Goobers free porn video

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Goobers by VI During my navigators training they warned me about Goobers. But I was a cocky young man. I wouldn't listen. As far as I was concerned, they should look out for me. I was more concerned about making money, than avoiding alien life forms. In my first few years as a transport navigator my ambition knew no bounds. I was making deals with anyone I could, and making a very large profit for myself. Eventually I had enough credits to quit my job at the company and get finance on my own deep space transport. This was the life for me, trading between different planets across the whole universe, and keeping any of the profit for myself. Of course it wasn't easy, but I wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. Sure, it was a little lonely spending weeks at a time travelling between star systems with no communications, so I occasionally picked up attractive hitch hikers to help me pass the time. Suur was one of these. I was at Tragado space port refuelling my ship for a long run, carrying medical equipment across to the frontier, when this tall blonde walks over and introduces herself. She was a real sight, long blonde hair, large breasts, legs that went all the way up to a real peachy ass. All wrapped up in a shiny black cat suit that didn't leave too much for you to imagine. I guessed her to be about 5' 11" and in her mid twenties. "Hi handsome. Where you heading?" she said in a strange accent I'd never heard before. When I told her the frontier, probably a six month voyage, she got quite excited, and almost pleaded with me to go. I played it cool. She told me that she'd do anything for a ride to the frontier. Anything? That sounded good. How could I refuse? I ordered in extra supplies for the journey and told her to meet me here in three hours with everything she was taking with her, providing she could fit it into one case (the less they brought to wear, the better). She thanked me and went to get ready. "Wait, what's your name?" I called to her as she turned away. "Suur." She replied. Three hours later and we were on our way towards the frontier. To my delight Suur hadn't even managed to pack a whole case with her belongings. All she had was two other cat suits and a collection of toiletries. As we left the gravitational pull of the planet I began entering the calculations to get us to the frontier. To get us there fast I steered us though 3 constellations, using their gravaties to push us on faster. It's a tricky thing to do so I had to concentrate. But Suur had other ideas. She sat next to me in the control room and at first kept quiet, but the further we got away from the planet the more distracting she became. As first she acted as if she was getting too hot. But the more she did it the more I could see that Suur was actually getting horny. Her sighs became moans, which became louder and louder. She stood up and carefully peeled off her spandex suit, revealing her fantastic tits. She ran her fingers though her long hair and bent down, her lips at my ear. "Wow. I'm so hot. Where's the shower?" she whispered. I could stand no more and surged to my feet. I grabbed her arm, lead her to my double bunk and threw her onto it. She lay on her back writhing and moaning as I hurriedly pulled off my overalls. Before I was even finished she was up and sucking on my erect manhood. I couldn't help thinking how lucky I was at finding a piece of ass this willing to keep me happy. Next thing I knew she'd pulled me down on top of her and was wrapping her long silky legs around my back. I've never had sex like it. For once I didn't have to imagine that I was fucking another woman. This was the girl I'd always fantasised about. And was she hot! Her cunt was tight and she moaned and wailed like a banshee. I was in heaven. And then I came. As I started to ejaculate her belly rumbled, and then it was as if a hand had grabbed my dick. She arched her back and started screaming at the top of her voice. I flailed on top of her as she thrashed about like a bucking bronco. Frantically I tried to push myself off of her, but I was stuck fast. Suddenly I felt a pain in my cock, like I had been stung. I passed out. I awoke a couple of hours later to find Suur rubbing a soothing lotion onto my sore penis. "What got into you?," she said with one raised eyebrow "I've never had it that good before. Looks like you strained your love muscle. I'm just making sure that it's ready to perform again soon." My mind raced. Was it me that had caused her to thrash about like that? I decided to play along. If she thought I was that good then she would be wanting more. A lot more. I told her that I'd never had any complaints before about my performance, but right now all I wanted was a good nights sleep. Suur kissed me tenderly on the forehead and I drifted off to sleep. My dick felt sore for the next few days so I decided to stay in bed. Suur made me meals and gave me massages. I also told her how to carry out course evaluations for the ship, to check that there were no system errors. This meant that I could laze around all day leaving her to do all of the chores, which Suur didn't mind one bit. As this was my ship I had made sure that the living quarters were nothing but the best. Every luxury was catered for including an automatic chef, although Suur refused to use it. She prepared our meals by hand, which, thanks to some special sauces she'd brought along, all tasted great. Yes, I was a lucky man to find such a willing and subservient passenger as Suur. I couldn't believe how much I was attracted to her. It was quite strange. There was something about her that appealed to me, but I didn't know what. When I was finally up and about my normally overactive libido seemed almost non-existent. Suur was the kind of girl most guys would kill for, but I didn't (or couldn't) get aroused over her. Sure, I was concerned, but I figured that it was like Suur said, some kind of strained muscle. Not that she seemed to mind about my lack of sex drive. Her interest was in how the ship worked. I would spend hours going through how the navicom worked as she listened intently, learning how to use it with supprising speed. It helped to keep my mind off my injury. As our journey towards the frontier continued I slowly became more and more worried about my health. During the last two weeks my libido had still not returned, which was starting to worry me, and I seemed physically drained. Any strenuous exercise exhausted me quickly. Also, to make matters worse, the ships computer began malfunctioning. It failed to recognise my voice several times and also my palm print. This could have caused serious problems if the computer refused to accept my commands. As a precaution I had the computer recognise Suur as another user in case it locked me out again. I decided to stop off at a space port in one of the systems we would pass through, to give both the ship and myself a check-up. The nearest one would be near enough in five weeks. Suur told me not to worry about anything and to get plenty of rest. Reluctantly I did. Normally I liked to workout when onboard ship, keep myself in good shape, so I didn't like all of this lying around. I felt as though I could feel all of my muscles wasting away. It was a few days later that I got my first big shock. My mind had obviously been on other things for the past few weeks so I hadn't noticed that my overalls didn't fit me as well as they used to. What really woke me up was when I realised that Suur was now the same height as me. I was getting smaller! I used to be over 6 foot, now I was 5'11" At first I was shocked. How could I be shrinking? Then my mind switched to the first nights sex with Suur, and the terrifying climax I had experienced. I yelled at her to tell me what she had done to me. "Calm down. You're getting paranoid." She said in a knowing way. "Look, I don't know what's happening here. But in a months time we'll pull into port and get a doctor to check you over. Getting worked up won't do you any good." I had to agree with her, getting angry was counter productive. But there was something in the way that she said it that I didn't like. Maybe I was just being paranoid. As the days went by I continued to shrink. Suur measured me regularly and found I was loosing about half an inch in height each day. Also my hands and feet were getting smaller. Suur was very supportive during all this, but being with her just made me feel worse. She seemed so unfazed about this and I felt so small and weak around her. The fact that the computer refused to accept my ID didn't help. Luckily Suur could pilot the ship competently without me. But that just made me feel even more helpless. With nothing to do, the days passed so slowly as we approached the Arcus star system. I was going out of my mind with worry when an idea hit me. We were carrying medical equipment, so maybe I could use some to diagnose my condition! I hurried into the ships hold and located a crate filled with medical scanners. I quickly got one out and, after briefly reading the instructions, attached the probes to my arm and began the diagnosis. The device whirred and bleeped for a couple of minutes before producing a report. It was a lot of medical jargon but it said something about 'Goober infection'. Goober? I couldn't remember what that was. I detached the probe and quickly made my way to the control room. The computers there had a huge database of information, maybe they could tell me. When I reached the control room I was breathing hard. I achieved guest access onto the computer and did a search for Goober. The computer produced this: Goober: Alien Race. Home world: Sigma 7. This race of beings are considered a threat to the Planetary Commonwealth. Their ability to assume the forms of other races coupled with their fastidious need to reproduce make them a dangerous, although not aggressive life form. The strangest aspect of the Goobers are that their offspring... "So you finally figured out what's happening to you." I turned to see Suur standing behind me. "Well I suppose that you would eventually guess what was going on." She continued, stroking her chin. "I don't understand." I said meekly. "Then I'll explain. You see, I'm a Goober." I was stunned. Suur? A Goober? "I assumed this form so that I could mate. I'd spent several weeks at Tragado waiting for a suitable partner to fit the bill. When I saw that you were heading out to the frontier I chose you. My home world is three light- years from your destination so we can redirect the ship as we get nearer. It's better that way because my species has never mated with a human being before, so we need to be on my home world should the pregnancy or birth run into any complications." "Yes. Fine. But what's happening to me?" I demanded. "Well," she said very matter of factly, "my seed is altering your body for the birth of our child." "I... I'm sorry?" "You are slowly being feminized. My sperm has made you pregnant." I was pregnant! Being feminized! I glanced at my hands. No wonder I was shrinking! "Why did you think that the computer could not recognise your voice? It's getting higher. And that sharp pain you felt in your penis during our sex was me inseminating you. By the time we reach my home world you will have become a heavily pregnant Goober." My mind was racing. What could I do? I didn't want this! "I... is there a cure?" I stammered. "A cure?" Suur seemed shocked "You're not ill. You're pregnant. Why would you want a cure?" "I don't like what's happening to me!" I shouted. "I want it to stop!" "It's too late for that now. The transformation is not reversible." Suddenly my fear disappeared, replaced by anger. Without warning I darted across the control room and grabbed for the weapons locker. Suur made no effort to stop me as I fumbled at the lock. The door swung open and my heart sank. It was empty. "I took the precaution of jettisoning any weapons into space a few hours ago. Pregnant Goobers can be rather irrational at times." That was it. I began to cry. Suur tried to put her arm around me and comfort me. At first I pushed her away. But then I sank into her arms and continued sobbing. Tired and exhausted I drifted off to sleep. When I awoke the next morning I found Suur at my side with a breakfast tray. As I ate she began to explain, for my own benefit, what would be happening to me. I managed not to start crying this time, although what she told me made me want to throw up. Apparently once impregnated, the host body would gradually become a female Goober. In my case I would go through two stages of transformation. Firstly my body would adjust itself for bearing children, (i.e. become a human female) and then as the pregnancy continued, I would gradually become a Goober for the birth. This whole process would take a little over eight months, and I was already nearly five weeks into my pregnancy. At least the whole transformation would be painless. She also pointed out that she'd tried to mate with a human female, but they were less willing. I, however was an easy lay. I sat there in shock for several hours after Suur had gone to monitor the ships progress. I couldn't just let this happen. Could I? Suur must have been lying about the transformation not being reversible. I got up and started putting on one of the now baggy overalls. I examined my naked upper torso in the mirror. My muscle definition had gone and my face seemed different. Rounder, even. I shivered and went to check on our co-ordinates. Within a very short space of time Suur had become a talented astro- navigator. I mentally kicked myself for showing her how to run the ship by herself. My strange mutation had meant that I was no longer recognised by the ships computer, which also meant I couldn't adjust the ships course back to Tragado to get medical help. Just by looking at the view screens as I entered the control room I could see that our course had been changed. We were now heading towards a nearer system. "Where are we going now?" I yelped. "We need new supplies. When you loaded supplies you had not reckoned on an unexpected and rapid pregnancy. You now have different dietary requirements, to ensure a strong and healthy child." Suur replied. I began protesting, demanding that I see a doctor about my condition. But Suur explained that I would bear her child for the full term and that the matter was not for discussion. In two weeks time we would dock and get supplies and equipment only. End of story. To my disgust my transformation continued for the next two weeks. I stopped shrinking, but only when I reached 5' 2". I no longer needed to shave, and most of my body hair fell out, leaving my now soft, smooth skin exposed. My manhood retracted into my groin making my voice higher, and my face had become less angular. I would grimace each morning as I checked in the mirror to see my once proud member slowly turning into a vagina. Soon I looked like a skinny, pre-puberty schoolgirl. The only clothes that I could find to wear were old T shirts that hung off me like tents. Suur observed all of this with an approving eye. She comforted me everyday, telling me how pretty I was becoming, particularly as my hair was growing longer. They were kind words, but she gave me an unsettling look as she told me. I felt so vulnerable. Suur must have realised that I would try to escape at the spaceport, so she locked me in the ships hold before we reached the planet. I tried to resist but my muscles were so puny, Suur easily overpowered me. I was carried thrashing and screaming like a toddler into the hold. I sat there sobbing, alone in the dark. As Suur had now completely locked me out of the ships computer functions there was nothing I could do. Within a few hours she had returned to the ship and we continued our journey to Sigma 7. Suur had used most of my spare credits to purchase a substantial amount of food, supplies and clothing. I looked through the bags of clothing in dismay. They were all very effeminate and clingy. Suur had jettisoned most of my old clothes before landing, so I didn't have much choice but to wear them. Suur told me to embrace my new femininity and dress like a woman. But I couldn't. Not yet. A month later and I had no choice. My girlish figure began to bloom. It was quite unsettling as my body became rounder and more shapely. All I could do was watch helplessly. My hips and ass widened, giving welcome shape to my thin frame, and filling out the slip dresses that I had taken to wearing. I developed a gentle swell to my belly, but that was nothing compared to my chest. Each day my nipples seemed to move further away from me as mounds of flesh began to grow where I once had firm pecs. At first they were okay, but soon they needed support. Luckily Suur had purchased several "One size fits all" maternity bras for me. The special spandex garments were a godsend as my breasts grew steadily to a B cup. Even my face had succumbed. My lips were getting fuller and my cheeks were soft and round. In three months my hair had grown about seven inches and all I could do with it was put it into bunches. When I looked in the mirror I could see no resemblance to my former appearance, apart from my blue eyes. The former ships captain had become a pretty little lady. I supposed that if I had a sister, then this is what she would have looked like. Suur had also purchased a number of video and multimedia disks regarding human pregnancy and birth for me to watch. Most of them made me feel sick about the inevitable conclusion to my pregnancy, but I found a few of them quite useful, particularly some of the workout videos. I didn't like my new body, but I was darned if I'd let it turn into a mass of blubber. During her shopping trip, Suur had purchased a few 'maternitards' (lycra, one-piece exercise garments for pregnant women) in a variety of colours. I got the impression that she liked to see me wearing them as she often sat and watched as I went through my workout routine. Another item that she had purchased in great quantities were big pots of 'mother-to-be cream'. I was told to apply it liberally every morning and afternoon. "You're growing at over twice the rate of a normal pregnant human." She explained. "This will help stop your skin from being damaged. I recommend that you rub it onto your whole torso." I did as I was told. It's not like I had a choice. I must have been getting used to my predicament as my continued development seemed not to concern me as much as it once did. Suur was pleased with how smoothly my transition was going and even started joining in some of the breathing exercises I was doing. She continued to be supportive, saying how wonderful it would be when our child was born. I played along, but I had an ace up my sleeve. She was very careful not to let me have any unauthorised access to the ships computer. I presume that this was to stop me calling for help or steering us towards a friendly system. But I was fortunate enough to find one console logged into a database, whilst Suur was preparing our meals one evening. The directory that I was in would not let me effect any ship functions, but it did let me check up more on Goobers and their breeding habits. It referred to pregnancy by Goober as infection, explaining that the strange species only bred with other alien races in order to propagate. I quickly scanned the information, not really taking any of it in, until I found a section maked 'Cure'. My heart leapt. Apparently the condition could be reversed, if somewhat slowly, by taking a drug called 'demoxhadrin 3'. Yet again I thanked myself for deciding to haul medical supplies on this journey. After the meal I snuck down to the ships hold and searched through the cargo manifesto. I did have a large supply of demoxhadrin 3, although I didn't remember loading it on board. However, I'd become a little absent minded of late anyway. The drug was in tablet form and the containers read that I could take four per day. I quickly gulped one down and took a handful up to my cabin for later. My hormones began playing up as I moved into my fourth month of pregnancy. I started feeling really horny and couldn't stop fondling myself during quiet moments. Suur had begun sleeping in a spare bunk, leaving me alone at night, which made me worse. My tits continued to grow and my ass got bigger and rounder which bothered me, until I saw the way that Suur was looking at then. It was the same look she had given me weeks back, but it had bothered me then. Now I felt... flattered. During my workouts I would make sure that she got a good show of my new assets. I could have been a cute centrefold, apart from my belly. My waistline was expanding at a rate of knots. I was probably the equivalent size of a normally pregnant woman into her third trimester. The roundness suited me. Suur began measuring my growth. I felt quite proud to learn that I was bigger than most Goobers at this stage. Luckily, my maternity clothing took it all in its stride. I loved the freedom a dress gave me (especially as Suur had forgotten to get me any panties or the like), allowing me to show off my sexy legs. Suur showed me how to apply makeup and gave me hers as she no longer wore any. I was so happy. I continued to take the demoxhadrin tablets, but there was no sign of them working yet. I was taking six a day, although sometimes I took seven or even eight. I liked the taste. More and more I would find myself busying around the ship, humming happily as I tided up after Suur. I even started preparing our meals, just to make myself useful. Suur would give me little pots of her special sauce to use on the meal. There was always more of the sauce in my food than hers, I made sure of that. I guess that I should have cut back on it as I was starting to really balloon, but I reminded myself that I was eating for two now. Besides with each inch wider I got, the more natural my body seemed. I still did my workouts, but tired really easily. Normally I just laid on my back doing yoga. That's when Suur would come and measure my expanding belly. When my belly button had popped out she couldn't keep her hands off of me. That's what lead to our first evening of passion. I was getting ready for bed and had just began rubbing cream onto my taught skin when Suur appeared in the doorway with that look in her eyes. "You've missed a bit. " she said, stepping forward and picking up a pot of cream. I stood there naked as she began rubbing cream onto my rounded belly, trembling slightly with anticipation. I could feel the circular motion of her hand as it slowly moved down under my bump, and into my muff. I gasped quietly as her strong hand began massaging my clit. "S... s... stop." I moaned. Suur merely smiled and began slowly pushing me back towards the bed, her warm hand still rubbing me. "I, ooh, don't want this." I whispered, not giving any resistance. I was carefully lowered back onto the bed. "Spread your legs wide." Suur commanded softly. As I did what I was told she tutted and took hold of my ankles spreading me wider. Suur lowered her head behind my towering belly and something warm entered my vagina. Her tongue writhed around inside me for what seemed like forever filling me with all kinds of new sensations. I moaned, gently rubbing my nipples as Suur licked on. Any attempt to get up lead to her gently, but firmly, pushing me down again. I was at her mercy, but liked it that way. She left me laying there humming to myself in wonder, as she went off to bed. I got even hornier as the weeks went on. Suur licked me out on a daily basis, which only made me worse. More and more I wanted to unzip the overalls she had started to wear and get a taste of her vagina. But whenever I tried to I was gently pushed away. I would try to take my mind off my sexual craving by doing all sorts of trivial things, watching soaps on the trideo, having long baths, cleaning, cooking, painting my nails, etc. I tried helping Suur with the navigation co-ordinates but they seemed so complicated. She told me not to concern myself with such things. During this time my already voluptuous figure became even fuller. My breasts were up to a 44DD and my butt looked like someone had inflated my cheeks with gas! My childbearing hips had steadily widened making me a voluptuous pear. It was a shame that Suur hadn't purchased any pantyhose, because my shapely legs had become much fleshier and would look so sexy in them. This coupled with my plump lips, made me look more like a woman from the 1950's than the 22nd century. My favourite part, however, was my enormous belly. It was so hard moving around, but I didn't care. I loved laying in the bath, pouring warm water over my massive bump, or even just running my dainty fingers around my distant belly button. The idea of being a mother in 3 months time always made me a little tearful. I felt concerned that I'd never felt the baby kick, but Suur assured me that it was a good sign. Baby Goobers gestated in a balloon like sack called a 'life bubble', keeping the baby safe and making its mother HUGE. My waistline was in the high sixties at 5 months. I didn't think I could get any bigger than this. I was wrong. A few days later I learned that we would be docking at a trading station within a week to pick up new supplies. We could sell off most of the medical supplies we had been carrying, which would more than pay for anything we needed. I was so excited. Most of my clothing was starting to become tight. Even my expanding maternity bras were having trouble, although I doubted that the designers had anticipated a woman going from an A cup to an E during her pregnancy! I immediately started downloading catalogues of clothing, and planning what I would buy. I needed to check everything with Suur though, to make sure that she approved of what I would buy. I would excitedly hurry to see her in the control room and show her what I wanted to buy. Normally she would umm and aaah about the clothes being too conservative, until I caught her masturbating. She had her overalls unzipped at the crotch and a small pot in her right hand. At first I giggled and coquettishly asked if I could help. Then I saw that in her left hand she held her penis. It was small about 4" but looked very functional. The pot she was holding was the one that she gave me with the 'sauce' in for the meals. I felt sick, then angry, then upset. I started crying and headed for the door as quickly as I could. Amazingly I reached the bathroom before Suur could catch me and locked the door. I lowered myself to the floor and began to blubber. "Please don't be upset." Said Suur through the door. "I don't understand what's going on!" I bawled. "It's all part of the change. I'm returning to my normal shape. One of the first things that comes back are my sexual organs. My transformation is much quicker than yours. I'll be back to normal in a couple of months." That just made me feel worse. I had become accustomed to the idea that I was a submissive lesbian, but being fucked by my male partner was another matter. "Deep down you want it this way. A few weeks and you'll be happy again." "But why have you been feeding me your... your...." "Seed? Well, female Goobers are dependent upon their partners for everything. Including nourishment. The hardest part of the females transformation is getting them to accept their partners seed. I've been giving it to you in your meals ever since I impregnated you. It helps to speed up the transformation. Demoxhadrin 3 is a synthetic version of our semen. I wanted you nice and ripe, so I tricked you into taking it with that phoney document you found on 'the cure' for Goober infection. My seed is VERY nourishing. That's why you're getting so big. But that's good. It means your healthy." "You tricked me! I hate you!" I squealed. "But you're also dependent on me. See how long you can last without any." I stayed locked in the bathroom for a few hours, before the first pangs of hunger hit me. Soon I could think of nothing else and snuck down to the hold to get some demoxhadrin. I yelped in horror. The cases were locked! Suur had put a timer on them. I couldn't get any for the next four hours. I waddled up to the control room and pleaded with her to open the cases. But she said she couldn't. For the next four hours she was the only source for my cravings. I stormed off, but my body was screaming for nourishment. I tried eating other food from the supplies, but I still felt hungry. Finally I collected a pot from the galley and gave it to her. "Not anymore honey. From now on, we do this the traditional way." I looked at her blankly, then my mouth opened wide as I realised what she meant. "That's it. You get the idea." She said taking a firm grip on my neck and shoulder. Slowly and firmly she pulled me down towards her crotch. Suur was so strong that I could do nothing to stop the inevitable. I sank down to my knees and watched in disgust as Suur unzipped her overalls. Her small penis was revealed. I felt my heart beating faster as two strong hands took hold of my head and pulled me forwards. I shut my eyes tightly, but my need for semen was stronger than my own will. I opened my mouth and took her in. Parts of my mind were screaming! "What are you doing?! You're no homo! Stop!" Then my taste buds exploded into life. Mmmmmmm. This was good. At first Suur gently moved my head back and forth along her length, letting my full lips do the work. Soon though, I was doing all of the work myself. "Good girl." Moaned Suur. I used every trick I knew to make her cum, and was rewarded with a squirt of her sperm down my throat. I swallowed it all down and pulled my head away gasping. I was ashamed at what I had just done. Although the fact that I had made Suur happy made me feel sort of proud. She helped me to my feet and I waddled off to prepare the meal in a confused trance. My appetite continued to grow. As did Suurs cock. For the next few days I hated myself for what I was doing. Swallowing semen like a cheap whore. I had to remind myself that I had no choice. I was up to nine demoxhadrin 3 tablets per day, plus my feeding sessions with Suur. Sucking her off made me feel so hot, but Suur refused to lick me anymore. Apparently males didn't do that sort of thing. Eventually we reached the trading station, and not a moment too soon. My new diet had widened my hips and ass quite considerably, leaving me with only the stretchy maternitards to wear. I needed some new clothes urgently. However, I was not the only one who needed a new wardrobe. Suur had begun to get back a few more of her normal attributes. She was taller now, about 6' 2", with broader shoulders and increased muscle definition. It also looked as if she was getting a slight tan. Suur looked like the stereotypical super heroine from a comic book. Apart, of course, from the obvious bulge. The aspect of buying some new outfits took my mind of my feeding habits. I asked Suur for some credits to do my shopping, but she refused, saying that a trading station was no place for someone in my condition. I was so upset. Suur was right though. I found moving around the ship hard enough let alone waddling around a big station by myself. She told me to go and get her meal ready for when she returned. I did as she asked. About an hour later Suur returned to the ship. After we had both been fed, Suur took me by the arm and lead me out of the ship. I asked where we were going and she responded by telling me to hush. The sight of my rotund figure in a shiny maternitard turned a lot of heads as we made our way through the trading station. It made me feel very uneasy. Luckily I had Suur there to protect me. We reached the mall section of the station and headed for the floor marked 'ladies apparel'. Eventually we stopped outside a large store called 'Madam Pings Beauty Salon'. "Here you are baby. I'm gonna leave you in here in the capable hands of Madam Ping for a few hours. I've told them how I want you to look and they will sort it all out." She said. I giggled with glee and pecked her on the cheek. How thoughtful of her. I didn't even need to worry my silly little head about what to buy. Excitedly I waddled inside. The next few hours were enjoyable, if a little embarrassing. Suur had paid for the super deluxe treatment which meant I got the works. The beauticians chatted with me about my pregnancy as they slowly transformed my somewhat drab appearance. They were very polite about my size, although I could tell that they were amazed at how very big I was. Particularly as my whole body was firm and toned. I would like to have taken credit for that, but that's part of being a Goober. They styled my hair into a bouncy bob and died it purple, as was the fashion. I was given a complete manicure and had a full body wash in rejuvenation oils which made my skin look and feel even healthier. The best part though, was went I was taken to the changing rooms and helped into the various outfits Suur had chosen for me. She certainly wanted me to look feminine. All of the outfits let me show off my curvy figure, particularly my legs, and were in bright colours to match my hair. They also fitted me for a variety of lingerie, most of which had support for my sore back. I couldn't believe how different I looked now that I had been made over. I really looked like a lady. But it wasn't cheap. The service at Madam Ping's was fantastic, but extremely expensive. Suur had really spent a lot of credits on this. I wondered how I could make it up to her. Then an idea came to me. I asked for some of the assistants to put together a new outfit for me and put it on the bill. Suur would like this. When Suur arrived I greeted her wearing a clingy orange dress with a hole cut in the midriff to show off my belly. She asked me to give her a little spin, which I obliged, before she stepped forward and kissed me, gently rubbing my exposed navel. "Hey junior." She said to the bump. "If only you could see how beautiful your mommy looks." I giggled and sheepishly said that I felt hungry. We quickly headed back to the ship. As usual I would be fed after Suur had eaten. This suited me fine. Whilst her dinner was cooking I went to my room and unpacked the supprise that I had prepared. I stripped off and began to put on my supprise outfit. First were the black pantyhose. It was a real struggle and I had to lie on the bed to get them on, with the waistline over my bump. Next came the black leotard which came complete with white cuffs at the wrists and a white cotton ball that sat perfectly on my protruding ass. Then came the bow tie and then the cute bunny ears, which I clipped into my hair. Finally I put on the tiny, black open toed slippers with a three inch heal. I checked myself appreciatively in the mirror. When I was a man I really had a thing for bunny girls, and I bet that Suur would also. I heard the cooker bleep as it finished and quickly headed up to the galley. Suur was in the control room when I entered with her tray of food. She was complaining to one of the traffic controllers about our launch window, but stopped when she saw me. I carried her meal on a tray, making tiny steps towards her because of the heels. My womanly thighs rubbed together, making a shnict, shnict noise with the nylons. I acted as if nothing was different and obediently knelt beside her, offering the tray. She took the food and ate in silence. I could feel her eyes roving all over my body as I waited, head bowed, for her to finish. I heard her put down the empty plate. "Well now. What are you supposed to be?" Enquired Suur. "I'm your bunny girl." I said looking up seductively. "Oh. I see. And what do bunny girls do?" "Anything you want them to." She smiled broadly. "Now your getting the idea. I told you that you would be happier if you just did what your emotions told you. Your brain doesn't work the same way it did 5 months ago. Besides, I bet you've forgotten most of the things you used to know. You just need to learn how to keep me happy and I'll make sure you're well fed." Suur was right. I had to stop trying to think like a man. In the back of my mind I already knew this, that's why I had brought the bunny girl outfit, to make my partner happy. My new role in life was becoming clear. I was a breeder, dependent on her partner (owner?). I would do as I was told and have Suurs children. It was so simple. "I'm still hungry." I said, licking my full lips. Suur got out her now large member and I took it in both hands, gently kissing it. She moaned with approval and I started to lick it like a popsicle. I was going to keep Suur VERY happy. I could remember what I liked girls doing to my penis and tried hard to copy them. I alternated between kissing, sucking and licking. I was enjoying this. I started moaning with pleasure myself, much to Suurs approval. "Looks like you've developed a real taste for cock." She moaned in her deep voice. "Umh-hmgn." I replied with a full mouth. "That's good, because I'm not busy for the rest of the afternoon. And you could do with putting on a little more weight." I began sucking harder. I spent most of the next few days sucking Suurs proud member. I was becoming a real hose beast. Between sessions, I learned that our launch window was not for another eight days. This angered Suur enormously as it was sure to disrupt her schedule. Luckily she had me to keep her mind on other things. I, however, found it hard to concentrate on anything else. This seemed so... right. I wondered why I'd spent most of my time as a man looking for money and power, when all I really needed was someone to look after me. Suur decided that she'd like to go out and mix with other aliens on the station, before it became too obvious that we were both Goobers. Over the past couple of days Suur had continued to revert back to her normal shape. Her hairline had started to recede from the temples, her face had become more angular and her complexion darker. She booked a table at one of the classy restaurants on the station for the following night. I was excited about going out for an evening. I immediately went through my wardrobe looking for something 'special' to wear. I chose a low cut, purple dress, with matching pantyhose and slippers. The outfit really showed off my assets well, just as Suur wanted. She wore a smart blue suit, that looked like a mans style, and swept her hair back into a tight ponytail. Suur fed me before we left and put a bottle of demoxhadrin 3 tablets in my purse. Although she would take nourishment from the meal, my digestive system only recognised her seed. So I could eat at the restaurant, but wouldn't benefit from it. Luckily for me we didn't have to travel far from the ship for the evening. Walking was becoming increasingly hard. I had to lean back quite far to balance as I waddled along, stopping every 100 yards or so to rest. Suur was very patient with me. Soon we arrived at the restaurant and were shown to our seats. Suur had chosen a very nice place to visit. It was fairly small, but pleasantly decorated, with low key lighting. I thought it was very romantic. The waiter pulled out my chair for me as I went to sit. It confused me at first, I was still getting used to how women are treated, but then I thanked him and sat. Suur was offered no help. Soon our food arrived and we began eating. I remembered to take small mouth fulls as ladies do, but found the food very bland. I took a few demoxhadrin tablets as I ate, just to add some flavour. At first, I thought that this had given me indigestion. I felt uncomfortable, a bit gassy. The sensation got worse as the meal progressed. The pain was around my bottom ribs. Suur noticed my discomfort and asked what was wrong. As I explained, her expression became that of concern. She told me to follow her into the toilets. We went into one of the cubicles and I hitched up my dress so that she could get a closer look. Her strong hands carefully probed my sides until I yelped. "Hmmm. You feel uncomfortable because junior needs more space to grow. He's dissolving more of your ribcage so that his life bubble can expand. Your progressing at a much faster rate than I had first thought. I didn't think that humans would be THIS fertile." "You don't say." I said with a smile, pushing out my stomach to emphasise my shape. Suur smiled back and slowly spun me around so that my back was to her. "Oh honey. Junior and I are gonna make you much bigger. That sensation you feel is a signal to the father that the life bubble needs more nutrients." Suur carefully tipped me forwards until I rested my hands on the back of the toilet. "So I've gotta make sure that I keep both of you well fed." I felt my pantyhose being gently slid down to expose my pussy. I began to tremble. "Don't worry. I'll give you yours in a minute." And with, that Suur entered me. I gasped as her member slid deeper and deeper into me. At first it hurt and I yelped and moaned as Suur began to rhythmically pump in and out. Her dick felt huge inside me. I arched my back and tried to pull away, but Suur held me fast, her strong hands on my wide hips. My cries became louder and louder until Suur put one of her large fingers in my mouth. "I can't have you making too much noise. Suck on this until I've finished with you." Grunted Suur. I obeyed willingly. Soon my pussy stopped hurting. In fact it was starting to feel good. I was being fucked, and was enjoying it! Everything was falling into place now. This was how Goobers lived. My big butt writhed left to right as Suur fucked me even harder and deeper. My whole body shook with each powerful thrust until Suur exploded within me. I waited until she'd finished cuming and then instinctively got down onto my hands and knees making sure to keep my ass pointing skyward. "That's it. Good girl. Make sure junior gets it all. Soon you'll develop a nice valve there, and you won't have to do that anymore." Said Suur doing up her zipper. I sighed as she stroked my ass. I could get used to this. Suur insisted that we leave the restaurant and get back to the ship. Like all female Goobers my cheeks had flushed from my thorough pumping and we didn't want to draw attention to ourselves. We were both relieved when we blasted off from the station and continued on the last part of the journey towards Sigma 7. Though time was against us now. We wanted to be on the home planet for the birth of our child which I would be pushing out in a little over 2 months. I wanted to know what I should be practising for the birth. But Suur said that I didn't need to worry about that. My main concern was keeping her happy. I could do that very well. It was hard to think of anything else. But that's what us female Goobers are like. We're really ditzy. As the weeks went by I could see new Goober attributes appearing on me. My eyes seemed wider and brighter and were changing colour. My nose became smaller, and I had even started to develop a slight overbite. This last one was my body adjusting itself to accept my partners member orally. I no longer needed to chew, just suck. Suur really liked my new features, telling me that I was going to be a pretty Goober. She on the other hand was becoming a very handsome. Her height had finally reached 6' 11", and like me she became wider, although in a different way. Her arms and legs thickened with tough, hard muscle, whilst her shoulders became much broader. Suurs once soft skin became tough, almost leathery, and darkened to looked more like granite or slate. The last of her female characteristics also began to disappear as her whole body became more angular. I liked the way she looked. I liked the way it made me feel small and delicate when I was near her. When she fucked me, she began quietly snarling and growling like an animal. That made me really hot. And also well fed. The last few weeks had added many more inches to my body. Junior was really getting big now. My huge, round belly began pushing out at the sides and further up my chest as the life bubble expanded. In fact, I looked as if I was slowly swelling with hot air! All of my curves were bigger and rounder, much to the delight of Suur. She had even starting referring to my feeding sessions as pumping, which always made me giggle. But all my extra nourishment meant that I could no longer waddle around the ship without Suurs help. In fact there was very little I could do without my partners assistance. The hardest thing was getting dressed. Not only was it the fact that the clothes I loved to wear so much began to get tight, but also Suurs sexual urges would get the better of her as she helped me dress. Several times I would find myself spending the whole morning being fucked. And I wasn't about to complain. Besides, my throat felt sore when I spoke. With Sigma 7 only days away Suur decided to really feed me up. Apparently the size of a male Goobers partner is a status symbol on the planet, and as Suur had already said, my development had been far more rapid than expected. I was a very BIG status symbol. That made me feel really proud of my new round shape. I was now a true Goober. I had forsaken the human clothes for Goober birthing gowns as my body was certainly no longer that of a earth woman. My face was round, with a tiny button nose and big purple eyes. I had big rosy cheeks and my plump lips now formed a dainty 'O', ideal for sucking Suurs large dick. My hair had turned a pinky white and felt like strands of silk, which covered my little pixie ears. The rest of my body seemed to be on a different scale entirely. From the neck downwards my once slim frame had ballooned into a ripe Goober-to-be. My whole body had finally become what it was designed for, to bear my owners children. It was as if my torso had almost expanded into an egg shape, with my fleshy arms and legs sticking out. As well as the widening of my hips, my crotch seemed to have pushed downwards between my generous thighs, giving Junior even more space to grow. But there were more changes not visible to the eye. I could no longer speak, only being able to make noises of pleasure or discomfort. And Suur informed me that my nipple less, basket ball sized tits were now used by my body to store food, a bit like a camels hump. I could only nod my head in acknowledgement. Finally, like all heavily pregnant Goobers, I craved semen. All I could think about was getting my fill. Everything else seemed so... unimportant. I would often daydream about there being 2 Suurs who were pumping me, one from each end, my ultimate fantasy. Before I knew it we had landed on Sigma 7. I was to preoccupied to notice. Suur helped me dress in my presentation gown so that she (he) could show me off to his people. We were greeted by members of his tribe at the bottom of the boarding ramp. The males were almost identical to Suur, being almost seven feet tall and built like Titans. The females were very similar to me, but seemed to have a few of there original species traits. I recognised a couple who used to be ventrans, white a bluish shade to their skins and a Rellan who now just had a couple of cute little horns on her head. The others I couldn't recognise. As Suur greeted the men, the women surrounded me and carefully began to examine my body. Their tiny hands roamed all over me until they seemed satisfied and stepped away. I noticed that most of them were also pregnant. The men had a quick look at me, congratulating Suur on what a good job he'd done. That made me really proud. Just then another team of females arrived wearing shiny white body suits. Although they were clearly Goobers, they seemed different, slimmer than the rest of us. (I later learned that males can inseminate hosts in two different ways; One turns you into a baby making machine, like me. The other into a nurturing female who would raise the children and look after the breeders.) Suur informed them that I was overdue and that he would like me to be induced. They then helped me to the breeding pens and into my own stall. I can vaguely remember the place being full of heavily pregnant Goobers, in various states of labour. My team of helpers removed my gown, and carefully coated my body in a warm gel, before lowering me onto a strange type of low slung hammock. This was all done silently. I waited anxiously as my legs were pulled wide appart and my ankles strapped up to secure them that way. My mind was a confusion of hunger and excitement as I was prepped for delivery. Finally, my vision obscured by my massive tits, I felt a sharp pain in my vagina, followed by a warm sensation spreading upwards through my stomach. Then my belly quivered like jello and I let out a little grunt as I felt Junior move. This was it! This was what I had been waiting 8 months for! I could feel my baby writhing around inside me, so I tried to push it out, but couldn't. The movement inside me hurt, although not anyway near as much as I'd expected. I don't know how long I was in labour for until Junior pushed his way out into the world. Goober babies practically deliver themselves meaning that their mothers just have to lay back and endure it until child forces itself out. Junior looked like his father except that he was obviously smaller and slightly pudgier. I held him briefly before he was taken away to be cared for by a suitable female. The helpers cleaned me up and dressed me in suitable attire to await collection by my owner. My mind began to clear as I waited for Suur. Gone was my hunger and excitement about being a mother only to be replaced by... fear! I looked about me at the birthing pens and then at my bloated body. As if for the first time I realised what I had become, and wanted to cry out. I wanted to be changed back to the man I was eight months ago, before I had been slowly transformed into a plump alien female, solely for the purposes of having Suurs babies. But, of course, I couldn't. I was this way to stay. Then the feeling turned to anger. I wanted revenge on the beast who had done this to me. But as my thoughts turned to Suur I began to feel happy again. How could I hate someone who had given my life such new meaning? Then I felt someone squeeze my ass. I looked up to see Suurs handsome face. "You've done well." He smiled "Junior is a healthy boy. I made a good choice to pick a human, you really are fertile." I just looked up, lidding my eyes demurely at my master. I felt so happy, relieved at being told that I had performed well. The hunger returned, as did the urge, no... need to be pregnant again. Suur merely smiled triumphantly at the look in my eyes. It's now nearly 3 months since the birth of Suurs child, Gorm. Suur has just returned from another trip to the human populated part of the universe with a Nursing female to look after Gorm and myself. I don't think that she has been fully transformed into a Goober yet, but her new tits are nice and big, so Junior won't go hungry. I can tell that she's still confused by what has happened to her. I remember when I felt the same way. Soon though she'll forget about being human and become an obedient female, like me. Even now I'm taking Suur his evening meal, dressed as his little bunny girl. The outfit is looser than it used to be, since all I've had to eat recently are demoxhadrin tablets. Suur will soon fatten me up though, and I'll balloon up into a pregnant female again. The way I should be. The way I feel happiest. (fin)

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Io e le mie amiche

Sembrava una serata normale quando scrivei sul gruppo whatsapp delle mie migliori amiche di incontrarci a casa mia. Sono una ragazza alta 1.80 con una quarta di reggiseno ed un bel culo sodo, ultimamente, non avendo avuto relazioni con uomini seri, ho capito di essere lesbica, o almeno credo. Appena le mie amiche arrivarono a casa mia ci sedemmo tutte quante sul mio divano in cerca di qualcosa da fare... allora proposi di giocare ad un giochino molto hot in quanto non mi è mai capitato di...

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Mysogyny Ch 03

Part III – Triple Threat I sat next to Belle the Red Dragon, her lean frame wrapped in skin tight leather and a blood red sweater. Her green eyes seemed to be made of emeralds and fire, though I’d wager the red was from the whiskey. I hadn’t seen her in years, but in times past we’d been good friends and I’d always found her dangerously attractive. This red and black ensemble, nature’s warning colors, made her even more so. On my other side was Sally, the Naughty Nurse. Sally and I had an...

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Whatever Gets You Through the NightChapter 13

“They saved Hitler’s cock. And stuffed it in Mengele’s sock. They saved Hitler’s cock. Now it wants to talk! Now it’s starting to get hard! I found it in my backyard! Every night it kills a dog! And now it walks the night in fog.” -Angry Samoans, “They Saved Hitler’s Cock“ Lady Maria Louisa Francesca de San Finzione woke to the sounds of vomiting and gunfire. She’d gone to sleep to escape what sounded like a woman being gang-raped outside and woken to chaos beyond the walls of the shack,...

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The Doctorrsquos Magic Tea

Author’s Note: I hope this tale excites you. I have a deep fetish regarding female domination, and I enjoy being a toy. I enjoy exchanging explicit email and photos, too. Let's talk dirty. I’d love to know how this story affects you or what I could write for future chapters. Please email at: [email protected]. Enjoy!The Doctor’s Magic TeaBy Peter WilcumChapter 1After a year of celibacy, Roy Morris’ wife Victoria finally told him she didn’t desire him sexually anymore.Victoria is a truly...

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Futile Resistance Ch 08

Aidan jogged through the Public Garden, across Boston Common, then up and down the streets of Beacon Hill, pushing himself to run faster. There had been a break in the bitterly cold weather, but it was still only in the low to mid-thirties and the air sliced into his lungs with every breath. It was rough going, but he had needed the run in order to clear his head. In a way, he had escaped in the same way he accused French of doing. He understood her need for escape, her need to avoid dealing...

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Fucking Pleasure

Fucking PleasureBy: Londebaaz Chohan I resisted when my parents thought that I and my younger sister Darcy should be living together in a rented facility rather than in a dormitory. I was a sophomore and Darcy was going to be a freshman in the same school. I had enjoyed living in the dorm room and wanted to be in the dorm facility for as long as the college authorities would allow me to be living there and did not see anything wrong if Darcy also lived in the Dorm room. We could have tried to...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 40 Draper and Tenisha Experience Wilson Hospitality

The end credits for the second film of the double feature rolled up the big screen at the drive-in, and Nate reflected that the outing hadn't lived up to expectation, despite the improvement in seating. Everyone was in disarray, and both girls had received finger-driven orgasms -- Tenisha had had two, and she was LOUD about it! Nora had drained his balls, and it had been pretty good; from the sucking sounds in the back seat, Draper was getting worked over pretty good, too -- but Nate wanted...

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Enslaved Chapter 64

Quentin had a lazy afternoon.First he instructed Cassim to remove Simone from the Punishment Block and give her Treatment. The dildoe, however, was to remain within her for a further six hours and she was to be returned to the iron-barred cell adjacent to his personal quarters.“Do you know,” smiled Quentin at the Lebanese, “all this is largely for your benefit?”The dusky Arab also smiled, briefly but lecherously. “If you say so, Sir,” he replied.“I do,” said Quentin. “Mind you, I shall...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 20

Her afternoon of perverted fucking with Karen caused new problems for Laura. How could she give it up? She didn't want to betray Rina, but how could she go without the steamy, torrid, twisted pleasures she and Karen gave one another? She knew the deep sadism and masochism it brought out in both of them was sick, perverted, even dangerous, but that very danger made it almost irresistible. And it made the orgasms excruciatingly intense. Even Karen sensed the problem. She had said, "I don't...

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Gay Sex With Three Men In Dhaka 8211 Part 1

Hi, Greetings to all. How are you all? After long time I am back with my 4th Story of timeline. My name is Fahim, Age 29, and height 6 feet; weight around 86 KG, My cock size 6”. I am from Rampura, Dhaka, Bangladesh. This incident has happened with me last year at December 2014. After posted my 3rd story, I have got lots of wishes in my mail. So, let’s begin the story. It was Friday evening around 6:50 pm near Kalabagan bus stand. I was waiting for my Bus to go home. After a long waiting, a...

Gay Male
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TGirl University

Jason was apprehensive about starting college, as any freshman would be. His high school girlfriend, Becky, whom he loved dearly, was going to a different college on the opposite side of the country. They had to promised to stay together but Jason was worried; there would be a lot of temptation for her from all those west-coast surfer dudes. He hoped she wouldn’t forget him and made a vow to himself to stay faithful no matter what. But there would plenty of temptation for him as well: Jason was...

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Slave of the OutcastChapter 35

Ivy and the two other girls were walking around, talking amongst themselves and looking at the rows of tables, probably discussing where they're going to sit down and eat. The girls then headed for the diner counter. They were oblivious to the existence of Charles and his friends, who were sat down. "Hey maybe we should get out of here!!" suggested Charles in low monotone. "Hang on a sec. This could be interesting!!" Alex was being a curious busybody. "For once I agree with Alex!!"...

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Light Fingers Lead To Spankings And Sex

Beryl Davin was a fifty-nine-year-old woman that had worked in the shop owned by Philip and Theresa Compton for the best part of thirty years. She and her husband John had become close friends of the Compton's over the years.The Compton's were both aged in their early sixties and were looking forward to their retirement.Beryl had started gambling and she was proving to not be very good at it or at least not very lucky with it.She was having to finance her losses by 'borrowing' from the...

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My Anal Angel

When Donna lifted her veil, I thought my heart would burst. Could it really be that this woman - this angel - had agreed to be my wife?I swallowed and glanced back down the aisle. The pews were packed with our friends, family, and the other assorted acquaintances and business contacts that one is compelled to invite to the notable events in your life. The soft spring sunlight cascaded through the stained-glass windows, giving the interior of the church a magical radiance. I was, at that...

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Southern Belle

Two women sat in a beautifully lit office room. The walls were a cream color, and the floor was dark oak colored hardwood. The room was spacious, with oak book cases on either wall, and large windows behind them that opened up to a city. Over the edge of the floor one could see the street, cars, people, and could hear the city noises, indicating this office was far up. Off in the distance was construction next to a well known and expensive hotel. One woman wore a nice pinstripe suit and...

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Doc Ch 05

We were surrounded by eight young braves, all pointing weapons at us. ‘Whatever you do, don’t touch your guns.’ Grandpa whispered. Right after Grandpa whispered that, I heard someone shout, ‘STOP!’ Thinking ‘now we’ve had it’, I had scenes of Indian torture from old movies replaying in my head. The young braves backed up a step, but didn’t lower their weapons, all the while glaring at us with eyes full of hate. When this older Indian walked up, you could tell he was some kind of leader by...

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Daily Prophet HeadlinesNovember 1st, 1981You Know Who Dead! James Potter Killed, wife, son surviveDark Lord’s body found at sceneMultiple Deaths reported throughout Wizarding World December 31st, 1981Albus Dumbledore Announces RetirementWill step down from Headmaster Position effective the end of the School Year September 1st, 1996Harry Potter starts Hogwarts‘Boy Who Survived’ Hopes to Join Gryffindor HouseExclusive Interview!July 31st, 2003Harry Potter Announces His Lady PotterCho Chang will...

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Crystal Clear

Crystal Clear Crystal Clear.Written byGemma Swallow AKA Tainted Angel "She knew that she was out of her depth; she was usually self assured, confident, controlled. She was proud of her ability to handle herself well, people saw what she wanted them to see, that is not to say that she was deceptive she had just got used to dealing with things alone. If she was honest with herself she was a bit of a control freak. It was safer that way. She always thought that she would like to have a man...

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Tree Hugging

I am NOT the simply sharingA bounty hunter gets his biggest reward ever!When I got out of school I became a stockbroker. But I have a rough side to me, having played middle linebacker for championship football teams in high school and college, and I was completely unsatisfied. So what did I do – I became a bounty hunter. And I got good at it real fast, and made a ton of money in just two years. But I think my early success got to my head, and I became too cocky. I went after a pair of...

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Slut Ashley 2

SLUT ASHLEY 2Ashley woke up the next morning and thought about the night before. Arousal welled up within her and she headed straight to the bathroom. A cold shower helped a little. However, she couldn’t take a cold shower all day long though, and thoughts of Keenum would not stay out of her head. She was horny. With O.J., if she had sex with him the day before, she often was fine with going another couple weeks without it. A nine and a half inch cock made all the difference. 6 o’clock could...

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Sheila Breastfeeding her Sister

I turned around to find Sheila holding a new born baby in her arms. She sat in the chair asking if I could help her train to breast feed her baby. “When did you have the baby” I asked the 18 years full bloomed girl that she was then. “She is my baby as well as my sister” innocently she responded. I took support of the table as I felt the roof is falling down. I knew Sheila for the last so many years. She first came with her dad, Paul, bleeding in her pajamas about 3 years ago. Paul told me...

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On Trial

The trial Me and Al had nothing better to do so we went down Weatherfield Assizes where they had the trial of the Weatherfield eight going on. The Judge looked a right twat with a grey wig looking like it were full of dust and robes like something out of King Dick three by Will Shakespeare what we done for the end of term play at Weatherfield comp years ago. Angie one of the local tarts was giving evidence. She usually worked viaduct street from the Wethy Arms to Timothy Whites. Peroxide...

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Injustice IIIChapter 2

“Let’s go out on the front porch,” Thad suggested, before adding, “Bring that jug, Nick.” On the front porch, the jug was passed around a couple of times before Angus started questioning me. “What can you tell me about Miss Calisa?” he asked, as Nick and Thad passed the jug several more times. I explained how I had met her through Jill and about the attack on her house, her move here with us, and her desire to return to her house. I also mentioned how she had changed after being alone for...

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RhykovChapter 4

In 1922, or thereabouts, the NKVD, or 'Internal Affairs Directorate, ' was organised to assume control of the activities of the Bolshevik secret police, the CHEKA. But the NKVD, at that time, also assumed considerable responsibilities for maintaining the internal infrastructure of the fledgling state, including the fire service, the 'Militsya, ' or Civilian Police, and the regulation of the Railway network. It was far too much for one department of Government and over the next couple of...

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How Do You Say Kinky In Spanish

“Hi,’ said the woman in the big black Elton John sunglasses.It was Melissa, a Colombian friend. I had taught her two sons English. She and her husband Gilberto were fellow ex-pats and we met up from time to time at ex-pat events. Melissa ran a small spa in a hotel in Paramaribo, Suriname, and every time we met she would invite me for a free treatment from a menu that ranged from manicures to full body massage. I had no doubt that it was all above board, but somehow I had never taken her up on...

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Star Wars The Old Republic

Join the battle! Twenty-eight years ago, the SITH EMPIRE returned from exile to exact vengeance upon the GALACTIC REPUBLIC and their sworn defenders, the JEDI ORDER. The GREAT GALACTIC WAR waged across the galaxy, from the Core to Outer Rims. However, after nearly three decades of fighting, peace was in sight. The Sith extended a hand of peace, offering a treaty to be signed on ALDERAAN. Skeptical, but hopeful, the Republic sent its ambassadors and the Jedi's greatest protectors to the world of...

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A Grim Northern Fairy Tale

"What?" Cinders asked of her step sister as she she raked out the fourteenth fireplace that morning, "Coming to Saddleworth?" "Yes coming to Saddleworth," Gertie said, "He's coming to open our new Town Hall" "Oh!" said Cinders. "He'll be coming up our road our Cinders," said her step sister Anna,"You'll have to chuck ashes in canal or road will be dusty."me." "Dusty?" Cinders asked, "In Yorkshire, get real!" "It were dry on our Harry's birthday," Gertie...

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Chapter 26 Caught In The Act

The next week, just before Tuesday noon, as usual, I arrived at William's for our ritual romp with a view but also to see his finished deck. Crossing the Narrows Bridge, I reflected on how it once collapsed in a wind storm, an ominous premonition.Am I being followed? Have I covered everything? I’ll pull off the road and see if anyone else does.Stopping at a gas station, I went through my pedantic circumspection checklists. No insinuation of a slip up came to mind. Each possible exposure hazard...

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Now a Black Cock Whore PT2

I had never felt so submissive in my life. With Rashad's black seed now splattered all over my face, I just did as I was told. I stood up and removed my bikini bottoms when he ordered me to, and I waited for the next command. My pussy was almost burning on fire and wet from the anticipation of finally living out my fantasies of being fucked by a black man."Let's git' that little white ass inside." Rashad ordered."Yes, okay." I simply answered.At the time, I just wanted sex. I wanted sex with a...

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An American War HeroChapter 27

The mood of the group was relaxed. Liz's prognosis was excellent. A little nerve damage, but her face was well on the way to being restored. The Surgeon had fired one of his secretaries and the press were chasing some hint of an affair between Jimmy Stewart and Joan Chandler. David wished them every success. They were sitting on the lounge in their suite. The ladies were drinking white wine, and the men were sipping bourbon. Dragging deeply on his cigarette, Josh exhaled and sighed, "Ahh...

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Little Letme Rideurwood

Little Letme Rideurwood- Sam DarquesiedDancing shadows played on the forest floor as Little Letme Rideurwood pranced and skipped through the woods. She had turned eighteen that day, and her years of seclusion were now over as she eagerly headed to grandmother?s house for the arranged match to the boy from Gottlotts. Little Letme?s isolation had kept her innocent, na?ve, and pure, the only acceptable pairing that a rich boy from Gottlotts would consider. Grandmothers from the poor village of G...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 130 Home Again Lickety Split

The five hour drive home, all alone in the rental car, gave me a chance to deal with my demons. I knew I had a problem, I just chose to embrace it. So it made me a little weird. Let the rest of the world see me as strange, what did I care. Hell I saw the world as strange, so I guess we were even. I hit the security gate of the apartment at 8PM, almost exactly, I walked, with my half duffel bag hanging over my shoulder, the short distance to my apartment. Even though the place was as sterile...

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Meeting my sexy cougar

Me: I’m so sorry I just need to grab something As I shot her a smile. Her: oh not to worry She smiled back. We crossed paths a few more times before heading to the cash. She ended up in front of me in line. Me: we need to stop meeting like this, I joked She turned and smiled Her: that’s a big load you have there She said in reference to my shopping cart. I laughed and smiled back at her. After checking out as luck would have it her car was parked directly beside mine. As I rolled...

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