Mary’s free porn video

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There are times in a person’s life when they are violently forced to remember things from a lifetime which seems not their own. Memories from a place long lost to them, until, inexplicably, they are reminded of all over again almost to a point of tears. How could I have forgotten all this? Was this ever part of me?

It’s now twenty years later yet my eyes and my heart still know the way to Mary’s house. I had driven the short twenty miles without being lost once, something that was strange to me since I always seemed to end up wandering lost somewhere or another lately. The steering wheel turned and suddenly I was turning too, onto Greenfield, onto childhood once again. I was no longer in my car, instead, I pulled up to the brick house in roller blades, slowing down just enough to jump over the first curb which was the highest on the block, her dad’s mistake while re-paving the driveway.

‘Madison, is this you?’ Mary had called me, breathless, earlier this morning.

‘Yes, this is she. May I ask whose calling?’ I was just as breathless myself, chasing after my toddler. ‘Michael, put your pants back on right now! No! Sweetie, stop it — I’m sorry, who did you say this was?’

‘Madison… its Mary. Do you remember me?’ The voice breathed.

Of course I had known who it was from the moment I had heard her voice. I had spent my teen years talking to that voice over the phone long into the night about boys and hairstyles and ‘Did she really think she could backstab me like that?’ A voice that had impacted me in more ways than I will ever admit. A sort of husky, yet gentle, and sweet voice. How could I not remember? Of course I remembered. How could I have forgotten it? Mary. Mary’s. Mary’s where cats nuzzled you awake, the Margie’s candy story with 20 flavors of ice cream, Mexicorn from the local friendly Mexican store, chocolate peanut butter. Lots and lots of chocolate peanut butter.

After the initial shock, the details of the death in the family and the house that was now left to her were quickly told through half-sobs and half-laughs. An entire decade re-told in what seemed like brief moments and quick sighs.

‘Madison it’s so good to talk to you again. You have no idea,’ she said towards the end of our conversation. I could hear her blowing her nose.

‘Same here Mary, I feel like we never stopped talking.’

‘Look… um… this really sucks and I know that you were good with Real Estate and stuff through you mom, would you mind coming over just to help me with some legal things?’


Three hours, one trip to the pre-school, one phone call to my husband and one kiss goodbye to a very whiny toddler, I was on Mary’s block again. Wow, I thought. I couldn’t believe that she had inherited all of this. I scanned the exterior as I shut my car door. Although the house was old and falling apart, it was worth at least twice what I made a year.

I had to gingerly pick my way over the broken walkway that led up to the steps. A tipped-over cement birdbath lay to the side of the steps. I remember the day that Mary’s mother, Virginia, had placed it there, much to her husband’s dismay. I had agreed- it really was an ugly birdbath.

I tried to ring the buzzer but nothing happened except I received a friendly electric shock from the plastic button.

‘Ouch!’ I sucked on my index finger for a minute. I hate hate hated winter.

I knocked on the side window loudly and was immediately hit with memories of throwing rocks at Mary’s window just above the door. I looked up but it was now boarded-over. Nothing was left to remind of her purple curtains that would always blow out onto the short roof just above the red door.

It’s been almost twenty years now, but as soon as Mary swung open the brown door and came out to greet me, I remembered everything. It all rushed back in a gulp of smells and sounds, images that I had forgotten but now remembered clearer than when I had actually seen them. The pungent smells, the linoleum floors, the cat hairs spread methodically over certain areas of the carpet like snake patterns of white and grey. Twelve-year old Mary standing in the middle of her living room, screaming at her parents. Mary at thirteen crying in the kitchen because the mouse-trap actually killed a mouse, oozing its blood next to the refrigerator. My favorite cat, Blue, climbing up onto my bed where I slept next to Mary and demanding to be pet. Thomas, Mary’s younger brother teaching me to play Nintendo in his small bedroom with no curtains and the curious neighbor who was later arrested for child pornography.

That summer came back to me in a wave so strong that it brought tears to my eyes.

‘Madison!’ The much taller, long-haired Mary forgot all manners and flung herself into my hug.

‘Mary! You look the same!’ And she really did, her hair was longer but still black with streaks of purple. Even though she was much older now she still wore a band t-shirt with jeans, and very little make-up.

‘Look at you Maddie, all dressed up! You look amazing, even more beautiful than when I last saw you. Hurry up and come in before we freeze,’ she swept me into the house, never fully letting go of our hug. ‘I have some milk boiling for tea in the kitchen.’


‘Hey! New girl! Haven’t you ever seen a milk carton before?’ I looked up into the black eyes of a girl with purple bangs.

‘Um… no, kind of. I don’t know. I’m sorry, is this your seat? I’ll move-‘

‘Here,’ she quickly sat down next to me. ‘Its ok if I can tell you’re new, but some of the other kids might be really mean to you.’ She took my milk carton and ripped it open, put the straw in it, and put it back on my tray.

‘Wow, thanks. How did you do that? I’ve tried and-‘

‘I’m Mary, what’s your name?’ She slapped hands with another girl that walked around the lunch table and sat across from us.

‘I’m Madison. Nice to –‘

‘M and M, I like that. Like M&M’s. Do you like M&M’s Madison?’


This front porch was what stood out the strongest in my memory as I stepped inside and simultaneously recalled that long-forgotten summer. Maybe it was the smells that welcomed you like a burning blanket or the forever broken small windows on the sides of the porch letting the hot air lick your skin in the summer where air conditioning could not overpower. Mary’s house was always dark, dark, dark. Dark with the ever-present hum of the air conditioning unit in the wall, leering out like a black monster, throwing angry cold into the room. Contradictory to memory, the house was now brightly lit with florescent lights that let me see things which before I wouldn’t have been able to distinguish. The walls were covered in airy light pink wallpaper that clung to the corners like a thin lover. I followed Mary’s tall frame as she led me into the kitchen where I could hear the tea kettle whistling. I remembered the walls in the kitchen were always lined with dozens of cookie jars, back then.


For the rest of junior high and for most of high school we were known as the two M&M’s. We always argued about which M came first, Mary or Madison. I argued it was me because alphabetically my name came first but I always let her win, I liked it when she won. She was the chocolaty and sometimes bitter inside, and I was the sweet and shiny, nicely labeled M, outside. She was soft and curvy, and I was the crunchy first impression, always bright, always shiny, always covering something. I was the better liar out of the two of us because I looked more innocent. I always covered her tracks when she did something bad.

The time she dropped Virginia’s cookie-jar out the second-floor window on purpose was a pretty bad one. Her mother had wanted to put Mary on more medication, but she had refused, so in defiance she had taken Virginia’s favorite cookie jar and threw it out the window. Her mother was a collector and that one in particular was pricel
ess to her. When she started screaming and asked what happened, I lied for my friend.

‘Mrs. Holler, I am so so very sorry. It’s completely my fault. It was really hot upstairs so I was trying to get cold by sitting next to the window and I wanted some cookies very badly so I came downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed a cookie jar. I know you don’t normally keep cookies in this one, but I put just a few in it for me so if anyone wanted cookies from the other jar they could have some. And so I was upstairs eating cookies and I leaned over to say hi to Mr. Holler as he came into the house and I accidently dropped it. I am so very sorry Mrs. Holler.’

Virginia looked at me and then looked at her mad daughter. She never questioned why there were no cookies amongst the broken jar pieces on the sidewalk outside, but she accepted the lie.

Mary had locked herself in her bathroom afterwards for two hours, ignoring my pleas and knocks on the door. When she came out, she had perfect little cuts along her forearm.

‘You didn’t have to lie to that bitch. I could have handled her. Don’t do that ever again,’ she looked at me, her eyes red and her arm still bleeding.

‘Oh my God! Mary! What happened to-‘

‘I called your mom,’ she shut the door again. ‘She’s waiting for you downstairs.’

Mary didn’t speak to me an entire day after I got home and I wasn’t allowed back to her house for an entire week. Only when my mom replaced the cookie jar was I allowed to see my friend again.


‘Do you want green tea or chamomile?’ Mary asked as she poured milk into two suspiciously dirty mugs.

‘Green please, and no sugar.’ I crossed my legs, my heels bumping against the wooden table legs. The two of us could just barely fit comfortably at the table.

We stared at each other for a while, familiar friends that didn’t recognize each other.

‘I heard that you’re married now, you even have two boys!’ She just lightly scrunched her nose which was the barest indication of her proclaimed hatred towards kids.


The night that Mary turned thirteen there was a lunar eclipse. An eclipse that would happen only once in a lifetime, they said. Her parents wouldn’t let us stay up late to watch it, so we had secretly made chocolate peanut butter sandwiches and then snuck out her bedroom window onto the back roof. We ate in speechless awe, laying on our backs with towels under our heads to soften the hardness of the tiled roof.

We ran out of apple juice so Mary snuck back inside to get more. I heard her running quickly down the narrow stairs that led right into the kitchen. They weren’t stairs that were meant for a warm home, they were meant for a dark dark place. Mary’s room was in the attic, a conjoined bedroom with a kitchen and a bathroom, made to be a second upstairs apartment but never fully finished. Her room was up there – and the stairs were the pathway that let shadows and monsters in. We always ran up them really fast when going up to her room so if any thing was chasing us, it couldn’t catch us. Her room was safe, we burned a lot of incense to keep it that way. Once inside, no monster could touch us.

Mary came back onto the roof and settled back into her spot. She turned her head towards me and had a wicked gleam in her eye.

‘Oh no Mary, I know that look. What did you do now?’

‘Madison,’ she was suddenly serious. ‘You have been like a sister to me. I only wish we could have been real sisters. Maybe in another lifetime, in another place, we were. Maybe that’s why I feel so close to you,’ she smiled sweetly.

‘You are my sister,’ I whispered in the dark, dark night.

‘Do you want to be blood sisters?’ She pulled a kitchen knife from the window ledge.

‘What? Mary! Put that back, you know knives scare me! Cut it out! What are you doing?’ She grabbed my hand and cut open my palm. ‘Oww! Mary! What the hell are you doing??’ Tears began to stream down my face.

‘Relax! We’re becoming blood sisters!’ She did the same to her palm, and then grabbed mine in hers. ‘See? We’re now blood related. If I need a transfusion or something, I’m going to call my sister.’

After the initial shock I held her hand back, wiping my nose with the back of my sleeve. ‘Sisters?’

‘Forever,’ she kissed my cheek.

‘Forever,’ I kissed her back. ‘But you could have at least warned me!’ I whined.

‘Yea, but you wouldn’t have done it, you’re too big of a pussy!’

‘Am not!’

‘Are too! Madison, the goody-two-shoes!’

‘Shut up! If I have to be your sister can you at least not be so annoying?’

‘Ok, I’ll try. But now, we have to make each other a promise. If we’re really old and we –‘

‘How old?’

‘I don’t know, like forty?’

‘Ok, when we’re forty-‘

‘We’re still going to be best friends, of course. When we’re forty, and if we’re still single, we have to promise that we will marry each other!’

‘Why do we have to marry each other?’

‘So that we can get old people’s pay and so that no man could ever steal me away from you.’

‘Ok, I promise, that if we’re forty and both still single, we’ll marry each other. Can we have pets though?’

‘Yes! Yes, we will be the sexy forty-something old grandmas on the block with at least ten cats! And at Halloween, we’ll give the best candy to the kids!’

‘We have to never forget what it’s like to be a child…that way we won’t be mean to our kids in the future. Maybe your mom would understand you better if she remembered, maybe she just forgot-‘

‘I hate my mom,’ she wrapped a towel around her palm, ‘and I really hate kids. I am never going to have any!’ She vowed.

‘You’ll change your mind,’ I said, holding my now aching palm between my legs.



‘I’m sorry that we had to meet under such depressing circumstances,’ Mary apologized, stirring her tea idly.

‘I’m so sorry about your mother. I heard in college that your father died, and now Virginia, that’s horrible. I’m sorry I didn’t try and contact you then,’ I looked down at my tea, not knowing what to say. Would I have called her? Why didn’t I?

‘It’s ok,’ she looked back up at me, her black bangs moving as she blinked. ‘You’re here now.’ She reached across the table and squeezed my arm. I noticed small cut marks and scars up her arms to her sleeves, disappearing below the fabric.

‘I feel like I didn’t even really know your parents that well. When is the funeral?’

Like I would have gone to the funeral. Maybe out of respect to my friend, but Virginia was a stranger to me. She was also like a mother, yes, but a very inattentive and distant mother. The only times I had real interaction with her was when she would force pills down her daughter’s throat for depression or anxiety or bi-polar disease. Who has anxiety at twelve?

‘Its tomorrow,’ she pulled her arm back, continuing to stir her tea.

I was hoping she wouldn’t ask me to come.

She didn’t. Instead we went over the details of the house, how much I thought it would sell for.

‘Do you really want to sell the house?’ I asked.

When she looked back up at me, there were small puddles forming in her eyes.

‘I’ve had nothing but bad memories here, Maddie,’ I smiled at her per name for me. ‘I really would just like to get rid of it, the house, the memories. All of them, except the ones with you.’ She was all seriousness again, looking right at me from across the table. ‘The only reason I’m even here today, was because you were my friend and the only person that loved me. I don’t think I would have survived without you.’

Memories of dragging Mary’s red body out of the bathtub came rushing back to me. The ambulance, the doctors, her parents, all of them asking questions I couldn’t begin to answer. More therapy for Mary. Virginia feeding her more pills. Stealing the razors from her bathroom, hiding knives,
always expecting the worst.

‘Mary, you know that’s not true. There are so many people that loved you then,’ I lied. ‘Don’t sell the house just because you hated your parents. This place is going to be worth a lot in a few years.’

She didn’t say anything after that, just grabbed my hand across the table and kissed it. I smiled. It was from when we were twelve and we’d practice kissing boys on each other’s hands.

‘It’s late Maddie, your son is waiting for you to pick him up.’

We both awkwardly got up, avoiding eyes, avoiding knowing glances.

I stepped out onto the cold porch with Mary behind me.


Mary walked behind me onto the porch, wanting to wait with me until my mom came to pick me up. I couldn’t wait to get my driver’s license next week. No more of this being driven around crap. We carefully avoided eye contact and I made sure I knew exactly how many tiles were on the floor. No, 57 cannot possibly be correct. I should count them again.

‘Maddie, I’m sorry for what I said,’ she was looking at her hands. ‘I just don’t understand why you have to date him. Bryan, he’s nice, but he’s not for you.’

‘Oh and why not? You’re just jealous because you don’t have a boyfriend! Or girlfriend! Mary, I don’t even know what you like these days but you’re just jealous!’

‘I’m not jealous!’ She raised her voice a little. ‘I just miss my friend! Where’s my friend?? I don’t even see you anymore!!’

‘And you’re not going to if you keep calling my boyfriend a masochistic whore!’ I yelled back. ‘Get your own boyfriend and then talk to me about it!’

‘I don’t want a boyfriend, Maddie!! I just want –‘

‘What?!? You want a nice girl then?!’

‘No!’ She was on her feet now, moving closer to me. ‘I only want you!’ And then she leaned down and kissed me.

I pushed her away from me and stood up, running for the front steps, running out onto the sidewalk. ‘Mary! Ew! I’m never coming back here again! You’re horrible!’ My mom was just pulling up as I ran out.

‘I hate you Mary! I hate you! I cannot believe you just did that! I’m never going to see you again!’ I got inside my mom’s car and slammed the door.


I got into my car and started the engine. Right before I pulled away I looked up onto the porch and waved at Mary. Right before I blinked it was fifteen year old Mary again, waving at me as I drove away in my mom’s car.

The steering wheel turned away from her house and I left my memories and my childhood behind. How could I have forgotten all of this? How am I going to forget it again?

Same as Mary’s Videos

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I felt a bit silly, bordering on ridiculous dressed like this ... but I was also very aroused, especially when I caught glimpses of my reflection in the large floor length mirror. The maids' uniform I was putting on had been designed to show off my body in an erotic sexual way to an observer - it wasn't meant to be comfortable. It wasn't one of those cheep uniforms you can buy in any internet costume site, designed for hen nights or fancy dress parties. The crisp black uniform with...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Sarah Banks Naughty Girlfriend Deepthroat And Fucks A Huge Cock

Sarah Banks boyfriend creeps on her with his camera as she undressed. He eventually gets caught but plays it off with i just want to film it for us. She likes this naughty thing so she goes down on her for a sloppy bj with some deepthroat action before she takes him to the bathroom. She bends over the sink and lets him fuck her on doggy style after she convinces her roommate to take the camera to continue recording them. They do a hot 69 in the bed before she climbs on to ride it. She takes...

2 years ago
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Sissy Son

The day had been a long, hard one at the office and I simply couldn't wait to relax and enjoy some dinner with my son. I wanted to surprise James with some extra time as I'd begun to realize just how disconnected we had become, the divorce not helping matters. Certainly my ex-wife had told me what a horrible father I'd been when she left with our daughter to shack up with some guy in New Jersey. But James had remained with me as he was graduating and didn't want to have to readjust to a new...

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Its gonna be like ringing a dinner bell

I'm smiling so hard my lips hurt. "You're two hours early" I say, trying not to giggle as she glides by me through my just opened door. I'm trying to be cool, I've been talking a lot of shit with this girl online. I want to act hard, but right now I just feel all warm and fuzzy inside."I decided not to stop at the hotel before coming over" she tells me. "I freshened up at the airport before picking up my car... don't you like surprises?" She asks with a wicked grin.Well, yeah, I like...

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I Have My Dad to Thank

Yes, it's probably true that I have the nicest ass in my high school. I figure that's pretty good for a fifteen-year-old freshman, and I know some of the older girls are jealous of it, and of the attention it gets me from boys. Especially the older girls on my cheerleading team — they're practically green when they hear boys talking about my ass! But I have to work at it. The important stuff never comes easy, Dad says. Like learning my cheer routines. Or memorizing where Japan is for...

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Caleb JacksonChapter 6

Jake and Sam pretended that they had no interest in, nor taken notice of, Caleb coming out of the saloon with the three other men. They continued to sit on the bench across the street from the saloon and smoke their cigars as the 4 men climbed into their saddles and rode out of town. As soon as the 4 had cleared the line of stores along the western end of the street, Jake and Sam threw away their cigars and hurried to their horses. They mounted and also rode toward the western end of town....

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Teasing Niece Teasing SisterChapter 7

That satisfied Crystal for three whole days. In the meantime, because she had refused to let Mark do anything with her, she relented and gave him a blow job every night. That was fine with Mark. Her mouth felt as good as he thought a pussy would. He loved to hear her swallow his cum. But as the day her period was supposed to start got closer and closer, and Crystal got hornier and hornier, she finally lost control. That night, when she went to Mark's room, she stripped and climbed into bed...

4 years ago
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Battlemage Book 4 the Red DragonChapter 3

"Hey Anne-Marie, what's up?" asked Rayne as she dropped into a chair across from the guild master crossing her legs out in front of her. "Rayne how was your visit with your family?" asked Anne-Marie smiling. "Great. Those two knuckleheads are still stirring up the family and they are still getting into trouble. And Jaden has something over on his wife now, but it's only a matter of time before I figure it out," said Rayne as she smiled. As she talked on, Anne-Marie noticed that she...

2 years ago
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drunk wife wants to cum

the only time my wife gets horny is when she's drunk, other than that she hates anything to do with sex, and i'm left with full balls and a waiting game, so every month or so i say having a drink tonight honey, if she say yes, my cock throbs cause i know i will be getting off when she had a few drinks.half way though the evening i pretend to have an itchy cock, i put my hand down my jeans saying what washing powder you using, it's given me me an itchy cock n ball, i will pull my pants down and...

3 years ago
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Daddys Little GirlChapter 2

Daniel's eyes were still wide, but a smile had started to form as she fantasized about Daddy. "He's interested." "What?" They chimed in together again. "He told me he wanted to fuck you guys. Well, not you personally, but he said he wanted to fuck some of my friends, and since you two are my best friends, I thought you'd like to be the ones that got to do it." "Really, you are shitting are you?" Daniel was practically bouncing out of her seat in her excitement. "I'm not...

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Masters First Training Session

I am newly single, and Master has moved into my house for a few weeks. My son is away at college, and the eventual plan is Master's c***dren to move in with us, but I have been informed that my daughter and I need discipline first. Master's c***dren know that he is in charge, but we are both far too used to getting our own way, and have to be trained. I have taken a couple of weeks off work, as I need more undivided attention. My daughter is able to have a certain amount of freedom at...

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Alien InvasionChapter 7

Before we had gone too far to make it possible, I had looked back at the building and saw that it was engulfed in the kind of yellow flames that come from burning wood. Apparently, the falling rubble had only snuffed out the original flames from conventional burning. However, it had not extinguished the thermite, and that had restarted the fire. Dammit, we just had to find a reliable source of the raw materials for more thermite. The stuff was perfect for what we wanted to do. It looked to...

4 years ago
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Sharing my wife

Introduction: My wife has a little secret, if you rub her ass she gets really turned on. Ive known for a long time that one of my wifes biggest and best turn-ons is having her ass rubbed. With that in mind, I share this story. One evening while on vacation in Florida, we decided to stop into a local pub by the motel we were staying at. It was really crowded. I mean wall to wall people, it was difficult to get to the bar to order a drink. We finally made our way to the bar, it was packed. As...

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Baileys BrotherChapter 6 Bailey Gets a Taste

I woke up fresh and revived, with last night feeling a million miles away. Everything was fine, my brother just thought he caught me having an erotic dream that he created. If anything, that probably made him more likely to think I was pretty, so, yeay. It was a good enough rationalization. Mr. Gadsten really liked my new outfit. He made sure to be out in the yard when I went for a run and again when I came back. I suppose a young girl wearing tight fitting sexy clothes going for a run was...

3 years ago
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Mere Gaon Wali Chachi

Hi friends, mein iss ka regular reader hu. Aaj mein aap sabko apna ek real experience batane jaa raha hu. Esse pehle mein bata du ki mera naam sameer hai, mein 22 yr. Old. Mumbai se hu. Ager koi girl/bhabhi/aunty mujse safe sex karna chahe to ye baat hamare beech hi rahegi. Ab story suno…yeh baat un dino ki hai jab mein 11th standard mein tha and i was just 17yrs old, that time i was not so much aware of sex and all. But thodi si curiosity thi mann mei…to know abt sex. Mere goan ek chachi thi...

3 years ago
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The Journal of Darin TaylorChapter 4

Last summer turned out to be serendipitous (that's a word my teacher says means that good things just sorta go your way). First, I turned fourteen which meant high school awaited. No more being looked down on and made fun of because I wasn't even in high school. I thought, when vacation began, that it might be fall before I could gain more experience at the fine art of seduction. Boy was I wrong. Brad Williams, one of my best buddies, came through big time. His older sister Vanessa, a...

2 years ago
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The Angel Next DoorChapter 8

The congregation began nervously and awkwardly walking into the church and taking their seats for Sunday School, everyone afraid to discuss the eight hundred pound (or metric equivalent) gorilla in the room, namely what happened the night before. The children had just been dismissed to the basement floor for their classes when Darren Craft, the adult Sunday School teacher, began fumbling through his lesson plan. He was visibly tense and sweaty, wiping his forehead, as he looked at his niece,...

1 year ago
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A Princess tamed

Sunlight twinkled on the babbling brook. The birds were singing. I rested a while where the road squeezed between the wood and the riverbank taking a break from my weary walk back to my father’s house and blacksmith’s shop in Bad Wuttenberg. Two years service in the army of the Arch Duke Reynard had ended and now I was a free man. I heard horses approach, but I rested my eyes and remained reclined against a wall as they came near. Quite suddenly they stopped right by me, a haughty young...

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Sexy Stepmom lends a hand Part 2

Jake was on edge, his step Mom kept giving him looks over breakfast, making his cock eager. It had been a few days since she had stroked him off, and he was so ready to see if her comment about doing more was just an offhand remark, or whether he was indeed going to get more. In the early afternoon, Danielle appeared in her tiny bikini, stepped out into the back yard, and stripped it off, giving Jake a case of stoneware cock. Before he could slip away to his room, and stroke off to her...

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I woke up one morning after a poor night's sleep and thought of the things I liked, the things I did, the things I wanted to do. I made a decision, I liked dick, no not true, I loved it. I craved the look of it, the taste of it, the feel of it. Hard, hot and throbbing. Sliding over my lips, over my tongue, into my throat. The feel of another body, strong, hard and insistent sliding hot and strong over me. More telling, the intrusion, slow, strong. and steady, invading my innards, spreading...

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Best Party Ever

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi! I'm Steph, 18 this year. Am a well-built ordinary teenage guys you can find. This story happened two weeks ago, at my aunt's house who lived at Malaysia. My aunt, Lea, stays in a HUGE condominium at the top of the tall building and invited everyone to her house for a party. I was hesitant to go at first, because of a football game with my friends. But my mum pulled me along, and finally i agreed to it, hoping something good would happen. When we...

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StepSiblingsCaught Jewelz Blu Cum At The End Of The Rainbow

Jewelz Blu can’t find her car keys anywhere! She rummages through the room, then moves on to her stepbrother, Ricky Spanish. She goes through Ricky’s pockets and feels something hard. Ricky insists it’s his dick, but Jewelz insists that Ricky’s small cock couldn’t possibly be what she’s feeling. In retribution, Ricky leaves the room and returns holding a pot of gold. He tells Jewelz that the keys are at the bottom and all she has to do is reach in. When she...

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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 9

Anna and I were both up earlier than normal; either from a good night of rest, excitement over the trip to Taos or, more likely, a combination of both. We did our standard Tai Chi and then an extended session of practice with me teaching Anna the next kata in her progression. At the rate she was going she would soon be ready to start learning Krav Maga. When we were finished I gave Anna a big smile, pulled her into a hug before giving her a big kiss, and telling her she was doing extremely...

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She Knew What She Wanted

Zoe knew what she wanted as she walked back into her room. She was still wet from her bath and she had purposely picked a small towel, that didn’t quite cover her completely, to return in. Alex sat at his computer, browsing Facebook, not really doing much. Zoe purposely stood next to him, staring into her full length mirror, fully aware that the towel wrapped around her could only just reach around her breasts. She removed the other towel from her hair and rubbed it furiously, trying to dry the...

4 years ago
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Getting New Partner

By : Omingv Hi Friends, I am regular reader of ISS, so thought of sharing my experience with a girl, who in turn become Business Partner as well as Sexual Partner in due course. First let me tell something about me. I am a Business Consultant from Bangalore and my name is Ravi. Here goes my experience with other girl, the relationship developed as extra marital affair. It was last year mid-June,  I got a call from one of the reputed client in Chennai to visit them for a discussion for engaging...

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Alans Thoughts Ch 03

Alan sat heavily on the couch in front of his TV, a towel around his shoulders. Other than that, he only wore a pair of boxers. His legs ached just a little, and he felt hot, so he took a long pull from his protein shake. It actually tasted okay for once. Then the brain freeze hit. As he was bent over holding his head, he heard a soft tap at the door. He blinked, and then looked at his watch. It was Saturday, 11:12 AM. ‘Not expecting any packages,’ he muttered, pushing himself to his feet....

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Flexible Morals Ch 02

The kitchen was filled with the glorious smell of frying meat. It hung in the air like a cloud, hinting and teasing at the tastes to come. There were other smells, too, though none quite so pleasing as that of the sausages cooking over their fireplace. Phyre watched them, her mouth watering. For now, she had only a bowl of porridge to sate her appetite. She took great care not to eat too much of it. No need to fill up while the best was yet to come. There was music in the kitchen, too. Her...

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Park ThisChapter 9

Lee continues: Sherry was right again. With Lane, if I wanted to be kissed, I was going to have to initiate it. We started out one day talking about how Gramma might be sort of hinting that since I was eighteen I should be out of her house. Talked with Lane about getting a job and getting my own place. "Would make it hard to do college, though," I said. "You belong in college, Lee." Little more talk. Bombshell. He said, "You could move in here with me." He saw my face. Must've...

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My Shwetha Bhabhi Became My Love Angel 8211 Part 1

Hi to all readers my name is Raj, am from Kanyakumari Tamilnadu. I am new to this site. Please reply me your feedback via mail to my email I had lot of sex with women from my girl friend to aunties. Today I am writing my first experience. If there is any mistake in my typing please excuse me. Now I am going to tell you a real sexual experience with my Shwetha bhabhi which started five years back in 2010. In my family we were four members my dad, mom, my elder brother and myself. I was doing my...

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Rabbit Season

"It's true, Doc. I'm a rabbit alright. Would you like to shoot me now or wait 'til you get home?" "Shoot him now! Shoot him now!" replied Daffy. Bugs said, "You keep outta this! He doesn't have to shoot you now!" "He does so have to shoot me now!" Daffy then said to Elmer, "I demand that you shoot me now!" Elmer raised his gun. As Daffy stuck his tongue out at Bugs, the duck was shot. Daffy walked back over to Bugs with smoke pouring out of his nostrils. Daffy said, "Let's...

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The Main Street SM Club

"The slut needs to be punished" cried out Ronnie, "she has failed to perform as ordered." "I agree" said Steve and Larry in unison. A meeting was then held by The Main Street S&M Club to determine what punishment was in order for poor Slave Sally. Public humiliation at next weeks meeting was the result. The Results The stage was set. mistress Jane had taken care all day to have everything just right. She had checked all of the "equipment", lighting and had brought in extra seating as tonight's...

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The Sacrificial Boy Chapter 8

Aislin drifted in her normal dreams, neither disturbing nor important enough for her to remember when unexpectedly she found herself flying high in the clouds. Below her lay all the great Kingdoms, seemingly rich and full of life. Truly enjoying the feeling of flight, she shot forward quickly covering the distance between her own Kingdom of Airthir and the neighboring Kingdom of D?l Riata. Suddenly below her deep in the Forest of Wyre, a great rift opened up. From deep beneath the ground, r...

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Fat Paulos captive Lana in Paradise I

One day recently sarahhmf sent me a PM describing the snippet of a scene described in a single paragraph. It was an incredibly erotic image. A huge black man, seated at a table, ignoring a tiny white girl beneath the table, licking his feet and sweaty legs. You only see the man when you enter, then he pulls up the tablecloth……Sarah, your image has become the centerpiece of this story!!!------------------------------------Okay, it is the middle of the hottest month in the tropical nation that...

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