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Xenophobia - Chapter 1 By Grimbo Streaking through the darkness of night, the meteor headed for its rendezvous with the Earth. It had traveled many light years before being drawn by the gravitational forces of the sun. A few scientists on Earth noticed it as it passed Saturn and, using the latest in computer technology, they realized that it would be striking the Earth. Since the meteorite wasn't very big to begin with, and most of it would burn up in the atmosphere, they decided that it wouldn't cause any damage unless it landed on someone or their property. They issued a statement to the North Carolina Governor's office and released a news briefing to let the press know where it would land. The estimate was somewhere between the cities of Raleigh and Durham. Since most of the land between these two cities is not very developed, except for the Research Triangle Park, the press didn't give the story much coverage. In fact, the newspapers in both Raleigh and Durham didn't even print the story. The only coverage was by one of the local college papers. Tim was eager to cover the story. He had started working for the paper only two weeks earlier and felt that this was his big break. Little did he know that the editors didn't expect him to actually find where the meteorite would land. The editors considered this a snipe hunt for the new boy. Every reporter had gone on a wild goose chase for their first story and Tim would be no different. With the scientists predicting that the meteorite would be about 6 inches long when it landed, no one felt that it would be found. So, at 2:00 a.m., Tim climbed into his 82 Toyota Celica and drove down I-40 towards the airport. Tim had overheard the editors laughing at him when he talked about getting this story. He was determined to prove them wrong. "I'll show them," he thought. "I've spent the last four days with my astronomy professor and we came up with three landing spots. With the information we got from the weather service and our calculations, I'm willing to bet that it's going to land a spot #3. Of course, spot #3 was a 1/4 mile wide circle. But that's pretty small compared with the amount of distance the meteor had traveled." Pulling over on the side of the highway, Tim gathered his camera and notepad, and climbed out of the Toyota. Up the side of a hill the highway cut through, over the wildlife fence, and into the woods he went. After walking a few hundred yards, Tim felt he was within the 1/4 mile circle he needed to be in. Now all he had to do was wait. The meteor plummeted into the Earth's atmosphere and started to shed its outer coatings of metals and methane ice. The heat of the friction against the atmosphere melted the meteor, just as the scientist predicted. It also awakened the sleeping being at the core. The being's thoughts were disjointed at first, but as the heat made its way to the core, the thoughts became more coherent. Safety .. Shelter .. Food .. Survival. Tim stared up at the sky waiting for the indications that the meteorite was coming his way. Unfortunately, he was facing the wrong direction. The explosion of the trees around him was his first indication that he had picked the correct spot. His second indication was the smell of burning pinestraw and the small fires blazing a trail away from where he was standing. Tim realized that the meteorite had missed him by only ten yards. His first reaction was to run down the burned path the meteorite left, but he took the time out to put out one or two fires it had started. "No need in attracting to much attention," he noted. After the small fires were out, Tim moved down the meteorite's trail, putting out more flames, until he found the end. There, within a small crater and amidst smoldering ashes, lay the meteorite. It had split in two pieces and lay exposed for all to see. Squatting down to get a better look, Tim reached behind him with his right hand to bring his camera forward. During this motion, Tim's hand brushed a wet spot on the ground. Tim looked at the back of his hand, where the wet feeling was, but didn't see anything. He shrugged it off as being condensation and returned to taking pictures of the meteorite and the surrounding destruction its path made. Sitting down, Tim began to write the story of what had happened when the meteorite landed. "This will surely make my editors take notice of me." Once the meteorite had cooled down enough to handle, Tim took his backpack and scooped the meteorite pieces into it and headed back to his car. Driving back to campus, random thoughts entered Tim's mind. Feelings of safety and definite survival were the strongest, but hunger fulfilled and confusion were also present. Tim also noticed that the back of his right hand seemed to be a lighter color than the rest of his arm. "Must have scraped some of the dead skin off and not noticed it," he thought. "Well, if it starts to hurt and doesn't heal, I'll see the campus doctor." The remaining part of the drive home was uneventful. Since it was 6:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning, Tim threw his backpack on the floor and went straight to bed. As Tim slept, the spot on his hand expanded. Slowly, it spread over his right hand and then worked it's way up his arm. As the being covered Tim, it burrowed microscopic tendons into Tim's body. Different tendons were designed to link the being to specific parts of the host's body. Some would open capillaries to provide the being with a food source, while others attached to the nerves to pass sensations to the host. During this process, the being released a sedative into Tim's bloodstream to keep him asleep. After two hours, the being had covered Tim's entire body, except for his head. Slowly, the being began to work over the back of Tim's head. The being didn't cover the hairs on Tim's head, but worked it's way between them and into the follicles and around the roots of the hairs. Once the back and top of Tim's head was covered, the being began to move up his neck, down his forehead, and around the sides of his neck meeting at the nose. In a less than four hours, the being had completely encased Tim. The beings tendons continued to borrow themselves into Tim, making connections to his brain. Once this was achieved, the being began to find out what this host was like. Tim awoke around 10:00 a.m. and felt like he was starving. He got out of bed and put on a robe his ex-girlfriend had given him and then walked to the kitchen. Tim opened the refrigerator and pulled out a full carton of eggs and some butter. Pulling a pan out from a cabinet, he placed it on the stove and turned the stove to medium heat. After cracking six eggs in the pan, Tim decided that should be enough to satisfy him. As the eggs fried, he toasted some bread. When everything was finished, he placed it all on a plate and sat down at the dining room table to eat. As he ate, he looked at this hand and noticed that the spot had disappeared. Satisfied that it was nothing, Tim quickly forgot about it. After eating all six eggs and finishing off four pieces of toast, Tim finally felt full. He closed his eyes and relaxed. "Tim" Tim jumped up and looked around the room. He was sure he had heard his name being called out, but no one was around. Since he lived alone, Tim figured he was just hearing things. He went into the second bedroom of his apartment and sat at his desk after turning his computer on, and uploading his story to the student paper, he knew he needed his daily Internet fix. After connecting with his local provider, he went straight to the newsgroups. He wasn't in the mood to view the hundreds of advertisements that appear in the regular alt.sex.stories newsgroup so he decided to view the new story group that appeared just last week. It was called alt.sex.stories.tg. Tim didn't know what tg meant, but he figured that he could guess once he read a few stories. He opened the group and found 24 new articles. He marked the ones that were stories for downloading and then started the transfer. Knowing that his dinky 9600 baud modem would be awhile, he went into the bathroom and started his shower. After he finished the shower, Tim returned to the computer, not bothering to put his robe back on. Once he sat down, Tim checked his mail and some other newsgroups and then logged off the net. He then started his word processor and opened the first story he had downloaded. The plot was fairly basic, with the protagonist being forced into dressing up as a woman. The idea made Tim laugh and he wondered why the guy didn't just leave. "Even if they had photos, I wouldn't let them blackmail me," he thought. It seemed that all the stories were like this until the last one. In this one, the main characters were a married couple that were having problems with their lives. Each seemed to take the other for granted. By some magical device, they were forced to exchange bodies. Tim felt a little swelling in his dick at this thought. The story went into details of the feelings each character felt with the change. While he read about the first time the couple had sex in their new bodies, his dick became it's solid 7 inches and he began to rub it gently. The descriptions were so well written the Tim could close his eyes and see the scene. Before Tim knew it, he was spurting his load. He opened his eyes to find his dick and hands perfectly clean. "That's weird," he said out loud. "I didn't think it was possible to orgasm and not cum. Well, it sure makes jacking off better." The being, realizing that the sexual energies the host had just shown were better than and food it could get though it tendons, had absorbed the cum before it had even made it way out of Tim's dick. The being then replayed the nerve firing that had caused this sensation. Tim felt his dick get hard quicker than he had ever seen before in his life. The pleasures he felt were as if someone was stroking his dick again. Before he knew it, a breath taking orgasm shook his body. Tim sat in confusion wondering how that had happened. The being realized that he needed to absorb that type of energy to survive now. Its normal method of food consumption would not compare to this. After two tastings of the orgasm energies, the being figured that it wouldn't need any more feeding for at least a week. The being wondered what had brought the first orgasm on and began to probe Tim's mind for the reason. It knew he was reading a story that he had never read before and that the concepts behind it were what brought on the orgasm. After studying the text of the stories, the being realized that this planet had a difference between male and female beings and that the orgasm of the female was stronger than the male's. It figured that a woman's orgasm would feed it for at least a month. It needed to bond to a female. Being bonded to Tim presented a problem. If he left Tim, Tim would die and so would it. Tim's body would have no way of repairing the damage the tendons had done before Tim's heart would expire. The being, on the other hand, couldn't spend the four hours it needed to bond to another human without expiring. It just couldn't get rid of it's waste product without the host. Since the being was addicted to the power of the orgasm, it would have to figure out how to achieve a female level orgasm inside of Tim's body. It would look into this as it worked at communications with Tim. After the two orgasms, Tim got out of the chair and went over to the spare bed. He couldn't get the story off his mind. He even came to the conclusion that a woman's orgasm was over 8 times more powerful than his. He closed his eyes and was soon asleep. Chapter 2 The dream began with Tim sitting alone in his car. He was parked in the old drive-in movie theater. It was dark outside and a movie had just started. He turned to the woman that was suddenly sitting next to him. "Are you enjoying the movie?" he asked her. "Actually," she responded, "I just can't get that story off my mind." "Yes, I know. It's as if it was written to my soul. I've always wondered what it would be like as a woman." "Why don't we switch?" "What?" "Let's switch. Just like in the story. I'll become you and you can become me. It would be wild. We could jump in the back and have sex." Tim couldn't believe this. He knew he was in a dream, but he couldn't wake up. He figured that he might as well go along with it. "OK, let's do it," he said and then he was looking at himself. They hopped into the back of the car and started to fool around. Before Tim had a chance to even get excited, the phone rang, waking him up. "Hello?" he said slowly. "Tim? Is that you? Did I wake you up" Tim's sister Pam was calling. Tim remembered that Pam was flying in to visit with him for a few weeks and he was suppose to pick her up at the airport. "Actually sis, yes you did." "Well, excuuuuuse me," she said in her best Steve Martin voice. "Did you forget that you needed to pick me up at 2:00?" "No. What time is it?" "2:30" "Shit. Sorry sis, I'll be there in 20 minutes." Tim jumped out of the bed and rushed to his room. He pulled out underwear, socks, a tee-shirt, and some shorts and quickly put them on. Running out to his car and racing down the highway, Tim made it to the airport in just a little over 20 minutes. His sister was waiting at the curb. Tim got out of the car and helped her load her bags into his trunk after hugging her hello. They climbed into the car and headed back to Tim's place. The conversation was the quick catch-up type. Since they talked on the phone twice a week, nothing new had happened except the meteorite. Tim told her the entire story. "So that's how you lost the hair on your legs, huh?" she asked. "What are you talking about?" "Well, I didn't think you would shave them. And since they don't appear to have any hair on them, I figured that it happened when the meteorite landed." Tim took a brief look at his legs and noticed his normal thick and dark leg hairs were gone. He rubbed his hand over his legs and they felt smooth to his touch. "I..I don't know what happened." Pam could see he was a little shaken by this discovery. "It's OK," she said. "It should grow back in about four weeks, maybe a little longer." She decided not to follow up on this line of questioning and quickly got Tim talking about the latest computer game he was playing. This filled the time until the reached his apartment. Once home, Tim and Pam went to the spare bedroom and Tim helped her unpack her things. She would be staying for a month and had brought enough clothes to last that amount of time. "You never know when you'll need to change clothes," she said when he asked her if all the items were really necessary. When all the clothes were hung up, they went to the kitchen to start working on dinner. "I'll start the chicken while you do the salad," Tim said. "OK. Where do you keep you knives?" "Second drawer on the left." Pam opened the drawer and pulled out a butcher's knife. Setting up on the kitchen table, she began to cut the vegetables for the salad. She was halfway through when she cut her finger. "Ouch!" Tim rushed over to her side. The cut wasn't deep, but it was bleeding pretty heavily. Tim held her hand and placed a finger over the cut to reduce the bleeding. Tim lead his sister to the bathroom to cover it with a bandage. "You should be more careful, sis." "Ms. Klutz is what they call me. I'm OK to finish the salad." While this was happening, the being tentatively soaked up some of the blood from Pam and began to compare it with Tim's. The rest of dinner preparations went uneventful and they were able to sit down and enjoy the expertly prepared food. "This food is delicious," Pam said. "You should open a catering business." "But I need to finish college." "No you don't. Mom and Dad aren't paying for it and you could always go back if the business didn't take off. And I could work as you business manager. After all, two years out of college and the best job I got was working in retail. Which I was fired from last week." "Yea, and now I get to support you for a month." "I'll get a job somewhere and give you a cut for rent." "Sure you will. What are you going to do? Walk the streets?" With that comment, Pam threw some mashed potatoes at Tim and they both broke out in laughter. "That's no fair. When I wanted to do that I was only 10 and I didn't know what they were really doing." "I know. Heck, if I didn't remind you of that career choice you wanted to make, you might get a swelled head thinking you weren't capable of making misjudgments. Let's clean up and go watch some TV" Tim and Pam cleared the table of the dishes and then went into the living room to watch the tube. After talking and watching TV for a few hours, they went to bed. The being continued its work on Tim. Removing his leg hair and under arm hair had been simple. Burrow under the hair in the follicle and then absorb it from the root up. Burrow deep enough and the follicle will never produce another hair. The next step would have been trickier except for the luck of Pam cutting herself. The being had spent the time since the injury analyzing her blood for difference between Tim and Pam. The being knew that she was the female sex by interpreting Tim's brain. He would use her as the template for the changes. For the first time in a long time, the being realized that an unlimited supply of it's basic needs would be satisfied. Tonight, it would let Tim in on the plan. Chapter 3 The girl from Tim's afternoon dream reappeared in front of him. The room they were in had a pink canopied bed in the middle. Everything in the room was pink, expect for the white walls. The entire room had a female touch to it, like the room of a teenage girl. She was sitting on the edge of the bed and beckoned him to her. "Come sit by me Tim. We need to talk." "Who are you?" "Well," she hesitated. "I not human. The closest I can come to describe me is a parasite. Basically, I feed off of your body and pass my waste on to your system. When I attach to you, I also improve the functioning of you body so it can handle my added waste. But your body also has to provide both of us with the energies we need to survive or we will die. That's why you were so hungry when you woke up." "A parasite?" "Well, I would prefer to call you my host and myself as a passenger. But parasite is a more clinical definition of what I do. Unlike a true parasite, I actually provide you with some benefits. You'll never get sick, grow old, or die short of massive damage to your internal organs. All I ask in return is a constant food source." "What a bargain," Tim said sarcastically. "You suck me dry for all of eternity. I don't think so. I'll just wake up and this dream will be over." The girl stared at Tim in amazement. "You think I'm not real. Well, I am. That meteorite you picked up had me inside it. If you hadn't been there, I would have died." Tears started to form in her eyes. "I was starved and you were the best I could find. I'm offering you something people throughout the ages have looked for. And you scorn it like I a plague or something." At this, the girl began to cry. Tim couldn't believe it. His dreams were getting weirder each time he went to sleep. Tim decided that he needed to get her to stop crying or this dream would evolve into a nightmare. "There, there now," he said. "I'm sorry." He reached his arm around her and kissed her forehead. "It's just to incredible to believe. I guess it won't be so bad. You don't have to leave. Why don't you just lay back and get some sleep. We can talk about this later." "OK," she said through the sniffles. "I need to finish changing your body anyway. And that's going to take time and energy. By the way, two thing to remember. One: If we get separated, we will both die. And two: orgasms are a better source of energy for me that any food you could eat. But you need to keep you strength up so that you can achieve the orgasms." "Sleep tight," Tim said to her as she closed her eyes. This was definitely one of his weirder dreams, he thought. Tim awoke later than normal, around noon. He could hear his sister in the other room playing on his computer. "She's probably playing one of my games while waiting for me to wake up," he thought. Tim pulled on his robe and headed out to the bathroom. When he got in there, he closed the door and locked it remembering the games they played when they were growing up. If you didn't lock the bathroom door, there was no telling what would be waiting for you when you got out. Dropping the robe to the floor, Tim lifted the lid of the toilet and began to pee. He noticed that his penis seem smaller than he remembered it and he usually had a raging hard on when he woke. Tim just chalked this up to the weird dream he had and assumed that his normal sexual urges were suppressed after thinking about having a parasite living on him. Into the shower he went. When washing his hair, Tim noticed that it seemed to be getting a little long. He decided to call the barber shop and set an appointment to get it cut. As he lathered himself up, he rubbed the bar of soap across his chest and was treated to a sharp pain. "Damn, that hurt," he said. And then he gently poked himself in his chest and the pain greeted him again. His nipples became hard as the pain subsided and his chest got red and appeared to swell a little. "This is weird," he thought. "I ask Pam what she does when her breast are sore. Maybe it'll help me." Tim climbed out of the shower and dried himself off, being careful around his tender chest. When he was dry, he put the robe back on and went to the guest room where his sister was. As he entered the room, she looked up in surprise and quickly closed an opened window. "What are you trying to hide, sis?" Tim asked her. "Well.." she started. "I was bored this morning and didn't want to wake you, so I decided to write mom and dad a letter. I started your word processor and it ask me if I wanted to restore the interrupted editing process. Curiosity got the best of me and I said yes. The program pulled up a story so I started to read it. Where did you find it?" Tim flushed at the question. He was stunned that she found it, but remembered that he had forgot to stop the program before tuning off the computer. The computer had thought it was a power outage and had prompted her to see if she wanted to continue editing the story. "I was bored yesterday so I checked out some of the new newsgroups on the net," Tim said to Pam. "That story was from alt.sex.stories.tg. I'm still not sure what tg stands for." "Transgendered. You know, people who find sexual excitement from dressing or pretending to be someone of the opposite sex." "You mean fags!!" "No you idiot. Just because someone likes to wear woman's clothes doesn't mean they are gay. And the politically correct word is homosexual, not fag." "That explains the other stories. To be honest with you, the other stories didn't give me any excitement, but this one did." "Maybe you have some tg tendencies." Tim was shocked at this. He had never thought of anything like this before in his life. He couldn't have tg tendencies. Not him, not one of the better athletes of his school. "No way, sis. Not me." "Sure. I won't tease you, but there's a little bit of opposite sex wishing that everyone does. I wanted to be a boy while I was at college. They didn't have the pressures to do as well as us girls. And to top it off, they could have all the sex they wanted and they would be studs while the girls would be sluts. Definitely no fair." "Well, I may have thought girls have it better sometimes, and that story may have gotten me a little excited, but I don't think I want to be a girl." "OK. I can except that. So, what brings you into my room in you robe?" "I was showering and when I cleaned my chest, it hurt. My chest seems a little swollen and sore." "Let me look at it. I get that way during my period." Tim, opened the top of his robe and exposed his chest. Pam's eyes widened a little, but Tim didn't notice. Pam stood and reached out to Tim chest. There were two A-cup breasts sticking out. The aeroela seemed too large for a man's chest and his nipples were shaped like a small cylinder, not a cone that a man's nipple forms. Pam slowly and lightly ran her fingers around Tim's breast and Tim closed his eyes and sucked in his breath. She could tell that he was getting aroused by this and was amazed. She continued and then gently worked her hand to the nipple, which she pinched softly. Tim let out a moan of pleasure and his knees went weak, causing him to fall to the floor. Shocked, Pam couldn't do anything but watch. Lying on the floor, Tim began to rub his nipples with one hand and reached up under his robe to stroke his dick. Pam thought his dick seemed small compared to ones she has seen, but still watched in amazement as he continued what she had started. After five minutes, Tim's body shook in the spasms of orgasm. After he stopped thrashing, Pam could see his breast growing. They stopped when they reached a C-cup. Tim lay there with his eyes closed completely unaware of what was happening to his body. His robe had fallen open and revealed the beginnings of a very shapely female body. The one thing that distracted from Tim's new form was his dick. Although it, along with his balls, had severely shrunk, they were still evident. Pam knew he would be in shock when he awoke, so she dragged him to her bed and maneuvered him into it. She also disrobed him, then pulled the covers over his body. This way, he wouldn't notice the change immediately. Pam wondered why this was happening. In Tim's mind, the battle had begun. Chapter 4 Tim stood on a hill which overlooked a lake. Beside him appeared the woman from all his previous dreams. "I didn't want it to be this way," she said. "What way?" Tim asked. "You didn't believe me, so I had to force this on you." "Force what." A full length mirror appeared out of mid-air. Staring back at Tim was a beautiful woman. He recognized himself in the woman, but Pam's features were more prominent. As he reached towards the mirror, the reflection did the same. Tim looked down at his body and saw the woman from the mirror. "What have you done?" he screamed. "This is what you will look like when I am finished. You will be beautiful and in full control of the body. I only require that you have an orgasm once a month. If you resist, I can and will force you to have one. I told you the truth and you didn't believe me. Therefore I had to prove to you that I am real. And you can't stop me. If you work with me, I can give you any form you like. If not, you will get the type of life that I decide you need. I can take control of your body when I want and I will not hesitate to do this if you try to stop me." Tim turned to the woman and rabbit-punched her in the face. The woman fell back, but quickly jumped back up and tackled Tim. They rolled down the hill towards the lake, each of them trying to get the upper hand on the other. Right before they rolled into the water, the woman wedged her legs against Tim's stomach and launched him into the water. She stood on the shore and watched Tim swim to shore. Although the water was only waist deep, the edge of the lake was a foot higher than the water was, so Tim had to brace himself to pull his body up and out of the water. As Tim climbed out, the woman kicked him in the side and launched him back into the lake. Tim's arms felt weaker each time he landed in the water. He headed towards the shore again. This time, he stood where the water was at his waist and went no closer. "Let me out," he said. "I'm feeling tired." "Of course you are," she replied. "That lake is like a mental barrier. Each time you land in it, it takes some of your resistance to me away. Fall in the lake too many times and you mind will be mine to shape as I see fit. Of course, if you can get me into the lake, the same thing will happen to me." She paused to let this thought sink in. "Now, if you quit fighting me, I'll let you out. Otherwise, another dunking is in order." Tim waded to the edge of the lake and prepared to pull himself up again. As he did this, the woman backed off enough for him to see that she wasn't going to push him in again. "I want you to work with me," she said. "It takes too much energy to keep this up. I could change you body quicker if you didn't fight it. Since you are, It's going to take another day to get your vagina correct." "Will I be a woman forever?" "Depends on whether or not you fight me. I probed your mind and found out that most people believe a woman's orgasm to be more powerful than a man's. Since joining with you, I siphoned the energies of many male orgasms. Once you become a female, I can see if that belief is true." "OK. I won't fight you. I don't like the idea, but I like the idea of being a zombie even less. The only thing is that I'm not 100% convinced that this is not a dream." "When you awake, you will know it isn't. Also, as you can tell by the image from the mirror, I was able to get a sample of you sister's DNA to build you body on. You will be the same size as her. If you wish, I can make you her twin." "No thanks. I don't think she would appreciate that. This form is fine." "Good. Now, wake up and get your proof. Once I get your body shaped like your dream image, I will be able to communicate to you while you are awake. I almost managed that earlier." "That was you. I thought I had imagined it." "Yes. It was me. You were in a relaxed enough state for me to break through to your conscious mind. But once you got startled, I lost contact and had to come to you in your dreams. Now go and refuel you body so that I can continue my work." "Sure." ******** Tim awoke finding himself tucked in to his sister's bed. She was sitting at his side with a worried look on her face. "What's wrong sis?" he asked. "How do you feel?" "Fine. But I've been having the craziest dreams. In them, this space creature keeps appearing as a beautiful woman and changes me into a girl. She says that she has attached herself to me like some parasite and needs energy from me to live. She actually said that the energy of an orgasm feed her better than any energy she can get from my blood stream. And, since women's orgasms are more powerful than men's, she going to turn me into a girl. Just like that crazy story I read. Isn't that weird." Pam, being the pragmatic woman she was, just pulled the covers down to Tim's waist. Jutting out from his chest were two perfectly formed breast. Tim saw them and almost passed out. "I need some food," he said. "I'm not surprised. You've been out for over seven hours. Sit tight and I'll get you something." Pam went to the kitchen and returned with a sandwich. She handed the sandwich to Tim without saying anything. After he finished the sandwich, Tim spoke. "It wasn't a dream. It was real." As if in response, Tim's breast moved by their own accord. Pam backed away from the bed slowly. "What's happening to you?" she asked. While they looked, Tim's balls pulled up into his groin, followed by his scrotum. His penis shrank back to nothing and a vagina began to form. Tim couldn't see what was happening, but he could feel it. There was no pain, just a slight pulling sensation. It was a little like the beginnings of an erection, but the tug was in the opposite direction. The tugging continued around his groin and then shifted to his ass, hips, stomach and then the rest of his body. Pam saw the entire change and was fascinated and disgusted at the same time. She knew that things would be different for Tim now and that he would be needing her support. When the change was finished, Tim looked at Pam and said, "The woman said I would be your size." He stopped talking when he noticed the soprano sound his voice was making. No one could mistake that voice as being anything other than a woman's. "I'll get you something to wear," Pam said. She turned and opened her closet and pulled out an off-white minidress. She also pulled out a bra and a brand new pair of taupe pantyhose. "You can wear these until we get you some underwear of your own. I don't want to share my panties with you. That just seems too strange." She tossed him the bra and pantyhose and then grabbed a pair of taupe flats that would go with the outfit. Holding the dress and shoes, Pam turned to see Tim staring at the bra and pantyhose where they lay next to him on the bed. She walked over to the bed and placed the dress on the end and the shoes on the floor. Looking at Tim, she said, "You're going to have to make some adjustments to your new life. I'm not sure I can believe this, but my eyesight isn't that bad. The bra is going to be necessary to keep you from getting propositioned by every man you see. Those tits are big enough to draw attention. The pantyhose will be a different experience. If you're anything like me, you'll enjoy the feelings as they massage your legs." Pam noticed that Tim was still just staring at the clothes. He had made no move to put them on. Pam moved to the side of the bed and sat next to him after picking up the bra and pantyhose. "Snap out of it," she said while gently shoving him. "You'll make it. I know you will. Just go with the flow." Tim turned to face her and she noticed the tears on his face for the first time. She leaned into him and hugged him. This caused the flood gates to open and before they knew it, both of them were crying. Tim finally returned the hug with surprising strength for his now smaller and weaker body. "You'll help me?" he asked. "Of course I will. Let me show you how to pull on those hose without running them." After opening the new package, Pam rolled one leg of the pantyhose up and then placed it on Tim's leg, pulling it up half way. She then did the same for his other leg. She had him stand so that she could finish pulling them up. "Why didn't you give me any panties?" Tim asked. "For one thing, you shouldn't share your underwear with anyone. You never shared you jock straps did you?" "No." "It's the same for women. Since the pantyhose are new, you don't need to worry about any sanitary problems with them. The second reason is that when a woman wears a nice dress, she doesn't want her pantyline to show. Therefore, she should wear pantyhose without the panties. Hell, I hardly ever wear panties. I think I own five pairs and three of them are thongs. I figured your first night out, we should do something special, so I decided you should wear that minidress." "Seems like everyone is making decisions for me lately." "Get used to that. Men get off on making the decisions. If a woman tries to tell a man what to do, the man gets upset. Sometimes he will spread a rumor that you're gay or a butch bitch. If that's the image you want, don't give in to the men. Otherwise, get used to it. We've got ways of getting what we want." With that, Pam patted Tim's new crotch. After showing Tim how to put the bra on, Pam said "Now let's get that dress on and do your hair, nails, and face." Tim walked to the end of the bed and pulled the dress over his head like a sweater. The cotton mini fit him like a glove and showed all of his assets. Stepping into the shoes, Tim looked dressed to kill. Pam pulled him into the bathroom and turn him so that his back faced the mirror. Working for fifteen minutes, Pam put the finishing touches on Tim. When she was done, she turned him around to face the mirror and the went to change her clothes. Tim was amazed at the woman looking at him in the mirror. She was sexier that the mirror image of his dream. Tim worked his hands all over his body, exploring every curve he could find. The dress left nothing to the imagination. His breasts were a 36C and his waist a puny 24 inches then flaring out to 32 inches at his hips. He knew his height was 5' 1" since this was his sister's height, and he stepped on the scale to see a whopping 103 as his weight. As he stepped off the scale, Pam reappeared in the bathroom. "My turn sis," she said to Tim. "Go wait in the living room and I'll be out in a few minutes. We can decide where to go when I'm done in here." She lightly pushed him out into the hallway. Tim turned and headed to the living room. Plopping down on the couch, Tim closed his eye to get a grip on the changes. His sister was moving to fast for him. Before he had a chance to protest, she had him dressed and made up like a girl. And he had actually enjoyed the attention. "See," a voice came to him from inside his head. "I told you that this was better. And real." "I have to accept that it is real, but I don't have to enjoy it." "You will Tim. And if you don't, I'll tweak your brain a little to accept it and then you will enjoy it." Tim just sat there fuming. Then he felt a little push in his mind. Like a fog lifting, Tim realized that being a girl wasn't the worst thing that could happen. Pam showed up in the room and sat next to Tim. "We need to teach you a few thing before we go out. First of all, you need to cross your legs when you sit down. Heck, I can see your bush from across the room. Although most men would enjoy the view, it will most likely get you raped. Secondly, you will need a new name. How about April?" "Sure," Tim said. He wasn't happy that this was happening and realized that the parasite had pushed his thought just a few minutes earlier. "I like that name," the being said to Tim. "You can call me that when we're talking to each other. I'll still call you Tim." "Sure, but changing my thoughts wasn't fair. Why don't you just give me time to adjust. I can't just become the perfect woman overnight." "Yes you can. Sit back and watch." Tim felt his mind get pulled back and realized that he had no control of the body he was in. It was as if he was in a fog. All the sounds were distant and he had a muted sense of feel. He tried to stand up from the couch, but his body didn't obey him. Horrified, he watched as the being suggested that they go to one of the hottest night spots in town. Tim knew he and his sister would be hit on by every man in that bar and he heard the being mentally laughed then say, "That's what I want. Maybe I'll get lucky and get fucked my first night out." Tim's mental scream wasn't heard by Pam as they stood to leave. But she wondered about his sudden change of attitude. "Well," she thought, "at least he's willing to get out of the house." Chapter 5 As usual, the dance floor at The Rinz Cycle was packed. Watching her new sister dance amazed Pam. Just two hours earlier, Tim seemed depressed over the change his body had gone under. Now, he was the life of the dance club. Tim had danced with every male in the place, and even with a few of the women. Pam had a few offers, but she spent most of her time just watching her sister go to town. Pam wanted to make sure that no one got to close to Tim. There were just to many things that he didn't know yet. "It still seems strange to call him April, but Tim just doesn't sound right for that body," she thought. "I just hope that we can reverse the change. That parasite could be dangerous, and Tim did say that they would both die if it was removed. I need to find a way to get it off of Tim without it killing him." Pam's thoughts were interrupted by April's sudden appearance next to her. "I'm leaving now," April said. "What?" "I said, I'm leaving. Henry is going to take me home." Pam noticed the tall and very handsome man next to April. "You can't just leave with him," Pam started. "You don't know anything about him. What if her rapes you?" "What if I rape him?" she responded with a little laugh. Henry joined in as they turned to leave, his arm encircling April's waist. By the time Pam had gathered her things, they were half way to the door. Henry was assisting April into his Porsche when Pam caught up with them. Grabbing April's arm, Pam pulled her out of the car. "What would mom think?" Pam began. "After all, you're not even 17 and you have to be at school tomorrow morning." Henry looked at April. "I'm not going to get busted again. No pussy's worth spending a night in jail." Henry closed his passenger side door and got in on the driver's side. Punching the accelerator, Henry drove off leaving the two women in a shower of dirt and small rocks. "Great," April said. "Now how am I going to get laid?" "I can't believe you said that!" Pam shouted at April. "You seem to have forgotten all of your morals. What if he had AIDS? Did you pack a condom? And what about other protection. If you're going to have sex, you should at least be on the pill." "I'm sorry, sis," April said. "It's just these hormones got the best of me. Dancing so close to all those men, the smell of their sweat, the feel of their bodies against mine, I just let the animal side of me take over. It seemed easier that way." "We'll talk about it when we get home. Let's go." Through the haze and fog, Tim reminded himself to thank his sister for saving him. Even if he didn't have control over his new body, he was thankful that his loss of his virginity was put off for now. The two girls walked over to the car and climbed in. Pam started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot and headed for home. The trip was a quiet one. When they got home, they got out of the car and went in the house and into Tim's bedroom. April sat at the end of the bed and started to cry. Pam sat down on the bed to the right of April and placed her arm around April's shoulder. "Don't cry April," she said. "It's understandable what happened tonight. I remember my first night in a bar. I got so drunk and I ended up with this loser that I still don't know how I met. All I remember was waking up with a sore pussy and some bloodied sheets. The jerk was gone before I woke and never called me back. I didn't want you to have that type of experience." April's tears had stopped and she wrapped her arms around Pam in a loving embrace. Her face was on Pam's shoulder so she pulled back a little to look into Pam's eyes. As their eye's locked, April moved closer and gently kissed Pam's mouth. Pam was a little shocked that April would do this, but found herself returning the kiss with a heightened sense of passion. "No you don't," Tim said to April in his mind. Tim had noticed that April's kiss released some saliva onto Pam's lips. Pam's tongue had moistened her lips automatically after the kiss and April's laced saliva went to work. "You can't stop me," April responded. "She's got the aphrodisiac in her system now and if she doesn't find release in an hour, her mind will go crazy with lust. I've got her and you now. Just sit back and enjoy the show." Tim's screamed and tried to distract April, but it was useless. Meanwhile, Pam felt her body heat up with the second kiss. April moved her left hand down to the hem of Pam's short dress and began to message her thighs. Each stroke made Pam hotter than before. Pam had never felt this much sexual excitement before in her life and wanted more. She felt the orgasm building and by the time April's hand had worked it's way to her crotch, Pam's whole world exploded in the best orgasm she had ever experienced. As Pam began to come down from the orgasm, April used her right hand to message her breast. Pam never made it completely down from the orgasm before April had her moving to the next one. April expertly removed Pam's dress without slowing the flow of sex and moved into a sixty-nine position with the ease of a professional. Had Pam's mind been able to form any thoughts other than "More sex", she would have wondered how April knew what to do. But April did and Pam didn't care why April knew, just that she knew. April began to kiss Pam's thigh while reaching up to her own dress hem and raising it enough to show Pam her pantyhose encased pussy. April's nails efficiently tore an access hole through the cotton crotch of the pantyhose to give Pam free reign of her pussy. Sticking her pussy into Pam's face, April gave Pam's pantyhose the same treatment. Pam seemed hesitant at first, but once her brain registered the taste of April's juices, Pam began to feverishly lick at April's pussy. Her tongue worked April's clit, sending shudders of pleasure up April's body. April concentrated on keeping Pam excited, but not enough to give her another orgasm. Too many orgasms and the saliva would wear off. April needed to keep Pam aroused for thirty more minutes to have her addicted. But more importantly, April need Pam to bring her to an orgasm, an orgasm that had begun just seconds earlier. Pam could sense that April was starting to build her orgasm and wanted her to experience one as powerful as the orgasm she had finished moments ago. Reaching around April's shapely ass, Pam began to slide her fingers into April's hole. This was enough to push April over the top. April's body recovered quickly as she absorbed the power behind the orgasm and the moved her body so that she was facing Pam's breasts. Reaching behind Pam, April unfastened and then removed Pam's bra. Pam was still in a highly excited state, but April knew that she needed to continue for a little while longer. April started licking one of Pam's tits while her hands messaged the other one. She alternated the tit she was licking when a plan formed in her mind. "You can't be serious," Tim thought to April. "Why not. I've got the energy after that wonderful orgasm and Pam will thank me for it." "But you'll destroy her mind." "No I won't. Her mind will survive. It will just be a little more subservient to us." "But I don't want to control my sister." "But I do. Don't worry. I'll make sure she's OK. She'll never know what happened. I can keep her in a dream state forever." Tim knew it was hopeless. He hadn't been able to stop April from taking his body and he knew he couldn't stop her from taking his sister's. Forcing himself to believe that April had won, Tim worked on trying to shield some of his plans from her. Pam knew that it was April she was making love to and she could feel on hand on a breast and the other hand caressing her thigh. What her mind couldn't figure out was why she felt a pressure against her vagina. April slowly formed an small lump on the surface of her body where her leg was pressing up against Pam's pussy. The lump extended up and grew thicker, shaping itself perfectly against the insides of Pam. Once April was sure that it was deep enough to not fall out, she shifted half of her essence into the lump and then disconnected it from her. In a few hours, Pam's body would be covered giving April another source of energy. But, they both would need food, so April increased the pace she was working at and brought Pam to a second and final orgasm. Rolling off of Pam, April relaxed and let Tim take control again. Keeping him bottled up took energy, energy she didn't want to waste. Tim felt his world return from the fog state in which he had spent the last five hours. His body felt exhausted and he was very hungry. He got off the bed and headed to the kitchen to get some food. He couldn't sense April anywhere in his mind, so he assumed she was recuperating. After eating half of a sandwich, and feeling full doing that, Tim realized that this would be the only time he could plan. And plan he did. Tim thought about what had happened when April took control of the body. He realized that she would probably do it again and decided to try to resist harder this time and to figure out what April did to do this. It would be a hard battle, but Tim felt he would win. After all, his life as a male depended on it. But right now, he was in a female's body. Tim realized that he need to make some adjustments. He needed time to get to know the "April" side of himself. Know your enemy was a famous saying. Tim looked down at his new body. For the first time, he studied it carefully. From his viewpoint, the C-cup breast interfered with seeing the rest of his front, but he could turn his head and see his ass sticking out and looking firm under the pantyhose that he still wore. Tim left the kitchen and headed to the bathroom connected to the hall. Once inside, Tim shut the door and began to admire himself in the full length mirror on the door's back side. His petite body had curves in all the right places and the proportions appeared to be perfect. Tim ran his hand down his sides from under his armpits to the top of his hips. The feeling of the pantyhose hose under his hands was different than anything he had ever felt. Tim continued to run his hands over his legs, enjoying the feeling of nylon on his legs. "I could get used to this feeling," he thought. He brought his hands back up the insides of his leg until he came to his crotch. The lips of his vagina were sticky from the drying juices leftover from the sex he had with his sister. Tim peeled off the pantyhose after removing his shoes and then started a shower. "This is one hot body," he said aloud and then stepped into the shower. The warm water caressed his body and he began a more intense exploration while he cleaned himself. By the time he stepped out of the shower, Tim knew his new body almost as well as his old one. His senses seemed more acute than when he was a male, but he figured the alien had something to so with this. After drying off, Tim wrapped the towel around himself and headed for Pam's bedroom since she was asleep in his. And, he didn't want to face what was happening to his sister just yet. In Pam's room, Tim went over to her dresser and opened it up. Figuring that he could at least borrow something to sleep in, Tim searched for some type of pajamas. The closest thing that he could find was a thong teddy. "It's better than nothing," he thought and stepped into it. Pulling it up, Tim was amazed at how well it fit. The cups were a little small for his breast, and the thong felt strange as it slid between his ass cheeks, but all-in-all it was comfortable. Tim slid under the covers and let the body's exhaustion take over. Chapter 5 As usual, the dance floor at The Rinz Cycle was packed. Watching her new sister dance amazed Pam. Just two hours earlier, Tim seemed depressed over the change his body had gone under. Now, he was the life of the dance club. Tim had danced with every male in the place, and even with a few of the women. Pam had a few offers, but she spent most of her time just watching her sister go to town. Pam wanted to make sure that no one got to close to Tim. There were just to many things that he didn't know yet. "It still seems strange to call him April, but Tim just doesn't sound right for that body," she thought. "I just hope that we can reverse the change. That parasite could be dangerous, and Tim did say that they would both die if it was removed. I need to find a way to get it off of Tim without it killing him." Pam's thoughts were interrupted by April's sudden appearance next to her. "I'm leaving now," April said. "What?" "I said, I'm leaving. Henry is going to take me home." Pam noticed the tall and very handsome man next to April. "You can't just leave with him," Pam started. "You don't know anything about him. What if her rapes you?" "What if I rape him?" she responded with a little laugh. Henry joined in as they turned to leave, his arm encircling April's waist. By the time Pam had gathered her things, they were half way to the door. Henry was assisting April into his Porsche when Pam caught up with them. Grabbing April's arm, Pam pulled her out of the car. "What would mom think?" Pam began. "After all, you're not even 17 and you have to be at school tomorrow morning." Henry looked at April. "I'm not going to get busted again. No pussy's worth spending a night in jail." Henry closed his passenger side door and got in on the driver's side. Punching the accelerator, Henry drove off leaving the two women in a shower of dirt and small rocks. "Great," April said. "Now how am I going to get laid?" "I can't believe you said that!" Pam shouted at April. "You seem to have forgotten all of your morals. What if he had AIDS? Did you pack a condom? And what about other protection. If you're going to have sex, you should at least be on the pill." "I'm sorry, sis," April said. "It's just these hormones got the best of me. Dancing so close to all those men, the smell of their sweat, the feel of their bodies against mine, I just let the animal side of me take over. It seemed easier that way." "We'll talk about it when we get home. Let's go." Through the haze and fog, Tim reminded himself to thank his sister for saving him. Even if he didn't have control over his new body, he was thankful that his loss of his virginity was put off for now. The two girls walked over to the car and climbed in. Pam started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot and headed for home. The trip was a quiet one. When they got home, they got out of the car and went in the house and into Tim's bedroom. April sat at the end of the bed and started to cry. Pam sat down on the bed to the right of April and placed her arm around April's shoulder. "Don't cry April," she said. "It's understandable what happened tonight. I remember my first night in a bar. I got so drunk and I ended up with this loser that I still don't know how I met. All I remember was waking up with a sore pussy and some bloodied sheets. The jerk was gone before I woke and never called me back. I didn't want you to have that type of experience." April's tears had stopped and she wrapped her arms around Pam in a loving embrace. Her face was on Pam's shoulder so she pulled back a little to look into Pam's eyes. As their eye's locked, April moved closer and gently kissed Pam's mouth. Pam was a little shocked that April would do this, but found herself returning the kiss with a heightened sense of passion. "No you don't," Tim said to April in his mind. Tim had noticed that April's kiss released some saliva onto Pam's lips. Pam's tongue had moistened her lips automatically after the kiss and April's laced saliva went to work. "You can't stop me," April responded. "She's got the aphrodisiac in her system now and if she doesn't find release in an hour, her mind will go crazy with lust. I've got her and you now. Just sit back and enjoy the show." Tim's screamed and tried to distract April, but it was useless. Meanwhile, Pam felt her body heat up with the second kiss. April moved her left hand down to the hem of Pam's short dress and began to message her thighs. Each stroke made Pam hotter than before. Pam had never felt this much sexual excitement before in her life and wanted more. She felt the orgasm building and by the time April's hand had worked it's way to her crotch, Pam's whole world exploded in the best orgasm she had ever experienced. As Pam began to come down from the orgasm, April used her right hand to message her breast. Pam never made it completely down from the orgasm before April had her moving to the next one. April expertly removed Pam's dress without slowing the flow of sex and moved into a sixty-nine position with the ease of a professional. Had Pam's mind been able to form any thoughts other than "More sex", she would have wondered how April knew what to do. But April did and Pam didn't care why April knew, just that she knew. April began to kiss Pam's thigh while reaching up to her own dress hem and raising it enough to show Pam her pantyhose encased pussy. April's nails efficiently tore an access hole through the cotton crotch of the pantyhose to give Pam free reign of her pussy. Sticking her pussy into Pam's face, April gave Pam's pantyhose the same treatment. Pam seemed hesitant at first, but once her brain registered the taste of April's juices, Pam began to feverishly lick at April's pussy. Her tongue worked April's clit, sending shudders of pleasure up April's body. April concentrated on keeping Pam excited, but not enough to give her another orgasm. Too many orgasms and the saliva would wear off. April needed to keep Pam aroused for thirty more minutes to have her addicted. But more importantly, April need Pam to bring her to an orgasm, an orgasm that had begun just seconds earlier. Pam could sense that April was starting to build her orgasm and wanted her to experience one as powerful as the orgasm she had finished moments ago. Reaching around April's shapely ass, Pam began to slide her fingers into April's hole. This was enough to push April over the top. April's body recovered quickly as she absorbed the power behind the orgasm and the moved her body so that she was facing Pam's breasts. Reaching behind Pam, April unfastened and then removed Pam's bra. Pam was still in a highly excited state, but April knew that she needed to continue for a little while longer. April started licking one of Pam's tits while her hands messaged the other one. She alternated the tit she was licking when a plan formed in her mind. "You can't be serious," Tim thought to April. "Why not. I've got the energy after that wonderful orgasm and Pam will thank me for it." "But you'll destroy her mind." "No I won't. Her mind will survive. It will just be a little more subservient to us." "But I don't want to control my sister." "But I do. Don't worry. I'll make sure she's OK. She'll never know what happened. I can keep her in a dream state forever." Tim knew it was hopeless. He hadn't been able to stop April from taking his body and he knew he couldn't stop her from taking his sister's. Forcing himself to believe that April had won, Tim worked on trying to shield some of his plans from her. Pam knew that it was April she was making love to and she could feel on hand on a breast and the other hand caressing her thigh. What her mind couldn't figure out was why she felt a pressure against her vagina. April slowly formed an small lump on the surface of her body where her leg was pressing up against Pam's pussy. The lump extended up and grew thicker, shaping itself perfectly against the insides of Pam. Once April was sure that it was deep enough to not fall out, she shifted half of her essence into the lump and then disconnected it from her. In a few hours, Pam's body would be covered giving April another source of energy. But, they both would need food, so April increased the pace she was working at and brought Pam to a second and final orgasm. Rolling off of Pam, April relaxed and let Tim take control again. Keeping him bottled up took energy, energy she didn't want to waste. Tim felt his world return from the fog state in which he had spent the last five hours. His body felt exhausted and he was very hungry. He got off the bed and headed to the kitchen to get some food. He couldn't sense April anywhere in his mind, so he assumed she was recuperating. After eating half of a sandwich, and feeling full doing that, Tim realized that this would be the only time he could plan. And plan he did. Tim thought about what had happened when April took control of the body. He realized that she would probably do it again and decided to try to resist harder this time and to figure out what April did to do this. It would be a hard battle, but Tim felt he would win. After all, his life as a male depended on it. But right now, he was in a female's body. Tim realized that he need to make some adjustments. He needed time to get to know the "April" side of himself. Know your enemy was a famous saying. Tim looked down at his new body. For the first time, he studied it carefully. From his viewpoint, the C-cup breast interfered with seeing the rest of his front, but he could turn his head and see his ass sticking out and looking firm under the pantyhose that he still wore. Tim left the kitchen and headed to the bathroom connected to the hall. Once inside, Tim shut the door and began to admire himself in the full length mirror on the door's back side. His petite body had curves in all the right places and the proportions appeared to be perfect. Tim ran his hand down his sides from under his armpits to the top of his hips. The feeling of the pantyhose hose under his hands was different than anything he had ever felt. Tim continued to run his hands over his legs, enjoying the feeling of nylon on his legs. "I could get used to this feeling," he thought. He brought his hands back up the insides of his leg until he came to his crotch. The lips of his vagina were sticky from the drying juices leftover from the sex he had with his sister. Tim peeled off the pantyhose after removing his shoes and then started a shower. "This is one hot body," he said aloud and then stepped into the shower. The warm water caressed his body and he began a more intense exploration while he cleaned himself. By the time he stepped out of the shower, Tim knew his new body almost as well as his old one. His senses seemed more acute than when he was a male, but he figured the alien had something to so with this. After drying off, Tim wrapped the towel around himself and headed for Pam's bedroom since she was asleep in his. And, he didn't want to face what was happening to his sister just yet. In Pam's room, Tim went over to her dresser and opened it up. Figuring that he could at least borrow something to sleep in, Tim searched for some type of pajamas. The closest thing that he could find was a thong teddy. "It's better than nothing," he thought and stepped into it. Pulling it up, Tim was amazed at how well it fit. The cups were a little small for his breast, and the thong felt strange as it slid between his ass cheeks, but all-in-all it was comfortable. Tim slid under the covers and let the body's exhaustion take over. Chapter 6 Once again, Tim found himself in the field overlooking a lake. Tim walked over to the lake and waited, looking out over the beautiful waters. He knew that she would appear eventually. And she did, standing between him and the lake. No waiting for her to speak, Tim dropped his shoulder and rammed it into her stomach. She folded over and then fell into the lake. Once she got her feet under her, she stood and began to climb up onto the shore. Tim wasted no time in kicking her in the head as she attempted to lift herself out. The kick wasn't hard enough to force her back into the water, so Tim kicked her in the side and she slid back into the water. Each time she fell in, Tim felt a little stronger. April caught onto his tactics and stood up, two feet from the edge of the lake. "Good ploy," she started. "Now we're even. Can I get out?" "If you promise not try and dunk me into the lake." April thought about this for a minute. "OK. I won't" Tim smiled and reached a hand out to help April out of the lake. She took his and let him pull her up as she jumped up. April landed on the edge and took one step away from the lake. "I see that you aren't ready to give up," she said. "That's good. I just wanted to let you know what I was capable of doing. I can take full control of the body when I feel the need to." "That's not right. Since we're stuck together, we should work together. You know I wasn't ready for what happened, yet you still decided to go through with it." "I needed the energy. It's like a drug for me. In the past, I've bonded with so many different species. None of them have ever been able to produce the energy your species does while having an orgasm. I thought that I would be able to get enough just be absorbing it from your bloodstream, but after your first orgasm, I was addicted. Maybe one day I'll let you know what the feeling is like." "No thank you. I don't like the idea of being addicted to sex. Let's come up with some sort of compromise. I can't live my life as a woman. All my records say I am a male and without proper records, you can't get a job, a place to stay, or money. I need to spend some of my time as Tim to make a living." "But Tim doesn't exist anymore. Even in your dreams you are thinking of yourself as a woman. Take a look at your reflecti

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Brendan FallsChapter 21

Tom Henry and Miss Ingersoll's nigger were in the evening's second match, being the amateur cockfighters they were. That was a good thing too, because I looked forward to seeing my Master's slave grapple, now that I knew what to expect. The first match had gotten me terribly excited. I wasn't sure I'd survive watching a whole lot more before it was Tom Henry's turn. But there he was, being led out by one of those pretty negras in panties, all oiled up and handsome. Tom Henry was a good...

2 years ago
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Chris ChrissyChapter 4

"Are we going to watch that scary movie again, or did you just say all that to get me alone?" Christine said, biting her lip. "A little of both, my dear—asking them made it sound like a 'family event, ' but I remembered just how much mom got scared. For a week afterwards, she kept thinking she saw those extra large spiders everywhere. We have about 10 minutes before the movie starts, let's change for bed first, OK?" "All right, you're so sexy when you're being devious, little...

2 years ago
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Indian sister fed me her excess milk

Hi, this is Rajesh again with my new story working in MNC and now settled in Bangalore. I have a great sex life and enjoying my sex life to the fullest with my 8 inch cock and satisfying may Ladies and Aunties , any unsatisfied girls, ladies, aunties can mail me at [email protected] am overwhelmed by your comments and have encouraged me to come out with my other dark secrets. Thank you all for the good comments for my other stories that you people gave me. That is an inspiration for...

3 years ago
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Darkroom Saturday

Steve’s alarm went off at 7:00 on Saturday. It was unusual for him to get up earlier than 9:00 on the weekend, but he had signed up to teach English to immigrants at the library once a month and today was his first day. He rolled out of bed, checked his email. Nothing yet. A shower and breakfast and he was on the road. Thirty minutes later and he was helping a group of three elderly Indian ladies learn the days of the week in English. ‘Sunday,’ they repeated after him, ‘Monday, Tuesday,...

3 years ago
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The Panty Accord of 2010Chapter 8 The Pop Quiz

It was the following Friday. The parents had left for their date night and had left the two kids home alone again. Tommy was sitting quietly on the couch with the TV on, eager to see what his next lesson was going to be. He thought to himself, while staring numbly at some football pre-game highlights, Whatever was coming next had to be better than the feet. He had to admit, though, that the feet didn’t turn out to be so bad after all. Reminiscing on the reward he received for doing such a...

1 year ago
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Therapist Ch 05

It is early Sunday morning. The ringing phone wakes Detective Stone Phelps from a beautiful dream. A dream in which he was eating the most delicious peach cobbler topped with pure vanilla ice cream he has ever eaten. He rubs his eyes and looks at his bedside clock. It is a few minutes after six. He groans. Before he answers it he halfheartedly hopes that it is a wrong number so that he can have whoever it is arrested for disturbing his peace at this ungodly hour. ‘Hello,’ he mumbles into the...

2 years ago
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A fine summer vacation one morning

Bonnie was dressed for work and standing at the sink washing her coffee cup as Danny came padding into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes from sleep. It did not surprise her that he was stark naked and his dick was sticking out straight and stiff as it so often did when he awoke. As she placed her cup in the drainer she felt his hands at her waist from behind as he grabbed her pants and pulled them along with her panties down to her knees and slapped her thick exposed bottom twice."Honey, I can't. I...

4 years ago
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Me my aunty maid 2

So very next i hold her both boobs & started massaging them with lots of energy she was afraid as i was very big for him i forget to tell you i am 6 feet 3 inch tall guy so imagine how i look with average build 90 kg of weight she said sir slowly all is yours don’t press so hard it is hurting i said sorry again & put my head down on her chest she was smelling bad i ask her why don’t you take a bath then we can play with each other she said ok after removing her clothes she went in the bathroom...

3 years ago
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The Futa Fairy Taboo Futa Wish Chapter 3 Deidres Naughty Spanking

Chapter Three: Deidre's Naughty Spanking By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 My dick softened as my mom stared at me in absolute fury, spunk dripping from her face. It was my girl-spunk, fired from my new futa-cock. I trembled on the couch, my little sister half-lying on the ground and half-hanging by the wrist from our mom's grip. Only moments ago, I had been fucking Keily's asshole beneath our mom's very noses as we watched a movie, hidden by a blanket. It was Friday night. Movie...

2 years ago
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A Great Start To A New Year Part 2

Once inside the shower stall, the two girls couldn't keep their hands off of each other. As they lathered each other up they marvelled at the way that their hands slid across their naked bodies. They somehow managed to keep their hands to themselves and finished showering. Then clad in bath towels they beat a hasty retreat across the hall to Julie's room.As they finished drying they chatted about the earlier events. It had started out so innocently, one minute they were playing X-Box and were...

4 years ago
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Dan into Danni pt3 Sex as a girl with a girl

Back at Lucy’s room, Dan put down the dainty bags of lingerie and girly clothes that she had bought for him. He had been totally and magically transformed into a girl for nearly a whole day now, and every moment was a thrill. He was ultra-conscious of his body - especially his gorgeous 32C boobs, firmly held in the bra that had turned him into a curvy and sexy girl in the first place.Lucy closed her bedroom door. And for the first time in a while, they were definitely alone.“OK, babe, what do...

1 year ago
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Cum from another

I always fantasized about seeing cum from another guy inside my wife's pussy and what it would be llike to fuck her cum-filled pussy. One day while I was walking in the neighborhood I found a used condom filled with cum. Since I walk this route daily, I knew it was from the night before and fairly fresh. I took it home with me and used a medicine syringe to withdraw the cum from the condom. It was a nice sized load of 18cc. Soon after, I coaxed my wife into bed. While i was stimulating her...

2 years ago
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Hand book for those loving older women

This young guy likes to fuck aged moms, that’s his hobby, he places his dating application in the internet and sends messages to lots of hot and horny babes over 40, he arranges a meeting with them and fucks their horny and wet pussies, he’s having a really good time!Though I am 24 I like when women are older that me. But how can I stir their feelings? It is not possible just to come over to such a ma’am and say: “Girl, I wanna see you home!” It simply doesn’t work with them.Last week I tried...

2 years ago
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Velma and Daphne

August 16, 2005 16th Century Castle Austria When the gang all split up I decided to go with Daphne. I was a closeted lesbian at the time and I had a burning desire to taste the sweetness that Daphne had between her goddess like legs. Daphne, sexiest woman I have ever known. She had perfect 36 DD breasts and a figure that rivaled the great Aphrodite. Oh my God just talking about her body is turning me on. While were walking down a long hallway Daphne saw a strange light. "Hey Velma...

1 year ago
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It all started with us on the couch cuddling and watching a movie, your wearing jeans with a belt and a t-shirt you not wearing anything under your jeans because u never do when you with me. I’m wearing a nice white tennis skirt with a white thong with hello kitty on the front, and a nice white polo shirt with a white bra underneath the way we are laying on the couch is that your laying on your side behind me and I’m laying on my side in front with my back to you and your arms around my waist...

2 years ago
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The Glen Book OneChapter 24

Life was slowly returning to the folk at the observatory. A banquet had been laid out by Brun and her ladies in the great hall, and a traditional wake was slowly winding into full strength as mourners recalled mildly embroidered memories of the recently departed. Richard had sought out Megan and they sat hind in hand in a corner sharing in the generally warm feel of the event. Arthur, Titania, Guinevere, Emory and Erin sat at the high table and broke food with the members of their...

4 years ago
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In the forest

I am walking nude in the early spring forest. The weather is warm, I can sens the light of the sun rays on my skin. They caress me softly from up to down, back and forth. Playing on my all body how its moving during my walk. I just go and go more deeper inside. The leaves are touching me. They are playing together and they try to catch eacother with the lights. One moment I hear a noise, not so far from me. I look around but nobody there. I continoue my way and the noice still there. People are...

1 year ago
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My First Unwanted Yet Wanted Sex Part Two

Continued... "Admit it, you want more. I already know. Tell me. Tell me you want more." "I..I..I want more!"       "Ha-ha-ha-ha." the second voice laughed a devious yet seductive laugh. "The little virgin wants to be drowned from her innocence already? That was awfully, quick." "You know what they say, Samantha. Nothing ever goes as planned." said Juliet.          Samantha, Samantha was the other woman's name. Maddison figured it out. Juliet and Maddison both very much so burned with jealousy...

4 years ago
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Boyfriend Girlfriend

Then I awoke to find myself spooning my sister. Her little ass was up against my lower stomach, just above my cock. Her leg was over my right hip. My little sister was whimpering as she held my throbbing cock between her pussy lips. She was so wet, my hard throbbing cock was almost dripping from her juices. She was slowly thrusting, and sliding her pussy along my cock! She was using her hand to hold my cock in place, and rubbing the under side of my cock. She jumped a little when I...

3 years ago
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Playing at Boarding Room Part 1

I was 7 yo when I notice that I have interest in both men and women but I'm more attractive on men. I'm just a highschool student when all of my wish came true. I came home from school and notice that our house was locked. So I ask our boarders where is my family. We have two boarding rooms and all of that were occupied. Boarding room A was occupied by a group of men, 4 of them in total, that are sales agent. BR A is bigger than the Boarding room B which is occupied by a family but only one is...

3 years ago
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A Farm Story Part 7 Jacks Date with Tammy

A Farm Story - Part 7 - Jack's Date with Tammy One of my best girl friends told me that Jack went on a date with a 'real' girl! "No way! Really? Who was it? Why does this bother me so much?" "Tammy, seriously. Looks like you broke him out of that 'homo' shell he's been living in all his life. You go, girl!" Audette gave me a high five, right there in the cafeteria. It seemed a lot of people saw that, and they probably all knew why she did it. I'd been saying over and over that...

2 years ago
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Our holiday in Spain 2017

For several years Jean and I had not been able to take a holiday abroad as we had several dogs that we had taken in and it was expensive to put them in kennels. Having only one dog now we were able to go to Spain and flew from Gatwick to Alicante. Arriving at the hotel late in the evening we spent the next morning exploring the facilities. Outside there was a swimming pool, bar, lots of sun beds and an area with tables and chairs. Late in the morning the temperature was rising and the staff...

2 years ago
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An Afternoon in the Life of the Taylor Family

JENNIFER TAYLOR — THE MOTHER My mind is half on my daughter and her excited chatter about her upcoming clash with a rival high school team. However I can't still the shiver of lust that knifes through me as my mind settles on what I will be doing after dropping Gina off and what we will both be doing when she joins me at her teammate Karen Tarrant's house. The thing I most certainly will not be doing is heading to the hospital and the charity work I told my husband Gerald I will be doing....

1 year ago
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Sex With A Hot Girl Part 8211 1

Hi Indian Sex Stories readers, I am Abinash from Bangalore. I am 5ft 10inch tall with 6.5-inch dick size. I am working in MNC. Today I am going to share one of my unimaginable stories. I was a bit hesitant to share as I have never shared stories. But finally decided to dedicate to all readers. I am big fans of Indian Sex Stories. Please forgive me for my spelling mistakes. If any girls/bhabhis/aunties from Bangalore wants to have fun with me, then drop a mail to my email id I am expecting some...

3 years ago
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One Night Stand

Hi All, Couldn’t find category for such incident to selecting incest.. hehe I am really happy to see responses from readers all over. I am thankful to all.. Although this incident happened 3 months back but now i think i must publish it as it is one the beautiful experience of my sex life. I am 28 yrs. residing in Delhi n quite joy full person. I work with a big name and thus interact many people but this happened when i met this model via one of the social networking site. We shared our...

1 year ago
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Rendezvous with Cheryl

Pulling up to the motel my cock was already rock hard just thinking about Cheryl. It had been a few months since my last trip to Baltimore and I so wanted her. We had met on craigslist about a year ago and rendezvous a few times. Now it is kind of a regular thing whenever I am traveling through. Cheryl always grabs a room at this seedy super 8 and then text me the room number. Cheryl looked so sexy today she had dark brown shoulder length hair that curled at the end, nicely lined eyebrows, long...

3 years ago
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RestoredChapter 3

Life was good in Lemsford Village after Patsy, and I got everything off our chest. If she had any ideas to improve the Inn, she would come to me first for my opinion. She would try to teach me everything there is to know about running an Inn. On quiet days she trained me to cook, A different dish every time. Billy and I would take long walks along River Ley like I mentioned before that dog loved the outdoors, It also gave Patsy some breathing space from both of us. The locals in the village...

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A Happy Holly Daye

To those who did not know him well, Brad Tyler might have come across as a bit of a Scrooge, a Grinch. Of course, those were people who did not know him well. Were the truth to be told, that was as far from an accurate description as saying Antarctica is a tropical climate. Brad was one of those rare individuals who got the true meaning of the holidays — giving of yourself. All of the employees at Tyler Chemical got a week off at Christmas time — with pay, something his father had started...

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PART - 24 DREAM FUCKING My neighbor Tanu (Name changed) is a Punjabi lady, almost of my age, staying next door. She is an unsatisfied lady in sex. Her Husband is a well-built Sardar but he is not able to satisfy his wife fully. I, being a female can understand the feelings of a sexually unsatisfied female because I know the pleasure of sex and I can understand the feeling of a female who always being left unsatisfied by her male sex partner. She told me once that her husband finish very...

1 year ago
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Drunk And Fuck Parties 8211 Part 1 Betrayed By BFF

Message from the Writer: Guys this is a fiction story. None of the characters mentioned in the story exists in real life. The story is written just for fun. I request you all not to mail me asking email, phone number and location of a story character. Myself Harshana Singh, I’m 18 and a half years old from Rajasthan. I’m a chubby girl, with 34 sized breasts, chubby cheeks, thick thighs, thick butts, pink lips and dimples on cheeks. My family is very conservative. So, there’s lots of pressure...

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Waiting for Sunrise

Hi guys n' girls, girls n' guys, So, yes, a newbie to the scene here. This is my first attempt so please go easy on me. I hope you'll enjoy my contribution. In the future, I may well take requests from site members for future stories, so PLEASE leave comments/feedback via the usual means. Well, hope you enjoy!!! Waiting for Sunrise by Bluedust I rolled over to check my clock again. 1:15Am. I lied on my back for the eighteenth time that night and sighed. It was no good, I...

1 year ago
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As I came home from work, and called to my wife, she answered from the den. She was surfing on the net and checking her email. I entered the room and asked how things were going. OK she replied. I have a question for you however. I found some pictures on your computer, and am curious how they got there. I could feel my blood pressure beginning to heighten. Pictures, what do you mean? Damn. I was caught! I had many kinky pictures on my PC and many of them were of big juicy cocks and cumshots!...

2 years ago
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Mei Suk Yoos First Trip to America

Mei awoke naked in the hotel room. She liked to sleep naked when visiting an exotic locale. This was her first business trip to America. Having just arrived the night before from Shanghai, Mei suffered from serious jet lag. Also, she was a bit grumpy because her bags had gotten lost but luckily, she still had her carry-on suit bag. She was here to make a sales presentation to a local group of Chinese merchants. Mei hoped the merchants spoke Mandarin because her English was confined to a...

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Marabogo Cuckold Island Ch 03

Chapter 3A crowded lobby stood in front of Joshua as he began to drag the suitcases towards the elevators. Luckily two of the cases had small wheels on them, which made it a lot easier. Though the laughter he got from the women he passed made the whole matter a lot more humiliating.Joshua could hardly fathom how this had all happened. Just a few days ago he had gotten married to the love of his life, and the only girl he had ever been with, Megan. Now, he was naked, wearing a humiliating...

4 years ago
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Fiona Murphys Last FlingChapter 10

This year, Fiona decided to take her winter vacation in Brighton. She had always adored the atmosphere in Brighton and the place never failed to bring back those happy memories of her younger years. Ever since her fun and games on the French Riviera, she had been keeping a very low profile in her hometown and kept to a routine of bake sales and church attendance that she hoped would restore her reputation in the circles that mattered the most to her at this stage of her life. At least her...

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Wife asks me to give her mom oral Part 4

Read other 3 parts first. I sat in my driveway at home for a few minutes before going inside. Guilt had began to overcome me, even though I had stuck to the deal and not actually had sex with her mom. But I knew that was going to happen eventually the way things were progressing. And hell, if she knew any of what we had done to this point, I thought for sure she would be done with me. But then I thought more about it, and decided that this was in fact all my wife's idea in the first place. And...

3 years ago
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Dungeon SlutChapter 7

Joy was to attend a bachelor party, where she could only fuck the groom. She would not be happy that I limited the amount of cock she would receive. The slut needs to understand only those that pay get to fuck her. “Why can’t I fuck whom ever my pussy wants?” Whined Joy, as I applied her slutty makeup. “Because your pussy, wants to fuck everything. Now shut up and let me finish.” I said smiling. Besides, Joy knows I can pound than pussy better than anyone else. Joy dressed in a short 6...

2 years ago
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Masters of the ArchesChapter 2

That night he dreamt about the mysterious girl that had saved his life. In his dream he saw her voluptuous breasts and her shoulder-length hair as she ran on her long slim legs with her pubic area being covered only by a piece of animal skin. He wasn't able to see all of the details of her face in his dream but he knew that she was exceedingly beautiful. Vincent got up at nine the following morning. He prepared himself a generous breakfast of eggs and bacon then he undertook the...

3 years ago
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Hot Mother And Son Having Sex

Hello all, this is your Rocky Raju from Hyderabad back with an incident that happened with my mom Sneha. It was mother and son having sex.  As I have mentioned in , her size is 34-30-36, a stunning figure at the age of 43 years. My dad went to Bangalore on business after the lockdown was lifted, and my younger sister was in my grandma’s place. It was time for me to take advantage of my mom’s beauty. I woke up early in the morning as everything was normal until the afternoon. I was feeling...

4 years ago
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Something new 4

So to set the scene, I have walked you into the living room, put a blanket around you and offered you some water or wine and a snack. We are chilling for a little bit, watching tv and just bonding/relaxing together. Making conversation about our past and just getting to know each other. I knwo you are a fantastic cook, and we start talking about food. You offer to make dinner and I resist, saying that we can both do this, it will be fun together. Ok, so we are in the kitchen making dinner, Im...

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Unexpected visitors

Ben and Craig were small-time criminals supplementingtheir unemployment cheques with the proceeds of theirpetty crimes. Their favourite ploy was to trawl neighbourhoodslate at night looking for house or car doors left unlocked.This night brought them to a part of the city they had nevertried before. But they were having no luck. Everyone roundthese parts appeared to lock their car and house doors. It was 3 am and they were on the last part of their long trawlthrough the tree-lined avenues. They...

Straight Sex
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The Clockmaster and The Inventor Part 2

Since the clocktower was running well, I was taking the time to clean up the rooms in the clocktower. The last one was the Clockmaster’s; I rarely went up to his room even now. If we wanted to spend time with each other, we spent it either in my room or the sitting room. As I cleaned, I heard the door slam a few floors below over the the gears. I stopped mid-sweep, and called out “Sky are you home?” The sound of metal being hit made me realize the deal had gone sour. Angry footsteps...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter Helping Out

Gabrielle Delacour graduated with top marks out of her year, and she could pretty much have any job in the world. And not because of the fact she was a pretty face either. The eighteen year old Veela princess had golden blonde hair, a soft complexion with soulful blue eyes. Her sizeable breasts squeezed into a tasteful white blouse, which came down to the plaid skirt she wore. She wore white stockings over her long legs which stretched down for miles.The Veela Princess could have any job she...

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The Shameful Princess Knight of Two Realms

I didn't have a lot of tears left. My cheeks were dry. All I could do was hold on tightly to the desk he had be bent over. My frilly black skirt was bunched up around my waist. My black panties were almost in my line of sight. He had forced them off me while he dragged me over here. I could have fought back. I think I did, it was hard to remember. I've always had this problem of being too submissive. Too afraid to fight back. It wasn't helping. Behind me was the dean of the college I was going...

3 years ago
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Tie me up and make me cum

Every so often someone asks me to "tie them up" usually I politely decline but Alex was different "Tie me up and make me cum then" he challenged. I cant say this would be my first gay experience and Alex knew it, he made it clear a year ago whilst very drunk he wanted to have sex with me, in his own words “I want your cock balls deep in my ass” I thought to myself for a few moments about the idea remembering what he had said that previous yearI’m on an enforced holiday thanks to my Wife, Alex...

4 years ago
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What Have I Done Part 2

"I think that you know what I’m talking about. What's it going to be?" she asked as she looked at me with her seductive eyes." I hope you remember that we are not related" That did it for me. I couldn’t believe the words she just said. It was like a dream for me, yet it was real. I couldn’t stop myself any longer. I didn't care about what society would say or think anymore. The only thing I cared about were the words she just said. Any guy would be dumb to turn down an offer like this from...

2 years ago
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Lunch Specials

Lunch Specials! Having just completed a chat with You on line, I have an assignment. I welcome these assignments and hope more are given to me. The assignment is to purchase a tuna sandwich and add some special sauce. Sounds simple right? Its not! Well let me start from the beginning to explain. During our chat You had me rubbing myself while at work a mere few feet of co-workers. Anyone walking by my cubicle could see if they looked close enough that I was wanking in the...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Natalia Starr 05222018

Flash Brown is off to Europe once again. He goes often, and this time he’s on his way to Poland. This issue is obvious — the language barrier. All Flash really wants to do is bang Polish girls, so he calls his pal Natalia Starr over to his pad. Natalia’s going to teach him some standard pick-up lines: “hey baby, can I buy you a drink?” or “hey beautiful, you look good!”…things like that. It doesn’t take too long for the tutoring session to...

1 year ago
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Under the KnifeChapter 2

The next Sunday found me at the Asian grocery once again. In the past I would come in on a whim or when I was in the mood for some ramen noodles. Now the place had a different draw for me. Mae was running the register. “Hi,” I said to her. “Hi, Len. Are you here for more noodles?” “I came to see you.” “Len -- I’m busy. I have customers.” “Maybe you’d like to do something afterward?” “I’ve been on my feet all day,” she replied. “I’d just like to put my feet up.” “You can put your feet...

3 years ago
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Arriving for a Session

Punctual as always, I knocked on her door.  It swung open slowly from my knocking, revealing my mistress lounging on her white leather couch.  Watching me as a cheetah observes its prey, she says, "Welcome pet," with a sweet smile.  And then just a mecurial, she turns stern, instructing me to, "Come in, shut the door, and strip."As I quickly comply, setting my clothes in a small stack, she approaches with a collar in hand, as if I needed to be reminded of her dominance.  Her outfit alone made...

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Random Encounters 1 The Cute Bihari

It’s somewhat strange to write regarding my sexual experiences. But having been an avid sex story reader of Indian Sex Stories dot net for a long time, I feel this is the right time to talk about my encounters. I am 36, 5”5 and educated at one of India’s best institutes (Indian women love fancy educational qualifications, trust me). Looks do land you girls, but then in India, so does being well educated and being nice. I lost my virginity fairly late when I was 25 and I always felt that the...

3 years ago
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Alternate UniversesChapter 4

The next evening, after supper, I approached Mr. Holmes in the living room. "Sir, I would appreciate some advice from you, if you don't mind." "Sure, Derek, go ahead. What can I do for you?" "Well, Sir, I have a problem with this." I handed him the chunk of gold. "I have a number of those which I would like to sell, but I don't know the best way to go about getting what they are worth. I was hoping that you could advise me." "What the hell!?! Is this what I think it is? It looks...

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