emma had just finished a hard day of rehearsals for her movie that co-stared Emilia Clark and Sophie Turner. She was getting along quite well with the younger and gorgeous Sophie! Emma was less sure of the slightly older Emilia Clark!All three had decided to meet at a bar for a few drinks and get to know each other more. They found a small table in a dark corner where they all ordered drinks. They had a total of three bodyguards at a nearby table drinking non-alcoholic drinks. Emma had whiskey,...

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Emma Watsonrsquos Vacation Part Seven

The next morning, exhausted and satiated, Emma’ guests gone, she fell into a deep sleep. She dreamed of having more sex. But then, it seemed like most of her dreams these days were sexual! When she awoke around noon, she couldn’t remember the details of her dream.“God! I can’t sleep away the whole day! Time to get showered and get down to the beach.” She thought to herself.After her shower and makeup, Emma put on her white bikini. She had been planning this night for a long time. She was going...

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Emmas Gift

Tony sat a little nervously in the car awaiting the group of guys he had arranged to meet. He had been arranging this day, this meeting, this gangbang for quite some time. Emma was waiting patiently at home for him. He imagined her in the bath getting herself ready for the fun that perhaps lay ahead. Ever since Tony had mentioned to Emma that he wanted for her to have her fantasy gangbang, she had been like the cat that had got the cream! He sat their wondering what sort of sexy clothes she...

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emma watson

The strangest and most wonderful things can happen when you least expect them. Due to a financial shortfall I had had to take a second, part-time job as a night clerk at a local hotel. It was only two nights a week, but the extra money was helpful. There was a bit of excitement around the town at the time as there was a film crew making a movie nearby. It meant that there were a few road closures around the town every so often, impacting on my main job, but other than that I didn't really...

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Emma Watson meets the fanboys

The portly, balding main in the ill fitting suit ran as fast as his stubby legs would carry him up the hall. “Emma! Emma!” he gasped as the beautiful young star turned around and stared at him with a confused look on her face. “I’ve been trying to catch up with you all day,” he huffed as he reached the actress. “I don’t think these London streets were designed for cars,” he panted, bent over with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.“They’re not. Do I know you?” Emma Watson,...

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Emma Watsonrsquos Fantasy Part Two

Emma sat down in the middle of the couch. Two new men (Henry and Jake) sat next to her. Ed, Donny and Mitch were the names of the other black men who found it within themselves to fuck Emma tonight. As she suspected, four of them were athletes: muscular, well built and good looking. Ed was the one man who wasn’t particularly muscular. He was very sure of himself though. Emma expected that he might be more experienced sexually than the others.“Ok guys! All clothes off! A girl needs to know what...

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Emma Drinks Horse Cum to Survive and LOVES IT

Emma: I must find shelter, or I will freeze! There was nothing around. It was an undeveloped part of land, so she decided to go searching off road. Emma: Come on, I must find something! Emma walked for several miles before she collapsed and passed out. When she awoke a herd of wild horses had gathered around her. Some had laid down next to her to keep her warm, saving her life. Emma: Horses! So many of them! There were 20. Mostly brown, some spotted, black or white. Emma pets the...

4 years ago
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Emma Ch 05

V After Charlotte’s discovery of the two girls together, Harriett and Emma no longer made even the slightest pretence that there was nothing between them. Charlotte became accustomed to finding the couple entwined around each other in the living room and elsewhere, and her sense of betrayal and frustration gradually receded in the face of a fact that couldn’t now be changed. Charlotte tried to look away from their activities, but her eyes still strayed towards them, although there was nothing...

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Emma Goes Back to School

I sat in my study reading The Times. The news from Europe was not good: Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich was threatening to engulf Europe in war once again, less than twenty years after the end of The Great War of 1914-1918. I felt that my recent retirement as Headmaster at a very exclusive girls’ boarding school was unlikely to be as quiet and restful as I had hoped if it was to be overshadowed by the horrors of war, of which I had had the most terrible personal experience in the Flanders trenches....

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My name is not Paul, but you can call me that, anyway it’s the name I use when writing about my daughter and lover, Ruth (also not her real name). We both now live in a small village just outside of the Medway towns in Kent, and have settled, since Ruth’s arrival out of the blue on my doorstep, into a careful life of domestic bliss. The reason we’re careful of course is that Ruth is still only just fifteen and my daughter. Most people take a very dim view of the kind of activities we indulge...

2 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Big Night

Emma was just about ready for her evening stroll through her local streets. Her Flat was in a very upscale area of London, which was almost always populated by other walkers just like her. Well, not just like her, because she was one of the most beautiful women in the world!It promised to be a warm, dry night and she dressed accordingly. She wore tight black leather full length pants, an armless clinging thin ribbed top, which accentuated her tits! She wore chic running shoes which were very...

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Emma Watsonrsquos Vacation Part Three

All three of them needed to take a shower; alone! Jane was still in need of a cock, so she left first to go down to the beach, towel in hand. The other two looked wistful, but avoided their hormones long enough to also go to the beach. Emma was well fucked by as large a cock as she had ever seen! So down they went also.They walked spryly to the spot where they were to make the commercials. When Erick walked up to Larry, the two of them had a short discussion where he claimed to be sick to his...

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Emma Chapter 3

Emma has just watched her mother tortured and broken by her father. Emma sits with pussy cum drooling from her smooth cunt watching Ed approach with his hard cock swaying in front of him. Her father also with his cock out stands watching what Ed will do to his daughter, with a lustful grin on his face. Pleasure and Pain Ed stops in front of Emma, his cock inches from her nose. Precum drips at a fast pace from his excited cock head. He looks down into her doe eyes, and asks. Did you enjoy...

3 years ago
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Emma goes to college

EMMA GOES TO COLLEGE This is another sequel to the book EMMA, by Felicia Gabriel, who actually wrote the first book, with my own poor efforts providing her further story. There's also a shoutout to N.L. Paradox, author of "Prom Changed Everything," among others. I think these two girls are great characters, and I enjoy writing fanfiction adventures for them to explore their further lives. At a rental house just off campus from Texas A&M, a pretty 18 year old girl walked...

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Emma Watson Pays Her Boyfriendrsquos Debts Part Four

Emma saw a very enticing view of two big black cocks about half way to being hard, just pulsing as their owners anticipated her hands and mouth making them into rock hard black staffs! She could see the heartbeats of Dread and Pete making them slowly stand up for her.She went to Pete’s cock first: opening her mouth wide and slurping his cock into her mouth. She noticed his legs flexing as she took about three inches into her mouth. Then she took hold of Dread’s cock with one small hand and...

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Emma Watsonrsquos Date With Gabrielle

Friday finally came! Emma had been fantasizing about her date with the blonde beauty Gabrielle! She seemed very dominant when they first met, so Emma had packed some special submissive clothing consisting of a belly dancing costume with harem pants, seven veils and a diaphomous face mask, another costume made from various pieces of lingerie. Lastly, she wore high heels, thigh high stockings and garter belt and low cut transparent panties. She wore no bra. A mid thigh length skirt and black...

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Emma Ch 11

XI Charlotte’s life was now spent on a cloud. Each day drifted by in a euphoric haze, waiting for the evening in which she’d either make love with Josephine or sleep with Emma. This was paradise: the two women she loved being so close. She could concentrate on Josephine and her beautiful body, her wonderful jokes and the lovely way her tongue lingered over her clitoris. Or she could fix on Emma who despite never letting Charlotte touch her groin nowadays allowed much more license than before....

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Emma Watson Whore

John and Evan moved in with Emma the next day! During the move, one of them was with her at all times. They didn’t want her escaping now they had her. She was their whore, and they intended to make a lot of money pimping her out! They would keep her in line with their own two cocks, their cocks and their bondage adventures with her. She would learn what it means to be submissive!The next day at dinner, John and Evan started explaining what she would be doing“First and foremost, we will fuck you...

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Emma Ch 13

It was Amelia to whom Emma reported at work. Amelia was a stunning woman, Emma thought, and in the most objective way possible. Certainly, the way she dressed was quite unusual. She wore stocking, suspenders and very high stiletto heels, but then, except for the cloak she sometimes threw over her shoulders and which came down to just below her buttocks, she wore nothing else at all. Amelia certainly wasn’t a naturist, otherwise, like Emma, she wouldn’t have affected any clothes at all. Nor was...

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Emma Watsonrsquos Frat Party

Emma was considering pledging to an American sorority while at University. She was unsure exactly what that meant, and what she would have to do as a pledge. Two weeks into her studies, she was invited to a Frat and Sorority party as a guest. She said yes.She was told the dress code for the party would be ultra-casual. She could wear whatever she wanted! She planned on wearing cutoff jeans shorts, a “The It Muscle Sleeveless Tank Top”, and running shoes without socks. She also went "commando!”...

4 years ago
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Emma at the Beach by Red Czar

https://www.sexstories.com/story/92095/emma_at_the_beachEmma at the BeachFinally, junior year was over and summer had arrived. I was officially a senior now! I had so many plans for the summer. My friends and I already had tickets to a bunch of summer concerts. We planned on spending our days at the local amusement parks and beaches, and our nights partying at one house or another. It was going to be epic!Of course, none of this could start until after my family vacation. This year, two weeks...

2 years ago
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Emma at the Beach

Finally, junior year was over and summer had arrived. I was officially a senior now! I had so many plans for the summer. My friends and I already had tickets to a bunch of summer concerts. We planned on spending our days at the local amusement parks and beaches, and our nights partying at one house or another. It was going to be epic! Of course, none of this could start until after my family vacation. This year, two weeks in North Carolina on the Outer Banks. Basically, one long island...

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