Special Work Requirements free porn video

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HOW YA DOING MISS CARLY? I've been out of work for two years now. Bummer! Down on Luck, bank account used up, no dates for a year (no money of course). I was feeding the pigeons in the park when I met an old flame. One of the ones who doesn't hate me. She told me of a job vacancy, which was right up my alley. It was overseas, good pay and benefits. She said they were looking for males because the turnover was so great, the office was out of statistical whack with too many females. They feared an EEO complaint. So a qualified male was a shoe-in. I hopped right on over, was interviewed, was hired on the spot and was on a plane within the week for Zitzplotz, Uzbekistan - It ain't LA! It's the absolute end of the world. No place to go, I think the most exciting thing to do is watch goats, milk goats, eat goat cheese, and get goat intimate, while watching 1930s movies - a drag, but a paying job - it requires a 3 year binding contract. Whoopee, save a bunch in 3 years with no place to spend it. I was met at Zitzplotz International Airport (a joke right?) by 14 goats walking the dirt runway. Shooing them away was this nicely dressed woman who introduced herself as Miss Sarah, the assistant to the Chief, Miss Laura. We drove straight to the office where she introduced me to all 19 smiling female workers and the 4 cranky males I was warned about. All were doing essentially the same kind of work I'll be doing. She then oriented me on the customer service work they do for the American oil field workers 100s of miles away. She dropped me off at my pretty nice living quarters, telling me she'd be back at 7:00 pm to take me to a party in my honor at the Chief's house. From a pigeon- pooped park bench to uptown Zitzplotz in less than a week. Life is a real kick. You bet - I was ready at 7:00 - off we went to Miss Laura's spiffy, big house. After parking, we entered the house met by a maid who ushered us directly in to Miss Laura's library and bar. Miss Sarah whipped up two scotch and sodas and we waited. I could hear many people partying in the next room. Miss Laura finally joined us. She was a very attractive woman in her late 30s. Miss Sarah earlier told me Miss Laura was a genius and on the Company's fast-track and recommended working hard, following orders, staying loyal, and close to her coattails because she promised she will bring the good performers upwards with her. Miss Laura went over the company mission and history with me then proceeds to advise me of her employee preferences and pet peeves. Miss Laura explained she prefers all employees being called 'Miss' as an honorary title because it symbolically emphasizes and recognizes the excellence of femininity for all of us. - She asked, "Do you mind my idiosyncrasy? Would it bother you"? I thought, "What do I care what they call one another, so I say, "No". Anyway it's no skin off my nose. I'll call those gals anything they want to be called as long as it makes my new boss happy. Krikey, I didn't see the next hard ball coming. Miss Laura said since I didn't mind the 'Miss' appellation, what name would I like to be called? I said my name is variously Charles, Chuck or Charley, so she suggested I be known as ... MISS Carly. Wham ! What do I say to that? I am so stunned; I am unable to open my mouth. In the meantime, Miss Sarah went to the other room announcing to the Gang that "our new employee's name is Miss Carly". Damn! I thought. What to do? It's already a lock with the others. I can't say "No" now, so I sheepishly answer, "that's fine". Hmmmmmm, I think, "Oh well, Charley is now Miss Carly, the bashful, tongue-tied, doofus of Uzbekistan. What's in a name, eh"? Miss Laura said she found this titling to be very effective in an office giving as reasons that women are more productive, less argument, better at problem solving, withstand work/office pressure, are better at stress avoidance and women just get along with one another better. She recently thought males might obtain some of the same benefits if their male egos could relate closer to the office females by being called 'Miss' to hopefully absorb and identify with some of the essential positive characteristics of females. I later learned those grumpy guys I met would not do it. So, they are in technically in violation of an official office policy, which is binding in Uzbekistan. An office manager can conjure up any nutty policy, make it official policy and make it stick in court. Shoot, being slow on the uptake got me to home plate. Yes! - the right answer without opening my mouth. My being called Miss Carly is not so bad especially since those guys are leaving. Miss Carly is a whole lot better than missing out on this great job. Now Miss Laura said was my moment of truth. She demanded a showing of sincerity and good faith. Would I agree? I had to follow on so, I said, "Sure". I didn't know what was happening when Miss Laura came close to me with a gadget of some kind. Whambam, whazzup? My ears were pierced painlessly - medium size tasteful hoops were inserted, she told me I couldn't remove them if I wanted too as the fastener was secured by super glue. Looking in a mirror they did kind of stand out with no way of hiding them. I'll have to make up a whopper of an explanation. - And then Miss Sarah gently pushed my head back, tweezers in hand, began busily plucking and shaping my eyebrows as the third initiation stage into the Gang. Ouch. ouch. ouch! No doubt about it, my career and face has taken an unplanned turn into the Twilight Zone. I hope it is worth it. Thinking back, the nightmares took about two weeks to go away. We all then went to the Main Room. Everybody welcomed me somewhat like they did Norm in the Cheers' TV show: "MISS CARLY"! I was embarrassed and blushed. I never blush. It must be the new name, earrings and eyebrows. Some kind of magic going on here? No waste of time, they quickly got down to business. "Well, Miss Carly, this is the way it goes here. We are 100% women in this room - you are nothing, nothing, but an interning woman and new employee", Miss Laura said sternly, "we all are doing you a favor, got it"? Head, ear rings and arched eyebrows pointing down, I said, "Yes mam, Miss Laura, I got it and would like to beg everyone's' help". The gang all clapped. The doofus, the new Miss Carly, hit another home run. She finished saying, women get along better, those guy's macho declination, lack of loyalty and general stupidity proves it - had they agreed they wouldn't be looking at a very long period of unsuccessful job seeking, if they ever find one. Miss Laura smiled like she knew; like she would assure those dudes are forever toast. Returned to my room I was wondering, am I just a weak fool? YET, it is always best be on good side of power - no doubt about that - need job and money - disastrous if contract was terminated for cause - no money - pay my own way home - no job - bad references, maybe never work in my field again - already messed up with a sissy name, with pierced ears and girl-shaped eyebrows. Stick it out, I concluded. Why not play the game since it is the only game in town at least in this Uzbekistan universe. Who would know; who would care? Except for the weird matriarchy aspect it is do 'able and certainly beneficial as opposed the alternate - which was extremely gloomy and self-destructive - almost borderline suicidal for me if I chose to reject. So I'll play along for awhile, what the hell? The eyebrows will grow out and I can use dynamite on the earrings, if need be. Miss Laura did say the only other guys were getting the boot, so they won't be around. It's all girl, all the time, and me. Next day a 'package' was delivered early. In it was a reminder of my pledge of good faith and a caution, "You will be checked", the note warned. The Package contained various colored slips, bras, panties, panty hose, sleeper baby dolls and night gowns. Oh God! OK, again I rationalized who is to see anyway? It is all under-stuff. The girls in the office already know what's happening. So I started dressing and found a second page to the Note telling me I would have cosmetics applied at the office, but for me to immediately remove all body hair - so back to the bath room, razor in hand. Ouch, ouch ouch - Why does all this woman's' stuff have to hurt? Poor little me. Clean and smooth as a baby's a... I dressed in all that pink, soft silky stuff, hitched up the panty hose and put on my shirt, tie and suit. For some reason the shirt and suit material felt rough where I never noticed it before but underneath this sandpaper cloth, all was heaven. I'm done and ready. I won't screw up on my first work day anyway. Funny I didn't even find dressing this way unusual at all considering the circumstances and controlling female environment coupled with my desperate need for paid gainful employment. I thought maybe I'd buy a ski mask to wear while walking to work to cover my new, different face and ears. Either way, I stand a chance to have an unpleasant encounter with the police. I ditched the ski mask idea preferring to be seen as a minor freak instead of a major thief. First through the door the 4 guys were waiting - they saw the obvious, my ear rings and eyebrows and made rip snorting macho dirty derogatory commentary, jokes and fag insults. I smacked the loudest, John, the leader. They settled down telling me that they had received the same offer and refused. They didn't get as far as I and they were glad. - All said life was a veritable hell for them after that, they all were very experienced and were still unable able to secure jobs elsewhere. I told them I don't have any money or even have much experience and said I had to go along and asked what's so bad, what difference if the bosses are happy and support me if I give them what they want. In this forsaken wasteland, who sees, who knows, who cares besides it is not criminal, illegal but overall, career enhancing. They all said, "It was not manly, you freak'in faggot". I'm not - but looking like I do, makes it hard to convincingly argue otherwise. Since they had turned down the offer, they did not receive a package so they were not aware of what I was wearing under my suit, GOOD! The piercing and eyebrow sculpture set the cruel SoBs off bad enough. They said many other men had worked here, but all refused, all left quickly. No one coming here knew what the whole deal in this place was. They said I was the 'first to knuckle under to those GD broads' and not man enough to say screw you bitches. John guffawed loudly saying they wanted to call him Miss Joan. That's when he told them to shove it; the others told the same story. They started ragging badly on me again. One even yanked my hoop ring. With that bit of BS, I left and went to my desk with a slight smile on my lips as my new neat, superbly comfortable lingerie, rustled silently against me, sliding softly, touching my whole body, saying, "It's all right". All through the day, all the girls one-by-one introduced themselves to me. I was first given a crash course in make-up application and told it was required, so I should get to work earlier or I could leave it on and simply refresh it the next day, as I chose. I received a purse with all the necessary stuff I would need. They were all nice, friendly, and very helpful, never once forgetting to call me Miss Carly. Even the guys returned to call me Sissy-Missy-Carly, then laughed uproariously every time, all the time, all day long, especially now with me sporting the additional indignity of lipstick, nail polish, eyeliner, mascara, foundation and blush. As it turned out, I had the last laugh as they all were deported the next day rapidly exiting Uzbekistan to wherever and to whatever ghastly, but well deserved; unemployment fate lies ahead for them. Each week brought a new package, with quid pro quo 'to follow orders or get gone', requirements! The first was a required physical checkup after which the Physician prescribed a required a strict diet, certain vitamins and daily 'health shots' administered by Miss Sarah. Another package contained a required membership in a health club and had me jogging three miles every day. Then following - on to hair styling for my longer hair and THEN, a package with women's' shoes - followed next week by women's' pants suits and women's' blouses to be worn instead of my men's' stuff , with a last package surprise: scheduled electrolysis sessions. Funny, it was crazy, kind of embarrassing but I started to look with anticipation for the each package - each time was a Girlie-Christmas. I began to love the excitement and each new addition to me. The changes came so slowly and were subtle that I almost didn't notice. The people on the streets did, especially the young and old men, and even some women. At first I didn't think anything about since I was so confident and secure spending so much time in the office environment with my friends and coworkers but this was different, out in the world observations by interested people. I had to assess where I am, where I've been and where do I want to go. - The workload was awesome long hours, long days but the Gang held up just fine. It truly was an integrated bunch. I chose correctly. I am so glad I was with them, beginning to almost look and act like them, instead of being against them, and be gone. Time passed quickly, while work went on smoothly because "WE were really a whizzbang working team. They joked, "It was all good now because the testosterone was gone" - except for me, but they didn't think I was significant enough to even mention, or purposely exclude me from "the Whizzbang Gang". As the only male left, I felt funny being included but it also felt good to be included part of such a superior organization. I observed some coworkers holding hands, being very close, saw a few kissing, but thought it all meant that it was only part of the excellent, close camaraderie and exuberance over successfully completing many difficult work projects. Shoot guys do it too, well maybe not the kissing part, unless the guys are French - then who knows? Now I need a brassiere as chest enlarged to a B cup making jogging painful - so far into this, I say who cares, no one outside sees or knows except the gal gang, who are always supportive and actually fun. I even finally figured what all those health vitamin and shots were. The breast growth was a tad painful but tingly too, and sensitive like nothing I ever felt in my life. The addition of a brassier made life easier supporting these two new loads but it was uncomfortable too but a necessity. With them more sticking out like they were, more people stared. Thinking what? I am a ... they do not know what to figure. It's time to move to the next level to dispel the androgynous, quasi-gay/lesbian questionable image I present. It's time for me to accept the awesome changes that have occurred too. Dressing in the lingerie was fine but still hidden, dressing up in the pants suit and blouses, even with jewelry and light cosmetics still made me appear as if I were clutching on to what little was left of my maleness. Where after all this time and my fine association with these superb women has surely changed me greatly. I have to admit to myself, Charley is no more, Miss Carly is happening now! Time to go to the next level by wearing skirts dresses and high heels - just do it, Lady! Over the next 6 months there was much work interspersed with more company parties, paid weekend trips to neat European locations, perks, bonuses, and fat incentives. My neighbors still look at me strangely, but they are Europeans so they would anyway - has little to do with them anyway - all after-work social life is with one or more girls. Or all of the girls whether I want to, feel up to it. Or not, but it is still fun. We work together, play together, shop together, and vacation together. Overtime, I've become as much a woman, or anyway look, walk and act like one, as good as almost anyone in the gang. My work is outstanding, my bank account and investments are up there, I've traveled all over and have seen many of the exotic sights, and I feel great, my health is excellent. I look great as a female and many men have said so. Stunning was the word most frequently used. No one looks at me as if I was anything other than a good looking, well dressed, poised, intelligent business woman, except for useless anatomical protuberances in my panties, but is only seen by those whom I want to see it. --- And they are only the members of the gang, - that is the way it is, the way it must be, we stick together ... l am committed, I gave my word - in Uzbekistan. Miss Laura told us all that we would be visited by an Inspection Team from the Headquarters - this was going to be make or break important for all of us! My presence and gender was a major problem. The solution was to have my personnel documents changed to make my appearance match the paper work - high tech equipment and slick hacking allowed a name change, gender and personnel file picture to be changed, in time. On official papers. I AM an official female. Now, how do I change back to male, if I have ever had a mind to? Naah, not to worry, we have only the present to wrestle with, the future will take care of itself. We worked, worked and worked. Long hours and days checking and fixing files and important papers. We all made sure everything was correct, neat and in order. With the same intensity, we flew to Paris over the weekend - and shopped, shopped and shopped for dresses, skirts, shoes, evening gowns all to dazzle the inspectors - We put our best foot forward in sexy minis, clinging long skirts, lacey silky soft semi- revealing blouses, high spike heels, and black-black stockings. The steady use of the gym, jogging, dieting and some necessary and unnecessary cosmetic surgery, for sure, made us all look model-quality, fabulous, albeit, a bit like an office gathering of hookers, but definitely high-class but as usual, done very tastefully and efficiently. The inspection was finally completed so we hosted a big party for the Inspection Team. It was Wonderful! We danced, drank, and laughed through the night. I very much liked Terry, one of the Inspectors. He was tender, good looking and smart - he wanted badly too to get it on with me and I with him, but Miss Laura only allowed touching, but no other emotional fooling around in case something turned sour, ruining our accomplishment. I left Terry with a sweet 'til we meet again kiss and finally we sent all the Inspectors happily on their way. The final report came in highly commending our profitability, job efficiency, accuracy and customer service. It concluded we had become so good in our use of automation and employee cohesion that our model will be used throughout the industry making it so our jobs can be accomplished in the US to perform the same service worldwide. - No need of an expensive over seas outsourced operation. We saved bunches of money for the company, who rewarded Miss Laura with an important executive promotion, a generous bonus and a huge monetary award, which she unhesitatingly shared with us. Clever me Miss Carly, I made time to have 'an operation' just before we left. Now, I match my ID card, totally. For me, I came there as a penniless, jobless, stupid male and three years later return home as a modestly wealthy, super- competent, power female. All us girls are working as heads in our own Divisions back home in the good old USA. Miss Laura's organization plans, albeit extreme, were so very, very right. She "Miss'ed" us all-- -errrr----but missed nothing. I made a call - "Hello Terry, This is ... Carly, Miss Carly, from Zitzplotz, remember me? ... Would you like to come to work for me, Miss Terri? FINIS -------by Amanda Roman-------

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Handwork To Bedwork With Sister

All stories goes on a different path while mines also the same… Sex with girls u have been lusting for years and when u get to fuck her in which ever way you want with a bonus that she asks you to fuck her…. Just amazingggg… Same is my story.. About me I’m Darren from Mumbai,wheatish in colour with medium built and a cock with 7 inch n width of 3 inch rare combination. And my fucking partner my sis her name is radika(name change) fair skin sexy figure her description is in the story… Coming...

3 years ago
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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Five Day One of the Sissy Maid Workshop Comes to an End

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Five: Day One of the Sissy Maid Workshop Comes to an End After lunch the ladies and their sissy candidates assemble in break-out groups where the candidates are stripped, shaved and locked in chastity as each of the pathetic males experiences new levels of shame and humiliation as they are displayed publicly and most for the first time. As the sissy graduates helped herd the male candidates into the appropriate classroom I...

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Patchwork Knight

Author’s Notes: ‘Patchwork Knight’ is set in the Sweet Dreams universe, but is otherwise a standalone story. *** ‘Patchwork Knight’ *** Does everyone remember their first crush with such clarity? Forgetting his is impossible, and if he were honest with himself, he would acknowledge that she is the standard by which every other woman that he has admired or dated is judged, and has found them lacking. He knew that he was not the only one who fell in love with her in those glory days of high...

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In the hands of my workmates

In the hands of my workmates After moving to L.A. I got a nice new job and of course, new workmates. One of them, a nice guy from my office called Thomas, suggested that we might like to go to a club on Friday evening, in order to meet other coworkers. He said it was a nice place with a small dance floor. Victor agreed, I decided to wear something conservative as I really did not know what the form would be. I dressed in a long flowing skirt zipped up the back, a white blouse, nylon hose and...

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I live with a very handsome guy who works the night shift from 10pm to 6am at a local factory, he leaves for work at 9pm so i am on my own from the time he leaves. He left to go to work one night last week as usual so before he left i was dressed in a sexy g string panty lace bra and i was looking real hot so he could think about me all night at work. About ten minutes after he left i heard a knock on the door so i thought he had forgot something so i opened it without thinking that it was his...

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In the hands of my workmates

In the hands of my workmatesAfter moving to L.A. I got a nice new job and of course, new workmates. One of them, a nice guy from my office called Thomas, suggested that we might like to go to a club on Friday evening, in order to meet other coworkers. He said it was a nice place with a small dance floor. Victor agreed; I decided to wear something conservative as I really did not know what the form would be. I dressed in a long flowing skirt zipped up the back, a white blouse, nylon hose and low...

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I fucked workmates wife and her friend over Blacks

I fucked workmates wife and her friend over Blacksmiths AnvilThis is an individual story but might be easier to understand after reading Workmates Wife Fucked over Blacksmiths AnvilThe next week Julia came in to the quarry for the coal with the car and stopped me in the carpark “I’ve been talking to a friend about daydreams, the one we had last week, she wants the same one”“What with me”“Yes but it has to be two weeks today”“That’s very precise,” I Said“Yes it is, do you want to do...

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Workmates Wife Fucked over Blacksmiths Anvil

Workmates Wife Fucked over Blacksmiths AnvilThis happened way back in the very late eighties, I worked one season for the silage contractor before getting a full time job in a quarry. I worked my way up to being a mobile plant fitter. The only time the quarry was quite was a Saturday lunch time when the men that was working the full day got together and we had our bait together, we would have a laugh and take the piss out of each other.One Saturday I told the men about a dream I had about one...

2 years ago
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Social Networking Site To Bed

Hi friends, myself dinesh (name changed), a engineer by profession, from bhubaneswar, odisha. I am a fan and a regular reader of iss. I like incest and desi section stories a lot. Now I am gonna to narrate my story, which happened with me a year ago. It happens between me and one friend from facebook. Please give your feed-backs on my mail id after reading this incident. I am working in a engineering firm here in bhubaneswar, I am 28 now. At that time I was 27. My height is 5′ 7″, and m just...

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In The Workshop

Hey! Thank you for the responses. I’ll get straight to the experience, continued from my previous experience. The driver stopped the bus and we didn’t bother as the conductor was rubbing my vagina by pushing my hips in his hairy legs even after i got an orgasm. I didn’t want him to stop either. It was a strange but good feeling. In about 3 minutes or so the driver came in with another man. The driver asked me to get up. I got up and saw that it was a motor workshop. They asked me to sit on the...

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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Six Another Sissy for Ms Rebeccas Household

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Six: Another Sissy for Ms. Rebecca's Household? After the workshop ends on day one, Ms. Rebecca stays to speak with some of the women attending the class and gets an unexpected offer that offers her some incredible rewards if she can take ownership of another young male submissive who is displaying sissy tendencies. After the workshop ended for the day, I stayed for a while to give me a chance to speak with some of the women...

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Transition to Vikki part eight reworked

Transition to Vikki part eight (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.The story continues. Vikki settles into her new surroundings and with new friends. Plans are made for a visit and the club is seen for the first time.As with the others, this part has been heavily revised since first writing. Typo's, grammar and story plot mistakes have been corrected. Best to read these chapters...

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Transition to Vikki part four reworked

Transition to Vikki, part four (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next part of Steven Jennings' tale how he abandons his old life to become Vikki. Valerie and Gina get closer and more life stories are told. This is updated from the original scripts.All original chapters have been rewritten and updated. Typos corrected, grammar put right and plot errors sorted out. Parts have bee...

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Slut Born To Tease Reworked

Slut: Born to Tease (part one). Reworked.I’ve just completed my chosen ensemble for this evening and I'm now standing in my bedroom, looking at my reflection in my full length wardrobe mirrors. I was just about to twirl around to view the full reflection of my pink PVC lingerie clad curvaceous body, when my husband walked into the bedroom, stopped at the doorway and sighed."Are you really wearing that lot tonight?" He said almost despondently."Of course I am!" I replied triumphantly.I was...

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Coworker fucks my gf and then

I've been having gay sex with my coworker, we both have gfs but love gay sex, and thought that would be the only affair we'd ever have, but we would be in for another twist. One day while hanging out he ended up telling me that something recently happened. I asked him what it was and to cut to the chase. He said that my gf had been messaging him and that eventually she started flirting with him. He told me he felt like she was definitely coming onto him. I told him it really didn't bother me....

1 year ago
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I had a coworker in which I was not too fond of. He called in sick many times repeatedly making everything difficult. Apparently he had some sort of issues in his life, which I understood but it got pretty annoying. Aside from that I didn't really like his attitude either. His responses were pretty snappy. Most of the time he seemed like he didn't even care. I also was not fond of him being bisexual. I mean , no offense, he can do what he wants, but I was cautious when he was around. He was...

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CoWorkers Tale

Co-Worker's Tale I worked at a busy transportation company as a driver, that shuttles people to and from the airport. It was there that I met a co-worker named Carol, that caught my eye in passing at first because I would only catch a glimpse as she was walking away from me. I must say was my favorite part about her. I found myself taking a bit of a deeper breath than normal to smell her perfume, which she always smelled good. We would find time in between trips to the airport to chat. Turns...

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Jaq And The Workmen

It was a nice afternoon; Jaq and I decided to take a stroll. We live fairly close to some building work that is taking place; a complex of industrial units are being constructed.The building site was within view. Being Sunday, the site was fairly quiet but there did seem to be some activity taking place. As we approached we stopped to see how the building work was progressing; the workers were in a prefabricated building obviously having a tea break.One of the guys looked up and saw us. "Get...

Group Sex
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wife shows herself to workmen

We used to go out on "flashing sessions" as we called them over a period of many years, but haven't done it lately, as we seem to have cooled off to how we used to be. A sign of age we presumed. Until this week! We had the use of a friends caravan at a lovely but quiet beauty spot not too far away from our home. As has happened before when this has occurred it seems to make the both of us "fruity" shall we say? One early afternoon we were both sitting on the decking at the front of the caravan...

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Workout with new Amazon Coworker

A dark haired Amazon of a girl walked by me today at work and I wondered what it would be like to pound her. The compulsion to touch her was so strong when she bent over to put some sugar in her coffee that I almost earned myself a trip to HR!!! I think it would have been worth it!Anyway, that got me to thinking……~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I had noticed Amanda the very first day she started work in our office complex. Most guys did, come to think of it. It was not every day that...

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Bus Ride Part 4 The Masters Workshop

This is a continuation of the Bus Ride series – Parts 1, 2 and 3. I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected]. Bus Ride – Part 4 – The Master's Workshop “Hey sleepy head!” Gaby aroused from her deep sleep to look up at her new ‘friend’ Mary who was shaking her arm gently. Mary wasn’t really a friend but was the only person she felt she could trust and talk to. She was a former ‘slave’ and now...

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Loves MastersChapter 6 Workshop of Empowerment

That Friday, right after the football camp let out at noon, I left for the Marlfield mansion and spent the night there. Saturday morning, I flew out to Knox with the twins and my parents. The girls attending the workshop wouldn’t arrive until Sunday afternoon, but there were a lot of people involved in preparing for the workshop. This wasn’t just an opportunity for my dad to have sex with them or adjust their programming. The workshop was designed to test their ability to think on their...

4 years ago
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A Workaholic Man

A Workaholic Man By Kathy Smith Chapter 1 He was a workaholic! Alex Stein, M.D. Ph.D. started a biotech company in Manhattan (in Tribeca - near the twin towers - World Trade Center were). He was single, it's true that he was just totally hot and he definitely heterosexual, but he had one goal, to produce this drug to market! The drug was designed by computer and then manufactured by robots! They had the first leap from the FDA! Many more to go to get the FDA to say...

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Movie Review Workplace Hazards

Movie review by Justin Eves for the New York Post-Times. WORKPLACE HAZZARDS : 4/5 Well, Hollywood is in full fall swing once again as everyone rushes to get their projects out in time for next year's awards. Even though my legs are still partly asleep from recently sitting through the three and a half hour epic "SORCERESS OF RHEEN" I decided to watch a sneak peek of the new Greg Fishek directed comedy "WORKPLACE HAZZARDS" which comes out this Friday. While this raunchy comedy...

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Workplace Standards

Workplace Standards By Monsta I awoke to the slight shaking of the bed. I groggily looked at the alarm clock through my blurry sleep crusted eyes and saw it was 3:12am. After waking up a bit more and getting my bearings about me I realized the bed's motion was the result of my wife Ellen masturbating. I lay in bed motionless, pretending to be asleep. If she knew I was awake she might try to involve me, and at 3:13am I just wanted to sleep. My wife's sex drive was way higher than...

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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Four Daisy Training Prepares Her for the Workshop

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Four: Daisy Training Prepares Her for the Workshop Synopsis: Flashing between Daisy's training before the seminar and the seminar's beginning, more is learned about how Daisy trained to be ready as Ms. Rebecca's sissy maid example and how the Sissy Maid Workshop is run to insure the transformation of the submissive male candidates into the sissy maids and cuckolds wanted by their owners. I loved the look on Daisy's face as...

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Workshop Cool Off

No one really cared who was giving the workshop instructions. All they knew is that it was some gal and that she had prepared a few hours of instructions and slides and a film to watch and they didn’t really want to be there all day. The table she sat at on the stage was about 8’ long, just like one of those banquet tables that fold up. Covering it was a black velvet type material with pleated sides and a nice smooth top. On the front of it was a sign that described the workshop itinerary....

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Workman gets seduced by seymour clevage

Sarah hated the Monday morning rush. she'd woke up late again dropped the k**s of at school done the shopping and just wanted 5 minutes to chill. it was now 10.45am and the gasman was due at 11. what to wear? she thought. Sarah was in her late 20's size ten figure. pert tits legs to die for and a nice tight arse. She went for the short skirt blouse knee high socks look with her hair in pig tails not out to impress or anything. The door rang dead on 11. " 1 minute!" as she called out the bedroom...

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Kim and coworkers rent a cabin

I've written previously about my 24-year-old wife Kim (see Curtains Removed for Painting and Wife Hosts BBQ for Coworkers). The barbecue that we hosted for her coworkers definitely got out of hand. I was a little worried about possible repercussions as four of her coworkers got to see her private parts. It had started innocently enough with an accidental exposure when Kim removed her sweater, but it evolved from there. Anyway, I was worried that they may talk about it at work and cause her to...

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The Workshop

Evan grew up in a tough environment and was a lot smaller than his two older brothers and large father. Being the runt of the litter life could’ve been far harder for him, but thankfully compassion and tolerance ran in his family. Evan was also the apple of his diminutive mother’s eye, a feisty woman whom one didn’t want to mess with.Like the rest of his family, Evan wasn’t academically inclined. He wasn’t stupid but came from a blue-collar family, where education was not deemed a great...

Gay Male
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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake Chapt 127 Revised

Introduction: RJ and Candy Make New Discoveries A SPECIAL BOND Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. Its called My Right of Free Speech. If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading...

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Special Massage Lesbian

She thought back to how she had decided to get into the business of personal massage.Her first orgasm had come at the hands of a masseuse who knew all of the special places on a woman's body. It had been her first special massage. She had been nervous, the tenseness evident in her shivering. She had lain nude underneath a towel that just covered her bottom, awaiting the masseuse.When the masseuse entered the room, April had been startled by the masseuse's good looks. April had expected a...

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Special Needs

Special Needs. Players (in order of appearance): Rose Marian Carter; Tracy Tillerman; Beth Goodman; Mark Sanford; Lucy Davis as Ms. Pennywort; Susan Day; Trent Baker; Helen Anderson. Synopses: Special Needs has an odd connotation without context, and of late a politically correct term for accommodating the handicapped. Mark wasn't handicapped when he filled out that form although not too long after he did that form he wished he was. At least then he'd have a reason for...

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Special 25th Anniversary Gift from loving wife

I am Steve and my wife is Mandy. We have three kids, two away at college and one left to go next year. Our son at home does not bother with us much as he has a tight circle of friends and is always out everywhere but home. We have some time back in our lives and are alone together often. We have been married for 23 years and the last few years the sex life has kind of fizzled off. Don't get me wrong, we have great sex, but other stresses in life have gotten to us and as we think about...

1 year ago
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Special Appointments

A Long Daydream : Special Appointment I ran into quite a lot of money recently. More money than I know what to do with and I’ll certainly never have to work again. Fortunately, I’ve always had this about one of the things I’d do if this situation ever arose. Since I have a fairly extreme passion for long hair on women, I thought it would be great to open a salon catering to the longhaired woman. Nothing new in the idea but think of all the longhaired women I’d meet. I knew exactly what I must...


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