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E-bride On the Internet you can be whoever you want to be. When you sit at your keyboard no one knows who is typing the messages and whether those messages are true. That's what got me into trouble. I was sitting at the computer one day rather bored and I thought it might be amusing to see what people had been writing in the dating pages. For some reason I strayed into the 'male seeking female' pages. Now I am not gay and I cannot explain what happened next and why. I suddenly thought what a laugh it would be if I answered one of the mailings as a woman. After all, I thought, it would be easy to get out of it if it went wrong. Little did I know of the mesmeric power of the Internet! 'Man. 34, would like to meet lively girl, 25 - 35, with a good sense of fun with a view perhaps to romance.' I wrote back to the address. 'Hi, I am a 31 year-old girl and I read your mailing. If you would tell me something about yourself I might be interested in your proposition.' As I hit the send button I wondered if it was wise; it was too late to worry and he might not reply. But he did. 'Hi! My name is Gary. I am 5 foot 10 tall with short brown hair. I enjoy good food, the cinema and walking in the country. Please tell me more about yourself. I have received a few replies to my mailing but have rejected most of them. Yours is one of the more sensible ones which is why I have replied to you. I also have a feeling about you. I rely very much on my feelings about people. Gary' I smiled as I read this. Should I mail back or leave it? Sense would have said the latter but I was amused and a little flattered by Gary's quick reply. I thought what the hell and sent back a reply - after what I considered to be a sensible couple of days wait. 'Hi Gary. I'm Anna. I am 5 foot 8 but love to wear high heels so I would be taller than you in my stilettos. I too enjoy food and the cinema. I also like reading and shopping - something you might not appreciate as a guy!!! I am a redhead. Cheers! Anna' The reply came almost by return. 'Hi Anna. Thanks for getting back. You are the only one who did. Perhaps I was a bit choosy. I have no problem with your heels because I like girls to be girly. Would you call yourself a girly girl, Anna? I also like redheads. Love, Gary.' I was a little bit taken aback with the love. However I decided there would be no harm done in stringing Gary along a bit. Therefore, again after a pause, I wrote back. 'Dear Gary. I suppose I might be described as a girly girl. At least I love wearing miniskirts. After all, if you have the legs there is no point in covering them all the time in trousers. Where are you from Gary? Anna.' 'Dear Anna. I live near Bristol. I am pleased to hear you like miniskirts. I like girls who wear miniskirts. In fact I fell out with my last girlfriend because she insisted on wearing jeans all the time. When I am out with a girl in a short skirt I love the attention others give her because that makes me proud to be her companion. Do you have long or short hair? Love and hugs, Gary.' 'Dear Gary. I wear my hair in a shoulder-length bob. I'm so glad you like redheaded girls in miniskirts. Sadly I live in Newcastle so our paths are unlikely to cross. Anna.' 'Dear Anna. I hope your last sentence was not a brush-off. Even from the short time we have been corresponding I feel that you and I could hit it off. I still have the same feeling about you that I had at the beginning. Please let me know if you want to finish our writing. Love, Gary.' At this point I should have taken advantage of the opportunity and put an end to the charade but I didn't. I wrote back immediately without considering the consequences. 'Dear Gary. Of course I don't want to finish writing. Sorry if that's how it seemed. I was only saying that we live so far apart that anything other than writing would not be practical. I must go now because I have an appointment at my beautician's but please write back. Anna.' 'My dear Anna. I am so relieved that you feel this way. And distance is not insurmountable. Sometimes my work - for a company that makes medicines - takes me all over the country. I have not yet been to Newcastle but who knows? I hope you enjoyed your visit to the beautician's. I shall get a photo of myself done. I don't have a suitable one at the moment. Love Gary' 'Dear Gary. I did enjoy my trip to the beautician's. I was having a manicure and my nails varnished. I love being pampered. I look forward to receiving your photo. I shall get one done of myself. At the moment I only have ones taken when I had short hair so it does not do justice to me as I am at the moment. Love Anna' It was not until the mail had gone that I realised what I had written at the end of my letter. I smiled wryly to myself and wondered what Gary would make of that. I also began to think about getting a photo taken. Clearly it would have to be of me as a girl but that would not be too difficult because I did dress from time to time and I did indeed own a shoulder-length redheaded wig. I would need a miniskirt but that would not be impossible even though I was not at this time confident in my ability to go shopping for female clothes. I also had a digital camera so there would be no problems in getting a picture to send him. It was clear to me that this correspondence had gone on a long time but I did not think it had got out of hand. It was only a joke and I could end it easily enough. There was no reply to my mail from Gary for a couple of days and I wondered if he had got fed up or bored. But when the letter did eventually arrive I was in for a surprise. 'My dear Anna. I hope you have not thought that I had forgotten you. Far from it. The more I think about it the more I realise that this correspondence was started by fate which I believe in very strongly. I just feel that there is something between us that is very special. Do you believe in fate, Anna? I went to have my horoscope cast yesterday and was told that a redheaded woman had come into my life and she would turn my life upside down. I have also been getting a photograph taken and I am attaching it to this mailing. I hope you don't mind me writing this way darling but I feel so strongly about you, especially after my horoscope. Please tell me if this puts you off; if it does I shall be broken-hearted but it would be better that way. However, I don't believe any of us can stand in the way of Fate. Love Gary xxx' I read and reread this letter. To be honest it aroused in me a whole range of emotions. I thought it was pathetic in some ways and the ramblings of a strange guy. But the picture did not show this. It was of a handsome well-dressed man leaning on a sports car - I thought it looked like a Porsche - and he was obviously not some weedy computer nerd. He was also obviously well off. It would have been best to ignore the letter and put an end to the correspondence there and then but I was too far in by this time and, anyway, I was intrigued to see where it would go next. 'Dear Gary. I'm not too sure of the darling thing. And I'm sure you wouldn't be broken-hearted if we stopped writing now. As for fate, I don't know what to think. And if you have been told of a redhead in your horoscope it doesn't necessarily refer to me. I am not the only redhead in the world! Many thanks for the lovely picture. You look a very nice guy and I'd love a ride in that car!! Please continue to write to me if you wish. To be honest I found your last letter very flattering and a girl loves to be flattered!!! Anna' 'Dear Anna. Thanks for your reply. It set my mind at rest somewhat. To tell the truth I think of you quite often even though I haven't even seen a photograph. I have a very clear picture of a pretty redhead in a miniskirt that will not leave me. When will you be sending a picture? I have a space waiting for it on my bedside table. Love Gary xxx' It was a Friday when I received this email. I decided to go shopping next day for a suitable miniskirt and top and also some make-up. But before I went to bed there was another email. 'My dear Anna. Just about to go to sleep. No doubt I will dream again of you as I do every night. I can't wait to receive the photograph. Sweet dreams. Do you ever dream of me? Love Gary xxx' I replied before I went to bed; perhaps it was a mistake and made him think that I thought more of him than I did. 'Dear Gary. Sweet dreams to you too. I shall try to get the photo done tomorrow so try to be a good boy and be patient. I want to do justice to myself! Night night! Anna' 'Dearest Anna. I'm sure you will do justice to yourself. I can't wait to receive the photo. Love Gary xxxxxx' I went shopping the next day. I did not check my email before I went. I had a very successful expedition. I bought some black underwear, some new black tights, a pair of high-heeled shoes and the most gorgeous pleated black miniskirt. I went upstairs, bathed, shaved and sprayed myself liberally with perfume. Then I got into my new black lacy bra and knickers and applied make-up to my face before getting my wig out and arranging it so that it fell softly about my face. Then I pulled on my new black tights and got the miniskirt from the bag. The waist fit me tightly but the skirt flared about my thighs very attractively. I slipped on the black halter-neck top and my new high-heeled shoes. Then I went to look critically at myself in the mirror. To my surprise I looked far more attractive than I had remembered and smiled as I thought to myself that it was fate that had made me so. Then I went to find my digital camera, set it up and proceeded to take a dozen photographs in a number of different poses. Some were demure, others sexy. I was quite pleased with the result when I downloaded them on to my computer. There were certainly plenty of images to send to Gary. Then I went into my email. To my surprise there were three emails with Gary's address on them. 'Dear Anna. I slept fitfully thinking of you. Please please please hurry up with the photograph! Love Gary xxx' 'Dearest Anna. Please send the picture (or preferably pictures) soon. xxx' 'Dearest Anna. I have been thinking of you all day. You may think it foolish and I am sure that it is but I feel as if there is a cord of love that is binding us together. I went to have another horoscope cast and I asked specifically about the girl who had been mentioned last time. I was told that she was indeed a redhead and also that she lived far away from here. Is that not striking. It can only be you, Anna. The stars do not lie. The astrologer also said that she had a feeling that there was some sort of force about me that may be love and it should be declared as soon as possible. Therefore I hope you won't be so offended when I tell you that I love you that you wish never to see me again. For if the stars bind us together then there is nothing either of us can do. We are bound together by fate, darling Anna. Do not disappoint me, I beg you. Your distraught lover, Gary.' This third mail should have been enough to persuade me to lay off. The man was clearly not in his right mind but I did not know how dangerous such infatuation might be. I wrote back, attaching one photograph of me standing facing the camera in my miniskirt and the other of me half turned away, looking back at the camera and showing quite a lot of my bare back. I was particularly pleased by the way my face had come out on this photo - the flash had caught my lip-gloss and my eyes were bright. I also sent a letter. 'Dear Gary. I was surprised at your last mailing. I am sure you can't really be in love with me. After all, we have never met and however strong the astral forces might be surely they need to be tested out. Maybe the photos that I am attaching will persuade you that I am not the girl you think I am. I hope I don't put you off by my tone. I like the look of the guy in the photo but at the moment I cannot talk of love on my part. However, let me know what you think of my pictures. Anna.' 'Dearest Anna. Your pictures are lovely and I shall treasure them forever as my first sight of the woman whose fate is inextricably entangled with mine. Perhaps, darling, you cannot grasp the strength of the forces that bind us as I can but I can assure you that you will. It is a strange thing but the pictures are exactly as I imagined you. That is not coincidence darling. In the meantime, please accept that my expression of my love for you is sincere and that my feelings have been enhanced by the beauty that shines from your pictures. All my love. Gary xxx' Dear Gary. I am flattered by your profession of love but really I need to know so much more about you. For all I know you might be married with four children! You don't know whether I have a boyfriend. It is all very new to me and I do need time to think. Anna.' Gary did not reply to me until the following Monday. I have to say that I was surprised and wondered if I had put out the fire of his passion. When I opened my email on Monday and found that there was another letter from him my emotions were mixed. Part of me would have been happy never to hear from him again. Part of me felt very awkward about the whole affair. But another part of me would have been very disappointed because I was intrigued about Gary. And this part was uppermost when I reached for the mouse and opened his mailing. 'Darling Anna. I have been doing some research and have found that you could be down here with me in an hour by plane. Darling it would be lovely if you could come down next weekend. We could have a quiet meal together and begin to get to know each other properly. Please say you will. Love Gary xxxx' Dear Gary. Of course I would love to meet you. However, there are a few problems. I am not free until the weekend after next but, more pressing, I have had an accident with my hair. I used the wrong preparation on it when I was washing it last night and have damaged it quite badly. I have had to have quite a lot of it cut off and so I would really need hair extensions to put it right and I cannot afford them. Therefore it looks as if our meeting will sadly have to be delayed until my hair grows out. Love Anna.' I thought that would buy me time so that Gary's ardour might cool but an email next day put an end to all that. 'Darling. I wept when I heard of the disaster to you lovely hair. However, today at work I looked on the Internet and found a place in Newcastle that specialises in hair extensions. I have arranged an appointment for you to have them done next week and hope it will be convenient. I have also made enquiries about booking a flight for you. All I need to know is your surname. Oh Anna, I can't wait to see you in the flesh! Undying love. Your Gary' 'Gary, you mustn't think of spending so much on me. I know how expensive extensions are and I can't expect you pay for my flight either. It is very very sweet of you but really you mustn't. Anna' 'Darling girl. Don't worry about anything. I can easily afford these things - and for you nothing is too expensive. I haven't told you before but I own the family pharmaceutical business which is very successful. So do not worry your pretty little head about that. Just send me your surname. Love Gary xx' 'Dear Gary. My surname is Robson. But please don't spend so much money on me. Anna.' Next day there was an email waiting for me. 'Darling. I have booked you in at Hair-Raisers. I have arranged for them to give you the full treatment with the best quality hair they have. You need to confirm the appointment. I have also bought you an air ticket from Newcastle to Bristol which you can pick up at the airport. I am so excited to think that I shall be meeting you at last. Your own Gary xxxxxx' Now I really was beginning to get worried. I needed advice because I felt that I was too far in to get out. Should I tell Gary everything and end it all? Should I find some excuse to get out of the weekend? I phoned Chloe a very close female friend with whom I had gone out a few times and who knew about my dressing. I went round to her house next evening, as Anna of course, taking with me copies of the emails that Gary had sent me. 'He's really got it bad poor lamb,' 'I know, It's so embarrassing. I wish I had never started it.' 'Well, you could just ignore him. Close down your Anna email. He'd never find you.' 'True. But part of me wants to see what he's like. He sounds pretty loopy but he's filthy rich. What would you do in my place, Chloe?' 'I could never be in your place quite, if you see what I mean. But do you really fancy giving it a go?' 'I love the idea of the hair extensions. I've often wondered what it would be like to have my own female hair.' 'Then go for it. I'll stick by you and give you any advice and help I can.' 'But I'm worried about going to visit him. What if he gets too amorous.' 'Listen, darling, the best excuse is to say that you are in your period. Just act a bit quiet and moody. It puts most men off.' 'The other thing is that with my extensions I won't look very male.' 'Then live fulltime as female. I'm sure you could do it. I have often seen you dressed and you always look convincing enough to me. And you work from home.' 'I suppose I could try.' 'Of course you can. And make sure you get a credit card in the name of Anna. It will save a lot of hassle.' 'So will you come with me to Hair Raisers and then to the airport to collect the ticket?' 'Of course. I shall be intrigued to see how all this works out.' 'And will you come shopping for some more female clothes for me? I haven't a thing to wear.' 'Spoken like a real woman! Of course I'll come. I can't resist a bit of shopping.' I found another email waiting when I got home. 'Darling you will come won't you? Since you haven't replied to my email yet I am really worried in case you get cold feet. Please don't cry off. I am counting the hours till I see you stepping off the plane. Love Gary xxx' 'Dear Gary. I hope to pick up the ticket and get my hair done early next week. But you really must not do anything else for me. And I am so worried that I will disappoint you in other ways. I hope you will not be expecting more than just a chance to get to know me next weekend. Anna' 'Darling, I would not damage a single hair on your lovely head for all the world. I shall be the model of propriety. Just make sure that you come down. Love always, Gary xxxxxx' Next day saw a flurry of mailings. 'Darling Anna. Do you have any food preferences? I am so excited about next weekend that I want to get everything planned in advance. Love Gary xxx' 'Dear Gary. I like everything except perhaps tripe. Anna.' 'Darling, I am so glad that you eat everything. I don't like people who pick and choose their food. I had to break with one of my girlfriends because she would not eat Indian food. It turned out too that our horoscopes were incompatible and so it is hardly surprising that we could not get on. But with you I feel as if everything is going to be perfect. Love Gary xxxxxx' 'Dear Gary. I'm not sure about being perfect. There are certain things that I am sure you would not be happy about with me. I was wondering one thing. Where will I be staying when I come down? Anna.' 'Dearest Anna. So far I have not found anything to cause me to swerve from my original feelings. If we are fated to be together for eternity nothing can possibly stand in our way. As far as accommodation goes, you will be staying at my house in a village near Bristol. My mother lives there too. I am sure that you and she will get on famously. It is, of course, vital that you do. You will have the room of my sister who is working in London. Your own Gary xxx' On Monday Chloe collected me early and we set off for Hair-Raisers. She had forewarned them of who I was but the girl who was to do my extensions was still surprised. 'Why do you want them done?' 'It's for a friend who wants to see what I look like with long auburn hair.' 'A he or a she?' 'Never you mind. It's someone very special to me.' 'They would have to be! How do you want the extensions styled?' 'In a shoulder length bob with the ends curling in.' 'It'll be a bit feminine.' 'Never mind.' When I left Hair-Raisers my hair was indeed very feminine as Chloe was quick to point out. 'Your hair hardly goes with the male clothes you are wearing.' 'I know.' 'Why don't we put you into a skirt. After all you will need all the practice at being a girl you can get between now and the weekend.' 'But I haven't many girl's clothes. Only the miniskirt and top I wore last weekend are really suitable.' 'I'm sure some of my clothes will fit you. My underwear certainly will. Should we go round to my place and try?' 'I don't seem to have much choice. You are already half way there!' 'Then we can go into town and see about some clothes so that you can make the right impression on your fated lover.' 'Less of the lover! I'm beginning to get cold feet.' 'Nothing that a pair of long boots will not cure! You'll be fine. After all, his mum will be there as a chaperone.' 'I suppose so. But what do you think I shall have to take?' 'Not too many pairs of trousers. Gary won't approve of them. A couple of miniskirts at least.' 'Do you think he will expect to take me out on Saturday evening?' 'I'm sure he will. So you will need a little black dress and a smart skirt.' 'Will I really need all that stuff?' 'Girls never travel light.' We arrived at Chloe's house and she soon had me dressed in a bra, knickers and tights. I put on a long blue denim skirt and a black top. I managed to cram my feet into a pair of toeless sandals. Chloe helped me with my make-up. 'You will need to become proficient at making up. I won't be there to help all the time.' 'Oh dear. You make me all apprehensive.' 'Why don't we get you a makeover at one of the big stores in town?' The visit to town was a totally mind-blowing experience. Chloe insisted on calling me Anna because, as she pointed out, a male name would not be at all appropriate. The makeover was surprisingly relaxing and I learnt a lot as the assistant put the various products on my face. I was surprised at how attractive I looked and told Chloe so over a cup of coffee in the restaurant afterwards. 'Of course you look attractive, Anna. You have a pretty face and the make-up enhances it.' 'I can't possibly have a pretty face, Chloe. I'm not a girl.' 'You could have fooled me.' 'I only hope I will be able to fool Gary.' 'You will, Anna. You will! You'll have him eating out of your hand.' 'I do hope he won't expect too much of me.' 'That's up to you. But you know that you are bound together by fate and the stars.' 'I know. That makes it so much more problematical. Chloe, you don't think he will - I don't know how to put it...' 'Fall in love with you? It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.' 'Oh Chloe! You don't really mean it.' 'Don't worry Anna. You will be able to handle it, I'm sure.' 'But what if he tries to go too far? What if he finds out?' 'Remember your menstruation excuse. And anyway he lives with his mother. She will keep an eye on the pair of you, I'm sure.' 'I do hope so. I'm so conscious of my deficiencies.' 'You mean your lack of boobs? We can sort that out. They sell enhancers at the lingerie shop in the mall. We'll get you a pair of those. Of course, what you really need are some implants.' 'Chloe!' 'Only kidding. Though I'm sure Mr Moneybags would quite happily pay for them.' 'Chloe!!' We bought the clothes and the enhancers and I arranged with the bank to get a credit card in the name of Anna Robson. When this arrived a couple of days later, Chloe took me to pick up my air tickets. 'Name, miss?' 'Anna Robson. I've come to pick up a return ticket to Bristol on Friday.' 'Yes, miss. I've got it here. But have you any proof of identity?' 'I've got my credit card.' 'Have you got a letter from a bank or something with your name and address on it?' And so I had my clothes and my credit card and my tickets. Meanwhile the emails came every day. 'Darling, I hope the hair treatment went well. I'm dying to see a picture of you with your new hair. Please can you send me one. I shall look at my email every hour until it arrives. Love Gary xxx' 'Dear Gary. I shall not be able to take the picture till later today but I promise I shall send it as soon as I have it. I hope it will not disappoint you. Anna' 'Dearest Anna. Nothing about you can possibly disappoint. But how I wish you would sign off with love. You know how much I love you and my desire is that you will begin to love me too. I am attaching a picture of me with my mum. Please, when you reply, send me your love as I send mine completely and wholly to you. Love for ever Gary xxx' 'Dear Gary. It was a lovely picture. I am attaching mine. I am wearing my new long denim skirt which I bought specially for my trip to see you. I hope you like it. I am very pleased with my hair and I hope you are too. I can't thank you enough for paying for it and for buying me the tickets. It won't be long now. Love, Anna.' 'Darling. It is a gorgeous picture. Comparing it with the one you sent me earlier, you are even more lovely in it, if that is possible. Everything about you is perfect - your hair, your face, your figure. I can't wait to meet you on Friday. All my love, Gary xxxxxx' I did not sleep well on Thursday night. Chloe came round early on Friday morning to help me pack and supervise my make-up. She at least was enjoying the situation. Soon I had filled a large red case of hers - she gave it me because it looked more feminine - and I was wearing my black bootleg trousers, my new boots, a silky top and a very feminine jacket. I put on my make-up and Chloe pronounced that she was satisfied with the way I looked. She drove me out to the airport. 'I'm sure you will be fine, Anna,' 'Oh Chloe, I'm scared to death.' 'You look lovely. The only thing you need to worry about is the reaction of the male passengers on your flight.' 'You don't mean ...' 'Anna, you are so attractive that any red blooded male would be drawn to you. But at least it would give you practice for when you are with Gary.' 'Chloe!' 'I mean it Anna. If I were a guy I would fall for you myself.' 'Chloe, you don't think we have overdone it?' 'Course not. After all Gary has been very generous.' We arrived at the airport and I left Chloe to board my plane. She warned me that I much remember every detail because she would want to know when I got back. She kissed me on the lips and wished me luck. 'Not that you'll need it, Anna.' When I returned late on Sunday night Chloe was waiting at the passenger exit. Soon we were at her house. 'Tell me all about it, Anna. Don't miss a thing out. Start from the beginning. Were you picked up on your flight.' 'Was I picked up? Chloe, you were so right about my being attractive. The flight was delayed by an hour and as we sat waiting there was a young guy in the seat next to mine.' 'What did he look like?' 'Tall, fair hair, quite attractive.' 'That's a very female summing up! So what did he do?' 'He leaned over to me, smiled and said it was a pity we were going to be delayed. He was visiting his girlfriend in Bath. He asked me if I wanted a coffee.' 'Naughty boy, chatting up a strange girl at the airport!' 'A very strange girl!' 'So did you tell him about Gary?' 'Of course. I told him I was visiting my boyfriend. I felt very embarrassed when I had said it but at least I thought it would put him off a bit.' 'You did right, girl.' 'Well, we had a coffee and he suggested that we sit together on the plane. I didn't really mind. I had the fashion magazine that you had bought for me but it was nice to have some human company too.' 'So you sat together on the flight.' 'Yes. As we taxied for takeoff he asked if I was nervous about flying. I said I was a bit.' 'That was very girlie of you!' 'Well, as we gathered speed on the runway he suddenly took my hand.' 'That was a bit forward of him.' 'I suppose so. But I was so surprised that I did not resist. He started to caress my fingers and it made me feel so relaxed. H e kept hold of my hand for the rest of the flight and chatted to me all the time. He was very complimentary about me. Chloe, I felt so right chatting to him. Do you think that is normal?' 'Course it is. It shows how much a woman you are, Anna.' 'Well we arrived at Bristol and I said goodbye to my companion who was travelling light and did not have to wait for his baggage.' 'Guys always travel lighter than we girls. So you got your bag and made for the exit. What happened next?' 'You mean when I met Gary for the first time?' 'Of course. What does he look like? What did he say?' 'I came to the barrier and there was the usual crush of people meeting people. At first I did not recognise him and I suddenly panicked in case he hadn't turned up. Then I heard a voice calling, "Anna!" Then I saw him.' 'Come on then! What did he look like?' 'I was surprised at how small he was. I think I had imagined a tall strapping guy but he was very little taller than I am. Looks? He's not bad looking I don't think though I'm not as yet a good judge of what a good looking man is like.' 'What are his eyes like? And his hair?' 'His eyes are much darker brown than I imagined and bigger. His hair is short but clearly well cut. Well, he can afford an expensive hairdresser. He seemed rather shy on first meeting me. He just stood and looked at me for what seemed an age. I was suddenly afraid that he'd read me.' 'Don't be silly, Anna. Guys are always like that when they first meet a girl they fancy. You should know that.' 'I know. But then he suddenly started speaking and the words positively gushed out. He told me I was far more attractive than my photographs and he loved my hair and I was beyond his wildest dreams. He told me that his feelings on actually meeting me served to confirm that we were destined to come together.' 'Sounds a bit weird.' 'It wasn't at the time. In fact I felt rather flattered; I certainly nearly forgot that I wasn't who I seemed to be. Then he told me off for coming in trousers.' 'Cheeky! What did he expect you to travel in? A short miniskirt?' 'I told him that a skirt was hardly the best thing for a flight and that he would surely be jealous if other guys were ogling my legs. I told him about the guy on the plane.' 'I bet that upset him?' 'It did. He accused me of flirting with him but I pointed out that I did not belong to him to which he added the word 'yet'. Then I said that if he was so worried about my wearing trousers, I would open my bag, get out a skirt and change then and there which shut him up. So he accepted me as I was but asked me to change as soon as I got to his house.' 'So what about the famous Porsche?' 'It was OK. I mean it was a car with four wheels and so on. Actually it was the latest registration and he told me that he had only taken delivery of it on the day that he first received my email. He said that this convinced him of the fact that we were meant together. He was quite the gentleman. He carried my case to the car and put it carefully away in the boot then made sure that my door was opened. When he got in he reached over to make sure that my seatbelt was properly fashioned.' 'He wanted to touch you.' 'I know. And as he moved away from me he took my right hand, put it to his lips and kissed it.' 'Did he! What did you make of that?' 'I thought it a charming gesture at the time. Then he put on his driving gloves - I know, he wore driving gloves! - and drove off. Although he had a big powerful car he drove most carefully.' 'So what was his house like?' 'It is a huge mansion in the middle of the country. Honestly, Chloe, he must be very rich. He lives there with his mother and a cook and gardener - a sweet married couple whom I really took to.' 'How did you get on with his mother?' 'She looks a sweet elderly lady but I got the feeling straight away that she is the boss in the house. However, she was most gracious in welcoming me and while I was there never ceased to sing the praises of her son.' 'What did she think of you?' 'I think she liked me. She was complimentary of my modesty of dress - though perhaps she wouldn't have been so complimentary if she had known why I did not show off my breasts! Anyway, I changed into a long skirt as soon as I arrived and came down for a late lunch. Gary approved of my skirt though he told me he couldn't wait to see my legs so I hitched up the skirt which made him smile.' 'Very forward of you! So how did you spend the rest of the day?' 'We spent the afternoon at the house chatting about this and that, getting to know each other. He was much more shy than the guy I knew from the emails though I suppose it is only to be expected. I suppose he finds it easier to chat a girl up over the Internet.' 'You're a fine one to talk!' 'He told me again how attractive I was and went to great lengths about his horoscope. He insisted that I read what had been written and I have to admit that the likeness of the girl mentioned by the astrologer was uncannily like me. Except in one important respect! We had tea with his mother when I was quizzed about my work and my background, which I must say was quite an ordeal! I nearly put my foot in it when I offered to help with the washing up; this was the province of the live-in housekeeper.' 'So what happened after tea?' 'His mum suggested that we go out 'for a spin' in his car. He agreed though he made me promise to wear a miniskirt. So I went up to change. I could see that he was very impressed when I came down in my blue denim miniskirt and black boots. His mother did not seem so pleased but I was not going out with her.' 'So where did he take you?' 'We went for a long drive down some beautiful country lanes and then went into a country pub for a drink. I thought it was strange that I felt so comfortable sitting there with him sipping my gin and tonic.' 'Good girl. That's a very girlie drink. I'm glad you didn't ask him for a pint of bitter.' 'No, I'd got it all sorted out. And I'm sure that Gary would have been most put out if I had asked for something so masculine. After all, he was constantly referring to how feminine I was and how he liked his girls to be girls.' 'Cheeky monkey!' 'Anyway we left the pub and headed for home but on the way he drove me to the top of a hill where we had a glorious view of the sun setting over the sea. It was so romantic!' 'I hope he didn't take advantage of you there!' 'Not at all. It was strange though I did not think so at the time. It was only on the flight back up here that I thought it out. I know that I would have done more if I had been in his place. All he did was take hold of my hand and just stand there in silence looking at the scene. I thought he would at least try to kiss me.' 'Didn't he?' 'No. I looked at him as he took my hand but he seemed intent on looking at the view.' 'What would you have done if he had tried to kiss you?' 'I would have kissed him back. I was so overwhelmed by the view and the fact that I was there with him. I felt so feminine. Anyway, he seemed to be agitated about getting home and so I had to be content with holding his hand. Chloe, he has such soft hands.' 'It doesn't surprise me. He leads a very sheltered life. He doesn't even get his hands wet in the washing-up bowl.' 'So we came home where his mother was waiting with a cup of Ovaltine - and one for me. I haven't had Ovaltine since I was a child!' 'But surely he kissed you goodnight.' 'Well, he did in a way. He escorted me to my room and gave me a peck on the cheek but that was all. I was a quiet girl as I changed into my nightie. I had so much to think about.' 'So what did you do on the Saturday?' 'We went into Bristol shopping. I really enjoyed going round the shops and looking at the clothes. Gary insisted on buying me all sorts of clothes. He even insisted that I look at ball gowns which I did.' 'Of course you did, Anna. Don't tell me he bought you one?' 'No. Though he wanted to. And when we were having lunch he asked me why I only tried on dresses that completely covered my upper body.' 'What did you say?' 'I didn't know what to say so I told him I was not happy with my boobs. Well, it's the truth. He looked pensive and assured me that they looked fine to him. But he didn't say any more. Anyway, we spent the afternoon going for a ride. We ended up in Bath and strolled through the streets together. But he did not hold my hand as I would have expected. However he was keen to show off the place to me and I really enjoyed it. We had tea in a little shop on a bridge over the river which was very nice and Gary was all attention.' 'It gets curiouser and curiouser.' 'I know. Anyway he took me home and announced that he was taking me out to a posh restaurant for dinner and that he hoped I had a suitable frock. I told him that I had brought one specially for the occasion. So I went to my room, showered, made my face up as carefully as I could, put on a pair of tights with a nice sheen and my black high heels and did my hair. Then I put on the halter-neck black dress with the short skirt and did a twirl in front of the mirror to see that I looked right. I must say I was pleased with the effect. Though I say it myself I thought I looked stunning. I took my time over it and sprayed myself liberally with perfume. Then I went to join Gary.' 'I hope he appreciated what you had done for him.' 'He did indeed. He said that I looked lovely and he felt very privileged to be taking out such an attractive girl. Then he drove me to a restaurant that was in an old manor house where the cuisine was out of this world. I gasped when I saw the prices on the card but Gary insisted that I should have whatever I wanted. It was a lovely meal, Chloe.' 'You're a luck girl, Anna. I've never had a boyfriend who could afford to do that for me. But you hit the jackpot first time.' 'I'm not sure of that, Chloe. He's an odd one and no mistake. Anyway at the end of the meal as we sipped our coffee in the lounge he leant over and said, very confidentially, "Anna, I have a favour to ask you. I hope you won't refuse me."' 'Intriguing. What did he want.' 'I wondered myself and I hoped it would not be too embarrassing for us. But it was sweet really.' 'Well, go on, Anna. What did he want.' 'He blushed profusely and then it came out. He had been to Oxford University and his college was holding a special ball in the summer and he wanted to know if I would go with him as his partner. He assured me that if I went I would be the belle of the occasion. I told him that I did not have a dress. He said that he would see to that. I told him once more that I was embarrassed by my figure but he told me that I must not worry about that. He was so insistent that in the end, against my better judgement, I agreed to go.' 'Good for you, Anna.' 'So then we came home to the Ovaltine ritual and I went to bed, again with just a peck on my cheek but he seemed so grateful to me for agreeing to go to the ball. It was pathetic really I suppose. But he insisted that I should get my ears pierced and I agreed to do so to keep him quiet. You will have to come with me to get it done, Chloe.' 'Of course I will, Anna.' 'Today was a quiet day. We got up late, had breakfast, strolled around the village for a while. I think Gary wanted to show me off to his neighbours because I was introduced to several people - mostly elderly, looked like retired army types. One made an odd comment. He hoped that Gary's mum would approve this time and I wondered what he meant.' 'Did you ask Gary?' 'Course I did. What girl wouldn't?' 'What did he say?' 'Well, he went quiet and said it was all a joke really and I could tell he was embarrassed so I let it drop.' 'But it's significant, don't you think?' 'I suppose so. Anyway we went to his house for a delicious lunch that was cooked by the housekeeper. She is such a sweetie. She gave me a big kiss when I was leaving.' 'I hope Gary took the hint.' 'Well, when we arrived at the airport and I was about to go through to board my flight home he suddenly took me by both hands. He thanked me for coming to spend the weekend with me and promised to email me. Then he pulled me to him and kissed me on the lips. It was a chaste kiss really but I was aware that it meant so much to him, I felt sorry for him. Then he pushed this envelope into my hands.' 'What was in it?' 'Have a look, Chloe. I just don't know what to make of it. Open the envelope!' 'Wow, Anna. Money!' 'Yes. A thousand pounds in ?50 notes. Read the letter, Chloe.' '"To my darling Anna. Thank you so much for coming to visit me. You are more perfect than I ever imagined and you have made me so happy by promising to come to the ball with me. Please use the money to buy the most gorgeous dress you can find. You deserve it, Anna. And I shall do something about the other matter tomorrow. My undying love, your own Gary." Wow, that's amazing.' 'It's so embarrassing too. I mean, can I take his money? Especially in the light of who I am.' 'Of course you can, Anna. The guy's obviously loaded. He won't miss a thousand and if it makes him happy.' 'I suppose so. But what do you make about this other matter? What's he on about.' 'I have a vague idea. But I think you will know soon enough.' I did indeed. Next day there was an email waiting for me when I finished the work I was doing. "Anna, my darling. It was so lovely to see you in the flesh so to speak. Darling, if I say that you exceeded all my expectations, I hope it won't go to your pretty little red head. I am so excited that you are willing to come with me to the college ball. So many times I have hoped to go but never was I able to find the ideal girl. I think I have found her now. She is you! All my love, your own Gary xxxxxx' 'Dear Gary. It was lovely to meet you too. You are a really sweet guy and so generous. I was most embarrassed by your gift to me for the frock. I am sure that I won't need as much as that though I shall use some of it to buy some nice underwear. A girl needs to be well-dressed below as well as on top. Can you tell me exactly when the ball will be? Love, Anna. xx' 'Darling. The ball is on the 20th June. I am already counting the days to it. I can't wait to see you again, my sweet one. Mother was most complimentary about you. She said you seemed the perfect young lady. Often she does not approve of girls that I bring home and I cannot hurt her feelings. But she said that there was something different about you - and believe me, darling, mother has a sixth sense that never goes astray. I hope to be contacting you again later today. Everlasting love, you own Gary. xxxxxx' 'Dear Gary. I'm glad your mother liked me. She seemed a really sweet lady and you are obviously devoted to her. I look forward to your next email -as I look forward to them all! Love, Anna' 'Darling, I hope you won't mind, but it arose from a comment you made when you were with me - ah, how precious the memory. Do you remember that when I said you would be the belle of the ball you replied that you were embarrassed by your figure? Although it seemed perfect to me, I spoke to my mother about it and she told me that many girls are uncomfortable about their appearance. Darling, if I offer to pay for you to have something done about your figure, will you accept? Your adoring Gary xxxxxx' 'Dear Gary. I'm not sure what you are suggesting but if it is what I suspect I couldn't possibly accept because it would cost you far too much. Love Anna' 'Darling. Nothing is too expensive for you. I have already arranged with a clinic in Newcastle for you to have breast enhancement surgery which I hope you will accept. In my pharmaceutical work I have contacts in the business and besides, I am well able to afford the cost. Darling, I want you to be as beautiful as possible, because you deserve it. Darling, as I have said so often, you are already the most delightful girl I have ever been fortunate enough to meet and if you can enhance your beauty even more then I shall be blessed indeed. Mother supports me in this. Love and devotion always. Your Gary xxxxxx' 'Dear Gary. I am overcome by your generosity. But what do you envisage my having done? Love Anna' 'Darling girl, have whatever done that you need. For you money is no object. I assume you will have what they vulgarly call a 'boob job' but if you want anything else, just ask for it. I want you to be perfect - though I thought you were perfect already when I met you. Do ring the number of the clinic and get it done as soon as possible. Love Gary xxxxxxxxx' I rang Chloe and asked her to come round. I showed her the emails. 'Wow, Anna. He really has got it bad. Go for it girl!' 'But Chloe, it's a bit drastic isn't it. I mean, considering who I am and all that.' 'But Anna, do you really want a boob job? I would love to have one. So would most girls I reckon.' 'But I'm not really a girl.' 'Then you'd better tell Gary about it and get it over with.' 'But Chloe, I couldn't do that. It would break his heart.' 'Well, Anna, you have two options. Break his heart or go through with the operation.' 'But Chloe, it seems so extreme. If I have the operation I would be committing myself to life as a girl.' 'And what is so bad about that? I'm a girl and I don't complain.' 'You know what I mean!' 'Course I do. But the operation can be reversed. And, Anna, just look in the mirror. You look so feminine. Don't you think it would be fun to experience what it would be like to have real boobs? They are so much better than the silicon chicken fillets you wear at the moment.' 'I am so mixed up. Chloe, I'd love to have real boobs. I'd love to be able to hide my male bits and wear a bikini. But then the reality intervenes.' 'Listen, Anna, if you want to go for it, do it. Come here and let me cuddle you.' 'Chloe, I really like you. But as a guy.' 'I like you too. But I think I like you even better as Anna.' 'Do you mean that?' 'Course I do. I've always felt attracted to beautiful girls but you have everything.' 'So if I had the op?' 'I'd come to the clinic and hold your hand.' 'But what about the other bits?' 'I'll get you something to hide them. You've got plenty of money for your frock. Spend some on a false vagina.' 'Oh, Chloe, I am so confused.' 'Don't be. I'll come with you to the clinic tomorrow and we will get everything fixed up.' Next day there was an email from Gary waiting for me. 'Darling, I hope you have fixed your surgery. Love. Gary xxxxxx' 'Dear Gary. I went to the clinic today. I spoke to the surgeon and he was able to book me in for an operation next week. I am so scared, Gary. But the surgeon was ever so nice and said that I deserved to be as beautiful as possible. He also said that I owed it to a boyfriend as generous as you to do everything necessary. I think he was angling for more business! Love Anna.' 'Darling, you will have to be a brave girl. I can't wait to see your new body in the most attractive ball gown you can find. Devoted love, Gary xxxxxxxxxx' Of course during the next few days there was a constant flow of emails back and forth. I also saw a great deal of Chloe. I spent the evening before the operation at her house. 'Chloe, I'm so scared.' 'There's no need to be. You will be knocked out and the silicon will be inserted through a very small slit.' 'I know. But what if something goes wrong?' 'It won't. And I will be with you till you go down to the theatre. It's a lovely clinic, Anna.' 'Do you think it will hurt.' 'According to some of my friends who have had the job done you will be sore for a time. But very soon no one will be able to tell that your breasts are not your own.' 'It's funny. Part of me is so apprehensive but part of me cannot wait. It's a very strange adventure, Chloe. It's odd, isn't it. Tomorrow at this time I will have feminine hair and a pair of feminine boobs.' 'And you will look absolutely gorgeous. What size boobs are you going to get?' 'I don't want them too massive. I asked them to give me a C cup. Do you think that is right.' 'Perfect. You can always have more added later if you so wish. I hope they will give you proper nipples too.' 'They spoke about that when we met. They have worked on a girl like me before it seems.' 'So when you come out you will be able to pass perfectly as a girl.' 'I will when I get the false vagina.' 'That is ordered and should arrive within the next week.' Next day I went into the clinic and by the evening I was coming round. The next day I had a long talk with Chloe. 'Chloe, I feel so sore.' 'You're bound to until the healing gets under way. That nightie you are wearing is lovely, Anna.' 'Thanks.' 'Has anyone said when you can leave? When do they remove the bandages?' 'They have already removed the bandages. There is a dressing over the slit where they inserted the silicon.' 'Can I see?' 'I'd rather not show you at the moment, Chloe. The area is still badly discoloured and the breasts are rather bigger than they will be when the swelling dies down in a few days.' 'But you will show me soon. I am dying to see. I bet Gary is too.' 'Cheeky! But I think his mum would have something to say if she thought I was showing off my tits to her boy!' 'I bet she would. But when can you go home?' 'They said that I could leave tomorrow so long as there is someone to look after me. It's a pity I live alone in my flat.' 'Why don't you stay at my place. There is a spare bed. Or your could share my double.' 'What, and have you crushing my new breasts. That sounds painful!' 'I promise to be gentle if you will come. What do you think, Anna? Should we get the doctor over and sort it out?' 'Are you sure you are happy for me to come. I don't want to put you out in any way.' 'Anna, you couldn't possibly put me out. I would love to have you. I would be such a good nurse. I'd even buy myself a nurse's uniform.' 'I don't think there would be any need for that. But if you are really happy for me to come, I'd love it. Are you sure, Chloe?' 'Course I'm sure. I'll see the doctor now.' That was how it come about that I found myself at Chloe's house the following evening. She suggested that I should phone Gary at once. 'Hello, Mrs Williamson. Can I speak to Gary please.' 'Yes, dear. I'll just put your call through to his room. He's very worried about you. Says you haven't answered his emails. Is worried you may not be all right. You are all right aren't you?' 'Oh yes, Mrs Williamson.' 'Good. I'm glad to hear it. I don't like to see my boy upset. And I took to you very much when you were down, Anna. I agree with Gary. There is something about you that is different from any of the other girlfriends of his that have met. I'll put you through to him now.' 'Thank you, Mrs Williamson.' 'Anna, darling. I was so worried about you.' 'Sorry I didn't call before but I wanted to give you a surprise.' 'What kind of surprise?' 'Gary I have been in hospital for the last few days.' 'Anna! I'm sorry. What's the matter, darling?' 'Nothing's the matter Gary. I been having my breasts enhanced.' 'Anna! That's wonderful.' 'Well, it doesn't feel quite so wonderful at the moment. I'm in a bit of pain.' 'Oh, my poor darling!' 'But, Gary, it will be worth it in the end. The doctor told me that when I have healed I will have perfect breasts. He told me that he was very pleased with the way everything went.' 'Oh, Anna. That is so wonderful. But how long do you think it will be before you are back to normal.' 'It depends what you mean by normal! But they reckon that within a week the swelling should be down and no one will be able to tell that I have had anything done. Apparently there will be only a tiny scar. It's amazing really. When I arrived in the clinic they...' 'Anna, darling, I don't really want to know the gory details.' 'But, Gary, it is because of you that I have been able to have the surgery.' 'I don't like the idea of hospitals and doctors.' 'OK. I won't say anything more then. But I would have thought that in your business you would come into contact with the medical profession quite frequently.' 'Yes, but I avoid the practical side as much as possible. Anyway, when shall I see you again? When will you be able to travel down to the West Country?' 'I don't know, Gary. It will depend on how quickly my scar heals. At least a fortnight.' 'Then, darling, you must come in a fortnight's time. I can't wait to see you.' 'I shall have to let you know.' 'No, I insist. I shall arrange the flight tickets again. And I hope this time I will see a bit more of you.' 'What do you mean, Gary.' 'I think you can guess. You will not need to hide so much of your body from me.' 'Gary, I'm shocked! What a suggestive idea! I shall go out and buy some revealing tops as soon as I am fit enough.' 'Darling! I can't wait. But mother is telling me that my Ovaltine is ready. I'll have to say bye for now. I love you, Anna.' 'You're not so bad yourself.' 'Goodbye.' I had to repeat in detail my conversation with Gary to Chloe. She was amazed at his closing statement. 'Well. it seems like he prefers his Ovaltine to a conversation with his girlfriend. That doesn't augur well for your future relationship.' 'What do you mean, future relationship? We are just good friends.' 'That's what they all say! But what about those tits of yours. Are they ready for inspection?' 'Well. the discoloration has gone down a bit but they are still a little bit swollen. I didn't want to tell Gary but they are actually improving wonderfully quickly. I should be able to start wearing a normal bra in the next couple of days.' 'Let me see then. Don't be shy. After all we are both girls here.' 'Well, in a manner of speaking.' 'Course you're a girl, Anna. Guys don't have C cup breasts.' 'There you are then, Chloe. What do you think of Gary's present to me?' 'Oh, Anna, they're lovely. Such a perfect shape and I adore the nipples. Can I touch?' 'Be gentle with me! I'm a bit like a butterfly newly emerged from the chrysalis.' 'Anna, they feel so lovely. I do like them. They are much better than mine!' 'No they're not. But they are rather nice aren't they? And I am so glad you like them. And, Chloe, it is so wonderful when you touch my breasts. I feel like purring!' 'And the nipples are so real too. Do they go hard if you touch them? Yes, they do.' 'Chloe, it feels so strange to have someone fondling my breasts.' 'Do you like it?' 'What do you think?' I spent several days at Chloe's house. The swelling went down and by the end of the week there was only a small red patch about the incision and this was hidden by the breasts. I bought a selection of bras of all kinds - strapless, balconette, even Wonderbras. I felt so feminine. The false vagina arrived and I was able to wear thongs for the first time. The appearance I presented to the world was utterly feminine. Chloe told me I was beautiful. Gary continued to email me and I picked up my tickets at the airport. Before I knew where I was I was flying off to Bristol again. Gary met me in his Porsche and we were soon deep in conversation. 'Darling it seems such a long time since you were down here. I've missed you so much.' 'It's good to be back, Gary.' 'Darling, have you missed me?' 'Of course. But I have been so busy. Don't forget that some of the time I spent in hospital.' 'How could I forget, darling. I was so worried about you. So was mother.' 'But it all went very well.' 'I can see. I'm very impressed with your new figure, Anna. I must say that the breasts suit you.' 'Thank you, Gary. I'm glad you like them.' 'They are lovely. And I hope you will not be embarrassed to show them off.' 'What do you mean?' 'Oh, I'm not asking you to strip or anything as vulgar as that. I just hope that you will wear some clothes that are a bit more...' 'Low-cut, do you mean? A bit more revealing?' 'Anna!' 'Don't worry, Gary. I'm not embarrassed. And anyway I suppose you have some right to see more of my boobs. After all, it's thanks to you that they are as lovely as they are.' 'I didn't mean to be rude, Anna. Goodness! What sort of man will you think I am! Mother was always very concerned to see that I was not vulgar.' 'I don't think you are vulgar at all, Gary. But I have bought a lovely little black frock which I can wear if we go out for an intimate dinner. I'm sure you won't find it vulgar.' 'Anna, you do say such amusing things. That's why I like you so much. Mother was also impressed by your sense of fun.' I don't know if Gary took the hint but that evening we went out to a lovely restaurant in the countryside. He helped me off with my jacket and then stopped, obviously somewhat taken aback. 'Do you like my dress, Gary.' 'Yes, it's lovely. But it's a little bit revealing, isn't it?' 'Not really. It's just strapless. I adore the sweetheart neckline and it just shows enough of my boobs to remind you that they are there. Gary, it was so generous of you.' 'Anna, it was worth every penny. You look gorgeous. I adore your hairstyle. And your face. Darling, you are so beautiful. I don't know what I have done to deserve you.' 'It's fate, Gary, as you have already told me several times.' 'Yes, I know. But why should fate be so kind to me?' 'Gary!' I leant over towards him. 'You needn't be afraid of me, you know. If you touch me I won't break.' 'Oh Anna, I wish I could. I feel so embarrassed.' 'Why, Gary? We are just a boy and girl enjoying an intimate meal together.' 'I know, Anna. But mother has always taught me to respect girls.' 'Gary, it's not respectful when the girl feels that the boy is being aloof.' 'I don't know, Anna. Listen, I think you look absolutely stunning. The dress is gorgeous though I'm not used to seeing so much feminine flesh. It's quite short, isn't it?' 'Not really, Gary. It comes down almost to my knees.' I reached over and took his hand. 'Anna, I feel so confused. I'm not used to girls being as intimate as this.' 'I'm not being intimate. I'm just being friendly.' 'I don't know what mother would say.' 'Your mother isn't here. And she will never know. Anyway, you are 34, Gary.' 'I know. But I feel so confused.' 'Just relax, Gary. Let me just fondle your fingers. There! That's nice isn't it.' 'Oh Anna. I shouldn't like it but I do.' 'Nonsense, Gary.' When I got home I spoke to Chloe about this. 'Well, Anna, it's strange and a bit sad.' 'I know. What a hold his mother has on him!' 'Still, it means that you are safe from any unwanted advances.' 'I know. But he is so shy that I wish I could get him to pay a girl a bit more attention.' 'You can pay this girl a bit more attention. Anna.' 'I know, and I will later.' 'But do you have any feeling towards Gary?' 'I just don't know. I don't really. I'm not attracted to guys but I feel so sorry for him. I found myself almost wishing that he would make a pass at me.' 'But did you try to make him?' 'You bet I did.' Really, Anna? What did you do? Tell me more!' Well, apart from the sexy strapless dress, which I must say I found gorgeous to wear, I made a special effort with my perfume. I even bought some female pheromones. But he is almost impervious.' 'Still, you are fated to be together.' 'I know. But I can't explain my feelings. I mean, I'm not really a woman and don't have the skills that someone like you would have towards men.' 'Only some men. Especially when they have gorgeous size C boobs and long auburn hair. But I know what you mean.' 'Chloe, I really tried. I did everything short of throwing myself upon him.' 'This sounds intriguing.' 'Well, for instance, as we were leaving the restaurant I took his hand and forced him to walk close to me. It was an effort on my part but I was determined that he should treat me more as a man should treat a woman.' 'How did he respond?' 'At first he was completely tense. But I think he relaxed a bit though by this time we were out by his car and so he made an excuse to break away. So I suggested that we should go round by the sea and go for a stroll together along the front.' 'What did he say to that.' 'He didn't want to go at first but I insisted. I can be stubborn at times you know.' 'Really! So did you get him to agree.' 'Oh yes. I pointed out that there was a good hour before we needed to be leaving for our Ovaltine.' 'So was it a romantic setting?' 'You bet it was. The sun had not been long set and the sky was streaked in red. The sea was washing gently against the shore and there was light breeze that lifted my hair. I left my jacket in the car and let it caress my bare shoulders.' 'Sounds idyllic. Did he respond?' 'Well, I managed to take his hand. We then walked along in silence for a while. I pointed out that we were not the only couple on the beach and indeed one pair were really entwined with each other. Gary shook his head and asked me if that was what I wanted to do with him.' 'Was that what you wanted to do with him?' 'Not really, though I think that had he tried to grab me I would have responded quite favourably. But at least he continued to hold on to my hand.' 'So was that as far as you went.' 'Well no, actually. The sea breeze was cold on my bare shoulders and it caused me to shiver. I mean it was really lovely. The seashore, my bare shoulders, the caress of my hair, the feeling of the breeze on my exposed breasts. I was certainly getting turned on.' 'But Gary wasn't' 'Not really. I mentioned that I was cold and he offered me his jacket.' 'Very chivalrous. His mother would have approved.' 'Yes, but I refused it. I told him I would rather he put his arms about my shoulders.' 'Anna, that was very naughty. Did he do it.' 'Yes and I must say it confused me when he did so. I mean I don't really fancy men.' 'Doesn't sound like it.' 'But it was somehow right. I mean, you can't deny that I look very feminine.' 'You look gorgeous.' 'Well, when he put his arm very clumsily about me I got a tingle up my spine. And we walked back to the car in this way - very awkward but I felt that I had won something of a victory at least over Gary's mother.' 'So he didn't try to do anything more?' 'Goodness, no. I really did expect him at least to try to kiss me. I know that if I had been in his position with a girl as attractive as me I would never have been able to resist. But he was so worried in case his mother heard what he had been doing. In the end I called it a day and accepted that we would get no further. I don't know what will happen at the ball, Chloe!' 'You'll be fine, Anna. So you went home for your Ovaltine.' 'Afraid so. And the next evening was similar. Mind you, Gary was very generous to me during the day.' 'Come on, tell me. what did he do.' 'We went shopping in Bristol. He insisted that I went round all the shops and I agreed. He had some business to do at his office so he left me. I had a wonderful girlie time, looking at clothes, underwear, perfume, jewellery. You would have loved it, Chloe.' 'I would indeed, Anna. We haven't done it yet. We must. Perhaps we could go looking for the ballgown one day soon.' 'I'd like that. But to get back to Bristol. The morning sped by and I must have tried on a dozen dresses and as many skirts and tops. There is nothing like trying on frocks to make you feel happy and feminine.' 'I wouldn't know. I've been doing it all my life.' 'But don't you find it fun?' 'I suppose so.' 'I mean, when I have been buying male clothes it was just a matter of

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Tom sat in his room overthinking his plan. In the living room the bride of his brother and her maids of honor were drinking. They were planning to leave soon for the bachelorette party except he would stop them. He poisoned the punchbowle on the table with his special mixture. He was a genius chemist although he was only 18. The girls wouldn't notice anything except a litte headache except he would us a special sound on them. A little high frequency voice command people normally wouldn't notice...

2 years ago
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naked in front of the cleaning lady0

At first I ignored her presence since I was getting ready to go to work about the same time. I had a pretty easy job schedule, I didn’t punch a time clock and could keep my own hours. I was free to come and go to the office at any time. One Friday morning I heard her open the front door and come in to start her cleaning routine. I had nothing at work scheduled until after lunch and having been out the night before for dinner I thought I’d sleep in and head for the office after lunch. ...

3 years ago
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Elevator ride to remember

Imagine you are in the city at the courthouse or somewhere important and you have to ride the elevator up to the top floor. You are wearing a respectable dress and shirt and high heels. The elevator stops on the second floor and I step on wearing my business suit and tie. I give you a glance, then a double take as I smile a charming smile at you. I punch the button for the 5 th floor and then back up to stand next to you. I look you up and down, my gaze lingering on the curve of your breasts,...

2 years ago
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Hotwife Chloes Slutty Night Out

Chloe got home from work over an hour later than usual. “Oh, I called in at the tattoo shop. Look.”she said, lifting up her red leather mini-skirt. “Max took out my old cunt rings and put in these bignew 6 gauge silver titanium rings. Don't they look so fucking slutty, Dave?”The four new rings through her labia, two on either side, were at least three times the size of her oldones. They were, indeed, incredibly slutty!“Max told me not to change the ring in my pierced clit hood because it would...

2 years ago
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Coward Little Housewife 8211 Part 10 Sex At The Medical Store

This is a fiction story, so enjoy it. Let me introduce myself. I’m Geeta Singh Anant, age 21, fit body, slender legs, especially curved thighs especially thicker than normal. Firm and straight boobs as especially noticed by everyone, fair skin, height 5 feet 5 inch. One day while thinking about what all have happened with me, I resigned to my fate. Whether I like it or not, people are going to fuck me every now and then. I am a coward. I cannot even say no to anyone and gets fucked whenever...

3 years ago
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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 2 Ch 11

The alarm went off, shattering the morning quiet. Ashleigh jumped to turn off its shrill ring. When she rolled back into the bed, Diane leaned over and kissed her lightly. ‘Good morning, Ashleigh.’ ‘Good morning, Diane, I hope the alarm didn’t shake you too much. It really has an irritating ring.’ ‘It’s ok, I have one like it myself. I hate getting up in the morning especially after I’ve had such a good time the night before. You promised we’d shower together remember? I’m ready if you...

1 year ago
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FirstBGG Darcy Dark Kristi Balloon master satisfies two cuties

Darcy Dark and Kristi love balloons. Their mutual friend says he is a master of making toys out of balloons. Sure, both cuties feel intrigued and excited and ask him for a master class. First, he makes a balloon dog and gives it to Darcy Dark. Sure, Kristi wants a dog for herself, but the dude decides to do something spicier for the hottie. He makes a balloon dick, and asks if it fits him. Darcy Dark and Kristi take the initiative into their hands and mouths and give him a passionate threesome...

1 year ago
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Clean but Crude Ch 07

I’d been lounging in the shallow end of the pool for a while, expecting Beth and Pia to join me any minute. I was glad to have the heater going so the water was warm. I hate swimming nude in cold water. Like George said in an old ‘Seinfeld’ episode, men experience shrinkage, and even though I didn’t have much to worry about in that area, cold water isn’t conducive to good sex. After I’d been waiting for what seemed like too long, I pulled myself out of the pool, grabbed a towel and walked back...

3 years ago
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TommyChapter 7

After the second report card of the 10th grade, Tommy started hitting the books under his parents’ prodding and rationed himself to one girl a week in addition to his sister. Sometimes on Saturday morning he wished she’d find a different partner as she bounced on his belly, her big boobs jolting up and down. He did not try out for baseball in the spring but did make the track team as a shot putter and long jumper. He worked on his technique daily, lifted weights regularly and eventually won...

3 years ago
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Jackie 1

Over the past few weeks she had been in conversation, on the net, with a man who was the same age as her own father. Obviously she didn’t feel the same way about him though. She had been able to relate with him in a way she hadn’t with anyone before. They were on the same playing field. Without telling anyone she and John, the man from the internet, had arranged their first meet on this day off. She was sure in herself that everything would be fine but she still wasn’t sure what to...

2 years ago
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My kids teacher part 1

The first time I saw her I was picking up my daughter from school. She had gorgeous blue eyes like the turquoise sea of Mauritius, and her brown hair reminded me of autumn, chestnuts and cocoa. I asked my daughter who she was out of curiosity and heard her say, 'we call her Miss Sparkle'.Miss Sparkle was the first time since I'd had kids that I was attracted to another woman other than my partner. She gave me those butterflies you get in your stomach when someone takes your breath away. I...

1 year ago
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Sheryl and her perfect life

I happen to think that every high school as that perfect couple. That pair that seem as though they were made for each other. They are inseparable, look great together, do everything together and every other couple wants to be just like them. In my school that couple was Paul and Sheryl. I had known Sheryl for six years, which is a long time for someone in high school. She was one of the most beautiful girls in school and I use her as my benchmark for the perfect woman to this day. She was...

4 years ago
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Wrong place wrong time

John and Lisa were twins with strikingly similar features, although they weren't identical they were often mistaken for sisters due to John's long hair and feminine features. He usually laughed off people's mistakes because of his good nature and the fact that was completely non-aggressive, unlike Lisa. Lisa was a lesbian, which didn't seem to cause any trouble with their parents since both were very open minded. However, after the last presidential election, they did ask her to tone down her...

2 years ago
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Cat and Mouse The Baby

Cat and Mouse: The Baby By Bluto News item on Telemundo (translated from the Spanish). "Hola, this is Jaun Pegar Fantasia with news from South America: Scattered reports are coming in now of a disaster on the Pacific Coast of Peru. The small town of Puerto Diego has been destroyed with an uncertain loss of life. Helicopter video shows the utter destruction visited on the village from what one survivor called, and I'm not making this up, folks, 'a giant, the biggest man I have ever...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Pregnency Tak Ka Safar Part 8211 2

Hi mera name Mr X hai aur mera email id hai.Koi bhi ladki ya women mere sathe maze karna chahti hai to mujhe email kare. Jaise meine apko kaha thi ke mere dost baap nai ban sakta to usne mujhe bhabhi ke sathe sex karne ko kaha tha to mene unse 3 din tak mujhe aur bhabhi ko hotel mein bhejne ka kaha,Sathe hi meine use kaha ki bhabhi se sathe din mein ek hi baar baat kar sakta hai aur woh bhi sham 5-6 ke bich mein aur hotel ka pura kharch aur mera kharch use dena hoga sathi mein bhabhi 3 din tak...

3 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 2 Raptor

Wednesday afternoon THE MAN RIDING HER REDOUBLED his efforts. His words were garbled, but they sounded something like “Take it, bitch. Take it!” She took it, but not quietly. “Pound me! Harder!” “Shit,” he said, but he kept it up, thrusting and drawing circles inside her with his cock. He let up for a moment, to a “No!” sound from her, but only long enough to lean back and pull her legs up and bend them back to her shoulders. She was tilted up and open and she gasped when he ploughed her...

4 years ago
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Listening to the local band

On Friday evening, a nice local band would play in a near bar and I liked these guys; but I was home alone that night.However, I decided to go out to listen at their music.So I chose a nice outfit to go out: a shiny red bra and matching pair of leggings adorned with black lace and a low cut black dress.I ran my fingers across my nipples feeling them harden. I imagined I would be acting very shy and blushing a lot tonight in this sexy looking outfit. But then I thought I would go there just to...

3 years ago
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Jenny Horny at Work

Our office is professional but casual. We have about twenty people that work at desk cubicles on the main floor. The staff is mostly men, but there are some women as well. I am the office manager. My desk is more substantial and open, facing the team. Having my back to nothing and no one, just windows here on the second floor allows me to “play” online with a degree of privacy when the mood strikes me. A little about me, Jenny: I am a 50-something, very married, and a proud Mom of four. I am a...

Office Sex
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A need for cock

You sit alone in your apartment, a screen flickers in the dark, the only illumination. Your eyes are fixed on a image of a girl walking tentatively into a black windowless room, her eyes dart furtively, about the featureless walls. She seems nervous but bites her bottom lip, a gesture of excited anticipation. She is wearing only tight black blouse stretched taught across her large chest, she is exposed and naked from her midriff down. She gasps, from a hole along the wall something emerges,...

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Emilys First Solo Holiday Part 04

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 04 DAY 08 – The second day of my ‘enslavement’ ****** Will didn’t wake me by fucking me. We were both woken by Harry telling us to get our lazy butts off the bed. When Will woke he looked disappointed, I know that I was. “Will, you go and shower in our room, you know how long girls take to get ready” Harry said...

4 years ago
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Metric Mistake

My name is Jim, age 32 and I have my own Event Engineering business. What is Event Engineering many people ask? I provide sound, lighting, tents, video screens etc. for any kind of large event. High end weddings, college graduations, press conferences, you name it. I'm also the local promoter for quite a few concerts. I fill in the gap between what the venue has, and what the tour brings with them. My wife Marci is 28, and is a knock out. She may not be the brightest bulb on the tree, but she...

2 years ago
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Hotel Hookup

Amber walked past the lobby, ignoring the looks from the others, who smiled or nodded greeting. Today she was a woman on a mission. Amber found a toilet and ducked in. She lifted her skirt and pulled down her pantyhose and removed the little bit of lace that were panties. She ran a couple of fingers over the course hair and smiled to herself. She had to be careful. She didn’t want to be too wet, not just yet at least. Amber flattered her skirt so that the pleats sat just right. She looked...

3 years ago
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The change

12 year old Aza was walking through the disused garages on her way home from school, she looked at all the anti Islam graffiti sighed walked on. Aza saw her brother Azzam talking to 16 year Steve a thug from a local gang. Aza went over asked Azzam why he was talking to scum, Azzam replied that Steve was now part of their group, Aza looked said ” bet he aint only going to grass us up when he can” Azzam said “watch” looked at Steve and said ” show her” Steve started to undo his tracksuit trousers...

1 year ago
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Chasing Megan 3 REDONE

Introduction: So after rereading the old version I also felt it was a little…lacking so I went back and fixed it. I hope its just as good as the first two or maybe even better! College was hard to deal with since the one person that I wanted to most was still in high school and in classes while I had nothing for the day. All through my math class I kept thinking of how her breasts looked so fuckable in the baby-top tops that she would wear when I was around her. Or how I just wanted her to fuck...

4 years ago
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My first time with Robby chapter 2

"baby, can I stay home from school today?" I say, grinding my hips hard against him. "alright, but don't get used to it. This is only because you have a legitimate reason to be sore, it isn't because I got laid." Robby said sternly. I knew he still had to be fatherly with me, and that was fine, but right now what I really wanted was a romantic partner laying under me. "can you be romantic with me today Robby? I've never really had a boyfriend before." he stared at me for several...

2 years ago
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Apni Dost K Sath Sex

Hy guys this is Akash frm U.P. N mai ek normal middle class family say hu.Yeh meri 4 days purani ghatna ki kahani hai. Meri height 6ft hai n me ek 18 years ka attractive ladka hu. . Well let me start my story. . . . Yeh kahani meri class ki dost Renuka k sath hui hasin ghatna hai. . . Renuka ka fig 36-26-34 hai uski umar v 18 thi. Woh bahot hi khubsurat hai n uske boobs v baday aur tight hai. Ek din ki baat hai mai n Renu school say laut rahe thay n rastay par Renu ka ghar padnay k karan mai...

1 year ago
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Birthday Pe School Friend Ki Chudai

Hello everyone, I am Samar and I am back with my new story. I know is waqt aap sabhi hilane mein ya ungli dalne me busy ho. To direct mudde ki baat pe aate hai. Sabse pehle hilana band kardo or ladkiya apne chut se hath hata do. Ab story pe aate hai. Ye story meri or meri ek school friend ki hai. Uska name Misty hai. Wo din mera birthday tha. So mere sabhi school friends ne mujhe surprise dene ke liye, subh subh mere ghar aa gaye. Me tabhi so kar utha tha, or baki friends bhi waise hi aaye the,...

3 years ago
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Early experiences following 2nd flogging session

Early Experiences - Following 2nd session flogging For several days afterward I kept wondering when and what the next adventure would entail ; at work all Stu would say was we had to wait until his wife had arranged things ;my mind conjuring up all sorts of things , so it was a great relief the next Thursday to be told they would collect me from my digs on Saturday at 5.30pm and I should be freshly bathed and shaved , prepared for a possible overnight stay. They were punctual to the minute ;...

2 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 11 Damage Report

Rebecca This was bad with a capital B. "You didn't see this," I told Paul, "You don't know what's inside." I put everything back in the envelope and handed it to him, "Hold onto this, and if anyone, anyone, tries to take it, destroy it immediately. I'll get clearance to take it out without further tests. Wait until you hear from me. It won't take long." I walked back over to the tech on duty. "That envelope does not exist, you are not to log it in or mention it to anyone, you...

4 years ago
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Heather Part 2

Heather Part 2 I pushed her away from me and tried to comprehend what had just happened. I could still feel the sting from the needle in my neck and as I watched her toss it onto the table I felt a little rush of disorientation course through my brain. I was aghast; I couldn't believe this was real. "Your mother is going to hear about this," I told her. "What are you thinking injecting people with whatever that is? Especially me, your mom's new husband." I was actually scared...

3 years ago
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Faith Anthology Part 1

Faith Anthology Part 1; This is the four short stories centered around Nigel Shaw becoming who he really is, Faith Shaw. The stories will not be in always be in chronological order. I will not be responding to any messages on the thread so do not get offended if I do not answer any question asked. Thank you in advance for understanding. I am Not the Best at Words (The Content of a letter which was slipped underneath the door of a teenage girl's bedroom) We have to talk, and you...

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north Indian housewife in 7 days treatment part 1

My name is Anita Singh. I live in a small town of Uttar Pradesh. Presently I am 32 years of age, married. I got married at the age of 25 to Rajesh, who was a shop-owner. My married life started smooth and I was happy with everything. Rajesh and I shared a very good and close relation. My sex life also was quite regular and satisfactory. But bitterness in my life started when Rajesh and I decided we are going to have an issue after two years of our marriage. When even after one year of...

2 years ago
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The Photographer

Dillon was learning to speak Russian a little better after a week in Kiev, Ukraine. He found the people friendly and helpful, and a larger percentage of them spoke a bit of English than he had expected. Dillon took every opportunity to practice his Russian, freely starting conversations with the accommodating Ukrainians. He focused his efforts on the beautiful young women of the city when possible. They seemed to find the tall and lean American with a camera slung over his shoulder...

3 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 72

Tuesday the rain continued but I decided to walk to the cafe for breakfast. When I sat down to eat, I felt like everyone was staring at me. I felt as though they all know I had been with Sam and taken his huge penis. No one overtly looked at me. I just felt as though they all knew. I ate my food without making an effort to speak to anyone, which really wasn't at all unusual. Breakfast was more or less also lunch for me, since it was 10:30 when I entered and 11:00 when I left the cafe. I...

2 years ago
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My Wife Meets My Girlfriend and Vice Versa

I should have known it was just too good a set-up.  My wife, Cindy, took off for a week-long visit to her longtime girlfriend up in Wyoming, leaving me home alone.  Of course, I didn't really plan on being alone the whole time she was gone.  I was on my cell phone calling Veronica before Cindy's car even got fully out of town that morning, probably.Cindy had taken a week off to drive up to Cheyenne to visit her girlfriend, Janet, before.  About six years ago, Cindy left on another visit and...

2 years ago
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Left Virgin By A Cousin And Lost It To Aunty

I’m Vyom Shah from Ahemdabad, Gujarat and this incident which changed my whole life happened on end of Nov 2011 at my age of 20 with my aunty (around 5 years elder than me) her name is Dipal, I many a times used to imagine about her and masturbate and I was a lot sure on my luck that I would never get such a great chance to complete my dreams. Being my first story their might be many mistakes so please neglect it. It is a lot tragic story and without boring you guy’s more let us move towards...

3 years ago
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Spirit Ch 00

May 24, 2009 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Prologue Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

2 years ago
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Melanie and Rose

At a friend’s party I was introduced to Melanie and Rose, they were both mid-fifties, very well kept and slim. They had both retired early, brought everything to Spain and were enjoying, what they called, their new life, and had been doing so for about 5 years. The three of us got on so well we arranged to go out for dinner the following weekend, we picked a very nice restaurant, agreed a time and everything was settled.On the evening I arrived first and waited in the bar for the women to...

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Mothers Caress

The first time it had occurred to them to discuss it was when she saw him watching that video again.Slowly, teasingly, Ashlyn drew the smooth, slick butt plug out of her pink anus. Adam let out a sigh. He was seated comfortably upon his chair at the centre of the room, watching her. With a single elegant gesture of one hand, Ashlyn swept her fine long, brown hair to one side. A mischievous smile lit up her beautiful face when she stepped forward, put her arms around her athletic father and...

2 years ago
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Asha and Oliver

Introduction: Highschoolers Asha and Oliver decide to hook up one school night….see what happens when he sneaks her into his house while his family is sleeping! This is just a quick intro. More to come of these adventures. What kind of music do you like? Who is your favourite author? Remember that time when me and Ariel sang that acoustic set at the monk? Whats the first thing you think about in the morning? We had known eachother for several months. After a school acting retreat, we had...

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Uncle Frank Has a VisitorChapter 3

Caitlin may have been thinking about getting fucked all day, but she couldn't have been more anxious to resume our activities of last night and this morning than I was. Carrying her sweet, young body pressed tightly against me made my cock swell and strain in the confines of my pants. To have such a cute, little sex toy begging me to fuck her was enough to make any man lose all control over any moral judgments. I wasn't thinking of her as my niece or even as a girl that should have been...

3 years ago
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A Quick Fuck Changed My Life

Hi this is sonu again. I wrote my first two stories, how I became a gay and how my tuition teacher became my fuck buddy. And all u thanks for sending good response and hot mails. This encouraged me a lot and now I am writing another story. And special thanks to ISS club for sending my story on this site and ISS readers. For all of those who had not read my first stories I am telling about me again. I am the only son of my parents and have three sisters all elder than me. Now two of them are...

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Our Fifth Date

I can feel your eyes watching my every move and roaming up and down every inch of me. You seem to enjoy the way my basic black dress fits every curve of my body. I turn to you and you wrap your arms around me pulling me close to you. I look up at you with a smile and you bend down and kiss my willing parted lips deeply, our tongues entwining. I can feel your hardness through your pants against my tummy and I kiss you back passionately. As our lips part, I step back from you and turn...

3 years ago
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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 29

Even though he touched bases with his powerful AI friend Vyagar everyday, the earlier planning Dale had undertaken now left him with a great deal of personal time for enjoyment. Knowing that Vyagar and his army of AIs were keeping tabs on things and could reach him at anytime gave Dale a great peace of mind. And as the weeks and months passed many of his plans had begun to gain their own momentum. Mayan Tech, the enormous corporation that Dale had launched in Central America, was in fact...

4 years ago
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Claire ConvertsChapter 8

On Sunday, Becky and the others were back in town. I should have given them a chance to decompress, but I was too confused, and Becky was the only person I knew that might understand what I was going through, except maybe her master, who seemed to have me read completely, but I was definitely not going there. I called Becky early Sunday afternoon and asked, "Did you have a nice honeymoon?" "The best, Mom, the best!" she replied excitedly. "That's good, honey," I said nervously....

4 years ago
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Literotica The School Ch 01

The School Ch. 01byNeighbourhoodSuccubus©Author's Note: All characters are 18 and over.*****Technology is marvelous. It allows the weak human body to transcend its limits and go far beyond. Star travel was possible, new alien races have been discovered and made friends of which only served to boost the already massive leaps of knowledge and technology humanity has made beforehand. State of the art medicine, genetic manipulation and many other means of choosing one's lifestyle became available...

2 years ago
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Last Friday in the Month

The last day in the month was a very special day at St Jude’s Preparatory School For Girls. St Jude’s was an exclusive school for the daughters of very wealthy people. The parents were anxious that their daughters should be brought up in a strict, sheltered environment so that they would grow up to be model citizens. The school was in an isolated location in the moors of Scotland, somewhere to the north of the Solway Firth. On a clear day it was just possible to look south from the upper floor...

2 years ago
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Mali Bamako to Fana sequel

After breakfast, Arnoud and Henrique tell us that they will prepare the car and themselves for our trip tomorrow. I decide to take it easy and to stay in the lovely garden. Alwin has agreed with a few old acquaintances from his stay in Mali a few years earlier. I relax in a sun lounger and watch the activities of the hotel staff. Around lunchtime the man who checked us in asks if I want to have lunch. Time to introduce myself, while I extend my hand and mention my name. He says his name is...

4 years ago
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Best GirlPart 4

Todd opened his eyes and looked down at the crusty stain across his chest. It was the size of a small fist and looked vaguely like Peru. His thoughts rolled back to the events of the previous evening which had precipitated the splotch. After a long day spent variously dressed in women's clothes and down on his knees giving strange men handjobs at a local adult video store, the fruits of his efforts, namely the eleven cum-filled condoms he had managed to collect, had been unceremoniously...

2 years ago
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Nothing but Trouble

Special thanks to Steve Zink for editing this story. The super lover suit, giving nothing but trouble Nothing but Trouble - By Shrike Aloysius Talling was walking down the street, and though he'd just been discharged from the Army, he wasn't worried about his future yet. He had a little money in his pockets, and though that would run out soon, he expected to have a job again within days. He didn't have much of an education, but he had a rigorous training as a Special Forces...

2 years ago
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Palais Part 2

PALAIS 4. Charise just had finished her final preparations when the stage assistant bustled into the dressing alcove, calling for the girls' attention. "All right ladies, time to go," he babbled in his thick Gaelic brogue, "everybody take your places please." A burst of excited chatter followed this announcement as the girls deserted their dressing tables and flocked towards the Grande Stage. The atmosphere was tense with expectation. Tonight, they'd be doing...

2 years ago
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What should have been Redeux Episode 1

I have always been interested is sex, as long as I can remember. I saw my first playboy in second grade, and the female form called to me. My best friend Mike brought it on the bus. Little did I know where it would lead! I started masturbating at eleven, just before this story takes (or should have taken) place. I suppose my dating life started in fourth grade, with a girl named Elizabeth. She was also a fourth grader, a beautiful brunette. She had the beginnings of breasts, was taller...

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The beginning of my life as a fuck slut

We stumbled through the front door into the empty house. It was 2am and we were just home from the best night out we had had in a long time. We had hardly wanted to leave our friends house but once the police turned up we knew it was time to leave. As I began the impossible task of removing my four inch heels I watched Emily swaying down the corridor. She was wearing the cutest pink summer dress that complemented her lightly tanned skin and short blonde hair. “Do you want anything to drink?”,...

3 years ago
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Salvation (Sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes. I am not perfect. Most readers have patience; others think the story sucks if there are mistakes. I do try though.) We can all remember a time, when things were like Utopia. When life was so good, we never thought about being sad. For me this was when my Mum lived here. Then we were a family. Mum was the happy one in the family. She was always cheerful and making pies and things. I know this sounds a bit corny, but that's...

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KA Loves JBChapter 3

As the weeks passed I was going to Jenny's at least two evenings a week and staying there most weekends, unless I was required to be somewhere for work reasons. Her divorce was going through and it was only a matter of time until she was free. Keith visited Manda quite regularly, but Jenny thought that she was too young to stay with him for a whole weekend. Manda was always happy to see him, but I think that as I saw her more than he did, she was perhaps beginning to think of him less as her...

2 years ago
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Moving sucks. At about the forth time doing it you would think we have the hang of it. But, as always, there is something we forget. Whether it's the forwarding of the mail to changing over the car insurance, there seems to always be one thing we leave out. This was the third time in 6 years we have had to move for my company, I love my job and all, but have reallybegun to think of a career change. From West Coast to East Coast, Dallas to Chicago seems like we've been all across the great...

Group Sex
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Khala Mein Daala

Hello friends. My name is Jahangir. I run my own restaurant in outskirts of Hyderabad. I am 26 years old 6, 2’’ tall, fair and had worked really hard and made a strong muscular body. I also went to Mumbai to try my luck in movies but I didn’t sustain long enough in the competition. Anyways the story which I am going to narrate to you people today is about me and my Khala( Aunty) My Khala Ruksana is in mid 30s but she is still as sexy as a college going girl. She is 5’6” 34 boobs, slim,...


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