Rental Agreement, Chapter 3 free porn video

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"Oh, my GAAWWDD!!" Melanie cried out loudly as Carl's mouth fastened itself to her naked waiting pussy. She spread her legs wider, inviting him to dine on her juicy, ripe peach. 

Melanie lay on the bed, moaning and grinding her hips up at Carl's ravenous mouth. She couldn't remember the last time a man had been down there, and Melanie loved to have her pussy eaten–more so even than having her tits licked and sucked! 

And Carl was pretty damn good at the art of orally pleasing a woman! It wasn't long before Melanie, already hornier and more turned on that she had been in a long time, was absolutely lust-crazed. 

She was writhing and squirming and trying to back away from Carl's tormenting tongue, but he kept right up with her, his mouth securely fastened to her drooling pussy until she backed up against the headboard and could go no further. 

As Melanie's passion engulfed her and she neared the edge of herself, she began clawing and pulling at her nipples, trying to reach that point where relief would come and she would explode in that glorious burst of heavenly light known as orgasm.

"Oh, God, Carl! Oh, I'm going to cum! Please make me cum! Please, I need to cum so badly! It's been such a long time! Please, Carl baby, please make me cum! Pleeease!" she begged him. Melanie did need to cum desperately.

Carl wanted it as well, and he worked her pussy to get her to that point. His tongue squirmed and wriggled inside her, searching every nook and cranny, every soft pink fold, looking for the sweet honey it might find hiding there. 

Melanie felt herself about to let go and she grabbed his head, holding him hard against her pussy as the end came.

"Ohhh, Shiiitt!" she screamed out, "I'm cuuummminggg!" Melanie bucked and pitched as her orgasm took over her body. She threw her legs wide and pushed her hips high, driving his tongue deeper into her. As she lay there, hips high in the air, her legs trembled violently with the strain. 

Carl licked and lapped even harder wanting to make her orgasm one for the record books. He held her up placing his hands under her ass and helped take some of the strain off her legs but the way he was laying, he couldn't take it all off. 

Melanie rotated her hips slowly in small circles as he kept burrowing into her. Her orgasm seemed to last for hours to her, but in reality, it was only a couple minutes before she fell back onto the bed gasping for breath, the convulsions causing her to jerk and spasm as they worked through her body.

Carl lay there next to her as she recovered from her orgasm. He ran his fingers lightly over her breasts and down her stomach as she panted to get her wind back. Her sweat damped skin still felt good to him and she mewled softly as his fingers made her skin ignite all over again.

As his fingers worked their way slowly down her body, teasing her and taunting her, she closed her eyes, once more giving herself over to his touch. She was loving the way he played her–she hadn't given this man enough credit! 

Until now, Melanie had looked at the landlord as someone to dodge and avoid, unless there was something broken. And when he suggested she spend one weekend a month with him in return for free rent and utilities, she was appalled. 

Faced with the grim prospect of homelessness if she didn't, she reluctantly agreed to his arrangement.

Now laying next to him after an incredible orgasm, she couldn't believe she had been so hesitant. This man who lived in the basement and who she had avoided and feared was not at all the heartless money-grubbing landlord she had him out to be. 

And she was sorry that she hadn't come to him before all this. It would have saved her a lot of sleepless nights and it would have brought them together sooner!

However, they were together now and Melanie wanted to start this new relationship off right. Carl's hand had moved lower and was now playing with the fur above her dripping pussy. He ran his fingers through her soft blonde curls as she moaned and pushed her hips up at his hand. 

He knew what she wanted.

"So I see you are ready for more! You certainly are a playful little thing aren't you!" he said.

"Ohhh…" Melanie moaned out her reply.

"Tell me what you want Melanie… tell me what you want me to do to you," he growled.

"Oh God, Carl, I need you to fuck me! I need you to fuck me hard and deep! I need to feel you inside me, please!" Melanie cried. Carl's hand found her eager hungry pussy and his fingers dipped into the warm, wet hole. 

He began sliding them in and out of her, dragging them across her throbbing swollen clit. Melanie spread her legs wide, raising her hips and twisting towards him so he could have better access to her pussy. 

Carl split the two fingers inside her placing one on each side of her clit. As he slid his fingers in and out, they rubbed against her sensitive clit. 

Melanie began humping her hips up in opposition to the thrusts his fingers made. This caused him to push deeper into her and draw his fingers back across her clit harder. Melanie was moaning and whimpering and crying as he finger fucked her.

"Please Carl, please don't tease me! I can't stand it! Please I need your cock, your hard thick cock! Please, baby, fuck me! Fuck me now!" Melanie cried desperately.

Carl knew this woman was ready. She had already had one amazing orgasm and she was close to the second. He pulled his sticky fingers from her and licked the juices he had scooped out off them. 

"You taste delicious my dear!" he said. Then he leaned forward to kiss her once more. Melanie could taste herself on his tongue and agreed. He got up on his knees between her legs.

"Now, show me that pussy," he ordered. Melanie reached down with both hands and pulled her pussy lips apart, revealing the wet, pink interior. 

Carl took his cock in hand and rubbed the swollen head across the slick, pink hole and in small circles around her opening. He lubricated the head with her juices before pointing it directly at her core and moved forward just enough so she could feel it press up against her tunnel entrance.

"I have waited a long time for this Ms. Chambers. I have dreamed about this moment ever since I first saw you when I took over here. And I finally have you," he said. 

He teased her impatient pussy with his cock, poking at it very gently with the head just enough that each time she thought he would enter her, but he pulled back instead.

"Please, Carl, please!" she whined, humping her hips at him, "Please shove that cock in me!"

"Patience my eager slut!" he said, "Are you my little slut, Melanie?"


"Tell me. If you want me to fuck you with this cock, then tell me and make me believe it!" he said, giving her pussy a light smack with his cock.

"Yes, Carl, Yes! I am your slut! Please I'll be anything you want, do anything you want. Just please, please fuck me! Oh, god, please!" Melanie sobbed.

That was all he needed to hear. Carl placed one hand on her mons and leaned forward, His cock slipped into her passageway and she moaned as she felt him expanding her. 

Carl inched forward until he felt the head pop inside her and he stopped for a moment to let her adjust to him. It had been ages since she had anything bigger than her finger inside her and she was very tight.

Then Carl began pressing himself further into her and Melanie moaned louder as he stretched her pussy. "Oh God, Carl! Oh, you feel wonderful inside me! Yes, baby, yes! Oh, fuuuck yes!" Melanie moaned encouragement.

With her pussy secreting lubricating juices by the bucket, Melanie was plenty slick and Carl's cock slid easily into her. He sank down deeper and deeper until, at last, he felt the bottom of her woman well. 

He stopped there for a few moments, letting Melanie bask in the sensation of being full of hard cock once again. He held her in his arms as he moved ever so slightly within her, touching all of her nerve endings and sending the impulses to her brain. 

He bent to kiss her and held the kiss as he started pumping a few inches in and out of her only moving enough to cause her to moan into his mouth. She clung tightly to him her arms wrapped around his back and her fingers digging into his back. 

She didn't ever want to let him go. She loved this feeling of being full of man meat.

Carl started moving more and more inside her. Melanie let go of him and allowed him to move freely and he started stroking in and out fully. He pulled back until just the head was inside her, then thrust powerfully and fully into her again. As his thrusts grew in length and speed, he found out he had unleashed a monster!

"I want it! please give it to me! I want it so bad!" Melanie cried. 

Carl's cock began pumping in and out rhythmically sinking deep into the warm embrace of her pussy walls then pulling slowly out, only to plunge back in again. As he pistoned in and out, she kept spurring him on, "Oh yeah! Yeah! Oh god! Oh, fuck! Yeah!" she chanted.

Occasionally she would change up her moaning cry with something like "Fuck me, please! Fuck me, please! I want that fucking cock!" which let Carl know that he was doing a really good job and that she was thoroughly enjoying herself. 

He increased his efforts wanting to ride his beautiful new slut until she was completely played out. He wanted to give her such a sound fucking that she wouldn't even look at another guy. Carl was somewhat withdrawing and lacked self-confidence around people. 

He felt his job as a maintenance man was menial and common and that he couldn't compete with others. And when he became the landlord, this character trait remained. That's why he purposely made the basement apartment his.

This self-effacing nature now made him work all the harder to win this woman over. He felt that if he fucked her good enough and made her cum hard enough, she would want to be his girl and he would finally have the girl of his dreams. The girl he had until now been too afraid and shy to approach.

"Fuck me! Fuck me, Carl! Oh shit! Oh fuck yes!" she cried out again as he relentlessly pounded into her. Melanie could feel another orgasm building and she clawed at the bed looking for something solid to hang on to before it happened. 

She could feel the earth beneath her seem to be falling away and knew it was only a few more moments before she too would be falling into the inky blackness.

"Yeah! Oh fuck yeah! Yes! Ohhh! Melanie cried again. The mounting pressure had her writhing and squirming under him so much he was having a hard time staying in rhythm. 

He pounded her pussy with everything he had slamming into her and feeling his balls slapping against her ass. His cock made wet squishing sounds in her soaked and dripping pussy adding to the cacophony of moans and cries and whimpers she was making.

Suddenly a new sound reached Carl's ears. "Oh, shit! Oh, baby, I'm gonna cum! Oh yeah, make me cum! Ohhh, fuck me!" she cried out, louder than ever. 

He leaned forward and slipped his arms under her shoulders, pulling himself to her in a deep, passionate embrace. He fastened his mouth securely over hers and plunged into her a couple more times before she erupted in a flood of pussy juice. 

She screamed out her joy and Carl caught it in his mouth, wanting it to be a part of him forever. He felt her womb filled with the sweet, slippery fluid and bathe his cock in a fresh heat. It seeped out from around his cock and ran down the crack of her ass to soak the bedding below her. 

He held her close as the orgasm wracked her exhausted sweat covered body, and he felt the tremors as they raced through her.

Her orgasm hadn't completely left her when he began once again thrusting into her. "Please Carl! Please, I.. I can't…" she protested. 

But she'd had two orgasms now and he hadn't had any. It was his turn and he was determined to get his as well. He thrust mercilessly into her and she took every brutal thrust. 

Melanie's pussy clamped down on him milking him and coaxing him to release his load. She could feel his cock swelling, getting larger, and Carl felt his balls draw up tight, a sure sign he was about to cum.

He pulled out of her then. Since he was "riding bareback" and he wasn't sure about her form of protection if any, he didn't want to risk it. He moved quickly up her body and straddling her just under her tits. 

He gave a final couple of tugs on his cock with one hand and grabbing her by the hair, holding her head up with the other. "Open that slut mouth!" he said and she did, preparing to accept his load. 

He shot the first jet of cum into her mouth and Melanie swallowed it right away waiting for another. But she wasn't quite fast enough as the second spurt caught her across the face. Then he aimed a little lower and shot a couple of spurts onto the wonderful tits he was so fond of. 

He inched forward and she took the last spurts into her mouth and then took him into her mouth, sucking the last of his load from him. He rubbed his cock in the cum that he had deposited there, making sure he smeared it all over her tits and nipples and rubbing it in good. 

Then she licked him clean before he got off her and lay down next to her both exhausted and covered in a sheen of sweat.

They lay together in his bed for about an hour, him holding the prize that he had wanted for so long, her just as happy to be his.

"Carl, I can't believe…" she started to say.

He hugged a bit tighter "What Melanie, what can't you believe?" he asked.

"I can't believe that you have been living down here all this time and you–I–hadn't tried to get together like this. I never thought I could feel like this, I never imagined it could be this wonderful, this amazing," she said, softly.

"Me either, Melanie. But we are together now and we can get together anytime. I am so glad that you are staying at Meadow Lands," he said.

"Well, I hear that the landlord is a really great fuck. I think I'll see if I can hook up with him… make some sort of arrangement with him. Maybe I can even get him to knock a bit off the rent. I can be a pretty hot slut if I want to be!" she giggled.

"Certainly a loud one! I'm glad I live down here–I don't think the neighboring tenants would appreciate all the noise!" he chuckled.

"Well, I only make noise like that when properly motivated. And you definitely turned up my volume sir!" she said, smiling.

"Maybe next time we can try to blow the speakers then!" he said, playing along.

"I look forward to it!" Melanie said.


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Rental Car Service with a Smile Part II

Jenn had called, and gave me her address. She had an efficiency apartment across town from my hotel, but I didn't care. This was about her, and making her birthday special. I arrived at her apartment, and there she stood at the stoop. She came to the car, but I intercepted her 1/2 way. "I said I was going to call for you! Why were you on the stoop?" "Well, that's what guys do - they expect girls to be ready." I challenged her again. "Jenn, you need to start spending time with men, and disregard...

2 years ago
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Rental Property

"Jim, I need to speak with you." I looked up from my desk. It was Bobbie, standing at the entrance to my cubicle in that cute white jump suit with the thin lines in a checkerboard pattern. I didn't know if she knew that whenever I saw her in that outfit, my internal temperature rose a few degrees. Maybe she did. "What's up, Bobbie?" She drew in a breath. It was obvious that what she was going to ask wasn't easy. "We're short of cash this month. We need to get some money." I...

3 years ago
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Rental ProblemsChapter 3

The act of cumming inside Destiny had taken its toll on Chris's body. As the high from cumming in her ass faded, the feeling of tiredness sweep over him. Chris was laying down next to her as she reached over to hand him a washcloth. Chris took it and just placed it over his limp member. Chris wanted to clean up and do other things, but the sex had robbed him of all energy. As Destiny got up to head to the bathroom, Chris had a hard time keeping his eyes open. The sensation of cumming in her...

2 years ago
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Pleasure Agreement

We talked for what seemed like hours, it was the most comfortable conversation I had ever had with a stranger. Then he dropped the most intriguingly yet devastating news on me. He was looking for a fuckbuddy! “WHATTTT??!!??” is what I screamed on the inside, as he continued to explain why. He had just gotten out of a serious relationship, blah blah blah, that’s pretty much what I heard. I knew that I was too much of a relationship, commitment, emotional type of person, but yet I hadn’t just...

3 years ago
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Pleasure Agreement

Introduction: My first story ever. Looking for feedback…based on my life. I had been a member of the Singles Dating site for about a month. I had only run into crazy, horny, unintelligent men who did nothing to excite me. I wasnt looking for love, but I wasnt looking for your average one night stand either! One night, after a long day at work, I was lying in bed and I heard a beep. It was a familiar beep It was the sound of me getting a message on the dating site. His name was Anthony. He didnt...

2 years ago
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HUSBAND & WIFE RELATIONSHIP AGREEMENT [A Cuckold Contract]To insure a successful marriage, the husband will agree to the following regarding the penis which will now be called the marital penis:The Wife will have complete ownership and control of the marital penis.The husband has no right of privacy during the periods of time set forth in the �husband�s dress code� below. Therefore, bathroom doors must remain open when the marital penis is urinating so that the Wife may inspect the marital...

1 year ago
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The Acting Agreement between friends

The acting Agreement between friendsAfter having dinner one night with me, my girl Jessica and our sexual swinging friends James and Samantha were sitting around the table chatting sexually as usual. We soon came to agreement to download a porn video involving 2 men and 2 bitches and watch and act out the video exactly. My laptop came out and a few minutes later we were just about ready to get down and dirty. Up to the room we went. Connecting the laptop to the TV and switch on the porn video....

1 year ago
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AN INDECENT AGREEMENTA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY THE MARQUIS FAÇADECHAPTER SIX Eddie awoke to the sound of shuffling feet across carpet. It wasn’t the sound itself that startled him…but amount of it. When he opened his eyes and sat up on his bed. What he saw took him by surprise. At the end of his bed stood two women. One was his mother and the other was Miss Hogan from down the street, a woman whom his mother was very good friends with, but her son annoyed the ever-loving shit out of...

4 years ago
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The Agreement 8211 Part VI

Hi Friends! mera name rehan khan hy aur mein Pakistan k city rawilpindi ka rehnay wala hun. Mein ISS per yeh 5th story likh rha hun.Yeh aik he story hy jis ko mein series mein likha rha hun. Mein story k characters aik bar dobara bta deta hun Me: Name Rehan, Age :20 yr My Father: Name Rauf, Age : 45 Mummy: Name Shakeela, Age: 42 Dosto ager aap meri story k pehlay parts perhein gy to aap ko story ka ziada maza aye ga. Meri mummy shakeela mery papa ki ijazat sy aur balky un k kehnay per he aik...

1 year ago
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The Agreement1

“Hey, I didn’t think you’d come,” he states. “Of course I came. I told you I would.” “I know, it’s just so far from where you live, I just thought you’d wait until I got to your area. How’d you get here?” “I took the bus. It didn't take too long.” “You could have waited until I got in to your city, but it's cool. I'm glad to see you.” “I'm glad I was able to make it here too.” The receptionist hands him the keys and tells him where to go. He looks at the timer. Seven...

1 year ago
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The Keane Agreement 2

Nadia awoke the next morning at 7am. No one else in the house was up. She left urgent notes for both of her siblings to meet her in the office house. She also called Charlotte and requested that she not come to work today. As she sat there at the desk waiting for her sisters, quick flashes of what happened the night before in this very office flickered through Nadia’s slightly hung over mind. She could still feel Terry’s cock in her throat. She remembered how big it was, how powerful it felt...

3 years ago
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The Keane Agreement 3

A couple of hours later the front door opened and in walked Michelle. She noticed the living room light was on so she walked into it and found Rachel still sitting there. They both looked at each other with blank stares before Shelly took a seat on the couch. Shelly: “Have you seen Nadia yet?” Rachel: “No. I just got back myself. Not too long ago.” Shelly: “She’ll be okay. She’s stronger than both of us. I can’t believe Daddy did this. All over a poker game too.” Rachel: “Fuck him! I don’t...

1 year ago
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The Roommate Agreement Chapter 2

I did my best to act business as usual around him, and for the most part I succeeded. That is, unless Gavin was around. And as Vincent had moved out of the dorms and in with his new fiancée the week prior, Gavin was now around a lot. I couldn’t face him, couldn’t even see Gavin without the feeling of guilt eating me alive. I felt an almost physical pain even being in the same room as him, so like any brave, moral person, I hid my shame, lied my ass off, and ran away every time he was...

1 year ago
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Sorry readers, no sex in this story. It is one of those awful plot chapters. This is the sixth chapter in the Jen and Jason series, which covers the relationship of two college seniors. It would be useful to read the previous parts, because seriously, who wants to read a story without sex? Crutches (First time) Booty Call (NC/Reluctance, and currently highly rated!) Ride Home (Exhibitionist & Voyeur) One Night, Two Parties (Erotic Couplings) The Morning After (Erotic Couplings) Jen...

1 year ago
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The Roommate Agreement Chapter 2

Two weeks passed and, like I hoped, the incident between Eric and I had either been completely forgotten or ignored. I prayed that it was the former, but as Eric didn’t seem to be treating me any differently from before, I didn’t particularly care.I did my best to act business as usual around him, and for the most part I succeeded. That is, unless Gavin was around. And as Vincent had moved out of the dorms and in with his new fiancée the week prior, Gavin was now around a lot.I couldn’t face...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Mutual Agreement

My husband and I came upon this unusual agreement quite by accident. One time we tried the sharing thing with me being with another guy and him, but he didn't like seeing me getting fucked by another man. We discussed it at length and realized that everything up to that he loved. We were at a loss for what to do and almost wrote off the adventurous experiences when a stroke of bad luck turned to something good. I had recently had a miscarriage and couldn't have full penetration sex. We were...

2 years ago
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Mutual Masturbation Part Two The Agreement

It's been three days since my catching, being caught by, Sara masturbating. I've been avoiding her as much as possible since that night in our living room. Partly due to my shame, and also my feeling scared of what it is she will say if given the chance. Sara has tried numerous times since Friday night to speak to me when mom isn't around, but I always either ignore her or just cut her off, telling I don't want to talk.  It's at around 10:40pm or so when I hear a knock on my bedroom door, I've...

1 year ago
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354 Part 6 cuckold by mutual agreement

354 Part 6 cuckold by mutual agreementIt was a tired bunch that saw one another away home, the two women had spent some time together in the kitchen doing breakfast and had promised one another that they would have a meet, just the two of them in sometime the coming week. Over breakfast itself Gloria had explained that she had always fancied a gang bang, being sodomised which she had now done and was intrigued by the idea of being used as Alice had, though whether she would be up to it she had...

1 year ago
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351 Part 3 Cuckold by agreement

351 Part 3 Cuckold by agreement Stephen soon had to return to his unit, it had been 14 days of near non-stop screwing, and with his going came a lull that said wow we miss you Steven! Luckily, he was now in a barracks only 90 miles away, and he could soon be coming home to them once a month for the weekend. Gloria however was not happy at the other three being fallow weeks, she wanted more and expressed herself loudly on the subject. Thus, it was that they met Tony, one Friday night in the...

4 years ago
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349 Cuckold by mutual agreement

349 Cuckold by mutual agreement.Peter was a rose grower, a bricky by trade but that only filled in the days, in reality he now lived for his roses. His first wife had died after 20 years of a great marriage, she had been a model wife, soft, loving, caring and wonderful she had had the dreaded big C. He had been devastated, as you would expect. luckily, they had had no c***dren, and though not rich, at 39 and fit he had taken life by the reigns got off his backside and gone looking for...

3 years ago
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Ana and my boss agreement

Ana and my boss’ agreement The following Monday after that party at my boss’ house, where Ana had been wildly gangbanged by more than twenty guys, she and I went to meet my boss at his office, as he had asked.Mr. Lassitter was in a good mood that morning. He shook his hand with my wife, although he had fucked her wildly at the Friday’s party and offered us some drinks. He went directly to the point.“Ana, would you like to be in the “swinging list” of our company?”My wife understood the meaning...

1 year ago
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AN INDECENT AGREEMENTA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY THE MARQUIS FAÇADECHAPTER TWO The Nurse Practitioner, Linda McDonald rounded the edge of the exam table and motioned for her assistant, Shannon, a much younger nurse, to hand the penile response device back to her. She complied and moved back to her original position by the door. By that point, Sondra had taken up her position beside Sammy who sat on the bed with his swollen penis still wedged up inside the device. Linda sighed and looked...

1 year ago
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The PreNup Agreement a Chrissie Conway Story

The Pre-Nup Agreement Several years ago one of Kellys' friends had a brother who was getting married in Reno and a bunch of us girls decided we would all get together for a wild weekend reunion. I unfortunately had several of my regular clients to seeon Thursday and Friday afternoon and wouldn't be able to depart for Reno until early Friday evening. Needless to say bythe time I arrived the ladies were already in a crazy celebratory mood. I'd had several drinks on the flight so I wasn't...

2 years ago
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The Challenge 3 Renewed Agreement

Note: If you have not read it before I would like to inform you that this story is continuation of The Challenge series. So if you wish to get the clear picture of the story then I recommend you to read the previous stories after reading this one. Also these stories of Challenge series are very dear to me so please understand that the story is less fun and more like a real one. RAJ – It was a chilly evening, close to the sunset. My entire body was shivering with cold but there was a unique...

3 years ago
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Mutual Agreement

Mutual Agreement By Iris Morrison She had stumbled onto his covert activities purely by accident. She had looked in the Yellow Pages for an electrician to install an additional socket outlet in her bedroom for her new sun bed, and after trying three different numbers she had decided that his price -- and the fact that he could do the job the next day -- made him the favourite. When he turned up the next afternoon, she had just received a phone booking (she was a mobile...

2 years ago
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The Agreement 8211 Part III

Hi Friends! mera name rehan khan hy aur mein Pakistan k city rawilpindi ka rehnay wala hun. Mein ISS per yeh 3rd story likh rha hun. Yeh aik he story hy jis ko mein series mein likha rha hun. Mein story k characters aik bar dobara bta deta hun Me: Name Rehan, Age :20 yr My Father: Name Rauf, Age : 45 My Mummy: Name Shakeela, Age: 42 Mein abi sy story perhnay walo ko thori history bta deta hun. mein apni pehli stories mein bta chuka hun k mery mummy papa k darmiyan aik agreement ho chuka tha k...

2 years ago
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The Agreement 8211 Part II

Hy Friends . Mera name Rehan hy . Aur mein pakistan k city Rawalpindi ka rehnay wala hun . Mein ISS per aik story The Agreement Part -1 k name sy likh chuka hun. Yeh us story ka part-2 hy . Mein story k characters aik bar dobara bta deta hun. Me: name rehan , age: 20yr and student My Father: Name Rauf , Age : 45 My Mummy: Name Shakeela, Age :42 fig(36-30-38 ) To story ko agay berhata hun. Mummy aur papa k darmiyan yeh silsila usi terha chalta rha.Mummy papa k sath sex nhi krti the. Balky woh...

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