A Good Idea free porn video

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"A Good Idea" It was, perhaps, a week before graduation that Mona suggested we move in together. It was a fairly innocuous request, when you got right down to it; she had found an apartment which she couldn't afford on her own. $1000 a month is fairly difficult for a college student to pay when one considers that such a student also must purchase their own books. It was the cheapest apartment she had found that wasn't crawling with roaches, but she was lucky to pull in $600 a month. What was a girl to do? I highly doubt I was the first person on her list. We were friends, but not really close friends. That is to say, we hung out sometimes, and we did not find each other's personalities entirely objectionable. It's not too hard to trace exactly what she would have done. First, she would have gone to her best friend Anne. Anne now was the 'connection' that had allowed us to meet in the first place; I had known Anne since the fifth grade. Anne would have told Mona at least one, possibly all, of the following things: 1) She was going to college three states away. 2) She was moving in with her boyfriend, Rich. 3) She doubted that the two of them would get along in the same apartment. That tends to happen with good friends, she would have said. She would have hugged her, kissed Mona's cheek, and walked away. She had been distancing herself from all her friends for a few weeks, trying to prevent the pain from being too much for when she finally had to leave in early July. She next would have made a similar entreaty to Janey. Janey would have said no, because she had already paid for her dorm for the semester. Similar responses would have come from Sally, Meg, Sarah, Charlotte and, possibly, if she asked her, Michelle. Joey would have said no because he wouldn't want the temptation. Leaving me, Jim, and Other Jim, in that order. So, when Mona came to me saying, "Morgan," (yes, my name is Morgan, shut up),"would you want to share an apartment," I was more than happy to take the opportunity. See, I was taking a year off so I could save up some money. Unfortunately, paying $700 in rent would afford me little chance to save much of anything. Reduce that to $500, splitting the rent for the apartment with Mona in half, and everything is peachy. So, I scrambled to cancel the two-hundred dollar check I had put down on the West End apartment and made arrangements to move in with Mona. She'd be the only one legally paying the rent, but I'd be delivering my share to her every month. She told me all the details over the phone about two weeks before we moved. "There's only one bedroom, but we can easily turn the dining room into the living room and move you into the den. One bathroom, which we'll have to share, I guess, and a small kitchen. It'll be crowded, but it's in a good neighborhood, so it's worth it." I had to concur. The apartment I had been planning on was in a fairly dingy part of Fairfield, so this would be a definite improvement. To top it off, one day, while packing up my room, Mona showed up with a CD for me; Edith Piaf. She knew me and my love for French jazz. She hated the stuff, and insisted that I use headphones when I listened to it at the apartment. I didn't care how I listened as long as I listened. Quand il me prend dans ses bras, il me parle tout bas, je vois la vie en rose. Natch, I loved it. So, we moved in. It was pretty small, but it had high ceilings. That's always nice; give us the space where we don't need it? up. But, we had room enough; the tiny dining room became our tiny living room. She got the relatively spacious master bedroom, and I got the substantially smaller den. At first, I protested. She had a third more space; I was gonna run out of room. Mona looked at me lightly, and said, "Don't be like that, Morgan. I'm paying for all the food, AND I bought you that CD to thank you for helping me out. It's a good idea." A good idea? Yeah. She was right, after all. She was buying all the food, and I couldn't stop listening to that CD. I shouldn't have argued with her about it. She had been kind enough to help me out, and, again, that ?bad-ass? Edith Piaf CD. I popped it back in, and began unpacking my room again. Happily and without complaint. Mona rocked. Time passed, and we lived on. It had been a month or so; I was working at Giorgio's Italian Restaurant, and she was going to school AND working full time. And, ya know, my room wasn't nearly so small as I thought it was. Maybe I got used to it, or maybe it was all a matter of my biased Morganvision. It's a good thing Mona was there to help me adjust. And we were becoming closer friends; on those nights we were both home at the same time, we'd rent old movies; Sabrina was a favorite. It was her idea, and like she kept telling me every time she picked the movie, it was a good one. A good idea. I have a lot of really specific memories of those days, ya know. Especially the ones where Mona has a good idea, which happened a lot. She made me feel dumb a lot of the time, as she pointed out the obvious. All she had to say, it seemed, was "it's a good idea," and I'd see it. I just needed to be shown. Like this one time, she came up to me and said, "Ya know, Morgan, I think it'd be a good idea if you shaved." I had a goatee, and had had one for the better part of a year, and now, a month into living together, she points out that it'd be a good idea to remove it. I balked for a second, thought about it, and realized that, like always, she was right. It was a good idea. So, I popped in my Edith Piaf CD (headphones, of course! I wanted to keep Mona happy), and shaved the damn thing off. Was that a momentary feeling of confusion? Why did I shave it off? I shook off the thought, and went back out. Smiling, almost giddy, she stroked my now-smooth face and said, "I loooove it!" She then kissed that baby-smooth cheek, and gave me a funny look. "You should use skin lotion. Like Oil of Olay." "What?" That was weird of her to say, I thought. "Oh, come on. I like your skin all smooth like this. In fact, you should use some of that skin-lotion soap, too. Oh! And Nair! Go hairless!" "Hardy har har." She gave me puppy-dog eyes and said, "Puh-leeeeeeeze? It's a good idea..." Flutter flutter. And, right then, I realized it. She was absolutely right. So often, she was absolutely right, and this was no exception. It was a good idea. Why couldn't I see it? Being smooth felt good on my face, so why not on the rest of me? I loved Mona for taking care of me like that; she was really good at showing me where I needed to change. What would I do without her? So was it written, so was it done. I used her bath stuff and Nair, and smoothed all up. Chest hair, leg hair, back hair. Arm pits. And, dammit, she really _was_ right. It felt fantastic. Why hadn't I done this sooner? Mona, you're too good to me, always helping me out. If it wasn't for her, why, I'd still be gross and hairy. I could see that now; being hairy was gross, not manly and badass, but downright sickening. Smooth was the way to go, and so I went that way. Later on, she told me how good an idea it was for me to start using her perfumed soaps. She was right. Fantastic ideas all around! I couldn't believe none of this had ever occurred to me! It all seemed _so obvious_ after she told me what a good idea it was. Edith Piaf was right, after all. Je vois la vie en rose. I needed her. I was beginning to see that, if nothing else. She was keeping me hip and stylish, showing me all these things that were great ideas, things she had been doing all her life, and now, she was right, I could see it. Why hadn't I always been doing it? I must have been so stupid. Ah, Mona. She's so good to me. Like I was saying, we had a lot of fun during those times we were home together. Always, such good ideas! Every time, it seemed, she had another one. Something else to point out to me. I remember a lot of those times, because they meant so much to me. One night, I had the night off, and, miraculously, so did Mona. She was in the living room watching Roman Holiday while I was in my room playing Civilization III. I popped out for a second to get a can of Pepsi, and she looks over at me with that funny look of hers. "What?" I said nonchalantly. "Oh, nothing." I hated this. "What?" "Well, I was thinking. It'd be really fun if you let me give you a makeover." Again. "What?" "Oh, please? I used to do this all the time for my little sister, but I can't anymore. It's really fun." "Ya know, I don't think it would be." "Please? For me? It's a good idea." There it was. A good idea. She was right, again. I could see it now; it was a good idea, after all. It was just a chance to let Mona have a little fun. What was wrong with that? I was confident enough in my manhood not to let something like this bother me. After all, as Edith Piaf says, this is la vie en rose. I want Mona to be happy. So I let her go nuts all over my face. She did me all up; lipstick, mascara, eyeliner, something called 'foundation,' blush. Everything. It took like an hour or something; I'm not entirely sure. Time flies, they say. But, when she was done, she spun me around to face the mirror, and I was shocked; it didn't look half bad. Not that I'd wear this stuff ever again. "Wow, Morgan," she said. "You look really sexy in that. It'd be a good idea if you wore it more often." A good idea, she said. She was right. Dammit, again, she was right! How did she always manage to see what I couldn't? It was so obvious - I _did_ look good in all this makeup, and with my hair already long, it actually worked really well. It wasn't just a good idea; it was a _fantastic_ one. Girls would be all over me if I went around like this. It was just perfect. "Mona, you're right, as usual. I need to get some of my own." And she insisted on buying it for me. Two days later, I came home from work to find a mirror and a makeup box on my dresser. Mona is so good to me. I was going to be able to look pretty for work the next day. So when I got up the next day to go down to Giorgio's (my job, in case you forgot), Mona helped me doll up for the occasion. I was sure to make a splash! A splash is exactly what I made. They fired me on the spot. Bastards, I thought. Mona said I didn?t need to worry about getting a job, as she had recently been promoted, and could now afford the whole place herself. She just wanted me to clean around the house, keep things all spic and span for her. Cook?that kind of thing. She told me it was a good idea. Well, she was paying my rent; the least I could do would be to help around the house. It was a good idea. So, my life was reduced to cooking and cleaning our tiny loft apartment. I still kept trying to find work. Mona even offered to help me look pretty for my interviews, but every time, they looked at me funny and sent me packing. Unable to find work, I remained the housekeeper. Mona even started giving me a bit of an allowance, to keep me in makeup and movies. Edith Piaf was on the CD player all the time. One day, however, she tells me that her parents wanted to come over for dinner. We didn't have a dinner table; we just ate on the couch. But Mona's parents are more formal than that. So we had to work something out. We racked our brains for the better part of an hour before Mona came up with something. "We could share the big room." "How?" "Well, we could move your bed in, bring in your dresser and everything. Split the closet down the middle. Then, ya know, we could move all the living room stuff into your room, and go buy a dinner table from ?The Dump? (a local furniture store)." "I don't know. How Kosher is that?" "We aren't sleeping together. It's a good idea." A good idea. That was that. So was it written, so was it done, and Mona's room, which previously seemed spacious, was now downright cramped. And then her parents cancelled. "Well, fuck." That was about the extent of my reaction. But we had already rearranged everything and bought a goddamn dinner table, Mona said, that we might as well keep the arrangement. It would take some getting used to, though. But, she said, it was a good idea, and who was I to disagree with Mona? It was difficult. My dresser got in the way of everything, and I barely used it to store anything aside from underwear and socks. Even my makeup box had moved down to Mona's vanity. Really, it wasn't working. Even the closet division was failing. We sat down for dinner at our table, the curse of this apartment and the source of the problem, and I made a suggestion. "You should sell the table." "No." "Why not?" "Just no. I like the table. It's a good table, and it's a good idea that we keep it." That ended my argument right there; she was right about the table. "So what should we do?" She looked thoughtful, and finally, with a Eureka! look, said, "Throw out your dresser. You only use it for underwear, anyway. It's a good idea." "I agree," I said. She was right, after all. "I'll store my underwear with yours, then?" "No. That wouldn't work. It's a terrible idea. We can't store both mine and yours together." I felt so stupid, having come up with such a bad idea. "So what, then?" "Well, we could share mine." "You want me to wear your panties?" "Wouldn't it save us money? Only having to worry about buying the one set of socks and underwear? You don't jack off and we're about the same size. It's a good idea." And, don't you know it, I could see it. She was right. It was a good idea, it made perfect sense once I thought about it. We would share underwear and socks, and everything would be right with the world. The dresser went the next day, with all my unmentionables still inside. The garbage men took it away, and it was gone forever. The room just opened up like you wouldn't believe. And now that we could see everything, we realized how bad the room looked with my stuff and hers side by side. There was no unity in anything. She told me it would be a good idea to let her redecorate everything one day. So she went out and bought pastel sheets. It was all very girly; I would've protested had she not pointed out what a good idea it all was. She still let me listen to Edith Piaf whenever I wanted, so who was I to complain? One problem solved, another brought to the forefront. We lived like that for about a month when the closet-sharing pretty much collapsed. Everything was getting mixed in, lost. It was a confusing mess. Another dinner, another discussion, another Good Idea. Mona took charge as usual. (I was beginning to realize that, really, she was the man of the house). "Morgan, I've got the solution to the closet situation. It'll solve that problem and save us a ton of money at the same time." I looked up from my veal scaloppini. She smiled wryly. "Let's share clothes. Then, we won't have to worry about whose is whose." I would have suggested we go back to our individual rooms and just sell the goddamn table, but she had already shown me how that was a bad idea. In all our months of living together, I had learned to afford her a lot of clout, because, more often than not, she had fantastic ideas about how to arrange our lives, so I was prepared to hear her out. "You mean like shirts and pants and the like?" "Not just that. Everything. Why waste anything? We could share my skirts and dresses and everything. I mean, we are almost the exact same size." I stared blankly at her for like five minutes. "Oh, grow up, Morgan. It's a good idea." How did she do it? She could always see so many things, always had these grand ideas, and I always couldn't see it until she told me. Even then, 99% of the time, she had to actually inform me it was a good idea before I saw it for what it was. This would save us so much money! AND end the closet problem! We would share everything; be perfect roommates, closet mates, and clothes mates. Nothing between us. What's hers is mine and what's mine is hers. After dinner, I stripped down to my panties - well, our panties - took all my clothes, and unceremoniously shoved them into a trash bag. Again, the garbage men would come and take them far away. She went through her wardrobe, and took out a blue casual dress, and told me it'd be a good idea if I wore it. She was right. She even told me it'd be a good idea if I, since all her tops and dresses were made for chicks, started wearing a stuffed bra all the time. It all made so much sense! So my day now went like this. Every morning, I would wake up at 5:30 sharp to make Mona her breakfast. I would get dressed - put on panties and a bra, stuff the bra, and, more often than not, put on a dress - Mona liked me in dresses, and I did everything I could to please Mona. She was so good to me. I'd put on my makeup (I was getting good at it!) and make her breakfast. She'd get up, eat breakfast, and go to work (I would kiss her goodbye on the cheek) while I would spend the day cleaning the house, running errands, and, increasingly, watching daytime TV. I grew my hair out even longer, and for convenience, started wearing it in a ponytail. I'd have dinner ready when she came home, and she'd eat and pop in a movie. We'd then watch it together and go to bed; I would wear a long blue nightgown. Man, bachelor life rocked. I was so happy that I had Mona to take care of me. She'd even convinced me that it was a good idea if I turned over my bank account to her, so I wouldn't have to worry about money. And what's more, she showed me that, since I was such a good housekeeper, I didn't need to go to college! This went on for a while, with no major problems creeping up. We lived together and were happy. It was like we were husband and wife! She handling all the money and going off to work, and me keeping pretty and cooking and cleaning. Life was grand. One day, over dinner (I had made Mona's favorite, pepper chicken), she said to me that she had fallen in love. I was so happy for her! His name, she said, was Benny, and he was human resources director at Dillard's Department Store. She said she'd been seeing him for a month (she hadn't breathed a word about him all that time), and was now fairly certain she was in love. Mona looked angelic as she thought about him. I couldn't help but wonder what he looked like. "He doesn't have a problem that you have a guy for a roommate?" "What are you talking about?" "Well, some guys would think I'd be competition -" "No, Morgan. I mean, what do you mean 'a guy?'" "I'm a guy." "Look at yourself. You're wearing a dress. Bras. Panties. We share a wardrobe. You wear makeup. You look, act, talk, and dress like a girl." "What are you talking about? I dress like this because it keeps our wardrobe bills low, and I wear makeup because it looks good." "You are a perfect little housewife." I must have had my painted mouth open for a solid minute as it hit me. And it made such perfect sense. In this 'family,' Mona was the husband, and I was the wife. The cuckolded wife. She didn't even have to inform me it was a good idea. "Benny wants to move in. He's going to be coming in two days. This means you have to move back into the den." "So are we selling the dinner table?" "What? And deny Benny an appropriate dinner? No. All the entertainment equipment is going into my room. It'll save space." She must have seen my face. "Oh, come on, Morgan. You can't have not seen this coming. You know I love you like a sister, right? Come'ere." I walked over to her and she hugged me, pressing my head against her chest. Mona is so good to me. She leaned over and whispered into my ear, "Oh, you know it's a good idea for him to come." And she was right. It all made sense. So, after a few minutes, we got up and began rearranging the apartment, yet again. We moved my bed back into the den, moved the entertainment equipment into the master bedroom, along with the love seat, and, because Mona loves me so much, she even donated some clothes to stock my closet. She said she'd go out later and buy some more. True to her word and her good ideas, when Benny did show up, two days later, he carried up a vanity that Mona had purchased for me, while she brought up a whole bunch of new clothes. Mostly dresses and skirts, I might add. I could nearly have cried. Benny, now, Benny was really a man's man. He wasn't really buff or attractive, but he was strong, mildly good looking, and really assertive. He immediately 'took charge' of the household. Mona let me know in no uncertain terms that he was the man of the house, and I was to afford him the same respect and deference that I afforded her. It was a good idea, she said, and it was. It made sense. But now, I had to get up extra early to make two breakfasts, I had to do twice the laundry, and Benny was notorious for not picking up after himself. I was working a full time job housekeeping, and all I got was a lousy $100 monthly allowance. I was starting to wonder if I should move out, and get my own place. But what would I do without Mona? She, and now Benny, took care of me. They kept me fed and clothed. They even sometimes let me watch TV with them or eat meals with them. They are both so good to me. I guess Mona recognized this. She told me that she and Benny had had a nice long talk about where exactly I fit into that household. Benny's primary objection, it seems, was that Mona no longer had any need of a roommate, lacking neither for money nor company. It was true, he was willing to concede, that I did a lot of work around the house, but really, they two of them could split what I did. There was no reason to keep me there. She told me he really wanted to kick me out. But, she said, she had told him that there was no place for me to go, that the only skills I had were housekeeping. That she was keeping me from being homeless. That I had no money, no assets, and not even any legal property. Benny wasn't a bad guy, she said, so they two of them worked out an agreement. They said that I could stay on one condition: I agreed to become their legal employee. Their maid, to be precise. Really, it wouldn't be any different than my current life, she said, aside from better pay than the monthly allowance. They had written up a contract, all I had to do was sign. To sign this, I said, would be to ultimately repudiate my manhood. It would be to accept my position in life, to deny everything before that. It would mean I would stop being her friend, and start being her servant. It would be the end of life as I knew it, I told her. "But," she said, "it's a good idea." So I signed it. And the world didn't change immediately. Things went by almost exactly as usual, except that I had more money and more free time. I made about $1,000 a month, and they even set up a bank account for me, to which it was directly deposited. Life was proceeding pretty much the same, and time just passed. And then, one day, I realized something. I had been living there for a year. Benny had been there for two months. But I had been there a year. I looked at myself in the mirror and cried a little, realizing my family hadn't heard from me in months. I wondered what they thought. I asked Mona about this, and she told me that she had informed them that I was moving to Europe. Six months ago. So, they wouldn't be looking for me. They wouldn't see the changes. Mona told me it was a good idea, and I realized it was. Benny was becoming increasingly successful, as time passed. He decided that he and Mona should buy a bigger apartment downtown. I had no choice but to come. I was, after all, the maid. At the new apartment, though, Benny expected me to wear a uniform. It was a traditional black and white maid's uniform. I was also expected to sign a new contract (Mona told me it was a good idea) which bound me to the apartment; I was forbidden to leave except on business. My bank account was closed, and my salary cancelled. They now required me to call Benny 'Sir' and Mona 'Ma'am'. I, of course, agreed emphatically that these were all fantastic ideas; after all, Ma'am thought most of them up, told me how good they were. She takes such good care of me. One day, while waiting upon Ma'am as she ate her lunch at home (she had quit her job and left school because Benny was so successful), she asked me to sit down. She said she had an idea. Ma'am's ideas are always so good; I sat down and listened with rapt ears. "I think it'd be a good idea if you took a new name. 'Morgan' is unbecoming for a girl as pretty as you." I still chafed at being called a girl. "Oh, get used to it. So, how about Marie, eh? A French name for a French maid? And, it's awful close to Morgan, so it'll be easy to get used to." "Ma'am, I don't want a girl's name. I'm not a girl." "I think it'd be a good idea if you started thinking of yourself as one." So I did. It was, after all, a great idea. *************************************************** *************************** ********* Hmm. I wanted to write more, but I couldn't figure out where to go next. I was thinking some light bondage, no sex (because sex stories annoy the hell out of me). So if anyone wants to write the next chapter (and I am BEGGING someone to), all I ask is that it's kept PG and you show it to me. [email protected]

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Goodgulf the Wizard Ogres and Amazons Part 1

I was sitting in my favorite tavern in the small town of Salla Sallew (where ther are no troubles, at least very few) minding my own business enjoying a good pint of cold beer (I used wizardry to chill the beer, I can't stand it warm) when in walked three ogres. Now we get all sorts of beings in town so three ogres wasn't all that unusual. We have humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, halflings, goblins, trolls, ogres and even a few fairies. Most of the intelligent people get along with each other...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Shes sitting there in the corner of my eye asking why I have to make a mess she knows my cakes take time to prepare bake and set. Whisking the eggs fluffing my batter she waits my forearms tighten cute bakers hat shaking my good mood to much to resist. Come here for a second she calls out to me. Hold on is my reply. Set my pans in the oven turn around her body pins up mine. Gimme a kiss. So I do slip to the side and be rude let me go take a shower. I wash the flour out my hair take a moment and...

1 year ago
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Good Porn! Ah, the appeal of free things! It doesn't matter whether it's a new pair of pants or a car; free stuff makes everyone happy. What if you could get something that you actually wanted for free? You know, something like free porn? That's right. You know The Porn Dude is your number one destination when it comes to finding the best portals for free smut. I spend long hours on the darkest parts of the internet looking for places where you can stroke your prick chaffed without worrying...

Free Porn Tube Sites
3 years ago
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The Nudist Hideaway

A few years back I decided to check out a nudist retreat that offered hiking,cycling and other outdoor activities that worked up a good sweat and provided an outlet to the modern stress filled air conditioned lifestyle that so many have people are trapped in the confines of.I walked in to the front desk area where I was greeted by two thirty something women who said that I should take a look around and check out the roster board of daily activities to see if there were any that I'd enjoy...

2 years ago
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Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 13 A First Trip to a Senate Hideaway

Arlene went with Greta to meet Andy and Diane after work. Terry told them, “Andy’s comments suggested that Diane might be interested in women. Now, either of you, appropriately dressed and made up, certainly can come across as of college age. Harold, on the other hand, needs more growth to be able to pass as in his twenties. Paul can’t easily get away from work for this.” Arlene grinned. “Harold probably needs some male helpers so that we don’t fuck him to death.” Terry observed, “It’s not...

4 years ago
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SRU Ideals

IDEALS By Scott K. Jamison (Spells R Us created by Bill Hart) This story may be posted on any free site. Victor Redford had a problem. It wasn't his looks. At just over 6' tall, and muscular in proportion to his size, the Renton College junior was able to turn his blond hair, baby blue eyes and ruggedly handsome face to best advantage. It wasn't his grades. Like most of the football team, the young halfback was enrolled in a less than challenging curriculum, and since...

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Goody The Reunion episode 12

Ted walked into the kitchen to see what was holding things up. ‘Oh, lord! What have we here?’ He exclaimed loudly. His wife, Dot and her friend, Goody were locked in a fierce embrace. He was not so much surprised as pleasantly relieved. He had been hoping that this reunion would rejuvenate their previous relationship. The women were locked in a squirming clinch against the kitchen counter. Goody had one knee up to Dot’s hip, humping her pelvis into her old friend who in turn was pressed to the...

3 years ago
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Femdom Punishment Ideas

By Mistress Kylie,This post contains all of the ideas I have been able to come up with or find on the internet for female-dominant, male-submissive scenes…You’ll probably notice that a lot of the ideas are designed for use over many days and are associated with orgasm control. This theme emerged over time because orgasm control is so effective at heightening male desire. We use this list in a very simple framework when setting up scenes. First she picks one or more of the ideas below (either by...

2 years ago
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Good Idea

Good Idea By Vivian Bird As soon as Marian's husband, Robin, came in the door, he cried out "damn it Marian, it happened again, right out there on the street. I don't know if I can stand it anymore." "Tell me what happened, Robin," asked Marian. "Did someone hit you, or steal something from you? Why don't you sit down and tell me what is bothering you so much. Come here and sit on the sofa next to me." As he did so, Marian noticed that Robin was crying. "These three teenagers...

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Goody episode 2

To describe Goody in a word: voluptuous. She had black hair, piercing blue eyes and a tiny waist with flaring hips, truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had ever seen. Dot had already shaved it for her by the time I met them. Dot on the other hand was tall, blonde, small breasted, really long legs, and beautiful pear shaped ass.  They were a sexy pair. Strolling down the boulevard on a warm summer evening, Dot’s arm around Goody’s neck and...

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                                                                                                           This happened a while ago, early 2000's, after my first divorce but prior to my second marriage and second divorce. I was living in an apartment alone, like now, and was looking for fun in AOL chat rooms, a pretty new thing at the time. The chat room was for guys wanting to watch while someone fucked their wife. Hmmm.   He wasn't much of a chatter but said he and his wife would like to...

Wife Lovers
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Ideas By Casey CD Ideas for stories, let me know if you like them, and maybe I'll turn them into a story. Email me at [email protected] PLEASE PUT "Ideas" as topic or I might delete it thinking it's spam, and with yahoo, I get LOTS of spam. Magic Guitar Whenever someone plays a person's theme song from a TV show, movie, or video game, the player turns into that person as the actor, or what they would look like if real, and it would last until something else is...

3 years ago
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Giving Birth To Pervy Ideas

Giving Birth To Pervy Ideas By Cassy_Bee Synopsis: Richard's last date didn't go too well. In fact it was disastrous. He even was cursed by her. Now, all too soon, he will find out that curses are real and apparently quite literally. ***** "You look like crap," Amanda remarked as Richard stepped onto the long balcony that allowed access to both their apartments. Leaning on the railing she took a drag of her cigarette before she continued. "I thought you and Sallie did well. What...

2 years ago
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The Closet Hideaway

Chuck had been working for his Uncle Gino in the family’s private investigation and security business for the past three years since dropping out of college. He had been sent by Uncle Gino to install some video and electronic surveillance equipment in an apartment. Hiding and setting up surveillance devices is what Chuck did best and he loved what he did. He had been slightly nervous as he encountered the doorman at the entrance of the apartment building but a quick nod by the doorman assured...

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The Closet Hideaway

Chuck had been working for his Uncle Gino in the family’s private investigation and security business for the past three years since dropping out of college. He had been sent by Uncle Gino to install some video and electronic surveillance equipment in an apartment. Hiding and setting up surveillance devices is what Chuck did best and he loved what he did.He had been slightly nervous as he encountered the doorman at the entrance of the apartment building but a quick nod by the doorman assured...

3 years ago
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Island Hideaway

The sea was an even deeper blue than the tropical sky, but the breakers kicked up by the recent storm that pounded against his island's reef in billows of sparkling white only sent ripples across the lagoon. The sun was warm on his back as Greg Barstow walked along the beach in his usual garb of ragged cutoffs and sneakers. His self-imposed exile might be lonesome, but at least here he was safe, as safe as he could be anywhere on Earth, He opened his mind to the currents of thought that...

4 years ago
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Two Different WorldsChapter 20 Neals Hideaway

There was dead silence in the lab for a moment. All eyes were fixed on the heavy spear that hung quivering in the splintered panel of the lab door. Its butt end, chopped off by the abrupt closing of the portal, slowly sank until it came to rest on the polished floor. It touched the smooth vinyl with a 'thunk' that seemed astonishingly loud in the silence, followed by a softer thud as Tony crumpled to the floor. "This man's been hurt!" His professional training taking over, Doctor Worth...

1 year ago
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My sexual preferences and ideals

Hello, i figured i would write a little about my sexual evolution, preferences and labels. First of all i am a 40 year old man, just recently divorced with three k**s. If i were to label myself, i am straight. I love women and pussy. Never any doubt or wonder about it. I am not attracted to guys at all, not in the least bit, never have been. In fact the sight of a mans face or body is a turn off. I couldnt imagine, and never would want to be intimate with a man, kissing, cuddling, etc. Why am i...

3 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 40 A Man of Ideals

(Sanosuke and Kenshin are walking home from the market.) Sanosuke: It's been ten days since the Shinko school attack, and no sign that Raijuuta's coming. Maybe you beat 'em so easy he got scared. Kenshin: It wasn't easy. There were a lot of them, and the one with the twin blade was good. Sanosuke: That's what you say, but it doesn't sound like you mean it. Kenshin (reaching for the dojo door): You think so? Yahiko: Who's a shrimp, you cat-eyed bastard? Sanosuke: Ouch. Kenshin:...

3 years ago
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Big Ideas

Big Ideas By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Cindy and Me Cindy and I have been best friends ever since we were almost seniors in high school and she and her family moved to our town. Cindy says she got the Big Idea first, but I know it was me. Cindy's sweet and pretty, but I'm the smart one. You don't see her writing this biographical story do you? You see, back then, when we first met, Cindy and I were pretending to be boys, because that was what everyone expected of us. I...

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goodie bag

I drove long that night out of the city through the suburbs till I reached your quaint town, I saw my target, and a few lights still on I parked just far enough away. And crept through the long grass encompassing your home. When I was close enough I sat to observe the house one small feminine car on the drive. And light shone out a small window I manoeuvre to peer inside. I began to watch you flitting about the kitchen enticingly prancing around. Wearing just an apron, barely covering her large...

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Moms Crazy Ideas

I was almost twelve when Dad decided to divorce Mom. I remember so well the first time I stayed overnight at his new apartment. His bachelor pad, he wryly called it. His midlife-crisis-pad Mom sometimes called it. Other times, when her voice was louder, and scratchier, she called it his whorehouse. We had a great time. We started out while it was still light at this bar around the corner from his apartment where it was apparently okay that I stood by Dad and sipped at my soda, then took more...

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Chemistry of a Good Idea

Stories about high school nerds discovering mind control techniques the rest of the world missed aren’t nearly as ludicrous as you might think. You don’t have to be a government super genius to devise a route into the prom queen’s panties. Most relevant information is online already, researched by universities with budgets more than both my parents make together. The trick to enslaving the prissy prom queen or cheerleader or class president might be the next link you click. You should be a...

2 years ago
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I Had No Idea

A little after 8 the next morning I sneak out of bed to go pee. I feel the tenderness in my stretched vagina and the seed still oozing out of me from six hours earlier. As I wipe myself off and get up to wash my hands, I look in the mirror and the guilt tries to set in deeper. I would have never thought this could happen to me and I do feel very much responsible. But, I also feel very fulfilled and alive. I make my way towards the kitchen to get myself some coffee brewing. I can see inside...

4 years ago
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Mom had no idea

I am in college and I barely meet my mother in person. This summer I decided to give her a treat. She had been sounding quite down when I heard her last. I decided to call her on the phone. "If you need a break," I said into the phone, "Why don't you come down here for the weekend?" There was silence on the line for a long moment. I could almost hear my mom considering my proposal and could visualize her biting her lower lip as she mulled it over. "Come on, mom," I...

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Friends who know of my little secret often ask me how I managed to get my wife to go along with the plan, perhaps to use it themselves, and when I tell them it had been HER idea all along, for some strange reason, they find it hard to believe. I know I can't exactly blame them, for which mother would ask that her husband fuck their daughter so that she can be straight? Mine did, and I am sure she is probably the only woman in the world who would.Not that I am complaining, of course, but even I...

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A TRANS Formation Chapter 32 Acting On a Great Idea

On a Sunday night, the girls are watching Disney on TV after a carefree afternoon visiting some of the state museums near the Capitol building. Although the exhibits were interesting, they didn't go to look at the exhibits. They went to look at other women.Now that they have pads to give them a female-looking figure, they venture out more and more dressed as girls. As they walked around, they watched what the other women were doing. From a distance, they studied what they were wearing, how they...

2 years ago
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Following DoryChapter 15 The Next Bright Idea

"Hi, Eddie. Hi Arnold. Good to see both of you again," I smiled in greeting as I walked into Eddie's office. "Steve ... good to see you too," Eddie said while I shook hands with him and Arnold. "I had a mini-vacation with Dory on Vancouver Island and we really enjoyed ourselves. I took her all the places I took my sister last summer and we saw most of the things she wanted to see." "Good," Eddie said, nodding. Arnold was sitting with a smile and nodding agreement. He was never one...

1 year ago
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Stolen Ideas

After being accused of stealing someone else's idea you end up being cursed for it. From now on, any idea you express will be immediately stolen by those who hear it and they wont ever know that it came from you in the first place. However, you might realize that it's not much of a curse if they do so no matter how weird your idea is in the first place... RULES: Ideas can only be stolen if clearly expressed as being an idea (whether through context or by starting your sentence with 'I have an...

Mind Control
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The Idea

"Damn it, sis," he whined, coming towards me. "Do you know what all these are?""My clothes, Owen.""Yes, Alicia, including your bra and underwear too. Do you know how uncomfortable it makes me seeing your dirty undergarments on the bathroom floor? I love you to death, but you're driving me nuts, though.""Okay," I said, getting up with him. "Just to be clear, when Veronica, Cindy, and Kristen all did that, did you rip their heads off, Owen? No, you didn't, why, because you were...

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A Good Idea

Introduction: Ellies sexy roommate give her a makeover and an idea of how to seduce her hunky neigbour After six martinis everything had seemed like a good idea. But now the euphoria was fading and Ellie was poised with her hand up in the air ready to rap on her neighbours door with little on but stilettos and a trench coat. Go on hissed Lisa Dont think, just do. Fine for you to … Ellie had no time to finish her thought as Lisa sprinted towards her, knocked on the door and raced back to...

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Her idea

Friends who know of my little secret often ask me how I managed to get my wife to go along with the plan, perhaps to use it themselves, and when I tell them it had been HER idea all along, for some strange reason, they find it hard to believe. I know I can't exactly blame them, for which mother would ask that her husband fuck their daughter so that she can be straight? Mine did, and I am sure she is probably the only woman in the world who would. Not that I am complaining, of course, but even...

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Goodnight Beautiful

I climb into Michelle's bed every night and wrap my arms around her soft warm body. I lean my head down and gently press my nose into her hair and take in the scent of her freshly washed strands. Tonight it is apples. Tomorrow night it could be coconuts. The next night it could be the scent of freshly falling rain. That's what I loved about Michelle. She always surprised me. However, she always wore the same thing to bed. That never changed. It was always a tee shirt and her panties. Of course,...

First Time
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Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 3 Cheerleader Slaves Naughty Idea

Chapter Three: Cheerleader Slave's Naughty Idea By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Aurora Pritchard I trembled in my Master's arms as I stared at the frozen stream of water pouring out of the bathroom's faucet and splashing into the porcelain basin. It wasn't cold frozen, but somehow rendered immobile. I could see the droplets of water floating in the air like they were stuck there. I wiggled my naked form against my Master's equally nude body, his cock rubbing on my rump. His cum still...

2 years ago
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The Idea

Less than a year ago Tim my husband and I had been married six years and were getting along great. Upper middle class, we had just about everything. I had just turned thirty-one and Tim was forty-four. Tim is 5'8" and quite handsome with his salt and pepper hair. Tim is also a workaholic banker and a great provider. While Tim is no hard body and a little pudgy, he isn't fat. Tim is very adventurous and it was that adventurous spirit of his that I fell in love with. Tim is always hungry to try...

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Separate Ideas

© Copyright 2003 Lena smiled. I looked over her apartment, and though I don't recall fantasizing about it before that, it looked just like I might have expected. It was in an older part of town but nice, not too far from the university, with cute little shops and restaurants nearby. The floor was hardwood and though the furniture was far from new, it fit perfectly. On one wall was a floor-to-ceiling shelf of books that I could easily imagine perusing for the rest of the evening. It...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 207 Avas Clever Idea

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 I had a good study session, getting in plenty of undistracted hours. I felt good about it too, especially knowing that memory sharing meant that I wasn't going down a blind alley that I'd have to fix by re-studying both courses with my minds swapped. At breakfast Prof was pleased with my progress, and he added, "You have another assignment coming up shortly. I'll drop it in your study, but just review it like you did for the last one." I collected Julia's...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 34 Old Routines and New Ideas

September 1982, Chicago, Illinois The weekend was quiet and besides homework, I worked on the program changes for Frank, called Karin, Tatyana, and Kara, and hung out with my usual study group. Monday was refreshingly normal. On Tuesday morning, I handed Katy my completed intake form. She put it in an envelope and stuck it in her bag. She said she’d let me know soon about the interview. On Tuesday afternoon, after having lunch with Stephie, I made my rounds and then I headed over to Sigma...

3 years ago
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Geeks In SpaceChapter 7 The Geometry of Ideas

For the first time after one of his episodes, Rob saw a doctor. The UNNESA flight controller who had been on duty when the call came in insisted on it. He spent three days in the hospital giving samples of pretty much every fluid and solid available. He endured electroencephalograms, CAT scans and MRIs. He talked to therapists and counselors, doctors and medical researchers until he couldn't talk anymore, and nobody could find a thing wrong with him. Not everything was textbook normal, but...

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A Good Idea

“Go on” hissed Lisa “Don’t think, just do”. “Fine for you to ...” Ellie had no time to finish her thought as Lisa sprinted towards her, knocked on the door and raced back to their apartment, slamming their own door shut. Ellie was frozen to the spot. The idea of seducing her dark haired neighbour with the body of Adonis now seemed a bad idea, so did the martinis. Come to think of it, this wasn’t just a bad idea it was Lisa’s idea. Lisa was the sex kitten, she was the one that had...

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Novel Idea

My name is Penelope. Some say I have that sexy girl-next-door thing going for me, though I don’t really see it. I guess you can be the judge of that. My auburn hair falls a few inches below my lightly-tanned shoulders. My eyes are a dark chocolate color with hazel flecked within each iris. There are a handful of freckles tossed lightly around my nose and cheekbones. My height is average, as is my weight. My breasts are nothing special, they fill the smaller side of a C-cup. As you can tell, my...

4 years ago
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Another Good Idea

The day started like any normal day. Simon woke up. He showered, brushed his teeth he ate breakfast and he went to work. Simon's job was nothing impressive... in fact it sucked. He worked at subway. The hours were shit and the days went on forever. Not to mention his bitch of a manager. Her name was Jenna .She was a couple years younger than him but had the tits that would make any guy (and probably some girls) do whatever she asked. She was a 10... and he hated her. "Damn I don't want to be...

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Novel Idea

My name is Penelope. Some say I have that sexy girl-next-door thing going for me, though I don’t really see it. I guess you can be the judge of that. My auburn hair falls a few inches below my lightly-tanned shoulders. My eyes are a dark chocolate color with hazel flecked within each iris. There are a handful of freckles tossed lightly around my nose and cheekbones. My height is average, as is my weight. My breasts are nothing special; they fill the smaller side of a C-cup. As you can tell, my...

Straight Sex
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What a Ridiculous Idea

What a Ridiculous Idea Janet Stickney The very idea that I could fill in as a bridesmaid was ridiculous. Mom had suggested it even before my sister had selected her Maid of Honor! Her reason for asking me was that as far back as the family could remember, the sister of the bride had always been the Maid of Honor, and in fact what she had suggested...

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Well It Was My Idea

Well It Was My Idea by Amanda Walker [email protected] "Ha, Ha, very funny" said Colin as his mother held the dress against him and joked "Oh but dear you'd look lovely in this!" The dress was amongst some jumble she was sorting through and was a pretty floral cotton affair, it looked brand-new, as did a lot of the other things. This was an affluent area and it would probably have been worn only once or twice before it's owner tired of it. She looked at her son and although...

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Rickys great idea

Ricky entered his senior year in high school when i got laid off from my job! I remember crying and not knowing what to do! I was an unemployed 32 year old single mom! One evening during diner alone with Ricky, we were talking about how to make some money and survive the month, when he surprised me with this crazy idea he had! He told me i should start stripping! I was shocked to hear this from my own son! He told me, "mom, your a beautiful woman, and you have one of the best ass and tits i...

3 years ago
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What A Ridiculous Idea

What a Ridiculous Idea by: Janet Stickney [email protected] The very idea that I could fill in as a bridesmaid was ridiculous. Mom had suggested it even before my sister had selected her Maid of Honor! Her reason for asking me was that as far back as the family could remember, the sister of the bride had always been the Maid of Honor, and in fact what she had suggested wasn't even unheard of. Twice before in our family history, some poor soul, a male soul, had been roped into...

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