Announcement of the Winner
- 3 years ago
- 28
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(A Story of friends, games and of course … Bimbification)
Kelly and Jenny were walking home together after a girl’s night out. It was always fun to let their hair down once in a while and the local club was a perfect place to do this as it was only a 10 minute walk home if you took the short cut by the river. Kelly and Jenny had been friends since infancy so when the time came to move away from home they always knew they would live together. Both were single although with their looks they were never short of offers. Kelly was 21 years old and stood at 5’4 with long dark hair and a slim figure. She had also been blessed with breasts which although not huge were of a perfect size and shape in proportion to the rest of her. Jenny was equally gifted with her looks, she was six months younger than Kelly at 20 years old however could easily have been mistaken for being Kelly’s blond sister. A magazine photographer once tried to persuade them to model together for a men’s magazine but was instantly rebuffed. Make no mistakes both girls knew how attractive they were. They just had no intention of parading themselves as just a piece of meat (although this never stopped them flirting their way to a night of free drinks whenever they went out), they were determined to make money using their brains not their bodies. Anyway it had just turned 3am and Kelly and Jenny were walking home by the river (drunk as usual) talking about nothing in particular when Kelly felt a sharp stab in her backside.
‘Oww, my ass’ said Kelly. ‘Something just pricked me’
Jenny giggled – ‘Ahh, you poor baby would you like me to kiss it better or shall I go and fetch your new friend Robert? You too were getting pretty close tonight’
‘It’s not funny Jen’ snapped Kelly. ‘I’m starting to feel really strange, like I’m about to faint or something’
Jenny laughed, ‘I’m not surprised after how much you’ve had tonight, I’m surprised you made it this far’
‘This is serious Jen! I’m really not feeling right’
‘I’m sure you will get over it as always. You know you really need to… oww.’
‘What is it?’
‘I just felt something stab into my neck. I don’t feel too good.’
Kelly’s face began to fill with worry, ‘I don’t like this, it’s as if we’re being shot at. What’s going o….’
Kelly collapsed to the ground causing a wave of panic to rush over Jenny. She wanted to scream out for help but words failed her. She felt her head becoming heavier and heavier, she was too tired to be scared, she just wanted to sleep like Kelly. Just … wanted … to … sleeeeeeep. Two minutes later Jenny was sleep peacefully curled up next to her friend, blissfully unaware that tomorrow morning would be the beginning of a new life for both of them.
Jenny head still felt groggy as began to come to, she found herself in an almost empty room, in fact there was just the one object across the room from her but she had no idea what it was. She felt a sudden chill as a draft blew across her which was when she suddenly realized she was completely naked. In a panic she attempted to cover herself up but discovered she was bound at the wrists and cuffed to a chain hanging from the ceiling meaning she was forced to just stand there as if on show. Her head was starting to clear now and Jenny could see that the object across the room was in fact a large mirror and what she saw gave her the biggest shock of all. She looked like a teenager’s wet dream with massive new breasts and a makeover that just screamed slut. Jenny scarcely believed what her own eyes were seeing and started to become very worried as to what was going on. Jenny then realized that Kelly wasn’t with her and began to wonder what had happened to her, she was praying to herself that Kelly was Okay, not just for Kelly’s sake but if something bad was happening to her then Jenny knew she would be next. She knew it was futile but Jenny instinctively started to scream for help. After a minute or two she heard the door being unlocked and her heart began to race as she thought about what was to become of her. A man in his mid-twenties entered the room, there seemed nothing distinguishable about this man to Jenny apart from the way he was dressed and the way he acted just made her think executive or something equally high octane, it was not the look of a would be kidnapper. A sense of relief flowed over her, they must have caught whoever did this – she thought.
‘Thank you so much for saving me’ said Jenny, her voice full of gratitude. ‘Did you find Kelly? When can we go home?
The man looked bemused, ‘go home? He asked, puzzled. ‘You requested to be here, you volunteered for the program’
Concern returned to Jenny face: ‘What program? We didn’t ask for anything, we were kidnapped. You did this? Why? Why have you done this to me? Where is Kelly?
‘Oh Fuck!’ the man cried, ‘Sorry Miss, there’s been a terrible mistake, we were instructed to pick up to girls by the river for our body and behavior modifying programs, You were there at the proposed meeting time so we assumed it was… Oh Fuck!!! This is not good… you aren’t… you mean you are not Sammy or Teresa?
Panic began to flood over Jenny now, ‘No I’m not Sammy or Teresa I don’t know any Fucking Sammy’s or Teresa’s. What have you done to me? Where is Kelly? And what is body and behavior modification!!?
‘The other girl – Kelly, is fine she is just recovering now’ the man replied. ‘A terrible mistake has been made and I think we need to talk to you together to explain exactly what is going on, I will get someone to bring you some clothes and they will take you to a meeting room meanwhile I will see to your friend I will see you again in about 20 minutes’
Jenny had completely forgot until now that she was tied up and completely nude, she tried to hide the sudden embarrassment of this realization from the young man but the sudden redness of her face gave her away.
‘Oh I’m sorry’ the man said. It’s just I’m so used to talking to nude women these days that it didn’t even strike me that it was unnatural for you, I apologies’
With that the man left leaving Jenny to think about what he meant by being used to talking to nude women, and especially made her think about what body and behavior modification was. In fact she didn’t even know the man’s name. Looking into the mirror gave her a fair idea as to what Body modification probably entailed, but changes to her behavior? If these changes in behavior were to bear any similarities to her bodily changes… she shuddered at the thought of what she may become. However she would find out the answers to all of these questions very soon.
Seconds after the man had left the cuffs around Jenny’s wrists snapped open. She immediately went to cover herself up, as if she felt that somebody was watching her. A small ripple of sensation rushed through Jenny’s body as her hands brushed against her newly enhanced breasts. Although this sensation was a shock it was a far from unpleasant feeling. In fact it felt great and Jenny had to summon up all of her resolve to resist fondling her new assets. However this resolve was short lived and her wanton desire to discover the limits of this heightened sensitivity drove a stray hand to her right breast, lightly caressing it whilst her free hand homed in on the left. Small waves of pleasure began pulsating throughout Jenny’s body as she began gently massaging herself. She squeezed a nipple and couldn’t stop herself letting out a small moan. Although Jenny was aware that her actions were probably being watched or at the very least recorded by her would be captors she could not stop herself. Actually she did not want to stop herself. Subconsciously her left hand began to stray Southwards and latched onto her pussy. Her body quivered as if in shock, she felt herself just moments away from orgasm when a voice behind her brought her back to her senses with a bang.
‘Here are so
me clothes for you to wear, please put them on and follow me to the meeting room’ said a young but plain looking woman. She did not seem to be thrown in any way by the scene she had walked in on.
‘Thank you’ said Jenny, her face bright beetroot now. She hurriedly put on the clothes (which could probably most accurately be described as a potato sack with arm and head holes) and chased after the woman. After a short walk the woman stopped outside a nondescript door and typed in a password, a light changed from red to green and the door opened.
‘Please wait in here,’ the woman instructed ‘Mr. Williams will be here with your friend in just a minute so just sit down make yourself comfortable. Oh and one more thing…’ a sly grin crossed her face ‘try to keep your hands off yourself for a few minutes.’ With this she ushered Jenny into the room and the door shut behind her.
Looking around, it seemed that the room was nothing special and Jenny could only assume that it was just a normal meeting room. She sat down in one of the chairs in front of her and tried to concentrate on just putting everything out of her mind whilst she waited for the others to arrive. Minutes past and Jenny began to experience a tingling sensation in her crotch. She tried to ignore it but the sensation was just growing and growing. Finally her urges got the better of her and she retracted her right arm into her sack and began to finger herself. Once again just as she was approaching orgasm she heard the door start to open and managed to hurriedly get her arm back through the armhole just in time before anyone could suspect what she was up to. Finally she saw a familiar face:
‘Jenny!’ shouted an ecstatic Kelly, ‘thank God you are OK I was so worried about you’
Immediately upon hearing her friend’s voice Jenny jumped up in a mixture of delight and excitement, but when she looked up the person she saw was not the Kelly she once knew. Instead what she saw was a porn star slut figure based around the template of Kelly’s natural features. Her once jet black hair was now a strawberry blond color with a natural curl that had not been there yesterday. Her lips were a deep red and formed a pout which even to Jenny’s quite reserved demeanor seemed to scream ‘I need a cock in here now’. The biggest change was to her chest though, for even though Kelly was wearing the same potato sack style overall as Jenny was, Jenny could see that Kelly’s breasts must have at least doubled in size, they were huge. Even in the most unflattering outfit which she was wearing now she looked like she was showing herself off. Jenny could only wonder at how she would look in normal clothing. She imagined at best a porn star and at worst just some cheap whore. (What Jenny didn’t realize was that at this exact moment Kelly was thinking the exact same thoughts about her, in fact if people had mistaken them for sisters before, they would think they were twins now, two near identical, stunning slutty whores, dressed in potato sacks).
‘Kelly what has happened to you? You look so different, I almost didn’t believe it was you’ Jenny said as she accepted that the figure standing before her was really her lifelong friend.
‘Me?’ Kelly remarked, ‘What about you? I couldn’t believe you could look like that, what has happened to us?’
‘I think I can answer that’ said a voice from across the room. The man who had first visited Jenny was standing there waiting for their full attention. The two girls sat down and the man began:
‘My name is Michael Williams but you may call me Mike, I am the president of the Southwest branch of Venus Industries. We are a company which specializes in adult products from films and magazines to escorts and entertainers. I am afraid that there has been a terrible mix up and you two were accidentally picked up instead of our intended arrivals. This I must admit has caused an awful lot of embarrassment on our part but I know that this will be of no comfort to you’
‘You’re damn right it isn’t’ screamed Kelly ‘What have you done to us? And what are you gonna do to fix it?’
As if oblivious to Kelly’s outburst Mike continued, ‘Your bodies have been altered to suit the kind of services women that work for us are expected to perform. Like I mentioned before, we work in the Adult Entertainment industry so our employees are to put it bluntly porn stars and strippers. Therefore we had to alter your appearance so you would both resemble one.’
‘But we don’t want to be Porn Stars or strippers,’ Jenny blurted out, ‘You abducted us and made us like this. You have to change us back!’
‘It is not as easy as that’ Mike continued, ‘The process we use is not basic surgery, but a radical new cellular reconstruction process which basically enhances what is already there. To put it another way there is nothing unnatural about you as we speak no silicone, or any other enhancements, it is all you, just revamped. Also because your bodies were remodeled for use in the sex industry the sensitivity of your erogenous zones has been increased by over tenfold in order to make your sexual experiences infinity more pleasurable. You may have already noticed some signs of this’
Jenny’s face flushed with embarrassment as she remembered her earlier antics, she looked over to Kelly only to notice her face was a matching shade of red. At this moment they both realized they had both sampled the delights of their new bodies. This only served to embarrass them more.
‘But you can’t leave us like this’ cried Kelly.
Mike was unsympathetic, ‘The treatments you have both received are state of the art and our clients spend years repaying us for this service, To change you back would involve an unprecedented operation which I could not sanction without some financial commitment on you part’
‘What do you mean?’ both girls asked simultaneously.
‘For us to change you back would cost in the region of $250,000 each in addition to the initial operation which was around $150,000. Therefore for head-office to sanction such a procedure I would need to see proof that you can afford to repay this $800,000 total expenditure.’
‘$800,000!!!’ the girls screamed in unison ‘How the fuck are we supposed to get hold of that sort of money’ Jenny screamed. ‘This isn’t even our fault, you can’t do this to us. What are we supposed to do like this?’
Mike leaned in towards the two girls in businesslike fashion, ‘The girls who come to us wanting this procedure done to them are girls who are desperate. It may be to make money, disappear for a year or whatever but it all boils down to desperation. This is why so many young girls go into the adult entertainment industry, out of desperation. This results in the experience being a tragic experience for them which ultimately ruins their life. This can happen for a number of reasons, most of which revolving around how having sex with countless strangers makes them feel. At Venus Industries we found a way to solve this problem by altering the girls’ body and mind so that they truly love what they do, in essence turning them into a willing slut. They work for us for a prearranged period of time, this earns us a huge amount of money because our films get a reputation for seeming the most real, and then once they have finished their time with us they will have paid us back and made a decent amount of money in the process. We then change them back to who they were beforehand and their adult entertainment career is over, and without any mental scars.’ Mike looked seriously at the two worried girls in front of him and said: This is what I suggest, tomorrow morning you are both scheduled for behavior modification. I advise that you have it, you can then work for us for a year or so of bliss and then afterwards we can sanction the reversal operations and even give you generous compensation for your troubles’
‘You mean you want us to become sluts for a year! Are you fucking out of your mind?’ fumed Kelly.
‘If it helps, you will love the
idea after the therapy tomorrow’ Mike suggested.
‘Look’ Jenny growled, ‘you are not going to kidnap us, turn us into something out of a Playboy Mansion and then try and make it all better by suggesting we just embrace becoming empty headed Bimbos. If you and your bastard head-office don’t come up with a better idea quick I will rip your balls off I promise’
For the first time Mike lost his confident aura as he tried to regain composure, thinking fast an idea struck him. ‘There is maybe one way out of this but it will involve a small compromise on your part, it is the only alternative’
Calming down now Jenny relented. ‘OK, what is it?’
Mike took out a file and took a deep breath. ‘Well it’s like this…’
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Everyone needs a little break now and then. During my paramedic class, I was required to take a surgery rotation at a Trauma Center. I had to follow around an anesthesiologist and acquire one more intubation. I was escorted into the locker room and told to change into scrubs. As I walked in, I noticed that this was a co-ed locker room. Apparently the women’s locker room was under construction and everyone had to use the men’s. In the middle of the room was a cubical wall that ran...
Everyone wants Selina; her step-brother, her step daddy, her bestie and her bestie’s younger sister...Selina Dawes had one of those bodies that look good from any angle and in any situation. So you will have to imagine for the moment just how superb the salacious bitch is going to look naked. Selina caused more accidents for randy males either focussed on her bodacious hooters, her peachy arse or her divine camel toe than that current pokey go game app. Actually most guys couldn’t care what...
Everyone needs a little break now and then. During my paramedic class, I was required to take a surgery rotation at a Trauma Center. I had to follow around an anesthesiologist and acquire one more intubation. I was escorted into the locker room and told to change into scrubs. As I walked in, I noticed that this was a co-ed locker room. Apparently the women’s locker room was under construction and everyone had to use the men’s. In the middle of the room was a cubical wall that ran the...
MasturbationI run a small I.T company with about 15 full time staff and two part timers. It had been a good week for the company so I decided to shout everyone some drinks at the end of the day. We went to a local bar that was not far from the office and relaxed with a round of cocktails. I knew most of the staff quite well except for Susan who was one of the part timers. Since she was quite new and only worked a few hours per week I didn’t know that much about her except that she was married. She was...
Group SexEveryone has a first time, I certainly did. I guess that I was about 16 or so, it was a wonderful summer off from school. Being that I lived near the water, I tended to spend much of my free time at the beach. It was a very secluded, private beach that required a quarter mile walk through wet-lands on a dirt and gravel road. From the beach, all that could be seen was trees and water, the nearby homes were obscured by a deeply wooded area just south of the wet-lands. Where I lived was a spread...
I stared at the page in disbelief, but there it was, plain as day, she had been giving him a blow job and while he was fully erect and enjoying himself, she had taken a zip tie and slipped it around his scrotum and pulled it tight but not tight enough to cause him pain. That didn’t come until she had placed another around the base of his cock, then she tightened both of them, really tight. By the time the paramedics had arrived on the scene his cock and balls were both purple. The removal...
Introduction: lia and her husband suck cock, Incest, ass to mouth, cum swallowing,wife,voyerism, pedophilia,Piss drinking Young boy, Bisexual cocksucking. and lot of other stuff Story : Everyone Loves Lia. Many so called erotic writer are , in reality, just a bunch of sick fucks. They have to have the woman, usually a wife, raped by real sleezy men. Men that if we can read a persons personality in his stories. In my stories, the women, usually a wife, is treat with the respect due her. She is...
I am sitting here in my studio apartment, and I am alone and depressed and looking for guidance from a very dominant woman who wants a very submissive shemale slut that is 30 years old, horny as hell, and shares the same likes and tastes that I do. Mainly f***ed blowjobs, and lots of different outfits, everything from leather, latex, lingerie, you name it. Let me go back 5 years ago to how it all started for me. We all have our own stories and beginnings, and this one is mine. I am a very...
Paris was just as preserved as it was even before the war, no matter how strong the Germans pushed towards the city the French and British troops always pushed them back near the border. It was all too depressing that Paris fell without a shot, but then again, it was just as it was even during The Great War even if the swastika hangs around the landmarks of the artistic city. Though many of the Jewish establishments and the Jews themselves were gone, business for collaborators, or even the...
The message was a bit weird. “Hey, coming to town. Can you party with some of my friends?”Tyler has fucked me a bunch of ways, but only when I’m passing through his city. He’s younger than me, mid-20s, a bit taller than me, dark-skinned, lean but muscular, not a huge cock but definitely the kind of tool that gets the attention of a submissive femme bottom slut like me.What was weird about the message was how … tame it was. Before, when I’ve told him I’m coming to town, I can’t think of a...
I had not seen much of Pinky (formerly Mort) around my college dorm for a couple days. I knew the bath house owner, Jerry had "put him to work," mingling with guests and frankly, I was missing my fuck boi! When I got to work at the bath house early that day, changed in to my bath robe and headed for Jerry's office to inquire of Pinky. I noticed the shades were drawn which meant that Jerry was having a private fuck session with his other boi toi but I knew I was privileged and knocked on his...
How I had indian sex with my friend’s daughter. I work in an IT sector in Metro city. One day, a friend of mine from a small town called me and said, his daughter got a job in my city. He said she has never visited any big cities so far, so they need my help to find her accommodation and local support. I said fine, you can come, I will arrange necessary things. Next weekend, my friend along with his daughter, Divya, came to me. I told them to stay with me until we make necessary arrangements...
Why does it happen? Everyone has been hit with that quick hard feeling of being turned on instantly from the unexpected. Some call it taboo others say fetish. As people we try to understand why and where does it come from. Once you learn of the feeling of strong sexual emotion as people we explore them. Here are a few new sexual feelings i've descovered While being with my fiance of eight years. It was our freshmen year of high school and my man and I where the...
For quite sometime now I have an urge for women elder to me or the married ones, though I like girls of all age groups. So I thought if i’m not getting chance outside I shud try inside family. But I fell for my cousin. I made a plan and told my mother to call Pinky mausi to indore as she will get a change. Besides everyone knows that mausaji treats her like a randi. She comes to indore. One day my mother went for a kitty party so it was the time. I relaxed on bed and called mausi to sit, she...
IncestJake always knew how to set me off. Hot breath on my ear, kisses on my neck, and a caress of my hip and I would melt. Every time, but I was reluctant to be close in public. I didn't like to be intimate with people around, but he did. He finally got his way that day.... The teacher drones on like another usual day, and I take notes, like every usual day, yet today Jake wanted to sit closer to me. I can feel his hand lingering on my hip, his fingers playing with the waistline as he watches the...
ExhibitionismI am sitting here in my studio apartment, and I am alone and depressed and looking for guidance from a very dominant woman who wants a very submissive shemale slut that is 30 years old, horny as hell, and shares the same likes and tastes that I do. Mainly forced blowjobs, and lots of different outfits, everything from leather, latex, lingerie, you name it. Let me go back 5 years ago to how it all started for me. We all have our own stories and beginnings, and this one is mine. I am a very...
Summer woke late the next morning. For a few blissful moments she felt totally at ease and then the stark reality of the previous night came back to her. She sat up too fast and her head spun. The house was quiet. Sunlight streamed in through the window. She didn't know how to act anymore. Everything was out of control.She picked up her phone to see a dozen messages from Brady. It was his birthday. She was almost glad she wasn't with him - she knew no matter how much effort she'd put in he'd...
Straight SexThe next few days passed in a haze. Everything felt riskier, more on edge. It seemed like continuing work on Abel's book was merely an act to cover up the undercurrent of desire and yet that was exactly what they did. She'd feel his eyes on her in the silences and it went deeper now. Too deep. She'd struggle to hold her composure. It was becoming impossible around him. "We should just fuck and get it over with," he'd say, when he caught her drifting. "It's going to happen eventually."She...
Straight SexIt happened, as I have already mentioned, last year when I was almost a senior in high school. It was not easy for me to study, and exams were hanging over me like a terrible storm cloud, capable of striking with lightning all those who by their stupidity could not learn the material of the school program. But despite all my fears about bad grades, my person led an extremely hedonistic lifestyle. Daily meetings with girlfriends, hangouts, and other activities, but highly unproductive...
Chapter 1: Storm. The sound of deep kissing and moans of pleasure filled the abandoned toilets as the the two occupants made out, their tongues intertwining wetly as they kissed passionately before their wet lips parted. The two were none other than Ororo Monroe Alias Storm of the X-men and the other being Peter Parker Alias Spiderman. The white haired beauty ran her hand over his soft cheek before leaning in to continue their sloppy kiss, her tongue seeking his as they came together...
Many so called erotic writer are , in reality, just a bunch of sick fucks. They have to have the woman, usually a wife, raped by real sleezy men. Men that if we can read a persons personality in his stories. In my stories, the women, usually a wife, is treat with the respect due her. She is naturally a sex object by many horny men but these men usually have some form of humanity about them. Many writer's characters are completely devoid of character. They are bosses or friends...
New episode in the series. Asuka had gone to school, just a while ago. Misato picked up a phone and began to dial the number to NERV headquarters. “Hey Ritsuko!! How are you?” she laughed. You could hear the blonde scientist groan across the other line “What is it major Katsuragi? I am extremely busy.” “Yeah about that big boobs, remember the times when we were young and experimented stuff…. Like scat and such?” Misato giggled in to the phone. There was a long moment of...
Jake always knew how to set me off. Hot breath on my ear, kisses on my neck, and a caress of my hip and I would melt. Every time, but I was reluctant to be close in public. I didn’t like to be intimate with people around, but he did. He finally got his way that day…. The teacher drones on like another usual day, and I take notes, like every usual day, yet today Jake wanted to sit closer to me. I can feel his hand lingering on my hip, his fingers playing with the waistline as he watches the...