International Women's Freedom Front, Part I free porn video

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The International Women's Freedom Front Part I By Katie Dale John Tallon's father Paul was a successful doctor, so successful that John's mother Beth was able to stay home and not work. She was happy with that. They were a traditional Christian family with traditional - maybe old fashioned - Christian values. They went to their local church every Sunday, and were always volunteering for various church charity functions. Paul was considered one of the best Gynecologists in all of the U.S. He was the head of the department at their local hospital, and women came to him from all over the world with complicated problems. Doctors from all over the world consulted with him. And he was flown all over the world to give lectures on different state-of-the-art treatments that he was involved in developing. John was 12, and was happy to be starting to go through puberty. He was taking more notice of the pretty girls in his class, and secretly loved examining their long, smooth, tights-enclosed legs. He attended a private school where the boys all wore dress-slacks, a dress shirt and a tie, and the girls all wore plaid skirts and tights in the summer or ankle socks in the winter. John loved looking at the tights. John had an older sister, Jenna. She was 15. They got along very well - you could even say they were best friends. Jenna wasn't particularly pretty, although she tried to be. She was rather plump... okay, obese to be honest. John was very slim, and not so muscular. But he enjoyed regular boys' activities, and loved watching sports on TV (especially when the cheerleaders came on). And if you think this is going to be another one of those stories where a little boy decides he'd rather be a girl, or goes experimenting with girls' clothes or something like that, you're wrong. John was very happy with being a boy, and had no desire at all to change genders. He loved LOOKING at girls; he wanted to go out with them, touch them, feel them, kiss them, and he was beginning to realize a desire to fuck them... he had absolutely NO desire to BE one of them! Paul was a big activist against abortion, and that angered many people. His own daughter, Jenna, outspokenly disagreed with his views, and urged him at least to keep quiet on the issue. But backed up by his wife Beth, and their pastor, Paul said you must stand up for your what's right. He was involved in organizing huge protests, and directly and indirectly, in closing down abortion clinics all over the country. There were a lot of people who hated him because of this, and he received lots of threats. We had security guards posted around our house and he went everywhere with a bodyguard. One Wednesday evening, the Tallon family was sitting around the table eating a late dinner. The children were talking about things that were happening at school, when Jenna spoke up. "Somebody's been following John around," she said. "What are you talking about?" John asked. "Uh huh, I saw!" said Jenna. "Tell us what you saw, please," asked Beth. "I was walking home from school today, about two blocks behind John. I could tell it was him because you can recognize his knapsack from a mile away. There was this car - a black sportscar with tinted windows - that circled the block three or four times, slowing down every time it passed John." "This sounds serious," said Beth. "Son, I think we should get you a bodyguard," said Paul. "No!" John was already teased enough by his friends that his house was a 'prison' - you had to pass a security check to get in or out. The last thing he needed was a bodyguard accompanying him to school and everywhere he went. So he lied. "You guys are all paranoid. I know who was in that car - it was my friend Fred's mother - she was looking for him, and thought he might be walking with me." "The Samsons don't have a black car," John's father said. "Fred said they just bought it," John said. "Are you sure, John? You know we have to be careful in this family. There are people who want to hurt Dad - maybe even all of us." Beth said. "I know - don't worry. I look around, I'm careful. If there's ever any real reason to worry, I'll let you know." *** Thursday evening, John was walking home after band practice. He was walking past the big oak trees at the edge of Creek Park, when someone jumped out behind him. Before he realized what was going on, the person, dressed all in black, picked him up, swung him over his shoulder, and ran with him between the trees. John tried kicking and punching, but the person was strong and pinned his legs together, and the punches didn't seem to bother him. "Keep quiet and we won't hurt you," were the instructions he was given. John thought about screaming for help but he was so scared, and everything was happening so quickly. It probably wouldn't have helped anyway, because nobody seemed to be around at the time. That street was pretty deserted at that time of day. Somewhere between the trees, two other people, also dressed in black, were waiting for them. John now noticed that they were wearing what appeared to be black stockings over their faces. John was placed on the ground. Quickly, someone came up behind him and held his wrists together, behind his back. A second person then placed a set of handcuffs on his wrist. His ankles were cuffed next. A blindfold was placed over his eyes, and some kind of gag was secured in his mouth. He was then picked up again. He was placed inside what he thought was a van. The other people sat in the van with him, and the van started to drive. John was very scared now, and crying audibly. Someone began stroking his back, as if trying to comfort him. "Don't worry, John," a voice said. It sounded female, although kind of on the low side. "We're not going to hurt you, don't worry. We have no hard feelings against you and we won't do anything bad to you - please remain calm and comply with what we ask, and your time with us until we return you to your home will be a lot easier for you." A second voice now spoke. This one also sounded female. "You have been abducted by members of the International Women's Freedom Front." John knew what that was. It was his father's worst enemy. It was a women's organization that strongly hated his father and his policies. It took to violent means to try and voice its views and get its wishes legislated. Last year the group was outlawed by the government and deemed a terrorist organization. "You may know who we are," the first voice continued. "Don't worry, we have nothing against you and have no intention of hurting you. We have issues with your father, and unfortunately, you are being used as a tool to take revenge on him. We will not hurt you, though. We will treat you very well, give you all your needs, and within a very short time you will be set free and allowed to return home." The second voice took over. "There is no point in trying to resist us. You will be kept restrained, constantly, to make sure you don't get the urge to try and run away. We are stronger and more powerful than you. And in case of emergency, we are armed with tranquilizer injections and guns that we will use to subdue you if necessary." John struggled lightly with his handcuffs. He checked to see if he was really stuck. He was. "Those must be uncomfortable. We're going to stop in a little while to get gas, and then we'll take the handcuffs off." True to their words, in a few minutes the van stopped. While it was refueling, two of the people unbuckled him, stood him up, and then carried him to another part of the van. 'Must be a long camper,' John thought to himself. They placed him down on another chair. It was very comfortable - maybe an armchair. Then one of the people removed his blindfold. The two people with him were now wearing black spandex shorts and short black spandex tanktops. John could see that they were both women, and very muscular ones at that. And of course, they were still wearing dark black stockings on their heads, making their faces absolutely unrecognizable. He now noticed that he was sitting indeed on an armchair, placed inside a fairly large cage of steel bars that reached from the floor to the ceiling of the vehicle. The door of the cage was open at the moment, and his two captors were standing in the cage beside him. They removed his gag, and then unlocked his hand- and ankle-cuffs. John didn't think to try and resist them - they looked way too overwhelming. Within a split second, they were out of the cage, and the door was closed and locked. "There's a lever on the side of the chair that makes it recline. And on the other side, just below the armrest, there's a little button. Press that if you want or need anything, and we'll come back here and help you." John noticed that the one talking had exceptionally large breasts, and the nipples were clearly poking threw the tight fabric of her tanktop. "Could I have a drink?" John asked. "Sure - in the fridge," the one with almost flat breasts said, pointing. Then John noticed that there was a small fridge in the cage with him. John got up off the chair, walked over to the fridge, and opened the door. "There's coke and sprite. Is that okay? If you'd rather something else, we can get it for you next time we stop." "Coke's fine," John said. "What do I do if I need to use the bathroom?" "Push the button. We have a bathroom on board." "How much longer are we going to be driving?" "About another 20 hours. Oh here - there's a TV on the ceiling above you, here's the remote. Don't make it too loud, though. Enjoy your ride." As much as he was scared about being kidnapped and what they really had in mind for him, and as much as it was scary for him being kept locked inside a cage all the time - except when he was hand- and ankle-cuffed and carried into the little restroom - he did happen to enjoy the rest of his ride, as much as he could. His captors were very nice to him - buying him tasty food and giving him everything he needed. And there were good programs on the TV. And the view from his tinted window was very interesting, although he couldn't figure out where they were or to where he was being taken. *** "Where's John?" Beth said, frantically, for the umpteenth time that evening. By now the police were searching, Paul and Jenna were searching, the bodyguards were searching, and everyone else who could be involved were helping to search. Beth remained home with a policeman, just incase someone called, or John turned up. The phone rang. Beth's heart skipped a beat. She jumped and picked it up, only to hear a dialtone. But the phone rang again. Then Beth realized it was the ring of the fax machine. She and the cop ran into the office, hoping it would be some kind of lead. And it was. It was a message printed on a computer. The caller-display said "unrecognized". The cop was already talking on his cellphone, trying to get a trace on the call, even before the fax came through all the way. Once the fax had arrived completely, Beth started crying hysterically. The policeman handed her a pill and advised her to swallow it. She did, and shortly drifted off to sleep in the swivel chair at Paul's desk. The policeman notified Paul on his cellphone, and soon everyone was home. The message read: "Hello Dr. Paul. You are receiving this message from a member of the International Women's Freedom Front. As part of our efforts of protesting your archaic and barbaric behavior, taking revenge on behalf of all those women you have harmed, and instilling in you fear so that you won't continue with your despicable actions, we have abducted your son John. Do not worry, he will not be harmed, and will be returned to you shortly, happy and healthy. Cheers, IWFF." The story quickly made the top of the news, and the whole country was on the lookout for John. But of course, he wasn't found. Three weeks went by before another message from the IWFF came to the Tallon family. *** John watched through his window as the vehicle drove through an iron gate and onto what appeared to be a very rich estate. By now, John had gotten the feeling that he wasn't going to be hurt, as long as he complied. He was told, over and over again, that that was the case, and that he'd be treated like a king until he was returned home in a few weeks. And the ride was long. By the time they arrived he was pretty calm. 'After all,' he thought to himself, jokingly, 'at least this way I get out of that History test I was going to fail tomorrow.' Two of his captors emerged from the other side of the curtain into his part of the vehicle. They were still wearing the black stockings on their heads. But aside from that, they had changed clothes. One (the one with the small breasts) was wearing a knee-length, jeans skirt with a white button-down sleeveless blouse; the other (the one with the big ones) was wearing a pair of royal blue spandex bike shorts, with a matching spandex tanktop. "John, good news! We're finally going to let you out of this van," Big-breast announced. She had told John earlier to call her Kate. By now John didn't need to be told what to do. He stood up and walked towards the gate, turning his back towards them and placing his wrists together. Jackie - the one in the skirt - said "Good boy" as she fastened the cuffs to his wrists. "I'll walk - I won't make trouble," John said as she began cuffing his ankles. One of them had already been cuffed. But Jackie stopped. John looked over his shoulder at Kate. Kate nodded. So Jackie removed the cuff. John was relieved - the handcuffs weren't so bad, but the ankle-cuffs really made his ankles sore. "But you'll have to wear the blindfold until we're inside the house, okay John?" Jackie secured the blindfold. John was given a large room in the mansion. His door of-course locked with a combination, and there was no way of getting out; the windows were tinted and barred. There was an adjoining bathroom with a shower, a very comfortable bed - more comfortable than his own bed, at home. He had satellite TV, the latest Nintendo system with lots of games, and a computer with lots more games (but no internet access). The closet of the room was filled with clothes his size - mostly jeans or similar casual pants, and baggy T-shirts. There were also a few pairs of shorts, and some spandex stuff that John figured was either left from the last person, or placed there as a joke because he never would ever wear that faggy stuff. He was also given a supply of underwear and socks - everything fit him perfectly. The first thing John did when he got to his new room was to lie down on the bed and fall asleep, clothes and everything. About an hour later he was awoken by someone he didn't think he recognized (still wearing a black stocking on her head). The woman suggested he shower and change clothes; in about an hour they'd come get him to take him to dinner. An hour later he was clean and wearing fresh clothes. Kate - his favorite captor - came to get him. "You look nice," she said, as she gently placed the handcuffs on his wrists. 'For terrorists, these people sure are nice,' John thought. John was led to the dining room. He was told to sit in a specially prepared chair. It was a normal, comfortable chair, except it had a built in waist restraint, which securely held him to the chair. His handcuffs were removed allowing him to eat freely. It was a salmon dinner, and quite delicious. John enjoyed. Of course, John was the only one eating as the rest of them were wearing black stockings over their heads. But they sat around the table anyway, to keep him company and make the conversation interesting. They were very interested in him and his life, and although John enjoyed talking to them, he did his best not to give away any information that might harm his family. He didn't want to be rude to them, though. When he hesitated before answering a question he thought they shouldn't know, Kate spoke up and said, "Don't worry, John, you don't have to answer that. We're just trying to be friendly, that's all." John was relieved. After dinner, Kate led him back up to his room in the same manner as she had brought him down to dinner. She said goodnight to him and locked him in his room. The next morning, John was led to breakfast by Jackie. He was disappointed that it hadn't been Kate, but to his relief, Kate was waiting for him at the kitchen table anyway. After he ate, Kate asked, "So, John, what do you like to do in your spare time?" John told them about the video games and TV programs he liked. "Do you like sports?" "Yeah, although I'm not very good at them," John admitted. "What sports do you like?" "Well, I really like to swim. I also like baseball and roller-skating." "How about racquetball?" "I only tried it once, and never really got the hang of it." "Would you like me to teach you?" asked Kate. John couldn't believe it. As she asked him that, he felt something harden in his underwear. "Sure, sounds like fun," John said. "Great. We have a racquetball court here. Jackie will take you up to your room - get changed into shorts - and I'll be up in a minute to take you to the court." John put on a pair of baggy gym shorts and a T-shirt that said "100% MAN" on it. He hoped that Kate would be wearing more spandex. And he wasn't disappointed. He heard Kate entering the code into the lock on his door. A moment later she stood inside his room. She was wearing a pair of black spandex short-shorts, and a spandex sports-bra that was black with some pink stripes on it. John hoped his little boner wouldn't show through his shorts as Kate handcuffed him behind his back as usual. Of course, Kate was still wearing the stocking on her head. John wondered how she'd be able to play with it on her head, but it didn't seem to stop her. Once they got to the racquetball court, Kate locked the door and then uncuffed him. Kate began to teach him how to play. She was very good, but patient and easy on him, allowing him to begin to get the hang of it. At one point, when John did something exceptionally well, she screamed in delight and hugged him. His face was about level with her breasts, and he thought he was in heaven. After playing for a few hours, they were both exhausted. Kate took him back to his room, where he showered and changed into casual clothes. Then he fell asleep on his bed. Over the next few days, John continued to play racquetball with Kate, and began to get the hang of it more and more. Then one day Kate couldn't play with him, and he played with Lisa instead. Lisa wasn't as good as Kate, and not as hot. But John enjoyed anyway. The next day, as Kate led John to the racquetball court, she said. "Hey, I just got an idea. Would you rather go swimming today? It's really hot outside - I bet the other girls might like a swim as well." John readily agreed. Kate took him back to his room. They both searched his room for a swimsuit but there was none. "Don't worry," Kate said. "I'm sure I can find you something." John tried to watch TV, but instead spent the time daydreaming about what kind of swimsuits Kate and the other girls would be wearing. He couldn't believe how much he was enjoying being their prisoner, and he knew he'd have tons to tell his friends when he got back. About half an hour later the door to his room opened again. Kate and Lisa entered. Lisa was wearing a fairly modest in size, light-blue bikini. Kate was wearing a one-piece light green suit; it fit her well showing off all her curves, and was held up by thin spaghetti straps that crossed over her completely visible back and shoulders. John was delighted and felt himself getting hard. Instead of stockings, they were both wearing what looked like swimming-caps, except that they had parts which extended down over the faces, with holes cut out for the eyes, nose and mouth. John immediately noticed that Kate's eyes were green, the same color as her swimsuit. "Hi John," said Kate. "I hope you don't mind - the stores are all far away and our driver's not here, so I couldn't go buy you a new suit. We looked through the storage, and this was all we could find. It looks like it should fit you, though, and don't worry - it's clean - we wash everything carefully before we put it away." Kate handed John a small green Speedo. It was the same shade of green as Kate's suit. It looked really small, and John doubted he'd fit into it. He was quite embarrassed about wearing it - he knew his friends would make fun of him if they ever saw him wearing something like that. But he couldn't give up on the chance to go swimming with these hot girls. So with a gulp he said, "That's okay," and took the Speedo into the bathroom. He stood in front of the mirror and took off all his clothes, and pulled the Speedo up his legs. It was really tight, but it did fit him. It was more comfortable than he imagined it'd be. The only thing that concerned him was that the bulge of his penis was clearly visible in front, and knowing what was waiting for him outside the bathroom, at the moment, the bulge was larger than normal. He put his T-shirt back on - it barely covered the top of his Speedo, leaving most of it still visible. 'Oh well, here it goes,' he thought to himself as he opened the door and emerged. The two girls gave him a quick look over - top to bottom, then top again; then they smiled. Kate said, "Hey, we match!" John turned around so they could handcuff him, but Kate said, "Oh, we'll leave the handcuffs out just this one time." Two more girls were waiting for them at the pool. One of them, without asking or being asked, took the bottom of his T-shirt in her hands and swiftly lifted it up over his head. He felt so exposed. And his boner wouldn't let up. The girls were all so pretty! He noticed them taking quick glances at his bulge, every once in a while. One girl snuck up behind him and grabbed his hands, holding them above his head. Then another girl stepped forward and lifted him up by the ankles. Now the two girls began swinging him side-to-side, and a moment later, they let go. John went flying through the air until he landed in the cold water. As he reached the surface, he saw the girls jumping in, one by one. He had a great time in the pool. The girls all took turns holding him and racing with him, tossing him around, swimming through his legs - all kinds of stuff like that. He had to constantly remember to pull the Speedo out of his butt-cheeks every time he got out of the water to use the diving board - much the same way he saw girls doing all his life. In the end, wearing the Speedo didn't really bother him so much - it was worth it, to get to see the girls dressed like that. The next few days, they were back to racquetball. Then they swam again - Kate brought him another Speedo, this time in a sort-of purple shade. It again matched the color of the suit she was wearing, which was a bikini this time. As Kate handed it to him she said, "I bought this for you - I hope you don't mind wearing another Speedo - you looked so great the last time we swam that the girls all begged me to get you a Speedo and not just a regular pair of swimming shorts." John couldn't refuse their request. *** Life at the Tallon household was really bad. Everyone was depressed and worried. The house was full of tension, and everyone was fighting with everyone else. One Sunday morning, everyone ran into the office as another fax came through. This is what the message said: "Hello Dr. Paul. This message is from the IWFF. How are you enjoying your vacation from your son? Don't worry, he's enjoying himself with us. We'll be informing you about how he'll be returned in about a week's time, and he'll be returned about a week after that, if all goes well. Cheers, IWFF." The police were still unable to trace the call - all they knew was that the call was coming from somewhere in Europe. *** One day, Kate came into John's room, followed by a man in a business suit. The man also had a stocking over his head, and was carrying a briefcase. Kate introduced the man as being a family doctor, and said that he was brought her to make sure John was completely healthy. John didn't doubt that the man was in fact a doctor. The man began examining him. He measured John's height, and Kate got a bathroom scale so that the doctor could measure John's weight as well. He asked John if he ever had any operations - John told him about the hernia operation he had about a year ago. The doctor asked if he could see that - John was a little reluctant, although he was used to that from his follow-up sessions at their own family doctor. Kate stepped into the bathroom giving them privacy, and the doctor, after putting on a pair of latex gloves, felt him thoroughly "down under". The doctor told him he could get dressed again and called Kate back in. John gave the man a urine sample, which he placed in his briefcase to take back to his lab. Then the doctor said he needed to take a blood sample. John hated getting blood-tests, but complied and did his best to act brave in front of Kate. The doctor took five vials of blood. Two days later, Kate, Lisa and Jackie came into his room to tell him they were going for a ride. John was led, handcuffed and blindfolded, to the same camper-van he arrived in, and was placed in the same cage. The ride took about six hours. Finally they arrived at what appeared to be another mansion, again surrounded by a high wall with an iron gate. Kate took John to a room - it wasn't as fancy as the one he had in the first mansion, but it had everything that he needed. "Get a good night's sleep," Kate told him, "because you've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow." John wondered what that meant, but was told he'd find out in the morning. Early the next morning, John woke up with Kate sitting on his bed beside him, gently stroking his hair. His hair was getting long by now - he had needed a haircut when he was first abducted, and the girls never bothered cutting it, saying they liked boys with long hair. About five weeks had passed since he was first abducted, although the time passed fairly quickly, as he enjoyed himself a lot. By now, his hair almost reached his shoulders. John sat up in bed and glanced at the clock by his bedside. 6:30 - they never woke him up this early. Kate was holding a glass of water. "Close your eyes and open your mouth," she said. He did as told, and Kate placed some kind of pill on the back of his tongue. As he felt this he opened his eyes, startled. Kate brought the glass of water to his lips. "Drink," she commanded. He was still half asleep, and did as told, swallowing the pill. The pill was a tranquilizer. It didn't put him to sleep, but it made him really relaxed and compliant. He was totally aware of what was going on, and able to remember everything afterwards, but at the time, he just allowed them to do whatever they wanted, and did whatever they asked him to, without seeing any need to ask questions. Kate told him to take off all his clothes, including his underwear, and put on the hospital gown she was holding. John did so right in front of her. He was so much influenced by the pill that it never even occurred to him that maybe he should step into the bathroom first. The gown opened in the back, and Kate gently spun him around by the shoulders so she could tie it behind his neck for him. Then someone else came into the room with a wheelchair. They didn't bother handcuffing him now - there was no need. John was wheeled through the corridors of the mansion until they entered an operating room. John was told to climb up on the operating table, and he did as told. He was so sedated that it never even occurred to him that what they were doing to him was very weird. An IV tube was inserted into his arm. Then a female doctor said "Goodnight, John", pushed the plunger of a syringe, and John was asleep. *** John had no idea how long he was out. When he finally woke up, he remembered everything that happened and got scared. His whole body hurt him. He opened his eyes and saw Kate standing over him, smiling. "Don't worry," she said. "Everything went perfectly. I'm going to give you something for the pain now," she said, injecting something into his IV. John drifted off to sleep again. *** Again, John had no idea how long he slept, but when he woke up he felt a lot better than the last time. He felt different, but good. Nothing hurt anymore, and he felt really energetic. It appeared that Kate had dressed him - in jeans and a T-shirt - while he slept. As he woke up, she was pulling socks up his feet. "Hi John," said Kate. "You're all done. You can get up and walk around now. We kept exercising you even while you were sleeping, so hopefully it won't be too difficult for you. In fact, we even managed to stretch your legs enough that you should be able to do the splits now without any difficulty, although I doubt you'll be able to with these jeans on. But we'll try walking now, and you can try the splits some other time." Kate helped John to his feet. His whole body felt a lot different, but he couldn't put his finger on it. "What have you done to me?" John asked, curiously. He thought to himself that he should be mad at Kate, but she was so hot that he couldn't bring himself to be mad at her. "Oh, nothing major. Just improvements. You'll see soon. But in the meantime, lets make sure you can walk properly." John was able to walk, hop, skip and jump without any problem. In fact, it felt even a little easier than before - he figured it must be the new flexibility that they gave him while he slept. By now, John realized that he was back in the first mansion - they must have moved him while he slept. John complied as Kate handcuffed his wrists behind his back, as usual. Then he was led to the kitchen where a scrumptious meal was awaiting. Lisa was there. "Hi John," she said, winking at Kate. John didn't know what the winking was about. "John, we're going to take you home tomorrow," Kate said, as he finished up his meal. "Let's go back to your room and get you packed up. We've also got some talking to do." He didn't really have any packing to do since he hadn't brought anything with him. Kate gave him some of the video games to keep as souvenirs, as well as a bag with the clothes he wore when he was abducted, washed and neatly folded inside. Kate began to talk. "John, you're a really nice guy. Everyone here really liked having you - you were a lot of fun. You were a great prisoner - always obedient, never making trouble. Everyone thanks you for that. "As you know, we abducted you for a purpose. We oppose your dad's opposition to a woman's legitimate right to get an abortion. We hope that when you grow up, you won't share your father's chauvinistic views. "We used kidnapping you as a way to get back at your father. John, you're a really nice person and don't really deserve to suffer. But life's not always fair, and sometimes individuals have to be sacrificed for the good of the public. Don't worry, we haven't hurt you in any way. But in order for our message to your father to be effective, we had to change you a bit. I'd say we've improved you. You might disagree for now, but I would assume that sometime down the line you'll agree with me. That's what that surgery was about. "John, how can I break this to you lightly," she said, placing her arm on John's. "Honey, you've undergone a transformation." John had absolutely no idea what she was going to say. "You've undergone an operation that nobody in the world knows is possible to do - yet. John, you've been changed... into a girl." John's eyes turned to horror, and he began coughing, almost choking. Kate rubbed his back until his coughing stopped. "You're kidding, right?" he managed to say. "Sorry, John, no I'm not. In a moment, you can go into the bathroom and see for yourself. I just want to explain a few more things to you. You've probably heard of sex-change operations. That's when a person has plastic surgery to make him or her look like, on the outside, the other sex. Inside, though, the person still remains the same sex as they were born. The problems with that type of surgery are that they leave the person sterile - never able to have babies, and they never work completely. The person has to take hormone pills all their life, and anyway, they usually end up looking like somewhere in the middle, to one degree or another. While we approve of allowing people who choose to do that to undergo that surgery, we wouldn't ever do that to someone against their will. That would be cruel, and that's NOT what we did to you. "What we did to you was a lot more extensive. It changed you completely. Meaning, your face still looks the same, you still think the same thoughts - you're still the same person. But you've been changed, completely, inside and out. You're now 100% girl - even the DNA in your cells have two X chromosomes like born girls, instead of one Y chromosome like boys. You will be able to be a girl in all respects, and you will look, completely, like a girl. Since you're still young, your face is still girlish enough to be able to go either way. Now it will turn into the face of a young lady. In time, you will grow breasts, you will get a period (John was a good Christian and didn't know what that was, but didn't bother asking, he was so shocked). You will even be able to give birth to babies and nurse them with your breasts. And of course, you'll have sex like a woman." Now John started to cry. "Don't cry, John, it's not so bad. We didn't hurt you, or make you unhealthy or anything. It's really fun being a girl - you'll see! Trust me, sweetie, it'll be okay." "But what kind of girl will I be?" John asked, between sobs. "I mean - I'm used to being a boy, and I like girls. I like looking at girls. I even enjoy looking at YOUR tits - even now that I'm a girl. Will I be... will I be a lesbian?" (John barely pronounced that word properly. He didn't really no much about homosexuality - only a week before he was abducted one of his friends proudly told him that he found out that the family babysitter was a lesbian, and tried his best to explain to John what that was.) Kate chuckled. "I don't know, John, but I wouldn't worry about it. You'll grow up with normal female hormones, so you have the same chances as any other girl, in that department. You'll probably start to notice guys, as time goes on. But if in the end you do turn out to be gay, I wouldn't worry about it. I, myself and bisexual, although I tend more towards lesbian relationships. They're very fulfilling, I wouldn't worry about it. Either way, I'm sure you'll have a good, happy life. "There's just one more detail that you should know. Right now, nobody in the world, except our private doctor, knows how to do the procedure we've done to you. Your father will be very surprised. And you should know that we only know how to change boys into girls, but we haven't figured out how to change in the other direction yet. It doesn't look like we'll figure that out soon - it's got us pretty stumped. And anyway, once we take you back home, you'll never see us again and you won't have any way of contacting us either. So for all practical purposes, you need to realize that you're female now, forever." Kate left John now. He continued crying for a while. Finally, when there were no tears left, he went into the bathroom to examine his new body. His penis was definitely gone. He was a girl now, there was no denying it. The next morning, Kate woke John up early. After a brief "how are you?" she urged him to take a shower and dress in the clothes he was wearing when he arrived. They all still fit, except the underwear. Kate gave him a plain white cotton pair of panties, which he reluctantly wore beneath his jeans. John was taken to breakfast. After breakfast he was taken into a room he had never seen before. Kate, Lisa, Jackie and Bridgetwere there too. They were all still wearing the stockings over their heads - John never had a chance to have a glimpse at their faces. It would be very hard for him to give descriptions of them to the police, when he got back home. "John," Kate began, "we're going to send you home today. Now as you well know from the news you've been watching on TV, the whole country is on the lookout for us. If we were to just drive you home and drop you off, we'd be arrested, and we don't want that to happen. So we've developed a method of sending you home in another way. Don't worry, it's 100% safe and effective. "This is the machine that we invented for this purpose. It cost us a lot of money to build - don't worry, it's foolproof. Once we put you inside the machine and get you hooked up, you will be put to sleep; then your body will be frozen at a very, very low temperature, and placed in a vacuum. This is all in order to protect you. The machine is battery-powered and can keep you safely frozen for up to a year, if need be, but you shouldn't really be frozen for more than two or three days. The machine will be packaged carefully and placed in a box. The box will be sent through the mail - anonymously, by special delivery - to your father at home. Once it gets there and he opens the box, there are detailed instructions on the machine on how to operate it so that you will be unthawed and woken up safely. All it takes is for them to push a button, and the machine is set up especially to prevent them from doing anything wrong that might cause you harm. It will take about ten minutes for you to wake up fully, and then you'll be fully functional. Any questions?" "I guess not - sounds really scary." "Don't worry about it," Kate said, as Lisa started opening up the machine, revealing the compartment I assumed I was expected to sit in. "It won't hurt at all. It's the best way, really. You won't feel a thing." Bridget interrupted. "They even tested it on me, and I came out fine. That's why you haven't seen me for the past two weeks - they just woke me up today!" Now Lisa spoke up. "Okay, now climb on top of the table - that'a boy. Now sit down on your but, and bring your knees up to your chin - good. Touch your ankles to your butt - good, your doing really well. Now hug your legs tightly with your arms - perfect. Okay, we're going to lift you into the machine now." They lifted him into the machine. He just fit inside the small chamber - once inside he couldn't move an inch. "Okay, once we place this oxygen mask on you, we want you to lower your face into your knees, as much as possible." They placed the mask on his face, and he did as he was told. Kate spoke up. "By the way, John, I forgot to tell you this. You don't have to worry about us hurting you or kidnapping you again, in the future. You've been so good with us, that we give you our word that we'll never touch you again. No matter what your family does - we can't promise we won't do stuff to them, but you'll always be safe. I know that your family will probably be real paranoid and surround you constantly with bodyguards and stuff like that, but you needn't be nervous. Because you have our word that nothing will happen to you. AND, if you ever get into real trouble and feel you need our help - try to contact us. We have a hotmail account that we check about once a week - it's IWFF@h... If you send us email, we'll do our best to help you out. And you know, we have our means! Okay? So cheer up - you're one of us now. Nod your head if you heard this and understand." John nodded. "Don't be afraid now. In a minute you'll be asleep," they said. Then he heard a click. Everything was dark. He knew they had closed the chamber. He felt the gas flowing through the oxygen mask change, and he began to get sleepy. Then he was out. *** Another fax arrived at the Tallon house. "Dr. Paul, In a few days, a package will arrive at your door, delivered by a special courier. Open the package carefully and carefully follow the instructions - they will explain how to get John back. Cheers, IWFF." *** The package arrived early one morning. Paul hadn't left for work yet, but it was Beth who answered the door. The police officers who were usually at the house had gone for a cup of coffee. The security guard wanted to call the police to examine the package before Beth took it into the house, but she adamantly refused. "No! This is the package about John and I'm opening it THIS SECOND!" The guard began to dial the police on his cellphone, but Beth didn't wait. She dragged the package inside - fortunately it had wheels attached. "Paul," Beth screamed. "The package arrived! Come quick!" she said. Paul and Jenna quickly entered the room - Beth had already torn off the outer wrapping and was prying off the lid of the box. "Beth," cautioned Paul, "don't you think we should wait for the police first? I mean, the box could be booby-trapped." "Paul, it was your stupidity that got my son kidnapped in the first place! Now I tell you, the fax said that through this package we'll get John back. It's not booby-trapped! Now help me get this thing out of the box so that I can see what it is." Paul knew not to argue with her when she was in this kind of mood. He helped her lift the cylindrical device out of the box and set it on the floor. The cylinder was wrapped in pink wrapping paper. Jenna noticed an envelope stuck to the side of the wrapping paper. "Wait," she told her mother as she took the envelope. "We should read this before you open that." Jenna read it out loud. "Hello Dr. Paul and family. Here is what you've been waiting for. You're son is contained inside this container. Don't worry - he's alive and well - he's been frozen in suspended animation for the journey home, and if you follow the simple instructions, he'll wake up in no time. He's as healthy as he ever was, exactly the way he was when we took him. We only made one small change to him - don't worry, nothing critical. I'm sure he'll be able to tell you all about it when he's awake. Now read carefully. Open the wrapping paper and make sure the container is the right side up - with the brown lid on top. You'll see, on the lid, a panel with a few buttons. Press the red button marked 'defrost'. The other buttons won't do anything anyway, so there's no point trying them. When you have pressed the button, the red lights on the sides of the cylinder should light up. If they don't, press the red button again and hold it down until they do light up. Once the lights are on, the defrosting process has begun. Now all you have to do is wait. In about ten minutes, the lid will pop open by itself. When this happens, gently remove John from the compartment. You can tip the container on its side to facilitate this, if need be. Place him flat on his back, and remove the oxygen mask. About 15 minutes after that he will wake up fully. Dispose of this device carefully. It can only be used once, so there's no point in holding on to it. Also, 24 hours after John's removed the machine will explode - self-destruct. So make sure you put it far away from anything that could be damaged in the blast. Enjoy your child, and PLEASE, learn your lesson and DON'T be stupid anymore! Cheers, IWFF." "Hey," Jenna said, "They've listed an email address - IWFF@h..." Beth tried to calm down. "Okay, Jenna, read it through again, slowly, step by step." Half an hour later John was sitting on the couch between his parents, with Jenna sitting in the armchair. The police arrived only once John woke up and took the box and device to be examined. They said they'd return to interview John about the ordeal in two days, after he had a chance to recover a bit. "Are you alright, John?" his mother asked. "How do you feel, son?" his father said. "I feel fine, everyone, just fine." "I don't understand how they developed the technology to freeze-dry you like that," said Paul. "Yeah, well that's not the only technological advance that's going to shock you!" John said. "What do you mean, John?" Paul asked. "Oh, not NOW, Paul! Leave science alone - we've finally got our son back! Let him rest for a while." Then she turned back to John. "Johnny, are you really okay? Did they hurt you? Did they threaten you?" "No, Mom, actually they were all really nice. They were really nice to me. There's only one thing they did to me that I'm not happy about." Then John started crying. "Oh shit, they raped him! They fucked him, those fucked-up ass-hole faggot women-lover baby-killers!" Jenna burst out laughing at her father's remark. "Oh Paul, you fool, watch your language! Look, you've upset him more!" Then she turned back to her soft, calming tone. "Don't worry, John. We love you no matter what. We know it wasn't your fault, you weren't to blame. It's okay, baby." She pulled him into an embrace. "No, Mom, Dad, it's not that. They didn't rape me. They were very nice and respectful of me - they respected my privacy in every way. They didn't rape me or touch me, or make me undress in front of them - except for that doctor who examined me to make sure I was healthy." Suddenly John realized why that doctor really visited him that day, days before his surgery. "Then what did they do to you, honey." Then she turned to her husband. "Paul - shut up and don't say a word until I say you can! Let him speak!" Jenna was obviously enjoying this show. "Well, they were very nice, treated me very nicely. But they changed me. They gave me an operation. They said they didn't want to hurt me but did it to take revenge from Dad!" John began to cry again. Paul was about to say something but Beth gave him 'the look'. "What did they do, honey, tell us." "They... they... oh man, this is so embarrassing! They... they made me into a g-g-g-girl!" "What?" Paul couldn't help himself. Beth just hugged John tightly, trying to calm him down. Once he had mostly calmed down, Beth said, "show me, dear," and dragged John to the bathroom. She came out by herself. The others looked at her. She nodded. The others were speechless. A moment later John came out of the bathroom (he had to use the toilet). Everyone sat around the kitchen table and drank coffee or hot chocolate. Once they had all calmed down a lot, John began telling the whole story from the beginning. He didn't even bother leaving out the details about his boners when he looked at Kate - there was no point in being ashamed of that anymore - after all, he'd never be able to have a boner again! When he finished, everyone was silent. Finally, John's father spoke. "Son, let's go into my office - I have an ultrasound machine in there. We can really see what they did to you inside, and see if this is in any way reversible." John agreed. First his father had him drink five glasses of water - he said that way he'd be able to do the ultrasound through the stomach. John didn't know how else he could do ultrasound, but didn't argue. The family waited in the living room. Soon John came running out of the office and straight for the bathroom. Paul came into the living room. "He's a girl, inside and out. I haven't a clue HOW they did this to him, but I do know that medically speaking, it's irreversible. We don't have the technology to DO this to him, and certainly not the technology to turn him back. He's a girl now. John's a girl!" Then Paul started crying. "Paul, don't let him see you crying about this - that won't help him!" scolded Beth. But Paul couldn't stop. It was a hard day for everyone. John came out of the bathroom and went to sit between his mother and Jenna. Beth gave him a big, long, hug. *** That night was the first time in a long while that John slept in his own bed, in his own room. He slept in his clothes. When he woke up, he went and took a shower. 'If I was a girl, I wouldn't be disappointed with this body,' he thought to himself, realizing he was quite good-looking now. 'And if I was a boy, I would love to be looking at a body like this!' That didn't comfort him all that much, though. He wrapped the towel around himself - under his arms so that it covered his nipples, the way he saw women doing it on TV, in the shampoo commercials. It wasn't too easy, though, and it slipped a bit on his way down the hall. But nobody was around, anyway. John looked through his drawers for underclothes. None of his underwear fit him properly. The waists still fit him okay, but down below, they hung open, and it was uncomfortable. He thought about asking Jenna to borrow some of hers, but then thought about how she was so much fatter than he was - there was no chance they'd fit him. So he'd have to get his mother to take him shopping. In the meantime, he put on the pair he had worn the day before - they didn't smell yet, so it was okay. Then he put on a pair of baggy sweatpants and a black T-shirt. He didn't know if he needed to start wearing a bra now - he was still flat, but he thought he noticed in the shower that his nipples were a little bigger than usual, and a little sensitive. He figured he was just imagining it since he had only been a girl for a few days. In any case, he settled on the black T-shirt so that they'd hide what he had under as well as possible. Beth had made him his favorite breakfast, which he ate politely, although secretly he was sick of having that - they made it for him so much back in 'captivity' (he didn't know what else to call it). John didn't know how to bring up the clothes topic with his mother. He knew he needed to get new underwear. But he didn't know if he should start dressing like a girl - like in dresses and skirts, and tights, and pink, and stuff like that. He didn't really want to - in fact, the thought of dressing like that made him sick to the stomach. But he feared that his parents might want him to - after all, they were a traditional Christian family and they believed that girls should only wear girls' clothes. "Mom," he said, finally getting up the courage, "I need to buy new underwear. My old ones just don't fit me, now that I'm a girl." "Okay, I'll take you to the mall today. I need a few things for myself too." They drove to the mall - a female security guard sitting in the backseat. On the way, Beth said, "John, even though technically you're a girl now, you've always been a boy, and we're going to let you make your own decisions about the way you act, or dress, from now on. Either way - it's fine by us. If you want to continue dressing as a boy, that's okay. And if you want to try dressing like a girl, that's okay too. And I'll try to help you, if you want me to. Whatever the case is, I'll buy you whatever clothes you want - you know money's not a problem in this family." So John's question was asked, and he felt relieved. "And we're looking around for a new school for you - we know it would be too hard for you to go back to your old school like this. Once we have a few options for you, we'll let you decide for yourself and choose the one you want." When they got to the mall, John said that for the moment he'd just like to buy some plain underwear and maybe a few pairs of sport-socks. He was going to stick to boys' clothes for a while. Once they had a few packages of panties in hand, John asked if his mother minded if they walked through the girls' clothes racks, just so he could see what they looked like and maybe feel them a bit. They did that, but left after only having purchased panties and some tube socks. *** The police came back to interview John, as promised. And after that, the press came. At Beth's suggestion, the family didn't tell anyone - neither the police nor the press - that John had been turned into a girl. They figured that would stain him and just make his life difficult, in the future. So everyone was told that he had returned, safe and sound, and it was left at that. Of course, the police did their best to try and find, and arrest, the kidnappers, but they weren't successful. *** John was beginning to worry a lot about what his future would be like. One morning, about a week and a half after he returned home, he decided that he wanted to do some experimenting, and see what it was like to dress as a girl. But he didn't want his mother with him when he did that. "Mom, I want to go shopping - alone. I need to check some stuff out, and try some stuff on - you know - but I need to do it on my own. Please let me go alone." "John, you know we can't let you do that. It's too dangerous - look at what already happened to you." "But Mom, they promised me they'd never do anything else to me, ever again." "We can't trust THEM, can we? Look at what they already did to you!" "But I believe them!" "No, John, we can't. Sorry." "Oh Mom, please. Let me live a little. This is important." "If you want, you can go with one of the security guards, without me. Would that work?" "Can he wait for me in the car, at least? I mean, there's security in the mall." "Okay, I'll tell you what - he'll drive you up to the door and watch you enter. Then he'll meet you at the door at a predetermined time. You must promise me that you won't leave the mall without him, under any circumstances. Can you agree to that?" "Yes, Mom, that sounds good." John had his own credit card in his name, on his parents' account, that he was allowed to use whenever he wanted. Chris, one of their security guards, drove John to a mall that was far away - as per John's request, so that he wouldn't be recognized by anyone. Chris knew John for many years now, and still didn't know anything about John being turned into a girl. He dropped him off at the door of the mall, as they had planned, and they agreed to meet back there in two hours. John quickly hurried to the men's restroom. Nobody was inside. He looked at himself in the mirror. He purposely dressed as neutral as possible, in light colors, so that people wouldn't have a hard time believing he was a girl. Now he looked in the mirror, trying to figure out a way to make himself look a little more like a girl, for shopping purposes. He took a hair elastic out of his pocket - he "stole" it that morning from his sister's room - he assumed she wouldn't have minded. He put his hair in a ponytail. Then he took the ponytail out and redid it, higher up on his head. 'There - that looked more like a girl,' he thought. As he left the men's washroom, a man entered, looking at him funny. John quickly walked away. John wasn't exactly sure what kind of clothes he wanted to by. Anyway, like his mother told him, money wasn't a problem in the family. So he took a deep breath and walked into a big store that carried all kinds of girls' clothes. He didn't know where, or how, to begin. A saleswoman came to the rescue. "Can I help you, miss?" "Um, I'd like some of everything, really. I need a whole new wardrobe. Only, I don't really know how to find my size." The woman looked at her kind of confused. "Oh, all my life I've been dressing really like a tomboy. I was always disappointed that I was born a girl - I have bunch of older brothers, and no sisters. I never wore a dress or skirt, or tights, or things like that. I never really bought a swimsuit, even - I tried my best to avoid going swimming altogether, and the few times I did go, I just wore some of my older cousin's hand-me-downs." The saleswoman looked sad. "But now I'm a little older and smarter, and suddenly I like the idea of started to dress more like a girl. So I want to get some of everything - and money's no problem because I have a credit card. My family's rich." When John mentioned the word "credit card" the saleswoman's eyes lit up. She took a deep breath and moved into action. "Some of everything. Okay. Well, let's take you in back, first, and take your measurements. That way it'll be easier to find things that will fit you. And let me just add that you certainly HAVE come to your senses, finally. It's fantastic, being a girl. And I'm sure you'll just love it!" John had to get undressed for her to take her measurements. The saleslady was quite shocked that she wasn't wearing a bra. When she saw that, she left John in the changing room and came back in a minute, holding a package. "I take it this is your first bra - this one should fit you just right. It's on the house." John's first training-bra felt quite comfortable against John's skin - it was made of a very soft, smooth, silky material, white with a little bit of lace. "There, that's better. What's your name, dear?" John had to think fast. He needed to say something that started with a "J", since the name on his credit card read "J Tallon". "Janet," he said. He didn't really like the name, and didn't really plan on going with that one, but it would work in the store. "Okay, Janet, we've got your measurements," the saleslady said, leading her out of the changing rooms. "So you say you've never worn a dress or a skirt?" John nodded. "Well, then, let's start with just that - a skirt. I know just the perfect one for you to start with!" The saleslady handed John a simple, short, straight, gray skirt with a slit on each side. "Isn't this a little short?" John asked, holding it up to his hips in front of a mirror. "First of all, it goes HERE," the saleslady said, pulling the skirt up higher, level with John's waist, "not where you had it." John's pants had always hung on his hips, not his waist. "Secondly, no, it's not too short, in fact, I think before we're done I'm going to give you a few skirts that are even shorter than that one! Those are the kinds of skirts girls your age are wearing these days. Now listen, you're a good looking, slim girl, and you have to show off your legs! Boys love seeing girls' legs. Now go try it on - here - try this on with it." She handed him a soft, stretchy pink shirt with very short sleeves and a low, V-shaped neck. John tried the clothes on in the changing room, and then came outside to look at himself in the mirror. He was amazed at how good he looked - how natural he looked in the skirt! It WAS very short, he thought, and on the one hand he felt quite exposed. But on the other hand he looked REALLY nice, and it wasn't that uncomfortable. "See how nice you look? Do you like it?" the saleswoman asked. John nodded. "Now go back into the changing room and try these on, underneath that," she said, handing him a pair of white, opaque tights. John asked how to put them on, and she patiently explained. John was amazed at how neat it felt to put on his first pair of tights, and how nice it felt to walk around in them, not to mention how great he looked wearing them! He thought back at how he used to love looking at girls wearing tights like these - now HE was wearing them! Again, he felt a little exposed. But the way he looked so nice, and the way they felt so nice, outweighed that uneasiness. Now they began moving through the racks. John put some of everything in his cart. Some of the things he tried on, others - he took the saleslady's word for it, that they would fit him. He got formal things and casual things, skirts, blouses and dresses, tights and socks, bras and panties, some girls' jeans, and various spandex sportswear. The last stop was the swimsuits - for some reason John was apprehensive about trying those on, especially in front of the saleslady. Then he noticed his watch. He only had forty minutes left, until Chris came. So he told the woman to just pick out the ones she thought would fit him well. He took eight of them, in different styles - he figured at least some of them would fit him. "Now let me teach you a bit about makeup," the saleslady said, dragging him over to a counter. This was something else that John realized he needed to learn about. Minutes later he was made up, quite prettily. "Thanks for showing me how to do that," John said, "and I'll buy all those things you suggested. But please take the makeup off of me for now - my mom will freak if she sees me wearing that. She's never even seen me in a DRESS, yet!" So the saleslady removed all the makeup, including the nailpolish on John's hands and feet. Next the lady took John over to another counter and picked out a few pieces of jewelry for him. She wanted to pierce his ears, but John protested and thankfully, the woman didn't persist. "Now I have a surprise for you," the saleslady said. "Since you've been such a good customer, I'm going to treat you to a session with our very own hairdresser. On the house! Come with me." "Oh, but I only have twenty minutes until my ride gets here." "Leslie's very good - I think he can do something for you in that amount of time." John was very "lucky". Leslie had just finished with the previous customer as he entered, and immediately motioned for John to take the chair. True to the saleslady's word, in just fifteen minutes Leslie was done. He hadn't cut much - he trimmed a bit to even it out, and made bangs in the front. It looked really nice, but REALLY feminine. John feared he was going to have trouble with Chris now. John made a dash for the checkout counter, and paid for all the items with the credit card. Let me not tell you how much it totaled - probably more money than you or I make in a year! But for the Tallons, that's no problem. John was again wearing the same clothes he had worn when he arrived. The haircut was going to be a problem, though. John rushed to a men's clothing department and bought a black baseball cap. He then asked for seven large bags, and noisily put all the shopping bags from the women's store inside the men's store bags. He was afraid of Chris asking what he was doing shopping in that store. Chris was waiting for John at the entrance. John was about 15 minutes late. But thankfully, Chris hadn't noticed. He had been busy talking - no, flirting - with the female security guard stationed at the entrance to the mall. Chris seemed not to notice anything funny, and they rode home in silence. John told Chris that he didn't need any help, that he'd manage with all the packages on his own, and painstakingly dragged them all up to his room. John re-arranged his closet, dumping a lot of his old, boy clothes onto the floor. He hung up his new girls' clothes carefully. He still didn't really plan on wearing them, really, but he wanted the option, and wanted to take care of them. Once he was done rearranging his closet, he took out the latch and screwdriver he bought, and with great difficulty, screwed the latch into his closet door. He then put padlock on the door to the closet. When John's mother and Jenna asked about the haircut, he said it was a mistake, that the barber was gay and thought he'd like that style. When Beth asked what he bought, he replied, "Oh, nothing." --- To be continued...

Same as International Women's Freedom Front, Part I Videos

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The Last Day Of Freedom 8211 Gigolo Party

Hi friends, I am John after a long time I am back in writing stories in Indian sex stories. All girls and boys , have fun. If any girls want to have fun contact me First I will tell all the people in this story. Febi, she is the party planner. She has specs and a height of 5″5′ and her size is 32-30-34. Her ass has always been my fantasy. Ann, she is 5″8′ height and have a figure 36-30-34. Jini, she’s 5″6’height and have a figure 32-28-34. She was my favorite one. Amala, she is pretty and...

2 years ago
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FREEDOM Deception

FREEDOM: Deception By Razor7826 (Copyright 2009) Thoughts?  Encouragement? Hate? Email me at [email protected].  I’m always interested in hearing from my readers. This story in no way reflects the views of the author.  It is intended for the eyes of legal adults only.        ?Won’t somebody please think of the mothers?  They can be victims of this horrific law, too.?        -William Aikins, local pastor                ?Come here, Mia,? beckoned the young man as he tugged on the chain that...

3 years ago
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Last Night of Freedom or Is It

Last Night of Freedom = Lifetime of Freedom - my ending to Catesby's Last Night of Freedom, from 2002. Last Night of Freedom Catesby's own resolution of the story was distasteful to me. The bride to be, on her last night of freedom sucks off a stripper, dances nude for half the town, and fucks the best man and groomsmen, doing things for all of them she'd never done with her fiancee. Such a darling bride to be... In this version, Behavior has consequences. There are too damn many...

1 year ago
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International Espionage An insiders tale

I’ve been a member of the SIS (Secret Investigative Services or MI6 as its been called) for over 15 years and was recently promoted to second in charge, Deputy Director with special responsibility for international terrorism and security. The job comes with a lot of perks not the least of which a full time Gulfstream with crew. Since my advancement took on new energy 5 years ago I’ve had a personal protection team assigned to me, 4 agents two male and two female. They usually work 48...

4 years ago
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International Relations

My oldest son, Alexei announced his intention to us over breakfast. He wanted to be an international exchange student. I took it in as I ate my fried eggs and toast. I, too, spent time as doing what he has mentioned.My name is Oleg Ursu. I was born and raised in the eastern European nation of Moldova. I live with my wife, Valentina, and three c***dren in the city of Comrat. I am a general practice physician. I swallowed a gulp of my tea as I recalled my youth. I speak Romanian, Russian, English...

3 years ago
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International Womens Day

International Women's Day: It was International Women's day. I did not know this as I woke up to find my wife Christine standing over me. She had something like a pencil in her hands. I had just about realised this when she said: "Hold still Chrissie and don't blink!" Why was she calling me Chrissie? I should explain that I have always had a tendency to do what I was told. I also had been brought up to always tell the truth when I was spoken to even when telling the truth...

3 years ago
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Womens sex wrestling Part 1

“Ten...more, nine...more, eight...more,” she counted down as she hit the bag, her hits becoming irregular and misplaced. As she counted a breathless “!” She punched the bag with all her might, sending it swinging and putting her off-balance. A smile played across her lips as she hung on the bag, sweating and breathless. She held the bag for a few minutes, regaining her composure. As she started to cool down, she started shivering due to the cold sweat dripping from her body. The...

2 years ago
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When I worked at the womens prison

When I was 25, I got my CNA liscence. I got hired on with a temp agency,and I was assigned to work at the local correctional facility for women.My first day I was given the nick name "Busy Bone", cause I'm light skinned,had super long hair at the time,and I talk fast. My job was easy, too easy all I had to do was take blood preaasure so I always asked my boss Carl." Is there anything else I can do to kill time around here, cause if I'm not moving.The clocks not moving, so he put me in charge of...

3 years ago
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Womens Prison register

Womens Prison RegistERBy Wicked WardenessSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONSFlorida Women’s Correctional Institute - StarkeINTRODUCTIONAn enactment by the Florida Legislature in 2104 entitled the “Correctional Reform Act of 2104” revolutionized and automated the intake, incarceration, care, employment, maintenance and in appropriate cases, execution of prisoners. As Warden of FWCI-Starke, I was instrumental in the drafting of this legislation as it applies to our women prisoners. I am...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 5: LIFE WITH FREEDOMThe next morning breaks early for me. When I awaken to the sounds of the new day, I realize just how early it is and that I am the first one of the group. Even the dogs and Wolf are still curled nearby. I sit up and move to the dead fire, then watch the others sleep for a few moments. My attention is drawn to my surroundings and their significance. I see the men sleeping peacefully nearby, the tranquility of the setting of the camp by the river near the South shore...

1 year ago
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THE HUNT Chapter 5 Life With Freedom

The next morning breaks early for me. When I awaken to the sounds of the new day, I realize just how early it is and that I am the first one of the group. Even the dogs and Wolf are still curled nearby. I sit up and move to the dead fire, then watch the others sleep for a few moments. My attention is drawn to my surroundings and their significance. I see the men sleeping peacefully nearby, the tranquility of the setting of the camp by the river near the South shore of the lake, the...

3 years ago
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Freedom in the New World

"'S blood!" swore Enoch Evans, as he pushed his hard prick into Thasra's vagina. "You ain't getting any less tight, are you girl?" Thasra, or Molly as she'd been rechristened by her master, was not at all flattered by this observation. Any slackness in her down there was only ever caused by him. And it wouldn't be something she'd have ever chosen to have if she'd not been so frightened of the bull-whip he was so fond of applying whenever she showed any reluctance to accept his...

4 years ago
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New America the Suffrage of MenChapter 9 Freedom Force Restoring America

I am James Monroe and the leader and General of the Freedom Force I-II. The I-II in our name stands for the First and Second Amendments of the original Constitution of the United States of America. The organization was created prior to the repeal of III amendment rights so the original name stuck. We do not support nor are we subjected to the laws of the corrupted New America government and fight to bring back the Constitution of our forefathers and that of the United States of...

2 years ago
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Freedom What The Hell Do I Do With It

Freedom? What to do with a large lottery win. So, I returned to the world of being a single man. A liberation of sorts, a return to uncertainty at a certain age. It is a scary place to be, ejected from the family home and to set up again.    Sure I have the comforts. Sure, I have all my books, the CD’s, plenty of DVDs. Ok, the furniture in the new place isn’t that good yet and I could do with a new mattress, but hey, a few weeks and that will be put right. I can get on and decorate the new...

1 year ago
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Pennys Promiscuity 13 Fickle Freedom

My second day of freedom started a little more promisingly than the first, but only a little. I had enjoyed more sleep than the night before: the cold had woken me only once, forcing me to slide under the duvet and I had passed the night in relative calm. But as the alarm clock beeped alongside my head and I opened my eyes, the reality of the situation rushed in on me again.I was alone in the silent house. My husband Pete had left me because I had lied to him about seeing Tony, the only lover I...

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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 13 Serendipity

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...

4 years ago
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Freedom Day Eve

I consider myself a straight woman and love the diversity among my circle of friends. I enjoy fun. I enjoy freedom and justice and equality. It makes my heart swell to contemplate a perfect world. I enjoyed lots of equivalence and equality and that got me thinking, musing, and dreaming.Tomorrow was the Alan Ross Celebration of Freedom Day in Dallas, and my two very bestie favorite bisexual men were coming to spend the night.“What if,” I thought to myself, “I were to rent a big old, elaborate...

4 years ago
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Wife Shows Her Sexual Freedom To A Friend

It was Amy and Mark's first real trip to Twist. They had gone once before, a few years earlier, but that trip was curiosity driven more then a trip to engage in anything. This visit was to fulfill one of Mark's fantasies. Twist was an adult club for couples who were either swingers or just wanting to explore different sexual avenues. It was also welcoming to singles looking for a 'no strings attached' sexual experience. Mark had thought about this night and the possibilities it offered for some...

Wife Lovers
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Freedom(To Julie, the inspiration for this story…)(Listen to Angel by Massive Attack for an enhanced read!) She posted another set of pictures, or as he called it, frozen moments from her mysterious life. She was his new found curse, no… sickness… Do you compare someone so divine to such vile acronyms? She had somehow become a slow breath for his life, if you would call being submerged into the abyss of work six days out of the week, and the only one not surrounded by paperwork and misery,...

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The Meaning of Freedom

The Meaning of Freedom By Innocent Guilt Chapter 1 Phase 1 For every person the fourth of July means one thing and that is Freedom. However for Kenny freedom didn't come that easy. You see our friend Kenny lived a life of fame and fortune. He is an actor on a soap opera show that is viewed by millions of lonely women that ignore their children and relatives just to view a handsome guy in clothes. His story however, unlike the character he plays, is a much different. Lots...

2 years ago
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The Meaning of Freedom Chapter 3 Reprogramming

The Meaning of Freedom Chapter 3: Reprogramming By Innocent Guilt A small amount of light creaked into the room from a near by window. The light was a reminder of what lay on the outside of the wall. Freedom was out there, but Kenny had no idea how to break free from this prison that he was in. In here he was trapped alone and secluded from the outside world that had given him fame and fortune. A portion of his brain was able to figure out that he was naked. It was the ropes...

3 years ago
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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 8 Star Faring For Freedom

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...

1 year ago
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FREEDOM Class Warfare

FREEDOM: Class Warfare Part One The Beginning of the End By Razor7826 (Copyright 2008) Thoughts?  Encouragement? Email me at [email protected].  I’m always interested in hearing from my readers. This story in no way reflects the views of the author.  It is intended for the eyes of legal adults only.?There is no such thing as a free society unless consenting adults have the right to manage their own lives, even towards actions widely agreed upon to have long-term, negative consequences.  The...

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Wifes New Found Freedom

Wife's New Found Freedom (M+/F, preg, inter) revised by jeepsterAuthor:UnknownDISCLAIMER:- The following text is sexually explicit and contains depictions of sexual acts that have been classified by the surgeon general as potentially dangerous and unhealthy. You must be a broad minded adult to read the text, and you must not make this text available to minors or to any person who does not wish to view it. Unprotected sexual relations with unknown partners is hazardous and we urge the use of...

3 years ago
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Degrees of FreedomChapter 18

Zoe "You want something... ?" I kneeled at Mistress' feet and I was just, well, arousal. My whole mind, my whole body, my whole being wanting just one thing: Release. For a second I thought what a stupid question this was, until I realized she was teasing. That's how far gone I was. "Yes, Mistress, please allow me to cum ... please..." I begged, but those were just the words I said. I'm sure the begging my eyes and body did was far more intense. However, I wasn't granted release,...

1 year ago
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Barterin 4 Freedome

Four guards stood clad in leather and weapons outside the dungeon cell. Amelia swallowed as she was escorted down the rest of the stairs. One of the guards produced a key and unlocked the door. She was pushed inside. The door slammed closed behind her and she heard the key turn. Her eyes swung around the cell as she wrinkled her nose. It smelled damp, though it was made of stone, and urine. She was glad to see there were no other prisoners there beside her. Only a tall, long table. What the...

Group Sex
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International Incident Ch 01

The Honorable Brian Smith was furious, as his wife’s body lay on the bathroom floor, the victim of a suicide brought on by constant flashbacks of her rape by Ambassador Geoffrey Maxwell, the Canadian envoy to the UN. The worse thing was that Maxwell had diplomatic immunity, so nothing could be legally done to him. Here he was, a federal judge, and he could do nothing about the crime. The law he loved so much had failed him here. What more could Judge Smith do, if he could not punish a rapist...

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International Sex Fight

You are a student at an international university, attended by students from all over the world, and you're kind of low on cash. A pink haired Danish punk girl you know, Sasha, tells you about a contest some of the more "liberal" girls have occasionally, an attempt to prove which of their nationalities has the sexiest, sassiest, strongest girls. The girls compete in a leauge, having what she calls "sex fights" with guys, and moving up or down the league if they lose or win. She tells you that...

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International fucking

International fuckingIntroduction: This milf was full of surprises, on a trip to Oslo, Norway.Every word of the following story is true, the woman I shared this experience with was absolutely wonderful, both in and outside the bedroom.I was, 24at the time this happened, black man on a trip with his friends in Oslo. She's Lori, 48, around 5'8 a bit on the chubby side but beautiful with it and looks to kill. Caurasian, a beautiful round ass, gorgeous smile and what I would later find out to be...

4 years ago
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International fucking

International fuckingIntroduction: This milf was full of surprises, on a trip to Oslo, Norway.Every word of the following story is true, the woman I shared this experience with was absolutely wonderful, both in and outside the bedroom.I was, 24at the time this happened, black man on a trip with his friends in Oslo. She's Lori, 48, around 5'8 a bit on the chubby side but beautiful with it and looks to kill. Caurasian, a beautiful round ass, gorgeous smile and what I would later find out to be...

1 year ago
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 40 Freedom

FREEDOM Laura woke up one morning and checked her email. She didn't immediately understand what she saw. She thought it must be because she was a stupid lesbian bimbo, so she read it again, and again, until she realised it was real. === To: Kitten Tits the Lesbian Slut Re: Debt Just writing to let you know that we consider your debt paid. You are worthless, of course, and have not remotely returned the money you owe. But gambling sites are ony a small part our interests. We...

4 years ago
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In Search of the Final Freedom Ch 01

In Search of the Final Freedom: An Erotic Socio-Political Novel Author’s note: This is the first chapter of a novel on which I have been writing on and off for several years. It is based on the real culture of the modern American south, however any relationship to actual people or events is purely coincidental. Comments and feedback are always appreciated. Prologue Societies do not progress in an even manner. Cultural norms may stay rigid for decades, centuries or even a millennia before...

2 years ago
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Freedom Question Mark

It's bumpy in here again. Fourth time today I'm being tossed around, bashing into Josh and Alfie and that new guy with the extra long tail. Ben, I think he's called. He's a strong swimmer. Gonna have to watch him; learn from him.I try to focus, throbbing headache, tumbling until I don't know which way I'm facing, crashing into the sides of the pink sphere. I try to latch onto its mottled surface, grappling with every molecule of strength to steady myself, catching a break as the movement...

2 years ago
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The Serendipity Of Freedom Part 1 The Naval Academy

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...

1 year ago
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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 3 Evolution

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and...

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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 14 Liberation

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...

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A Different Kind of Freedom

A Different Kind of Freedom By Julie O Chapter One Group Captain Reginald ?Reggie? Carpenter slowly walked the perimeter of the camp, lost in thought. As the senior officer of the camp he was often called on to make difficult decisions, but today he was faced with an extremely complicated one. Reggie stopped and looked across the fence line, freedom was so close and yet so far. He glanced up at the closest goon tower and saw that the guard was watching his every move. Goon was...

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Freedom with Addiction

Disclaimer: There is a lot of sex, but nothing to extreme or to long... So be prepared for it. Aside from that this is my intellectual property that has been submitted to "Fictionmania" and "Crystal's Story Site". I probably won't have a problem if anyone wants to post this elsewhere or continue the story, but ask first. And don't post on pay websites. Synopsis: Amy was transformed into a woman over a year ago, and then let out into the world. Tonight one of the people that were...

4 years ago
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Celebrating Freedom

My celebration of freedom The apartment was finally mine. I just saw her off at the airport and came home to look at my roommate- less haven for the next three weeks. Three weeks by myself, my time of absolute freedom. And tonight I was going to go in search of someone with to share the exhilaration of an empty apartment that I was feeling. Since I had not even had a date in the past two months, and the only girl who had approached me had just come off of a relationship with one of my friends,...

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Three Cheers for Freedom

Three Cheers for Freedom I looked up at the clock on the wall as the second hand crept around the face of the clock. The bell would be sounding any minute and I couldn't wait to get out of class. There is one more after this but that is ok because I get to spend it with my girlfriend. The bell finally sounded and I joined the crowd of students and teachers that flowed through the hall. The din of a hundred conversations joined the clang of locker doors being opened and closed. I...

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The Road to Freedom

The Road to Freedom The first thing you notice about the Okaloosa Correctional Institute is that, no matter where you are, it's a long way away. The desolation of interstate I-10 was overwhelming. Scrub trees and billboards. Every now and then, there was a gas station. But except for that, there was just highway. Lilly Newman had been driving for two days now. She had traveled from her home in Fort Lauderdale to Tallahassee yesterday, and she was up early to travel the rest of the...

1 year ago
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Freedom and risk in all directions

Freedom and risk in all directions By SG [email protected]        I had two timers in my hand. They were the standard twenty four hour timers used by people on vacation to make their lights come on and off. I plugged both timers in the power strip I had plugged into a third timer box which was plugged into the wall. The power was off on it for the moment. I plugged a cord into each of the timers then closed my eyes and spun the dials on the timers. I had used a number of pegs on each timer...

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Freedom Denied

Freedom Denied. By Niteowluk2003 for Freedom. Amanda was 5'6'' tall, with Auburn hair, 38 D bust set on a medium frame she considered to be fat rather than meaty. Her most striking feature were her piercing green hazel eyes, they had a habit of appearing to see right into your soul. Although she was only 26 years old, she already had a very responsible job as head of the typing pool for Stanton, Stanton and Wakefield attorneys at law. There were 8 legal secretary typists working...

2 years ago
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Endless Bondage Endless Freedom

Endless Bondage, Endless Freedom Endless Bondage, Endless FreedomA Story By Algolagnia PART ONE - UNUSUAL AWAKENING ??????????? I woke up held under an overload of heavy duty locking leather restraints, naturally I tried to struggle on the bondage table I helplessly laid on. It didnt matter how I ended up in such a situation, I was completely immobilizedand and had to face that. I tried to move, but could'nt gain an inch. I could'nt even wiggle my fingers because I had tight bondage mitts...

3 years ago
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Can Freedom Be Found In Handcuffs

Her long fingernail traces the grayscale handcuffs tattooed on my inner forearm. The word 'Free' is inked inside one ring with 'dom' inside the other. "Baby, you're free with me," she whispers in my ear, making sure her lips connect with my sensitive skin.Click.Drip.Click.Drip.Endorphins fire as the cold steel pinches my skin. I try to jerk my wrists apart, testing the restraints, needing reassurance they are doing their job. All these feelings harmonize – peace, arousal, need, submission,...

2 years ago
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Last Night of Freedom

I had been living with Tom for about a year when we decided to get married. Before I met Tom I was a bit on the wild side, sleeping with all sorts of men, and doing a lot of crazy things. When we moved in together, everything changed. We both began to settle down and live at a more relaxed pace. Not once did I think about being unfaithful, despite the way I had lived my life before. The marriage itself was pretty much a spur of the moment thing and we scheduled it for four weeks later. Tom's...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Womens Club by loyalsock

The meeting of Conway Street Masturbation Club was just about ready to come to order as President Teddi Graves called for order, "Okay ladies, let's quiet down and get ready for business!!!" The twelve naked females between the ages of 26 and 58 all sat down and waited for Teddi to start the meeting! "It looks like were all here," she began while surveying the crowd, "I guess everybody has the "itch" today!!!" A titter of laughter rolled across the room as the women looked sheepishly at one...

3 years ago
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WONY WOMEN "ARE HOT;LADY "LINA" MOTHER OF A MY FRIEND.Finding that unattractive females often show an erotic charge outside of expectations. The theorem wants, women who believe themselves to be beautiful and "dominant" of the male "doormat", are often destined to concern little of themselves, committed to focusing their qualities, attracting bolsi men, but with the grain and snubbing the beautiful boys, timid and cute and perhaps equipped with intellect and other "qualities", which do not...

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Celebrating American Freedom

Disaster Averted The change to the new order of things had begun with Monica Bushnell. With the support of the ACLU and NOW, she sued, citing the double standard of men being able to be bare chested in public and women not having that right. The case, Bushnell vs Cuomo, had gone to the Supreme Court after reversals and appeals at lower court levels. In a seven to two decision, for which the Chief Justice wrote the majority opinion, the law of the land was interpreted to mean that women had the...

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The Beachfront Bar

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

3 years ago
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What is it about a womens bulge

A very attractive women once bumped into me in a very crowed club in Mexico City, I turned to say excuse me. I was speechless at her beauty. She was wearing a short skirt, garters below the skirt and knee high boots. She just stared at me and with out saying a word she bumped me again. I felt something different something firm and it moved it was very intriguing. I kept looking at her and without saying a word I couldn't move, I wanted to say something and I couldn't. She slowly put her arm...

1 year ago
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Making men walk a mile in womens shoes

A woman was walking on the beach one day when she spotted a lamp on the sand. She picked it up and rubbed it jokingly. To her shock a genie came out amd granted her 3 wishes. After making two for herself, she thought long and hard about the last wish. She looked up at the genie and said. “I want men to pay for how theyve treated women throughout history. I want men to have to experience a version of every single indignity, harrassment amd abuse women face. She laughed as the genie snapped its...


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