GO FIGURE free porn video

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GO FIGURE This is a different sort of short story. I love the fare on Fictionmania, but sometimes get tired of the same bump-and-grind sex plots, just because there aren?t that many ways to present the material. This story is subtle, has no graphic scenes, no explicit language or descriptions, and really no transformations? all that is in the character?s future, and left to the reader?s imagination. Some language may be slightly offensive in it?s crudeness, so be forewarned. It also has much ?Jack L. Chaulker? type explanation of facts and statistics ? so if you don?t like that style, please skip over that part, I don?t mind. This started out as a horrible dream when I had the flu, but I had to work out the numbers after I woke up. I suppose I had been working too many logic puzzles at the time. Let me know if there is interest in a sequel where this poor no-name fellow writes down what happen to him? which could be in a more conventional Fictionmania style? there was much more in my dream. Rated G - Forced m to f transformation - Sci-Fi ? age-adult Orlando ?????????????????????????????? You gotta understand, my mind is still sorta weird with numbers and statistics. It had started the way always begins with me? I had a problem and I stared figuring, and my head was about to bust. I had to get an angle on what was coming and what the odds were. I suppose all us peoples gifted with high IQs have to know the angle, the best chance, the way to play on margin, whatever - anything to get an edge. And this time, dammit, it looked like State Rehabilitation had all the advantages. Of course big government had it planned that way, hundreds of years experience in putting away people like me? people that was smarter than the system. It seemed they had gotten pretty good at it. It didn?t help me much that State Rehabilitation had pretty much perfected an ?escape-free asylum,? as they called it, a place for ?the rehabilitation of the non- conforming and aberrant members of society,? hah! We in the know, us street-smarts, we just called it the ?prison station.? Oh yeah, a station spinning in space, above the snooty, pampered, earth- bound mother society that needed protection from the likes of me. Or rather, of us, as we were three in the damn shuttle, bunched tight like rats ? held tight against near zero gravity ? like we would escape or somethin? if allowed to drift free. Only one of us was halfway happy with the situation. My stomach churned from the nausea of the lift-off, despite the tranq dosage pressure injected into our asses to keep us docile on the way up. Three of us to go to the station ? all males? And that soon to change, at least for two of us? ? Unless junior-g-man over there was a bit kinky and voluntarily asked for a change, ha! A dapper little guy in a bright green coverall, he was. From what I could see, seams pressed, green badges of rank rampant on his sleeves? Bruce or Butch or whatever the hell he said his name was, like I cared a rats-ass. He wasn?t in a foul mood like me and the other gent, us other two in bright orange. Shit, that poor greeny bastard was voluntarily going to the same place as us, maybe for a longer stay, I didn?t know and didn?t ask. But at least he was gonna keep his sanity, his freedom? and his God-given gender! Bastard, bastard, bastard, I hated him and I couldn?t even remember his name. Ole green-togs claimed that he was going up as a Class II ?asylum attendant,? a polite society name for a ?screw?, a prison dick. Definitely second class, I thought. Stupid class fere sure! I could not understand why any man would do such a thing, committing to such a dismal place as a prison space station spinning hundreds of miles above the ole home-world, isolated from bars, brothels and the other comforts of home. I had heard the pay was poor and the hours were brutal. The SOB musta been in it for benefits or something, because to stay on a prison station for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year? Man! Gawd ?awful? had to be like a prison sentence of its own. Uhhh, I meant to say ?asylum station.? I would need to learn ta always spit back the propaganda, or they wouldn?t think I was a good boy ? shit, good girl ? jeez, whatever? I didn?t want to think on all that right now. I heard guards signed up for five years with a penalty clause for early departure. Hell, word on the street was the poor SOB?s could only make three years on the average. This bozo looked stupid enough to make that, all-right. And the near-do-well aside me - shit, he looked about burned out and I guessed he was facing more than me. HA, more than the 12 months I had been awarded as a prize for boosting AutoMED machines. How?s I to know that fat-bastard fence-dude was a set-up? Jiminy-crap, how?s a bright guy like me gonna make an easy living off the doof-ass public? Twelve long months ? damn? and as a friggin? chick! Looking closer in his face I could see absolute desolation mixed with dumb acceptance. Hummmm, before he freaked as the tranqs gave out, maybe I could get some info outta him. He definitely had that ?been- there? look on him and I had never been off dear mother-earth. I wondered if he could even talk good? ?Hey!? I said with my usual tact, ?what shit-box you in, ole man?? He looked at me bleakly, like he thought me low dung on the bottom of the sea, but I suppose he thought it was easier to answer than to try to ignore me for another hour or so? anything ?til that Gawd-awful moment of automatic docking and the approach of the welcoming committee. At least he didn?t give me a one finger salute I half expected. ?Unnnnnnn?? he said. Crime-iny, this was gonna be more difficult than I thought. ?Hey, whacha goin? in for?? I purposely kept my language skills at shit- low level so as to keep this loser from knowing how much sharper I was than him. I?m smart like that, you see, specially with these ole Cons. ?Life,? he muttered. Damn, what-a-bitch, I thought. But maybe he could be a source of info. These lifers were on the last swing of the friggin ?three strikes you?re out? laws that prevailed in these wonderful times. I didn?t even care what he was convicted for, too many parking tickets would get your end in a vice if-in you pissed off the wrong guy. Playing it dumb and dumber I casually asked him what it was all about, what was coming? up. Actually, I already knew the prison station we were headed toward was for Class I through Class III offenders. My so called lawyer had told me all that. ?What?s dat mean, life?? I replied in my stupidest voice. ?Quit being an jerk-ass,? he countered. ?If you goin? up here, you gotta know what to expect!? At least he was now talking in complete sentences. ?Okay ? okay, you got me. Three Groups I know that. Group I - major offender or multi-minor offender, non-type A offences, one year.. that?s me? ?All groups are for type B or less worse offences or you wouldn?t be goin? up here, ya?d be dead cause they woulda fried you ass!? Jerk, I thought, let me finish my thinkin?? ?Group II ? same as I except second conviction, twelve years, no parole.? He kept his mouth shut. ?Group III ? three time loser, life, but with the possibility of parole unless there was some type of holy-shit type A offence involved. ?Too much groups-types-classes shit for me to remember. Just say one year, twelve year , forever and be done with it!? This guy was too hyped- out, the tranqs must be loosing hold of him. ?Group III, eh?? I said in my usual tactful manner. ?Shit, you are one screwed fellow.? ?Screwed ?bitch,? you mean!? And then he dropped back into his own thoughts. Wasn?t gonna get much more outta him. One more try. ?Is it true you can work it somehow to stay a man?? Huhhh, if you are in for a 12 year-girly, if everything works to your favor, if you are a goody-two-shoes for at least a year, you might have a shot at it, but only after a year a puttin? out, you know, after they look at you and decide you won?t escape from their lit?le paradise into the friggin near vacuum of space, or something equally dumb-ass. But as a Lifer-girl, I am screwed. Too many of us, too few guards ? no hope ? I?m a dead man.? ?Actually, a dead woman,? I said under my breath. He didn?t hear me. He looked at me and grinned. ?No real chance for you to stay anywhere near what you are, either.? Now I was confused, what the hell did that mean? I knew a hundred years or so ago the powers that be had decided that females were more likely to respond to rehabilitation and all that shit (weaker, easier to control ? emotionally off-balance all the time ? more responsive to suggestion ? other bull shit). Therefore all future ?asylum clients? were to be rehabilitated (incarcerated) in female bodies, regardless of original sex, for the duration of their ?stay.? I knew that we ? except the doof-ass guard ? soon, very soon, would be placed in women?s bodies. But why was this dude sayin? he was so screwed? There had to be an angle? something here to help me. ?Why you so screwed?? I asked straight out. ?Go figure,? was all he said. Jerk! ?I need to know more stuff so I can work it out!? I whined. He had me ? I always liked puzzles. He stayed dumb-ass mute for a minute and I thought I?d have to work with what I already knew, but then he opened up again. Turns out he was pretty bright, not as smart as me or he wouldn?t have been a three-time loser ? whatta he call it, Lifer-girl?? - but apparently bright enough to really understand the friggin desolate future a-what faced him. It depressed me? and I am a happy type guy! Maybe it wouldn?t be too bad for me? I needed to work it out? I said I was smart and I remembered this from the History Channel (know your enemy): The Space Station ?Miss Lou Asylum? Built 2040 ? 2050 ? shit, about 100 years ago Type I through III non-Type A ?clients ? friggin prisoners to tell the truth! Capacity 100 persons max Group I ? 1 Year 22 always Group II ? 12 Year 22 always Group III ? life* 22 always * with possible parole (yeah, right!) Guards ? full residence 33 (ratio 1 guard per 3 friggin clients ? shit!) Warden (1 year rotating) 1 probably another loser with no life back on mother-earth! Shuttle Delivery Schedule Yearly trips 12 - usually monthly Capacity (arrival) 3 persons (mandated full capacity by budget committee - cheap SOB?s always wanted a full load) Capacity (departure) 3 persons (not mandated ? allowing for burial in space instead of returning the body to earth) More: (89 years of operations ? how did I remember that? - had caused a routine operation to set in ? which I could use to forecast average results for future operations ? my future - brilliant, heh?) Average turnover time of guards about 3 years = 11 rotate through per year = about one per trip each way, leaving one space for the Warden (All guards must be in male bodies during service, may chose to leave in their own or transfer into an incoming body arriving at their transfer time) Greeny told me all this. Completed sentences turnovers varied ? see the stuff on each group below (each ?client? that has completed her sentence is allowed to chose an incoming body to transfer into or to leave in her own ? younger ?clients? can chose first, original genetic females before original genetic males) Yeah ?her? ? too complicated to use any other pronouns. Ole man helped me with this. Group I transfers 12 months ? this had worked out to 22 per year, but they are staggered so as to average about 2 a month = each trip has 2 incoming, 2 out going ? but there is a gap of 2 per year which is filled as described below Group II transfers 12 Years ? this has worked out to 2 per year, 6 months apart (okay smart-ass actually 1.8333 per year, there is a gap of 1 every 6 years, but this is worked out below) Group III transfers Life with parole ? there is room for one parolee every 6 years Total transfers = 2 spaces out of 3 available spaces per trip are prison transfers = 24 a year, (which by now you have figured out leaves 12 spaces a year vacant for others) The guards last about 3 years = 33 guards/ 3 per year rate = 11 per year leave and are replaced There are two Wardens, each serving every-other year. The ole warden rotates out once per year (one of the perks of office) and the new warden comes in = this takes up the last remaining space on the shuttle for the year (22 used by prisoner transfer, 11 used for guard transfer, 1 for the Warden. TA DAH! = 36 spaces total, dummy). Don?t make me explain that 12 trips with 3 people = 36. Yeh, the spaced out dude agreed and I worked all that out - well, I asked him questions and did all the math. Now I needed some common sense info from him. ?Why just 100 persons?? = ?All the station was designed to support.? ?What about cooks, clothing washing, maintenance and stuff?? = ?By the ?clients? or the Guards? ?Are all the ?clients? made into females?? = ?Yea, all of ?em.? ?Are all the Guards male?? = ?Yea, after commissioning. ?What does that mean?? = ?That?s kinda complicated?? ?So tell me you ole SOB!? ?Well, if you qualify ? I told ya about this already ? you can trade guard duty 1 to 1 on your sentence. They had a problem years ago with not enough room on the shuttle to parole the Group III, and it was hard to get guards to stay longer than a few years, so they tried to allow a trade-out sentence time deal with the Lifer-girls for guard duty. A lifer could expect to spend a about 60 years minimum and it looked like a great deal. (I worked this out: age 18 is the earliest admission allowed by law ? ?client? life span averaged 78 years, so 78 minus 18 = 60 years) so they allowed the lifers who qualified a 1per 2 trade = 30 years as a guard for a 60 year sentence.? ?You said 1 to 1 trade.? I? ?Let me finish! 30 years for 60 year sentence. It didn?t work for Lifer- girls!? ?Why?? ?Go figure!? Shit! I was losing patience. Grabbing him by the arm, squeezing hard ? I couldn?t reach his neck, strapped in like we was, my tranqs were wearing off too, we were getting close to docking ? auggggh ? I got this out of him: ?The Lifer-girls were dying off and still couldn?t get paroled fast enough!? He explained that there was only room for a Group III to parole out every 6 years and there were 22 of them in the ?asylum? at a time, the older candidates were dying before there was a chance to make parole. Assuming only half were ever eligible, that meant there were 11 available and it would take a minimum of 6 x 11 years for the most junior to work her way up the ladder = 66 years! Also, he explained, every lifer wanted to trade for 30 years of guard-ship. First, it gave many of these now women a chance to be male again. Secondly it gave them a chance to get out while still young - 30 years is do-able, if you are young enough at incarceration ? oops, I mean when you arrived for ?rehabilitation.? So, someone with half a brain realized while there was a short term gain of saving on transferring in and out of guards, that eventually all 22 of the guard would be former Group III Lifer-girls. No, there wouldn?t be a death rate keeping this from happening, remember that every six years a really young lifer came along, and the guards transferred out as fast as that. Every month two guards would be replaced, and operations policy would be in shambles. ?So that?s why it didn?t work, wise-ass!? I could see holes in this logic but I kept my mouth shut. Why didn?t they put a limit on the mix, I thought. ?What was the 1 to 1 trade they did accept?? I asked. ?Ah,? he said too knowingly, ?that is where they solved the problem of recruiting guards and freeing up spaces for some parolees - but it didn?t go exactly as they planned. Qualifying members of the Group II were given the option of a 1 to 1 trade of sentencing time. These people were in for twelve years, and weren?t as desperate to trade as the Lifer-girls. Yet many were former men and looked to getting out of a woman?s body, so the deal was still attractive? and other reasons.? ?How?d it turn out?? ?The smarter-this-time brass put a mix limit of 1/3rd transfer 12 year- girlies to 2/3rds natural male guards. This helped reduce guards in and out for a while but stalled out after a while. You see, if you have too many guards with no choice but staying twelve years, then the real male guards never get enough seniority for promotion, ?cause they burn out and leave. And other problems arose, but it has stabilized through the years. Now, one third of the guards are aging, resentful bitch-bastards, and the remaining are sniffling, inexperienced kids. But, hell, they are just guards, and as trapped as any ?client!?? ?So what about the 12 month-ers?? ?The ?Virgins?? he gaffed, snorting a stream of spit, fortunately, just missing me. Virgins? I was gonna be a ?Virgin? ??? Shit! ?Uh?. ? I said. ?That?s right, candy-pants,? he snorted again, ?you gonna have the high privilege a-be-in a ?Virgin!? ?What?s that mean?!?? I whimpered. Well, you see, candy-man, you are gonna be in a class where two-out-a- three have never had ? ?experience?, shall we call it. You see, 12 year- girlies and Lifer-girls, we all been there, done that. You new boys ? soon to be girls - are brand spankin? new!? He said this laughing and grunting like he just said the funniest thing? Never let ?em see you sweat, is my motto. Gathering my courage, I started the talking again, shying away from the sex-stuff - stuff I might be subjected to as a ?Virgin? prisoner. ??But, aren?t some ?clients? natural females?? ?Yep. Didn?t used to be like that but they found out they needed new blood or the old females would keep getting their bodies mind-switched and soon everyone was too old ? especially for the Lifer-girls. Needed new blood! About one-third new arrivals are girls.? Another flaw in his argument ? but I was too tired to argue. I looked at him oddly. There were three males on this shuttle and I said so. ?Green-patches over there is male. I am male, at least for the next hour..? ?More like ten minutes,? he interrupted. Red faced I continued, ?and you don?t look female to me!? ?Humph?? he gawffed. His face turned red. I had hit on something here? I would get back to this later, if we had time. He was probably a ?latent TS or something.? I wondered if he didn?t secretly get off on the fact he was soon to be female ? PERMANENTLY! ?This shipment is standard, a statistical probability, and you should know that with all you figurin?. You go addin?up all the odds and you will see there can be all sorts of combinations, from all men to two women and one man, on board at any given trip.? ?What about all women in one trip?? ?You are dumb, just about impossible?? ?Why?? ?Go figure!? Bastard! So I did ? I told you my mind ran to figuring: About 1/3rd of all prisoners arrive as genetic females - okay All guards arrive as genetic males - okay The Warden comes on for a tour once a year ? sometimes he is a he, sometimes she is a she but is usually male ? so the hell with that The remaining arrivals have to be genetic males 24 prisoners arrive a year, 1:3 = 8 genetic female 12 genetic male 11 guards arrive a year, all male 11 genetic male Warden (assume the jerk is male) 1 genetic male (usually) 24 Ratios 8:24 = about 1 chance in 3 for a female on board = every 4th flight has a female therefore about 3 of 4 flights have 3 males Slim chance of 2 females and 1 male ? about once every 2 years, a statistical rarity Rarity for 3 females on one flight ? but possible, mathematically ? dumb bastard didn?t know what he was talking about, calling me dumb! That meant ? that meant ? I would have a good chance of selecting from a n arriving of three males at my departure? when I could finally go home. It wouldn?t be my body, which would be picked by someone today and lost forever, but at least I would probably have a dick! ?AHAH,? I shouted out, pleased at my genius thinking, ?so after one year I can go home as a man again.? ?Not necessarily? ? he mumbled. ?And I can resume my life after the loss of just a year. I am 20 now so I can go home in a year as a 20 year old man!? ?Not necessarily?? he mumbled again. I finally heard what he was saying. ?Wadda ya mean? Come on, come on, we are almost there! I could see the station just up ahead through the prompter.? ?You forget some final little twists,? he said with a suddenly impish grin. ?What? do you? mean!?!? I stammered? He elaborated as follows, sorta ? I don?t remember exactly, I was too upset: Remember, one in three arrivals are genuine female, but one in three departing people are not necessarily genetic females. All the generic women have choice of bods for departure - BEFORE the originally generic male clients can pick. Generic women also may pick AGE first. Unfortunately for generic men, one half generic women are really pissed off about their treatment in ?rehabilitation? and, when they can, want to select male bods for return to earth. Or they may be dykes ? ha! As fully three in four arrival shuttles all three incoming SOB?s have dicks, and in the forth case, have two outta three with dicks, there is a good likelihood they will have that choice. And of course chicks always want to be as young as possible. Most probably want to be Caucasian, if possible ? and can ya blame em? It has been shown that ALL guards - after they resign, retire or finish serving their alternate time - always select to stay in their male bods - or pick younger male bods. As a full 1/3 of the guards were originally 12 year-girlies, this further takes away from the remaining choice of bods available, as guards keep the full 11 males return possibilities to themselves. Of course, no one fools with the Warden. My face fell ? I had forgotten. What about ages? What about race? That was a whole different set of odds. I worked it out? I had a 100% certainty of being a woman for a year, less than 50/50 of being white while in prison. If the woman who chose my body for transfer was in the average range, she would be ? white, black, Hispanic, Asian, mixed ? augggh? and aged from 18 to 78? but wait. If a Group I, an 18 to 24 age range was typical If a Group II, 18 to 38 ? but most second timers were much older ? usually in their 30s If Group II! ? OLD ? maybe near death ? shit! The odds were 22 to 1.8 to .007 respectfully for these groups? I hoped for a 21 year-old in Group I! I also worked it out for the return trip ? I had ---- ONE CHANCE IN FOUR ---- of having to be a woman for the remainder of my life ? and probably non-white - leaving the prison station at anywhere from age 19 to age 78? but probably about the same age I came in? not too bad. Still ? a 25% chance of leaving PERMANENTLY FEMALE! If I came back a second time ? same odds, but I might qualify for a guard ? but would leave in my middle thirties? If I came back as a Lifer-girl ? just about 100% chance of a life sentence in a woman?s body ? the ole man was screwed! &&&&&&& If you want to know how I arrived at all this ? ahhhhh - GO FIGURE? wise-ass! &&&&&&& I began to sweat. The docking mechanism clanked into place. I would soon see the woman?s body I would get for the next 12 months. They would soon roll out the transfer machine and? unconsciously, I grabbed by shrinking manhood one last time. The soon to be ?Lifer-girl? snickered and said, ?sorry I didn?t have time to tell ya about the other reason so many 12 year-girlies like to transfer to guards?? ?and the reason the guards work for so little pay? ? ?the guards don?t just burn out, they wear themselves out?? ?the ?Virgins? ya see ? I?m not the only one about to get screwed? &&&&&&& ?and I bet you fergot to figure many of the younger males in the prettier girl-bodies is very pregnant about the time of release ? nothin? to lose, right? They?s leaving ? and now?s their chance to chose your healthy, young male body for the return-home trip? yuuukk yuuuuk, snort? Bye, sweety-pie, hope ya get big titties! END

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Journal: 12-17-03 Pat During the following days there seemed to be something more special in Raquel's glances. Something more meaningful in her touches, a greater joy when she laughed at my little jokes. Still, it was three days before Raquel and I were alone together again and it was once again she coming into my curtained bed space after her sisters and our parents had gone to sleep for the night. I was sitting up late, reading Asimov's "Foundation Trilogy", one of the boring...

3 years ago
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No FutureChapter 61

Sinners, Poor and Wretched Roland 2089 "Is it true that you were once a gardener?" asked the affluent woman whose conscience had been sufficiently pricked to shove a few sizeable notes into the collection box chained to the counter. "Not only a gardener," Roland admitted. "I've also been a teacher and a hospital nurse, but I guess this was the kind of work I was always destined to do." "You're like a modern-day St. Theresa of Calcutta," the woman continued. "I don't know how...

2 years ago
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It Finally Happened

I am a shy unassuming lady that at times have been told by my hubby that I am TOO naïve. We had often talked of spicing up our sex life with others, but many times that was in the heat of passion. One thing he has always told me and many of you have made it also abundantly clear, I have very nice legs especially in a pair of heels. I may not have a size “0” waist, but I apparently have one thing a LOT of guys like and that’s sexy legs. Just talking about it now gets me so fucking wet. I had to...

1 year ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 11 50 Million to Serve

After I saw the Endeavor launch, I went and scrubbed for surgery. I chose Dr Crosby as my assistant and Dr. James as my anesthesiologist. Marsha had Dr. Gertz as her assistant and Dr. Smith as her anesthesiologist. We started on our first two patients. We performed surgery on six patients today. We switched our doctors around to give them all the most experience. After the surgeries I had the doctors all meet with me for a debriefing. I was pleased for many reasons. The doctors were all very...

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The New Desks

The New Desks It was very strange being the only male in an otherwise totally female office. I’m sure that in another situation like that I would be the boss not the secretary to the boss. I had only been with the company for a month or so when we were moved into a new location. However, instead of a bigger area we were even more confined. Where the boss had a large office with her secretary right outside, she then had a smaller office with her secretary in her office with her....

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Lazy and Not Morning in Bed

Isabella could feel the warmth of the sun blanketing her body as the light slowly woke her from a very restful night. She enjoyed the feeling of the warm light and snuggled the soft body next to her. It took her a moment but she realized before long that she was not snuggling Ethan, and he was not even in bed. She started a bit before she remembered he had said something about having to go to a job early so instead she settled to enjoy snuggling Paula a bit more in the morning sun.Paula was...

Love Stories
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Hotel Fantasy

I can see you silhouetted against the moonlight coming through the window, your thin robe clinging to the long lines of your body, your damp hair falling loose down your back. I walk up to you softly, not wanting to disturb the picture before me…but unable to resist the need to rest my hands on your hips, to wrap my arms around you as you melt back against me, gazing out at the silver ripples dancing across the water. ‘This place is so beautiful,’ you whisper. ‘Yes, it is.’ My voice is a...

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The Schoolboy and the Farmers Wife Part 1

I was seventeen and living in the country. I had no brothers or sisters and had spent most of my life after five years of age at boarding schools where I was educated, only coming home during school vacations. The farm is hundreds of kilometers from the city. Our homestead is also 30 kilometers from the nearest town and 14 kilometers from our nearest neighbors’ place. The area was well known for cattle raising and each property is hundreds of square kilometers. From the time I began puberty, I...

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Grudge Fuck

My wife and I have been divorced for a few months and we divide our c***ds custody every other week. This weekend my ex was going out with some of her girlfriends to a local bar that was only a few blocks from my apartment. It was the middle of the night when I was woken up by a loud pounding on the door. Checking through the peep hole I could see my ex dressed like the slut I knew her to be weaving back and forth drunk off her ass. I opened the door quickly before she could pound on the...

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The CatalystChapter 34 Unintended Complications

[“Lenny, oh my darling Lenny, they told us you were dead ... I’ve missed you so much, I still love you!”] “Where are you ‘Eyes’? “I’m at Bob Swenson’s house in St Charles. He’s marrying our daughter!” There was nothing but stunned silence for what felt like an eternity. Iris was trying to contact Dad, but with no response. I was getting worried, as I knew he was probably driving. Mom was flashing in hysterics, “Charlie, help us, I think Lenny had a heart attack!” “Where are...

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Jill didnt know she liked porn

Jill Scott unbuttoned her suit jacket and slid into the seat of her shiny silver Mercedes, and before she closed the door, she bent over to pull the black designer heels off her feet. She had to twist awkwardly with her trim knee-length black skirt so she could rub her sore soles; the pressure of her thumb digging into her instep doing wonders even for as little effect as it did. She gave a glance up at the small glass bowl on the concrete ceiling of the parking structure, sure that the...

4 years ago
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Yakoob Fucks my wife

A husband enjoys seeing his wife getting fucked and he doesn’t even mind it when his best friend fucks her… Hey! I’m Mahesh! Here I’d like to tell you one good story! It’s about me and my wife. My wife Malini, has got a lover (Yakoob). They have been fucking for about 2 years now. I know about that. I loved to watch her suck and fuck him. Mostly suck. Usually I ask her to do such things to his cock that she never does to mine. Every time they would fuck together, she starts session from some...

4 years ago
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For Kaytelee2002 my little slut

"Please, Sir. May I cum?" She begged desperately, testing the restraints and hoping he would finally allow her desires. Eyes wide and pleading like her long slender legs, she had started dripping in anticipation, as if her body believed that a more attractive home for his torments would somehow earn her an orgasm. Unfortunately for her, this was not the case. "I've taken my time to make sure you feel the pleasure you've earned. Made you nice and comfortable with these ropes. Even made your...

3 years ago
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Sailing out of Oyster Bay Part 2

We were relaxing in the cockpit. Anne heared a splash and turned around to see the other boat close by. It turns out that one of the guys dove into the water. She looked at me funny and asks how long have they be there. I smile and indicate a while. Anne turned red in the face and asked if they saw anything. I suggest that I wasn’t sure with a quirky smile on my face. (Anne loves nude sailing but she is a little shy when others are around) The guy in the water throws his swim suit onto the boat...

1 year ago
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"Dania," I said, "I am Philip, one of the tests your sisters have set to see if you have the skills of a mistress O-wright." "Welcome, Philip," she replied. "I am pleased to serve you." The members of the Guild always say that they are pleased, but Dania looked as though she meant it. I've had apprentices who did not really seem very pleased, but -- of course -- Dania was already an experienced journey-woman. Her fellow members considered that she might well become a mistress. She...

3 years ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 46

Burton met me when I got to the other side. He looked rough, but in one piece. We hugged each other in greeting, as did Dunbar and Kim. Then he slapped me on the shoulder and told me that I was a sight for sore eyes, and was grinning when he said it. I smiled back warmly in reply, and told him the same. With greetings exchanged and heads counted, Burton turned and led us off towards his encampment. He guided us up a hill and through the trees for about half a mile. He explained as he went...

1 year ago
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Dennis April and LorraineChapter 3

The next week found Dennis and the others busy with classes, of course. Final exams were up soon, so they had to study as hard as ever. They had a few quickies, but nothing serious until after finals were over. Thankfully, they were all likely to pass, although Jake would have a C average overall. There was also the matter of finding jobs after they graduated. However, when Friday night arrived and the finals were completed, the four of them were quite prepared for some extracurricular fun...

4 years ago
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Young girl plays nurse for elderly man again

A few days later, I was asked again to take care of him for my mother which I eagerly accepted. That afternoon, I ready myself for another fun evening with him. I decided to shave my pussy and wear an extremely short mini skirt that barely covered my ass cheeks. And picked out a loose fitting shirt that would fall open exposing my firm young breast each time I bent over. Only being 5’1 this outfit really made my tight 19 year old body stand out, accenting my short brown legs and 34C...

2 years ago
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Summer of Cougars 3

It was not long after hooking up with Camilla in her yard I paid Judy an evening visit. After having sex twice, taking her from behind the first time and then missionary the second, laying beside me naked and clammy from the long love making session, My hot cougar promised to tell even more members of her group about me. She said Camilla had called her just gushing about how hot and satisfying the sex with me was. Judy said she had just smiled and told her it was no trouble. Then the two of...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Jade Amber Biker

My stepmom has never understood my taste in guys. I guess when it comes down to it, I just really like bad boys. When she meets my latest man, she’s appalled by his tattoos and his bad manners. But I know something about him that she could never understand. When he shoves his giant cock inside my extra tight pussy, it stretches me out and makes me cum harder than I ever have in my life. I can’t keep my hands off him, so I suck him off right at the dinner table! Then, my stepmom catches him...

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Caught By Mr D Part 4

I assumed my thing with Mr. D was over and done with. I left for college with only girls on my mind. My first year ended and I came back home for the summer.One weekday afternoon I was alone in the house and I decided to go out back to read a book. This time with all my clothes on (see Part 1 if you haven't yet...)Mr. D interrupted my reading when he walked over from his house next door. There were a few seconds of initial discomfort but that passed quickly. We were both glad to see each...

3 years ago
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Response to Flyhi69s blog Me And My sister

It's definite a TABOO story. But I'm sure most of us love taboo stories. Doing things that the main stream doesn't think we should do. Well you only live once, so fuck 'em, right? I've got my own taboo story very similar to his, only it was with my brother. Here's the email I responded to Flyhi69 with.I read your blog about you and your sister the first time you fucked her. Hot story! Reminded me of a similar kind of thing when I was so young I'd rather not say either with my brother. Maybe it...

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MomSwap Sheena Ryder Tia Cyrus Grass Is Greener On The Other Side

When Alex Jett calls his friend Anthony Pierce he invites him and his stepmom Tia Cyrus over, telling them that his stepmom Sheena Ryder has been super hard on him so he’s hoping Tia could have a talk with her. When they arrive, Tia tells Sheena that rewarding their stepsons could be far more beneficial for them than being hard on them all the time. The two stepmoms decide to swap the boys and try out each other’s parenting styles, but not before they can show their stepmommys how well they can...

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Park and Ride Spanking Part 3

Michael smiled and pointed to new parking space as Sheila pulled into the lot the next morning. Locking eyes with Sheila he motions for her to roll down the car window and leaning in the driver side window says, "Listen carefully and follow all of my directions. In a moment you are going to turn move your car around the building to a space next to the pastors on the other side of those stairs. You will back into the space, get out of the car, and wait bent over the trunk of the car. The pastor...

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The Cross Dresser and The Big Fat Fuck

As soon as the door closed to her place Debbie started squeezing me tight. Before I knew it I was the one with my dress around my ankles. Soon I was being pulled down the hall to Debbie’s bedroom. While I sat on her bed, Debbie went in her bathroom to freshen up. When she came out she was wearing a sexy red night gown. If it weren’t for the fact it was a size 6X you might have thought Debbie bought the thing at Victoria’s Secret. ...

2 years ago
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Banging My Sexy MotherInLaw When Wife Was Abroad 8211 Pt 2

Please read the first part of this hot story as it is continuing from where it ended there. Nipurna had called my cell phone from US when my mother-in-law Aparna was sucking my cock. It was a Skype video call. I panicked for a few seconds while my wife’s mom was so much involved in sucking my cock. I decided to ignore her call. She tried again and I didn’t answer this time too. Then she called her mom immediately. Thank god, it was an audio call. I asked Aparna to pick up. Aparna answered the...

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Gender glitch in virtual reality

Virtual reality had come long way from the old school technology where user watched the display inside the helmet and swung the hand-held controllers in real life. Today's technology enables way better immersion to the virtual worlds. By utilizing advanced sensors on your body and head, one can basically leave their physical body behind and find themselves in whatever location created by the world creator. That level of virtual reality would have been considered as sci-fi just few years...

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Butt Fucking My Sister8217s Bestie

My 20 year old sister had 2 best friends, Shruti and Daisy. They were so close to our family that most of the time they stayed at our house only. They were as beautiful as my sister. Though I knew them for more than 10 years, I never looked them in a wrong way. But from the time they turned 15, they changed a lot and became my main subject for masturbation. Fortunately for me, they would never feel shy in front of me as I knew them since when I was a kid. They wouldn’t cover their cleavage in...

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The Devils PactChapter 38 Shamans

Sunday, September 29th, 2013 – Mark Glassner – Tacoma, WA Sunday passed in a haze of pain. I woke from the dream with Azrael back into the torment of my battered body. I hauled myself to my feet, ignoring the protest of my muscles, and staggered to the sink accompanied by the clank of my manacles. I bent down and greedily drank the cool water from the tap, bringing momentary relief to the stump of my tongue. My stomach ached and rumbled. I hadn't eaten since breakfast yesterday, I...

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Daughters Slut Training 9 Brothers Naughty Help

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Brother's Naughty Help By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah Pete's eyes bulged at my words. He trembled, staring at my naked tits swaying before him, his eyes drinking in their pillowy softness and how hard my brown nipples were. He licked his lips, rubbing his hands on his jeans as he struggled not to jizz in his pants. Such a wanton thrill went through me to witness this young man,...

4 years ago
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GenerationsChapter 42 The Full Monty

The party broke up about eight o’clock or so. It was a group of ten that decided to take the party to the next level - Lauren, Soupy, the four future sisters-in-law, Helen and Shirley, and finally a pair of Lauren’s coworkers, secretaries. “So, exactly what is the plan for tonight?” asked Cheryl Benson, one of the secretaries. “I don’t know!” answered Lauren. She pointed at Susan and Soupy. “These two have been planning something, but they wouldn’t tell me!” Susan grinned at Soupy and...

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Squirted Kendra Cole Kendra8217s Craving Cock

Skinny slut Kendra Cole is craving cock, and she’s ready to squirt so much only seven mops could clean it up! Kendra shakes her ass for the camera and shows off her tight pussy, then gags on Tony Ribas’ big cock. After a sloppy blowjob, Kendra takes the dick missionary while using a vibrator on her clit. Before long, she’s already dripping! Kendra rides Tony and cums on his cock. After leaving the couch and floor a slipping hazard, Toni adds his cum to the mixture, covering...

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Homecoming Present

I don't know how Jen and I ended up in my living room naked and giggling. I asked her to come over and help me prepare a meal for Pete’s return after being out of town for such a long time. I wanted to prepare something special for him, but my culinary knowledge only reached the easy-to-make varieties.  I should’ve known from the wet, open mouth kiss I received from Jen as soon as I opened the door and the way she slid her talented fingers into my panty and quickly finger fucked my luscious...

Group Sex
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Daddies Naked Daughter

Note : This story is completely fictional! I stripped down to nothing and looked at myself in the mirror; trying to see if I was older or more of a woman now. Standing there naked and knowing Daddy was just one thin wall away, I started to get damp in my crotch area. For just a split second; I almost walked out into the living room and announced "Here, daddy, I'm all yours!" But I didn't. I wrapped myself in large towel and went into the bathroom. The warm water running on me didn't help get...

4 years ago
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Mommy Teaches Me Fisting

* Disclaimer: This story does not include actual i****t or u******e participants. This is simply role-play between two consenting adults. *Background: I want to find an older woman, probably in her mid to late fifties, with a nice loose pussy and saggy tits. I want her to treat me like I’m her young virgin son. I’ll call her mommy and pretend to be completely innocent with no knowledge of sex. This is how I see it playing out:I’m playing video games and mommy calls me into her bedroom. When I...

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NFBusty Chloe Lamour Intimate Touch

Chloe Lamour takes a bath to prepare herself for an intimate evening with Thomas Green. She makes sure that her massive breasts are nice and clean, then steps out of the tub so she can towel her stunning body dry. Climbing into a thong and tank top that can barely constrain the bounty of her knockers, Chloe joins Thomas in the bedroom with the most passionate intent. Climbing onto the bed, Chloe lets Thomas look and touch to his heart’s content. He slips his hands beneath Chloe’s...

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Summers in Dallas Part 4

Summers in Dallas Part 4 - Growing Up My wonderful summers in Dallas became a whole different existence. At home, I was just Joe, an everyday kid. But summers were special. I was surprised at how easily I made the transition from Joe to Mary and back again. Each summer, I became more immersed in a girl's existence as I developed friends and acquaintances in Dallas that knew and liked me as Mary. I enjoyed both of my lives, but I knew that living life "on both sides of the...

4 years ago
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Sharing my wife

Introduction: My wife has a little secret, if you rub her ass she gets really turned on. Ive known for a long time that one of my wifes biggest and best turn-ons is having her ass rubbed. With that in mind, I share this story. One evening while on vacation in Florida, we decided to stop into a local pub by the motel we were staying at. It was really crowded. I mean wall to wall people, it was difficult to get to the bar to order a drink. We finally made our way to the bar, it was packed. As...

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Deputy PorterChapter 175

The car was an old American sedan. "Why is it these guys in special ops can never afford a fancy car? They are always running around in a ten year old ford." I asked. "You are kidding they have all the money in the world. They run around in these old egg beaters because someone told them they draw less attention. We are all cramped so the boss can slip around town. You know they have a deal. They buy a whole fleet of these as 'after lease cars' and transport them all over the world,"...

2 years ago
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Rachels Wish Part II

Marcus closed his laptop computer and swiveled his chair to face the large picture window.  The sun’s glare reflected on the credenza containing a semester's worth of research he’d yet to deal with and a giant teddy bear he'd purchased on his lunch break. Since the day was sunny and he had tenure, his mind wandered to his girlfriend and the exciting plot twist from his sex life. Rachel, his lover of two years, had been behaving odd lately.  Starting with a memorable kitchen romp where she had...

Wife Lovers
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Girlfriend Ko Pata Ke Choda

Hello friends I’m Sunny from Pune aapne meri pahali story chachi meri wife padhi aur aap logo ko wo bahot pasand bhi aayi us liye thanks and mai aaj aapko mere aur meri gf ke bich hue sex ke baare me aapko batane ja raha hu. I hope tumhe ye pasand aayega aur tum log enjoy karoge agar aapko story pasand aaye to aap mujhe mail kar sakte hai my mail id is Aur koi bhi ladki ya aunty mujhse friendship karna chahati ho to most welcome ab mai story start karta hu aap sab log mere baare me to jante hi...

2 years ago
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More Than an Office Romance

Claire was relaxed in a luxurious bubble bath when her mind was wondering. She often had music playing while she spent an hour or two in the bathroom, this time she was listening to things such as Usher – Trading places and Kings of Leon – Sex on Fire, needless to say there was something on her mind, and it wasn’t what she was going to make for dinner that night. For the last two years Claire had been single, she was free from all of the dramas of a relationship but there was something...

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Massage for mami

Husband asked to give a massage service for his wife. How the massage session went hot and spicy. Hello friends, I am Rahul from Chennai, age 28. I am fair, tall and strong man. Also doing massages, pussy hair trimming, gigolo and donating sperm directly into pussy. Ladies from Chennai can contact me at any time on rahulrole.chennai via Hangout or Gmail and Skype. Let me narrate an other story which happened recently. I used to chat with stranger on random chatting sites. One fine day I got an...

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Lunas RebellionChapter 4

Later, when Harry had gathered his council, minus the indomitable Luna, together to hear about his adventures under the lake, it was to the amusement of everyone except for Harry when Hermione asked what Harry thought about his scores. The look of absolute befuddlement on Harry's face sent the entire room into gales of laughter. "Harry, you just competed in a task where you not only saved two hostages in under thirty five minutes, but then you went back and saved one of your fellow...

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