Slots II free porn video

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Slots II By Julie O. Joe Donovan was driving through downtown Las Vegas. He considered himself an "Investigative Reporter" but most others though of him as a hack writer for supermarket scandal sheets. He was working on an actual story for a change. Most of the stuff he wrote was made up. He had a talent for it, but he longed to be a legitimate reporter. To be truthful he really didn't make up entire stories. He took pieces of the truth and exaggerated them. However, he had also seen some incredible stuff, but it was next to impossible to get anyone to believe him. The funny thing was that some of his best work was laughed at as being total fiction. Joe knew differently. He had once camped out near Area 51 for three weeks and saw an actual UFO land and watched as the aliens met and communicated with USAF personnel. He had it all, video, still photos and then the Government agents swept down on him and took everything. OK, he had been trespassing slightly, but they had no reason to treat him so badly. He had investigated stories of ranging from alien abductions to vampires. He was amazed how most people have no idea of all the bizarre things out there. But lately he had focused on sexual transformation. He tracked down rumors of men being changed into women by various methods. So far every lead and story proved to be just another urban myth. Still he had seen enough strange things in his life to know that the possibility of this existed. And if he could find proof then he might move up to the legitimate press or at least a cable news network. They would have to see that he was a great investigative reporter. He would do anything to get the story. That night Joe was going to spend his night talking to the working girls. Actually they had given him leads on many of his best stories. They were exposed to much of the weird things happening in town. They also heard stories from their Johns. Men told hookers all kinds of things, thinking it will stay with them. If they only knew the truth! If there were someone out there with a real story of sexual transformation they would hear about it. So it would cost him a few bucks and some drinks but it was worth it. Besides he liked their company. Not that he needed to use prostitutes. Getting women wasn't a problem for Joe. He was 32, 6-3, dark brown hair, well built. He considered himself a great lover and he never had any complaints. He didn't like to admit it but he sometimes did more than get news tips from the girls. He tried to justify it by telling himself that they were professional and were better than regular women. But deep down he knew this wasn't true, it was the very sleazy nature of it all that turned him on. He liked the girls who really dressed the part. He wasn't into the high-class call girls, rather he liked the girls who dressed and acted very slutty. He knew many of them were professionals not because of the money; rather it was for the sex. That suited him fine. The night went slowly. He picked up a few good stories for adaptation that would fill his quota for the week, but nothing on his main story. He was about to give up for the night when he decided to see a certain hotel bartender. Joe arrived at the bar around 3:00 AM. It was empty except for the usual crowd, which at this time meant two alcoholics and a hooker. He sat down and waved Dan the bartender over. "I got your page, so what have you got for me?" said Joe, was he slipped a few bills to Dan. "Well you won't believe this one." Replied Dan "Well, knowing you my friend you probably will believe it." "Dan, we are not friends and I will judge how good your info is." Said Joe with a smirk on his face. "OK, a few nights a go a really hot chick came in the bar. She looked kinda familiar, but I couldn't quite remember her name. Anyway she acted like she knew me and started flirting with me." Dan then noticed one of the drunks at the end of the bar waving to him. "Be right back Joe." Joe thought to himself, this is great seems like another wild goose chase. In a few minutes Dan was back. "Sorry for the interruption, but that guy tips pretty good. Anyway where was I? Said Dan. "You were telling me about some piece of ass that was coming onto you" Answered Joe. Dan smiled "Joe she wasn't just "a piece of ass" she was incredible, huge tits, great ass the works! Anyway she stayed here the whole night teasing and coming onto me. We ended up going back to my place. Without going into details, let me say she was the best fuck I've ever had." "And?" said Joe, looking annoyed. "I didn't pay you to hear of your latest conquest." Dan put his hand up and leaned over to Joe. " Of course there is more. In between sessions, we were lying there and I was trying to get her to tell me where she knew me. She rolled over and showed me a tattoo on her ass and asked me if that helped jog my memory." His voice lowered so that Joe could barely hear him. "She had a small tattoo of a bull on her cheek. It looked identical to the one I got with a buddy in school. It was our school mascot. I asked her what this meant and she we were team mates. I started to freak thinking I had just had sex with a transsexual. She saw my panic and told me to calm down. It was then she told me the story" Joe's eyes opened up and nodded and said "Go on." "Well" said Dan, "She told me that she had been transformed into a woman by, you won't believe this, by a magic slot machine. She kept calling it a slut machine, because it didn't just change her sex but it made her into a total sex addict. She said that she just couldn't get enough and totally addicted to cum. She said that it gave her a new identity and that she totally loved being a woman." Joe interrupted "So did she tell where this slot machine is?" Dan looked at Joe. "Not exactly. She said it was at a small garage off the 15 between here and the Cali border. She said that she was getting her car repaired and she played it to pass the time and that it gradually changed her into a complete woman. I thought it sounded like BS but I would rather believe it than to think the best night of sex in my life was with either a wacko or some sort of freak." Joe looked at Dan "Nice PC way of putting it Dan." He had him tell him every detail he could remember. He then slipped Dan a few more bills. "Call me if she comes back, here is my cell number." Joe walked out. "A garage off the main road between here and the California border, shit that is a lot of mileage to cover and I doubt it will be in the Yellow Pages." Thought Joe. He decided to go to bed and come up with a plan when his mind was clearer. Joe was surprised how easy it was to find the garage. Using the Internet and some aerial map websites he quickly narrowed down his search to 3 possible sites. He was able to delete two from the list by checking on county tax roles. So now he knew where it was, but how to see if it worked? The last thing he wanted was to end up as a nympo slut seducing Dan. But he would need to see if it worked. There had to be a way. Sometimes inspiration comes in the strangest packages. As Joe sat at his desk thinking, Steve Hoffman, the newest reporter for the paper, interrupted him. Joe looked at all new reporters as potential competition for his job and in this case he was right. Steve had a strong interest in the bizarre and was a pretty good writer. He was also younger and well liked. "What are you thinking about Joe?' asked Steve. It was then when it came to Joe, all of his problems would be solved in one swift stroke. "I have to make a little road trip out to the desert to check out a possible alien landing site. I was thinking that I could use some company and was wondering if you would like to come along?" replied Joe, trying to act sincere. Steve looked at him with some suspicion, " So what's in it for me?" "Well I am thinking about giving up these investigations of the unknown and I want to turn it over to someone who is worthy." Said Joe, hoping that Steve believed him. Steve smiled "Sure it sounds interesting when do you want to go?" Joe stood up, grabbed his camera bag. "Now come on it you want to go." Steve looked around and said "Great I'll go grab my stuff and meet you out in parking garage." Joe smiled to himself. It was coming together. He would stop at the garage and pretend that there was a car problem. He would then get Joe to play the machine and he would record the transformation and it would be his ticket out of this dump. "Hell, if Steve turns out to as hot as Dan said I might even get laid a few times to top it all off." Though Joe. The idea of transforming a rival into his willing slut gave Joe a hard on. The drive out of Vegas was uneventful. Joe made small talk with Steve to keep him at ease. They reached the exit and turned off the I-15 onto a smaller road. After a few miles Joe knew they were getting closer to the garage. When he saw it come into view he pretended that the engine sounded funny. When they pulled into the lot, Joe acted quickly. He popped the hood and quickly sabotaged his engine. Nothing serious but it would cause the necessary delay. He watched as an old man came out of the office and walked towards his car. "What's the problem?" mumbled the old man. Joe looked him over. He definitely fit the way he expected him to look. His face was grizzled and deeply tanned. These desert loners all had that same strange look. His clothes were old and cover with oil stains. His hands huge hands were scared and showed the years of working on engines. "Engine started acting up a few miles back, losing power, hesitating. We were lucky you are open. Said Joe. "Well, let me take a look, you can go and wait over there." He said pointing to a room attached to the main garage. "Ain't much, but at least the A/C works." Steve and Joe walked over to the waiting area. Once inside, Joe looked around; there was an old beat up couch, a radio, a coke machine and an end table covered with old magazines. There was also a door to the restrooms, no slot machine. Joe though to himself. "There had to be more, this had to be the right place, everything is how Dan described it." Steve looked bored and disgusted with the whole series of events. Joe worried that if this didn't pan out then he would have a lot of questions to answer when they got back to Vegas. Just then the grizzled old man walked in. "Well I got some good news and some bad news for you. First off I found the problem with the engine, just some loose wires. You must have knocked them loose on that goat path they call a road. But you also cracked a brake line. I can fix it but it will take a few hours." "This just went from bad to worse." Though Joe. Not only are we stuck here, but also I actually damaged my car. "OK I guess I have no choice, can't drive without brakes." Just then Steve piped in. "Say Pops, you got any newer reading material than these?" Steve was holding up a Time magazine from Feb. 1990. The old man smiled and mumbled something like he had something better than a magazine and walked out. Joe looked at Steve and said. "Let me see that, I am curious to see how that whole Gulf War thing worked out." As Steve tossed him the old magazine the door sung open as the old man brought in a slot machine on a dolly. "Here this should keep you occupied for a while. Don't worry it works fine." He said as he plugged it in. He set up a stool in front of it. " I don't leave it out as I don't have a license for it." With that he walked out. Joe had to fight back his excitement. It existed and he was about to get the scoop of the century. As calm as he could he looked at Steve and said "You first, I never have any luck with these things." He couldn't believe it the slut machine actually exists! Steve walked up the machine and sat down. He fed a few dollars into it. Joe stood back with anticipation. He wondered how long it would take until Steve hit the right combination and started to change. "Hey check it out the fruit on the rollers are different, they are all parts of women's bodies" Yelled out Steve. Joe walked closer and saw with his own eyes that it was true. He began to urge the machine to come up with a triple. Dan had told him that any triple would cause the user to change to match the symbols. Steve came close but so far no triples. Joe was getting impatient and hung over Steve's shoulder watching each roll with eager anticipation. Just then as Steve was pulling down the arm, he stopped and tugged at it. "Looks like it is stuck" he said and tried to pull it again. Joe in his eagerness said, "Here let me try." And with that pulled at the arm, suddenly it went down all the way. Joe's eyes were fixated on the dials as they came up one at a time. Joe found himself staring at 3 luscious vaginas. He didn't look for long as he suddenly felt a warm sensation spreading through his groin. He slipped his hand down his pants and felt that a pussy had replaced his cock and balls. His fingers involuntarily began to slip into his new opening. He was overwhelmed in a wave of pleasure as his fingers began to rub against his clit. He was snapped back into reality by Steve's voice, "Here I think you better take my seat Miss." Without thinking or hesitation he sat down and began to pull down the arm again. "How could this happen? I had it all covered!" he though to himself. He looked at the rollers and saw that the vaginas were now cocks. So he would have to hope for a triple to return to normal. Steve didn't say a word; he just sat back on the couch and smiled. The next roll came up another triple, this time it was three lovely female asses. Once again Joe felt the warm sensation that accompanied the transformation. His pants felt too tight and without hesitation he pulled them off. He looked down and saw that he now had a round full ass and hips to match. Additionally his waist was much smaller and petite. There was another change; he was getting horny. He found it impossible to keep his hand away from his pussy. He was nice and wet now and his fingers slipped easily in and out of his pussy. He looked over at Steve and saw that he seemed to be enjoying the whole show. Suddenly he had a wild urge to give Steve a better show. He slipped off his boxers and tossed them on the floor. He was naked except for his shirt. He saw that Steve shifted to get a better look of him finger fucking himself, or should that be finger fucking herself. Joe began to sense a growing acceptance of becoming female. He tried to fight it, but the waves of pleasure seemed to make concentrating on anything so difficult. He pulled the arm a few more times until the next triple. This time it was three sets of legs. Joe looked at her legs as they changed before her eyes. They became smooth and hairless and much slimmer. Her toenails turned a bright red. Jo though it was a nice color and made her feet look sexy. From the waist down Jo was completely female now and that seemed to accelerate her transformation. As she pulled the arm down she began to wonder if Steve had a big cock and how it would feel in her body. The idea of changing back to a male was quickly disappearing with each pull. She took off her shirt and tossed it into the trashcan next to the soda machine. Being naked felt very natural to her. The next pull gave her slender female arms and lovely long nails on her fingers. The color matched her toes, which made her very happy. As she pulled the arm again she heard Steve ask her a question. "So there was no alien landing site was there Jo? Asked Steve. "No there wasn't Steve, came her meek reply. "Well honey you are starting to look much better so keep pulling that arm, but don't stop playing with yourself!" Said Steve with a laugh. Jo could only giggle and nodded yes as she continued her one-way trip to becoming a complete slut. The next pull gave her a woman's face and hair. Her blonde locks seem to form a flowing hairstyle around her face. She could see her reflection in the machine and saw a very sexy woman looking back at her. The face was instantly familiar. Jo knew she was looking at herself. And she loved the way she looked. She looked down and saw her small patch of public hair turn blonde. Steve leaned over and said "Hmmmm, I love natural blondes!" Jo moaned in pleasure. Jo now looked around 21 and had big doe like eyes, high cheeks and big full lips. She licked them and though about what she used to call them "cock sucking lips". Steve then asked her another question "You planned on transforming me didn't you slut!" Jo found she was suddenly very submissive. "You are right Steve, I wanted to get a major news story and transforming you seemed the easiest way to prove this thing existed." Her voice was now very soft and feminine. She also got a chill out of the way Steve called her a slut. She had sudden memories of the shame she had initially felt when the other girls called her that. Then she turned it around. She used her sexuality to steal their boyfriends. She smile thinking she even seduced some of those "oh so proper" girls and had wild sex with them. "Yes I am a slut and I am proud of it," she said to herself. "Keep pulling the arm honey and I might take you back to Vegas with Me." said Steve. "However you better get some tits, I hate women with a flat chest" Jo obeyed and pulled the arm a few more times. Suddenly 2 pairs of breasts popped up and Jo squealed in delight as her chest felt all warm. She watched in delight as her breasts grew out. Her nipples grew in proportion. She looked down at the cleavage and smiled. Having big full breasts were a definite benefit when one works as a striper and as a call girl. He hands were moving back and forth from her pussy to her nipples. She looked down and saw that the machine was flashing "High Score". As requested she typed in her name "Jo-Ann Donovan". There was a loud bang as a small package felt out into the coin tray. It was a woman's wallet and it contained all her identification. Jo knew she had once been a 32-year-old male reporter, but her overriding memories were that she was now 21 and an exotic dancer and sometimes call girl in Vegas. She looked over at Steve and walked over to him. He told her to turn around and she obeyed. "Nice, no tan line. You obviously take care of your body." Said Steve with a smile. Jo stood before him, she felt smaller and for the first time noticed she was much shorter than before. She was still tall for a girl and at 5-11, her 38-D breasts looked very proportional. She felt pride in that she didn't need implants. Her eyes fell to Steve's lap and saw his cock was out. He motioned her down and without a word she began to lick and suck his cock. It all felt very natural to her. She had done so many guys that what was one more cock. The little bit of her that was still Joe cried out but was drowned out in Jo's moaning in pleasure as she fingered herself as she sucked off Steve. Steve was amazed how good his former co-worker was at sucking cock. He laid back and enjoyed her work as he thought how lucky he was. Why if he hadn't been following Joe that night their places might have been reversed. He was just going to scoop the "star reporter" but this was even better. He couldn't believe his luck when Joe had invited him along on the trip. Now Joe was Jo and her knees sucking him off. He was also lucky that Dan had forgot to tell Joe that the machine won't hit triples until the 15th turn. So tricking Joe was so easy. He would have to reward Dan for that additional piece of information. He moaned in pleasure and felt his cock tense up. He held her head down as he came into her mouth, making sure she swallowed it all. Jo really was a talented cocksucker. He might keep her around. She was too much a slut to have as a girlfriend, but for the occasional jump in the bed, it would be worth it to keep her around. He wondered if she was fucked as good as she gave oral? The old man came in and seemed oblivious to the scene in front of him. Jo was naked and licking Steve's cock clean. He told Steve the car was fixed and there were some clothes that might fit the "young lady". As they drove back to Vegas Steve looked at Jo in her short leather skirt and halter-top. The old man didn't have any panties for her and as she sat there her pussy was showing. She had become such a slut in such a short period of time. He thought how she had so willing let the man at the garage go down on her. His thoughts shifted to the opening that would be at the paper. He was sure to get it and then me could build up a reputation and get into real news. He decided that he would keep the slut machine a secret and told the old man not to worry. After all he might need to use it against any rival. Jo was thinking about her life. She made pretty good money as a dancer and even better as a call girl. The money for having sex was just icing on the cake as she so enjoyed having sex. It dominated most of her thoughts. She smiled thinking how she was the stereotypical blonde bimbo. She was also hoping that Steve would take her home so she could feel his big cock in her pussy. He looked over at Jo and smiled. "Honey when we get back to town I will have to go into work. I will drop you off at your place. I think you should go over and see Dan, after all he made all this possible. Don't worry I want to see you again." Jo just nodded, she should be angry and seek revenge for what was done to her. But her new urges were too strong. It was a big turn on knowing her past and being aware of it while she has sex with men. She was also too turned on by the idea of going to bed with Dan. She had always thought he was pretty hot. She had to show her gratitude to him. Without his tip she never would have found the slut machine.

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Part 7 Finding Keith's skeletons and creating more of my own. When we got home from my mother's funeral. I walked my daughter to her room telling her to lie down for a while as she was upset from burying her grandmother. I walked out to find Keith once again standing at his war wall. I saw his hand go to that picture of him and those 5 men. I went over to him. I wrapped my arm around his waist as I asked, ”How many of those men had he not forgotten?” Keith looked me in my eyes as he...

3 years ago
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Phone Sex With Me

When I finally crawled into bed tonight, I felt tired. I truly honestly did. I figured I would sleep with ease. That, however, was not the case. I’ve been tossing and turning for the last almost four hours. The glow of my alarm clock indicates that it is almost half past one. I let out a groan, pleading with the night Gods to let me sleep. A lot of the tossing and turning is due to missing you. I know how much I miss you being in bed with me. I know that you need to be away for work reasons,...

4 years ago
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DeAnns Submissive Weekend PART FIVE

DeAnn's Submissive WeekendPart Five============================================================================I was begging Robert to let me suck my first black cock and I still wasn'tsure if he would give me permission or deny me.Finally Robert spoke, "Mark I think I will allow your wife to suck my cock.Would you like to sit here next to me and watch her being a cock slut forme?"Mark said, "Sure, I love watching DeAnn being submissive."As Mark got up he told Suzy to go over to the bar and fix...

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Whos Your Daddy

My wife Cindy and I had just celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary. Life was going great for us. I had a great career that paid exceptionally well and had phenomenal benefits. Recently, Cindy had quit her job as a social worker to focus full-time on her self-improvement blog which in the past few years had become remarkably successful. We had a enormous house and a fantastic lifestyle. The only thing we were missing was kids. We had been trying off and on for the past several years to get...

2 years ago
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Troy's mouth was dry, his heart beating wildly in his chest. He had never felt this level of anticipation since he was little and lying in bed on Christmas Eve. Palm damp with sweat, he slowly opened his sisters door. The room was pretty much the way it always was, neat, tidy, everything in its allotted place. He ignored the dressing table with its attached mirror and drawers half full with plain cotton underwear. It had contained sexier garments, but when his sister had moved out into her...

4 years ago
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friend ki mom ki chudai

hey dosto me apni phli kahani likh raha hu yakin h apko psand aygi to me ab story start krta hu Mera ek friend hai vishal jo mere saath MBA kar raha hai hum ache dost hai main aksar uske har jaya karta hu mere ghar se uske ghar ki duri lagbhag 15 km hai vishal ke ghar me 3 log hai vishal, uska papa pankaj jo subah se raat tak dukaan chalate hai aur uski sexy maa sakshi. Ab main sakshi aunty k baare me kya kahu ekdum sex bomb hai 42 age hai lekin lagti hai bilkul 30 yoga aur excerise karne ke...

3 years ago
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Work Time Fun

Her name was Krissy, and she was a host at our particular restaurant. We had met at work a year or so before, and had become friends. We'd go out to bars together, usually with a group of work friends, and we both loved it when we worked closing shifts together, as we kept each other amused during the boring late night hours. We really were nothing more than friends, although we had made out once before, and we both knew that we were into each other. She had also told me once (after a...

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Waiting for Dawn

Dawn led Dan by the hand back inside the house just as the rain really started to fall, the young pair stood in the doorway and waited for chewy to come bounding in. He thought about his hands exploring Dawns body moments ago. He watched her shrug off the coat revealing the cardigan over her dress and the Nylon tights on her long legs and how good her bottom felt while they kissed outside. His hands on her body, hers on his, and their lips pressed together. His thoughts were suddenly disturbed...

3 years ago
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The Amulets of Power IV the Burma ConflictChapter 22

Just after 1600 hrs a call come in over the radio. "Old Hand, Old Hand, this is Red Tiger 110. We are zero five out from your landing pad with a visitor. Over." "Red Tiger 110, this is Old Hand. Roger. Will advise Red Tigers here. Will you need fuel? Over." "Old Hand, Tiger 110. Negative. We're just on a short hop, and will be waiting to return the visitor. Out." I called the Red Tigers on the land line to advise them of the arriving bird. "Who's coming?" Sergeant Lee...

4 years ago
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Avenger of the Slain Contest Version

The names in this story are of Celtic origin and so can be unintelligible to the average English-speaker. As such, I take pity on you, the reader, and save myself the trouble of doing so later on after you flood me with e-mails asking how to pronounce the names. Here is a pronunciation guide for this story. Airmeithinion (ar-mē-thĭn-ē-ŏn/ar-mīth-ĭn-ē-ŏn) Aisling (āsh-lĭng) Ankou (än-kū/än-kow) Arawn (ä-rawn) Arghus (ar-gŭs) Caiside (kăs-ĭ-dē) Caitlain (kāt-lăn/ kāt-lawn) Cathrach Dorcha...

2 years ago
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The Wager Turned Another Out Gay

John barely heard the notification on his phone above the music and the noisy crowd in the bar. He flipped the phone over and cursed as he read the message.Hi John, something's come up, sorry gotta cancel tonight.Great, John thought. He was used to Steve being late, so he'd grabbed a booth and made himself comfortable with a beer... followed by another beer. Now Steve wasn't going to show up at all. He'd walked down to the bar in the rain for nothing.Well, he couldn't do anything about it. He...

1 year ago
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HotwifeXXX Charlie Valentine Charlie Has Her Husband And Boyfriend Cum By

As wife Charlie, her husband and company friend Jason have some after dinner chat they discuss Jason’s free lifestyle and the subject comes up that Charlie likes him too and finds Jason very attractive. Her husband and Jason’s boss explains that he loves keeping his wife happy and that Jason could have her sweet tight pussy right now and he will enjoy watching Charlie enjoy a good big hard cock down her throat and balls deep inside her pussy for fun. But the best part is Charlie...

2 years ago
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I have a friend Roy who I’d known since the fifth grade when he’d moved into my neighborhood. Never was sure why we were friends because he was a jock, lettering in both wrestling and swimming and I was kind of a geek. Still friends after graduation, he was helping me install a faucet on the kitchen sink. He was under the cabinet and I was working on top of the sink area. As he stretched, his shirt went up and exposed his happy trail of luscious curly dark hair from his belly button down...

Gay Male
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Meri Hasin Birthday Gift Chachi

Hello dosto, aaj mai aapko apni pehli chudai ke baare mein batne ja raha hu. Kisi ki bhavnao ko thesh na lage isliye maine khani ke patro or jaghon ke naam badal diye hai. ye meri apni khud ki aap biti hui aur sachi ghatna hai. Dosto, mera naam Ram hai aur mai Mumbai ka rahne vala hu. Meri umar 19 saal hai. Meri good looking personalty hai Aapko bta du Mujhe bhut hi choti umar se sex me intrest tha mai blue films aur iss kaa bhut bada fan hu.Ab kahani pe aata hu. Aur ye kahani mere phle...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Cunt of Deepa Didi

My cock did not rest till I was able to complete my story which and i am sure wont let your cocks and cunts rest in peace during and after reading it. I dedicate this story to all my brothers who want to fuck their sisters and my sisters who love their brothers’ cocks.Let all my sisters email me their comments and so should my horny brothers at Deepa, my elder sister had come back to my house when her husband Ravi had gone to UAE for a month. My Jijju’s friends were saying that Ravi goes to...

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Cammies Story How It All Began

When I was XXX years old, one day while I was playing on the computer some pornographic photos popped up on the screen. When the photos appeared, I quickly closed them and turned off the computer thinking that I had done something wrong and that somebody was going to scold me... However I couldn't stop thinking about what I had seen. The next day I went back to play and the photos did not appear. So I decided to search. I never thought it was so easy!Ever since that day, my main goal every...

4 years ago
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Life and LoveChapter 5 The second lesson

The following days passed quickly for Catherine as she organised the house and bedrooms for the arrival of Charlotte and her daughter. She also wrote letters to her own two daughters telling them of the plan to have Jonathan tutored at home and offering the same option to them. Rebecca jumped at the chance and in her reply asked her mother when she should come home, Cathy sent a reply suggesting the end of the month. Elizabeth was less sure of home tutoring; she asked if she could stay at the...

2 years ago
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A time of changes Part 6 Down at the bottom

Chapter 6: Down at the bottom That night Rachel slept hugging Chelsea's teddy bear again. She had insisted to give it to her, telling her that his name was Snow. Sleep, however, came only after many more tears. In the morning she woke up early, sunlight bathing her bed. She groaned before opening her eyes. For a moment, in her sleep, she had been back to being Mat. She had been walking with Kate near the lake and they had kissed. The movement of her breasts swaying when she lazily...

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Malmoe Maiden

From the airport in Denmark, I boarded a bus for Sweden. There was a long bridge across the channel and the only highlight was seeing the Isle of Saltholm. We stopped in the city of Malmoe in Skane county. We were told the city had 5 districts and each had points of interest. I took out my camera and started clicking away at the architecture. Soon I was thirsty and found a bar, inside was impeccably clean, and I soon found myself chatting with the bartender. I mentioned it would be nice to have...

4 years ago
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Jumping the Fence Chapters 3 to 4

Chapter ThreeI recall feeling terribly alone. The first time ever I think, and was now unsure. I’d never been without nearby company and people I trusted and my Sydney hosts were unknown to me. However I managed my feelings by looking on my position as a new adventure, just as I’d looked at my year past and how positive that had been. I had to keep my wits about me and staying on track meant I pushed my emotions into the background. I easily found my way to my new abode and met Lyn and Greg,...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Elsa Jean Paige Owens My Sexy Roommate Episode 2

Elsa (Elsa Jean) and her boyfriend (Michael Vegas) come home from a night out and head straight to the bedroom. The two lovers waste no time getting busy and Michael soon has his face buried in his girlfriend’s crotch. As Michael licks and tongues Elsa’s swollen snatch, she can’t help but moan loud enough for her roommate (Paige Owens) to hear. Paige quietly opens the bedroom door and once again sneaks-a-peek. As Elsa and Michael lick, suck and fuck their way to ecstasy, Paige fingers herself...

3 years ago
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Sexy Spelunking

The weather was steaming hot, so hot you could see the heat waves rising off of the road. I was on holiday with a very special lover, so the heat for us was as hot sexually as it was physically. We’d just emerged from five solid days of self-inflicted confinement in a very comfortable cabin with a sturdy log bed. It had poles in just the right places for securing hands and feet – but that’s another story. We couldn’t spend our entire sight-seeing holiday in bed, so decided to do a tour of the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Seduction By Numbers Past Prologue

Brandon could hear the steady drip from the faucet in the next room. Drip. Drip. Drip. He found the sound strangely soothing. Like a metronome, it provided him with a beat. With a beat. It was a constant. It was reliable. Like a pulse. Letting his eyes drift to the walls around him, he didn’t need to come to any realization that he had no idea where he was. He’d known that since he’d first arrived at wherever here was. He’d merely come here. He’d merely cum here. But that sound had kept...

1 year ago
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The Gift Of Submission

"Honey, I'm home," Greg said as he hung up his coat and set down his briefcase. "I'm upstairs, Greg. So traffic was bad?" Jill asked. Greg answered while pulling off his tie, "There is a game tonight, so around the stadium was all backed up." "Wow, and only 20 minutes late because of it, lucky you," Jill said as she brushed her hair at the vanity in their bedroom. "It's not like I could avoid it. We've known for months I had to work late all this week," Greg argued. Jill...

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Obsession II

Obsession Chapter Two: I turned the water on and got in the shower. As I washed, all I could think about was my son… …and how all this had started with just a glimpse of his penis so long ago. I was simply amazed at what it had turned into. I leaned my head on my arm against the shower wall and let the warm water run over me. I couldn’t stop thinking about what Brian and I had done. What I had done. . . .To Brian. I washed and got out of the shower and dried off. I leaned against the sink and...

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Executive assistant Sharon

Sharon Stits and Nikki Summers were two mid-level executives in a large PR firm who were locked in a fierce rivalry from which only one woman would emerge victorious. Brunette, gorgeous, and in their early fourties, both women were on a collision course for the top of the corporate ladder.Sharon had a reputation for wielding her incredible sexuality as a weapon against rival women who got in her way. With her firm 36C tits and long, exquisite legs, which were always dressed in short, tight...

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who was she

took a flight for week away alone to cuba last week . l booked first class as l find it gives me more room and less crowded . the window seat is empty and l think perfect lots of room. after getting comfy the attendant offers me s drink l say yes please she smiles very hot lady around 36 l ask for a double she says hard day l say just need to into the trip. then to my surprise l feel a leg rug against my arm l turn and look at a perfect mini skirt being hoisted by her lifting her carry on above...

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A Costume Affair

My husband’s thirtieth birthday was approaching, and it was my job to organize his party. His birthday just happened to be on a Saturday this year, and better it also landed on a Comic Convention. My husband is pretty nerdy despite his strong athletic build and I must confess I am also seriously nerdy despite my sexy curvy body and attractive looks. When I met him, he was so surprised when I told him how into science, fiction, fantasy and even gaming I was. A lot of his friends were shocked and...

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Black and White

It was a late night and Raine was tired. She looked down at the expensive flower arrangement in her hand and pressed the apartment's doorbell for the fifth time. No answer. Only when she turned to walk away did the door finally open.“Hey,” The man was tall, wearing a t-shirt over boxers. His dark hair looked damp. “Sorry for the wait.”He smelled like soap. Raine didn’t quite look at him, distracted by the brightly-lit apartment behind him. There was art everywhere. Paintings, sculptures and...

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“Well, it’s over.” Roger Jones tossed his keys on the table near the door. “She doesn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore.” Roger slouched his way into the living room, hands in the pockets of his chinos. His roommate sat on the couch wearing a grey sweatshirt and a pair of plaid boxer shorts. “Sheila? Now there’s a shocker,” said Dennis between slurps of breakfast cereal. “Ohhhhh… Roger, honey, I’m sorry,” called Ellen from the kitchen. “What happened, sweetie?” “She was quite...

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The Icon

My thanks to Constance Grant for her invaluable help in editing, and her constant support in my efforts. The Icon by Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Caldi the woodworker sanded the piece with the rough stone, making the icon smooth, almost as smooth as glass. The icon represented his devotion to his Queen. She had been good to him when others had made fun of his badly malformed leg, taking him in, feeding him, teaching him to read and write, and this icon...

3 years ago
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Just One HourChapter 19

The Boss pushed Stacey's husband up the damp stairs closer to the obscene sounds. He could hear his wife grunting and gagging, her pleas going unheeded. Also there was a slopping sound of flesh been plugged and he knew all too well that the Boss was telling him the truth. As he entered the bedroom he nearly threw up. His gorgeous wife was on her hands and knees, white stockings and basque covered in an oily mess. Her head was on the pillow as she bit into it, her hands tied to the bed board....

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Your Naughty Nurse

You will call me Miss and you will follow each and every one of my instructions, and if you argue or don’t do exactly as I say you will be punished. I’ll be around there in an hour or so, you better be ready. I’m going to require a bed so I can thoroughly examine you, all of you. The rest of the equipment I will bring and today, I will be your own personal nurse, your naughty nurse. In about an hour you will hear a knock at your door and you will open it and find me stood there. I...

3 years ago
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Witch SwitchChapter 3

I can’t believe we spent the entire afternoon lost. “I know,” Penelope agrees. “We could have spent that time doing something else.” There will be plenty of time for that later. Right now we have to focus on finding your mother so she can undo this mess you’ve put us in again. “So I messed up one word, it’s not like it’s the end of the world.” Maybe not the end of the world, but that one word put us on another ridiculous journey that could have been easily avoided. “Do you think he would...

2 years ago
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Judys Desires Take The Best Of Her1

After living together for almost two years Judy and I decided to get married. To describe Judy she was like a dream come true. Five foot two, one-hundred and ten pounds, blonde hair, green piercing eyes, that you never wanted to get angry at you. My favorite points were her double Ds. Her measurements were 34-24-35. When she walked passed all men stared. We started planning our wedding, both of us wanted a very simple wedding with a great honeymoon. We talked and decided to go to Niagara...

4 years ago
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Weight Loss ProgramChapter 6 Thrills

I woke up a couple of times that night. The first time, I felt a strange hand cup my breast. I opened my eyes and found myself in a strange bed. Then, the memories of the previous night came flooding back. I was in Jim's house, in Jim's bed, having been fucked by Jim that night. I sighed as I thought of that wonderful, gentle, and understanding man, and reveled in the touch of his body behind me and his hand playing with my breast. At about six in the morning, I had to pee really badly....

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It Was All in Her Mind Combined

Edited by Barney R. Messed with and tweaked by me, all mistakes are mine Author’s Note: This is the combined ‘It Was All in Her Mind. It was suggested by one of my readers. This way, a lot of the repeated text is removed. Let me know what you think. CAT I was sitting on the deck sipping my morning coffee thinking over the conversation I overheard at the barbeque we hosted last evening. I’m thinking over the conversation because the two women I trust in my life were plotting to betray me....

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