California Girls 1 free porn video

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"Fuck" thought Kate "Fuck that goddamn alarm" she rolled out of bed and squinted at the light spilling in through her bedroom window.


"GODAMMIT!" she screamed as she fell face first into her pillow and slammed down on the alarm. "Oh shit wait my alarm was on my phone" she whimpered.

"Kate, what's all that screaming about? It's Saturday morning what are you doing up?" yelled her mom from downstairs.

"Saturday? Had she heard that right?" Kate snatched up her phone and checked the date, smiling a Cheshire cat smile as she fell back into bed.

Usually, since she didn't do anything Saturday morning she liked to lay in bed for a while and gaze out her window or try and drift back to sleep. But some mornings if she couldn't sleep she'd finger herself to an orgasm. This felt like one of those mornings.

Kate stretched and yawned, watching as her perky 32C breast stretched forward, her pert little nipples pointing towards the ceiling.

"auhh" she moaned as she felt the fabric of her night-shirt rub against her erect buds.One hand played through her luscious brown hair while the other caressed her toned stomach.

"Aw man thank god its almost summer," she thought, "tanning sounds really good." pouting her lips childishly as she looked down at her caramel skin, watching her right hand slowly make its way to the waistband of her thong.

Kate dropped her left hand from her head and slipped it under her shirt, pinching her sensitive buds and biting her lip to suppress a moan.

Her hand slipped under the waistband and she shuddered, just barely brushing her clit. Spreading her fingers in a V shape, she ran them along her lips teasing herself, not fingering herself just yet. Her left hand played lightly with her nipples, sending small shudders through her body whenever her finger flicked the sensitive bud.

Finally she couldn't take it anymore, spreading her legs, Kate curved her middle finger and slipped it into her pussy. Enjoying the warm wetness that had lubricated her entry.

She let out a deep moan as her finger rubbed her G-spot and felt her trim pubes brush against the inside of her wrist.

Slowly she began wiggling her finger inside her, opening herself up and slipping in a second. She had never been able to fit more than two in, but always felt full with just the two so she began pumping her fingers in and out of her tight hole, slowly picking up pace until her small quick strokes were visibly churning that honey out of her pussy.

"Oh my god I'm so horny" she moaned as her hand mauled her nipples, pinching and twisting the firm little peaks.

"Auhh fuck, oh, yes, oh, god ohhh" she moaned. Her hips lifted off the bed and grinded against the satisfying hand that was fucking her gooey cunt.

Kate bit her lips to hold back her moans, but her fingers felt so good... she couldn't hold it, "AHHHH Uhh, Yes!" she screamed, flipping over to bury her face in the pillow and suppress her moans.

Kate had slowed her finger fucking, not wanting to climax yet but coming pretty close. This was her favorite position, she lifted her hips slightly, moving most of her weight to her shoulders and putting her left hand next to her head to balance herself. From there she reached under her and slipped a finger into her drooling cunt, making sure to fully coat it before pulling it out. Kate leaned into her left arm as she readjusted herself, pulling her right hand and out from under her and reaching it around to her plump ass. Those caramelized legs spread in anticipation and Kate slipped a cum coated finger into her tight asshole. She could only fit the one finger in there but it was more than enough to satisfy her as she thrust it into her tight ass.

Within a minute Kate's face was red and she was biting her pillow, trying to hold back the tidal wave that was forming deep in her pussy. Kate loved fingering her ass, and the feeling of that finger squishing in and out of her tight hole was too much.

She exploded, burying her face into the pillow as she released in a massive, shuddering orgasm. Cum flooded out of her pussy and ran down the back of her thighs, pooling behind her knees and spilling out into her sheets. Her squirmy ass clamped down on her finger and Kate's orgasm reached new heights as she felt the muscles in her cervix tighten and contract, pumping out wave after wave of cum.

Kate lay on her bed, shuddering as she recovered from her massive orgasm as cum still leaking from her saturated pussy.

She rolled onto her back and watched her chest rise in fall as she regained her breath before drifting back into sleep.


Kate opened one eye, glaring at the wretched phone which had woken her now twice today.

"Yes?" Kate mumbled into the phone. Bring her right hand up to wipe her eyes

"Hey Kate its Hannah..."

Kate zoned out of the conversation. "What the hell why am I sticky! It's all over my hands! Holy shit its all over my legs and my sheets! How hard did I cum!?"

"Kate? Kate are you still there?" pleaded the person on the other end of the phone.

"Huh? Oh ya I'm here" responded Kate, snapping back to reality, "Sorry I zoned out for a sec, what's up?"

"Well I was just saying we should go down to the pier, and maybe the beach today?" asked Hannah, sounding a little hurt.

"Ya that sounds great!" Kate sat up and smiled.

At 11 Kate found the will power to getherself out of bed. She was still covered in her own cum and stepped into the shower.

"Oh shit" she shivered. The cold water slashed against her shoulders and sent goose bumps running along her upper body. Her nipples stood on end.

Kate leaned on the far wall of the shower, waiting for the water to warm up.

"hehehe," a small giggle escaped her a she gingerly squeezed her breasts.

"Awh man they're so soft, and my nipples...ugh yes!" she moaned, rolling the sensitive tips in her fingers. She was soooo horny.

By that time the shower had gotten up to a reasonable temperature and Kate scooted in. The warm water running down the cleft of her breasts and down the curves of her body.

Fuck it felt good, the heavy droplets of water running down her flat stomach and dragging off her clit. Kate rolled her hips backwards and opened her legs, leaning forward and allowing the pressure of the water to shoot against her naked pussy.

"auhhh" she groaned. She slipped a hand down and immediately shoved two fingers knuckle deep in her pussy.

"aauhh yessss" Kate hissed, pulling her fingers out only to roughly shove them back in. She curved her middle finger and index finger into a C shape and shuddered as she felt the pressure on her g-spot.

"Ohhh fuck yea, oh, yes, oh that's good, that's, so, good!" Kate whimpered, picking up her pace and finger fucking her squirming cunt senseless.

*Knock knock*

"Shit!" she thought to herself.

"Kate hurry up you're using all the hot water" moaned her sister Brianna. She was only a year younger, but could still be annoying as hell.

"Bri shut up!" Katie yelled, annoyed that her sister had so abruptly ended the climb to an amazing climax

"You're wasting all the hot water! I have a birthday party I need to get ready for"

Kate shut off the water and slipped out of the shower.
At 12:30 Kate headed to the beach, clad in a modest blue bikini, covered by short shorts and a crop top.

She spotted Hannah a ways down the pier and leisurely walked to meet her.

Hannah leaned her back against the pier rails, her luscious D breasts stretching the fabric of the tiny bikini. Even from 30 feet away her nipples were visibly outlined in the thin fabric. She was an amazing sight for the groups of guys and even girls walking by.

Kate strolled up to her busty friend, who seemed totally unaware of the attention she was drawing, just leaning against the rail innocently eating an ice-cream cone.

A droplet of melted ice-cream dropped onto Hannah's chest, rolling down the inside of her breast and sending goose bumps along her tender flesh.

She slipped her finger along the trail of melted ice cream and stuck it into her mouth, then she noticed her friend.

"Hey Kate!" she jumped and waved at her with the ice-cream holding arm, shaking more droplets onto her tits. "Oh shit!" she muttered.

A dirty thought crossed her mind: "I got that," smiled Kate, leaning over and lapping at the cool cream melting on her chest. Giving all the people walking by a nice show.

Hannah moaned slightly at the feel of Kate's soft tongue, "you ready to hit the beach?" Hannah asked.

The girls spent their day laying in the sand and tanning, or dipping into the water to cool off, and they stayed at the beach well into the afternoon.

Hannah sat up and turned to her friend, "Hey, Kate? can we just go hang out at your house tonight?"

"Ya" responded Kate, "My parents are out and Bri is at a friends house so we'll have the place to ourselves."

"Great!" Hannan perked up, lets get going.

. The girls piled their stuff into Hannah's Nissan and took off for Kate's house, arriving in just under 10 minutes.

"Alright c'mon I want to take a shower and watch some movies." moaned Hannah

"Alright, alright, let me just get my keys."

Kate slipped the keys into the door and Hannah pushed past her and shot upstairs.

"Hey what's the rush?" yelled Kate.

"Sitting in that car all the sand mashed into my crotch, I gotta take a shower." Laughed Hannah.

Kate laughed to herself as she closed and locked the door behind her. Hannan could be crass sometimes but she loved her.

Kate ran upstairs into her room to change, stripping off the bikini, but stopping to admire herself in the mirror. She ran her hands along the lines of her body, down her stomach and over her shaved mound, feeling the slight moisture and heat building as she teased herself. Before she got too horny Kate slipped on some shorts and a tank top and headed downstairs to set up the movie and make some popcorn.

By the time Hannah came down from the bathroom it was nearly dark out and Kate was sitting on the couch waiting to play the movie

"Christ Hannah, did you wash my dog while you were in there too?" teased Kate.

"Oh shut up!" laughed Hannah, "Where is Rourke anyway?"

"I don't know, in another room or outside." Kate waved her hand vaguely towards the back of the house.

Hannah giggled, "Okay, let's start the movie!". She sprawled out on the couch and laid her head on Kate's stomach.

The girls watched the sappy romance movie for an hour or so before getting bored and switching it off.

"That was horrific" whined Kate

"What about TV?" pleaded Hannah.

"Meh," Kate shrugged, "We could try to download something onto the computer?"

"Ya that sounds good"

Kate ran upstairs to grab her computer and, upon returning to the couch, resumed her position as Hannah's body pillow.

As Kate flitted through a few pirate sites Hannah, getting bored, began to trace her finger along Kate's thighs, gliding her finger from her knee to mid-thigh and back.

"Have you found anything yet?" moaned Hannah, her finger still tracing up Kate's right leg.

"Jennifer Aniston, Romantic comedy?" asked Kate.

"Sure" huffed Hannah.

They waited a good 20 minutes for the movie to download, just talking about school and boys and complaining about the lack of any decent men in the world. (broad statement for 11th graders).

Finally the movie started and Kate hit play. Immediately they were thrown into the middle of a lesbian porn movie.

"What the fuck!" screamed Hannah as Kate slammed the computer shut.

"I dont know, sometimes when you pirate movies they end up being porn, I've never had it happen I've just heard about it."

"Is that the shit that guys are so obsessed about?" Hannah hissed, recovering from her earlier shock.

"Ya I guess, I don't see what's so great about it"

"Maybe our brains just aren't wired that way."

"Maybe, we did also only see a few seconds of it," mused Hannah

"Are you suggesting we watch porn together?" whispered Kate.

"Well we don't really have anything to do, and I'm a little curious."

Kate turned the idea over for a few seconds before finally agreeing and turning on the computer.

The movie consisted of two gorgeous girls, a redhead with green eyes, wearing a blue thong with pink trim and a green bra also complete with pink trim, and the other girl, a curly brunette hair with blue-grey eyes, wearing only a red lace thong and moaning as the redhead sucked on the nipple of her left breast.

Kate couldn't admit it, but watching to two girls tease and play with each other was fueling the growing heat between her legs. She wished that someone would suck on her tits like that, or play their tongue along her stomach and down to her shaved little mound and just eat her until she screamed.

Watching the two girls kiss was the most erotic thing Kate had ever seen, and when the redhead slid her tongue into the other girls mouth Kate gave an audible whimper and looked down at Hannah.

Hannah had her eyes glued to the screen from the beginning, watching the two girls as they kissed and licked had her wet in seconds. She lay on the couch up against Kate, her left leg pressed against Kate's right leg. Hannah had her right leg splayed up on the couch to her right, effectively spreading her legs. Her right hand slid along the inside of her right thigh, stopping just underneath the leg of her pajama shorts.

When Kate looked down she saw all of this, Hannah could have practically been drooling. Her face was flushed red and her tits were heaving as her breathing became heavier and heavier. She looked so sexy. And Kate, without thinking, leaned over and planted her lips on Hannah's.

Hannah was a little shocked, the screen was suddenly blocked, and all of a sudden she felt soft warm lips pressing against hers.

It took her a second to realize that it was her best friend, another girl, attached to the mouth kissing her. Yet that only turned her on more.

She pulled her hand off of her inner thigh and up to Kate's cheek, pulling herself into the kiss.

Kate felt a hand on her cheek, then something warm and slippery running along her lips. She opened her mouth and allowed it access, realizing it was Hannah's tongue that had just slid into her mouth, Kate moaned and began to suck on it, sliding her tongue over the invading one.

Kate ran her hand along Hannah's inner thigh and now it was the blonde's turn to moan. She could vaguely hear the girls in the porno getting a louder and broke the kiss so she could turn to look at the screen. What she saw made her gasp and she felt the heat between her legs intensify.

The redhead slowly kissed her way up the Brunette girl's inner thigh to the soaking red lace. The brunette's eyes were shut and her lips were curled into a strained smile of ecstasy, on verge of an orgasm but not able to reach it.

Hannah became a little disappointed at the loss of friends lips, but sat gaping at why she had turned away. Seeing the erotic show on the screen made Hannah hornier than ever.

Without Kate noticing Hannah slipped off the couch and, sitting in front of Kate, stared up her smooth, caramel thighs.

Kate jumped a little at the feeling of the soft wet kisses making their way up her leg.

"Hannah -," she started to protest but' "oohh please don't stoppp" came out instead. Hannah slipped off her own shorts and continued kissing Kate's thighs.

Hannah was purposefully slow in her kissing and it drove Kate crazy, her pussy was soaking by the time Hannah reached the juncture of Kate's thigh and pelvis, her nose and lips pushing their way under the loose shorts.

"Why don't we take this off" Hannah hissed, planting a deep kiss on Kate's shorts right on her clit.

"auhh" Kate moaned at the feeling, allowing Hannah to pull the shorts off and expose the blue panties beneath. Kate hurriedly pulled her tank top off and watched as her braless breasts rolled out.

"Cute" smiled Hannah, inches away from the soaking crotch, "Is someone a little horny?"

Kate bit her lip to suppress a moan and nodded her head.

Hannah ran her tongue up the middle of Kate's underwear, sliding the fabric along Kate's slit and over her engorged clit, rewarded with a low moan from Kate.

"Do u want me to take these off and eat you're little pussy out?" purred Hannah.

"Yes please" whimpered Kate, suppressing another moan.
Hannah slowly slid them off and stared at the shaved pink cunt in front of her. Kate's lips were sparkling with juice, like dew on morning grass and her clit stood out, engorged and sensitive from the session of teasing.

"You have such a pretty pussy" whispered Hannah.

"Thank you" Kate giggled, "now eat it!" she hissed, grabbing Hannah's head and pulling it towards her.

Hannah's prolonged teasing had gotten Kate so horny that she could think of nothing past her own orgasm, desperate to flood Hannah's mouth with her cum. And the moment Hannah's lips came in contact with Kate's she nearly came, arching her back and grabbing Hannah's head she pushed her clit into her best friend's mouth.

Kate squirmed and squealed under Hannah's fantastic tongue. She ran her tongue up the middle of Kate's slit, stopping at her clit to flick it with her tongue and suck on the fat button.

Kate twisted her nipples painfully with one hand, using other pushing Hannah's face deeper into her cunt.

"Aauugghh yesss don't stop I'm gonna cum."

Kate's words spurred Hannah on, and she pressed her lips against Kate's clit and slid her hand up Kate's thighs, slipping her middle finger into Kate's virgin hole.

Hannah was so horny she could feel her cunt dripping and was tempted to use her other hand to finger herself, but thought better of it.

On the second thrust of Hannah's fingers Kate came, "AHHHHHHH FUCK YESSSS DONT STOP, IM CUMMMINNGGG!" screamed Kate.

Hannah quickened her pace, thrusting her finger in and out faster and spraying Kate's cum onto her chin while she lapped up the river running out of her slit and along her thighs, making a naughty wet spot on the couch.

Hannah lapped slowly as Kate slowly came off her orgasm, removing her fingers from Kate's dripping pussy.

"Uuhhh huh?" Hannah moaned, muffled by Kate's cunt and held there by her friends arm she tried to turn around.

Something rough, yet wet and smooth, was stroking her cunt. Hannah managed to turn a little and out of the corner of her eye saw Kate's dog, Rourke, licking her pussy. At first Hannah was horrified, but she was already so horny and that tongue felt so good. Her pussy was in desperate need of attention and so she didn't stop him.

"Oh my god, Rourke no!" yelled Kate, interrupting Hannah.

"Kate noooo, don't make him stop." moaned Hannah.

Kate looked down and saw her friends face, contorted with lust, and then up at her dog, with his nose buried in Hannah's soaking pussy. "God that's hot" she thought.

Rourke was a golden-brown Boxer mix, about 4 and 1/2 feet long not including his tail. He acted as the family guard dog but usually just laid outside sun bathing or chasing his own tail until it was time to eat dinner. Now he was feasting on the juices of Hannah's pussy, lapping it up with his long, sandpapery tongue.

Kate stared down at the scene before her, listening to the moans and whimpers of her best friend and watching as her dog attacked her pussy like it was his dinner, and to her surprise, she was turned on by it. She was horny and dripping again in seconds and had already stuffed two fingers into her pussy. Letting out a long low moan as they sunk in to the knuckle.

Hannah looked up to see Kate, her tongue actually licking her lips and as she stuffed two finger into her deliciously tight cunt. The sight of her friend fingering herself coupled with the feeling of her pussy getting tongued, compounded with the sexy scene on the computer still playing, sent Hannah over the edge and she erupted in a massive, shuddering orgasm.

Rourke easily lapped up the cum flooding from Hannah's hot pussy, continuously stimulating Hannah and carrying her orgasm even higher.

Kate watched as her friend was reduced to a pile of shuddering screaming and moaning orgasms, her pussy flooding in an endless river of cum. Then Kate came. Cum gushed out past her finger and down her legs. She bucked and moaned and whimpered in time with Hannah, riding wave after wave of cum as it visibly gushed put of her pussy and ran down her smooth tan legs. She bit her lip at Hannah and saw that it only made Hannah come more, her face red and twisted in orgasmic ecstasy.

Finally the girls wound down, smiling at each other in the afterglow of the orgasm.

"Wow!" breathed Kate

"Oh my god" gasped Hannah, "Have you let him do that to you before?" referring to letting Rourke eat her out.

"No, is it good?" asked Kate

"Incredible!" smiled Hannah, "you should try it."

"I might, I'm still pretty horny" Kate flashed Hannah a devilish grin

"Oh I didn't know you were such a dirty girl" cooed Hannah

"Neither did I" she smiled, and they both roared with laughter.

"What are we gonna do about Rourke?" asked Hannah once they calmed down.

"What do u mean?" asked Kate

"Look", Hannah motioned towards Rourke, he look frustrated, pawing at the ground while his fleshy red member bobbed beneath him.

"Whoa, how big do you think he is?" smiled Kate

"I dont know, 9, maybe 10 inches" mused Hannah, "I guess two naked, sexy girls cumming and cumming is enough to even get a dog horny." she smiled

"Dare you to blow him!" squealed Kate.

"Fuck! No way!"

"Oh c'mon it can't be that bad"

"Then you do it!"

"Fine!" smiled Kate, "since your such a chicken." Kate kneeled down in front of Rourke and then got on her hands and knees, trying to crawl under him.

"Rourke up!" ordered Hannah.

Rourke jumped his front paws onto Kate's shoulders

"Hey!" yelled Kate, as Rourke's cock hit her in the face. She heard Hannah giggle behind her.

Kate grabbed the swaying member with her hand to stop it from hitting her and Rourke walked forward on his back legs.

"Hannah can you get a towel for my back, his claws hurt."

Hannah came back a little while later and lifted Rourke's front legs one by one to put the towel down. "Ok" she said.

"His cock feels slimy, are guys dicks like this too?", frowned Kate.

"I wouldn't know I've never really seen one," said Hannah, "I doubt it though."

"Wait really!?" Kate yelled, "I didn't think you were slut but you come off less prude than that!"

"Ya I don't know I just never really found a guy who was worthy of it and this isn't the time Kate."

"Huh? Oh ya," she smiled turning her attention back to the dog. She started jerking his penis with her hands and was delighted to see a clear fluid bubbling around the tip, "Oh my god is he cumming already?"

"No" stated Hannah, "it's pre-cum"

"Now how would you know that?" smiled Kate

"Just shut up and pay attention to your dog, you're gonna give him blue balls."

Kate jerked the dick harder and Rourke walked forward and humped at her hand. Hannah giggled again, Kate ignored her, focusing on the task at hand.

A steady stream of pre-cum was coating Kate's hand, and as any teenage girl with with a healthy curiosity, Kate wanted to know what it tasted like so she scooped some of it off the tip and stuck it in her mouth. She felt her pussy start to dampen again.

"mmmmm" she purred, "that's salty."

"Omg that was hot," moaned Hannah.

Out of the corner of her eye Kate saw her rubbing her clit lightly, like Kate, Hannah must have been turned on again too.

Kate closed her eyes and sucked the dick into her mouth, nearly choking when Rourke tried to hump forward. Kate swirled her tongue around the tip, tasting the salty pre cum before pressing her lips against the shaft and pushing down the length of his dick. She used her tongue to lick his head while she bobbed her head up and down on his cock, slurping and sucking it while her left hand played with his balls.

Kate felt a knob hit her lips at the base of his cock and it took her a second to realize that this was his knot. Her mom had explained to her once when they had mated Rourke a couple years ago. When dogs knotted it was to ensure their penis's didn't slip out while they came and so that another dog didn't come along and try to matre. Kate wondered how that would feel in her pussy.

Knowing that he was going go cum soon Kate increased her speed, bobbing up and down faster and faster until she felt his balls contract in her hand. A second later a fire hose released in her mouth and hot, salty cum gushed down her throat. Kate did her best to keep up with his supply but Rourke seemed to be pumping out buckets of it and she began to choke and pulled her mouth away, only to be rewarded with two more ropes of cum on face. The next rope hit her dangling tits and she gasped as the hot cum lazily made its way along the curves of breasts and slowly dripped off her nipples.

Rourke retreated to clean himself up and Kate sat back on her knees, covered in cum from her tits up.

"Omg that was unbelievably hot!" gasped Hanna, who had two fingers knuckle deep in her pussy.

Kate began using her hands to scoop the doggy cum off her face and chest and slurped it off her fingers. She gasped as she felt Hannah's hot tongue lap at her tits, licking up the cum and sucking at her nipples.

Kate moaned and fell back, "Stop, I'm worn out," she pleaded.

Hannah sat back too and Kate crawled into her arms. She watched as Rourke cleaned himself up. The two girls lay wordlessly on the floor.

- End Part 1 -
Hope this did what it was meant to ;). It's my first story in a while so comments and constructive criticism would be much appreciated. If you enjoyed then part 2 is following shortly.


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California Rain

Note to the reader: this story is based on a young woman from California who is currently visiting family in New York and is separated from her boyfriend. They exchanged erotic e-mails on what they would do in a rain storm, which turned into this story. Like most of my stories, the characters are real but the story is total fantasy. Let me know what you think and I’ll let them know for you. Enjoy. Thanks to Amber who looked through the story and corrected my errors. EroticaSeanStyle * * * *...

3 years ago
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California Dreaming

California Dreaming He was the typical ego centric artist who believed that the art world should live around his schedules and not the other way around. He had been here in this seaside community on the southern California coast since his college days. Scratching out a living with signage jobs for the local business owners along with the highly desired but often delayed commission checks from his artwork on cereal boxes. His real art stacked up in the studio, few galleries interested in...

3 years ago
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California CrewChapter 5

The next day, I wake up on my own with no alarm or anything. At first, I forget where I am, and then I see the unusual surroundings and remember. I am in Beverly Hills, California. I look over. Adrienne is still asleep. I tiptoe into the bathroom, and take a shower. I brush my teeth, and French braid my hair. I go out into the bedroom, looping an elastic around the end of the braid. My hair is actually down to my elbows, but when it is in a French braid, it seems a couple inches shorter. My...

1 year ago
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California CrewChapter 24

We pulled up in front of the house. Our old one, that was still just as beautiful as usual. I couldn't believe that we had it. We had been gone a year, and were back in our old house. The first thing I did was set up my desk. We decided to all have our same rooms, and everything went back into the old places. My desk slipped perfectly back into its corner, the dresser opposite the bathroom door from the desk, and the bed on the other side of the room. The coiling mirror was re-installed, and...

1 year ago
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Jamie had been on the road to california for a few hours, and she could feel her stomach rumbling. There weren't many choices to eat, since she had been lost for a few hours, so she decided to stop at a diner for a burger and fries. Jamie was a pretty attractive 23 year old, she had graduated college, and was headed to California wanting to make it in the acting career. She was about 5'6 with a C cup,brown hair, and pretty skinny for her age. She stepped into the diner, the door closing behind...

1 year ago
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California The Introduction

I had to go to Southern California on a business trip and my wife Stacy wanted to go with me to visit her sister. Stacy hadnt seen her sister Laura in a couple of years and my wife was looking forward to a week with her only sister in the warmer weather. The sisters were almost complete opposites. My wife Stacy being petite with D cup breasts, red hair, pale skin, and lots of freckles loved the colder climates. While her sister Laura was a tall leggy blond with tanned skin and dark eyes that...

3 years ago
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California Here We Cum

Part One – Emma and Luke uncover hidden desires The year was 1847, the wagon train was in its eighth month of a laborious westward journey. The hardy band of a hundred pioneers had endured every imaginable hardship during the slow journey from Missouri to California. Starting out as the spring thaw began last March, the weary travelers now looked forward to the cooler October temperatures in the Southwest. If they managed to get through the Sierra Nevadas before the mountain passes were...

3 years ago
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California Slut

Introduction: This has been revised after the first posting, I appreciate corrections that will help me become a better writer. Some comments are just mean. California Slut I was on one of those X-rated social dating sites. It is unusual for a guy to initiate contact with me. I told this guy, Pat, I was straight, but he continued the conversation telling me about his wife. Lisa is a slut, he said. He told me of her law office escapades. At least once a week the two partners of the law firm...

2 years ago
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California Business Trip Ch 01

I had to go to Southern California on a business trip and my wife Stacy wanted to go with me to visit her sister. Stacy hadn't seen her sister Laura in a couple of years and my wife was looking forward to a week with her only sister in the warmer weather. The sisters were almost complete opposites. My wife Stacy being petite with D cup breasts, red hair, pale skin, and lots of freckles loved the colder climates. While her sister Laura was a tall leggy blond with tanned skin and dark eyes that...

2 years ago
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California Kate

I have always felt a certain connection to California. Unsure if it comes from my c***dhood love for The Beach Boys or maybe it's my love for Sublime. Or perhaps, I'm just a hopeless dreamer and I figure California is a good place to get discovered. In any case, when I lost my job in the factory, at the hands of a jealous power-tripping cunt, I knew it was time for a big change of scenery. I spent the rest of my money on a one way ticket to Long Beach, where I would start to build a new life...

4 years ago
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California Kate

I have always felt a certain connection to California. Unsure if it comes from my c***dhood love for The Beach Boys or maybe it's my love for Sublime. Or perhaps, I'm just a hopeless dreamer and I figure California is a good place to get discovered. In any case, when I lost my job in the factory, at the hands of a jealous power-tripping cunt, I knew it was time for a big change of scenery. I spent the rest of my money on a one way ticket to Long Beach, where I would start to build a new life...

2 years ago
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California Kate

I have always felt a certain connection to California. Unsure if it comes from my c***dhood love for The Beach Boys or maybe it's my love for Sublime. Or perhaps, I'm just a hopeless dreamer and I figure California is a good place to get discovered. In any case, when I lost my job in the factory, at the hands of a jealous power-tripping cunt, I knew it was time for a big change of scenery. I spent the rest of my money on a one way ticket to Long Beach, where I would start to build a new life...

2 years ago
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California Road Trip Pt 1

(This is my first attempt at writing a long story)I was taking a trip to California with some friends, kind of a spur of the moment type thing. It was Me, Dez, Charlie and Mack. We wanted to head out to the west coast beaches for spring break and see all the hotties. None of them knew i was bisexual, so i would have to get my own room at the hotel. We had been driving for about 4 hours and decided to stop for gas at this little run down station. I got out and headed straight for the restroom,...

2 years ago
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California rocks

Hey ISS readers. I have been reading the stories here for a few years now and i believe i have read almost all stories here:) i wanted to post mine too but not a fake one and i really did not have any encounter until this one. This happened a couple of months back and everything is fresh in front of my eyes :) unlike all other stories, this story does not happen in india. This happens in fremont california. First of let me tell you something about myself. I am 5,11”, 32 yrs old , 150 lbs...

2 years ago
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It took a little while, but they got used to it. The cowboys, I mean, cause they could be as closed minded as anyone else and working cattle with a little Texican girl like me had rubbed them a little wrong at first. But Parker knew me, the old man, and when I'd come round looking for work he hadn't tried to put me in the kitchen. My daddy had worked his ranch the last few years before he'd died, so maybe Parker had figured he owed him something. I hadn't banked any of that though, and to...

3 years ago
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California CrewChapter 22

I sat in the airport, staring out the window. I recognized the emotions that were flowing through me. But at the same time, these were different. I was angry this time, and I knew that no matter what, there was never going to be anything I could do to change what was happening to me. My perfect lives, first in France and then in California, had been taken away from me. And now my parents were going to try and recreate another perfect life for us back in France. I knew things would be...

2 years ago
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California CrewChapter 26

And the first party was here. I packed a bag, and headed over to Jackie's to get ready. As I said before, we were all sleeping over at her house afterwards. Amy was already there when I got there, and they were drinking Diet Cokes and watching television in her room. Her maid greeted me at the door, and gestured up the stairs. I all ready knew where to go. We had all been friends since forever, and I had been to all of their houses too many times to count. "Hey," they said, looking up...

2 years ago
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California ZephyrDay 2

I woke in the morning as soft light poured in the window. I went about my morning routine, getting dressed after making sure that Chloe was still out. Once dressed, I made a beeline for the coffee that the steward's had ready in the morning. Once I had some life giving caffeine flowing, I made a clatter and woke Chloe. She lifted her head and mumbled. I laughed and told her, "Why don't you get dressed, and we can grab early breakfast." She mumbled something that vaguely sounded like...

3 years ago
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Robot Ponygirls

Robot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah  ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University.  ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...

3 years ago
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Sarah and Emily Sister Ponygirls

Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah        Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept.  The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke.  As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed        Sarah and...

1 year ago
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Black TGirls

This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
4 years ago
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California Dreaming

This is a continuation of California Dreaming so I suggest you read it first. Our bodies were like two limp noodles as we lay entwined and breathing hard. Both of us momentarily spent. I gently kissed her and picked her up and carried her to the large couch in her living room.  I found a large throw and covered us both up and as we lay spooning, we both dozed into bliss. I awoke to the feeling of soft hands slowly traveling over my chest entwined in my chest hair. I opened my eyes to a sight of...

2 years ago
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California Adventure with Blonde Angel

The flier said that there would be a summer trip to visit many of the major cities in California along with a group of foreign students. However, being in a wheelchair has its disadvantages. I had to spend the weeks leading up to the trip talking with the event coordinator about accommodations that would be needed at all of our hotels that we would be staying at. Just a few days before the trip, we worked out all of the kinks and I was set to go on this adventure. We showed up at the...

1 year ago
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California Lovin Ch 02

Ben stood there in shock. He couldn’t believe what had just happened. Did he really just finger his aunt and get a blowjob from her? The best damn blowjob he’d ever had actually. His knees went weak and he sat down on the lounge chair where minutes ago his aunt had been lying naked. His aunt had already walked inside to get dinner ready. Ben sat there for a few minutes before he got enough strength back to walk in the house. Ben walked in the house to find his aunt, fully dressed, cooking...

3 years ago
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California Lovin Ch 01

“Fuck!” Ben said, as his iPod went dead. He was four hours into a six-hour flight to his aunt and uncle’s house. “What the hell am I going to do for two more hours?” he said, as he ran his hands through his buzzed brown hair. Ben was on a flight from his hometown in Virginia, to spend a month with his aunt an uncle over the summer. He was going away to college in the fall and his parents wanted him to spend some time with his aunt and uncle before school started. Ben didn’t really mind since...

1 year ago
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California Virgin

Im back again everyone. After doing some thinking I remembered that I left one story out from my previous sex experiences. Hope everyone enjoys it. Remember, my stories are real because I went through all these experiences. There was this guy I knew that I played basketball with. He had a real hot girlfriend that was really sweet and always trying to make friends. She sent me a friend request one day and I accepted it. On her top friends she had this really cute white girl so I sent her a...

2 years ago
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California Dreaming

The flight was perfect and on time. As I walk into the California sunshine my smile competes for brightness. Am I really here to meet my on line lover? How did I get here? Out of all the ladies I have chatted with, how did I manage to meet Lisa? She must be a gift of the sex gods. The connection was instant and we felt so comfortable with each other the first time we chatted. After just three weeks of chatting we video chatted and she was so much prettier, sexier and vivacious then I had ever...

4 years ago
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California Here We Cum Part 2

Part Two – Emma and Luke discover each other The long days on the California trail continued. The wagon train had entered the dangerous Apache country, and there was a sense of nervousness among all the travelers, all of them, that is, except for Emma and Luke. Traveling apart from each other, never speaking to anyone about their chance encounter at the riverbank, they were nevertheless daily absorbed in thought about what had happened. Emma, though very much preoccupied with her own...

4 years ago
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California Adventure

I was so glad to finally be in California. I gave the nice guy a five as he put my bags on the bed. It had been a long trip, but I was finally here. I slipped off my heels and stretched out on the bed as I remembered all the layovers coming from Charleston to San Diego. People I'd talked to and rushing from one plane to another. It was pretty mundane till I reached Dallas and met some people who were coming to the same place. I was finally living my wishes. I had wanted to come to the...

3 years ago
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California Mein Mazze

Every one reading sexy stories…. but here is my story…story of 28 years young and sporty man…6’4” tall with fair color…. with heavy body build and full of mussels…I live alone in LA, California… originally from Quetta Pakistan…my Dad opened a business for clothing here…now he passed away…I am the only one looking that business here…I lived in an apartment alone…my other family member like Mom brothers and sisters went back home… Oh I am missing one thing my name…. my name is Raheel Khan…I’m...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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California Girl Part 6

California Girl Part 6 By Princess Panty boy "Ya know what is funny Kellie?" I look at Stephen or Stephanie smiling at me. "Today is the first time I ever had any type of sexual anything." I look at Stephen continuing to smile at me all most busting from excitement. "That's great Stephanie, I'm going to call you Stephanie when you're dressed like a girl and I'll call you Stephen when you're not okay Stephanie?" "Sounds good to me Kellie. This is so great I received my first...

3 years ago
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California Dreaming

This is a continuation of California Dreaming so I suggest you read it first.Our bodies were like two limp noodles as we lay entwined and breathing hard. Both of us momentarily spent. I gently kissed her and picked her up and carried her to the large couch in her living room. I found a large throw and covered us both up and as we lay spooning, we both dozed into bliss.I awoke to the feeling of soft hands slowly traveling over my chest entwined in my chest hair. I opened my eyes to a sight of...

3 years ago
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California Dreaming

The flight was perfect and on time. As I walk into the California sunshine my smile competes for brightness. Am I really here to meet my on line lover?How did I get here? Out of all the ladies I have chatted with, how did I manage to meet Lisa? She must be a gift of the sex gods. The connection was instant and we felt so comfortable with each other the first time we chatted.After just three weeks of chatting we video chatted and she was so much prettier, sexier and vivacious then I had ever...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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California Virgin

Im back again everyone. After doing some thinking I remembered that I left one story out from my previous sex experiences. Hope everyone enjoys it. Remember, my stories are real because I went through all these experiences.There was this guy I knew that I played basketball with. He had a real hot girlfriend that was really sweet and always trying to make friends. She sent me a friend request one day and I accepted it. On her top friends she had this really cute white girl so I sent her a...

1 year ago
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California CrewChapter 6

Moving day. I wake up, shower, French braid my hair into pigtail braids, and get ready. I put on jean capris, a peach Juicy t-shirt, and my tennis shoes. On top of everything else that we have been doing lately, we have also been shopping, buying some new clothes that are popular here in the States. The good thing is that there are a lot of similar clothes all around the world. The house has been painted, the rugs put down, the kitchen redone, etc. So much has been done to that house that I...

1 year ago
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California CrewChapter 27

I literally fell over he was dragging me around so roughly. "What do you want? Get off!" I jerked my arm out of his grasp. "What the hell just happened in there?" "I don't know, why don't you ask your girlfriend who was grinding her ass off on top of Craig." I didn't curse that often, only when I got really upset. That must mean I was upset. No duh. "Look Sophie, I know that you hate Amy because we're together, but seriously. That was over the top." "It was over the top for...

1 year ago
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California CrewChapter 34

I stood there with the rest of them, dressed in all black. A simple black skirt, a black camisole and sweater set, black flats. My hair half pulled back by a small black clip. I wore no jewelry, no make up. My black purse was filled to the brim with tissues. My mind was spinning. I could hardly grasp what had happened. Mike wouldn't let himself believe it. Jackie was in denial. But somehow, seeing that coffin was more than we could bear. The wake had been the night before, we had all cried...

2 years ago
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California CrewChapter 35

If I hit the fast forward button on my life, this is what you would see: Lots of tears, and then a period of happiness. Where we were all moving on. Kaitlin never left our minds, but we did eventually continue to live our lives. That was what she would have wanted for us to do, not to be stuck in the past. Then came another period of tears. More tears and emotional stress than I could handle. Then a plane ride. And sun. And there I was. Back in California. I couldn't believe I was...

1 year ago
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California ZephyrDay 3

I woke Chloe with a kiss. The soft morning light was coming in the window. She opened her eyes and smiled. "How about some breakfast?" I asked. "Okay," she responded. We had slept through Utah and were crossing Nevada. A light snow was falling outside when we sat down in the dining car for breakfast. Chloe sat across from me and I noticed a look in her eyes - a look that said love. It made me worry. She couldn't fall in love with an old guy like me, for a hundred reasons. Chloe didn't...

1 year ago
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California Bound

Note : This story is completely fictional! The white teenagers forced Cornelia in their car when she walked home after church. They took her to a deserted campground and raped her. She was thirty seven and old enough to know better than to tell the police about it. This part of Georgia was known for it's prejudice. "Now that you boys used me for sex please take me home""Why should we?" laughed the boy called Jake."Take the old bitch home Jake, we're done with her" laughed his brother.The boys...

2 years ago
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California Girls

Introduction:Sorry this took so long but I hadnt planned on doing this so I started a new story before switching back to this. I had a first version but I didn't like it so I scrapped it and wrote this one instead. much better in my opinion so enjoy------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kate woke a few hours later wrapped in her sisters arms. Brianna...

1 year ago
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Reddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls

The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls The Cheerleader Rubber PonygirlsBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was like the rest of the college cheerleaders at her school.? She knew she could have any boy she wanted.? But little did she, or the other girls, would get when they crossed the wrong guy. ??????????? It happened when the squad was on its way back from an away game at Flagler College.? Flagler was UWO?s rival, and for the past five years UWO had not had a win against them.? Then the game...

1 year ago
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Dolcett County Ponygirls

Dolcett County PonygirlsBy Sarah        Author’s Note:  I would like to thank P_Eric of the forum, for introducing us to the idea of the multi-zonal jurisdictions in his version of a Dolcett World.  I would also like to thank him for allowing me to use part of his transportation idea, to bring our main character out to the area.  If you haven’t read his work yet, I suggest you first read ?Air Dolcett?,14887.msg169673.html#msg169673  so you can bring...

3 years ago
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Pleasure Island Ponygirls

Pleasure Island Ponygirlsby Sarah        Sarah and Emily couldn't believe their luck in getting the invitation to Pleasure Island.  The two 18 year old teens had survived their first semester of college, with a D average, but it was enough to pass them into the spring semester.  Now as the pivotal moment for all new college girls arrived, spring break, the girls had each received in the mail an invitation to what was rumored to be the best party spot for all of spring break.  Of course they had...

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