April Fool's Joke Gone Bad II,1999 It Gets Worse free porn video

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April Fool's Joke Gone Bad II 1999 It Gets Worse! by Steve Zink This story uses characters owned by Warner Bros./DC Comics, and in no way uses those characters to make any money. This story is a parody using the characters in a fan fiction for strictly fan enjoyment. Batman had left the Batcave early in the morning of April 1 to join the rest of the members of the Justice League of America. They were meeting for a monthly get together and situational awareness briefing onboard the JLA's Earth orbiting satellite, where he would be occupied for the whole day. Observing the meeting, unbeknownst to the JLA, was Superman's 5th dimension magical foe, Mr. Mxyzptlk. Robin, being young and with a mind fully open to off the wall jokes, figured that, this being April 1st, he could pull a really good April Fool's joke on Batman. After telling Alfred that he would be busy all day in the Batcave and that he needed privacy, Robin got to work. Going through the trophy room in the Batcave, Robin found exactly what he was looking for. Following one of the many run ins Batman and Robin had had with Catwoman, Batman had locked away the costume she was wearing before sending her off to jail. Robin assembled all the pieces of the costume at the Batcave's dressing table. He then walked over to the costume and disguise section of the Batcave and opened up a large cabinet. Inside the cabinet were full head masks mounted upon wig stands. Almost all the masks were of male faces, used by Batman mostly but occasionally by Robin to disguise themselves for undercover work. There were also a few masks with female faces that Batgirl had used on a few missions where all three worked together as a team. Robin had never before given any thought to using one of the female masks, but his concept for the joke broke down all barriers to his normal sexual taboos. This time, it wouldn't be Batgirl wearing one of the female face masks. Robin looked over the female masks, trying to decide which one would best fill his needs. He picked up his selection and brought it back to the dressing table. It was a mask Batgirl had used to disguise herself as a streetwalking slut, but the young crime fighter was unaware of this detail. The next thing Robin did was to go through the drawers of feminine underwear and foundation garments that Batgirl had stored there. From these he selected two pairs of suntan colored panty hose, some flesh colored panties, a flesh colored panty girdle, a flesh tone body briefer and a rather severe black corset. He brought the small pile of garments to the dressing table. Robin stripped off his costume and set it aside. After folding his penis back between his legs under his crotch, Robin pulled on the pair of panties to hold it there. To hide the bulge under his crotch even more, he put on the panty girdle, which had the side benefit of also flattening his stomach. Robin then picked up the corset which he wrapped around his waist, then slowly and carefully pulled up the zipper to close the corset tightly. Besides a flattened tummy, he now had a severely hourglass shaped waist. To smooth out the harsh lines of the corset, he pulled on the body briefer. Now finding it difficult to bend, Robin still managed to pull on the pair of panty hose to smooth his legs, followed by another to both shape his calves and also further hide his leg hair. Earlier checking in the costume collection had pointed out one missing item for his joke, and Robin, in his non-costumed identity as Tim Drake, had gone to a mastectomy shop to obtain the largest breast forms they had. He picked them up out of the drawer he'd hidden them in, then put the silicone forms in the breast cups of the body briefer, which barely held them but still gave him a grossly over inflated chest. Robin was unfamiliar with the measurements, but now boasted a 40DDD chest over a 19 inch waist and 34 inch hips. Sitting at the makeup mirror, Robin opened up the mask and pulled the sides widely apart. He pulled the mask up to his face and settled it into position over his eyes, nose, lips and ears. The thin vinyl material of the mask actually did more to shape his own features into the positions it had, and after Robin zipped the back closed, it fit closely enough to appear from anything more than a few inches as a natural face. Natural, that is, for a stunningly made up hooker. Robin knew that Selina Kyle had been a prostitute in an earlier career before becoming Catwoman, and also was aware that she was a stickler for making up her face exotically. It was for this reason that the young man selected the mask in the first place, knowing that if he couldn't look exactly like Selina, he could come close. It was ironic that he had selected Batgirl's prostitute mask to portray the now ex-prostitute. The mask in place, he got out a long black wig which would fall past his shoulderblades, and put it on over his rubber head. Grinning at the bewitching female that was now looking back at him from the mirror, and seeing the way the mask followed his smile to look natural, Robin started the final part of the preparation by walking over to the bench where the costume lay. Gathering up the left leg of the purple catsuit, Robin gently inserted his foot into the stirrup of the foot and slid the slinky spandex material up over the nylon encased leg to his left knee. Then he did the same for the right leg, followed by pulling the costume slowly up to his waist, smoothing out the folds as he did so. He was truly amazed at the shape now encased in purple below his waist. Carefully poking his right arm into the right sleeve, he pulled it up to the armpit, then did the same for the left arm. Again smoothing everything out, he reached behind himself and pulled the zipper up, then reached over his shoulder to finish the zipping. The spandex did an excellent job in molding around his now huge chest, forming two bulbous purple orbs which almost exactly matched the way it clung to its original owner. The bottom edges of the mask were then folded under the top of the costume's neck. Robin then reached for the shiny black vinyl boots, which had 5" stiletto heels and would zip up to his thighs. "Boy, am I glad my feet are still small," Robin muttered to himself. "These look a bit small, but should still fit." Checking the bottom of the sole, he saw the still barely visible notation saying that they were a size 7B. Once again, Robin's unfamiliarity with female sizes threw him off a bit. He knew he wore a size 6 shoe, so figured the size 7 boots would actually be big on him. He didn't know that the women's size 7 was closer to a men's size 5. Sure enough, after inserting his foot into the first boot and wiggling the toes to get the foot settled in, he found it tighter than he'd figured but workable, since he wouldn't be wearing them for more than a couple of hours. Robin had a bit of trouble getting the zipper closed over his slightly larger instep and ankles, but got it past them and then molded his angular legs into the elegant feminine shape as the zip reached his thigh. He zipped on the other boot, then minced his way back to the mirror. Grabbing the cowl, Robin pulled it over his head, threading the hair at the back of his head through the slot at the base of the cowl. He took the bottom of the cowl and carefully tucked it into the neck of the catsuit, and after smoothing it all out, made it look like a one piece suit from head to toe. Then grabbing the gloves, Robin proceeded to pull each one up past his elbows to reach almost to his shoulders. Flexing his fingers, he noted the claws at the fingertips, which he could extend or retract by carefully working his knuckles within the finger. Leaning back to look at himself in the mirror, Robin thought, "Oh wow! Batman is going to freak when he sees Catwoman here in the Batcave. Let's see, I should be able to do this one step better...if I can find...," then sure enough, in the drawer of the makeup table he found what he was searching for. Robin popped the voice modifier into his throat, then testing, said, "Well, hello Batman. Fancy meeting you here!" Hearing a female voice, if not exactly Selina's, he felt satisfied, then turned to go wait for Batman. In turning, he tripped on the heels he wasn't used to, and on the way down his head caught the side of the table then bounced off the wall. The double impact knocked out the now beautiful woman. ************************************** What Robin couldn't know was that his transformation had been observed. When the JLA members broke for lunch, Mxy decided he'd had enough of the boring space station and left to go Earthside. Superman was now married to Lois, so Mxy figured he could do something mean and nasty to her so that Supes would be shocked upon coming home. Much to his dismay, Mr. Mxyzptlk couldn't find Lois at the Daily Planet or their townhouse. Luckily for her, Lois was at that very moment doing an undercover assignment for her husband. Mxy couldn't find her because Lois was in the identity of Maxima, infiltrating a meeting at Lex Luthor's skyscraper. (If you want to see that story, let me know!) Mr. Mxyzptlk did a mental coin toss, and decided to see what he could do to irk Superman's buddy, Batman. He arrived at the Batcave just as Robin had been putting on his mask. What he observed had him fascinated, and Mxy let events run to see what was going on. When the ersatz Catwoman made her fall, Mxy figured he had some time, and came upon an idea that made him giggle with glee. The image of Mr. Mxyzptlk disappeared, to be replaced by the image of Batmite, a playful but inept imp that Batman had last seen more than a decade ago. ************************************** Twenty minutes later, the figure laid out on the floor of the Batcave started to stir. Slowly lifting her head, she looked about and saw that she was on the floor of the Batcave, which she recognized, even though her thoughts were still blank. Shaking her head back and forth to try and clear the cobwebs, she noticed the hair swinging back and forth as she did so, then noticed what she was wearing. "Oh, that's right...I am Catwoman! I wonder why I'm here in the Batcave?" she said as she got up. Walking suredly to the bench behind her, as if she'd been wearing heels all her life, she picked up her whip then coiled it and inserted it in the top of her left boot. Mxy, in the form of Batmite, had observed Robin coming back to consciousness, and was ready to cast a spell when he heard the words coming from his, well, her lips. This was too good to be true, and he didn't even have to do anything! Just then, the Batmobile careened into the Batcave and came to a stop on the turnstile in the center of the cave. Batman had teleported down from the station when the meeting ended, and gathered the Batmobile from its storage area, to head on home. Stepping behind a pillar to hide herself, Catwoman waited for Batman to get close, then leapt out in front of him. "Well, Batman, it looks like I've finally got you just where I want you!" Batman was too stunned to react, and stood there frozen for just long enough to allow Catwoman to act. Grabbing his hands and securing them with her coiled whip, she then pulled back his mask, and kissed him hard. Coming up for air, Catwoman purred, "Oooo, this is going to be a fun evening...." Mxy was entranced at what was playing out before him, and decided to just watch and wait for the right moment to add to the fun. Catwoman looked upon the unmasked face of her lover, and scrunched her forehead underneath a mask and a cowl. "I know you! You're Bruce Wayne, but I think I already knew that. How could that be?" Batman easily slipped his hands out of the wound up whip in the moment of confusion, and then coiled it around Catwoman's wrists. She started to wriggle in her bonds, but then settled down. He then reached up to Catwoman's cowl. "Fair is fair, Selina," he told her. "If you get to take off my cowl and see my face, then I get to do the same to you." Her purple cowl was pulled up and over her head, and set aside. Looking closely at his elusive paramour, Batman saw that she appeared to be wearing a wig. This got him wondering, and he inserted his left thumb under the front of the wig, then pulled it off her head. At this point Batman recognized the slut mask from the disguise collection, and said, "Now, let's see who you really are!" Batman reached behind Catwoman's head and carefully pulled up the zipper. He opened up the back of the mask and then pulled it forward to show the reveal the impostor's face. "Robin?!?" he exclaimed. The other impostor in the Batcave decided that now was the time to get involved. Right after Batman made his exclamation, the figure of Batmite popped into view next to them. "No, Batman," Batmite said. "Not Robin, Catwoman!" The young male face on top of the outlandishly shaped purple body morphed into a duplicate of the mask that had covered it until moments before, and the hair on his head sprang out to match the wig laying on the bench. But those weren't the only changes taking place. The anatomy reshaped under the costume reshaped itself bit by bit to become the actual flesh normally hidden there. Robin, or rather, Catwoman could feel her feet becoming more slender and shorter, to fit her boots perfectly. Her calves and thighs became smooth and soft in shape, filling out where needed to become the epitome of beautiful gams. If the shape induced by foundation garments before had looked good, the reshaped flesh now covered only by purple spandex now looked incredible. The wasp shaped waist over rounded hips and an absolutely flat stomach made both the new owner and the observer gasp. Catwoman then felt the bulge in her crotch shrink into her body, and looking down saw the distinctly outlined shape of her new labia molded in spandex. She started to reach down to verify what she saw, but felt her fingers changing within the gloves and hesitated. The fingers became smaller and more svelte, and long clawlike fingernails formed at their tips. These new fingers then gently probed the new slit where a projection used to be, and shivered with the feeling she got. At this point the modifications hit her chest, and the silicone forms turned into even larger flesh filled orbs. They were perfectly shaped, and stood out with extended nipples as if gravity had no effect on them. Her new claws reached up and tweaked the nipples projecting outward, and another chill went through her body. Catwoman was now in every way the female she had only pretended to be earlier. She started to step over to the mirror to look at her new self, but hesitated as she felt her heels rising. As she got to the mirror, she saw her head rising, but then halting. She was the now the beautiful slut in actuality! As Catwoman then started to look down towards her feet, Batmite said, "I just couldn't resist! You looked so good in those 5" heels that I decided you'd look even better in 6" heels." Catwoman saw that her toes just barely stuck forward from her instep now, but her balance seemed to be unaffected by the incredible arch the rest of her feet were in perched atop the pencil thin stiletto heels. Until now, Batmite had allowed Robin's mind to take all that was happening to her as Catwoman. She started to turn back towards Batman, but instead turned to the table where her cowl resided. "What's happening? I can't stop myself!" she exclaimed. As Catwoman was pulling the cowl down over her head, threading her mane through the slot in back and then tucking it into the top of the neck, Batmite told her, "You are now Catwoman, in body and in mind. You can forget anything you ever knew of a youngster named Robin. You know enough about your new identity to make it your own, so do it!" Fourteen years of male memories were erased, and the background files assembled over the years by Batman and studied by Robin now became her own life. "By the way, Selina," the imp added, "I have already made sure that you are the only Selina Kyle. There is a young lady in jail right now who just became Kandy Kyle, and she is there serving time for prostitution. Since you share that profession with your older sister, you might want to consider breaking her out!" Now Catwoman knew why her face looked so slutty. It must have slipped her mind that she loved to sell her body besides steal things. Batmite turned towards Batman and saw the look on his face. "You look surprised, Batman! Don't you like what changes I've made?" Before Batman could reply, the disguised Mr. Mxyzptlk added, "Since half of the Dynamic Duo is now female, let's complete the set. Good- bye Batman, hello Batwoman!" Batman couldn't resist as his hands opened the mask they were holding and pulled it over his face. After the zipper was closed, the hands reached for the long black wig, and placed it over the rubber head. They then fell to his side. Frozen in place now, Batman felt not just his body morphing the same way that his partner's had, but also saw and felt the costume altering to reflect the new body underneath it. The heavy armored shape of the black batsuit became a tight fitting and glossy smooth lycra spandex one which clung to the new shapes in all the right places. Her own new breasts made the melons on Catwoman look small, and were equally adept at defying gravity. The exquisite shape of her new body was similar to but not the same as Catwoman's. Besides the larger breasts, her waist was even smaller. Even though both women's faces were derived from the same slut mask, Batmite made sure they didn't end up as twins. Where Catwoman recognized that her face was that of a prostitute after thinking about it for a moment, Batwoman had no problem in knowing her role. Before she pulled the much daintier cowl down over her head, both she and Catwoman saw that the face she wore screamed out sex. Batwoman was now a crimefighter with a very interesting sideline. Batmite wasn't finished, though. Before Batwoman could make any motions to get near either Catwoman or Batmite, the imp conjured up a huge length of rope and proceeded to tie up Batwoman into a severe bondage pose. He also made sure that Batwoman would enjoy it. The memories and morals of Bruce Wayne were erased and replaced with the sex crazed mind of Belinda Wayne, who was now so hot for sex that she had a brain easily open to suggestion. Catwoman took the prompt from Batmite and proceeded to use her whip and claws in bringing the tied up wench to a number of successive orgasms, each one bringing her closer and closer to a point where any semblance of identity could be altered. Catwoman saw how much Batwoman was enjoying her torture and decided to show her an even better time. She untied the black clad wench and led her to the bunk in the corner of the Batcave. There the two new ladies fully explored the workings of their new bodies, each coming to a number of orgasms in the process. In the heat of passion, Catwoman on a whim suggested, "Batwoman, why do you have to be my constant opponent? We could do so much better if we operated together. Just think of the fun we could have, both at home and out on the streets, if we were partners instead of enemies." To her great surprise, Catwoman heard her bedmate say, "I would give anything to be with you constantly, Selina! I could set aside Batwoman and become a new partner of yours, if you want me." Not knowing just how effective the power of suggestion was, Catwoman replied, "Want you? My dear, I need you and desire you and crave your companionship. Forget about Batwoman. You can become Tigress, and work right alongside me!" Mxy's work was done. The outcome of the scenario he had set up was even better than he'd planned. Observing the girls going over to the Bat Computer to design a new costume for the new villainess, and still in the form of Batmite, he said, "Why don't you girls remake this dreary Batcave into something more appealing to cats? I'll go up to the mansion and make some changes there so everything will fit together." As Tigress was getting her new costume ready, Alfred the butler saw the goofy form of Batmite blink into reality in front of him. He couldn't recall how long it had been since he last saw the quirky imp. Little did Alfred know that the imp he saw was a lot more malevolent than the one he was used to. "Hello Batmite," Alfred said. "To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?" Not wasting such a good opening, Batmite replied, "The pleasure is all mine. I'm making a few changes in the Wayne household and the environs below. A grey haired old butler won't fit in with the new residents here, so I think we'll bring in a French Maid." "Why on Earth would you want Master Bruce to have a French Maid?" was Alfred's stunned reply. "Master Bruce doesn't live here any more, Mimi. Mistress Belinda is the new 'master' of the house," Batmite told him. "Mimi? My name is Alfred," the butler started to say, but the imp butt in, "Not any more it isn't! Welcome to a new world where you will have quite a few more years to live, Mimi!" Alfred wasn't given the opportunity to enjoy a slow change in shape like Robin and Batman had. Where one moment stood a 70-ish grey haired butler, the very next stood a petite young 20-ish woman with voluptuous body and long red hair streaming down her back, dressed in a traditional French Maids outfit and perched atop her usual 6" heeled black patent shoes. "Oui, Mister Batmite," were the first words from her new mouth. She went about her cleaning and cooking duties as Batmite blinked out. Mxy reappeared in the Batcave, this time in his own form. He saw that Tigress already had donned her new costume, which left little to the imagination while still looking sexy as hell. The tiger striped lycra G-string split into two thin bands which rose to cover only the aureolas and nipples of her ample breasts, then went round her neck to be tied off as a halter. Similarly colored gloves went all the way to her shoulders, and her tiger striped boots rose to her mid thighs, with heels to match her partner's. The thin domino mask she wore barely hid her identity, while showing off the beautiful face underneath. Catwoman and Tigress spotted Mr. Mxyzptlk at about the same moment, and Catwoman said, "Hello Mr. Mxyzptlk! What brings you to the Batcave? Or should I say, The Cat's Lair? You just missed seeing your old pal Batmite." "Oh, I wouldn't say I missed him," Mxy replied as he blinked back into Batmite. "I've been working undercover today, since it was the Bats I was playing with instead of the Superoaf. Have fun in your new lives, ladies!" Mxy blinked away just a bit too soon, for he would have giggled in glee at hearing that Catwoman and Tigress were planning to trap Batgirl and Huntress and bring them into the fold. Mimi started to feel left out when her mistresses went out having fun and went down to the Cat Computer to make a costume of her own. Catwoman and Tigress were surprised to find their new kitten Pussy waiting for them. Huntress fell for the trap first, and took on the new identity of Manx. Manx herself was the one who snagged Batgirl, who became Ocelot. Since the team of Cats was doing so well, they set higher goals, and in no time a certain Amazon Princess had joined their ranks as the new Cheetah, and even Supergirl fell prey to Cheetah's powers. Appropriately for her strength and powers, the super powered blonde became Lioness. From that moment on, the whole universe was at stake. Mxy could not believe what changes had been wrought from a simple April Fool's joke. The End.

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April Part 2

Rob and April lay in April's bed, lost in their own post-coital thoughts. They had assured one another that this would be a no-strings-attached relationship, and the two of them would be simply friends with benefits. Neither of them wanted to hurt Ines, Rob's wife, nor did they want the drama associated with a busted marriage. April thought she might start feeling guilty later, once the sexual high wore off, because Ines was a friend of hers and would be hurt if she ever found out. Rob didn't...

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April Makes September

April Fleeter clenched her thighs together as she stood at the sink. That didn’t help. The need deep inside her would not go away. She had expected this when three-times-a-week lover, Jake, had given her the news.“Bastard!” she yelled at the ceiling now. Jake knew husband Jeff’s ship was in Singapore, two months from a homecoming. He also knew damned well about her physical needs. Three days without a man and she was anybody’s. Jake had been willing to fill in for Jeff. Better than nothing,...

Wife Lovers
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PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE April O Neil?  SHREDDER?S SLAVE By [email protected]  Synopsis: April O Neil is captured by Shredder and ends up as his slave. Shredder is the main villain from the hit comic book and animated t.v. series TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES.  Story:  ??????????? It was a rainy night in Manhattan. The Foot was the world?s largest corporation. It was run by a Japanese big businessman called Oroko Saki. He was also known as Shredder, dressed as a ninja warlord...

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April and Nicky get wet

I had lots of fantasies about her little friend April Who’s tiny little body was heaven sent, her long very blonde hair almost white with her peaches complexion and bright blue eyes always excited me and I normally ended up sniffing Nicola’s panties and masturbating as a result of her just being around. I knocked on the door and my sister Julie answered and greeted me as usual. I smirked to myself as I reminisced about the time when I cam back from a rave still high and managed to finger...

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Chapter One Her first conscious thought was, I'm awake. She hadn't opened her eyes just yet, but was aware of sounds and that she was cold. The second conscious thought was that she had a Blacksmith using the inside of her head as an anvil and was hitting a particularly hard piece of metal with a four-pound lump hammer. She groaned and cursed red wine. She always got a hangover after drinking red wine and reminded herself of the often-made promise to stick to the voddy. April then realised...

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April May

Chapter One – Tramp On The Run There was a girl running through the forest. Poor thing. She had shoes, that wasn’t the problem, although they were a pair of white four inch heels, which certainly made the running difficult. She had clothes, a loose grey sweat shirt cut at midriff and cutoff blue jean shorts, tailored so tight at the crotch that even a camel would’ve cried for a size larger. I mean, they were comfortable for running. But she wasn’t comfortable. For one thing, she was being...

2 years ago
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April Rising

1. The room was silent, lit only by the bright arc lamp which shone its beam onto one side, that of April. Her body naked knelt upon the bed with her long brown hair cascading over her shoulders and back, her head bent forward, in hiding from the light. Then the music began, a slow soft drumbeat at first getting louder and rising in tempo with it her head began to raise in time to the rhythm. Then the music reached a crescendo and April flicked her head, sending the veil of soft flowing hair...

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April and Jessica Part 3 They come together

April has accepted her sexuality, she has a boyfriend, but that’s just for appearance. She knows she likes pussy, and she can’t deny it. She doesn’t have sex with her boyfriend; she tells him she wants to wait until marriage, in truth she doesn’t want to have sex with him at all. About once a week she posts an ad on craigslist and fulfils her lesbian needs that way. During one such encounter the girl she was with dominated her and she found she liked giving up all control to another girl....

2 years ago
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April and June

April and June Let me introduce myself, my name is Clifford, but you can call me Cliff. I'm just your average guy, single, work for a living, have a one bedroom apartment, and a cat. For most of my 38 years, I've been single. I love women, but have a pattern of becoming fast friends with them and when I want more, they don't. It is always the same, "I wouldn't want to do anything to ruin our friendship." Trouble is, the longer we stay friends, the more I feel for her, the...

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April and Jessica part 1 Aprils discovery

April was about 5feet 9inches tall, big DD breasts, with a firm heart shaped ass and weighed about 130 pounds. She discovered she was attracted to other girls when she was 14. She was looking through her older brother’s bedroom for a pen and she stumbled on his Playboy magazine collection. The magazine fell on the ground open to one of the pictures of a woman naked. She told herself to look away and pretend she never saw it, but some part of her made her pick up the magazine and start...

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April 1st

It was late March and I was reading the newspaper and I found some interesting information from Wikipedia about April Fools’ Day I thought I’d share it before telling my story. April Fools’ Day is celebrated every year on the first day of April. Popular since the 19th century, the day is not a national holiday in any country, but it is well known in Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil and the United States, and it is celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other....

4 years ago
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April 1st

It was late March and I was reading the newspaper and I found some interesting information from Wikipedia about April Fools' Day I thought I'd share it before telling my story. April Fools' Day is celebrated every year on the first day of April. Popular since the 19th century, the day is not a national holiday in any country, but it is well known in Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil and the United States, and it is celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each...

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April My Shemale Love

April My Shemale LoveIt seems that I dream of April quite often. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. April lives in my building, next door to me. She is incredible. Her face is gorgeous. Her brown eyes are striking. She sometimes wears her long brown hair in a ponytail. I love the way it sways from side to side as she walks by. I love watching her walk. Her body is amazing. You should see her breasts. She has a full bosom. And they bounce when she walks. I love to see her wear...

3 years ago
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April and AugustChapter 3

On the seventh day, Marshal Sean arrived to inform them that they were all due in court the next day for the hearing on the girls’ old Master. Jacob, Jason and both girls were required to be there. That night Jason required considerable time to calm the girls down as they still feared their old Master. The next day in court the charges were read aloud by the Royal Judge. “Master Daren, you are accused of punishing by whipping two underage slave girls without a hearing on at least four...

5 years ago
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April and Kimber

Thank you to hkf999 for a fine editing job! * Prologue – April and Kimber On the very first day of high school, two girls met and it was as if they’d known each other forever. April, the beautiful, popular girl with long blond hair and the promise of a nice figure, the girl with the big, bright blue eyes, who spoke incessantly of her horses and weekends at the stables. April’s family was very wealthy, very, very wealthy. Her new best friend, Kimber, was also beautiful and popular, with long...

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April ONeal Shredders Slave and Beyond

It was a rainy night in Manhattan. The Foot was the world's largest corporation, run by a Japanese businessman called Oroko Saki. He was also known as Shredder, who dressed as a ninja warlord was responsible for many illegal activities like arms smuggling, drugs, and prostitution. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had been killed a long time ago and only the reporter, April O'Neil, still remained. She had filmed it all but his men infiltrated her apartment and kidnapped her and brought her and...

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April and Mark

April was a bitchy debutante, a spoiled black haired skinny fashion diva with a bit of a deviant side and a qualified hatred for men.  She had really gone to town with her daddy's money since the Emergency Depression Recovery laws of 2045 made reclaiming bankrupt citizens as slaves legal. Of course April still needed her ego stroked so she'd cruise the clubs for hot looking studs to fuck, but she liked her fucking at all hours, on her terms.  So for a few months she bought a nice big dicked...

2 years ago
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Aprils Fools DayChapter 3

I was at odds with myself. Marge and I have been through a number of rough patches in our life. The one thing that always held us together was our honesty to each other and discussing our problems. We didn't always agree on everything but we were able to work it out. I wasn't sure if we could do it this time. If she went to the party and got fucked by Dave or some other man I know our lifetime commitment of being together would be over. I had to wonder if she had already been with Dave or...

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Introduction: Cheerleader Captain gets group raped by nerds April My name is April Caughman. This is a story of the day that changed my life. I was 18 when it happened. I am 510 with long brown hair. My 36c breast always caught the attention of most straight males. I have been involved with Cheerleading my whole life. So my body was lean with long muscular legs. I was the Cheerleading Captain for my high school. While most of my friends dated a lot I had only had a couple boyfriends. I had sex...

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April May and June A Sisterly Tale

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 August and his wife sat at their oldest daughter’s wedding. April had dated Randy for over a year. She was giddy in love with him. Of course, her two sisters May and June also wanted Randy. He was tall, broad-shouldered, square-jawed and looked good with the tuxedo that he was getting married in. Each of the girls could easily imagine the goings on later to come that evening. Obviously, April will be on the receiving end of the deal, but May and June also...

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April walked through the door, throwing her graduate cap onto the couch. I did my best to be cheerful. “Congratulations, my little graduate girl.” She disrobed her back-pack and threw it onto the couch also. ‘It’s just rehearsal.’ “What’s wrong?” She threw her arms out. “What’s wrong? Oh, let me see. I don’t have money for college. I don’t have a car. And I’m the only one who borrows her mom’s ’85 sedan…freaking embarrassing.” I crossed my arms. “We’ve been over this, April.” “Yeah, I know.’...

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April walked through the door, throwing her graduate cap onto the couch. I did my best to be cheerful. “Congratulations, my little graduate girl.” She disrobed her back-pack and threw it onto the couch also. "It's just rehearsal." “What’s wrong?” She threw her arms out. “What’s wrong? Oh, let me see. I don’t have money for college. I don’t have a car. And I’m the only one who borrows her mom’s ’85 sedan…freaking embarrassing.” I crossed my arms. “We’ve been over this, April.” “Yeah, I know."...

2 years ago
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April and AugustChapter 1

Fifteen year old Jason was returning early from his fathers shop in the dusk of a cold December day, when he spotted the two children crouched in the entryway to his fathers home. “What are you children doing here?” he inquired, as he approached. “Master, may we go inside for a few minutes?” the closest begged him from the darkened entryway. “Why are you not at home? It is past time for children to be indoors in this weather,” Jason told them. “We no longer have a home, Master,” the...

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April Chapter Two

The next morning, after April left for school, I went to make our bed. Jake came to the doorway and leaned against the frame as he took a sip of coffee. "I can't do it," he said. I finished smoothing out the comforter and then took a seat on the bed. "Are you talking about her or the car?" He took another sip. "Her. But I gave you my word; I would help her get a used car." I was disappointed. "I see." “Yesterday, you made it clear to me how you felt.” He leaned off the frame and walked into the...

3 years ago
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April and Jessica part 2 Jessica finds herslef

Jessica broke her vow about three months before April had her experience with Heidi, but hers was broken in a very different way. It happened one day when Jessica walked home from school; she walked in her front door to find a sight she never thought she would see in her entire life. Her brother’s girlfriend, Sarah, was wearing a black leather cupless corset, thigh high boots, and she was whipping her brother. She called him a naughty boy and punished him for being that way. Jessica was...

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April In June

This is my first attempt at writing. It was the beginning of summer, me and my cousin decided to spend our first week out of school at out grandmas. Every year we would spend our summer staying at different family member’s house. This was great for us because we got to spend time with distant family members. If we weren’t feeling the vibe of one place we would pack up and go to the next family member’s house. It was just us. We saved up enough money throughout the year to be able to get to...

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April in Paris

The words to the old Nat King Cole favorite ran through her mind again and again as the plane began its final descent into Charles de Gaulle airport. For years, she had hated her mother for naming her after an old, hokey song, but as she matured she had learned to appreciate it and eventually to love it for the feelings it evoked when his smoky voice drifted from the speakers. April glanced at her watch. "About time for me to get ready", she mused. "I can't believe I'm actually going...

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April Wedding

APRIL WEDDING BY JANICE The first time I ever wore a dress was at my aunt's wedding when I was about ten years old. My sister Alice, and I are less than a year different in age due to the fact that we are not blood, we are step siblings. My father and her mother married when we were five years old, then my dad passed away. I am Ron and my sister is Alice and as mentioned above we attended my Aunt Sue's wedding when we...

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April Morning Coffee

Another workday morning, I’m awake in the purple haze before dawn, long before I need to be to prepare for work. Is it really April already? The savory, sweet smell of my special-blend coffee woke me before my alarm, as usual, but this time before the coffee maker’s din-din-ding alert. Eyes closed, I walk my home labyrinth through my bedroom, to, and down the stairs, past my dining room, and into my kitchen as my brew’s soothing scent reaches out for me with its captivating tendrils. The time...

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April and AugustChapter 2

In the main parlor, Jacob had had his apprentices rebuild the fire in the fireplace to take the chill out of the air. The entire household was up as the noise had awakened all of them. The parlor was warming up nicely when the Marshal and the others arrived. “You girls sit over by the fire,” Sean directed as they came in. Jacob was standing near the fireplace. He was very surprised to see the girls dressed in towels. Daren and his henchman sat on a sofa. His lip curled when he saw the girls,...

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April Live

April McEwan was a typical high school student, but recently had been spending alot more time alone in her bedroom and away from her family. She was beautiful, with dirty blonde hair, sparkling green eyes and a toned young body that nonetheless included a pair of fine C-cup breasts and a tight, round ass. She was enough to make any man drool. The problem was that her parents were strict in order to protect their daughter from predators and other assholes who could impregnate her. But April saw...

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April Showers Bring May Flowers

I sit in front of the gravesite and place the flowers on her grave, which I have been doing every April first for the past forty years. I read the head stone as tears come to my eyes. Forty years ago... It’s ten-o-clock at night, I am sitting in my broken down car, and it’s raining like a motherfucker. If I had gone to spring break in California, I’d be sitting on the beach right now. I’m feeling sorry for myself when I hear a tap on the window and see May from school standing there. I am...

2 years ago
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April Fools Surprise

“Look, Vijay, that’s one hell of a funny April Fool’s joke, but come on, that’s pretty obvious! There’s just no motherfucking way that you’re not either just too drunk to think or messing with me again. You’ve been dating my sister for how many months now, and you honestly want me to think that you’re cool with me pumping her sweet ass? Even if you are, what about her thoughts, buddy? I think that she should have some input into who gets to stick his dick into her holes, especially that one!” I...

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SRU ApprenticeApril Fools

SRU Apprentice - April Fools By DanielSan59 "This is gonna be great!" Dannie crowed in delight as she stirred the bubbling concoction in the huge old copper cauldron. *One final ingredient and it's done* she thought to herself as she added the sea urchin extract. There was a small hiss as the clear fluid joined the seething contents of the ruddily glowing cauldron, and a small cloud of noxious steam assaulted Dannie's gloating face. "Gaack! Why does this stuff have to...

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Sinbad The Sorcress and Djinn Fassad

This is a pastiche on the current TV show Adventures of Sinbad set in Raven's Djinn Universe. Those familiar with the show can skip the next part & get right to the story if they wish. CHARACTERS SINBAD A cross between Errol Flynn & Tom Cruise. Perhaps the best swordsman of his time. He does not have a self esteem problem. Also telling the truth is not as important to him as poetry. MAEVE Tall, beautiful, extremely well endowed, young sorceress. Red headed Celt with...

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April in Texas Ch 01

We batted it around, Louie and I did, as to where we wanted to go for our spring break. I know that term is overused, but a spring break from office and business stress can be a good thing. We are not kids, but we had been going every April to Naples, Florida, where my mother has a fine home. But Florida, at least Naples, is boring. Once past the beach, there’s nothing there. They have no cuisine, no olive oil, no wine – everything is imported. The good restaurants are $100 a plate, you’ll get...

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April Showers

Leslie Gray, CPA, had an excellent reason for living in his new house for six days before using the shower in the master bedroom's private three-quarter bath: taxes. Les had spent his past ten years sitting in a chair and analyzing complex tax returns for the Internal Revenue Service in Philadelphia while waiting for a promotion. Stan Lowenstein, a field auditor, was the one who finally told him he was wasting his time. Stan said that Les was too introverted to do the butt-kissing necessary...

2 years ago
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Of Fools and Pantyhose

Of Fools and Pantyhose Belladonna We are our only siblings, but my sister and I have never been close. There was a bit of a rivalry between us growing up, however, it never really changed anything. My mother clearly favored her only son, and my father just as overtly favored his little girl. We all knew it, even if our parents wouldn't come right out and say it. While my father favored Constance, or Connie, as he alone was allowed to call her, he groomed me to take over the...

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A bad day gets worse

I sat up slowly and looked over at my wife. We had been married for 9 years and had 2 children. Like so many marriages, we had started out well, but at this point were probably only together for our children. While we still loved each other, the spark that had once been there was gone and even at times like these when our children were staying with friends and we had the house to ourselves, we were more room mates than spouses. The term lovers had been long gone and if we had sex every 6...

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Alias Sinbad

ALIAS SINBAD © 2014, 2019 by Anthony Durrant As I climbed up to the top of the clock tower of the Royal Palace of Bagrad, I could hear nothing at all. Hence, when I finally reached the window at the top, I simply climbed in through it and walked over to the gem set in the front of the main hall. Grabbing the gem, I ran back to the window, only to be grabbed from behind by a guard and dragged off to see the Crown Prince of Bagrad. ?You!? he shouted. ?You...

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