Tesoro's Special Welcome free porn video

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Standing and stare across the room seeing old and young all waiting, forever waiting. The time comes closer, as more people pass through the doors we all focus on, but not you. I search around the cold white walls for the time, finding you should be here by now. The simple joy of our child shouting "Daddy!" alerts me to your arrival. I turn brushing back the curls from my face, in time to see you spinning her around and showing her, how you have missed our little drama queen.

Even as ours eye lock and I mouth "Ti amo" to you and hear you reply "I love you too" to both of us , but, wait to talk and feel you, knowing our daughter has missed you almost as much as I have.

So I spend the time taking my fill of your body, your olive skin that was only made richer and more tempting by the Australian sun. Your strong legs currently covered by long baggy shorts, but still your legs being my focus, with their many scars which only make them beautiful in all the ways a man can be. I glaze up at your perfectly sculpted chest, through your tight blue top, showing even with few years out of playing your much beloved rugby, the power is still there. The strength in your arms and shoulder, which have always drawn me to you, clearly showing as you lift our daughter higher, makes her giggle her sweet pearls of joy.

Bystanders glare over as Grace screams, but we are too involved in our own happiness to notice or care. Having placed Grace gently on the floor and whispered in her ear, prior to her exploring your discarded bags, then, and only then you walk towards me. I stand frozen on the spot looking into your almost aqua blue eyes, flicking down as you give me one of your lazy smiles that I have missed so much. "Tesoro" was the only thing I needed to hear from you, the only reply I could give was “My love” before your hands cradles my face, your thumb rubbing over my lips; my tongue glazes your thumb. I watch your head slowly descend to mine, your lips testing mine as I stretch up against you. Your hands moving to my hip steadying me as I move to the very tips of my toes, as I always have to, to reach your lips. As you place your forehead against mine and stare into my eyes you breathe the words “I missed you, Tersoro”. As I’m about to reply with the same sentiments our perfectly nicknames drama queen comes running into our legs. I start to stumble, but you draw me into your body, starting a chain reaction as it recognises its mate. I smile at you and kiss over your heart hoping it shows you that I’ve missed you too.

Whilst picking up Grace and listening to her moan about not being able to find her present, we both laugh and decide to start making a move to go home. We talk idle chit chat as we walk towards the car; you listen attentively to Grace giving you an update on what she has been doing. I sigh in pleasure at hearing your deep laughter beside me as your hand rests in the curve of my back.

After the Land Rover is loaded and Grace is strapped in, I start the long journey home. Gazing at you through the corner of my eye as I make my way back onto the motorway. Noticing your eyes looking heavy I hold your hand quickly and say “Get some rest honey, I’ll wake you up when we get home” but you place a gentle kiss on my hand and reply “I’m fine, just can’t wait to be home with you”. Your hand moves to rest on my thigh and I feel the heat of your touch through my jean shorts. The next time I look around at you, you’re leaning back in the chair asleep.

Through the journey I move my legs until your hand slides between my silky thighs and presses against the seam of my short, I tighten my thighs around your hand gasping quietly as I feel the seam slip between my wet lips and press against my clit. I try to clear my mind and focus on driving but every bump in the road makes me shudder. Slipping down my chair I make the shorts seam ride up into my ass, looking down briefly to see the pleasurable camel toe I have given myself and think of all the things I want to do him when we get home. My mind drifts to the erotic times we have done before, showers together where he give me my favourite breakfast before he leaves for work. Cheeky times, where I’ve sat covered in a blanket on his lap and taken him inside me as our friends watch a film, silently tighten around him until he filled me with his cum whilst biting down on my neck to smother his cries. These thoughts only make me need him more after the long 3 weeks apart whilst I continue to think and plan all the things that I will do to him when we get home.

After dropping Grace at my mum’s I drive us home, just keeping inside the speed limit as I hurry to get my time alone with you. Pulling up into the garage and turning off the engine, I faintly hear the sounds of the wind coming up from the sea. I turn back to look at you and decide that you need to be woken and soon.

Moving to your lap, pressing my yoga toned thighs either side of yours, whilst moving my hands down your chest feeling every relaxed muscle my hands slip under your top. My hands finally make contact with your skin as I trace my hands up your abs. I pull your top up higher and stare down at your chest before I lean back and remove my specially picked red deep v neck top before catching the front clasp of my black lace bra and freeing my full breasts. I moan to myself thinking of all the ways to wake you up, but decide to use my favourite way. I brush my chest against yours making sure your chest hair catches against my sensitive nipples making them hard for you. I move my mouth down to yours, nibbling and nipping slightly at your bottom lip as you start to wake up, kissing across your face and whispering in your ear “we are home my love”. You wake up like poetry to my words smiling at me before you realise that I’m sitting near naked on top of you.

Moaning sleepily “Now this is the welcome home I like!” You trace your rough hand down past the waistband of my shorts, making me gasp loudly as goose bumps appear over my stomach. Unbuttoning them, slowly running down the zip making the fire inside me burn brighter. I know even as you pull my lace thong lower what you are searching for, and the moment you find it. I look down with you as your thumb runs over my tattoo that simply says “Gino”, keeping to your tradition since I had got the tattoo done for you. You slip further down to where my shorts have left a damp patch making me spread and arch my hips into your hands. I bite down on my lip your finger slips down between my moist lips running your finger softly up and down teasing me. You dig into my arm and draw me hard against you until we touch every inch between hips and shoulder. I arch my hips against your now touchable budge whilst your fingers traces round my tender clit.

“I need to be inside you” the hint of command in the short words makes me need you even more. We continue to torture and tease each other in the small confides of the car, the rough texture of my shorts combined with your hand rubbing, cupping and groping at my tender heavy breast, making my climax so close, as I grind down on you.

“Yes, don’t stop” I mutter quietly as I nibble at your ear. Sensing my climax so very close you pinch my clit, just before removing your hand leaving a trail of wetness up my stomach. Showing your my continued frustration after hours of teasing and coming so close by biting down hard on your neck. Cupping my still jean covered butt you move me to your side as I continue to show my annoyance at you. As you open the car door I see the condensation that covers the window, a chill runs over me as the cold air hits my bare sensitive nipples. I cup my breasts to stop from getting frostbite as you pull yourself out of the tall car, I move to slide out of the car too but you grab me back around the waist and pull me off my feet.

I should be used to it after 5 years together and 2 of them married but your height still impresses me. Having grown up the short chubby kid with curly “ginger” hair, I had thought the men I would find attractive would be closer to my height and average. How wrong I was! Even now standing at the tallest I’m ever likely to be, I’m still not even 5 foot, however standing next to your over 6 foot frame I feel even smaller. Thankfully unlike my height, my chubbiness has faded away as I got into sports although of course it stayed on my ass and somehow moved to my chest to become a rather large bust that no amount of exercise was going to get off. My “ginger” hair well after the negative playground attention growing up, I prefer being called a red head but with the help of some highlights and low lights it has seemed to bring a new nice set of attention. It had caught your attention in the most wonderful of ways, well, ok it might have been my breasts hanging out of my tiny bikini the first time we met, but I still like to think it’s my fiery personality.

The brush of your lips on my neck brings me back to the present. It was my breast that where held close to you now, crushed to your chest. Wickedly smiling I caught a little bit of your baggy shorts between my toes and pull them down freeing your cock before wrapping my legs around you and pressing the damp spot in my short against you. “Mi sei mancato in queste tre settimane!” Your whisper of missing me makes me cling to your shoulders as you delicately carry me, making me feel like my nickname, through the house, at the same time as my soft lips movevigorously with yours.

I feel soft fabric brush against my shoulder then press against my lower back and open my eyes thinking that you must have got us to our bedroom but I find myself laying down two cream covered stairs.

“If you are going to tease me then not let me cum yet again, I’m going to go and sort myself out on my own!” I look furiously into his eyes.

“Tesoro, I wouldn’t, I never tease you and then leave you” As your lips trail down the freckles on my collarbone.

“Really?” trying to keep the frown on my face and not purr my pleasure in his ear “Have you forgotten Greece already?” sarcastically adding “my never teasing love”.

Your mouth moving to kiss down the centre of my chest while your hands massages my soft white orbs as you say “of course I remember it was a great holiday, you had this little adorable bump forming…..” look at my breasts as your tongue draws circles around my nipple before you continue “…. And your breast where so sensitive, just me looking at your nipples seemed to make you cum”

I feel myself weakening into your caresses but try and keep my fiery tone as your cologne fills my senses. “No, not that bit…” your tongue moves back to my nipples, before you blow on them, making them point out at you begging for your mouth“…Mmmm… no when you tied me to the bed.”

“Now that was one of the best bits” You breathe before kissing around my breasts again.

“In the end yes, but you teased me, then left me to go for a shower.” I feel your smile against as my chest while it rises and falls as I struggle to control my breathing.

“I came back” was the only explanation you wanted to give before smiling until I see the wrinkles at your eyes you laugh as you add “And I’m here now, lay back and think of England, Tersoro.” I decide to just enjoy your treatment and get my revenge later; however your next action leaves me unable to think of anything at all. The brush your teeth over my raw nipple before closing around it, biting it, drawing it away from my aching body. Seeing my panting reaction your fingers pinch my other nipple. My chest arches up against you; my nails curl up in the soft carpet as I fight for control like you want.

“Having problems Tersoro” as your lips brush against mine. I shake my head in reply, you pulling down my shorts finally, but you leave my lace covering and I know you aren’t going to allow my release just yet. Biting down on your bottom lip, feeling your cold fingers trace the waistband of my thong as you move your mouth down from my lips, nibbling my collarbone, kissing the tops of each breast, following my breastbone, kissing the receptive pale underside of each breast, flicking your tongue into my belly button, leaving long drawn out kisses on each side of my hips.

“Stop teasing me, and fuck me” I pant at almost to myself, but you breathe softly on the soaked lace and say deeply “Patience” and I try to be slow and enjoy but I feel my clit about to explode.

I force down a moan as you spread my legs wider to proceed to kiss and lick up each thigh. Holding myself as still as possible as I glace down to see your eyes almost like the sun bouncing off the bluest ocean staring back at me as you bear down on the very place I need you the most. You kiss my wet lips through the lace before gently grasping the waistband and pulling it slowly up until the lace slips easily between my swallow lips. Moaning as it rubs against my clit, my hips shift to feel it over and over again. Laying one hand flat over my stomach you still my movement and nibble the length of my lips tasting me with your devilish tongue. Your seemingly cold fingers part my hyper aware lips as you kiss my clit, the lace making the contact somehow even more erotic. I arch pressing up against your hand as you flick my clit with the tip of your tongue.

“Tesoruccio” I see you become as impatient as me, you rip the lace covering me before your mouth latches onto to my clit, and your tongue starts to send me to heaven. Your suddenly icy cold fingers presses into my melting entrance as you slide it inside; I shiver as goose bumps spread through my body from feeling your long fingers inside me. My thighs move to cramp around your head as I ride your hand and mouth. My need starts to peak as you press another finger inside moving them in and out in a slow rhythm. Your teeth join your tongue on its forceful assault on my explosive clit.

“Mmmmm G! That’s it, fuck, yes don’t stop…don’t stop! ” My words make no sense even to me as I tremble against you. The tingly sensation becomes overbearing as I contract around your fingers.

Shouting and moaning as my climax rips through my bowing body. Your finger curl up inside me making the waves of pleasure rip through my body strong and hard. I black out everything but you and your touch filling all my senses as I forget to breathe. The tips of your fingers rubbing against my g spot, my body get relaxes as the ripples calm, until my pussy contracts slowly around your fingers and I take in a much needed mouthful of air.

You withdraw your fingers softly, and tenderly remove my thighs from round your head, covering my thigh with my hot cum, before licking up my lips and deep inside my now pulsing entrance. Tasting all of me. Your hands move to my carpet burned ass as you lift my weak satisfied body against you. I sigh in relief as you kiss my neck while carrying me up the remaining stairs to our bedroom.

You lay me down on the supple sheets and stare down at my bare relaxed body, catching your hand as you move my damp curls from my shoulder. My hand strokes the bed beside me in invitation, “Lay with me, we aren’t finished yet.”

“We haven’t even started my love” brushing your moist lips over my parched ones before stripping away your top and boxers. I feel the indent in the bed as you sit and remove your shoes. My hand follows your spine as you smile turning back to me and catch my fingers “Rest Tersoro” kissing them.

Watching as your stride past me letting me see your hard cock laying flat against your abs obviously in desperate need of release. I hear the shower start to run as I close my eyes and see you in my mind’s eye, moving your hands over your body, the soap catching over the hairs of your chest, your hand soaping up your cock, moaning as your need continues to grow. I suddenly open my eyes staring at the ceiling as I plan my seductive revenge…

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Special Needs

Special Needs. Players (in order of appearance): Rose Marian Carter; Tracy Tillerman; Beth Goodman; Mark Sanford; Lucy Davis as Ms. Pennywort; Susan Day; Trent Baker; Helen Anderson. Synopses: Special Needs has an odd connotation without context, and of late a politically correct term for accommodating the handicapped. Mark wasn't handicapped when he filled out that form although not too long after he did that form he wished he was. At least then he'd have a reason for...

3 years ago
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Showing Off My Slave Hubbys Special Present II

I have a need. A craving for the kind of satisfaction I know I can only get from one certain person. The satisfaction of completely overpowering all the senses of he who I consider my sexy slave. That one man who is the only one able to accept my extreme type of affections and actually revels in being totally absorbed by them while giving himself completely over to my servitude, my Stephen. Now to craft my plan and make all preparations. My wonderful husband Daniel and I had a fantastic...

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Educating Special Boys in the Feminist Republic Chapter 1 History Lesson

Kyle was half listening to his eighth grade teacher as she droned on about recent history because he was furtively reading ahead in the book as usual. There were topics in the book that he knew Ms. Jayne Wood would be skipping over, and he was curious about them. He was well aware that boys were discouraged from independent reading or any independent academic activity, but the girls were encouraged to be learn and study whatever they wanted. Girls could even select their own books to...

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Special 25th Anniversary Gift from loving wife

I am Steve and my wife is Mandy. We have three kids, two away at college and one left to go next year. Our son at home does not bother with us much as he has a tight circle of friends and is always out everywhere but home. We have some time back in our lives and are alone together often. We have been married for 23 years and the last few years the sex life has kind of fizzled off. Don't get me wrong, we have great sex, but other stresses in life have gotten to us and as we think about...

1 year ago
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Special Appointments

A Long Daydream : Special Appointment I ran into quite a lot of money recently. More money than I know what to do with and I’ll certainly never have to work again. Fortunately, I’ve always had this about one of the things I’d do if this situation ever arose. Since I have a fairly extreme passion for long hair on women, I thought it would be great to open a salon catering to the longhaired woman. Nothing new in the idea but think of all the longhaired women I’d meet. I knew exactly what I must...

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The Special part 2

I was heading to the shops to get some bread, milk and cereal, trying not to run my hands over the six raised stripes on my backside. I had been doing this obsessively for the two days after my caning from Fleur. I was in a horny daze, still trying to come down from what had happened. My ass was sore and bruised but memories of the acute agony had faded faster and all I could recall was the erotic burn.I was approaching Fleur's place and my stomach dropped as I spied her walking down her...

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A SPECIAL PHOTO   by Rumple Foreskin     Sensual and seductive, she lay amid the rumpled sheets of the bed where we'd just made love, relaxed and at ease within the golden skin of her petite, perfect body. Not posing, not looking at the camera so much as through it, into the photographer, into me. Waiting with an expression of amused tolerance for me to finish and rejoin her. It was a special photo of a very special model.   I'm in the military doing special operations type work that's supposed...

4 years ago
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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake Chapt 127 Revised

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace...

4 years ago
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Special Family Love

The holidays were always interesting when the family gathered.  There was always talk in the town that the Dawson’s were an incestuous family.  There was, of course, no proof, but lots of speculation.The children were now all grown and lived out of state.  They’d all come home for the holidays for an extended amount of time.  That’s when all the talk would happen.  They all kept to themselves and they were all adults, so if something weird was going on, they weren’t breaking any laws.There were...

2 years ago
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A SPECIAL FIELD HOCKEY GAME (A LESBIAN TALE)The tension was high as the two top Lesbian field hockey teams met in a closed arena which used to be a basketball court. This meant that there were boards to keep the ball into the arena but also that spectators had a closer view of the action on the floor.The rules were the same as field hockey, but the women played with a tennis ball. The players had ice hockey gloves, a sweatshirt with the team logo, and sneakers. They were naked from the waist...

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Wife Gets Me a Special Massage Gay

It was Scott's birthday and I had surprises in mind for him. Last night my husband and I had arrived at this luxurious desert spa near Miami and I had a whole day of treats planned for him today. First we'd have a special caviar breakfast and take a quick swim, and then, for later in the afternoon, I had arranged for a masseur to come up to the room. I had requested a specific special masseur, and not another or a masseuse, because that masseur, I hoped, was going to be a big part of the very...

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special evening

It was Friday night and my wife had just left on a weekend business trip. I helped her pack all of her bags, she always packs too many suitcases, and waved goodbye from our front door as she drove away. I love when she takes these frequent trips because it provides me plenty of time to indulge my darkest passions and desires, desires that can only be fulfilled alone in the privacy of my own home. This night would be special however, because the day before I had gone to the local adult video...

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SRU Special Situation

SPELLS R US: A SPECIAL SITUATION by Roy Del Frink Andrew Humphrey was an unusually displeased man. At 25, he enjoyed his lifestyle. He liked working for the drugstore. He also had all the money he'd ever wanted, even though he was far from wealthy. Even his parents, brother, and sister gave him loving attention whenever he was around. But he felt something lacking in life. Something quite personal. After six months in therapy, Andy discovered the problem was himself. He...

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A Special Girl Birth of a Special Girl

A Special Girl - Chapter 1By Alhana EscherBirth of a Special GirlJames’ world had been turned upside down. Just moments before he had been getting off with, in his opinion, the cutest and sexiest girl in school. Now though, his was totally freaked out sitting on his living room floor having just discovered his girlfriend Alice wasn’t actually a girl at all. He had found out when his hand, that had been slowly making it’s way up her legs underneath her dress had reached the silkiness of her...

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A Special Xmas Morning

A Special Christmas Morning Christmas Eve my girlfriend and I came home from visiting some close friends. Things hadn't been all that good for us recently and she spent most of the night talking with the other women. I on the other hand spent the night getting really, really drunk. No don't get the wrong idea, I don't usually get drunk, but that night Sally and I had a big fight and I was upset. As she drove us home (I was in no condition to walk, let alone drive) she told me that...

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Special Fridays Chapter 3

SPECIAL FRIDAYS - 03 By Libnos After that wild evening, when she'd dressed me as a woman for the first time, I awoke the next morning without any misgivings or concerns. I trusted her and we and felt comfortable that would continue our relationship in the same direction but with mutual love and respect. Looking at the pictures she'd taken and printed off for me I immediately got a hard-on. I wasn't sure it was because it was because I knew it...

2 years ago
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A Special Girl Birth of a Special Girl

A Special Girl By Alhana Escher Birth of a Special Girl James' world had been turned upside down. Just moments before he had been getting off with, in his opinion, the cutest and sexiest girl in school. Now though, his was totally freaked out sitting on his living room floor having just discovered his girlfriend Alice wasn't actually a girl at all. He had found out when his hand, that had been slowly making it's way up her legs underneath her dress had reached the silkiness of her...

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Special indoctrination unitcaptive women

The Special Indoctrination Unit is a unique sexual training facility  located adjacent to a large male prison.  The unit was created to imprison and indoctrinate specifically chosen women...those who are uncooperative in fulfilling a dictator's vast carnal needs.  The project is known covertly, and to an exclusive few as: 'CUNT'...Captive..Unrestricted..Nymphopathic..Training.The women are almost exclusively from the higher aristocratic levels...women used to money and power, and to having...

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The Massage Special

It was actually an early birthday gift from my best friend. Pam knew I had been pretty stressed and wanted to give me something that would help with it. She gave me the gift card, and told me that it would cover any type of massage they offered. Then she told me that when I go in, make sure you tell them you want the special. They will know what you're talking about. Everything is covered in the coupon, including the tip. All you have to do is go in and come out more relaxed than you have ever...

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Special Services

Tim Purdy balanced on his right (and only) leg and fished a pair of crutches out of the back seat of the Veteran’s Administration transport van. The sun was scorching on this late July morning just outside Atlanta. “Thanks for the ride, Mike,” he called. “No problem, Tim. Same time tomorrow, right?” “I’ll be ready.” Tim slid the van’s door closed and checked the area. Since coming back from Afghanistan, he was much more aware of his physical surroundings than the ordinary American. He knew...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 431 42000 Marks Special Abilities

Friday, July 11, 2008 As I had said I would, I convened a family meeting on Friday evening. Before I begin describing it, I will say that it was interrupted with variations on the same few questions over and over again. To save you from being driven as far up the wall as I was, I'll omit 99% of those interruptions. I will also omit the interrupting phone calls, especially for Carol and Donna. Fortunately they found the discussion exciting enough to let them get in touch with their masculine...

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Yearning to Feel Special

"Mmmmmm. What I'd give for this moment to last forever. Lynn, you'll never know how much I appreciate the way you braid my hair. Talk about pampering!!" "Hey, Angie, what do you think a best friend is for?" I responded. "I think this is just an added bonus. I'm lousy at braiding my own hair, and my mom is anything but gentle." "I hate to admit it, Angie, but I'm actually being selfish, as I love running my fingers through your long silky hair." "Now, if I could only find a guy...

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A Very Special Friendship

A Very 'Special' Friendship             A new beginning. Jena woke to find the sun streaming through the curtains and she found herself almost singing because she felt so good. Yesterday she met up with Ben after many years separation. They had only been in touch by phone for so long with an occasional visit every few years. They had had a wonderful lunch and a very in-depth review of their lives since they had seen each other. Both of them had come through divorces without too much damage....

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 75 Conception Special Club Performances

Mark Elsa and I hadn’t just made love; I’d fertilized her egg with my sperm. The essence of my being, my family, and my heritage had merged with hers to create a life. She knew with certainty that we’d done the deed that night. As we’d finished and I’d filled her vagina with my spend, her eyes got large after we kissed. She whispered, “I love you, daddy,” and then she cried with joy so I felt her tears on my chest as we lay in bed cuddling. She whispered, “We did it. That was ‘it.’” I was...

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Special indoctrination unitcaptive women

'CUNT'...Captive..Unrestricted..Nymphopathic..Training. The women are almost exclusively from the higher aristocratic levels...women used to money and power, and to having their own way. The leader changed all this upon taking control several years ago... and vowed to make all these women his personal sex slaves. Many of the sophisticated ladies, proud and recalcitrant in their manner, had refused to accept this...and risked punishment, flinging their insults at their captors,...

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Special Day Birthday

I managed to get through college debt-free by working at various clubs, strip clubs if you must know. Being a shapely, good breasts for my size, book smart and outgoing, I developed quite a loyal following of sorts. Some of them are still friends these years later. One evening, I was working a party in Holby Hills, and I met a woman, who would change my life in ways I couldn’t imagine. She was a lanky blonde with beautiful curves that belied her twenty years my senior. Her name was Whitney. She...

Office Sex
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Since for two years, first time I had seen her. She was walking on the street. First I wanted to be sure if she is Natalie. Yes, she was Natalie , my friend Haluk's wife. Natalie is almost 49 years old and sexy Russian originated woman and she is married with my friend Haluk for a long time.Natali is tall , blonde and has blue eyes. She is almost 180 cm tall.During many years I never thought about her. But, for one year I was dreaming that I was fucking her. Because I was sure she had very sexy...

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Sexual Extortion Special Request

It's a Sunday night, I'm staying last and final night in this hotel I booked for the week. I'm here on assignment to review the status of the hotel. For a 5 star hotel is not much, is just the same as any other 5 stars hotel. Not anything too special or at least not to remember by. I am not very, please. I have yet to decide what type of review I will give it if any. "Mr. Lee, is there anything else I may do for you?" I hear a soft deep voice come from behind me as I am taking the moment to...

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