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These Lives We Seek By Myria "You're not going to like it," John had told me two hours before when he'd given me the report in my office. He was right, I thought as I unlocked the door and walked into my living room, I damn sure didn't. I threw the report on the coffee table and sat down on the couch with a huff. There are days when I wished I'd never decided to go into journalism; this was definitely one of them. Why in the hell didn't I decide to become a teacher? Or maybe a musician? I could have done just about anything. But no, I had to decide to go back to school to become a journalist. One thing I've learned in just over a year of running The Guardian is that journalism often boils down to rooting out things you'd rather not know so you can tell other people about them. It can be a miserable, soul-destroying job sometimes, even at a small-potatoes university rag. Sure, there are lots of uplifting stories to be told, the good people do or sometimes just plain luck hitting good people. But those sorts of stories weren't really what anyone went into journalism for and they sure the hell aren't the kinds of stories that sell papers. What sells papers is the salacious, the Jerry Springer side of life prettied up a little. The kinds of stories where someone gets hurt, and not always "those that deserve it" -whatever exactly that might mean. Bring 'em down, watch 'em crash 'n burn, they'll get theirs and we'll get ours. It doesn't matter if it's a university dean or candidate for president, it's all the same game. Just ask Gary Hart. God, what a business. And this was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life? +++ I told myself that a beer might improve my mood some, but the truth was that I just wanted to see her before deciding what to do. There was no other explanation for why I picked that particular bar. God knows there are enough bars in the area to choose from and I wasn't a regular at any particular one. Hanging out at a bar loses some of its entertainment value when three-quarters of the people that frequent the place are ten to fifteen years your junior. The lights were still up, the place half empty even though it was early evening. Fridays are like that; the main crowd wouldn't show until the band was going. Or until they'd had a chance to get half loaded in their dorm rooms, whichever came first. Well before then the lights would be dim, the noise would be so loud you wouldn't be able to hear yourself think, and almost everyone would be well beyond the legal blood alcohol limit for driving. Fortunately most of them would be walking home. She was there of course, I'd known she was working tonight, talking in the corner with some jock type. John? George? Some generic name I couldn't remember. I'd seen him around, though, and was pretty sure he had the hots for her. And why not? She was tall, thin, had long spiral- permed brunette hair, a too-cute perky nose and those big brown eyes. Dressed in the universal uniform of barmaids everywhere or, at least, what used to be - white blouse and black skirt. Only with her the blouse was practically sheer, the skirt only barely long enough to be called a mini, the heels spiked. If this wasn't a college town she'd probably be making a fortune in tips on just her legs alone. There was an almost preternatural grace in her every movement that alone would have gotten her noticed, but she was also a very pretty girl. Not beautiful, no, but definitely pretty and not afraid to accentuate every positive. Certainly pretty enough to attract the attention of over muscled jock types who didn't give a happy hang about much save her bustline and their chances - slim to none, as far as I knew - of getting into her skirt. I sat at the bar, nodded to the bartender and ordered a Heineken. It belatedly occurred to me that coming here was probably a bad idea. I really needed to work things out in my own head before talking to her, getting into it while I was still pissed off just wasn't the brightest idea in the world. Besides, this certainly wasn't the place for it. But I'd already gotten my beer and she had finally peeled herself away from John/George/whatever long enough to notice me. I shook my head as she walked over, how the hell could I have not known? Not even have had a clue? "Hi, hun," she said, sitting on the barstool next to me. "Hi," I replied. "Is something wrong, Karen?" "No," I said, knowing damn well that something was, "why?" "I don't know, you seem... Tense, I guess." "Bad day at the office," I evaded. "Classes?" "The paper." "Oh," she said. "Want to talk about it?" "Not really." I sighed. "No, we do need to have a talk, Serina, a serious one." "About what?" she asked with obvious concern. "What time do you get off?" "I'm closing, but I could probably trade with Sally if it's that important." "I'd appreciate it if you did." I had no desire to be hashing this out at two in the morning. Hell, I had no desire to be hashing this out at all. "What is going on, Karen, what's this about?" "Later, okay? We'll talk about it when you get home." +++ By the time it was ten-forty I was wondering where she was, it wasn't that long a walk from the bar. Maybe she hadn't been able to trade shifts, or maybe she'd figured out just what it was I wanted to talk about. I picked up the report and thumbed through it again, I'd read through the damn thing so many times that I'd virtually memorized it. Three months of John's meticulous research work summarized in fifteen pages. What it boiled down to was the lives of five students, their futures, in a neatly bound notebook just waiting to be turned into a front-page story that would almost certainly get at least three of them kicked out of school. But only one of those students was my friend. My best friend and roommate. The key sliding into the door lock startled me even though I'd been expecting it. A moment later Serina walked in, not looking overly happy. "I hope this is important," she said, "I had to promise to close all next weekend." "It is." "So what is it?" she asked, sitting in the overstuffed chair. I took a deep breath. "I was wondering if you'd ever heard of someone." "Who?" she asked, reaching down to take off her heels. "Lawrence Jonathan Kent." She sat up and I briefly saw something flame in her normally placid eyes that for a second scared the holy hell out of me. "It's funny," I said, letting some of my own anger seep into my voice, "he went to the same high school as you, got the same grades, had the same birthdate, was born in the same place, and," most damning of all, "had the same social security number." "How?" she asked, her soft and quiet voice given lie by the hurt in her eyes. Well at least she wasn't going to try and deny it. "You remember that professor who got in trouble a few months ago for lying on his resume? Well one of the reporters who works for me decided to do a story on the subject, to look into how many students did the same thing on their applications. He picked a bunch of student's names off the roster at random and did background checks, turned out five of them had lied on their applications. One of them was you." "So this is about a story?" I nodded. She stood, picked up her purse and shoes, and started to walk away. "Where the hell are you going?" I demanded. "My room." "Don't you think we should talk about this?" "What's to talk about, Karen? You've already judged me." "So you don't deny it?" "Deny what?" she said, turning and throwing her things to the ground. "That I lied on my application? Of course I deny it, my name was legally changed before I ever came to this school. I haven't lied about anything. But that's not going to matter when everyone reads it in the paper, is it?" "You lied to me, Serina, you've been lying to me since the day we met." "How? How have I been lying to you? Because I didn't tell you that I'm a transsexual? There, I said it, your roommate's a freak. Happy?" She stormed off before I could think of anything to say. +++ I sat staring at the blank screen of the TV for a long time, trying to reign in the chaos of my thoughts. You think you know someone so well, live with them for almost two years, and then all of the sudden... Bam! Everything changes and you find out that you really don't know them at all. How in the hell could I not have known? I sighed and stood up, I meant to go to the kitchen for something to drink but instead found myself walking towards the back of the house. In the darkened hallway I could see that the light was still on in Serina's room, so I knocked on the door. "Can I come in?" "Go ahead," she said after a long pause. I walked in, closing the door behind me. She was sitting cross-legged on her bed, having changed into a black negligee I'd seen her wear dozens of times before. Her head was down, she was leaning forward, and I couldn't help but glance at the cleavage framed by the black lace and wonder if it was real. Implants? Hormones? Both? Did it matter? Yeah, somehow it did. She looked up at me slowly, she'd obviously been crying. "This is so ironic," she said so softly it took a second for me to figure out what she'd said. "What is?" I asked, taking the chair from her desk and moving it next to the bed. "I always figured that if something like this happened it would be some bigoted dink, maybe someone in the administration or something. I never thought it would be my best friend." "So you were expecting something like this to happen someday?" She shook her head. "No, it's been a long time since I worried about it." "Why didn't you tell me?" "Should I have had to, is it that important?" "Yes, dammit, it is!" I yelled in frustration. "That's why I didn't tell you, or anyone else for that matter." "Cut the existentialistic crap, Serina, okay? I'm not in the mood for it." "It isn't crap," she said with a sigh. "What's changed, Karen?" "What do you mean?" "Yesterday I was a normal coed, right? Your friend and roommate. And today, what, I'm a liar and a freak? What's changed?" "I never said you were a freak." "Oh please, we wouldn't be having this conversation if you weren't thinking it or something like it. You still haven't answered the question, what's changed?" "What's changed? Now I know the truth, that's what has changed." "That's why I didn't tell you, Karen, why I don't tell anyone. Yesterday was the truth. I am the same person you've always known, that person is me. But the moment someone finds out about my past, it all becomes a lie as far as they're concerned. It doesn't matter what I do, who I am, how I feel... None of it matters, I get defined by the fact that I'm a transsexual." "That's self-serving bullshit." "Is it? Would we even be having this conversation if it wasn't true?" "We wouldn't be having this conversation if you'd just told me in the beginning." "And we probably wouldn't be friends, either." "You don't know that." "I know human nature," she said, lying back on her bed. For a long moment I thought she was finished, wasn't going to say any more. "I know why it is you're really angry, Karen, even if you don't." "Why, why am I really angry? Educate me." "You're angry because you think you've been fooled. You're kicking yourself because on some level, whether you're aware of it or not, you think you should have known. But you didn't and that means you were fooled and that makes you angry and hurt." She sat up and turned, her legs over the edge of the bed, to face me. "You think that today, or yesterday, or whenever you found out, that when you learned that I was a transsexual, you learned the truth. You said that yourself, right?" "Yes," I said. The way she put it didn't quite make it sound right, but I wasn't going to quibble. "See, that's what's so sad, and so very predictable. You now know the truth? You already knew the truth, Karen! Yesterday was the truth. Last week was the truth. Last year was the truth. You know me better than anyone, and now all of that's a lie? Why? Why is it a lie?" "Because you didn't tell me." "Why should I have had to? What obligates me? Because we're friends? Should I have to tell all of my friends? Maybe I should come up with a little form letter explaining my transsexualism so I could hand it out to everyone I meet in case we might become friends?" "I didn't say that, dammit!" "No, but you sure feel I was obligated to tell you, why? Isn't my past my own? Don't I get to decide what I share of it or not? Isn't that my right? If it's not up to me, then who gets to decide? Maybe I should have to tell everyone? Maybe walk around with it stamped on my forehead?" I stood. "You're being ridiculous and insulting. If you don't want to talk about it, fine." I turned to leave, feeling more upset and angry than I had before I'd entered. So much for talking things out. "Don't you dare walk out on me!" She screamed at me. I stopped in surprise, shocked into immobility. In the two years I'd known her I'd never heard her raise her voice, not once. I turned back to see her standing next to her bed, her face red both from tears and from fury. "You call me a liar, basically tell me my whole life is a lie and you want to tell the whole school about it, and you're the one who feels insulted? How dare you?" "I never said that I was going to print the article, or that it would include you." She sat back down on her bed, shaking her head. "It doesn't matter. Don't you see? The damage is already done." I leaned against the door and slid down to the ground. "What damage? To our friendship?" "To everything. Do you know what I've wanted my entire life, as far back as I can remember? The one thing I've worked so hard towards, spent more blood, sweat, and tears than you could possibly begin to understand?" "What?" "To just be a normal girl." "But you're not, that's the whole point." She smiled, surprising me yet again. "No, I'm not. Not to you, not anymore, and I can't ever be again. That is the whole point." "You keep trying to turn this back on me, Serina," I said with a sigh, "but none of this would be an issue if you'd just told me. I'm not the villain here." "I'm not saying you are. There aren't any villains here, just history and human nature. You want me to be the villain for not telling you because you're hurt and angry. What if you'd found out that, I don't know, say I'd been born blind and they'd been able to fix it? Would you be angry that I hadn't told you?" "That's not the same thing." "Isn't it, Karen? It sure is to me. I was born the way I was, an accident of birth that I didn't have any control over and sure wouldn't have wished on anyone. A birth defect that I had to work hard to fix. Something that cost me so much, but something I got passed, got fixed. Something in the past, where I'd rather it stayed. But to you, you find out I was born with an 'M' on my birth certificate and that becomes the one and only truth. The only truth that matters, everything else is a lie to you. I'm dishonest for not having told you because that one truth is now the only thing that matters." "Again, you make it out to be all my fault." "No, I'm not. It's not just you, it's anyone. It's human nature, don't you see? Do you think it would be any different with Jenny? Sally? George? My professors? Anyone? In an ideal world it shouldn't matter, we shouldn't even be having this conversation. But this is the real world, we are, and it wouldn't be any different with anyone else. That's why I didn't tell you, Karen, why I didn't tell anyone. Why I wouldn't tell anyone, not ever." "You're wrong, Serina. You should tell people, you sure the hell should have told me. Is it so bad that I know? I'm angry, yes, but we're still friends." She shook her head. "I will never again be just a normal girl to you and there's not a thing either of us can do about it. You can't unlearn what you've learned and I can't change my past. You will always see me as a 'transsexual woman' or a 'man in a dress' or, I don't know, whatever it is exactly you're thinking - it doesn't really matter. Maybe you could live with that, but I know I couldn't. It's not what I want for my life, not what I worked so hard for." "So what are you going to do?" She shrugged. "I don't know. +++ I cursed the slowness of the coffee maker as I sat at the kitchen table. I doubt I'd gotten more than an hour's sleep at best, and I really needed a caffeine fix. It really sucks to start the morning feeling like you've got a hangover when you didn't even have the pleasure of getting splotzed the night before. My mind had run over the same mental paths so often that ruts were starting to wear into my grey matter, and yet I still couldn't resolve things in my own head. No matter what she said I still felt that Serina had been wrong not to tell me. She had been dishonest, if not outright lying, both to me and to a hell of a lot of other people. And yet, she was right, it would be very hard for me to see her in the same light as I had before. Was that really fair of me? Was it fair of her to expect me to? But then that was her point, wasn't it? She didn't expect me to, ever. Fairness didn't seem to enter into it for her. We were looking at this from such diametrically opposed points-of-view that it was hard to see how there could be a way to resolve things. Still, I was convinced that we could, I'd get over my anger and she'd get over her... Well, whatever exactly she was feeling, that never was clear to me, and we'd still be friends. It didn't seem like she much felt the same way, and that worried me. No matter how upset and angry I was, I didn't want to lose our friendship over this. What had changed? She'd asked me that a couple of times and all I could think was, "A lot!" It's funny how one little thing can change so much. I had to re-evaluate everything I'd thought I'd known, things that hadn't seemed to matter before. Like her past, and how she'd never talked about it. We'd been friends and roommates for all this time and I didn't really know anything about her background, she never talked about it. She was twenty-three, born and raised in LA, and didn't talk to any of her family. That was it, all I knew. I'd learned more from John's report than I had from her. She just never talked about her past, changed the subject if you asked anything. I'd never really thought about it that much, she was hardly the only kid in school who didn't talk about their background, I guess I'd just figured she'd had her reasons. Boy, did she ever. Before it'd seemed innocent enough, now it seemed... Sinister, somehow. How in the hell could I have not known? I kept going back to that question even though it seemed obvious I had the answer. Sure there were plenty of clues in retrospect, hindsight is 20/20 and all that. But I didn't know squat about transsexualism, probably like most people, and didn't really care to know anymore than I already did. It had even taken me several minutes and a couple of questions to figure out what John's report was trying to tell me even when it'd been right there spelled out in front of me. I didn't know because it never would have occurred to me in a million years to think of it. I guess when I'd ever even given the subject a moment's thought, if I ever really had, I just assumed they all looked like drag queens or something. I mean, that's the image you get from talk shows and stuff, isn't it? Just like with gays and lesbians. Everyone, even gays and lesbians, thinks "Oh, I can tell!" They can tell someone is gay or lesbian just by looking, just by how they act? What a load of utter bullshit. I've known gays and lesbians that wouldn't set off anyone's "gaydar" in a million years. But it's such a reassuring illusion to think that you can "just tell". Such a nice, safe illusion. The last thing on god's green earth that Serina looked like was a drag queen. Hell, for all I know most transsexuals don't - doesn't really matter. Point was, she played on that, knew what people would think, what they expected. Serina didn't do anything without a reason, without a plan. She was almost anal that way. What was I going to do, think that maybe all tall twenty-something girls I met used to be guys? Of course not, and she knew that. Just as she knew all of the little things my mind kept going over now could so easily be explained away, had been easily explained away. She didn't tell me because she never thought I'd know. If it hadn't been for one stupid little piece of happenstance, I never would have. And she wondered why I felt lied to? +++ I didn't realize Serina wasn't home until past noon. I guess I just assumed she was sleeping in, which was stupid. Chances were she hadn't gotten any more sleep than I had. I finally knocked on her door and when she didn't answer I worriedly went in. No Serina and her room was a disaster area, definitely not like her. Her clothes were piled on her unmade bed, more like strewn about the bed, along with quite a bit of her nick-nacks and such. It looked like she'd been trying to put everything she owned into one big pile before apparently leaving before I got up. Why she would do that and where she might have gone, I had no idea, but such a mess was certainly out of character for her. The phone rang just after I'd discovered the great pile of Serina's stuff, I rushed to grab it thinking it was probably her. The answering machine beat me to it, its message playing out as I searched for the damn cordless and finally found it lying next to the couch. "Hello?" a voice said from the answering machine speaker. "You there, Serina? Pick up, it's me..." It was Sally, one of Serina's friends and co-workers, so I hit the button on the phone and waited for the answering machine to shut off. "Hello," I said. "Hi, is this Karen?" "Yeah, it's me, Sally." "Is Serina there?" "No, I haven't seen her all morning." "Do you know what's going on?" "Going on with what?" I asked, wondering what exactly Serina may have told Sally. "I just talked to George," I presumed she meant George Benson, who owned the bar both Sally and Serina worked at, "and he said that Serina called him this morning at home and quit her job." "You're kidding? Do you know why?" "Not a clue," Sally said, "I was hoping you might know. I can't believe she'd just quit without saying anything to me about it." "She didn't say anything to me, either." "You're on the paper, aren't you?" Only if editor-in-chief qualified as on. "Yeah, why?" "She said something to George about he'd be able to read about it in the paper, or something like that. Do you know what she meant?" Oh shit. "Not really. Look, when she gets home I'll have her call you, okay?" "Thanks, Karen. Bye." "Bye." What in the fuck is she doing? I wondered as I tossed the phone down on the couch. She was right about one thing, if she'd changed her name legally before applying then she hadn't done anything technically wrong as far as the school would be concerned. Even if she hadn't, who would care? It's not like she faked her SATs or something. There was no reason to include her in John's story - if there ever was a story that I could legally print out of it. What did she think, that I'd include her just so everyone would know? On second thought, if I was being intellectually honest wasn't that exactly what I should do? No, could I really justify that? I wasn't going to do it just out of spite. +++ I was sitting at my desk, trying futilely to get some schoolwork done, when I heard her come in. I waited a minute to see if she'd come say hello or whatever, but she didn't, instead going straight to her room. I followed, after a moment, standing in her doorway. She was folding clothes methodically, didn't even look up and I couldn't be sure she even knew I was there. She looked gaunt, like overnight she'd lost five pound she didn't have to lose. Too much crying, I guessed, god knows I probably didn't look a whole hell of a lot better. "Feel like talking?" I asked. "Didn't we do enough talking last night?" she responded without stopping her task. "I think we both pretty much had our say." "I'd like to get this resolved, we need to get past this." "Some things can't be resolved, Karen," she said, finally turning to look at me, "can't be gotten past. You either learn to live with them or you decide you can't." I didn't know what to say to that, and after a moment she went back to her folding. "Sally called," I said, "she wanted to know why you quit your job." "I had my reasons." "Because you think all of this is going to be in the paper?" "I told you last night, it doesn't matter, the damage is done," she said with a sigh. "Look, I'm sorry, Karen. I'm sorry about everything, okay? I'm leaving, you can print whatever you want." "You're moving out?" I asked in shock. God, it should have been obvious from the pile of clothes on her bed, let alone Sally's call. "I'm leaving school." "You're kidding?" I asked. She shook her head, confirming what I already knew. "Where will you go?" "I don't know, I haven't decided yet. Maybe Dallas, or I could move back to LA. I don't know." "This is crazy, Serina, you don't just toss away your life over something like this." She smiled and shook her head. "Maybe you're right, maybe you don't know me as well as either of us thought." "Maybe I don't," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm, "the Serina I thought I knew wouldn't just run away like this." "I'm not running away from anything," she replied, a sudden cold hard steel in her voice, "I'm running towards something." "What? What are you running towards? Because it sure looks to me like you're running away." "I told you last night. The one thing I've always wanted, needed, the only thing that's ever been really important to me in my life is that I just be able to live a normal life, be treated like any other woman. Is that so wrong, so hard to understand? But it's not possible here anymore. Even if there's no article don't you think that half the people at The Guardian know by now? It'll be all over the school in a week, two at the most, you know that as well as I do." She was probably right. Gossip travels fast and this would be juicy gossip. "So what? Is it so bad if people know?" "So what? You want to live the rest of your life being treated like a freak? You want to hear people whisper about you behind your back, have some people shun you and others treat you like you're an alien from Mars? I've been there, Karen, I've lived that life. It sucks, it sucks bigtime. Why do you think I choose a school two thousand miles away from my home and anyone who knew me to go to in the first place?" "That doesn't mean you just give up, for Christ's sake! Stand and fight, show people you're not a freak." "Yesterday I was just a normal girl to you, today... Well I don't know what you think of me but it sure isn't better. You've grilled and dissected me over this, flat out called me a liar. Well maybe to you I am even if I was always honest about everything that matters. You're my best friend, Karen, how could I expect any better treatment from anyone else? How could I not expect a lot worse treatment from a lot of people? I've been there, I know how people are, and that's not the life I want to live." "People can be taught, Serina, they can learn. Gays, lesbians, African- Americans, they've all had to do it and look what they've achieved. It won't happen for you if you don't fight for it, it won't happen if people like you just run away." "So I'm obligated to that, too?" "Yes, dammit!" She shook her head. "Why does everyone think they have the right to tell me what my obligations are when my only obligation is to do what I think is right? Besides, it's not the same thing, not at all." "Why isn't it the same thing?" She sighed, pushed a pile of blouses aside, and sat on the edge of her bed. "Even if people wanted to be taught, wanted to learn - which they don't - and even if there we weren't such a microscopic minority, it still wouldn't be the same. If I was a lesbian, black, or, I don't know, a midget or something, I'd always be those things, right? People would be able to tell by my having a girlfriend, or the colour of my skin, or my height, whatever. Those things aren't disorders to be cured, they're just things that make you different from other people and a lot of people don't like anyone who's different. If you're any of those things you're always going to be different, it'll always be there, and you have a vested interest - but not an obligation - in fighting against all those dinks out there who want to give you a hard time." "So how is this any different?" "What I had to deal with was a disorder to be cured, Karen, that's what makes it different. I was born with a body that didn't agree with who I am inside, it boils down to that. I had to live with that every day and it was ripping me apart, killing me. You think it was easy going through what I did? That I decided I was a transsexual for fun? Hardly. But, fortunately for me, there was a cure. Pills and shots and surgery and a whole lot of other not-so-fun stuff. I had a birth defect, but it was cured. I don't have to live with that anymore, be burdened into spending the rest of my life defending an accident of my birth that was cured, fixed. I won't be guilted into some supposed obligation that I don't feel or agree with." She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I asked you last night what was different about me, what changed from last week. Am I taller? Shorter? Has the colour of my skin changed? Do I no longer like guys? No, see that's the whole thing. Nothing has changed, I am the same person you've always known. What's changed, all of it, is in your head. Period, that's it. I can't fight that, and I can't turn that clock back." "So you don't even try, you just go somewhere else?" "Basically, yes. I don't want to change the world, Karen, I'm not sure I would even if I thought I could. I just want to live my life. Is that such a bad thing?" "And what happens when someone finds out there?" "Oh please, this was a complete fluke and you know it. God, people commit murder and then disappear forever, never to be found even with every cop on the planet looking for them. You think I can't find someplace where I can just be me?" "Still, it could happen again." "I'll deal with it if it does." "I don't want you to go, Serina." "I don't want to go, Karen," she said softly, tears in her eyes, "but I have to. The life I seek isn't here anymore and that's more important to me than anything." "More important than our friendship?" She nodded. "I'm sorry, but yes." +++ We didn't talk about it much after that, there didn't seem any point. By the next Friday she'd moved out, gone back to LA. We kept in touch for a little while, exchanged e-mails and a couple of phone calls, but that quickly tapered off and I never heard from her again. I was wrong about one thing. I'd told her that you don't just toss your life away over something like this, but I went and in a way did exactly that. That Monday I resigned as editor-in-chief of The Guardian and dropped my journalism major despite being only a semester and a half from getting my Masters Degree. Fortunately most of my credits were transferable to my new major, teaching, but it wouldn't have mattered to me if they weren't. I'd had my doubts about journalism for a long time, this was just the straw that broke the camel's back. The irony of it is that I'll probably end up teaching journalism, thanks to having a Bachelors in it. Maybe I was wrong about more than one thing, I don't know. Serina was right, even though there never was a story, word did get around disgustingly quickly and I got pestered endlessly by the curious who wanted to know what it was like to live with someone like her. Like I'd known, like she'd really been any different from anyone else. Still, she would have survived it. Some people were nasty, shockingly so, but most weren't. They were just curious, if often ignorant. I was shocked by the number of people, even those who'd known her and called her a friend, who suddenly took to referring to her as "he" and "him". Somehow I doubted Serina would have dealt with that very well and I wouldn't have blamed her. There was just no excuse for it, but after a little while even I got tired of correcting people. The furor over Serina and her leaving faded eventually, as such things do, to no doubt be replaced by some other rumor or juicy piece of gossip. I got a new roommate, though we're not very close we get along okay. Life goes on... I still think she should have told me, but she didn't and maybe she had better reasons than I thought. I don't know, anymore it doesn't matter. I hope that she found the life she was looking for. Knowing how determined she was, I'm pretty sure she did. Fin Copyright 2001 by Christina Myria Kenyon

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A Game of Hide and Seek

“Are you sure you’ll be ok, Annie?” fussed my Mum, as my Dad picked up her suitcase to take it to the car. “And I hope you haven’t advertised your party on Facebook,” said my Dad with a smile. “I don’t want to switch on the TV in Devon and see our house going up in flames, with hundreds of drunken youths on the rampage in the street.” “Oh Dad, it’s only my best friends, honest,” I said. “And no boys at all, I promise.” “Take no notice, dear,” said my Mum as she kissed me goodbye. “You know he’s...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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SOL Games Hide Seek

This is kind of like a 'choose your own adventure' : -Start by reading the Prologue and one or more Level 1 chapters in any order. (Jump Ropes, Floor is Lava, Pet Teachers) -Then read one or more Level 2 chapters in any order. (Web Design, Teacher Taut, Chemistry, Tug of War) -Then read one or more Level 3 chapters in any order. (Hide & Seek, Pencil Sharpener, Anatomy, Dodgeball) -And so on. More to come! See the link in my profile to get ALL my stories in eBook and audiobook...

2 years ago
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Pleasures women seek

Pleasures are in fact different from where you seek them. Therefore all you women part take in a divine lust of Lesbianism. JJ Dear Readers, this is your one and only JJ with the tenth submission to ISS, I wanted to make this submission a very good one and which will be in your mind for a very long time and give you immense arousal while and after reading. Therefore I have selected a lesbian experience but at the very same time I can’t leave away those of you who like a straight sex experience...

4 years ago
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VictimVictorianChapter 6B Hide and Seek

Clearly, Corky had been right all along. The debaucheries of the Dalrymple family were not merely repellant and vulgar but unhealthy; fundamentally perverse. Alone once more in his room, Corky was frantically repacking his steamer trunk with renewed determination to quit the household in which he had unwittingly become entangled. Beatrice's discovery of Maggie in his bedroom may have been an unpleasant experience, but in fact it was a blessing in disguise. The shock of the experience was...

3 years ago
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Hide and Seek

Every year, a group of my husband’s university friends get together, rent a house in the ski hills in northern Quebec, and enjoy a week of skiing, drinking, and whatever else comes along. This year, however, the weather has taken a turn for the warmer, and instead of snow gently falling, it’s raining out. We’ve taken the day off, and have replaced it with silly games and lots of drinking in between. I am hiding from the others. We are playing a game of Hide and Seek and we’ve been given time to...

2 years ago
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Hide and Seek

Every year, a group of my husband's university friends get together, rent a house in the ski hills in northern Quebec, and enjoy a week of skiing, drinking, and whatever else comes along. This year, however, the weather has taken a turn for the warmer, and instead of snow gently falling, it's raining out. We've taken the day off, and have replaced it with silly games and lots of drinking in between.I am hiding from the others. We are playing a game of Hide and Seek and we've been given time to...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Hunt and Seek

Hunt and Seek By Christopher Leeson _Introduction: For more than a decade fans have been asking us to do another Tiresias story. Alas, all my ideas were novel-sized in scope and there has never been a good time to start another novel, not while the mega-epic of Eerie Arizona is a work in progress._ _But we have always agreed that the premise behind that particular universe deserved more development. Consequently, we have come up with a new take on the Tiresias universe, one...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates The Medallion comes to Fairview Part III Hide and Seek

Altered Fates - The Medallion comes to Fairview Part III. Hide and Seek Previously: In Part I - Justin Donovan and his Dad moved back to Fairview after Justin's Dad (Sean) retired from the United States Marine Corps. Justin began his senior year at Fairview and quickly fell for Laura. Laura's friend Becky in an attempt to make her boyfriend jealous went out with Todd, the school drug dealer, and was raped. Knowing Justin's ability as a fighter Becky got Laura to help her in a...

4 years ago
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Crossdressing Charlie Episode 13 Hide and Seek

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 13 HIDE AND SEEK TWO YEARS AGO... Dave watched the raindrops roll down the windowpane and morph into one another before they dripped away. Outside, it was pelting down so hard that it looked like the rain was coming up from beneath. He watched people scurry down the street with umbrellas, newspapers, and briefcases over their heads to protect their precious haircuts. It was dreadful weather. However, he was safely inside a nice warm caf? with a cup of t...

2 years ago
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Hide and Seek

There were fourteen of us on a Girl Scout outing. We were all from a small town near Seattle, so it wasn’t a long trip to the campsite, which was deep in the woods near a nice mountain stream. It was just a day trip, so we wouldn’t be spending the night. I was fifteen at the time and my younger sister, Mandy was fourteen. We were very close, and did everything together. We did the usual stuff; playing soccer, throwing a Frisbee around and frolicking in the stream. The troop leaders...

1 year ago
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Hide and seek

Now lets get this straight “hehe” no pun intended I’m about 6’2 and a well muscled 200 pounds. I have chocolate brown skin and hazel eyes. It was a high school reunion grade and one of my friends’ brothers and me were outside playing. A carload of Guys pulled up and we decided to play hide and seek for old times sake. I went to hide in the bathtub and wait. As I sat there contemplating how long it would take for me to be found I decided to jack off, I was 25 and well aware that I was gay. That...

1 year ago
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Hide And Seek

Mike, Billy, and Derek were fooling around one day at college. Since this was a particularly boring day, the three of them decided to do something stupid like play the game 'Hide and Seek'. Derek thought of it. Mike and Billy looked at him as if he had gone mad. "Hey, what else are we gonna do? All the chicks went on a fieldtrip. Cmon let's play." said Derek. The other two gave in and agreed to play. Derek decided that he would be the seeker and that Mike and Billy should hide some place good....

Group Sex
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Theseus and Ariadne

"... the hero Theseus, having killed the Minotaur, was reunited with Princess Ariadne. They fled to his ship and sailed with the dawn, leaving turmoil behind them. "The Gods were angry, especially mighty Poseidon, ruler of the waves. Theseus' ship was dashed this way and that, finally fetching up on the island of Naxos. When he could Theseus borrowed a ship from the King of Naxos, sailing to his native Athens and promising to return for Ariadne. In his haste he neglected to change his sail....

3 years ago
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A game of Hide and Seek

—----------------- So I'd come in from a run one afternoon and checked in that I was up for a game, then I hopped in the shower to rinse off. I towelled off and checked my phone to find that the game had already started and I was supposed to be hiding. I whipped the bathroom door open to see my neighbor Abby leaning against the wall, grinning. "Found you!" I stepped back and she followed me into the bathroom. "Well, I might have cheated. I saw you come in when the game started. I came...

3 years ago
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Author?s Note Author?s Note??????????? These narratives were constructed around the activities of an online community called Witchseekers, in 2004. It was an online role play/chain story built on members? contributions, with significant events ? especially the interrogation and execution of members ?accused? of being witches ? detailed in story form.??????????? My own role in the group was initially as Torturess, then, after staging a coup and toppling the Witchseeker General, I became...

2 years ago
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The Nameseek

For most tribes in The Blood Swamp, a name is not given at birth. Children and youth carry only the name of their tribe, and are differentiated from each other in conversation only by their parents and relative age. As such, you have only ever been called Child of Mudheel Sneaktrapper. Today, though, you lose even that identity. Two moons past marked your eighteenth year of life, and so you now stand naked and unarmed in the center of Mudheel Village with your two peers, waiting for the village...

1 year ago
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It was the dream that she loved and hated; her greatest fantasy that would never come true. Yunami was stretched out on the bed, naked beneath the sheet pulled up just above her breasts. Her auburn hair was scattered around her head on the sumptuous pillows like a halo. The sheer curtains hanging around the bed allowed her to see the rest of the room but hid her from the eyes of her approaching lover. She watched as Daeghen walked towards the foot of the bed. He was naked, his body sculpted...

4 years ago
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Jennifer Marie Stephenson bolted upright. Not quickly. She had been asleep. Somewhere deep down inside of herself she had heard the door close. Was it part of the television program that was on in the background? She couldn’t be sure, but after the last time her husband had come home at that time it had not gone well. She had felt exhausted after finishing her computer class at the Community College. She had been teaching an advanced class in computer programming. She had stayed even later,...

1 year ago
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Adult Seek! There are times you don’t feel like courting someone just to bust a nut. You don’t want to have to play the fucking game of convincing a woman to spread her legs so you can fuck her. And even then, you can only choose from those that are in your fucking league. If you have to work extra hard for ugly women, something isn’t working in your situation. You need to go to the source and find someone willing to give you the time of your life without any strings attached.That is where...

Escort Sites
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You wake up in a blank white room. No doors, no windows not even a bed. You notice as you sit up the dull ache of your body. Your hard sensitive nipples aching to be touched. Straining against your thin shirt. Your swollen pussy lips brushing against your silky panties with each movement. It's like you've edged all week but you don't remember. Somehow, a copy of your mind ends up in the hands of One of 9lives processors.

3 years ago
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Widow Relives Her Love Life Loved

Hi guys. My name (let it be), I am back with another story which happened in the very recent past. I got very positive responses from readers for my last story “fucked widow aunt after 10 years” and “Bhabhi the sex goddess”. Ladies in East Delhi and around can mail me at privacy is respected. Read the story , am sure you will get wet. So coming back to the story. After I fucked my widow aunt and my Bhabhi, I was on look out for something fresh and hot. I generally prefer married ladies, as...

4 years ago
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Bony Livestation Mario Bros

Note: This story contains video game elements that are copyright of their respective owners Bony Livestation - Mario Bros By Starshooter Brandon had just got home from purchasing his new system Bony Livestation and the new Mario Bros. game. Brandon's pretty much a regular teenage video game player. Dark blonde hair, short and scrawny. The kind of kid the popular girls would never ask out to Prom. Brandon then went into his room to plug in the console and turn on the game and...

3 years ago
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Married ExGirlfriend Relives Our Lusty Past

Hi guys and babes, if you have landed here just to pass some time or trying to get excited or already aroused, I hope the narration satisfies all your needs. The narration is a little slow as it’s something based on a real incident. Saying that, it is my first time I am writing as I have got some free time due to the quarantine. My name is Rohit (names are not real, duh!). I am 6 feet tall and decently built. I have a 6″ tool. I don’t want to brag that it’s big, but it gets the job...

4 years ago
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Married ExGirlfriend Relives Our Lusty Past

Hi guys and babes, if you have landed here just to pass some time or trying to get excited or already aroused, I hope the narration satisfies all your needs. The narration is a little slow as it’s something based on a real incident. Saying that, it is my first time I am writing as I have got some free time due to the quarantine. My name is Rohit (names are not real, duh!). I am 6 feet tall and decently built. I have a 6″ tool. I don’t want to brag that it’s big, but it gets the job...

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Married ExGirlfriend Relives Our Lusty Past 8211 Part 2

Hey guys and babes, Rohit here back with the second part. Thanks for the interest shown by many of you in the first part. I shared the story with Sheela. Even though she told me there was extra masala in the story, she loved it very much. Please do read the first part if not yet. When we were in the heat of the moment, kissing, hands all over our bodies, my married ex gf Sheela made an absurd request that we can do everything but can’t have sex! I was filled with disappointment, anger, and...

1 year ago
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Asian cams at Live Sex Asian! The things many people ask regarding live sex cams are; price, safety, and whether there are enough choices. Well, a sex cam site is all about chatting with beautiful models that are ready to entertain you at your whim. It’s all about browsing through an endless list of gorgeous women and deciding which one you need more of. You may sign in and chat away, but mostly it's all about asking the girls to strip, tease, masturbate with toys and basically do anything you...

Live Asian Sex Cams
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LiveToLives calls itself “the place for people to enjoy conversations and fun times,” which is a pretty fucking bold statement. I’ve lived on this planet for decades and have had tons of conversations and fun times along the way, but I never even heard of the website until today. It ain’t too different from the braggadocious marketing I see on all kinds of websites, but it really got me wondering: what if they’re right? What if I’ve been talking and enjoying myself wrong all these years? Fuck,...

Sex Chat Sites
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Gift To A Job Seeker

Hi To all the lovers of sex stories. This is mady and I am a job seeker. I completed my engineering in this current running year and started a deep job search where I had no luck as I was rejected by almost 20 mnc’s and almost all local companies. I almost lost hope in the job and even myself. Then came a twist of lifetime which settled me. Suddenly one fine morning i got a call from the company named PCL(name changed). When i picked up I heard a sweet voice asking me to attend an interview...

2 years ago
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Lives Matter

“Black Lives Matter!” “Black Lives Matter!” “Black Lives Matter!” He looked over to his chief of staff. She looked nervous. “You called the capitol police?” She nodded, “They are all throwing down at the whip’s office.” “Not love for a junior senator eh?” The Senator looked over at his chief. She had been highly recommended. She was a local, a mover and a shaker. He had seen her unflappable in the face of a hostile press, opposition leadership, and captains of industry. She was...

1 year ago
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Past LivesChapter 6

If my luncheon with Dr. Crane proved anything, it was that we could never be friends. My advanced maturity to the contrary, he couldn't get past the age gap. What's more, he was thoroughly ensconced in academia. I wasn't, which made me an inferior outsider, and with the exception of our discussion about Jane Wilson, he treated the luncheon as an art critic interviewing an up-and-coming young artist. Neither of us brought up Sherry and Vivian. After lunch, he followed me to my studio to...

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A Game of Hide and Seek

“Are you sure you’ll be ok, Annie?” fussed my Mum, as my Dad picked up her suitcase to take it to the car. “And I hope you haven’t advertised your party on Facebook,” said my Dad with a smile. “I don’t want to switch on the TV in Devon and see our house going up in flames, with hundreds of drunken youths on the rampage in the street.” “Oh Dad, it’s only my best friends, honest,” I said. “And no boys at all, I promise.” “Take no notice, dear,” said my Mum as she kissed me goodbye. “You know...

1 year ago
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Hide and Seek

Faded jeans. Unadorned grey t-shirt. Blue sneakers. It wasn’t what she wore, but how she wore it. Her top cleaved to her body. I could tell she wore no bra. I could see the shape of her nipples. Her jeans were just as tight. I imagined her getting dressed, laying on her bed, grunting softly as she wiggled into them. Worn low, her top high, I could see a lovely expanse of flesh, her navel exposed every time she lifted her arms. A friendly smile and eyes full of mischief as she reached out and...

3 years ago
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Hide and Seek

Faded jeans. Unadorned grey t-shirt. Blue sneakers. It wasn’t what she wore, but how she wore it. Her top cleaved to her body. I could tell she wore no bra. I could see the shape of her nipples. Her jeans were just as tight. I imagined her getting dressed, laying on her bed, grunting softly as she wiggled into them. Worn low, her top high, I could see a lovely expanse of flesh, her navel exposed every time she lifted her arms. A friendly smile and eyes full of mischief as she reached out and...

Quickie Sex
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Hide and Seek

Crouching behind a bush, my hand covering my mouth, I listened to their voices. Two of them obviously hunting me. Why else would they be there? Besides, I could overhear a little of their conversation. What they would do to me if they caught me. That was enough to be sure that I needed to keep perfectly still until they’d passed. Hopefully they couldn’t hear my heart pounding in my chest. I’d always thought it silly when you read it in books. That the sound of your heartbeat could give you...

2 years ago
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Hide and Seek

Tamalain quietly moved through the heavy brush in her assigned patrol area. There had been several orcs sighted in the area and it was up to the students of the fourth year to keep an eye out for trouble when the first and second year students were being trained in wood craft. She knew she could handle a pawn, but if a centurion was seen, she would run and get the teachers and guards. As she completed her circuit and arrived back at camp, she saw a group of student bards near by. She recognized...

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Gone With the WindCh 8 Hide and Seek

March 16th, 1995, 4:55 PM CT, Union Station, Chicago IL "All passengers for the Southwest Chief, please line up at the door in the back of the Metropolitan Lounge," came the voice over the PA system. John and Gretel lined up with the rest of the people there as they were lead out to the imposing Southwest Chief. The station was alive, Metra trains standing idle, their relief valves periodically hissing. The sound of diesel engines idling, coolers howling, electricity humming, and the...

2 years ago
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The Love ExpressChapter 16 Hide and Seek

March 16th, 1995, 4:55 PM CT; Union Station, Chicago IL “All passengers for the Southwest Chief, please line up at the door in the back of the Metropolitan Lounge,” came the voice over the PA system. It was a busy Metropolitan Lounge; this was the busiest time of the day for Chicago Union Station’s long distance trains. John and Gretel lined up with the rest of the people there as they were lead out to the imposing Southwest Chief. It was an interesting emotion for John whenever he rode it;...

4 years ago
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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 3 Hive and Go Seek

“So how do we find a needle in a haystack?” Boomer asked, Jaeger glancing out of his canopy at the formation of three fighters that were lined up beside him. The dim glow from the nearby star reflected off their angular, stealthy hulls, like black glass when they caught the light. Only their canopies were illuminated, the glow of control panels and readouts lighting up the tiny pilots like someone holding a torch beneath their face while telling ghost stories around a campfire. They had been...

4 years ago
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Children of the LightChapter 5 Hide and Seek

Andy didn't understand it. The rule was absolutely no presents. It had always been the rule. Birthday parties were for celebrating and for parties, but they weren't for getting presents. Birthday presents came from Mom and Dad, and always after the party was over and the guests were gone. No exceptions, that was the rule. This was what made the brightly wrapped package sitting on the table alongside the birthday cake such a mystery to Andy. He continued to eye the package for the entire...

1 year ago
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Captain GoldChapter 7 Hide and Seek

"How are you feeling this morning, sir?" Rand hesitated before opening his eyes. He braced himself as his body remembered pain. It didn't come, and he finally let himself relax. "Pretty good." He smiled up at the wrinkled face of Nurse Third Class Imrud. The little man was incredibly old for a space hand, with a lurid store of even more ancient jokes. Rand hadn't particularly liked him, the few times they'd talked, but right now any human contact was welcome. He wondered idly just...

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Donna and Dave Their Lives

Donna and Dave - Their Lives I am writing this in response to the reviews I have received, when we left Donna and Dave they had assumed each others lives and were living happily as a couple, a lot of people wanted them to undergo SRS but bare in mind these are not a rich couple so paying for this surgery is beyond their means. However as is usual in my writing I'll see how the story develops and respond to any reviews I get. Hi, it's Donna again, Dave and myself are really...

3 years ago
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Lives Alone of Stone

© 2003 We've all had that feeling of danger. You wake up from a dead sleep with your heart pounding. But there's nothing there. Or was there? We are alone, ultimately, but there is someone out there. Watching. I watched her as she entered the cathedral. She moved like the water under a bridge, with purpose but easily. My eyes followed her as she slipped into the protective shadows of the Saints, and my gaze fell upon her breast as she wiped away the droplets of glistening sweat from...

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Secret Lives Chapters 29 30 and 31

Somewhere in the depths of my sleep I began to dream of the previous day’s events. It all felt so real as I dreamt of Sarah’s mouth on my cock. At some point I came to the realisation that it wasn’t a dream at all but I still hadn’t opened my eyes. “Oh Sarah. I love you so much.” “I love you too sweety.” She managed to say this from the other side of the room and without taking my cock from her mouth. What the hell? I opened my eyes and looked straight into Sarah’s smiling eyes as she sat on a...

1 year ago
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My BBW Sister Later in Our Lives

Note : This story is completely fictional! My sister is 4 years older than I am.shes what a lot of people call a bbw some just say she's fat.I says she's perfect for me. This is a continuation story about myself and my sister later in our lives. For the first part read my bbw sister. She's always been shy and use to sneak and watch me jacking off when we were younger until I finally told her I knew and let her watch me openly. She finally let me watch her and we got so hot she let me fuck her...

3 years ago
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Past LivesChapter 10

I didn't think. I ignored my sister's warnings. I ignored my own reservations. I knew I couldn't have a casual relationship with Mary, but she was looking at me with such longing that's all I saw, all I thought about. I kissed her. I kissed her and she melted. Her lips melted into mine, and she twisted her lithe body until her breasts melted against my chest. She moaned into my mouth, and our embrace deepened but still remained soft somehow. I felt the tip of her tongue on my lips, and...

1 year ago
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XeneRoberta Lives Forever

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

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XeneRoberta Lives Forever

It was XeneSusan9984 that gave me the idea to write this. We were playing one night and I had driven her to her twentieth or thirtieth orgasm for the night. Susan is a painslut and I had her tied up tightly against a Saint Andrew’s cross and was flogging her with a Devil’s hair flogger. The strips of leather for a Devil’s hair flogger are cut so thin and there are so many of them that it is almost like flogging someone with a wig. Except a wig isn’t that heavy and the hairs of a wig don’t swing...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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BodySwitched Book 2 New Bodies New Lives

The first part of this story, written by Caleb Jones, can be found elsewhere on this site, and it should be read first to get the most out of this story. We have done our best to supply you with all you need to follow the story if you choose not to read the first story. So please enjoy? BodySwitched - Book 2 New Bodies, New Lives! By Caleb Jones, and Eric (Based on a story and characters created by Caleb Jones and Brad Miller) Chapter 1: No One Suspects a Thing! A group...

4 years ago
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Prior Lives

Prior Lives A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I regained consciousness with McLennan's voice in my ear. I looked around his office to get my bearings and noticed the clock on the wall - 4:30 - I had apparently been asleep for well over an hour. "Well I have to say that it was most interesting", he said, flipping over some notes in his hand. "And I can tell you that I have reached some conclusions and some possible solutions to your problems." My problems. I prided myself that...

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Torn lives

The yell was almost deafening to the fifteen, almost sixteen years old boy, and his hand, about to grab and pet the turgid breast cringed as if bitten by a scorpion, his face was a masque of confusion, as he sent a look of heartbroken bewilderment to his mother, not understanding the reason for such a fierce cry. He was just trying to do what he thought, both of them, his thirty five years old mother and he wanted, what she had been causing with her permanent and mercilessly erotic and sexualy...

1 year ago
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Secret Lives Part 1

Author's forward: This is a work of fiction so any resemblance to persons living or dead, in whole or in part, is purely coincidental. All of the usual copyright rules apply, but this story may be posted freely on any site that does not require a fee for accessing it. Also, the usual rules about legal restrictions on accessing stories like this apply according to where you hail from. I hope you enjoy, Joanne Secret Lives By Joanne Foxcourt, 2004 Chapter 1: Secret Agent...

3 years ago
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Past LivesChapter 8

I was at the studio when I received the call. "Brent," Grace said, "come home. Please come home." "What's wrong? Are you crying?" "Just come home. I need you here now." "All right, but tell me..." "When you get here," she said and broke down completely before she ended the call. I left the studio without cleaning my brushes or my hands, without setting the alarm. I did lock the door. I noticed I still wore my painting smock because the garment made climbing into the truck...

2 years ago
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A good nights sleep that changed our lives

My name is Paul. I'm a gorgeous lad in his early 20s, with brown, bushy hair and rare black eyes. My mother's name is Christine. She's an amazing red head that looks a lot like Lea Massari in her youth-early middle age (FYI, Lea Massari has starred in an i****t theme film; lol, life's coincidences are hilarious sometimes). My father died a few years ago and bequeathed a small business empire to us. Mommy found trustworthy hands to leave the empire's management to, so the two of us just...

4 years ago
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Two Lives

Two Lives By Vanessa Adler Hey there, welcome to my home. My name is Gavin Wilson. I'm married to my college girlfriend and am the father of a baby boy. I work on Wall Street as a financial analyst. Growing up I played high school and college football and high school basketball. I'm pretty much just a regular guy. I like watching sports with my friends at the sports bar, I enjoy action movies and fast cars, and I would think of myself as pretty well built and good looking. At least...

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Changed Lives

Tapping out the last paragraph of another report from an endless reel, flooded me with a renewed sense of apathy. Though I knew without looking that there were only moments remaining in the day, I was not perplexed. The excited snatches of conversation wrung out the end of the day better than any alarm could possibly have. I rose from my desk and my vision remained unnecessary and unfocused. I navigated the clutter of cubicles with a deftness only available after years of repetition. I gazed at...

2 years ago
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A Friend in Need Part 3 New Lives

A Friend in Need Part 3 New Lives By Christina H Starting the new lives, after the change, to try and avoid confusion I will refer to the protagonist's gender as their NEW gender. Mother's day 2013 As my darling daughter started suckling I drifted back to how this all started back then I had no idea that life could be so good and giving birth was a strange mixture of horrendous pain coupled to total ecstasy. I have no regrets whatsoever concerning my new life November...

3 years ago
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Past LivesChapter 2

While still in the grip of an orgasm while Terry knelt in front of me in my studio gulping my ejaculating semen with relish, I had my first glimpse of the life I lived before Jane Wilson. Once again, it was a terrifying event. I died, and it wasn't a normal death. I felt the pain of a bullet rip through my chest and heart, exploding out my back in a cone of pink mist. Terry thought I'd collapsed with pleasure. I didn't correct her mistaken assumption. During that life I'd been a male,...

2 years ago
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Secret Lives Part 4

Secret Lives - Part 4 By Joanne Foxcourt, 2004 Forward Welcome to part 4 of my story about Melissa "Josh" Stevens. If you haven't read the first three parts (chapters 1-17), then you should because what happens here won't make a lot of sense otherwise. This is a work of fiction so any resemblance to persons living or dead, in whole or in part, is purely coincidental. All of the usual copyright rules apply, but this story may be posted freely on any site that does not require a...

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