HIOME AGAIN free porn video

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At 21 years of age, Mark Bradford had been serving in the United States Navy aboard an aircraft carrier when he received word of his parent's tragic and untimely death. Mark had two sisters, Kathy, who was five years his senior, was married and living in New York. His younger sister Danielle, or "Danny" as he affectionately called her, was or rather had been living at home with their parents. Although still finishing her last year of high school, Danny had turned 18 just the week before. Mark remembered being fortunate enough to actually call and talk to her on her birthday. She'd been so excited, enthusiastic about being taken out to her favorite restaurant for dinner with their parents. It had been the last time he had spoken to her before the accident. Now, he could only imagine the sorrow and horror that his younger, "little" sister as he'd always called her; was going through.

Immediately granted emergency leave, Mark had already made arrangements to go home. A trip that would still take him the better part of two days to make. Luckily, his older sister Kathy had taken the earliest flight out from New York, arriving on the west coast where his parents had lived the following morning. It still meant that Danny had had to endure that incredible first night, lonely...and alone with no one there to comfort her.

It had been nearly two years since he'd last seen his older sister. She had made the trip from the east coast to the west to see him graduate from boot camp. It had been over a year before that when Kathy had married and moved with her new husband Frank to New York, where he'd been transferred. Mark had been fortunate enough to come home on leave for a week during the Christmas season the year previous, now nearly six months ago. It had been that long since he'd seen Danny, and the last time he would ever see either of his parents again.

The fact that it had turned into the worst month of his entire life was an understatement. He'd gotten one of those infamous "Dear John" letters from his high school sweetheart barely two weeks ago, something he had not even shared as yet with any of his family. Still carrying her good-bye letter with him in the pocket of his Navy pea coat, he fingered it, remembering the words she'd written him as she'd told him of her love for someone else. As shocking and as painful as that had been, it was nothing in comparison to the news of his parents death, nor of his immediate worried concern for his younger sister's welfare. With all that had happened, he let go of the wrinkled envelope, vowing not to mention to either one of his sisters that his future with Sharon wasn't going to become reality. Mark wondered briefly if Sharon would even bother coming to his parent's funeral. That thought immediately reminded him of everything that Danny must have initially gone through and had to deal with prior to his older sisters arrival.

Mark finally exited the departure gate after landing, looking hurriedly for his sisters, whom he knew would be waiting for him. They would not be so easy to spot, he was however... standing there searching for them in his finest Naval dress blue uniform.

"Mark! Mark!" he heard Danny, as it could be no other voice than hers, as she called out to him. Whenever she addressed him, she'd gotten into the habit of calling his name out twice. A point which he had often teased her about, telling her that she sounded like a hair-lipped dog barking at him.

"Danny! Kathy!" Mark answered back excitedly, spotting them as they stood just outside the barrier separating departing passengers from arriving ones. Pressing his way as politely as was possible, he finally reached his sisters, threw down his duffel bag and embraced them both. Almost immediately, as he stood hugging them, he realized how much both of them had changed in the reasonably short time since he'd seen either of them.

He'd expected a change, even anticipated it, upon first seeing his sister Kathy. After all, it had been nearly two years. But what he saw was even more drastic than anything he could have imagined. When he'd last seen her at his graduation, Kathy had worn her dishwater blonde shoulder length hair in the same style he'd remembered her wearing it all through high school. Now, she stood hugging him with hair nearly as short as his was, colored platinum blonde, almost pure white.

"Wow s*s...your hair!" Mark said, stepping away from his older sister and taking his first really good look at her since their initial meeting. "New York has certainly had its influence on you," he stated mildly. But it wasn't just her hair that was different; she had a harder look to her face than he remembered seeing before. Perhaps it was the stress and trauma of recent events that had aged her slightly, hardened her looks and features. But not a topic that would go over very well should he comment on it now.

Danny, on the other hand, had changed very little. She still wore her hair long, styled with the same ponytail he'd always remembered her wearing. The only difference being that she had colored her own dirty-blonde hair so that it was now more of a strawberry blonde color, adding character, softening her features as opposed to hardening them like he saw in the eyes and face of his older sister Kathy. There was one more slightly noticeable difference too, a fact that he didn't dare comment on. Either Danny's breasts had decided to grow somewhat in less than a year's time, or she was enhancing their looks by the bra she was wearing. A point, much like Kathy's hardened features he wasn't about to bring up.

They hadn't even spoken of his parent's death. All that would come later, no doubt on the long drive home from the airport. For the moment, it was simply good to be standing there, hugging them, seeing them once again. He and Danny had always been close anyway. Closer in age to one another, Mark and Danny had often spent their time together while growing up, playing with one another, constantly getting into mischief. As Kathy had been their "older" sister, she had always been more distant, preferring to spend time with her friends, rather than any quality time with either of them the way they had. A fact, perhaps, that she had often resented, finding herself jealous of her brother and sister's close relationship.

Mark allowed himself the luxury of closing his eyes briefly as they drove home in near silence. The next few days would be at best hectic, as well as sad. There was a lot to do, but he didn't really want to think about that at the moment.

"Mom and Dad left your room exactly the way it was before you left." Kathy said reaching over, placing her hand affectionately on Mark's knee as he sat on the bench seat between his two sisters. He flinched, recovering immediately. The shock of having anyone touching him, even though it had been his own sister, reminded him how long it had been since he'd even been touched by a woman, intimately anyway.

He wasn't surprised by her comment, even after he'd hinted that he and Sharon might be getting married some day, his mother had left his room just the way it was, as though he would come home someday. And now he was, just not the way he'd intended.

Mark felt his sister's head leaning over to rest upon his shoulder. After everything she had been through, Danny was exhausted. Turning towards him a moment later to make herself even more comfortable, she snuggled herself up to him, quickly falling sound asleep. It felt good having her comforting herself on him the way that she was. It had been a long time since he'd spent any time with either one of his sisters, especially Danny. But it was in the very next instant that he realized something else too. Suddenly, those seemingly larger breasts of Danny's were pressed against him. The softness of her chest firmly wedged against his arm. No matter how he moved, even slightly, he could feel her touching him. Mark attempted to disentangle his arm, severing the forbidden sweet contact with his sister's tit. The maneuver simply making it worse, as he placed his arm around her shoulder. She in turn leaning against him even more comfortably, her breasts now firmly situated against his upper chest as she leaned into him. And it wasn't even this so much that alarmed or bothered Mark. It was the fact that, with one sister's hand still resting reassuringly on his leg, and the other, whose soft full breasts made themselves very well known as she lay against him,it had caused him to have an erection. One in which he had neither wanted, nor desired to have in the first place. And something which, he could do very little about in concealing as he sat there between them. Mark's only hope was in wearing the loose bellbottom's of his Navy blue uniform, which thankfully made room for his hard stiff erection. That fear however, came to fruition a moment later.

"She's exhausted." Kathy said looking over towards Danny who still sat with her head on Mark's shoulder, sound asleep. Mark felt Kathy remove her hand from his upper thigh briefly, taking that moment to try and reposition himself a little more comfortably, and a little less awkwardly.

Kathy glanced back towards the road as she drove, reaching just as suddenly to reposition her hand, resting it back on Mark's thigh just as he turned into her. The shock of her hand coming down to rest directly atop of his erection sent alarms ringing inside his head. Turning to face her just as she in turn took her eyes off the road, glancing down almost automatically at her hand which had not as yet removed itself from the obvious. Mark saw his sister's eyes widen, lighting up with the confirmation and sudden discovery of his aroused manhood.

"Oh god Mark...I'm sorry!" Kathy said, yanking her hand back and away from him as she did. Mark saw the blush on his sister's face spreading like wild fire.

"No s*s...it's me that's sorry. Sorry I'm wearing this damn uniform!" Mark exclaimed.

The fact of the matter was, his cock had managed to worm its way through the opening of his boxer shorts in the first place. And secondly, the soft cotton of his uniform actually caressing his prick as he moved, even in the slightest, had added to his dilemma. Not to mention Danny's breast nuzzling against his body.

Mark's explanation only served to confuse his bewildered sister further. "What? What's wrong with your uniform...and why would it...would it...do THAT?" she questioned, now blushing even more furiously than before.

Mark decided the only alternative he had to try and dig him self out of this mess was to be honest with her. "I guess because I've been at sea for three month's is part of it," he began. "I haven't even been around any women in the first place, and just because the two of you are my sister's, the fact that I can feel Danny's boob's pressed against me and your hand on my leg, it just sort of triggered an unexpected reaction," he announced. "Which was made worse when my...well, you know...when 'it' poked up through my boxers and has been sitting here pressed against the material of my uniform. There...is that enough of an explanation for you?" Mark finished slightly angry, but far more embarrassed in actually having had to tell her anything.

To make matters worse, Kathy laughed.

"What's so funny?"

Kathy quit laughing out loud, but she did find herself smiling widely when she responded.

"Nothing Mark, really. It's just after what all's happened, it's kind of nice being able to laugh for a moment, you know...sort of like taking a fresh breath of air. We're all going to be doing a hell of a lot of crying over the next few days, so a little humor...no matter how strange the subject might have been, is more than just a little bit welcome at the moment."

Kathy placed her hand once again on Mark's leg, but purposely watched ensuring that she placed it more mid-thigh than upper. The fact she did so at all was just one of his sister's ways of maintaining contact with him emotionally. Though he'd never been as close with Kathy as he had been with Danny, they did have their own personal memories together. On the rare few occasions when they had spent anytime alone, they had discussed just about anything and everything. Something that Mark had really appreciated being able to do with his sister while growing up. There wasn't anything she felt uncomfortable discussing with him, or telling him about, whenever he had asked her. Which had included his curiosity about the female anatomy. It had been Kathy's boobs, not Danny's that he'd first seen. To his surprise she'd been very open about allowing him to see hers, just to satisfy a simple curiosity. It had also been Kathy from whom he'd sought advice when considering having sex for the first time with his then girlfriend Sharon. Many had been the evening when they had sat sharing ice cream together while having one of these rare private discussions.

"You are planning on seeing Sharon while you're home yes?" Kathy asked. It was inevitable of course that she'd come up somewhere in the conversation.

"No, in fact. She wrote me...a couple of weeks ago. Seems she's found someone else," he said softly, speaking more to himself than he had been to his sister.

"Oh Mark...I'm sorry," Kathy told him. "And not that this will help much, but Frank and I haven't been doing all that well either."

Mark shot his sister a concerned look. "Anything wrong?"

"Only that we're both starting to wonder if we made a horrible mistake," she said good-naturedly tossing him a reassuring smile.

"Sounds like we need one of our special evenings," Mark said, remembering past times. Kathy widened her smile, grinning. It was the smile he was used to seeing, taking the hardness out of her eyes momentarily. At least that explained the difference in her look, well at least a little anyway.

"Chocolate or vanilla?" she asked.

"A little of both I think," he responded, giving her the same answer he always had. The sound of her giggle from years back was refreshing. In some ways it was good to be home again.


It was late, very late by the time they arrived home. As Mark had expected, it was difficult entering the house, knowing full well that he would never see either one of his parents again. Danny however, was his focus of attention. Exhausted almost beyond sanity, he carried his sister in from the car and upstairs to her bedroom where Kathy joined him, helping to undress Danny, making her comfortable.

"Get her shoes and socks," Kathy told Mark after he had placed his sister down on her bed. He began unlacing them, watching as Kathy, much to his surprise, pulled Danny's tee shirt up and over her head. Though she was wearing a bra of course, and nothing remotely even sexy about it at that, it was still a little awkward for him when he saw his younger sisters bra-clad breasts suddenly revealed. Mark looked away purposely, but Kathy caught his sudden obvious reaction.

"What? You've never seen Danny's tits before?" Kathy teased. "I know you remember seeing mine," she added thoughtfully.

Mark laughed defensively. It was hard not to remember. "Yeah, but that was a long time ago, things change," he told her. "But no, in answer to your other question, I never have...no."

"You're k**ding? I know for a fact that you and Danny played Dr. every once in a while," she told him candidly. "I even caught the two of you doing it once, though you never knew I did," she said, surprising him.

"You....you watched us?" Mark said shame-facedly. Once again Kathy laughed, throwing her head back as she did and guffawing loudly. "Oh come on Mark, you can't possibly be embarrassed or ashamed by that. You were just k**s, curiously discovering yourselves. Hell everybody does, or did that. Even I was curious at that age. I just didn't have any brothers and sisters at the time to explore things with. Which is why I was a little more self-adventurous, trying to snoop in on mom and dad every once in a while whenever I heard them doing it. Or for that matter...a girlfriend of mine who knew whenever her brother was in his bedroom jerking off. She used to call me. I'd race over to her house and we'd sneak into her bedroom closet. Believe it or not, they had a connecting closet the two of them had to share. She had her clothes on one side, his on the other. But what her brother never did figure out was, we'd sneak inside, and stand there watching him jerk off while he lay on his bed. That's basically where I got my first exposure to the male penis."

"Holy shit s*s, I never knew," Mark said bluntly.

"Well, I also saw you doing it once,"she told him, removing Danny's Levi's.

Thankfully, she was wearing panties, or he'd been forced to get up and leave the room for sure. Mark had just finished removing Danny's other shoe and stocking when Kathy had dropped that particular bombshell on him.

"You're k**ding me! You did? When?" he asked, as Kathy pulled the blanket up partially over their sleeping sister.

"I'll tell you in a second. Here...hold this up while I take off her bra," she said. Mark dutifully stood there holding the blanket up so he couldn't see anything while Kathy fumbled with the bra clasp. Seconds later, she tossed it over where it landed in a nearby chair. Mark settled the blanket down in place, comfortably covering his sister.

"Come on, lets go dish up our ice-cream, we can finish up our conversation after we do that."

Mark followed his older sister back down stairs into the kitchen area where she immediately produced two cartons of ice cream from the freezer. One chocolate, the other vanilla.

"I kind of hoped we'd have a chance to do this again," she told him. "But I bought strawberry too. Just in case Danny wanted to join us one evening," she added thoughtfully. "Anyway...I was saying?" she asked, acting as though she had forgotten what she'd been about to tell him.

"You were saying, that you once caught me."

"Oh yeah...jerking off," she finished for him. "Yes...I did. Remember that summer we'd all gone up to the lake? That was the first summer that mom and dad let you invite someone to go with us," she said, reminding him.

"Oh yeah, I do remember. That was the year Sharon came with us," he said wistfully.

"Ah huh, that's the one." Kathy said, dishing out two large bowls of mixed chocolate and vanilla, handing him one. "I remember how the two of you kept looking at one another every time you thought no one else was looking. But I was. I think I had a sixth sense that the two of you were up to something. As it turned out, I wasn't too far off, though I realized later especially after our talk that the two of you hadn't done anything yet."

Mark was smiling as he remembered that day. "Sharon wanted to go up to the lake for a swim," he said remembering. "We told mom and dad we were going for a hike, but ended up going skinny-dipping instead."

"Figured you had. But I also knew later, much later in fact that nothing much must have happened. That's when I saw you sneaking off by yourself into the woods. I thought that was curious as Sharon was still sitting in camp, and you didn't go anywhere's near the outhouse's up there. I followed you, without your knowing of course, and came up behind you as you stood by a nearby tree, masturbating. You really must have been pretty horny to want to run off and do it that badly."

"So...you stood there and watched me jerking off, huh?"

Kathy smiled around her spoon of ice cream looking at him. "Yep...sure did little brother."

"Well I guess that's only fair then." he said leaving the statement open.

"What do you mean?" Kathy asked, now more than just a little bit curious.


"Nothing my ass!" she said menacingly, threatening to flip him with a spoon full of her ice cream. "Tell me, or you'll end up wearing this all over that beautiful uniform!" she warned.

Ok...ok, stand down." He said giving into her threat. "I didn't exactly see you masturbating," he began.

"Ah huh...just as I thought. I was always too careful doing it to let either you or Danny catch me at it," she said smugly, but candidly, interrupting him.

"But I did see that one boy....ah, Sheldon, Shannon...whatever the hell his name was anyway..."

"Sherman?" Kathy stammered, surprised.

"Yeah! That's it! Sherman! Anyway, I came home late from football practice. I knew mom and dad were out for the evening, and saw Sherman's car sitting in the driveway. I didn't think too much about it cause he was over most of the time anyway. But that's when I heard the two of you talking around back of the house. It was dark, so I snuck around the side of the yard hiding in the lilac bushes where I knew you'd never see me. And there the two of you were, sitting on that old sofa behind the house. You. playing with Sherm's dick, and he, well he had his hand down between your legs."

"God...I'd almost forgotten about that," Kathy admitted. She burst into laughter a moment later. "I didn't know it at the time either, after all I really didn't have much to compare it to, until I saw you by that tree, anyway. But he had about the smallest cock I've ever seen. But like I said, at the time it was the only one I'd seen, or even touched for that matter. In comparison with yours, he looked like an eight year old k**!"

Mark was once again embarrassed. The fact that his sister was obviously envisioning the size of his prick in comparison to Sherman's was a little unnerving. Especially when he felt his cock twitch reminding him of that fact.

"Well, listen s*s, it's getting late and I really need to take a shower before turning in. Maybe we'd better table this discussion for another time," he suggested, begging off before things got too carried away. Kathy glanced down towards his crotch for some reason, unexpectedly. Perhaps she'd just realized she had been remembering what his penis had looked like, or perhaps she'd remembered the incident in the car driving home. Whatever the reason was...she looked. And when she did, she saw the front of his bell-bottoms was bulging out once again.

"Maybe you'd better," she said grinning. "And make it a cold shower."

Even with a raging hard-on, Mark leaned over kissing his sister on the cheek. "Maybe you should too!" he said, winking at her teasingly.

"Nah...I like masturbating," she responded throwing him a look that said she was half serious. "Helps me to relax, helps me sleep," she said turning, walking away before he could say anything further. "Good night Mark," Kathy said without turning around to look at him as she headed down the hallway towards her bedroom.

"Good night, s*s," Mark replied, slipping his hand down the front of his pants readjusting himself. "Fucking uniform," he added silently.


The shower felt good. Mark didn't exactly take a cold one, but as he stood beneath the lukewarm water, he thought back on the intimate conversation he had had with his sister. The fact that he'd found it arousing didn't bother him nearly as much as when he found himself day dreaming about so simple an act as watching Kathy removing Danny's clothing. He hadn't really seen anything either, aside from seeing Danny in nothing more than her bra and panties, but even that image caused him to immediately become erect.

"Get a grip Mark," he chastised himself silently. "She's your sister!"

Before he was tempted into doing anything about his rapidly hardening penis, Mark turned off the shower, stepping out and immediately toweling off prior to going to bed.

He turned off the light next to his bed stand slipping in between the cool crisp sheets. In a way, it was nice being home again, though he wished it had been under better circumstances. Mark had always slept naked his entire life, except on board ship where he'd always worn his boxers at least. A fact that hadn't allowed him to sleep as soundly or as comfortably as he would have preferred. Just the feel of the sheets clinging to his body felt good. Already aroused anyway, Mark reached down clasping his prick. He hadn't masturbated in months. Something you simply didn't do, or couldn't do, aboard ship. As he lay in the darkness slowly fondling himself, he fought the images that came to him, the vision of his younger sister, memories of watching Kathy and Sherman in the backyard. Mark had masturbated simply for release, stress relief as he'd called it without necessarily entertaining fantasies. He began concentrating simply on the sensations, trying to ignore the forbidden thoughts that kept trying to push their way through his emotional defenses. Concentrating as hard as he was, he barely heard the sound of his bedroom door opening, would have ignored it completely in fact as just another fantasy trying to push through, had he not then heard the sound of his younger sister's voice.

"Mark...Mark. Are you asleep?" he heard Danny calling out to him.

"Danny?" Mark froze, his hand still firmly placed around the shaft of his firm, thick cock. He was suddenly grateful for the darkness and for the sheets that protectively covered him.

Standing in the doorway of his bedroom he could just make out the faint silhouette as she stood there in the gray darkness. "Are you ok? Is anything wrong?" he asked sitting up.

"I can't sleep. Woke up...bad dreams," she almost stuttered. "Don't want to be alone anymore," she managed to say finally. "Can I come in and sleep with you?" she asked.

Her request wasn't really out of the norm. They had in fact slept in the same bed together in times past. Danny had never gone to Kathy with that request, the bond between Mark and his sister that much closer than hers with Kathy.

"I'm naked," he said warningly, very much aware of his hardened cock which he only then took his hand off of.

"So am I," Danny said, stepping into his room, immediately running over towards his bed, jumping in before he could say another word to her about it.

"Danny, I'm not sure this is a very good idea," he told her as she slipped in beside him, moving over to press her flesh against his, cuddling.

"Why? You afraid something might happen?" she asked teasingly.

Mark wanted to scream out the word "YES"! Yes...he was afraid, afraid because of all the thoughts that had been swimming around inside his head. Yes, because of the images of his sisters. And yes, because he'd had this fantasy before, Danny coming to him in the night...naked.

"No," he answered simply. "But it's been a while since we've, since we've done this. We're both grown now...you've changed, I've..."

The sound of his sister's soft snoring told him that his words had fallen on deaf ears. Even so, Mark tried to place a little more distance between them, edging away so that the searing heat of his sisters soft body wasn't pressing so directly against his own. In her sleep however, she sought him out, moving even closer against him, if that were possible. Once again the direct contact, this time in the flesh, of her firm pointed breast resting comfortably against his ribcage while his tormented cock throbbed painfully.

Mark placed his hand around his sister's shoulder. She snuggled, settling in comfortably within his arms embrace. His needs, wants, desires, still bubbling hotly just below the surface. But it was his sister's needs that were more important now, far more important and necessary than his own. There would be another time for self-satisfaction, certainly not now...not holding on to his naked sister the way he was. Mark finally closed his eyes, listening to the soft gentle sounds of his sister's easy sleep, eventually drifting off as he did.


Mark dreamed. In his dream, the sensation of touching, being touched was very real. He was only vaguely aware of a presence, indistinguishable as to who it was, or even where he was. But it was unimportant. Only the excitement, building, escalating in a slow procession of sensations that fired every nerve ending within his body like water droplets dancing on a hot skillet. It had been a long time, a very long time since he had touched a woman, let alone touched a woman's breast in the way he was doing now.

In his mind, Mark could see the beautifully sculptured breast, soft...alluring. A gorgeous pink-capped nipple decorating it, hard stiff nubbins of sensitive flesh that he rolled gently between his fingers. The tender soft mewlings, the woman he held telling him of her pleasures, begging him for more, capitulating, surrendering to his caress. He felt her hand guiding him. In his dream, he followed. Walking momentarily behind her when she stopped, pulling his hand down between her legs. Mark felt the liquid silk of her sex as she guided his fingers inside her, holding his hand, placing it atop her mound, holding it in place. He probed her inner reachings, marveling at the heat, warmth, and depth of her hidden secrets. Even the fragrance of her passions stirred the sensations of smell, inflaming his desire for her even more than he'd already been experiencing.

Mark felt the touch of her tiny small hand encompass him. Shivers of unbridled pleasure searing his manhood, reawakening the burning embers that had lain smoldering nearly forgotten. All of which now burst alive with renewed flame, hunger and need. But it wasn't his need...his desire to be quenched here. It was hers. A hunger far greater than his own. Mark quickened the caress of his softly stroking fingers, delighted in the sudden unexpected, yet welcomed passion that greeted him. Succumbing to him, vulnerable, submissive, totally trusting, he pleasured her, listening to the sound of her climax as she came for him, knowing that she was once again safe.

"Oh Mark...Mark." He heard his name being called as though from out of a rolling fog, somewhere off in the distance, she called to him again. "Mark...Mark."

"Danny?" Mark called out seeking the direction, the sound of her voice, wondering where in the shrouded murkiness she stood, seeking him, wondering where she was.

"I'm here Danny...I'm right here for you," he heard himself saying. He sensed her acceptance, felt the assurance somehow through the fog, that she had found him, found her comfort from his presence, even though he as yet could not see her.

"I always knew you would be," he heard the whisper of her voice carry off through the night. "I always knew you would be there for me."


It was the smell of fresh roasted coffee that awoke him. Mark dreamt, rather imagined seeing a steaming mug of coffee sitting on the kitchen table. It seemed so real, smelled so wonderfully delicious. His eyes popped open immediately. He remembered another dream too. He looked quickly over to the side. Danny was gone. He didn't remember her leaving, or when it could have been that she had left. "Was that a dream? Or just my imagination?" Mark wondered aloud to himself. "Had to have been a dream," he decided finally. "But damn...it sure seemed real," he said, standing up out of bed. "Shit!" he added just as quickly, remembering that he had left his duffle bag sitting outside in the trunk of the car. He had nothing to wear at the moment except for his dress blues, and he wasn't about to put those on just to walk down the hall to the bathroom. He'd taken most of his civilian clothes with him, those he had room for, of course. And the rest he had either given away or had thrown out. Mark put his boxers on once again, along with his white tee shirt. "Guess this will have to do until I can get my bag," he thought to himself, heading out the door of his bedroom down the hall to the bath in order to pee.

When he arrived at the bathroom, the door was closed. The sound of the running water met his ear as he stood there listening. Knocking, he called through the door. "Danny? Kathy? How long you going to be in there? I've really gotta pee!" he questioned anxiously.

"So come in and pee!" Danny shot back at him. "The doors not locked, just don't flush until after I get out," she told him sternly.

Once again it was another old memory. He'd peed in front of his sister's before, both of them in fact. But it had been a few years. "Sorry s*s," Mark said coming into the bathroom, lifting the lid on the toilet seat. "But I really had to go." He heard Danny's laugh coming through the other side of the shower curtain.

"After last night you're worried about peeing in front of me?" she questioned. Mark had just begun to piss when she'd said that. Suddenly he stopped mid-stream, almost pissing on his own foot as he did, reaching for; and then grabbing the shower curtain before he'd even realized what he was doing.

"What did you mean by that?" he asked, yanking the curtain back partially. There stood his sister in all her glory. Surprisingly however, she didn't even flinch or attempt to cover herself when he pulled the curtain back.

"What's gotten in to you all of a sudden?" Danny shot back, continuing to rinse the soap out of her hair as though it was the most natural thing in the world to be doing in front of him. "I was referring to the fact that we slept in the same bed together...naked," she added, smiling at him. "Now...you coming in? If not...shut the curtain. You're letting in all the cold air."

Stunned by her sudden openness, Mark quickly closed the curtain. The image of his sisters full perky breasts permanently seared into his minds eye. Not to mention the thin neatly trimmed strip of pubic hair nestled between her legs. He turned, seeing the lid, closing it...flushing the toilet at nearly the same time.

"Mark! Mark! Damn you! I'll get you for that!" she screamed out in sudden agony. Closing the door to the bathroom, Marked headed downstairs towards the smell of the coffee. Even then, the refreshed image of his sister showering, that...and the strange dream he had had last night left him horny as well as frustrated, but also confused.

Seeing Kathy didn't help things much either.

"Good morning sleepyhead," Kathy said as he entered the kitchen. She'd already poured him a cup of coffee. It was sitting on the table waiting for him almost identical to the way he'd seen it in his dream earlier.

"Morning," he offered back, sitting down. Kathy was standing at the stove scrambling eggs, making bacon. He'd noticed almost immediately upon entering the kitchen that all she was wearing was a long sleeved men's dress shirt. The shirttail was long enough to just barely cover her ass. But from the glimpse he'd seen of her already, it was highly unlikely she was wearing anything, unless she was into those really skimpy thongs that had become so popular.

As he sat there looking at her from behind, he still couldn't get over how different she looked with her short bright white hair. It was as though she were a stranger rather than his sister standing in the kitchen half naked. He felt his cock twitch in sudden interest.

"Fucking boxers," he thought to himself silently.

"Eggs? Bacon?" Kathy asked as she filled a plate for him even before he'd answered.

"Please...thanks," Mark said, looking at her as she turned. Kathy took a few steps towards him, setting down the plate in front of him. As she did, the shirt she was wearing parted. For whatever reason the top three buttons of the shirt were unbuttoned, revealing a considerable amount of her soft sloping breasts as she bent over.

"I noticed Danny wasn't in her bedroom this morning when I got up," she said curiously. "I thought I'd check in on her," she added unnecessarily, with a slight edge to her voice as she spoke. If Mark didn't know better, he'd have thought his sister sounded jealous. More than likely however, it was simply the stress catching up to her from the past few days.

"Yeah...she came in to sleep with me sometime last night," he offered by way of explanation. "I think she was having bad dreams." The mention of that immediately triggering images of what he himself had dreamt last night. His prick stiffened even more as he remembered the softness of the breast he had caressed, and the silkiness of the split he had fingered so enjoyably. Then another image came to him, one that was unexpected...shocking. In his dream, he realized it had been Danny's pussy he'd been petting. His prick twitched once again threatening to worm it's way free through the opening of his boxer shorts. Looking down to ensure that it hadn't, he inadvertently knocked over his coffee, spilling it on the table down into his lap. Mark stood up in a millisecond, his reflexes taking over to keep himself from getting burned.

Kathy reacted nearly as quickly. Grabbing the washcloth from the sink, she ran cold water on it, soaking it thoroughly, then ran over to where Mark was standing. By this time Mark was looking down examining himself. His semi-hard cock had indeed fallen out through the opening of his boxers. But in the excitement and concern of keeping himself from being seriously burned, he wasn't as concerned about that as he was in pulling his soaked, still steaming shorts away from direct contact with his skin. When Kathy reached his side, she immediately covered his prick with the cloth ensuring that whatever coffee had spilled on him was being taken care of first.

"Did it burn you?" she asked worriedly.

"I don't think so...No!" Mark mumbled still dazed, then overreacting as he tore his cock away from his sister's hand in turning violently.

"You are burned aren't you?" She asked worriedly, once again placing the wet washcloth on his now very exposed penis. But it wasn't the hot coffee spilling down in his lap that had him confused or disoriented. It was the touch of his sister's hand even if it was through the washcloth that had him befuddled. Standing before him, she continued to wipe away the supposedly burning coffee from his tender shaft.

"Take these off," she told him. Mark felt like a little boy suddenly. Kathy's tone was mothering, forceful. And he obeyed.

"Let's take a better look," she said, motioning for him to sit back down in the chair. Discarding the washcloth now, she actually placed her hand on his member, moving it off to one side to survey the slightly reddened patch of skin just inside his upper thigh. "Boy...were you lucky," she said, continuing to move his penis from side to side checking carefully for any signs of serious burning.

Mark had realized already that he hadn't been burned all that badly. But for some reason, the attention Kathy was administering to him felt nice...comforting in it's own way, so he allowed her to continue her examination of him, using that as an excuse in his own mind to justify his sister's fondling of his semi-erect shaft.

"Isn't it a little early to be playing doctor?"

As one, both Mark as well as Kathy turned to face towards Danny as she stood just inside the doorway to the kitchen. Fresh from the shower, her long hair was still wrapped up in a towel atop her head. She wore a long floor length white terry cloth robe, the front of which still separated sufficiently to reveal that she was in all likelihood naked beneath it. Mark's prick twitched once again as though having a mind of it's own, acknowledging with interest the bare flesh barely hidden behind the garment she was wearing.

Worse...Kathy had felt his prick throb in her hand as she held it, turning her attention once again back to the organ she was holding.

"He spilled coffee in his lap," Kathy said suddenly, as though needing an excuse to remain as she was, Mark's cock still palmed in her hand.

"Oh really?" Danny responded.

It was the tone of Danny's voice that now surprised Mark. It hadn't been one of worried concern as he might have thought it should be. But hinted instead at jealousy, the same tone he had heard whenever Sharon had gotten jealous by his simple glance at some woman they had passed by on the sidewalk. The same tone he had heard Kathy use earlier.
Let me see," Danny said, crossing over towards them, fully intent on examining him herself.

"See? He did burn it!" Kathy told her sister as though needing to prove to her she'd not been actually playing with it instead.

Once again Mark felt much like a young boy rather than the grown man that he was as Danny reached his side, leaning over to peer down at the reddened spot Kathy pointed out to her.

"I don't think it's too bad...but maybe you should run back to the bathroom and get that tube of burn cream," she told her. Leaning over to inspect the now fading reddening, Mark glanced up, seeing Danny's robe parting completely, exposing both of her breasts entirely as she bent over looking at him. His cock lurched once again, hardening. Kathy released him, feeling it suddenly thickening in her hand.

"Actually...I think it looks just fine," Danny said in a soft voice, with just a hint of a giggle behind it. Very much aware of his very obvious arousal, Mark took back control of his own senses.

"I'm fine...really,"he said standing up. "Give me that towel to cover myself with, s*s." He reached up, grabbing it in an effort to have something to cover his now very aroused state. Danny, caught off guard by Mark's unexpected reaction, flinched away from him. Involuntarily reacting to his over-reaction, if you could call it that. He'd managed to snag a portion of it however, yanking one way, as Danny defensively pulled away from him in the opposite direction. In doing so, her robe parted completely, revealing the fact that she was entirely nude beneath the robe. Laughing now, she squealed delightedly, running from the room with Mark in hot pursuit as she taunted him.

"Marks got a boner! Marks got a boner!" she chanted as she ran.

Mark caught her half way through the front room just managing to grab a portion of her wildly flapping robe as she ran. It came away in his hands, simultaneously tripping Danny up as she felt it pull away from her, tumbling her down onto the couch as she looked for a softer place than the floor to land on. Discarding the robe, Mark was on top of her, immediately pinning her down.

"Help me Kathy!" Danny continued squealing. "He's pinned me!" Kathy had chased them both into the room, not so much as a part of this c***dren's play, as she was watching it. She was more surprised that she was witnessing this almost innocent wrestling struggle that the two of them had participated in doing so often...yet so many years ago. Now they fought wrestling, just as though they were those same k**s again, regardless of the fact that they were doing so naked...or nearly so in Mark's case.

"Kathy...Kathy! Help me!" Danny shouted out once again as Mark pinned her arms up over her head. "Mark's got a boner...Mark's got a..."

With both of his sister's arms pinned, he couldn't risk freeing one of them to use in silencing her. Without thinking, using the only other means available to him, Mark leaned over kissing her, intending his unexpected kiss to surprise her, silence her, effectively shutting her up. And for a second, it did. Until Kathy suddenly came out of nowhere, wrapping her arms around his upper chest beneath his arms yanking backwards as she did.

The unexpected attack from behind took Mark totally by surprise. Having concentrated all his efforts in pinning Danny, it was relatively easy for her to dislodge one of his arms away from her sister. As strong as he was however, Mark immediately recovered, reaching back with one hand to flay away wildly at Kathy all the while continuing to keep his other sister partially pinned with his other arm. As he did, grabbing onto a portion of Kathy's shirt, he pulled. The sound of her shirt ripping, followed by the just as obvious sound of button's popping, one even landing to "clink" against a nearby table lamp, told her that he'd all but ruined her shirt.

"That was my favorite shirt!" Kathy cried out in obvious determination to get back at him now. "Tickle him, Danny!" she screamed, remembering just how much Mark hated being tickled in fact.

"No!" Mark cried out, now desperate to disentangle himself from between his two sisters as they fought in unison. Pressing him down onto his back as Danny finally got enough leverage to sit up while Kathy in turn continued leaning back, pulling him down with her, Mark had no choice but to throw his weight off to one side as he did. In doing so, he felt Kathy finally give up trying to hold him. Kathy's only option was in reaching out in an attempt to break her fall as they tumbled from the couch onto the floor. Mark felt first his shoulder hit the floor, then Kathy as she tumbled forwards across him. In the next instant Danny was down atop of them both, effectively pinning his legs by sitting on them, reaching up to immediately begin tickling the too sensitive flesh on either side of his ribcage.

"Please don't...don't!" Mark cried out giggling, almost painfully so.

"Pin his shoulders! Pin his shoulders!" Danny warned her sister, urging her to continue their frantic struggle with their brother. Situated as she was across him, it was easier for Kathy to back up rather than give up her advantage of weight as she lay against him. As she did however, Mark looked up just in time to stare directly into his sister's cunt. Instinctively...defensively taking that moment to surprise her, shocking her perhaps without even realizing the implications of what he was doing. Intending to do nothing more than nip at her with his mouth, he lunged at her just as she settled back down against him, effectively helping along his efforts as his mouth came into immediate and direct contact with her pussy. Rather than simply nipping her as he'd intended, he instead gathered in her outer labia between his teeth, though without actually hurting her, but effectively holding his shocked, more than a little surprised sister at bay.

"I'll bite!" Mark warned somehow expressing himself without releasing his sister's sex as he spoke.

"You wouldn't dare!" Kathy exclaimed, surprise... awe etched in her tone of voice that her brother had actually clamped down on her the way he had, but she sat unmoving above him anyway.

Only now was Danny becoming aware of this new form of "hold" that Mark was suddenly using on her sister, keeping her effectively overcome. Seeing what was now happening, Danny found herself both aroused as well as a little stunned by what she was actually seeing.

"He wouldn't dare bite!" Danny offered placing herself down on the ground to see if Mark really did indeed have a mouth lock on her sisters exposed cunt.

"Damn right he won't!" Kathy shot back. She leaned over clamping her own mouth around Mark's very erect penis...now holding him in a light teeth clench in much the same way he was using on her.

The feel of his sister's lips suddenly surround his cock shocked and surprised him. But even then he didn't take it as a sexual act meant to stimulate or pleasure him, but as a counter to his own bizzare attempt at fighting back.

"I mean it!" Mark threatened once again through tightly clenched, pussy muffled words as he spoke them.

"As do I," Kathy shot back mumbling nearly as incoherently as he had when she spoke with Mark's prick well inside her mouth now.

Seeing the obvious standoff, Mark decided to switch tactics, perhaps shocking and surprising his sister even more. Releasing her pussy momentarily, he felt Kathy's mouth relax her own grip from around his penis. When she did, he stabbed his tongue fiercely and forcefully against Kathy's cunt locating her extended, exposed clitoris almost at once. He fully expected this onslaught to so startle her that she would do whatever was necessary to release him, simultaneously escaping from him when she did. To his own shock however, though he felt her surprised flinch, she sucked him instead...just as strong and as forcefully as he'd tongue fucked her clit.

Mark fought back in the only way that he could now, gathering in Kathy's clit between his lips...sucking it just as firmly as he now felt his sister beginning to do to his prick.

"I swear Kathy, I'll fucking make you cum and embarrass the shit out of you," he said challengingly.

"You'll have to do better than that then," she challenged back, so caught up in the unusual game now that she wasn't even remotely considering the obvious implications of what either of them were actually doing. Kathy repositioned her own mouth over the head of Mark's cock, drawing it in, sucking it, holding it there and flicking it with her tongue. "You'll cum before I do," she mouthed around him teasingly.

No one was more stunned by what was actually taking place than was Danny, however. Watching her brother and sister locked in a weirdly erotic game of '69' with one another had at first glance almost repulsed her. As it became quickly evident that neither of them was about to give in however, it became something far more to her...something she struggled with initially. It became erotic...so much so that her own arousal began pooling in satiny slick lubrications between her legs.

Kathy continued sucking her brother's cock. All thought of the rightness or wrongness of it fleeing before her like a fire gone wild, out of control. Glancing sideways towards Danny where she was vaguely aware of her presence, she caught sight of her sister just as Danny placed her hand down between her now parted legs, watched as she lay there beside them fingering herself unabashedly, unashamedly. The effects of which caused a sudden torrent of fresh lubrication to spill from her cunt effectively bathing her brother's face. The sight of her own sister now fingering her cunt, running the tips of two fingers back and forth against her exposed clit was maddeningly erotic.

Mark felt the fresh fluid of his sister's cunt suddenly escaping her. She began humping herself against him now, no longer struggling not to cum, but obviously now wanting to. Acutely aware that what was now taking place had gone far beyond normal, he was too aroused, too driven with lust to accept the consequences of what they'd begun doing. Mark's cock reminding him simultaneously just how long it had been since he had even had an orgasm in the first place. Added to all this, he could hear the deliciously naughty cunt sucking sounds of Danny's liquefied pussy as she lay beside them, masturbating, watching the two of them as they now purposely, and openly strove towards pleasuring one another.

Licking his sister's split was like eating candy. In combination with that, laying there as he did, listening to the sounds of Danny's masturbation, the sweet juicy-slick sounds as her fingerings produced more and more of that succulent sounding female nectar, brought him to the very brink.

"Oh Mark...Mark. Make her cum! Make her cum!" Danny urged sensually as she watched. Furiously, wildly, she fingered herself. Mark continued to listen to the erotic nasty sounding pummeling, as Danny continued to finger-fuck her pussy. Unbridled passion, want, need urged her to indulge in the most vocal of ways. Uninhibitedly, she played with herself, reveling in the sounds that her quim made as her juices continued to flow, as she in turn delighted in the obscene noises that she created while fingering her cunt, continuing to express her feelings in ways that Mark would have never imagined hearing from his "little" sister.

"Suck her cunt Mark! Suck it...suck it...SUCK IT!"

Where Kathy wouldn't, or couldn't express herself as vocally as Danny, she more than made up for in her indications of physical response. Mark felt it by the way she literally attacked his prick with her mouth. He felt it by the way she mashed her pussy against his face, grinding herself against him, quivering, throbbing intensely while she did. And he felt it by the way her pussy continued to flow, her sweet honey butter cream bathing his face in an almost continuous rich, creamy cascade of pure heavenly sweetness.

All of this of course had simply hastened his impending climax. Mark felt his balls tighten, aided by the fact that Kathy now cupped them in the palm of one hand while rapidly stroking the length of his shaft with the other. Her mouth meanwhile continued to suck him like a vacuum, knobbing the head of his prick gloriously, devouring the sensitive head of his cock as though it were cotton candy.

Far too close to warn her, far too gone to even care, Mark felt his intense eruption finally begin.

Even when he had been with Sharon and she had performed one of her rare reciprocations upon him orally, she'd never allowed him the pleasure or experience of knowing...feeling what it was like to actually cum in a woman's mouth. Now, knowing with a great deal of certainty that his sister was very much aware of what was happening, about to happen anyway, and that it would take his own sister to allow him to experience this extreme pleasure.

Mark felt the first powerful jettison of his spunk scream from the shaft of his prick in a violent burst, filling his sisters mouth. Kathy relaxed rather than tensing, taking him in even deeper. Explosion after gut wrenching ball-busting explosion continued to pour from his prick, Kathy...lovingly, wonderfully...even excitedly taking it all.

As intense has his orgasm was, hearing Danny enter into the throes of her own orgasmic release simply enhanced the unbelievable sensations he was swimming in. Danny's low almost growling deep-throated moan of ecstasy sent a second wave of delightful cock-throbbing spasms coursing through him. Kathy's velveteen mouth continuing to drain him of every last ounce of his seed, her tongue playfully dancing upon his spent shaft while her hand continued to slow-strokingly milk him of every last precious drop of his spending.

Mark had momentarily and quite understandably so...quit pleasuring his sister's liquefied quim. Once his orgasm had subsided sufficiently however, he assaulted her pussy with a vengeance. Sitting up slightly, almost smothering him in the process, Kathy sat back as Mark located her hard little nubbin of flesh. Drawing it inside of his mouth, he sucked it quickly, yet tenderly. He could feel Kathy's response as she had maintained a grip on his slowly deflating prick. As he manipulated her clitoris in uniquely differing ways, he felt the sensation of her hand upon his cock like a pulse. She caressed him absentmindedly, squeezing at times, holding still during others. But from this...by this, Mark knew exactly when her orgasm finally claimed her. That...and the unexpectedly delightful spray of her cunt as she gushed, nearly drowning him in the process.

Kathy finally collapsed rolling off of Mark. When she did, he saw Danny still lying on the floor anxiously looking at him. He smiled. It was an embarrassed smile...awkward. After all, they had just broken about every rule in the book. Mark struggled with the words, finding he could say nothing as he continued staring into his sister's eyes.

"It wasn't a dream...was it?" she asked. It took Mark a moment to realize what she was referring to.

"No. I thought it was too. But it wasn't, was it?" he questioned her back.

"It seemed like it. Maybe I knew it wasn't really...but I'm not sure I was ready to accept it for being anything else but a dream," she told him.

"And now?"

"Now...all I know is...I want to experience with you what Kathy did," she said honestly.

Kathy was just coming around herself at this point. "I think we all have a lot to talk about and discuss," she said sitting up, resting against the couch. "But we need to get through this day first,." she said, reminding them that their parent's funeral was later that afternoon.

"We've all been through a bit of emotional stress. I think maybe we just let some of that out, which caught us all a little off guard. I think that none of us should attempt to talk about this further until after we've all had a chance to think about it...rationally. Especially after we get through today."

"Perhaps this evening then. Over ice cream," Mark suggested.

"Chocolate or vanilla?" Kathy asked smiling, letting the sudden build up of tension ease.

"A little of both I think," Mark replied.

"How can the two of you think about ice cream?" Danny asked. "I can't even imagine being hungry later."

Mark and Kathy shared a knowing look. For the moment, he felt closer to his older sister than he had ever been.


It was late by the time they had finally arrived home. Mark didn't realize how many friends their parents had known. The service had gone as he'd expected, tons of tears along with a few heart-felt laughs as friends shared intimate personal stories about their parents.

"I think we should save the ice cream for another night," Mark suggested. Kathy agreed indicating to him that she was more tired than she'd initially thought.

"Well...I'm going to call it a night." Kathy said standing up. "And I think it will do us all a bit of good to get a good nights sleep while we're at it. We've got a lot of things to go over and discuss regarding the estate."

"Not to mention what happened this morning," Danny said, stating the obvious. Mark could only nod his head in agreement.

"Well...goodnight then," Kathy said, turning around heading towards her bedroom.

"Night Kath," Danny said softly.

"Well Danny, I think it's time for me to turn in as well. I've about had it with this monkey suit, too," he stated, referring to his uniform.

"I thought you liked wearing it," she said.

"Oh...don't get me wrong, I do. It's not that really. It's just that after being in it all day, I'm looking forward to making myself a little more comfortable, is all."

"Me too," Danny said grinning. "I'll hurry up and get undressed," she added. "See you in a few." Turning to leave, Mark reached out grabbing her arm, stopping her.

"Danny...we can't, not tonight anyway, and not until we've both had a chance to think about things...ok?"

"I wasn't intending for anything to happen Mark. I'm tired too. But I don't want to sleep by myself just yet either. So...do you think you can put up with your younger, "little" sister for one more night...at least?" she asked openly.

Mark felt a little guilty assuming that Danny had meant things otherwise. "Sure s*s...I just didn't want you thinking I was only out to," Danny shushed him by putting the tip of her finger against his lips.

"Save it for another time," she told him. "Right now, all I want to do is sleep." Mark followed Danny upstairs to their rooms where they quickly took turns using the bathroom in preparation for bed. By the time he was finished, Danny was already in bed waiting for him. Though he knew her to sleep naked, just as he'd done most of his adult life, he saw that she was wearing one of his white navy tee shirts as sleeping attire.

"Hope you don't mind my using this to sleep in," she told him. "Thought it might be easier...for both of us." Taking the hint, Mark crawled into bed, leaving his boxers on. Seconds later he turned out the light, felt Danny quickly move over snuggling up against him.

"Sweet dreams Danny," he said, softly stroking her hair.


Mark dreamed. At first, seeing Sharon. He'd not seen her at the funeral, hadn't expected to really. As far as he knew, she was off somewhere on her honeymoon. Yet...he saw her as though in the distance, waving at him laughing running away from him as she did. He felt like he needed to say something to her, he wasn't angry with her really, but the emotion of what he felt was fleeting. He found he was holding onto some sort of an envelope, and oddly, he knew all his feelings and emotions were written down on the paper inside. He took it out to examine it.

"Give it to me," Danny told him, standing now where he'd last seen Sharon. Instead of running however, as Sharon had done, she came towards him, slowly at first, her steps quickening. Yet he heard her speak to him as though standing beside him.

"Give it to me Mark," she asked once again, holding out her hand for the envelope. Suddenly she was by his side. He looked at it one more time before handing it to her. Surprised to find himself relieved as he did.

The simple touch of his sister's hand as she clasped the envelope was like touching her flesh. Suddenly, it was flesh. Danny moved against him and in an instant his clothes, as well as hers were gone. Her soft supple skin was warm, reassuring as he embraced her. He felt her nuzzle his neck contentedly, purring sweetly almost like a kitten. Which in some ways, she was.

"Give it to me Mark," she asked again. He was confused now. "He already had...hadn't he?" He wondered.

He felt Danny's small hand fumbling beneath his boxers seeking him out. "Please Mark...Please," she asked again. "I need you...don't tell me no...don't make me go away."

He saw Sharon briefly, running towards him now...shock, anger...perhaps even jealousy struggling with the ring on her finger, vainly...desperately trying to take it off. Calling out to him over and over again. "No Mark...NO!" she wailed.

But it was the feel of Danny's hand affectionately stroking him that caused Sharon's image to suddenly blur, evaporating away like sunshine cutting the morning mist. Sweetness greeted him, arousal began to stir him as he hardened for her, accepting...wanting.

"Yes Danny...yes!" he moaned. Her lips encompassed him now, the gentle teasing play of her tongue upon his rigid hardness, rough, yet gentle as she caressed him with it. He reached for her, momentarily afraid that she too would disappear as Sharon had done. Surprised when she didn't, even more surprised when the reality of her really being there woke him from his sleep.

"Danny?" he whispered in the darkness. Her lips were wet, lovingly wrapped around his sensitive, very aroused prick. Though he could not see her clearly, the faint outline of her head, her long beautiful hair falling down to caress him with each movement of her gently bobbing head told him this was no dream.

"Oh god...Danny...Danny," he said, calling out to her, gathering her hair in bunches, delighting in the silky softness of it as he played with it, gently pulling on her as she continued pulling on him.

For long tantalizing moments she continued her ministrations on him, exploring him fully with her lips, lingering kisses as she suckled his shaft. "You awake now?" she asked, somewhat amused.

"Very," he said breathlessly. "No dream."

"No dream," she answered back, moving up towards him. Mark felt her breasts pressing against him, felt the twin hardend points as she undulated against him barely separated from his awakened flesh. Using her aroused nipples to caress his chest, she swayed as though a cobra being played to, moving herself back and forth slowly, sensually as though to strike the moment the song had finished.

Finding her in the darkness, he cupped each breast firmly within the palms of his hands, imprisoning her. Danny groaned almost painfully as Mark's fingers dug into her, beginning to search out the twin nubbins that had so teasingly eluded him. He captured each between his fingers, pressing them together as though kissing them, having two mouths's in doing so. Danny collapsed fully against him. Her scent a mixture of spiced perfume, a hint of apples from the shampoo she preferred using when she showered. Mark gently bit, nipping the tender flesh of her exposed neck. Felt the goose bumps form as they blossomed like wild flowers across her body. Pressed firmly against him now, so much so that not even a slip of paper could have passed between them, he let go of a single soft tit to reach down, cupping her equally well-rounded ass.

"Make love to me Mark," she asked in the silence of the night. Positioned as she was, Mark felt Danny lower herself upon him. The feel of her soft sex as it descended on h

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Author's note: Lil sis: 'Caught by my big sister wearing her panties again' is not part two of 'Lil Sis'. This is another version of the original 'Lil Sis'. I am trying something different and I would enjoy your feedback on this. I am posting the ages at the top of the story because they may change between the different versions of 'Lil Sis' that I have planed. My thoughts with these new stories in the 'Lil Sis" series is that the story can go all different directions, and that is...

1 year ago
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Granny Caught Smoking Pot Again

Vera was smiling as she walked along the promenade. It was sunny and warm and she wore her favourite very pretty bikini, not minding at all that her sagging full breasts pushed the bikini bra down and showed off her deep cleavage, and her tummy ever so slightly bulged over her bikini briefs. She was sixty-five-years-old and felt confident with her body, enhanced by her creased skin, bat wings, fleshy thighs, and her grey hair that reached her shoulders. She felt sexy, though, and knew she was...

3 years ago
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She came sneaking in the house around midnight. She was tiptoeing to the stairs.She knew she was supposed to be home two hours ago.Surely daddy would be sleeping now and she could get in bed before he knew she did not make it home by curfew.She put her foot on the bottom stair and then she heard him.Little girl, where in the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is.The breath she had been holding trying to make it upstairs, slowly came out with a long sigh.She knew she was in trouble...

3 years ago
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Never Hiding In Hose Again

NEVER HIDING IN HOSE AGAIN By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: Belladonna's "Hiding in Hose" (mother seizes corporate control from her son and transforms him into her maid): perhaps it's a dark tale rife with unfairness; alternatively, perhaps it's a moral tale of just desserts. This is my (unauthorized) tribute, Fanfiction, to one of the best FM authors. It is set 15 years after Belladonna's...

2 years ago
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Caught Her Cheating Again

To give a bit of background, Troy, our neighbour, had now just turned 23 a few days ago, my wife is now 45. He’s cocky for his age and rightly so. He’s tall and muscular, works out daily, is a fireman and has a cock that is over 8” long and extremely girthy with a head the size of a plum and he’d managed to seduce the hottest MILF in the area, my wife Erin. She’s extremely sexy, at 5’8” and 130 lbs with nice C-cup breasts and a tight ass and waist, once red hair and the sexual attitude and...

3 years ago
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 50 See You Again

The John Labatt Center, London, Ontario 11:59pm, Friday, January 4, 1980 My future appeared and my beautiful twenty-three-year-old fiancée, who looked to be six or seven months pregnant was beckoning me. I stood seemingly paralyzed as Kaleigh Plyer opened her arms up towards me on the video screens and softly said “C’mon Mike. It’s finally time for me to see you again.” Immediately, the five Energists clapped their hands together, and a powerful ‘time-stop’ bubble was generated within the...

1 year ago
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Jamal Gets Susan Again

The pool area was deserted so we decided to lay out in the sun for a while. After a few minuts my husband got up and went towards the bar. He was gone for about fifteen minuts so I glanced around for him when I saw Jamal walking towards me. I said,"Hello Jamal"He looked at me with a wicked grin and said,"Dam baby you look hot! Let me take you into the pool to cool off."I smiled and said,"OK"As soon as I got up I saw my husband carrying a tray with three drinks so I knew he and Jamal had already...

4 years ago
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Disciplined at Work Again

David walked in to the office still feeling sore from his caning the day before. Susan had had control of him for just four days but had found three separate occasions to spank him, and the caning yesterday was the worst so far. He had to tell himself the worst so far as Susan made it clear she will step up the severity of punishment if his behaviour didn’t improve. David got to the office at 8 O’clock which is well before anyone else arrived to try to settle himself down before he had to face...

4 years ago
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Sexy Night Again

Honey, It was nice to chat more with Jerry. He is a nice man. He is very picky man which challenged me. He told me that he is very careful in choosing a woman. I was flattered to know that he likes me and my body. I had some insecurities about my body as my breasts were not firm as before. I always doubted about myself if he really liked my body as I had given birth already. Woman's body change once she gave birth specially the boobs. I also worried about the scar on my belly. But he say I...

4 years ago
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Humiliation At The Care Home Yet Again

Dale and Mary had been in the care home for a year now and felt relaxed and settled in. They were sitting in the small lounge at the care home, watching TV, and didn’t pay much attention when Governess Carson came in, accompanied by another young woman. They had to pay more attention when Governess Carson went and switched off the TV, turned and looked at the several grannies in the lounge, and commanded, “Can I have your attention, please?”Everybody knew that Governess Carson was the law in...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 5 Start Again

-- SUNDAY, JULY 8, 2007 -- “Oooh...” “Ungh...” “Harder...” “Oh, right there! Right there!” “Yesss...” “Harder! Deeper!” “You’re so good ... So good...” Chuckling, I released some of my right thumb’s pressure digging into the knot on Adrienne’s back. Moving the heel of my hand into its place, I resumed the circular massage motions I’d been using earlier while focusing on the flesh beneath my palms in search of another knot to unravel. My blonde, buxom, bodacious beauty of a supermodel...

1 year ago
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Mommy i dont want to try out for the baseball team again

Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again!!! By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old "Mom I don't want to go try out for baseball again! Every year you make me try out, and every year I don't make the team. I am always told the same thing, I am too small or too slow." I stamp my foot on the floor....

1 year ago
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On The Road Again

After an early morning meeting in a small town office building, I gathered my notes and headed back to my hotel where I quickly and efficiently packed up my belongings and checked out. The man at the service desk was very pleasant and I thanked him for his good service then headed for the car.After checking my GPS I headed out onto the open road that would lead me back to home. It had been a long week and I couldn't wait to get to my regular comforts. I kicked on the radio, set the cruise...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Betty Spanked Again

“David, go to the bathroom and get the cream. Change in to your pyjamas as well. I need to talk to your Mother.” David could tell how annoyed I was and walked off. I quickly threw my clothes back on, knocked and immediately opened the bedroom door and switched the light on. There was a gasp and it took a few seconds for the buzzing to stop. “I said straight to sleep Betty didn’t I?” I snapped. I could see the anxiety in Betty’s eyes as I stood over the bed. “Give it to me” I demanded. Slowly...

4 years ago
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Tricked Again

First of all, I want to tell you that I hated Halloween!  I hated it when I was younger, and I still did at the time all of this took place.  It wasn't always that way, but one year, when I was twelve, some badass teenagers beat me up and took the bag of goodies I had gathered after several hours of going from door to door in my neighborhood.I can still remember the biggest of the teens yelling at me as I lay on someone's lawn, "Trick or treat, aye kid?  This year you get TRICK!"It was the...

First Time
1 year ago
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Alice Is Spanked Again

The holiday was going by all too quickly for Alice, although she had already agreed to meet up with Melanie when they got home as they didn’t live very far from each other.Melanie had retained her very strict and quick to discipline attitude towards Alice who, at fifty-eight-years-old, loved submitting to eighteen-year-old Melanie. What was better, for Alice, was to find out that she wasn’t the only granny figure to be disciplined by a teenager at the camp. Although Alice hadn’t realised when...

2 years ago
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BEING NAUGHTY AGAINA MOTHER DAUGHTER CONNECTION Hi again, it’s Christy and I’m sitting here once again thinking all sorts naughty thoughts. As you all ready know the main focus of most of my stories has always been my sexual relationship with my father; needless to say that it has been the center of my life for many years and the most gratifying as well. I started having sex with my dad right after I returned home from collage. I was in my early twenties and my parents had just spilt up; at the...

3 years ago
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Chapter 9 Enslaved Again

The Slave Returns: MartaI was – once again – astonished by this man while he sobbed in my arms. I held him tightly, kept him deep inside me with my legs around his back, and smoothed his hair, whispering soothing words, and kissing him.This poor man. He was, by any account, extraordinary, and had overcome enormous obstacles to become the man he had. Yet, along the way, no one had ever loved him, or cared if he healed.I didn’t know if I was capable of loving him, or anyone, but if I could...

2 years ago
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Monica More Than A Cleaner Again

Jeff was getting increasingly concerned that his friend, Dave, was still in the house, as Monica was due to arrive in just a few minutes. Dave was also forty-eight-years-old.Jeff realised that it was probably his own fault as he had described how Monica always wore skimpy clothes which were usually a vest top with their midriff, and a very short very tight cotton skirt, all of which showed off her well-toned arms and legs and flat tummy. She was also well developed and the vest top tended to...

2 years ago
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Anu ChachiAunt Sleeps in My Room Again

I woke up next morning around 8 AM. I looked towards my left tose whther Anu chachi is there but saw only Rinku who was still deep sleep. Anu chachi had already left. She usually wakes up around 6 AM every morning just like my mother as they had a lot of morning chores to take care of. I sat in my bed and the last night visions came back to me. Again and again I could see Anu chachi lying in my bed with her sarree above her knee as I gazed upon her flawless beauty standing in front of the...

4 years ago
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Psycho Bitch Strikes Again

My hands slithered down onto her lower back just above her butt. "Oh, you like making love to your girlfriend, don't you, psycho bitch," I moaned, kissing her.She brought her lips right off mine. "I told you not to call me that, Hannah," she reminded me, halting her thrusts."Come on, you are my psycho bitch, Miranda, don't forget that," I made clear, sliding my hands over to her face. "I love you.""I love you too, but I told you not to call me that. I was a psycho bitch up until our the first...

4 years ago
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Thanks Giving Again

A year later and a lot had happened. After learning to know the Joy's of a good family relationship with my brother Steven.Even him still being g a virgin at that time, he taught me so much that I would not have imagined. He was quick in the uptake and together, without knowing it, we gave each other what we needed.I'm still a lesbian and nothing is going to change that. I mean I've tried it with men. After having the crap fucked out of me by Steven, I just had to try it. Unfortunately no one...

2 years ago
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Motel receptionist again

I’ve decided I’m writing these down just after they happen now and not waiting, I’m getting so much action in this motel I’m beginning to think that the men around here have issues.So it’s 6am this morning, and I’m asleep alone for what feels like the first time this week. I’m woken up by the feeling of someone climbing in under the sheet next to me. Half asleep I open my eyes and it’s the little receptionist from the front desk. She had left my room with her security guard boyfriend the...

4 years ago
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Nikki Sees Mrs Denver Once Again

Mrs Denver sat in her study when Charlotte pressed the intercom. “Nikki Pearson is here to see you, Mrs Denver.” “Send her in,“Mrs Denver replied. Charlotte watched the 23-year-old walk towards the study door as much in wonder as thinking about the pain Nikki was about to endure. Charlotte had seen so many students go in to the study with trepidation and come back out with tear-stained faces, rubbing their bottoms. She wondered what it was like to be caned and wondered whether she would ever...

1 year ago
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Tommy Again

By reading this story, you agree that you are at or above legal age in your location. Certain sexual activities depicted in this story are safe only in fictional literature. Be safe. Use a Condom.This is the story is a work of total fiction. Any resemblance to real people, dead or alive, is purely coincidental. All feedback is appreciated. Tommy, Again Written by: Bill hudleyJen came out on the deck, where I was cleaning up the deck chairs, with the phone in her hand."Phone call honey, I...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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emma Finds her Mistress Again

Andrew had recently got a new job. We were driving to spend Saturdaywith his new boss, John, and his wife. I had not met either of them and I knewI wanted to make sure that they liked me. Their house was about 45 minutesaway from ours and on the drive I found myself daydreaming about the past.About my adolescence. Just before I left school I had a crush on a young teacher. It was her firstteaching post and she was only just older than me, though she actually onlytaught me a couple of lessons...

2 years ago
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Psycho Bitch Strikes Again

She brought her lips right off mine. "I told you not to call me that, Hannah," she reminded me, halting her thrusts. "Come on, you are my psycho bitch, Miranda, don't forget that," I made clear, sliding my hands over to her face. "I love you." "I love you too, but I told you not to call me that. I was a psycho bitch up until our the first day of our weird relationship, but I just don't like it." "Okay, Miranda," I bitched, breaking eye contact. "I'll stop calling you...

4 years ago
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Shes All That Laney Boggs Meets Taylor Vaughan Again

It had been a few years since Laney Boggs graduated from Torrance High School. Now, she was a junior in college but in that long a time, things had changed irrevocably. College wasn't anything like the way she remembered high school. Almost everyone was from out of state and few people came from her old institution where she had a reputation for being unpopular. Even if the situation was different, it wasn't likely anyone would believe she was a geek in high school. She'd long since...

1 year ago
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Caleb 27 Back again

Dianna led us into a room, holding the painting I had given her. I could see she had tears in her eyes, and I knew they were happy ones. I was pleased that I had managed to repair at least some of the damage I had done at the farm when I’d been so angry over the attack. She walked to one side of the room, and I saw the photograph the painting was based on on the wall. It was yellowed and faded, in a small frame, and was about half the size of the painting. Dianna took down the photograph and...

3 years ago
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Home for Christmas Again

The next morning I felt different, as doubts started to plague me, while I admit to having enjoyed what had happened to me yet it also scared me. I had butter flies in my stomach as it occupied my mind as I sat there trying to eat some breakfast. Mother told me she had some errands she wanted me to do for her, and in a way I felt relieved. It gave me a chance to get out of the house, as I went about the errands all I could think about was how I felt, alone, scared, and was I a queer? I knew...

3 years ago
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Going Down Once Again

"Wait! Hold the elevator!" My heels clattered against the floor as I made a run for it. I couldn't afford to be late. I was on my way to a business dinner with my boss and a prospective client for the architectural firm where I was employed. It was an important client, and we really needed the contract. I hadn't met Mr. Grant face to face yet, and I wanted to make a good impression so I took a little extra time with my appearance, hence the rush. I was in a little black number that hugged every...

1 year ago
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Jon John Whats the difference Part 3 There and Back Again

Jon? John? What's the difference? Part III. There and Back Again In part 1, Karoscan-34 and Dratto-29 (eleven dimensional creatures and university students), changed the name of John Smith to Jon Smith in an alternate universe, as part of their term project. In part 2, largely as a result of the name change, Jon fell into the clutches of Janice, an embittered lesbian (along with her lesbian and man hating lover, Dr. Athena) and Minerva, a vicious and sadistic dominatrix. At the end...

4 years ago
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Home for Christmas Again

The next morning I felt different, as doubts started to plague me, while I admit to having enjoyed what had happened to me yet it also scared me. I had butter flies in my stomach as it occupied my mind as I sat there trying to eat some breakfast. Mother told me she had some errands she wanted me to do for her, and in a way I felt relieved. It gave me a chance to get out of the house, as I went about the errands all I could think about was how I felt, alone, scared, and was I a queer? I knew...

2 years ago
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This Will Never Happen Again

The old gentleman took his seat in the solarium as he did every day at 3:00. He looked out at the driving rain and smiled. Sitting back, he took a small metal object from his pocket and pressed the button on the side.In an instant, he was sitting at a desk in his small garage apartment. He smiled again as he saw the notation on his notepad, October 26, 1944 – 3:00. Moving the chair back, he stood when he heard the light knocking on his door.Opening the door, he stood back as he said, “Good...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Through the Window Again

I had the whole story written up and wanted to post it all at once, but unfortunately, people do not like long stories, as I have found out with previous stories. So I am posting this story in separate parts, sorry for the wait. *** How had I been so stupid. There had been so many countless indicators, her smaller size, her scared eyes, her different scent and taste, her shaved pubs, her tight pussy, hell even the orientation and feel of the room had been off. It was not Desma I had raped in...

2 years ago
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To Love Again

I’ve got a little story for you. See, I’m not the prettiest chick you have ever seen, I’d give a five-foot ruler a run for its money, and over the years, I’ve let myself go a bit. I’ve got broad shoulders and the arse to match and biggish round tits that gravity has been trying to take down for a while. Anyway, I teach apprentices. One day, I got this kid in my class that stood out a little from the rest. He’s what many would call an Adonis. I looked at this kid and thought, ‘Shit, he...

3 years ago
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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 26 Until We Meet Again

-- THURSDAY, MAY 22, 2008, THREE MONTHS LATER -- “Dead cow, dead chicken, or dead mystery meat?” The beautiful blonde coed with big tits and blue eyes jutted her hip out to the side and put the other hand on it. Giving me an amused look, she asked, “Haven’t we done this before?” I grinned and replied, “Indeed we have.” And without waiting for further response, I grabbed a grilled chicken breast with my pair of tongs and dropped it onto her plate. Tammy Toth grinned, got up on her...

2 years ago
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Never Again

The house was dark and quiet when I got home. It had been a very long day at work, with both lunch and dinner eaten on the fly. As I shed my jacket, my ears pricked up at the sound of music from upstairs. Soft jazz was drifting down through the house. Smiling, I headed up to the bathroom where I was pretty sure I would find my lover Dee. Dee had been living with me temporarily while her apartment was being painted. It was a bit of a trial for us as a couple, too. My wife Angie, who was Dee’s...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Finding Excitement With My Wife Again

“Another drink, Urvi darling?” I asked, stroking my wife’s half exposed thigh under her pleated skirt, throwing a furtive glance at the middle-aged couple seated about fifty feet away from us across the balcony seating area of the restaurant we were at overlooking a deep valley.“Noooooo, Rishi.” Urvashi shook her head with her eyes half-closed, rubbing my hand with hers and helping me stroke her thigh. “Too much.”The husband was trying his best to pretend he was not staring at my...

1 year ago
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Amnesia Virgin Again

I walked into my apartment for the first time in nearly four months. My husband dutifully escorting and helping me walk, along with my crutches. My left leg was still broken from the accident and the doctors said I would still need them for another week or two. Most of the rest of my injuries had fully healed, only a handful of scratches and bruises remaining, aside from my leg, indicating the horrific car wreck I was lucky to walk away from. I looked around the living room seeking out the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Stretched again

Well after being apart for over a year I finally had the chance to see him again!! I had butterflies all day knowing I was going to see him. I felt like it was our first time all over again. I've missed him so much. His firm touch, soft skin, sexy smile, and soft lips. My stomach was flipping as I knocked on the hotel room door. He opened the door with no shirt on and a smile and he took my breath away once again. His chest and arms were so much thicker then I remembered, man I never thought...

2 years ago
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A Very Naughty Girl Again

It was just one of those nights, I guess. My boyfriend and I were in town and for some stupid reason that only couples know why, we started to argue. I can’t even remember about what the argument was about now, it was that stupid. But argue we did, and I watched with some dismay as John left the nightclub in a huff. I honestly thought he would come back before it closed and so I stayed behind, had a few more gin and tonics and started to people watch from the balcony. It was quite an amusing...

3 years ago
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Never Again

The weeds were the first thing I noticed as I made my way along the paved path to Ben’s front door. My gaze followed the twisting lengths as they pushed through the cracks and strangled the roses once tended by me. It made my stomach drop to see how much he’d let it all go, as if the act of maintaining something that had meant so much to me was more than he could stand. Almost six months had passed since we’d spoken. A closing door and a couple of boxes filled with the belongings I’d left here...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Home Again

OHGirl: The girls were sleeping and Mikey and I were lying naked in bed, after a long round of intense sex. He was rubbing my gargantuan belly, with a special cream to prevent stretch marks, while I was rubbing the cream on my swollen breasts, pulling and pinching on my long, thick, erect nipples. I was still horny and my sexual addiction was running high with my surging hormones. I was now two weeks past 7 months pregnant with triplets and my doctor said that they could arrive at any time. Our...

4 years ago
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Sukky Foxxe forced to cum over and over again

Halloween.Sukky arrived back in Amsterdam on schedule. She had been right, Joe was not impressed that she was working into, and over Christmas. He would have been even less happy if he had known the true reason why, The Company wanted to wine and dine fellow businessmen, and they wanted Sukky to entertain them, with her company, or to put on a show for them. They wanted her to fuck them. Sukky was contracted . She’d been eager to sign that contract, and despite missing out on Christmas at home,...

3 years ago
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Ashleys Pussy Is All Wet Again

1 I was sitting at the typer, trying to filter the streams of shit flowing throughmy brain into something pure and true and simple. Ya right. ?Fuck writing,fuck writing, fuck writers, fuck writing, I should just write obnoxious sexstories,? I mumbled to myself, frozen and dumb, and then the phone rang. ?Truthor Sex, no contest, no shit, this had better be a female,? I said, pickingup the phone. ?Hello,? I asked, hopeful but cool. ?Hello?! Lance?? Her voice was semi loud, dangerously close to...

2 years ago
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Sharing My Wife Again

At the time this happened, Shelley and I had been married for about four years, and had since had a daughter, which had basically put our exciting sexual exploits on hold for a while. In fact, it had been over three years since we did anything involving other people – something that we’d got into quite a bit before having our child. So, in October, 2019, we’d been invited to a charity dinner ball, in light of Shelley’s fundraising work for this particular charity. It was a proper black...

3 years ago
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Tammy And Shelby Meet Again

Picking up the receipt and my phone, I began tapping in Shelby's number. My finger trembled; I was really that nervous and, truth be told, was not at all sure what I wanted to say.  Holding the phone to my ear, my hand shook as I heard the first note of a distant ringtone. Oh my, I’m really doing this. Then, alarmingly, I also heard the noise of my front door being opened and closed. My boyfriend!  I quickly disconnected the call, hoping that my number would not appear on Shelby’s screen. I...

Oral Sex

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