- 4 years ago
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There are times in a person’s life when they are violently forced to remember things from a lifetime which seems not their own. Memories from a place long lost to them, until, inexplicably, they are reminded of all over again almost to a point of tears. How could I have forgotten all this? Was this ever part of me?
It’s now twenty years later yet my eyes and my heart still know the way to Mary’s house. I had driven the short twenty miles without being lost once, something that was strange to me since I always seemed to end up wandering lost somewhere or another lately. The steering wheel turned and suddenly I was turning too, onto Greenfield, onto childhood once again. I was no longer in my car, instead, I pulled up to the brick house in roller blades, slowing down just enough to jump over the first curb which was the highest on the block, her dad’s mistake while re-paving the driveway.
‘Madison, is this you?’ Mary had called me, breathless, earlier this morning.
‘Yes, this is she. May I ask whose calling?’ I was just as breathless myself, chasing after my toddler. ‘Michael, put your pants back on right now! No! Sweetie, stop it — I’m sorry, who did you say this was?’
‘Madison… its Mary. Do you remember me?’ The voice breathed.
Of course I had known who it was from the moment I had heard her voice. I had spent my teen years talking to that voice over the phone long into the night about boys and hairstyles and ‘Did she really think she could backstab me like that?’ A voice that had impacted me in more ways than I will ever admit. A sort of husky, yet gentle, and sweet voice. How could I not remember? Of course I remembered. How could I have forgotten it? Mary. Mary’s. Mary’s where cats nuzzled you awake, the Margie’s candy story with 20 flavors of ice cream, Mexicorn from the local friendly Mexican store, chocolate peanut butter. Lots and lots of chocolate peanut butter.
After the initial shock, the details of the death in the family and the house that was now left to her were quickly told through half-sobs and half-laughs. An entire decade re-told in what seemed like brief moments and quick sighs.
‘Madison it’s so good to talk to you again. You have no idea,’ she said towards the end of our conversation. I could hear her blowing her nose.
‘Same here Mary, I feel like we never stopped talking.’
‘Look… um… this really sucks and I know that you were good with Real Estate and stuff through you mom, would you mind coming over just to help me with some legal things?’
Three hours, one trip to the pre-school, one phone call to my husband and one kiss goodbye to a very whiny toddler, I was on Mary’s block again. Wow, I thought. I couldn’t believe that she had inherited all of this. I scanned the exterior as I shut my car door. Although the house was old and falling apart, it was worth at least twice what I made a year.
I had to gingerly pick my way over the broken walkway that led up to the steps. A tipped-over cement birdbath lay to the side of the steps. I remember the day that Mary’s mother, Virginia, had placed it there, much to her husband’s dismay. I had agreed- it really was an ugly birdbath.
I tried to ring the buzzer but nothing happened except I received a friendly electric shock from the plastic button.
‘Ouch!’ I sucked on my index finger for a minute. I hate hate hated winter.
I knocked on the side window loudly and was immediately hit with memories of throwing rocks at Mary’s window just above the door. I looked up but it was now boarded-over. Nothing was left to remind of her purple curtains that would always blow out onto the short roof just above the red door.
It’s been almost twenty years now, but as soon as Mary swung open the brown door and came out to greet me, I remembered everything. It all rushed back in a gulp of smells and sounds, images that I had forgotten but now remembered clearer than when I had actually seen them. The pungent smells, the linoleum floors, the cat hairs spread methodically over certain areas of the carpet like snake patterns of white and grey. Twelve-year old Mary standing in the middle of her living room, screaming at her parents. Mary at thirteen crying in the kitchen because the mouse-trap actually killed a mouse, oozing its blood next to the refrigerator. My favorite cat, Blue, climbing up onto my bed where I slept next to Mary and demanding to be pet. Thomas, Mary’s younger brother teaching me to play Nintendo in his small bedroom with no curtains and the curious neighbor who was later arrested for child pornography.
That summer came back to me in a wave so strong that it brought tears to my eyes.
‘Madison!’ The much taller, long-haired Mary forgot all manners and flung herself into my hug.
‘Mary! You look the same!’ And she really did, her hair was longer but still black with streaks of purple. Even though she was much older now she still wore a band t-shirt with jeans, and very little make-up.
‘Look at you Maddie, all dressed up! You look amazing, even more beautiful than when I last saw you. Hurry up and come in before we freeze,’ she swept me into the house, never fully letting go of our hug. ‘I have some milk boiling for tea in the kitchen.’
‘Hey! New girl! Haven’t you ever seen a milk carton before?’ I looked up into the black eyes of a girl with purple bangs.
‘Um… no, kind of. I don’t know. I’m sorry, is this your seat? I’ll move-‘
‘Here,’ she quickly sat down next to me. ‘Its ok if I can tell you’re new, but some of the other kids might be really mean to you.’ She took my milk carton and ripped it open, put the straw in it, and put it back on my tray.
‘Wow, thanks. How did you do that? I’ve tried and-‘
‘I’m Mary, what’s your name?’ She slapped hands with another girl that walked around the lunch table and sat across from us.
‘I’m Madison. Nice to –‘
‘M and M, I like that. Like M&M’s. Do you like M&M’s Madison?’
This front porch was what stood out the strongest in my memory as I stepped inside and simultaneously recalled that long-forgotten summer. Maybe it was the smells that welcomed you like a burning blanket or the forever broken small windows on the sides of the porch letting the hot air lick your skin in the summer where air conditioning could not overpower. Mary’s house was always dark, dark, dark. Dark with the ever-present hum of the air conditioning unit in the wall, leering out like a black monster, throwing angry cold into the room. Contradictory to memory, the house was now brightly lit with florescent lights that let me see things which before I wouldn’t have been able to distinguish. The walls were covered in airy light pink wallpaper that clung to the corners like a thin lover. I followed Mary’s tall frame as she led me into the kitchen where I could hear the tea kettle whistling. I remembered the walls in the kitchen were always lined with dozens of cookie jars, back then.
For the rest of junior high and for most of high school we were known as the two M&M’s. We always argued about which M came first, Mary or Madison. I argued it was me because alphabetically my name came first but I always let her win, I liked it when she won. She was the chocolaty and sometimes bitter inside, and I was the sweet and shiny, nicely labeled M, outside. She was soft and curvy, and I was the crunchy first impression, always bright, always shiny, always covering something. I was the better liar out of the two of us because I looked more innocent. I always covered her tracks when she did something bad.
The time she dropped Virginia’s cookie-jar out the second-floor window on purpose was a pretty bad one. Her mother had wanted to put Mary on more medication, but she had refused, so in defiance she had taken Virginia’s favorite cookie jar and threw it out the window. Her mother was a collector and that one in particular was pricel
ess to her. When she started screaming and asked what happened, I lied for my friend.
‘Mrs. Holler, I am so so very sorry. It’s completely my fault. It was really hot upstairs so I was trying to get cold by sitting next to the window and I wanted some cookies very badly so I came downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed a cookie jar. I know you don’t normally keep cookies in this one, but I put just a few in it for me so if anyone wanted cookies from the other jar they could have some. And so I was upstairs eating cookies and I leaned over to say hi to Mr. Holler as he came into the house and I accidently dropped it. I am so very sorry Mrs. Holler.’
Virginia looked at me and then looked at her mad daughter. She never questioned why there were no cookies amongst the broken jar pieces on the sidewalk outside, but she accepted the lie.
Mary had locked herself in her bathroom afterwards for two hours, ignoring my pleas and knocks on the door. When she came out, she had perfect little cuts along her forearm.
‘You didn’t have to lie to that bitch. I could have handled her. Don’t do that ever again,’ she looked at me, her eyes red and her arm still bleeding.
‘Oh my God! Mary! What happened to-‘
‘I called your mom,’ she shut the door again. ‘She’s waiting for you downstairs.’
Mary didn’t speak to me an entire day after I got home and I wasn’t allowed back to her house for an entire week. Only when my mom replaced the cookie jar was I allowed to see my friend again.
‘Do you want green tea or chamomile?’ Mary asked as she poured milk into two suspiciously dirty mugs.
‘Green please, and no sugar.’ I crossed my legs, my heels bumping against the wooden table legs. The two of us could just barely fit comfortably at the table.
We stared at each other for a while, familiar friends that didn’t recognize each other.
‘I heard that you’re married now, you even have two boys!’ She just lightly scrunched her nose which was the barest indication of her proclaimed hatred towards kids.
The night that Mary turned thirteen there was a lunar eclipse. An eclipse that would happen only once in a lifetime, they said. Her parents wouldn’t let us stay up late to watch it, so we had secretly made chocolate peanut butter sandwiches and then snuck out her bedroom window onto the back roof. We ate in speechless awe, laying on our backs with towels under our heads to soften the hardness of the tiled roof.
We ran out of apple juice so Mary snuck back inside to get more. I heard her running quickly down the narrow stairs that led right into the kitchen. They weren’t stairs that were meant for a warm home, they were meant for a dark dark place. Mary’s room was in the attic, a conjoined bedroom with a kitchen and a bathroom, made to be a second upstairs apartment but never fully finished. Her room was up there – and the stairs were the pathway that let shadows and monsters in. We always ran up them really fast when going up to her room so if any thing was chasing us, it couldn’t catch us. Her room was safe, we burned a lot of incense to keep it that way. Once inside, no monster could touch us.
Mary came back onto the roof and settled back into her spot. She turned her head towards me and had a wicked gleam in her eye.
‘Oh no Mary, I know that look. What did you do now?’
‘Madison,’ she was suddenly serious. ‘You have been like a sister to me. I only wish we could have been real sisters. Maybe in another lifetime, in another place, we were. Maybe that’s why I feel so close to you,’ she smiled sweetly.
‘You are my sister,’ I whispered in the dark, dark night.
‘Do you want to be blood sisters?’ She pulled a kitchen knife from the window ledge.
‘What? Mary! Put that back, you know knives scare me! Cut it out! What are you doing?’ She grabbed my hand and cut open my palm. ‘Oww! Mary! What the hell are you doing??’ Tears began to stream down my face.
‘Relax! We’re becoming blood sisters!’ She did the same to her palm, and then grabbed mine in hers. ‘See? We’re now blood related. If I need a transfusion or something, I’m going to call my sister.’
After the initial shock I held her hand back, wiping my nose with the back of my sleeve. ‘Sisters?’
‘Forever,’ she kissed my cheek.
‘Forever,’ I kissed her back. ‘But you could have at least warned me!’ I whined.
‘Yea, but you wouldn’t have done it, you’re too big of a pussy!’
‘Am not!’
‘Are too! Madison, the goody-two-shoes!’
‘Shut up! If I have to be your sister can you at least not be so annoying?’
‘Ok, I’ll try. But now, we have to make each other a promise. If we’re really old and we –‘
‘How old?’
‘I don’t know, like forty?’
‘Ok, when we’re forty-‘
‘We’re still going to be best friends, of course. When we’re forty, and if we’re still single, we have to promise that we will marry each other!’
‘Why do we have to marry each other?’
‘So that we can get old people’s pay and so that no man could ever steal me away from you.’
‘Ok, I promise, that if we’re forty and both still single, we’ll marry each other. Can we have pets though?’
‘Yes! Yes, we will be the sexy forty-something old grandmas on the block with at least ten cats! And at Halloween, we’ll give the best candy to the kids!’
‘We have to never forget what it’s like to be a child…that way we won’t be mean to our kids in the future. Maybe your mom would understand you better if she remembered, maybe she just forgot-‘
‘I hate my mom,’ she wrapped a towel around her palm, ‘and I really hate kids. I am never going to have any!’ She vowed.
‘You’ll change your mind,’ I said, holding my now aching palm between my legs.
‘I’m sorry that we had to meet under such depressing circumstances,’ Mary apologized, stirring her tea idly.
‘I’m so sorry about your mother. I heard in college that your father died, and now Virginia, that’s horrible. I’m sorry I didn’t try and contact you then,’ I looked down at my tea, not knowing what to say. Would I have called her? Why didn’t I?
‘It’s ok,’ she looked back up at me, her black bangs moving as she blinked. ‘You’re here now.’ She reached across the table and squeezed my arm. I noticed small cut marks and scars up her arms to her sleeves, disappearing below the fabric.
‘I feel like I didn’t even really know your parents that well. When is the funeral?’
Like I would have gone to the funeral. Maybe out of respect to my friend, but Virginia was a stranger to me. She was also like a mother, yes, but a very inattentive and distant mother. The only times I had real interaction with her was when she would force pills down her daughter’s throat for depression or anxiety or bi-polar disease. Who has anxiety at twelve?
‘Its tomorrow,’ she pulled her arm back, continuing to stir her tea.
I was hoping she wouldn’t ask me to come.
She didn’t. Instead we went over the details of the house, how much I thought it would sell for.
‘Do you really want to sell the house?’ I asked.
When she looked back up at me, there were small puddles forming in her eyes.
‘I’ve had nothing but bad memories here, Maddie,’ I smiled at her per name for me. ‘I really would just like to get rid of it, the house, the memories. All of them, except the ones with you.’ She was all seriousness again, looking right at me from across the table. ‘The only reason I’m even here today, was because you were my friend and the only person that loved me. I don’t think I would have survived without you.’
Memories of dragging Mary’s red body out of the bathtub came rushing back to me. The ambulance, the doctors, her parents, all of them asking questions I couldn’t begin to answer. More therapy for Mary. Virginia feeding her more pills. Stealing the razors from her bathroom, hiding knives,
always expecting the worst.
‘Mary, you know that’s not true. There are so many people that loved you then,’ I lied. ‘Don’t sell the house just because you hated your parents. This place is going to be worth a lot in a few years.’
She didn’t say anything after that, just grabbed my hand across the table and kissed it. I smiled. It was from when we were twelve and we’d practice kissing boys on each other’s hands.
‘It’s late Maddie, your son is waiting for you to pick him up.’
We both awkwardly got up, avoiding eyes, avoiding knowing glances.
I stepped out onto the cold porch with Mary behind me.
Mary walked behind me onto the porch, wanting to wait with me until my mom came to pick me up. I couldn’t wait to get my driver’s license next week. No more of this being driven around crap. We carefully avoided eye contact and I made sure I knew exactly how many tiles were on the floor. No, 57 cannot possibly be correct. I should count them again.
‘Maddie, I’m sorry for what I said,’ she was looking at her hands. ‘I just don’t understand why you have to date him. Bryan, he’s nice, but he’s not for you.’
‘Oh and why not? You’re just jealous because you don’t have a boyfriend! Or girlfriend! Mary, I don’t even know what you like these days but you’re just jealous!’
‘I’m not jealous!’ She raised her voice a little. ‘I just miss my friend! Where’s my friend?? I don’t even see you anymore!!’
‘And you’re not going to if you keep calling my boyfriend a masochistic whore!’ I yelled back. ‘Get your own boyfriend and then talk to me about it!’
‘I don’t want a boyfriend, Maddie!! I just want –‘
‘What?!? You want a nice girl then?!’
‘No!’ She was on her feet now, moving closer to me. ‘I only want you!’ And then she leaned down and kissed me.
I pushed her away from me and stood up, running for the front steps, running out onto the sidewalk. ‘Mary! Ew! I’m never coming back here again! You’re horrible!’ My mom was just pulling up as I ran out.
‘I hate you Mary! I hate you! I cannot believe you just did that! I’m never going to see you again!’ I got inside my mom’s car and slammed the door.
I got into my car and started the engine. Right before I pulled away I looked up onto the porch and waved at Mary. Right before I blinked it was fifteen year old Mary again, waving at me as I drove away in my mom’s car.
The steering wheel turned away from her house and I left my memories and my childhood behind. How could I have forgotten all of this? How am I going to forget it again?
My wife was working one of her overnight jobs and I was bored as hell. I didn't care to watch TV, it was Monday night and there was nothing on worth watching. I had already seen all the new stuff on my porn sites and was tired of it for a while. I wanted to get out of the house but didn't know where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do. I don't go to clubs or bars.....why pay for one beer what I buy a 6-pack for and have to shout to be heard by the person sitting 2ft away all the while...
Copyright© 2007 Chapter 1: The Old School "I wonder what she's up to?" Ray mused as he noticed the young girl walk slowly passed the wall at the road end of his front garden for the fourth time. He called it a front garden but at the moment it was a waist high wilderness of grass and weeds; a wilderness he was trying to reduce to a manageable length using an old fashioned scythe hired locally. "When it's short enough, I'll use the ride-on rotary mower to keep it under control and...
This is more about Mary..her husband Bill and myself. After the first time together our friendship developed much deeper. We just connected deeper than just a sexual attraction. There was only 1 moment that made me concerned and that was a few days after our fist visit at Marys and Bills home. I stopped for coffee and when i went in the other younger girl Melanie who works in the shop with Mary gave me a funny little look as i entered. Did she know? As i was pouring my coffee Mary came...
Marie was in a particularly naughty mood this morning, earlier she had masturbated to a delicious orgasm while spending some time on-line. It was only 10:00am, the kids were at her Mothers until 4:30 and she had the whole day to herself. She decided she would go out grocery shopping for awhile. Now some people might find grocery shopping tedious or boring, but Marie new how to make the most mundane tasks seem very erotic. She picked out a short red skirt, matching red shoes, and a thin white...
Maria occasional would blow into town like a storm. This time was no different. She had called when she had stopped for gas outside of town to ask if I could make time for her. It was New Year’s eve and a bit unexpected, but I had no serious plans and welcomed her to ring in the new year together. About an hour later she knocked on the door. ‘George, it’s so good to see you,’ she exclaimed as she threw her arms around my neck. ‘You’re looking good Maria’, I said leaning down into her grasp....
It was late on that Tuesday night. Dee and I were visiting our long-time friends Michael and Mari. Dee was in the guest bedroom asleep for more than an hour. Michael was in their bedroom also for more than an hour. Mari was playing solitaire on her computer across the room from me where I was surfing porn on mine. From time to time I would glance at Mari. She was wearing her silk pajamas and I was in my flannel pants and a tee shirt.I got up to get a drink of water, sipping it as I moved...
I have been working at Mary’s house for about a year or so, on many different small projects and maintenance as she needs. The last week or so I have been painting and remodelling her downstairs bathroom. Mary always has a cup of coffee for me and will come down and chat while I am working, then she goes back upstairs and does whatever it is she needs to do.I am just a fifty-four-year-old older guy that is a little overweight so if I can flirt to have some fun why not? Mary was in her late...
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Ugh, I hate this weather. I am the type of person that loves the sun, not rain and snow. I went through my list of things to do today. Recycle cans, go to the store, and go home. I decided to go take a shower before I left. As I started to get undressed, my nipples hardened at the sudden change of temperature. I wondered how long it had been since I got any action. Six months since the last time I got anything. I sighed, thinking of how lucky I was. It had...
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I met Marie the old-fashioned way. Drunk, at a bar. To be fair, I was drunk and she was sober, but still, my drunken state led me to hit on her, which made her shoot me down. I still entertained her enough to get her number, and after a few days of sober texting and calling, she finally agreed to go out with me. We went out a few times and never progressed further than a good night kiss at the door. She was oddly reserved for a woman of her age (39), but definitely showed signs of passion in...
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Jessica struggled to get out of bed quietly. She woke to find herself sandwiched between her sons, both snuggled up against her, and sound asleep. Toby was nestled up against her back, snoring lightly, an arm wrapped warmly around her waist. Andrew was facing away from her but backed up against her and was snoring even louder. Jessica squirmed out from under the covers and slid down the bed to the foot, where she slipped to the floor and stood up. Turning, she tossed the sheet back over the...
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The site for the party was outside the city, at an isolated club. The clubhouse had been rented for the evening, with the catering supplied by one of the dominants. His catering staff were also his slaves, so both good service and discretion were assured. When Gretchen and Nina arrived, Gretchen parked the car, and turned to Nina. "This is the last chance. Once we get out of this car, we are committed to whatever will happen." "Mistress, I have complete faith in you, and I trust you...
"Hey Rachael! What's up?" I ask Rachael over the phone. "I'm taking a hike this weekend with Katy this weekend and I was wondering if you would like to come too!" "That would be great but I have to catch up on some study for school!" you say dissapointed
Group SexHello ISS readers, following is the continuation of the series of my experiences with my fuck buddy Pavana and her friend Sahana. I’m Kishan from Bengaluru and this story happened in Bengaluru. I would like to thank all the readers who appreciated my previous stories and gave good feedback. Hope you all will like this one too. After my initial fucking week with Shilpa, she went and spoke to me with her friend Sahana. She was a working professional in a software company in Marathalli, Bengaluru....
IncestI was a newbie, a rookie cop finishing up my field training when I was confronted with an ethics situation that would test my worthiness as a police officer. It wasn’t something I am proud to write about, but I am telling the story to relieve my anxiety and hopefully paint a picture that us cops are not bad guys, just real people with human frailties. We try to be perfect in our character and at work, but even the best cop has an off day.As a uniformed cop, most of my days were pretty mundane,...
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I am now 22 years old and the real experience which I am going to narrate is something happened some months ago. I am a party gal and was raised in Kolkata, I moved to Gurgaon after finishing my graduation and started my career with an organization in its management department. I am a 22 year old virgin, with really good figure but rather small butt. I am working under the head of my friend cum boss Danny,. He is a guy, 25 years old in a very good shape (boy, he still gives me chills). As you...
The girls were lying on their towels on the lawn surrounding the pool and putting sunscreen on each other when Bonnie and her daughters came outside in their bikinis. They all had their hair up in pony tails that swung from side to side when they walked. Bridie was slightly taller than Connie and Bonnie but all looked so sweet in their bikinis that I had to stop myself from staring at them. They stopped just short of me and spun around showing that all of the bikinis had a thong bottom and...
Lemme tell you a story. This one's unfortunately a true story. I joined the Army in 1962. It might not have been the best of all possible decisions but, at the time, it seemed like the right thing to do. I took basic at Fort Dix, NJ. Then I went on to take advanced individual training (AIT) at Ft. Monmouth, NJ. Since I enlisted (rather than waiting to be drafted) I had a choice of schooling and I wound up in communications. I was about 250 miles from home and, after Basic, I managed to...
"I insist," thundered the Emir, "If you are saying that she cannot be put aboard my private aircraft without anyone in Australia knowing it has been done, then I will get a new Head of Security in this embassy." "Master, may you live for ever, it can be done, but it is illegal," protested the unfortunate guard. "Under the Vienna Convention, in what country are we now standing?" demanded the Emir. "Master, may you live for ever, the Kobekistani Embassy and its grounds are in...
First, I’d let you in the house and guide you to my room. Then we’d sit on my bed and start an awkward conversation. A few minutes after we get comfortable around each we’ll start kissing and cuddling. I’ll tease you and you’ll tease me. Our short and sweet pecks turn into long passionate kisses. Your hands begin to wander all over my body. First at my arms, then slowly drift down to my stomach and soon make it to my hips. You grab my ass as you start kissing my neck. I start moaning softly as...
I am going to keep writing. For as long as i can. I am trying to write better, but i was never any good at grammar or punctuation. Wednesday, the 23 of Sptember As all three of us got out of the shower, we went our separate ways. I got dressed and went to the car waiting for my sisters to come out. I looked threw my backpack and found a form for a talent show coming this Friday. I was thinking that I could go on stage and show my love for my sisters. But in a way that only...
I woke up to the alarm and snuck out of bed without waking Trisha. I left her a note telling her I would be back at two thirty to spend some time with her before going back for afternoon practice. I put the itinerary beside the note on the dining room table and left her my cell number as well as Katie's in case she needed either of us. I drove to the arena and hustled in to get out of the cold. February was deciding to come in and make January feel balmy by comparison. I got suited up and...
Hayley was raised in a strict catholic home. She went to a private catholic school during the week and attended bible studies on the weekend. Hayley had finally graduated high school and would be turning 19 in August. She had lived her entire childhood under her parents thumb. She didn't break the rules or stray too far from home and studies. She had been looking forward to her 19th birthday for a long time, she thought finally she would be able to break free. She had been working during the...
I awoke from my nap a couple of hours later. I slipped off the bed so I wouldn't awaken the two big and beautiful women still asleep. I laid out two robes for them and went to relief myself in the second bathroom of Sandy's and my home then put on a tee shirt and shorts and with a glass of water sat in my recliner to think. My sweet wife Sandy had surprised me a few months back when she asked me to tell her about my fantasies. Having promised to always be truthful and to not keep secrets...
Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Ye story bahut hi interesting h main college mein padta hun n summer vacation me ghar jata hun jo ki ek colony me h jo city se kaafi dur h to hr sunday chutti me sabhi market jaate h n main ghar pr akela hi bor hota rehta hun to tv khol kr baith jata hun. Bagal me ek aunty rehti h jo lambi aur saawli h. Unka nature accha h woh mujhe bade pyaar se baat krti h but mujhe wo horny lgti h n main chahta hun ki main unko apni baahoein me le kr sex karu yeh mere...
“Jake! Your dates are here!” his mother shrieked from the bottom of the stairwell. With that cue, Jake gave himself a cursory glance before heading down the stairs to greet his dates. Katie looked stunning in her baby blue dress which fit snugly on her short, athletic frame, its plunging neckline left little to the imagination with her ample cleavage being on a tremendous display. Chloe wore a royal blue crushed velvet dress that was a little more conservative, but still looked good on her...
Hi, I am an old ISS reader, but this is my first story here. I hope you enjoy it. My name is Shweta, I live in Bangalore and I am 25 years old. I am a little chubby, with an okayish figure of 34-32-36. I have a dusky complexion. This story is a fantasy that I would like to experience someday. This story is about how I got fucked on a train. It was the last year of my engineering college and I had a boyfriend who was senior to me. He was working in Bangalore. We decided to visit Gokarna. He...
MY NEW PERSONAL TRAINER, PART 5 by Zenna Swallows 4 December I seem to have settled into a lovely routine. Every morning I make Daddy breakfast before he goes to work, then spend the rest of the morning doing my chores. After lunch I go to Joy's place for a class, or do my own workout at home. Then, either way, I hang out with Monique and Ashlee at the shops or the cafe. Until it's time to go home to cook Daddy dinner, of course. After that I watch tv, or play games, or hang out...
Hello everyone. My name is Akshita. I am a regular reader of Indiansexstories and enjoy the stories a lot. I have always been this horny girl and never miss a chance to service my pussy whenever an opportunity comes up. Today I want to narrate one of those personal sexcapade stories. Since it is my first attempt to write down an experience, I hope I can do it well. I am from Kolkata. After graduation, I got a job in the marketing sector which required lot of travel across the State. Most of...
CHAPTER TWELVE ‘FELON, n. A person of greater enterprise than discretion, who in embracing an opportunity has formed an unfortunate attachment.’ – Ambrose Bierce Loki appeared in front of Taika’s house and walked inside, ‘Good news,’ he announced, ‘The wards have been set up at Mayfield Road, but only there.’ Ranulf was pleased to hear that, he had been worried that the wards that WinCom had put in place would keep them out of Salisbury altogether, making the job of getting their gear to...
I know I have not posted anything in a very long time, so to anyone who has enjoyed other stories I have written, this is just a build up to a companion piece I am writing, so please don’t hesitate to vote, or leave me comments, and maybe if you leave notes, or send me feedback, you may se it in the upcoming story. Thanks * Dear lord: I am before you a humbled man, not standing, not kneeling, but lying before you asking for forgiveness for my sins, praying that you give me strength,...
May 17, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “Last day!” Clarissa exclaimed when she came to my room on Friday morning before breakfast. “If you think I’m going to ‘Carrousel’ because my life clock has gone red eight years early, Jessica 6, you’re nuts!” I declared. “I thought that was a foregone conclusion, Logan 5!” “Well, yeah!” I chuckled. “You’re my friend, so that does call your sanity into question!” “Can you believe it’s been four years?” “No. There never really was a time when it felt like the...
12:45 PM Dear diary, its Austin again. Nothing new to report, except that I got stood up once again. Seems she had some important meeting that she had to attend. Her last words to me were, ‘Don’t wait up’. I guess it’s pretty obvious this is going to take all day and now my plans are wasted. It’s not so much the meeting as much as the timing. She knew I had this day planned. She didn’t know what I was planning, but she knew it was planned none-the-less. So here I am, writing to you once...
Jada Stevens is happy to be back, so happy that she is twerking and working her ass in excitement! She crawls around in her black strappy lingerie and shows off her incredible curves in the process. Watching her jiggle that extra bit of cushion makes the whole world slow down, and she cannot wait to pleasure a cock with her tantalizing body. When our stud shows up, he hides his salami in her cute cunt, stuffing her pussy full of man meat. Then Jada sits on his dick and gyrates her hips because...
xmoviesforyou"A plan for what, Ken?" I repeated. Ken's only reply was, "You'll see, baby." Then with a far away look on his face, Ken said, "Why don't you get dress now, Jill. We have to get back to the house." Bill gave me a new shirt to wear home since the other was covered in cum. Bill's shirt was made of a rich blue silk. I have always loved how silk feels against my braless nipples. It is so luxurious. I approached Bill for one last passionate kiss and then I bent down to scratched my...
I thought it was horny to see that man smelling my panties,it gave me a warm feeling I watched it all through the opening of the door, I began to caress myself.I grabbed my breasts and started rubbing between my legs.I felt my nipples getting harder through my blouse.he was so enjoying my worn panties, he made a sort of growling sound. His hand disappeared into his pants.I lifted my skirt a little and felt how the panties that I now wore became wetter.I pulled it aside and started...
I've been invited into the house and I'm now sat in the lounge. The curtains are drawn and the lighting dim. As the music plays, I'm watching a gorgeous figure dance seductively. With the lighting’s so low I’m straining my eyes to see more. As she moves the angle changes and I can’t quite see if she’s wearing any knickers. My cock stirs in my pants. The guy sat beside me has adjusted his jogging bottoms and I can see now that he is stroking his erection. I take this as my cue to unzip my...
VoyeurAlison (Gina Valentina) just moved to Los Angeles after a terrible break up. She needs to relax and decides to get a massage. When Debby (Aidra Fox) puts her soft hands on her back, she can feel this strange feeling growing inside her. Under the gentle caress and kind voice of Debby, Alison finally starts to relax. Slowly during that exceptional moment, Alison opens up to Debby, the two beautiful women gradually get to know each other, you can feel the tension building between them in the small...
xmoviesforyou"Pirates," I shouted a few minutes later, lowering my spy glass and handing it to Tagus as I did. My friend took it from me and had a look. There were four canoe-like craft slipping away from the ship that we were approaching. The canoes were low in the water and they were shooting across the sea towards a distant island at a good pace. From what I could see there were three men in the bow of each craft paddling like crazy and there were three men in the stern of each craft doing the same....
"You better!" A familiar voice resounded. "You got a full ride to the best technology college in the nation, and you're going to miss orientation!" "You're right, Reina." I mumbled. "Always right." "Of course I'm fucking right. You get to go to college, while I'm stuck in high school!" Reina tossed her blonde hair, parting it to her left side. "Don't let mom catch you talking like that," I tossed my blanket on the floor. "You know how she gets." Mom is the stereotypical...
We had known each other for years before now. But we decided to get together one day at the park. James had blue eyes to kill for and dark hair. I had such a lust for this man, I was dying. I wanted to have his hard slim body rubbing against my soft, small one. I was running late that day and I knew James was waiting for me. I was just hoping he wouldn’t leave me! I pulled up to see him swinging. I jumped out and moved to him. ‘I was just getting worried you wouldn’t show,’ He said as he...
By : Shaitan_chodu Mera naam ali hai aur main 29 saal ka hoon aur Belgium main rehta hoon, main nay ISS ki bohaut kahania perhi hain aur bohaut passand bhi hain mujhe isi liye socha k ajj apni kahani bhi app sab doston se share keroon yeh kahani mere class fellow k bare main hai jis ka naam sania hai ab kahani shurow kerta hoon. Sania aur main 9th class main saath perh rahay thay aur main us ko bohaut pasand kerta tha lakin kabhi kaha nahin tha us se. Us ka figure us waqt 36 24 30 tha jo k...
After a late night at work, I decided to check out the layby I'd had success at recently. I'd been back a couple of times since then, but I had not had the same joy, so I wasn't arriving with any expectation of success. However, what I found couldn't have proved me more wrong.I pulled into the layby and found the usual parked up trucks, but no cars apart from one lone vehicle parked at the far end near the exit. I parked up behind, but the distance was too great to see if there were any...
In between fucking and other fun family activities I had been working pretty much non-stop on my next book. I had settled on a title: Family Ties; A Guide to a Successful and Rewarding Incestral Life. Based on my own family life and my extensive incest clinic experience, the book was a step by step guide to starting and nurturing a loving incestral family. I even included tips on how to safely initiate relationships with beloved offspring, siblings and even parents. After countless studies...