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Though this story does not have much sex or violence, it does contain some elements that may be considered offensive. If you are under 18 or easily offended, please read no further. Skins By Morpheus The TV changed channels for what had to be the thousandth time as I continued to click through the remote, feeling a little bored. I had just gotten home from school a short while earlier and found the house empty, which wasn't too unusual. However it left me in the house alone without anything in particular to do at the moment. "C'mon," I muttered, "there's gotta be something on..." However another few dozen channels, which I'd already gone through earlier, proved no more successful than any of the others. Finally more from being tired of pushing the remote than anything else, I chose a channel and left it there. My name was Shawn Lawson and I was 16 years old, or at least would be in a couple months. I was 5 foot 9, with a rather decent build and a mop of brown hair that my mom often joked looked as though it had never been combed. All in all, I was a pretty normal guy. I was just staring back at the remote again, considering whether or not to start looking for something else to watch again when I suddenly heard the roar of a Camero pulling into the driveway. That was all I needed to hear to know that my mom was home. A moment later, I watched as she stepped out of her car. Though a lot of guys couldn't say this, my mom was pretty good looking for a woman of her age. My mom, Sharon Lawson was 32 years old and could easily pass as being 5 years younger. Her golden blonde hair was cut around shoulder length, and though she was only 5 foot 8, the fact that she often wore high heels usually made her seem a bit taller than me. Unlike a lot of parents, my mom and I had always been very close. It was probably due to the fact that she got pregnant while still in school, with my dad disappearing as soon as he'd found out. Nearly everyone had told my mom that she should get an abortion, but she refused and had me anyway, even when it meant that she ended up having to drop out of school. Of course it could have had something to do with the fact that we were also closer in age than a lot of my friends and their parents. In some ways, it was almost like she was my big sister as much as my mom, which I'd always thought of as rather cool. My mom had also always been the 'cool mom' in the neighborhood, no matter where we lived. All of the other kids used to like coming over and would tell me how lucky I was having a mom like her. And though I certainly wouldn't admit it to her, I had to agree. Just then the door opened and my mom came in, holding a cardboard box in her arms. She smiled at with a look of excited amusement, a look much like she had whenever she had a surprise that she was just bursting to spring. It was the same look that she had on Christmas morning, as well as when she was playing some sort of practical joke. "How was school?" Mom asked. Then she quickly added, "Is Mrs. Garner being a bitch again?" I couldn't resist snickering at that, nodding my head in agreement. It wasn't too often that a parent hated a guy's teacher more than he did. But then again, my mom had been in Mrs. Garner's class back when she was in school and still held some bad memories. "And how was work?" I asked her back. "Not bad," she responded with a shrug, "though Larry Givens was hitting on me again." Giving a mock look of innocence, I asked, "Then why don't you go on a date with him?" My mom rolled her eyes, and in an exaggerated tone responded, "Puh... lease..." She stuck one finger in her mouth and gave a gagging expression before adding, "He's old enough to be MY dad." That wasn't quite true, but it was certainly close enough. I sure as hell had no interest in having Mr. Givens hanging around the house as some sort of father figure, though I had to admit that he wasn't too bad of a guy. Just a bit... annoying at times. He was also what my mom referred to as a 'horn dog'. After waiting another few minutes, I finally had to ask, "What's going on?" I watched her suspiciously, wondering why she looked like the cat who swallowed the canary. Mom looked as though she was going to deny anything, but after taking another look at me she shrugged instead. "I'll tell you after dinner," she grinned. Then she gestured to the kitchen and asked, "You want to start peeling potatoes?" With a shrug, I started to do as she asked. One of the things that I'd always liked about my mom was that instead of telling me to do something, she'd always ask me to instead. It wasn't much, but it always made me feel as though I was respected. I helped make dinner, just as I usually did, and the whole time I did so, mom had that look. All throughout dinner, she didn't say a word about whatever she had up her sleeves, talking about other things instead. Still, I was beginning to get the feeling that whatever it was, it was bound to be interesting. I didn't think that my mom would be quite so... smug otherwise. Once dinner was over and the table cleared off, I anxiously waited for my mom to let me in on whatever it was. It was obvious that she was just as eager to talk as I was to listen, though she enjoyed teasing me as well. However I suspected that it might have something to do with the box she'd brought home, or at least whatever was inside of it. "All right," mom laughed in delight after finally started pressing her for information, "I'll talk." A moment later, mom went and got the cardboard box and set it down on the living room coffee table. However she made no move to open it. "Well," I urged her to go on, feeling as though I was about to burst of curiosity. Normally I wouldn't have cared that much, but with the way mom was going on... "Well," mom started with barely contained excitement, "I was out taking a drive when I ran into an old friend I haven't seen in over 10 years." I just nodded, "Okay," wondering where this was going. "Well..." mom continued again, "it turns out that she has some kind of store now and sells some really weird things." She paused for a moment, her eyes nearly sparkling with either mischief or excitement... perhaps both. "Long story short..." she reached for the box, "I bought something VERY interesting from her." All I could do was stare at mom uncertainly, wondering what she could have bought that would make her so excited. I was beginning to suspect that this was going to be a real letdown. Especially after the way mom had been going on. However if anything, mom seemed even more excited than before. After all of that anticipation, mom finally opened the box, announcing, "Take a look at this." With that she pulled out what at first glance seemed to be flesh colored fabric or something. However as she pulled it the rest of the way out, my eyes went wide in surprise. It looked more like human skin, or at least some kind of spandex full bodysuit that seemed to be the exact same color and texture as human skin. "Um..." I started uneasily, not sure what to say. Though the suit hung loosely in mom's hands, it was obviously made for a woman. It not only had breasts, but some sort of built in blonde wig that looked exactly like real hair. It was then that I suddenly realized that the bodysuit looked... familiar. "They're called Skins," mom announced with a grin. She held it up closer and I gasped in realization. It looked like her. Exactly like her, from her face to her haircut. In fact, as I looked closer, the Skin looked almost as though it actually could have been her own skin. It looked that realistic, totally amazing me, though confusing me at the same time. "I have absolutely no idea how my friend makes these," mom told me excitedly, gently setting the Skin down on the couch and pulling another one out of the box. "But I think she might be the only one in the world who does." I heard what she was saying, but was too busy staring at the new Skin in amazed disbelief. While the first one looked like her, the second one looked just like me. It almost looked as though someone had actually taken my own skin off and held it there before me. The sight made me feel extremely strange. "What the..." I started. However mom turned a little more serious. "I know that this looks pretty strange, but please hear me out." With a hesitant nod, I responded, "Sure." My eyes were locked on both Skins. "These Skins are special," mom told me seriously, "yery... very special." She paused for a moment and stared at me intently. "I don't know if they're magic... or some sort of science. All I know is that when you put one of them on, you actually turn into the person you look like." For a moment, I just stared at my mom in disbelief and was then about to call her bluff when something in her expression told me that she was not joking. I frowned, feeling more than a little uncertain about the situation. "I didn't believe it either until I tried one on," mom grinned, her excitement beginning to come back. "It was so unbelievable that I had to get a couple made for both of us." Still not sure exactly what to make of the situation, I glanced back and forth between mom and the suits. "But..." I asked slowly, "why would you want to wear one of these things that just looks like you?" It didn't really make any sense. Mom just looked at me oddly for a moment, then started to laugh. And just as I was about to ask her to let me in on the joke, she exclaimed, "Not quite the idea." She grinned mischievously and added, "I got them because I thought that it might be kind of fun to try it as each other." "As each other?" I repeated in surprise. "Yeah," mom went on excitedly, "I can try being you for a little while and you can be me." Her eyes twinkled. "It'll be a blast. Think of how interesting it'll be." "Um... yeah," I said slowly, wondering if mom was okay. I knew that she had an odd sense of humor at times, but this was getting a bit strange. Rolling her eyes a little, mom sighed. "I can see that I'll have to prove it." Then she grabbed the Skin that looked a bit like me and stood up, heading towards the bathroom and calling back, "Wait just a minute..." Then, just as mom had said, the bathroom door opened about a minute later. However I was half shocked to see that who stepped out He looked just like me, wearing mom's robe. My eyes widened at the sight, especially when he paused in the living room and turning around to let me see him. "So," he asked with a grin, "what do you think?" He even sounded just like me. "Mom?" I gasped in surprise moving closer and staring closely at her. She was even the same height as me, taking into account the fact that I was wearing tennis shoes and she was bare foot. She nodded her head, grinning smugly. It might have been my face she was wearing, but there was still the same look of amused mischief and excitement in her eyes as before. "Pretty cool, huh?" All I could manage to do was nod my head weakly and gulp. Then I gestured down as a thought occurred to me, blushing as I did so. "Is it like... complete? You know... realistic?" Mom blushed at that, then gave an embarrassed nod. "Yeah," she grinned, staring at me for a moment. "Normally I wouldn't do this..." she said more to herself than to me, "but it's not like it's something you've never seen..." And with that she pulled open the bathrobe, giving me a full view of her... my naked body. I just gasped at the sight, feeling a little embarrassed for even looking but strangely curious as well. She definitely had my male equipment, looking exactly like mine. Every inch of her body looked completely real and identical to my own... even down to a few scars I had. "Unreal," I whispered, shaking my head in stunned amazement. "Isn't it?" she grinned back. "What..." I started hesitantly, still a bit dazed by the sight of my identical twin standing in front of me. "What does it feel like? I mean, does it feel real inside?" Still grinning excitedly, even a bit smugly, Mom said, "It feels perfectly real. Like this really is my body." She gestured down at herself, adding with a bit of embarrassment as she gestured to her crotch, "Even this." Taking a deep breath, I just said, "Wow." Then Mom just grinned at me, the mischievous look gleaming from her eyes. She picked up the other Skin and shoved it into my arms, firmly announcing, "Now it's your turn." I stared at her for a moment in disbelief. "You're kidding..." She shook her head, looking extremely amused with herself. It was strange enough seeing my own face in front of me, but even more so with that expression. I looked down at the soft Skin in my hands, feeling a little nervous, but at the same time...curious. Even though the whole situation was strange, I had to admit that I was definitely beginning to get curious about what it would be like to wear one. Would it really make me look like my mom? It seemed unbelievable, but with her standing there beside me... "But how would I get it on?" I asked, holding it open and seeing the openings for the first time. There was a slit opening around much of the neck, with another one going down from the throat to the lower abdomen, forming a sort of T. "You just take off your clothes," mom explained, "and put it on like a costume. You don't even need to worry about the size." She grinned and touched the slit opening down the stomach, adding, "And once you have it on, you just sort of put the sides together to seal it." Though I was still a bit unsure of the whole idea, I was even more curious. I was even beginning to get a bit excited about the prospect. There was no longer any doubt that I was going to try it out. How could I not? Just as I took my first step towards the bathroom, mom said, "You can go ahead and do it here. It's not like you have anything that I haven't seen before." From the look in her face, I could tell that she was pretty amused as well as wanted to watch me put it on. I hesitated only for a moment before I sighed and slowly started to get undressed. It was a little embarrassing, not to mention weird to get undressed in front of my mom, who just happened to look just like me at the moment. However I didn't let that stop me, though I did cover up my private parts, which seemed to amuse mom even more. Then I faced away from my mom as I nervously slipped my legs through the Skin opening, surprised at just how soft and stretchy it felt. My own legs easily slipped down into the legs of the Skin, and I pulled it up, amazed at how comfortable it felt down there. My arms went in as well as I pulled the rest on, leaving only my head outside of the Skin. "It feels..." I started weakly, "strange." There was a faint tingling in my arms and legs, and when I brought my hands up, I was amazed at just how feminine they looked. And it seemed odd that with my own hands inside, that they didn't look a bit bigger. However I glanced down, gulping at the sight of my mom's legs and crotch. With a shake of my head, I muttered, "Freaky." A moment later, I turned my attention to my lower belly and the beginnings of the slit. As my finger touched it, the slit actually began to seal, closing up as I traced the line up towards my throat, almost like a zipper being zipped up. And there were absolutely no marks at all behind it to show that there had ever been an opening of any sort. It was just smooth skin. Finally there was the head piece, which I easily pulled over my own. I didn't even have to seal it quite the same way that I had the abdomen opening as it started to seal all on its own. The warm tingling feeling spread to my face at this point, as well as intensifying over the rest of my body for a second before passing. There was a sudden strangeness about my body that made me feel a little uncertain. It was like my whole balance was suddenly a bit off, though far beyond just that. I didn't feel in the least like I was wearing some kind of bodysuit or costume. Instead I felt as though my whole body had actually changed. "Weird," I whispered to myself, startled to hear my mom's voice coming from my mouth. I ran a hand over my arm, then over the breasts that now came out of my chest. I was startled by the fact that I could actually feel my fingers along my skin, as if actually was my own skin, though a little softer and smoother. Even the weight of the breasts hanging from my chest didn't feel as though it came from a suit, but as if they were actually a part of me. I could even feel my fingers running across them, touching my sensitive nipples. As if all of that wasn't enough to convince me of the reality of my situation, I ran my tongue around my mouth and found that my teeth were all positioned slightly differently than normal. I felt a faint chill go down my spine in realization because there was no way some costume suit could have changed my teeth. But it had. Whatever this Skin had done to me, it was obviously more than skin deep. After I had taken several seconds to absorb all of this, I finally looked up at my mom, who was grinning back. "This is really weird," I told her, smiling a little nervously as I absently ran my hands down my body. It sure as hell didn't feel like I was wearing any kind of bodysuit. "But pretty cool," mom exclaimed, patting her own body. Then she came a little closer and stared at me intently, a look of amazement on her face. "I can't believe that I'm actually looking at myself..." I just nodded and gave her a weak smile, knowing exactly how she felt. It was then that I noticed that her eyes were a little higher than mine. That she was now about an inch taller than me, just as I had been an inch taller than her. We both just stood there for a moment, both feeling a little odd with the situation. However I had to admit that I was feeling pretty excited about the whole thing. This was beyond anything that I had ever imagined happening. My whole body felt unbelievable, telling me that I wasn't myself. I could scarcely believe that my mom actually looked like me, and I now looked like her. "I've got check this out," I gasped, looking down at my body with a faint smile before hurrying to the bathroom. My breasts actually jiggled a bit with every step. When I got there, I stopped in front of the mirror and gasped in amazement. My mom's face actually stared back at me from the mirror, and there was absolutely no hint that it wasn't really her. There was absolutely nothing to indicate that it was someone else inside. Even when I opened my mouth, there was no indication of the Skin I had put on over me. It was as though the Skin had somehow absorbed my body... replacing it. "Holy Shit..." I gasped, my eyes widening in amazement. The ones in the mirror did likewise. I couldn't resist running a hand over my face, feeling every new feature. I was in awe and couldn't tear my eyes off of myself. Suddenly I heard an, "Ahem," from behind me and turned to see mom standing there with a grin. "I thought that you might want something to wear." She held out a robe, which I quickly accepted, blushing in embarrassment as I thought about how I'd been standing in front of her naked. And in her own body at that. It was almost enough to make me burst out laughing, though a bit of a giggle did escape. Shaking my head, I smiled at the sensation of long hair tickling my shoulders. Then I looked down at my hands, at the feminine fingers with the manicured nails. My mom's hands. My mom's nails. I wiggled them experimentally before running my hands over my body, feeling my new curves that were somewhat hidden beneath the bathrobe. After taking one more look into the mirror, I grinned excitedly and left the bathroom with mom. The whole thing didn't seem quite real, but at the same time, I had no doubts that it was very much real. I wasn't sure whether to be relieved at that, or nervous. After all, if something like this could happen, what other surprises did the world have to offer? Then I paused, looking down at myself as a new thought suddenly occurred to me. My hands went for my neck, finding absolutely no trace of the opening that had been there such a short time before. Not that I expected to since I'd already seen it seal up entirely, without so much as a mark. Turning back to mom, I nervously asked, "Um... how we take these off?" Mom just laughed. "We don't." "WHAT?" I gasped. "Just kidding," she laughed again. With that she reached into the box she'd taken the Skins from and pulled out a metal canister. It was maybe 5 inches tall and gold in color, with a black spray nozzle on top. She held it up for me to see, then sprayed her neck with a fine mist. A second later, a slit opened up around her throat, as well as going down her chest. "That's all it takes," mom told me in her own voice, from inside the Skin bodysuit. A moment later, mom resealed the Skin, and for all intents and purposes, was no longer wearing any bodysuit. She was once again my twin... or at least a twin of what I really looked like. "You just spray the Skins with this stuff," she announced, "and they open up again." Then she pulled a second, identical canister from the box, adding, "When I got these and the Skins, she told me that they have a lifetime supply in them so we don't have to worry about them running empty." "Cool," I responded with a weak smile. Finding out that the Skins could come off so easily was a real relief. It made it a whole lot easier to loosen up and enjoy the experience. "Oh yeah," mom added, almost as an afterthought, "she also told me that you shouldn't wear more than one Skin at a time." "Okay," I responded absently, not seeing any reason that I would. After all, why would I want to put a Skin of myself on? Several seconds later, I started to smile a little more again, though at the same time, I felt a bit self conscious at the same time. After all, I looked just like my mom and wasn't wearing anything more than a bathrobe. Just then mom suddenly threw herself onto the couch with a thud, similar to how I frequently did, and sat there like a guy with her legs spread open. "So MOM," she said with a wink, "what are we gonna watch tonight?" I chuckled at the sight, though it came out a little more like a giggle. "Gee... I don't know... SON." We both laughed at that as I sat down beside her. For the next hour or so, we just sat there, watching TV and joking with each other about our strange reversal. It might have seemed a rather boring thing to do in our circumstances, but we were both having a blast just being each other. For me, it was enough to just sit there, soaking up the sensations of my changed body, feeling the weight of my new breast and hearing my mom's voice coming out of my mouth. I'd never imagined that I could feel so excited while just sitting with my mom and watching TV. But then, Mother Nature gave a call and I went to the bathroom to relieve myself. It wasn't until I got in there and had the door closed that I realized that I'd left the canister in the other room. However I wasn't about to let that deter me and decided to at least try going with the Skin in. Hanging the robe on the back of the door, I looked down at my fully naked body and felt mixed emotions. I was a bit embarrassed to be seeing my mom naked, but at the same time, I was quite excited. Excited at seeing a naked woman as well as the fact that it was me. "Wow," I said, realizing that mom really did have a nice body for a woman her age. Or even for a woman some years younger. I ran my hands over my breasts, then cupped them, shaking my head in amazement at how they felt. However just as I began to gently pinch one of my nipples, I suddenly remembered that mom was just in the next room over. I blushed and quickly pulled my hands away, deciding to just get my business done. Sitting down to take a leak was a little odd, but even more so in the way that it came out of me. Instead of my usual spray, it was actually coming from a different place and tinkled instead. Definitely a little strange, but not quite so much as I might have expected, especially since I got the same relief. "Oh yuck," I winced, realizing that I'd gotten myself wet while going. That was definitely more annoying that my normal way of taking a leak, but I quietly dried myself off with toilet paper. When I returned to the living room a minute later, mom grinned mischievously at me and asked, "Have fun?" I blushed in embarrassment at that, but didn't say anything back. That just made mom laugh more. By the time I had to get ready for bed, some of the initial excitement and amazement had worn off, though not too much. Somehow, I didn't think that I could ever get used to something like that. It was almost with a bit of disappointment that I picked up one of the gold canisters and started walking towards my room to take off the Skin before bed. "Hey, wait a moment," mom called out as she got up, one of the canisters in her own hand. There was a thoughtful look on her face, which quickly turned back into a slightly mischievous grin. I immediately became suspicious. "Yeah?" I asked hesitantly, wondering what she had in mind this time. "What would you think about sleeping in a queen sized bed for the night?" mom asked me. Then at my blank look, she added, "I was thinking that since we were already doing this, we might as well trade bedrooms for the night. We can take the Skins off in the morning before you go to school." "Stay like this?" I gasped in surprise, then took a quick look down at myself. "It's a really nice bed," she tempted me, "real big and soft." Then she winked at me and added, "You always said you wanted a bigger bedroom, so here's your chance to try one out..." I couldn't help laughing at that, finding it funny at just how she was trying to talk me into it. And of course, I had already made up my mind to go along since it sounded interesting if nothing else. However I wasn't sure that I wanted to tell mom that just yet. "I don't know," I responded in mock reluctance, "It just wouldn't seem right." Then, just as mom began to look slightly disappointed, I added, "Of course if I had an allowance increase..." Mom blurted out, "Why you," and gave me a light punch on the arm, which I felt a bit more than I thought I should have. "Ouch," I complained, thinking that it might possibly leave a bruise, "Boys aren't supposed to hit their mothers." That just made her laugh a little. "Sorry mom..." Then mom came over and hugged me, even surprising me with a bit of a peck on the cheek. "Hey," I gasped indignantly, "I never do that..." "Well maybe you should," she teased me. Then she turned and walked to my bedroom door, winking at me as she started to close it behind herself. And in an exaggerated tone, she called out, "Good night MOM." I couldn't resist responding with an equally exaggerated tone, "Good night SHAWN." A moment later, I went into mom's room and closed the door behind me. Knowing that I was going to sleep there that night felt rather odd, though nowhere near so much as being in her body. But at the same time, it seemed to be just a tiny bit more spice in the thrill that the experience was providing. Without any further hesitation, I took off the robe and moved in front of mom's vanity table, staring at my reflection in the mirror. Or was that mom's reflection? At the moment, it seemed a rather confusing question. "Oh man," I whispered, sitting down and staring at myself in absolute amazement. I ran my hands over my face, then slid back and looked down at my naked body. "This is totally freaky." I grinned as I said it though. After several minutes of just staring, with occasional touching new body parts, I remembered that it was still time for bed. And if mom saw the light on and came in to check on me... well, I didn't want to face that particular embarrassment. A moment later, I'd set mom's clock and climbed into bed, trying to get to sleep. It wasn't easy with the new sensations from my body, but I eventually managed to drift off. Part 2 When morning came, I awoke to the sound of an alarm clock going off. However it was not my usual alarm clock, which caused me to suddenly sit straight up and look around, only to find myself not only in my mom's bed, but in her body as well. I quickly turned off the alarm, though remained sitting where I was in bed. "Cool," I whispered as I looked down at the proof that it hadn't just been a strange dream. The night before had definitely been odd, and not just until going to bed either. It had been rather difficult to get to sleep, and staying asleep as my new boobs tended to get in the way. I had even been about to take off the Skin so I could sleep, though that seemed like a bit of a cop out so I'd managed without that, eventually getting myself comfortable. "It wasn't that bad," I told myself with a smile. Then on an impulse, I reached down between my legs and felt my new equipment. It was definitely strange not to have my usual parts, but not really uncomfortable. Just... different. I was a little startled at how sensitive it felt. And as I felt myself, I was even more startled when one of my fingers sort of went inside. Gasping at the sensation, I quickly pulled my finger back out with a, "Man, that's weird." It felt... odd having something inside of me. A part of me even said that it was wrong, though I had to admit that it wasn't really unpleasant. Feeling a little odd about that, I climbed out of bed and started for the bathroom attached to my mom's room, not even bothering to take off the Skin just yet. However once I was finished with that, I came out and grabbed the gold canister, standing there for several seconds before finally giving myself a spray. Suddenly I felt a tingling wash through my whole body and then some other sensations. I could no longer quite feel my skin, until I realized that I could feel something stretched over it a bit. And with a nervous smile, I pulled back the Skin's head and climbed out of the returned opening. "Weird," I muttered, once again in my own voice. Then I let out a loud yawn, suddenly feeling a little more tired than I had seconds before. I blinked several times, realizing that I'd felt a bit more awake while wearing the Skin than I normally did for that early in the morning. Now I was back to my normal groggy self. Even with my somewhat groggy state, it didn't take much to realize that mom was the morning person and wearing her Skin had somehow made me one too. After taking several deep breaths, I carefully set the Skin on the bed, not wanting to damage it at all. It still looked just as new and soft as it did the night before, without any signs of wear or tear from my using it. That made me smile in relief, as I'd been half afraid that I might have stretched it or something. A minute later, I went and took my normal morning shower in mom's bathroom, though while I washed myself, I couldn't help wondering what it would be like doing that in the Skin. Was the Skin even waterproof? Somehow, I had a feeling that it was every bit as waterproof as normal human skin, since that was what it seemed to turn into when put on. Once the shower was done with, I put mom's robe back on since my own clothes weren't in mom's room. And when I left her room to get my clothes, I found that mom was already up, and sitting in the kitchen having breakfast. She had already taken her Skin off too. "Good morning," mom greeted me cheerfully, back to using her own voice. "Morning," I responded, blushing just a little bit as I thought about the night before. It might have been a little embarrassing when I thought about it, but damn, it had definitely been exciting as hell. Neither of us said much about the Skins, though they were obviously on both of our minds. The rest of the morning was pretty much like any other as well, with me soon leaving for school. However that wasn't where my thoughts were. --- As I had expected that morning, I hadn't been able to keep my thoughts on school all day. That was a fact that several of the teachers noticed and scolded me for. Mrs. Garner was the harshest, giving me several extra pages of homework for the weekend and a threat of detention, which with her was getting off easy. When I finally got off the bus and started the short walk back to my house, I exclaimed, "Thank God it's Friday!" I even let out a long sigh of relief, thankful that the weekend had finally come. For one, it meant two days to just kick back and have fun, and for another, it meant that I didn't have to look at Mrs. Garner or any of the other teachers. Unfortunately I still had the extra homework that she'd assigned me. Almost as soon as I got home, I found mom sitting at the kitchen table and painting a porcelain doll. Putting the dolls together and decorating them was one of her hobbies, though she also sold them afterwards. It appeared that her current doll was at about the halfway stage. "How was school?" she asked me, pausing a moment before looking up from the doll. With a shrug, I told her, "Not bad." She nodded at that, and without missing a beat, asked, "Is Mrs. Garner still being a bitch?" I couldn't resist grinning at that question, even though she asked it nearly ever day. "Yeah," I told her. "She even gave me extra homework this weekend." Mom frowned, then asked, "Why'd she do that?" Knowing that I wasn't very good at lying to mom, I told her, "I guess I wasn't paying enough attention in class." Fortunately she just nodded in understanding, though not too much sympathy. After this, I went to get myself a cookie as an after school snack, but just as I was taking it out of the cooking jar, mom announced, "Don't fill yourself up with cookies. We're going out for dinner." "Yeah?" I responded with interest. "Sure," mom smiled as she slowly stood up, "just as soon as you get changed. I left the clothes for you to wear on your bed." I nodded, frowning slightly as I walked off, thinking that it had to be a pretty fancy restaurant if mom wanted us to get dressed up for it. However the moment I stepped into my bedroom, I gave an "oh," of understanding. Sitting on the foot of my bed was the mom Skin, with some of her clothes laid out beside it. For a moment, I just stared at it, imagining my mom in the next room laughing in amusement. It was obvious that she wanted to continue the thing from the night before and go out for dinner as each other, though I wasn't that comfortable with the idea of going out in public like that. In fact, the thought of it made me more than a little uncomfortable. I was just about to turn and go tell mom to think again, when I paused, realizing that she would probably be expecting something like that. "Jeez, mom," I muttered to myself as I went and put my hand on the Skin. There was little doubt that mom was waiting for me to come out with some kind of reaction. That was the reason she hadn't followed me into my room to see the look on my face. She was waiting for me to go back to her so that she could get a good chuckle, then talk me into it anyway. And after a few seconds consideration, I decided to surprise her instead. "After all," I chuckled to myself, thinking about the night before as I started to undress, "it might be fun." And it was definitely bound to be interesting. It only took me a minute to get undressed and then to start putting on the Skin. My heart raced excitedly as I slowly slipped into it, feeling the strange sensations as it once again absorbed my body into it's own. I even let out a gasp as the Skin sealed up and I finished transforming into an identical copy of my mom. I couldn't resist running one hand through my hair and the other over my breasts, grinning, "Wicked." Then I reluctantly turned my attention away from my body and to the clothes that mom had provided. The bra and panties went on first, with the bra proving to be just a little more difficult than I would have expected, though not too much. However it wasn't all that comfortable to wear. After this followed the tight jeans and shirt, and finally the socks and shoes. I was relieved that mom hadn't left any of the high heels that she frequently wore, though I still would have preferred tennis shoes. The shoes she left had slight heels, but not much worse than those on cowboy boots. "Not bad," I admitted to myself once I'd finished dressing. It was certainly better than walking around the house naked. When I went back into the living room a minute later, I found mom had already put on my Skin and gotten dressed herself. She had obviously taken the clothes from my room earlier, probably while leaving hers. "You've never looked better," I teased mom, which felt a little odd since I was doing it in her own voice. Mom just shook her head slightly, giving a scowl as she came up to me, "You're not leaving the house looking like that..." I was a little startled at that, especially considering that this was what she wanted. But then she started to adjust my shirt and clothes a little, still not looking very satisfied. "What?" I asked defensively. "Come on," mom sighed, gesturing for me to follow her. And when we got to her bedroom vanity, she pointed at the chair and ordered, "Sit." "Woof woof," I commented as I sat down, suddenly thinking of a dog being told to do tricks. "No," mom responded with a smile, apparently thinking the same thing, "That's speak." A second later, mom had grabbed a brush and started in on my hair, while I just sat there impatiently. I felt like some kind of little kid while she was doing that, and I didn't particularly enjoy it. And just when she put the brush down and I thought it was done and over with, she reached for the makeup. I groaned and started to stand up. "No thanks..." However mom put a hand on my shoulder and pushed me back into the chair. "If you think I'm going to let you leave the house without making me look reasonable," she gave me a firm look, "you've got another thing coming." Once again, I continued to sit there while mom went about doing her thing. Fortunately, mom never really wore a lot of makeup and managed to finish with it fairly quickly. Still, it seemed like a little longer as I was a bit embarrassed to have it put on me and eager to get up the entire time. "That should do it," mom announced once she was done. She gestured for me to take a look at myself in the mirror. At first, I just stared at myself in surprise, startled at the fact that I looked even more like mom than before, if that was even possible. But with my hair brushed and the makeup on, I certainly looked a bit more like how she normally did. It was really kind of eerie in a way. "Wow," I finally said with a grin. As embarrassing as it was, I had to admit that I was impressed. Mom was grinning proudly. "Then let's get going. I'm getting kind of hungry." A minute later, we were just about to leave the house when mom grabbed her purse and started to sling it over her shoulder. I just laughed at the sight, then exclaimed, "If you think I'm going to let you leave the house while making me look like a sissy, you've got another thing coming." "Oh," mom chuckled, looking a little embarrassed, "I guess you have a point..." She hesitated just a moment, then handed the purse to me. "Just don't lose anything." I just nodded, then looked inside and pulled out the license with a faint grin. "I guess I've got a driver's license now." Then I looked at the name and picture on the license and shook my head in amazement, realizing that at the moment, for all intents and purposes, I was Sharon Lawson. With little more than a change of clothes, I was now legally a 32 year old woman and a mother. Of course my mom might say otherwise, but I was the one holding a driver's license with my current picture on it. I also thought better of pointing that fact out to her. "Well," mom said in mock disappointment, "I guess I only have a learners permit now." Then she gave a gasp of mock realization. "Hey, I can still drive as long as my MOM is present." She grinned at me and we both chuckled. When we got to mom's Camero, she hesitated for a moment, then gestured towards the drivers side while moving around to the passenger side herself. "Be careful," she told me with a smile "Hey," I told her with a grin, thankful that she remembered that I knew how to drive now, "you're the one who taught me." "That's why I know to be worried," mom grinned back. Since I didn't know exactly where we were going, mom gave directions and we soon arrived at the restaurant. It was just a little nicer than what we usually ate at when we went out, but certainly not one of those real fancy restaurants. Still, it was several steps up from Burger King, which was a nice change of pace. I stepped inside, feeling just a little strange. It was even stranger when a waiter smiled at me and asked, "Is it just two in your party?" That startled me for just a moment since he was looking at me and just about ignoring mom, which was about the opposite of what I was used to. Still, I recovered quickly and told him that it was just us, and a minute later, we were led to a corner booth. And just before he left us, I noticed that his eyes were staring at me for a moment, but not at my face. He was looking just a little lower down before he turned and left, leaving me to sit there blushing in embarrassment. As soon as he was gone, mom startled to laugh, whispering, "I think he likes you." I just blushed more at that, giving mom a glare, which caused more laugher. I felt embarrassed enough to be walking around in my mom Skin, thinking that someone was going to laugh and point out that I was really just a kid in his mom's clothes. However it was even more embarrassing to have some guy staring at my new tits. I wasn't sure what to think about that. "Just relax," mom told me in a gentle voice, "and try taking it as a compliment. That's what I usually do." After staring at mom for a moment, then glancing around me, I nodded. Though it might be a little embarrassing for me, I just realized for the first time what it had to be like for real women who got their boobs stared at all the time. It had to be a little frustrating. And that was something that I'd done myself all the time without even consciously thinking about it. That just led me back to thinking about what mom had said, realizing that in a way it was a compliment. It was giving appreciation for a woman's looks. Odd how it had been sort of instinctive to think of it like that when I was doing the ogling, but not quite so easy now that I was the ogled. During the dinner, I was amused at the fact that the waiter was giving me all of the attention while virtually ignoring mom. He kept asking me how dinner was and if there was anything else that I wanted, which made me feel a little special. It made me feel a little more important, and I rather liked that feeling. And by the time we had finished up, I had even started to get used to the idea of having guys look at my tits instead of my face when talking to me. That didn't necessarily mean that I liked it, though I had to admit that there was something amusing about it as well. By the time we finally arrived home, I was in a pretty good mood. My embarrassment was almost completely forgotten, as well as the fears that someone would realize that I was just an impostor. In an odd way, the men who'd stared at me had helped give me confidence in myself, or at least in my ability to walk around without anyone realizing that I wasn't what I appeared. "So," mom asked once we were settled back inside the house, "what did you think of dinner?" I just grinned. "It was... interesting." Going out in public with the Skin on had actually been pretty cool. At least it had been once I'd gotten over being so self-conscious. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," she told me with a satisfied smile, obviously having been excited about going out as me as well. Then she gave me a mock look of gratitude and gushed, "Gee, thanks for taking me out to dinner MOM." We both burst out laughing at that. The rest of the evening wasn't nearly so exciting as dinner had been. We sat back and watched a couple of movies that we'd rented while still wearing the Skins, before finally taking them off and going to bed, each in our own rooms. --- It was early in the afternoon on Saturday, the day after mom and I had gone out to dinner together, and I had just finished mowing the lawn. After putting the mower away, I went back inside, deciding that it was definitely time for something to snack on. And then... well, I wasn't completely sure yet, but I knew that I'd think of something. "Finished already?" mom asked, coming out of the bathroom with rubber gloves on her hands. While I had been out taking care of the yard, mom had been cleaning inside the house. And from the look of it, she'd just finished with the bathroom. "Oh," I asked with mock innocence, "finished with what?" Mom gave me a look of exasperation. "Mowing the lawn... I thought you were going to take care of that." Then she looked out the window, apparently noticing the short grass as she turned back to me and muttered, "Smart-ass." I just gave her a pouting look and responded, "And who do you think I learned that from?" She glared at me for just a moment before breaking out into a smile. "And your point is?" "Oh, no point," I told her with a smirk. "I thought not," she added with a wink. Several minutes later, mom had finished up with what she had been doing and put away the cleaning supplies. Then she came into the kitchen, where I was busy munching on a couple cookies, having a pleasant smile on her face. And of course, the look in her eyes. It wasn't as intense as when she'd first showed me the Skins, but a little more than it had been when getting ready for dinner the night before. "Uh oh," I commented, eyeing her suspiciously, "what have you got up your sleeves this time?" Mom smirked. "What makes you think I have something up my sleeves?" I just looked at her and she chuckled, "All right. You've got me." When she didn't say anything more, I leaned back against the counter and asked, "Aren't you going to tell me what it is?" "I had planned to go shopping this afternoon," mom told me with a smile, "when I suddenly got to thinking how much fun it would be to go with my sister." "But you don't have a..." I started, then stopped as I suddenly realized what she meant. "You know," mom said, putting her arm around my shoulder, "I always wondered what it would be like to have a twin sister." I stood there motionless for a moment while I absorbed what mom had just said. The idea seemed a little odd, but no less so than trading places to go to dinner. In fact, there was even a little bit of a thrill to it. Then I gasped, "Shopping?" "Yeah, shopping," mom laughed lightly. "Trust me, you'll have fun." Then she smirked. "And if you don't... I'll ground you." "Hey," I started to protest. However mom just gave me a gentle push out of the kitchen, saying, "Now go get changed." When I got to my room, I wasn't too surprised to see the Skin and some of mom's clothes laid out on my bed again. With a shrug and a faint smile, I started to get undressed, knowing that it would have been rather useless to argue with mom about this. She could be pretty persuasive when she wanted to be. Then again, at the moment, I didn't really feel all that much need to argue with her. It only took me a few minutes to get back into the Skin, and then to put the clothes on. This time, I didn't even spend more than a few seconds looking at my body before getting dressed. Of course I was tempted to, though it wasn't quite as urgent as before, especially with the knowledge that mom could walk in at any moment. Then, almost as if I had predicted it, mom did come in. She stood there with her hands on her hips, watching me carefully as I finished putting the last of the clothes on. Neither of us said a word until I was finished. "Not bad," mom said, "but you've still got some makeup on from last night." She frowned. "I guess we're going to have to clean it off and start over." I grimaced at that, mumbling, "Just great." Mom just grinned. "C'mon SIS, let me show you what to do..." Once again, I was sitting in the chair in front of mom's vanity and repeating the whole experience of the night before. This time however, she went a bit slower and actually explained what she was doing. It was strange having mom teach me to put on makeup, especially since I wasn't particularly interested in learning. Still, since she seemed so intent on it, I at least tried to pay attention. Before long, mom had finished with the makeup and lessons and we finally went to go shopping. I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about that part, but mom seemed to enjoy it, even though she wasn't normally a big one for shopping either. She seemed to particularly enjoy having a sister to do 'sisterly' things with for a change. And since I wanted to make her happy, I just went along for the ride, determined not to complain too much and ruin her fun. After we had been shopping for awhile, I found myself in the changing rooms with mom, having tried on one piece of clothing after another for her. At the moment, I was wearing a rather tight dress that didn't feel the most comfortable, but looked unbelievable. "So what do you think?" I asked mom as I spun around so that she could get a better look. After all, she was the one who'd asked me to put it... and a number of other things on for her. "Looks great Sis," mom grinned at me. Then she looked around to make sure no one else was near before saying, "I might have to bring you along every time I go for new clothes." After pausing for a moment, she added, "This is better than any mirror." I let out an exaggerated sigh of: "Oh joy." As I started to put on yet another set of clothes that mom just insisted that she had to see what she really looked like in, I got to thinking about how it had been going around as my mom's twin sister. It had definitely been strange, though quite amusing at the same time. Especially with the way people kept looking at us in amazement. Apparently they didn't see such identical looking twins that often, even if we had been dressed a little differently to downplay that. "You know," mom commented casually, "I really think that these shoes would go with that skirt." She held up a pair of new high heels that she'd been looking at, simultaneously gesturing to the new skirt I had just put on. Then she asked, "Can you try these on?" I stared at the high heels in mom's hand for a moment before giving a forced smile and nodding. Then I sat back down and slipped the high heels on, quickly finding that standing up in them wasn't quite as easy as standing in normal shoes. Still, I managed, finding that it worked better if I tried to sort of stand on my tiptoes. And of course, mom offered several tips, not to mention snickers of amusement. It took some time before I finished modeling the various shoes and clothes to mom's satisfaction. And in spite of myself, I even started to have fun with it. Not that I'd admit it to mom of course since a guy has to have some pride, even if he does look like a woman at the time. But finally, mom had decided on what she was going to buy, which wasn't much at all considering all that we'd both looked at and tried on. Mom turned and stared at me silently for several seconds before bending over and giving me a kiss on my cheek. "Thank you," mom told me quietly. I could tell that she was quite happy at the moment and I was just pleased that I had helped make her so. When we left the store, I was a little startled to realize just how long we'd been in there. Time had gone by so quickly that I hadn't realized until just that moment that it was about time for dinner. And my stomach was just beginning to confirm it. Fortunately mom was hungry too and decided that we could go out to eat again. I had a hard time keeping from laughing when we went into the restaurant, seeing the look of surprise on the waitresses face when she saw two such identical twins sitting at the table. She didn't seem to know which of us to really focus on first, and there were the mix-ups with the orders. Of course mom and I didn't help much and actively messed with her a little, pretending that she got our orders wrong even when she did get them right. By the time we were through, I was sure that the waitress couldn't tell if she was coming or going. Still, we left a pretty good sized tip to make up for it. "Did you see the look on her face?" I laughed after mom and I had left the restaurant. "It was great." "Yeah," mom agreed with a grin, "it was kind of funny." Just as we reached the car, mom paused and looked down at her watch, then up at me with a thoughtful expression. She was silent for a moment, still looking speculative as she watched me. Then her expression abruptly changed, a sly smile beginning to form. There was a familiar twinkle in her eyes. "What's up?" I asked. However mom only responded with, "You'll see." She didn't say anything more, only gesturing for me to get in the car. Several minutes later, mom pulled the car into a bar parking lot and turned off the ignition. I was a little startled, but she turned to me and gave me a steady look, then a faint smile. "At the moment... I think that you're old enough to have a drink." I was a little surprised at that and could only respond with a quiet, "Oh." "Look," mom told me with a gentle smile, putting one of her hands on mine, "normally I wouldn't take a 15 year old into a bar, but then again, at the moment you're my 32 year old twin sister." Then she added, "But if you don't want to go in there, I'll understand." I just stared back at mom for several seconds, absorbing what she'd just said. Though she hadn't come out and said it, I suspected that she was looking forward to taking me in there and having a drink with her 'sister'. Finally I gave her smile and a nod. "Sounds cool." Mom grinned at that, then told me, "Just stay close to me and follow my lead." After I nodded my understanding, we both went inside. It was the first time that I'd ever been inside a bar so I was a little nervous. However I didn't want to embarrass myself so tried to look as though it was perfectly normal. Within a couple of minutes, mom and I were sitting down at one of the corner tables with a couple of beers that she had ordered. I stared at mine for a moment while mom took a sip of hers then watched me with an amused smile. Not wanting to be outdone, as well as trying to act as grown up as I looked, I took a slow sip of mine. It wasn't quite as tasty as I'd imagined after hearing all that hype, but it wasn't too bad either. "What do you think?" mom asked after giving me a few seconds. "Not bad," I told her with a faint smile, trying to act casual. We sat there for a little longer, sipping at our glasses of beer while I looked around and basked in being a being an adult who could actually go to places like that and have a beer. Though it was only temporary, it was quite a rush and I was beginning to feel a bit more confident because of it. Eventually we left our table and drifted to the pool tables where we played a couple games against each other, as well as against several men who were there. Though they kept flirting with us, mom brushed them off with practiced ease and I watched her in amusement, while wondering what they would have thought if they'd known that it was really a 15 year old boy they were trying to hit on. Oddly though, at the moment I sure as hell didn't feel like a teenage boy. The alcohol might have had something to do with that. By the time we left, I had finished nearly two beers and was feeling a bit tipsy. Mom seemed somewhat amused at that, though I didn't think that she'd intended for more than one drink. However 'Sis' kept a close eye on me to make sure I didn't get into trouble before getting safely home. Part 3 "What the hell?" were the first words out of my mouth on Sunday morning. I had just woken up, still thinking about the night before when I went to the kitchen for breakfast. However as soon as I got into the kitchen, I was confronted by the sight of my identical twin brother, sitting at the table and eating a bowl of cereal. "Morning," my twin greeted me with a grin, continuing with his breakfast. For a moment, I just stared at my mom as she wore my Skin, taking a few seconds before realizing what should have been obvious. Though she didn't say anything about it, I quickly realized that she was just doing a turnabout of the day before. With a shrug, I grabbed my own bowl of cereal and sat down, commenting, "I always wondered what it would be like to have a brother." Mom just grinned at that, taking another bite before responding, "Well now's your chance to find out." Neither of us really said anything more about the subject after that. Not for awhile at least. Instead we just played up the role of being twin brothers, even arguing with each other a little bit to add to the flavor. It was rather fun, though odd at the same time. Perhaps that was what made it so interesting. After a little while, mom and I went to the mall, having to take the bus since neither of us had a usable driver's license and I only had one bike. Once there, we spent about an hour in the arcade, with me showing my 'brother' the finer points of winning some video games. I won most of the games... but not all. Mom caught on quickly, though was no match for my countless hours of wasted time in front of a video screen. We spent several hours at the mall, playing the games, looking at stores and eating lunch. Mom even got into the role enough that she started pointing out cute girls about my age and making what she would normally call inappropriate comments. It was funny hearing some of that from her, but it definitely made it seem as though I really had a twin brother. When mom and I got home, we played catch with a football for awhile, so mom could get a good taste of what it was like being a teenage guy. I was having a blast and at times even forgot that it was really mom deep inside. Mom was really getting into it, having a whole lot of fun herself and taking advantage of her chance to actually be someone else for a change. It almost seemed a disappointment when the day finally ended. It had been so fun for both of us that I didn't think that mom or I would soon forget it, or the new way it had let us look at each other. Still, we had to get back to our normal lives and the Skins were still there. Over the next several days, I would go to school and do my normal thing, though it was sometimes hard to keep my mind on my classes. But when I got home from school... things would change. Whether it was having a twin brother, being a twin sister or turning into a mother for the night, the evenings were bound to be interesting. Though neither mom nor I said anything about it, I think that it was pretty obvious to both of us that our relationship was changing a little. We had always been close before, but now we were becoming even closer. Mom had always been my big sister and best friend at the same time, but now we were more than even that. The Skins had allowed us both to see things from other perspectives, and it was enlightening to say the least. Thursday after school, I stopped by a pizza place that was a bit of a popular spot for kids at school. I usually made a point to go by there with some other guys after school about every week or two. However I didn't stay quite as long as normal before saying my good-byes and heading home, eager to see what fun we might have with the Skins this time. As it turned out, I once again put on the mom skin and she the Shawn one. For some reason, I had really started to like trading places with her, especially when she played at being my son. It was really exciting to trade roles like that for awhile and a real blast. And that night, we not only wore the Skins to bed, but also slept in each other's rooms again. --- When I awoke to the sound of an alarm clock, I immediately felt the sensations from my body and remembered what had happened. That I was still wearing mom's Skin and had slept in her bed. A faint smile managed to cross my lips before I opened my eyes and sat up. "Time to get changed for school," I chuckled as I reached for the canister of Skin remover. However I was startled to find that it wasn't on the nightstand where I'd left it. Or at least where I thought I'd left it. "Huh?" I started to climb out of bed to try and find it, when I suddenly realized that the bedroom door was partway open and mom was standing there, still wearing the Shawn Skin and all dressed up in my clothes. That wasn't quite what I expected to see first thing in the morning. "Good morning MOM," she greeted me with a smile. I blushed and pulled the blanked up to cover my front, realizing even as I did it how stupid it was. After all, it was really her breasts that were showing, or at least an identical copy. They were certainly nothing that she hadn't seen before. "Morning," I responded, feeling a little embarrassed. I glanced back at the nightstand, then over at mom's dresser, trying to remember if I might have put the canister someplace else. "Did you see where I left my canister?" Not that it really mattered at the moment since either canister of the Skin remover would work. Mom just stood there with a grin, answering, "Yes." "And..." I gestured, urging her to continue. It wasn't until that moment that I noticed the look in her eyes. "And you'll see it again," she smirked, "just as soon as I get home from school." Blinking in surprise, I gasped, "What?" That just made mom laugh for a few seconds before responding, "I just thought that it would be interesting to really be each other for the day." She grinned, "So I'm going to school, and you can either go in to work for me or call in sick." Then mom shrugged to indicate that she didn't particularly care which. "But what about..." I started to protest. However mom shrugged it off. "Don't worry about it." She gave me a steady look, indicating that she'd made up her mind. I just groaned slightly, wondering if she could possibly even pull it off without making me look bad. Without ruining my reputation, or what little of one that I had. Of course she knew my class schedule as well as all of my teachers and most of my friends. She'd even gone to that school herself when she was younger, so she knew her way around as well. But whether or not she could pull off impersonating me in front of people who actually knew me was the big question. Then mom grinned again, telling me, "Why don't you go back to bed MOM. It's not like you have to get up early for school." After winking at me, she turned and left, closing the door behind her. "C'mon mom," I sighed, shaking my head at her latest scheme. Though I was a little tempted to go out and try to either talk her out of it or find the canisters, I decided not to bother. And though I didn't really want to admit it, even to myself, it did sound sort of exciting. If being each other while alone or in a restaurant was thrilling, how much more so would it be doing that in front of people who knew us? Of course the thought was a bit scary as well. After thinking about it for a few seconds, I rolled back into bed, deciding to t

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Flipping Tammys Dress

Mother is in one of her really bad moods today. When I was 12, she caught me playing with matches and made me sit at the table with a huge box of wooden matches and a glass of water. I had to light each match and watch it burn until it was almost out then dip the burned match stick in the water. That lasted from 3:30, right after school, until about midnight. She said that should stop me from playing with matches. Well, today, I was caught looking up the dress of a girl in my class. It...

2 years ago
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My Pink Secret

Have you ever loved someone so much you would do anything for them, no matter how ridiculous it seems? I love someone like that-my boyfriend, Allen. But sometimes I think Allen takes advantage of my unconditional love for him. Take last night for example. We were getting ready to go to the bar to have a few drinks. I slipped on a clingy red dress Allen likes and I thought I was looking hot. My long brown hair tumbled over my cleavage and my lips glistened with a fresh layer of scarlet lip...

1 year ago
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One of those daysChapter 6

Jimmy leant across the back seat of Bill's car, squeezed his friends thigh and said. "Paula! We're here." Paul gave him an anxious look. It had taken some persuasion to get him to wear make-up and the wig. It had taken a great deal more to get him into the car. The red lips matched the beguiling blush on his cheek and a short, curly mop of chestnut brown hair was arranged neatly on his head. He smoothed the white blouse to his chest and, after adjusting the unfamiliar bra padded with...

1 year ago
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MylfExtras Chanel Preston Rewarding My Curious Stepson

As she lies alone in bed, Chanel Preston starts to get a little horny. She pulls out her dildo and starts toying her pussy, but catches her horny stepson peeping on her from the end of the bed. She is shocked, but it definitely turns her on. Later, her stepson helps her with some stretching in the living room. The only problem is that he cannot keep himself from getting a raging boner. But Chanel does not care. The blowjob she gave him the other day was just the beginning of their sexual...

3 years ago
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The Book of Reality

Authors note: Normally I wrote this story with Matt as the main character but I wanted to give everybody their own freedom. So I added something small as a first chapter. The Book of Reality went trough a lot of universes, to some it helped but in some cases it generated total caos. In every world there are some who prefers chaos to harmony. Each Master of the book was different sure some of the book inputs were the same or had similar meanings but The Book of Reality granted every input...

Mind Control
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Bua Ki Chaddi Ka Ched

Hello friends, main mera naam Manish Singh hai, main indore ka rahne wala hu meri age 18 years hai, main aaj aaplogo ko ek kahani sunane ja raha hu ye ek incest sex story hai jisme maine apni ek bua ke sath sex kiya tha ye ghatna tab ki hai. Mujko sex ke bare main lagbhag kuch-kuch pata tha bachpan main mere gaon ke dosto ne bataya tha aur tabse mujko chudai karne ki iccha thi main jab bhi kisi aurat ke saath sota(mom,bua,any other ladies) tab jab wo so jati thi to main dheere-dheere unki saree...

2 years ago
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Cute couple 2

Hello my dear friends already I told u in my previous story how my uncle and my aunty get caught by me. Now I am going to tell u how I made a plan to touch my aunty. I was very much disturbed by my aunt. After seeing my aunt and my uncle had sex with each other in my home. Since I don’t have too many relatives near by often I go to my uncle’s house during my holidays and I spent my time with their child and return. I made many plans to touch my aunt but I didn’t get the right chance first 2 to...

3 years ago
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Animals in the NightChapter 5

She heard him leave on his motorcycle before noon the next day. She was surprised when she cried herself back to sleep, and he woke her about four with a deep kiss. She twisted around and pulled him onto the bed, laughing giddily. "I had to get some things. I want to try to salvage something from my study." He had brought back a timer for the VTR, and several rolls of ultra high speed film for his 35 MM camera. As they giggled and wrestled on the bed, she saw tiredness in his eyes. "Take a...

3 years ago
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Sex with my girlfriends Stepmother

It was a rainy day, I was waiting at my girlfriends house & her step-mum was there too. She was wearing clothes that barely covered anything ;). I was so turned on I kept trying to have cheeky looks but she caught me every time. When she caught me she smiled & winked, she went out into the kitchen & came back revealing her hot bra, bulging tits. I was like "Wow! those are nice" obviously nervous I stayed sat down, my cock bulging in my jeans. She walked over started rubbing my cock,...

2 years ago
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Service With a Smile

I glanced into the mirror as I finished getting ready for my voyage into entrepreneurship. The face looking back at me exuded charm and confidence. The inner man did not match the exterior, but it was just a case of nerves, I told myself.I'm just over thirty years old, tall and built like a tight end. My body is toned, thanks to Uncle Sam and untold hours in the gym. My shoulders are broad, and my torso is tapered down to a waist which actually does show a six pack of abs. Narrow hips, long...

3 years ago
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My amazing Mason

So many people hear the word polygamy and immediately think, Mormons. I get it trust me, it's because of their history and all. The thing is that yes polygamy was practiced in that church for a long time but the church tried to put a stop to that in September of 1890. After that they would practice it in secret so that no one knew, or at least they didn't think anyone knew. It wasn't until 1904 that it was completely stopped, or at least it was in that church. As a matter of fact, any and...

4 years ago
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Scarlett and her Bitch mother

Scarlett & her Bitch Mother If you like this story please mail [email protected] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It was early when her husband came in. Normally he came in only late after he had a few drinks with his buddies or after visiting the whores. Scarlett never dared asked him when she should expect him home. She had made the mistake once when she had just got married to him. One day when he was leaving for work and she was still a young girl, newly...

1 year ago
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My first wank getting caught

I was sitting at my computer playing a computer game when I suddenly had the urge to get my dick out and wank it off. I went to my bedroom door to make sure that nobody was watching, then I went over to my bed and took of all my cloathes, starting with my t-shirt, then my trousers then my underwear. I grabbed my dick with one hand and slowly started to rub my foreskin up and down, and within no time I had an erection. I got up from my bed with my proud boner and walked around my room, beating...

1 year ago
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Now Public League Of Legends

You look out at the great writhing mass of shifting flesh. The distinct sounds of skin on skin contact and the smell. That intense scent of arousal mixed in with spent cum. The first thing that catches your eyes is Lux, the lady of luminosity lying on her back, as Ahri the mischievous kitsune gets astride her. Pulling down her underwear and sliding her fingers deep into the teen’s cunt. To the left the white haired priestess of the moon Diana is pushing apart Alkali’s legs to eat her out...

3 years ago
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The Beauty and her Beast

Once upon a time in a land not too far away lived a widowed man and his three beautiful daughters, who lived in an opulent manor just outside the village. Although kind and gentle, he was a shrewd businessman, who made his riches through hard work and determination. Not wanting his daughter to ever want for anything, the merchant lavished them with exquisite clothing, giving them anything their hearts desired. The older two daughters were vain and greedy, always flaunting their wealth,...

4 years ago
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Bully Degraded My Family 8211 Part 1

I am a big fan of ISS. This is my first sex story. Please support me and kindly excuse my spelling mistakes. Stay connected with more for more sex stories. My email is Hi. I am Rishikesh (rishi) name changed. I live in Kerala. My family consists of my father, my mother, my sister and me. My mother’s name is rekha she is now 45 years old my sister is Revathy she is now 28 years and married This story happened when I was in 20 std. My mom was 35 and my sis was 19 To tell about my mother she is...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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My Wife And 15 Guys

Hi all, My wife and 15 guys. The complete story. I and my wife were used to going to swingers party its a party where only couples are invited and anybody can have sex with any buddy my name is raj and my wife’s name jhanvi we live in Mumbai and i am a sw engg by profession. So we went to one new swingers party in Mumbai there we were actually late and all the ppl were already assembled in the hall. Then as we came in we heard that a game was being played we got quite inquisitive as of all...

2 years ago
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Aunties home lesson

The car was loaded and we set off to Birmingham where l would be staying with my uncle Robert and aunt Silvia while studying at university. My aunt was my mother’s sister and l can’t say they looked similar because my aunt Silvia was much plumper, the last time l met my uncle and aunt it was at a family wedding and l got on with them. We arrived and my uncle showed me to my room while l unpacked, they all caught up then my parents left. The first few weeks were like walking on egg shells not...

2 years ago
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Duplicate LoversChapter 8

The female robot that his father had brought to the house was a different matter. She had a soft skin, dreamy eyes, a beautiful face, a fabulous figure - and she had real breasts with nipples and a real cunt instead of those featureless lumps on her chest like the maid robot who had a smooth place between the legs where a cunt should be. Naked now and half hard, Jimmy cast a look over his shoulder. All was quiet in the library and throughout the house. He could count on Babs staying...

1 year ago
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AdultTime Eliza Ibarra Aila Donovan Better Than She Knows Herself

Seth Gamble loves his stepsister, Eliza Ibarra, and just wants her to be happy. The thing is, he knows she’s hiding a big part of herself from the world… so he comes up with a plan. He invites his new girlfriend, Aila Donovan, to stay over for the night. He introduces Aila to Eliza and they immediately seem to hit it off. He has a good feeling about this, glad to see Eliza taking a shine to Aila. They spend the evening getting to know each other, then soon part ways to retire to...

1 year ago
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One Groom And Three Wives

Hi all this is Praveen once again for you. Well Iam going to narrate a story told to me by a reader. The story would be little long please bear with me to enjoy. Comments are welcome at This is Narendar 33yrs old fair complexion height of 5.10” and a cock of 9” length and 10cms diameter monster cock. I have started to be sexually active from the age of 15 and the person to take of my virginity was my Math teacher during my tuition in her house from that day on till now there is no stopping....

4 years ago
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The Overlooked Girl

At the end of 9th grade, I took a standardized test which showed that I had quite a high IQ and my parents encouraged me to switch to the accelerated program. They said it would look better on my college apps. The only downside was that I had to switch schools but because it was in the same town, I could keep in touch and hang out with all my friends so I thought, why not. I took accelerated courses in English, math, science, computers, and business accounting. For my electives, I chose...

2 years ago
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A rainy day with sister

I am deep from India 24years old having normal physical structure. We are having a small family of five persons. My mom is a normal house wife and father is working a job. And my sister Shikha a 22 years now. My sister was reading in high school then she was 19 years old she was studying in twelve standards. Her height was 5″ 2″ then. She is thin and beautiful. Her boobs are perfectly shaped and her butts are very hot and give her a very sexy look. She is having black hairs and when she lets...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Girlfriend Nisha The Gujarati Girl

Hello friends, to be frank this are my first story on iss. I’m reading iss when i was 18. And at present i m Kushagra Singh 24 from Kolkata (W.B). I am not a bong. I am available for cam chats and love to have private meetings too. Till date i have fucked many girls approx. 8 to 10. And it’s true. Let’s come to the story now. I had a gf name Sonali; Nisha was her friend’s sister. She is at present 21. 34 – 28 – 32; slim figure with round boobs and brown nipples. I use to love shaved pussy. But...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Sexy Desperate Neighbor 8211 Sheena

Hello people. I am Raj back with another story. This is again a real story that happened between me and my neighbor Sheena. She is in her mid 30’s. She is divorced and has a figure to die for and is blessed with a son. So coming to the story. It happen when my wife was away for a week. Sheena had some parcel to be delivered to her place. The delivery boy was at her door however the door was locked. He called Sheena. She asked to get the parcel delivered to me. I accepted the same and confirmed...

1 year ago
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Caught in the Act

Drew slipped of her shoes and quietly padded down the corridor of her University Hall of residence, trying not to wake anyone at this time of night and this close to exams. When she got to the door of her room she slowly inserted her key, unlocked the door and silently entered so as not to wake Willow, her roommate.As she stood still for a second to let her eyes adjust to the darkness she saw her roommate was, in fact, very much awake. Willow was kneeling on her bed naked, facing away from the...

3 years ago
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Melissas RiteChapter 14

The veil stands before her as it always did, an indistinct misty haze, both real and imaginary. She reaches to it, her hand groping, her eyes straining. She can see them just beyond, dark shadows and vague shapes moving in the mist. She takes a deep breath, her hand trembling as she steps forward. Her body shivers in her nightgown, her feet cold and clammy against the ground. She raises both hands now, and the veil seems to push back against her palms. And as before, she pushes and...

4 years ago
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The Revolutions Pig Contest

000} body, table /* Normal text */ {font-size: 12pt;font-family: 'Courier New';font-style: normal;font-weight: normal;color: #000000;text-decoration: none; } span.rvts1 /* Heading */ {font-size: 10pt;font-family: 'Arial';font-weight: bold;color: #0000ff; } span.rvts2 /* Subheading */ {font-size: 10pt;font-family: 'Arial';font-weight: bold;color: #000080; } span.rvts3 /* Keywords */ {font-size: 10pt;font-family: 'Arial';font-style: italic;color: #800000; } a.rvts4, span.rvts4 /* Jump 1...

3 years ago
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Bad Things

I pulled into the parking lot of Bud’s Bar, shut off the engine and then spent five minutes staring at the wall of the building in front of me as the voices in my head fought it out. One voice was saying: “Go on in there and get shitfaced” and the other voice was saying “You need to remain calm and be cool about this and you can’t do that if you get drunk out of your mind.” “Bullshit!” said the first voice. “Right now you need to blot it out of your mind and the only way you can do that is...

1 year ago
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Mutual Masturbation

This actually happened about ten-years ago. I’ve been to Key West a number of times, and as many people who have been there know, it’s a sexually-charged city. If you go there horny, you’ll just get hornier. It's probably because there are a lot of sexually-charged people that visit there. Last time I was vacationing the Southernmost island with my girlfriend, we fucked just about every chance we had while we were down there. I fucked her from behind on the Hard Rock balcony with dozens of...

First Time
3 years ago
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Looking After Anna

I got up late as probably needed the sleep, Lisa had gone to work and a note saying she was seeing friends later so would be late home, I did my usual morning routine and decided to go online and see if any of my friend were on Skype. I saw that Jeff was online so sent him a good morning message but seemed ages to get a reply so just assumed he was busy; Jeff and I usually chat a couple of times a week and have become good friends. Jeff finally replied and apologised for the delay but had some...

2 years ago
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The SparkChapter 36

I wasn't sure what had happened. The last thing I remembered was Peter boosting the shield I had in place with the power he had been collecting and storing all day. I was sure he had said something to me but with what was happening around us, and me, trying to control what I had started, I missed what he had said to me and now his voice was quiet, gone from my head. As to the time, I had no idea as I was still working through everything that had happened. Thinking about the shockwave, I...

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Pokmon Rest for the Wicked

"At least there's food and water Jessy, it could be a lot worse." James 'Training Wheels' Kolkata said looking out over the endless stretch of bright blue ocean which fringed their tiny slice of both Heaven and Hell rolled up into one on all sides. "How can you SAY such a thing James!" His partner in crime since the age of five 'Chain Girl' Jessy (Jessica) Hakasumi snarled, anger concealing her slowly growing fear that they really WOULD be stuck on this large, but apparently undiscovered until...

1 year ago
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Pit Pass

I crashed a sprint car five years ago, and busted myself up pretty good. I had been on top of the world, with a new house in construction, a pretty loving wife, a dream job, and all the shiny noisy toys I wanted. An hour later I was in a hospital bed, wondering if my legs would ever move again, if I would ever have another erection. After three months of surgery and rehabilitation, minor miracles were accomplished and I was put back together, almost like new. My boss saved my job; my career...

3 years ago
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The Last to Leave Part II

author's note: this is the second part of a long series I am planning. The next bit will be out on New Year's.Private Edward Neumann woke up with an acute pain in his head. He didn’t remember anything after landing on the shore. Just flashes of gunfire, and him being captured by the Ottomans. He looked at his surroundings while he tried to recollect his memory. He was sitting in a crude cot, a pile of cloth his pillow. The cell contained about 4 other beds, and a metal grated door. The...

3 years ago
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Ring Of Truth

[ Caution: If the topic of interracial sex is something that offends you, please read no further. Turn to something else. If, however, you are one of a growing number of men, and women, young, or old, that is fascinated by this particular subject matter, then feel free to read on! Also, I use a religious point of view only as a plot device, so if you are sensitive to that, pro, or con, also be for warned. I use the religious theme in this story because of the long, and fluid nature of the...

2 years ago
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Feeding TimeChapter 5

Some greater power must have intervened in the next week and a half. Wendy and her beautiful, thirsty niece seemed to be in different orbits. Jenna spent several days and nights at Taylor's house, and even took a weekend with their family when they went out of town to a resort in New Jersey. Wendy did miss her-she was a remarkable and very helpful young lady-but when all her feelings about Jenna's absence were distilled, it was relief that was left. She was stressing to some extent, about...

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Mike Becomes A Scout

Mike Becomes a Scout ? by: Joney Cunningham Mike didn't really want to go on the camping trip with the Boy Scout Troop his father forced him to join, but her like nature and looking at all the pretty flowers he may find there. Mike was not popular in school, had few friends, and the friends he did have were girls. His father was an ex-football player who was now the coach at his high school, where he was now a freshman. He packed his clothes for the one-week trip in to the...

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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut

We both excelled in school, how could we not we had to get the better grades then one another and win the most awards. Sometimes, I’m not sure how my mother didn’t just kill us both, because it seemed constant. One thing I loved and was able to throw in her face was that even though she was 4 years older then me (technically three and a half) I ended up being only three grades behind her. My birthday fell on one of those months that let me start school younger then most kids and I rubbed...

4 years ago
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Hawley BattleChapter 2

“Does that turn you off?” “No, it turns me on. Show me, Hawley.” “The cameras are rolling as we speak. Strip slowly so they can catch each little detail of your striptease.” “Do I really try for a striptease? I’m afraid I could never make it look natural.” “Strip slowly, I’ll show you how to make even the most innocent strip - sexy as hell.” “When do you strip?” “Whenever I feel you’re comfortable being in the same room with me naked. I’m only wearing this oversize sweatshirt and these...

2 years ago
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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 63

“No ... that’s mom. I’m on the Fifty.” “The General Admiral? I thought she was some kind of hero.” “God ... I hate that uniform,” Junior said. She flickered. The girl wearing the minuscule bikini was now dressed in the uniform of the General Admiral of the Princessapality of Island fame. “Junior!” I said. “Do you think that was a good idea?” “What? The whole world knows about my watch,” She said. “Not me,” Albert said. “Me neither,” said Bea. “What watch?” “What’s it do?” That from...

3 years ago
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The Unnatural

The supernatural world had become slow, with jobs becoming fewer and more time between. Sam and Dean Winchester were investigating a series of unusual situations that led them to believe that Marie Jordan was possessed or some sort of entity. Marie was an Adult entertainer at a local strip club, The Body Shop. Sam went to the the internet cafe’ to research the local news and the clubs’ history. Sam jumped at going to the club to “check her out” with the typical grim. Sam just shook his head as...

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Black mans sissy boy

Black man's sissy boyI started jerking off to ejaculation when I was around 18. Once I started doing it, it was all I thought about, 24/7 it seemed like. I collected fuck mags and porno tapes wherever I could find them, to use as visual aids. Just looking at those sexy nude women being loved up by their hot men made my dick so fuckin' HARD! Because of that I was able to convince myself that I was normal, of course, in retrospect it is obvious that I was identifying with the women.One day when...

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Kate Draffen Chapters 1017

KATE DRAFFEN By Swishy CHAPTER 10 It was very nice to smell home again. You know how your house has a distinctive smell? Everyone's house has one. You don't really notice it until you've been away for a while and then it greets you like a family pet, happily waiting for you at the front door. I wrinkled my cute little nose up as I drew in a huge whiff of the old house. "It's good to be home!" I sighed loudly. I was perhaps overreacting because I had really only been...

2 years ago
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Patriccio Parese, von allen nur Paco genannt, schaute in die Runde. Er war neu in der Großstadt und musste sich erst an die neue Umgebung gewöhnen. Mit der Landessprache hatte er zwar keine Probleme, aber es war vieles neu für ihn. Sein Onkel hatte ihn aus Italien nach Deutschland geschickt, um hier einen neuen Fernsehkanal aufzubauen. Geld stand ihm unbegrenzt zur Verfügung. ?Jetzt zeigt mir endlich, wenn welche Moderatorinnen für uns in Frage kommen.? Manuele zeigte ihm die Bilder der...

2 years ago
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When the Secretary becomes the Boss

This is my first ‘girl spanks guy’ story. The experience for writing it comes from the occasional spanking I give my boyfriend Brad, and the inspiration from a guy at my work who really could do with some of this! Nikki. I paced the large office, my four-inch Christian Louboutin, Maudissima patent heels click-clacking on the polished floor as I retraced my steps like a caged tigress. Being the executive editor of the fashion magazine had been my dream since I began working here and I loved it...

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The Agony And The EcstasyHow I and My Girlfriend

My first serious girlfriend was a nice Jewish girl. She was attentive, affectionate, loyal and considerate.....and VERY passionate! All of these traits were a double-edged sword, however. She expected that those traits be acknowledged, appreciated and reciprocated...or else! People said we made a good couple and--I would have to say on our own behalf--that, in truth, we were both of average looks. During the course of the first few weeks of our relationship I had seen her tits (36 C with nice...

2 years ago
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I Impregnated My MaidServants

This story should be read in sequence to my earlier stories…! After Sillu went to Dubai to reside with her hubby, her mother, Jaya, my maid servant was left alone though still working for me. She never interfered in my weekend engagement with women friends. Nor did she encourage this as one day she told me, Saheb, I dare to say you now marry with a real hotter who could satisfy you and get a family life. Jaya why u say so, I’ve to make enough money so that after marriage we both could enjoy...

2 years ago
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The Power of the Illuminati Ch 02 Japan

“Hello there Mr. Ryker” she said, with only the slightest hint of a Japanese accent “my name is Yuriko Hsu. Unfortunately, Mr. Kodama sends his deepest apologies he cannot meet with you tonight. I am afraid he has run into a slight problem with the police. He does expect to be available tomorrow morning. In the meantime, I am hoping you will accept a night on the town in Tokyo. I will gladly show you our wonderful city and escort you to wherever you would like tonight.” “Well that is...

1 year ago
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AssParade Ebony Mystique Squirting on thy Neighbor

Ebony Mystique was doing her daily jogging run when Jay Bangher saw her running by. He dropped what he was doing and ran after her. Quickly he convinced her that to get the best benefit of jogging you need to get a massage right after. And surprise, he was a licensed massage therapist. Ebony fell for it and invited him home. Here she started to twerk for him and insisted he would start to massage her butt. In no time he was eating her butt and then her pussy. Then of course they fucked. They...

1 year ago
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Markus fuss is a man of normal physic and is roaming around on the streets. Last week he was fired from his job as he was falsely accused for sexual assult . He found his boss and his assistant (monica) having sex after office hours so he fired him . Now he is blacklisted and could not get a job in any of the companies. He sat on a bench in a park. Children were playing. Then he saw a notebook on the bench. He picked it up and opened it . Tge first page said. If you find this book you are very...

Mind Control
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25 October 2008Chapter 8

“That was fun, us sharing a blow job! I can hardly wait for us to share another one. I love that you like sucking cock.” Lisa said cuddling against Dan. “Kiss me my love!” and they embraced in a tongue searching kiss. “Wow, that was a fantastic kiss!” “You only liked it because I had a man’s cum on my breath,” he joked. “It isn’t very often that I’ll turn down giving a blow job for the enjoyment of my girls.” “Just like when you eat my fucked pussy!” “That makes five cocks you made...

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