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Popular Chapter 2 By Anastasia Toy For almost half a minute we were all silent: I was desperate for something to say, but nothing came; below me Denise lay quietly in shame; and Lillianna, who seemed to have surprised even herself with her entrance, stood angrily at the door. Suddenly limp, my cock slid out of Denise's pussy. Lillianna began to speak rapidly: "Get the fuck away from that girl - I can't believe this was you, you motherfucker - stand in the fucking corner." I offered a feeble, "Baby..." "Don't you even think of 'baby'ing me you sick, sick, fuck. Just stand in the corner." I did. Now gently, she spoke to Denise, "Denise, let's get you dressed, okay?" Denise was slow to respond, but eventually she nodded and sat up. Lillianna again, "Do you have shame? Turn around and let the girl get dressed without your filthy eyes on her." I turned around. There was the fumbling noise of Denise dressing, and then Lillianna again, "My god, you ripped her clothing. How did you expect her to leave when you were done molesting her?" I didn't answer; after a few seconds, she continued, "I guess I've got to go get her some clothes. But how?" Another pause, and then Lillianna began to make a noise which I only slowly realized was a soft laugh. Laughing now? Why? There were no answers, as all I got was the sound of her picking up the phone and dialing. "Hi, Antonio? This is Lillianna ... I know, you must be surprised to hear from me, after so long ... Of course, I've seen you around, too, but it didn't seem right - but Antonio, this will have to wait until later. Right now I need you to help me with something, can you do it? ... Well, I'd rather not say over the phone - it's best that you just come here and see ... Here is the office of Professor Tom Adams. Do you know where that is? ... Right, the third floor of Stanhope. Can you come quickly? ... Of course, I'll have dinner with you ... fine, fine ... and bring your car, and a sweatshirt and sweatpants. Got all that? Good." There was a click as she hung up the phone. Who was Antonio? Nothing was coming to mind, and Lillianna certainly wasn't offering and answers. She was talking again to Denise, "I'm sorry that we have to stay in the same room as him. I know it's awful, but there's nothing we can do; we certainly can't let him go free, can we? My friend will be over in a moment to take care of you while I get you some fresh clothes." Denise offered her first real sentence in quite some time, "What about the police?" "We'll call them later, if we have to. But I'm guessing you don't want to face them like this, right?" "No, no I don't. I feel so dirty." "I'm so sorry. Remember it isn't your fault, okay?" And they passed the next few minutes talking this sort of nonsense to each other, while I was furious and terrified in alternation. The little tramp had told me she liked it rough with her boyfriend, and Lillianna had made me so angry by being distant... No time for thought; there was a knock at the door, and then a bustling noise as someone entered the room. "Hi, Lillianna, what' going -" he began, stopping to laugh cruelly, then, "Why is he standing in the corner -" and again stopping to gasp quickly. "Is this what I think it is? Did your scrawny boyfriend try to rape this girl?" "Not only that, but he has been raping her - every Monday this whole semester. We'll both hear the whole story in a moment, from both of them, but first let's get Denise dressed. The sweats?" Denise was quickly dressed, and Lillianna said, "Let's go down to the car now. Antonio, is it parked out front?" He answered that it was, and roughly grabbed my shoulder, turning me around. "Come on, you pathetic fuck." I did, and for saw for the first time that Antonio had a massive body - perhaps an inch taller than I and at least a hundred pounds of muscle heavier - packed into a dark, well tailored suit. His dark skin and heavy, angled face confirmed that he was Italian. He sneered at me. Then we filed out the door of my office, a strange group indeed. *** A short and mostly silent drive brought us to what I assumed was Antonio's house, which I was surprised to note was on a street where most of the residents were faculty at our college. This was the last of my worries, though - I had no idea what they were doing; none of did, I suppose, other than Lillianna. All that was clear is that she wanted us to go in, so I did. Lillianna had us sit down in Antonio's living room, Antonio and I in our own chairs, Lillianna with Denise on a short couch. "Have you got a tape recorder?" she asked. "Of course. It's part of the profession. I'll go get it." Soon he was back with the device, which he handed to Lillianna. "Since we won't involve the police or the administration tonight, I'd like to get you both on tape, explaining what's happened. Denise, let's have you begin." Denise, who had to this point said as little as I, quickly became a fountain of words and, as she got warmed up, of tears. Her version of events, while straight on most of the facts, was bullshit in every respect; she colored herself an innocent, and me an ogre. To hear her tell it she'd been raped every time we'd been together, regardless of what she said to me. I kept my tongue, knowing the importance of tact in this situation. As she was coming to her teary, nonsensical conclusion, I had just finished preparing my rebuttal. Lillianna turned her face and the tape recorder to me. "Your turn." I replied in an even tone, "Much of what Denise has said I can't dispute. For the last two odd months we have had sex once a week, with the understanding that she would receive a good grade in exchange for the sex. But what I must emphasize is that this was an agreement made between two consenting adults. It simply isn't fair to characterize what I did as rape; unethical, perhaps, but not -" Lillianna cut me off to say... "Antonio, hit him in the stomach." I was in midsentence and too caught up in my speech to react immediately; in an instant Antonio was looming over me and - I was on the floor, desperate for breath, a pain both dull and flashing in my gut and chest. Lillianna spoke again, softly like a parent who is too angry even to yell. "You son of a fucking bitch, you motherfucker. Do you not remember that I saw your savage treatment of this poor girl? I watched you, not believing that it was you. "You must not yet have realized that I knew that someone was doing this to Denise, that I knew because she told me, but refused to tell me who was doing it." Her voice was rising to a yell, "You should have seen this poor girl, weeping to me about the shit men were giving her - an asshole boyfriend on the football team, and worse a rapist for a teacher. But you? YOU? Oh God, I remember when I first suspected it, that it could be you; just before our last dinner together. She told me an odd detail, that it was Monday nights you did this to her, and I thought 'that's funny, I never see Tom on Monday night.' At first I laughed it off, but it began to gnaw at me. After all I loved you, I FUCKING LOVED YOU." Sobbing, now, her sentences became disjointed. "I fell in love with a rapist, a man sordidly abusing a teenaged girl in his office, a tiny man - ironic that she only knew me because you had me guest lecture at your course about women in society, because we talked about men taking over women's sexuality - I fucking fell in love with you and you were doing this, raping a girl EVEN AS WE WERE FUCKING SLEEPING TOGETHER, I thought we were making love - and I never, I never would have known but I came to your office out of fear, didn't go to the conference and came to your office out of fear, and I saw you raping this girl with violence, real violence. I FUCKING SAW YOU, SO DON'T TELL ME IT WASN'T FUCKING RAPE!" I had my breath back, and I stood back up. I wasn't speaking so clearly now, either. It may sound unbelievable, but because of all the emotion, this was the first time I'd thought about Lillianna, the first time that I'd realized I might lose her. "I know it looked that way, but it wasn't. I know I did you wrong, but I didn't mistreat that girl, not anyway like you think." I saw movement out of the corner of my eye - Antonio! - and I was gasping on the ground again. Lillianna followed up with words, "You just don't listen, do you? All you are going to explain is how you raped that girl and why. Do you understand?" Struggling to my knees, I raged, "What are you saying? That you're going to beat a confession out of me? Well you won't. I know what I did and your apeman can beat me all he wants but I won't say what I did was rape into your tape recorder. Do you want to torture me, kill me and make yourself criminals, too? No, you'll have to let me go. "And as for this slut," - I pointed to Denise - "she won't take me to the police. Even in her own statement she admitted we've been sleeping together, talked about the dirty shit that football player got her to do. Do you think she'll go to the police, knowing everyone will find out about her willingness to lie in a frathouse room, sucking the cocks of random alumni to please her big black boyfriend? That she got on her knees for a fucking B+. She's a slut, and I see you coming at me Antonio but don't waste your time. I'll move so your fist leaves a mark, maybe spit some blood on your carpet for the cops to find." Amazingly, I had them all stunned. Lillianna seemed frozen, horrified. "That's right, the girl's a slut and you know it. Perhaps I was rough with her, but she liked it - at least she didn't mind. Want to destroy the tapes? Fair enough, but I've got a whole semester's worth of empty test booklets graded 'A-' to corroborate my story. She's a slut and she's ashamed, and she won't out herself to take me down." I looked at Denise's face and hoped I was right. But this was now my only chance to escape unscathed, with only the loss of love to show for it. I took a deep breath, and tried to look confident. "Now, I'm leaving. We're all through with one another." I began to walk toward the front door. But this snapped Lillianna from her spell; shrieking, she ran at me from behind and pulled me to the ground by the neck with all the strength of frenzy. Crying that she loved me, that she hated me, she clawed at my neck with her hands, maybe trying to strangle me, maybe trying to burst a vein. In a moment I could push her away, and yelling I began to do so, but now Antonio came toward the jumble, he started yelling too and his fists looking to add to the conversation. Somehow, we all heard Denise and stopped when she said, quietly, "May I please say something?" *** We looked at her expectantly, Lillianna and I still on the floor. "Maybe he's partially right. Maybe I am a slut." "No, you're not, that's just what he's..." "Please let me finish. I am, somewhat. I did do very dirty things that I didn't have to, and didn't want to, in order to get other things I didn't want. That's not the whole story, but its part of it. That's true. "And it's also true that I don't want to testify, that I don't want everyone to know what I've done. Thanks to you, Miss Ortiz, I have confidence in myself again. Just one conversation with you, and the thinking I've done since, has done so much to change me. But I want to live differently without having to deal with other people knowing what I was. "But I will testify, if I have to. I'm very determined. Can you see that I'm determined, Mr. Adams?" I could, and though I didn't nod, she seemed to get the picture. "Good. But I won't testify if you'll do something. Mr. Adams, you say I'm a slut. But it wasn't just me that made me a slut; other people worked at it too. Kind of like what Miss Ortiz said in class - all the society works together to mold someone into the uh social role that people play. I don't remember exactly what the terms were, but that was it, basically. "And that's what I want you to see, for yourself. If you learn that, then you'll understand me, and you'll know what you did was wrong. At first, Miss Ortiz and Dr. Giorgioni will be like society, because they'll mold you into a woman. Miss Ortiz is a sociologist and she knows all about what makes women women and Dr. Giorgioni is a plastic surgeon, so he can make you look like one." (That, I thought, explained why Antonio was a faculty member but I'd never seen him - he was a doctor at the Medical School, which was some twenty miles away from the main campus.) "Then, society will be like society. I don't know how that will work, but they'll figure it out. And you'll learn how society sometimes helps to make you do things you wouldn't do, otherwise. "That's all I've got. It's already the best idea I've ever had. I'll let Miss Ortiz and Dr. Giorgioni work out the details, because I never want to deal with any of this, ever again. Well, maybe I'll see you when this is all over and ask you what you thought. Can you do this?" Lillianna was gaping. So was Antonio. So was I. The simple force of her speech had surprised us all, so much so that I hadn't even had time to be shocked at here suggestion. Antonio, with a huge grin, seemed to be the first of us to understand what she'd really said. He said, "Yes, we can do that. I think this will be a pleasure. Right, Lillianna?" All she could manage was a nod. "And if he doesn't agree to what we tell him, you'll be willing to testify?" "Yeah, but now I just want to go home." And she left, leaving us all standing there. *** Lillianna and I, both still exhausted from the emotion, deferred to Antonio, who had suddenly taken the lead. "Tom, you scrawny fuck, it's time for you to go. Walk back home. Then, finish out the semester, finish your grading. It hardly needs saying that Denise receives an A. If you have plans for the summer, get ready to cancel them - but don't do anything yet. The morning after grades are due, I want to see you in my office at the medical center, 10 AM. By then Lillianna and I will have worked out all the details, and our little project will begin then." I started to stammer a response, but Antonio began to push me roughly toward the door. "Get off my lawn quickly, or I'll call the cops. And don't tell anyone about anything - do I have to tell you that well start legal proceedings at once? That, if that happens, you'll never get another decent job in your life, be ostracized as a child molester and a rapist? I don't think the consequences of what you've done have made their way into the part of your brain that isn't busy thinking about perversions. Get them to. Think about what life will be like in jail, and then alone, without friends, family, or the life you've known. "Then come see us. I think we'll all learn something." *** Next chapter: Lillianna and Antonio unveil their plan, and Tom begins on the path to slutdom. *** Please be patient; this story will be long and drawn out, but eventually the sissy elements will be about as heavy as they get. The five reviews I got on the first chapter were the only reason I wrote a second. I almost threw the project aside; please tell me what you think, and what you'd like to see. Finally, I'm a tall, thin, finely featured man with a secret desire to be treated like the slut I feel I am. I live in the NYC area. If anyone has any advice, I'd be ever so grateful. Anastasia Toy [email protected]

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Samir and Anita had got married after a brief courtship. He was a 6-foot, 26-year-old, confident young man, with a gym-honed body and a smiling visage. His wife was an equally tall, stunning, 23-year old, athletic type who loved swimming and riding a Harley in a leather outfit. Their honeymoon week at the Ananda spa in the Himalayas was one of unbridled passion and lust. She loved to tease him and showed signs that she would be the dominant partner in their lovemaking. When she came out of the...

3 years ago
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Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 03

“The transformation from day to night is phenomenal,” Jeff told her animatedly. “You can actually see a lot farther around at night than you can when it’s all lit up by a sun. There are lights everywhere!” Béla looked down at the foundation of the new university on the other side of the hedge wall. The construction was going to take four years; one section each year. The foundation for the first section was already complete. In the last five weeks, construction had been occurring at...

1 year ago
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Seema The Slut

Hey everyone. This is my first attempt at writing and so please let me know how you liked it. My name is Shiva and the story is about how my brother’s fiancé became a cockslut for me and my friends. And I am using all real names in the story. I am from Bangalore but work in Mumbai. Last time I was home I met my brother’s fiancé at a pub called Mojo’s. The moment I saw her, my eyes fell on her full red lips and the heavy boobs. Seema, at 24, was a classic beauty, looked almost exactly like a...

2 years ago
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The Trinket Ch 06

‘Hello?’ Lynn answered the phone, cautiously. ‘Lynn McCloud please!’ A woman on the phone asks. ‘Yes, this is she! Um, well…’ Lynn sat on the edge of the bed, un-easy and nervous. Glancing around more at mental images than the room. ‘Mrs. McCloud, this Evelyn Lawrence of James, Franklin and Beard, attorneys at law. We were pleased to hear you have arrived early.’ The woman sounded professional and courteous. ‘It is actually Lynn Blackburn. My father’s name was McCloud, I married and carry...

1 year ago
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Wedding Night For Ken And Barbie Part One

When I went to my cousin’s wedding in Monterey, California stag, at the reception dinner she had me seated next to the only other male stag invitee, the photographer. He was my age and tall and we hit it off, immediately. Ken was a sports car enthusiast and he told me about the thrilling rides he took along the Pacific Coast Highway. He talked about the beautiful views at scenic lookout points along the Big Sur where he he said you could park and watch the waves pound the coast. He said it was...

2 years ago
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She Tries To Forget Ch 10

Passion in James County XVI Ann woke up with a horrible hangover the next morning. It was all she could do to get her shower and get ready for work. When she walked out the door, she realized her car wasn’t where it usually was. At first she thought it had been stolen, then she remembered where it was. ‘Damn!’ she thought, ‘It’s still at the bar out on the highway!’ She just managed to get to the corner in time to catch the bus and make it to work on time. About the only good thing to happen...

2 years ago
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Learning TogetherChapter 9

I went back to the house that I officially shared on Thursday afternoon to get a change of clothes; the lads were obviously in their usual disorganised form, and I did a good tidy-up of the kitchen to get rid of the rubbish that had collected and was starting to smell. I took out the rubbish to the bin, collected the mugs and plates from the sitting room and put them in the sink, and discovered that we were out of washing up liquid! I checked around the house and discovered that we also had...

1 year ago
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Filling the Need

This is an old story Larry came home late and knew his wife would already be in bed sleeping. He slowly made his way see the light of his life. 'Hey baby girl.' Larry smiled to his 18-year-old daughter. 'How was your day?' He asked and couldn't help but staring at her as she lie face down on her bed with nothing on but a small shirt and a tiny pair of bikini panties. He could feel blood quickly rushing to his lonesome cock as his eyes roamed her shapely young ass and great legs. Kayla...

3 years ago
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Room 1229

It was an unusually warm day for December, that first time they met. She had been online chatting with friends, when he instant messaged her. Her first thought was to cancel it, but something, somewhere deep in her unconscious made her respond. She thought to herself it would go like all the others, and she would end it quickly by saying she had to go, then next time she was online she would block his name. She expected the same online attempts at pick up lines, ‘ Can I help you with your...

1 year ago
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Some chick’s buttcrack was hanging out in front of me at the grocery store this morning as she grabbed something off the bottom shelf. She’d gone through a lot of trouble to mask up to prevent the spread of COVID but seemed to make no effort to halt that subtle spread of her cheeks as she squatted low, her booty cleavage exposed to me, and any other voyeur who happened to be around. I reached for my phone to snap a souvenir, but by the time I pulled it from my pocket, the young hottie had stood...

Premium Voyeur Porn Sites
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It was a Saturday night and we were getting ready to go to a party. My girlfriend Rita was preening in front of the mirror, applying her finishing touches. I’d been ready to go for 45 minutes. “How do I look?” she asked, and of course there could be only one answer to that. “Fabulous!” I said, “Drop-dead gorgeous. Good enough to eat!” Rita is a good-looking girl, no one would argue that. She’s 25 years old and about 5-5 with an athletic body, long auburn hair and baby blue eyes. We...

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My Heartfelt Wish Come True With Mom

Hi friends, My name is Rachit. I am from Delhi. Now I am a student of B.A in Delhi university. I am 25years old. Tall boy about 5ft 9inch height. Good athletic body. My dick size is 9inch long and 3inch thick. So friends without taking your much time. I directly come to the story. This incident happened with me last two years means in 2013. Friends first of all I want to describe my mom. Her name is Rani. She 47years old. Her size is 38-34-40. She is fair. And have sexy curves on good...

1 year ago
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Mr Millers Christmas Party

Mr. Miller's Christmas Party by Deputy Duffy It was a couple of weeks before Christmas, and I was driving my way overto the Miller's estate. People around here call Mr. Miller the "King ofParties." And I had finally turned 21, which meant, according to Mr. Miller,that I was now finally old enough to attend his famous parties. I had beenlooking forward to this day for some time, so I was thrilled when he calledto invite me, but a little anxious when he said that first I had to "provemyself." ...

3 years ago
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Wife and Her Twin sister Surprise for Hubby

Wife and Her Twin sister Surprise for HubbyDan knew that Jean had an identical twin sister Jane. Both girls stood 5’5”, weighed 105 pounds, long strawberry blonde hair, green eyes and 34C breasts that seems much larger on their slender frames. They were the type of girls that would turn every head, male and female no matter where they went or how proper they were dresses. Dan met Jean in college, but Jane had attended a different college overseas and was rarely home. She managed to come back...

3 years ago
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Threat of homlessness Pt1

During the second week Kathleen called me into her lounge to speak to me. As I stood there she told me that I had done a good job, but she had nothing more for me to do and that I will have to restart paying the rent or unfortunately leave the flat. Must admit panic came over me. I had often thought when I was working, how close I or anyone else was from being made homeless. And now it could happen to me. “Have you anything more I can do….I will do anything absolutely anything” I heard myself...

3 years ago
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The Artist

The aroma of marijuana scents the air. Sean takes another puff of his joint and gently hands his camera to me. “Hold the camera steady, Aria. The world needs to watch the artist work, baby.” He grabs the bucket of magenta house paint and walks over to the tarp covered terrace. Sean pours the bucket of paint over his head, the magenta paint cascading down his face, picking up pace as it flows down his chest, over his genitals and pools at his feet. “I need help with my back Aria,” Sean says as...

2 years ago
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Models wanted for life study, full or part time”The advert in the shop window grabbed Josie’s attention. “This sounds good. I’ve been told I have a beautiful body, so why not show it off” she thought. She wrote down the phone number and carried on shopping.All that night, she thought about the modelling. Okay, it might be nude pictures or sculptures for now, but who knows, maybe she will get that break into the modelling career she had always wanted. How often after stars or models have made...

4 years ago
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ExtramaritalChapter 9Trouble in River City

As the guests left the cookout, Zach took Carol aside and spoke to her. "I want you to spend the night with me, if that's something you're interested in." "I thought you'd never ask," said Carol. She wanted this, but didn't know if Zach was serious before when he mentioned catching up on lost time. "I had hoped you'd remember, but I couldn't be sure and I didn't want to have to ask you. Of course I'll stay. I still have one hole you haven't explored yet and it needs filled." "Oh yeah? Be...

Group Sex
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Come in My BrainPhase II Depressed

The doctor considered what his discovery might mean. As Meredith had said, it could be part of a "Make a Wish" program, allowing terminal patients to experience joy as volunteers happily helped them live out their sexual fantasies. But there was the other side to it -- benefit to the recipient, not the sender. Meredith had reported that the transmissions from Carl gave her a good feeling surpassing any orgasm she had ever felt. What effect could that have on people beyond just a good...

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Welcome to Shad Base, the home of Shadman! It's a fucked-up hive of degeneracy that’s been corrupting the youth since 2009. This site is responsible for providing Rule 34 porn to teens all over the world. If you don’t know what Rule 34 is, basically its home-made porn for popular movie and TV show characters, mostly in cartoon form.The sick fuck that started Shadbase is named Shaddai Prejean aka "ShadMan", a graduate of art school who apparently couldn’t get any work and had to resort to making...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Fucking Kausalya The House Owner8217s Daughter And My Sister

Hello incest lovers, I am Vimal and live in Chennai. I love this site and going to narrate my true story to all of you. I am working in chennai for 4 years. I am working in a BPO in chennai and my wife is also working in chennai. We stay in a rental house, The house owner’s daughter name is Kausalya, she is working in a software company used to ask all her doubts with my wife. My wife was taking care of all needs of her. She was really a good looking girl with small size of breast, any one...

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Meeting with ISS User Part 3

Hello, my dear readers, So this is the sequel to the sex adventure of how I got a chance to meet Nikhil, and soon after we meet we were unable to control ourselves. We might have pleasure each other orally but did not have a chance to fuck yet. I was so desperate to insert Nikhil’s cock inside my wet pussy. Furthermore, in order to get me more aroused he got me the motherfucking crotchless panties wearing which I could feel the air touching my pussy passing under my skirt. I was dying to bang...

3 years ago
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Once In Aavdai

It happened 2 years back and I was 24, working in a hospital near Aavadi, in Chennai after my studies. I was staying with my friend who is a male nurse in same hospital in room given by hospital, which was bit far from hospital, in a lonely place and story starts from the day some nursing students came to hospital for training in another 2 days. I heard that one girl in that group enquired about me to my colleagues. I found that girl, let us call her Anitha, 19, just completed her diploma in...

1 year ago
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Birthday Surprise

Sharon was running late for her lunch date with Kathy and Donna. They usually met every few months for lunch to get caught up with each other's lives. Sharon had recently retired from teaching at the local high school and missed some of her friends. Today was her birthday and she didn't look anywhere near 54 years old. Kathy had called last week to set up the luncheon date on her birthday so they would have two reasons to get together. Kathy was also newly retired from the same high school....

3 years ago
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A Daring Sex

Hi, This is Rimi Here. Aap logo ne meri teen story read ki hogi. Kyonki mujhe bahot achche our kuch bure response mile. Is beech maine bahot saari story padi bhi. Ab main apane ko introduce karana seekh gayee hoon. Magar fir se sirf itana batana chahongi ki main 31 saal ki hoon, unmarried hoon. I think I am hot n sexy. I like fun sex very much. Is month maine ek our daring kiya. Mere ghar ke saamane 2 KM me faila hua open place hai. Wahan bich bich me construction chal raha hai our charo taraf...

2 years ago
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SnatchedChapter 7

When I finally got out to dry off I noticed that Shaeta and Katia kept taking surreptitious glances at my dick, making sure it came back up to specs I guess. Fair was fair, they'd both let me have a good look at their goodies and there was no sense trying to hold out on them. They seemed satisfied by the time I pulled my pants back on. My opponent was still out when we got back and it had been longer than an hour at least. I walked over toward him and no one was there except a young boy...

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Marthas RevengePart 2

Martha Fed-Exed Bill the tape on Thursday morning and Saturday at noon he was beating on my front door. When I opened the door he said, "Is she here?" I nodded a yes and he said, "I need to talk to her." I told him that I didn't think she wanted to see him, but I'd go ask and I closed the door on him. I walked back to the kitchen where Martha was making us lunch and said, "Guess who is here and wants to talk to you?" She looked up from the sink at me and I said, "Yes indeedy, it is...

4 years ago
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10 Book2Chapter 11 Herbs story

Herb Stewart received the disturbing call from his son Stan. He analysed what was happening and set in motion all of the preset plans that had been made by the pack. The pack had been attacked so everybody had to know. Those doing it had some esper ability. Very little had to be actually mentioned, just the names of the plans being followed, the names of those captured and the number and disposition of the enemy. If the pack had not been so organised, very little of this could have been...

2 years ago
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Mature Sex Goddesses

Glenda saw the small announcement in the activities section of the newspaper. She didn’t have much else to do these days since her husband died. Her kids didn’t live close and she hadn’t made many friends. No hobbies to pass the time either. This was intriguing though. It read, “Mature Sex Goddess gathering on Wednesday evening”. An address that she surmised was a private home was given as well and an email to RSVP. “What the hell,” she thought. It would at least be interesting although she’d...

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