Sell Me. free porn video

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''Sunday was a good day for a chance,'' she began, ''How was your weekend?''

''Saturday I fished off the coast with a buddy, and yesterday I led a charter Shark spotting.'' I told her.

''And how was your wife's weekend?''

''No idea, you know if I had my way she'd be the chum I used to lure in the sharks.'' My wife and I had married two years ago, and as soon as the ring was on her finger she brought out her true colours, which were various shades of green.

''No offence sir, but I know a pretty good lawyer.'' she told me, divorce had been on my mind for a little under two years. But with her it didn't seem like an option.

''Two months ago I asked her if she would go away for a million. But she just smiled and shook her her head. She wants it all, you see. She thinks she deserves it all.'' I told her as I walked into my office, she followed behind and put the coffee down onto the desk with the report.

''So what have I got today?'' I asked her.

She didn't even need to check her notes or diary, she just replied, ''Promoting one of the office staff to team leader. I've left the two candidates and their information at the back of the weekend report.''

''Maybe I could marry you.'' I joked.

''No that wouldn't be any better for you,'' she calmly replied, ''Because I truly deserve it all.'' she said with a smile as she left the office.

At least with her I had regular sex whenever I wanted it, I thought to myself as I sat down.

I flipped through the file and then the profiles of the two candidates, both females who have sold my security systems to more people than anyone combined. I knew that Michelle was going to call for them individually at my request, just like at my request on Friday when she fired the team leader I'm about to replace.
The job was an easy one, teach your own selling skills to those below you and make them better. But sadly Carla failed to teach what she knew. Onwards and upwards.

''Michelle, I'm ready for the first one,'' I told her over the phone. A few minutes later and she was showing in a young girl who I had obviously never seen before. She looked presentable enough, with a knee length skirt and tights. She wore a vest top underneath a blazer. She had her attire down nicely, but I wasn't sure about the purple streaks in her hair.

''Please, take a seat,'' I greeted as I directed her to a chair. ''As I'm sure you know, I own Rylock, and after reading up on you I can say with honesty that Rylock is a better company for having you.''

''Thank you,'' her smile was a shy one, and her eyes looked quite sad, but then I assumed that was down to her being mixed race.

''That's assuming that your name is Eva, that is.''

''Um, no, no it's Abigail.'' she replied.

''Oh, well that's a shame, she must be up after you.'' I told her, I was joking of course, but I wanted her to fight for what I was offering. I didn't want someone to loose a step just because the boss knows their good.
''Well, Abigail, what I'm looking for is a new team leader. Carla lacked drive, once she got the role she slipped backwards and that's not what I need or want. I want somebody that's going to grab the rest of them by the scruff of the necks and make them better. Unfortunately I can't make you both team leaders, so this is your chance to take a huge step forward.''

''Okay,'' she said with an affirmative nod.

''I want you to sell me on your underwear.'' I told her.

I'd never seen the colour drain from somebodies face like that before, it was as if she had the life sucked right out of her. Like a deer in headlights she didn't know what to do or say next.

''Ex-excuse me?'' was all she could get out.

''I don't need security, and I'm not going to ask you to sell me this goddamn pen, because I don't need any of these things. I want you to make me want to go out and buy the underwear that you're wearing. I want to believe that I'd never be able to look at a woman in anything else.''

''Um, okay, right,'' she stammered.

I leaned back in my chair and watched her for a moment, ''Hey if you can't do it then don't panic, just means I won't have to think of something else for Eva to sell me on.'' I told her. The moment I uttered Eva's name I saw her eyes dart to mine, she knew that Eva was the favourite, and she didn't want to lose this promotion.

''The law of averages states that you have to go through eighty people saying No, before you get one Yes. Well do you know how I have managed to get that eighty down to ten? Oh that's right, I get a Yes in every ten attempts,''

The confidence that had been sucked out of her was beginning to build again, I watched her shift in her seat as her comfort level began to rise.

''I get one Yes from ten people telling me No, because I'm never uncomfortable. I'm always at complete ease and never the same girl twice.'' she told me as she began to slowly get to her feet. She kicked off her shoes as she rounded the desk and then sat on the edge of it. She brought her foot up and placed it on my knee,

''You feel that?'' she asked sliding her foot up and down my thigh, ''the way my foot glides up and down your leg? Feel it,'' she told me as she brought her foot up again and placed it in my hand.
''That's not the everyday feel, I've almost never felt anything softer against my legs. Do you like the way it feels against Your skin?'' she asked.

Her foot slipped from my hand and she brought it up to my face, I was the owner of a multi-million dollar company, and right now an employee was rubbing my cheek with her foot. I glanced to her crotch and saw her thighs, ''Stockings.'' I murmured under my breath.

''The best stockings you've ever felt.'' she told me as she unzipped the back of her skirt. She stood back to her feet and let it drop to the floor. She revealed her black panties and turned on her heel to face away from me, giving me a view of her perfectly shaped ass.

''Do you see how the fabric of my panties stick to my skin? They seem almost like a tattoo, providing me with complete comfort whatever the position I'm in. It feels as though I'm not wearing any at all. And yet,'' she stopped mid-sentence and slipped her thumbs down the back of them, ''Slipping them on or off is so easy, once you get them over your cheeks, they practically...'' she stopped again as she pushed the panties down over her ass, and they they slipped down her legs, ''...drop off.''

I watched her slowly turn her hips, she hooked her panties with her foot and raised them, she leaned against the desk and made sure I couldn't see her vagina as she raised her leg and dropped her panties right in my lap.

She span back around to face away from me as she slid free of her blazer. She tossed it into the chair she had previously been sitting in and slowly began to pull her vest top up her body.

''Of course, the perfect panties and stockings won't give you the confidence you need to talk strangers into buying what you got.'' she said.

She walked slowly with her back to me, her ass moved in perfect rhythm as she pulled her top up over her head and dropped it on top of her blazer. She paused for a moment in a pose that allowed me to full appreciate her backside. The light hit her skin and reflected from the stockings in a way that made me use every type of personal restraint possible to stop myself from jumping the desk and taking her.

''The right bra can get you anything you want in life, but only if it's strapped around the right breasts, and on the body of the right mind. Choosing which bra to put on in the mornings isn't as easy as you might think, it has to reflect on the kind of day you want to have.'' she told me.

She turned around and put her hands on her lips, her legs were crossed in a way which gave away very little to my eyesight, her black bra was worn with pride. It had smooth looking cups and tiny reflective studs scattered over them. The shoulder straps were split into two, making it seem as though the bra was both supported and slipping down her shoulder at the same time. I didn't know where she had found it, but I liked it.

''They say you should always go a cup size bigger, and when in business you should go one smaller to look more professional. But I can't help but always wear just the right size. Because no matter how well it's hidden, I know it's there, making me feel sexy and making my breasts look..''

''...Amazing.'' I finished her sentence for her. I took a guess and estimated her to be somewhere in the B-cup range, but I had never had this kind of desire to want B-cup before now.
I wasn't sure any more if it was the bra, her words, or the delivery of her words, that made her breasts look so appealing. Before she started 'selling me' I would have said she was an average built woman with a cute face, but now, I wanted to buy her an apartment.

She slowly began walking back towards my desk, ''And do you know the best thing about this bra?'' she asked as she came around to my side. I slowly shook my head, I could only imagine how I looked right now supporting an obvious hard-on.

She sat back on my desk, bringing both of her feet up to my crotch and slowly massaging my hard hidden cock.

''The best thing about this bra, is when I get home and undress. I slip out of my clothes like I did just a few minutes ago, and when I'm wearing nothing but my stockings and bra, I simply...''

I wasn't sure how it happened, but my trousers had become unzipped, and on top of that my full erection was on complete display. She massaged it between her feet, the silk stockings felt like nothing I had felt before. I looked at her though bliss-filled-eyes as she reached between her breasts,

''...Flick this switch.'' she finished as the front bra clasp popped open, she ripped open her bra as though she was ripping open a shirt. Her breasts exposed, her small brown hardened nipples aiming right at me as I felt the explosion of semen shoot right out of me.

''Fucking-- fucking hell,'' I moaned, ''I'm sold, and I'm spent.'' I told her as a huge smile appeared on her face.

My semen was splattered over her feet, my trousers and still dribbling down my shaft as she hopped off the desk. She made her way around to her clothes and began getting dressed again.

''I told you, the right underwear can get you anything you want in life, maybe even a promotion.'' she told me as she buttoned up her blazer. She pulled off her stockings and dumped them in the trash bin on her way out of the office.

Michelle then walked into the office and I made no attempt to move or cover myself, she looked me up and down and asked, ''So what do you think?''

''I haven't had a foot-job before.'' was all I could say, ''Okay, you wanna clean this up for me?'' I asked.

With out saying a word she came around to my side of the desk and got down on her knees, her hands were placed on my thighs and she brought her open mouth down around my slowly shrinking cock.
There were many reasons why she was the highest paid secretary in the country, she did everything I needed her to with no questions asked.

I couldn't help but hold the top of her head as she bobbed back and fourth, my sensitive manhood responded to every flick of her tongue and pretty soon had become hard again. It stood as a strong mass as she brought her mouth muscle up and down it, occasionally glancing up at me as her saliva washed away the semen.

I could feel my empty sack begin to tighten as she again took it deep, ''You trying for another raise?'' I joked.

''You want me to stop?'' she asked.

''Of course not, I want you you to drop your panties.'' I told her.

With out pause she got to her feet and hitched her skirt up around her waist, she leaned over my desk while slowly slipping her red cotton panties over her ass. There was no stockings or tights, just the smooth toned skin of a mixed race beauty. I stood up and lined myself up behind her, she placed both of her hands down on the desk and braced for impact.

There was a list of things I knew I never needed to do with Michelle, and one of them was lubricate her. I poked against her clitoris and then pushed my way into her. She let out a short gasp as I pushed into her as far as I could go and then began thrusting.

I held onto her hips as I slammed into her, with every jolt a gasp escaped her throat. ''I tell you this every time,'' I began, ''You can go ahead and be as loud as you want.''

With that said her short gasps became loud moans, I gave sudden bursts of rapid thrusts before slowing, making sure I got balls deep each time. I felt her muscles clamp around my cock as she went flat to the desk, her moans became cries as she got closer to her climax.

Her feet came up off the floor as I thrust her further onto the desk, she now gripped the edge as I delivered one last flurry of rapid fucking. She popped with an orgasm just as I did. We both let out a long moan of relief as what little semen I had left splashed against her cervix.

I dropped back into my chair and watched as my almost transparent semen began dripping out of her.

''That'll be all for now, Michelle.'' I told her.

''There's fresh clothes in the drawer, sir. And I'm going to move your second candidate interview too after lunch.'' she replied as she pulled her panties back up and rearranged her skirt. She then left the office without saying a word.

''Thank you,'' I muttered.

Lunch was the perfect time to read over the weekend reports, Michelle had gone out and gotten us both some sandwiches and was sat with me as I read through them. There was however, an abnormality.

''Eva has worked quite a few weekends recently, hasn't she.'' I noticed.

''Ever since you fired Carla.''

''So she's either low on cash, or eager to impress.''

''Well she wouldn't be the first to kiss ass, to be honest she has a pretty strong mind for business. If I had to pick without interviewing them, I would recommend Eva.'' she told me.

''I would love to see you interview them.'' I joked, Michelle smiled politely in return.

''Well after watching your technique via the security camera earlier, I may be able to manage it.'' she shot back with a confident smile.

I scanned my eyes over Eva's file, ''I see here she had a significant amount of time off last year.''

''Yes, she had surgery.''

''Oh, was it successful?'' I asked.

''I think so,'' she started as she took a sip of water, ''her breasts certainly look healthier.''

I smiled and dropped the file down onto the desk, ''Okay, back to work. Give me five minutes and send her in.'' I instructed.

She got up and gathered up the papers we had been looking over and left the office. I leaned back in my chair and checked my phone, Michelle is like a goal keeper for keeping phone calls away from me. Nothing gets passed her, not even my wife. And for that I'm thankful.

A few moments later and Michelle was showing Eva into my office, the first thing I noticed about her was her vibrant red hair, obviously a dye job, but never the less it dropped half way down her back.
That was when I noticed the skin tight black leather pants, there wasn't a crease to be seen and I could only imagine the struggle she must have had to get into them. Her red high heels were the same shade as her hair, and she was tall, christ, she must be around six foot.
She was wearing a long sleeved black top that was clinging to her almost as tightly as her pants, with a low neck line I had an ample view of her enhanced breasts.

''Please, take a seat.'' I told her.

She sat down and crossed her legs, how she managed in those pants I didn't know. ''As I'm sure you're aware, I'm the owner of Rylock Security. And we need a new team leader. I was fortunate enough earlier to interview the first candidate, Abigail, and now it's our turn.''

''Are we the only candidates?''

''Yes. You are the only two people I can be confident in when it comes to bringing everyone else up to your level.''

''It's strange, the last time I saw you I was applying for the job of your secretary.'' she told me.

She caught me off guard a little, ''Really?'' I asked, ''I must have missed that in your profile. And I certainly don't remember you.''

''Well I was a little different back then, flat chested and no confidence. I had blonde hair too.'' she told me.

''I really don't remember,'' I told her. ''I'm a little concerned though that it took you three years to get on the radar for a promotion.''

''Well It took a little while to create the person you see before you.'' she replied.

''Fair enough, so, when Abigail had her interview earlier I asked her to sell me something. And no, don't worry, it's wasn't a pen, but she did really well. So unfortunately I can't ask the same of you, instead I'm going to test your leadership skills.''

''Can I ask what she had to try and sell you?''

''Her underwear.'' I told her bluntly. ''I wanted her to make me the worlds biggest fan of whatever she was wearing.''

''Oh,'' she said slightly taken aback, ''That sounds difficult, considering that I'm not wearing any.''

It would have been my turn to be taken aback, but I knew before she came in that she was headstrong, as Michelle had said, she had a mind for business. But that's not to say that her comment had gone unheard. I couldn't help but glance at her slim figure and bulging chest as she sat before me soaking it all in.

''So you come in to the office on a Wednesday morning and morale is low, nobody has managed to make a sale all week and you know that you have to turn it around by the weekend otherwise I'm going to coming at you with a truck. What do you do?''

She took a long moment to think about her answer, before finally saying ''I get on the phones myself and show them how to do it.''

''Is that all?'' I asked.

''No, I tell each person to excuse themselves before going into the toilets. I then tell them that if they don't go and pleasure themselves and return to their desks relaxed and relieved, then they're going home.''

''Wait, so you would tell them to go and masturbate?''

''Definitely.'' she said smiling, ''It relaxes you, you need to feel relaxed otherwise the person on other end of the phone will know. If there were guys working on our floor I would suggest an orgy, but there isn't.''

I wasn't sure if she was bluffing or being honest, but either way she gave me short and straight answers.

''Okay,'' I said, ''three business men walk into the building and want to invest, but the lobby sends them to the wrong floor and their on yours. I'm already in a meeting and Michelle is with me, so it's all on you as floor manager, what do you do?''

''I show them into the third floor conference room, I tell them that you will be with them as soon as possible, and then I keep them entertained until you arrive.''

''How do you entertain them? A game of scrabble?'' I ask.

''No,'' she answered laughing, ''I fetch them drinks while allowing them get a good view of me,''

''How do you do that?'' I interrupted.

''I come to work every day for an opportunity to impress. I always look one hundred percent.''

''So right now I'm a potential investee. I don't have all day to wait, and here you come bringing me a drink. Keep my mind off the clock.''

She briefly smiled and got to her feet, she picked up a glass of water and brought it around to me, leaning over me slightly she placed the glass down onto the desk. I could smell her perfume and was an inch away from her hips, her ass was sticking out and I couldn't help but check it out.

''So how much are you looking to invest?'' she asked.

''I'm not sure, I wanted a look at the figures before I made a real decision.'' I replied. She turned and leaned onto the desk.

''It's a very good company to work for,'' she said, ''It's constantly growing,'' she said dropping her eyes to my crotch, ''Expansion is something that we work hard for here.''

She arched her back a little and then stretched her arms up, ''Long hours and hard work built this company,'' she pushed her chest out and I noticed her hardened nipples, ''And it's with long hours and hard work this company has become one of the worlds biggest names in security.''

She finished her stretch and leaned forward a little, ''We're big on everything here, nothing is too small, we can see the smallest problem and take it with everything we have.''

She chose each word carefully, it was almost subliminal. After blowing my load twice already today she had managed to get me on the way to my third erection.

''When I started working here, I had nothing, and now,'' she ran her hands through her hair and held it all back in a messy bun, ''Now I've grown.'' My eyes were locked to her breasts, I should have asked her to sell my on fake ones because I had never been a fan of them. But I had the urge to see hers.

She got back up form the desk and then straddled me, sitting on my lap and placing her hands on my shoulders.

''I can see that your all about growth, and I can feel your strength,'' she then leaned in close to me and whispered in my ear, ''you have no idea how far I can take you.''

It took a lot to keep my hands at my side, almost like the worlds greatest lap-dance, it was hard to keep them to myself as her chest pushed up against mine.
She leaned back a little and took my hands, ''Can you feel how much I've grown as a person?'' she asked as she placed my palms down on her breasts. I let out a short sigh as she flicked her hair from off her shoulder. Her piercing green eyes were locked onto mine, she smiled, ''Do you want to see, how much I've grown?'' she asked.

Before I could answer she reached down and began lifting her top up over her head, her breasts sprang into view and I gave in to my instincts.

I grabbed her forearms and kept them pinned behind her head whilst she was in mid-undress, her face was covered by her top, she couldn't see anything as I dived onto her nipples. They were as hard as bullets, I lightly bit down on them causing her to moan.

I climbed to my feet and her legs wrapped themselves around my waist, I put her down on the desk and delivered a tongue lashing to each nipple. I never like fake breasts due to their lack of movement, but there seemed to be enough to keep me entertained. I released her arms and allowed her to fully remove her top, I pushed myself upright and slipped my fingers underneath the waistband of her pants, I gave them a tug and they began to peel off of her. She kicked off her heels as I pulled her pants off, she quickly reached for my belt and in seconds my trousers were dropped to my ankles.

She grabbed me by my neck tie and pulled me into her, she let out what sounded like a squeal as I slipped inside of her. She brought her ass up off the desk and wrapped her legs back around me, keeping me rigid, she began gyrating against me. The way her hips moved was almost mesmerizing.

She was completely shaved down below and though she only supported herself with one hand on the desk she had complete control.

I pulled her up off the desk and supported her as she began bouncing herself off of me, she had no issues with letting her feelings be known, she was practically screaming in ecstasy. It occurred to me that she might be trying to be heard by Abigail, but there was no way.

I cast a quick glance up to the security camera in the room and thought about what Michelle was doing right now, she was watching, that much I knew.

Eva had thrown back her head and released her leg grip, I was now carrying her while diving myself in and out of her. She let out moan after moan,

''Oh my fucking god, yes, fuck me, fuck me hard!'' she yelled.

Her breasts bounced about as much as they were going to, she brought her head forward and kissed me hard on the mouth before giving me a little bite on my lower lip.

''I'm so wet, I want you to fuck me in the ass.'' she told me.

I let her drop down to her feet and she knelt into my chair with her ass out. I didn't want to guess at how often she was plugged in the ass, but it was already slightly open. I delivered one mouthful of spit to her ass and then began pushing my cock inside.

She let out a soft gasp as her ring widened around me. I slapped her ass hard as I began thrusting backward and forward. I reached around her and cupped a breast as my balls began slapping against her clitoris, pretty soon my balls began to feel tighter.

''Fuck, I think I'm close,'' I muttered, ''I want it in my ass, please, cum in my ass.'' she begged.

I reached up with my free hand and grabbed her throat, I pulled her back back as I pounded her ass as hard as I could. Her cries echoed around the room, I pulled her back against my chest and bit down on her earlobe.

My hand slipped from her breast down to her clitoris and I began massaging it, ''I want you to cum.'' I told her. Almost instantaneously she erupted in a climax. She bucked a little and threw herself forward, I grabbed a handful of her hair and didn't give her a moment to rest. I went in and out of her like a machine, before finally releasing whatever I had left, right into her rectum.

A few moments passed before either of us moved, my cock dropped out of her and I was followed by my semen. She turned a little before slumping into my chair, I was leaning against my desk as she gently rubbed her aching vagina.

''I think I might invest in this place.'' I told her, giving her the yes that she worked hard for. She smiled and laughed a little as she pulled herself to her feet.

''I'll put the paperwork together.'' she told me.

A little while later I was sat in my chair massaging my balls, they had been emptied three times in the same day for the first time in a very long time.

Michelle walked into the room and sat down in the chair opposite me, ''Well that was a vigorous process.''

I smiled weakly at her, ''Some day, huh?''

She smiled from the corner of her mouth, ''So who are you going to choose?'' she asked.

''I don't know, did you know Eva went for your job?'' I asked.

''Yes, I remember her.''

''Of course you do, you remember everything.'' I replied.

''Do you remember that before you gave me the job, you were going to give it to that black girl? Alicia?'' she asked.

''Oh yeah,'' I remembered, ''What happened to her?''

''She went back to being a ballet dancer.''

''She did ballet? I thought they all had small breasts, Alicia's were huge.'' I recalled.

''She was blessed.''

''So, who am I going to choose?'' I asked.


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I open my eyes, I feel a warm hand gently caressing my morning erection, her heavy breasts leaning against my back. "Are you awake?" I hear her husband say. "Yes, and ready for more" she say’s. I'm 28 and since a few months I work for a German company trading in building materials. My job is to sell their products on the Dutch market.Soon after I started working for this company I became good friends with Gert my German colleague. Although he is 12 years older, we seem to share a lot of thought...

3 years ago
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Rosanne s Little Helper revised

At Rosanne’s, I entered the unlocked kitchen door. Once inside, I went to the bathroom where she left a milk-white Ducolax for me. I put it in, pulled up my pants, washed my hands and joined Rosanne in the living room. We kissed and she handed me the usual Bourbon on-the-rocks. She got right to the point, “Ya do it?” “Uh-huh.” She raised her glass, “Good. Here’s to cousin Maria!” She settled in alongside me, we clinked glasses and drank a toast. Tonight was our latest attempt to fix my...

1 year ago
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Incest Urges of a Nymphomaniac

*** Note : This story is completely fictional! Sophia sat up in the hospital bed wondering how she got there and spotted her father through the window of her room. He was talking to a doctor, at least that’s what it looked like. When he spotted her sitting up he entered the room. “Ah, awake at last,” he said, crossing the room to sit next to her bed. “What happened?” Why am I here? Where’s mum?” said Sophia, trying to understand what had happened. “Okay, calm down. First of all lay back and...

2 years ago
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My sister Taught Me

Let me start by saying this is a story about my sister and I when we were both a lot younger. I have two sisters, they are both older than me. One by five years and the other by eight. Neither of them were raised by my mother, she was very young when they were born. The oldest one, I'll call her Charlotte for name sake, (even though that's not her real name), was raised by my grandparents in the next state over from where my mom and I lived. We visited often, driving over for the weekend...

3 years ago
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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Twenty

FRIDAY JULY-15 Thursday was quiet with school presenting some kind of a challenge as the VCE exams got closer and closer. However it was nothing I would have any problem handling. In fact I was more than a little grateful when quite a few of the teachers asked me and several of the other more advanced students to assist some that were struggling with either assignments, homework or just plain schoolwork in general. At least it managed to take my mind off the phone call from London that we...

2 years ago
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Spontaneous new girlfriend for my fiancee and I

We met years before. I was a substitute teacher, she was a junior in high school. 5 years later, we see each other at a party. Now I'm only 10 years older than her or so, but sure enough, our eyes met. We did the awkward 'where do I know your from' and when it clicked, she asked if we could go outside and talk... We kissed before the next word in the back hall, upstairs from the party. She said her boyfriend said that she needed to get better at blowjobs... I said my girlfriend said I should...

3 years ago
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Encounter With Sexy Woman

Hi everyone my name is Rahul. I stay in Bangalore in a posh locality. I am 23, good looking(I am not boasting I am really good looking) and average built. My love for older women started when I was 18 yr old when I watched Tamil blue film. But i had no guts to talk to women. One day I was feeling bored at home & tot to take a evening walk to a park nearby. I watched all the good looking babes and older women for an hour and tot of returning back home. On my way back home I found very pretty...

4 years ago
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A father tosses out his gay son and gets a tough lesson

Katisu stepped from the shower and immediately dried himself with a towel. He saw Mahito lying naked on the bed, his hand slowly stroking his hard cock. Katisu was nineteen and Mahito was twenty. They both worked for the same company, loading trucks at the dock yards. Katisu was still living at home with his father but he was making plans to move out in an apartment with Mahito as soon as they enough money. That afternoon Katisu’s father returned home early to find his son naked in bed...

4 years ago
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Ulysses and Penelope Ward

I'd heard the two of them talking about me. My heart was broken. Why she'd said those things about me I couldn't guess. She didn't need to be saying stuff like that. I'd never done her wrong—never. That was two days ago. I'd been in a blue funk ever since; she hadn't noticed; of course now I knew the reason she hadn't noticed: she'd had her own agenda. She was sitting across from me soft pedaling what it, her agenda. "I'm sorry Uly, but it's the way it has to be. Time to get on...

1 year ago
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Joe mum and me

Since mum and dad separated, mum and I have generally gone on holiday together at least once a year, either just the two of us or with mum’s current boyfriend of the time. Just after my sixteenth birthday mum announced that we were going on holiday to Spain. Mum was still in her early thirties and very attractive but at that time mum did not have a boyfriend. She asked me if I wanted to take mine. I must have looked vacant. “Joe,” she said. Joe is my sort of second cousin and almost exactly...

2 years ago
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The Story of Finch and Stiflers Mom Part II

I wake up the next morning... glowing, tired, and a bit sore. But in all, i am fine, just kinda getting last night through my head. wow, i had fullfilled my fantasy....and it was truely amazing. Anyway, i get up and shower....gotta get the previous nights smell off mom would know for sure. I get in and the hot water cascading over my young toned body...oh how good it felt. i looked down and sure enough, i was standing tall....i thought to myself, jesus, you are no super soldier,...

Straight Sex
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Cabin Fever2

  I was fourteen when I realized we weren't supposed to sleep together anymore.   Mom never really saw a big deal with letting us sleep in the same bed, even when we got older. She knew we were innocent kids, and didn't think of each other like that. So, naturally when we wen't up to the cabin for the summer there wasn't a question about Connor, my brother, and I sharing a room. We'd always done it, and neither of us liked sleeping on the rickety old couch Mom kept in the den....

1 year ago
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The year - 1835. The place - the Wild Wild West. John McNaughtin was the typical Wild Western family man - he lived on the outskirts of a sleepy town whose only trouble came from the wild hogs that sometimes ran their way. No gun slinger had ever set foot in this town, and the sheriff was a quite cheerful seventy-year old man who hoped that he he still had the star when his age became three figures. The houses were wide-spaced, and had sizeable grounds of their own. The neighborhood was...

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Teacher gets taught at an all girls school

Your name is Jane Doe and you are about to start your first job teaching at Cleopatra prepatory academy, an all girls school. It’s going to be a fresh start for you. Just as you graduated college your long time boyfriend Matt reveled that he had been sleeping with his roommates’ sister for the past year, ruining your plans to start your life together teaching at your old high school. When you told your friend April about what happened she called her mom who was on the board of directors at...

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Theater Irukai Arugil Ilamaiyaana Paiyan

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil enathu arugil ilamaiyaana paiyan amarnthu avanai suudu eetri en pundaiyil eppadi ooka vaithen enbathai intha kathaiyil ungalidam solugiren. Ithu oru unmai kathai enbathaiyum soli kolugiren, en peyar kanama vayathu 38 aagugirathu. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam. En kanavan ennai kaamam seethe niraiya naatkal aagugirathu, appadiye avar ennai oothalum en pundaiyil kanju varum varai avaraal athai samalika mudiya villai. Vayathu vera aagi vitathu,...

2 years ago
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My Monster Lover

My watch buzzed, quietly, waking me up. I quickly muted it and pressed my body softly back against my bedmate, a willing prisoner of his fierce embrace. He growled in my ear as he pulled me slowly up and back towards him. That growl sent a pleasant shiver through me, and I twitched with the memories of the other times I had heard it. I nestled into him, and let my mind drift. We came so far, haven’t we? It was three years ago now, that we met. Before I was born, the world found out that...

2 years ago
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Batman Arkham City ChroniclesChapter 9

Sorry for the delay in posting the next chapter. I would like to thank Emily Thayer for editing this and the previous two chapters. I would like to thank Damien William for writing the sex scenes for this chapters, along with his and DragonKnightleader writing the scenes in the previous two chapters. As I forgot to thank them when I posted those chapters. Thursday, January 12, 2012 Guest Bedroom, Resistance Headquarters, Wayne Manor, Gotham City Bruce wakes early the next morning, by...

4 years ago
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Not Your Average JoeChapter 25 Moving on

We started our journey to outpost Elisha where I would meet the team of my new assigned project. I was very excited to be working with some of the best minds in the entire galaxy. When the Char first mentioned the project, I thought it was the coolest idea I ever heard. Imagine being able to create a device that could not only replicate raw material but also mass produce it from small samples of natural resources. This might actually turn out to be the most challenging and rewarding thing...

1 year ago
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THE Harem Tales 1 The Times They Are A ChangingChapter 9 Interlude

Monday, we were back walking east on Highway 20, and for now, Rachel was out front, and Cathleen was rear guard. Our doctrine of alternating the lead gave us all experience and some stress relief. It was early afternoon, and the temperature was dropping. The gloomy sky and the blustery wind meant more crappy weather was on the way again and made me wish we had remained holed up in our last refuge. It hadn't been wonderful, but it had a roof and walls. Too late now. "Looks like we had...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Aur Bedroom

Hi as i am new would love to get your reviews Coming to the story Jaise k aap log jante hi h jawan ldko ko aged matured aunties bhabhiyan bht pasand hai Isi trha mjhe b matured aurtein bht pasand h Ye baat last year ki h we chat mein look around option mein se mjhe ek female option dikha ye baat kareeb raat 2 bje ki hai maine req send kiya aur samne se accept b hua fir kya tha hi hello strt hogya Usne apna naam shabana btya aur btya wo akele rhti h 2 bccho k sath aadmi bhr rhta h saudi fir...

4 years ago
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Janet this is my Life

Now as to my sex life I have enjoy all types of fun. I have had fun with threesomes, foursomes, orgies, BI sex; I am also a three hole girl I did not always use to be but I learned to love it. As to kinky stuff I have done or tried just about everything. The kinkiest I would have to say was incest. I will start at the beginning and work my way up to the present day. I was born back in 1971 to Jack my dad and Pam my mom. Jack worked in a steel factory while my mom at the time I was just...

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Being Naughty Alone

As I am driving home I start thinking about you, and begin to get excited. I am stuck in traffic so I get antsy, wanting to come home and pleasure myself. Too excited to wait, and fortunately wearing a skirt, I spread my feet slightly so my thighs part, and licking my index finger, reach up my skirt. Once my fingers reach my crotch, I pull my underwear to the side, revealing my pussy. I reach up into the soft folds and find my clit. Mmmmm. It makes me even more excited to think that no one...

3 years ago
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The Best of Paris WatermanChapter 3 I Am Number Eight

I Am Number Eight God knows why I started reading porn. Well I mean his particular porn. But I did, and I kept reading it. I read everything he had written then tried other authors but they didn't touch me the way he did. I reread everything I could find by him and felt an exhilaration I'd never known before. Could a writer really do this to me? The answer of course was yes, there were many examples of this as the wonderful quote: "The pen is mightier than the sword" exemplifies. But...

1 year ago
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After The KingChapter 15

Eoric surveyed the Pictish settlement at Perth in the last of the darkness just before dawn. He stood under a large oak tree to keep himself out of the steady rain that was falling around him. His senses picked up that there was considerable activity inside the settlement and he decided he would need to move in closer to find out what was going on. As he walked carefully towards the town he was aware that there were many people stationed just inside the large earthen mound that encircled the...

2 years ago
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The Wards of Harwell TuskerChapter 15 To Greenwich

Sir Bristow had proposed that I bring the Tusker sisters to meet with him at Greenwich. He was using, he said, the splendid Painted Hall of the Royal Greenwich Hospital for Seamen as the venue to interview those Institute members adjudged as potential beneficiaries of the Institute's bursary. There has been a deep relationship between the Institute and the Navy; so many of the innovations of the former have been of benefit to the latter. Such was the warmth of the relationship between the...

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A Sunday Tieup

Its Sunday morning, the sun is coming in through the blinds, and my girlfriend sits on the couch making her to-do list for the day. I look at her from the kitchen, her long auburn hair back in a pony, about 5'3", 125 pounds with large D boobs, and I'm very turned on but as usual, she is focused on what she wants to get done while I'm focused on having sex. "Hey babe, do you maybe want to have sex right now?" I ask as sweetly as I can. "But I have to go get all my grocery shopping done for the...

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Vabir Sathe Prothom 8211 2

Hi all ISS readers, I am back with the second part or probably the last part of the story. Farin is my vabi’s name hope you all remember from first part of the story, so when I have gone to her flat while her husband is out of the house, I started kissing and touching her all over kept doing this and it always spark the fire in her body and then I always leak her pussy before I enter my cock in to her pussy.(She always said before you enter in to any woman make sure she is ready to take your...

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Teasing a very naughty voyeur

Sunday morning, I was home alone in this warm summer day; so I invited my girlfriend Helena to come along to get a nice sun tan at our back pool.Helena was also home alone and she accepted; but she said we could not do some nasty things, since she was with her period…I said it was fine; we would only stay by the garden sunning our bodies.When she arrived, Helena kissed me deeply and she threw away her light summer dress, showing me she was wearing that sexy tiny thong, the one that barely could...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 3 Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer

Introduction: Frank finds a virgin to make into his bimbo sex slave while his wife Alice is tricked into modeling for a stranger! The Bimbo Formula Chapter 3: Bimbo Wife Fucks the Photographer by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Frank Even in her baggy dress, my bimbo wife Alice looked amazing. Her ass shook as she walked to our car, her curly, red hair falling about her shoulders. Yesterday, she had been a plump and somewhat doughty woman. I loved her despite that. And then she had injected...

4 years ago
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The Boy Bride One Feminized

The Boy Bride One -- Feminized by Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- Left out The Day began the way most days began for me. Nothing odd about it. But it ended so strangely that it made the rest of my life completely different from whatever I had imagined it might be. It was a Friday in October. My senior year in high school. I was 17 years, 6 months and 3 days old. Oh yeah, my name. Dylan Griffith. I lived with my Mom and Dad. Nice people. Decent, loving and understanding....

4 years ago
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CleanUp In Aisle One

It all started last Thursday and it was the day I was meant to go to the shops and get some supplies. The supermarket we went to was always very good, never seemed to run out of anything. So I just popped down one morning to get the odd items, when I found myself sharing an aisle with a new teenage shelf stacker. He was average-sized for his age and had short blonde hair, with a blue shirt and black trousers that seemed to contain a rather well kept body. He gave me once glance and I found...

3 years ago
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A Changing Life Chapter 6

A Changing Life Chapter 6 I put the phone to my ear, it was Donna "Leanne, about time too, what took you so long, I hope you were being a good girl? I take it that the carpet cleaner is still there with you?" "Yes Mistress," I lisped my hand shaking nervously listening to her. "I want to talk to him in a second, now concentrate, I've got two friends coming around for the BBQ tonight so make sure that you've made sufficient chopped salad. I want you to gently bake those salad...

2 years ago
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Son Still Able and the Mother Still WillingChapter 5

When they got into the room it was obvious Brian would have to be the first to get into bed. He pulled his wheelchair beside the bed and removed his armrest. Just before he scooted into bed he took a quick look at the others. His mother stood directly in front of him. She was topless and the light pink panties were so sheer. Therefore, he was able to clearly see the two things he had remembered so vividly from when they were together six years ago. Her very small and petite breasts were...

1 year ago
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LittleAsians Vina Sky Asian Arcade Pussy Play

When a tiny Asian girl with pink hair like Vina Sky shows up, you know you are in for a banging good time. Today she hangs out and plays an old school arcade game, getting so into it almost feels like she is a character herself! Then, she invites our hung stud to join her in the competitive gaming action. He throws her up on the arcade machine and licks her sweet Asian pussy until she is begging for his hard cock. She bends over on the foosball table to take a big baseball bat dick in her love...

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SexAndSubmission Keisha Grey Troubled Teen Rehab

Keisha Grey is partying too much and flunking her college classes. Her concerned parents make the decision to call a professional and enroll her in a Troubled Teen Rehab program. Seth Gamble is a professional, but his methods for correcting bad behavior are questionable at best! Keisha is snatched from a dark alley and whisked away to be held captive in a grungy basement where Seth torments her in a sexual scared straight program! Seth’s methods include bondage, discipline, corporal punishment,...

2 years ago
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Giving A Baby Boy To My Hot Mami

Hi to all ISS readers. I have been a regular reader of this site and always wanted to share my experience here. But I was concerned about the privacy of my heroin (maami). Today I am going to post it after her permission. Let me introduce myself and my mami first. I am Wajid, a 27 years old boy from a village near Lahore, currently living in Dubai. I have an average body, but my tool is big and thick enough to satisfy any horny woman. My dick is 7 inches long and 3 inches by thickness. My...

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Milf Tails Lets Make a Deal

I awoke to the sound of my cell ringing and groaning as I rolled over to grab it from the nightstand saw it was only eight. Who the hell was calling me at eight on a Saturday morning? I’d gotten up at six to see my parents off on their weekend trip to New Hampshire and then gratefully crawled back into bed. Without dad bugging me to do chores or mom waking me up to ask if I were hungry, I’d looked forward to sl**ping in. I rolled over and grabbing the phone off my night stand, saw it was a...

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Another Snowy Sunday

It’s another cold dreary day, the kind that begs one to stay indoors. The windows are frosted …the land is white. Its Sunday…and there is no place that one must be. ‘What to do?’ …The eternal Sunday kind of question. As we wake slowly snuggled under the blankets my eyes are drawn to the muted morning light that streams through the window. The snow is falling in those big beautiful flakes that seem to make the world that much more beautiful. The wind seems to swirl them crazily around the window...

1 year ago
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I thought Mom was an Angel Ch 01

OMG! Danny was on my dad's bed fucking the shit out of my mom. My mom was always the best mom ever! Going through High School she was popular with all the guys when I bought them back to our house. Ultimately that popularity made me popular too! It wasn't just that she was a fantastic cook and also so warm and friendly to every house guest! The thing I was most proud of and that every guy knew, was that my mom was smoking hot! Mom had the body of a model, the skin of a teenager, and her dress...

2 years ago
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Jamaican Lullaby

Laura and I had arrived in Jamaica only four hours before. We hadn’t been ballsy enough to bring our own pot and decided that we needed to look for some. As everyone knows, the island is swimming in the stuff and we didn’t think there would be any problem. Laura and I showered and she put on a beautiful sundress. It was all white and you could see her body perfectly underneath the material. She looked stunning and I couldn’t stop staring her down. We went downtown to experience the nightlife of...

2 years ago
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Fountain of Youth

FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH I would have loved the feel of his cock in me, but that was not to be. The man I had scoped out was too busy gaping at the slutty brunette on the other side of the bar. My own figure was nothing to sneeze at, but maybe he sensed the difference in me. I had a mind. That stupid cow with the balloons on her chest had nothing but a cunt. Sour grapes, I know, but hey, even smart girls want to get fucked from time-to-time. I gave up trying to draw the jerk's eye, and...

3 years ago
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My Daddy and I Fuck in Boston

It had been nearly two weeks since my Dad and I had sex. We hadn't had an opportunity to do it. My mom had decided to try to work it out with him and they were sleeping in the same bed again. He didn't seem super happy to me, but I had decided to give him space. I didn't want to make him feel bad. Besides I knew my chance would come again. It was a few weeks before Christmas and we had planned a family trip to Boston to go shopping and basically stay for the weekend. At the last minute my...

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Travelling with Odette

[Author’s note: I expect most readers will not reach the end of this novella in one viewing. With that in mind, each chapter is written as a self-contained story.] * CHAPTER 1 — A TOURIST’S ARRIVAL Home in Boston At age 39 I enthusiastically embraced the maxim that life began at forty. Except I didn’t notice any difference when the birthday came and passed. I just went on making money for myself, my partners, and the shareholders of the small company I headed. Even the death of my wife from...

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ShilohChapter 05 Revelations

Kyle and Kathleen are enjoying the last of a large pepperoni and Italian sausage pizza. The house is now pretty much back in order as they worked hard on cleaning up the mess made by Kyle’s Aunt Lucille while waiting for the pizza to be delivered. There were a few items which were set aside to be repaired or replaced, preferably at Lucille’s expense, but the rest of the house is now satisfactory, in Kyle’s opinion. Kathleen starts toward the refrigerator and asks, “I’m going to get another...

3 years ago
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Lady in Red Book 1 The Rise of the QueenChapter 27

"Kate!" exclaimed a shocked Gwen as she tried to take a step toward her sister. Steve suddenly grabbed Gwen's elbows and pulled her to his chest. Then he kissed her for a very long time. "I'm still going to..." insisted Gwen before Steve once again pressed his lips to hers. "Okay, I get the hint," whispered Gwen. "I won't say anything to Kate now. At least not if you keep kissing me like that. I'm still pretty pissed at her. I'll give her a piece of my mind when we get...

1 year ago
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Ever tried dogging

Nick steered his sleek silver turbo-charged coupe across the deserted Cambridgeshire by-roads towards Ely. The town was justly known as 'the ship of the Fens', as the tower of its majestic 16th century cathedral was like a navigational lode star. Ely's train station was only a few hundred yards from the cathedral and Cathy stood waiting in the shade of the station building's canopy. She wore the shortest of floral print dresses, with pink fishnet stockings and open-toed high heels, revealing...

4 years ago
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BiofeedbackChapter 7

A cute look of concentration passed over Gianna Mare’s fourteen-year-old face as she deftly maneuvered the tip of Dr. Leo Cohen’s very stiff penis to the mouth of her generously drooling cunt. Not that this was a challenging task for the very experienced girl: she had been blessed -- or rather, first her father, and then the rest of the adult male members of the Daughter Share Program had been blessed -- by her very early menarche, which meant that she had been through her first track -- a...

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