Drasberg File-Kathy And Dan(a) free porn video

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DRASBERG FILES: KATHY AND DAN(A) by J R D Dan and Kathy waited in the doctor's office, terrified. Kathy was a research assistant who had recently been hired by the Drasberg corporation. Dan was a stay at home husband. He wanted to be a stay at home dad, but so far Kathy and he had failed to conceive a child. Mostly that was because of their sex life, but, hey, they had fun with it, and that was what counted. Then Kathy got a job at Drasberg's, a dream job, they thought. Good salary, full medical with dental, good retirement plan. They thought it was perfect. Until Dan went in and got his complete physical. The next day, the doctor's assistant had called them up and asked both of them to come in to discuss the tests. She wouldn't say what the doctor wanted to discuss, but asked them to come in as quickly as possible. That had terrified them. They wondered if the doctor had found something wrong with Dan's tests and drove as fast as they could to the doctor's office. Dan fidgeted in his seat. "Relax," Kathy told him. "I can't help it. These clothes are so rough." Kathy watched her husband fidget in discomfort and sympathized. On top of the emotional stress of not knowing what was going on, Dan was dressed in clothes that he hated. He'd've much rather been in a dress or a skirt and blouse combo. Dan was a transvestite, but thanks to the fear generated by the gay bashers who were still far too much a part of society, he couldn't go out dressed in "comfortable" clothing. That was mostly due to Kathy, and not because of Dan. Had it been up to him, he'd've pitched his male clothes into the trash and worn only women's clothes for the rest of his life. But Kathy's only brother had been beaten to death by a group of gay bashers shortly after The Quake, and she was so afraid of something similar happening to her childhood friend and now husband that she refused to let him out of the house without men's clothes on. Dan hated it, but loved her so much that he acquiesced. The two seemed to be destined for each other. They had met in preschool, and had become fast friends, despite the razzing Dan got from having a girl as a best friend. In high school, they decided they wanted to stay friends, until the night they attended their first party with alcohol and their dates went home with other people. They took some beers, went to a corner to console each other, and the next thing they knew, had waken up together naked in a bed. Dan had tried to explain it off as just the alcohol, but Kathy wouldn't have it. She had finally realized she wanted Dan as a boyfriend and wasn't going to let him off the hook so easily. That started their romantic life, and it turned out they were perfect for each other. Dan's problem had been that he had been too sensitive. To the high school girls who didn't know how good a find he was, that made him a sap. Kathy's problem had been her intellect and total lack of compassion for stupidity. To the high school boys, she became a pariah, since she made them look like idiots every time they did that macho posturing that high school boys are wont to do. But Dan was never much of a posturer and Kathy enjoyed his kind, sensitive side. It was in college that Kathy had discovered Dan's crossdressing. They had moved into a house that Kathy's parents had rented for just the two of them, and Kathy was helping him unpack. She opened up one of his boxes and found it packed with women's clothes. She had to check to make sure it wasn't her box. When she pulled out a dress and asked Dan about it, he went white as a sheet. After a few seconds, he just muttered, "Mom was supposed to put those into storage." Kathy then got the whole story out of him. Shortly after he turned ten, he had been giving his mother hell and she decided to use some old-fashioned petticoat discipline and put him in dresses for a weekend. It had seemed to work, and for the next month he was a good boy, but then started acting up again. For the next year it went on like this. Dan acted up, got slapped in dresses, stayed nice for a while, then acted up again. And every time his mom took him out of dresses, the time between acting up got shorter and shorter. Finally, after Dan spent an entire week at home in dresses, his mom decided she had to find a new way to discipline him. Then, the next time he acted up and she didn't put him in a dress, he nearly freaked, promising to be good if she'd only put him in "his" dress. Then his mother figured it out. The dresses, rather than being a punishment had become a "carrot on the stick". Dan had been acting up, not because he was a bad boy, but because he wanted to be in a dress. So she let him wear the dress, with the promise to be good. But the next day, when he came home from school, he found a few changes. His closet was now filled with a whole new feminine wardrobe, but there was also a big lock on its door. His mother explained that he could dress up as much as he wanted for as long as he wanted, but if he ever misbehaved, she would take all his femme clothes, including all his lingerie, and lock it all in the closet. He'd know it was there, but it'd be totally off limits. Over the next six and a half years she had only had to lock the door twice. And Kathy was surprised to find out that during his senior year, if Dan hadn't been in school or with her, he had been in girls' clothes and make-up, yet she had suspected nothing. Then he and she moved to California for college. Dan had been so scared of Kathy not understanding and wanting to break it off if she found out about "Dana" as he called his alter ego, that, with much regret, he asked his mother to put his girl stuff in storage. But his mother, for whatever reason, had other plans and sent his stuff to him directly. Kathy, far from being scared or repulsed, found it to be an incredible turn on. She got him to introduce Dana and almost raped him once he was fully en femme. And that cinched it. At home Dan pretty much disappeared, leaving only Dana. And with Kathy supporting him, his confidence grew. He was just about to try going out in drag for the first time when Kathy's brother Kenny had been beaten to death by gay bashers. But the fact was, Kenny, like Dan, wasn't homosexual. He had been beaten to death for wearing a dress. But Kenny, unlike Dan, wasn't a transvestite. He had only been dressed as a fraternity prank. That hadn't saved him. Kathy became so afraid for Dan, who wanted to be a full time tranny, that she made him promise not to leave the house en femme. Ever. Four years later, after they graduated, they were married. Although not being able to be as expressive as he wanted was a bit of a sticky point for their marriage, their willingness to experiment made up for it. Although always devoted to each other, they tried sex anywhere, any when, and anyhow. Dan found that he preferred to be on the receiving role, letting Kathy fuck him with a dildo. Since Kathy wanted to wait to start a family, she was more than willing. Dan had also decided not to go to work after graduation. Kathy was making more than enough for them to live on, so Dan decided to be a stay at home spouse. Kathy thought it was just because he wanted to dress up, but Dan assured her that he loved the role of "househusband" and kept the house perfect while she supported them both. Then Kathy got her plum job as a top research assistant at Drasberg's. The job included full benefits for her and her significant other (Drasberg's was one of the few large companies that offered extensive benefits for S.O.'s regardless of the nature of the relationship), but required that both receive a comprehensive physical. Which is what brought Dan and Kathy to this doctor's office. Kathy, whose tests had been cleared a week ago, knew it wasn't her, and both of them were now terrified that something was seriously wrong with Dan. Dan fidgeted in his seat, hating the cotton briefs he wore and missing the sensation of a bra on his chest. Finally he said, "Kathy, if there's something seriously wrong with me, I'll understand if you want a divorce." She hauled off and backhanded his arm. "Ow!" With an anger born of fear of losing him to his fear, she said, "Don't you ever, EVER say that to me!" He looked down shamefully. She turned his face back to her. In a more normal tone, she said, "Dan, I love you. And NOTHING will ever change that. If they told me you were dying, I wouldn't change a thing." At that moment, the doctor walked in. Before he could say a thing, Kathy asked, "What's wrong with my husband, doctor?" "Wrong? Nothing. Why do you...? Oh, my god. Didn't they tell you why we asked you here?" The couple shook their heads. "I am so sorry. I can understand not telling you over the phone, but you should've been informed as soon as you got here what this is about. Your husband, far from being sick, is a perfect candidate for testing a new device we're working on." Dan released a sigh of relief and nearly fell over on his wife's shoulder. She wrapped her arm around him and said, "Thank god." The doctor apologized again. "I'm going to have to make sure this doesn't happen again, but, as I said, part of Dan; I may call you Dan?" Dan nodded. "Part of Dan's tests lead us to believe he'll be a perfect candidate for a new device we've developed." Kathy asked, "What kind of device?" "Before I can answer that, I'll need Dan to sign a security agreement. Basically it says he won't discuss anything we talk about with anyone outside this office. Kathy, you've already signed such an agreement and everything we discuss here will fall under its coverage. Understand?" They both nodded. The doctor took a form out of his desk and gave it to Dan. Dan quickly read it over and signed it. The doctor then said, "Okay, the new device we have to test is a specially designed device designed to allow transsexuals to give birth. As you may or may not know, early on in this century a device simulating the uterus of a woman was designed and is implanted in the abdomens of transsexuals. Common belief has it that the new uterus is nothing more than a fake womb that shows up as a uterus on X-rays and sonograms, allowing the transsexual to pass more easily. Actually the artificial uterus is a special device designed to control the body's hormone production. It's shape is for passing purposes, but that's not the only reason it's there. "But up till now it was nothing more than an empty space in the body. We now have a device that can create an artificial endometrium within the new uterus and implant an egg. If it works, male-to-female transsexuals will be able to actually give birth to children just like any genetic female!" Kathy was confused. "What does this have to do with Dan?" "We need test subjects. If your husband were willing to undergo transition, we could use the impregnation device. Since we'll be testing the device, Drasberg's will cover all the costs of the transition." "You want my husband to undergo a sex change just to test your device? Why would you think he'd agree to that?" The doctor stared at her. "Didn't you know? Miss Carey, your husband is a transsexual." "Doctor, my husband may be..." Kathy considered whether or not to confide in the doctor, but decided to trust him, "may be a transvestite, but he's not a transsexual." "Kathy, you do know what the Psycho-sexual Identity Test is?" "Yeah, a test devised in the latter part of last decade that checks the mind's responses to certain stimuli and gives a rating of both the male and female aspects of the identity." "Exactly. Before the test, diagnosing a transsexual was a long, complicated process. Now, its simple. Anyone whose non-genetic I.D. ranks 30 points or more above their genetic I.D. is considered a clinical transsexual. I just assumed the reason he wasn't transitioning was because of the costs involved in the change." "There must be some mistake, doctor." "Perhaps, but it'd have to be a pretty big mistake. Your husband ranked over 80 on his female identity, but only 24 on his male. Almost twice the minimum to be diagnosed as a transsexual." "Something must've happened then. My husband is NOT a transsexual." Kathy turned to Dan, expecting him to back her up. But Dan was staring at the floor on the other side of him, studiously avoiding her gaze. "Dan?" Dan sighed. Without looking up, he said, "I hate the male part of my life. The only thing tolerable about it is you. And if it hadn't been for you, I'd've transitioned long ago." He paused before saying, "I'll understand if you don't want to stay with me now." She backhanded him again. "Ow! Stop that." "Then stop saying it's okay for me to leave you! NOTHING will make that okay. But why didn't you tell me?" "I knew you were afraid of my crossdressing in public. If I were to transition, I'd HAVE to go public, since you wouldn't let me do that, there was no point." "But I didn't know it was this serious. Dan, we need to talk about this." The doctor said, "I agree. Go home. Discuss this. Then get back to me at your earliest convenience." The two left the office building and went home in silence. That night, both seemed on the verge of broaching the subject of transitioning, but somehow neither managed to get to it. It was only after they were in their nightgowns and in bed that Kathy finally said, "Dan, we need to talk about your transitioning." "I'll leave it up to you." "Damn it, Dan! Stop it! There are times when I really love your giving, 'do it for me' attitude, but this isn't the time for it! I need to know what's going on inside your head." Dan sighed, and propped his head on his bent arm. "You want to know what's in my head? If it were just me, then I wouldn't even think twice about it. But it's not just me. If I had to go the rest of my life with nothing more than crossdressing in private than I could live with that. I wouldn't be as happy as I could be, but I could live with it. I couldn't live with it if you decided to leave me because of this." "Why do you keep saying that? I'm not going to leave you." "You say that now, and I know you want to believe it, but this isn't going to be easy on either of us. Like I said before, I'll have to go public with my crossdressing. On top of that, I'll be taking hormones that could impair my sexual performance. That could mean no kids. Then, after transitioning, our marriage becomes non-recognized in 41 states, including this one. And you're afraid of homophobia induced hate crimes? After I become a girl, you may be subject to them as well. After all, you'll be a lesbian if you stay with me." "Dan, I am going to stay with you, but it seems like you've thought about this." "Of course I have. I have thought about this every day since my second year of college. I just never figured you'd ever go for it." "Why didn't you say something?" "Fear." "Fear of telling me? How could you say that?" "I was afraid of telling you but not for the reasons you think. At least not all of them. Yes, I was afraid you might react badly," seeing Kathy about to protest, he said, "okay, those fears were baseless, and I guess I knew it all along, but I was also afraid for the same reasons you were. I'm as scared of the gay bashers as you are. As terrified of just walking down the street and having some ass beat me to death just like Kenny. And I was scared for you. Because I knew if you knew how serious this was, how deeply it went, you'd probably make me do something about it. Admit it. I can see it in your eyes. You're not thinking about talking me out of it. You're trying to think of a way to make this work despite your fears, aren't you?" "Of course I am. Dan... Dana, if you really are a woman inside, if this," she fingered the edge of his nightgown, "isn't just something you do, but a manifestation of who you are, then we need to make it real." "See. And I knew it'd torture you every step of the way." "And this doesn't?! Damn it, Dana, ever since that doctor told me about this I have been tortured by the fact that you have refused to allow your true self out because of MY fear, and that tears me up inside." Dan was about to protest when she interrupted, saying, "No, that's it! We will find a way to make this work. Dan's out of our life, now, and only Dana remains. Now the question is do you want to get pregnant?" "Well, I guess I have to to get Drasberg's to pay for the transition." "No, you don't. If you don't want to get pregnant, then we will pay for your transition out of pocket. I told you we will make this work. Now do you want to get pregnant?" "I... I don't know. I've never thought about it." "So think about it. We should give the doctor an answer as soon as possible." They both snuggled up together and kissed. After a few seconds, Dana asked, "Kathy, would you... service me tonight?" Kathy kissed his neck. "Certainly, love." She reached over to the dresser and grabbed her strap-on. She got up on her knees and Dana quickly wrapped her hips in the straps of the harness. He clicked the dildo in place and kissed it. Kathy wiggled her hips a bit, causing the dildo to rub over Dana's lips. Kathy dropped her voice into a husky, lusty tone and asked, "Does the little girl like my big dick?" Dana rubbed his cheek against the dildo, fluttered his eyes at her, and said, "Oh, yes, baby. I love your big dick." "Show me." Dana smiled. It was just a little ritual they played out when Kathy fucked him. And Dana finished the ritual by opening his mouth and sucking the dildo in. When Kathy first started using the dildo, they used petroleum or KY jelly as a lubricant, until they ran out one day and Dana decided to try his own spit. They found the spit less effective, but Dana actually enjoyed that. After that, they acted out some of their favorite scenes from various porn flicks with Kathy as the man, and Dana as the girl before he used his mouth to get her all wet to fuck him. Dana started slowly, moving up and down on her "dick", causing the base to rub against her clit in the way he knew she liked. Every time he went down on her, he took a little bit more of the plastic cock into him. It had taken months of trying and practicing both with Kathy, and with just the dildo, but he could finally deep throat the whole thing. In a post coital after glow, Kathy confessed that one of the things that turned her on most was having him take all ten inches inside him, regardless of what end he took it in. So he bobbed up and down until his nose bumped into her pubes. He then clenched his teeth around the dildo and rubbed it against her until she came, bucking her hips against his face. After she came, he pulled off of her and kissed the tip of the dildo. He lay back and lifted his hips while she put a pillow underneath them. He separated his legs and she got between them. She put the dildo to his ass and slowly but firmly pushed it into him. When she was all the way inside him, she leaned forward and kissed him. He wrapped his arms and legs around her and kissed her, forcing his tongue into her mouth. She pumped her hips and he moaned in ecstasy, loving the feeling of fullness he got from the plastic rod, as well as the feeling of love he got from Kathy while she was fucking him. It didn't take long (it never did) before he screamed in orgasm, spraying his seed onto their bellies. As they lay in each other's arms, Kathy asked, "Dana, have you ever... wanted to be with a man? Have a man do what I just did?" "Not really. Oh, I admit I'm curious as to what it would be like, but I've never seriously considered being with anyone but you." Kathy kissed him. After a few seconds, he said, "This scares you, doesn't it?" "Of course it does." "All you have to do is say no and it's all over. I don't even like the concept of upsetting you, much less losing you." "You won't lose me. And I'm not stopping this. You always were a better woman than man. More confident, more loving, more... you. I was just afraid to admit it." Kathy sighed and undid the straps on her harness. As she finished and put the dildo and harness back on the dresser, Dana said, "Kathy?" "Yes, love?" "I want to do it. As long as it can be our baby I want to get pregnant." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Then we'll call the doctor in the morning." She kissed him and they snuggled up together to sleep. ************ In the morning, a fuzzy headed Dana heard Kathy saying, "Up, up, you sleepy wench." Never a morning person, Dana pulled the covers over his head and grumbled a very unfeminine, "Leave me alone." Kathy laughed and swatted him on the butt. "Come on, sleepyhead. Every minute you stay under the covers is another minute before you start down the road to womanhood." As her words and the last night's discussion filtered through to him, he threw off the covers and said, "It wasn't all a dream? We're really going to do this?" "Yes, Dana," she said emphasizing the name, "we are. You're really going to become a woman, and, unless you've changed your mind, a mother. So get out of bed, love. I've called the doctor and we've got a 9:30 appointment." Dana leapt out of bed and looked around for his male clothes. Finally, he asked, "Where are my pants?" "I threw those things out. You've never gotten any women's style pants, so you're just going to have to go in a dress." "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Want to? No, I'm not sure. But it's what you need. Therefore it's what I need." "Thank you." "Come on, wench. You need to look your best for your first sojourn into the civilized world, Dana." Dana quickly got his best dress, and best lingerie and put his clothes on. After brushing out his hair, and applying a light application of make-up he kissed Kathy and they strode out to the car. As they got in, he noticed that Kathy was looking around her, obviously worried about who might be there seeing Dan as Dana. They drove to the doctor's office, and quickly went inside. They were about fifteen minutes early, but were surprised when they were rushed right in to see the doctor. He smiled warmly and said, "Am I to take it from Dan's garb that you have decided to accept our offer?" "Maybe, but first we have a few questions." "Okay." "First, the baby, it will be our baby? His and my genetic material?" "Yes, it will. We will extract an egg from you and implant it in him. We will then use his own semen to inseminate the egg. The baby will be your child, both legally and genetically."Dana seemed about to say yes, when Kathy put her hand on his arm, restraining him so she could continue to question the doctor. "Doctor, I... I'm very scared of gay bashers. My own brother died at their hands. I know that Dana's very passable, but if some hate-filled bigot finds out she's a he, that won't save him. Is there anything you can recommend?" "Actually there is. As you know, Drasberg's is the only major multinational company that makes an effort to be inclusive to the gay, lesbian, bi, and transgender communities. As a result, we have a greater than normal percentage of personnel who are openly alternative in their lifestyle. Although Drasberg's has more than enough financial and political power to make sure that anyone who targets one of our employees does not escape prosecution, that wouldn't help protect them. So we have a large community of houses we have built on the outskirts of town. It's fenced in and patrolled regularly by security forces. In an optimal world, we wouldn't need them, but it's hardly an optimal world. "In this community we place all our employees who are openly at risk, as well as any top management who might be at risk for their management decisions. If you wish, we can set you up in a house of your own within this suburb." Kathy and Dana looked at each other, conversing silently with their eyes, before Kathy said, "Okay, we'll do it." "Is there anything else?" "Yes. Doctor, I... want a baby of my own. One I want to grow inside my own womb, I mean. I'm concerned about Dana's... virility, both during and after his transition. I understand that to get maximal results, the hormones he will be taking will pretty much have to sterilize him, but..." In an almost desperate tone, she finished, "I don't want that to happen!" She turned to her husband and said, "I'm sorry." He took her hand. "It's okay." "Actually, that brings up something I wanted to discuss with you. But before I say anything, I want to remind you of the confidentiality oaths you took. This, more than anything else, must be protected. If the technology I am about to tell you about were to become general knowledge, then the resultant black market knock-offs could cause extreme misery. Do you understand?" Both Kathy and Dana nodded. The doctor said, "Okay, I assume you're familiar with standard nanotechnology, small micro-robots that can be used to accelerate the healing process after major trauma?" The doctor waited for the couple to show that they knew what he was talking about. "Well Drasberg's has a more powerful version which is capable of effecting powerful changes to the body in a short period of time. You both can have the body of your dreams. Without resorting to surgery or hormones, Dana will get a vagina and womb, as well as breasts as large as she cares to have. If it's what you both want, Dana can have both a vagina and a penis while retaining full functionality." Kathy and Dana were shocked. Kathy asked, "You're not kidding? You can really do this?" "We can." Kathy turned to Dana and asked, "Could you do it, Dana? Keep your cock? You're so good with it." Dana frowned, clearly not liking the idea. "I don't know. Part of me has always looked forward to a day when I could get rid of it." Kathy gave him a sexy pout that she knew he found sexy. "Please. For me?" Dana considered it for a while with a sour look on his face. Finally, he came to a decision and smiled. "Tell you what, I'll keep my dick if you agree to grow one of your own. And yours has got to be bigger than mine." Kathy turned to the doctor. "Is that possible? Can you give me a dick of my own?" "Easily." Kathy considered it, her nipples growing hard at the erotic prospect of having a dick of her own to stuff into her husband. "Let's do it." "There's one more thing," the doctor continued. "Perhaps you have noticed, Mrs. Carey, how almost all of the personnel of Drasberg's are exceptionally beautiful? The fact is, we use the upgraded nanites on almost everyone. Most often, it's just to give them a more beautiful body, but in some cases, we give them very radical changes. But we always give them their fantasy body." "Okay, so what's the big deal?" "In some cases, the person can't face their own fantasies. To give you an example, a transsexual may be so afraid of transitioning that they won't ask for their sex to be changed. So we give them powerful hypnotic commands, preventing them from seeing their own or others' changes until their subconscious adjusts to it. In your case, that wasn't necessary, and may even have proven detrimental. So, as you change, you'll notice others changing around you as well. Unless you are sure they have acclimated to their changes, you must not say anything about them." "Sounds a little manipulative," commented Dana. "It is. We admit that. But we have helped many people come to grips with buried desires that have made their life miserable for having been denied all their lives. Please trust us and do as we ask." The couple looked at each other and discussed it with their eyes before nodding their assent. After the doctor had them decide on their bodies, they went home to pack their things to move to their new home. ************ The next day, Dana and Kathy were unpacking their stuff at their new home. It was a small two bedroom house with a little fireplace in the main room. The house just seemed to say cozy to anyone who looked at it. Earlier that day, they had stopped off at the doctor's and had their bodies injected with the nanites. Dana had decided on a pair of triple D breasts. His own family had always been large breasted and he wanted to follow suit. His eventual proportions were going to be 40-30-36, and of course, he would be getting a womb and cunt of his own. Kathy, aside from a dick of her own, would be going from her current C cup up one size to a D cup. Her own proportions would end up being 38-30-36. Dana had also talked her into growing in height a couple of inches. Before, he had been 5'9, and she was 5'8". Dana convinced her that after a decade of him being the slightly taller one, he wanted to look up at her. Kathy was unpacking stuff in the kitchen when she heard the doorbell ring. She came to the main room to see Dana opening the door. She stepped up behind her "wife" and saw two men at the door. Ironically, one was in a dress, although, unlike Dana, he wasn't even slightly passable. He looked like a man in a dress. Behind him was a taller man who looked like he could've been a weight-lifter carrying a basket filled with stuff. The man in the dress said, "Welcome to the neighborhood! My name is Terri, spelled with an i. This is my husband, Lawrence, although you can call him Larry." Larry nodded. "We're your next door neighbors from the north side." Terri pointed to the north. "And we're the unofficial 'Welcome Wagon'." Dana said, "Come on in. We were just getting everything in place." The two stepped in and Terri said, "First, your gifts." He turned to Larry and started lifting up items from the basket for perusal. "Here we have a loaf of bred, fresh-baked by my hubby. There's also a bottle of wine, or a 'jug', if you prefer a more literary description. I also figured you'd be too busy moving in to cook a proper meal today, so I had Larry prepare a plate of food for each of you. Roast beef, potatoes, and veggies, his specialty. And a cherry pie for desert." "Thanks. I'll take that." "Nonsense. Larry lives to serve. Just show him where it goes, and he'll take care of it." Dana shrugged and escorted Larry to the kitchen. While the two were out of the room, Kathy waved to the seats. She sat down on the couch, while Terri sat in a recliner. She mentioned, "Larry doesn't seem to talk much." "I haven't given him permission," Terri replied. Kathy stared at him in stunned silence, not sure what to say to that. Seeing her face, Terri smiled. "I get that reaction a lot. Let me explain. I always preferred my house to be immaculate, but at my last job, they had me working so many hours, I couldn't get that done. So I decided to hire a live-in servant. I interviewed a bunch of people, but none of them seemed right for the job. So I decided to take a chance and hire a live-in slave. I put a few ads in local adult papers and chose a few responses to interview. Larry was one of those. You see, despite his large, mannish exterior, deep down Larry is a helpless, little sissy boy. And in return for his room and board, he would gladly serve as my slave. He even refused to accept anything more than what he needed to buy food and household cleaning supplies and the like for both of us. "It was a perfect relationship for both of us. He got off on being my servant, and I got a slave who would keep my house immaculate during the day, and service me properly during the night. I even got to start dressing as a woman as I always wanted without worrying about it. Then I got my job at Drasberg's and declared him my significant other, my husband if you will." Dana and Larry chose that point to return. Dana sat beside Kathy on the couch, but Larry knelt beside Terri on the floor. Dana said, "He can sit on the couch if he'd like." But Terri said, "Oh, no. He's not a couch husband. He's a floor boy." Dana looked at him funny, but Kathy whispered, "I'll explain it later." She then asked, "So, Terri, are you transitioning, or do you just like dressing as a woman?" "I just like dressing the role. I wish I could pass, but short of major plastic surgery, this is just something I do in my off hours." Dana said, "I guess I am lucky that way." Terri's eyes went a little wider. "You? Sister, I'd never have guessed. I thought you two were like your neighbors on the other side, a lesbian couple. You, hun, you look fantastic. I wish I looked half the woman you do." Dana blushed. "Thanks." "So on to other things." "Other things?" Kathy asked. "Part of the reason why I am here is to welcome you to the neighborhood, but another reason is to scope you out." "Scope us out?" "Although the press is fond of portraying the protected communities that the Drasberg corporation sets up as hives of perverted sex fiends, the fact is that our community is far more open and accepting of alternative lifestyles. Basically, the attitude is 'Don't bother me and I won't bother you.' Now if you are into things like swinging or sex orgies, there are a few people who will care, but only because they want to join you, not because they will judge you. So I'm here, in part, to find out if you're into any group scenes or the like, so I can pass that information on to others, like myself, who are into the same." "Oh, well, Dana and I are open minded about sex, but exclusive to each other. We're not interested in sex with anyone else." Terri smiled. "Too bad, I'd've loved to have bedded one or both of you. Ah, well, no use worrying about that now. Anything you want to ask me?" Kathy said, "Not me." But Dana said, "Actually, I'd like to know where the local supermarket is." Kathy almost asked why, but then remembered what they were here for. Before, Dana so objected to going out in male clothes that he preferred to let Kathy do the shopping rather than have to change into pants. But now, with him going full time girl, he could easily do the shopping while Kathy was at work. It would actually make her life easier, and Kathy wondered why she hadn't thought of it. Over the next hour, Dana, Kathy, and Terri discussed the locations of various markets, shopping centers, and spots of entertainment within this mini- community Drasberg's had set up. Both Kathy and Dana were surprised at how extensive this suburb was. It was more than just a bunch of residences, this was a miniature city within the city bounds. Larry remained silent unless directly spoken to, then kept his answers short and to the point. After Terri and Larry had left, Kathy and Dana had a small meal from the food the two had brought over. While they were eating, Dana said, "Our neighbors seem like nice people." Kathy just replied, "Mm-hmm." "What are you thinking about?" "Just wondering. The doctor said that most everybody got those nanites. I was thinking about what benefits Terri and Larry would be getting." "Well, you heard Terri. He wished he had a body more like mine, so he could be passable when dressed 'en femme'. So that's probably what he got." "I can see that. But what about Larry?" "Well, he didn't really give us much to go on. Aside from being a submissive, we don't really know all that much about him." "True. I guess we'll just have see. And remember, the doctor said not to mention any changes you see unless you're sure of the person seeing it themselves." "I remember," then Dana playfully added, "nagging hen." Kathy got a look of mock shock on her face. With an exaggerated, hurt tone, she said, "Oh, how could you say such things about me?" Dana played along, saying, "Oh, I'm so sorry, Kathy. What can I do to make it up to you?" Kathy got a lascivious look on her face. "Come on into the bedroom. I'll think of something." The two stood up and Kathy took Dana's hand and led him into the bedroom. They slowly undressed down to their lingerie and Kathy pressed her body to his. Dana wrapped his arms around her and pulled her as close as possible. Kathy slid her hands inside his bra and gently stroked his nipples. When she did, he gasped. She pulled back. "What's wrong?" He looked down. "Nothing. I just got a shock when you touched my nipples." "A shock? Painful?" "No. Quite the contrary. It was a shock of pure pleasure." "Take off your bra and let me see." Dana quickly stripped his bra off and stood before his wife as she inspected his chest. After a few seconds, she said, "They're swollen. Just a little bit. It's nothing I would've noticed if I hadn't been looking, but they're definitely puffier than before." "My breasts... are growing in already?" "Looks like it. The doctor said it'd be fast, but I never thought this fast." "Let me see." Dana ran over to the mirror to get a good look. "You're like a little ten year old girl," Kathy teased. "You're probably going to be running to the mirror every morning to see how much you've grown." Dana blushed. "I'd never." Kathy grinned. She stepped up behind him. "Why not?" She reached around and palmed his nipples. "That's what I did." Dana swooned with pleasure as Kathy rubbed her palms in little circles around his nipples and nibbled his ear lightly. He could feel his dick growing hard in his panties. He turned slightly and kissed Kathy full on the lips. The two smooched as Kathy pushed her soon to be wife towards the bed. She gently lay him on his back, then pulled his panties off. She kissed his hard cock, then crawled above him. She took his dick in hand and lowered herself onto it. She leaned over and kissed him, returning her hands to his developing bosom. He moaned in pleasure and tried to take her breasts in hand, but she knocked his hands away. "No. Let me do this for you. Your first girly orgasm with someone just playing with your titties." Dana wanted to do more, but decided to lay back and let Kathy do as she wanted. Kathy rocked her hips slowly and gently against his as she took his nipples in her fingers and playfully flicked and twisted them. Kathy noticed that his nipples were a little larger than they used to be, but she also realized that had she not been making a specific mental comparison, she probably wouldn't have noticed. They weren't that much larger. Her playing soon had him gasping and moaning in desire, and when she leaned over and took his nipple in her mouth, he screamed and arched his back in orgasm. He wrapped his arms around her and held her to him as he recovered from his orgasm. Soon, he was kissing her with a lot of little kisses all over her face and neck. He pushed her onto her back as he kissed his way down her body, through her cleavage, over her belly, straight to her cunny. Kathy was weird that way, preferring Dana to go right to her cunt with his mouth, with as little foreplay as possible. Although technically, Kathy supposed that the cunnilingus they both enjoyed so much could be considered foreplay, but for Kathy and Dana, the mouth music he played on her sex was an act of love in and of itself, easily the equal, if not the better of him sticking his dick inside her. Many was the time she'd come home from work all pent up with the day's stress, and, without a word, he'd get between her legs and gently lick her till she orgasmed all her troubles away. As Kathy looked down on her transsexual husband gently licking her out, she came to realize that, somehow, their roles had become reversed. She was the go out and bring home the bacon spouse, and Dana was the good, dutiful, stay at home wife. He took care of the cooking, cleaning, as well as any other duties she might desire. Dana was like one of those wives you saw on the old 50's sitcoms that played on the flashback channels on cable. Kathy almost giggled. Some of those wives would meet their husbands at the door with a drink, and Kathy had a vision of Dana doing the same thing. It was kind of silly. But then Kathy realized that if she had ever been the one to need a drink at the end of the day to unwind, then she had no doubt that Dana would've met her at the door with her favorite drink every day. As it was, Dana knew exactly when she needed a kiss, or a back-rub or a good tonguing at the end of the day. Somehow he just knew. Dana may have been the subordinate one in their relationship, but that gave him an incredible power over her and Kathy knew it. Dana was worried that she might leave him? Had he not touched her clit, eliciting a gasp of pleasure, she would've laughed aloud. Without his love and support, Kathy would've never made it through the tough times. She reached down and stroked his head as he licked her. She loved him so much. He was a silly little girl for ever thinking she'd leave him. And it only took a few seconds before she threw her head back and screamed in orgasm. After they were finished, Dana crawled up beside her, and took her clit in hand. "It isn't going to be much longer before you have a full sized dick for me to suck down my throat." Kathy reached up and stroked his chest. "And, in less time than that, you'll have a huge pair of breasts for me to fondle and love." Dana shivered in delight. "Kathy, you're really not going to leave me? You're going to stand by me?" "Of course I'm going to stand by you. You want to know a secret? I think I need you a lot more than you need me." Dana seemed incredulous. "It's true. You're the... woman behind the woman. You're the girl of my dreams." Dana giggled. "I never knew you were a lesbian." Kathy smiled. "Neither did I, until they told me that you were really a woman. Now let's get some sleep. Tomorrow's the first day of the rest of our new life." Dana then cuddled up to Kathy and they fell asleep. ************ FOUR WEEKS LATER... Dana waited in the airport, more than a little nervous. She wasn't afraid of what others might think. She had always been passable, but thanks to the nanites, there was no visible way to tell that she had once been anything other than a sexy, young lady. Her breasts were a full D cup now, her waist and hips now had luxurious hourglass curves, and her face was now a more feminine, rounded shape. Even "his" Adam's apple had disappeared. The only obvious way to tell that she wasn't a girl was the occasional erection that might cause a slight tenting of her skirts. But you had to be looking to see that when it happened. Of course, Kathy now had the same problem. You had to be looking a lot closer to see her erection when she was dressed, though. Her erection was only 4 inches when fully hard. It was the only change of hers that wasn't complete. Kathy was now an inch taller than Dana was, and her breasts were also a D cup. But though Kathy's dick was only 4 inches, she used it extremely well. It seemed to couple so well with Dana's cunt, which had become fully developed by the second week. Her womb was still developing, but she did have her slit for welcoming stiff rods. Things were going great. Until the day before yesterday when Dana's mother's home had been flooded out. Thankfully, no one had been hurt, but her mother, Darla, was now homeless, most of her possessions destroyed. After a quick consultation with the doctor to make sure it was okay, Dana had told her to pack up what she could and bring it to live with them. Now Dana was sitting in the airport waiting for mom, wondering what she was going to say. She had, of course, long ago informed mom of her decision to transition, but hadn't been able to tell her about the nanites. Dana, after only a month, was further along in becoming a woman than other transsexuals would be after years of regular I.H.T. (Intrabody Hormone Therapy, the replacement for H.R.T. when science developed the hormone manipulating artificial womb) Dana wondered how she was going to explain to mom about all her changes. Darla came through the walkway and Dana called out to her. She walked up and hugged her once son, saying, "You look fantastic, dearie. I almost didn't recognize you." "Come on, mom. We've got a lot to talk about, but once we get home." "Alright, dear." As they left the meeting area, Larry joined them. "Mom, meet Larry, my next door neighbor's husband. He was loaned to me to help carry luggage." What Dana didn't tell her mom was that the Larry she saw wasn't exactly the same Larry Dana had met when she had first moved in. Thanks to a dose of nanites, Larry was now even bigger than before. He had grown almost six inches, and his body was bigger and stronger than ever. And Larry had broken through his conditioning to accept and understand his new body. He was still totally submissive to Terri, who, ironically, had yet to see his changes. Terri's changes were almost the exact opposite of his husband's. Terri, who had always wanted to be passable, was now more than that. He now had D cup breasts and womanly curves of his own. He looked 100% woman with one exception. Underneath the tight skirts he preferred to wear was a huge bulge betraying the presence of a massive dick. Darla got a grin on her face. "Loaned, huh? Have you tried him out in bed?" Larry, used to being referred to as nothing more than a sexual plaything (which really was how he liked it), didn't even bat an eyelash, but Dana blushed furiously. "Moooom. You know Kathy and I are exclusive to one another." "You're still not over that? I'd've thought you'd've become wild partner swappers by this time." Dana was shocked. "Why would you think that?" "Well, both your parents and hers regularly shared their beds with others. Most often with each other. In fact, after your father died, it was your mother-in-law's support and love, both physical and emotional, that got me through a lot of dark times." Dana stared at her mother as they walked to the luggage pick-up. Dan shook her head. "This is just too weird. I'm talking with my mother about wife swapping." She turned back to her mom. "You're serious? You and mother Mona regularly shared beds?" "Yeah. We still do whenever they're in town from their globe hopping. Me, Mona, and your father-in-law, Bryce, all regularly have sex with one another." "Did dad know about this?" Dana's mother was indignant. "Of course your father knew about it! I would never cheat on him!" "You share your bed with another couple and it's not cheating?" "Not if your partner knows and doesn't disapprove. As long as you both know and approve, it's not cheating; it's exploration." "And dad didn't disapprove of you with another woman? Or another man?" "Disapprove? Honey, while Mona and I were in bed together, who do you think was taking care of Bryce's needs? Fact is, your father and I regularly shared beds with Mona and Bryce. Sometimes in pairs, sometimes three or four at a time. Before the Quake, we were also regular participants in large orgies. After the Quake, we were pretty much exclusive to each other until you and Kathy went away to college." They arrived at the luggage pick-up with Dana rubbing her brow. "This is too weird." After Larry collected all of Darla's luggage, refusing to let her carry even a single piece, they went out to his car. While Larry loaded the car, they got in and Darla said, "Look, hun, I don't want you to think I'm trying to convince you to do anything you're not interested in. If you and Kathy are happy with your exclusive relationship, great. But I also thought you were old enough to know the truth. Further, if you and Kathy aren't willing to share your bed with me, then eventually, I'm going to bring home a sexual partner to share my bed, and that person may be either male or female, and I didn't want you to be too shocked when it happened." Dana flopped her head back on the seat, saying, "Oh, man." Darla gave her child a grim smile. "If you want, I'll start looking for a job, so I can get a place of my own." "No, mom! I don't want you to move out. This is just... a whole lot to think about all at once." "I understand." Darla leaned over and kissed Dana on the cheek. "But onto other things, are you wearing a padded bra or are those implants?" "Mother, that's... one of the things we'll discuss once we get home." "But why?" Dana kissed her mother on the cheek. "Just trust me, mom." Darla was still curious but shrugged and decided she could wait. They drove home chit-chatting about various inconsequential things before arriving at Dana and Kathy's home. Larry carried the luggage in and put it in the spare bedroom. After he left, Dana said, "Mom, if you're going to live here, and I want you to live here, there are things you need to know. But these things have to remain confidential. I've signed a confidentiality oath, and if you pass around what I'm about to tell you I could get in serious trouble. Understand?" "Yes, but if it's so confidential, why tell me?" "Because the effects will be plainly evident, whether I tell you or not." Quickly, Dana explained about the nanites, the changes in her body and Kathy's, as well as the fact that others in the community were undergoing similar changes, and that they were unaware of what their bodies were doing. After he was finished, Darla asked, "So that rather large bosom you've got is all you? Can I see?" Dana quickly stripped off all but her stockings. As Darla took her breasts in hand, she said, "Be careful. They're awfully sensitive." Darla gently probed Dana's breasts before saying, "Let me see your crotch." Dana sat on the edge of the couch and leaned back, spreading her legs so her mother could get a good look at her. Darla knelt down between her legs, and inspected her crotch, lifting her dick and gently feeling Dana's vulva. A few times, Dana shuddered a bit as the sensation of her mother's fingers caused her to pulse with pleasure. Darla apologized, but Dana just blew it off. After Darla finished, she stood up, saying, "Incredible. You are so sexy like that." "You think so? Sometimes I feel kind of... freakish." Darla took her daughter's hand. "Dan... Dana, you shouldn't feel like that. You are an incredibly sexy woman. You have the best of both worlds; nice, soft curves, complete with a large bosom, a sensitive vulva just ready for kissing and fingering, and a nice dick ready to slide into a woman's softest holes whenever she'd like." Dana smiled. "Thanks, mom. So I'm your dream lover?" Darla grinned. "Almost. To be my dream lover I'd make a couple modifications." "What's that?" "I'd give you a big, muscular body. No less curvy or feminine, just bigger with bigger muscles. And the second change I'd make is to give you a bigger dick. I always thought it was a bit of a shame that you didn't inherit your father's 'equipment'." "I'm not that small. I'm 7 inches when hard." "Maybe, but in comparison to your father, that's tiny." "Was he really that large? I don't remember." Dana seemed almost apologetic when she made that confession, as though she were embarrassed to not be able to remember her father better. Consoling her, Darla said, "Oh, hun, you were very young when your father died. But, yes, your father was that large. He was 11 and a half inches erect. He used to joke that he was cheated out of that last half inch that would've given him a full foot. But you inherited your penis from my side of the family. My father and all my male relatives were all pretty average. But I suppose as a transsexual, a big dick and big muscles weren't things you were interested in." "Not really." "Well I suppose I should get to unpacking." As Darla walked back to her room, Dana asked, "Mom, what was dad like? I... I just don't remember him all that well." "Why don't you help me unpack and we'll talk about him." Dana got dressed again and for the next couple hours, until Kathy got home, Dana and Darla talked about Dana's father as they unpacked. When Kathy got home, they had a quick snack while Darla informed her of her parents' secret sex life. Kathy was no less shocked by the revelation than Dana had been. They talked a while, until dinner. Kathy offered to order in, but Darla insisted that she be allowed to cook since her kids were being so gracious as to take her in. While Darla was cooking, Dana and Kathy had a quick conversation about what she had told them. For dinner they had a simple tuna and cheese casserole that Darla had thrown together, then they sat and chatted about nothing in particular for a couple hours until Darla said, "I guess I'll leave you two kids and go to my room." Dana said, "Mom, you don't have to do that." "I don't have to, but I will anyways. Evenings belong to young lovers." "No, I mean we'd like you to join us. In bed tonight." "Are you sure? I'd love to, but I don't want you feeling you have to do anything like this just for me." "Well, we discussed it earlier, and although we're not sure about being as open as you and Kathy's mom and dad seem to be, we'd like to expand our love lives a little and include you as a sexual partner." Darla smiled. "I would LOVE to spend a night with you two. And maybe this old lady can teach you youngsters a thing or two." Kathy grinned. "Sounds great." All three got up from the table and went into the bedroom, arm in arm, and kissing like long lost lovers. As soon as they were in the bedroom, Darla said, "Okay, time to give your mom a treat and let me see both you kids naked." Dana stood in the center of the room, and Kathy stepped up behind her. Kathy reached around and unbuttoned her wife's blouse. She then grasped Dana's breasts and fondled them a bit before pulling the blouse from her body. Dana twisted her head around and kissed Kathy full on the lips while Kathy undid her bra. Kathy then reached down and unzipped Dana's skirt, letting it fall to the floor. She bent down, took Dana's panties and slid them down. When Dana's dick was free, Kathy gave it a little kiss on its head before pulling the panties from her once husband's body. Dana leaned over and unzipped Kathy's dress. Kathy stood and turned so her back was to Dana. Dana pulled the dress from Kathy's shoulders and down her torso. When Dana reached her waist, Kathy took the dress and started to shimmy out of it as Dana gently fondled her breasts. Then Dana reached down and pulled Kathy's panties from her rear, placing one kiss on each ass cheek as Kathy stepped from the lingerie. As soon as Darla saw Kathy's crotch, she said, "That's so cute. It's like a little boy's dick. Bring it over here and let me suck it." Kathy grinned and said, "First, we want to see you naked. We've disrobed for you." Darla stood and started to remove her blouse, joking, "Alright, only if you promise not to go running from the room in terror." Like two children who planned on doing the exact opposite of what they were saying, Dana and Kathy said, in unison, "We promise." Darla gave her kids (she had thought of Kathy as one of the family since before Dan did) a mock disapproving glare, and quickly undressed down to her socks. She then said, "What do you think?" Both Dana and Kathy stared in wonder. Finally Kathy said, "You look great." "For a woman my age?" "For a woman of any age." "Flatterer." But Kathy wasn't just flattering her. Although Darla was beginning to show the effects of old age, sagging breasts (as well as everything else), gray hair, and the such, she still had a good looking body, and had kept it trim and well put together. She made both Kathy's and Dana's dick twitch in anticipation. And Darla saw that. But she kept her cool and with just a raised eyebrow, said, "Now let me see. I believe you said that if I disrobed, I'd get to taste Kathy's new dick." Darla sat back on the edge of the bed and Kathy stepped up. Darla reached out, taking one of each of Kathy's buttcheeks in her grasp and pulled her close. Darla leaned over and sucked Kathy's dickhead into her mouth. She gently used her tongue on Kathy and soon had the younger girl writhing and moaning in ecstasy. Darla felt Dana get on the bed beside her and take her breasts in hand. Dana started to lightly flick at her nipples and Darla closed her eyes, savoring just the physical sensation of her daughter's touch. She stuck her tongue out and slid it into Kathy's cunt. The three moved together until Darla orgasmed under Dana's touch. Darla redoubled her efforts and soon had Kathy spraying into her mouth. Darla swallowed what Kathy gave her, licking the last bits off her lips. "It's not exactly semen, is it?" she commented. "Well, I don't produce sperm," Kathy replied. "I've been told it's basically the same stuff that lubes my cunt when I get excited, just shooting out of my dick." Darla took Kathy's dick in hand and started stroking it lightly. "So how big is this going to get?" "It'll be ten inches at full growth." "How long will that take?" "Six weeks. Exact progression of one inch per week. Just like on Dana's breasts. One cup per week. Although she'll only take two more weeks before full growth." "You're still growing? Whatever possessed you to want breasts that big?" Dana told her, "You did." "Me?" "Yeah, I wanted breasts bigger than yours. I always felt gypped that I wasn't born a girl and wouldn't get big breasts like you. So when they told me I could have any size I wanted, I said triple D so I could have one size bigger than you." "Wait till your breasts start sagging like mine, then you'll see how much you like big breasts." Dana grinned. "Won't happen, mom. Another advantage of the nanotech system. I'll never have to worry about sagging breasts, or back problems, or any of that." Darla sighed. "You are so lucky." Dana looked up at Kathy and saw her wife's smile and knew that Kathy would be looking into seeing if she could get Darla some nanites of her own. But for now, Kathy just said, "What's next? As our guest it's your choice, mom." "I want to feel both of you inside me at once. Kathy in my cunt, Dana in my ass." Dana said, "Okay. I think the easiest way to do this would be for Kathy to lie on her back with her legs hanging off the edge of the bed. Mom can lay on top of you. That should minimize the likelihood of you slipping out of her as we move together. Then I'll lay on her back after slipping into her ass." Without a word, Kathy quickly lay on her back, and Darla straddled her hips. Dana took Kathy's dick in hand and helped slide it into her mother's waiting cunt. Then Darla lay forward, pressing her body to Kathy's while sliding her legs off the bed. Dana then got between her legs while sliding her dick into her mom's firm ass. Dana then leaned forward, pressing her body to Darla's while pushing herself deeper into her mom. Dana supported herself on one hand while using her other to stroke Darla's breast. Dana started moving first, sliding in and out of Darla as softly as she could. Darla started moving next, lifting up on Dana's in-stroke so as to help get deeper penetration, then slamming back down to get Kathy fully inside her. Kathy didn't move her crotch, she was too small to really stroke with her dick, but did reach around and take Dana's breasts in hand, stroking them with all the skill she had gained in the few weeks of Dana's having had them. The three moved together in passion. They tried to hold off, but the erotic passion was just too much. Darla came first, being on the receiving end of both her children's love. Kathy and Dana came together soon thereafter, filling Darla with the physical expression of their love. Afterwards, when they were all snuggled up and about to fall asleep together, Darla said, "I've got a confession. To both of you. When my house was destroyed, Kathy's parents offered to take me with them on the rest of their world tour then I'd move in with them. But when you offered to have me move in, all three of us got together and decided I'd move in with you and try to convince you to try a more open sexuality. Something like what we did tonight." Kathy giggled. "What?" Dana said, "We figured as much, mom. We didn't know about Kathy's parents' involvement, but we figured you were doing something like this." "How?" "You think we didn't figure out long ago that your shipping my female clothes to me in college wasn't quite the accident you made it out to be? Then there was your 'sudden' revelation of your collective sex lives. You weren't near as sneaky as you thought you were being." "So why'd you decide to do this?" "Kathy and I got together and talked about it. We were wondering if maybe we weren't missing out on something. We had pretty much tried everything we could do one on one, so we decided to 'let' you manipulate us into bed." Darla snorted in mock indignation. "My own children manipulating me. What is this world coming to?" Kathy kissed the back of Darla's neck. "A world where your kids are willing to love you as much as you love them." Darla simply said, "Amen," before they all drifted off to sleep. ************ ONE WEEK LATER... Dana left the house. Over the last week, she and Kathy had discussed how open they were going to make their relationship and had decided that as long as they both knew the person and agreed in advance to it, extra-marital affairs could be tolerated. Today, Kathy and mom were up at the offices getting a nanotech system for mom. So Dana decided to make today the day of his first extra-marital liaison, with Kathy's approval, of course. Dana approached Terri and Larry's house and knocked on the door. She knew it was Terri's day off and was hoping to entice him into a bit of fun, perhaps into a three-way with Larry. Larry opened the door, dressed only in an apron. Dana said, "Hey, handsome," stepped inside, and kissed him on the cheek. She heard Terri come from the other room, and saw him wrapping his robe around his body. Judging from the way he didn't seem to notice his no longer growing D cup bosom, Dana guessed that he had yet to break through his programming. Terri said, "Come on in, Dana. I was just having a bit of fun with Larry." Dana watched Terri move and loved the way his breasts bounced underneath his robe as he moved. Terri asked, "Did you come over to borrow a cup of sugar or some such?" "Actually, I came over to ask you something." "Shoot." Dana walked closer to him, saying, "Kathy and I have decided to be a little more sexually open and active, so I was wondering," Dana suddenly surprised Terri by taking his breasts in hand, leaning forward and kissing him before continuing, "would you like to take a little time and be my first extra-familial lover?" A little breathless, Terri responded, "Hun, I have wanted you since the first day I saw you. Will I get a crack at your lovely wife any time soon?" "How about tonight? Bring Larry over and we'll have a five way. The four of us and my mom." Terri just responded by wrapping his arms around Dana and kissing her deeply. He then stepped back and removed his robe. Underneath he was wearing a garter belt, but no stockings. "I always like to wear something feminine. I know I don't have the body

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Dana’s nipples got hard too when she noted that the blonde wasn’t wearing any panties. A small tuft of hair was all that shielded the world from perhaps the most beautiful pussy that Dana had ever seen. The pouty outer lips barely concealing what looked like a good sized clit hood. Dana wasn’t a lesbian but she was most certainly selectively bi, and this woman fit very well into Dana’s definition of selective. She wore a black mini skirt and a white sheer top. 3” heals only accented her...

2 years ago
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Duke Dana

Dana unlocked the front door and led Duke, a brindle and white Great Dane, into her living room and through her house to the back door. She turned him loose in the spacious back yard and watched him for a few moments, loping around, sniffing and marking as he went, then returned to her car for the rest of his things; food, bed, bowls and toys. She had agreed to dog sit for her older brother Dan while he and his wife Kara went on vacation to Hawaii, but she didn’t realize how much stuff that...

3 years ago
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A Date with Dana

Talking to her was easy. So easy, I couldn't help myself from wanting to talk to her more. You may say, "yeah, so what." So what for me is that I am 54 years old and stopped dating because I really don't enjoy sex with women. I love their company, their softness, the fact that they love to cuddle, their warm soft lips. And the list goes on. I just wish I liked to how they make love. None of the women I have ever been with knew how to handle a penis. They are either afraid to hurt it and...

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I wasn't really all about the party. I knew maybe four people there, and while it was a pretty chill affair, I couldn't help but feel like I wanted to be at home doing something else. Of course I was looking for the good looking girls- and there were a few- most of whom either had boyfriends or just wouldn't be interested in me. When that happens, when I can see there's no connection there, a woman's attractiveness becomes abstract real fast, like art on the wall; pretty, but you don't want to...

2 years ago
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Stepson FantasyChapter 6 Steve and Dana

When Peggy’s hubby gave his son, Steve and Dana, his stepdaughter, money for the movies, he assumed they would really go to a movie. He was only interested in getting them out of the house because he really needed some “quality time” with Peggy. It had been so long since he’d fucked her that his eyeballs were swimming with cum. Steve had just gotten his driver’s license. He was shocked when his dad suggested he take Dana to the movies. His dad had to know that it was risky for an...

4 years ago
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Shopping for her that Christmas had become quite a problem. She was my best friend, and in a perfect world, we'd be dating. But as anyone can tell you with a quick look around...this world ain't perfect. I lusted after Dana with the lust only the truly infatuated and completely unsatisfied can. If I were to open my personal mental dictionary and look up the word 'perfection', Dana's smiling face would be staring right back at me. And, if you listened to her personal definition of...

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Kathy and my Frat Brothers

About a month ago I received a letter from a college fraternity brother of mine. I hadn't seen Stan since graduation three years before. Stan was trying to get a group of us together to meet for the first football game of the season. He had settled down in the town where our university was located while most of the rest of our click had moved away. The plan was to go to the game and then to the old frat house afterwards. We'd finish off the night back a Stan's place. I looked forward to the...

3 years ago
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Kathy und Betti Watson German

Kathy und Betti WatsonKapitel 1Betti Watson f?hlte ein hei?es Kribbeln in ihrer jungfr?ulichen Muschi, als sie ihre schmalen H?ften auf dem Sofa hin und her bewegte. Ihr blaues Bikini-H?schen schmiegte sich eng an ihre hei?en, geschwollenen Schamlippen. Das seidene Material rieb angenehm an ihrer M?se. Das Gef?hl war schockierend gut, sogar besser als das in ihren Brustwarzen, die bereits steif waren. Es war schrecklich f?r das M?dchen, so zu f?hlen, besonders, weil es in der Wohnung ihrer besten Freu...

1 year ago
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Kathy8217s Dog Act

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); Kathy Murphy walked nervously onto the stage and peered into the dark auditorium. She briefly shaded her eyes with her hand, trying to blot out the blinding stage lights. “Pete! Pete! I thought I told you that I wanted a brunette!” Kathy heard the producer yell. “Bob! I’m telling you she’s good. Listen to her read her lines and shut up for once in your life,” Pete Coons, the director, shouted...

3 years ago
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Football Buddy Part Four First Date with Kathy

"Wow," I said as I looked at the view of the city. "That's the second time you said that," Kathy smiled from behind me. "Well," I said, standing against the glass window of her office. "I know you said you worked in this building, but I didn't think you were up this high." "I am glad you like it," Kathy smiled as her secretary brought her a few papers. "I am sorry I am running late." "Late," I said, shaking my head. "I got one of the best views in the city." Kathy worked as a...

2 years ago
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My wife Kathy Began Swinging

I met Kathy at a college football game. Beth, a mutual friend who worked with Kathy, introduced us. Beth is a buxom brunette with a great face and smile. She stands a well endowed 5’6″, 130 pounds, with a tight little behind. Kathy on the other hand, has light brown hair, almost strawberry blond. She also has a great face, but smaller breasts and a great butt. Beth had been married for a few years before Kathy and I were married, but her husband was a gambler and a philanderer. It...

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Kathys free house

Kathy’s mom and dad were going out for the night, so she had invited her friend Melissa over to stay and keep her company. At fifteen they had known each other for most of their lives.Melissa arrived just as Kathy’s parents were leaving, and after getting the usual instructions of what to do and what not to do, Melissa put her overnight bag in Kathy’s room, the plan was that Melissa would use the blow up bed, on the floor.The two girls settled in to watch the TV, American idol was on, they were...

2 years ago
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Kathy Comes to Dinner

On Thursday at dinner, Lisa asked me if it would be okay if she invited Kathy over for barbeque on Saturday night. I said sure and asked Lisa what she wanted for the menu (I am the barbeque chef) . She said she wanted my secret recipe ribs. (Its hardly a secret, I marinate the heck out of them in what is mostly bourbon. The chef usually does a little marinating himself!) Kathy is a long time, very close friend of Lisa's and is a fairly regular guest at our house. In addition to being very nice...

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Kathy White Trash Whore Part 8

She was naked and lying on the mattress, partially covered by a blanket, her lower half being exposed to the guy sitting with her. She was aware of the sound of voices and the clinking of glasses and plates coming from the kitchen as her eyes focused on July enjoying coitus with two white guys on the sofa. She propped herself up, resting on her elbow, “Good Morning” her mattress mate greeted her. “Morning?” she questioned. “Yeah, it’s just after two thirty…………….most people have gone...

3 years ago
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Kathy White Trash Whore Part 10

She felt complete and free of guilt; At last she was the person she wanted to be. Jeff too, was enjoying his new role in life; striving to be the perfect husband, and revelling in the pleasure he derived from submitting himself to his wonderful wife’s desires. Neither of them had engaged in any sexual activity outside of the marital home for several days, but it didn’t concern either of them. They spent a great deal of their time together talking about sex and learning more of their...

1 year ago
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Kathy White Trash Whore Part 11

She also told him to wait up for her. It was only just after 8pm and he was sitting on the sofa in his bath robe, watching T.V. when she came home. She stood in the living room doorway, her messy red hair falling on the shoulders of the black leather jacket, which was open down to her waist perfectly framing her firm and ample boobs. Jeff loved her to wear jeggings; the skin tight denim look really showed off her legs and backside, and the knee high, black leather, full laced boots,...

4 years ago
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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 53 Dutch Takes Kathy

Earlier Rosa told Dutch: "I want you to do Kathy. Take her cherry. You won't hurt her and I know you love her." "Are you crazy?" He said, but his brain was racing. 'This has to be a dream, ' he told himself, 'there's nothing in the world I want more than to screw Kathy's brains out, but it... I never... never, ever thought.' "So will you do it for me?" He couldn't believe his ears. "You... you're not kidding... you're fucking serious about this?" "I am. I really...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 20

When they were on their way back to their suite, Kathy had a quick whispered exchange with Marie. The girl had just nodded her head quickly, and smiled warmly. Again, as the previous night, Celeste took Ken to her bedroom while Marie accompanied Kathy. When they were in the room, Celeste wheeled the massage table in from the adjacent room and asked Ken to lie on his back after she carefully undressed him. As he lay there, he was amazed at what happened next. Rather than giving him a normal...

2 years ago
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Ed and Kathy

Prelude I am Edward Dobson, known by everyone except my mother as Ed. I'm six feet tall and weigh 190 pounds. I have blondish hair and blue/gray eyes. I'm sixteen years old and I've been told by all of my teachers that I'm exceptionally gifted. So, what is wrong with this picture? I'm also a nerd. I am the middle of three children. My brother John is two years older than me and last year he was quarterback and captain of the Medford High School football team. John had been offered, and...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 15

When the women reached Hank's ball, the men had been waiting and had started to wonder what had happened to them. Jim started to make a crack to his wife about getting lost when his jaw just dropped, realizing that both women were now nearly nude. Then he just grinned at Hank whose naked blonde beauty was overwhelming. She was a vision in shades of gold with her golden tan, brilliant golden blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. After motioning to Kathy to put sun protection on Ken, she spoke...

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kathy by whiskybuffKathy pushed the hair away from her eyes as she flirted openly with the new doctor at work. Dan had been there for three months, and Kathy knew he was interested. Dan heard about her reputation from some of the other doctors and he was eager to try his luck with my flirtatious wife. After a few teasing jokes and some appraising looks, Dan figured he had at least a yellow light, so he signaled for Kathy to follow him into the storage room. Kathy quickly glanced around to...

4 years ago
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Sex Ed with Aunt Kathy

"I don't want to go to Iowa!" I yelled at my mother. "I won't go to Aunt Kathy's and that's final!" "Richard honey, you have to go. Daddy and I are going to England for the summer education program at Eton and we can't take you with us. At 14, you're too young to stay at home alone, so that only leaves Kathy." So the next weekend mom and dad packed me off on a bus to Iowa. 17 hours later I got of the bus in Ames and Aunt Kathy was standing there waiting for me. "Hi...

2 years ago
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Kathy CarlsonChapter 21

On Wednesday morning of the following week, after her wake-up lovemaking with Ken, Kathy noticed a particularly wistful expression on Marie's face and she asked the girl about it. With a sad shake of her head Marie replied, "Lady Kathy, it is the way you make love with Sir Ken. It's ... It's so lovely. You give each other so much pleasure." "I hope that's true, Marie," Kathy responded, "But so what? Why does that make you look so wistful? Are you jealous or something?" The girls...

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Kathy White Trash Whore Part 9

Introduction: Kathy and Jeff realise their new found relationship Kathy and Jeff didnt want to sleep. They lay in bed naked, holding each other, a hand on each others buttocks pulling them close. I love you so much Kathy I love you too. I never realised you were so open about sex. I think Ive got a few things to learn about you too Jeff Oh Kathy, I am so sorry, I hope you will forgive me, I feel so guilty for cheating on you. Kathy opened her mouth and kissed him, pushing her tongue...

1 year ago
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Naked in School Bobby and KathyChapter 5 Friday

When I woke up that morning, it took me a little while to remember where I was. That turned out to be the least of my worries. Turning over, I saw Kathy lying on her side away from me, snoring softly. While I was lying there, the stuff from the night before began running through my head, making me a little queasy. I remembered talking on the phone with Kathy until my dad grabbed me and started beating me up. I could remember the ambulance ride to the hospital with Kathy and how she didn't...

3 years ago
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Kathy White Trash Whore Part 9

They lay in bed naked, holding each other; a hand on each others buttocks pulling them close. “I love you so much Kathy” “I love you too.” “I never realised you were so open about sex.” “I think I’ve got a few things to learn about you too Jeff” “Oh Kathy, I am so sorry; I hope you will forgive me; I feel so guilty for cheating on you.” Kathy opened her mouth and kissed him, pushing her tongue between his lips to find his. They could both still taste the sperm in each others...

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Kathy by Tiffany Scott Kathy Easton had never felt like this before. The power and feeling of total control that surged through her each time she thrust her hips forward. Now she truely understood what was ment when men said that a woman couldn't "Fuck", that she could only be fucked. She watched, with eye's that were twice thier normal size, her husband of four years squirm, pulling helplessly at the cords securing his wrists and ankles to the four posts...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 28

On Monday morning, Kathy realized there were only two weeks left. After first calling Ali, she called Henry Hall and then loaded the girls into her car. Arriving at Henry's facility at the Alliance Studios, she was about to introduce Kris and Kim when Henry exclaimed, "Kris and Kimmie! Where in hell have you two been? We've missed you." After looking at them and then at Kathy he said, "It's pretty clear that the object of whatever you're doing is to look as much like Kathy as...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 3

When the alarm went off at four-thirty, it seemed to Kathy that she had just fallen asleep. She groped around on the night stand to turn it off to keep it from waking Ken. Although still more than half asleep, she stumbled out to the kitchen to make coffee, and then went into the bathroom. She had had the foresight to bring her clothes out to the living room so she wouldn't need to open drawers or turn on lights in the bedroom. After setting up his breakfast and leaving a note about...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 25

It was six o'clock when Kathy and Ken got off the plane in Los Angeles. All their clothes and equipment was either being stored at Kapalua or packed up by the girls and shipped home. They were among the first passengers off the plane and through security. Since there was no baggage, they were ready to go. Kathy saw Fred standing off to the side and ran to him. When she went to give him a kiss, he just held her arms and said, "Let me look at you!" Then he shook his head and said, "I...

1 year ago
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Training Kathy to be a good lover with the help of Louise

So I waited and waited and WAITED for 1PM to come. I couldn't wait to give Kathy her second lesson in the art of sex. Fucking and sucking with this beautiful 20-year-old was a dream come true. Today I was thinking I was going to show her what 69 was all about. But, I wanted to fuck that lesbian sex too! So I sat around and waited for the time to pass and when it finally was time, I slipped out the basement door and walked over two houses to Louise's house. No one was ever home during the...

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Kathy And Surprises part two

After Kathy and I had lived together for a whole school year we decided we would live together again the next year of community college. We had become an item. No one knew her secret except me and her family. Kathy had a cock. That's because she started as a guy and was in transition to becoming a woman. I loved sucking it while she sucked mine. But the semester was ending and she was going home for the summer. So was I. We decided to make our last night of the semester special. We had spent...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 11

Mike Higgins was a big man. He was also a quiet man who preferred to listen rather than to talk. As they sat around the table in the glass-enclosed top-floor lounge, he looked at Ken and Kathy Carlson and marveled. First, he thought, they are a perfectly-matched couple. Second, they are obviously deeply in love. Being very observant, he noticed that they had an almost palpable need to touch each other and to be touched. Now Kathy's hand was just resting in Ken's and she seemed to draw...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 26

When the men left her office, Kathy slipped into her bikini and put her shirt on but left it unbuttoned. With a small smile, she remembered it was exactly the way Ginger had looked on the day they first met, wearing her shirt like a vest. Running her hands lightly over her breasts and belly she was now reasonably satisfied. Where just a few months ago there had been only softness and flab, now there were only hard muscles under satin-smooth golden skin. Her phone rang with its characteristic...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 27

When Ken opened the door, he was grateful that Kathy had been able to warn him through Ali. There were two naked girls kneeling by the door waiting for him. After closing the door, the auburn-haired girl said, "Good evening, Master. I am Slave Kimberly and this is Slave Kristin. We are here to serve you in any way you may wish." Looking up into his eyes she asked, "Would you like to discipline us now?" He saw the girls were looking up at him with expressions on their faces that he...

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kathy at the party

"We'll just make an appearance, then leave as soon as we can," I said to my wife. My boss had invited us to his annual New Year's Eve party, and neither of us were enthusiastic about going. "Vince is just so arrogant around women, he makes my skin crawl," said Kathy. "Do we have to go at all?""I don't think he ever bought our excuse from last year," I replied. "Remember? We said we had to go to your mother's instead? He's been making comments at the office like maybe I'm not happy with the...

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Engagement to Kathy

Engagement to Kathy By [email protected] met this very wonderful woman called Kathy. We have been dating for about nine months and it seems like we agree on a lot of things and we like to do the same activities. I met Kathy through a friend at work, and she has changed my life.Recently, when I took Kathy out on a date to a restaurant, I got down on my knee and asked her to marry me. To my surprise, she didn't say "Yes", but she said that she would think about it.A few days later she...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 7 Kathy at Sixteen

As Rosa bounced her ass gleefully on Dutch's massive erection, she failed to notice her daughter Kathy peeking in at them as they cavorted on the bed. Kathy's eyes widened at the sight before her and she bolted back to her bedroom before her mother noticed her standing there. Huddled safely under her blanket, Kathy listened intently to the faint sounds coming from the next room. Without straining her ears Kathy could discern muffled groaning, and the sound of their bodies rocking the...

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Kathy Lee and Regis

41 year old Kathy Lee Gifford was looking at herself in the bathroom mirror as she finished her shower. Not to bad she thought, certainly not the figure she had when she was Maryland's Junior Miss but still a shapely woman. Her 5' 6" frame carried her weight well, her hips were a little more generously curved but she still had a slim waist, just a little swell in her stomach. Her Junior Miss 35B breasts were fuller and rounder now, up to a 35C size, just a little sag but not much. All in...

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Kathy And Surprises part three

Since Kathy and I had lived together sharing the same one bedroom apartment at our community college we had become an item. An unusual item. Kathy had a cock. A huge cock. Bigger than my seven inches. But I adored her and we were really good together. I'm Greg and we had completed our first year. We had gone our separate ways and then I was invited to Kathy's home to meet the family. It had went so fucking well. Her mother and father had the master bedroom downstairs. I had a guest room...

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A Night with Kathy

He had just gotten off work in the computer lab. Kathy waited patiently by the door. She smiled seductively, because she knew what was about to happen. He was nervous because he had never been with such a beautiful woman before and he really wanted to impress her. Kathy was so sexy, she even walked seductively, her ass moving gently side to side as she walked ahead of him. They walked across the parking lots to Lafollette and on past it to her building. She punched the button for the elevator...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 35

They found Andy hanging from the bracelets on her wrists. Two small pools of blood had formed, one below each foot. They had formed as the blood from the myriad cuts across her body had slowly flowed down her body to her legs, then down to her toes to drip onto the polyethylene below. Since her legs were still held spread wide apart by the ankle bracelets attached to the torture frame, two separate pools had formed. There was also a small pool of urine beneath her. Andy's head was pitched...

1 year ago
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Kathy white trash whore part 4

Kathy (white trash whore) part 4 It was 12.45pm on Saturday. Kathy was in the bedroom dressing for work. Well………. she was actually dressing as if she were going to go to work. She unwrapped the towel around her, then gave her freshly shaven snatch a careful inspection in the mirror. It looked as smooth as it felt. She put on her blouse, at Lenny’s request she did not wear a bra, then sat on the bed to get into her sheer black tights. She would have preferred stockings, but Lenny had...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 13

Wellington escorted them to a corner suite and unlocked the door. Their room was utterly magnificent with a view through the palm trees to the Pacific with the island of Molokai across the channel in the distance. Kathy thought the vista was utterly breathtaking. Then Hank called, "Marie? Celeste? Are you here?" Two lovely Asian girls appeared from the bedroom wearing identical immaculate uniforms. Kathy gasped as she realized they were identical twins with no apparent difference between...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 32

When Kathy came into the office the next morning she saw Judy sitting behind her desk and stopped dead in her tracks. "He's the one, isn't he? It worked out the way you hoped, didn't it? Judy Jeffries, you are the most beautiful girl in the world this morning. And you look very well fucked!" Kathy and Judy went to the conference room to get coffee and then went to Kathy's office to talk. Judy gave her a blow-by-blow account of the weekend. When she mentioned that Mike had the Medal of...

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Kathy Exposed Me

Kathy Exposed Me I was in my late twenties and had only one prior sexual partner when I met Kathy. She was in her mid twenties, dark hair and eyes, about 5'5' and 120 pounds. She had a shapely bottom and very well shaped, though small breasts.Kathy was very sexually adventurous and I entered a completely new world when I met her. I had more sex with Kathy in a month than I'd had in my lift to that point. By that time she had me hooked and could talk me into just about anything.For many if may...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 21 Kathy

September 1980, Milford, Ohio On Sunday morning, after swimming and breakfast together, Stephanie came to talk to me. We only had a short time because she had to leave for church. “I haven’t really had a chance to talk to you since Friday. How are you doing?” “Better, Squirt. Of course, my love life is as complicated as ever!” She giggled, “If it wasn’t, I’d worry something was wrong! But you do need to be extra careful with Bethany.” “I was thinking the same thing, but I can’t quite put...

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Kathy CarlsonChapter 36

"Katherine Carlson, who is that incredible person you brought out here with you?" Hank Conroy exclaimed. "She is simply marvelous! You should have seen her this afternoon on the beach with Kenny and Kathy. The kids utterly adore her. Who is she?" "She is one of the richest women in the world, Hank," Kathy replied softly. "She's also my slave. Did you see her body? It's better than it was five days ago but she is still cut to ribbons." Kathy then told her new sister of the events...

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my night with Dana

This is my first story on here, so please bear with me. I have several stories about this girl, Dana. She is by far the most exciting and erotic woman I have been with (and don't tell my wife dammit...LOL)Dana was a classmate of mine when I was first in college. We were both non traditional students, but only a couple of years older than the rest of our classmates. We were both working full time while going to school, so we were both very busy. This actually worked out because we started to...

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WednesdaysChapter 17 Jenny Flashes Dana

In the mornings, weekdays anyway, the alarm rings at six. Usually, we roll right out and use the bathroom, come back and grab something to read while we wake up. I pick up one of my books of erotica, Ed picks up a copy of X-Rated Letters or something else from the shelf next to his side of the bed. We sit close together as we read and usually I have my hand on his thigh. "You're up early this morning," I said after a while. "Umm. You felt good this morning before the alarm went off....

3 years ago
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My wife Kathy loves being a whore with lots of men

Fucking my wife Kathy – My wife Kathy had a great time fucking my friends. We were in bed with only a sheet covering us when she began to run her hand down my stomach and then, lightly, to stroke my cock. She whispered to me not to be upset about my friend’s comments, that they were only making fun of me for eating my wife’s pussy full of their cum and that any one of them would love to be where I was now, in bed with her. As she told me this she was stroking my cock more forcefully and my...

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Kathys New CleanUp Man

Kathy first met a black man without her husband’s knowledge and had a great time experiencing her first taste of black cock. Kathy told me she loved meeting them and watching the contrast of seeing a huge thick black cock as it slices into her pussy.Kathy still felt guilty about going out with these men and coming home with their seed still inside her belly knowing her husband had no idea his wife was out screwing around.After she told me she was going to stop seeing her black lovers because...

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Naked in School Bobby and KathyChapter 4 Thursday

When I woke up that morning, I was really looking forward to school because I was going to get to see Bobby. I couldn't remember ever being so excited about going to school on a Thursday. I was already making plans to surprise him tonight by calling him. I was kind of surprised that he gave me his phone number, since he had been a little unsure about calling me, but he didn't even hesitate. My parents seemed a little smug about me getting phone calls from a boy. I didn't care. Sometimes...

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