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‘If you were to sell me one of your chickens, dear lady,’ the middle-aged man smiled at the woman behind the barrow laden with chicken pies and morsels of roasted chicken. ‘I would surely enjoy the memory of it.’

‘I am just basting the next batch, sir,’ she responded listlessly, without looking up, ‘They will be finished soon, but do talk to me while I prepare them.’

‘I enjoy talking to attentive ears far more,’ he rebuked her lightly. ‘Would you care to accompany me to the inn?’

‘I am listening and you are being unfair.’


‘I have work to do here.’

‘Attentive ears, sharp minds and sensual bodies,’ he turned away and foraged in his purse for a few coins, proferring them to her. ‘Here, give these to your master to cover your absence.’ ‘Please be patient, sir,’ she sighed, trying not to blush at his remarks as she looked to the ruddy-faced butcher at the back of the stall.

She did not take his coins though and eventually he put his hands down and his money back in his purse.

‘Of course,’ he determined. ‘There is no rush. My hungers can be assuaged in due course. I have after all only just come across you.’

‘Do talk on if you want to. It will make finishing your bird seem all the faster.’

‘I can wait, while you, my dear sweet baster, blush so prettily.’

‘Are you trying to embarrass me, sir?’

‘The hint of your blushes fills me with inspiration.’

‘Your words strike a simple chicken baster as…I don’t know…’

‘Rather fatuous?’

‘If you like sir.’

‘If you understand words like fatuous, dear lady, I suspect ‘simple’ does not fit the cut of your cloth.’ ‘You do, sir?’

‘And your complexity has several layers of pleasure for me.’ ‘It does?’

‘It does and I think the experience does for you too?’

‘The experience of the compliments of middle aged gentlemen, sir?’ ‘Yes and pursuing those compliments to further his ends, if appropriate?’

‘If the gentleman was a true one,’ she replied quietly, spooning fat over the gleaming bird and pushing it back into the flames. ‘And has the coinage to recompense my master for the loss of her services.’

‘I am a true and, as you have seen, pecunious gentleman, expecting the best of you, dear lady.’

‘The best of me, sir?’

‘Politeness and good manners.’

‘I give respect where respect is deserved, sir.’

‘I try to do the same.’

He reached out and touched her elbow. She started and moved away from him, rubbing her bare elbow and pushing the sleeve of her stripped cotton blouse against the flesh. It was as if she had been burned and was looking for something to ease the pain of the wound.

‘Excuse me,’ he apologised, bowing his regrets and thinking of her as a young faun backing away from the hunter. He stroked his face reflectively.

‘Forgive my shyness.’

‘Your reserve conceals wit and strength.’

‘Both at the same time?’ She smiled and looked up at him wide-eyed, a picture of innocence.

‘If possible, yes,’ he barked out a laugh at her impish stance.

‘You are demanding,’ she replied coyly.

‘Don’t you want to give of your sensual best?’

‘Should my words slink across the chicken pies, sir?’

‘No – just be you – unless you wish to slink across the pies?’

He arched his eyebrows and reached out to stroke the invisible contours of her imagined body, lying across the barrow.

‘With practice I might, though you would have to pay for all the broken pie crusts.’

‘That I cannot do right now. Go: get yourself some time free. Let me find something to fill your belly?’

His eyes pleaded with her and she surrendered on one condition:

‘No poultry please.’

‘I promise you that.’

She smiled and nodded, touching a young man on the shoulder and whispering to him shyly to obtain some release. He shrugged and waved her away, pointing to the butcher at the back of the stall.

‘Sir, the butcher’s boy insists I must ask you for those coins and more to obtain a little liberty, it seems.’

‘You are most welcome to them and more,’ he said emptying his purse into her cupped hands.

‘Thank you sir,’ she whispered and passed the moneys to the scowling butcher’s boy. The boy spat on the ground and then bit into the coppers. Then he spat again, the saliva splashing the girl’s shoes and her stocking.

She did not flinch at the disrespect, being well used to it, but stood there patiently gazing down until the boy turned and went across to his father.

The gentlemen watched her all the while and observed a thin-lipped smile cross her features as she heard the boy being rewarded with a loud curse.

The blotchy, red-faced man stared across at the stranger insolently, but chose not to approach. The gentleman responded in kind until the butcher dropped his prurient gaze, muttered something indistinguishable and cuffed the boy away from him.

‘You have two hours, Louisa,’ the boy whinned at her. ‘Don’t be late or else father’s strap will oblige you.’

‘If such is his pleasure,’ Louisa smiled timidly, but a little more fulsomely than before. She bowed slightly to the boy and turned to curtsey to the butcher. The surly tradesman grunted and turned his back to her, disregarding her gesture.

She shrugged, but tilted her head respectfully and crossed to the other side of the barrow to stand next to the gentleman.

‘I already like your self-effacing manner,’ the gentleman smiled as they walked away, ‘but tell me, what brings you to this little stall. You do not belong in this market place really, now do you?’ ‘You may ask.’

‘Thank you Louisa. My name is Andrew Mintosh.’

‘But I may decide not to answer, Mr Mintosh, so that is scant consolation to you.’

‘I was just curious – that is all. I am a writer. I perambulate back and forth in search of marvellous inspiration.’

‘You wander well, sir.’

‘Are you teasing me?’

‘Forgive my sass, Mr Mintosh. I’m sorry that I reached a little above my master’s chickens for a moment.’

‘Sweet dreams are made of such moments, and…’

‘Yes?’ She looked up at him once more, curious as to what words hung in his mouth.

‘…Regret is a very strong word.’

‘It is.’

‘Chosen as such I don’t doubt, but I shall think of it as wistfulness since I want no regret from you, my dear, now you are free and at my disposal.

‘Yes sir.’

‘You have to give up something to get something else, young lady.’


‘I know it’s not always opportunity cost.’

‘Opportunity cost, sir?’

‘Sometimes you can have your chicken and eat it too?’

‘That, sir, is a very silly saying in my modest opinion.’

‘Tell me, Louisa, what did you do before you were cajoled into hawking hot chickens?’

‘I served a gentleman who studied or, rather, I studied while he gambled, sir.’

‘What was his field?’

‘History sir, though he diverted to the broader field of smoke, bourbon and cards.’

‘Yes indeed. Did any aspects of the studies you undertook on his behalf interest you?’

‘I tended to focus on the 17th century well before the invention of the chicken rotisserie.’

‘Feeding others is not necessarily an ignoble trade, Louisa.’

‘You do not know what it is like working for a chicken butcher, sir.’

‘True, but remember even Richelieu ate chickens.’

‘What is that to me now, sir?’

‘Since that unstudious former master of yours gambled away more than his coinage to a passing trademan?’

‘Yes sir.’ She looked up at him so sadly that he had to look away, regretting his foolish banter. Having gleaned just an inkling of her sadness from that short confrontation at the stall, he cursed himself for trying to be urbane and witty at her expense.
‘Forgive me, Louisa.’

‘There is nothing to forgive sir.

‘Not even your inquisitve streak?’

‘Yes. I’m sorry, sir. I shall return to my place.’

‘Don’t do that Louisa. Your inquisitive nature is a delight – please indulge me with it.’

‘As you wish sir.’

‘Sometimes, my liberality sometimes knows no bounds.’

‘That’s good to hear.’


‘Yes sir.’

‘And right now the image you studying your books, head down in thought, would be far more delightful than your face perspiring before the heady scent of roasting fowl,’ he paused and looked at her. ‘It is a shame that you are restrained from doing this.’

‘It’s my fate, Andrew.’

She shrugged her shoulders and spread the palms of her hands, so that he could see the marks of the butchers strap across them.

‘I can see why you’re not entirely ebullient at your current prospects. And thank you for the intimacy.’

‘I beg pardon sir?’

‘You can beg later, pet. Right now, let me say that it is remarkably pleasant to encounter someone like you, no matter where. I was just telling you what I like and respond to.’

‘It may not matter to you, sir, but it matters to me or do I express myself too freely?’

‘I am glad that your spirit has not been completely cowed, pet,’ he murmured appreciatively, as he pushed open the heavy wooden door of the inn, lifting up his arm, so that she slipped under it.

Louisa stood there on the threshold for a moment, blinking her eyes several times to accustom them to the darkness. Then she turned back towards him and found herself blinking up into the sunlight, slightly disorientated.

‘The master does not extend to the cattle trade as yet,’ she jeered in a voice tinged with resentment.

‘He has aspirations so to do though?’


‘Let’s not beef about his ambitions, girl,’ he punned back at her provocatively.

She walked down the steps ahead of him, carefully and gentillely, leaving him to trail in her wake as if their respective roles had suddenly been reversed – she the dowager and he the butcher’s bit of rough.

‘Should I flatter you, sir?’ She almost snapped at him.

‘No, just compliment my wit with your lovely form.’

She looked over her shoulder and half smiled, half- frowned at him.

‘Be yourself, Louisa,’ he responded, disregarding the barely suppressed anger in her tone. ‘It’s all I ask of you.’

‘Thank you,’ she relented.

‘You seem to have missed that freedom for a while – a long while, I assume.’

‘Yes sir. A long, long while.’

‘We covered a broad spectrum of sensibilities on our here. I was trying to narrow the focus.’

‘Narrow the focus – what do you mean, sir?’

‘I’m here to meet a delightful woman who feels the desire to get to know a stranger better – a very respectful, yet very open woman.’

‘She sounds rather nice, sir.’

‘That was why I was asking you questions.’

‘And I thought you just wanted to fill your belly or fill mine, sir,’ she glanced up the stairs in the darkened inn, but smiled when he pulled a chair out for her to sit down.

‘Thank you.’

‘It was a way to begin and to see if you wanted to give your best,’ he replied gently, sitting down next to her and summoning a server to the barrel of ale that passed as their table.

‘It seems I am a long way from pleasing you, sir.’

‘Pleasing is an art form that need cultivating.’

‘I would not want to steal your time unnecessarily, sir.’

‘May I judge that for myself? Where do you come from Louisa?’

‘The bay area to the south of the town, sir.’

‘I have roots in the bay area which I visit often.’

‘My mother had roots in her vegetable garden in the bay area sir, which she visited often.’

‘How does her garden grow now?’

‘The horses from our rich neighbour’s paddock visited us too often, sir,’ she said sadly, looking down at the barrel. ‘Hence my gradual descent to this enforced service.’

‘I’m not trying to make you sad, Louisa.’

‘I didn’t think you were, sir. You seem to find all the pits to fall in – call it bad luck?’

‘I do like your intelligent approach.’

‘Thank you. I like yours. I can relate to it

‘More so than the gutteral grunts of the butcher?’

‘Yes or the resentful groans of his boy, sir.’

‘Exactly – this is why I’m responding to you kindly. You seem very nice – special even.’

‘You are kind, sir.’

‘Thank you, Louisa. It’s a pleasure to be appreciated.’

‘A shared one, sir.’

‘Once in a while you meet someone quite special free from princess dogma.’

‘Princess dogma sir?’

‘Those long winded ladies that talk about ‘Me, Me, Me.”

‘That is the opposite of my ideal, sir. I would rather listen and learn.’ ‘Your ethos is a lost and forgotten ideal, Louisa.’

‘The past cannot be relived.’

A server deposited to goblets of red wine on the table, along with a little pitcher to replenish the cups in due course. Andrew nodded his thanks as the aproned man bowed and retired.

‘But the formality, the trappings and the sense of style can be, Louisa.’

‘And what goes in secret behind the veneer of society?’

‘Exactly – what is not said is more important than what is. You are a clever girl.’

‘I like the idea of society.’

‘The little asides, the meaningful conversations and the glances?’

‘If you say so sir.’

‘I’m sorry – these things are outside your experience. I’m being unfair.’

‘No – please carry on – I want to understand and learn

‘I want to as well. I see intuitive understanding in your eyes and that is little short of the encouragement with eyes of the ladies who frequent societal soirees.’

‘Is it?’

‘Yes Louisa. The signals are so easy to miss.’

‘If you spoke plainer, the signals might be clearer.’

‘And yet there are signals that you read, Louisa. Here we are an older man, a much younger woman…and we play back and forth – that special dynamic of my dreams.’

‘Are you lost in a dream world, sir?’

‘I am as I am and blessed with what and who comes my way. I feel lucky.’ ‘It is good to be one’s own master, sir.’

‘It takes risks to follow what you believe is your path and it is good to start the quest from solid ground, dancing your way to success.’

‘A dance full of life, sir?’

‘Yes, that is true. The edge of the cliff is inevitably better than the chasm, though I may overstate the case, walking the edge.’

‘I have done this, sir.’

‘Having someone next to you, someone to guide you at the edge?’

‘A dream, sir.’

‘You are a lovely woman – courageous and beautiful.’

‘You’ll ruin me with your compliments sir.’

‘Come with me to my room. I have no hunger now except for you.’

‘I would have left this barrel and joined you there before, sir, had you asked a while back,’ Louisa admitted. ‘I would like to concentrate on your pleasures.’

‘The noises in this inn sometimes make me feel like I am on a battle field, dodging and working my way home to my room to seek shelter from the storm,’ he puffed as they climbed the winding stairs.

‘A battlefield, sir? Really?’ She turned her head and flicked her hair down her back to encourage him to look away from her hips and up to her face as he mounted the stairwell.

‘A bad metaphor,’ he admitted as they reached the top and he stopped for a moment to regain his breath, ‘but I feel much more here with you now.’ ‘You can bask in peace then, sir’

He fiddled with a bunch of keys and pushed the door open. She walked across the small room and stepped up to one of the little rounded windows that looked out onto the market square. She stared out for a brief momeont trying to make out the wretc
hed stall where she toiled most days and then snapping her head back she drew away from it, pulling the curtain across and enfolding them in darkess.

There was a little fire in the grate and he leant down to press a poker to it and stir the ashes. He tossed a few brands onto the fire. They caught quickly as he stood back, watching time burning away.

‘I can bask in peace once the door is closed,’ Andrew confirmed and pulled a burning taper from the fire to light a candle by the bed. ‘I’m yours now, Louisa. Will you be mine?’

‘How so?’ She was now rather surprised at his request. She had been here before. The butcher plied his trade, including her, without much scrupple, so long as it brough hard cash in.

When it came to the moment though, the clientele were often reluctant to accept that this was all they had: a finite amount of her time to enjoy her and take their pleasure.

‘I want you to be mine in the moment and see if we can enlarge the moment without trying.’

Andrew was somehow different. There had been no pawing at her as he expounded his philosophy. There had been no touching or leering other than his finger tips at her elbow and his eyes on her rounded form for that brief moment on the stairs.

She wanted to see where this would lead – was it really any different? Was she more to him than the butcher’s girl with the clever words and the soft sex?

‘Enlarge the moment: how?’

‘Just thee and me, Louisa – we can face the moment together and make it a magnificent and unforgettable one.’

‘Excuse me for being so stupid.’

‘No pet, you are just seeking clarification,’ he held her arm firmly, seeing her try to control the rush of tears and the constriction in her throat. ‘I realise that you have been ill used.’

‘It is important to me that you know this sir,’ Louisa replied choosing her words carefully,

‘Without understanding and knowledge there is nothing.’

‘I agree.’

‘You seem quite traditional, pet.’

‘My tradition is about my being used…to nothing.’

‘I’m interested in what something you would like. Come sit by me.’ He patted the bed firmly.

‘And where goes the respect for me, if I do, sir?’

Yet she sat down obediently, cursing herself for letting the bar girl out with the clichéd lines and relentless, insufferable jibes passing as wit.

‘I will respect you for learning to please me,’ Andrew responded firmly, quelling her rebellion ruthlessly. ‘My age gives me experience. That is all and I’m always open to new experiences. I’m sure you are open too, Louisa.’

‘Open to suggestions?’

‘Open to ideas. You like to push don’t you Louisa. Is that becoming of the secret, submissive woman you desire to be? Wouldn’t you enjoy pleasing rather than pushing?’

‘Secret, sir?’

He watched her, measuring her carefully before he replied. Why did he allow her to fence so, when he could just take her and have done with it? She was his for now – why did he not just take her, rather than allow her to dissect his phrases and harp deliberately on a single word, as if reinforcing her rejection of his somewhat anachronistic approach.

‘If you’re traditional, you are not going to advertise,’ Andrew explained calmly.

‘What is there to advertise: my master will find me, if he looks hard enough,’ Louisa responded desolately. Then, remembering herself and observing the obvious, added: ‘your two hours are elapsing very quickly sir.’

‘This is true. Should I look less closely or will I find myself mourning the loss of your beautiful serenity before we have got much further?’

‘What is in front of one should be carefully examined, sir.’

‘Yes. I can be quite myopic sometimes.’ ‘Do not to miss your opportunities sir,’ Louisa warned. ‘They may never be repeated.’

‘Opportunities are a nice anchor. What are you offering me girl?’

‘In due course, I may offer myself to you, but I am yours for now, regardless.’

‘I understand the fine distinction, but I want more.’

‘Greed may lead you to miss the point and fill you full of regret, sir,’ she warned, standing up and reaching to undo the buttons on her blouse one by one. ‘I’m not so sure. A pretty surrendering face is nice, a pretty amenable face is wonderful.’

‘You do have a handsome face, sir.’

‘As do you,’ he laughed, ‘and we both know it. I have a face of an man who has some experience and a little wisdom. Your manner pleases me. Your intellect is beauty in itself. That’s what got you here.’

‘Your purse got me here sir.’


‘I’m here to undress further, if you need me to sir.’

‘I will undress your beauty in time, whenever we feel in tandem with such desires.’

‘On your intellectual bicycle made for two,’ she smiled back, relieved and yet, at the same time disappointed as she redid her buttons.

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A Trip To Ecr Late Night For Adventure

Hi, guys, this is Amity from Chennai. Not a native guy, but forced to live my life here on earnings. Let me go to the story straight. I met this girl named Swetha at my office, we were doing great at our first few meetup and quickly started to share equal spaces with each other. One fine day at the office we were discussing films and up came the film 50 shades of gray. Neither of us saw the film previously, and we started to discuss on finding time to watch it together. To be frank we had just...

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The Runaway SchoolgirlChapter 2

Melissa was startled out of a very nice dream about a boy with 4 hands who was ravaging every secret part of her teenaged body. The sound of a machine gun was bouncing in her bedroom window. No, it was more a vibrating sound not a machine gun. She saw construction barriers on the street below and two muscular black workers were drilling holes in the pavement. None of the passersby seemed to be the least bit disturbed at the ear-splitting racket. She peeked into Harry's bedroom and saw that...

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Vanessa and the workmen

The three workmen were slaving away in the back garden, in the hot sun. Vanessa watched them from the upstairs bedroom window, getting more excited by the second. Under her robe she was wearing a beautiful red basque with a red g-string, black stockings and five inch heels. This was topped off with the tiniest lycra red halterneck dress which barely concealed her ass or bulge. She undid her robe and looked at herself in the mirror. Her long blond hair and heavily made up face looked as good as...

4 years ago
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Power Rangers Megaforce Red and Pinks Sacrifices

Power Rangers Megaforce Pink Ranger/Red Ranger. Its half an hour after their infiltration into the enemy’s base. They managed to take down all foot soldiers that they meet along the hallway sneakily. Thanks to Jake, The Black Ranger, they managed to turn off all the security camera for an hour. Their objective was to find the canon that Admiral Malkor is building and destroy it. They spread into two groups, Emma (Pink Ranger) with Troy (Red Ranger) looking at the east side, while the...

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Fantasies Can Come True

I opened the car door for her and she caught me glancing as her dress rode up a long expanse of tan thigh. She smirked at me and I smiled. Getting caught looking at her lovely legs wasn't going to make her mad at me, in fact, I think she likes that I can appreciate her physical charms without getting all stupid over them.All I know for sure is that if I really made a play for her, I would lose one of my closest friends, confidants, and partners. I watched others get a little stupid over her....

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BuzzedHighHorny Lucky on a CD

Tonight I was at a friends pool party at his apt & it was kicking good as everyone was drinking,laughing,& enjoying the party as I was chatting w/some people I've come to meet from the party I excused myself to take a hit of some Ice to snap my buzz on an even minded level I go around the apt bldng to take some hits & I was interrupted by a female voice saying put your hands up this is the police as I turn around & see this female walking to me w/a big grin on her face to ask...

3 years ago
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Hidden Heritage I The GuardiansChapter 11

Two days later, I had two deer in pieces inside my smoke room, and before dark I had managed to chop quite a lot of firewood, even though I knew that I’d still several days of work in front of me. But not this evening. I had washed myself outside and I had a distant feeling that I was being watched. Or a hint of a feeling. Or maybe even less. Or maybe I was just getting paranoid. Before leaving, Verya had named my cat Tariel, saying that without any doubt she was the real queen of my...

4 years ago
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Couple on Cam for Mom

Introduction: Couple Lures Mom into cam fun My wife Linda and I were stationed in Hawaii. We are both very close to my mother Annie and missed her greatly, When we were both back in New York for Christmas we bought her a new laptop with a built-in webcam so we could keep in touch online. While we were still in New York, my mom would explore things more and more on the internet. My mom Annie, is 47, dark hair, a nice looking Italian women, with large 44dd breasts, living alone, after dad passed...

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New Year

The New Years Eve Party - My SONIA ============================ (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!) My name is Robert and I am sitting in my flat thinking back over the most amazing weeks holiday that I had ever had while waiting for my new girl friend, Janice, to arrive. I am still almost in a daze thinking back over the events and how much my life has changed in such a short time. I took a swig of my whiskey and then as I heard the door bell ring my...

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The Art of Cuckold Diplomacy Ch 4 Domination Part 1

In front of me was, in my opinion, the sexiest, most delectable bottom I’d ever had the pleasure to spank. Not small by any means, but definitely soft and malleable, with buttocks that bounced beautifully as the palm of my hand connected. Voluptuous came to mind…The bottom, which was turning a lovely rosy red colour, belonged to Samantha, a sexy, smart, curvaceous “mature” woman, whose sexual innocence I found exciting and challenging. She had put her trust in me, and I was taking her on a...

2 years ago
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The Jonah Ryan IncidentChapter 2

“So, Jonie, I have a confession to make. I’m ... pregnant, and it’s not yours. Before you get all huffy and puffy about me cutting you off and letting another man knock me up, let me remind you that I had just learned that we were actual brother and sister. I was seriously looking at an annulment, Jonie, because, strictly speaking, our marriage isn’t legal. In fact, I still want an annulment, but now that this is out of the way, I’d like to start fucking you again. It will be a lot better now...

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Fucking A Virgin Librarian

Hello readers, I am 21 old average looking guy from Indore ,living in pune. I am a fun loving person, never miss any opportunity to enjoy sex. Though I have had sex with women of different age groups, I never revealed any data about them to my friends, since II always respect their privacy and confidentiality; after all they all gave their most valued assets to me :). It all started when I was back in my college during my teenage days… In my second year Priyanka (name changed) came to our...

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It's late into the night when Alvin awakes drenched in his own sweat. Thinking that it must be a sudden fever or cold, he thinks it's best to go pour a glass of water and run his temperature. But as he moves his body, he feels an intense itch between his thighs. Which forces him to stop moving from the overwhelming amount of ecstasy he feels as a result of even the slightest movement. At this moment, he understands the situation. There was no illness, he was just extremely horny. Taking one of...

Mind Control
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Saturday Night After Party Fun

Hey, everyone, I am Arshi, student, 19 years old, fair, 5’4 and my stats are 32-28-32. I am single and my only time pass is watching tv shows and sometimes chatting with friends. This is my real sex story. This incident happened on a Saturday night in a well-reputed pub where celebrities usually come and have fun until late night. I and my friends were bored in the hostel and thought of going to that pub to have some fun and if we were lucky enough, we can get hooked up and can have fun with...

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Jamie Lynn Spears Irsquom a Big Girl Now

It was the middle of the night and Jamie Lynn Spears was lying in bed with the new teddy bear she had gotten for her thirteenth birthday. The bear had been a sort of gag gift as Jamie Lynn had spent the past few months telling everyone who would listen how she was a teenager and she was going to be a big girl now. The bear was a special order gift with a lot of different functions and was nearly as tall as Jamie Lynn. It had a large nose that would move around in slow circles like it was...

2 years ago
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Fucking two cunts is always better

What I am about to tell you took place few months after I had completed my graduation. I was now studying to become a teacher. One night at dinner my father said, ‘Ramu, my friend Lal Kishen came to see me today. He is very worried about the studies of his young son Babloo. At the start of the academic year Babloo was doing fine but in the last months his grades are going from bad to worse. He wanted my advice. I told him that my son Ramu is studying to become a teacher. Why not let him talk to...

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Educating Dustin Rhodes Ch 02

My ship pulled back into Pearl Harbor at the end of May. The deployment had been largely uneventful but, once again, we visited some intriguing ports around the Pacific Rim. Because of mission requirements, I had limited access to the internet so e-mails with Holly were sporadic. Hers were newsy and funny. Mine seemed dull by comparison. After a week or so of heavy pressure to get me to reenlist, everyone gave up and accepted my decision. My Division Officer even took the time to write a...

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Fucked A Friend

Hi Friends, this is Vinay from Hong Kong. My native is chennai and i have been working in shipping for past 7 yrs. I was born and bought up in delhi and then i moved back to my native place chennai for engineering. After that i joined the shipping and logistics field in chennai. All my friends tell me that i have a very sexy voice over the phone and due to this i had a lot of female phone friends. Even my wife also knows about this.This incident happened with me when i was working for a...

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Sabine, Mitte 30 war eine attraktive Frau. Sie hatte schulterlange schwarze Haare und war immer gut gestylt. Eine Rolex an ihrem Handgelenk zeigte den Erfolg, den sie als Immobilienmaklerin hatte. Doch ihre Schönheit war auch mit einer Schwäche verbunden, die sie unsympathisch wirken ließ. Sie hatte eine arrogante Art gegenüber Kunden, die über nicht genügend Geld verfügten. Solche Kunden behandelte sie abwertend. Auch an einem Tag, als sie die Wohnung vom Kunden Chris begutachtete. Er musste...

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Katies Pain LessonChapter 2

At the peak of my climax I saw his arm become another blur of motion. I arched even higher off the bed, offering him my pussy. Offering him any damned thing he wanted from me. I felt my clit smash into the underlying bone and went into hyper climax. I could actually feel my cunt juices dribbling out of me as he took a backswing and hit my raised target again. I was beyond screaming. Beyond pain. I was in a total, all consuming lust as he hit my pussy again. But in my effort to raise my...

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Stumbling Upon Life Chapter 2

Stumbling Upon Life Chapter 2Based on real events after a mid-life divorce. Please read Chapter 1 first, available in my posts.Thank you for reading and commenting.Chapter 2: The CamperA skinny young, tipsy-looking girl rushed past us and into the lady’s room, slamming the door.“I think she might really need to piss?” Rachel giggled.“Want to get out of here?” I asked, still in a trance, leaning into her ear as we squeezed through the swarm of clinking bottles. My panties were soaked. “I got a...

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short and good

That's a good story, but anyway. Met some guys at work, we went to a tittie bar, good time, everyone's horny. I'm driving and I say, " Let's go to my house, and get some head from the wife". Try to set her up with this younger white dude. Anyway, she was willing, but he wanted to get to know her better before he let her suck he's dick. What a loser! He found out a week later he missed out. The next evening 1 of the guys that was there, knocked on the door. I guess I was drunk the...

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Pleasure Island The Bikini Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Go Get A Drink With Wendy You hand the box back to the bar tender and can't help but notice how long his eyes linger on you. You blush and feel an erection start. Wait, that doesn't happen anymore. "I suppose it's just getting happy in the pants," you say to yourself. You smile and step into the water to come up to the bar. "Miss, I'll hold onto your bag so that it doesn't get wet." the bar tender offers helpfully. Oh crap. The idea hadn't even dawned on you. "That...

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The ProtectorChapter 85

I don't know how long I was asleep, but I woke to the murmur of voices. I listened a little before I straightened up. It was Farley and Jubal talking, and what I was hearing sounded like it had been going on for awhile. "Jubal, I was there just like you were when Jon got that message from Interpol, and I have seen that look before. We are not going to even try to open that brief case until Jon decides to. Besides, it was his family that was threatened and that pisses me off too. He has...

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Bait and Switch Retype Ch 2122

Ch 21 The sound of a text message wakes me, and groggily I reach over to check it. Shanna and Gina had kept me up most of the night, and then when Nancy had come in. . . Okay, I can’t help but smile at the memories from last night, but I’m exhausted. I had quite literally stumbled back through my door, and fallen asleep before my head hit the pillow. I can’t even remember the drive home. I’m thankful that Lela hadn’t come to get me last night, or I'd be even more tired than I am...

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The Final Mission

The airdrome was quiet this day. The fog that had crept in like a thief in the night still lay heavy on the land. The airplanes stood like silent statues as the mist soften their shapes. They lined the green grass landing strip which faded to gray in the fog. Mechanics and guards drifted in and out, shapes with no form. They called to each other in weird, muffled, and distorted voices. The men who flew these lighter than air craft moved like shadows towards the stone farmhouse that served as...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 21 The Politics of Bondage

The author wishes to thank corsair for his contributions to this chapter. This revision contains changes of style, not substance. Persons who read earlier version need not re-read the chapter to understand what follows. The meeting of the "Reform Slavery Now" umbrella organization that had been discussed that day at Green's office had actually been delayed a week. During that week I spent a few days with Morgan Richmond and his wife and then got settled into my new apartment once the...

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My Didi and AlaUddin

Hi everyone this is my first story on Indian Sex Stories I have got very much inspired by the story written by one of writer Cool Dude he wrote My Bihari Maid Varsha Part 1 and 2. I m Ankit (16) I am living with my elder sister she is married and her named is Padmini (23). My Jija lives in foreign as he works over there and comes to visit my sister in a year or twice a year. So you might be known how much she will be longing for sex. She has beautiful figure of 36-27-37. I and my Didi live at...

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RuneswardChapter 02

The sky was an ominous steel gray with tufts of smoky black racing furtively across its expanse. Both men could smell the rain on the chill wind and they tried to huddle even further in upon themselves. The chill of the deaths they faced, though, had already crept into their very essence. They would find no refuge from the cold, neither physical nor spiritual. Bone weary, the two men plodded, struggling to push their heavy cart through reddish brown mud that seemed determined to bar their...

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Lake District Holiday part 1

“So there I was: heart palpitating like a teenager, looking at this man--this demi-God--and just wanting him. Wanting to get down on my knees in front of him and take him, own him, have him. Jesus, the feeling was so intense.” Jen and I were on the train--we were heading North towards Cumbria, for a short holiday in the Lake District. I had only been half listening: there was a bloke at the table opposite us who looked, well, yummy. I thought Jen was telling some boring story about buying her...

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All in the FamilysChapter 3

For the last three weeks, since she and Daddy had been making it, Matty had changed her routine at the gym. She had always worn a full leotard before, not wanting to seem too sexy. But lately, she had wanted to bask in her erotic impulses, and had been wearing the white string thong, with the small bra. She now rubbed vaseline on her whole body like the body builders, making her tan skin shine. She had been sunning at home in the thong, so there was no tan line showing. She could feel all...

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Girls Just Want to Have Cum

© 2003 Kenny N Gamera She couldn't have stood closer to me if she were an Italian businessman. The top of her blonde head came to my nose, her sky blue eyes to my chin. I had to bend my head quite a bit to really see her face. Perfect white teeth framed by sexy pink lips smiled up at me. I smiled back. "Hi," her voice was not the high pitched parody of a voice that many girls effect. It was natural, rich, and... sexy for lack of a better word. I was confused. Granted, there was more than...

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Thangiayai Kama Padam Paarka Vaithen

Hello everyone, en peyar Sunthar, vayathu 22 aagugirathu naan engineering padithu varugiren, en kalluriyil pengalai athigamaaga sight adipen athilum engal English teacher miga sexiyaaga irupaargal. Avargalai oru naal paarka villai endraalum en manasu ketkave ketkathu, teacher mulai miga sexiyaaga pazhuthu irukum. Aval soothu irukum azhagai paarthu rasithu konde irukalam, kalluriyil yarukum athu pondru soothu irukave irukathu. Idupu sirithaaga irukum soothu perithaaga irukum, teacher paadam...

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Mrs WaxermanChapter 4

“Boys,” Doctor Hooker said, looking at each of them individually for a couple of seconds. “Our society condemns what they don’t understand. With the advent of the internet, things are changing of course. Even pornography is becoming more mainstream and acceptable to many. School children just like yourselves are making up games involving nudity and sex. They wear jelly wristbands that obligate them to sex acts and they send each other naked pictures on their cell phones. Did any of you three...

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Competitive Affairs

My wife Julie and I have been married for 12 years. We have eight c***dren and she is currently pregnant for the eighth time. Yes that's number nine in the oven. One of the previous seven pregnancies was a set of fraternal twins, hence the eight k**s.Our family is rather large for a modern family, but we are quite happily married and the k**s add another loving dimension to our relationship. My wife and I, like many married couples, have had our little differences and spats over the years, but...

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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 3

Carry's Narrative: The following new characters appear in the next few chapters: Marge Agent Trainee, 5'- 6'' tall, 140 pounds, 36C-25-36, 21 years old, brown hair cut short, blue eyes. Carol Agent Trainee, 5'- 4'' tall, 130 pounds, 34C-24-34, 20 years old, blond hair, blue eyes Those of us going to Field Agent training boarded a bus very early on the morning of Monday, the 9th of October following our graduation at the Training Facility on Friday, the 6th. The "we" consisted...

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Alone Time

When I applied for college I knew I would be giving up my privacy as soon as I set foot in that dorm room. Freshman year, living with one other person, wasn't terribly difficult. It only got more difficult from there. I loved my roommates, but living with four other girls isn't nearly as fun as the porn videos make it seem. It wasn't until four months into the first semester that I found some time truly to myself. Two roommates went home, one had a sporting event at a school the next state...


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