The Zombie Hunter's Price free porn video

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"Watch out!"

It was close to noon and the sun had been up seven hours at least. The field should have been safe enough: no visible shade for miles. Hearing Jex's shout, the woman stopped digging, turned to see the lumbering beast approaching and ran.

At the sound of the call, the abomination turned and began shuffling in Jex's direction. He had his shotgun pointed at it just in case but there was no point in risking a shot when the sun was doing the work for him. Wisps of smoke were starting to appear around his face and hands. The hunter cautiously walked backwards so as to keep out of range.

The closer a zombie gets to re-death, the more dangerous it becomes. Escaping from a mob in New York City, Jex had seen one on fire tear off its hand and throw it: All it takes is a scratch.

There was another shout "Behind you!". Jex discharged the shotgun into the first zombie's chest, knocking it onto its back. Turning round he saw the stranger holding off a second with a pitch fork that was not quite long enough for safety. The beast was impaling itself on the tines, trying to drive its body deep enough on to them to be able to scratch her hands.

"Mine! Run!", Jex called.

The woman dropped the pitchfork and ran. The sudden loss of resistance caused the abomination to lurch forward, causing the handle of the pitchfork to catch in the dirt. The zombie continued trying to move forward, cartoonishly driving the handle of the pitchfork deeper into the earth, trapping itself further.

Soon the air was filled with the acrid stench of burning putrid flesh. After checking that the first corpse was also safe, a brief search revealed a shallow grave. They had likely come to Idaho as refugees during the panic only to be gunned down by some farmer thinking they would bring the sickness. Jex shook his head at the stupidity. Making more dead people was no way to stop a zombie invasion.

A short while later, Jex and Helen (the woman he had rescued) lay side by side naked in the solar bath of Helen's commune. The commune took no chances. Anyone who came into contact with the undead in any way and all outsiders were quarantined in the solar bath for at least a day. The solar bath was a cage near the focal point of what had once been a solar collector used for heating.

The solar bath was the reason Jex had followed Helen to the commune. Severing the spine with a shotgun at short range is the surest way to stop a zombie but the flesh has the consistency of rotten fruit. Anyone close when it is hit is likely to get hit by spray that can burrow through clothes and through skin till it reaches the blood. Some of the zombie's guts had hit his jacket. He had thrown it away immediately but he couldn't be sure he had been quick enough. Where zombies were concerned, sunlight was not just the best disinfectant, it was the only one that worked. Besides, the idea of spending a day night in relative safety with a pretty naked girl was not exactly unwelcome.

And Helen was pretty. That was what had caught Jex's attention when he first saw her from the road. The flower in her strawberry blonde hair matched her summer skirt. Just as he had been rehearsing an introduction in his head, something moving in the background had caught his eye and yet another zombie fight began.

"You should stay here" Helen was serious. "We need more people if we are going to do everything we want to do here. As it is we can barely keep a proper watch."

Jex had seen the compound, it was practically perfect. Four buildings with good solid walls arranged around a courtyard. The external windows on the ground floor had already been bricked up and they had started adding bars on the upper storey. Ten, twenty people could easily hold off a mob of a hundred or more. The commune had six. Helen and her brother were the only members under fifty. Helen was barely in her twenties, her brother even younger. By rights and all the natural laws of physics she should be in college right now and he should be finishing high school. Instead she was trapped here in the middle of nowhere, hoping to stay one step ahead of the undead horde.

Helen's offer was tempting, perhaps too tempting. Staying at the commune was definitely the best chance of survival that had been offered since he left New York. They had abundant food, shelter and a generator with a full tank of fuel for emergency use. His chance of making it to San Francisco was not good, to say the least. He was the last of the eight who had left New York.

Jex shook his head, "I can't stay. I have other commitments." If not Jex then who else would do the job? Who else would try to end it?

"Bring them as well." Helen insisted.

Jex looked straight into Helen's eyes and slowly shook his head.

Helen paused then nodded her acquiescence. "If you are not going to stay, I guess I should thank you properly for saving my life," she began. Helen reached out to run her hand along the hunters back.

"You saved mine." Jex replied, "but perhaps we could thank each other then"

Jex moved over to Helen's side of the platform and they kissed as their bodies wrapped around each other in an naked full embrace. It had been so long since he had been with a woman and given the nature of his mission it was unlikely he would again. Jex wanted to savor every moment, every touch, every kiss.

Helen's made straight for Jex's erection, feeling it stiffen in her hand as she worked the length of it in her tongue. As soon as he was ready she swung her body over his and guided his cock between her legs.

Jex's cock was already inside her when Helen's nerve broke. One minute she was about to ride Jex to some of the best sex of their lives, the next she was crouched in the corner sobbing with her face buried in her hands.

"I am sorry, I am so sorry", Helen gasped between sobs, "I couldn't, just couldn't. Its not your fault, I couldn't."

Jex kept his distance. Helen didn't appear to be turning, but she didn't exactly seem to want his company either.

Eventually Helen's brother came to bring them food and prepare the solar bath for night. This meant turning on the black light, closing the shutters and lighting the heater before the sun set. Black light was not quite as good as sunlight but better than nothing. The man was visibly unconcerned by his sister's distress, placing the dinner tray on the floor next to the cage without a word. The dinner tray was incongruously set with fine china, fresh linen napkins and a bud vase with a flower, the same flower Helen had worn in her hair earlier. Evidently someone needed to keep busy to keep their mind off zombies.

Helen uncurled from her fetal position and whispered something in her brother's ear. He nodded as she spoke but said nothing in reply. At the end of this one sided conversation, he left without a word.

Helen slowly walked towards the center of the platform, her palms open, her eyes cast down, "I didn't mean to mislead," she said.

"I don't understand," Jex replied.

"The commune needs children."

That made sense. To continue the commune would need children sooner or later. If they waited too long the older members would be getting too old to help raise the children.

Helen looked Jex straight in the eyes, "OK here is the deal. My body is yours until they open the cage. Use me any way you chose."

"Thats it? No conditions?" Jex asked, puzzled.

Helen was insistent, "It is a simple statement of fact. We don't have enough people to post guard on the perimeter. When he leaves there is nobody to watch the cage. My only security is that you are not likely to risk spending the night locked up with an abomination."

Jex had more objections, "If I wanted to force you I wouldn't have let you stop."

Helen was ready with an answer, "It will make it easier for me. Don't ask me to explain."

At this, Helen's brother raised his hand and opened his mouth as if to speak then stopped.

Jex could only guess at the horrors Helen and her brother had escaped to come to this place. They had not started life as country folk, that was clear. The casualties of this war became the enemy. The victims were the survivors and that guilt clung to them all. They had all learned how to deal with fear and physical pain, even welcome them as they dulled the guilt and the pain of loss. Safety, intimacy were much harder to bear, they gave time to think, time to remember, time for the guilt.

Helen was adamant, "I saved your life. This is my price"

Jex grabbed Helen's strawberry blonde mane. Helen made no attempt to resist or escape. There was no doubt who would win a fight between them: He had six inches and at least fifty pounds over her. Jex pulled hard drawing a gasp of pain, then threw her away from him uttering a profanity, disgusted by the realization that he had found the sensation of power enjoyable.

"No deal," Jex replied, "I saved you first"

Helen tried to punch Jex but he caught her by the throat and slammed her hard against the bars of the cage. Hurting her felt better this time. He jammed the thumb of his other hand inside her sex and used it to lift her body off the floor. This time he felt only pleasure.

"I saved you first," Jex repeated, "Your body is my price, understand?"

At one time the middle of the wooden platform on which they stood had been covered by some sort of cushion fastened by a cords. The cushion had been cut away but the ends of the cord remained along one edge. The ends of the cord were long enough to fasten Helen's wrists.

Jex knew how to use his anger, how to focus it to the task in hand whether that was chopping down a tree, fighting a zombie mob or his present task. Helen had rolled onto her front, her knees locked tight together to deny him access to her cunt. But Jex had another plan and pinned her ass to the platform with his prick. Helen stifled a scream.

Jex was done arguing. He wanted her, he had wanted her from the first moment he saw her working in the field. She had asked for it rough and he would oblige.

The girl's body stiffened as he tried to force his prick inside, clenching her anus tight like a fist. Oil from the dinner tray failed to make his task easier but Jex knew another trick. A hard slap, a sharp tug on her hair and a carefully timed thrust gave him the opportunity he needed to bury his cock halfway. She was painfully fight but this was hurting her much more than it hurt him.

Helen tried to throw him off but with her wrists tied and Jex on top of her this only drove her ass deeper onto his cock. A savage twist of her nipple rewarded Jex with the satisfaction of a scream.

After a few strokes, Helen realized the futility of her efforts and sank to the platform, making only the slightest sob with each thrust. Jex came quickly, making her ass slippery with white fluid that he collected from inside her with his fingers and pressed into her mouth trying to make her swallow.

Jex twisted Helen onto her back so her arms were crossed uncomfortably, fastened her ankles to the cords either side of the ones binding her wrists, then paused to admire his handiwork. There was still something missing and so the cloth from the dinner tray was pressed into service as a blindfold.

Helen legs were spread up and apart leaving her sex completely defenseless, her anus open and available. Jex ran his hand through the curls of pubic hair framing his prize then yanked on a handful to remind her that he wasn't finished making her suffer. This elicited a pleasing cry and so he pulled again harder. On the third try he took a smaller handful and yanked hard enough to pull them out.

Jex looked at the place the hairs had come from. It was pleasingly red and sore at first but the redness started to fade too soon. Jex pulled out another handful, and another.

Making Helen's sex completely smooth was patient work. Jex took short breaks from time to time to tease her clit with his fingers and slip one or two inside her to remind her of the purpose for which she was being prepared. Helen would try at first to resist each advance, then allow herself to be subdued by the sensation until Jex decided she was coming too close to orgasm and cut her off with a slap across her breasts or face.

Jex finished his work by using a pair of sugar tongs he had found on the dinner tray as tweezers. By this time Helen feigned to ignore him, not even protesting when his cock slid inside her naked cunt.

Since this was unacceptable, Jex used the sugar tongs on her nipples. This brought his victim back into his world of torments with an angry curse but it was not enough either. The bud vase with its flower was still sitting on the dinner tray. It was shaped like an exclamation point a little shorter and a little wider than a cock. Weighing it in his hand, Jex found it was quite heavy. The whole of the stem and not just the base was made from thick glass. The top half slipped easily into Helen's cunt but this left the bulbous base sticking out making it difficult for Jex to use her ass unless he turned her over first. The vase was less suited for sodomy but this was eventually achieved by using his fingers to stretch her out.

Her pussy had been tight before but the object already inside made it even tighter. Jex could feel the hard, unyielding object as he drove himself in. Helen shouted profanities and curses with each thrust. Jex ignored her: Whether she was screaming because she was enjoying the experience or because she wanted it to end no longer mattered to him.

Jex worked his prick furiously until he came then slumped onto the girl's chest.

He removed the blindfold, curious to see if the sight of her face would bring remorse. It did not. A livid purple bruise had formed along the left side of her face where he had first struck her. Other parts of her body showed similar evidence of his use.

Jex ran his hand along Helen's slit till he found her clit and began circling it with a fingertip. He had given this woman pain and now he would give her pleasure. Not as a reward for her submission but as another demonstration of his power over her. Until the cage was unlocked, the choice of whether she experienced pleasure or pain would belong to Jex and Jex alone.

Jex lent forward and gently kissed the bruises on Helen's face, breasts and belly. Eventually she was moaning with delight as his lips and tongue danced over her slit. Her body convulsed as she gave her loudest cry of that night.

After she was untied, Helen curled herself up around Jex's body. Soon her brother would return to open the cage and Jex would again have to chose between life with Helen at the commune and a hopeless mission. He could try to save the whole world and fail or he could try to save just one person at a time.

Helen would come with him if he asked, he had no doubt of that. But if she came, who would care for her brother? What right did he have to bring her on what was almost certainly a pointless suicide mission?

The argument continued endlessly in Jex's mind until it was suddenly ended by the sound of shotgun blast. The first blast was followed by a second and a third. Then there was silence.

Before the second shot was fired, Jex and Helen stood back to back in the center of the cage to keep watch in all directions. The silence was broken from time to time by the sound of shuffling feet followed by more periods of painful silence. Then there was a slight hissing sound and a faint smell of something burning.

The abomination must have wandered close enough to the cage for the black light to start its work.

"Use the platform" Helen shouted.

It would not provide much protection but it was the only cover available. Jex helped Helen lift the heavy platform onto its side just in time as the abomination charged the cage sending parts of its body spilling over, through the bars. Through the gaps in the slats Jex could see that parts of the zombie were already on fire. Then through the flames, Helen saw the worst thing possible.

They were being attacked by her brother's corpse.

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Trans NOT sisters VS zombie apocalypse FINAL CHAPT

All characters are over 18Béa was sexy a femboy when she found a wild runaway boy. She raised him and together they grew up into beautiful transvestites. Discovering each others body and transforming together they soon became lovers, living perfect girl life together until zombies attack the city. The girls discovered that people could be cured by having sex. They just rescued the news star announcer Jim J.J Johns so he can tell the whole world how to cure zombies. One last thing remains to be...

4 years ago
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Hunters Ch 06

Read, review, and rip it apart. Most importantly have a merry holiday whether you’re Christian or pagan or whatever your religious or cultural affiliation may be. I highly recommend going back and reading the first 5 chapters if you have time, this will make better sense if you do. The Darkness * * * * * The sequin studded crimson gown hugged the singer’s curvy body. Max’s well-trained eyes could see that even before the spot light hit her. Her head was down and her hair draped over her...

1 year ago
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Slave Hunters Slave Preys

Slave Hunters, Slave Preys Ch Slave Hunters, Slave Preys Ch.? 01 by Nikita and Wolff     Synopsis: In a phantasmagorical tale of sexual slavery, a mysterious man and woman, a generic sheik, twin submissives, and even some celebrities, come together in a story exploring submissive and dominant needs.? Just for fun, there are many references and allegories to pop culture.? It is surreal at times but it is not fantasy or a spoof. The story begins with a dance of dominance and submission...

4 years ago
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Zombie Holocaust 4

-Stratjunkie ###################################################################################### After the late night with my lover, I awoke to her screaming. Two of the men I came in with had decided they wanted her for herself. They had grabbed her and lifted her up, and this was the point they were at when I bounced up, fast and angry. “Let her the fuck go assholes!” I roared as I leveled my pistol at the closest mans head. My voice dropped and the timbre cut through the air,...

4 years ago
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Rogue Kaire Hunters

I was almost twenty summer seasons and had been gone from home for two. I had been a sub strike leader in the fleet stalker companies. The war was over and now I was home and looking for work. With all the other warriors returning it was not easy. I caught a public transport towards the edge of the city to meet an old friend who said he had an offer for me. I glanced around at the others on the ground transport and there were only two teenage girls. The rest were unkept clerks or maintenance...

4 years ago
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Zombie Outbreak

You wake up on a carpet in a small living room. 'where am i?' You whisper. Oh right, you think, you are Tama 23 years old and working as a technician. This is your appartement. The little couch, the small table and the small tv. But something is odd.... why are you on your carpet and not in your bed? Then you start to remember.... the little bottle of water on your table and the empty bottle of pills which should have killed you. The world is a real mess now. 1 week ago a huge zombie outbreak...

2 years ago
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Zombie Baby

LIKE YOUR GRANITE SOUL This is the way It always begins, And it's begun again: The needling starts Inside my heart, Within the canopy Of trees, their susurration A bleeding of leaves More strident than the trumpet Sounding the death knell Of hell, and I rise again, Stiff again and swollen, Both of nipples and of cock, A woman and a man united In my transformation. Caravan sleeper, An ingress much deeper Than the stars that shine Light years from home Where it all...

2 years ago
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Zombie Valentines Day

After 5 years of fighting and surviving the apocalypse, there were only two people left in our area. There were still plenty of walking dead, but only one man and one woman with a heart beat remained. Not surprisingly it was a husband and wife that refused to leave their home when all others left for what was rumored as a safe haven. Dennis and Sandy did not believe the rumors that the military was able to create an area free of the undead. Instead they thought it best to remain where they...

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Zombie Leza14 Saving Mankindrsquos Last Hope

The group awaiting Leza was different from before. The same men stood waiting, but there was a new component of four women: Helen, a medic; Linda, the Collective’s veterinarian; Cynthia, Fredrick’s assistant and Rebecca, a community cook. What’s more, the women were positively bubbly, fidgeting with excitement rather than the dread the men had faced their previous encounter with. “There she is!” Rebecca cried. “Right on schedule,” Thomas declared. “For someone without a watch, she’s got...

1 year ago
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Zombie Leza4 Joining the Dead

Lisa awoke with a start. The early morning sun streamed in the broken windows and door, as two zombies shuffled out the door. Glancing around, she realized she was the only one left—the zombies had already moved on—without her. Panicking, she checked her supplies before considering whether this was wise. Trailing a group of zombies seeking succor—and not just any undead, but the ones who’d murdered her parents. She glanced around the empty house and came to a sudden realization. Without...

1 year ago
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Zombie Leza3 Last Days as a Human

“It’s not looking good, Ed.” Rose arranged the spare shells, loading each weapon and arranging them within easy reach. She glanced around the house, worry lines etched along her forehead. “There are a lot of those... things out there. We can’t hope to fight them all off.” “I know,” her husband acknowledged, glancing out the window at the shadowy figures banging on the sides of the house. “I’m trying to think of a way out, but I’m drawing a blank.” “Maybe I can try something?” Lisa Maria...

2 years ago
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Women will do anything to survive the Zombie apocalypse Ch 01 Food whore

The zombie apocalypse was one of the best things that happened to Troy. Before this, he was a manager at a trucking company. He hated the job, but it paid really well. By a terrible coincidence, his wife was killed in a freak accident on the road with a truck from the same company he worked for. She was a sweet woman, but they had grown apart. So, he didn’t really miss her. But the company packaged him out and he was able to get a large settlement. He was then loaded with cash, but nothing to...

2 years ago
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Heidi the Zombie Bad GirlChapter 2

Never being one with much inclination to plan anything other than turning on the baseball game or going to the bathroom, Juan decided to take Heidi the Zombie Bad Girl home to his mother. You must understand that Juan’s mother Maria didn’t speak much English and she was not enthusiastic about her children picking up the habits of their northern neighbors because they were not according to the good book or traditional cultural feelings about marriage and family. She knew her son worked at...

4 years ago
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Zombie Leza10 Sleeping Like the Dead

Jefferson swatted a branch from his face. He and the other living men trailed Leza, but mainly for protection. Instead of leading her horde, she followed them like she did by her home. The zombies led and appeared to be the only ones aware of where they were going. The men understood they stood a better chance with Leza running interference if they screwed up, so they didn’t wander far, but their curiosity was piqued. It was early evening, and after marching for hours the dappled sunlight...

1 year ago
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The Bounty Hunters

The Bounty Hunters Author Note: I wanted to say thanks to Eric and Brain for plot ideas and to Chris for editing. ************************** Magic has always existed but it is now openly acknowledged. 10% of the population is magically sensitive and 5% can actually be taught to cast spells. Only about 1% of the population has the ability to earn a Magic- User 3rd Class license. In a country of 300 million, that means there are potentially 3 million professional practitioners. ...

3 years ago
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Love And Sex In The Time of Zombies

Chapter 1 - The Beginning = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Claire looked gorgeous as she rode up and down my raging cock. Her tousled blonde hair partially covering her face she lolled her head from side to side as her orgasm wracked her entire body. Her beautiful breasts quivered and shook like only big breasts can. Shortly, she collapsed on top of me as her orgasm left her spent of energy. Without pulling out, I managed to roll her onto her back and continued fucking her. She took it like...

2 years ago
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Hunters Vs CockBlocker

Keiyra's alert eyes scan the streets for any signs of Hunters. As the most successful and renowned CockBlocker, Keiyra never drops her guard. She would never be collared with the dread conCollars the Hunters used, and to her dying day she would kill those who seek to collar her or other women. For being collared was practically a death sentence. The collar could read your thoughts and intentions and can "train" women by shocking them for what their programmers deem as bad thoughts. It could...

2 years ago
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Hunting for Hunters

Now if you read this story and look at the pictures provided to go along with the story you'll see how I was dressed and erotic it was especially for me and anyone else who saw me. It was the first day of November 2014 and the first snow fall of the year. There were three cabins out near the coast that was rented out for hunting and one of the local girls said that all three cabins had 4 to 6 guys in each one. According to her, these white men were pretty good looking and big masculine types....

3 years ago
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Love And Sex In the Time of Zombies

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =Chapter 1 - The Beginning= = = = = = = = = = = = = =Claire looked gorgeous as she rode up and down my raging cock. Her tousled blonde hair partially covering her face she lolled her head from side to side as her orgasm wracked her entire body. Her beautiful breasts quivered and shook like only big breasts can. Shortly, she collapsed on top of me as her orgasm left her spent of energy.Without pulling out, I managed to roll her onto her back and continued fucking her....

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Zombie Survival Quest

You saw the warning signs before anyone else. As soon as the news started airing reports of crazy biters, you started stocking your apartment up with supplies for a zombie apocolypse. Luckily, you live on the second floor at your apartment building and only have one neighbor across the hall and two below you. You figure your odds of survival are pretty good compared to the rest of the world. DAY 1 So far so good! You have enough food and water to last you weeks and your windows are boarded up...

4 years ago
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Sinister Urge A Zombie Survival Story

The World has literally gone to Hell. The War on Terror escalated. Hundreds and thousands died day by day. No one knows who unleashed the Virus, but it spread across America in a matter of days. Who would have thought that the Arabs, or Russians, or CIA or whoever had it, would have found a "zombie" virus? Later, scientists would explain that the Virus works by activating the reptile brain by breaking down Adrenaline. It shuts off the higher functions, and as such bypasses the conscious mind....

4 years ago
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Black Zombies Of America

Do you know what it’s like to be hunted? Well, I do. Night after night they come for me. All because of what I am. It’s not easy being a zombie in a world full of humans, folks. I didn’t choose this. It’s not much of a life but it’s all I’ve got. And I’ll be damned if I simply let them take it from me. Here I am, roaming through the woods of rural Massachusetts, being tracked down by men and women with guns, and those damn dogs they use to sniff out my kind. I’m injured, tired and it’s...

1 year ago
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Dave His Mom And The Zombies

By Docker5000 Five weeks ago a secret under-ground government research laboratory had a catastrophic explosion. The virus’s that were stored there were released into the town’s water supply. Over the next couple of days strange things started to happen to the people of this small town. The town’s women started to act very oddly. They would at the drop of a hat drag their husbands or boyfriends or total strangers into their houses for wild sex. This was one of the side effects of...

2 years ago
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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 2 Like Blood Murals Being All The Rage In Home Decor

I'm not saying I COULD NOT have come up with a better plan. I'm saying--given the Zombie-Apocalypse and some piss-on-yourself howls, someone might think it a good idea to stay put. That maybe, I wasn't the only one waiting for a government guy to get on TV and tell us they had A PLAN. For a sixteen year old, killing Zombie-Rob and Zombie-Sow is in the realm of overachievement! It wasn't bashing their brains in with a baseball bat, but I deserved style points for the cleaver. AND, after...

3 years ago
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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 9 Like a Guy Not Taking Issue With You Nailing His Old Lady

I didn't talk to them the next morning; grabbing food, nodding to Joey, and walking outside had to be enough for now. Ashley hadn't exactly bought them my good graces; she did make me think though ... after she fell asleep! She wanted to make sure I understood the change to our relationship so I got a couple more rides in her ass. She was uncomfortable but didn't let me take her pain away. She wanted to feel it, to know she'd done her best to convince me that I'd wake her up if I decided...

3 years ago
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Zombie Apocalypse

It was a completely typical day when the apocalypse happened, a mild June day that you couldn't describe as hot, typical British weather really. You actually didn't hear about the apocalypse until a few hours after it had begun, you'd always assumed the apocalypse would be fairly obvious but there was no mushroom cloud in the distance, no loud bang, no screaming. What actually alerted you, albeit a few hour late was a text from your friend; Jacob, reading: "Plan in action!" It was only when the...

4 years ago
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Zombie Leza5 The Last Days of Humanity

Fredrick glanced out the wide front gate, watching as the men carted steaming piles of manure into the fields. Since Leza promised to keep her zombies away, Thomas decided it was the perfect opportunity to develop their property beyond their gated walls. Virtually everyone in the compound—small children, nursing mothers, barking dogs and squealing pigs—were involved in the day’s activities. As Fredrick’s responsibilities remained in the scientific realm, his duties lay elsewhere; formulating...

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