Slots IV free porn video

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Slots IV By Julie O. It was a quiet afternoon at the old desert garage. It had been several days since the old mechanic had gone out looking for a new victim. He would soon get the urge to patrol the lonely stretch of Interstate 15 than ran from the California border to Las Vegas. Patrol wasn't a good term. It was more like hunting. He looked around his empire and gave a short laugh. He was the proud owner of four old buildings in the middle of nowhere. His garage was located a few miles off the interstate on an unmarked side road. This gave him the privacy he both needed and craved. He had long forgotten how long he had been out here. He barely knew the date. It didn't really matter when you were immortal. He concentrated and then his memories drifted back to that day back in 1965, or was it 1966, when his life changed so drastically. He had been a minor player on the strip. He tried to make his living at gambling but he never seemed to win big. He supplemented his gambling money by doing odd jobs. He did minor jobs for the Mob and at the same time worked as a snitch for the cops. Playing both sides gave him a feeling of being important, it gave him as much pleasure as the money. He lusted after power; he so wanted to be a big shot. It was a dangerous game and he was eventually caught. The Mob gave him a choice, he could do some work for them or he could have his brains blown out. He sometimes wondered if he should have taken the second option. The jobs given him were unpleasant. He was given the task of dumping bodies in the desert. He would drive them out and dig a hole, dump the body in the hole then cover up all traces. It was hot dirty work and it put him at risk of ending up like the poor bastards he disposed of. However one day when he was digging a grave he found an old jar. It was covered with ancient markings and he figured that he could take it into town and sell it for a few bucks. However his curiosity got the best of him and he wondered what was inside. He looked at the seal and without thinking he broke it open. It had never occurred to him that the seal was actually a warning. There had been a huge cloud of smoke and a sound like thunder. He fell to the ground and looked up to see what looked like a person standing in front of him. Except it wasn't really a person. It was like a shadow figure. It had no legs and seemed to be hovering above the ground. A tentacle of darkness came from the figure and wrapped around his head. He felt like he mind was being touched. He felt himself feeling weak and then everything went black. When he came to the being was still hovering near him. He didn't see a mouth on the thing, but he could it hear it talking. "I must thank you for releasing me," it said. He rubbed his eyes and stared at it and was about to ask a question. "No questions human. I will grant you three wishes and then I must explore this world. It was been too long since I tasted greed, lust, and other vices and I must investigate this "Las Vegas" that you come from. Now make your choices before I change my mind," it stated. He remembered his foolishness and how fast he stated his wishes. He had requested to live forever, to have his own empire, and to have a never-ending supply of women. The being turned darker and then swept over him. When he awoke he was in the garage. He instinctively that he was now the owner. He looked around and saw a run down garage. There was a feeling that time had no effect on this place. The sign over the office read "The Empire Garage". He looked around his "empire" today. It looked almost the same. Maybe a bit more dirty and rusty, but it had been over 30 years since he first arrived. The sign above the office was now faded and he could barely read it. Maybe someday he would repaint the sign. He looked old and grizzled yet he felt as young as he had back in 1965. He looked down at the faded patch on his coveralls. It said Joe. It wasn't his real name, but that didn't matter. His real name had faded away from his memory years ago. He then thought about his last wish, to have an endless supply of beautiful sexy women. He had to admire the way the spirit had granted the last wish. The spirit had given him the cursed slot machine that transformed men into lustful sluts. All he had to do was find some victim and bring them back to the garage and the machine took care of the rest. The sex was incredible. No matter how lovely they looked after they changed, they were all addicted to sex. They didn't care about his looks, they only wanted sex. These women usually ended up in Vegas or LA as dancers or sex workers. It didn't matter to him. What else could they do? He liked to think that he was responsible for many of the best looking bimbos in the Southwestern United States. He discovered that he could now control their looks. All he had to do was think hard enough and they would transform as he pictured them. He had a thing for blondes and red heads. He also liked giving them exaggerated figures, huge tits, thin waists, big hips and ass. He didn't care for the thin supermodel look. He liked his women with some meat on their bones. Sometimes he had fun with the transformations. Once he had found a broken down pick-up truck on the side of the road. The two men in it were both racists and had been at a KKK rally. He turned one of them into a beautiful black woman. He remembered fondly her lovely huge tits. The other one he turned into a blonde bimbo who only wanted sex with black men and women. He made sure that they retained enough of their old memories to know remember their lives, but their sexual carvings were too strong for them to resist. Another time he had a car full of white yuppie frat boys. They were rude and obnoxious. He had debated how to change them, when one of them gave him some inspiration. One of them made a joke about Japanese cars and they soon were all talking in fake accents and joking and laughing. He turned them all into Japanese bimbos and ensured they spoke English with a heavy accent. Most of the time now he just let the machine do its thing without his input. He liked being surprised. It didn't bother him that he was having sex with someone that used to be male. He had stopped being picky back in 1968. Over the years he discovered that he was stuck in a 50-mile radius of the garage. As he got farther away from the garage he began to feel discomfort, to try to leave the area resulted in extreme pain and aging. He had last tried to leave two years ago and his body was wracked in pain. He had aged almost ten years in a few seconds. The pain forced him to turn around and as he returned back to his empire he slowly recovered and his body slowly returned back to "normal" He only hope was that the spirit would return and allow him to leave. But he doubted that would happen anytime soon. Besides he really liked the sense of power he got when he watched his victim transform. Sometimes he wondered if he enjoyed the power more than the sex he got from the girls. The sex was excellent, but the feeling he got while he watched the poor bastard become an oversexed slut was so much better. He would tremble in pleasure as he watched the victim change. Sometimes the sensation he got from watching them change was so satisfying that he let them go without having sex with them. He saw that the sun would be setting soon, the urge was growing, and it was time to go hunting. Back in Vegas a married woman sat in a hotel bar. Dan the bartender knew the type well. She looked tired and weary of her present life. Her husband was probably an insurance salesman from Riverside CA or something like that. He was most likely in the casino or back in some hotel room with a hooker getting laid. "Can I refill your drink?" he asked "Sure, why not?" she said. Dan refilled her glass, "Here you go. I'm Dan," he said as he pointed to his name tag, "Let me know if you need anything. She looked up and smiled, "OK Dan, thanks. By the way I'm Rita," she said. She gave him a weak smile and wondered why she hadn't met someone like him instead of Vic. "Nice to meet you Rita," said Dan. He usually didn't go for married women. There really was no need. For some reason his bar had become a magnet for really hot women. True many of them were working girls, but they all seemed so oversexed that he was almost never turned down. He thought about a really hot blonde he was with a couple of times. She told him that she used be a man and had been transformed by a magic slot machine. He figured she was just messing with his head. She was way too hot to have ever been a guy. He returned his attention to Rita and he checked her out. She was in her late twenties, red hair, nice body, and big boobs. He thought that her husband must be a real asshole to leave her alone. He then noticed the fading bruise on the side of her face. She had done an expert job concealing it. So the bastard hit her too. Just then her husband returned. He was in his mid 30's. He looked like he was once in pretty good shape, but he was letting himself go. He was developing a slight beer gut and had a receding hairline. Dan thought that Rita definitely deserved better than him. "Come on honey, we gotta get going," he said, as he almost pulled her off the barstool. "OK Vic, why the big hurry?" she said. "I want to beat the traffic. Come on," he said. Dan watched them leave. He really couldn't stand jerks like that. But there was nothing he could do about it. As they left Vegas the sun was just setting. Rita pretended she was asleep as they headed on I-15 towards California. She really didn't want to talk to him right now. She couldn't believe she had misjudged Vic so badly. She had thrown away her career to become his wife. Almost all her friends had said she was making a mistake in getting married to him. She now knew they were right. He treated her like he owned her and sometimes he hit her. And now she knew that he was fooling around on her. Maybe she should contact that divorce lawyer. She was jarred awake by the sensation of the car slowing down and pulling off the road. She must have actually fallen asleep. Vic was cursing as they glided to a stop. She knew not to ask him what was wrong. It would only make him more angry. "This is just great, the stupid car breaks down in the middle of nowhere," he said, "See if you reach AAA on the cell phone." Rita tried but she couldn't get a dial tone. They must be in dead zone for the phone. "Sorry but I can't get a line," she said. He grabbed the phone from her and tried it himself. "Shit!" he yelled. Rita looked around she didn't see any other cars on the road. That seemed kind of strange. She wondered if they were still on the main road. Just then she saw the headlights of an approaching truck. Joe felt that wonderful sensation that he had another victim. When he was hunting he never saw any other cars. It figured it was part of the magic. He saw the couple standing by the car as he pulled off the road. Couples were interesting as the machine sometimes changed the woman as well as the man. He got a strange feeling when he saw the wife, suddenly could sense her pain and troubles. He knew that he had to help her. "Hmmm, I think I'll enjoy transforming this one," he said to himself. He got out and walked over to the car. "Need help?" he asked. Vic looked at the grungy looking old man. "Car just died. Do you take AAA?" he asked. "AAA? They stopped working this area in 65. I am the only tow truck out this way. Don't worry I'm not going to rip you off," he said, "Let me take a look at your car." For some reason Vic suddenly felt very relaxed and stepped aside. Rita was a bit shocked at how passive he had become. The old man popped the hood and looked in. He tried a few things and then closed the hood. "I'll have to take you back to my garage. I think I can have you back on the road in shortly," said Joe. They arrived back at the garage. Rita was a bit worried when she looked around. The garage was old and seemed to be held together by rust. She walked along side Vic as the old man took them to his waiting area. Rita looked around and saw that it wasn't much, but at least it looked clean. There was a couch, a coffee table with really old magazines on it, a TV and a soda machine. She sat down and noticed a box of clothes next to the couch. There was pile of men's clothes in it. They seemed to be the newest things in the room. It was quite a mix of styles and sizes. She thought it was a odd place for a donation box. Vic plopped down on the couch. He seemed strangely quiet since the old man picked them up. His normal behavior would be to throw a temper tantrum. She looked outside and saw the old man moving what looked like a slot machine on a dolly. He backed through the door and set it up against the wall. "This might keep you amused while I work on your car. It works, I just keep in the back to prevent anyone stealing it when I'm out on the road," he said. Vic looked at Rita and shrugged his shoulders, "Why no? There doesn't seem to be anything else to do," he said. She watched him sit down on the stool in front of the machine. Gambling bored her and she decided to go and get her book out of the car. As she walked across the gravel parking lot she could hear the noise from the machine. She reached into the car and grabbed her book. The old man looked over at her and said, "Don't worry it will all be better soon." Too bad he was only talking about the car she thought. As she walked back to the waiting area she heard Vic scream. When she got in his back was turned to her. "What's wrong Vic?" she asked. He turned around slowly and she was stunned by what she saw. Vic's arms were folded over his chest. He dropped them down and it looked like he had a huge pair of breasts. "I was playing the machine and I hit triples. There was a warm tingling on my chest and I looked down.I suddenly starting growing tits!" said Vic. Rita couldn't believe her eyes. Vic's shirt was virtually popping open due to his breasts. She looked at the machine and saw that the triples on the machine were all symbols of a man's chest. The other symbols were all female body parts. She looked back at Vic. He had been forced to open his shirt. His breasts were at least D-cup and Rita had to admit she was a bit jealous. She had a nice pair of breasts, but Vic's were incredible. His nipples were large and very erect. She was almost tempted to reach over and touch them. "I don't know what to do?" said Vic in a whiney voice. "Were these the triples you hit?" asked Rita, pointing to the machine. "No they were 3 pairs of boobs. The machine changed me somehow. I'll kill that old man!" said Vic angrily. "Kill him and you are stuck with those," said Rita pointing at Vic's breasts, "Maybe you can hit the triple chests and win yours back." "Yeah, maybe that will work," he said, as he sat down on the stool. Rita sat on the arm of the couch and watched as he pulled the arm on the machine. He saw that he was rubbing his nipples with his other hand. Rita had always been a little curious about being with a woman. She had to admit that she was a bit turned on watching Vic play with his breasts. She didn't notice that he hit another triple until he cried out. She looked up and saw that he had hit triple asses. He stepped off the stool and placed his hands down on this hips. She watched as the began to change, getting rounder and fuller. His waist was shrinking in proportion. Vic was forced to pull his pants off and was standing there in his boxers. She estimated his new proportions as 46-26-36! Unless his luck changed soon Vic would need to get a new wardrobe and career. He reached over and pulled the handle. Rita found herself almost wishing that he would continue to lose. Vic played a few times, almost winning back his chest. But then he hit another triple. Rita didn't have to look at the machine to tell that he had lost again. His legs began to change from his thick tree trunks to long slim smooth sexy legs. He pulled off his socks and Rita saw that his toenails were now colored bright shiny red. His muscular arms looked so out of place, on his feminized body. She hoped that he would soon lose them. He seemed to block her out entirely. He just kept pulling the arm. She couldn't tell if he was trying to win back his body or complete the change. He then hit triples again. Rita watched as Vic's face changed. The masculine face of Vic softened and changed into a gorgeous vision of femininity. His permanent five o'clock shadow disappeared. His lips became softer and fuller. Vic looked younger; she looked like he was 21 or maybe a little younger. His hair grew long and in fell down next to his face in large curls before his very eyes. Vic's hair was no longer black, it changed color and in seconds he was a bleached blonde. Rita had to admit he looked very sexy, but also very slutty. Vic now looked one of those bimbos on the posters he had hanging in their garage. Vic ran his hands across his face. He seemed to be falling in love with his new look. He held his hands out in front of himself and stared at them. They looked so out of place. As he went back to playing, Rita was feeling very excited. She could feel herself getting wet. The transformation of Vic into a woman was very erotic and Rita felt new feelings in her awakening. She was tempted to reach over and touch Vic, but something told her not to do so. She was content to watch and to reach down under her own skirt. She was overcome by the urge to finger and play with herself as she watched the metamorphosis of her husband. Vic suddenly squealed in delight! Rita watched as Vic's arms began to change. The arms became thin and hairless. Vic took off his shirt and watched as his tattoos disappeared. He held out his hands and admired his new hands and nails. They were the same color as his toenails. "I'm almost there!" said Vic excitedly. Rita was amazed by his new voice. It was so light and feminine. It fit Vicky perfectly. Rita looked at her husband and in her mind made the gender change. Vic was almost gone and the lovely Vicky was replacing him. Rita leaned back on the couch and continued to pleasure herself. Her nipples were so hard now. She unbuttoned her blouse and began to rub them. She was discovering pleasure that she hadn't felt in years. The pain of the past few years of marriage was fading away. It didn't take long for Vicky to hit the last triple. She peeled off the boxer shorts and watched as her vagina formed, completing her transformation. The warmth in her pussy felt so good. She couldn't resist slipping her hand down and touching herself. She saw "High Score" flashing on the screen and she signed in her name. She knew that she was now Vicky Bruno, age 21, resident of Las Vegas. She looked over at Rita and saw she was on the couch with one hand under her skirt and the other reaching into her blouse. Vicky was filled with lust for this wonderful woman who was driving her back to Vegas. Without a word she joined Rita on the couch and leaned over and gave her a long deep kiss. They were soon exploring each other's bodies. Vicky slowly undressed Rita and the two women began to kiss and touch each other. Vicky's memories drifted into mind. She was going back to Vegas with her ex- sister-in-law. Rita had been married to her older brother Victor. He had been killed 6 months ago in a car crash. She had always lusted after her sister-in-law and it felt so good being in her arms. But Vic wasn't completely gone, he was just overwhelmed by Vicky. Vicky knew that she was a dancer and escort in Vegas. She specialized in doing married couples. She loved having sex with both men and woman. Getting paid for sex was just icing on the cake, she would do it for free. Rita became instantly aware of the changes. She knew that Vicky used to be Vic. Looking at her hand she saw that her wedding ring was gone, and instinctively she knew she was no longer married. She reached up and touched the side of her face. The pain was gone, as was the swelling; it was as if it had never happened. Her feeling towards women was also awoken. She instinctively knew that she was bi-sexual now. Too bad Vic never gave her pleasure like this, maybe things would have turned out differently. Rita knew that she was going to Vegas to start her life over. Unlike the oversexed Vicky, she knew that she was destined for a more conventional career. Her sexual drive was increased but controllable. Rita also had a new sense of confidence, she knew that she would be the one running her life from now on. Instinctively she knew she was going to her new job as assistant manager of one of the hotels. The old man came in and smiled as he saw the two women on the couch. They were so into each other that he didn't want to interrupt them. He would watch it all on video. He laid down a pile of clothes for Vicky. He would have her before they left. But Rita was not to be his. He knew that to try and have sex with her would result in him being punished. No problem as Vicky would be enough. He had ensured he body would be nicely proportioned. He wouldn't wait until his hands would be around her lovely round ass. Rita woke up on the couch and looked around for Vicky. She picked up her clothes and went into the bathroom to get dressed. She felt refreshed and renewed by knowing she had been given a second chance. She entered the waiting area and saw that the slot machine was missing. She instinctively knew that Vicky was having sex with the old mechanic. Maybe this was part of the payment for the change? Rita picked up her bag and checked her ID. She was once again Rita Hampton. Before she left she scanned the room to see if she had forgotten anything. There was a neat stack of male clothing in the box. She picked up the shirt and vaguely recognized it. It looked like one she had bought for Vic. She put the shirt back in the box with the others. Rita looked at the box and wondered how many had been changed. She found Vicky coming out of the garage looked very disheveled. "Have a good time?" she asked Vicky, "You better go clean yourself up." "Oh Rita he was so good! For an old man he really knows how to please a woman," giggled Vicky. Rita smiled and watched Vicky walk back to the waiting area. She was in a tight spandex mini dress and was wearing 5" pumps. The dress was so tight it looked like it was painted on her. She found that she slightly aroused as she watched Vicky's hips sway. She shook her head when she realized that Vicky wasn't wearing any panties. She would try and talk to that girl again. As they drove into Vegas, Rita quizzed her roommate. Either she had no memories of being Vic or they were too repressed. She hoped that Vic still existed deep in this blonde oversexed bimbo. It would be nice poetic justice for a man like him to become his own sexual fantasy. Rita checked in at the hotel. She was looking forward to her new life. She wondered when the cute bartender was working. She went into the bar and sat down. "Hi Dan, could you get me a glass of white wine," she asked. He turned around and smiled at the attractive redhead, she looked familiar but he couldn't quite place her name. Oh well, maybe he would get lucky tonight. Vicky arrived at her job and got ready for her shift. Another 6 hours of having drunk businessmen and tourists lust after her body. She would be so horny by end of her shift she thought. She smiled; she was always horny after her shift Vic wasn't as happy; it was as if he was watching what was happening in a movie. He had no control over his body or his feelings. He was aware of everything that had happened but he was too weak to resist the cravings for sex. He tried but the urges were too strong. They were like an addiction, with each sexual act he became more hooked. The more he fought the stronger they got. The pleasure was overwhelming. His nipples needed to be touched, pinched and sucked. He soon found himself needing a big hard cock deep in his pussy or his mouth. He felt himself getting wet. It was hard to stay focused when he got aroused and he seemed to be always aroused He wished that he would fade away, but he somehow he was destined to live as Vicky.

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Hi all, my name is josh. I am a student living in USA. This is a real story happened the last march when I visited new york. I’m open to meeting girls and ladies below 40 in USA and India when I visit. Please email your feedback to All the amazing hotties out there I can give you real fun. Coming to the story, I was visiting my friend and we decided to hit a famous pub in new york. It was a crowded place, after five rounds of drinks I hit the dance floor. There I was eyeing a beautiful Indian...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Karla Kush Jill Kassidy Rekindling

Karla (Karla Kush) hasn’t seen her stepsister Jill (Jill Kassidy) in over ten years. They were only kids when their parents started dating. Unfortunately for them, the two sisters can’t get along and in the end, they go different ways. She didn’t know what to expect when Jill reached out to her on social media. She’s definitely nervous to meet her again. When Karla opens the door, she’s charmed by her beauty, Jill is even more gorgeous than her memories. The two...

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Guy Opens The Door For His Mother And Wife ndash Part

I was in standard 11 my first terminal Physics and Math paper were out. I was not the topper but for all the problems I had a different approach also since I come from a very poor family I did not have a calculator both my math and physics teacher called out my name and appreciated my approach. That terminal I was the second topper in class.Once the results were out a guy named Ari came to me and extended his hand for friendship, he was a sincere biology student preparing for his medical...

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Refugee encounter

After finishing Kiran joined as a teacher in a high school. This high school was started by a philanthropist who gave land, buildings and money to run the school. However, this school was located in the agency area of southern state of India. The philanthropist owned a lot of property. The high school was on the edge of a big mango orchard on the slopes of a hillock and there was a mountain stream flowing nearby. Kiran used to walk around these groves after school work and on the ledge of the...

Group Sex
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Charisma and Tiffany Part 3

Charisma and Tiffany, Part 3 By Cal Y. Pygia Tiffany didn't hate Charisma, not exactly, although, the more she thought of how the sorceress had treated her, how she'd abused her, the more the shemale fumed. Not only had Charisma changed her sex, from shemale to female (and back again, thank God), but she had also equipped her with a half dozen cunts, including one in her forehead and one grown from the roof of her mouth, in which, with an equal number of penises newly sprouted from...

3 years ago
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Pacific Wind

Their first meeting was more that they could have bargained for. She had exceeded his most untamed expectations. The woman was a lady in every sense of the word … until that evening when they found themselves alone in the small cottage by the sea. Their expressiveness was agrarian in nature to say the very least. Now here they were, walking hand in hand back to the cottage. The cold wind coming from the Pacific was chilling and they laughed as they picked up the pace to reach their destination....

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VacationsChapter 5 Poker Games

Ronnie stuck her head into the den early in the morning. “Hey, sleepyhead, you awake yet! Come on, get up! Let’s go jogging!” Sue woke bleary-eyed and stared at her sister. “What?” “Come on. Let’s go jogging. You said you wanted to run this morning. Let’s go!” she ordered. Sue saw that Ronnie was dressed for the part, in a sports bra, jogging shorts, socks, and sneakers. Forgetting briefly that she had just fucked her sister’s husband in the sofa-bed, she grumbled, “Okay, okay, give me a...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend Mom Ch2

  My name is Tommy and I have a confession. I had sex with my best friend Alex's Mom and I liked it. I am sure she did too because we did it 4 times the night I stayed over there when Alex and his Dad were camping. It's Friday night and we are getting ready for our football game. It's been a week since Laura and I had sex and she is all I can think about. I still can't believe how tight her pussy was. She is a voluptuous woman with very large breasts and a full backside. I think she is sexy...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 5 Matucket High

1998 to 2001 Some other stuff happened at Matucket Middle School that proved important. For one thing, by the eighth grade we started to differentiate with some of our classes, like they did in high school. We all took a standardized test, one of those things where you had to fill in the circles with a Number Two pencil. That was done near the end of seventh grade and would be used to assign you to classes in the eighth grade. “That would be the smart classes versus the dumb classes,”...

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Wanting Neighbour

This is another true story.Our next door neighbours were a family consisted of a husband, wife, one boy and one girl. The husband was in his middle 40's and his wife a few years younger. The husband had his job and hobbies and would often be away from home leaving his wife at home quite a lot. Her name was Linda (changed name to protect her real identity). Linda was a pretty stocky women standing at 5'8", dark slightly curly hair, big tits, big mummy tummy and a big bum to match. I'd say she...

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In the ShadowsChapter 4

A week later, Nemesis and Nightmare were sparring. Nemesis was working to get Nightmare to trust her armor completely. Nightmare still had a tendency to flinch whenever she was hit by a knife or club, and Nemesis was trying to get her over that so that she could fight more efficiently. Nightmare was making good progress, but she still needed more practice to be up to Nemesis' standards. The two women were armed exactly alike with baton, gun, and knife. The only way to tell them apart...

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Not Just for ChristmasChapter 4

The next weeks were so busy Mike and Claire hardly had time to think. Though Claire was supposed to be keeping house, in reality they were sharing the work. She had to pass her exams and her driving test. There were weeks when Mike found it difficult to fit in visits to his friends at the Home. Claire went to see Gary again and told Mike she'd given him her mobile phone number. She also said that he was by turns angry and desolate, and that she was worried about his state of mind, but she...

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Tony and I have a suprise fuck

Tony and I have been friends since starting school together aged 5, we had hard times but came out the other side stronger and wiser, mom and dad owned a general store and worked long hours, Tony’s mom was a factory girl, she got caught with Tony when she was 16, her boyfriend at the time was her first and did a runner when she told him he was going to be a father. We lived at each others house, as much as our own, when there and out, his mom was like the brother we never had, we would...

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To Bi or not To Bi

I always considered myself 100% heterosexual, always chasing girls from an early age never interested in men at all. When I was 24 I was sort of living with an older woman in her early 40's, when I mean sort of things were rough between me and my parents so I would crash at this ladies apartment. She was a fellow student at art college, Jane was much more aware sexually than me and although I couldn't call her my girlfriend we did hit it off and get it on a few times. Jane would enjoy the...

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I would like u to read my experience between my cousin aunty and me. There was a most desirable women close by my 35 year-old aunty! My cock leapt at the thought, and my jumped quickly out of bed, hurrying down the hallway to the master bedroom, hoping that my sexy aunty was still in bed. I went back down the hall until I stood before my aunt’s bedroom door. My father was on my tour duty. I quietly opened the bedroom door and looked in. My aunty lay sprawled in the centre of the big double bed....

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Clay Leather Afterhours with Sir coach and Me

Sir Mark, Jeff and I made our way out of the party to their car which was a big US made pick up. I started to ask a few questions now that the thump of the dance floor was behind us, and I could really see how hot both Sir Mark and his boy are. Sir Mark stopped, pulled my mouth to his and whispered “Shhh boy. No talking until I say!” And I nodded.I got in the middle of the front seat while Sir Mark made his way through North Hollywood to a private club associated with a Nasty Kinky Pig play...

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Monicas Birthday

I want to start out by saying that ALL of my stories are written for my best friend Monica. They all were specifically written for her and I'm now sharing them as she believes they're worthy of being posted.This one is my favoriteIt’s mid-October of senior year, with the smell of fall break in the air; time for several friends and me to head cross country for the week. We decided we wanted to go somewhere memorable and have an unforgettable experience. There had been a long debate over where we...

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HDPorn Jynx Maze Horny Teen Fucks Her Friends Brother While Shes Not Home

Jynx Maze is a sexy Latina babe with small natural tits and a big round ass that loves to fuck and have a good time with a hard dick. After teasing the camera with her big ass and then stripping off her clothing, Jynx is ready to get to work on that dick. Jynx and Anthony have some crazy sex with lots of 69ing and fucking in various positions. To top things off Jynx lets Anthony fuck her in her tight little ass and he can’t get enough. Anthony fills her little ass up with hot cum leaving...

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Lizzie the beginning

Peter is 43 years old and is 6"0 he has green eyes and perfectly groomed light brown hair that falls perfectly. He looks like the perfect English gentleman. Peter married his childhood sweetheart that he met whilst at Cambridge Amelia. Amelia truly was beautiful she was 40 years old, 5"2 and had blonde curly hair down past her waist, she had the most piercing brown eyes that peter had ever seen. Amelia and Peter had a child quite early on in their marriage whom they called Elizabeth....

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The Three Sides Of A Triangle 8211 Part III Saturday Night Adventure

Author’s Note: This is the third part of the story ‘The Three Sides of a Triangle’. I would suggest to all readers to read the previous parts before reading this part so as to get familiar with what all has happened. In the previous parts, events of Thursday night were narrated by Koushik and Ratna. The event of Friday night was narrated by Geeta. In this part Ratna shares her activities, thoughts and feelings of the Saturday night. Ratna’s Narration *************** It was so beautiful to see...

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The last fuck at that party

After Rhonda left the bedroom, I laid onto the bed, facing down, panting and trying to recover my breath.The black guy that entered through the door, soon stripped off and, before I could even protest, he was grabbing my ankles and pulling my body against his.“No, please, no…! “. I barely could exclaim, before feeling another huge dick getting buried deeply inside my abused sore cunt.“Shut up, bitch, I want to feel that sweet pussy of yours…”The huge nigger hissed onto my ear, while he was...

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I've been living with my girlfriend now for 6 months, and things have been great between us; not as much sex as I would like, but I jack off when I need to and being with her is great. I don't think I would have ever thought to stray, and certainly not who I strayed with, but it happened, and I've decided to put it down on paper to share. My older brother married his long time girlfriend last year, and she is great. Very cool to hang out with, sometimes a little snobbish, but she has a killer...

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Game WorldChapter 89

We waited twenty-four hours and then went in. I had Hope plop my people down on another mountain a few miles away from Mendon and a few hundred feet higher than the castle where the technicians and the equipment were being held. That gave us a quiet place to stand and look at the stone fortress through our binoculars. Dork stood on one side of me and Nimue the other. The rest of our people were in the woods and out of sight. We didn't stand around long but the time we used to look at the...

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A Little Night MusicChapter 6

“From the President of the United States, To the lowliest rock & roll star. The doctor is in, and he’ll see you now. He don’t care who you are. Some get the awful, awful diseases, some get the knife, some get the gun. Some get to die in their sleep at the age of a hundred and one.” -Warren Zevon, “Life’ll Kill Ya“ The light went on in the room ahead. There was a buzzing sound, and then another door inside that room opened. Something orange moving inside and something blue moving past the...

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Stephen and Stephanie

Stephen and Stephanie Now the idea of crossdressing had appealed to Steve for a few years, he wouldn't deny it, but actually doing it for real, no he hadn't got the nerve. A surreptitious wearing of bra and panties, yes once or twice, but for nothing more than a different masturbation thrill. The full works, no he wouldn't know where to start. It wasn't even like he was gay or even bi, it was just a thing that fascinated him. He'd thought about asking one of his Mistress...

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4 Clan Amir The Day of BloodChapter 04

By 12:00 noon all combat has ceased, all attack forces have been defeated and are dead or surrendered. Gerry turns to Carly while saying, “I think it’s over, the attackers used about forty thousand people, all of them are now captured or dead. No need to give any other figures. Please tell our people and thank our troops. I’ve got to go to Amarant to deal with the prisoners there.” Carly nods yes, because she knows no one has told him about Amarayah yet. She glances at Isobelle, and she nods...

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Frankie and His Gurl Part 3

To go with Part 1 and Part 2 by Julee [email protected] 1/ Hot and Bothered ~,';~%@ The last time Frankie and I had gotten together for a little fling, his cousin Karen and her two girlfriends butted in. After letting Frankie get off with me, Karen, Lissa and Micky dolled me up and the four of us had fun. I felt a little guilty about that day, with Karen shoving Frankie out like that. Today, sitting on a hill at the park next to Frankie, I brought it up. "Don’t feel bad...

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The Boys in BlueChapter 24

The next week at the station was a repeat of the last one, endless meeting’s while the engineers tweaked and adjusted parts of the aircraft, and then they had to alter the manuals to suit. Try has he would, Robert could never seem to reduce the pile of folders that seemed to grow on his desk every day. But he made time on Wednesday evening to return to his room and switch on his television set to catch Terry on the Spotlight show. There were four guests including Terry, hosted by David...

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My best friends wife

Hello all, today I am going to narrate the most exciting experience of my life. I fucked my best friend’s very sexy wife whom I used to dream and masturbate. This is a true story and I am changing names of my best friend and his wife. I and Ramesh are best friends since childhood. We went to the same school in childhood, same college and now work in the same city of Pune in India. Both of us are engineers and work for software companies. I am 6 feet tall, fair, 32 and married with 1 son. My...

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Perfect Fit

Millie had always been shy. She was never an outcast, never excluded at school from parties or other events. But even when she attended them, she was never in the center of the room — always on the edges. One of life's leafs making a pleasant background for the flowers of the world. At least, that's how she thought of herself. She didn't see herself as ugly or untalented or anything particularly negative; she was simply ordinary. Common place. She actually liked the idea — she and all the...

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Blame it on James Brown Part 2 of 2

They held each other for a time, her head on his shoulder and his arm around her. Dixie had gotten some sleep after she’d left the radio station, but she was already spent. Daniel was exhausted and nodded off. Dixie eased herself out of the bed, put on her robe and went to the kitchen to finish making breakfast. Her man could sleep, and whenever he awoke his meal would be ready.----When Daniel awoke it was after eleven. Dixie was gone, but left him a note. It said that she’d gone to church and...

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Pushed a Little Too Far

Monday night is my favorite night of the week. That’s because Monday is game day. Every Monday from seven to eleven our club meets in the ballroom in the rec center to play board games, card games, night games or even console games. I’m game master of the club, and own forty-six of the seventy plus board games we play and know how to play almost all of them. My roommate, roommate to be, and friends all come play with us, and our club has been nominated for club of the year on campus. We usually...

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Poolside Towels

Natalie left for awhile leaving Kim and her brother, Mark, home alone. As Kim was extremely bored she decided to call her best friend, Tammy, and see if she could come over. Getting off the phone, she mentioned to her brother, who was shooting video game aliens, "Tam's coming over. Hope you don't mind." "No," he mumbled zapping another alien. Actually he liked Tammy, even though she always treated him like a little boy. "Good," she answered as she went upstairs. "I'm gonna go swim," she...

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Wild photography

She knew if she wanted to go out with her friends on that boat trip that weekend she had to stay in and get that extra work she assigned her students taken care of. But seeing as it was Thursday and it was later then usual she stayed at the school to take care of it so when she left that building she’d be free and clear of any and all responsibilities related to any extra assignment she had put on them earlier that week. This woman, a 41 year old “homely” woman, or so she considered herself one...

4 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 126

Dear Willow and family, I know that you think that I'm taking time away from working on getting back to my family to write these letters to you. That however is not true. We've snuggled up to a fair sized asteroid, something in the neighborhood of a hundred tons of the right metal combination for the replicator to use for building drones. The project for the next month or so will be expanding either the replicator or building several so that they can each produce components of what will be...

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Burying the PastChapter 7

University of Tennessee It was still early enough in the day when they were able to track the sponsor down at his office on campus. Taylor started getting an itch that this meeting was going to be annoying when they found the man’s office in one of the buildings that housed most of the humanities department. That feeling just increased when he saw that the professor’s class list screamed ‘activist’. Taylor wasn’t particularly political, and he usually checked out when conversations turned...

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Miranda gets it all Part 21

Jim rushed back inside before he was caught. He then sat in his lounger until he heard the patio door open. Miranda! Honey is that you? I'm in the den. Come in here for a minute would you? Um, yes Daddy. It's me. Marcus just left and I thought I would run upstairs and take a quick shower. I'll be back down in a few minutes. Okay Daddy? Jim's cleared his throat and his voice became louder. Right now Miranda! I need to see you right now young lady. You can shower later. You and I need to...

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A Story of Eve and Ric Part2 Fuck My Ass Good

This is Part 2 in a series featuring Ric and Eve. I would also suggest reading Part 1: Pissy Publicist.’ll be fucking someone other than my husband tonight!I leaned down and whispered in his ear, “I’m going out.”“Uh… yeah… ummm…” and he rolled over and went back to sleep.He didn’t use to be like this. He used to think me sexy and couldn’t keep his hands off me. Then he started working all the time and then he couldn’t keep his hands off his...

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BrotherInLawChapter 4

Norman Wells, On The Mackenzie River Like the steady fire of a million cannons, the ear-splitting roar of the river ice cracking up reverberated off the distant Mackenzie Mountains, still shrouded with their winter mantle of snow and ice. Locals knew better than to be caught out on the river this time of year, when the thick winter shell begins to split and break into huge, house-sized chunks, sometimes rising from the frigid waters like giant freshwater glaciers, slowly beginning the long...

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The NeighborChapter 3

After that episode, for no apparent reason, the sexual activity between my wife and I was boosted for a while, then, little by little, returned to normal, that is to say very flat and infrequent. It was then that the neighbor invited me to come and see him at his place. Semi excited, semi worried, I rang at his door when my wife was away. He opened the door, dressed poorly as usual, dubious boxer shorts and frankly dirty pants. He invited me to come into his living room and said: - Come see...

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Amandas ChoiceChapter 16

Roquan uttered a snort of disgust as he picked up yet another Farviewing pearl from the hearth and dropped it back onto the velvet. Three clients now! Three! Three that he almost lost and had to convince not to terminate their existing contracts with him. Damn Lord K'garon! Thanks to his insufferable arrogance of sending Tanyee back to the Manor, other clients who had already heard rumors of obedience troubles with Roquan's slaves had taken that as a signal to reconsider their business...

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