I'm Here free porn video

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I'm Here By Civilmage Paul sat on a barstool at one of the tall tables set around the backyard of Mr. Finley's home. Next to him was Jennifer Lewiston from accounting, tall, medium build, short blonde crinkly hair, white shorts and blue tank top with white canvas shoes. Paul sipped from his bottle of beer. He was making small talk with Jennifer while trying to screw up his courage enough to ask her out on a date. Jennifer stopped talking to Paul just long enough to sip from her wine cooler, looking past him she saw another guest entering. Her eyes widened and she groaned, "Oh I'd give anything to avoid him!" "Who?" Paul said turning to crane his neck around and see who Jennifer was cringing from seeing. "Steve Worthington," she replied, "He works in outside sales. He's one of the top five salesmen for the last five years. He also happens to think he's the only thing any woman would want." "Well, I'd be the last to admit it but our firm wouldn't have work if it wasn't for marketing and sales. I happen to like the paycheck I get for publishing the investment opportunities on the web," Paul continued, "As for his attitude, there's guys all over like that." As Paul watched, the man was talking to one of the company VP's. Steve Worthington was the type that Paul had always avoided: tall, about 6' 4", broad muscular chest and biceps, longish blonde curly hair with blue eyes and square jaw. It was apparent the man was stuck on himself. He also sported the Rolex watch, gold bracelet, diamond man's ring and gold chain around his neck. The man looked like he'd walked off the pages of either GQ or a romance novel. "Yeah, but right now he's decided I'm his next sale and he won't take 'No' for an answer," Jennifer replied. "You won't believe what he tried to do to me. He came over to our department ostensibly to get something cleared on his expense statement. While I was on the phone with someone else he was trying to stare down my blouse. Then he followed me over to the filing room and while I was bent over trying to find what he wanted in the files, he was trying to look up my skirt from the door opening." Jennifer rolled her eyes. "Then he had the nerve to ask me out for a date. Oh God, he's coming over here." Paul turned around and saw that Steve was indeed walking over. He wore a light colored pair of Dockers, some sort of T-shirt with some writing on it, and silk jacket. "You gotta hide me Paul, save me from him. Please!" Jennifer pleaded. Just before Steve reached them, two girls in slinky sundresses stopped him. "Hey Steve, like your T-shirt." The two girls giggled and walked on. "Hey Ally! thought you might," Steve tossed at their backs holding his jacket open so you could read what was emblazoned there, "I got it from some weird old geezer dressed in a bathrobe at the mall." Paul nearly choked on his beer. He started coughing and gasping. "Are you okay?" Jennifer asked pounding on his back. Paul tried not to snort beer through his nose, catch his breath, and speak all at the same time. When he could talk, speaking softly, he said, "Jennifer listen, I know I'm going to totally blow this and you may decide that I'm an even worse geek than jerk face over there. But there isn't much time. If I can get rid of jerk face so that he never bothers you again, say you'll agree to go out to dinner and sleep with me. If I can't well it was nice knowing you." "What?" Jennifer said not believing her ears. "Just say 'Yes.' If I don't get rid of Steve you owe me nothing and you'll have a front row seat to me making a total fool of myself and being discharged immediately from the company," Paul said. "Hey Steve, I'm Paul," Paul said standing up and intercepting the man. He looked up into Steve's face. Steve tried to get around Paul, but automatically turned on the smile. Behind him Paul heard Jennifer say "Yes" "Hi Paul," Steve said, "Nice to meet you. Excuse me." He tried to maneuver around Paul. "Did I hear you say you got your T shirt at the mall," Paul said. Looking down at Paul, Steve said, "Yeah, I got it at a knick knack shop there, called Spencer's or Gifts R Us, er, something like that." "I didn't really get to see what it said," Paul said quizzically trailing off. Steve was starting to get a little irritated. This twerp was keeping him from reaching his next target, Jennifer. Steve started to just push Paul aside, but the salesman in him just barely stopped him from doing so. After all one rarely knew where the next commission was going to come from or what the next sale was going to be. Looking down he opened his jacket and read, "Now that I'm here...what are your next two wishes." "That's so cool," Paul said, "So I can make a wish?" "Well, it's for the girls," Steve said. He was thinking let this guy make a fool of himself then I can embarrass him and move on to better things like Jennifer. "But go ahead make a wish." "If you insist, I wish as a preamble to my first wish," Paul began, "that if the wizard is so inclined he will put his official wizard's stamp of approval on my wishes before they're executed, and that if he does not like my wishes, if he is so inclined, to tell me what I need to change to make it okay, so that you now really become a djinn here in described as follows with all of the powers, abilities, and restrictions of one like Jeannie of "I Dream of Jeannie" or the powers of Genie from Disney's Aladdin, furthermore that when you appear you always look, unless requested otherwise, as if you are a beautiful young petite girl, approximately eighteen years of age, of mixed European Asian ancestry, are 5 feet, 6 inches tall, weigh 110 pounds and wear a size 2 misses, which gives you Standard American English measurements of 34D bust line, 22 waist, 34 hips; furthermore having long black wavy hair that cascades all the way to the top of your petite rounded butt, and is the only, emphasizing only, hair on your body except for the slim arching eyebrows that slightly sweep up to accent your dark turquoise blue almond shaped eyes, which are enhanced by the elfin shape and appearance of your face and perfectly separated by a slim dainty nose above a small mouth with very kissable puffy bow shaped lips, and convey the light soprano voice and giggles you have, your head being held up by a slim long neck and well defined jaw line that accents the long dangling pierced earrings with blue sapphires you wear and the large gold hoops in your delicately small pierced ears, thus being supported by appropriately smooth shoulders and arms ending with your hands which are dainty and slim but with long talented fingers, your fingernails are painted a dark turquoise blue and matches your toe nails, which are upon your dainty feet and lead to slim strong ankles and legs of a dancer that are muscular yet curvy, rising to hips that flare in a small valentine appearance from the back, and rise further to a long narrow waist up to full, luscious and prominent non-sagging breasts with large sensitive nipples as big and long as the first joint of your thumb and, the areolas surrounding the nipples are two thumb widths in diameter, which caps all of this extremely attractive and beautiful package in skin that is a light dusky mocha color, that perfectly matches your hair and ancestry; but is covered immodestly by a dark turquoise blue belly dancer type outfit like Jeannie's except that it is almost sheer so that anyone can see the small gold hoops that are just large enough to put the tip of your pinky finger in and that pierce each nipple; the sheer top ends just beneath your breasts, and the same sheer material of the top is used for the pants which appears to be barely staying on the outward swell of your hips so that your bare midriff clearly displays the same sized gold hoop of your breasts in the lip of your navel, just below the very shiny blue sapphire in your navel, what is not visible is the same sized gold hoop that pierces the flesh above the clit of your petite bald pussy, which you will always have but may be exchanged temporarily for male genitalia for no more than a 24 hour period as long as you otherwise appear as a human female and finally if you are requested to appear as a human male like you previously were, you must have a full female vulva in place of male genitalia. The end of the first wish" Paul stopped to take a breath, and thought, if this backfires or doesn't work I'm dead. I can't believe I remembered that old wish either. Somehow it seemed as if a crowd had gathered around to watch the mini drama unfolding here in Mr. Finley's backyard. He was dimly aware of some reaction that was bordering on outrage or hilarity from some of the nearby women. And he could feel a strange tingling in his mind and chest. "What?!" Steve exploded. To Paul and Jennifer he appeared as if he was going to burst a vessel as his skin turned dark red from the neck up. "And for my second wish," Paul started interrupting Steve and forming his thoughts for the next wish. Paul was brought up short by a voice in his head, which said, "Ah, Paul why don't you let the djinn and your new girlfriend take care of the yacht and related accessories and skip to the parts about the djinn's powers, conditions, motives, etc. After all we wouldn't want you to get tripped up on a technicality when you're on such a good roll would we?" "For my second wish," Paul said startled and repeating himself, "I wish that nothing in it will contradict the first wish and if it appears to so do that phrase or item will be interpreted as I intended or stricken separately without voiding the previous wish or this entire wish which is that everyone here does not realize you've become a djinn except Jennifer, myself and of course yourself, who remembers being Steve, therefore, these people, and anyone else connected to the company and you or would inquire, think that Steve left the company to take another more lucrative job elsewhere but can't quite remember where and no one is really concerned because a new very attractive and more congenial woman has taken Steve's position and is just as good if not better, therefore people think you are the eighteen year old sister of a good friend of mine, staying with me indefinitely, but really you are now exceedingly happy to be the new djinn Stephanie and which can never be reversed, changed or modified, even though you know how Steve feels about this change and when asked, can express that to your master, which is at this time now me, and not withstanding the restriction that a djinn may not grant more than three wishes to a single individual before vanishing is hereby modified such that you as a djinn shall remain available with all features as outlined previously as well as below and under the direction and control of your master as long as the master desires however you may never ever grant a fourth wish or attempt to do so and will never interpret the words 'I wish' as a wish from your master once the third wish is used as depicted and denoted now, you are extremely happy to have a master, therefore, the designated master will have a significantly longer than normal human life span, that is mentally and physically, productive, functional, active, healthy, and robust so that you and the master can have a long relationship together, furthermore you adore the cute, highly decorative, indestructible bottle and stopper, which only the designated master can put on or take off, thus said bottle is your new home which you must and can return to magically from anywhere, any when, any dimension etc and remain in the bottle for a duration of one hour in twenty-four, which is functionally like the receptacle that all djinnis have and from which you can never be cosmically, magically, dimensionally separated, appears as if it was similar to the bottle used for "I Dream of Jeannie" but that no one thinks is valuable or worth anything and no one will ever have a desire or be able to take from me, including but not limited to even a thief, rival, jealous cohort, or well intentioned friend or ignorant acquaintance, and the only way the bottle can leave my tangible but not necessarily physical control is if I freely, of my own will, without coercion, duplicity, hypnotism and in full control of my faculties, abilities and mind bequeath or give the bottle to another person, which then makes that person, who then receives all benefits, rights, privileges, keys and authority as set forth in these wishes, the designated master and owner of the bottle, a djinn's home, that has all of the working perfectly sized furnishings, accoutrements, doodads, knick knacks, rooms and features a micro sized Jeannie-bottle-home could want, including king sized bed, hot tub, microwave, etc, but most especially the wardrobe closet full of any clothing and accessories you desire, which of course you do since your mind and brain along with your body has become that of a woman, who is an all powerful djinn with the life span of a djinn and the appearance and features described in the previous wish, as if you were naturally born a woman with the bodily functions, appetites, knowledge, behavior, abilities, skill, and instincts, conscious, subconscious and unconscious except that you remember being Steve and what men really like and want women to do, and you also have a higher than average women's libido which means that you like anything that your master asks you to do that is erotic, sexual or slave like in nature, appearance and demeanor, no matter how humiliating, exotic, extreme, fetish or taboo like in nature it appears, furthermore as your master's adoring and enraptured djinn and slave you will not harm, maim, mutilate, kill, disfigure or otherwise cause injury, or mental anguish or pain to your master or those whose positive well-being the master cares about or allow anyone to do so, but will allow the master to do as they freely desire and will not try to hinder or interfere with any pursuits the master or those whose positive well- being the master cares about which may include but are not limited to activities, interests, pursuits, desires, needs, and wants, although you will caution and advise on said aforementioned but not limited to activities, interests, pursuits, desires, needs, and wants that potentially may harm, maim, mutilate, kill, disfigure or otherwise cause injury, or mental anguish or pain to the master or those whose positive well-being the master cares about, furthermore as a djinn, you will do whatever you can to assist the master in their interests but not limited to activities, interests, pursuits, desires, needs, and wants and can never contradict, disobey, negate or refuse a direct command, except in the case of the aforementioned phrase about wishes, even if it contradicts, negates, or disconfirms a previous direct command, however, when necessary, especially in life threatening or bodily injury situations, you never have to wait for a direct command or request to act on behalf of the master or those whose positive well-being the master cares about, whether, the master is conscious, unconscious, incapacitated, present or not present, and finally, as a djinn, you are able to use your powers at will, and know the limits, extents, durations, and range of all your knowledge, skills, abilities, attributes and features and are able to convey that knowledge to the master mentally if desired as well as verbally, or demonstratively. The end of the second wish." Paul gasped for breath and looked up at Steve. He noticed vaguely that it seemed the previous crowd had dispersed. I think I've done it, he thought, I hope I've done it right, as he felt the tingling suddenly discharge straight towards Steve. Steve appeared very pale. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish gasping for water, before he sputtered, "You wished to turn me into a woman? What kind of dumb ass are you?" Then suddenly a large black-lighted circle appeared in the air between them. It read "Official Wizard's Stamp of Approval" then it suddenly shrank in size and moved as if to attach itself to a label at the neck of Steve's jacket, which was now turning a deep dark turquoise blue color. Then a cloud of blue smoke enveloped Steve completely obliterating him from sight. When the smoke cleared away, where Steve had been standing was a very attractive beautiful young woman. The woman was clad only in a belly dancer type outfit reminiscent of the "I Dream of Jeannie" costume that was a deep dark turquoise blue but was almost totally sheer. Next to her was a non-remarkable but extra- ordinary bottle with an apparent glass stopper on the ground next to it. "Oh Master, this is so wonderful and I am exceedingly happy you did this. I would never have thought this could be done," Steve now Stephanie said. She started to examine how her body appeared. Paul turned around grinning to Jennifer, "Well Jennifer, I think it worked. I don't think you ever have to worry about Steve bothering you again. What do you think?" "This can't be real. There's no way. I don't believe... It's not possible. This has got to be some kind of gag - I know, it's that Jamie Kennedy show right?" Jennifer said. "You and Steve cooked this up to get me into something." Paul's face crumbled. Well so much for wishful thinking... he thought. "Look Jennifer, I can't convince you this is real here - too many witnesses. Why don't we go somewhere and I'll do what I can." Paul turned around to face his new toy. Well if nothing else I have the ultimate wet dream djinn for a playmate, he thought. Looking at Stephanie he realized he could not let her parade in public in the outfit she now wore. However, he did enjoy watching as she examined herself looking for any flaws. Steve now, Stephanie continued to look over herself. She was staring at her arms, breasts, turning to look at her behind, examining her legs, feeling the earrings and flipping and playing with her hair. "Stephanie," Paul said, "Can you change your outfit to something a little more acceptable for public display, and make it so that everyone here will think this is what you always had on and wore to the party?" "Oh, yes Master!" she gushed, "That is very easy to do. Is that your command? I would be very happy to do it for you. Do you have something specific you want me to wear" Paul glanced back to look at Jennifer, "Well don't alter Jennifer's and my memory of what you were wearing just now but, yeah, go ahead and change to something like maybe a black spandex tube top and matching micro-mini skirt, with black strap sandals." "As you command," Stephanie bowed slightly towards Paul and then flourished her hands. Suddenly she was dressed in the outfit Paul had described. Her hair changed too so that it was pulled up on top of her head into a kind of pony tail with curling tendrils along the sides which was more appropriate to the occasion and she now held a small purse/backpack in one hand. "Is this suitable, Master?" she asked. Her hands flourished as if she was modeling the ensemble and pointing out the tight fitting tube top and micro mini-skirt that barely covered her ass cheeks or the strap sandals with high heels. "Yes, Stephanie, I think that will do very nicely," Paul said grinning from ear to ear. "S-she really is a genie?" Jennifer stammered. "Actually, It's pronounced djinn for the singular creature depicted in Arabian nights, 'I Dream of Jeannie' or 'Disney's Aladdin'," Paul said. "How did you do this? How is it possible?" Jennifer asked now that her shock was starting to wear off. "Well technically, I didn't do this. Steve did or he set himself up, anyway. It was the shirt that did it," Paul replied. Stephanie had now come up and was clinging to Paul's arm. In fact it was almost like she was rubbing her whole body against his side. He glanced at her a moment trying to concentrate on his conversation with Jennifer. "Stephanie why don't you hand me your bottle please. We don't want to lose that," he said. "Oh yes Master. That is very important. Thank you for thinking of it Master," Stephanie gushed. She bounced back to her bottle bending over to pick it up. She did it modestly, barely, but Paul felt his crotch stirring. Jennifer looked at the tableau of Paul looking at Stephanie and amazingly felt herself get a little jealous or was it irritated at the typical male response. But, then she realized she was getting a little hot by all this too. "What do you mean the shirt? How could a T-shirt do this?" Jennifer said pointing to Stephanie, "This is like... well Magic or something." "You're right it was magic," Paul said tearing his eyes from Stephanie's ass, he thought he'd seen her pussy, he just wasn't sure. He focused back on Jennifer's face. Stephanie was back now with the bottle. Paul took it firmly with his left hand and put the stopper in his pocket. Stephanie, go talk and flirt with the people here for a little bit. You may tease a little but nothing more. When I signal you must come back," Paul said. "Yes, Master. As you command," Stephanie said with a little pout crossing her lips. "Magic doesn't exist," Jennifer said now realizing that Paul had sent Stephanie away so he could focus on her. It made her feel better somehow. "That's what I thought too. Oh, I've wished, desired, wanted it to exist, but always convinced myself somehow the magic had all gone away, until today," Paul answered. "It is hard to refuse one's own eyes. Or what one feels." "So what changed?" Jennifer asked, "How did you know?" "Well, I've always enjoyed fantasy and sci-fi stories and movies. I ran across a website that had some interesting magic stories. There was a whole series about a wizard that sells magic items to people out of a shop usually in a mall. The items always have instructions that tell people how to properly use them or he explains it to them. Invariably the buyer or user fails to follow the instructions and gets trapped," Paul explained. "So how does that relate to Steve or is it Stephanie now?" Jennifer asked. "I think Stephanie is more appropriate now, don't you?" Paul continued at Jennifer's nod, "Somehow Steve encountered the wizard and bought the T-shirt he had on from him. That shirt was magicked to grant two wishes in addition to Steve's being there." "So Steve somehow didn't follow instructions and you trapped him?" Jennifer asked. "No, more like he didn't pay attention to the instructions, and I sprung the wishes," Paul replied. "Well how did you know it was magicked and how to activate the wishes?" Jennifer shot back. "I didn't. I really truly got lucky," Paul said, "Steve said something that made me think he'd seen the wizard and got the shirt from him. He'd already been wearing it and people had seen it or read it on him. That meant reading and seeing it didn't initiate the wishes. And more than likely the casual reader that even read aloud followed by a thought or spoken 'I'd wish for a million dollars' hadn't sprung the wishes. With that in mind it meant that probably Steve had to read the shirt and then the person making the wishes had to speak them to him." "And you figured that out just from when Steve walked over to here?" Jennifer asked. "No, like I said I got lucky. By the time Steve got to us, I knew he'd seen the wizard. I had to figure out how to get the wishes started, so I took a chance and just asked Steve to read the shirt. I had four outcomes," Paul said, tallying them on his fingers, "First, nothing happened at all. In which case at best I lose my job for ticking off one of the best salesmen in the company and you tell me to kiss off, for harassing you worse than he did. Second, it works but because I did it wrong it comes back on me and I end up as the djinn, Paula, as well as losing my job, pissing you off etc. Third, the wishes work but something gets twisted and suddenly it ends with Stephanie gone off to djinn land and the best I get is maybe you accepting I did get rid of Steve for you and accepting my little proposal, which is what I wanted all along. Four, everything works just like I stated and you accept my proposal as well." "So how did you know what to wish or even make such a wish? That was one of the most elaborate wishes I've ever heard. That wasn't your normal shooting star wish. Compared to a birthday wish, that was like comparing a pop song to a classical concerto," Jennifer questioned. "That's harder to explain but, I'll try." Paul said. "You've heard of Dungeon's and Dragon's?" "Yeah, but I don't know what it is," Jennifer replied. "It's kind of like pretending to be Cowboys and Indians only you pretend in a world like Lord of the Rings and instead of acting it out, you use paper, dice, and rules to pretend with. I played in high school. We had a Dungeon Master, he's kind of like the director or playwright, that had a lot of wish items in his game. He also was pretty tricky. Every time we made a wish, he would look for some way to twist the wish back on us. If he couldn't do that then he'd find some way to break or void the wish. Finally, the players got together and wrote out a set of wishes that we would use in a particular order. The DM got pretty pissed after that, he said we cheated. We asked how? Where does it say we can't plan ahead? After that the wishes kind of dried up and we had more fun. I did most of the writing on the wishes, so I remembered it. I did modify this a bit but it followed the same pattern. Finally, remember that bit about the wizard at the beginning, which was a survival bit we used. It saved me this time too." "It did. How?" Jennifer asked. "The wizard actually stopped me on the second wish before I said something about a yacht, mansion and other things and told me to just concentrate on the djinn, something about a technicality," Paul said. "Okay, one last question," Jennifer quizzed, "Why a girl like that one? That is one hot djinn. I mean if I wasn't, didn't .. I might. Well, you know," she said getting flushed and embarrassed. "I didn't before now. But if you were a teenaged boy and could wish for anything and now older and still single could wish for a dream lover, what would you ask for?" he asked. Jennifer began to look very sheepish and a flush crept up her cheeks. "Uh, huh. That's what I thought. Besides I figured if you still didn't want to go out with me, it wouldn't be a total loss as I'd still have the djinn," Paul said grinning a bit. "What are you going to do now?" Jennifer asked. She looked over at Stephanie, who had almost the whole male population drooling over her. Most of the women were pointedly shooting daggers with their eyes. Paul had turned to see also and now looked at Jennifer. "That depends on you," he said watching for her reaction. "Me?" Jennifer looked surprised. "What do you want to do?" Paul asked. Jennifer looked at Paul and considered his question. She looked at Stephanie. Then she said, "You fixed it so she can't grant wishes anymore?" "Yep," Paul said, "It would've been way to dangerous. A wild wish could do a lot of damage. Believe me, the wrong wish could wipe out life on the planet or turn us into slime." "Oh!" Jennifer said realizing that maybe there was a lot more involved than she thought, "But she can do some magic like change her outfit." "Yeah," Paul said, "Probably a lot more. If you've seen Jeannie reruns on Nick at Nite, she does a lot of magic without wishes, same thing with the Genie in Aladdin. That was incorporated into the wish I made. I'd like to take her home and find out what those limits are." Jennifer looked at Stephanie and then at Paul again thinking. She noticed that Paul had not pressured her or used the fact that she'd already said 'Yes' against her. He seemed sincere and genuine about his affection for her. She watched as he looked at Stephanie as if he had all the time in the world. Jennifer got a sheepish grin on her face looked at Paul and then glanced away looking at him out of the corner of her eye she asked, "Do you want to fuck me before or after dinner?" Paul smiled broadly at the perky blonde, "You mean I have to choose. I can't do both?" Jennifer laughed and said, "How does she say it? Oh yes Master. As you command. Well, we'll see." "Fair enough. Ride with me. I'll have Stephanie do something about yours and my car and we'll take Steve's," Paul said realizing there were three cars to deal with. "Sounds good to me," Jennifer said. Paul put his arm around Jennifer and he noticed she moved closer to him. He signaled to Stephanie and she slinked over to him, joining he and Jennifer at the patio. About halfway across, they were interrupted by Mr. Finley. "Leaving so soon?" he asked. "Uh, yeah Mr. Finley. There's a problem with a common application in accounting. I need to look at it for Jennifer before tomorrow," Paul said. It wasn't a lie but it wasn't a priority problem either. "And both of these beautiful women need to accompany you?" Mr. Finley asked. "Jennifer needs to show me what's wrong and Stephanie is staying with me," he replied easily. "Okay Paul but you sure are going to take the best birthday wishes with you," he said. "Umm, sorry Mr. Finley maybe I can make it up sometime," Paul said honestly. "Don't worry about it. But don't spend too long. Enjoy the company you've got," the older man said congenially. Each said goodbye and the trio continued on to the side entrance they came in earlier. As they were leaving, Paul said to Jennifer, "Jennifer, important safety tip. Don't ever call a wizard a weird old geezer, even if you can't see him." "Oh yes, Master. As you command," said Stephanie. The End.

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She Reacts! One of my favorite moments during sex is when I first pull out my man meat. I love seeing the reaction on a bitches face as my monster hog seems to exit my pants endlessly. It’s like the first scene in Spaceballs, where the ship takes a minute and a half to pass by the screen.My CockzillaI would describe the facial expression as a mixture of shock, aww, excitement, and fear. Bitches already know by my alpha energy that I have a serious piece on me, but they don’t expect it to be...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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“I’m sorry, Mrs. Kent is in a meeting. If you’d like to leave a message, I can put you through to her voice mail.”She sounds young and sexy and I wonder if you’ve fucked her the way you’ve fucked me, and if you use her the way you use me. Does she desire you, and why the do I care so much.“Ma’am?”So the bitch thinks I’m old and confused and to be smiled at patiently because you’ve fucked her more recently than you’ve fucked me.“Shall I connect you?”Our last connection was in the ladies room of...

3 years ago
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‘Please Cailey? You know Joe is only in town for tonight and if I don’t see him, he’ll kill me,’ Ina pleaded. Cailey sighed. It was her first free Friday in months and she had planned to not do a damn thing but have some alone time. ‘I’ll owe you big time. I’ll do anything you want hon.’ Cailey leaned her head back against the couch and looked over at her. ‘Damn Ina. What is the job?’ Ina gave her a big smile, knowing she was going to say yes. ‘It’s a boyfriend wanting to do something special...

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"Please Cailey? You know Joe is only in town for tonight and if I don't see him, he'll kill me," Ina pleaded. Cailey sighed. It was her first free Friday in months and she had planned to not do a damn thing but have some alone time. "I'll owe you big time. I'll do anything you want hon." Cailey leaned her head back against the couch and looked over at her. "Damn Ina. What is the job?" Ina gave her a big smile, knowing she was going to say yes. "It's a boyfriend wanting to do something special...

1 year ago
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I had been awake for a while, but the sun was only just starting to stream through semi-closed curtains in my motel room. I needed to get up and get out. I didn’t want to be in that room anymore. I pulled the duvet back at the corner revealing my bare legs, and I pulled down my shirt which had ridden up above my navel while I slept. I got out of bed, having to support my back with my hand. The weight I had gained over the past few months caused my lower back to hurt, but that’s what I get as a...

Straight Sex
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“You came here for something. You came here for this,” she said.,voice a seductive whisper of promise. Bumfelt bent down before her, pushed her black skirt up over her hips. Ran his fingers over her stockings. Placed them on her black satin panties and the warm mound beneath. He caressed her through the thin material. She responded, letting out a little gasp, pushing her vulva forwards. “No,” she rasped.“Yes,” stated Bumfelt, circling the pads of his fingers on her panties. In seconds she was...

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I had been awake for a while, but the sun was only just starting to stream through semi-closed curtains in my motel room. I needed to get up and get out. I didn't want to be in that room anymore. I pulled the duvet back at the corner revealing my bare legs, and I pulled down my shirt which had ridden up above my navel while I slept. I got out of bed, having to support my back with my hand. The weight I had gained over the past few months caused my lower back to hurt, but that's what I get as...

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I want to thank my wife for her help in proofing and editing. I made changes after her help so any mistakes are mine. There is no sex in this story, please look to other stories for that. Comments are appreciated and welcome, they are how I judge my work. Thanks for reading my story and enjoy. The title and parts of the story were inspired by Tim McGraw’s song ‘Everywhere’. But ever since you said good-bye I’ve been out here on the wind And baby you would be surprised All the places you have...

3 years ago
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But ever since you said good-bye I've been out here on the wind And baby you would be surprised All the places you have been (Everywhere by Tim McGraw) It's tough to drive with both double vision and tears in my eyes, so I pulled my truck onto the shoulder of the country road. Just because my life sucked, was no reason for me to kill someone. The double vision was caused by alcohol and the tears by abject sadness. What could have caused me to drink as much as I did and brought tears to my...

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Somewhere By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - The Four of Us I'm proud to say that I'm the mother of a wonderful, happy family. My Sam is the perfect husband and father. He provides for the children and me, gives us all his love and attention and takes care of ALL my needs, several times each day. Our son Donny is a fine young man - 19 years old, an excellent scholar and athlete, and very popular with the ladies. Beth, who is 18 and very well-developed, is the...

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I had been awake for a while, but the sun was only just starting to stream through semi-closed curtains in my motel room. I needed to get up and get out. I didn’t want to be in that room anymore. I pulled the duvet back at the corner revealing my bare legs, and I pulled down my shirt which had ridden up above my navel while I slept. I got out of bed, having to support my back with my hand. The weight I had gained over the past few months caused my lower back to hurt, but that’s what I get as a...

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 Her soft lips brushed against my neck as she whispered, “Here.”“Here? What, right here?” I glanced around nervously. We weren’t exactly hidden. Okay, so we were standing amidst a clump of trees but they didn’t actually conceal us. “You sure? Isn’t this a bit, you know, public?”She laughed, tossing back her long, blonde hair so it rippled in the sunlight. God, she was beautiful, a true angel, yet she had the devil’s own glint in her eyes.“Here’s perfect,” she said, breathlessly, the look in her...

4 years ago
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I had known Bryan for years and considered him my best friend. We were very close, but something unspoken had always prevented us from advancing our friendship to the next level, even though we were compatible in so many ways. When he had moved away for college, I was heartbroken, for I ended up staying behind and working in the family business instead, but I was elated when he returned four years later for a job in a neighboring town, for once again my best friend was not someone I could see...

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How do you meet you guys who like guys, who like to fuck and suck guys? An age old question for those with the urge to fool around with another man. Some guys will go to a book store. They browse the racks especially in the gay and TG areas and chat with other browsers. If you ask a guy if he'd like to leave and get together somewhere more private, you may have a new friend. Of course the guy could panic and run out of the door of the bookstore. That happens a lot. Wonder why they were...

3 years ago
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Don't Go There Her entire marriage, Judy had been a 'good' wife and mother. She cooked, she cleaned, she redecorated, she baked cookies, kissed skinned knees, made Halloween costumes and directed Christmas pageants. She sang in the church choir, she visited sick friends with chicken soup or cheesecake (whichever fit the situation) and attended the weddings and funerals of friends and acquaintances. She had always done what was expected. Even in the bedroom. Her husband was not very...

1 year ago
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The Doctor Is Always InChapter 2

El Gato Negro is a neighborhood bar a few blocks from the hospital. For as long as I can remember, it's been a favorite watering hole for off-duty cops, firefighters, paramedics, nurses and a few of the younger docs like myself. Actually, I used to hang out there a lot when I was a paramedic, so I knew a lot of the regulars. It was almost midnight when I stopped by for a couple of beers on my way home. As soon as I stepped in the door, an old friend stood up in the far corner and hollered,...

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The Continued Erotic Adventures of Slave Kala Beach Mansion

I remember my first trip to Daniel Thorn’s beach mansion well; he was an extremely rich man, wealthy to the point there’s no point talking about it. I went for a party, and loved every minute. I had a great time during that weekend, and made ever so many new friends (it’s amazing how reminiscing on the past can make you feel younger, isn’t it?). This was only the first of many times I spent with the Thorns, both at his island retreat off the coast of France and the place in the Hunt Country, I...

3 years ago
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The first incest experience with my mother Part 4

When I heard those words come out of her mouth; "Fuck me", I realized that it would be inevitable, I would eventually end up fucking my own mother after all this fooling around. We both wanted it, it slowly escalated and finally the time came. "Mom I'd love to fuck you, I have been waiting for this for so long" i said as I pointed my cock closely to the entrance of her soaking pussy. She looked down at my penis, so close to her vagina, and began to inhale and exhale increasingly in...

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Erotic Adventure Quest

You have finally come of age and its time to choose which profession you will be trained in for the next 5 years. 3 masters eye you, each bearing a unique set of weapons. You shift uneasily at their scrutiny and finally get the courage to speak. “I'm ready to begin my training.” you say with a sliver of nervousness in lade within your resolute tone. They all chuckled quietly in unison, and the master holding a large Axe responded. “We can see that lass, but from this point on you're going to...

4 years ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 24

What few dreams I remembered were plagued with keys and lockets and spells going awry. Alyssa woke me up a couple of times, not because I was tossing and turning, but to enjoy another round of deep-seeded orgasms. The dreams, however, bothered me. They bothered me a lot. Someone knocked on my door. Then I heard, “Get up sleepy head. You can’t sleep all day.” I recognized that voice. Yeah, it was Mom. I froze. I remembered every detail from the night before, with the exception of the end...

2 years ago
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Never Lie to Kat

Akira knelt on the cement floor of the sweltering basement, her arms tied behind her back by thick rope that threatened to break the delicate skin of her wrists. Sweat dripped down her hair, pooling around the thick ball gag in her mouth. Kat only gagged Akira when she was very angry. Never Lie to Kat She looked down at the filthy floor, a spider crawled dangerously close to her knee, where the evidence of her lie was dripping down her thighs. She twitched at the closeness of large black bug....

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Majas Student Bodies Part I

Waiting for my flight in the departure lounge, my funk had not shifted for a few days now. Drinking a pint alone with my full English breakfast at nine in the morning was testament to that. My boss’ words were still vibrant in my mind. “Cheer up, it’s the Balkans,” he sniggered as his shuffling feet dragged his corpulent frame back to his office. Single, no ties, no complications, I always seemed to draw the shortest of the short straws. The work was tough, customers were often unsympathetic...

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Sasur Ji Bane Saiyaan Ji

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahaani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu. Jiske bare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati, Ghosh Babu, meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

2 years ago
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My first all male three way

I told you all of my first man fuck buddy Allen. Well this is another adventure I shared with him and a friend of his. I was home visiting family (I now live in another state) and I had told Allen I would be looking forward to fucking him again. He as well as I was ready for some hot m2m fun. Well after I had seen all my family and friends I made a date with Allen for the next night. He and I had talked about me filming him and one of his other buddy's from an adult site. Well much to my...

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My Perverted Family 4 Moms Story

Most so-called ordinary family’s interactions are governed by what is known as the “Westermarck Effect." That just means that they are not sexually attracted to one another, but several studies seem to contradict the standard view of the Westermarck effect. People seem to have sexual preferences toward faces that resemble their parents' or their own. If correct, this would suggest that Freud's idea of the Oedipus complex had more merit to it. My whole family has always seemed to be devoid...

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Night Swim

She loved swimming in the nude. It was liberating to feel her body caressed by the flowing, warm water. The abandoned pool was surrounded by tiki lights, casting a glow that made the night all the more magical. The air, although humid, was pleasantly warm. Floating around in the warm water, she thought she was alone. Gentle waves lapped at her full breasts. It felt so good, so sexy. She stood up and looked down. God, her tits looked so hot. Running her hands over them, she felt how erect her...

1 year ago
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Trolling for Vengeance Ch 2

The next chapter in the series- again, a re-post from Literotica, and I retain copyright. Have fun!-------------------------------------------------------------------Trolling for Vengeance Ch. 2Four months. I couldn’t believe it, it happened again in only four damned months! My finger traced each line of the letter, my lips moving as I read, quickly, scanning it, my heart racing as I felt the old wound resurface. It was her again, I recognized the handwriting. This bitch was enjoying his...

3 years ago
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The Wizards of Nowy WarsawChapter 15 Fall the Start of the Seventh Year of His Grace King James

Liuz felt something crawling onto his sleeping body. It was small, with two hands and (ow) two knees. It climbed onto him at his thighs, slowly making its way up onto his chest. There were three possibilities as to its identity. Liuz waited, readying himself. There was a giggle, followed by two "shhh" sounds. Ah. That narrowed it down. As small hands came down over his nipples, Liuz shot his hands up to grab Livtar. The year old Watu let out a laughing scream, his furry arms swatting at...

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The Power of Science Chapter 4 Claires New Life continued

Evan told Julianne about his ability, as well as what he did to Claire. He let Julianne enjoy using Claire, but she suddenly acted up and defied one of Evan's orders. Needless to say, she needed to be punished for her disobedience. ===== Evan dragged the rope lightly across Claire's skin. His cock was starting to get hard again. He leaned in close to Claire. "Let me show you what happens when you don't listen," Evan lifted her up and turned her around. He walked her over to his desk...

4 years ago
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Fucking a beauty in Johannesburg

Hi everyone I’m new to this website, I have been reading stories for a year now on this site. I feel this site has the best Indian sex stories. Please excuse any mistakes if I commit any. Well, I have got a real true story which has happened to me this year. Let’s just say the new year started with a deep wet hard bang. I am a Muslim guy 31 years old average body with stamina for Africa from South Africa born and brought up in Johannesburg (so Called city of gold). Currently living alone. My...

2 years ago
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Stephanie As Raped As Can Be Part 3

I stood her up to her feet. "Walk." I command. She then refused because she knew I was trying to do. I wanted to see her limp around. I had just destroyed her pussy so I knew she was going to limp. Then I yelled "FUCKING BITCH! I SAID WALK" and then ripped the rest of her shirt off, leaving her completely naked, and I grabbed her hair with my left hand, tilted her head back, and with my right hand started slapping her tits over and over again as hard as I could, and she couldn't scream...

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Valentines Day Wife

Man leaves cheating wife on Valentines Day.February 14th 2008, Valentines DayI watched her through hooded eyes as she slipped into the bedroom, and then tried to control the grin I felt growing on my lips when I saw what she was wearing.Fuck, she's still capable of giving me a hard-on I thought as I watched her full, round breasts moving under the diaphanous, ivory colored, silk babydoll she was wearing. To her husband of f******n years her already hard, dark pink, half dollar sized nipples...

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Dawn reborn

DAWN REBORNDawn Carson sat at the neatly laid table at the back of the restaurant feeling worried, yet with some excitement. Why mixed emotions? Partly because she had never done anything like this before. Thirty-four years old, separated from her husband for nine months, and here she was waiting to meet a man she did not know, who could be bedding her by the end of the evening. And she had set it up herself.Her simple black cocktail dress with two narrow straps that left her tanned shoulders...

Group Sex
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He watched her as she strode around with the man by her side, watching as he seemed to manipulate her. He grabbed her ass a couple of times and bent forward to whisper in her ear, he saw the wedding ring on his hand, but noticed that she wore none. He saw the grimace on his face as he reached for the pager on his side, then he whispered something in her ear and left her with a rejected look on her face. He saw his opportunity, but held back to see what transpired. Several men came up and hit on...

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My aunties Party

My Auntie's Party I can't say I like my Aunt Bela, but I don't dislike her either. She's a really nice person, but I just don't like going to her house... Her son - my cousin - is the "spawn of Satan", like Mom says. The guy's a year younger than me and he's always causing trouble. I never understood why... "Brian, hurry up! It's almost time for your Aunt's party!" shouted my mom from downstairs. My name's Brian West, by the way. "Ok, Mom!" I shouted back at her. I had...

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Coping with Retirement part 1 I Build It and a Girl Comes

For over forty years I’d had the same rhythm to my life: five days a week going to work, followed by the weekend; then the next five days at work, and so on and so on. Now suddenly there was the weekend, and then nothing. I’d read about the different ways retirement can affect people, but I hadn’t taken it too seriously. I suppose I was surprised it had arrived, even though it was so utterly predictable. Old age had crept up on me. It was inevitable that I’d be sixty-five one...

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Living The Dream Chapter 1

My story starts two years ago. I'd been on a dry spell for almost six months, so my friend, Shawn, set me up on a date. All he would tell me about the woman was that she was a police officer and that, if I would give it a shot, she could make me very happy. I was skeptical at first. After all, I have some, unusual tastes. I am very much into bdsm and I like my females young. Looking back, maybe Shawn knew that, but I always thought that I hid that part of myself pretty well. Anyway, the...

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My wife Gail is a beautiful blonde, 39 years old, about 5'7" tall with great legs and tits like a 16 year old virgin. She can, however, get into some trouble once in a while. Recently while checking email she received a notice that she had won a free trip. Well the trip was not free and she did not tell me. Before I knew I was out $500 and going on a trip that I could have gotten for less. She begged me not to be mad and to take her on vacation, so I told her that she would have to do anything...

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Piss Fun

This is a story from when I was 26. Still very much a party a****l in those days. Confused, not caring what I did a lot of time. In a steady job but when it came to the weekends anything could happen and usually did.This weekend I was bored, no one was out and I was stuck inside on my own. Being horny and frustrated and no current play partners was not good for the soul or mind. Add to that my tendency to plunge my mind into doing something stupid or hedonistic. It led my mind to working...

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Lizzie CameChapter 16

Janice braced herself for whatever might lie on the other side of her front door. Anger? Resentment? Indifference? She was ready for most anything, except what she got. She opened the door, and no sooner had she set two feet into the house she heard, "Mommy S!" Lizzie came running to Janice, from where Janice hadn't even seen, and threw her arms around her and hugged her very tightly. "Mrs. S! Mommy S! Are you O.K.? We were soooo worried about you! I'm so, so sorry. I'm the one who...

2 years ago
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Dive Into The Diva The Pool

Hey everyone, This is Joe doe with just another story that will make all your holes wet ;) This is my second story of the same series. So about me ,most of you may not know, I did my UG in Germany, worked in a Thai spa part time 6 months, just learnt everything there is about a angel’s body, got laid mostly but worst part working in a spa..You get to do everything but you never come…..Massage ,licks and just everything else but no penetration.Sad story of my life…. But got laid anyway So when...

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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 43 Trying To Reason

I didn't expect to have surprise on my side when I arrived. Fiona was in an office suite that, like Lord Morehouse's office, was very tasteful and very expensive. And like Lord Morehouse, she was waiting for me. "Ral, I'm so glad you could make it," she said sweetly. She got up from her desk and walked toward me with her arms out for a hug. She hadn't even noticed my flustered state. Maybe she had expected it. Maybe she knew what had just happened. Maybe I was right and she had killed...

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The Babe Bike BluesChapter 14

Don was slow to accept the idea that it was okay for his best friend to fall in love with his daughter. He discounted completely Jennifer's comment that she was in love with Bob. She was just a kid. What did she know about love? His wife seemed to take the opposite approach, though she didn't push it. She sent Bob to get sodas, with which to toast, but that was it. When he got back, she told her husband to find something he liked on TV. "Why?" Don asked suspiciously. "Earlier today you...

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Ava and The New World Ch 08

Mendoza’s sultry mouth travelled down the soft curves of Ava’s torso, sparking fireworks to shoot throughout her body. His fingers lingered over the soft skin of her thighs, stroking upwards making Ava shudder, whimpering his name. The pleasure intensified — and Ava was melting in a haze of passion, her mind threatening to blacken, her body raw with lust when she realised Mendoza’s kisses were deep on her hot weeping sex. Her eyes flew open is shock and disbelief. She tensed, her mind...

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My Changed Sexual Orientation 8211 Part I

Before I start , I would like to introduce myself as it is my first time that I am writing for this site … I really liked ISS and never missed even a single story , especially in the gay section .My name is Virat and I hail from Chandigarh . I am 6 feet tall and have a athletic body with a nice 2 pack abs. I am pursuing my MBA from Dehradun and I am a pure bottom gay. But I was not born gay, in fact I had a few girlfriends in high school and I had sex with a couple of them. I was straight till...

Gay Male
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The Headmasters Punishment Part 3

The door to the headmasters office was wide was wide open, as were the mouths of the female teacher and male pupil who surveyed the scene before them in shocked silence. Their headmaster was standing with his trousers round his ankles and rapidly deflating cock sniffing the air while in front of him was knelt a blond six-form girl, her face hair and green uniform blouse marked with sticky splats of spunk."I see you decided to start the disciplinary interview without me Mr Garvey" remarked the...

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Seducing A Hot Aunty On Facebook 8211 Part 3

Hey, guys thanks for the wonderful support and likes. This is the 3rd part of the series, please read the other 2 parts to understand what happened before this. Continued from where I left. After all the stuff, we both headed to bed, I was a little frustrated by her act. I decided that no matter what happens I should make this woman learn how to enjoy a man completely. I will make sure that she becomes a pro in blowjob and start enjoying a man’s dick. Next day morning she had messaged saying...

1 year ago
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The Cave

THE CAVE There was nothing I could do but watch as the five pairs of hands m*****ed Fay’s beautiful naked body. She too was unable to offer any resistance. They stroked, squeezed, prodded, touched and roamed all over her body without remorse, without fear of being stopped, without fear of reprisal. Fay’s hands were fastened at the wrists over her head, leather wrist cuffs clipped onto chains suspended from a ceiling beam, her feet just touching the floor, her legs forced apart by a wooden...

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