Penny's Promiscuity - Ch 43 To 45 - Santa Baby free porn video

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Chapter Forty-Three

So it was that, just before my fifty-second birthday, my career and Hot Wife lifestyle went on hold, I took maternity leave and for the fourth time in my life became a new Mum. 

It was to within a week, the anniversary of my first seduction by Tony. In a mere twelve months I had gone from being a faithful-if-slightly-kinky wife and mother to what I was now; the promiscuous, unfaithful bearer of an illegitimate love-child.

In a strange way, I was very happy. Pete was happy. Despite it all, we were still very much a couple.

Being so premature, they kept Leanne and me in hospital an extra two days to make sure she really was healthy despite her early arrival. But there was nothing to worry about; however close to its Best Before date my egg might have been, Darren’s sperm had been young, fresh and perfect and had done its job well.

The evening before my birthday, Pete brought us home in his car. A happier father could not be imagined – neither could a more nervous one. But my husband’s concerns were not just for the wellbeing of his new daughter. Although the more dangerous, physical part of our problem was over; the more enduring problem of bringing up a child at our ages was about to begin.

And with that child so obviously not my husband’s, who knew what might happen?  

Cards, gifts and flowers flooded in from friends and family, including my favourite chocolates from Julie and a hand-delivered card from Tony, which I concealed from Pete inside a book in our bedroom. 

The message inside the card congratulated me on my ‘miracle baby’ and hoped to hear from me ‘as soon as I felt up to getting together.’ The idea was outrageous but made me tingle every time I read it.

Leanne’s brothers and sister also put in appearances, if only briefly, including to my delight, our reclusive second son Timothy who arrived in a smart sports car driven by Thomas, an impressively built, six-foot-three, rugby-playing friend from college, whose physique made my own son look positively frail in comparison. 

The new baby gave Izzy an excuse to come home from University too. As her boyfriend Jack had deliberately arranged to be home at the same time, their presence around the baby was sporadic and Izzy looked permanently flushed in the face and chest all weekend.

Enough said about that. At least whatever they did - in bed and out - took place in Julie’s house, so I didn’t have to listen to it. Interestingly, neither of them ever visited Jack’s father Tony. Perhaps his flat lacked the privacy their excessive libidos required.

Predictably though, the first problems were all practical. In some ways, Leanne might as well have been my first child, so much had changed in terms of what I was supposed to do to look after her ‘the right way’. Things we routinely did with our first three children were now frowned on; things we thought ill-advised were now obligatory. It was baffling.

It didn’t help that most of the so-called advisers were decades younger than me and were full of good ideas about how an older parent like me should bring up my child. 

I had to bite my lip on many occasions.

As the first few weeks passed it became clear that Leanne’s olive-gold skin was not just a birth phenomenon; it was going to stay and if anything, was becoming more obvious. Her eyes seemed to become an even deeper shade of brown and her hair grew darker too, which added to the exotic nature of her appearance and made her look even less like Pete’s daughter. But to his credit, my husband carried on regardless.

The general assumption among the childcare experts looking after me was that Pete and I had been having IVF for years and had finally struck lucky at an advanced age. I suppose the disparity in looks between Leanne and her father might have suggested a sperm donor was involved too, but I doubt the real nature of that third party ever crossed their minds.

Pete and I did nothing to correct this impression, but the look of shock and surprise on the experts’ smug faces when they met one or more of our adult children was pleasing to see.

Even then, the assumption was that our grown-up kids must be products of previous marriages and that Pete and I had been desperate to have a child from our new relationship. The thought that a woman my age might have conceived naturally simply did not enter their minds. Fortunately, this made the deception that much easier to continue.

Still, it could have been a lot worse, I reflected as I stood in the doorway of Leanne’s room, a mug of tea in my hand, watching her sleeping in her travel cot. Six weeks into my fourth attempt at motherhood, things could hardly have gone more smoothly. Yes, I was exhausted. Yes, I was sore, and in places I had forgotten could be so sore, but compared with my worst nightmares, being a Mum in my fifties had so far been tolerable. 

A month premature, Leanne had weighed less than five pounds. Though not ideal, it wasn’t a very worrying weight, but it had made the actual physical process of giving birth that much easier. The much-lamented lack of tightness in my vagina had probably helped too so, unlike with Isobel, I had not torn during childbirth. 

In fact, the damage between my legs had been minimal enough for Pete and me to make love a week after the birth. Having been seen in the ultimate indignity of childbirth once again, I desperately needed to feel close and attractive to my husband again.

It hurt, but after a few gentle thrusts, I began to derive some pleasure from it as well as the intimacy I so badly craved.

It also became clear that my tummy wasn’t going to recover anything like as quickly as my vagina. I still looked at least three months pregnant which did little for my self-esteem. And no matter how much cream I rubbed in, the number of stretch marks on that tummy was definitely going to increase. I tried to hide the worst evidence from Pete but to his credit my husband seemed neither to notice nor care about them.

Regaining my skinny figure would take quite a bit longer. Once Christmas was out of the way, a lot of attention to diet and exercise would eventually take care of that.

When out with the buggy, we were often mistaken for new grandparents helping our son or daughter with their first child and were congratulated on our new status. If we knew the person concerned at all, we corrected that misperception but after a few strange reactions, we decided to take the path of least resistance and said nothing.

Everyone who saw Leanne said how beautiful she was and how tiny she was – both of which were true and very evident. She had a lovely, placid nature too and most of the time, was full of those facial expressions we like to believe are smiles but are usually wind.

What everyone must also have seen was that much of her undoubted beauty came from the equally obvious fact that she was of mixed race. She wasn’t black, she wasn’t even brown but the shape of her face, the colour of her eyes and her remarkable olive skin made this obvious to any moderately observant visitor.

But it simply was not mentioned.

Over the years, a lot has been said about the British stiff upper lip and our ability to keep calm in the face of adversity. A lot of it is clearly rubbish or propaganda, but in this case, I have to say that if it wasn’t for the traditional British desire not to cause a fuss, my life would have been unbearable.

It was truly extraordinary how it all happened. Despite the obvious in-your-face evidence that I had given birth to another man’s child, none of our friends mentioned it to me at all. I have no doubt that behind our backs we were the main topic of conversation for many months but the worst crime that a Brit can commit is to create problems socially, so no-one did.

Only my daughter Isobel dared to mention to my face what I believed everyone was saying behind my back; that her new baby sister did not look like Pete’s child at all. But even Izzy didn’t voice the inevitable inference that if that were so, I must have been impregnated by a man who was not my husband, which in turn meant I must have been unfaithful at least once. 

On the rare occasions any observations arose, I pointed out the many cases where babies had been born as genetic throwbacks to previous generations. The internet was very helpful in perpetuating this form of deceit. I also pointed out that babies often changed considerably as they grew up. Izzy’s own brother been born blond and blue-eyed but now had dark hair and his eyes were brown. Family photos helped with this deceit too but despite all this, I could tell my daughter remained unconvinced.
Fortunately, the fact that my husband accepted the new arrival without comment and was behaving just as if Leanne really was his daughter added a great deal of weight to the misinformation we were putting out.
Predictably our son Josh was too tied up in his own imminent change in status to express any real opinion of his parents’ predicament.

The person I least expected to react badly was our middle child Tim. Normally placid and slow to take or give offence, he seemed troubled by the whole affair as if something important was on his mind. If that was so, his didn’t share it with me but as his mother, I could tell something was amiss. 

Interestingly, the person I thought would be most upset about her mother’s embarrassing new offspring – my daughter Isobel – turned out to be the most supportive. Though I knew she was both baffled and highly disapproving, Izzy was a godsend as far as Christmas was concerned. What with all the nocturnal activities associated with new babies, the lack of sleep I believed I had left behind twenty years ago and the constant need to feed Leanne, I was exhausted.

Despite her obvious distaste for this evidence of her mother’s bedroom activities, when she wasn’t in bed with her boyfriend, Izzy stepped into the breach calmly and without fuss, relieving me of most of the kitchen drudgery and changing her sister’s nappy with only the slightest look of revulsion on her face. 

I could tell that at first, the sight of her fifty-two-year-old mother breast-feeding made her stomach churn, but she hid it well.

Breast feeding! Oh my God I had forgotten about breast-feeding. 

Like all new Mums, the pressure on me to feed my new child naturally was intense. I knew full well that it was by far the best start in life for a child; indeed all three of my previous children had been breast-fed for many months and I wanted nothing less for Leanne. So, despite my reservations, I had vowed to try my hardest to make it work.

All I can say is that twenty years with only my husband’s and the occasional feel of a lover’s lips on my nipples was no preparation for the eager demands of a hungry baby. 

My tiny boobs had gained two cup sizes during pregnancy but were still relatively small, especially compared with those of my son’s generously proportioned girlfriend who in only a few weeks would join me in being a new Mum. Nevertheless, I was determined to do the right thing and persevered through all the nips, bites and cracked nipples until eventually, after more than three weeks of sheer agony, my body finally tuned in to the new demands being placed upon it.

Fortunately, when it happened, the transition was quick and so, so welcome. To my relief, by the end of the fourth week, the agonising chore of breastfeeding had been miraculously transformed into what the books said it should have been from the start; a period of profound peace and closeness between a mother and her child.

The difference was extraordinary. As my body finally tuned into Leanne’s considerable demands, my nipples toughened, and my boobs became accustomed to filling and being suckled. The soreness and pain soon became genuine pleasure. Even the night feeds became manageable; sitting in a comfortable, high backed chair in the darkness of the nursery with the wonderful, tiny creature milking my aching breasts until both of us fell asleep. 

Often during those moments in the darkness, my mind would fill with memories of how this tiny creature had been conceived; during a sordid, one-night stand in her father’s dirty, unmade bed in his untidy, unclean room, surrounded by used, smelly sports kit. The all-night series of copulations that had resulted in my daughter’s conception was at the time, the most intense sexual experience of my life. 

Even today, it still amazes me that something as beautiful as Leanne could come from something as squalid and dirty as that night; not so much a love-child as a lust-child, but all the more special for that.

But it wasn’t only memories that could cause a major problem with seat-wetting. No, that would be too easy. 

As the pains of breastfeeding faded into pleasure, what soon became clear was that it was not just my baby daughter that was enjoying the feeding process; my middle-aged body was getting in on the act big-time too.

As an erotic author, I knew only too well how much has been said on the subject of sexual arousal during breastfeeding. As someone in the medical world, I knew that at least some of it was based in physiological fact but believed the rest merely to be pornographic hype.

Whatever I thought I knew, I was wrong and completely unprepared for the extraordinary intensity of arousal that feeding Leanne began to produce.

It started mildly, with a low but pleasant stimulation of my nipple and breast, then I soon became very much more aware of my slowly shrinking uterus and recovering cervix. This was all as I had expected; breastfeeding was supposed to help those parts of the body recover their former elasticity, but it was much more intense a feeling than I had felt with my previous babies.

What I had most certainly not expected was the new and alarming sensitivity that was appearing and rapidly intensifying in my now permanently swollen clitoris.
The more I fed, the more intense the feeling became. The more intense the feeling became, the more I thought about it. The more I thought about it, the more intense it grew again, the sensations rippling through my belly, into my breasts and back in what at work, I would have called a positive feedback loop.

It was as if a delicate, gossamer-thin thread now passed unbroken from my nipples, through my breasts, across my chest and heart then straight into my womb, cervix and finally my clitoris before passing up my spine and into my nipples again.

The constant, repetitive stimulation of my teats by Leanne’s suckling sent electric sensations throughout every quintessentially female part of my body with every single feed.

There had been a hint of this when I was feeding the boys, a stronger effect with Isobel, but nothing like the powerful surges of arousal that my youngest child’s mouth on my breast now routinely invoked.

As my beautiful child drew milk from my ageing breast, just picturing the intense sexual and emotional feelings that accompanied those remembered inseminations led me to wet whatever seat I was sitting on so often that I now never fed my baby without a folded towel beneath my bottom. 

I would rub myself brazenly against it when the sensations grew so intense that only a real, wet climax would release me.

The first unassisted orgasm this phenomenon produced came entirely unexpected, shaking me both physically and emotionally, leaving me stunned, gasping and with a powerful undercurrent of shame. This shame prevented me from telling Pete any of this, but it did lead me to feed Leanne in private as often as possible.

Of course, the scientist within me had to look into this phenomenon. To my astonishment I found that as many as forty percent of nursing mothers experienced significant arousal during feeding – not always as sexual as mine - but that it was one of the least well known and least discussed aspects of the whole childbirth process.

At least I was not alone, even if it did lead to some highly embarrassing situations in cafés and restaurants.

Driven by this near-constant state of arousal, my erotic writing simply surged too. Used to early rising and thanks to our reliable and long-suffering cleaner, I found I had plenty of time and more importantly, plenty of inspiration to return to my laptop when released from domestic chores and Leanne’s demands. 

Ideas for new erotic stories simply poured from me and, though many remained half-written, the number actually published grew and grew weekly. Although the main subject of those stories remained that of wife sharing and cuckolding, I explored other themes as well. Some emerged from places deep in my past that I had thought were long gone, others came from places so deep in my psyche that I had no idea they even existed. 

Inevitably, the number of troll attacks grew too, especially in response to the cuckolding posts. 

I had long ago ticked the box online that prevented anonymous messages being posted either as comments on the stories or emails to me. That had reduced the number of troll attacks by perhaps two thirds but there was still a hardcore of troubled individuals whose campaign of hate mail continued. 

It’s perhaps the online author’s greatest puzzlement; why anyone would deliberately choose to read a story very obviously written on a theme they hate, and then post horrible, offensive comments saying how much they hated it. I can only assume it’s a form of masochism. Surely if something upsets you, you should stop doing it; it’s truly baffling. 

Most of the negative comments are ill-written and easy to ignore but others can be simply vile. Some make personal attacks but as these are based on a platform of ignorance, they seldom have the hurtful impact their composers clearly intend.

Still it was always with a feeling of trepidation that I opened my writer’s email inbox early every morning after the first feed of the day. Usually I would find pleasing and welcome messages of encouragement and constructive criticism, but among them would be one or two messages that were hateful. 

Most were clearly from men, but among them there were one or two whose style definitely felt more feminine. But whoever they were from, I was getting much better at ignoring them now I had a new daughter to keep my mind on the good things in life.

What I could not ignore were the infrequent but deeply unsettling messages from Tony that appeared on my phone, reminding me that he and I still had unfinished business. I should have simply blocked his number, ignored the invitations and got on with my life, but something inside me would not let me do it. 

Something within me wanted that door to remain if not open, at least ajar.

But there was no imminent danger of revived infidelity; my battered body was in no condition to be revealed to any man but Pete, especially if that man was a former lover. This gave me a reason to keep putting Tony off, but deep down inside I was beginning to worry how my feelings might change if and when morally weak, promiscuous Penny ever recovered her skinny figure.

Meanwhile, my long-suffering husband Pete was doing his very best to service my erratic needs. His long, slim cock was now even less tightly gripped by my even more capacious vagina as it struggled to recover some of its pre-baby elasticity. 

Fortunately, his oral skills were well up to standard and, thanks to Adam and Eve, my back passage with its dry but much tighter sphincter was now freely available without pain allowing him to reach ejaculation if not in my vagina, at least somewhere inside me.

Chapter Forty-Four 

The Christmas period was very strange that year to say the least. With a tiny baby in the house for the first time in over twenty years, it was always going to be different but with the baby’s status being so controversial and with our first grandchild due to be born in a matter of weeks, there was a surreal atmosphere in the house throughout.

But despite this, the week itself turned out to be one of the most pleasant and traditional I had enjoyed in years. Free from the pressures of work, I could concentrate on my family as well as my baby and for the first time since the kids had started to move out, could try and be a homemaker again.

Never entirely comfortable in that role, I had to work hard at it but in between feeds, nappies and surprisingly enjoyable coffee mornings with the other new Mums in my group, I found plenty of time to cook, buy presents and decorate the house as well as meet my new group of friends. 

All three of Pete and my older kids were coming home for the day itself. Izzy arrived from University a week before the big day, but then spent much of the time up to Christmas Eve staying with her new boyfriend, Jack at his mother Julie’s house. 

My oldest child, Josh and his very large, very pregnant partner Samantha arrived on Christmas Eve along with our middle child, Tim. For the first time in many months, the whole family was together under one roof again.

The day itself passed very pleasantly indeed. There was plenty of help with the cooking; very important because I had to keep disappearing to deal with the demands of a seven-week old child.

A child whose skin, incidentally, appeared to be growing darker every day. 

Samantha and I naturally spent a lot of time together in the kitchen talking babies, a subject that ensured Tim and Izzy spent plenty of time out of it, much to my amusement. Pete and Josh were talking about his imminent fatherhood too, which gave the two younger kids few places to escape the whole baby centred environment.

Indeed, with all this help, and with all the time Leanne and I spent alone, feeding during the day and several times each night, my imagination had plenty of opportunity to range. 

Leanne was adorable, but there was no denying that her conception, growth in my belly, successful birth and continued good health flew in the face of nature. In the darkness of the nursery during night feeds, it was impossible to prevent my mind from racing in many directions including the elephant in the room; my complicated relationship with Tony and how it had kicked off the whole Hot wife affair.

Last Christmas my new life had been new and exciting. I was a new Hot wife, I had my first ever lover, a newly cuckolded husband and the prospect of an exciting year of sex ahead.

I had never dreamed that sex even existed as I had experienced it over the last year, let alone that it could be enjoyed by a middle-aged, conventional, married mother of three grown up children.

But it most emphatically could. I knew that only too well, and all because of one tiny decision I made on the spur of the moment. All because thirteen months ago, I did not move Tony’s wandering hands away from my bottom that amazing day it all started. 

Was it really that simple? Could the tumultuous events of the last year really have been precipitated by such an apparently trivial decision?

Was this chaos theory in action? It had certainly created chaos in my life.

In the darkness of the nursery, with Leanne’s mouth suckling at my breast and my body so electrified by the circuit of sensations from my nipples to my clitoris that I was constantly on the verge of spontaneous climax, it was impossible to think of anything else.

And now, despite all that had happened, the man who had started it all wanted me to come back to him again. Wanted to stick that same monstrous cock into my capacious vagina once again. Wanted to fuck me senseless again and again.

This time there would be no strings. No relationships. No threat to my marriage. 

This time we would fuck not make love; this time we would come together for the sheer physical pleasure of doing it. And we both knew there would be pleasure aplenty.?

In the darkness of the night feeds, however insane my conscious mind knew even considering this would be, my body was sending out a very different message.

A message that every night would leave the folded towel on which I now routinely had to sit, soaking wet.

No amount of writing, however extreme could drive these thoughts from my mind.


New Year was a subdued affair, spent having dinner in our house with half a dozen friends. It was very pleasant indeed, with Pete helping me cook and serve the meal throughout the evening. I did have to disappear a few times before and after midnight to feed Leanne but overall, I felt a full member of the party. 

Julie was invited but had already accepted an invitation elsewhere. 

No-one but me even contemplated asking Tony, and even I knew it was an absurd idea.

January started cold and fresh. Leanne and I had got into a routine of feeding and sleeping which allowed me even more free time and maybe a little more sleep too. I was even showing distinct signs of enjoying being a Mum again. Despite the tiredness and constantly being mistaken for Leanne’s Grandmother, I found I was missing my work less and less and enjoying both motherhood and my friends more and more.

None of our friends my age had babies of their own, but more than one had a grandchild to look after, so we were able to meet up for coffee and chat often enough to make life agreeable. 

Still no-one mentioned Leanne’s distinctive skin colour in my presence, even less its inevitable inference.

Of course, the atmosphere changed when I had to breastfeed in public; something no grandmother would ever be called on to do but by now I was beyond being self-conscious about it. 

Although my lifelong feminism gave me no concerns about a woman breastfeeding wherever and whenever it was needed, I had an even deeper-rooted self-consciousness about my microscopic boobs – which had perversely contrived to grow both larger and droopier at the same time.

How my husband could continue to find my middle-aged, saggy boobs attractive was a mystery, but to my relief, Pete remained easily aroused by the slightest contact either with them or with any other part of my still baby-padded body.

I gave up trying to understand this and got on with providing him with some form of sexual satisfaction as quickly as my recovering body would allow.


“I don’t know how you can do it. I couldn’t face going back to those days again,” Julie frowned as she sipped her glass of sauvignon blanc.

It was late January and we were sitting in a private table in the corner of an Italian bistro, a short push of the baby-buggy from the city centre. My left breast had been bared, Leanne’s twelve-week-old mouth was firmly attached to its nipple, her head and my boob discreetly hidden from prying eyes by a muslin cloth.

“It’s not so bad,” I smiled. “In fact, I’m rather enjoying being a Mum again.”

“It looks like it,” she said. “Maybe it’s your hormones. I’d never have guessed you had it in you.”

I smiled. There were a lot of things that Julie might not have guessed about me, despite the two decades of our friendship and our continued weekly get-togethers. 

Fortunately, my affair with her estranged husband Tony was not one of them. Knowing his penchant for seducing married women, ruining their marriages then dumping them brutally, my closest friend had warned me in the nick of time that her husband was about to give me the same treatment.

At the time I thought I was in love with him and was seriously contemplating leaving my husband to the point where Pete and I were spending some time apart. Julie’s warning had been a lifesaver as far as my marriage and family were concerned, giving me one final chance to save them both. 

Unfortunately, she had learned about the severe problems in our marriage while in bed with my husband.

Since then we seemed to have reached an unspoken agreement whereby she never referred to my affair with her soon-to-be-ex-husband and I never mentioned her one-night stand with mine.

I most certainly did not mention the meeting he and I had had in the station car park or the outrageous proposal he had made that our ill-fated affair should restart, but this time on a purely physical basis. 

The hint of blackmail that lay behind that proposal worried me almost as much as the way my body continued to feel whenever I remembered those heady days of my first ever affair.

Tony had continued to send the occasional text message since Leanne’s birth, reminding me of his proposal and of my supposed promise to reply once I had recovered from the birth. 

I knew I should just have ignored his messages but for some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to do that. I had replied as blandly as I could, but my vagina was already back to its admittedly inadequate tightness, and even to the casual observer, it was clear that my body was well on its way to recovering its previous, skinny state. 

I was running out of excuses and would have to bite the bullet one way or another, very soon.

Our food arrived and the conversation continued. It felt good to be with my closest female friend again; someone who knew many- but by no means all of my secrets. Once the waiter had gone through the ‘cheese Madam? Pepper?’ performance and we could start eating our pasta, I checked there was no-one to overhear then turned to my friend again.

“How’s the divorce going?”

“Expensively,” she grinned ironically. “Especially for him.”

“Amicably?” I asked, not sure whether I wished my former lover Tony well or ill then deciding that after all he had done to Julie, me and other poor seduced wives, he deserved whatever pain he was receiving.

Julie pulled a non-committal face.

“He’s keeping the flat. I get the house. The rest we’re splitting pretty much fifty-fifty. He’s not happy but he should have thought of that before he…”

She didn’t finish. After a married life littered with her handsome husband’s repeated seduction and abandonment of a series of married women, a certain amount of bitterness was justified. Julie’s reticence now was simply because she knew one of his more recent conquests had been me.

The food finished, our coffees arrived and we chatted about our friends, bringing each other up to speed with scandal. Of course, my new baby was still centre stage in terms of news, but I knew it wouldn’t be too long before someone else said something, did something, bought something or slept with someone and the gossip would move on.

There was a pause during which we both looked at the tiny form latched firmly onto my nipple. Even in public, I had come to love the feeling; I’m sure this was reflected in my demeanour.

“She really is beautiful,” Julie said indulgently. “You’re making me feel broody.”

I laughed. 

“You want to be a Mum again?”

“No way,” she pulled a face. “But I could be a Grandma - like you will be soon.”

There was another pause while we both imagined what it would be like. Of course, with the next baby in the household now overdue, I was about to find out any day now.

“Does Darren know he’s a Dad yet?” Julie asked so casually I missed the question’s implication completely.

“No,” I replied instinctively. “Pete and I thought it would be better if he never…”

I stopped dead in my tracks, but it was too late. Julie had tricked me; deliberately catching me off guard. I had given my terrible secret away before I realised the danger.

“Oh my God!” I gasped, pulling my nipple out of Leanne’s mouth in shock. She immediately began to complain.

“I thought so!” Julie smiled smugly.

“Julie, I didn’t mean…” I protested but the words choked in my throat.

“Shhh! It’s okay,” she replied.

I stared at her in sheer terror for a moment then stammered:

“How… How did you know? Has anyone else guessed?”

Julie leaned towards me as I tried to reattach my unimpressed, grumbling daughter to my breast.

“I didn’t know until just now. Well not for sure,” Julie said with an air of satisfaction. “And you know you can trust me.”

The feeling of panic in my chest began to ease but only a little. 

“How in God’s name did you guess?” I hissed, desperately hoping it wasn’t a rumour doing the rounds.

“Penny,” she smiled. “I spent the best part of a year jumping in and out of Darren’s bed. A girl can’t look up into those dark eyes as many times as I did without being able to recognise the same eyes in his daughter. And I know his skin colour well enough to know that Leanne’s is exactly the same.”

There was silence.

“Is everyone talking about it?” I eventually asked fearing the worst.

“Not to me,” Julie replied. “Of course, with my reputation they might not. There’s been a lot of speculation and doubt about Pete’s vasectomy failing but as far as who the real father might be, I’ve heard nothing.”

This was a huge relief.

“You’re a dark horse Mrs. Barker,” Julie smiled, strangely impressed, then whispered. “How many times did you sleep with him?”

She had no idea just how dark a horse I was, but I had no intention of telling her. Instead I held up a single finger. Julie’s eyes flew open.

“Jesus! And he knocked you up first time?”

I nodded, whispering as casually as I could pretend. 

“We spent the whole night together. But it was only the one night.”

“Let me guess,” Julie pulled a knowing face. “Darren recovers quickly. I bet he came in you at least three times?”

I blushed and held up four fingers.

“Jesus Christ Penny! I’m not surprised you ended up pregnant. When was it?”

I pulled a face to indicate I was going to keep that secret to myself. For some reason I didn’t want my friend to know that I had conceived Darren’s baby the exact same night she and my husband had been fucking in her bedroom. 

“Huh! The cheeky bastard never used a condom with me either,” she scowled thoughtfully. “In all our affair he never once asked about birth control. I suppose he just assumed I’d take care of it - or that I was past the danger point. Which I am, thank God!”

“Sometimes I wish I had been,” I sighed. “But then I’d never have known this little creature, would I?”

For a moment, we both looked at the contented form whose eyes were now closed and whose mouth had released my nipple.

“You think you can keep it secret forever?” Julie asked without taking her eyes off Leanne.

“I really hope so. I’m more worried about Pete than myself,” I told her truthfully. “He’s been incredible about the whole thing. I couldn’t bear it if it all came out and he got hurt.”

“He knows she’s not his?”

“Of course,” I replied. “She never could have been his.”

“And you still kept her? You didn’t think it was best to have an ab…”

“No, I didn’t!” I interrupted. “I mean we didn’t. We talked it through but just couldn’t do it.”

She sat back in amazement, staring at me as if seeing something incomprehensible for the first time 

“I’m not sorry,” I insisted.

“Well Pete’s clearly happy the way things have turned out,” she conceded with a nod of her pretty head. “You’d never guess he wasn’t Leanne’s real Dad. He’s quite a dark horse too, it seems.”

I looked at my friend sideways, suspecting irony but could see none. Julie had made no secret of my husband’s prowess in bed during their single if energetic night together. As my own sex life with Pete had become rather stale at that time, I had naturally been unsettled to hear how good a lover he could be with another woman.

That unease had not left me.

My right breast now apparently drained, Leanne was becoming restless. I detached her mouth from my nipple and with some performance, transferred her to my left, giving the other diners a fleeting glimpse of bare fifty-two-year-old boob in the process. She settled quickly as our second coffees arrived. Then another couple sat down at the table alongside ours, making further intimate discussion impossible.

“So, when do you go back to work?” Julie changed the subject casually.  

“I’m entitled to the full year off, but I’m not sure I should put my career on hold for so long.”

“At least you can afford the childcare,” she smiled. “It’s not as if you’re poor first-time parents.”

That was certainly true but was not the main issue. Now I had a new baby to look after, the attractions of my previous, all-consuming career had moderated more than a little. It could of course still be hormone related but I had a sneaking feeling that the focus of my life had changed permanently.

Just how much it had changed remained to be seen.

As I pushed the buggy along the busy pavement back to my SUV half an hour later, my head was spinning.

Although Tony had guessed, he hadn’t known for sure. Julie was different; now someone other than my husband really knew my deepest, darkest secret. She was my closest female friend and I believed I could trust her, but can one woman ever really trust another?

And of course, talking to Julie couldn’t fail to remind me of her estranged husband.

And his monstrously ugly, short but excessively thick, wonderfully effective cock.

Chapter Forty-Five

The call came at half past six on Sunday morning. It was our son Joshua telling us excitedly that his girlfriend Samantha had just given birth to an eight-pound baby boy who they were going to call William. Both mother and child were healthy, but Sam had torn badly during the birth and had needed an episiotomy.

I sighed. Something very similar had happened to me during Izzy’s birth. The result had been painful and had left me with my now famously oversized vagina. Sam had my sincere sympathy, as did Josh who it seemed might now follow in his father’s footsteps in terms of being able to sexually satisfy his partner.

“Good morning Grandma!”

Pete smiled at me ten minutes later, bringing a cup of tea to the corner of the nursery where I sat, giving Leanne her first feed of the day. As usual, the process had brought a level of arousal that would have been embarrassing had I not been sitting on my usual folded towel.

For some reason, the idea of being a Grandmother had added to this arousal, rather than detracted from it. 

I snorted at his greeting.

“Being a Mum is enough for me. You can be a Grandad on your own.”

Pete grinned. 

“Is she nearly done?”

I looked into my daughter’s closing eyes.

“She’s nearly asleep. I’ll put her into her cot then we can get breakfast.”

Pete gave me a strange look.

“How about you put her in her cot, we forget breakfast and the two of us go back to bed for a while?”

The smile on his face made his meaning very clear.

“As far as I know, I’ve never fucked a Grandmother before.”

And I had never fucked a Grandfather before either. As I put Leanne in her cot, my teats were still weeping milk from the interrupted feed bit I returned to the bedroom where my husband was waiting. 

I was tired, my panties were soaking wet from feeding arousal and there were small dark patches over both nipples where my nightdress had been dampened. A less attractive example of a nursing mother would be hard to imagine, but the look in Pete’s eyes and the swelling in his boxer shorts told me he saw something much more than just a tired, middle aged, middle class Grandmother.

His hands rose to the front fastening of my nightgown and slowly unfastened the buttons. It opened easily, exposing my boobs as it was designed to do but this time, instead of a baby’s mouth, a pair of large male hands gently cupped the two sagging globes.

“Beautiful. So much larger too,” Pete whispered.

Milk oozed from their teats as he stroked, kneaded and squeezed the flesh in his palms. Pete lowered his mouth to my nipple and licked it, then delicately sucked it into his mouth. 

I expected to feel ashamed or even in pain, but he was far too gentle for this. Instead, the feeling of warmth from his hands and lips followed the silken thread through my breast, through my womb, my cervix and into my clitoris where it emerged as yet more moisture. 

I shivered in pleasure and expectation.

Pete’s mouth passed from my right breast to my left and back, drawing and suckling on each in turn as his hands began to stroke my belly, sides and back before descending to my bottom where they cupped and massaged my bony buttocks through my panties. 

“You are so beautiful,” he mumbled into my nipple as his hands began to work their way inside my soaking wet knickers.

For a moment I felt ashamed at what he would find, but again my wonderful husband seemed entirely unperturbed by the state of either my damp underwear or the familiar smelling juices oozing from between the hidden, swelling lips between my skinny thighs.

His warm body pressed close to mine, Pete’s expert fingers began to lower my panties, first slipping the elastic waistband into the fold of flesh at the base of my buttocks. Then, abandoning my boobs and falling to his knees before me, he eased them the full length of my thighs and calves until they lay useless around my ankles.

I stood there, my nightgown fallen open around my shoulders, my short, regrown pubic hair speckled with grey hairs and glistening with moisture only inches from my husband’s face. I looked down on him, his silver-grey hair tousled from the bed, the thinning patch on top endearingly visible as before my eyes, his mouth moved closer and closer to my groin.

I could feel the warmth of hid breath on my inner thighs, then the tip of his nose running up my opening slit as his hands danced over my buttocks and the back of my thighs.

“You’re so red, so puffy and distended already,” he whispered again.

I could have been nothing else after rubbing myself against the folded towel for a good twenty minutes of feeding, but his words made me feel a little more self-conscious.

“I love it when you get turned on like this,” he continued. “I love it when your body gets ready to be fucked.”

His voice was low. I could tell he was very turned on himself.  He stroked my legs and buttocks again, from my waist to the backs of my knees as his nose and tongue toyed with my public hair and the outside edges of my outer lips.

“Were you this turned on for Darren, Penny? Did your body know it was going to get knocked up when he fucked you?”

He was working himself up into a state of excitement. I said nothing, I just ran my fingers through the hair on his head and let him continue.

“Your cunt is swollen Penny. Look at it! Your lips are red. They’re opening now like they opened for him. You want to be fucked Penny, don’t you? You want to feel a cock inside that cunt again, don’t you?”

“Yes Pete! That’s what I want,” I replied, playing the game as well as I could.

“Did you want it that night Penny? Did you know when he stuck his cock in your cunt that he was going to fuck a baby into you? Did you want him to knock you up?”

“Yes Pete,” I hissed, pressing his face against my groin as I spoke. “That’s what I wanted. I knew I was fertile, and I wanted him to fill my cunt with his sperm. I wanted him to make a baby in my belly. I wanted him to make me his!”

It wasn’t true but it was a good turn-on for my husband. When Leanne was actually conceived, I had given no thought either to pregnancy or birth control. All I knew was that Pete had walked out and I needed that fit, athletic young man to fuck the living daylights out of me.

And as far as Darren knew, that is exactly what he had done. All night. No more, no less. Only I, Pete and now Julie knew he had done a bit more and left a little present in my womb.

Pete brought his fingers from my buttocks to my groin. A moment later he had pushed my legs apart and was opening my slit wide with his thumbs. I felt his breath in the dark valley revealed. 

I felt humiliated, degraded at the crude treatment but at the same time, more and more turned on.

“Look at you, Penny,” Pete hissed again. “Your clit is all swollen too. It’s sticking right out. You’re in heat, Penny. I’ve never seen you need fucking so badly.”

He dipped his head forward and drew his tongue along the length of my slit, from its base to the swollen clitoris at its apex. The sudden stimulation made my body shake and my knees wobble. I grabbed Pete’s shoulder to steady myself.

“You taste of it too, you slut. You’ve got so turned on, you’re oozing juices from your cunt. I can smell them and taste them. How about that, Grandma.” 

“Well you’d better lick them up, hadn’t you, Grandad!” I growled.

The game was getting easier to play as his fingers and tongue worked their magic on the soft collection of flesh between my thighs, his gentle pressure driving me slowly backwards towards the bed.

I felt the edge of the mattress against the back of my legs and lowered myself to the sheet. My legs opened wide, forced apart by my husband’s head being pressed hard against my weeping vulva. As I leaned back on my elbows, I could only see the top half of his handsome face; the lower portion buried deep in my vulva. I could see the top of his head, the thinning patch of hair on its crown moving back and forth as his extraordinary tongue worked its magic along and inside my slit.


The wave of warmth that radiated outwards from my groin made me tremble with pleasure. Pete must have felt my vulva shaking against his mouth because he lifted his head and looked across my baby-fat tummy and straight into my eyes.

“That little orgasm was from Tony,” he smiled knowingly. “Your first unfaithful fuck! Remember Penny?”

Of course I remembered. I had thought of little else over the last few weeks. For a moment I worried whether Pete knew about Tony’s renewed attempts to get into my knickers but then he lowered his mouth again and all such thoughts were driven from my mind. 

I felt the touch of his tongue flicking along my slit again, diving momentarily into the entrance to my vagina then being dragged along the underside of my clitoris.


My body shook again, more violently this time and I could feel my juices flowing more freely. Pete’s tongue explored the damp valley in more depth as if seeking every last drop of fluid that oozed from my sex.

“That one was from Will,” Pete mumbled into my downy mound. “Enjoy it while it lasts.”

I shuddered again, my mind filling with vivid images of my reflected image being fucked mercilessly by that young, fit, athletic man in the sports club changing rooms, the strong smell of my orgasmic juices blending with the sweet aroma of his sperm-filled semen and the odour of stale sweat that pervaded the room around us.

Two more little climaxes followed, one from Adam, the other from Darren. Each left me shuddering at my husband’s touch. 

“Christ, you’re wet!” Pete’s voice was hushed, as if genuinely amazed though he had seen me in a state of high arousal many times. “And so, so open.”

“Then fill me,” I growled. “Fill me Pete, please!”

Suddenly, beneath my husband’s active mouth, I became aware of fingers being inserted into my tingling vagina. Already almost beyond rational thought, I felt first one, then a second enter me but disappointingly, their presence barely made an impression on my loose entrance. 

“Mmmm!” I purred, enjoying the sensation, but feeling nowhere near filled. “More. I want more.”

“Your wish is my command!”

I gasped softly as a third of Pete’s fingers slipped between my lips, joining the others in my vagina. This did feel tight, the flesh of my entrance stretched around my husband’s knuckles. He twisted his hand left and right as if finding a comfortable lie. Each twist sent shivers through my hips and belly.

“Mmmm Yesss Please! Fuck me with your fingers!”

A moment later Pete’s mouth had abandoned my clitoris and all three fingers were being thrust in and out of my depths, first slowly, then growing faster and faster. I could feel myself loosening around him, fluids almost pouring from my body as if to ease his way, the wet slapping sounds emanating from between my highs all but obscene in their animal lust.

“You like being finger-fucked?” Pete growled above the slapping sounds.

“Yes! Oh God, yes!” I moaned in reply. “Don’t stop!”

“You want more, Penny? Can your slutty cunt take it?””

The words were horrible and so unlike Pete, but I didn’t care. All I could do was bite my lip, look across my flabby belly into my cuckolded husband’s eyes and nod.

The hand in my vagina was pulled back for a second, then a bolt of pain shot through my lower belly as all four of my husband’s fingers were brutally and unceremoniously thrust into my gaping cunt.

“Jesus!” I gasped as they entered me, stretching my inner lips wire tight, their tips reaching into the depths of my soul, let alone my body.
With only his thumb to constrain his movements, Pete began to fuck me with his fingers as hard and as deep as I could ever remember. His fingertips were rammed into my cervix with every forward thrust, the base of his thumb grinding against my already-battered clitoris.

“Jesus Christ!”

The brutality of this assault was far greater than I could remember receiving, even from the clumsiest of rugby playing boys who had managed to get into my knickers at school.


The noises coming from my groin grew wetter and even more obscene as I trembled and flexed on the bed. An orgasm was coming soon and we both knew it; me directly from my abandoned body, Pete from the powerful, almost piscine aroma of a woman on the verge of climax that was now filling the room.


I closed my eyes, let my legs fall as wide open as Pete’s hands could push them, held my breath and waited for the release to come… but Pete had other plans.

Suddenly things inside me changed. Suddenly his fingers weren’t pummelling my cervix anymore. Suddenly they were curling upwards inside me and were scraping lightning-fast across the small but distinct rough patch behind my pubic bone.

My precious G-Spot again! Oh. My. God!

It took barely a dozen of these tiny but crucial strokes before I knew something wonderful, familiar but unusual was happening. My hips became heavy, my legs like lead, my whole world went into slow motion as a burning flame was lit inside my lower belly. 

The heat grew like wildfire, shooting down my inner thighs and up into my chest, depriving me of the power to breathe as the pressure behind my pubic bone soared beyond all reason or control.

Slup-slup-slup-slup! Slup-slup-slup-slup!

My eyes lost their focus, rolling back into my head, my arms flailed wildly but still Pete was relentless, working my G Spot like his life depended on it. 

Slup-slup-slup-slup! Slup-slup-slup-slup!

The heat in my belly was almost intolerable now, the pressure behind my pubic bone so great it must surely split me apart. It grew stronger still, the smell coming from my abused cunt became both bitter and sweet at the same time. I raised my head, my dazed eyes fighting to focus…

And then for only the second time in my life, a jet of fluid burst from somewhere within my slit, shot almost a full foot up into the air before being sprayed across my husband’s arm and chest.

Pete’s voice sounded almost triumphant, as if something great had been achieved. And indeed for me, something had but it wasn’t over yet. Though I was beyond feeling or caring, Pete’s hand kept on working inside me. His fingers kept on scraping across my g-spot, all four knuckles kept on being rammed into my wire-tight entrance.

The heat grew almost unbearable, the downwards pressure in my belly greater than ever, the pain from my abused vagina searing but Pete was relentless and I was helpless. Within a few moments, a second jet of fluid burst from me, then a third, each reaching higher in the air than the last before descending on my husband’s arm again.

My whole body was convulsed as for the first time in my life I experienced a full-on, messy, scary female ejaculation. My legs kicked out, my eyes rolled back in my head, my stomach went into spasm and my chest went so tight I couldn’t even think of breathing.

A fourth convulsion hit me, I dimly expected another jet of fluid to rise before my eyes but if there was one, it was too small or too weak to be seen over my soft, baby lined belly.

Pete had milked me dry.

I fell back on the bed, exhausted, tremors still pulsing through my body as Pete’s fingers first slowed to a halt, then were slowly withdrawn from my abused vulva. I could feel the flesh of my formerly elastic entrance stinging as the cool bedroom air reached deep into my vagina.

As my head span, I could sense rather than feel Pete pulling off his clothes alongside the bed, then mounting me quickly. His cock slipped easily into my vagina, but I could barely feel it.

“Christ, you’re really gaping Penn!” 

I looked up into his handsome face, his powerful chest inched above my all but invisible boobs, his muscular arms either aide of my shoulders but was too shattered to respond.

Pete fucked me as if I was a ragdoll. I was too tired to play a part in the short, violent penetration and insemination that followed but I offered no resistance at all, allowing my husband complete, unrestricted access to my body.

Pete hammered into my nearly useless vagina like a man possessed, as if speed, force and vigour could extract some form of tightness or pleasurable sensation from the aperture he had so brutally abused only minutes before.

Apart from the slapping of his hips against my inner thighs and the pummelling of my cervix by his rounded head, I felt very little.

He must have been successful in his quest form pleasure because after only a few minutes of violent penetration, his face began to contort in the way I knew so well, and Pete’s climax fell upon him.

“Fuck! Oh Fuck! I’m cummminggg!”

It was a powerful one. The ejaculation that followed was long and copious, if the quantity of semen that dribbled from my gaping entrance afterwards was anything to measure by.  After he had pumped every last drop of warm, slimy semen into me, he pulled his softening cock out of my vagina and rolled onto the bed alongside.

In my dazed state, all I could do was look in astonishment at the man I had married all those years ago, and who could still surprise... no, shock me.

“Are you okay?” he panted.

I nodded.

“Was it as good as it looked?”

I shrugged. Had it been good? It had been extraordinary, painful, exhilarating, worrying, maybe even disgusting in its emissions but had it been good?

“I’m… I’m not sure. It was so… so intense…”

“You looked amazing,” he grinned, kissing me on the forehead then on the chest. “Has anyone else ever made you… do that?”

I dimly wondered how many husbands had to ask their wives if any other man had made them squirt but was too bewildered to pursue the thought.

“No,” I gasped. “Only you. Have you ever done it to…?”

The question seemed to send a flash of worry across my husband’s face. Or was it just my post-orgasmic imagination?

“I enjoy surprising you,” he replied. 

It wasn’t an answer to my question, but I was too dazed to object. Instead we cuddled close while the last few tremors left my body.

Afterwards, Pete and I cleaned up the messy bed and our even messier bodies before falling asleep, exhausted.

Leanne woke us an hour later. Pete brought her to me, and I fed her in bed, me on my side, her tiny mouth latched onto my nipple. 


As she suckled in the darkness, I wondered anxiously whether this was the shape of our sex life in the future. Whether my vagina was now so stretched and damaged that only a brutal, four-finger-fuck would be able to bring me to orgasm.

To my shame, a joke kept going through my mind, one that had been popular at school for a short time when I was a teen.

‘What’s the difference between Penny Barker and a bowling ball? 
‘You can only get three fingers in the bowling ball!’

It had been a cruel joke at the time, based on rumour not fact, started by a boy I had tormented by allowing him to finger me during and after a school disco but cruelly refusing to go out with afterwards. 

It hadn’t been true; my teenage vagina had been as tight as any other girl’s. Now however, after giving birth four times, things seemed to have changed.

Leanne spent the whole morning lying between us in bed as we dozed, feeding from me whenever she needed.

It broke all the clever new rules for bringing up a baby, but what did they know?


Same as Penny's Promiscuity - Ch 43 to 45 - Santa Baby Videos

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davey dad and santa

DAVEY, DAD, AND SANTA"Davey!" my dad called from upstairs."What?" I yelled back, not taking my eyes off of the Christmas-day footballgame on the television."I need help!""Can't Mom do it?""She's already headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's to help get ready forChristmas dinner.""Okay, be right there."I flipped off the television and headed upstairs. Larry could give me afull replay when he stopped by later.*****"What's the big...?" My voice trailed off when I crossed the threshold ofmy parent's...

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secret santa

Hi I’m Barry and would like to tell you about the Christmas party we had this year with friends and neighbours, each year 1 person has to be Santa but only 2 people know 1 of cause the Santa and the chief neighbourhood watch chairman, this year it was me and not even my family had to know, I remember last year and it got rather naughty I even got blown by one of Santa’s helpers and had a good idea who it was but, like any year even if you knew it stayed a secret. Well the party started and I...

2 years ago
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Santa Claus is Cumming to Town

I hate playing Santa. That said, I am a kid’s party Santa. Did I mention that I hate it? The outfit is hot and made out of cheap fabric which makes my skin break out if I wear it for more than a few hours. I go to parties where everyone else is having fun, and I can’t even have a drink (except of course the warm milk that comes with the cookies I have to eat), and the kids are usually brats. But I already have a beard, the money isn’t bad, and occasionally I even get a tip from the parents in...

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Santa Claus Sex Addict

Hi all, this is my incredibly awesome entry into the ANNUAL WINTER HOLIDAYS EROTIC STORY CONTEST! This EPIC STORY is filled with: HOT SEX HEARTWARMING LOVE FREAKY SEX JOLLY HUMOR And CRAZY FREAKY HOT SEX Disclaimers: All the ELVES in this story are over 18 years old, and most of them are over 18,000 years old. Though they are small, they ARE NOT children! REINDEER are mentioned, but DO NOT do anything naughty! PLEASE VOTE!!! This story is LONG, so if at any point you feel the...

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Santa Babe

Santa Babe by Daniel A. Wolfe (aka D.A.W.) Author's Note I sat on this story for more than a year, but I finally decided to dust it off and finish it just in time for Christmas. It's a little more 'fetishy' than my usual stuff, but I hope you like it. ------- "Ho, ho, oh no!" The fat bastard rolled out of the sled falling face first and produced a thud that shook the whole damn roof. "Clumsy old coot," I grumbled under my breath and hopped out of the sleigh to help my red...

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Santa Mrs Claus

Note: My stories usually include pics that makes it more enjoyable to read and look at. Unfortunately Xhamster says that photos can't be uploaded right now due to technical reasons. So I used my videos instead. I hope this is fixed soon and that you enjoy this story anyways and am able to use your imagination. Thanks! Kisses!-Chrissy In my story called "Santa Likes Femboys," here: I explained that I discovered that last Christmas when...

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Naughty Santa Chronicles Epi 4

Santa was waiting when the sleigh with Mrs. Claus and Lily arrived. He had seen what the two of them had been doing and it was very naughty. It was very, VERY naughty! And he had liked watching a lot!!!He had been stroking as he watched the two of them through the snow globe he had given to Lily so that he could watch her each day. She was on his nice list in a way that very few women ever achieved! How Mrs. C found out about her or why she had flown down to hook up with Lily, Santa was...

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Santa and the Mayan Calendar

It was five days before Christmas. Everything was on schedule, reindeer fattened up, elves wrapping and packing toys, and Santa checking his list. The naughty list had grown this year. Santa was wondering why, when he heard on the North Pole News Station: “Mayan calendar predicts end of the world tomorrow. Earth is in a panic.” The elves heard the news and stopped working. They got up from their benches and gathered around Santa. The female elves all sat at Santa’s feet. A couple sat in his...

Group Sex
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Santa Cums Tonight

Every year I wish for something at Christmas. Usually it's things I don't need, but something that I really want. So about the end of October I started thinking about what I wanted for Christmas this year.You know the stores start putting their Christmas items out. Kmart, Target, Walmart, etc. have all their Christmas lingerie right up front so horny guys walking down the isles can jerk off while thinking about getting their girlfriends, wives, mistresses, or fuck buddies one of these little...

Straight Sex
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Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

My friend Merry took me Christmas shopping last Wednesday. She knew I had been down in the dumps about life. I moved out of my parents’ house earlier this year, living on my own. I had my own studio apartment, a decent job, and… And that was the problem. I wanted a boyfriend, a man. Merry had a boyfriend. His name was Jared and he was as a courier. Merry was hoping he would deliver an engagement ring to her for Christmas. I crossed my fingers for her. That was part of my depression. My best...

1 year ago
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Christmas Party Sex with Santa

I was ready and didn’t need to be asked twice but I have learnt to always make sure a girl is ready before you just shove one inside her. She laid there on the desk legs spread wide her hand rubbing her clit. “Come on Santa bring those big sacks over here let me empty them for you. I want all your goodies you have inside them”. She cried as if about to overheat. It’s not every day you get to play Santa and I can assure you my sacks were full to the brim.I did my duty and handed out all...

Cheating Wife
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Santa fucks at Xmas party

It’s not every day you get to play Santa and I can assure you my sacks were full to the brim. I did my duty and handed out all the Prezzies at the masquerade work Christmas party, tossed out candy canes and generally made everyone smile. I think it was more of a punishment from the C.E.O than anything else but I found my fun in it. He seemed to give me all the things that no one else wanted to do… maybe because I am young… maybe it because I am up and coming… or maybe it was...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 36 Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Labatt’s Limousine, Returning to London 11:47pm, Friday, December 21, 1979 “I can’t believe you guys were able to simply jam out that Christmas song,” Stephanie exclaimed as we enjoyed some snacks and cokes in the back of the limousine after our concert in St. Thomas. “Oh! Gawd! I was worried about playing it when you joked that you wanted to experiment with a Santa Claus is Coming to Town to the audience,” Wayne laughed with Eda tucked under his arm. “I was amazed at how well that came...

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Sweet Santa Seeks Jolly Juicy Jessie 2

Sweet Santa tries to reach jolly Jessie by his only means: Debbie Deb!Sweet Santa tries to teach jolly Jessie by his invitation for a longer visitSweet Santa is in the rest of te year just Poet-PETER, Professor EroticaSweet Santa is only his role for a fortnight, each end of a year, in EuropeSweet Santa swallows deep, he is so glad that the year is almost over nowSweet Santa swallows deep, he wishes he can eat some fresh teen...

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Sweet Santa Seeks Jolly Juicy Jessie 2

Sweet Santa tries to reach jolly Jessie by his only means: Debbie Deb!Sweet Santa tries to teach jolly Jessie by his invitation for a longer visitSweet Santa is in the rest of the year just Poet-PETER, Professor EroticaSweet Santa is only his role for a fortnight, each end of a year, in Europe!Sweet Santa swallows deep, he is so glad that the year is almost over nowSweet Santa swallows deep, he wishes he can eat some fresh teen...

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Santa8217s Dirty Elf

The spirit of Naar floated helplessly in the darkness of space, his soul a cloud of ethereal, black smoke. He watched angrily as the universe was consumed by the Light of Ishir and Kai, their benevolent gazes bringing new life to the worlds he had purified with fire and death. At the Dark God’s side floated Gwena, an Elf girl who had succumbed to Naar’s evil power. *This Light, this goodness sickens me,* snarled Naar mentally to his disembodied slave. *Is there any way we can halt...

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Substitute Santa

Santa's ElfAbby was in her senior year of high school and had been getting in trouble- mostly because of boys. The problem was that Abby had discovered how much fun sex could be, and the boys at MLK High School were most willing to help her out.Abby was an average looking girl, with a big smile, even though she had a couple of teeth that were a little crooked.  She had straight red hair, that was fine and limp. She had to tie it into pigtails to keep it out her green eyes, and even then, there...

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The Mall Santa

This story was edited by my friend, 'Chantal' who always makes it a much better read. Hope you enjoy it and 'Happy Holidays'. I live in a medium-size town in the Midwest. I served four years in the army. When I got out, I went to college for two years and received my Associate Degree in Criminal Law. There weren't many jobs available, but I was able to land a job in security at the mall. There was a lot of turnover in my profession, but I decided to stay with it and I became head of...

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Bride To Be Before The VeilChapter 5 Bridal My Very Special Santa

Ballet is demanding and to be good at it you must be unwavering as you dance and move in little more than underwear and tights. Such devotion to the motions, the perfect ion of a stage curtsy and dedication to work through the pain that rains down on the dancer who only is satisfied with perfection. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ My Very Special Santa soon knew of my heart and soul’s art form pursuit. Being a good submissive much like an artist/dancer of the ballet is dedicated solely to the rigors of...

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The Mall Santa

This story was edited by my friend, ‘Chantal’ who always makes it a much better read. Hope you enjoy it and ‘Happy Holidays’. * I live in a medium-size town in the Midwest. I served four years in the army. When I got out, I went to college for two years and received my Associate Degree in Criminal Law. There weren’t many jobs available, but I was able to land a job in security at the mall. There was a lot of turnover in my profession, but I decided to stay with it and I became head of...

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Breasty Bobbi Meets Santa

It was just another card game with the boys when Brad said something weird. “Oh, fuck! My wife is going to kill me!” he suddenly exclaimed. “What the hell are you talking about?” asked Joe. Brad’s young wife Bobbi was the most timid and woman around. Not like Paul’s wife. She had just wandered through the kitchen in a see-through nighty, giving all the guys instant boners. Paul especially. Joe remembered poor Bobbi from a party when they were in high...

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Santa Was A Lady

That’s right Santa Claus was a dame and I can prove it… See it happened last Christmas eve at the club I use to dance at. Oh I looked so hot that night too, damn it feels like it was only yesterday when Me and Shirley, she’s my room mate and we did really well dancing that night when we decided that since we were dressed in sexy Santa dresses we would go to the reservation for some gambling. We headed out on I- 95 heading south, strangely there wasn’t a soul in sight. Well until from out of...

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They didn’t need to advertise the job for Santa’s helper. I already offered my services. Since I was fairly popular and I could provide my own costume, a skintight green catsuit, my copper wig and boots, my supervisor went for it. I must admit that my main motivation was that I would be paid to wear a skintight costume, and hopefully get a few curious glances at my ass and body in the shimmery material!The Santa for the job was some retired security guard called Alfred who used to work at our...

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A wife8217s husband plays Santa at her company party and gets rewarded twice

I dreaded going to my wife’s company Christmas party, but there was no getting out of it. Alice had been at her new job less than a year and was soaring to the top of the corporate chain. Her promotions were coming at the rate of almost every other month. I was happy for her, as she brought plaques of praise, letters of appreciation, and even cash bonuses. I was also happy for the extra income she was getting; in fact, she now made a lot more than I did. All of this success came with a...

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She saw him up there sitting on a high throne of red and green velvet and she thought well why not her boyfriend had broken up with her two weeks ago seems he found another girl to lie to...Barry had been a good lover but he was never her friend not really Patricia always knew what a con man he was but the sex had been so great that she overlooked a lot well Barry was gone now and she was lonely and kind of horny too so when she decided to sit on Santa's lap it was not just to ask for presents...

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The Santa Suit the Sequel

Ross Hughes was a large man, in the sense that he was overweight. Some would say almost to an obese state. He met and later married Sheila. They both attended Weight Watchers. Ross felt he had found the right woman. They were both overweight and seemed to get along fine. Sheila on the other hand had only married Ross because of his insurance and used it to have Gastro-surgery. After losing her weight, she cheated on Ross. He divorced her and they each went their separate way. Sheila had stated...

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Naughty Santa Chronicles Epi 1

Thirty days out, Santa was into the home stretch. The toys were all coming along nicely and wrapping and tagging elves were working all shifts and were ahead of pace for the last decade. He had checked in on the reindeer training grounds and all of the herd were reaching peak preparedness. It was all coming together perfectly and he smiled!He stepped into the private library where he kept his snow globes and lists. Most everyone slid easily into one camp or another these days. It really boiled...

2 years ago
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A Letter from Santa

Attached is a short, holiday contribution to the list. Feel free to post this on Fictionmania and any free site. Also, comments and suggestions are welcome. Enjoy! A Letter from Santa By JDCopyhack "Okay, Rudolph. You can power down now. Looks like we have clear skies ahead." Santa leaned back in his sleigh and peered out upon the horizon. The cloudy, foggy, snowy, wintry sky had given way to the warm, clear skies of Florida. Looking out the left side of his sleigh, he...

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I Saw Santa Kiss Who

I saw Santa Kissing Who? Me? NO WAY! By Jerrie526 Authors note: Please forgive the passive voice this is written in. I tried to put this story into words and have not had any thought as to actual dialogue. I felt that I had to get the feelings out and do this in a first person internal narrative. It was one of those things that I felt that it had to be to get the emotions of the story across. I feel this was a good effort and exercise for me. Lately, I had been writing too...

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I Saw Mommy Fucking Santa Claus

"Jiggly balls! Jiggly balls! Uhhh, uhhh, fuck! Jiggly as you thrust! Ohhh! Oh, what fun it is to fuck as you play with my big bust!" Hilda Humper sang, naked on her back as her dangerously large titties flopped up and down on her body while the mall Santa worked, while he literally jammed his long prick in and out of her vagina, both of her legs bent and up in the air. "Come on, Santa! Ohhhh, that's the way to fuck me! Hump my pussy and make my boobs bounce! Ohhhhhh, shiiiittt, yeeeaaaahhh!...

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Jens Dream SantaChapter 10

The Christmas morning breakfast table was groaning with food of all kinds. Around the table, big enough for twenty normal people, had lots of tall chairs, with ladder like rungs up the side for little legs to climb up to the top. Jennifer had heard the hubbub of excited voices and deep joyful laughter all the way down the passageway to the hall and, although Junior gripped her hand more firmly, she still fought the rising panic inside her. “Ah, there’s Gramps and Grandma, they’ve saved a...

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A Prayer for Santa

Author’s Note: Jake Rivers is my new pseudonym to replace Dynamite Jack. The first of the year I will be changing all of my stories over to my new id. Thanks to the many readers that have given support and encouragement. Thanks to techsan for his editing help. Early December – Charlie People think it’s easy to do this Santa Claus crap at the department stores. I’m here to tell you it’s one hell of a lot of work. All day, every day for a few weeks in that damn Santa get up. How would you...

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More Letters To Santa

"Ho! Ho! Ho! Welcome to another edition of 'Letters To Santa', the show where yours truly reads letters from viewers like you on the air. Now before we get to this weeks' letters, Santa wants all of you to know that this past year has been one for the ages, and not in a good way. As I'm certain many of you already know, Santa has had a few legal problems I had to deal with. You may recall on last years' Christmas show, I threatened to burn down the house of a man named Jay, from New York. Well...

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A Pipe Smoking Santa

A Pipe Smoking Santa by Braagii© I just had to do it. See, Sarah has 3 young c***dren, no job, no husband and not a lot of money. Yep, I will put on a Santa suit to give presents at her house. It’s not like I mind. I always loved Christmas, Santa’s character, shopping for presents, snow gently covering the city, everything. I got inside my car and was on my way to her house. I parked 4 houses away, and walked up to the back door, as instructed. There she was, like we had said, waiting for me...

2 years ago
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A Pipe Smoking Santa

A Pipe Smoking Santaby Braagii©I just had to do it. See, Sarah has 3 young c***dren, no job, no husband and not a lot of money. Yep, I will put on a Santa suit to give presents at her house. It's not like I mind. I always loved Christmas; Santa's character, shopping for presents, snow gently covering the city, everything. I got inside my car and was on my way to her house.I parked 4 houses away, and walked up to the back door, as instructed. There she was, like we had said, waiting for me at...

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A Prayer For Santa

Copyright© Early December - Charlie People think it's easy to do this Santa Claus crap at the department stores. I'm here to tell you it's one hell of a lot of work. All day, every day for a few weeks in that damn Santa get up. How would you like to wear that sweat soaked outfit day after day until it gets so wet and smelly so that you couldn't stand it yourself. And the kids? People have this strange idea that, especially at Christmas time, kids are charming little angels. They are...

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Bad Santa

"Who is coming to this party then, that I know I mean," asked Jayne as she fixed her makeup."The usual suspects. None of the ones you like and most of the ones you don't. Including your favourite of course," replied John knowing full well what Jayne's response would be."Oh no, not Ben. He's such a pain. He's so boorish and he insists on 'flirting' with me. I've told him exactly what I think of him but he still keeps coming on to me. Can't you stop him?" Jayne was pulling her best sexy, pouting,...

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Bad Santa A Christmas Eve Part 1

With best regards to my co-autor Jennie. Monika finished up her bath, ready for bed but not to sleep. It was Christmas Eve, Monika eagerly awaiting a special Christmas orgasm; her mound freshly shaven and she was extremely horny. It was as though Santa was going to bring her this tremendous orgasm that would cascade through her body in an ultimate explosion like nothing she ever felt before. She lay back on the satin sheets carefully, the bed freshly made as if was going to hold a virgin to be...

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