OceaniaChapter 2 free porn video

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A splitting headache crushed Karl's skull. He looked across at the wall clock and panicked.

"Shit. Shit. Shit," he gasped aloud as he registered that his daughters were due out of school at any moment.

Karl fumbled around for his car keys but realized he was far too intoxicated to even consider driving. After a few minutes of internal debate, he shuffled out of the house and knocked on Kathy's door. The woman looked a little perturbed at his condition, until she realized what was wrong.

"Are you drunk?" she snapped.

"I'm sorry. I had a couple earlier. I know I shouldn't ask this but do you think you could do me an enormous favour?"

It was a slim hope but Kathy readily agreed to pick up Hailey and Ruth from school. He trundled back to the house, ashamed that he'd allowed his self-indulgence to override his higher responsibilities and made a promise to put their needs first from that moment on.

Karl acknowledged that he could do nothing to bring Claire back and, painful as it was, he knew he had to persevere. It served nobody's interest if he came apart, lost his job, and was deemed unfit to care for his daughters. Being deprived of Claire would be intolerably hard but he couldn't face the prospect of inflicting the loss of their father on them also.

He phoned the school and informed them that Kathy would make the collection, then sat down to await their return. The suspense ended only when he heard the reassuring sound of a car pulling up across the road. Opening the front door, he ushered the girls and Kathy inside.

Hailey welcomed him with a fierce hug whilst Ruth stood morosely to one side, anxious to learn of any developments. As Kathy disappeared into the kitchen, Karl sat both girls down on the sofa and relayed a sanitized version of what the police had told him earlier that morning.

"Is ... Is she dead?" Hailey sobbed.

"We don't know that," Karl soothed, wishing he felt the same confidence that he forced into his voice. "She may have just had an accident."

"But ... But..."

"The police are still searching. We have to hold out hope."

"But if she's still alive, why doesn't she get in touch with us?" Hailey asked, completing the thought of a moment ago.

"She might be lost or injured. Maybe she hurt her head and is having trouble remembering," he suggested with increasing desperation.

Kathy wandered in from the kitchen.

"I've put some things in the oven from out of the freezer," she announced.

"Kathy, you've done more than I could ever expect," Karl praised. "I don't know how to thank you."

"I think you're going to need some help. Maybe get used to the idea that Claire might not be coming back."

"She is coming home," Hailey wailed, casting Kathy a hostile look. "Don't ever say that she isn't."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

"I know what you meant. You think she's dead and that..."

"Hailey!" Karl snapped, raising his voice and cutting off the teenager's outburst.

"I just meant that until your mum returns, you'll need help finding a way to cope," Kathy rephrased.

"How are we going to get to school?" Ruth asked, her keen intelligence spotting an important issue that needed resolution.

Karl recognized that there was no way he could both drop off and collect the girls whilst still putting in the mandated hours at work. Despite the heavy costs involved, he knew he'd have to arrange for a taxi service to cover at least one leg of the journey.

"I could pick them up like I did today," Kathy offered.

"No," Karl protested. "There's no way I could expect you to do that. I'll order a taxi."

"That would cost a small fortune. I don't mind, really. I'd enjoy the distraction."

Karl looked at the woman suspiciously. They hardly knew her and he wondered why she'd offer such assistance.

"When I broke free from my husband, there was no one to help me resettle or teach me how to take charge of my life," Kathy told him. "It was hard at first, but in time I managed to turn myself around. Just the thought of what you guys are going through is incentive enough for me to make this offer."

Karl looked at her, utterly speechless.

"Please let me help," she begged. "When Claire comes back, you can find some way to repay me."

"Thank you," Karl whispered, unable to believe his good fortune in finding such a kind Samaritan in his midst.

"I'd better check on dinner," Kathy told him.

Karl nodded his acceptance as she headed back to the kitchen then sat down between his daughters to comfort them.

"Are we going to be okay Dad?" Hailey asked tearfully.

"You bet," he replied. "Just you wait and see."

Terry Mason, proprietor of the Birdcage Lounge, reached across his desk and picked up the internal phone.

"What you got for me Harry?"

"Matthias is here with the new girl."

"I'll be right down."

Mason grinned to himself. He loved seeing the new ones when they first arrived; before the ravages of the job destroyed what little remained of their shattered spirits. He stood and checked the clip on the pistol tucked into his waistband then headed along the long carpeted corridor and down the staircase to the main lounge.

Several of the adjacent rooms were already occupied even though it was still early afternoon, evidence that trade was picking up again after the series of police raids during the previous month. As usual, they'd found nothing; it was just another ruse to extort more protection money from him. He paid up like a good citizen but only after uncovering who'd decided to become greedy. When the time was ripe, Harry would pay the man a visit. Retribution would be swift and violent.

The lounge was busy with early finishers grabbing an overpriced beer before heading home. They eyed up the several scantily clad young women that invited company and the prospect of a few minutes of expensive passion upstairs.

He walked around the bar into the back room where Harry stood with two more of his men, guarding a tall, dark skinned man with a leering grin and continually shifting eyes.

"Must be the best job in the world working here," Matthias chuckled as he observed the goings-on in the adjacent room through the one-way glass.

Mason guessed that the man originated from the Arcadian Islands, thousands of kilometres east of the Saragosan coast, like many of his slaver brethren.

"You get used to it," Mason replied nonchalantly. "What've you got for me?"

"Nothing but the best for you Mason, my man," he extolled.

The girl beside him was nothing short of breathtaking. Standing just a few centimetres short of Matthias, her long bleached blonde hair seemed to fall forever. Her slim and exquisitely toned body stood gracefully in the flowing white gown that covered, but barely concealed her magnificent beauty. Her ample bosom filled out the garment delightfully; her prominent nipples clearly discernible through the diaphanous fabric. Words failed Mason as he looked upon the high cheek bones, full lips, and languid eyes. She stared back at him and smiled placidly, evidence of the cocktail of mind altering drugs that doubtless flowed through her bloodstream.

"This is Candy," Matthias boasted. "Got her recently and thought of you."

Matthias was Mason's major supplier of girls for his establishment. He never inquired where the slaver appropriated his merchandise but suspected many were abducted from the various pleasure craft that ferried the idle rich between the Elysian coast and Saragosan peninsula. The women would be doped with hypnotics to the point that they hardly remembered their names, becoming merely docile and compliant captives to be bent to the will of those that controlled them.

Mason usually beat the slaver down to a bargain-basement price but realized that a discovery of this magnitude necessitated a different negotiating strategy. The girl was far beyond anything he currently owned, perhaps more suited to the up-market escort trade than the insufferable reprobates that his club catered to.

"Nice," Mason agreed, trying fervently to mask the eager anticipation from his voice.

"Nice," Matthias mimicked, rubbing his hands in glee. "Are you going to make me a 'nice' fat offer then?"

Mason usually produced the initial bid around which they both would haggle. Knowing that he couldn't afford to pay a realistic price, his only hope was that the slaver didn't fully appreciate her true value.

"How much?"

Matthias guffawed, identifying the break from procedure and realizing its significance.

"You want her," Matthias teased. "I can tell."

"I want her," Mason echoed, grinning to try to lull the man into complacency.

Observing Matthias consider his price, his heart beat heavily with excitement. He desperately hoped the slaver wouldn't request what was beyond his means to provide.

"Fifteen thousand," Matthias demanded.

It took all Mason's self-control not to dance ecstatically around the room but he forced a scowl and counter-offered ten. After much shouting and cursing, Matthias eventually accepted twelve thousand dollars for a girl that was probably worth fifty.

"Where on earth did you get her?" Mason asked out of curiosity as they concluded the transaction.

"I ain't going to tell you. All I'll say is that this is nearly one hundred percent profit for me," the slaver boasted.

The words gave Mason pause as low overheads usually signified either a local source or a hidden complication.

"This isn't going to come back and bite me, is it Matthias?"

"I swear, my man. There's no bulletin out on her. You're free to use her as you wish."

"I believe you," Mason conceded. "If there's any more like her, you be sure to call me."

"If I find any more like her, I'll be opening up in competition, my friend."

Mason nodded at Harry, the signal that the meeting was over. As a parting gesture, Matthias handed over a small bag containing several unlabelled silver canisters.

"Are you handing out free booze with every purchase now?" Mason jested.

"This is for the girl. I used a different drug on her. I thought you might want to test it out."

Mason considered chastening the man for complicating the girl's handling but, still elated with his bargain, decided to let it pass.

"And when I run out?"

"I can obtain a supply ... For a price."

"Don't push your luck."

The slaver took the hint and hastily disappeared with his bounty.

Mason led the compliant girl out into the lounge. Loud music blared throughout the room and the smell of sweat and cheap liquor hung lazily in the air. He led Candy towards Sierra, a glitzy dark haired woman that sat perched on a tall stool beside the bar. After five years, she'd reached the point that men tended to choose others over her. In her time, Sierra had been one of his best and he'd been unwilling to dispose of her. Instead, he charged her with looking after the welfare of the other girls and helping new recruits adjust to the tiring demands that would inevitably be placed upon them.

"Hey Mason," she gushed. "Who've you got here?"

She eyed Candy appreciatively, reaching out and running her finger tenderly down the blonde's forearm. "You're so pretty," Sierra cooed as she openly admired the latest addition to the flock.

Mason could sense the eager expectation in Sierra's eyes. She doted on all the girls and he allowed her to express her bisexual nature with them whenever they were not otherwise engaged.

"This is Candy," he told her. "Why don't you show her around and get her settled in?"

"Candy? That's such a sweet name." Sierra giggled at her own pun then led the blonde off the floor. The men in the bar area stared hungrily at the new arrival and Mason predicted that she'd soon be an extremely popular attraction.

"Let's see if we can get her working by tomorrow night," Mason suggested hopefully.

"Okay Mason," Sierra simpered.

He handed the flasks to one of his men and told him to stack them with the bottles of Hypnol that he used on the other girls. Wishing for half a dozen girls of the same calibre as Candy, he dreamed that one day he could rid himself of this establishment and migrate to the coast where the clientele were far more discerning and infinitely richer.

After providing the nickel tour, Sierra led Candy up to the small room that she called her own. It housed little more than a metal framed bed and a tatty dressing table over which an assortment of nick-knacks were randomly scattered. A faint odour of cheap perfume tainted the air. They sat down on the thin mattress; the frame creaked noisily under their combined weight.

"You okay?" Sierra asked, eyeing Candy sympathetically. From experience, she knew how disoriented the girl felt with the dramatic change in circumstances and the high level of hypnotics in her system.

"I ... I think so," Candy answered hesitantly. "I feel a bit lost ... As though I'm supposed to be somewhere, but I can't remember where."

"That'll pass in time," Sierra assured her. "Soon you'll start to feel right at home here, just part of one big happy family."

"What happens now?"

"Once you're settled and rested, I'll take you down to the lounge and introduce you to some of the guys. They'll love you, I can tell that straight away."

"They will?"

"Encourage them to buy you a few drinks, chat sweetly if they want to, then bring them upstairs and give them a nice time."


"You know what that means don't you?"

"They'll want to have sex with me."

"You're a fast learner."

"Matthias told me that I'd need to do that."

"What else did he tell you?"

"That I needed to do what Mason tells me, take my medication, and be nice to everybody."

"That's right sweetie. You do all those things and you're going to get on great."

Candy looked pensive as she tried to absorb the information. Sierra took the opportunity to place her arm around her slim waist and pull her closer.

"You're really pretty," Sierra told her.

"Thanks," Candy replied.

"I'll bet you're tired. Why don't you lie down?"

Candy thought for a moment then allowed Sierra to lift the thin garment over her head, leaving her attired in just skimpy underwear. She stretched out over the covers and watched as Sierra disrobed and crawled beside her.

"I'll keep you company," Sierra offered, her heart beating hard in sheer anticipation. She wrapped an arm around the nervous girl whilst her free hand passed gently over bare skin, tenderly caressing up one smooth thigh and down the next. Her eyes fixated on the rise and fall of the blonde's chest and the shape of her perfectly formed breasts. Blowing gently into her ear, Sierra whispered endearments as her fingers explored. Candy smiled serenely, not protesting as their lips came together and they kissed.

After sliding the girl's panties down her tanned legs, Sierra surveyed the younger woman. Her fingers set to work, teasing her sensitive flesh and bestowing pleasure upon the supine beauty. The girl's hips bucked as Sierra's fingers delved between the dewy petals of her shaven sex. When Sierra's tongue lapped at her stiff nipples, Candy sighed euphorically as passion bubbled up from deep within. She groaned as her orgasm fed some innate hunger, leaving her sated but still deeply needful. She sat up and hugged Sierra passionately, kissing her appreciatively as the echoes of her climax slowly diminished. Pushing Sierra gently onto her back, she fell upon her breast, feeding ravenously on her succulent nub whilst her fingers foraged between the woman's expectant thighs.

"You've done this before," Sierra gasped as Candy expertly infused her with delight. Two fingers insinuated deep inside her, pressing up against a sensitive cluster of nerves along the front of her vaginal wall. Her legs parted to allow the girl greater access and her mind soon exploded as the first of a series of intense orgasms rippled through her body.

Sierra stirred with Candy nestled between her legs, lapping up her copious emissions and driving her upwards once more. The girl's active tongue described intricate patterns over her sex, never settling on a specific rhythm for more than a few seconds. When the slick digit coursed around the rim of her anus, she squealed in perverse pleasure.

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Oh boy

It has finally happened. I lost my virginity.Well, sort of. Let me start from the beginning.My name is Lara but my friends call me Elly, due to my afictiation to elephants since I was a little girl. But that has nothing to do with this story.I have just turned 31, have an athletic body as I regularly go swimming, at least twice a week. I'm about 5 foot 4# with bright, green eyes and straight Brown hair down to my shoulders.Most say I'm cute and I'd say I'm quite comfortable with myself.Ok,...

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Sound Clinic Experience

I knew it wasn't me. She was the only person I'd been with in months and we'd used a condom. She had just broken up with a boyfriend a few weeks before we got together. One night when she was drunk she called me since we'd hooked up in the past -- she wanted to get laid, didn't want to call her ex and didn't want to just find some random guy at a bar. We had become decent friends at the time. Like I said, I hadn't been laid in months, she was pretty hot and we'd had sex a few times...

1 year ago
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The Bedroom

The Bedroom Sarah reached into her son's bedroom to turn out the light. She looked at the posters on the wall, and sighed. Pictures of women in bikinis were there, but the biggest one was a picture of a woman in a sheer lace bra, panties, and thigh high stockings in a pair of see-through high heels. Many mothers would demand such sexist posters be taken down, but several years ago she reached an agreement with the child that he could do what he liked with his room, as long as he...

2 years ago
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Tied up and ass fucked Gay fantasyrequest

This is a Fantasy request of what I wanna happen the next time my lover and I meet.My master arrives, I am in lingerie with a wig on, shaved clean, dressed to be dominated. We kiss and get each other hot, grinding our cocks together and letting our hands roam free. He orders me to sit and we tie my cock and balls up tight, turning them purple and hard. I am panting now, knowing what’s coming next, anticipating the ecstasy to come. He turns me around at the foot of the bed and ties my hands...

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Journey from housewife to xxx actress

Hi. I am Maya. Since long time I wanted to write my story on my journey from a housewife to a call girl, a model and finally actress in xxx movies. I got married at the age of 20 with Rajesh. From village I came to city and started my married life. I don’t want to waste time writing about my suhag raat etc. After 5-6 months of marriage when I did not become pregnant, Rajesh decided to see a gynecologist. He checked with his some of friends and took me to a doctor whose name was Dr. Shah. This...

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HandsOnHardcore Stacey Saran Early Morning Orgasms

Hot blonde stunner Stacey Saran is here today to surprise her hubby Max Deeds with an amazing blowjob in the early morning. The leggy hottie with seductive blue eyes and absolutely mind-blowing tits grabs his cock and takes is straight into her insatiable mouth. What a wonderful way to get her breakfast in! The sexy Milf from England licks along his shaft and plays with his balls before he gets a chance to return the favor with some extraordinary pussy licking. The two quickly switch to the...

2 years ago
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THE Harem Tales 2 Girls Just Wanna Have FunChapter 12 Really Dirty Tricks

The ladies, now known to themselves (and a few select others) as THE Harem, enthused by their recent successes, were now firmly bonded with Siân, Ki, and Ko. Most were together several times a week to train, and after hours, to socialize, sometimes cuddle, and conduct other interesting explorations. Siân, not as often -- she was much like an older sister -- but she liked the others and used her visits as a way of keeping a useful ‘link’ for the two departments. Typically, they met in the...

1 year ago
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Desert Crossing

Desert Crossing When you think of a desert crossing you probably think of Iraq or some place exotic. Well I have a desert in my own backyard in lower Colorado. I live near the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Reserve. The park is located about thirty-five miles northeast of Alamosa, Colorado. I live about four miles east of Hooper and my land borders the park. I’m pretty lucky because poisonous snakes do not exist anywhere in this high elevation area. I live at about eight...

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Feeding an addiction Part 2 Ch 4

Scarsdale, New York: Monday 11th December 2017Monday was a catch-up day at work. With Sue’s young Ghanaian admirer now safely back on a different continent, I could catch up on other projects and admin tasks I’d not worked on during his stay. I was just tidying up at work and looking forward to spending the evening with my two women when I got an incoming text.‘Hey Pete, are you free for a quick chat at my place on your way home? I have a proposition I’d like to discuss with you.’Things were...

Wife Lovers
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Young and SingleChapter 8 Holidays

The Mothers day portrait was a huge success and Grandma looked spectacular and took center stage in the picture. I had on my suit and tie and all the girls had worn summer dresses and had had their hair done. Febe pointed out that my pubic hair was poking above my new swimmers and suggested that she shave me. I agreed and sat on the bathroom sink while she first snipped then took up the razor and shaved. She told me that I would have a rash there if I didn’t put on some moisturizer on the...

2 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IChapter 28

Monday, June 7, 2010 Jake sat in the mostly empty courtroom thinking back on the preceding night. They had gone twice more before falling asleep. They had awakened once during the night and made love again. In the morning, she had been tender and walked gingerly. They had barely gotten into Leanne’s car when Kara had announced that she was pregnant. Leanne had turned and glared at him. “I thought you were supposed to be responsible!” “I think you and your daughter need to have a...

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StepSecrets Lovita Fate Big Secret

Tonight Lovita’s friend Jennifer went on a date with Kristof, which obviously didn’t end so well. Kristof seems to be quite embarrassed about the whole situation and didn’t want to tell his stepsister what happened. After Lovita received a message from Jen that read ‘My pussy is too precious for such a monster!’ Lovita could not stop thinking about her stepbrother’s dick. Left with her imagination, she started to touch herself. Thinking about the feeling, of her pussy...

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Sister Home Alone

Sister Home Alone My sister is Rebecca Rose Deloris Davidson. Yeah I know it’s stupid but my parents thought that she was so special when she was born that they needed to give her two middle names. Actually it was after both of her grandmothers. I just call her R2D2 like that little robot in Star Wars. I am the oldest child and a boy so I got the loft bedroom. My father built a great house. The house is sort of divided in half. Half of the house is the full two stories tall and...

4 years ago
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The AdventureChapter 1

“I’ll take it!” said Rhonda Peters smiling. “Are you sure?” asked the woman. “I wouldn’t want you to be disappointed.” “Oh it will be a surprise no matter what’s inside, and I can’t be disappointed with that.” They both glanced down at the old dilapidated trunk, part of a myriad collection of items in the second hand store. “Any idea where it came from?” asked Rhonda. “Afraid not. I got it in an estate sale last week. There were no heirs so it and the rest of the estate were being sold...

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MAA Ki Izat Maa Ki Saari Utaari

Hi doston main jai hon meri 1story hai or kaali ki kasam sachi hai,meray ghar may dad maa sis or main ho,main 20 ka hon or medicel ka student hon sis 22 ki hai or merried hai dad new york may business kertay hain or saal may sirf december may aatay hain dad ko dafaa karo,maa naam sitaa hai meri maa housewife lekin buhat health consious hai maa 41 ki hai 17 ki age per shaadi ki per,maa kaa ghar may saari pehanti hai buhat sidee hai per lumbay ghanay kaalay baal or gand kay nichay tak lumbay...

3 years ago
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Sneaky Sandy

She looked unbelievably sexy in that wet bikini. I couldn’t help but look, and it was having a predictable reaction.Sandy noticed. She rolled her eyes, giggled, and said, “Honestly? Can’t you keep that under control for a few hours?”“Not around you looking so hot,” I answered.My new bride glanced around, and then ran her thumb over her already prominently displayed nipple.“That’s not helping,” I said.Before I could suggest heading back to the hotel, she sat up and said, “I’ll be right back.”I...

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Christina Looks for a College Chapter 1

Chris is an 18 year old, red head. She grew up in a small farming community in Idaho. This town was very secluded from the rest of the world and outside of trips to the city with her family she never saw other parts of our great nation. She also did not really know anyone outside of her small town and relatives. The only experience she had ever had with males was kissing them and letting them touch her 40-D breasts underneath her shirt. They never saw more clothes off of her than when she was...

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TJ MorgChapter 10

"It's what, only five minutes to the hospital from there?" asked the Chief Constable. "Two; more like two minutes" DCS Oscar corrected his superior. "And where were they for the other twenty five minutes?" the Public Prosecutor demanded. "I don't know; ask the Windsors" DCS Oscar replied. "I've tried and I can't get within fifty metres of them for bloodsucking defence lawyers" was the riposte. "Why are you bothering anyway?" asked the Chief Constable reasonably "we...

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My Mortal Enemy

My name is Jeanne, I'm twenty-eight, and I'm a blonde. For three years, I was a single realtor, trying to sell houses. I had done alright by my own standards. Although, I always seemed to have the same problem when a sale didn't go through. The buyer would be stolen by another realtor named, Richard Flarn. They'd tell me that he could get them more, for less. He supposedly always gave them the 'Rich touch'. I frequently got really irritated by this thirty-three-year-old brunette jackass. One...

Straight Sex
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 226 Without Boss and Goon

Thursday, May 19 to Saturday, May 21, 2005 First a brief report on events in Corvallis. Thursday morning Julia had called my cellphone to tell me what to wear to school. When I didn't answer her call to my cell, Julia called her home's landline. When no one answered that she successively called her parents' and Ava's cellphones, alerting my family with her increasingly frantic concerns while the phones were ringing unanswered. Thus the discovery process started thirty minutes earlier...

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Harry Potter Being There For Each Other

In actuality, it was the trio's last night before embarking on the final leg of Harry's journey to fulfill his destiny and rid the Wizarding world of Lord Voldemort, the most evil dark wizard who ever lived. After Albus Dumbledore, Hogwarts' beloved Headmaster, was killed at the end of their sixth year, Harry had been determined to set out on this journey alone, because nearly everyone important in his life had met an untimely demise at Voldemort's hand. Harry's own parents had been...

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A Gift From His Father Ch 13

‘Oh my God, you’re early John,’ Cindy cried standing quickly attempting to straighten up and to fix her clothes, her pussy leaking cum down her leg. Turning to Mark she barked. ‘I thought you locked the door.’ ‘I did lock the door,’ Mark said as he pulled up his pants stuffing his now sensitive wilting cock into his pants. ‘I am sorry, the door was unlocked.’ John said, ‘Other than being a little surprised at seeing you two together, it’s no big deal, for me any way. Why don’t you two get...

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My Wife Ann And Her Young College Swimmer Friend

It had been earlier this year when my wife Ann went back to college after nearly thirty years. She had just changed jobs inside the company that she had been with for more than twenty two years, and needed a special certification for her new job promotion. It was a huge a huge opportunity for her, and she had been trying for this promotion for the past few years. She had to attend a night class once a week at a local university not too far from where we live. Ann was a bit uncertain about going...

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The Long Hot Summer Part 2

We snuggle close while you catch your breath. Your hand cradles my cock loosely, the fingers of the other hand stroking gently up the underside. Your pussy is drenched with your wetness and my mouth, and the look on your face is hard to describe… one part satisfaction, one part dreamy and one part wicked grin. ‘That was amazing,’ you say finally. ‘I don’t know who taught you, but I want to shake her hand – and maybe eat her pussy, too.’ I give you a strained smile. My cock feels like it could...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Gina Valentina Late Night Love

Damon Dice has prepared an evening of romance for Gina Valentina. He’s ready to round it out with a Champaign toast on the rooftop, but Gina is too enticing to ignore. Soon Damon finds his lips locked with Gina’s and his hands on her small breasts. The Latina babe starts peeling off her own clothes while Damon watches until her shirt has been lifted up and her skirt is on the floor. Sliding down Damon’s body, Gina finds herself on her knees in front of him. She pulls his...

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Alright, faggots, I ain’t one to be jerking off to gelbooru animated cartoon bitches, but once in a while, even I like to shake things up. So today I’m bringing you a review on a goddamn hentai site. For you fuckers living under a rock, hentai is basically Japanese cartoon porn. Imagine jerking off to bitches from Pokemon, except with potential for some unbelievably sick shit, and you get the general idea.Gelbooru.com is referred to as an “imageboard”, although to me it just looks like a big...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Sex With My Childhood Crush

Hello, Indian Sex Stories readers, I am Rahul. This sex story is about how I got to have sex with my childhood crush in our reunion meeting. To say about myself I am 5’9 and have a 6 inches’ dick to satisfy any lady with a muscular body. Let me describe the angel of the sex story, she is 34-26-36 sizes I guess. She is a sex bomb in my school days. This sex story happened when I am studying engineering. She was my crush in my school days and I didn’t express it to her as I was a shy guy before....

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A Genny Story Going to The Deja Vu

This is an adventure I had at an all nude strip club in Lansing Michigan. I am Genny In that spring that I had first met Melly, I had just over two years onthe fire department. I had been all through my training and probation,and was running on the engine at headquarters and really loving the job.There was just one problem. Usually after about six months on the department afirefighter will be sent out to replace vacationing firefighters or guysthat have called in sick. It is a hated assignment...

2 years ago
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Playing the GameChapter 30 Trust Betrayed

Tryouts for the girl's varsity and junior varsity soccer teams were held at the beginning of March. Jen, Ashley, and Molly ended up on the JV team, while Kristina and Tessa both made the varsity team. Practice was every day after school, starting about the second week of March. The girls were doing a lot of running laps, out on the track when the weather cooperated and in the gymnasium when it didn't. The girls did a lot of good-natured complaining about it, but they knew the benefits of...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 35

Before we headed to bed the girls joked, at least I thought they were joking, that I was sleeping alone that night. They said I had a lot of them to service over the next few days and they didn't want me tired out from activities before they were ready to start the Ceremony. I found out they were serious. For the first time since I'd been drunk when Victoria, my wife at the time, had left me in the last cycle, I went to bed alone. I resigned myself to sleeping alone and had just dozed off...

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