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Truda - Fighting woman
Varick - Protecting Ruler
Harman - Man of the army

Alan had just gotten to his feet when he felt the intrusion and impending fight outside his door. Growling he appeared next to Harman who had a wicked smile on his face that became even bigger when saw that Alan had joined the party. They were all tense awaiting the advancing enemy, suddenly Alan's eyes went large, and then they narrowed when he saw the weapons that the advancing men were sporting. Harman saw this and motioned for Varick.

"What are you seeing Alan?" Varick asked.

"Hell of a lot of weapons specially designed for us well you, as you were. Now they might be an annoyance enough to piss most of you off to the point that you'd completely destroy all of them. Let me take care of them." Alan made a small motion and they were all inside the apartment, then he sent out a wave that effectively knocked most of those approaching out. The remaining few came around the corner firing their weapons, "oh shit!" Alan yelled as he disappeared appearing behind the few still moving.

Alan looked close seeing that they had a make shift type of mental shield around them. Pointing at each, their packs fell off then Alan had all of the remaining boosted ones as Varick had called them unconscious. Varick appeared beside him a moment later, "The idiot must be getting desperate to attack like this," Varick told him.

"No this was a ruse to draw us, well you, out. He knows he can't get to me not any more. I think he thinks that all four of you are as weak as you were a few days ago. I can feel his power around the building I could enter easily as I feel you could, Harman could though it wouldn't be as easy. As for his and your sister they aren't quite high enough. As for the doctor I really don't appreciate what he did, we WILL have words later." Alan growled thinking how the doctor had distracted him long enough to get him with the wave.

Varick smiled, this was music to his ears, the simple fact that Alan had survived a full out attack by the doctor gave him a hope that he hadn't had in quite a long time.

"I know what you are thinking Varick, no I am not about to try a full out attack against the doctor or the old assistant." Alan saw the surprised look on Varick's face. "You didn't know? He was in the chamber with the doctor when it happened though it nearly killed him. That was the main reason for so long the doctor thought that no one else had survived. This shit is as bad if not worse than the doctor. HE is the one sending the boosted ones after you not the doctor. The doctor has just manipulated you to get you stronger a lot slower than you just advanced."

"You say we are advanced, but we can't really tell as we have been kept down for so long. Can you tell just how far we have come?" Varick asked of his nephew.

Alan turned toward Varick and reached out feeling all the advances that Varick's body and powers had made. Then he reached out to the others shaking his head he dropped his scan and turned back toward Varick. "I'd say that you have probably advanced forward 30 years from where you were and at the old growth rate. Harman at least 25 though with him it is hard to get an accurate reading. I'd say your sister is about 22 years and Truda at least 20."

Varick was nodding throughout Alan's explanation, and then he looked up from his thoughts. "How long before you think you can advance both of them?"

"Hmmm Truda might be a few days, her psyche is far more fragile than the rest of yours, something really bad happened to that woman long before the doctor got ahold of her." Alan told his uncle, a faraway look in his eyes. "The thing I am worried about now is the team I know that they will send out after these," indicating all the unconscious men that were lying around.

Varick nodded his agreement they needed to go before it was discovered that they were with Alan now. "We have a place though it isn't that much," Varick said.

Alan nodded they were obviously good at hiding from whomever had been after him, might as well as give it a shot. "Open your mind and let me see where it is, I haven't been to all that many places outside of this city."

Varick closed his eyes as Alan looked into his mind soon Alan was seeing the concrete and steel reinforced bunker type of building that they stayed in. "Alright." Alan told all of them. After they all said they are ready Alan concentrated and pulled, a few seconds later they were in the small box like building buried at least 10 feet down. Looking around he saw four cots, a small micro fridge, a small storage cabinet, and a single person bathroom. Ugh talk about cramped!

"I can expand this to make it more comfortable at least more room, maybe two bedrooms and put us a little further down." Alan told them as he shook his head.

Varick nodded then turned and discussed it with the others; the women of course liked the bedroom idea, an actual bathroom with an actual kitchen. Alan nodded when three of the four said a resounding yes. Alan looked at a displeased Harman and whispered in his ear, at first he shook his head no, then his eyes opened wide and he emphatically nodded yes with a huge smile on his face.

Varick and Truda both had shocked looks on their faces they had NEVER seen anyone change Harman's mind before let alone make him smile about the change.

Alan asked them all to back up as he concentrated and stared at the wall visualizing what he wanted and exactly where. Ten minutes later another room began to take shape deeper into the ground. Finally finished Alan turned toward the four, Ladies that is your room I hope that what I put in there is what you wanted. Oh!" He said as they started to enter, "you'll also find that you have your own bathroom."

Both of the females nodded then entered, the gasps and shouts of joy let Alan know he'd gotten it right.

Next Alan looked at the other side of the bathroom in the main room. Concentrating, he saw what he wanted and then the next room started to take shape. Alan thought it would be easy but as he found he had to expend quite a bit of energy. Pushing harder Alan was almost done when he felt his power falter a bit. As the sweat started to fall from his face Alan finally finished the room and had formed the extra room off it. "Ok guys you also have a bathroom, uh," taking a step Alan almost fell on his face. "Shit I was afraid of this!" Falling on one of the cots all four of them rushed to Alan's side.

"What's wrong with him?" Harman asked a moment later.

"I believe he expanded an excess of energy today, he had me all over the place, after he came here. He moved all of us out of harm, fought off the boosted ones, moved us all here. Then he remodeled part of the bunker I think he needs a lot of rest." Angelika said, she had felt Alan's power slowly growing weaker but it was still greater than any of theirs.

Varick nodded she was right, Alan had done far more than he'd ever really seen anyone do, though this would most certainly increase his power when he awoke. "I think we all need to get some sleep. I've got my feelers out today we'll see if they get anything tomorrow." Varick advised all of them.

They all nodded and went to their rooms leaving Alan on the cot, though he'd made a bed for himself in the room for the men, they thought better than to try and move him. They'd seen it to many times a defeated enemy was out but not down the same held true for Alan they didn't know what might happen if he felt threatened while unconscious.

Walking in Varick saw a small desk, three small beds a lamp between the beds, two rooms off the room it's self. Looking further he saw three dressers each when he checked had comfortable but efficient clothes for battle. Strange Varick thought the clothes almost felt as if they would block... Varick's mouth dropped open THIS was a damn good thing they were always at the mercy of the others through their bodies. Shaking his head Varick could see that Alan had put more than a little thought into the creation of their place.

Looking in the extra rooms Varick saw a full bathroom, and then he looked into the other. Except for one weight set the room was large and bare. Though not as happy as he'd like to have been, Harman started in on the weights smiling like a child on Christmas morning. So this is what had Harman so excited, "I'm sure he will finish it later Harman." Varick told the grinning Harman.

"I know but just to have this room and the beginning of what he promised is a first for me. Other than you and your sister and my sister no one has fulfilled even half of what they promised to me." Harman told Varick, the smile growing by the minute as he worked with the weights.

Varick nodded and moved out into the main room checking on Alan. Knocking on the female’s door, they both opened it and summarily dragged him in by both of his arms. What he saw had him shaking his head he knew that both of the females liked feminine things but he hadn't thought they liked them THIS much! Both beds were pink with the softest pillows he thought he'd ever seen. In the closet he saw very feminine clothes that appeared to have the same protection that theirs did. In their bathroom were a great many things he could only guess the function of and wasn't about to ask about.

"We don't know how he knew but this is the first time I actually feel at home in this place," Truda told Varick, his sister beside him smiling widely as she also nodded at him.

"I am sorry all these years you both have been so uncomfortable, here all I thought was to keep you, hell all of us alive. I apologize to you both, I have forgotten that we aren't machines especially now." Varick said to them both. Though what really shocked him was when both of the women walked up to him and kissed him, one on each side at the same time. When both of them drew back Truda started to giggle which in its self shocked her but not nearly as much as Varick's reaction to the kisses. Varick could feel the heat on his face and worried for a second 'til he caught sight of his sister smiling wide and Truda giggling.

"What is this?" Varick was asking as he felt the heat spread to his chest.

"I believe it is called blushing," his sister told him, "I find it adorable on you!"

Varick though did not find it adorable, which of course caused him to blush even more bringing more giggles from Truda. Varick decided it was time to beat a hasty retreat bringing even more giggles from Truda 'til she couldn't stand anymore. Angelika was just smiling, good, her brother was finally starting to feel and be more human. It might take a while but one day they would be more normal.

It was about ten hours later when Alan jerked awake and promptly fell off the cot onto the floor with a loud thump. "What the hell where am I?" He said as he looked around the sparse room.

Varick hearing him awaken walked out of the room, "You are in our hidden bunker. You brought us here last night so we could regroup. Your mother seems to think that you pushed yourself too far and drained all your energy." Varick explained.

Alan shook his head to clear it ok, he remembered most of it, and he also remembered he hadn't finished his promise. Walking over from the now full kitchen, Varick handed Alan a cup of coffee. "Thanks," Alan said then took a sip of the acrid concoction making a face Alan nodded; yup it was almost as bad as his. Finishing it up, he thanked Varick then reached out to their bedroom. He could see Harman working with the free weights, smiling Alan concentrated and watched as each piece of equipment appeared in the room. Alan figured Harman was happy when he heard him shouting with joy.

Truda came running from their room heading to where she'd heard her brother shout. Alan was about to ask Varick a question when his mother walked out in a solid black, low cut strapless dress. Neither Alan nor Varick could say a word. Angelika was stunning in the dress though all Alan could think of was how gorgeous and hot as hell his mother was! Though only 5' 8'' she was a most definite beauty. The thing that Alan couldn't seem to take his eyes off of, were her 38 - c breasts.

Varick couldn't believe this was his sister, the gentle tilt of her face, the slender hips that he could see as she swished across the room toward them. Just like Alan, Varick also couldn't take his eyes off her near perfect breasts that were more than half exposed.

She asked them both a question then stamped her foot when neither of them answered her, making her breasts bounce more. "Did you say something Angelika?" her brother asked her also watching the slight bounce her breasts made as she took each breath.

"I asked you both how you liked it!" She nearly shouted.

Both of the males looked at each other, how in the hell could they answer her and not appear to be completely turned on by her! Alan tried first but snapped his mouth shut when he felt himself start to get a very hard erection. Basically all he got out was uh, uh.

Her brother had even worse luck one direct look at him and he could feel his own organ starting to swell. Shaking his head he looked at his pants what in the hell was going on? He'd never had an erection for as long as he could remember had all that Alan done to them released a block on their sex organs also.

Angelika noticed the look of intense concentration on her brother's face, "Varick what's wrong?"

"Sister I don't want to alarm you but I believe you look so lovely that I am having an erection!" Varick told her, the sound of extreme surprise in his voice. "I believe Alan releasing our emotions has also released any blocks that were on our sex organs."

Angelika nodded she was beginning to believe it also that would certainly ex..., wait! Her brother was having an erection because of her!? A very large smile crossed her face as she looked at her brother and patted his erection. "Thank you, both of you, the fact that you are erect means that you REALLY think this is sexy. Good that was what I was going for!"

They heard a shout from the male bedroom of, “oh my god!” They all rushed in to see what was wrong. Truda was standing in the door way her eyes huge as she was staring at her brother's crotch. "What's wrong?" Varick asked as soon as he entered.

Truda still wasn't speaking as she continued to stare at her brother's crotch. Harman was sitting on the weight bench obviously in pain. Then he tried to speak, "I... I... I was working out and she walked in. I thought I had died and an angel had come to take me. Then I realized it was Truda and that... that... that dress!"

Truda looked away for the first time then back at her brother with a mad look on her face, "What's wrong with it?" She snapped at him.

"Wrong!!? Nothing on you it's perfect!" Harman couldn't take his eyes off his sister her 36 - b breasts heaving with each breath she took. As they had seen when they came in it was completely backless, strapless and most definitely low cut almost to the point that if she moved too fast she just might fall out of the dress.

A huge smile crept to her lips then to her whole body, "Finally I feel like a woman, well mostly I do." Leaning over she kissed her brother giving him a full view down the dress, then had to watch her chest as one of her breasts almost slid lose in her brother's face. Smiling she flounced away happier than she could remember in an extremely long time.

Angelika kissed her brother then her son both of whom were given a free look down her dress also. Both of them were groaning as was Harman. "What in the hell just happened," Varick asked Alan with Harman looking on with almost the same question in his eyes.

"Gentlemen I believe we were just exposed to the super sex appeal of your sisters. I am beginning to wonder if this is also a byproduct of the experiments that the doctor did on you guys. Varick was nodding when suddenly he grabbed his head as another of the early memories started to flood his mind. Still holding his head he sunk to the floor. Then he started repeating over and over, "Bitte Arzt nein, es tut weh, bitte."

"Please doctor no, it hurts please?" Alan looked at Harman as he'd almost gone pale staring at his friend. "Oh shit!" Alan said when he realized that Varick was reliving the past obviously an early painful one. Staring at Varick, Alan was suddenly in the man's mind Alan could see that Varick was strapped down while the doctor pumped a mixture of chemicals into him. A moment later he heard Angelika screaming at the top of her voice.

Alan tried to block the pain but it kept coming from everywhere, finally he found a teenage Varick cringing in a corner. "Come with me," Alan said. The teenager only stared at Alan with a look of questioning. "Oh hell, I forgot. Kommen Sie mit mir, dass ich Ihnen in Sicherheit bringen wird. (Come with me I will take you to safety)"

The young man only shook so Alan repeated what he'd said and then the young man reached for his hand. The pain Alan felt shooting through him was incredible but he kept leading the man away from the pain. After what felt like an hour the pain stopped Alan stopped and turned to the young man, "Sie sollten jetzt in Ordnung sein. (You should be fine now).

The young man nodded then hugged Alan, "Vielen Dank." (Thank you)

Alan was suddenly sitting beside Varick almost every muscle in his body hurt but Varick was breathing easier and staring at him. "Thank you, I thought I was going to go mad."

"I have to ask you, who was that man that was administering those shots?" Alan asked he could swear he'd seen the man before.

Varick's eyes got wide then he quietly said, "That was the doctor, a truly evil man."

"I could swear I have seen that man before but I can't seem to remember, I think it was on television." Thinking a moment, Alan snapped his fingers. "It was on the history channel about the scientists that Hitler employed at the start of the war." Snapping his fingers again Alan said, "Dr. Johann Bauer! Yes I believe that was his name, they said he was a real sadistic, psychopath he believed that everything he was doing was improving the human race. They said that he was conducting immoral experiments when his underground lab exploded."

"Yes we know all of that, we were there when it exploded, and we were all at the front of the bunker when the blast went off. The doctor was taking samples from us, handing them to an assistant as crazy as he was." Varick told a shocked Alan."I can't tell you how long we were
there, I can't tell you where in Germany we were. All I know is that when the blast occurred we were thrown toward the doors. The doctor was bleeding badly as was the assistant, I wanted to bash his brains in but Angelika pulled me out of there. I believe that Truda pulled Harman out."

Varick stopped for a moment as tears started to fall from his eyes, the memories painful daggers in his mind.

"We started to walk not caring where we were, not really looking just walking to get as far from the den of evil as we could. Sometime later we were taken in as orphans of the war. We must have been near France, the last memory I have of then was everyone seemed to be speaking French. After that nothing I just got part of that now whatever you did opened up a lot of memories from after the explosion." Varick was shaking badly his sister came and held him, her eyes wide also.

"Oh my god I remember walking forever, then the people speaking French. I thought we were going to die but we all followed Varick he'd always seemed to protect us all in some way." Truda said from the doorway, she too was shaking when Harman wrapped his arms around her to help calm her.

"Thank you Alan, I had forgotten our flight to freedom for a short time." Alan nodded and walked out helped? It seemed he'd caused more pain than helped. Walking to the kitchen he made something to eat and sat on the cot that he'd slept on the night before. A sigh escaped his lips he only wanted to help them in all actuality they were the only real family he had and here he was hurting them. Getting up he was heading for the door when his mother appeared in front of him.

"Where are you going?" She asked him sternly. "There is still a lot to do."

"No mother I have hurt you all far more than I have helped it would be best if i just disappeared." Alan told Angelika who had a shocked look on her face.

"NO, you haven't, the pain I get from the memories is far, less than it was, I don't know what you did when you went in last time, but it helped more than you think. Besides if you try to leave I am afraid I am going to have to have Harman beat your ass!" Varick said a sly smile on his face. Harman also had an almost evil look on his face as he pounded his fist into his hand. Sighing Alan gave up as he raised his hands.

"Alright, alright, god I'll stay," pointing his finger at Varick, he stated, "That doesn't mean I'm going to like it!"


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 Chapter IV“Okay, that’s it for today, boys. Let’s call it. Blues win by a hundred,” joked Coach Hamlin. “Hey Kenny, why not leave a little in the tank for a real game, huh?”“Just feelin’ good today coach. Don’t know what’s got into me.”The boys changed quickly and headed to their bikes.“You dominated today, son. Been eating those Wheaties or what?” joked Jeremy.“Thanks, bro. Felt good to have my game on today.”“Yeah, no shit. But you shouldn’t have done Allen like that. Dude is kinda pissed...

3 years ago
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Sex in a dressing room

I am writing this story in English as I assume more people will be able to understand it in this way. So here it goes:Some years ago, I had sex in the dressing cabin of our local indoor swimming pool (for those who know Karlsruhe, it was in the Tullabad when it was still open). It was not long after a former bf of mine and I broke up. Back then I went swimming with some college friends once a week (1 other girl and 3 guys). I didn't find much joy in swimming that day as I was still angry and...

2 years ago
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Punishment in the woods

As I woke up and relized I was in the trunk of a car, I had a feeling the deep dark woods wouldn't be to far away. I could feel the car slowing down, the engine turning off, the trunk door opens up. The hair on the back of my neck stood straight, my palms and feet were sweating, and my whole body was trembling w/ fear. My master grabbed me by the neck and ankles and pulled me out of trunk and onto the ground. "Do as I tell you, or it will be worse", he said. "Yes Sir", was the only thing...

4 years ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 21

After a time, Carol got up off the floor and very calmly removed another seventeen fifty-dollar bills, as well as five more sheaves of notes from albums. Then she returned the forceps to Eddy and knelt before Harry, eyes downcast. "May I take all of you to supper this evening?" she asked. "If you want to sweetie, of course you can. Any preference as to where?" Harry replied. "I was hoping the Bangkok Inn might be acceptable to everyone." Everyone chimed in with agreement so Carol...

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Marilyns Paradise

So to the Marilyn saga ends. This is the last Marilyn story for a very long time, possibly ever if interest in her wanes over time. However, this won't be my last story. I have more stuff developing in the lab, so to speak. MARILYN'S SEXUAL PARADISE - By Brett Lynn "Wh...what hon? What do you want?" Marilyn groggily pulled herself out of her nap and took a look at her wife sitting next to her on the airplane as they cruised their way to Hawaii for their honeymoon. She saw...

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A Night Like Any OtherChapter 5

April 5 After her shower at 4pm, April felt much more relaxed and ready to tackle her domestic chores. First she had to see Viv and get the low down on Jessica Rabbit. No, that wasn't her real name or maybe it was. She and her husband had listed their previous address as a small town in West Virginia. The lease was signed by her husband Thomas Black. "So Viv," April began. "Did Mr Black show?" "Not yet, but he did call," Viv said. "Well, if he shows between now and five have him...

4 years ago
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Step mom and son

Phoenix, Your dad had to go out of town again on business. So it will be just us this weekend. Sorry, I know you were looking forward to going camping. See you at 6.EnaI read and reread the note from my stepmom. I was pissed that my dad cancelled on me again. I didn't understand why he even promised anything anymore. I crumpled the paper and threw it in the trash. The only good thing was that I did like my new step mom. She was nice and always took care of me. How she ended up with my dad was...

1 year ago
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My First Time With Ryan

The week went by slowly. I daydreamed about what it would be like to actually be fucked by Ryan all week. I would be sitting at my desk at the real estate office and my mind would wander and my silk panties would get wet. I'd be showing houses to clients and thinking about Ryan fucking me in the bathroom, or in the kitchen, or in the pool. I would come home and attack John - we were having the best sex of our marriage (12 years).Finally the week ended and on Friday night John took me out to...

2 years ago
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Hard Night At The Gym

With ‘Eye of the Tiger’ blasting my ears as I run on the treadmill I look over to the clock with sudden realization it is 1:55 am. I look around me and notice that I am the last person here and the gym closes at 2 am. I see Zac’s office lights on, ‘Shit Shit Shit he is going to be so mad’. Zac is the manager of the gym and everyone knows how mad he gets when we are not out of here on time. I turn off the treadmill and wipe it down. I could just walk out now so he can close at 2 am but I look...

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Mirror ImageChapter 9

Jessica stood at the stove making breakfast. Last night she had carried the unconscious girl from the barn, bathed her and slept with Sierra in her loving arms. The young girl had slept so soundly that when the sun arose, Jessica decided to let her sleep and so had crept from the bed, bathed, dressed and come downstairs to start breakfast. "Good morning, Mistress," came a bright voice from the doorway. Jessica turned to see her granddaughter/submissive standing naked before her, robe in...

1 year ago
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For my readers, porn is all about the impossible. The acts performed in even the most vanilla porn are far beyond anything you fuckers will ever be able to accomplish. Plain missionary sex with a willing and able partner is deep into the realm of fantasy for you fucks.C U Next TuesdayIn a way, it is for me also. I haven’t had vanilla missionary sex since I lost my virginity to the school nurse. Since then, I’ve been hogtying bitches, fucking their assholes, and cumming in their retinas. And...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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Second ChanceChapter 7

Becca was ecstatic to find their home in one piece, not looted, burned, or taken over by any roving bad guys. Yvonne didn’t say one way, or the other. She crawled out of the van, waved over her shoulder, and sprinted for the safety of her house. I could hear the door locks snapping into place. She was seriously scared, badly scarred emotionally, and most likely not going to recover any time soon, if ever. When I climbed back into the truck I could see Judy’s look of consternation, and...

1 year ago
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A Circumstantial CaseChapter 2

Detective Nesbitt decided to hold off for a few minutes before getting a preliminary statement from Lisa Evans, and it seemed that she wasn't interested in broaching the subject on her own. Instead, the two of them sat at the kitchen table drinking their coffee while the detective retold the details of how the car came to be discovered, and the state of its interior. Lisa seemed horrified by some of the details that came out, particularly that there was an apparent bullet hole in the center...

3 years ago
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I Got You Now

They brought her at 3 a.m., during my shift. She seemed inadequate, either because of the pain or the consumed alcohol. Yes, she definitely smelled of alcohol. She did not recognize me. That wasn′t surprising; the last time we met was 11 years ago. A lot of time. And I have changed since then - now I'm bigger due to the daily workouts, bald and wear glasses. It's hard to believe that the youth looking like a rock star in those old photos is me. However, I felt bad that she didn't recognize...

3 years ago
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Sleep Over

Lying on the sofa after everyone had gone to bed, Adam was glad that he had decided to offer to let them stay the night. Yes they had had a drink or two but he had been fascinated with Marianne. He could not believe that she was with Nigel. Marianne obviously cared for him and they must have been a real item once but Nigel had let himself go badly. Goes to show what 20 years will do to a guy if he doesn't make an effort he thought. Nigel just about fell asleep on the lounge after dinner and...

2 years ago
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Welcome to Swinger UChapter 3

The next morning, my alarm went off at six. I lay there and stared at the ceiling as pre-dawn light filtered in through the blinds. For a while, I thought about Gina. I could understand why she was a little depressed, but I didn’t know what to do about it. And I could see why Kendall thought Gina might be upset about having to share me again. Kendall, Gina, and I had only really spent time together—as a threesome—when we were at camp. And the world of Susan’s camp was different from the real...

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Frankie Mrs YoungChapter 2

Frankie stood on the porch of what was Mrs. Young's house. Behind the door before him, was the house where he learned how to make love to a woman. A year before, he was a high school graduate with some scholarships and lawn mowing money he'd spent four years earning getting ready to attend college. He was also a virgin. That, however, was the only thing he wasn't before he left. That was taken care of by Sandra, or Mrs. Young when they weren't being intimate. It was a beautiful June day...

4 years ago
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This happened a good few years ago but it is all true.It starts one day in my house after a night out couple we were very freindly with on the way back home in the taxi i was in the back with my Mrs on one side and my mate wife on the other we all had a bit to drink and i had my arms round my mates wifes waist, we were all having a good time and i was rubbing her side when i touched the underside of her tit she never did anything so i left my hand there and with the movement of the taxi it...

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My Life With a Muscular CheerleaderChapter 8

We landed at 2:30 in the afternoon, after an uneventful five-hour flight. We caught a cab and headed towards our destination, the Bucuti Resort. Our travel agent had recommended this particular resort. She had told us that it was Dutch–owned, relatively small with only sixty-eight rooms, did not have a lot of activities for children -- and therefore the clientele was restricted to mostly returning couples and young newlyweds -- and best of all, sat on the widest, most picturesque and private...

4 years ago
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I am finally a woman Episode 14

Until my very last day, I will always remember how tenderly I cherished the time spent in the village, breastfeeding Manuelito, being a friend to Joana and basking in Mustapha's love. Joana's house wasn't very big, but it had two rooms. In the main room there was her bed, the kitchen and a table for a party of four to have a meal together. In the other room, a bit smaller, there was another bed that was large enough for Mustapha and me. Some nights Manuelito would sleep with us. It was...

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Hot Aunty Rides An Old Man As His Grandson Jerks

This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read Velamma, Roopa, and Lata were chit-chatting. The three women laughed out loud, cracking sexual jokes. It was after a long time they had spent some time together. Lata had recently shifted to this new neighborhood, and all the three friends now lived in the same neighborhood. It meant that the three women would have some naughty adventures together. Lata had a fabulous house. It could rather be called a...

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His Everyday Object Between Love and Seduction

1.  Nathan heard his phone buzzing on his desk and looked at the display. The number was not saved into his contacts and so he figured it must be Jon. Smiling he picked up the phone. "Yes, naughty boy, are you ready for your spanking?" Jon listened to Nathan and even though he had just climaxed his cock stirred. "I uh...yes Sir." Nathan was already so enamored with Jon he couldn’t help but reach for his cock and squeeze it while talking with him. "Yes, I know you are." Nathan rattled off...

Gay Male
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Reluctant wife

Well to tell the truth what happened was all my fault if you are looking for blame. I am not sure just when I first began to fantasize about watching Laura have sex with another man but even though I was surprised at my desires to watch her with another man in between her legs the desire persisted Laura and I were married about three years and had one child that was a year old and I controlled my desire for several months until one day she confronted me wondering if I was guilty of something...

1 year ago
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Sams Bhabi Part 1

I am sam from Dhaka , Bangladesh. Now 22 years of age. I am telling the story which happened when i was 18 years of age. The name of the characters are changed due to confidentiality. I started masterbating some time ago, so I wasquite frustrated of being a virgin at the age of 18. I was desperately looking for a lady to loose my virginity. I have a private tutor Rashed sir. He used to teach me chemistry. We were four friends at the same class used to get tution from him. Very often, we would...

First Time
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First Time Watching My Wife Get Fucked

I have always been a very horny guy. My wife on the other hand is fairly reserved, although she loves getting her pussy licked and really gets into it once she is hot. I have always been a little kinky and kept pushing my wife to be more ad.Last month I finally talked her into going to an adult bookstore with me in Louisville. She had never been to one and was embarrassed but i finally convinced her to try it.We arrived at the bookstore and began to look at the video's and toys. There were a...

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PenthouseGold Madelyn Marie Makes Wet Dreams Cum True

Randy Spears has to go to bed with blue balls after his wife turns him down for sex, but thankfully brunette seductress Madelyn Marie comes to his rescue. Not sure if its a dream, but definitely willing to give the busty babe a go to see for himself, he’s soon eating her trimmed pussy out and getting the best blowjob of his life. The sexy siren sucks and slurps on his big cock until he’s ready to explode and begging to fuck. The Penthouse bombshell then rides his rod, milking him...

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Seduced by Sin Ch 03

Thank you for all your patience with me, I know it’s been a long wait for this chapter. Things at home and work have been a little crazy, so I haven’t had much time to devote to writing. I know this chapter is really short, but I wanted to get this part out. Sorry, no sex in this one, but hang in there. Next time, I promise! Once again, thanks for reading! Renee On the edge of the pool inside the glen, Kate and Sin lay together in the grass, she was cuddled up against his side, one shapely...

3 years ago
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Charlie Mike

First I would like to begin by this story being purely fictional. However, it is very real in the sense that it could possibly be happening at this moment in time to someone who is reading it. This story is also very personal to me. It reveals some feelings and emotions that I have kept to myself for some time. I have not even shared them with my spouse. Some things however are for adding meat and potatoes to the writing. If it touches you in some way, makes you cry, or causes an emotion of...

2 years ago
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Tim the Teenager Part XII

Tim, the Teenage Part Twelve By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter IV: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 - Brad and Sandi Part 2 - Brothers and Sisters (mfmm-TP-Mast, f-solo w/toys, mf incest) "What's taking her so long.." Joey moaned as adjusted his hardon in his shorts. We were in my room, waiting for Suzi for our first official four way. The four of us had planned on doing it Wednesday, our regularly scheduled three way time. I was a little nervous, mostly because I didn't know if I could do a four...

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Prior to the party

It was the evening of the first CD/TV party in Melbourne following the long year of Covid lockdown. My Mistress and I had arranged to meet up at a motel nearby the venue prior to the start of the party. She could prepare without rushing, and I could meet her there, and we could then proceed and arrive together at the party.About 7:30 or so I knocked on the door of the unit, having had the unit's number texted to me during the afternoon. Luckily there was a parking spot right outside the unit so...

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A Foreign Land

A Foreign LandA story by Simone Locke ([email protected])FORWARD:After a long absence, here I go with another story that I hope you'll enjoy.I hit a dry spot while writing my last story "The Princess Game".  I'm sure a lot of you are wondering why it ended so suddenly at the end.  The truth is, my inspiration dried up as I wrote the next segment, and I thought I'd put something out rather than nothing.It's now two years and 15 failed books later.  For all my attempts, I could write nothing...

4 years ago
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Remembering Tracey Part Eleven

My phone rang late one night. It was Tracey and she wanted me to come to her apartment. I was dressed for bed, wearing only a loose pair of jogging shorts. It was late at night, and she’d already seen me wearing less, so I just grabbed my keys, locked the apartment and went downstairs. She opened the door wearing my favorite outfit. She had on a short, cropped t-shirt that just barely covered her breasts. She had taken it a step further and cut the sleeves off and cut out most of the neck so...

2 years ago
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Lusty Red Riding Hood

Chapter 1Once upon a time there lived in a tiny village a pretty young woman whom everyone adored—well, everyone except the girl's mother. Delores harbored great resentment towards Red, blaming the girl for the way her life had turned out. After all, she'd had a great relationship with her boyfriend until he found out she was pregnant. And then on the day the little red-haired bundle popped out of her belly, that no-good-bum (and Red's father) left her for her younger sister. For eighteen years...

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Lucky at a bachelor party

My best friend was getting married and I was asked to be his best man. I was shocked by the request but I agreed. I had thought that his brother was gonna be the best man but I felt honored. Had to plan his bachelor  party and couldn't figure out where to have it so I asked his brother to help me. He agreed and we set a nice party at a little bar that was a grungy place but set up for our kind of party. We booked a stripper and ordered the food and then the night came. I was excited to get...

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