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Author's foreword: In every city, in every community, there are stories we've all heard. We call these stories Urban Legends. You know what they're like; something fantastic happens to somebody's cousin or to a friend of a friend, but not to anybody you can point to and say 'It happened to them.' 48 Hours Juno Reeves Copyright 2003 For a long time, I've been hearing an urban legend that is unique to the TG community. There is a drug (they say) that will turn any man into a woman for two days. Not just any woman, but a drop-dead gorgeous woman. I looked into it, of course, but all I found was the usual rumors and the usual story; that it happened to somebody's cousin, or a friend of a friend. So, I put it out of my mind and went on with my life. Then I met Belinda... It was a Saturday night and I was in my favorite little bistro when I was approached by a young woman. "I heard that you've been asking about that feminizing drug that's going around." I replied not just yes, but HELL YES! I mean, which of us wouldn't be interested in a drug like that? Then Belinda went on. "I have a friend who's been using it nearly every weekend for the last few months. Would you like to meet Wendy?" Once again, my answer was yes, yes, a thousand times YES! We tried to set up a meeting, but I had to go out of town on business for the next two weeks; (Two weeks in drab, oh joy!) and Belinda's friend was going on vacation the two weeks after that. We tentatively set a date for the weekend after Wendy came back, and I told Belinda that she could always find me or leave a message for me here. A month went by, and, not hearing from Belinda, I figured that it was all just some kind of practical joke and put it out of my mind. A couple of months later, Lauren, the bistro's owner called me into her office. "I've been holding this for you, Juno. I kind of forgot I had it. Sorry." Lauren said, handing me a package. I thanked her for it and left. Between work and writing, I didn't have time to open it. I tossed it on my desk and forgot all about it. Then I got sick... The flu was going around and I caught it. The first couple of days, I was afraid that I was going to die. The next couple of days, I was afraid that I wasn't going to die. But, I eventually got better. One day as I was attempting to get all the clutter off my desk, I came across that package. Not having anything better to do, I opened it. There was a diary, a bra and a note from Belinda. Dear Juno: I'm sorry I couldn't deliver this in person. Something has happened to my friend, Wendy. She went on her vacation and, then she disappeared. Not really disappeared, she quit her job and moved out of her apartment, but I know she wouldn't have done that without saying goodbye. About a week after she left, I got this diary and bra in the mail. It's Wendy's diary, but I don't know why she sent me the bra. As a joke, maybe? I tried to read Wendy's diary, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Some friend, huh? Something bad happened to Wendy and I think that drug had something to do with it. Maybe you can find out what happened to Wendy. Read the diary and let everybody know what happened to her. Maybe you can stop this from happening to somebody else... Belinda I read Wendy's diary a couple of times. After the first few entries, it started to read like somebody's sex fantasies. We all have fantasies; some of us write them down in diaries, other write them down and put the up on the Internet. I would have put it all down to some fantasy except for one thing: the bra. It was so big that I thought it was a joke, just like Belinda did. I could have used one of the cups as a hat and the other to carry a bowling ball. I looked at the tag, and it read: Janelle's Custom Lingerie, Las Vegas. The size was a surprise, too. It was a 48HHH. (I never knew that breasts came that large. I mean, I know that some doctors will put in some really big implants if you want, but still... Compared to what fit in this bra, my own are a relatively modest 38C.) I still would have put it off as a joke, except for one thing; when I held it close to read the tag; I caught the scent of perfume and sweat. I examined it the best I could, and I came to the conclusion that this bra had been worn by somebody. I looked into Wendy's disappearance. I asked around and found some things out. What I found gave me a chill... I'm going to share this diary with all of you. Most of the entries are long. Some I edited down, but some I've left as they are. Some names I've changed, and others I've deleted. And, what I found out about Wendy's disappearance, I'll tell you at the end... So, for better or for worse, here's Wendy's diary. February 8 It's been one of those weeks! Actually, Diary, it's been about ten of those weeks! But it was well worth the effort. That case I've been working on, the one that nobody thought I had a chance to win is over! They settled today! It was a marathon session in the conference room, but they came to the conclusion that it would be better to settle out of court rather than to put up with all the bad publicity. The firm walked out with a fee in the high seven figures and I'll end up with something like a half million dollars! Now it's finally time to go out and celebrate! Not as me, the conservative law firm associate, but as my real self. As Wendy... February 10 What a weekend, Diary! It had been so long since I had been out; I wanted to make an impression. After I bathed and shaved closely, I dusted myself with scented powder and went back to my bedroom. I guess I wasn't used to wearing my gaffe anymore, since it was uncomfortable. I adjusted myself carefully, and by the time I was done, my groin was femininely flat. I had a hell of a time getting my waist cincher on! (It had been a long time.) Even though I am relatively slender for a guy, (29 inches) it was a struggle to get my waist down to 26 inches. I was still a bit too thick waisted for my taste, but I could live with it. (For now!) I slipped my breast forms into the full cups of my bra. Most of the other girls have bigger breasts than I do, but I'm happy with my B-cups! Since this was my first night out in a long time, I put on the little black dress I had been saving for a special occasion. I must have spent an hour fixing my face, but the end result was worth the time spent. I looked through my wigs until I found one that matched the mood I was in. It was my light brown one with the Marlo Thomas - 'That Girl' flip to it. I walked into Allie's and it was like coming home! All my friends were there and they all asked me where I'd been. I wanted to tell them my good news, but I held back. It's not that I don't trust the girls, but there are a few who would do just about anything to get close to the kind of money I just got. I had a great time! I missed the camaraderie of being one of the girls. I loved talking about fashion, make up, where there were great sales, and the usual gossip; who had gone full time and who was seeing who. Later, Tiffany dragged me into the Ladies Room, (both bathrooms are marked 'Ladies Room') and asked me if I had been seeing somebody. My reflection turned bright red as I explained that I really had been working late! Tiffany looked disappointed and turned her head. You're a beautiful woman, Wendy, Tiffany said. There are a lot of guys who would love to go out with someone like you! Then she offered to fix me up with a friend of hers, a sweet guy who just loves women with that 'little something extra'! I told Tiffany that I wasn't interested in anything like that, and she shook her head and told me I didn't know what I was missing! To tell you the truth, Diary, I have thought about going out with a guy, but I'm scared! What if he wants more than I'm willing to give? What happens if I want to give him more than I should? What happens if he falls in love with me? What happens if I fall in love with him? It's all too complicated, and my life is complicated enough! I went past my two drink limit and was especially careful driving home. Even Allie's is only a couple miles away from my place, I didn't want to take any chances! Could you imagine what would happen to my job if I got stopped for a DUI dressed like this? Anyway, I didn't have much to do Sunday; I wasn't interested in reading the paper and the talk shows are all sooooo boring! So, I did what every other woman does when she has both the time and the money; I went shopping! I ached when I passed the mall and saw all those other women going in and shopping to their heart's content. But, I'm not like every other woman, am I? So I drove passed the mall and went to Grace's. Grace's doesn't advertise, and it doesn't even have a sign outside, so if you didn't know it was there, you'd just pass it by. But it is a very nice store that caters to women just like me. I've gone shopping on the Internet, like many others, but I don't enjoy it all that much. I like the whole allure of shopping for clothes; trying on dresses, talking with the sales staff and getting tips from the other girls about accessorizing. I strolled in and saw that Cassie was busy dressing a mannequin. We talked for a few minutes and then I started to browse through the racks. I love shopping for clothes! (Have I said that before?) I love the way the different fabrics feel on my skin and I love the way a dress can change the way I look! (I wonder if the secretaries and receptionists at the firm know just how truly lucky they are? To wear these clothes all the time must be heavenly!) After a bit, Cassie came up and asked if I was looking for anything in particular. I said I wanted something different, something that would make me look sexy. I don't know why I said that, but as soon as I did, I knew that was exactly what I was looking for. Cassie smiled and said she had just what I wanted. I followed her to one of the racks and Cassie pulled out something that knocked my socks off! It was low cut in the front, made of red satin and trimmed in silver. I wanted it immediately, even if I left it hanging in my closet. But I told Cassie that it wasn't for me. Why, Cassie asked. I explained that I since I always wore a bra, a low cut dress just wouldn't work for me. Cassie smiled and said she'd be right back. When she came back, Cassie was carrying a couple of boxes. I stripped down to my gaffe, as she asked, and Cassie opened the first box. There were two real looking breast forms and Cassie held one up against my chest. Cassie gave me another smile and sprayed the backs of the breasts with adhesive and positioned them on my chest. She placed my hands over them and left. I glanced in the mirror and saw a young woman posed in the classic position; one leg in front of the other, her hands covering her breasts. You can let go now, Wendy, Cassie said as she walked back in. The first thing I noticed was the weight on my chest. It felt strange, but good! I bounced up and down on my toes, and saw the breasts bouncing along with me. I loved the way these breasts jiggled! Cassie helped me get into the dress and I fell in love! The dress was cut just low enough to show a nice amount of cleavage and it clung to me like a second skin. The only thing I didn't like was the tiny bulge my gaffe was showing. Don't worry about that, Wendy! Cassie opened the second box and pulled out a flesh colored gaffe and handed it to me. I almost dropped it when I realized that it looked like a vagina! How do you... I stuttered and turned bright red. I wear mine all the time, Cassie said as she dropped her skirt and panties. It did look real, Diary, all smooth and pink just like a woman. Cassie showed me where I tucked myself in and said that I while I wore it, I would have to sit and pee just like every other woman. It attaches with the same glue you use on your breasts, Cassie explained, and it will stay on, no matter what! I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I looked great! I bought a few more things; some panties and bras, a couple of skirts, a pair of red heels that went perfectly with my new dress and a lot of accessories. (I love to accessorize!) I did some major damage to my bank account, but I realized that I didn't have to worry about that anymore. I left Grace's with a smile on my face and a spring in my step. I love shopping! (There was one thing Cassie couldn't talk me into, Diary. Although Cassie tried as hard as she could, I just couldn't see myself with a set of D-cups!) February 14 It's Valentine's Day, Diary, and I don't have anybody to share it with except you... I keep thinking about Tiffany. She always manages to be with somebody who doesn't mind her 'little extra something'! And by this time next year, Tiffany's 'little extra something' will be history. I envy her so much... It's not that I want a boyfriend, Diary. I've tried to find a woman who didn't mind being with somebody like me, but the ones who could accept Wendy were dommes who wanted me to be their slave and the others, well, when they met Wendy it was bye-bye... Allie's is going to have a Valentine's party this weekend, and I'm going for once. I really need to be with people who can accept me for who I am. I just hope that nobody tries to fix me up... February 17 Allie's was a blast! I wore that red satin dress I got at Grace's and was a sensation. Everybody complimented me on the way I looked, and I got some interesting glances from some of my friend's boyfriends! Quite a few sent drinks over to me, and just to be polite about it, I danced with quite a few of the men. Tiffany came over and told me that she was glad that I was finally loosening up! I even had a slow, close dance with her guy! (I'm still not too sure how I feel about that dance, Diary. One the one hand, it was great to feel like a woman, being held by a pair of strong, masculine arms as we danced. On the other hand, I felt kind of awkward when I felt his erection press into me.) But, I still had a good time! Later, I saw somebody I thought I knew. It turned out to be Mona, a girl I knew slightly. I strolled (sashayed, actually) over to her and asked Mona what was up with her. Things you wouldn't believe, Wendy, Mona replied with a bemused grin on her face. Like what? I asked. Mona took my arm, led me to a quiet corner and told me her story. It was long and involved and I can't remember most of it. (Too much to drink, I guess.) The bottom line is that Mona had spent the last weekend as a woman, a real woman with breasts, a vagina and everything else a woman was born with. I must have looked skeptical because Mona did everything she could do to convince me. It really happened, Wendy! Mona said, writing down a web address and handing it to me. They have a drug that will turn you into a woman for 48 hours! It's expensive, Mona said, $500 a dose, but it's worth it! Look up their site and give it a try, Wendy, you won't be disappointed! For a moment, I thought that I was on the receiving end of some practical joke, but when no one jumped out and started laughing at me, I put the paper in my purse... February 26 It was a bad day at work... An extremely bad day at work... The firm is on retainer to the (DELETED) Corporation. They are an exceptionally lucrative client; we bill them in the high seven figure range every year. They're being sued by one of their employees for discrimination. The employee is a pre-op in her mid-thirties. Ever since she began transitioning, her career had gone down the tubes. (DELETED) has transferred her to a different office, passed her over for promotion and put her into a lower paying job. If that wasn't bad enough, the other employees were making this poor pre-op's life miserable, harassing her at every opportunity! And we have to defend these people! I was given the job of researching the case. I didn't want it, I didn't need it, but I got it anyway. The managing partner made a joke about transsexuals and I just wanted to scream! I wanted to tell him that I wore women's clothes and that I knew what this poor woman was going through. But I thought about my job and didn't say a word... March 3 I don't know what to do, Diary. I met Mona at Allie's this weekend and she asked if I visited that website yet. (I didn't have to ask which website, it was the only one she had given me.) I told her that I was still thinking about it. Try it, Wendy, Mona told me as she took my hands. Becoming a woman is 10... No 100... No 1000 times better than just dressing as one! And sex is One Million times better as a woman! I wondered if it was all just hype, or if there was something to all this. Mona smiled and told me that I had to try it, at least once, just to see what it was like. I asked if there were any side effects. Mona gave me a bemused grin and said that the only side effect she could find was that you would become a different woman every time you used it. I must have looked puzzled and Mona went on... The first time I tried it, Mona said, I woke up as a 5' 7" woman with auburn hair and blue eyes. I measured myself and found I was 38C-25-39! Last time, Mona continued, I had light brown hair, dark brown eyes and I was 5' 5" and 36D-24-36! It took a bit of getting used to, Mona laughed. Plus, I said, none of your clothes would fit! That's okay, Wendy! Mona said. I love to shop! March 13 I don't know where the time goes, Diary! I was planning to go onto that website last week, but I didn't have a chance until tonight. I got on and saw the usual testimonials from satisfied customers and a questionnaire for those who were interested. I filled it out as best I could and sent it in with my e- mail address. (Not my address or Wendy's. I have a third address I only use when I want to be completely anonymous.) The site advised that someone would e-mail me instructions in 7 to 14 days. I wonder if I did the right thing... March 21 ...and I've been checking out my dummy e-mail account. I finally received an answer today. I am supposed to go to room 638 at the (DELETED) Hotel, next Tuesday at 8 p.m. I also received a password that I'm supposed to use to gain access to the room. It all seems a bit cloak and dagger to me... March 28 I still can't believe that I went. Up until I knocked of the door of room 638, I thought that I was going to blow it off. But I didn't... The door opened and I met the representative. (I think I'll call him 'Joe'.) He was about my age and height. I gave him the password I had been given and then 'Joe' ushered me in. 'Joe' asked me who told me about their website and I gave him Mona's name. He didn't recognize it, but then 'Joe' said that it didn't matter, no one tells him their right name. 'Joe' then began to explain how the drug worked; something about mutagenic effects and re-writing DNA, and something about an increased libido, but I didn't understand any of it. I went to law school, not medical school! 'Joe' pulled out some papers for me to sign. There was a standard Waiver of Indemnity that stated that I was taking part in human testing of their product of my own free will and that I accepted the risks involved. After I signed, 'Joe' folded the papers and put them into a large manila envelope, which he sealed carefully. 'Joe' said that the envelope would only be opened in case of an emergency. What kind of an emergency, I asked. 'Joe' looked uncomfortable. I asked him again, and 'Joe' told me about one of their early clients. Her name was Jessie; at least that's what she called herself when she was en femme. She had overdosed on the drug while she was on vacation and disappeared. It took them a long time to track her down, 'Joe' said, but they finally found Jessie, at least what was left of her. Jessie had changed in ways that were almost bizarre. Her breasts and butt had become huge, and her waist was miniscule. Jessie had become almost a caricature of a woman. Her mind was almost gone as well. The only thing that Jessie had on her mind was sex with whoever was available. They had tried to rehabilitate Jessie, 'Joe' explained, but couldn't. Jessie was too far gone by then and the only thing they could do for her was to confine her in a private sanitarium they owned. That's why we are very careful when we sell our product, 'Joe' explained, and why we make sure that everyone knows what they're getting into. 'Joe' reached into his briefcase and pulled out a package and put it on the table. Is that it, I asked. That's it, 'Joe' replied. I looked at the foil-wrapped package of femininity and hesitated. Did I really want to do this? I shook the doubts out of my head and picked it up. Is there anything else, I asked. One last thing, 'Joe' said. There's a little matter of payment. I smiled and placed five $100 bills on the table. 'Joe' smiled and handed me a card. Here's your private access code, 'Joe' said; use it the next time you want to get in touch. I thanked him and left... March 29 Tonight's the night, Diary. Either this works, or I've been the butt of the most elaborate April's Fool Joke ever invented... I tried to prepare for this the best I could. I bought a variety of bras and panties, a few stretchy tops and a couple of wrap around skirts, just so I'd have something to wear. I've got the auto-injector on the nightstand, and I'll be going to bed in a few minutes. All I have to do is press it against my butt and let whatever's going to happen...happen. I'm scared that it won't work... I'm scared that it will work... I'm scared that I won't wake up in the morning... I'm scared... April 1 I guess that joke was on me, Diary... BECAUSE IT WORKED! I woke up Saturday, a bit surprised that I could wake up. I sat up and felt a strange weight on my chest. I looked down and saw that I had breasts! Real breasts, capped with large nipples. I cupped my hands around them and found that they were soft, sexy and extremely sensitive! I couldn't believe how good it felt just to touch them! After a while, I decided to take a good look at myself. I stood up, a bit unsteadily, and walked over to my closet. I stumbled the first couple steps, Diary; I wasn't used to my new body. My breasts jiggled when I took a step and my ass swayed from side to side. I opened the closet door and took a look... What can I say, Diary? I was beautiful! My feet were small and delicate, my ankles were well turned, and my legs were shapely with trim thighs. I gasped when I saw that my male parts had been replaced by a vagina, whose outer lips were a tantalizing pink. My butt was heart shaped and my hips were full and womanly. My waist was slender; slender enough for a man to almost encircle them with his hands. What can I say about my breasts? They were full and sexy and more than enough to please any man. My nipples stood out proudly, as if they were begging for somebody to caress them. I finally looked at my face. I didn't know just what I expected, but I was pleasantly surprised! I was gorgeous! I don't know how else to describe the woman I was looking at. I had deep blue eyes that gazed out of a flawless complexion. My lips were plump and (what can I say) sexy. The hair that curled around my shoulders was black, so black that I had almost blue highlights. I stumbled back to the bed and started to cry. Not because I was upset, Diary. I cried because I was so happy! I was finally a woman! After I pulled myself together, I found out that Mona was right about something else. Sex is better as a woman! And just how did I find that out, Diary? Well... Let's just say a girl just has to keep some secrets, doesn't she? I drew myself a bath and threw a handful of my favorite foaming bath salts in the running water. Even taking a bath was better as a woman! I loved the way the water buoyed up my breasts and I giggled when the bubbles broke against my nipples! I wrapped a towel around myself and went back into the bedroom. I picked up my tape measure and found out how much of a woman I had become. I was 5' 8' tall and my measurements were 36C-22-36. I searched through my bras and panties until I found a set that fit. I pulled on one of the tops and wrapped a skirt around myself. Then disaster struck! It wasn't really a disaster, just something I didn't think of. None of my shoes would fit! I found a pair of boots that were usually too small for me, but, with three pairs of socks, they fit reasonably well. I put a bit of blush on my cheeks, a bit of shadow on my eyes and covered my lips with lipstick. I was ready to go shopping! The first thing I did when I got to the mall was hit the discount shoe store. I fell in love with a pair of pumps that had three inch heels, but I knew better than to wear them, so I also bought a pair of cute, pink and white running shoes. I put the pumps and my boots into a locker and got ready to do some real power shopping! There was a beauty salon that I wanted to stop at, but it was crowded and I didn't want to waste most of the day waiting to get done, so I walked on by and into an expensive boutique. I must have browsed for about an hour, trying on dresses, skirts and everything else that caught my eye. I finally purchased a tight-fitting blue dress that matched my eyes. I also bought a matching bra and panty set, shoes and a scarf that added that certain something to the outfit! I stashed my packages in the locker and kept on going. I went into a few more stores, trying on and buying clothes, shoes and accessories like there was no tomorrow! (I tried not to get too crazy, Diary; I knew that I'd be lucky if I could fit into these clothes after this weekend, but I couldn't help myself!) There were two stores that I had always wanted to shop at, but was too afraid to go into... The first (of course) was Victoria's Secret. I had their catalogs, and had drooled over the clothes, but I never had the nerve to walk inside. (I was always afraid that I'd be read. No worries about that now, Diary!) Her nametag identified her as Bethany. She was very helpful and I was in heaven, trying on all sorts of sexy, sensual lingerie. I loved the way I looked in a demi-cup bra that gave me cleavage for days! Bethany was also very helpful when I told her I wanted to pick up a few things for my cousin Wendy. I bought some really sexy things for Wendy; some bras, panties and nighties, and by the time I was through, I spent close to $700! Bethany smiled and told me to stop by again. I said that I would, not that Bethany would be able to recognize me when I did! My last stop was an upscale department store to visit their cosmetics department. I had overheard some of the secretaries complain about this store, saying that their sales staff was a little over aggressive and would nearly drag you, kicking and screaming, into the back for a makeover. Hi, my name's Laura, the sales girl said breathlessly. Would you like a free makeover! I tapped my cheek for a second and said that I would. Laura grabbed my hand and pulled me into the back, where she sat me down and draped a barbershop thingy around me, put a shower cap on my head and proceeded to scrub, exfoliate and buffed my face until my skin glowed. Laura called in one of their consultants, named Claire, who examined me closely. She checked off a few boxes on her chart and handed it to Laura, who scampered back into the store. When Laura returned with a tray that was filled with the store's name brand cosmetics. As Laura applied them to my face, she kept up a running commentary on what she was doing, how the cosmetics complimented my skin tone and how FABULOUS their makeup really was! Laura worked on me for a little over an hour, showing me one look, wiping off the makeup and making my face up once again. I had a blast! Finally, when she was done, Laura asked me if I would like to buy any of the cosmetics she had shown me today. I said that I wanted to buy them all! Laura looked a bit shocked and asked if I was kidding. I pulled a wad of hundred dollar bills out of my purse and asked her if she thought I was kidding. Laura escorted me back into the cosmetics department and told me that she would be back in a few minutes. As I waited, another sales girl came up to me and asked if I would like a free makeover today. I tried to explain that I just had one, but she ignored me, giving me the entire speech. Luckily, Laura returned and rescued me. Laura gave the other sales girl an extremely dirty look, and I knew that Laura would have some harsh words for this girl when she got her alone. I guess buying all those cosmetics made me a preferred customer. After ringing me up, Laura packed everything into a fake leather tote that had the store's logo embossed on it. She also threw in a makeup case and a cosmetics bag, both with the store logo on it. Later, I found a sampler of the store's most expensive perfumes in the bag. I guess it was Laura's way of thanking me for spending all that money. (I'm glad I remembered to take a couple of thousand out of the bank Friday afternoon. Looking the way I did, there was no way I could have used my credit cards or my checkbook!) I was a different woman when I walked back to the locker. I looked good and I knew it! There was an added sway to my hips and I was the center of every man's attention! I never knew being a woman could be this exciting! Oh my, look at the time! It's getting late, and there are a few things I still need to do before I go to bed! I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow before I finish my story! April 2 Now where was I? Oh yes, I was telling you about my weekend... Saturday night finally came around, and I was ready for it. I put on the blue dress that I had bought that morning and made up my face as Laura had recommended. I looked HOT! My eyes looked bigger and my lips looked wet and inviting. I knew exactly where I wanted to go. I had overheard some of the secretaries talking about a club that was the perfect hook-up place in the city. It was a place where available (single or married) men could find available (single or married) women. It sounded like just the place for my first outing (pun intended) as a woman! I dabbed some perfume behind my ears, on my wrists, drew a line down my cleavage and put some between my thighs, just in case someone got close. I walked into the club like I owned it. The bouncer just gave me the once over and let me in. It was a good thing he didn't check my ID, since I didn't have any! (At least any ID that would do me any good; my drivers license still was for my male self.) The club was packed with people who were after the same thing that I was. There were couples on the dance floor, but they weren't doing much dancing, if you know what I mean! I took a seat at the bar and ordered a glass of wine. The bartender came over and told me that it was on the 'gentleman' at the end of the bar. I wondered how long it would take before the 'gentleman' would come down and join me. It didn't take that long before he did. He introduced himself as Alan, and I told him my name was Laura. From the look Alan gave me, he liked what he saw, and to my surprise, I liked what I saw in return. Alan was about 6' 2", with light brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was well built, and when I checked him out, Alan was well built down there, too! And, judging by the bulge in his pants grew; Alan really liked what he saw! Alan asked me dance when the DJ put on a slow song. This wasn't the first time I had ever been asked to dance by another man, but instead of being frightened, this time I was excited! I felt wonderful to have Alan's arms around me, his well muscled body pressed against my soft curves. I looked up into his eyes, my need evident on my face. Alan bent over and kissed me... I still don't know how to describe it, Diary. The moment Alan's lips touched mine, it was like there was an electric current running straight to my pussy. (It looks strange writing those two words down: my pussy. But, that's what I had; a wet, willing, hot pussy! Not a vagina and certainly not private parts!) There was nothing left to be said. I wanted him and he wanted me. It was as simple as that. We left the club and drove to a nearby motel. By the time we parked, I needed to have Alan as soon as possible! It only took a minute to check in, but that minute seemed to last a year! We were all over each other even before the door closed behind us. Alan unzipped my dress as I fumbled with his belt. Soon, we were naked in each other's arms. I gently pushed Alan onto the bed, rolling on top of him. His mouth found my breast, his lips and tongue teasing my nipple erect. Alan's hand found my dripping pussy, and his fingers teased my pussy lips, bringing me over the edge of my first orgasm. I decided that one good turn deserved another, so I kissed and licked my way down his body, until I was eye to eye with his cock. It was large, erect and the head was beginning to turn purple as it throbbed in my hand. I took a deep breath and was intoxicated by his masculine scent. There was a drop of pre-cum on the head of his cock, and I delicately scooped it up with the tip of my tongue. What can I say, Diary? It was the most delicious thing I had ever tasted and I knew I had to have more! I kissed the head of his cock and slowly drew it into my mouth. It tasted so good, all musky and hot, steadily leaking more pre-cum onto my waiting tongue. I licked my way up and down Alan's shaft, and hearing his moans was music to my ears! I opened my mouth as wide as I could and slipped, first one, and then his other testicle into my mouth, massaging them with my tongue. I felt Alan's cock pulse harder in my hand and slipped his cock as far down into my throat as I could. I didn't know how far down on him I could go, but I wanted as much of him in me as I could. Finally, my nose met his pubic hair as my mouth finally reached his groin. Alan put his hands on the back of my head as he gushed down my throat. I drew my head back and caught the last two spurts in my mouth. I loved the taste and texture of his cum and I sucked Alan until I got every last drop. We lay on the bed for a few minutes, each of us wrapped up in our own sensations. I got up, grabbed my purse and went into the bathroom. What can I say, Diary? I was a mess! My hair was all disheveled and my lipstick had disappeared (somehow). I brushed my hair and wiped off the rest of my makeup. I knew that I would look better if I fixed my face from scratch, instead of just touching it up. There was one more thing I had to do. I took out a travel- sized bottle of mouthwash and poured some into a plastic glass. I knew that most men won't kiss a woman who had just given them a blow job, and I wanted to kiss Alan some more. I held the glass up to my lips and stopped. I really didn't want to lose the taste of Alan's cock and cum, it just tasted too good! But I shrugged my shoulders and rinsed my mouth, knowing that this wouldn't be the only time I'd ever have this tasty treat! Alan was drowsing as I crawled back into the bed. I snuggled into his arms and possessively took his cock in my hand. I must have dozed off for a second, but I woke up in time to feel Alan's cock grow ready for round two. Alan rolled on top of me, and I spread my legs wide in anticipation. I didn't know what to expect when Alan slid into me. I didn't know if it would hurt or if I would feel anything... I felt everything! It was like all the nerve endings in my pussy were sensitized to their highest degree! It was fantastic! Alan started thrusting into me with a steady rhythm and I met his thrusts with my own. I wrapped my legs around him like I was afraid he was going to get up and leave me in the middle of it! I don't know how long we fucked; I was no longer able to think rationally! Everything about my life had just become insignificant! The only thing that had any importance was Alan's magnificent cock pounding into me! I don't know how many times I came before Alan stiffened and shot his load into me. I held him in place, wanting to feel him inside me until he grew small enough to slip out. Alan rolled off of me and I lay back, feeling our combined juices leaking out of me onto the sheets. The only thing I could think of was that Mona was right; sex as a woman was one million times better! I'm not sure how many times Alan and I had sex. He kept at it until the desk clerk call the room to let us know our time was up. We didn't say much as Alan drove us back to the club. I was lost in a world of my own, reveling in the wonder of it all. As Alan parked, he asked if he'd ever see me again. I said it was possible, knowing that if Mona was right, I wouldn't look like this again. I kissed Alan again, and my hand crept down to his crotch and felt his hardness. I grinned, unzipped his pants, took him out and gave him a goodnight blow job! It was great! I was still a woman when I woke up Sunday morning, pleasantly sore from all the exercise the night before. I lazed around my apartment the rest of the day, too tired to go out. I thought about all the things I was lucky enough to do this weekend; (especially Alan) and I got so hot that I had to take matters in hand! By the time I was ready for bed, I was ready for bed! I was exhausted and I needed sleep, but I didn't want to close my eyes, since I knew that when I opened them again, I'd be a man... April 7 It's Sunday night, Diary, and I'm wearing this incredible red satin teddy. It hugs the curves of my body and feels just so sexy! But, I've been feeling sexy all weekend... As you may have guessed by now, Diary, I was a woman again this weekend! But Mona was right; I didn't look anything like I looked last weekend. This time I was 5' 5" tall; and my measurements had become 34D-21-35. My hair was light brown with golden highlights that hung down almost to my waist. I had these amazing emerald green eyes, fringed by long, lovely lashes. Luckily, I was had some clothes that fit, but that wasn't enough! I had to do some shopping! (Have I ever told you that I LOVE to shop, Diary?) I went back to the same club that I went to last week. I didn't see Alan, but I did hook up with Mark. What can I say about Mark? He's tall, blond, well built and hung like the proverbial horse! And he knew exactly how to use his equine asset! I was wet the moment I laid my eyes on him, and I was dying to taste his love juice, which was the first thing I did when we got to the motel! We did everything last night, even those things I thought I'd never do! Becoming a woman is the best thing that could have ever happen to me! I've become more alive, more vivacious, more myself! I understand why Tiffany is going through all the hassle of SRS. To be a woman is the most wonderful thing that can ever be! I've thought about going through the whole transition process, but then I'd always be... Wendy. Don't get me wrong, Diary, I like Wendy, she's the other part of me. But after the past two weekends, being Wendy seems so pointless. She'll never be able to pass, no matter what I do, and she'll always be in between; not quite a man, and not quite a woman. But I have the shots, and that's all I really need... April 16 Belinda called tonight and we talked for a couple of hours. I didn't know why she just didn't walk down one flight of stairs to my apartment. I guess she just didn't feel like going out. Belinda sounded a bit depressed, maybe a more than a bit depressed. She asked what I'd been doing lately, and I told her that I'd been trying out a few new clubs. (Almost, but not quite the truth, Diary. I knew Belinda wouldn't believe me if I told her the truth. I didn't really believe Mona when she first told me about this wonderful drug!) I finally got the truth out of Belinda. She'd been shot down by somebody she was attracted to. It happens all the time, but it always hurts. I like Belinda, she's like the sister I never had. Belinda helped me when I was having a difficult time coming to grips with being Wendy, and she always encouraged me to be who I am. But Belinda has her own issues, and I'm not sure I'm the best one to help her... April 21 Belinda called me again Friday night. She still sounded depressed, so I asked her if she wanted to go out for dinner or something. She agreed and we went to a trendy new restaurant that had just opened a month ago. It was nice; just us two girls out for dinner. We split a bottle of wine with our dinner, and, when I asked Belinda if she wanted to check out a couple of clubs, Belinda said that she'd rather pick up a couple bottles of wine and go back to her place. I knew Belinda was still down in the dumps from being rejected, so I agreed. We had a few glasses of wine and talked. Belinda told me that she really felt worthless since she couldn't seem to get a relationship going. Everyone she met, Belinda complained, was either a domme or a submissive. Why couldn't she find anybody who just wanted her for herself? By this time, Belinda was sobbing, so I hugged her and tried to tell her that she'd find someone eventually. (Did I explain that Belinda is a lesbian, Diary? I don't know why her two best friends are Tiffany and me; a pre-op and a half closeted t-girl.) By the time Belinda was able to speak coherently; she looked into my eyes and said she wished she could find someone like me or Tiffany. It must have been the wine, the wistful look in Belinda's eyes or a combination of the two, but I told Belinda exactly what I'd been doing for the last few weekends. Belinda didn't believe me, of course, not that I blamed her. If I hadn't experienced the change for myself, I wouldn't have believed me either! It took awhile, but I managed to get Belinda to put what I said to the test. She would meet me in my apartment in an hour, after she had taken a shower and sobered up a bit, and I would prove to her that I was telling the truth. To be honest, Diary, I didn't think Belinda would actually show up, but she did! I wondered why she was wearing a coat, just to come to my apartment, but when Belinda took it off, she was wearing a very sexy teddy! Belinda had a nice body, although she could lose about 15- 20 pounds, and she had great legs! I asked her why she had dressed like that, and Belinda told me that if she was going to spend the night, she might as well be comfortable! I took off my robe, showing her that I was naked underneath. Belinda looked a bit disgusted, and I thought she was going to leave when I started to get stiff. I quickly assured her that I wasn't going to do anything to her; that I just wanted her to see that I really was a male! I took the auto-injector from its foil pouch and showed it to her. She gave it a glance and handed it back to me. I explained what was going to happen and pressed it against my thigh. As usual, I grew rapidly tired as the liquid femininity raced through my system and I quickly fell asleep. I awoke to a strange, but nice sensation, I was having an orgasm! (It beats having an alarm clock going off, I guess.) I came twice more before I looked down. Belinda was kissing and licking my pussy like there was no tomorrow! Her lips and tongue caressed my clit and outer lips until I was gasping and moaning for her to stop! I don't know just how to explain it. I love the feeling of a man's big cock invading my pussy, thrusting into me until I explode! But this was just as good, if not better. Belinda knew how to pleasure a woman perfectly. The closest way I can describe it was my orgasms were like the tide coming in. Each grew stronger and stronger until I was overwhelmed! When Belinda finally grew tired, I pulled her into my arms and we kissed for a long time. The feel of another woman's soft skin against mine, the way our breasts pressed against each other, was a turn on I never suspected existed. We cuddled each other for an endless time and I finally got a chance to ask Belinda what she thought. She grinned and said that seeing, along with touching and tasting were believing! We both giggled, which caused our breasts to rub against each other, which turned us on again... I took the lead, this time. I kissed my way down Belinda's body, stopping here and there, as she gasped with pleasure. I worked my way farther down until I was level with her pussy. I was surprised, and intrigued, when I saw that Belinda's pussy was clean shaven! All that soft, smooth skin (no stubble) just invited my tongue to explore every nook and cranny, which I did to Belinda's delight! I've been with women before, Diary, but this was the first time I had ever been with a woman as a woman! And, I'm happy to say, I enjoyed it very much! I still don't know when Belinda turned around, but I felt her expert tongue pleasuring me. It made me intensify my efforts, and soon we were entwined in each other's arms, thoroughly exhausted. When we finally got out of bed, it was nearly noon. I asked Belinda what she wanted to do, and after we did that again, we took a shower, (separately) and got dressed. With Belinda's help, I found out that I was 5' 10" and 38D- 25-39. I had honey blonde hair and my eyes were deep blue. I managed to find a few things that fit and then, Belinda and I went shopping! You know how much I love shopping, Diary. But I never knew how much fun shopping with another woman could be! It was great having another woman helping me pick out clothes and accessories, and it was a turn on to model clothes for someone else, especially sexy lingerie! While Belinda was in another part of the store, I found the perfect dress for her, a tight mini-dress that was cut low enough to show some of her delectable cleavage. I also got her some matching shoes that had three inch heels. When Belinda came back, I decided that we should get something to eat. We sat and talked as we picked over our salads. It was just girl talk; light conversation about this and that, but I noticed that Belinda was a bit more bubbly than usual. Her eyes sparkled and she smiled a whole lot more. I also noted that, once or twice, she called me Celine. I filed that away for later as we left the restaurant and went back to the stores. On our way back to the car, I asked Belinda what she wanted to do next and she replied; Anything you want, Celine. I waited until our packages were put in the back of Belinda's car and we got in before I asked Belinda who Celine was. Belinda blushed and couldn't look me in the eyes. Celine, Belinda explained, was the first woman she had been with, the woman who helped Belinda come out in college. I'm sorry, Wendy, Belinda apologized, you look so much like Celine that I forget you're not her. I took Belinda in my arms and told her she didn't need to apologize and, if she wanted me to, I could be Celine for her this weekend. You'd do that? Belinda didn't believe it, but I told her that it would be my pleasure. It will be, Celine, Belinda assured me with a wicked grin. I asked Belinda if she wanted to go out that night, and Belinda replied that it was up to me. As Belinda drove us back to the apartment, I saw that she was deferring to me, more and more. This has some possibilities, I told myself. I had Belinda stop at a well known drug store and told her I'd be back in a bit. It didn't take long to find what I needed and we got back to our building a few minutes later. Let me explain something, Diary. Belinda is a pretty woman, all right? But she doesn't do anything to accent her looks! Belinda usually wears earth tones and minimal make up. Her hair is kind of a medium brown that she just brushes back behind her ears. I knew, if I didn't do anything else this weekend, I would change all that! We put away all the things I bought, (except for the dress I got for Belinda) and I told Belinda to take off her clothes. She grinned and nearly tore her clothes off, tossing them to the floor. Belinda's grin faded when I told her to take a long soak in my tub, and not to forget to put a capful of bath oil in the water. While Belinda soaked, I got ready. I bought some highlighter at the drug store, and a few other things. I was determined to give Belinda a complete makeover before we went out. Oh yes, Diary, on the way home, I had made plans for tonight. I wanted to give Belinda a night she wouldn't be able to forget! Belinda's eyes were blissfully closed when I went to check on her. I caressed her breast and said I told her she could get out of the tub. Belinda purred and kissed me as I wrapped a towel around her. I pulled a chair in front of the sink and washed her hair. I did it as slow and sensually as I could, and by Belinda's reaction, she enjoyed it as much as I did! I opened the dye, mixed it and carefully worked it into Belinda's hair. When I was satisfied that Belinda's hair was covered, I put a shower cap on her and started working on her nails. Belinda kept her nails short, no more than about an eighth of an inch past her fingers. That wasn't good enough for me so, after I gave her a manicure, I glued a set of glamour length nails on. I painted them a dark, glossy red and, as they dried, I put a coat on her toenails as well. I finished her nails with a top coat of clear polish and looked at the timer. The dye still had 25 minutes to set, so I used the time to pluck Belinda's eyebrows into two thin arches. Of course, Belinda did complain about all the things I was doing to her, telling me that she didn't like having her nails extended and painted, that it just wasn't her, but I replied that it didn't matter what she liked, the only important thing was what Celine liked, and Celine wanted Belinda to be as feminine and sexy as possible! All right, Celine, Belinda sighed, anything you say. By that time, the timer rang and I rinsed Belinda's hair. Since it was wet, I couldn't tell how her hair looked, but I didn't care! I'd heard the secretaries at the firm talk about this particular product; how easy it was to use and how you couldn't really make a mistake with it. I combed Belinda wet hair and set it with my curlers. I told Belinda to get a glass of wine and relax as her hair set and that I'd be out in a few minutes. I took a hot shower and blessed the shots once more. There was no hair on my arms or legs, and I was grateful for that. I hate shaving and depilating! I despise waxing! But, there was one patch of hair that I wanted to get rid of, so with a few careful swipes of my razor, my pussy was bald. I liked the way my hairless pussy look when I saw it in the mirror. I dusted myself with scented powder, slipped into my robe and joined Belinda in the kitchen. I checked her hair once more; it was still damp so I took her back into the bathroom and used my blow dryer to finish her off. Belinda's hair looked great! The dye gave her hair a burnished glow and the light in the room really showed the copper and red highlights. Belinda put her hands to her mouth when I finally let her see herself. It's so beautiful, Celine, Belinda whispered. I kissed her cheek and told her that, of course, you're beautiful! You always were beautiful, Belinda, I said as I led her out of the bathroom. But you'll be more beautiful when I get through with you, I assured her. I handed her the dress I bought her and told Belinda to put it on. Belinda looked puzzled and asked where her underwear was? I laughed and told her that a dress like this was meant to be worn without any underwear! It took me a long time to coax Belinda into the dress, but it was worth the effort! The material clung to her like the proverbial second skin and the dress held up her breasts and let an arousing amount of cleavage to show. I sat her down on the bed and rolled a pair of elastic top nylons up her legs. Belinda jumped when I let my fingers brush against her pussy and I told her that was just a hint of what she could look forward to. I dressed quickly. My own dress was similar to the one I had bought for Belinda; I didn't need to wear anything underneath it. Mine was black while Belinda's was red. I glanced at Belinda and asked her what she was doing. She looked up, lipstick in hand and asked me what I thought she was doing. No, I said, I'm going to do your make up! Belinda looked like she was ready to object, but she smiled and said to go ahead. I sat Belinda down and started to work my magic with my cosmetic brushes. By the time I was through with her, I knew that Belinda would turn heads! Her eyes were dark and mysterious and her lips were wet and inviting. I almost didn't want to go out; I wanted to devour this vision at my leisure! But I knew that I wasn't going to be Celine past this weekend, and I wanted to show Belinda off and (maybe) help her find someone. Before we left, I anointed the two of us with Obsession (my favorite scent). I handed Belinda her purse and we walked out the door... Look at the time, Diary. It's getting late and I have to get to bed. I'll try and finish this up tomorrow... April 23 I've just re-read my last entry, Diary, and I'm still having a difficult time believing what I wrote! Okay, I know that I'm attracted to women, whether as myself or as Wendy. And I know that when I'm a woman, I'm irresistibly attracted to men. But I never knew I could be that attracted to another woman when I'm a woman... It doesn't bother me, Diary, in fact I like being bisexual when I'm a woman; it gives me more choices... I could tell that something was bothering Belinda as she drove us to the club. She seemed more than a bit nervous, but when I asked Belinda what the problem was, she just shook her head. I felt right at home the second we walked into the club. It was like Allie's, only livelier; dance music was playing and there were women crowding the dance floor. I chose our seats at the bar carefully, where we could be seen by everybody. I was putting the new and improved Belinda on display, and I wanted everybody to get a good look at her. The bartender came over and did a double take. You look great, Belinda, she said. Belinda blushed and muttered her thanks. I smiled and ordered a glass of wine for myself and a Perrier with a twist for Belinda. The drinks arrived and the bartender, Gabrielle, said that they were on her. I asked why and Gabrielle replied that anybody who could break Belinda out of her shell deserved a free drink. I smiled my thanks and put my hand possessively on Belinda's thigh. I wasn't surprised by how many women came up and asked Belinda to dance. I looked each over carefully; the ones who looked interested in Belinda as a person I allowed to dance. There were a few who looked at Belinda with a predatory gleam in their eyes. These I warned off with a sharp word and an icy glare. I wasn't about to let Belinda get hooked up with anybody who would treat her like dirt! While Belinda was dancing, Gabrielle came up and asked me how I knew Belinda. I told her that I was a friend from college who was in town for a couple of days. I went on, explaining that I lived in California and this was the first time I had seen Belinda in years. Gabrielle asked me how I managed to get Belinda to finally dress like the sexy woman she was and I just grinned and licked my lips. I think Gabrielle got the point! I also noticed a woman, sitting by herself in the corner, looking at Belinda with a kind of a sad look in her eyes. I wondered about her and finally asked Gabrielle what her story was. That's Tina, Gabrielle said. She comes in every weekend and just sits there watching everybody else having a good time. I know Belinda's talked to her, Gabrielle went on, but that's about it. I glanced at Tina every now and then. Tina wasn't a raving beauty, but she had potential. In fact, Tina kind of looked like Belinda did before I gave her a make over. And, it was obvious that she was attracted to Belinda... I picked up my drink and went over to Tina's table. She looked a bit uncomfortable when I introduced myself and sat down. Tina would look into my eyes and glance away, like she wasn't worthy to look directly at me. We talked for a bit, mostly about nothing at all. I just wanted to get Tina comfortable with me. She asked how I knew Belinda and I told her that same story that I told Gabrielle. By that time Belinda joined us. I could tell by the way Tina's eyes lit up that she had it bad for Belinda. We had a few more drinks with Tina before somebody else asked Belinda to dance. I watched Tina gaze longingly at Belinda and I heard her sigh. I knew I had to do something about this! But what? Tina asked me if I wasn't jealous that Belinda was dancing with all these other women. I said that I had no claim on Belinda, at least none past this weekend. I told her that Belinda and I were still friends, loving friends, and I was happy just to have this weekend with her. Why don't you ask Belinda out, I asked her. Tina blushed and said she couldn't, and anyway, what could Belinda ever see in her? I smiled and told Tina that there was a beautiful woman inside of her just dying to get out. Tina blushed even more and said she wasn't. I asked her to compare what Belinda usually looked before and what she looked like tonight. Tina got a pensive look on her face and nodded her head. I told Tina that all she really had to do was want to become beautiful and take it from there. Tina still looked doubtful, so I asked her if she would like Belinda to help her become beautiful. Tina blushed furiously and I took her hand. Trust me, I said, Belinda will be more than happy to help you, after I have a long talk with her. Do you think so, Tina asked. I squeezed Tina's hand and said I knew so. By that time, Belinda was coming off the dance floor, and I got Tina's phone number. I knew it was just about time to leave, so I stood up, gave Tina a hug and kiss and ushered Belinda out of the club. Belinda was floating on air as we got back to the car. Before she unlocked the doors, Belinda turned and gave me a passionate kiss. Our tongues waged a pleasurable battle under the streetlight and my nipples throbbed with my need. When we finally broke apart, I asked Belinda what that was for. It was for you being so nice to Tina, Celine; Belinda explained. She doesn't have that many friends and it was really nice of you to talk to her. I kept my plans for Tina to myself, knowing that this wasn't the best time to talk about her. I gave Belinda a soft kiss and told her that we really needed to get back home. The drive home took no time at all. We stopped at Belinda's door and got into another clinch. By the time Belinda tried to open the door, her hand was shaking so bad that she needed both hands to get the key in the door. Belinda moaned as I slowly slid the dress off her. Oh Celine! Oh Celine! I've missed you so much! I kissed Belinda's neck and shoulders, my hands playing with her nipples as I led her across the room. I sat her down on a chair, clad only in nylons and heels. I knelt in front of Belinda, letting my hands caress her legs. What are you doing, Celine, Belinda asked. I let my mouth and tongue answer her, kissing Belinda's nylon sheathed legs. I worked my way up, slowly bringing her to a boil. Belinda's pussy was dripping when I ran my tongue around her lips. She moaned and bucked her hips as my tongue invaded her love tunnel, spreading her fragrant juices on my face. I kept up my friendly assault, bringing Belinda over the edge of orgasm, time after time. Every time Belinda came, she would moan out Celine's name. I didn't mind, if Belinda wanted me to be Celine, I would be Celine. I don't know how long I pleasured Belinda; it seemed like hours, but I wasn't tired... Belinda, on the other hand, was thoroughly exhausted. Her legs were limp on my shoulders and her eyes were glassy and unseeing. I slid away from her, leaving Belinda sitting there, on a chair that was soaked with her juices. I poured some wine and sat on the couch, waiting for Belinda to return from whatever part of Paradise she was in. Belinda's eyes fluttered as she came back to me. Hi, I said, welcome back. Hi, Belinda replied in a quavering voice. It took her a couple of tries to get off the chair, and she walked over to me, taking very careful steps on unsteady legs. Belinda sank to the floor in front of me, looked up and whispered that she wanted to do me now. You don't have to, I replied, pulling her up and sitting her next to me. I handed Belinda a glass of wine and watched as she put the glass up to her delectable lips. Why did you do that, Celine, Belinda asked. Because I wanted to, I replied, pulling her close. Belinda settled into my arms and we spent some quality time cuddling on the couch. Belinda looked at me, her eyes shining as she took me by the hand and led me into the bedroom. We spent the rest of the night pleasuring each other, falling into an exhausted sleep as the sun was starting to peek over the horizon. I woke up with Belinda's head resting on my breasts, her hand curled between my thighs. She looked so innocent as she dozed, no sign of the sensual creature she had become when the sun had gone down the night before. We spent the morning lazing around her apartment, feeding each other pieces of toast and sips of tea as we shared the morning paper. I wore one of Belinda's robes, which was way too small for me, not that I complained about it. I loved the way Belinda would stare at me when I moved and the robe fell open, teasing her with glimpses of my body. About one o'clock. I suggested that we go out for lunch. Belinda smiled and said that she knew exactly what she wanted to eat, but I told her we had time for that later. After we went to my apartment so I could change, we went to this small restaurant Belinda knew. We had lunch and talked about nothing much at all, just enjoying each other's company. We went back to my apartment and I packed up some dresses and other clothes I knew would fit Belinda. She didn't want to take them, but I explained that I probably wouldn't fit into them again and that they would look good on her. Belinda thanked me but said that she didn't really wear clothes like these. You did last night, I reminded her. But that was only because I had you to wear them for, Celine, Belinda said. That's when I talked to her about Tina. It took a while, and a whole lot of convincing, but I managed to talk Belinda into giving Tina a call. I also told her that she could have as much fun giving Tina a makeover as I did giving her one. Finally, it was time for Belinda to leave. She stopped at the door, looked into my eyes and asked if she'd ever see me again. I said that if she didn't see me here, she could always find me at Allie's. No, Belinda sighed, will I ever see Celine again? I took Belinda into my arms and told her that I doubted it. I explained, once again, that I didn't know what I'd look like the next time I became a woman, it was different every time. Belinda kissed me softly and said that she'll miss me, miss Celine. She turned and walked out of my apartment with her head down. I called her name, but Belinda didn't stop. That was two days ago, Diary, and I haven't heard from Belinda. I know it's still too soon to worry about her, but I'll never forget the look in Belinda's eyes as she kissed me that last time... April 29 What a weekend! I was too tired to tell you about it last night, Diary, but let me tell you, too much of a good thing is just not enough! I was a hot, busty blonde with a libido to match. I went to a club and found TWO good things, Mike

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The Betrayal And Lust Of Love

The first day of college is always exciting. The most exciting part is finally getting to know which girls are in your class. I remember sitting on the 2nd last bench even though there was space available in front. It’s always the last benchers who are asked to move front not the 2nd last. A guy who I had spoken to barely twice was bombarding me with a barrage of information about our course. I was looking at the door when she entered. The room sort of went quite for a moment. Jaws on the...

1 year ago
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Whiskey JackChapter 14 Short Respite

Hope you like the last chapter. For the following three months they enjoyed relative peace. Jack Daniels began to work his long unused muscles in new ways as Zelda taught him the techniques of Northern Tai Chi and Jeet Kun Do. In return Jack, taught her the combat techniques of the Special Forces. They were surprised so many of the disciplines each had followed separately were the same. Jack finally told her, "There are just so many ways you can kill somebody barehanded or with a knife....

3 years ago
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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 10

Now that Dale and I were boyfriends, you might think that we would have lost interest in his erotic computer game. It was not designed for two to play at the same time, but we hit on a way of using it together. One of us would set up situations in which the other had to overcome various challenges. We each created on-screen personae for ourselves, 'avatars' in the jargon of the game. Lots of scenarios could be generated by choosing from the options included with the software. It being an...

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Spirits SoldiersChapter 8

Edward stood before a table in a large meeting room. Covering the table was a large-scale model of their target. The captains crowded around as Edward outlined the plan. "Ok, Phase One: Wan, Armand, and myself will lead our squadrons in a direct assault from above. The rest of you, except for Robert, will use your troops to set up a perimeter, at ground level, 100 yards away from the fence. Phase Two: Once our squads start drawing their fighters, those of you on the perimeter attack the...

2 years ago
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Chapter 6 I meet a friend of mothers

Watching mother drive away had made me feel down, what had happened between us made me realise I was indeed a lesbian. To have lesbian feelings was one thing, to act on them was something so few women did. In those days, so few women came out as it was dangerous to let others know. It could cost one their job, as well as being shunned by friends and family. To have an incestuous relationship with a family member was strictly taboo. Even some other lesbians would have trouble accepting that, so...

3 years ago
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my girldfriend leave me and i did this D

Hello i want to tell all you this small history, i think is nice and a good memories:It was around 2007 to 2008 year, i was living with a woman for few years but we had many fights all the time, everyone here that have read my other post, know that i wear like a girl in private since i was lik 13 old ( no one would know it) and well, when i was with this girlfriend since i had 23 i think, i stopped to wear as girl because " respect". But things never went right, always fights, lies and more in...

4 years ago
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A European Beauty

I’m just a guy who of course like any guy that adores so many parts or things about women that I wouldn’t or don’t know where to begin if I had to describe what it is about a woman that I like most. Okay, yes I do. It’s her smile. A smile lights her up. A heartfelt smile will do so many things to a woman’s “being” that it can tell a story about her in ways a man can not easily describe. However, with that smile a man may not and does not see all the other portions of a woman, excluding the...

Love Stories
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LoveHerFeet Tiffany Watson After I Fell Asleep

I’m usually home alone on most evenings because my boyfriend works late. One night, I did my routine of eating dinner, watching my favorite shows, then rub one out and go to sleep. My boyfriend, Rion, usually gets home around 2am and just falls into bed. This night he arrived earlier than usual. I was asleep on the couch with a throw barely covering my sexy ass, long legs, and my bare feet. Suddenly, I began to feel some very pleasant tickling on my toes. First, I thought I was dreaming...

3 years ago
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Doomed Dynasty Pt 01

—Set in New Zealand— INTRODUCTION The gnarled-faced woman, hair white and thinning without a hint of waves to give relief to her aged appearance, sat at ease, her pale violet eyes looked permanently saddened as if life had treated her cruely. The widow resident of the retirement home bearing her name, pulled out a cheque from her dressing gown pocket. It was signed and dated, the amount correctly entered as $38,000. ‘Thank you Mr Drummond,’ she said to the novelist. ‘Well done and spend...

3 years ago
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A Paladins TrainingChapter 11 Maralon

***ARAN – Maralon, Capital of Ekistair*** Aran had thought Ironshire was impressive when he first saw it, but Maralon would swallow Ironshire ten times over! He tried not to gawp as he threaded his way down one of the wide, cobbled avenues through the bustling throngs of citizens going about their day. He wove through the crowds as smoothly as he could, wishing he could use his vala to enhance his senses. At the very least, it would save him from being jostled so thoroughly. Amina’s warning...

4 years ago
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BackscatterChapter 13 Sins of the Children

Eight days later. Time: Saturday, June 12, 2049 5:50 AM Universal Madeiran Time The car trip from their Funchal condo to the energy labs was completely uneventful. Megan did the driving and let Alvaro close his eyes and get a bit of rest. He had come home just five hours before, after a series of short phone calls saying he would be late. And now after four hours of exhausted sleep, he was heading right back to the labs. This was the third day in a row he was doing this. So Megan offered...

4 years ago
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Zulmi Mama Ke Jaal Me Faasi Sneha 8211 Part 1

Hello Indian sex stories readers, mera naam sneha hai, Ye meri pehle story hai agar acchi lage to email zaroor kijyega. Mai ek sadharan si middle class ladki hu with a average body. Ye us daur ki baat hai jab me 12 std me padti thi, Bas exam khatam hui thi aur summer vacations start hogaye they. Hamari financial condition kuch acchi nahi thi bas kaise kaise karke mere padhai ka kharch papa dete they. Naye kapde ya koi shauk kabhi mushkil se poore hue they mere. Hamesha ki tarha chutti ke liye...

3 years ago
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His Beautiful Bride Part 1 First Time

"No! Vincenzo,I do not want to have sex with you!" Alaina exclaimed, vehemently."Oh really? You are my wife. Just because this is a business deal to be able to get the firm, does not mean there can not be special perks. It is right." Vincenzo stroked a lazy finger down the blondes pale cheek. Her cornflower blue eyes, stared up at him, the internal battle with her desire visible. Long dark lashes closed to conceal her beautiful eyes. And her china white skin turned a soft shade of pink....

2 years ago
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fantasy and desires 2

Hello everyone I come again with another story part two of asking for fantasy desire....if you've been keeping up with our stories stories between NPHW and my self.. you know our history what happened how and when where the before and after.. so to continue with this story in this case titled “ THREE IN ONE ” involving my my “ NPHW ” hubby, Shelley and my self.. as you all know they had something going when he was very young such as we did and do now.. well as you know she came looking for him...

3 years ago
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The Twin sistersrsquo Erotic Escapades

The Twin sisters’ Erotic EscapadesThe day had been terrific. I'd had a good session with my publisher, my book was on track, on schedule, and I felt great as I let myself into the apartment I shared with my twin s*ster Pat. I glanced over, as usual, at Teddy, and he was lying face up on the table by the door. This was our signal that we had someone intimate in the apartment. Very unobtrusive, just give Teddy a pat, and slip him on his back, arms and legs upward, ready for action. I slipped my...

2 years ago
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Fucking my sexy mommy

Now I am going to tell about my mom Kavitha’s beauty. Her height is 5.5 feet. She is housewife. My father is working in company as a marketing manager. So he travels a lot. Her age is 45. But she looks like a angel. If I and mom went out all of them thinking we are brothers and sisters not mom and son. She has that kind of beautiful structure. She has a good pairs of boobs on her top. She has a beautiful deep round navel. We can insert a finger in her navel. I never missed a chance to see her...

2 years ago
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Magical Incest Chapter 1 of 5 The Black Candle

This story I'm about to tell you isn't going to be your typical type of taboo story where a mother falls into the dark desire of having a sexual and lusting relationship with her son, or vice versa, for that matter. No, this story hinges on something even darker than that. A force that has been around longer than incest itself has existed. In fact, you might even think it was more of a taboo since very little has been known of the subject to this day, with only a handful of people even...

1 year ago
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Showering With SisterChapter 6

I’d been in my room, somehow feeling sorry for myself about half the time and wanting to beat off the other half, when she knocked on my door. She didn’t wait for me to tell her to come in and opened the door. She closed it for some reason and stood beside it, leaning against the wall. “Are you mad at me?” she asked. “What? Me? No,” I said. She was dressed in nice shorts and a blouse, like she planned on going to the mall or something. “I was worried,” she said. “I can understand that,”...

2 years ago
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Pyx 2 Training DaysChapter 13 Vanessa The Girls

Shortly after that, Vanessa excused herself, and went to the guestroom, to sleep. Five minutes later, there was a knock on her door. "Come in," she said. In walked Pyx, stark naked, as always. "My master suggested you might like some company." "What a lovely suggestion," Vanessa said, with a smile. She leaned over and kissed the slave deeply. Both had hands exploring each other's bodies. When they finally broke their lip-lock, Pyx fell to her knees. "Tell me what you want,...

3 years ago
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The Bastard Loyal to one ch 5

Please rate/comment, and have fun! Leaves rustled to the left of him, but Marvin chose to ignore it. One knee rested on the moist underground. In that fashion he sat as he peered into the woods. In his right hand, he held his bow, an arrow notched. They had been stalking their prey all morning. The sun had not risen when they left the camp. Now it caused long beams of light through the tree tops, illuminating the dust which drifted in the air. Finally they had caught up with the group....

2 years ago
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Cheer Leading

Cheer Leading I was new to the cheer leading squad, and our team, a pro-ball team, demanded the best looking girls. I was surprised I made it, since I don’t consider myself that good looking. True, I’ve never had trouble finding guys, and my figure is pretty good, but not perfect. It took about three days to find out who the bitches were, and who the friendly girls were. Our costumes consisted of scanty wisps of nylon, and small shorts, our long dance leotards that hugged our bodies close....

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My Slutty Maid 8211 Part I

This is my first story, but not my first encounter with maids. I am an NRI and have returned to India recently. I stay with my parents and two sisters and we have two maids in the house one for cooking and one for cleaning. This is an encounter which occurred with the maid that cleans the house. She is not that tall – she must be five feet and 2 inches at the most and that’s pushing it. She has a very petit figure because at the age of just 22 she has an eight year old daughter and a five year...

1 year ago
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AssholeFever Sata Jones No More Paperwork

Sata Jones is sitting at her desk, looking at some papers. She looks super busy and into her job, but a presence in the room is disturbing her, distracting her eyes and senses. Raul Costa was close by. Sitting on the sofa, checking his phone. She stands up, walks toward him and undresses. She reveals her soft beautiful curves and skin. She’s wearing a sexy semi-transparent lingerie.She kneels and starts touching his dick. Quickly enough, she takes it out and sucks it vigorously to make it...

2 years ago
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My Geography teacher part two

Back at school after my first amazing clubbing weekend, fun, sexual and self pleasuring, it was back to dealing with my younger grumpy boyfriend. He still was upset that I went clubbing without him and eventually by the end of our first break, I told him cause of his jealousy it was now the end of our relationship. A bit upset I went to class and although I'd just broken up with my boyfriend, I was looking forward to my next lesson, Geography with Mr Watson. Walking into Mr Watson's class, we...

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Fucked a milk man daughter

Hello I am ashok from Kathmandu, Nepal. I am going to share my first story when I was 21. I usually used to look movies, read stories and while reading stories I came to some conclusion on how to get chance to fuck someone else. Reading most of the story I now some idea about it. It was the very morning A girl aged 18-20 used to come for milk daily. She is the daughter of milkman. she always put her milk and go. this time I make some idea and call her inside to sofa. then tell that I have to...

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Amys Indecent Proposal Part V

Eric helped Alexis up from the floor of the suite before steering her back to the bed and flopping down to recover from the sexual madness they had fueled for over an hour.Lying on her back with her chest heaving, Alexis wondered aloud, "What in the world do you have planned for me next?"A good question, Eric thought to himself prior to the perfect answer popping into his head. "Take a shower and get dressed." he replied.  "Get dressed? Why, I don't understand." Alexis countered. "Didn't I...

1 year ago
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PetuniaChapter 3

Alex hardly remembered the walk back to the bus stop that evening. It had not seemed possible that she had sat for seven hours without breaking the tape. Not one strand had been broken. Mr. Smith had seemed surprised and, she thought, somehow pleased with her. Alex couldn't explain the rush of pride and those other strange emotions that that thought caused her to have. It was almost sexual. She had seen so much today! The dresses those girls wore seemed to be designed to show off more than...

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Family slut 3

After Karen joined the family, Sharon's sexual services were even more in demand than before. She really liked the young woman and Karen was only happy to use her every way she could think of. Sharon always had a submissive streak in her personality, but it was never explored in full before now. She was satisfied when someone took the decisions in her life, also of course in her sex life. When they were younger, Phil often dared her to try new things, things that she secretly dreamed...

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Gazab Ho Hi Gaya 1

Is November 2018 ke mahine woh sab ho gaya jo bas aaj tak maine kahaniyon main padhi thi. Isliye apni aapbeeti aap sabko sunana chahta hoon. Pyaar banayain rakhain. Do hafte pahle hi meri zindagi ki ek nayi shuruwaat hui hai. Gaon se wapasi ke waqt, train main mujhe gaon ki yaadon ne sone nahin diya. Aur usi waqt maine socha ki aap sabke saamne main apni kahani prastoot karoon. Baat aaj se (30-11-18) theek do hafte pahle ki hai. Maine achanak 3 saal baad gaon jaane ka faisala kiya. Mere paas...

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All About Eve

I want to tell you about a very weird chapter of my life. Why? Well, for cathartic reasons I suppose. My Mum, before she became a hopeless alcoholic, always used to tell me that it's good to talk. I'm not sure if it was sage advice passed from generation to generation in our family, or just that she heard Bob Hoskins say it in an advert and thought it sounded nice, but it became her favourite titbit of motherly help all the same. Her second favourite was that "life is like a box of...

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My Boyfriends Blue Silk Panties

My boyfriend, Allen, is a man’s man. Let’s get that straight from the start. He rides a Harley and he scoops me up in his big strong arms like I’m light as a feather (which I’m not…let’s get that straight from the start, too). So it was a big stretch for me to ask my masculine lover to slip into a pair of silk panties just for me. It was a secret fantasy I’d harbored for years but had never found the courage to ask a man to do. Allen was special, though, and I wanted him to be the one to parade...

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No Names

It was a five-star hotel bar, nestled in the streets of downtown L.A., elegantly furnished with ubiquity. A few big screen TV’s hung over the bar area mutedly showing some insignificant sporting events. A cute duo of a bartending crew, one guy and one nicely tattooed girl, hustled drinks out as fast as they could while still measuring each pour with precision. God forbid they give you too much in your fifteen dollar drink. I was wearing my favorite black dress and a cute flirty skirt, banded...

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News Year Romp

After the midnight toast, most of the other couples went home. However, John convinced two couples to stay, Rod and Susan, and Tim and Karen. John told them that he had a good movie he thought they would all enjoy. Before starting the movie, Steve asked the other two couples how they felt about group sex. Susan blushed and said that she met Rod at an orgy last year. Susan told everyone how she fell in love when Rod walked into the room with his 12-inch black cock leading the way. Susan...

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The Perils of Pubescent PornChapter 18

The day passed in stress and semi-chaos: a mix of teaching disruptive kids, editing illicit video, and tending to Janice and Frances’ carnal demands. But at least now I had help from Bob and Candace on that front, so by bedtime I wasn’t too drained and was looking forward to some time with Candace. However when she came up, after doing the late rounds, it was with a complication. “Evelyn and Sofia asked if you were doing a round too,” she smiled as she came into my room. “Not interested in...

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love encounters 2

Introduction: ahhhhh … desire this is the story of a time i was in college … it was my final year of colg.. i knew this guy back from school.. he was my junior then… he was a gud looking guy …slim figure .. medium height .. we often used to praise each other saying u are hot .. handsome.. all girls will run after you .. we used to have fun together … chatted till late … shared our collection of porn .. n many other things too.. we were basically good friends ,,, but he called me bro he had...

3 years ago
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Threesome With Cousins

This amazing incident took place when I had gone to my native for vacations. My cousin Rahul also had come and we stayed at our aunt’s house. Our cousin Saji had just graduated from college. She was 3 years elder to us. She had nice firm boobs that were damn white with pink soft nipples. She was thin and tall and looked very much appealing when she used to wear traditional dresses. We three were free all day and used to hangout. One day we were roaming in some nearby fields when all of a sudden...

1 year ago
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Sex Like Real aka SLR VR! You’re ready for the future, aren’t you? Hell, you’re already living in the future. That’s why you’ve got your VR headset all set to pump hot sex directly into your eyeballs, letting you live the dream of fucking your favorite pornstars. Your only problem now is deciding which of the VR porn sites are worth your hard-earned spank money. Today, I’m going to take a look at Sex Like Real.SexLikeReal.com is fairly new to the sex movie industry, but so is VR tech....

VR Porn Sites
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Actress Me Part 6 The Wedding

We settled on 2 movies for the fall and 2 more for the first half of 1986. She worked hard on all the movies, each did well in the box office, making the studio lots of money. The standard fee that we were asking per movie was, $200,000.00, plus 1% of the net profits after expenses. I caught a lot of flack for those asking prices, but I told them take or leave it. Her star power with winning those 2 Academy Awards, was a big draw for any movie. MGM was on my case for another script. So...

3 years ago
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Two in one night

This is a true experience of mine. This incident occured last year,i was staying home(cos i decided to repeat for entrance).I am a good looking guy,but i wasnt really sure about that. This incident happened last july, my aunt was coming from UK.shes got a home here and likes to stay there. After my tutions that day i was told by my parents that i should go to her home as everyone will be there after collecting her from airport.I was disappointed with that idea at the beginning.But when i went...

1 year ago
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Animalkind Almost a fairy tale

I hope you enjoy reading this story as I enjoyed writing it. I think these slow changes and the changes in senses and feelings are quite sexy. I am trying to incorporate some suggestions made on the reviews to tune the stories with your liking too. Animalkind: Almost a fairy tale This story begins only two years after the first changes around the world started. The world now was starting to get used to hybrid women. Since the start of the changes, only two years after the...

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Waiting For the Right One

Hi everyone! Thanks for reading. This is a second-person female POV story with a focus on themes and elements of infidelity / cheating, sexual discoveries and awakenings, dubious and / or ambiguous consent, sexual humiliation, non-consensual sex, and soft 'bad ends.' The story is about a young eighteen year-old woman named Jessica Gardner, a recently-enrolled student at a small liberal arts school. Jessica is away from home for the first time at her first semester of college. She and Robert...

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Not So Innocent Love Part 1

This story starts off with a girl as all good stories do. This girl though wasn’t like any of the others. It wasn’t her natural brown hair with perfect highlights that made her perfect, nor her impeccable sense of style. To this day I don’t even know what made her perfect; all I know is she changed my life. I was the normal girl in high school. I did my homework and passed with average b’s. I wasn’t gorgeous, but I was pretty. Sure, I had my issues: drugs, parties; boys, but overall I was...

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A chance Encounter with Jessica Alba

You're John Doe and until today you haven't had much luck in life, you barely scrapped through school even though you was classed as a nerd by the Jocks. You've just finished College and have a degree in mathematics and you haven't got a job yet. You are living in the smallest flat in LA and you can't afford many more months of rent. You are constantly on the phone to people about asking for jobs and trying to get favours from friends to be their accountant of finance guy. You decide to go...

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Ein Mdchen

Ich bin ein Mädchen, das Jungs mag und es mag sich vor Jungs zu zeigen. Ein Mädchen, das keinen BH braucht, weil die Brüste fest genug sind, um der Schwerkraft zu trotzen. Ein Mädchen, das anstatt Unterhöschen und Jeans, Röcke trägt, um in jeder Situation bereit zu sein. Ein Mädchen, das fickt und es mag Schwänze zu lutschen. Ein Mädchen, das es mag von hinten rangenommen zu werden. Ein Mädchen, das es liebt einen Schwanz in sich zu spüren. Ein Mädchen, das für Anal immer zu haben ist. Ein...

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On flight and in car

I have always enjoyed flashing my tits to a lonely driver on the highway or flashing my naked pussy to another man during dinner at a restaurant. I have always been an exhibitionist and now it was hubby’s turn to be one with me. Halfway into our flight to Cancun I eased my seat back while my thoughts drifted to the week ahead. My pussy was already wet as nervous excitement was building inside me. I could not believe I had talked my hubby into vacationing at a nudist resort but, like me, he had...

2 years ago
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A Welcomed Guest 2

Looking up Bast smiled at the use of the old form of her name, though she still was having a hard time with speech. "Good, father. Man ready, spreading seed, started, was good." Isis Ra's queen smiled at her daughter if this was going to work they would need all she could do. It was terrible they had to kill the human later but that was how things always were, had always been. Looking into her daughter's mind she saw that she had chosen very wisely indeed. The male was handsome and...

4 years ago
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Meet The Team

You step down from the plane, a droplet of sweat already falling into your eyes. It is unbearably hot in the badlands and you wonder uncharacteristically why anyone would fight for this land. After meeting the steel eyes of the Administrator, you push such pointless thoughts from your mind and assume a disciplined stance to rival hers. Without speaking, she evaluates you and flicks the ashes from her long cigarette to the ground. "I am not happy," she tersely reveals. The Administrator's voice...

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Paleo What

"Well, you remember that whole Paleozoic-diet from a while ago?" I asked, trying my best to stifle my rampant nerves. At the therapists nod I pressed on "do you know much about it?" "Assume I don't " she replied. "Ok, well I didn't either, not at first, wasn't even in high school yet. I saw an article online about it. They went into detail about the research behind it, the competing theories about what the data meant, the different issues with making generalities from small data...

2 years ago
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Sex with Hot Guys is Worth the 15 Admission

Well, I got to a gay sex club in Los Angeles again this week. They are addictive!I am writing this to remind myself of these good experiences when I can’t have them anymore, so I try to keep them accurate. I am also writing in case readers find them erotic and educational. Hope you do!My last experience was so great I had high hopes for this trip. It had its good points but wasn’t as great as the one before. The main difference was the injection didn’t work on my tool this time. The weather...

1 year ago
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Hazing for Victor and VictoriaChapter 9

Carl and Victor were having double latte cappuccino frappes with chipotle chicken wraps in a dive humorously named 'Tacky Belle' when they spied Cheryl and an oddly attired Victoria walking down the street. Vicky's Naughty Nurse outfit from The Men's Den was slutty and revealing. It was designed to make many men stand up and notice. It was working on her brother's cock at that moment. Carl got up and told Vic to wait there while he went out to greet the girls. He soon returned with...

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Shagging in the Loo

I see you watching me from across the pub. I’m on a business trip and needed a bit of a break from the mountains of paperwork that I had up in my hotel room. I try not to stare, but it’s hard not to. Your rugged good looks have me overwhelmed; and I want you, even though I shouldn’t. “Hello love, the blokes over there would like to buy you a pint.” The barkeep interrupts my thoughts, “Is that ok with you?” “Relay to them that I’m not single, and I’m in town on business, I don’t want them...

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ElevatedChapter 5

Gerard's Freedom, the restaurant where Quad directed the driver to take him and Corvus for lunch, turned out to be an unpretentious steakhouse set on a rise overlooking a wide expanse of white sand, blue water, and tanned bodies. It wasn't what Corvus would have expected of a patrician restaurant. There were no white tablecloths or golden forks and the slaves who served their lunch appeared to have been chosen more for their competence as for their attractiveness. Still, the food was good...

3 years ago
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My first time with an older woman

This is a true story that happened in 2001. At the time I was 19, been out of school for a year. Before that I had gotten blowjobs, sucked on some tits, fingered some girls, but never officially fucked anybody. During the spring of 2001, I had gotten a manufacturing job. Part of the job was we had to go to a different state, learn the job and then come back to our home state as the business was consolidating to 1 location. Every Monday morning I would fly out, Friday afternoon I would fly back....

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wife and her old friend

I had been out with the lads and came home and was surprised to see liz an ex wife of an old friend who we used to go out with years ago I said hello noticing liz had put a few pounds on but was still sexy and had great tits she was wearing a black plain dress with low front showing her nice tits it had a long split up the side of the skirt and opened as she sat on the sofa drinking as her and ann talked about the old days liz asked if I enjoyed it back then saying she wished she had went with...

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Episode 123 subspace

Sunday Afternoon at Justy’sJustine knew it was bad when she arrived home from her night out cock-hunting with Suzy, Anita and Emma to find her daughter and her best friend already in bed, crying gently from the pain inflicted by her two Doms.Molly and Rachael had spent the night bound into tortuous shapes by Sam and His stepson Mikey who had certainly taken full advantage of their submissive desires.Justy undressed and slipped into bed between the half-naked teenagers, trying to avoid touching...

1 year ago
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Chapter 5 of Helenrsquos Slutty Cunt

This final chapter sees Dan’s slutty wife and her wet hairy pussy turned over and restrained on all fours. Against Helen's will my intent is to lubricate my hard cock by dipping it into her wet hairy fanny then to give her an anal creampie… However, Helen might have something to say about me ruining her tight arsehole....find out in this Chapter how my intent to fuck her tight puckered fuck hole goes! Not for the feint hearted! Helen and Dan can be found at:...

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