Emma Ch. 13 free porn video

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It was Amelia to whom Emma reported at work. Amelia was a stunning woman, Emma thought, and in the most objective way possible. Certainly, the way she dressed was quite unusual. She wore stocking, suspenders and very high stiletto heels, but then, except for the cloak she sometimes threw over her shoulders and which came down to just below her buttocks, she wore nothing else at all. Amelia certainly wasn’t a naturist, otherwise, like Emma, she wouldn’t have affected any clothes at all. Nor was she particularly poor. Her clothes changed quite frequently – although they remained the same in principle – and looked fairly expensive (not that Emma was at all sure how much clothes actually did cost). Emma learnt that Amelia owed her position as one of the Executive Directors of Harlot TV to holding a substantial stake in the company’s shares, and indeed she had been one of the company’s founders. She’d made her fortune as a sex actress while in her teens, and, unlike many sex actresses, she’d saved her money and chose to invest it in the relatively new venture of sex television, rather than spend it on drugs and gambling.

Emma found Amelia rather intimidating. It wasn’t Amelia’s age, though she was a little older than Emma, being in her early thirties. Indeed despite being older, Amelia was still very attractive and took care to remain so. She had a trim figure which would have been athletic except that it was offset by her voluptuous full breasts which may or may not have been surgically enhanced. Her black hair fell straight onto her shoulders and then was cut so that it was shorter at the back than the front. Her chosen style of dress emphasised her legs which were long to begin with. The stretch from her toes to the top of her thighs was breathtakingly long, and her pubic hairs were tidily trimmed to further exaggerate the length.

It wasn’t often that Emma was called to Amelia’s office. She had just been supervising a production she had conceived: a guest show where ordinary members of the public would have the chance to fuck a celebrity. She had to concede that this was probably not one of her best ideas because ordinary members of the public might have enthusiasm but not technique, whereas the celebrities performed more for the camera than for their apparent partners. This meant rather more footage and clever editing than was normally budgeted for on such programs. She had been sitting with Maisie who had alternated between pulling Emma’s clitoris and putting a finger up her anus, and complaining about why Emma was spending so much more time with her mother. Emma was getting a bit upset about this herself, as her love affair with Maisie was getting unnecessarily complex. Would she have to drop Maisie? And could she survive the wrench?

‘Amelia would like a word with you,’ suddenly announced Amelia’s Personal Assistant, Betty, who as always appeared out of nowhere. Betty was a slender girl with glasses and hair tied in a bun. She always wore a very smart suit, with stockings and stilettos, but only a bra underneath her jacket. She was smart and officious, and had a habit of somehow vanishing into the shadows wherever she was, so you were never sure she was still there or not. Betty took no apparent notice of Maisie’s blatant behaviour, and Emma wasn’t at all sure if her attitude belied disapproval or acceptance.

‘Why do you want to see me?’ asked Emma when she was sat in front of Amelia in the comfortable arm-chair provided for visitors. She felt very nervous as Amelia leaned forward stroking her chin with a hand and allowed her breasts to just touch the shiny oak veneer of her desk.

Amelia smiled warmly. Behind her were pictures of actors and actresses – including a young Amelia – engaged in various sexual postures and on her desk was a very expensive laptop computer. ‘To see you.’ She answered enigmatically. She allowed Emma to get a little more uncomfortable and then explained. ‘We’ve been working together a long time, Emma. Years in fact. And you’ve shown yourself to be very competent as a researcher and now as an Executive Producer. But I don’t think I really know you. I know you’re a naturist. But then, who doesn’t? And I’ve heard that, unlike most of the staff here, you’ve stayed commendably aloof from any of the sexual games that go on. But that may just be a wise strategy in a business where sexual favours can count more than competence in the short run but count against you later. You have nevertheless advanced to quite a senior position with Harlot TV in a very short time.’ Amelia paused and smiled again. ‘I thought I’d like to invite you out for a meal, so that I can get to know you better.’

Emma was taken aback. ‘Well, that’s very kind of you …’

‘Is tomorrow night at the Iguana okay?’

‘I think so,’ replied Emma, aware that she was now committed and that the one night of the week she usually reserved for visiting her home and seeing Charlotte was now taken up.

The Iguana was a restaurant that Emma had never been to before, but it had always looked very exclusive. She had no idea what to wear, so she had to phone in advance to see if naturism was acceptable. She was surprised to find that Amelia had already taken that into account, and had booked the two of them in to one of the Private Dining Rooms. ‘That means, madam,’ explained the gentleman from the restaurant, ‘that you are at license to wear, or indeed not to wear, whatever you like.’ Nevertheless, Emma was still very nervous and bought a coat for the night. She had no idea what to buy and bought an ankle-length coat which forced her to walk in a curious and uncomfortable mincing way, if she buttoned it to below the waist, which she had to do to prevent her crotch being displayed. When she arrived she was very nervous that the waiter would offer to take off her coat and reveal her nudity in a crowded room, but the waiter was, in fact, incredibly discreet. ‘I dare say you would rather leave your coat on until we are in the room Ms Uruqhart has reserved.’

The Private Dining Room was actually rather small, with just enough space for the table, guests and waiters. Emma was pleased to find Amelia waiting for her. At first Emma believed she was dressed as always, and then she noticed that Amelia wasn’t wearing stockings, suspenders or shoes. ‘I’m so glad you came!’ smiled Amelia as Emma sat down. Emma soon lost her wariness as Amelia engaged her in conversation which somehow and subtly shifted away from work and general interests to Emma’s more private life. By the time the main course was finished and a second bottle of champagne had been ordered, Emma had found that Amelia had already guessed at her relationship with Maisie.

‘Some of the other Directors thought that maybe you just weren’t interested in sex at all – though I must say yours is a most specialist interest.’

Amelia then found out about Emma’s relationship with Charlotte, Harriett and others. ‘You really don’t like men at all do you?’

‘I’ve never really considered it much,’ confessed Emma who still had no opinion on her sexual identity. ‘They’re just friends of mine. Maisie’s my only real love.’

‘And her mother?’

Emma confessed to her worries about that, and the way she was feeling that Maisie’s mother was blackmailing her into more sex with her than she really wanted. But she emphasised it was Maisie she loved. Maisie was the only person she’d ever loved.

‘I’d love to get to know Maisie a lot better,’ commented Amelia, but didn’t elaborate.

The conversation progressed from talk about relationships to Amelia’s own life history which sounded pretty exciting to Emma. It appeared to involve a great deal of traveling, being interviewed, being photographed and spending a lot of money. The way Amelia described it, it was easy to forget that any of the films she’d been in had ever involved fucking at all. In fact, as Emma had heard somewhere else, one of the secrets of Amelia’s success was her ability to take complete penises into her mo
uth and down her throat.

This wasn’t a skill that Emma witnessed after the meal, but she witnessed many others, when Amelia steered a quite tipsy Emma into a taxi and then into the bedroom of her substantial town house. The door was answered by a quite short and slender black woman in an apron and nothing else who prepared the two women a cup of coffee which was brought to them in Amelia’s bed. Emma had experienced enough love from women to appreciate Amelia’s sexual skills, but she could see that Amelia was a little surprised by Emma’s sexual appetite and by its tendency towards roughness.

‘That Maisie must be battered black and blue!’ she commented.

Emma smiled and squeezed her teeth more firmly on Amelia’s firm toe-sized nipple. Rough? Not to Maisie, she wouldn’t be. She would only treat the girl with the tenderness and care she deserved. True love is never rough.

The following morning Emma was awoken by Amelia’s servant with a breakfast tray which contained a selection of breakfast foods.

She looked around her, but could see no sign of Amelia. She looked at the servant questioningly. The servant wore the same clothes, or lack of, as the night before but appeared no more aware of this than Emma who was generally only belatedly aware of what other people wore, if anything at all. ‘Madam’s already left for the studio,’ the servant said with a reassuring smile. ‘She said that if you wish to see her, the door to her office is always open.’

Emma thanked the servant, who left with her black bottom showing as she turned out of the bedroom and shut the doors behind her. Emma relished her breakfast and stayed under the silk sheets for far longer than she’d intended, relishing its sheer luxury and enjoying the thoughts of her passionate night. She restrained herself from masturbating to the memory – she didn’t want to further add more stains to the already love-stained sheets. Eventually, she emerged and with the assistance of the servant, who magically appeared just when she was needed, she found her overcoat and made her way across town to the Harlot TV studio where she had to supervise a pissing programme.

This was an idea of Emma’s which exploited the fascination that some people had for pissing and other excretory functions. It was much the same as any other programme except for the prevalence of excretion jokes and demonstrations of guests’ skills at pissing and, to a much lesser extent, shitting. Emma didn’t actually enjoy the show at all, – the smell was dreadful and she didn’t envy the cleaning staff at all – but it had become one of Harlot TV’s most popular programmes and had spawned a tamer equivalent on mainstream television.

After the show, she decided to take Amelia’s offer and find out just how open the door to her office actually was. She walked down the corridor with rather more trepidation than usual, feeling the eyes that always trailed her naked body were somehow able to detect her present destination and intention. She knocked on the door of the room just outside Amelia’s office where Betty, her personal assistant, would sit and where there were seats for waiting visitors. Betty was indeed sitting at her desk in her smart, immaculately pressed suit with a computer screen in front of her, occasionally pressing a key and moving a mouse around. Betty smiled as soon as Emma appeared, and, without waiting for Emma to say what she wanted. she said, ‘I’ll see if Ms Uruqhart is able to see you. Please take a seat.’

She stood up and walked precisely on her stilettos to Amelia’s office, while Emma sat down on one of the lush leather chairs. It felt deliciously cool against her naked buttocks. Betty left the door sufficiently ajar for Emma to see Amelia’s stockinged legs high up in the air whilst a man was thrusting in and out of her.

Emma felt a curious twinge of disconcertment. Amelia definitely wouldn’t want to see her now, she thought with disappointment- but at a deeper level she felt hurt that Amelia would need sex so soon after their night of passion and with a man as well. She saw Betty lean over close to Amelia and pass a few words, not seemingly at all abashed by Amelia’s intimacy. She then strode out to the reception area leaving the door still ajar.

‘Ms Uruqhart says that she’s temporarily tied up entertaining a customer, but that she would be more than delighted if you would accept myself as a substitute for the meantime.’

Emma wasn’t at all sure she’d heard Betty quite right. ‘What do you mean?’ she asked hoarsely.

‘Ms Uruqhart is not a lady who likes to disappoint those whom she considers to be her lovers, – and you are one of the very select whom she now considers in that capacity. Consequently, she would much rather that I were to make love to you than you were to leave unsatisfied.’

‘That’s very considerate of her…’

‘You need not worry about indiscretion. Ms Uruqhart has a room set aside for exactly this purpose. So if you could just follow me, if you please?’

Emma was actively considering finding her way out of this embarrassing situation, but somehow Betty’s very matter-of-fact approach and the feeling that she’d somehow be disappointing Amelia if she didn’t, encouraged her to follow Betty into Amelia’s office. Amelia was on the desk, her legs in the air and her stilettos still on, while a very hairy pair of buttocks were rhythmically pushing in and out of her. As Emma walked by Amelia turned her face towards her, with sweat pulsing down her face, and smiled welcomingly. ‘I’m so … glad that … you … decided to … decided to … come…’ she gasped between thrusts. ‘To come! To come!’ She became thoroughly distracted as the quite stout man on top of her leaned back with his mouth open pushing deeper and deeper into her. ‘Bet … ty won’t … disapp …point you! … Ohhh! God! … God!’

Emma was no stranger to watching men making love to women. Normally she saw at least one such event each day, and usually in the flesh. She still felt a little uncomfortable about it, partly because it was something she’d not done herself, but it was a discomfort coloured by her complete indifference to the people involved. This time it was different – perhaps because she still felt warm from her very recent sex with Amelia. Betty, however, was not a bad substitute for Amelia as Emma soon found, and the presence of Amelia’s lovemaking in the room next to them actually seemed to stimulate their passion. Betty had taken her to a small room at the corner, the door of which Emma had seen before but had assumed to lead to an adjoining office. In fact, the room consisted of only a large mattress which filled all the floor-space and a window which let in light from outside.

Betty divested her clothes before entering the room. All she wore underneath her smart suit were knickers and a bra, which she folded up neatly on a chair. She demurely pulled off her stockings, taking especial care not to snag them on her toe-nails. Then the two of them fell onto the mattress in the room and started making love in a very gentle way. Emma found Betty demure and perhaps reticent in a way she’d come to associate with Maisie, but at the same time she felt a little bored that Betty skirted around her genitals and spent so much more time licking and embracing her breasts. ‘Do you make love to women very often?’ Emma wondered.

‘Not very often,’ admitted Betty sitting up so that her trim figure was silhouetted against the window through which Emma assessed that anyone with a pair of binoculars in the building opposite would have a very clear view of what the two girls were doing.

‘How often is that?’

‘Only when Ms Uruqhart requests,’ she said with a slightly troubled frown. ‘Aren’t I pleasing you?’

Emma smiled as broadly as she could at Betty’s admission of inexpertise. ‘Of course you are,’ she said, and then took complete control of the lovemaking. It was clear that Betty’s experience of lovemaking with women had generally been with fairly inexperien
ced ones, perhaps only those which Amelia had seduced. Betty was soon to realise that sex with a woman could be just as rough and physical as it could be with a man, and was clearly surprised by the strength of the orgasms that Emma orchestrated and the pain throbbing from her vagina and anus afterwards.

‘It’s never been like this before,’ she confessed, when the two re-emerged into Amelia’s main office to find the room empty.

Betty walked to a basin in the corner of the office and sponged her lower regions clean and patted them dry with a towel. ‘Ms Uruqhart is no doubt keeping her dinner appointment with the representative from Turkish Television,’ she commented.

Emma smiled and then kissed Betty full on the lips. ‘I wouldn’t have liked to have delayed her appointment.’ Betty then carefully reattired herself and led Emma back to the reception area where she reasserted herself in her seat.

‘Ms Uruqhart will be very pleased if you would visit her at any time that suits you, and will endeavour to avail herself on your next visit,’ she said in an officious manner. Then she smiled slightly wickedly. ‘And if she is not able to do so, she will endeavour to assist by any other means.’

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You're holding my hand, leading me down the corridor. You open the door and we walk in together. The door is closing itself when you gently push me to the wall, pressing yourself against me.'You're so fucking beautiful,' your accented sexy voice almost growling with need. You take a fistful of the back of my hair and use it to urge my face to yours. You kiss my mouth, encapsulating me. Deep, slow, sensual. I want you. I need you.You unbutton my blouse while you continue kissing my mouth and my...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The Chastisement of Richard Hornsby

The Chastisment of Richard Hornsby The Chastisement of Richard Hornsby This is the story of a young man who had it all, who drifted into a life of crime and suffered painful correction before coming through to become a model citizen. At the age of 25 Richard Hornsby was on top of the world. The young man, the son of a successful businessman had plenty of wealth, good looks that would attract the hot babes, and a playboy image that was well deserved. He liked to use the girls and discard...

1 year ago
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MODERN MARRIAGE – IMPREGNATION RESORT -2MANDATORY BREEDINGThrough all of this I inadvertently was touching myself. Then with the most of tactfulness, Janeda guided us through many naked bodies to our room.Our suite was a spacious one. Through the French double doors we could see the distinct blue of the Caribbean. The center of the room was occupied by an enormous four post bed. To the side was an OB/GYN pelvic examination table with calf and ankle stirrup supports as to keep woman’s legs...

2 years ago
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HANDSOME BEACH COCKA fun story for my darling wife.Like all my stories, it has a basis in actual events.Like all my stories, it's about sex for fun and pleasure.________________________________________________________________________________We had had a fairly busy Saturday – nothing interesting just “stuff”. It was summer in Sydney so we decided to end the day relaxing in the late afternoon sun at our favourite nude beach. Being naked on a secluded little beach, with other naked people is such...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 36

This one compliments of r. d. Two sisters, one blonde and one brunette, inherit the family ranch. Unfortunately, after just a few years, they are in financial trouble. In order to keep the bank from repossessing the ranch, they need to purchase a bull from the stockyard in a far town so that they can breed their own stock. They only have $600 left. Upon leaving, the brunette tells her sister, "When I get there, if I decide to buy the bull, I'll contact you to drive out after me and haul...

1 year ago
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Debugger Prince

"My Lords!" echoed a powerful voice throughout the field, "I stand before you today, on this battlefield, calling upon you to strike vengeance against our enemies!" the roaring voice of the King called. His gaze piercing through the souls of his men, as silence spread through the ranks, not even the horses dared to neigh. "I, PLACE_HOLDER, son of ANOTHER_PLACE_HOLDER, King of KINGDOM_TITLE swear I will not let evil take hold of this land ever again!" he paused, letting the troops shouts of...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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The Feminization Amy Maid

[ ] A long day of cooking for a group of angry men who are all big brutes that make iron slabs all day had me horny and ready to beg one of them to let me suck him until he got hard like a iron rod and bend me over to fuck me deep in my ass. Yet I was to scared that I would be called a fag or worse. I came into my bunk to sleep and I had a toy that I was going to use under my covers to satisfy my needs for a man. It was not a good comparison. The room was occupied by me and three men that were...

1 year ago
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Dogging fun

You and I were not fully into swinging, but I was easing you in to the lifestyle and you were a keen enthusiast. Both of us have had sex with our partner and others at clubs and a few parties. You did like me to play with your tits and pussy in public places. Not to be watched especially but that did add to the thrill, also just for me to secretly finger fuck you without anyone noticing in bars and public places making you cum on my hands in front of everyone. The fact that it was in a public...

3 years ago
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Hitch Hiking across Europe

I wanted to go visit my cousin in Germany but couldn’t afford it really, but on a whim I decided to go for it, just pack a few essentials and hit the motorway with my thumb out. Anyway to cut a long story short I finally got a lift from a couple in a nice big Mercedes, and started chatting, like you do about everything and nothing, when we came to a service station and they had to fill up with petrol and have a bite to eat, explaining i was kinda broke, the wife says that is okay, we will buy...

2 years ago
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A Young Boy Remembers

‘All the Worlds a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts.’ William Shakespeare A Young Boy Remembers – The best Guitar Player I Never Heard! I still remember that summer day. It was hot, almost stifling in my Grandparent’s modest living room. Out of boredom, I had picked up my Aunt Jeannie’s guitar and was idly fooling around with it, picking the third string once, and then sounding the second string...

3 years ago
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Shared by my hubby

One evening, my beloved hubby called me, saying he would go to a bar with some of his office mates. Victor suggested I could wait for him at bed, since he was coming back home late.I was in the mood for wild sex that night and I could not wait for my hubby.So, I lubed up my favorite huge black dildo and played with it on my pussy lips, until I shoved the tip up my horny wet cunt. I came three times before feeling my cunt sore but fully satisfied. So, I dropped my nicely pussy juice coated toy...

4 years ago
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Futurevision DreamScape Chris and Sarahs Shared Reality

Futurevision DreamScape: Chris and Sarah's Shared Reality. by BinaryFellow Summary: Chris and Sarah are hired to test a new revolutionary virtual reality technology being developed that will one day change the world. It's all fun and games until Sarah takes things too far, and the technology malfunctions. Author's Note: This is my first story ever. Please leave honest & constructive feedback. Consider this an open universe. Anyone may write stories about other characters that...

2 years ago
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Wife is Ruined

Wife is Ruined Barry couldn't wait for he and his wife Joyce's hot date tonight. They had planned it all week for their fifth wedding anniversary. They were going to a club dancing and having a few drinks, but most of all he couldn't wait to take her back and fuck the shit out of her. They had always had a very active sex life, his wife was a slut in bed. Every time they made love it was like the first time. She was his trophy wife. She loved sex, she was experimental, she had the tightest...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Adira Allure 03232021

Death-Hole records has hired a financial advisor to monitor the spending of their biggest rapper Slim Poke. Slim has been spending lavishly on his lifestyle and videos and has quite the posse. Brought into meet with Slim by his personal manager Jax, Adira let’s Slim know that he doesn’t need to waste all that money on useless bitches when a few great hoes would save him so much money. Turns out Adira has been a fan for years and her pussy is literally creaming getting the...

2 years ago
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Submitted for Approval

"Miss Mishra, can you come into my office right away, and bring the Premier files with you." This was the call that Kavita had been waiting for. She pressed the intercom on her desk. "I'll be right in, sir," she told the man. Kavita picked up the papers and headed to the office. She stopped briefly to knock on the door and then when she heard her boss tell her to enter, she pushed her way in. The man looked up the young account executive. "I only have about fifteen minutes," he told...

2 years ago
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Photographing Jenny

I am a professional child model photographer, shooting catalog fashion models; I have a studio in my basement, which cuts down on expenses. I had been shooting Jenny, now 13 years old, since she was a baby; I'd shot her in everything from formal dresses to bathing suits. On one particular recent shoot, she was wearing a very skimpy two-piece bikini outfit, basically three triangles of material connected by thread. What parent would buy such an outfit for a 13-year-old boggled my mind;...

3 years ago
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Young Wives Become Highly Paid Whores in Vegas

I’ve heard people say that it’s hard to break old habits, and my husband, our friends, and I found that out on a trip to Las Vegas. You will be better able to understand our situation if I start at the beginning.My name is Brooke, and I met Tina, the girl would become my best friend, during our freshman year in college in northern California. I was born and raised in the Los Angeles area, as was Tina, but we didn’t meet until we were assigned to the same dorm room. We hit it off from the start,...

3 years ago
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Back to the Good Old Days

“Is this what you wanted Mike?” my wife asked as David and I looked across at the lounge door. Both of us almost dropped the drinks we were holding as we took in the vision across the room from us. My wife wife was standing there in the doorway wearing an ankle length, purple satin robe which hung open at the front. Under it we could clearly see that she had on a pair of matching French knickers and bra complete with suspenders and lacy topped stockings. I hadn’t seen dressed this way for at...

3 years ago
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Yelsenias Gifts

I’d only been in my apartment for a few days when there was a knock on the door. Who could know I was here? When I opened the door there was a middle-aged Hispanic woman who I recognized. I’d helped her when she was struggling with her groceries yesterday. Hey, it was just the gentlemanly thing to do. She was holding a plate of cookies and asked in heavily accented English, “You like cookies?” I nodded and invited her in. I asked her if she would like some tea or coffee or soda and she...

3 years ago
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My anal experience Part Two

If you have read Part One, would will be aware that I had my first anal experience with Ade, the man who was to become my husband three years later…The night that followed that experience, I couldn’t stop playing with myself, fingering my gash, but as I lived with my parents, although my father was away at sea, I didn’t like to be too sexually active in the night. My mother’s bedroom was right next-door to my bedroom, so I didn’t like to masturbate when she was in bed. I am very noisy, and...

3 years ago
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Steele And Jake Forever

10pm. Rain-thuds. Windless. Fingers of mist rolled off the roofs of my neighbourhood houses which looked like giant ships anchored in a dead calm sea of darkness. Depression. Hopelessness. Sensitivity. I'm 18 year old Steele Sanders, and I'm sitting on the rainy front stairs that lead up to my suburban home, lonely, still and blank. My black Nike hoodie drenched, only revealing the lower half of my face, between droplets, I look down, unmoved, like a concrete statue, as if waiting for something...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Marilyn 44 year old divorced

Marilyn at the time i met her was 44 years old and just divorced. She had been married for 22 years and the entire marraige she was treated badly by her husband. She stayed with him the way a lot of women do with a husband they no longer love. I met her at a coffee shop near home we both went to during the morning to relax and go online. We at first just spoke to each other and began to speask more and more and...

1 year ago
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Three way finish

He had spread a good amount of lubricate across his dick, just so that Collen would like the feeling more. Then, pushed his figures in trying to loosen Collen up a little bit, but nothing could prepare Collen for the love he was about to recieve. Collen had wanted a nice cock, he had put "I was a nice large, preferable uncut cock to come over this weekend to fuck me. don't want a kisser, or some weird golden shower type shit." Collen had been trying the internet dating scene recently, and meant...

3 years ago
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A not so normal day

You are John, you live a simple life, you're a nerd, video games card games books basically anything. You stand 5'11" you are built like a linebacker even though you've never played the game. you have longish brown hair which you wear tied back. You play a big VR MMO which is how you met some of your good friends. You are laid back and enjoy to hangout. There are four girls you would like to have but you know for now you can only have one. Roxie, she is the firecracker of your chick friends,...

1 year ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 12

Susan was a bit better in the morning, but she certainly wasn't herself for several weeks. She went through the motions of going to school and getting on with her life. Barbara didn't show up in class the next day. She spent most the day in a fit of severe depression. She was passing through Tutorville the next day when she happened to see Susan. The normally vibrant stunning woman seemed a fragile broken shell of herself. Barbara found tears flowing down her cheeks. Knowing she had been...

2 years ago
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Mrs Vandermeers Rules 3a

A day went by, thentwo. Two became three, which in turn became four, then five. Days filled with longing while my nights were filled with dreams, dreams from which I’d wake up to find my pussy drenched and my nipples as hard as rocks. I’d lay there, face buried in my pillow, hands clenching the edges, desperate to finish the job that my dreams had started as I replayed the memory of me, laying naked on the floor, Mrs. Vandermeer looming over me as I let go a stream of golden liquid… Lick it...

2 years ago
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Long Hike in the Mountains

I glanced at Devon across from me. She had volunteered to be my partner on the survival phase of forester training. There were another ten in the program and they were all guys. Each pair would be dropped in a remote region of the mountains. We would have to travel two thousand kilometers with nothing but what we brought in a single pack each. I had our two man dome tent and Devon had two liners we would use as blankets. We had knives of course but rail or plasma weapons were forbidden. What I...

1 year ago
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I Did Not See AnyoneChapter 2

Jim made sure that when Tabatha entered her home, he was close enough behind her to enter without giving himself away. He waited anxiously as she flitted around the living room and kitchen, suddenly the phone rang and as she answered it, Jim heard her say, "oh ok I was just going to go shower, give me an hour and then come pick me up!" He knew he would have to act fast, but at least she would undress herself for him, although she would not know it was for him. Tabatha dashed up stairs and...

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