QUIET NIGHT IN PART 1 free porn video

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"And stay out, you freak!" the store owner growled as he tossed Matthew out on the sidewalk. Matt got to his feet, wincing as he felt blood running down his side, staining his new shirt, a large tear in the side. Sighing heavily, he took the shirt off to find a large, jagged gash in his side. He took his ruined shirt and tied it around him to stop the bleeding. As he walked through town, people either threw stuff at him or went out of their way to avoid him. Then again, what would anyone do when they ran into a monster like him?

Matthew is a vampire. His father was a brilliant geneticist and was working on a way to help cancer patients. But after someone tried to sabotage him, he tested his serum on himself and became a vampire. After that, he met Matt's mother, Robin, and they had him. Sadly, his father died in a car crash when he was seven. When he turned s*******n, he was captured by a crazy scientist and experimented on. He got away, but not before the scientist's experiments gave him black, feathered wings and a black furred tail.

Now, at eighteen, he was still living with his mom in his hometown, unable to get work because of what he was. There were some girls his age that liked to flirt and make out with him. He wanted more and they did too, but he always ended up getting the crap beat out of him by either the girl's brother, father or just some random person. He hated the way he was treated, but he'd learned to accept that he would always be alone.

"At least I can be out during the day," he sighed, enjoying the warm sunshine as he walked across the street to enter the hospital where his mother worked as a nurse. He gave a friendly wave to the young nurse at the main desk.

"What happened to you?" she asked, appearing concerned.

"Just another love tap from no one in particular," he said casually. "Nothing to worry about. Is my mom busy?"

"I'm not sure. Have a seat in Exam Room 2 and I'll be right in to get you bandaged once I give her a call."

"Thanks," Matt said, going across the hall to the exam room, closing the door and seating himself on the table.

There was a mirror on the back of the door. He took a good look at himself. He was an attractive guy; the lean build of a swimmer, short, yet messy black hair, bright red eyes, the face of an angel. Unfortunately, the only thing most people saw was a bloodsucking monster that doesn't feel. That isn't meant to exist. Before he got himself depressed, the nurse walked in. When she sat on a stool in front of him and undid his makeshift tourniquet, her scent invaded his nose. She smelled very, very good. There was something about her scent that made him want to rip her clothes off and jump her bones.

He fought the urge while she cleaned and bandaged the cut. This had been happening to him lately. Most women, he was fine, but there were some his age and older that would have that strange, intoxicating scent mingled with their usual scent that enthralled him, his body reacting very quickly. At that moment, he had loose-fitting pants on and snug underwear so the nurse didn't notice.

"There you go," the nurse said, patting the tape holding his bandage on. "How does that feel?"

"Feels perfect," he told her, giving her a smile, "Thank you. Most people aren't very friendly to me."

"Because they can't see you're the nicest guy around," she replied. "You're friendly, smart and very good-looking. You really have a lot going for you, but this town is so close-minded...It's sad really."

"You don't know the half of it," he said, inching closer to her, brushing her hand with his.

She continued looking at him as he stood and pulled her up to stand in front of him. Before she could say or do anything and before he came to his senses, he put a hand on the back of her head and pulled her forward as he leaned forward and planted a kiss on her. The second his lips touched hers, she wrapped around his neck, sighing quietly into his mouth as he pushed her back against the counter. As he started to unbutton her blouse, he heard the door open. Matt instinctively released the nurse and flung himself into the far corner, taking a defensive stance. When he saw it was only his mother, he relaxed.

"Um...I'm just going to go back to my desk," the nurse mumbled, quickly buttoning her shirt as she went back out, her face flushed.

"Again, Matthew?" his mother sighed. "What's gotten into you lately?"

"I don't know," he replied. "Things have been weird for me these days."

"Well, I'm done for the day and I'm off for the next couple of weeks," she said. "Ready to go home?"

"Yeah," he said.

They left the hospital together in his mother's car, the windows down. At every intersection they had to sit and wait on a red light, he caught that strange scent again, each time a different girl. When his attention was drawn to a thirteen or f******n year old girl, he forced himself to look straight ahead, rolling his window up.

*Great. I'm not only a freak of nature, I have to be a pervert too.* he thought to himself as they went through the intersection. The ride was quiet the whole way to their house on the edge of town, their closest neighbors at least ten minutes away.

When they were safely at home, Matt got of the car, went into the house and straight to his room in the basement. It was the only place he felt safe when he was hungry for blood. If he didn't feed every six hours or so, he would burn in sunlight. This way, he didn't have to worry about it when he first wakes up. Stripping his clothes off, Matt went into his private bathroom and took a cold shower. It helped get rid of the insane feelings of lust he'd been feeling lately and allowed him to think again. Once he was cooled off, he got out of the shower, redressed and went upstairs.

"Matt, you ok?" his mother asked as he sat down at the kitchen table, busy cooking dinner. "You've been real quiet since we left the hospital and I heard the shower running for nearly an hour and a half."

"I'm fine, mother," he said, smiling a little. "What's for dinner?"

"Meatloaf," she replied, setting the oven timer.

"My favorite. So, what do you want to do tonight?"

"How about we watch a movie? There's quite a selection of movies on TV tonight."

"Sounds great," he said, getting up and grabbing a soda from the fridge.

Yet again, he caught that strange scent again. His stomach twisted into knots when he realized it was coming from his mother. As he turned around, he noticed his mother rubbing her temples and taking what looked like aspirin. When she got up to check a pan of potatoes on the stove, he went over and looked at the bottle on the table. He nearly fell over from shock. She wasn't taking aspirin; she was taking meds for menstrual cramping. Now he knew what it was drawing his attention; the scent of a fertile female that's ready to be bred. He set the pills back on the table.

"I'm going to work outside for a while," he told her. "Tell me when dinner's ready."

"Alright. Be careful, sweetheart!" she called after him.

Once he was outside, he popped open his drink and drank the entire thing within minutes. Matt began with weeding the garden, ignoring any cuts he received. He pushed himself; mowing the lawn, fixing the back porch, anything he could find to do, he did it. Matt hoped to work himself until he was so wiped out, he would be able to eat dinner without flipping out and attacking his mother and go straight to bed.

"Dinner!" his mother called as he hammered the last nail into the new stair he'd put in on the back porch.

Feeling half dead on his feet, Matt trudged inside and sat at the table. His mom put another soda on the table next to his plate. As he piled his plate high, his mother's scent started to make his body react. He didn't say anything other than simple answers to whatever his mother asked him, trying to finish quickly so he could put distance between them. He didn't want to hurt his mother, she was all he had in the world. When he finished and was about to take his plate and put it in the sink, his mother grabbed his wrist. He remained in his seat.

"Matthew, you've been acting really weird ever since we got home and I'm worried about you. What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just tired," he replied. She didn't release him.

"Please, Matt, you know I can tell when you're hiding something," she said softly. "I just want to help you."

"I can't tell you this. I'm sorry, I just can't," he said, getting up and putting his plate in the sink. "I love you and I don't want to hurt you. It's better if you don't know."

"It's alright, Matthew. You can tell me anything."

"Not this. If I told you, you wouldn't want to be anywhere near me. You'd be like everyone else in town and I won't be able to take it. I've lost dad. All my friends have moved away and have lives of their own. You're the only thing I have left and to have you see me the way everyone else does, it would kill me."


"End of discussion," he interrupted, walking quickly out of the kitchen and into his room, closing the door behind him.

He went down the stairs and over to his bed, sitting on the edge. Matt held his head in his hands, trying to get himself calm again so he could sleep. When that didn't work, he took another cold shower. But this time, it didn't help, his erection rock hard and nearly purple in spite of his fingers and toes turning blue from the water. Sighing heavily, he turned the water off, stepped out and dried off, wrapping the towel around his hips as he stepped back into the bedroom. As he sat back down on his bed, he heard his door open and close.

"Please, just leave me alone," he said, straining to keep himself still as his mother's scent flooded his nose and made his arousal throb and hurt. "I don't want to hurt you."

"I know you won't hurt me, Matthew," his mother said as she came over and sat beside him.

"I won't be able to control myself if you don't leave now," he whispered harshly. "Please, leave."

"Not until you tell me what's going on," she told him, placing her hand on his shoulder.

Matt didn't think, he just turned and pinned his mother to his bed, ripping her shirt off her body along with her bra, then her pants and underwear, the whole time kissing her roughly. When he looked into her eyes and saw how frightened she was, he stopped. Using what willpower he had, he flung himself away from her and into the nearest corner, holding his knees against his chest, tears beginning to fall down his face.

"I'm sorry, mother," he said quietly. "I'm so sorry. I can't help myself."

"Why? Why did you...do that?"

"You're fertile, ready to have c***dren. I can smell it on you and every other woman or girl I get close to. I get aroused. I can't control it and that's why I've been all over so many girls." He wept quietly. "It hurts so much, but I can't get close to anyone. I just want it to stop. I just want to be normal."

Matt cringed when he felt her touch his shoulder again.

"Matthew, honey, look at me," she told him. It took him a few minutes, but he was able to bring himself to look her in the eyes.

"I'm sorry you have an a****l like me for a son," he whispered, a few more tears falling down his face.

"You are not an a****l, Matthew. You're my son and I love you. I hate to see you in so much pain."

He closed his eyes as she stroked his hair, making him purr softly. Matt jerked when he felt her lips on his, his eyes snapping open.


"Shhh, let me help you ease your pain," she told him. "Your father told me something like this would happen and I want to do this for you. Please let me help you. I love you."

In a state of semi-shock, he allowed his mother to help him up and lead him to the bed, pulling the towel from around his hips and sitting him back down. He shook all over as his mother sat beside him, totally naked.

"It's going to ok, Matthew," she whispered in his ear. Matt watched intently as she reached over and grabbed his rock hard cock.

He moaned loudly as she started to stroke him up and down. He'd never felt so good, even when he'd done this himself. Matt let her stroke him for a while, kissing her cheek and neck while she did. After a while, he pinned her down to the bed again, forcing her legs open around his hips. Growling low in his throat, he latched onto her right nipple, suckling as he put a hand on her sex and rubbed it, getting her hot.

His growl shot up in volume when he felt his mother undulate under him, moaning. Feeling her get slick, Matt slid a finger gently in his mother's hot pussy, into the place he came out of eighteen years prior. She cried out in orgasm, shaking all over.

He held her, continuing his gentle ministrations. When she calmed again, she pulled his head up and kissed him hard, with passion he'd never seen before. He broke the kiss as he lunged forward, burying himself in her with one hard stroke. His mother cried out and held him to her with all her strength as he pistoned in and out of her violently. His mind was a blank slate as he thoroughly fucked his mother, the pressure in him spiking to dangerous levels.

Matthew was right on the edge, ready to go over, but he remained there. He just pumped harder, tears of exertion and frustration stinging his eyes. His mother clung to him for dear life, coming on him several times and close to passing out, her head kicked back and exposing her throat. A vicious growl ripped through his chest as he stared at her throat, his fangs running out and throbbing. She looked up at him, not the least bit frightened by him.

His mother pulled him down to where he was lying flat on her, her face tucked against his neck. When he felt her hold his head in place and bite down on the side of his throat, he totally lost it. He struck like a cobra, sinking his fangs into her soft, delicate throat. The feeding, coupled with his need and the bite from his mother sent him toppling over the precipice he'd stood on for far too long.

His whole body convulsed as his orgasm tore through him, his cock buried as far as it could go in her, pumping thick, scalding hot cum into her body. This caused her to go off again too, her sex gripping him so hard it bordered on pain for the both of them. They remained like that for ten minutes, maybe more, before Matt sealed the bite on his mother's throat and rolled off to the side, his mom following to keep him in her.

He held her lightly, in case she panicked and wanted to get away from him. For the first time in weeks, he felt like his old self again.

"I'm sorry," he told her, feeling so much guilt for what he'd done. "I never wanted this. I..."

"This isn't your fault," she interjected, lightly stroking his chest. The soft touch made him purr, pressing himself into her hand. "It's something you can't control and that's going to be a part of your life. It's just the way things are and that's ok. And I wanted to do this. You didn't force me to do anything. Don't beat yourself up over it."

"But I...I just want to have a family, a life of my own. Is that so much to ask for?"

"You will get that in time, Matthew. I know it."

"How? How am I going to achieve that when this whole damn town wants me dead?"

"I'll help you," she told him, reaching around to stroke his wings and tail, making him shudder. "For now, just relax and get some rest." She kissed his chest, then his throat before tucking her face into his neck.

"Thank you," he whispered as he drifted into a dreamless, peaceful sleep.

To be continued...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

3 years ago
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Adam Knight AbbyChapter 4 A Night In Heaven

When I opened my eyes again, I was back in that foggy, white place I had been right after my car accident. 'Oh goody! Here we go again, ' was my first thought. A second after I arrived, the light flared into existence. Again it was a few feet in front of me and hovering at chest level. My eyes seemed to adjust a little quicker this time. "We have called you here to tell you we are pleased with your performance thus far." "Thank you," I said. "Are you willing to answer some of my...

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GNight PixieChapter Four Secrets

The first week passed in an organized chaos of digging, diving, and dirt displacement. By its end the cabin had been made generally livable. Doug had patched the leaks in the clay tile roof, ending the drips that accompanied the daily afternoon showers. All had cleaned the grime from its interior. The shutters were functional, thanks to new nylon rope hinges, and could be closed in case of another storm. The mosquito netting had been repaired and draped over the bed. Doug had used the nylon...

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GNight PixieChapter Six GNight

Alyson was lying at the edge of the water, holding her left foot and screaming. Her breakfast lay splashed on the sand beside her. Her deck shoes sat a few feet inland. While Doug examined Alyson's foot, Mary washed the vomit from the girl's lips, cheek, and chin. "Small puncture wound," he said. "Inflammation setting in. Something protruding. Honey! Alyson! Where did it happen?" He had to repeat the question. She managed get out that it happened a few feet seaward from where she lay....

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GNight Pixie the Original Story ConceptChapter 4 Secrets

The first week passed in an organized chaos of digging, diving, and dirt displacement. By its end the cabin had been made generally livable. Doug had patched the leaks in the clay tile roof, ending the drips that accompanied the daily afternoon showers. All had cleaned the grime from its interior. The shutters were functional, thanks to new nylon rope hinges, and could be closed in case of another storm. The mosquito netting had been repaired and draped over the bed. Doug had used the nylon...

4 years ago
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GNight Pixie the Original Story ConceptChapter 6 GNight

Alyson was lying at the edge of the water, holding her left foot and screaming. Her breakfast lay splashed on the sand beside her. Her deck shoes sat a few feet inland. While Doug examined Alyson's foot, Mary washed the vomit from the girl's lips, cheek, and chin. "Small puncture wound," he said. "Inflammation setting in. Something protruding. Honey! Alyson! Where did it happen?" He had to repeat the question. She managed get out that it happened a few feet seaward from where she lay....

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Depraived Prologue NightR

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is...

3 years ago
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Chocolate Knights and Chocolate Daze

Partially edited by Alexis Siefert Copyright © 2002, 2003 The "Knights" portion of this story was originally submitted as an entry to the Virago Blue Challenge as a flash story (under 1000 words). It contained no sex, but maintained continuity with the rest of the "Chocolate Morsels Universe." A follow-up was always intended. "Daze" is that follow-up. I wasn't happy with it. I decided to submit it to a jury of my peers, in the best forum for improvement in the alt.sex.stories...

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The Knights Peril

Reports were coming in from the farmers on the borders that creatures from hell were attacking the outskirt towns. The king sends three knights to investigate the news. Knight Crawford, a tall lanky man with short hair and an untrustworthy face. He regarded himself a great knight but was nothing more than a rat. Knight Alice, a young blonde with A-cup breasts, this was her first mission. Then you, Knight Gwen, a raven haired beauty with DD breasts. When you told your family about being a knight...

2 years ago
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A Female Knights Embarrassing Adventures

You just entered the knight's academy, and now you are told to grab the uniform you have to wear during your life here. The breastplate miraculously tightens itself to adjust to your small body. It seems it's designed to do so by magic. You can see your two small mounds jutting out from the plate. Does it have to be so form-fitting, you wonder? You try touching them and sure enough you can feel your touch going through straight to your breasts. For the bottom, you have a choice, either to wear...

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He Suggested a Nightcap

Em met him in the bar, during a break in the awards dinner she was attending. They chatted briefly and had a cigarette, and said they’d probably see each other at the bar again when next there was a break in proceedings. Or perhaps, he said, they could have a nightcap later. His name was Jean and he was French. He was a big man with a nice laugh and twinkling eyes. Em hadn’t met him before and wouldn’t again. He was from the other side of the world and was in town only for the convention of...

Quickie Sex
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tonights girlfriend

This story is regarding my mom named rittu aged 42 years and she has a very ripe luscious fig og 383438 and she always looked gorgeous in saree.I reallu used to admire my sexy mom but never had that feelings of sex with her.My father had a business in delhi but due to loss he shifted to Chandigarh and mom once in a week used to visit my dad .I am 21 years now studying in college in delhi and had very few friends and often used to chat on net.I had a special friend named amit who was from...

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The Stuff of Nightmares

A second kick knocked out the window. The supervillain’s fist reached out. Her segmented bracers ran the rim of the pane to clear away the burrs and shards that had been left behind. She swung out of the warehouse before the glass had shattered on the concrete walkway below. She was a blur of cloud white, soulless black, and wine red. The glass shards crunched under her armored boots as she dropped the story and a half to the ground. “Wrong exit, criminal,” came a loud, authoritative...

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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

3 years ago
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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

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bookworm woman encounter part1

I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

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Katie Lusts Her Father PART2


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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...

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My Boss Mr Paul Cooper Part2

My Boss, Mr. Paul Cooper: Part2I walked towards the couch to start my strip tease for Charles, Paul played a little slutty music in the background for Charles to have a good show. I got in the camera view and winked at charles and bent forward jiggling my boobs for him on cam.. "Hey there Charles, Why don't you screen this in your conference room, Only the strip tease part, on the projector and get a few of your members to join you in this show too? Then we'll give you a pvt screen of our...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Chapter 3 Forgotten Love

Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love Chapter Three: Forgotten Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Knight Kevin – The Free City of Hargone Angela's face hardened at my pronouncement of her crimes and the declaration that her name was attainted and stricken from the rolls of the Knights Deute. The wind from the desert whipped at her fiery hair. We stood on the outskirts of Hargone, the Halani Desert's sands only a block away. Crowded tenement buildings made of yellow-white mud loomed around...

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Late For DinnerChapter 49 Rays Secret Nightstick

"Wow, these are just so, ouch, neat!" Christi snapped the shiny plastic clip onto her nipple. It changed colour quickly from dark blue to a bright green as it bit into the blue-eyed brunette's soft pink flesh. "Kathy, you've got to try these!" "What are they?" Kathy answered distractedly as she admired the big black strap-on in the full length mirror. "They're called Mood Clamps. They change colour depending on how turned on you are." She put her arms around Kathy waist and began...

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Knight in shining armour

Being a CPA, she'd been able to save a bunch by closing her expensive office in Phoenix's central business district. Now, at a fraction of the price, she only needed to rent a post box in the same uptown stylish and upscale address that at one time been her plush office. Her clients were happy to email their spread sheets to her, knowing her work was professional and accurate, as were her insights and opinions. She'd bought the business from an elderly man, inheriting his clientele. Those...

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KEVIN Andrea’s spending the night with my sister. Most girls their age hardly have nipples, but Andrea’s are totally obvious when she’s adjusting her goofy nightcap, a Night-Before-Christmas type, except it’s not Christmas. Katie’s breasts, I know all about from wrestling around. When the three of us play Monopoly, the two complain I own too many hotels, so I make them loans to keep the game going. Banker Andrea in her nightgown has to lean forward to make change while Katie pretends to sort...

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One Lust Filled Night Part16

After the three of us collapsed onto the bed in a pile, David pulled free and headed for the bathroom to take a shower. Becky and I decided to follow. We waited till we heard the water running, then we snuck into the bathroom. We both climbed into the shower with David. Grabbing a washcloth each and the soap, I washed his back from his neck to and including his balls while Becky washed his chest and his limp cock.When we were done, we turned the shower back on and turned David around as the...

Group Sex
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Knight and Dragon Ch 1by DesTodes777

Ser Alec Longstroke (his last name a call to an ancestor who used a spear-like sword to defeat a foe one) had been riding his horse, which was wearing a white and red cloth caparison and who’s name was Fira, for almost a week now. He was a knight of a guild and he specialized in hunting what had done this to the countryside, dragons. His destination was the Castle Rooker, a place that a dragon would have rested before it moved on. It was his hope that the dragon was still there and that the...

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Knight and Dragon Ch 1

Ser Alec Longstroke (his last name a call to an ancestor who used a spear-like sword to defeat a foe one) had been riding his horse, which was wearing a white and red cloth caparison and who’s name was Fira, for almost a week now. He was a knight of a guild and he specialized in hunting what had done this to the countryside, dragons. His destination was the Castle Rooker, a place that a dragon would have rested before it moved on. It was his hope that the dragon was still there and that...

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Audition for a Knight

Aug 8, 2011 I tried to get this info into my biography - but couldn't. I've written a paperback book of three of my long stories that I normally sell separately at magselectronics.com There IS a great discount offered by the publisher, but only until August 12, 2011 If you're interested go to beastv.blogspot for details. I hope that you enjoy the following story. It's a lot different than my usual. Hugs Bea AUDITION FOR A KNIGHT By Bea The horseman appeared out...

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