The Adventures Of Reggie Starr Book 2.4 free porn video

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 4 World Domination Incorporated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The flight from Japan was going to take 12 hours. The 3-man flight crew, 2 pilots and one attendant, all men, were going to take the small jet, and 20 passengers from Japan to the States. I don't understand this pilot mumbo Jumbo, but the story was interesting. Anyway, the plane crashed. When the wreckage was opened and the bodies of everyone on board was discovered, All the passengers and the crew were in very sexy female underwear, stockings and extreme heels. The men were wearing cosmetics and everyone was made up exactly the same. Something like a Robert Palmer video. There was no indication of anything wrong, and all radio traffic was normal. The cockpit voice recorder even made everything appear normal. The normal chatter from the crew was normal. Then, the flight belly-landed in the ocean, off the eastern Atlantic coast. The crew had managed to land in shallow water, and except for being in 5 feet of water, the plane was intact. The crew and passengers had been suffocated. There had been indications of some kind of orgy. There were sex toys and bondage devices on board, and were being used at the time of the crash. I found out later, that the captain had been wearing an 8" dildo under his panties! This was a strange one. Now the wild part. Not one of these people had ever been known to participate in any of these activities before. And there was a congressman and a lawyer on board. These guys were upstanding citizens and religious people. Something was wrong. In Japan, they all had boarded, normally dressed and with basic carry on luggage. The things they were wearing were very custom. The men had to have special sizes of heels, which were not very common. The sizes of bras and garters and such were also special. The women were wearing exactly identical underwear, and the same types of stuff as the men. All of the men had been doing something sexual. The women also were having fun. This flight was just one continual orgy. But suffocation? This was not what it appeared to be. There seemed to be some mind control. I stopped the briefing and asked if anyone had been using a laptop or PDA of some kind on the flight. The answer was yes. There were 15 computer devices on board and all were recovered. The briefing was almost over. Control quietly asked me for my opinions. I wanted to review the files on all the computers. Then I wanted to listen to the voice recorders. Then I wanted to see what was on any personal note devices that might have been on board. I wanted a blood chemistry work-up on the bodies. And I wanted a complete sweep, electronically of the plane. I believed that the actions of the passengers and crew of this flight were not their own. This was some kind of induced behavior and the fact that all of them were like dressed and like made up, indicated a mass hypnotic episode. Control then stated that that was the conclusion of their experts. But they had not found anything. They wanted me to review the conclusions and look at the evidence again. We were going to Edwards Air force base. I would get my chance to see the entire plane, and what was left on board, as it was when it crashed. The hair on my neck was standing on end. This was not a good situation. My first task was to see what didn't fit in this puzzle. I was looking for the odd piece. I wanted to see the blood work, the electronic sweep of the plane, the flight recorder, the voice recorder, and the baggage records. I was first looking for where the lingerie came from, and why the crew had taken all their clothing off and the last question, were they wearing the items before they got on the plane or did they put them on during the flight. The hanger was huge. The plane was little compared to the hanger it was in. The marine guards were taking a position around this little craft. I didn't know what kind of plane it was, but I didn't care. I was looking for anything odd. Entering the cabin, I looked at the overhead carry on luggage departments. Some of the bags had come out of their places, but all were intact and sealed. I found some white garbage bags. There were some extra pieces of lingerie in the bag and suddenly, I had a clue. The lingerie these people were wearing had been smuggled on board. My next clue was what looked like a transmitter in one of the bins. It appeared to be sub-sonic. Like one of those rat and cockroach annoyers. It was off. But I immediately called the technicians and pointed it out. My instructions were "don't activate this thing, until I get the right technical people on this. I don't want to be responsible for your gender bending." That got the poor guy's attention. I continued to look around. I had the water and the coffee sampled and tested. I was looking for drugs. I then, started to the cockpit. Nothing- abnormal there. Just the normal pilot stuff. So, I went back to the very small galley. I asked the attending technical people about the contents of each of the victim's stomachs. "I need to know the content of their stomachs and if in those contents, there are any detectable drugs." My next looking point was to get a history of those on board. The history was unremarkable. No one had a history of gender disphoria, or homosexuality. This was a clean group of people. But I was looking for any reason for the crash. The political aspect was just too obvious. This congressman was a member of a powerful oversight committee and had deep religious backgrounds and history. OK, so maybe someone wanted to sully his reputation and then kill him. But how do you get a religious man to do something like this? And in public with people he doesn't know? There is some ominous technology here. I suspected a drug enhanced and sonically suggested state of sexual deviancy. So, why would someone do this? I needed to focus on the congressman. He was the key. This was way too obvious. Was I being led down a primrose path? So, in the meantime, I was going to do a complete makeup of all the occupants of this craft. I sick'ed Mary Kate on the congressman and his history. I wanted her to go to his office and poke around. But, thinking that there might be some kind of link to the staff there, I asked her to approach carefully. I went back to the puzzle. I continued to look at each of the occupants. There was a powerful financial bank executive on board, traveling with the congressman. He was working on something with the congressman. This was more interesting. Then, I went to the ladies. They were all connected to the congressman or executive. This was the secretary pool and staff. But, there was a poor little guy, in the front seat. He was wimp material. Little guy was a techie. He had just invented a couple of new devices for sub sonic communications. BINGO. I had the connection. Money, influence, and the devices. In one move, someone had removed the entire chain of processing of patents and copyrights to this little device. In fact, I think it was used against the inventor. Someone wanted these things. I instantly wanted to focus on it. And I think I now knew the target of the hit. The Techie. His invention was the whole reason for destroying the plane and killing everyone on board. I left the plane, and headed for the office. I needed to make a phone call. But the phone rang, and the office clerk picked it up. I looked and had eye contact with the clerk. His eyes went glassy. My alarms went on full. I bolted out the door and made to the Marine guards. "Look, I don't know what is going on here, but I think there is mind control of some kind, being used and someone doesn't want us to discover what I think I just discovered. Watch everyone. Also, I think the clerk got an earth shattering phone call just now and may be unstable. I think one of you should go and neutralize him. I spoke just in time. The clerk entered the hanger area, carrying an M 16. He leveled it and just before he could pull the trigger, the marine guards shot him dead. The phone in the office was still off hook, and hissing. I took a little pocket recorder and recorded what I could of the hissing, and hung up the phone when the line went dead. We had some real trouble. ------------------------------------------- The Pentagon. I hate pretense. I have always shunned the limelight. I tend to like the shadows. But, these days, my talents have been in demand. I was bouncing from one case to another. I was going to a meeting with Military Intelligence. I had my FBI and MY NSA ID's. The south entrance of the Pentagon was just like an airport. Metal detector, heavy armed security, and bunches of people bouncing back and forth through the turnstiles. I entered the building, wearing my gun, and pinning my ID's on a very tight blouse and my conservative mini and my 6" heeled boots. I was not very FBI or NSA looking. Every alarm in the place went off. Finally, I was allowed to lock up my piece and was given an unrestricted visitor's pass. That meant that I didn't have to have an escort. Directions to intelligence were fairly easy. I didn't have too much trouble finding the place, but this old building had its little quirks. My meeting with the director of intelligence was about the device and what I knew about it. My tape of the hissing revealed a subsonic suggestive message, and a drug, which allowed the mind to grasp the message. I still had one big question. Why Drag? Why the lingerie queens? Was it the embarrassment? Or something deeper. My gut was telling me something much deeper. And this was not the last time we would see a murder involving gender bending. The meeting was boring. They were going to take over the investigation. I was to continue working the gender bending part, and let the spooks work the other details. My operation would require getting information from the spooks. But somehow, I didn't think I would get very much. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deep in the French Quarter, there sat a group of women. This group of women were acting like this was some kind of business meeting. But what this actually was was a group of terrorist plotting to destroy the US government. Seems my name was on the top of the list of enemies. There, in the mist of these "women", were people I once knew. One was even a mob connection. They knew who I was. They were out to get me out of the way. I kept reading their plan and defeating it. They were going to have to kill hundreds to get me and they didn't care. They wanted me dead. Period. End of statement. What was really strange about this group of women was that there was not a genetic female in the group. They were all pre-op or post-op TS. They had sex jobs in the quarter and thanks to one of these "women" meeting a little techie nerd in the quarter, they had a way to dominate and control the nasty people who were defaming and putting down their life choice. The meeting consisted of where the next shipment of the drug that helped clear the mind for control, would be sent. The drug could be placed in coffee or Tea. Someone had managed to get to a packaging plant and add a dose of the drug in a batch of herbal tea. The drug was undetectable except when the subsonic mind signal was present. They were blanketing the whole country with this drug. Thousands were taking it without knowledge. Thanks to the use of the drug and a mind control patch, the coffee and tea companies were putting the drug in as a preservative. All these people had to do was dial up someone, transmit the signal. If the person responded, then, they used them for what ever they could. This is how they became very rich and powerful, very quickly. They had blood in their eyes and suddenly, I was a target. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I had finished my little meeting in the pentagon. I was on my way out of the building. A guard, who had earlier, let me in, was on the phone, the hair on the back of my neck went up. I knew I was being set up. How in the hell did they know I was here? I quietly eased out of the turnstiles and went to the gun locker. My piece was given back to me and I was trying to get out before the guard tried to shoot me. No words, no warning, nothing. He drew his gun and started firing at me. He accidentally hit a few civilians around me. I didn't want to kill him. I ducked under a table, and took careful aim. I shot the gun out of his hand and quietly walked up and knocked him out. The whole pentagon security staff came running. I was promptly thrown to the floor and cuffed. I offered no resistance, as I knew exactly what was going on. It took approximately 5 minutes for the staff to let me go. The poor guard who opened up on me didn't remember a thing. At that point, I had guessed the drug was being distributed somehow nation wide. It didn't take long for someone to figure out the drug was in the coffee. This was a low blow. I loved my coffee. I knew I had been dosed with the drug. So, I had to rely on my 6th sense to keep me from falling under these assholes influences. I was commended for just shooting the gun out of the guard's hand. I had every right to kill the guard. But I knew he was not at fault. Why kill when you can use a softer mallet. The military and the pentagon went to full alert status. Civilian traffic was cut to a minimum. Only necessary staff was allowed in. I wanted out of this place. I asked to leave, and was refused. The drug boys were looking for an antidote for the drug. It was simple enough. Vitamin E? Yes, a large dose of vitamin E neutralized the drug. Even if you kept ingesting the drug, the large dose of E kept neutralizing the effects of the drug. Someone went to a GNC store and bought out the entire stock of E tablets and then made a call to a national drug store chain to ship a very large quantity of the drug. Also, there was an inject able version of the vitamin and worked very fast. So now, I could enjoy my coffee and not worry about committing suicide later in the day. --------------------------------------------------------------- In an underground chamber, somewhere in New Orleans, a group of shadowy women were gathered around a table, made of plywood, with legs made from concrete blocks. The neon light fixture, above the table, was bright enough to light the general area. But, in the shadows, there were other henchmen, waiting for their masters bidding. It was the consensus of the group that the Pentagon knew of the invasion of the drug and the phone tricks. At this point, they decided to just sit back and wait. Reggie Starr would sooner or later, show up back in New Orleans, and then, She was Dead Meat. They knew of the antidote, but were not concerned. There were too many people who didn't know about vitamin E. And it took too much of a concentrated dose, to make a difference with natural intake. The contract was made. Get Reggie Starr at any cost. --------------------------------------------------------------- "Let the security clearance be dammed!" I cried. "There is just too much at stake. We have to stop these people. They know too much about the government and now can corrupt anyone, with just a phone call." The face of Control was showing some wear and tear. "Reggie, You are going to do what I tell you to do. We think they will come after you and take as many as they can with you. I will have to assign an army just to keep the others safe. You, I am not worried about. You have proven that you can survive some real wild shit. But, can you protect hundreds of people? I doubt it." "I think they will only take on me if they can. I expect an attack. I found them out and wrecked their Master plan. Now, they want me out of the way so they can continue to play with the governments minds." "So what are you going to do?" AN Idea struck me. An Idea so out there, so simple, and so wild, it could work. "Boss, I have a plan. But for it to work, I need to be given some operating room. They want me in New Orleans. Lets give me to them." "I want to know what your planning before I let you go to New Orleans." "Boss, I will be glad to give you a thumbnail, but I can't tell you everything. Some of this is really off the wall." "Somehow Reggie, I can believe that." The next couple of hours were spent with me and the boss, jumping around in his office, me with wild gestures, him yelling, and in general, quite a show. Fortunately, no one else knew the plan. I made sure that not even He knew what the whole plan was. I didn't even know the whole plan. Just the concept. My plan was a go. He finally gave in. Mary Kate had been watching the whole show. She knew I had won, when I came to the door and smiled at her. Right then, she knew I had something worth wile, planned.

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Hi guys, I have a feeling most of you are too young to remember the comic with Brenda Starr, ace reporter for Chicago Tribune and totally hot redhead who always showed a bit of leg and some cleavage. Well I do I have been wanting to use her in a story for a while. So her is my take for the stunning beauty. Oh I have purposefully left the time period vague and whether China is now Communist or not.  [email protected] HAVE NO IDEA WHO OWNS BRENDA STARR. I DID SOME LOOKING BUT IT SEEM SEVERAL...

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Gem Starr 23 A Starr Appears

Gem Starr 2-3: A "Starr" Appears By Ron Dow75 [email protected] Gem Starr 2: A Witch's Brew "What's going on?!!" Jim, now a cutie (and knew it by the feel) with bright orange hair and eyes (which he didn't know) screamed, he was on the ground except for the upper part of the body raised up by the forearms. "Who's out there?!" The back door but not the screen door opened. The dining room's but not the kitchen's lights were on, barely silhouetting the figure. "Are you all...

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Gifted Book 2 ChemistryChapter 5 Reggie

Prue was happiest at the Academe. About two months after Richard’s death, Reggie approached her and asked if he could talk to her in private. She now had five other women sharing her dorm, so they went to one of the private reading rooms in the library. It wasn’t unusual for them to be in one, as they still collaborated on the many different projects they worked on. Prue sat down and waited. Reggie paced a bit and then pulled a chair up in front of her. “Prudence you know I hold our...

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The Girls of Club Cache Starr Obsession Part 2

The Girls of Club Cache: Starr Obsession [Part 2] By Diana Heche Part 2: Into the Black Time shot by like a rocket! I had now been living in this house with Lena for nearly three weeks. She had two other roommates, the first (whom I've only seen pictures of.) was a Brazilian of impossible beauty named Jazz. Jazz was apparently back in her home country on a vaguely described trip of some kind that no one would detail at length. The second roommate, was a...

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The Girls of Club Cache Starr Obsession Part 4 Conclusion

The Girls of Club Cache: Starr Obsession [Part 1] By Diana Heche Part 4: The Return When I opened my eyes - god what time was it? - I nearly laughed with surprise when I saw her face. I would have known who this was, even without all the pictures or hearing all the stories, just from her Baby Bear "who is this sleeping in my bed?" look. But god she was beautiful, in that very specific South American way - full lips and a shapely languidly curved body....

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The Girls of Club Cache Starr Obsession Part 1

The Girls of Club Cache: Starr Obsession [Part 1] By Diana Heche Part 1: Out of the Blue He flipped me onto my back. Grabbing me behind my knees, he opened my thighs wide. My legs, encased in black sheer suspender nylons, were unaccustomed to such treatment and ached in protest. As if he could sense their pain, he took a moment to take them in with a sweep of his eyes. They were long, shapely and curvaceous ending in a pair of highly pedicured feet sporting...

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Starr Search Ch 00

Prologue My Dearest Starr, I cannot wait for you to visit the West Coast for your erotic adventure. I am dying to be your chaperon and guide you through all the naughtiness we can find and make movies with you as the star. Or, at least actively participating. You have made my journey through the internet an amazing series of erotic adventures and I hope to do the same with the people of California when you arrive this weekend. I had a dream about you last night, which is why I am writing...

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Gem Starr 01 May This Blade Find Its Mark

* Letters * mean they're stressed. LetTers mean their tone of voice is raised. _ Letters _ mean they're accented but not stressed. Gem Starr 01) "May This Blade Find Its Mark?" By Ron Dow75 [email protected] "Midnight of the Eve of a Full Moon," pronounced a green-eyed girl in a white robe and cowl. "Ere 24 hours hast passed, this spell shalt attain its fulfillment. May all who mock the White Goddess by cursed." "May the White Goddess...

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Adventures in an Adult Bookstore

Chapter 1 I had just turned 17 and I was in a Job Corps center in a major northwest city. One Friday night I decided to wander around downtown. As I walked the streets I found myself on a street that was full of adult bookstores. I decided to try and get in some. The first few I walked into I was ejected. I then walked into one and the clerk didn't pay me any mind. I wandered the aisle a bit looking at stuff and then I noticed a darkened doorway at the rear of the room. I casually walked...

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Linsey Dawn Mckenzie meets Bobbi Starr A wrestlin

Bobbi was having fun doing the ultimate surrender wrestling but fancied a bit of a change so decided to search around and see if there were any porn stars outside the US that mite be up for it.When she came across linsey her hole body started to tingle, seeing those big soft tits and sexy curves bobbi knew she had to get her over and see if she would be up for the wrestling.Bobbi rang and spoke to linsey telling her about the rules of ultimate surrender and asking her if she fancied coming over...

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Episode 4 of the Adventures of John and Holly

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 37: Light My Fire A few months passed before we broke our pledge of monogamy. Seriously, In this house, with Stephanie and Sandy just a few feet away, that’s quite an accomplishment. I bet if you put Stephanie in a convent, in a month you would have a whole bunch of bi-curious nuns. Of course it was Stephanie that ended our monogamous relationship. It didn’t matter though; Holly and I had gotten back the confidence in our relationship that had...

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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 01

The elevator doors slid close and I looked up into Tony’s piercing blue eyes. Here I was a mature married professional woman, alone in an exciting big city, heading toward a young, handsome stranger’s apartment. Soon the elevator doors would open and I would have to make a decision. Do I do the mature responsible thing, respect my martial vows and stay on the elevator or do I give in to the uncontrollable animalistic lust driving me wild and sleep with him? Who am I kidding, of course, I’ll...

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Adventures Of Pinkie

A beautiful teenager with naturally huge tits, young Pinkie becomes a prisoner of her new found lust when she joins a biker gang and volunteers her bountiful breasts to become subjected to their bizarre bondage and perverted torture games. Once exposed to the exciting and glamorous world of nude dancing, Pinkie repels her inhibitions and thrusts herself into a non-stop quest for extreme sexual experiences including gang-banging, cat-fighting and severe bondage rituals. As new-born...

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The Adventures of Ultra Woman and Mega Girl

"If you don't need me for anything else," the blond young man said as he picked up the small pile of folders off his boss's desk. "I'll put these away and take off." "Of course Tim," Jacqueline Kirby smiled. "Enjoy the weekend." As the 22-year-old assistant closed the door behind him, Jacqueline leaned back in her chair and pulled a magazine out from the top drawer of her desk. It was the latest issue of "The Adventures of Ultra Woman and Mega Girl", a book she'd looked forward...

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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 04

Once Todd left I turned and looked in the full length mirror on the closet door. My hair and makeup were a mess, my ponytail had come loose, my hair was damp with sweat and cum and my lipstick and mascara were smudged. I had dried cum on my face and neck. My pussy and thighs were caked with cum. I turned around and saw a line of cum running down the backs of my legs, from my ass to my ankles. My whole body was covered with layer of massage oil, perspiration and cum. I looked like a woman who...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Solo HMT Adventures 01

May 26, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #1 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

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Adventures in Swinging Ch 07 In Search of a Unicorn

After Kathleen’s solo adventure with Kyle, she seemed to become less and less interested in swinging with other couples. Our nights out at parties and nightclubs became rarer, and her insistence that I find a playmate of my own grew stronger. Without realizing it, our shared swinging hobby gradually transitioned into more of a parallel pastime.“I just think it’s easier this way,” she explained to me one night. “It’s too hard to find a couple where all four people are completely compatible and...

Wife Lovers
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Rati And Ryan8217s Adventures 8211 Part 1

The real-life adventures of Rati and Ryan (names changed) would be spread over multiple parts, slowly highlighting the live-in couple’s adventures to spice up their sex lives. I am Raj, Rati’s colleague and I am writing about Rati’s adventures, as told by her. FYI, this is my story and I own the rights to the story. This first part is on Rati and Ryan pleasing each other orally. Ryan understood Rati very well. He now lifted her face by putting his forefinger under Rati’s chin to lift her head...

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The Erotic Adventures Of Jazz and Jezzabell

Jazz And Jezzabell – The Book Store Adventures – The BeginningMy wife and I had been talking about going to the adult video and toy store and do some looking around. We have a fairly large collection of toys so it was far from our first visit to one. The store just happened to be on the way from my school to her work. I had a couple hours to blow so instead of wasting gas going home and coming back, I decided to drop in to the video store and see what it was like. We had just found the place...

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The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson part 2

The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson Part 2 By Nikki Mouton-Cadet Introduction Welcome back to the story of my adventures with the wonder-drug 'Re- juve'. In case you don't know, it was a brand-new therapy designed to rejuvenate old people. What it actually did was to regress men down to the age of adolescents while turning women into the dominant, masculine gender. I don't think that's what any of us expected when we started on all this but that's what happened. My name...

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mother daughter lesbian adventures part 2

lias woke late the next day, she hada shower and headed down stairs she pored herself a coffee and went outside, to where kim was again sunbathing naked, lisa sat on the next sunbed opened her robe and laid back, "mornig mommy, or should i say afternoon" "morning sweetie" replied lisa "sorry if i woke you when i came in last night" kim said "no i didnt hear you come in what time was that?". "about 12ish" "oh no wonder i didnt hear you i didnt get home till 4". "wow you...

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Solo HMT Adventures 03

Jun 5, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #3 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

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after living and working in BKK for many years i decided to write an erotic story based on some of the people i have known, venues and places i have been, and the P4P night-scene where i spent way too much time. here are the first 3 chapters of the 8 that i have written so far. please leave comments as i have never written a story before and i need feedback. i first started writing this back in 2009, so for those who may be familiar with BKK, take that into account. the names of the venues are...

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CrossDressed Fairy Tales 3 The Adventures of Pierrot

Cross-Dressed Fairy Tales Part 3 By Dawn DeWinter In parts 1 and 2, Sherry and Sadie, two married men, went to a lesbian bar on their "girl's night out." There they came into the clutches of Mike and Big Sue, and are in danger of being raped - or worse - if Sherry cannot keep Big Sue entertained with "original" stories. This task has just become a mite more difficult with the arrival of two more people. Can they too be kept satisfied? Part 3 is based on Pinocchio, the story of the...

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SUZZANNOBOT The Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer 4

[email protected](I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and to the ?House of Gord? for ideas of some of the predicaments that befall Suzzanne, finally a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)SUZZANNOBOT!The Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer - 4 CHAPTER 1She rose from the surf like a Venus, the water cascading down her body giving her tanned toned skin glossy lustrous appearance in...

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The Adventures of Ann This Adventure is Titled Boats and Snakes

Introduction: Some dirty sex fun I had recently. The Adventures of Ann: This Adventure is Titled Boats and Snakes The names in my story are not real to protect the innocent as well as the guilty parties involved. Hello, my name is Ann and I would love to share some of my adventures with everyone. I am a very happily married 56-year-old woman. It took me three marriages before I truly found happiness as well as pleasure. I will be sharing with you just what I had to endure and face until I...

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