A Fem-Toy For My Wife 4 free porn video

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Constructive communications may be sent to either Vanya or Jane at [email protected] - I'll leave the reader to take out the 'removethis' portion. Monday I awoke to see the sun fighting its way through the heavy curtains and realised that it must be way past our usual time to get up. I had drifted up from sleep with a smile on my face and, although I couldn't remember any dreams, I was filled with a feeling of exhilaration. The events of the last two days did not filter back; I awoke with each and every detail firmly in my mind as though they were just a normal part of day to day life. What a wonderful life! Perhaps that was the cause of the happy feeling. My hands had been freed from the headboard during the night and for that I was thankful, but as I went to move them I found they were shackled in front of me by handcuffs. I discovered then that a thin chain led from them to the bedpost. I was lying on my side, Vanya's arm curled over my shoulder and her sleep-limp hand resting on my breast. I longed to turn over and look at her beautiful face, but I didn't want to wake her - for the wondrous feelings she had given me last night she deserved her sleep and I also wanted time to review all she had done to me. I lay there thinking of the incredible heights she lifted me to in the last couple of days and especially last night, still amazed at how long the intense excitement had lasted, knowing also that those wonders only she could give me. I'm sure the love-bag could make me orgasm anytime but only Vanya could turn it into such a total orgy of pleasure. Her final words last night had been extremely accurate: I did belong to her completely, but I had since I'd fallen in love with her many years ago. Whilst I had doubts about the unknown, there was no denying that I was already looking forward to this new day as a woman with Vanya. Being her `slave-girl' was mostly pleasure, though with plenty of frustration thrown in, but I knew she wouldn't hurt me. That thought made me think of my pierced nipples and I carefully brought my cuffed hands up to feel my breast and its erect nipple. There was no doubt that the breast I touched was fuller than it had been yesterday - so the hormones were still causing changes in me! There was hardly any soreness in my nipple and I could easily explore its firmness and feel the penetrating stretcher tube through the thin latex of my nightie. Now that the pain had gone I looked forward to wearing nipple-jewels again and watching them sway and bounce from my very own breasts as Vanya's did. There was no denying, even from the brief touch through the latex, that I was far more sensitive with pierced nipples. My movements, slight as they had been, must have been enough to get through to Vanya, for her fingers moved slowly on my other breast before her sleepy voice quietly said "Good morning, Darling. Are you awake yet?" I hugged her hand to me with my arm, then said "Of course I'm awake, my wonderful wife. I'm lying here wondering what lovely things we will do today and what other fantastic experiences you will teach me." I struggled to turn over so that I could look at Vanya, finding with the movement that the love-bag was still in place. Despite the restrictive handcuffs and the confining chain I managed to press my fingers to Vanya's breast and my leg between Vanya's thighs and found the tell- tale bulge of the bag there also. "Why don't we start the day the same as we finished yesterday?" I suggested with a smile. Vanya chuckled warmly, suddenly becoming fully awake. "You are a greedy little slut!" she said, smiling. "I told you I would make you into a nymphomaniac, but I didn't think it would be this quick or easy! Give me a kiss and I'll think about it." I needed no further telling and kissed her, softly at first but growing deeper while I moved my hands to caress both her breasts and nipples. Through the soft thin latex they felt even better than they usually did, her nipples becoming rigid beneath my teasing fingers in moments. Vanya sighed against my mouth then brought her own hands up to caress me in the same way. Once more I was surprised at how nice it felt to have my new breasts stroked as she was now doing and how much more sensitive my nipples had become. After a few minutes Vanya rolled onto her other side, reached over the side of the bed and rolled back with two wires in her hand. "Perhaps this might be a good way to start the day, but not for too long - I don't want either of us to be too tired for anything else." She pushed back the duvet and pulled up my nightie to plug in the wire then pulled the rubber hem back down to my ankles. Once the other wire was connected to her love-bag and her own nightie straightened, she reached down to the floor. Vanya retrieved the key to my handcuffs and I watched happily as she removed them from my wrists and dropped them onto the floor. "I'm not going to have you passing out on me like you did last night - it was a shame for me to experience such climaxes with you lying fast asleep beside me. After all, Jane, you're my slave and I wanted you to hold and caress me. Now you're not in bondage you can. Let me start up the box of tricks and we'll see how things go." Vanya leaned over towards her bedside table, switched on the black box and twiddled a few knobs while I waited in anticipation for the vibrations to start. She pressed two buttons and lay back beside me, a twinkle in her eyes. "I've set up a little programme for both bags, Darling, so we'll just have to lay here and wait for them to end all by themselves. I don't really understand computers, but I know how to work this one! Now, come here and hold me." I needed no further encouragement and we entwined our arms around each other, pulling our bodies tightly together and kissed deeply. In the middle of the kiss I felt the first faint tingle from the bag, whilst at the same time Vanya's hips suddenly jerked hard against me and she gasped against my mouth. The tingle from my bag grew slowly whilst Vanya's hips began to twitch, then drive steadily against me and I realised that the two programmes she had set were not the same! Hers was definitely doing far more than mine! However, I decided to make things as good as I could for her, so I brought my right hand to her breast and began to caress it gently while pulling her harder against me with the other hand. As we moved together the rustle of our rubber nighties was music to both our ears and the exciting smell of pure latex from the sheets and our clothes filled our nostrils. Vanya groaned against my mouth, her hips circling hard against mine and I wondered what the love-bag was doing to her body. I broke the kiss and moved my head down to her other breast and began sucking on it through the thin soft latex. Her groan of delight and Vanya thrusting her breast up at my mouth were signs of how rapidly her excitement was growing. I began nibbling at one nipple with my teeth and firmly squeezing and pulling on the other with my fingers, the effects on her showing as she sucked in air noisily through her teeth. Suddenly the soft bag between my legs began to pulsate, the vibrations penetrating deep into my body, and it was my turn to gasp. Vanya realised what was happening, tried to laugh at my reactions but couldn't because of her own arousal. The pulsations became ripples back and forth then changed back again and I had enormous difficulty concentrating on what I was doing to Vanya's breasts. She groaned again and again, each time getting louder and I knew her orgasm was about to explode, whilst my own was growing fast. Vanya's legs entwined with mine, her hips bucking hard at me, and she brought both hands quickly up to grasp my breasts. Her fingers squeezed me firmly, almost hurting, then she went rigid. Her classic silent scream grew from the bottom of her stomach and burst from her lovely lips with an audible blast of breath as every bit of air left her lungs. Slowly she collapsed limply back on the bed, a slight movement of her hips showing that the bag was still doing its work on her. After a few moments she smiled lovingly at me, then reached out a hand to stab at a button on the box. She sighed happily and I guessed she had turned off her own bag for mine was still pulsating and rippling delightfully. She changed the controls again and the love-bag doubled its efforts. With a sensuous laugh Vanya pushed me down onto my back and rolled her beautiful body on top of me, her mouth searching for mine to kiss me deep and wetly. As we kissed she pushed her legs between mine, lifting my feet so that they hung over the backs of her thighs. She resumed her attention to my breasts, with gentler, sensuous movements which were incredibly arousing. The lovebag changed its action to pulsate hard between my legs and I found my hips driving upwards at Vanya's in time with the pulses. Suddenly my orgasm was upon me and, although it was far less devastating than last night's, I was held rigid as the incredible waves of pleasure washed though my body. As each pulse drew a new whimper from me I gazed up into the eyes of the woman I loved, hers sparkling and brimming over with the love we had for each other. Once the climax had faded, Vanya reached over to the box and the vibrations stopped. We lay in each others arms for many minutes before Vanya reached under both our nighties to unplug the wires. "Come on, Slave. You've had your pleasure for now so I think you can get up at long last," said Vanya with a smile, and I wrapped my arms around her once more and thanked her for the wonderful feelings she had created. She chuckled happily, adding that the love-bag would soon teach me how to have multiple orgasms. "Then I'll be able to drive you mad with lust and tease you until you go completely out of your mind." I could hardly wait and said so to Vanya's happy laughter. We went into the bathroom to do our teeth then showered together. With each other's help we stripped the rubber clothes from our bodies under the shower, Vanya confirming with a delighted squeal that my breasts had, indeed, grown bigger and were much rounder. There was no doubt that they looked even more natural now, approaching the breasts of a late-teenage woman. Still under the water, Vanya scrubbed the remainder of make-up from her face then did mine. I felt my face tingling pleasantly when she had finished and wondered if my skin was glowing as healthily as hers was. Back in the bedroom Vanya slid a cool rubber negligee up my arms then tied the belt snugly around my waist, the pink rubber rustling down to my ankles. She put on a matching one, looking divinely sexy, satisfied and fresh all at the same time. Vanya sat me down and did my hair and make-up for me, re-fixing the false eyelashes that had begun to come loose with the steam. In the mirror I saw, low on the side of my neck, a large love-bite as a reminder of our wild lovemaking last night. Vanya laughed brightly when I mentioned it, saying "I'm sure I'll be adding plenty more, Jane, but we can disguise them with make-up if we need to." Once she was satisfied with her handiwork on me she began her own, telling me to make the bed and tidy up the bedroom. After I had slid my feet into the medium-heeled furry slippers from my wardrobe, I dutifully put away the clothes and toys where she directed, then took our dripping wet rubberwear from the bathroom, into the yard and hung them on the line to dry. We breakfasted with no rush, chattering and enjoying each other's company. It seemed so natural now to be dressed and look as feminine as I did with Vanya, and there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted things to remain as they were. The rustle of rubber as we moved around the kitchen was as welcome as the cool slither of the smooth, pink latex against our skins. The material seemed to keep us aware of each other's and our own sexuality all the time. Once we were finished Vanya led me back to the bedroom where she undid the belt around my waist and slipped the negligee from my shoulders. I sat on the edge of the bed while she took the breast developer from her wardrobe and applied suction to each breast in turn with the clear plastic dome. She, like me, was more than happy with the feel and shape of them, and more than a little amazed at how quickly they had grown. That reminded her to get two more of the huge hormone booster pills which I duly swallowed as ordered. Vanya carefully studied my body as I turned around in front of her then, with a slight frown on her face, she went across to open her wardrobe. She returned with a pair of thick rubber bondage mittens, glaring sternly at me when I complained at the thought of wearing them. I was enjoying the relaxed attitude of the morning, but Vanya firmly rammed my left hand deep into the black rubber bag and buckled the wide strap tightly about my wrist. Without a word she similarly encased my other hand, leaving me with my hands trapped inside the thick rubber of the mittens, which ended in big steel rings beyond the tips of my fingers. She reached towards the dressing table, turning back with a pair of red-stoned jewelled clusters which she threaded through the stretcher tubes in my nipples. "You seem to forget very easily that you are still my slave. I think a spell in bondage is needed to remind you that you are totally in my control. Come down to the playroom - or would you prefer that I made you do what you are told?" Vanya asked, her serious eyes letting me know that she wasn't joking. Surprised and worried by her sudden sternness I followed her lovely body through the hall and down the steps. Apart from the high-heeled slippers and the confining mittens I was completely naked and the cool air was pleasant on my skin. Each step made my breasts bounce gently and I totally enjoyed the delightful reminder of their presence. From the tips the heavy red jewels danced and swayed, tugging gently on each nipple. Once inside the playroom Vanya stood me inside a chrome frame and stretched my arms towards the upper corners and locked them there with the steel rings at the end of the mittens. In moments I was completely helpless and busy wondering what she had in mind but her walking straight out of the room provided no clues. Vanya returned fairly soon with a pair of black patent boots in her hand. Squatting down in front of me she told me to lift my right foot, at which she took off the mule and pushed my foot inside the tight leather of the boot. As I stood on that foot for Vanya to put the other one on me I found that the slender heels were much higher than my white boots and, feeling more than helpless as I struggled for balance, I watched Vanya tightly lace up the front of the boots which stretched right up my thighs almost to my groin. When she had finished I couldn't move my ankles and only flex my knees a tiny bit. "There you are, Jane. Totally in my power as you should be," said Vanya as, hands on hips, she happily surveyed my helplessness. "Although your breasts have grown faster than I thought they would, I'm a bit disappointed that your waist doesn't look as though it's slimming down yet. I'm going to phone Mme. Domina in Brussels to see what she suggests. She designed and made your corsets, as well as telling me how to train your figure, so we'll see what she recommends." As Vanya turned and strode out of the room I wondered how many other people in the world knew that she was turning me into a woman and a slave! After about ten minutes frustration at my helpless bondage inside the rigid frame and the discomfort of the ultra-high heels of the thigh boots, Vanya returned carrying a tape measure and a black rubber corset. "I've talked to her and she recommends measuring you before and after wearing your next corset for a while, so let me get some sizes," said Vanya wrapping the tape around my bust, lower chest, waist and hips. She jotted down the measurements then continued to get other sizes, telling me "Once I've got all the measurements she wants I'll call her back and get her advice." The tape was tossed onto the bed behind me then Vanya picked up the long black corset and began to slacken off the thick back lacing. She passed one of the panels around my back and began doing up the strong- looking clips up the front. While she was doing so I had chance to see what she was putting around me and I wasn't sure I liked it. The stiffly boned and reinforced rubber reached from just above my genitals to almost my armpits, with the sides cut a little higher on the hips. The front of the corset finished in quarter-cups of softer rubber which supported my breasts and thrust them upwards and outwards without covering them. The whole thing looked considerably stiffer than the first corset she had put me in and much worse than the pretty little waspy I had happily worn yesterday. Vanya wriggled the corset to ensure it was straight and lined up with my body then went behind me to begin lacing it up. As she did so I felt the first squeeze on my hips as she worked her way upwards, then the breath was forced out of my lungs as she rigorously tightened the top section. I complained that she was doing it up far too tight, but Vanya merely said "Mme. Domina said to do it up good and tight and let you wear it for a while. She said even if it was too tight for you, wearing it for a short while wouldn't do you any harm, although she did say you would be pretty uncomfortable. I told her that didn't really matter. She laughed and said I might get a bit annoyed at you complaining. She suggested a gag, but I think you will be a brave girl and bear it for a while. Now, let's tighten the waist." Where Vanya had tightened the lacing so much around my hips and chest she had developed two long loops at my waist. Taking one of these in each hand, she placed a knee on my bottom and began to pull hard, the lacing gradually sliding through the eyelets as the corset clamped harder on my waist. Several times she took a new hold on the laces to pull the corset even tighter, each time me begging her to stop, for it was already far too much of a strain on my body. Vanya completely ignored my plea's and quickly tied the loops into a knot to prevent them slipping. She came into view again, stood on tip-toe to kiss me wetly on the mouth, then went over to the chair where she had first put the corset. On it was a wire hook fitted with a wooden handle which she grasped and went behind me again. "I can't tighten it any more without this corset- hook, Jane, so hold still while I do the job properly," Vanya said, triumphantly, and began to tug her way down the lacing with the tool. Its effectiveness in her hands was evidenced by the rapid tightening around my chest, and my breathing was further restricted to shallow little gasps. It was so tight that I could only talk in whispered words interspersed with frantic attempts to gasp in enough air. She undid the knot in the laces, pulled the slack up and retied it. Now she began to pull on the bottom lacing with the hook and my hips began to tingle under their intense compression. In considerable discomfort, I felt Vanya again undo the bow and, pulling the slack she had gained from the bottom lacing, begin to pull even harder on the loops. My waist was squeezed in more and more until I felt I was going to be cut in half. Desperately using precious breath, I pleaded again and again for Vanya to loosen the lacing, but without success. As she finally tied off the lacing behind my waist she told me "I knew you would complain, Darling, but I'm not going to leave you like this all day. It's only for a short while, so stop protesting and get used to how a real corset feels. The other one was just to introduce you to corsets; this is the one I want you to wear all the time to trim down your waist, so you might as well start getting used to it. There is still well over an inch to go on the lacing, so you can see I'm serious about improving your figure." She came to stand in front of me again, smiling into my pleading eyes. She kissed me lightly on the lips and took hold of my nipples between fingers and thumbs. As she teasingly rolled my nipples back and forth, making the jewels jump and flash in the light, she added "Just think, Jane my slave. If you hadn't insisted on making me wear corsets in the past, perhaps I'd never have known how helpless you would feel in them or what they could do for your figure. Maybe I wouldn't have thought of making you wear them from now on. Perhaps, Darling, it's all your fault after all! Whatever, from now on you will be wearing them and you might as well accept it and get used to this one. You can see how good you look in it in the wall mirror, so understand how all the discomfort will be worth it in the end. I've got other things to do, so I'll see you later." With a last squeeze on my nipples Vanya turned and went up stairs, shutting the door to the playroom behind her. I struggled to breathe enough air, trying all sorts of movements to alleviate the pressure of the rigid corset on my chest but found very little improvement. Then I tried tensing different muscles to push against the corset and, while I gained a little benefit on my chest, the pressure increased accordingly on my waist. At least I could get enough air to groan at the enormous pressure the corset was exerting on me. I looked briefly in the mirror and, whilst I felt I was being cut in half, my reflection showed a very slim waist which emphasised my lovely breasts. The figure inside the corset was extremely seductive, with the chest beneath the jewel-tipped breasts tapering down into a tiny little waist, then flaring out to sensuously-rounded hips. Vanya could be right: in the end it might be worth it, but right then I would have done anything to relieve the incredible ache that was starting to pervade my whole body. Although the ultra-high heels of the tight thigh boots had relieved the stretch on my arms, I could hardly move in them and they were causing my calves to cramp slightly. Tug as I did there was no way I could free my arms from the mittens or the bonds to the steel frame. I struggled fitfully and uselessly, all the time the corset's grip on my body seeming to get tighter and tighter. I was a total bundle of misery and found myself moaning in agony as my body complained at what was being done to it. I had taken heart with Vanya's words that I would only have to wear the corset for a short while, but minutes dragged into hours as I almost hung there. I finally lost all track of time, becoming only aware of the pain that now wracked my whole body, mentally begging Vanya to come and release me. I would have done anything for relief, but she didn't give me the chance. How long I was left there I do not know but it must have been several hours before Vanya reappeared in front of me, and I hadn't heard the door open. "Please, Vanya. Take it off me now," were the words out of my lips before I had even thought them. "I'll do anything you want, just loosen the corset, please," I continued to beg in short gasps. "Alright, Jane, I'll undo it now. Just tell me first that you're my rubber slave-girl and you promise to do everything I tell you," Vanya taunted and my begging, pleading and promising poured out in a jumble of words. I was kissed lightly on the cheek then Vanya went behind me and I felt the lacing being unknotted. "Just remember all those promises and I won't have to treat you like this again, Darling," said Vanya interrupting my flow as she finally began to loosen the laces. It seemed ages before she had slackened it enough to be able to undo the clips down the front of the corset, but at last she peeled the rubber from my body. As I sobbed softly in sheer relief, Vanya picked up the tape and repeated all the measurements she had taken down earlier. I looked at my body in the mirror as she did so and my torso was red and marked where the heavy boning had bitten into my skin. Vanya rubbed her hands briskly all over where the corset had marked me, kissed me again on the cheek, and said "I'll go and phone Mme. Domina with both sets of measurements now while you recover. I'm sure you will feel better quite soon." With that she strode from the room again as I continued to rapidly fill my lungs with beautiful, plentiful air. The relief from the corset was like heaven yet, as the hurt faded from my body, I became much more aware of the aches in my calves from the high-heeled boots. The muscles were cramping slightly inside the tight leather, but it was mere discomfort compared with the pain I had just endured. In fact, despite the restrictions on my movement, I did manage to twist and turn to admire how sexy my legs looked in their shiny, patent black skin atop the incredibly high heels. "It seems I owe you an apology, Jane," said Vanya sheepishly as she stepped through the doorway. "Domina says I'm expecting too much too soon, but she also said I was not to worry because a little bit of suffering would teach you to accept my domination a bit quicker. She's very bossy like that and full of advice on how you should be trained. I have explained that I love you very much and don't like hurting you but I don't think she really understands. "She's European president of the Order of Athena and she has been asking me to join for ages," Vanya continued. "It's a world-wide club of women who dominate their men or women partners, with get-togethers to show off their handiwork and exchange ideas. They also send out regular news letters with lots of articles and methods of improving their domination. I've got a few past copies - you must read them sometime and see how severe some of these women are. I'm a soft-hearted pussycat compared with most of them, but maybe I'll change with time." Vanya smiled at the horror which must have shown on my face at her words, then she slid her arms around my waist, pulled my body hard against hers and kissed me. It was a soft, warm loving kiss that told me of all the love she had for me and the warmth of her lovely body through her rubber negligee reinforced that knowledge. I knew, deep inside, that Vanya wouldn't really hurt me but the pain I had experienced trapped inside the corset had made me a little more wary of what I could be in for. The thought of being the subject of controlled domination, planned carefully by a world-wide club of women, did not bear thinking about! When Vanya pulled back from my lips her eyes were shining with the love I had felt from her. "Don't worry, my Darling slave, I won't damage our love. That will always be the limit on everything I do to you, but I will often be going right up and pushing that limit. "Now, Domina says you can wear this corset but I mustn't tighten it too much at once. You have to wear it 24 hours a day and, although it will be loose to start with, I will be tightening it a little bit at a time as your body begins to change. She said to tighten it to 3 inches gap to start with, so I'm going to put it on you again now and we can see how you manage. First I'll put some cream on you so that your skin remains soft. Hold still, Jane." Taking the lid off a big pot, Vanya scooped out a large splodge of the white cream, spread it onto both of her hands and applied it to my chest, waist and hips. The cream felt almost cold initially and was like a balm after the pain of the corset. I dreaded having it put back on me and, as Vanya added more cream to the skin of my body, I tried desperately to talk her out of it. "Be quiet, you silly girl," was her reply. "I don't care whether you want it on you or not; you are going to wear it and that's final. I've already told you it won't be as tight this time - at least, not yet - so please stop complaining." She finished creaming my body and rubbed the last traces into her hands then turned around to retrieve the corset from where she had dropped it. There was no way I could prevent her wrapping the rubber panels around me, or from doing up the clips on the front of it. With each clip my heart sunk further at the thought of being trapped inside it; perhaps, though, I would be able to loosen it whenever I got a chance. Finished with the front, Vanya went behind me and began to pull the slack out of the lacing, whilst I waited for the dreadful pressure to start on my body. Instead, I felt a slight constriction on my chest, and the corset was pulled in to just a snug fit on my hips. Vanya began to tug on the laces, applying a bit of pressure to my waist, but, to my surprise, she stopped just before the squeeze became unbearable. As she tied off the laces I found that my body was rigidly encased in the stiff, black rubber which was definitely reducing my figure, but it was more of a restrictive discomfort than pain. As Vanya zipped up the panel to hide the lacing, I viewed my figure in the mirror, noticing the way the corset was shaping my body into the ideal female form. This corset was obviously designed for figure-training, because it was relentlessly restricting my lower chest and squeezing in my waist, yet was only a firm hug on my hips. The boning was so rigid, however, that it would be impossible to bend properly at the waist. Vanya faced me again, smiled and elaborated how my figure would benefit from the corset, and adjusted the soft rubber platforms thrusting up my breasts. She finished by tapping and swinging the jewels dangling from my nipples, the feelings being strange and arousing as she had intended them to be. She smiled up into my eyes, the delight of my helplessness to do anything about what she had done to me shone in her eyes in contrast to her words. "Sorry that I was a bit too greedy and made you suffer, Jane. I wonder if there's anything that I can do to make it up to you?" Her smile and the impish shine in her eyes told me she could think of many ways! She kissed me, her hot, wet tongue forcing its way into my mouth and almost burning me with sudden desire as she kissed with an incredible passion. Her hands moved onto my breasts to knead and squeeze them, then I felt Vanya's delicate fingers begin to rub and stroke my nipples. I groaned with the feeling she caused inside me, amazed at how quickly she could stoke the fire, especially so soon after the hurt she had caused. I longed to wrap my arms about her, to kiss and caress her also, but the restraining mittens held me frustratingly from doing so. Suddenly she dropped to her knees in front of me, her hands still working their magic on my nipples and breasts, and I looked down on the top of her head at my groin as she used her tongue and lips where I needed it most. I groaned again, this time in satisfaction, and she urgently sucked me into her mouth. She knew everything I liked and seemed to play tunes on my passion for she built me up to climax in only a few moments. Almost without warning my orgasm was upon me and, my hips driving forwards at her eager mouth, I felt the joy of her draining every drop of the passion from me. Whilst I collapsed in my bonds Vanya continued to suck and tease until she was sure I had nothing left to give. She stood up before me, smiled and kissed me lightly on the lips then said "I hope that makes up for hurting you, Darling, but don't think that I will always be so generous. Sometimes I'll need to make you suffer so that you learn how I want my slave-girl to behave. Learn quickly and you'll get plenty of rewards and not so much suffering. I'm going to fetch some jewellery I had made for you, so be patient for a few minutes," I was told. I wondered what she had in mind this time as I watched her lovely body, rustling in the negligee of pure rubber, wiggle out of the room. It was obvious now that dominating me was keeping her constantly aroused and that she loved having me as her plaything whenever she wanted. The frustration was that I had no say in how or when I was played with, or for how long! I was beginning to doubt if the future would be quite as acceptable as it had first appeared, despite all the incredible excitement Vanya was generating. I didn't have long to wait for she was soon back holding a silver concoction in her hand. As Vanya placed the wide necklace around my neck from behind I saw it was made of a mesh of fine links of stainless steel. She did up the tight-fitting, inch-wide collar at the back of my neck, seeming to have difficulty, for she took quite some time to do it up. I looked down and saw that the chain mesh collar flowed into a strip which hung down the top of my chest and was about the same width. Level with the first swell of my bust, the strip ended in a large, flat ring and from this two more strips tapered down to clips at the ends. Vanya placed one of the mesh strips down my left breast and, removing the jewelled pendant from my nipple, positioned the U-shaped clip that terminated the strip astride the nipple. She carefully replaced the pendant through the stretcher-tube to hold the mesh strip in place. She did the same to my right breast and, as she stood to one side, I saw in the mirror that the collar, with a green jewel sparkling in the middle of my throat, flowed down my chest to meet my nipples. "I had your slave collar specially made for you in France, Jane. I hope you like it, because you're going to be wearing it for a long, long time. It will be another reminder to both of us of your new status in life. Don't even bother to try taking it off, my Darling, because it was made only to be done up. Apart from undoing it with a special tool, it can't be removed. It won't look unusual under your clothes when we go out, but we'll both know it's there and what it means. I've also got a couple of rings for you, so let me free your hands," I was told as Vanya reached up to unlock my right hand. I pondered her words while she unbuckled the mitten around my wrist, not really minding the `slave-collar' but wondering if there was more to it than merely a reminder of what she had done to me. The extent of Vanya's domination had escalated again without me being able to do anything about it. At last my right hand was free from the mitten, the skin bathed in perspiration from its close confinement inside the thick rubber bag. Vanya took my still-moist hand and easily slid a tight- fitting ring of stainless steel onto my middle finger. The ring was quite wide with patterns worked into the surface and, at the front there was a small cylinder with a tiny ring swinging loosely through it. I had little chance at that time to study it closely, for Vanya slipped a tiny padlock through the loop in the ring and, lifting my hand to my chest, locked my finger to the bigger ring joining the three strips of my collar. As I studied at how my finger was trapped, my other hand was released from its bondage, another ring placed on that middle finger and locked to the other side of the collar-ring. I realised that, apart from no longer being trapped inside the big chrome frame, I was still as helpless to prevent Vanya doing anything she wanted to do with me. The simple, yet extremely effective new bondage was, in some ways, even more frustrating: my body wasn't constrained yet my hands were useless to me. The wide collar comfortably supported the weight of my arms, but if I moved them upwards or outwards more than a little bit I pulled uncomfortably on my nipples. Vanya had obviously put a great deal of thought into her plans to change me into her slave-girl and I was beginning to realise that, even at the outset, I'd had very little choice about the matter. I had walked like a fly into Vanya's web and now there was no way out, even if I wanted it. "You cannot remove your slave-collar and please don't ever try to take the rings off your fingers, Darling," said Vanya, her voice and face now very serious. "If ever I find you not wearing them I really will make sure you never do it again. It would be a very painful mistake for you to make so I'm warning you at this stage not to make it." The look in her eyes warned me just how sincere she was and I inwardly shivered at what she might have in mind as a punishment; I knew then that I would never try to take the rings off without her permission! Unnecessarily, Vanya continued to reinforce her threat. "If you don't accept having to wear those rings on your fingers, then I will place a large ring through the septum of your nose - and use it for your bondage. Is that what you would prefer?" I shook my head vigorously and told Vanya "I like these rings, Vanya, and I'll never take them off so you don't have to worry. I certainly don't want you to pierce my nose." The thought alone was horrific, conjuring up visions of animals being led around and chained up and, after she had pierced my nipples without me being able to prevent her, I had little doubt that Vanya would do it. "I'm so glad you agree, Darling," Vanya smiled happily at my acceptance. "Now come up to the bedroom and I'll dress you for dinner. It's getting quite late, you know." She turned and made for the door as I suddenly realised a major problem: the stiletto heels on the tight thigh boots were so high that I didn't think I could walk in them. I struggled to take tiny steps, being very scared of falling over at any moment, whilst Vanya watched my difficulty from the doorway with a knowing smile on her face. "You have to learn to behave like a lady, Jane, and that includes walking elegantly in high-heels. I know those boots are extremely high but I think they will teach you very quickly how to swing your hips. Try it, Darling, it will help you walk properly - that's why those training boots are so stiff - and you can spend the whole evening in them to practice." I had no choice but to follow her advice, finding that as I couldn't bend my knees more than a tiny bit, the only way to walk was to swing each leg from the hip. Even this solution had its difficulties because the tight, stiff corset prevented much body movement and I struggled for quite some time before I could manage to walk at all. Eventually I learnt to move but the fear of falling was ever present. I was very glad of Vanya's supporting arm around my corseted waist as we made our way slowly up the stairs, the stiff leather just allowing me enough movement to climb one step at a time. Monday 2 When we finally entered the bedroom I was led over to my wardrobe. Vanya took out the double-skinned rubber panties I had worn previously and, very carefully, managed to thread them over my booted feet as I tried to lift them in turn whilst leaning against the other wardrobe. As she wriggled the tight black rubber up my leather-clad thighs my fear of falling returned with a rush, my frustration at the simple bonds on my hands increasing rapidly as my flailing hands tugged painfully on my nipple-piercings. At last Vanya had my hips encased in the rubber panties and, to my relief, undid the tiny locks to release my hands from the collar. "I think you've learnt how helpless I can make you any time I want, so you can treasure your freedom for a while. I've got just the dress for you for this evening, so let's try it on for size, Jane," said Vanya reaching into my wardrobe once again. What she brought out was a black, shiny rubber dress with a miniscule flared skirt which, after undoing the back zip, she held it low to the floor for me to step into. With my hands on her shoulders I did so, and she pulled the dress up my body. I slid my arms into the short puff- sleeves and Vanya pulled up the zip. The dress was tight around my waist and chest but apart from a frill of white latex just below my nipples, it left my breasts completely exposed. The tiny little skirt shivered over my hips, barely reaching the tops of my thigh-boots. Reaching into the wardrobe again, Vanya took a small bundle of white latex from one of the shelves. She unfolded it to reveal a tiny apron of frilly rubber then reached around my waist to tie the ribbons into a bow. "Now you're starting to look how I want you tonight, Jane. Just a couple more things are needed," she said, smiling happily at what she was doing to me. She took another scrap of white rubber from the wardrobe and stretched up to place the little curl of latex on top of my head, pinning it into my blonde hair. Next came a bow of white rubber which she tied around my neck, just above the stainless steel collar, then she turned me around to let me see my reflection in the wardrobe mirror. Gazing back at me was the caricature of a maid in the totally ridiculous impression of a uniform, yet the femininity and curves of my corseted body totally undermined the cartoon-effect. I started to laugh at the silly, yet very erotic result, but a hard slap on my bottom stopped it, along with Vanya's words "Just so you remember that you're my rubber slave-girl you will look the part this evening. I'll be dining alone and you can serve me. I thought about leaving your hands attached to your collar all night but it'll be more fun to have you wait on your mistress. I do feel like eating without interruptions, so you're going to wear this also." I turned around to see the inflatable gag in Vanya's hands and started to protest, but she ignored the attempt. I was having enough difficulty standing in the boots and while I was trying to keep my balance she forced the bladder into my mouth and did up the strap behind my head, pulling my hair over the top to hide it. Realising how useless it was to try preventing her, I stood meekly as Vanya connected the pump and inflated the gag to block up my mouth. With a triumphant smile she removed the pump, tossed it onto the bed and ordered me down to the dining room. She stood by her chair, waiting for me to pull it out for her and, once she was seated, told me to get busy in the kitchen. I was thankful to find that Vanya had already prepared the meal, a three-course affair and all I had to do was serve it. For the next hour or so I struggled back and forth in the training boots, serving wine, soup, main dish and desert to a thoroughly delighted Vanya, who took every opportunity to tell me how completely I was now in her control and relish in detail every change she had made to my appearance. Each time I stood next to her she would caress my legs, breasts, nipples, or just slide her hand back and forth beneath my skirt. She made sure she drove home what I now was, her slave-girl and plaything, and made it abundantly clear that this was how she was going to keep me. I became slowly aware that, although she had turned me into the male caricature of a sexy maid, she wasn't laughing at me: instead the message slowly seeped into my mind. I belonged to Vanya and she could make me into anything she wanted. She could play with me however she wanted and I had to accept it - there was no choice, no going backward. Full Stop! As she had done so many times - I presumed it was a female gift which comes with pure and total love for me - she seemed to know exactly each thought going through my mind as it happened. She fixed me with a steady gaze but so much love was evident in her eyes. "You know I've been in love with you for many years, Darling," she said at long last, a soft, loving smile forming on her exquisite lips. "But I've never been so aroused, happy or as in love as I am with you as my woman. Even while I'm eating, the excitement won't go away and my pussy stays wet. Having you completely in my control is so fantastic and knowing there is nothing that you can do without me letting you is keeping me turned on more than I ever thought possible. Reality is much better than the fantasies I've had about dominating you like this. I want you to clear the table now, then you can serve your own dinner in the kitchen. I think you will be more comfortable sitting on a high stool in those boots." Vanya ran her hands over the patent black leather yet again to emphasise her words. She was right; for there was no way that the tight boots would let me bend my legs enough to sit on an ordinary chair. I began the clearing up, tottering back and forth with just the tiny steps that the boots would allow, the ridiculously high-heels now causing a continual ache in my calves from their cramped position. Vanya continued to sit at the table, watching and enjoying my difficulty, until at last I was finished. She followed me into the kitchen, told me to sit at the breakfast bar where the food was still on the hot-plate and, as I struggled to lower myself onto the stool, came up beside me. "You did well as my maid tonight, Jane. You look beautifully helpless in those clothes and your rings and collar make me think of lots of new ways I can fetter you whenever I feel like it. Let me take your gag off and you can have your meal, but not too much - I want you to loose weight not put it on." She duly undid the valve to deflate the gag then undid the strap and I thankfully wiped the moisture from my lips. I served myself soup and tucked in while Vanya took the gag back to the bedroom. This was my first opportunity alone and I carefully felt the back of the slave-collar, but my fingers could find no clip or even a join in the fine steel mesh. The rings on my finger were a tight fit and, whilst I could probably get them off with some soap, I knew the risk wasn't worthwhile. By the time Vanya had returned I had finished a small helping of succulent roast beef, finding the tight-fitting corset did not allow room for anything else. She laughed at my tiny appetite, telling me that it would help my figure to improve that much faster. The shelf was of great help as I struggled atop the ultra-high heels once more to begin clearing up the remaining dishes. Vanya helped me, particularly with the things for the lower cupboards and I was grateful for that. At last we were finished with the meal and, flicking off the kitchen light as we left the room, Vanya took my hand and led me to the bedroom. "You've behaved admirably as my maid, Jane. Perhaps you're really starting to accept being the woman I've created just for me." Once we were inside the bedroom Vanya removed my apron, bow and cap, pushed me suddenly backwards onto the bed and sat down beside my sprawled body. She reached under my tiny skirt and began tugging the tight latex panties down my thighs, saying "As you've been so good a little reward is in order, Darling." She lowered her head to my groin, flipping the hem of the skirt out of her way and flicking her tongue back and forth between my legs. I voiced agreement to her views to the accompanying delight of her tongue, then she moved to kneel between my outspread legs. Vanya lifted my booted ankles onto her shoulders then, grasping my hips, pulled my body up to her waiting face, leaving only my shoulders and head on the bed. As my rigidly-booted legs dangled over her shoulders she slid both her hands down my rubber-clad body to caress my breasts as they spilled out of the corset and dress. Her eyes triumphantly held mine as she lowered her head between my legs once more to kiss, lick, suck and chew, making me squirm and moan with the delight she was causing. In no time at all I felt my orgasm building and Vanya, accurately sensing my condition, bit quite hard on everything in her mouth, making me squeal with the sudden pain. My climax faded rapidly with the pain and as soon as it had, she began the soft, exciting movements again. Twice more she bit me, each time long enough for me to remember the pain, but the following joy made it all worthwhile. I realised that she was firmly intent on making me associate pain with pleasure, to make me as masochistic as she could, but the delight of her gentle caresses made sure I couldn't do anything to stop her for, by now, I urgently wanted more excitement. As my arousal grew yet again I found myself waiting for her painful bite, but it did not come. I did, however, deep into her greedy mouth as she sucked even harder on me and doubled her caresses on my naked breasts. Although not as intense as previous ones, it was a very drawn-out and extremely satisfying orgasm and, as the feelings faded, waves of sheer peace washed through my body. Vanya lowered my body to the bed and slid my legs from her shoulders to let me fully enjoy the satisfied relaxation that only orgasm can bring. She remained kneeling between my outstretched legs, smiling triumphantly down at me, knowing how totally under her control I was at that moment. It was several minutes before she spoke and she began unlacing the training boots as she did so. "You've worn these long enough for today, Darling, but I will want you to wear them again until you look and feel natural in any size of high heels I make you wear. I have to teach you many years of practice in a few weeks so you must be prepared to persevere with them but, like tonight, I will probably reward you if you do well. If you don't then you will wear them for much longer periods at a time." Vanya pulled the remaining boot from my leg and rolled me onto my stomach so that she could pull down the zip on my dress while I wriggled my ankles to rid my calves of the cramps. Once it was off my shoulders I was rolled again and the dress slid from my arms and down my body. "Tonight I'm going to treat your face to a special cream-pack, so lay still while I take off your make-up, Jane." Still enjoying the post-orgasmic lethargy I was more than happy to be pampered by Vanya, idly laying there as she worked on my face. She pushed two of the hormone booster pills into my mouth between removing my make-up and applying the pack, her fingers delicately teasing my captive nipples as an encouragement to swallow the giant discs. Once she had thickly coated my face and neck with the pink gel Vanya stepped into the bathroom to rinse her hands. I tried to watch her but even my eyelashes were so heavily creamed that I had difficulty seeing through the film. She sat beside me again a few minutes later saying "I'm going to put a mask on you to keep the face-pack from getting onto everything. Sit up, Darling," and her hands gripped my shoulders to help me. A wide rubber strap was buckled around my neck and then Vanya pulled the front of the mask up and over my face. Instead of a mouth-hole in the mask there was a bladder which Vanya pushed between my lips and I realised that it was similar to the inflatable gag she loved to use on me. Once that was deep in my mouth two shaped rubber tubes that penetrated through the latex mask were pushed into my nostrils and the top of the thick rubber mask was pulled up to my hairline. There were no eye-holes in the shaped mask so I was forced to sit there in total blackness, feeling Vanya doing up one strap after another behind my head to ensure my face was totally enclosed by the mask, whilst learning to breath through the rubber tubes. A few minutes later I felt Vanya working on the connector to the gag then the bladder began to fill my mouth to make me completely dumb. Only my ears remained uncovered and I felt Vanya kiss and gently bite the right one before whispering "Now there's no chance of the cream rubbing off! Let me get your nightie." A few moments later I heard the loud rustle of rubber and felt the smooth latex garment being slid over my head. Once my arms were through the long, voluminous sleeves Vanya guided me to stand by the bed and she put the bondage mittens onto my hands once again. She crossed my arms and threaded a strap through the rings at the ends of the mittens then tightened the strap across my back so that my arms were trapped across my stomach as though in a straight-jacket. I was totally helpless again and being unable to see made it even worse. Nor could I protest when I followed awkwardly as Vanya pulled me forward with gentle tugs on my nipple jewels through the thin latex of the nightie, telling me "Come on, Darling. It's time for the toilet before bed." Once I had finished, Vanya insisted on giving me an enema from the bidet before she guided me back again in the same way and laid me down on the bed. My nightie was pulled up around my waist and something was buckled around each ankle. As she pulled my legs apart to fetter my other one, I realised it was a leg-stretcher. That was confirmed as Vanya expanded the telescopic bar joining the fetters until my legs were stretched as far apart as they would go. Again she whispered into my ear. "What I'm going to do now, my helpless Darling slave, is going to be quite uncomfortable, but don't worry because it's for a very good reason." My thoughts went into immediate turmoil at what she might have in mind, but there was nothing I could do to stop her. A moment later I felt her warm fingers feeling tentatively between my legs midway between my anus and now-tiny penis. Once she had located the spot she wanted she began to press her finger firmly into the soft flesh and begin to massage and rotate her finger. She kept pushing and massaging while I struggled for all I was worth to escape the extreme discomfort she was causing but to no avail. After quite a long time she must have achieved what she wanted, for she stopped pushing so hard and through the discomfort I realised that, without breaking the skin, her finger was penetrating up to her knuckle into the soft flesh! Presumably satisfied with her progress, Vanya used a second finger to increase the size of the hollow she had created in my body, pressing and massaging hard between my legs for quite a while longer. The pain eased gradually to a tolerable level although she kept massaging in circles then, at last, she withdrew her fingers. What she did next was much more painful; for she moved my right testicle down over the channel she had created and pressed it up into my body! Had the gag and mask not prevented it I would have been heard for miles around as I screamed at the sharp and sudden pain, then suddenly it was gone and I realised she had pushed the testicle right inside me. The pain was just as intense as she persuaded the left one to follow the right but, at last, that also disappeared inside me and very slowly the pain died down to a strong, dull ache. I was still moaning several minutes later at the intense pain she had caused when I felt Vanya's weight on the bed beside me. I jumped as a bag of ice was pressed between my legs and, although it was intensely cold, it was like heaven at the site of the ache. Vanya held the ice there for several minutes then dried between my legs and the rubber sheet beneath my bottom. I felt numb between my widely-stretched thighs but the ache was fading fast now. I longed to see and feel what Vanya had done to me this time but there was no escape from my bonds. A while later I heard Vanya moving around and the rustle of rubber before, mercifully, she collapsed the telescopic pole of the leg- stretcher. Both ankles were released and I thankfully brought my legs together. A pair of rubber panties were slid over my ankles and pulled up over my knees, before Vanya gently rolled me onto my side then onto my chest and knees. With my bottom sticking up in the air I felt Vanya rub cream around the entrance to my bottom. A moment later she began to gently push something into me, the large shape entering fairly easily with the lubricant. Whatever it was, it suddenly slipped inside and I found my bottom clenching a much smaller diameter. I guessed it was similar to the dummy built into the pants she had made me wear earlier in the weekend. Whilst I was still in the same position Vanya pulled and stretched the very tight rubber panties up my thighs and over my hips. They were pulled up tightly between my legs to trap the shape inside me before Vanya rolled me down onto my side again. Although the thing was filling me, it was quite comfortable and I clenched my cheeks a few times to make it even more so. I felt my nightie being pulled down around my ankles then I was rolled onto my back. A few moments later I heard Vanya return from the bathroom then felt her get into bed beside me and the rubber-covered duvet pulled up over both of us. After a rustle of latex as she got comfortable beside me, slipped her arm under my head and her hand onto my breast I felt her warm breath against my ear. Vanya kissed and licked around the shell of my ear softly then began whispering quietly. "I really am sorry that I had to hurt you, Darling, but being a woman isn't without its pain. What I had to do was temporarily enlarge the cavity in your body through which your testicles descended at puberty. It's the vestige of a vagina which all men have but it closes up after a certain age. It'll close up again quickly now, trapping your testicles inside you like the ovaries they should be. They can be persuaded out again if ever I want by enlarging the cavity again and sucking them out - and that's another thing you can't do without me." Her tongue stroked gently around the inside of my ear while I took in what she had said. I was realising just how intent she was on making me female and how, yet again, I was now even more under her control. She continued to whisper, her voice overlaid with her strength of purpose. "The tight panties will stop your ovaries slipping out during the night and, by morning; the passage will have closed up again to keep them inside you. The loose skin between your legs will now have nothing to stretch it and will shrink back to look like pretty vaginal lips. As what's left continues to shrink, especially with the help of all the female hormones, all you will have is a pretty little clitoris that I am going to make so sensitive I will be able to control you with passion alone. "I learned about the things I've done to you from articles in `Women In Control' or WIC as it's called. That's the magazine of the Order of Athena I was telling you about. The articles were written by a lady gynaecologist who is a member and had experimented on her husband. Lots of her friends who are members had also tried it so her advice was quite easy to follow, although I really was quite worried in case I hurt you seriously. I knew it would be painful for you and I hoped I was doing the job properly so that I didn't prolong the hurt. When I felt your balls finally disappear inside you I knew I was right" She hugged me lovingly against her soft, warm body for a few moments before whispering further whilst her fingers gently fondled my nipple through the thin rubber nightie. "I'm sure you'll be relieved to know that I've finished all I planned to make you into my slave-girl - and much sooner than I ever expected possible! I've given you real breasts, removed your beard forever, pierced your ears and nipples, and started training your figure to the shape I want it. Even the tiniest of panties won't show what you used to be only a few days ago. All the hormones I have given you will complete the changes in time so that your shape will improve, your skin will soften and even your voice is becoming feminine. I've pushed a comforter inside you for tonight and I'll often keep you penetrated so that you learn to like it more and more. I hope you've realised by now that there is no chance of turning back: you are my slave-girl and you will stay that way. We will continue our lives as two women and I will be in control of you forever. The physical changes are over but I will be accelerating the mental ones from now on." Vanya's other hand stroked up my body to caress my right breast, the delightful feelings she was creating in sharp contrast to the enormity of her words. I knew I was totally trapped inside my new feminine body, yet part of me somehow was elated, although consciously I was horrified by how far she had gone. There was nothing I could do in the state of bondage she had me in but, somehow, the helplessness was no longer quite as frightening as it had been. Her soft whisper broke through my thoughts. "I have some arrangements to make tomorrow and I must do some things at the office, but I'll be back as soon as I can - I won't be able to stay away from you for too long. I know my weekend in charge should be up now but I've already told you it's going to last forever. Go to sleep now, my darling Jane. You will need plenty of rest because tomorrow we stop playing a weekend game and begin our new lives. You've so much to learn about being a woman as well as being my slave and tomorrow I'll begin to teach you in earnest. I know you're going to learn to love it so relax and look forward to all the excitement it will bring. Don't worry about the frustrations, the hurts or the domination: I will make absolutely certain that your latent masochism learns how to enjoy those as well. Goodnight sweet slave." Blind and dumb because of the tight-fitting mask and unable to move my arms at all I could only lay there, aware of the light pressure of Vanya's hands resting on my breasts and the fullness caused by the dildo inside me. I tentatively squeezed my thighs together to find the ache had almost gone completely, the space between my legs feeling unaccustomedly empty. The thought of no longer having visible testicles seemed frighteningly final in my conversion to what Vanya had made me. The only consolation was that she had told me it was physically complete, although I wondered what else was in store in other ways. Pondering those thoughts I seemed to be floating and lost all physical sensations from my body. From that state I must have eventually drifted off to another completely dreamless sleep.

Same as A Fem-Toy for my Wife 4 Videos

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 58 M Noirtier de Villefort

We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...

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Latoyas return

So you all remember Latoya, the singer who looks like Misty Stone? Well, we were supposed to go camping with friends, but they pulled out. So, having the weekend free, me and Latoya opted to go hiking. Latoya showed up at my house dressed in jeans, a half shirt, and she was wearing one of those old plaid shirts the grunge freaks wore in the ninties, only she'd cut the shirt down and cut off the sleeves, turning it into a vest. I wore jeans and a Poison shirt. For those that aren't aware exactly...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 74 The Villefort Family Vault

Two days after, a considerable crowd was assembled, towards ten o'clock in the morning, around the door of M. de Villefort's house, and a long file of mourning-coaches and private carriages extended along the Faubourg Saint-Honore and the Rue de la Pepiniere. Among them was one of a very singular form, which appeared to have come from a distance. It was a kind of covered wagon, painted black, and was one of the first to arrive. Inquiry was made, and it was ascertained that, by a strange...

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A 2nd letter from a formally broken toy

A second letter from a (formally) broken toy To the person who abused me: I wrote you a letter some time ago, and today I felt compelled to write another. You see, things have changed for me. I have recovered most of the memories I suppressed and I understand better what happened to me while I was in your "care." I now know how you used my desire toward the feminine to control me, how you twisted my gender issues to feed your needs. You made me so ashamed of myself, so afraid...

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Fem chocolate candy for horny white girl

Lynn slowed to a stop as the traffic light turned red. Her thoughts were of Tonisha, hundreds of miles away. She wondered what she was doing tonight. She missed her friend and lover tremendously. She had broken up with her boyfriend because of her inability to overcome the attraction she felt for other girls, especially black girls.As she drove down the street she realized she had to move on with her life which consisted mainly of going to classes at the local college. Lynn had tried out for...

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FembotsChapter 6 Slaves of the Fembots

In spite of her air of determined confidence, Amanda was feeling very uncertain. She didn’t really have much of an idea about what to do next and while she thought herself a fairly self determined woman who liked to get her own way, she had never taken a dominant role sexually. Even so, she knew that was exactly what was going to be needed here. Perhaps, she thought, I can convince the fembots that I should take Gerry and Mike for “further training” or something similar or perhaps I can get...

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Fem Dom with wifes best friend 3

I walked through the door and found them both on the settee in deep conversation. "Hi," said Sue. "Good trip," she enquired? "Yes," I said hesitantly, looking at them both and wondering what they had been discussing. "Come over here Mark," she said, "There's something I need to discuss with you." I was like a naughty boy, standing Infront of them both, but felt I had no option, as Julie was looking at me intently, almost warning me not to disobey any instructions. "As Julie is...

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Fem Dom with Wifes bitch friendChapter 2

Now all being in our early twenties, the two of them had met at university and had stayed friends ever since. I met my wife, Sue, later on, but had never been keen on Julie. On her last visit, Julie had accidentally discovered my porn viewing history on my laptop, and decided to use this information to blackmail me, into doing her bidding. She told me that she would expose me to my wife, if I didn’t comply, and that she knew, that Sue, would end our relationship, if she found out I had...

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Fem Dom with wifes bitch friend

It was one of these incidents where she was in the living room doing just that, when she decided to look up some program info on the computer, but picking up mine, instead of my wife’s. Unfortunately for me. I had not closed it down properly after a wank session, and when she fired it up, it displayed all the porn I had been looking at. She called me over and with a sadistic smile, turned the screen around to show me what she had found. I had to view these sites secretly as my wife was dead a...

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Fem Dom With Wifes Best Friend 3

I had been away on a course for work for just over two weeks. This gave Julie, my wife's best friend who was blackmailing me, ample time to influence my wife, Sue, in the benefits of pursuing a female-led marriage. When I returned home, I was soon to learn how effective she had been.I walked through the door and found them both on the settee in deep conversation."Hi," said Sue. "Good trip?" she inquired."Yes," I said hesitantly, looking at them both and wondering what they had been...

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Fem Dom With Wifes Bitch Friend Chapter 2

I hadn’t seen Julie, my wife’s best friend since her last visit to our house. Now all being in our early twenties, the two of them had met at university and had stayed friends ever since.I met my wife, Sue, later on, but had never been keen on Julie.On her last visit, Julie had accidentally discovered my porn viewing history on my laptop and decided to use this information to blackmail me into doing her bidding. She told me that she would expose me to my wife if I didn’t comply and that she...

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Fem Dom With Wifes Friend Non Scene

Julie was my wife’s best friend from school, but I always thought she was a bitch, and we never got on.My wife Sue, suspected this but hoped it would all work out eventually.I would always be polite when Julie came around, but neither of us liked each other, and it was obvious.She visited regularly as she lived in a house nearby, and was always popping in to see her friend, and intern, annoying me.She would even stay on to finish Love Island if the two of them had been watching TV, and my wife...

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Fem Dom with wifes best friend 3

I had been away on a course for work for just over two weeks, which gave Julie, my wife's best friend who was blackmailing me, ample time to influence my wife, Sue, in the benefits of pursuing a female-led marriage, and when I returned home, I was soon to learn on how effective she had been.I walked through the door and found them both on the settee in deep conversation."Hi," said Sue. "Good trip," she enquired?"Yes," I said hesitantly, looking at them both and wondering what they had been...

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Fem Dom with my Wifes best friend Chapter 2

I hadn’t seen Julie, my wife’s best friend, since her last visit to our house.Now all being in our early twenties, the two of them had met at university and had stayed friends ever since.I met my wife, Sue, later on, but had never been keen on Julie.On her last visit, Julie had accidentally discovered my porn viewing history on my laptop, and decided to use this information to blackmail me, into doing her bidding. She told me that she would expose me to my wife, if I didn’t comply, and that...

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I wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea. My wife and I are not always getting up to 'unusual activities' but we decided when we first got married that we should work hard to keep some sparkle in our sex life... hence the 'games'. About 4 or 5 times a year (it used to be more often) we act out our fantasies and really go to town. This particular event happened about 18 months ago and to the best of my recollections what happened was this... I'd got home from work about 7:00 and usual sat down...

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FembotsChapter 5 The Heel of the Fembots

Chris Adney was still working at trying to hack into the laboratory systems, although it now looked as though the fembots were functioning independently of the software control harnesses that he and Gerry had used to monitor and update software while it was being developed. At least he had control of the CCTV system that covered the various rooms and offices in the laboratory area. And he could access any of the lap tops and PC’s that were on the network too. He scanned through the feeds...

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BSC05 the Girls of BSCChapter 3 Latoya Carter

Stephen Bartell couldn’t believe his luck when a young and exceptionally good looking nude African American girl came up and stood by his side. From the other side of the glass walls Stephen had often found himself following this girl with his eyes as she worked through her moves to Miss Wei’s instructions. This young girl had just such an amazing figure. From the rear view her shapely legs traveled up and merged with two truly gorgeous butt cheeks. Stephen could only imagine what those butt...

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FembotsChapter 9 The Reign of the Fembots

The scene that greeted Amanda, Lucy and Andrea as they entered the meeting room was one that no one who was there would forget. The men being held at gunpoint were now sitting on the floor with their arms bound behind them and their ankles tied too. On the left side of the platform at the front of the room stood a black clad fembot with a naked Gerry Haynes kneeling beside her, his genitals locked in a metal tube, a collar around his neck and a hood obscuring his face. To the right a...

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Fembot NOT

Chapter 1 Carol was sitting on her living room sofa going through her bills in her panties and bathrobe on a Saturday morning. She wrote a check for $143.97 for her electric bill. $82.06 for her phone bill. $53.20 for her cable bill. And she paid her Master Card down by $50. Then there was the junk mail. A dating service sent her a special offer just for women. Women can join for only $800. Men, of course, joined for free. In a big yellow star, the flyer screamed they had a ratio of only 20...

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Femdom BDSM Inspired Sweet Wife

As a working couple, we decided not to be picky about job locations. Both of us preferred to earn higher salaries than to staying together. Tripti, my sweet wife, got a project in a different city and moved out. We started meeting on weekends, taking turns to travel. But our sexual appetite was never satisfied. We were horny all the time because Tripti is just 25, and I’m 26. The stats of my young wife are 36C bust, 26 waist, and 36 hips. Combined with her 5’6” height and golden-yellow...

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Femdom BDSM Inspired Sweet Wife

As a working couple, we decided not to be picky about job locations. Both of us preferred to earn higher salaries than to staying together. Tripti, my sweet wife, got a project in a different city and moved out. We started meeting on weekends, taking turns to travel. But our sexual appetite was never satisfied. We were horny all the time because Tripti is just 25, and I’m 26. The stats of my young wife are 36C bust, 26 waist, and 36 hips. Combined with her 5’6” height and golden-yellow...

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The Real Stepford Wives Lizzies Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Sophia, along with some of the characters in the other two stories make cameo appearances here. *************************************** I...

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The Real Stepford Wives Vickys Story

The Real Stepford Wives - Vicky's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This is my third entry in the Stepford Series. This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Lizzie, along with some of the characters in the original two stories make cameo appearances...

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The Real Stepford Wives Sophias Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Some of the characters in those stories make cameo appearances here. ********************** I was four years into my career as a Big Four accountant. Two years ago, I had been promoted to senior associate and was hopeful about...

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A Chance Encounter Batgirl Babs and Renee Montoya Part One

Introduction: Batgirl while on duty saves Renee Montoya, only to have the tables turned. The fight had been going on for the better part of an hour with Batgirl trading punches and kicks with the East Side Rangers, a well organized group of gang members led by a woman who called herself The Mask. Driving a particularly hard punch to the side of her seconds woman, Batgirl finished off the young girl only to have a blow land at the base of her skull that literally threw Batgirl into the water...

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FembotsChapter 4 The Lure of the Fembots

James Haverstein III, research and production director for the Serious Cybernetics Corporation, bit down on his cigar end. The sharp suited woman next to him looked across with mild distaste but said nothing. Amanda Howard from the company’s legal team was used to working with board members she didn’t much like but Haverstein’s cigar habit, even if he didn’t light up in the office was repellent. “You are joking, I assume,” Haverstein snapped at the young engineer standing in front of him in...

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A Chance Encounter Batgirl Babs and Renee Montoya Part One

The Mask shoved Batgirl's head into the steaming water of the fountain as she brought her forearm down into the small of the caped woman's back trying to force all of the air out of her ample chest. Holding Batgirl by the neck she intended to drown the woman as she delived yet another solid blow to her back and then kicked Batgirrl in the back of the knees. own Dazed by the hard blow, Batgirl landed in the fountain and then sank as The Mask pressed her own body down on Batgirl's. Her...

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

Introduction: Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron get lost in the forbiden forest and finaly let their feeling for each other show. Ron and Hermione were strolling around the black lake, they werent actually dating but they were doing all the normal couples stuff except for the kissing and sex. They saw two people in the distance walking towards them. Is that Harry and Ginny Hermione asked. The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were...

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Femming the Cuck Chapter 1

The first Sunday after my introduction to cuckolding, we took a break. Our children and their families were over, and we spent the day as we had the Sunday prior. It was a full day of fun for everyone, lots of food, games, and a little alcohol. Prior to their arrival, I made sure all of our new life had been put away. After they had all left, we cleaned things up a bit, and Nancy brought back our new life.“Harriet,” Nancy began, as she stood by the backdoor. “Once you've finished putting those...

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The Real Stepford Wives Sugar Plum Fairy

The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy By VI This story is based on my favourite piece of TG fiction, which was written by the author Sarah Barndt. If you have never read 'The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies' then please do so, as it is an imaginative and well told story. Thanks very much Sarah. ************************ I had been performing ballet since I was eight, and for the last six years had been with one of the American ballet companies. I think the fame...

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FembotsChapter 8 Plague of the Fembots

“How did you get on with the Regulators?” Amanda had arranged to meet Chris in a coffee shop not far from the plant. She thought it would be safer to talk there and besides Chris could monitor the activity in the lab from anywhere he could get a wifi connection. “Not well. They made a lot of sympathetic noises but they said someone from Haverstein’s office had already reported difficulties with a research unit and they were going to provide an update after the shareholder’s meeting. They...

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were dating) walked up to them. "Hey guys" Ginny said in a bouncy giddy voice she always used now it got even giddier when she was with Harry. "Hey" Ron replied "we were just heading back to school for lunch" "Bah that's dull" said Ginny almost actually bouncing now "come with us we're going to the forbidden forest" "You know the forest is forbidden for a reason" Hermione...

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The Chelmsford Stalker

The Chelmsford Stalker By Michele Nylons The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer...

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"You're the sixty-ninth caller!" the voice on the other end of the phone yelled into Justin's ear. "Yeah? Wow! Did I win the new Eminem CD?" "You sure did! And..." Justin had never won one of these silly radio contests before. Though it was just a silly CD, he was thrilled to have finally won something. His radio played a Honda ad in the background followed by a crazed deejay shouting, "You're the sixty-ninth caller!" and his own voice saying, "Yeah?" "Could you turn your...

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Fembot Yes

"What happened to her?" said Aerith as Justin entered his house carrying Carol. "She was shackled in a crate for the past three days," said Justin. "She's almost dead." Carol moaned and glanced feebly between Justin and Aerith. "Let me?" said Aerith. Justin nodded and Aerith took Carol from Justin and effortlessly carried her upstairs. Justin brought her some water as Aerith set her on the bed. "Ted did this to her?" asked Aerith. "Yeah. He locked her up in a crate when he...

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Femboy Autocracy

In 2027, a mad horny scientist unleashed her diabolical weapons in an attempt to turn the world into her sexual paradise. She released two custom-made viruses. one that would affect men, and one women. They rapidly spread to the entire population, brining their effects with them. For women, the effects caused futafication, causing all women to grow massive dicks, the smallest of futa dicks are around 16in, and they can grow up to even 36in and beyond in some cases, with balls to match the...

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Femboy Autocracy

In 2027, a mad horny scientist unleashed her diabolical weapons in an attempt to turn the world into her sexual paradise. She released two custom-made viruses. one that would affect men, and one women. They rapidly spread to the entire population, brining their effects with them. For women, the effects caused futafication, causing all women to grow massive dicks, the smallest of futa dicks are around 16in, and they can grow up to even 36in and beyond in some cases, with balls to match the...

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The Stepford Children

Once upon a time.... All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Introduction: Jessaica and her father take a road trip to the small california town Stepford to try a special kind of exotic meat, Bassed on a fictional town (Stepford) in the game SecondLife. Stepford Meat Swap Story: #47 Copyright 2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the...

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The Chelmsford Stalker

The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer flesh-toned hose. He thought he could make out a subtle seam...

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Toy Time

TOY TIME This is an intense story, and may trigger people with PTSD. Please read with caution. I'm going to work, its another typical day, dealing with the ex, my gender issues, and .... other things. I look for something to listen to on the radio, just flipping through my pre-sets, when I hit the local sports station. They are talking about the night's football game, and I relax, letting my attention get back to my driving. Suddenly, I realize they have changed topics, and now...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Story: #47 Copyright ©2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the game Second Life called Stepford, I would like to thank Ariana RoeCastle, Emilie Muggins & Jerrol Jarvinen of Stepford for thier approval of this...

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The Training of His TOY

       He sighed as he looked in the mirror.  Time to get ready for tonight.  This would be all about her and what she needed he told himself.  His wife needed for him to take total control over her all the way including her thoughts, and actions.  He would have to ignore his instincts to let her off as soon as she started to have the slightest trouble, and he would need to keep going help her through the pain but inflict the pain none the less.  Well here goes he thought no turning back now. ...

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Black Toy Collection

Black Toy Collection Black Toy Collection ??????????? There we were, in her room, on her bed, watching television shows downloaded to her computer while I gave her a massage. Cassie loved to just relax this way, letting me rub and feel all over her backside. I loved it too. I brushed her long dirty blonde hair to the side so I could rub her neck. I?d work down over her shoulders, down the length of her back. I?d jiggle her buttocks and give it a good squeeze, then pop back up to her...

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Mr Bradfords Sextoy Part 1

I used to work for Mr. Bradford but he had to lay me off because the company needed to cut back. He offered to help me get a new job and when we met at his office, I wound up giving him a job. I was on my knees with his cock lodged down my throat and only taking it out of my mouth to fuck his dick with my 36DD tits. That very night he also invited a friend of his to use me as well and they both unloaded their balls in me for hours. I loved every minute of it.For months now I was Mr. Bradford's...


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