Lisa And Alison - Chapter 1 free porn video

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Lisa and Alison - Chapter One By AmyAmy. November 30th 2005. This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters portrayed here to real people living or deceased is entirely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work, except in allowing that it may be archived and distributed for non-commercial purposes, providing all text remains intact, including this notice. This story deals with 'adult' themes of a highly sexual nature, including 'fetishism', bondage, domination, non-consensual sex acts, use of sex-toys, costumes and sexual transformation in an unrealistic and fantastical manner. If you find such topics disturbing, or if it is illegal for you to read about them, stop reading here. I met her in a nightclub. I was drunk and we were climbing stairs. I was behind her, staring up at her peach perfect ass squeezed into a tight red miniskirt. She must have known, because when we got to the top she was waiting for me with a smile. We talked for a while. We didn't have much to say and the music was too loud to hear anyway. She reached up and kissed me. Her hands slid over my body, tracing my nipples, grazing my ass and skirting around my crotch. I reached out to return the favor and she smacked my hands away. She stuck her tongue in my mouth and I tasted alcohol and cigarettes. Her mouth was hot, young, soft and greedy. She told me her name was Alison. "Come home with me," she said. Outside the club I thought we were waiting for a taxi. Her friends showed up and they started talking and smoking. Mostly they ignored me. I was about to wander off, figuring she'd lost interest in me. She grabbed my arm. We kissed again. Her hands were exploring my ass and brushing over my crotch. My penis began to stiffen. She laughed and pushed me away. "It won't be long now. Helen's coming with the car," she said. She reached out and put her hand on my chest. Her finger drew little circles around my nipple and she grinned. I grinned back. I was buzzing from the drink. I didn't know what was going to happen. Something seemed wrong but I was prepared to give it a go anyway. There was just something about the way she spoke with her friends I didn't like. I thought it was likely we'd get to her place and after an hour or two she'd kick me out and I'd be in some unknown place at five AM in the morning with a hangover. Worse things happen. She was sexy enough to take the risk. Her rubber skirt showed every beautiful curve of her hips and ass and her closely tailored blouse made the most of her pert C cups. Platform boots gave her legs an extra three inches, but I was still looking across at the top of her head and her mousy brown pageboy cut. The next thing I remember, she was pushing me into the middle spot in the back seat of an old Volvo. I was squeezed in between her and her friend. Her friend was tall and overweight. Squeezed so tight between two women I felt a little self-conscious, and a little excited too. Her friend squealed when my hand touched her leg. Alison grabbed my wrists and held them up. "Save those for me," she said. She leaned in to kiss me again, still holding my wrists. I felt her tongue exploring my mouth and the stale taste of cigarettes. Somehow that taste seemed sexy on her. I looked into her orange-brown eyes. There was something hard in them. Her eyebrows were tweazed thin and her nose was narrow. Her jaw was narrow too, and her face had a thin, cruel look: beautiful but lean. There was something about her casual attitude and her looks that reminded me of all the women I'd never dared chase and never known why. There was a coldness about her that was thrilling. It was something I'd always avoided in women, but now I didn't care. The late night streets were clear, and I soon saw the glow of the city disappear outside the car. We were driving out into the country somewhere. By the sharp twisting and turning of the car I guessed we were on a narrow 'B' road, not much better than a farm track. I was pressed against the soft fleshy body of her friend, and I couldn't help noticing the big woman's breasts: like her they were generously sized. I was afraid to move my arms in case I brushed against them. Alison's hands kept groping me and my penis was hard but trapped awkwardly in my pants. I didn't dare readjust it. She would let me touch her, barely, but then push my hands away. I lost track of how long we were in the car. I might have fallen asleep for a bit. The next thing I remember was her pulling me out of the car. The two of us were left behind as the car turned on gravel. It drove off down a narrow lane. We were in near total darkness. There were no lights anywhere out there. It sounded like the deep countryside. There was a smell of grass and animals. It was a clear moonless night. I couldn't really see anything of the house we were entering. I heard her pull keys out of her bag and opening a heavy door. I expected her to turn on a light, but she didn't. She grabbed my hand and led me through pitch dark rooms. I was completely disoriented. "Careful, the stairs down here are steep," she said, as if holding back laughter. "Isn't there a light?" I asked. "I don't want to wake everyone up," she explained. "So, be quiet." I found the beginning of the stairs with my foot and began to descend. She was right, the stairs were very steep. I heard them creak and bend beneath me. I heard dirt and splinters crunch under my boots. I reached to steady myself and felt a roughly painted brick wall. It was cool to the touch. The stairway was narrow and she went first. She held my hand, tugging me after her. At the end of the stairs there was a narrow corridor with sharp bends. We went through a low doorway and I felt the lintel brush against my hair. It was an old building. "Here we are. Let me just close this door," she said. I heard the sound of a heavy door being pushed closed, and an archaic sounding catch. The sound was dead, not echoing like before. "The bed is just behind you," she giggled, pushing me back until I stumbled into it. I fell back onto the bed. It was big and soft. The room and the bed smelled of female. I gasped as I felt her small hands unfastening my jeans. She pulled them down around my ankles. My boots stopped her pulling them off. "How do I get these stupid boots off?" she demanded in frustration. She was almost as drunk as I was. I unlaced my boots and she pulled off my jeans and boxers, throwing them away onto the floor. The feeling of her delicate hands on my skin was fantastic. I shivered as she teased me. I was rock hard, and I felt her breath on my penis in the total darkness. I gasped. She got rid of my shirt and I was completely naked. She pushed me back on the bed and crawled forward. She straddled me. I could feel her pants were hot and damp on my chest. She gave a quiet moan. She pushed my hands back either side of my head. I exclaimed in shock as I felt her fastening something around my wrist. "What? What are you doing?" I yelped. "Shush. Just lay back and be quiet if you want to fuck me," she said half laughing. Her hands were at my other wrist now, and I felt something close around it. I yanked at my wrists, but they couldn't move more than an inch from where they were fastened. I couldn't reach to touch my face. Her hands were on my chest now as she slid back. She straddled my belly while she played with my nipples. I felt her hair brush my face as she leaned over to kiss me. This time her kiss was fierce. She was crushing and biting my lips. Without the lust and alcohol I would have cried out in pain. Her tongue invaded my mouth again, probing and teasing. Forcing my mouth open further she reached deeper in. She pulled away and moaned. I was gasping with excitement. She climbed off me, and I could feel her moving about on the bed. Then I felt her sit down on my chest. She seemed heavy for someone so small. It was hard to breathe. Her ass slid back and I felt the touch of her tongue on my penis. She sat up and after some clumsy positioning, her crotch descended on my face. The smell of her overwhelmed my nostrils. She squirmed slightly, rubbing a smear of her juice over my nose and eyes. She squirmed again, and her sex pressed against my mouth. She leaned back half suffocating me. My nose was filled with her juice and her smell. "Come on," she said. "Lick me." She moaned, then laughed. "If you're good..." She leaned forward and I felt her fingers brushing on my penis. The hotness of her mouth enveloped the end. I felt a sucking, soft and erotic, then hard, almost painful. Then she sat up again. I knew what she wanted. I was just partially stunned. I was struggling for air. Light headed, slow and confused, I finally reacted. I opened my mouth and began to run my tongue around her sex. "And be careful with those fucking teeth," she warned suddenly. More carefully with just my lips and tongue I began to lick her sex. At first I was licking her lips, then trying to delve inside and lap up the salty juice. She squirmed around forcefully, rubbing her clit against my jaw. It felt like it would be dislocated, or my neck would give out. Then she got her clit in reach of my tongue and I began to work on it. It wasn't long before my tongue was tired. My jaw was aching from holding my mouth open. My lips were sore. The smell and taste of her was everywhere. Her juices covered my face and matted my hair. She could feel me tiring beneath her. She became impatient as I slowed down. Her hand felt cold as it cupped and cradled my balls. She subtly closed her grip around them. I felt nervous and excited. Her control over me was crystallized in that grip. I feared it. I loved it. She squeezed a little harder. I gained new reserves of energy and began working my tongue again. My mouth and tongue really ached. I was desperate to make her cum, and I didn't know if I could do it. I had to use my lips and chin on her clit, even my nose, to give my tongue a rest. That just made my neck hurt even worse. "Ahhh, don't slow down now you filthy bitch," she growled. I felt the long polished nails of her other hand stroking slow electricity down the underside of my erect penis. Then her hand closed around it, nails digging sharp pain in the underside. Her mouth closed over the tip, and then slowly slid down further until I felt her completely containing me. She wasn't afraid to let me feel her teeth on my shaft. I couldn't feel the pain so much now I was dizzy with lust and frustration. She gave me just enough to tease me. Floating high on a desire for release I slacked off on licking her clit at times. Her claw-like grip on my balls soon brought back my concentration when that happened. Eventually, she started to writhe desperately on top of me. I thought she was going to break my jaw with her ass, or at least suffocate me. Finally, she climbed off me and I could hear her rubbing herself and moaning as she fingered herself to climax. "You're not much use," she snorted. "You'll have to do better than that." She was doing something in the room, but I didn't know what. "A lot better," was her parting shot as she closed the heavy door behind her. She was gone. I was alone in the complete darkness. After the time in the dark my eyes should have adjusted so I could see something. I still couldn't see anything at all. I could smell and taste her juice covering me. It was drying into a crust. Every breath overwhelmed me with her scent. Still, I was tired and hurting. I couldn't get my hands loose. I fell asleep waiting for her to return. I slept naked and uncovered on the bed. A chill woke me later. It was still completely dark and I was shivering and desperate to use the toilet. My head ached. My mouth was dry. Time seemed to have stopped. Every discomfort seemed magnified and prolonged forever. It wasn't long before I was shouting for help. It was no good. The darkness seemed to swallow my cries. I gave up when I was sure I could not be heard. I drifted in and out of a disoriented haze, half-conscious and helpless. I don't know how long I was there. I began to suspect that beneath the cotton sheet covering the bed was a plastic cover because my back was hot and sweaty while my front was cold. Her juices had dried and crusted all over me. I could still smell her. If I hadn't been in such discomfort it would have made me horny. All the time I lay there, I never heard any sound but my own. That convinced me that nobody could hear me either. I could shout myself hoarse; nobody could hear me. Not only was I considering wetting the bed to relieve the pain in my bladder, I was becoming frightened that I might never escape. I imagined I would simply die, still locked to the bed. I had quite a bit of movement, but I couldn't reach anything using my feet. It was hopeless. I detected the faintest signs of a footfall before I heard someone working the heavy door catch. Rather than cry out I remained silent. I listened with fear to every noise. I had been imagining dreadful scenarios for too long. There was a sound of the door opening. Painful, dazzling light outlined a figure in the doorway. Then came a voice: it was her. "Wakey, wakey. Rise and shine cutie," her voice called out. The sound of dry, false humor jarred my ears. I blinked. My eyes adjusted a little. The light coming in through the door was from a single dim, low wattage bulb. She sat down next to me on the edge of the bed. She had a tray on her lap. I could smell coffee. I still felt sick, but anything to drink would be good. "Here you are," she held a china coffee cup to my lips. It was black and strong. I drank it thankfully. "I didn't mean to leave you here like this. I fell asleep on the bathroom floor," she said without much sympathy. "Unlock me please," I croaked. It sounded more pleading than I intended. She just laughed. "No. I don't trust you not to take revenge for being left here. I don't know you. You might be dangerous," she said suspiciously. I shook my head. My neck ached. "Please, I just want to go to the toilet." I was begging now. She could hear it in my voice, but her expression showed no signs of softening. I wasn't sure, but it seemed something dark flickered across her features for a moment. "Do you really? I may allow that, but you must ask nicely," she said, her mouth forming a mean little grin. "Please. May I use the toilet? I really need to go," I said. She blinked slowly: a deliberate blink. "No, that won't do. You must call me Mistress. You must beg me," she said. It was so matter of fact, as if it seemed such an ordinary thing to ask. I was confused. "What?" I asked, hesitating. "Go on, do it. It's just a game. It won't kill you. Call me Mistress and beg like the dirty bitch you were last night. Or don't you have the balls?" she said contemptuously, daring me. I was pretty desperate. It wouldn't hurt to play along. "Please... Puh-please... Muh-mistress, I'm begging you... Begging you, please may I use the toilet," I stuttered out. It was harder to say than I thought. The words didn't want to come out, as if they meant anything to me - which they didn't. "Almost," she tilted her head to one side as if there were some difficult decision to make. "You don't get to refer to yourself as 'I'. That's not right. You are going to be my slave, and I think I will call you Lisa." She paused to let this insane announcement sink in. "So I think you should say, 'your slave Lisa' from now on when you refer to my property - which is you. Don't you agree?" She did not smile at this. It was clearly no joke. I had no idea how to answer. She bared her teeth at me, fixing me with an angry stare. "Don't you slave Lisa? Don't you?" Still I couldn't answer. She slapped me hard across the face. "Answer me you stupid bitch!" I was stunned. It was so sudden, so unexpected. It didn't hurt so much but I thought my lip was bleeding. I was tempted to ask her if she was mad. I remembered lying alone in the dark. I did not want to make her angry: that could only make things worse. "Yes... Yes," I said trying to buy time to work out what I had to say. "Good. Now you forgot to call me mistress, but I will let that go this time. Try again. Beg for the toilet," she demanded. "Uh, please mistress, may... Uh, your slave Lisa is begging you, please... Please may your slave Lisa use the toilet... Mistress." I wasn't sure if I had it right. I just hoped she would calm down. "Better. Not good, but I understand you are a bit slow and stupid, and it will be hard for you to follow simple instructions. Alright, you may use the toilet. I wouldn't want you to have a little accident. That would be very, very bad. You would regret that," she said, pleased with herself. She put down the tray and pulled a bedpan from under the bed base. With my cooperation she was able to fit it under me. "Quick now," she said. I almost panicked. I'd been holding it in for so long that it was really hard to relax, and her freakish behavior hadn't made me any less nervous. When I finally let go it felt very odd urinating with her staring right into my eyes. I felt exposed. I was naked. I was urinating. I was dependent on her. The relief was incredible. As soon as I finished my penis began to stiffen despite the cold. She removed the bedpan with a strange smile and put it aside. She pulled my legs down towards the end of the bed. I was too heavy for her to move. "If you don't cooperate with me, you could be here a long time Lisa. Are you trying to obstruct me?" She demanded angrily. I shook my head and scooted down the bed so she could get my ankles in place. It was no surprise when she used leather cuffs to buckle my ankles in place. Short chains ran from the cuffs, and were bolted to the end of the bed. My arms were pulled out straight now. I didn't have much movement. She picked up my clothes that were still lying by the door and folded them all over her arm. Picking up my boots as well, she walked out of the room. She left the door open behind her, but that was no use to me. I lay still for a while. I was still cold. I remembered that there had been some food on the tray but I hadn't been given a chance to eat any of it. I was still nauseous from the hangover but increasingly hungry. My arms were very stiff and my wrists felt raw. My back hurt and my top lip was split and swollen from when she hit me. It seemed a long time before she returned. She was carrying some sort of heavy rubber harness or garment. She stopped in front of me and fixed me with a stare that was already becoming familiar. She spoke to me in the sort of tone reserved for small but difficult children. "Are you going to be a good girl and cooperate Lisa? Say 'yes mistress' if you agree. It's your choice: you can behave or you can be punished. Will you behave Lisa?" "Yes mistress," I answered. I wasn't in any position to resist her. If a chance to escape came I wasn't completely sure I would take it. I didn't know where this game was going, but it hadn't been all bad so far. "Good girl," she said. To my surprise she reached over and released first one and then the other wrist with some sort of key. Despite this freedom I could still barely move my arms: they had cramped up completely. She ordered me to, "Sit up Lisa," and I complied. My whole body was stiff and aching. I just wanted to move about and work out the pains. She didn't give me time for that. Instead, she pulled my arms back behind me. Kneeling on the bed she pulled the leather harness up over my arms. It was a sort of long glove. The single sleeve pulled up cocooning both my arms. She hooked straps over my shoulders and crossed them over my chest. She buckled the straps back to the sleeve, holding it up. There was already no way I could get my arms out of it, and they were too stiff to move properly anyway. The glove was tight at the bottom. It held my hands tight together, palm against palm. She tightened and buckled a strap around my wrist, and then further straps higher up the sleeve. Each strap pulled my arms closer together. The tighter it got, the harder I got. It hurt, and my already stiff arms were cramping and twitching with involuntary spasms against the sleeve. It didn't yield in the slightest. "Do you feel snug in your armbinder Lisa?" she asked mockingly as she tightened the shoulder straps. "It hurts... Mistress... My arms are stiff," I said. "Silly Lisa. They are not your arms. They are mine. Are you a dumb bimbo who can't remember the simplest thing?" She said disdainfully. "Better you stay silent if you can't make sense. Now apologize for your inane babbling." "Sorry mistress, slave Lisa is very sorry for babbling." "Good. Now I don't want to hear another word from you. If I do, you will be silenced, and that will be very uncomfortable for you, I guarantee," she said ominously. I nodded in response. It was easier not to speak anyway. It felt foolish referring to myself as 'slave Lisa'. I was now trussed up very tightly. I was more helpless and uncomfortable than when my wrists were locked to the bed. However, I could now sit up and this allowed her to feed me the rest of the coffee and some fruit salad. She fed me like a baby, spooning the food into my mouth for me. It was a little peculiar. She looked into my eyes as she was doing it, and each time I opened my mouth for the spoon she gave a little smile. I noticed that apart from her accidental neglect, she had not done me any real harm and this odd bondage game still felt a little sexy. I reasoned it had to be a game. It wasn't as if I had done anything to show I wasn't enjoying it at some level. My penis was still hard. "Now, if you are going to behave, we can go and clean you up a little. Are you going to be good?" She asked in her belittling tone. I nodded submissively. She looked pleased, and unlocked my ankles from the bed. She helped me turn around and swing my legs over the edge of the bed so I could stand up. Then she hooked her finger in one of the armbinder straps and dragged me along behind her. I stumbled after her, my legs still numb. We crossed the shadowy corridor and went through a door opposite that opened into a black tiled bathroom. The bathroom was significantly warmer than the bedroom and I felt a lot more comfortable. She pushed me down onto a low stool and told me to sit still. She took some things from a set of shelves hidden behind a door tiled to look like the wall. I could see myself in a huge mirror in front of me. I watched as she pulled my long black hair out of its ponytail and wound it up into a bun. She secured her handiwork with some pins and then pulled a transparent plastic shower cap over my hair and low down my forehead. She put on rubber gloves and began to cover me with foam from a large aerosol can. She methodically covered my whole body up to my neck. She spread the foam evenly over me with her hands. I enjoyed the sensation, but the foam had an unpleasant acrid smell that its powerful floral scent could not disguise. She waited. Time passed. Finally, she got me to stand up and covered my ass with the foam. The sensation of her fingers brushing over my sphincter was arousing. The foam soon began to sting the sensitive skin around my sphincter and genitals, spoiling my fun. She muttered something about my arms, and then turned on the large walk-in shower and directed me into it. I had some idea what she was doing. I just didn't know why she was doing it. I enjoyed feeling her rub me down with a rough sponge. The warm water felt good, easing my stiff muscles. The shower took away most of the hair on my body. The sponge rubbed away the remnants and half dissolved hairs. The sensitive parts of my skin were sore. She dragged me out of the shower with a smirk. "What was that for?" I said. "What was that for Mistress," she said grabbing my nipple and twisting it. I grimaced but it didn't hurt that much. "What was that for Mistress?" I said, like a smartass. "I can't stand hairy girls Lisa," she said, her smirk returning. "I'm not a girl," I said. "Really Lisa? Is Lisa a boy's name?" "Uh, my name's not Lisa though," I said. "Shut up you dick, you're ruining the game," she said. "What are you doing ... Mistress?" I said. "I'm really thirsty," I added. "Here's the deal Lisa. A week from now I'll be at the goth club by the memorial square. I'll be looking for you. You'll be dressed as a goth chick, the works: corset, Cruella dress, long black droopy hair, black makeup, all that goth stuff," she said. "I think you mean Morticia dress," I said. "Whatever," she said. "Wear a fucking skirt if you like. I don't care as long as it's gothy." "What?" I just didn't get it. "And if you look the part we'll have hot lesbian kisses and I'll invite you back to my place and we'll finish the whole Italian vampire movie scene? How about that?" She grinned. "You're kidding right?" I said. "Nope," she said. "That's a weird deal," I said. She started to unfasten the armbinder. "You're going to behave yourself right? No stupid shit? My parents are upstairs." "I've got a better deal," I kinked an eyebrow. I was always cooler with a hangover. When I felt that bad I didn't care about trying to please other people. "Why don't you just bend over and take it up the ass right now, and then a week from now we'll meet in the goth club. You can dress up how the hell you want and I'll come as the skint-assed dole scrounger that I am. We can get drunk, take drugs and have sex?" She yanked the armbinder off me. My arms were still hairy like a monkey, so I don't know what she thought she was doing with all that aerosol crap. "What's your real name asshole?" she asked me as she stamped out of the room. "Dave," I said with a grumble. "Nice that you should ask. I told you last night." "Why would I remember that?" she said, and threw my clothes at me. "C'mon, get dressed, we're going upstairs for lunch and then you can get a lift into town." "You don't like my plan then?" I said. "My deal, take it or leave it. I'll see you next week if you're game. You should try it. It'll be worth it," she said, grinning, little teeth. She deliberately wiggled her ass as she climbed up the stairs. I followed as soon as I could get my clothes on. I found my way into a rough farmhouse kitchen. One second glance it was all fake yuppie farmhouse. Expensive German built-in units hiding in varnished wood units and a solid slate work surface and a Swedish cooker hood. Her parents were sitting at the untreated pine 'picnic' table eating egg and bacon and picking over the Sunday paper. Alison was pouring big mugs of tea. She handed me one. I felt a bit awkward, faced with normal people but the hangover saw me through it. "Hello," I said. "Afternoon," said her parents. "This is Dave," said Alison. I expected someone from the cast of Friends to make a wisecrack, or a character from Peep Show to wander in. Then I realised that was my job. To cut a dull story short her mother gave me a lift to the bus stop and I rode back into the city staring out of a dirt covered window that just about allowed in a few streaks of light. I was considering her offer. It wasn't like there was a single interesting thing happening in my life. Maybe if I cut loose and played a few games I might find that life was a bit more like the TV shows; the ones where everyone manages to live comfortably despite hardly working; the shows where people always have new clothes and cars and go on holiday to places that aren't Blackpool. Or just as likely I could get my face punched in by some angry weirdo. Not that I'd ever heard of a goth punching anyone. Should it be continued?

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Alison Goes to London chapter 3 You Cant Fuck Shit If You Cant Fuck Mish

Monday, 19th September, 2050Dearest Mommy,My first day at RAF has been totally fucking amazing! In the morning, we had our first practical session, in what they call the “Money Lab”. In the middle is a huge bed, for the group stuff. And around that, in a semi-circle, are all these individual “fuck-stations”, each with a couch for fucking, and a desk for writing (and fucking too, I guess), and a cabinet full of toys, including – tell Daddy! – a whole pile of Bates butt-plugs (not that I need...

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My Gal Alison

I was a junior in high school when I met Alison. That's not quite right. I met her as a freshman but it was as a junior when I really noticed her. We went to Francis Drake High. It was a magnet school; students came from all over, and it was for high achieving students. That's different than genius students. Smart doesn't always equate to high performance. I lived up in Noe Valley and had to ride the bus downtown to the campus. It was a pretty normal high school except for the homework and...

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Alison Goes to London chapter 9 The Prettiest Whore That You Ever Did See

Claire was delighted to see Alison back at the Academy, and gave her a long sloppy tongue-suck the moment she reappeared in the Money Lab. That she appeared hand-in-hand with Eva was a shock, and elicited a twinge of jealousy at first – but Alison deflected it with another of her mother’s unassailable moral aphorisms: “The fruits of fucking are joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, gentleness…”“Oh shut up, Al. Here, join us, Eva.” And so the three girls – blonde Claire, brunette Alison,...

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Alison Goes to London Chapter 19 Make Love to Me

Outside number 38B Tottenham Cunt Road, any parishioner arriving for the advertised requiem mass that Sunday morning might have noticed a young couple standing guard on the opposite side of the road. Actually, only one of them was standing; the other was kneeling on the pavement in front of him, sucking his cock.Bradley gazed down at Claire, her head bobbing slowly back and forth, tongue twisting and slobbering, lips alternately squeezing and releasing, her saliva forming a continuous dangling...

Straight Sex
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Alison Goes to London chapter 11 A Dirty Filthy Motherfucking Assfucking Whore

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.It was Saturday morning,...

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Alison Goes to London chapter 4 Fucking Fuck My Fucking Cunt With Your Fucking FuckStick

Friday 30th September, 2050Dearest Mommy,I am sooooo sorry it has taken me so long to write. I have been so fucking busy – or vice versa! The first two weeks of this term have been the fuckingest I have ever had in my life. In Cunts’ classes we have been doing every variation of cock-in-cunt fucking I have ever heard of: mish, cowgirl, doggy, spoons, sideways, corkscrew, sitting, wheelbarrow, standing – you name it! I never knew there were so many ways of just getting my pussy fucked! Cunts...

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Alison Goes to London chapter 1 A Sexy Talking Asshole on the Whiteshit Express

“Fucking or Non-Fucking?” asked the lady behind the ticket counter.“Fucking, please,” replied Alison confidently.“First Class or Shit Class?”“First, please.”“Two-berth, four-berth, or seat?”“Uh… what’s the difference?”“Well, it’s a long journey, so frankly, if you’re planning on doing any fucking, I would avoid the seat carriages. You can just about give a blowjob, but there’s barely room to spread your legs. Are you travelling alone?”“Yes.”“Then I’d go for a four-berth fucker. More fun that...

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Alison Goes To London Chapter 13 Making Love

Alison trudged despondently homeward-bound up Tottenham Cunt Road. She was numb, bewildered, livid. “FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!” she screamed. There was no reaction from any passers-by, for whom the word, in Enlightened Europe of the twenty-first century, was mere background noise. “WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, CLAIRE?” Alison shouted into the middle-distance. “WHAT RIGHT DO YOU HAVE TO FUCKING…” – she quietened her voice now, so as not to cause public offense – “… ‘love’ me? What the...

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Alison Goes to London chapter 2 A Brief History of Fucking

Before the Great Enlightenment of the 2020s, European society had a dysfunctional, nay, schizophrenic attitude to fucking. On the one hand, both men and women favoured what society called “sexual liberation”, i.e. the right of anyone to fuck whoever they wanted, whenever they wanted, without any attendant responsibilities or obligations. On the other hand, society claimed to value what was called “the family”: men and women who fucked each other and conceived children by that act were expected...

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Alison Goes To London Chapter 16 A Jolly Good Fucker

Fucky Birthday to you,Fucky Birthday to you,Fucky Birthday, dear Alison,Fucky Birthday to you!“Surprise!” There was a chorus of cheers, and Alison felt her blindfold being untied. She looked around and gasped at the sight of Claire’s room, decorated with bunting and banners displaying messages like “Happy 19th – to a True Whore!” and “Many Fucky Returns!” Little pink paper cocks, tits and asses, dangling from ribbons, festooned the room, which was dominated by a huge poster of a gaping asshole,...

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Love Thy Neighbour 2 Shopping With Alison

"So, when you came to the door the other night, naked apart from that short robe, that is how you are every night at home?"The question was asked of me in a voice somewhat louder than I would have liked, as was proved by the sound behind me, of somebody choking on their coffee."Alison," I hissed, "We are in Starbucks, not my kitchen. Can we please not announce to the whole town what I wear or don't wear in the house at night?" I looked round to see the man at the table behind us recovering from...

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Alison Goes to London chapter 17 And They Felt No Shame

The sun was setting on Alison’s birthday, as she, Eva and Claire sat on a bench in the park facing the empty bandstand – waiting. It was getting a little chilly on this autumn evening, so most of the outdoor fucking activity of the day was winding up – apart from one solitary couple about fifty yards away on another bench. They were both dressed in tight black leather, but the man’s cock jutted through his fly, and he was doggy-fucking his partner through an unzipped flap in the rear of her...

Straight Sex
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Alisonrsquos Day at the Beach

It was a quiet time at the beach. The period between spring break and the summer crowds. There were a few surfers in the water and some families farther down the shore. You could tell when the shuttle boat arrived as the crowd, if you would call it that would migrate and change.Alison sat on the white sandy beach and looked out over the emerald clear waters of the Gulf. White puffy clouds were lazily drifting across the blue sky as a warm and humid breeze churned up the waves. The six foot...

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Anal AlisonChapter 11

Knowing that an orgy/gang bang was going to occur at my house over the weekend, I had requested and was granted Monday off. Mary was laying on the floor comatose from her dog butt fucking. She was still leaking dog cum from her ass hole. I looking around and noticed that the toy satchel was still here. I took a butt plug from the bag and plugged Mary's ass. She made no move other than a deeper than normal breath. I lifted her up in a fireman's carry and went out the front door and across...

3 years ago
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My Daughter Alison and her best friend Sarahs Treat

I walked past the room and had to do a double take. The door was slightly ajar and as the bed was opposite the door I noticed the duvet had been kicked off and Sarah was lying on her stomach with her legs spread. Her red nightdress had risen above her waist and her bare pussy was on clear show. I know I should have closed the door quietly and gone downstairs, but I stood mesmerised by the beautiful sight before me. Sarah was one of my daughter’s best friends and had been coming over to our...

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Alison8217s Bad Day Teaching

Alison always felt safe going back to work in the afternoons. She was a teacher in a school that was safe. The students, she thought, all liked her. The janitors were always around and the school had no problems. She had no idea that this day would be different. As she walked into her classroom, she turned on the lights. She turned on the computer and began to get the grades ready for the mid term progress reports. She pulled up her chair and crossed her ankles. She began entering the...

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Introduction: the end after chapter 1 Chapter Two After we lay quiet for a while, the two cocks still embedded in me&hellip,.the filling of the sandwich, we staggered to the shower. It was big enough for the three of us and I could only sit on the tiles and get soaked. A soapy hand lifted my arm and flexed my fingers and were slipped into a warm cosy place. Looking up in the spray, Joelle had pushed my fingers into her bald pussy, and with more soap, squeezed my entire hand up into her cunt....

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Alison Goes to London chapter 14 ButtPlugs and FistyCunts

Dr Hildegard Fotzenficker had had a hard couple of weeks. “Fucking overagers, fucking Undesirables, fucking escapees – fuck the whole fucking lot of them!” she grumbled to herself, as she sat at her large oak desk in her office at the Princess Asshole Hospice. “To ruin that whole funeral party – and to force me to implement Emergency Measure Number Six – ungrateful fucking fool! He could have gone in the ecstasy of Pleasure if he had been more co-operative. As it is, he died in pain, in a...

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Introduction: Continuing with Alison and helping her with her sex-life ALISON UNCOVERED 2 This is the continuing adventures with my new found friend, a married english gal, just moved into my local village&hellip,and who I wickedly seduced and opened her up to a new vibrant world of sex. Husbands away, wives go out to play, especially when plied with the local wines. Alison and I returned to my home after an outrageous outing to St. Tropez market. Watching (and photographing) Alison,...

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Alison Goes to London Chapter 10 We Will All Be Changed

“Where’s Claire?” asked Dick-Dick – for indeed, Claire was missing.“She was with Danica and Johnny,” said Alison. “I think she wanted to catch the beginning of their lecture.”“Ah – excellent idea,” said Dick-Dick, “but I hope she isn’t late. We all have to go in as a group here.” It was nearly three o’clock, and Dr Dick and the NDF students were gathered in the lobby of the Princess Asshole Hospice on Oxfuck Street.“I’m here!” came a voice, as Claire flung herself through the glass double...

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Alisons desperate end to the hen night

Alison had been out on a hen do with her friends,and its fair to say it had been a heavy night. They'd met at 6, and here we were at 3AM. The girls were all absolutely wasted, but they were giddy and they were happy. The club was closing up, so all the girls left and went to a takeaway for food. The queue was crazy, and the girls were all laughing and joking, as they waited for their greasy, late night food. They'd left the club, probably some 20 minutes ago now, and, as the girls started to...

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Alison Goes to London chapter 6 Tits

“TITS!” declaimed Cunts, baring her own. Nor was Cunts wearing her auto-dildo today – “presumably because she doesn’t need it to suck tit!” whispered Claire to Alison as they resumed their normal stations in “the Money Lab”. Monday morning marked the beginning of a new topic in Professor Cunts’ morning sessions: Female Oral – “kissing, tit-sucking, cunt-eating, and rimming,” explained the Professor. “The latter term, today, refers to rimming female assholes, in case you were wondering, girls:...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e10 Alison Latham

Series 5, Episode 10: Alison Latham (47) – Wolverhampton We open with our familiar high image of the United Kingdom – from high up in orbit ... The whole country in one shot. Then our very cartoonish, top heavy and slutty caricature of Charley appears infront of us ... She points down toward the UK below and says, “Hey look ... It’s the United Kingdom of Zoo ... Let’s look closer and see what we can see...” Then she waves for us to follow her, turns and skydives toward the country below at...

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Alison Found

Ashley, or was it, Alison. The present: We knew that the full moon could be a problem, it was too bright, and we were sure to be spotted as we approached the marina. We were going to have to delay until it set. The ideal time for us to approach the yacht would have been 1:30 AM, but the moon didn’t set until 2:30 and we needed to be back on the ‘Girl,’ well before any of the local fishermen began stirring when dawn broke. The three of us waited by the beached zodiac, dressed in black...

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Alisons second date with her new fuck buddy

So after the Christmas party, Alison was very keen to have round two with, now let give him a name, not his real name but better than guy, so we will cal him Bill.So Alison and Bill have arranged to spend the night in a hotel together, they have not seen to much of one another at work with the Christmas holidays, but enough to chat about what they did and decide they had no regrets and were both keen to meet more privately this time. For me I had been encouraging this to happen especially...

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Alison Goes to London chapter 18 Ass Porridge and Freezing Tits

“Okay, m’ cunt, guys, are we all ready?” It was dawn, and outside the window a drear misty late-November morning was beginning to break, as Alison and her friends gathered in her room at Fuckers’ Hall.“Check!” they all chorused.“Okay, let’s go through it. Riley, are you and your friends clear about what’s happening?”“Yeah, I’m meetin’ ‘em at Oxfuck Circus at eight. From there, we’ll be able to see Chad comin’. Chad will turn norf towards All Cunts Langham Place, then weave ‘is way frough the...

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Early Start With Alison

I was getting a little frustrated with university life; I'd been there for almost four weeks and so far it had not turned out to be the fuck-fest I'd been led to believe. Yes, there had been parties and nights on the town where the booze flowed freely but none of that had so far resulted in any bedroom action. That was soon to change, though...Thursdays were always quiet for me. I had no lectures or tutorials and generally had a nice lay in as the house was always empty. Today I thought I'd...

Straight Sex
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Anal AlisonChapter 2

The next afternoon, Sunday, the door bell rang. When I answered it, there was Alison. I motioned for her to enter and she did. As soon as I closed the door, she pulled off her shirt, unbuttoned her shorts and dropped them to the floor kicking off her sandals and the shorts leaving her totally naked. She then lay over the arm of my love seat with her butt in the air spreading her legs. She put her hands on her butt cheeks and spread them. Then she said the first words, "Is this what you had...

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Anal AlisonChapter 12

"You'll be told in plenty of time to be ready to scream." Alison said. "Come in and kneel down." I told her. Amanda came on into the room and knelt beside me. She was careful about her ass and I asked, "Is your ass sore, Slut Slave?" "Yes, Master. It is also very clean and still cool." "Good," Alison said, "as we will then start on the second stage." She went into the kitchen and returned with one of the medium butt plugs and an evil grin. "For this stage, you get a choice....

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Alison Goes to London chapter 7 A Working Fuck

Professor Emma Jane Cuntslicker, PGCF, FD, FRSF (Fellow of the Royal Society of Fuckers), sat slumped at her desk, weighing up the events of the week. Had there ever been a worse one during the course of her entire twenty-year career in fucking? Perhaps when that stupid girl from Fuckham had accidentally lost a marble up her ass – oh, the hours nurse Cat had spent trying to retrieve it! Cunts chuckled… Or no, even worse, that food fetish class where that boy hadn’t checked the temperature...

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Painful Piano Lessons Meeting Up With Alison

If you read Painful Piano Lessons - Part 4, you’ll know that I watched Alison being caned stark naked before she helped ‘Miss’ cane me in a most embarrassing way. As she was leaving, Alison pushed a note into my hands and made it perfectly clear that she would like to meet up with me again. I was not going to turn down that offer. I called her and we chatted for a while before I suggested we meet up. Alison told me that her parents were away for the weekend so I could go over to her house. I...

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Lisa Part 3 Disneyland

We got out our towels out of the trunk and went around to large hall off the main entrance. Disney statues were all over the place, but we wanted to get to the rides as quickly as possible. When we got to the hotel, our dad went to the clerk to make arrangements to meet up with his boss. Finally he came back over from the main desk and gave us each a multicolored pass with a ribbon attached. “Put these around your necks and you guys can have the run of this park. Any ride unlimited. I am going...

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A new Story I've been working on, I've got a lot of it written already and i just need to format it A bit better. It's taking place in a Sliders type parallel universe where Women are 90% of the population like all my stories. It's femdom themed but "gender role reversal" more than humiliation or BDSM. Hope you enjoy it. Feel free to make requests. Full disclosure: it's written with AI DUNGEON. You are Tom, a low level employee at a large bank. Your boss Alison is very attracted to you and...

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Anal AlisonChapter 3

Monday morning came and I dressed and went in to work. When I came home that afternoon, I changed and settled down with a cold beer. Then the door bell rang. When I answered it, it was Alison with another girl who looked a lot like her. I motioned for them to enter. When I closed the door, Alison unbuttoned her blouse, unzipped her skirt and dropped both on the floor. She slide her feet out of her clogs and stepped to one side to get away from her skirt. She assumed the position, over the arm...

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Anal AlisonChapter 8

I zonked out for the rest of the night. When I woke before dawn, it was to the feeling of my cock being sucked. Looking down, I saw Alison sucking my cock and realized that Tracey was still lying beside me. Cum was trickling out of her ass so I must have fucked her in my sleep and cum. Alison saw my eyes move and said, "I like the taste of your cum and of Tracey's ass on your cock." "That's good because that's what's there." She continued to suck me deeply into her throat and my cock...

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Anal AlisonChapter 10

I woke up Sunday morning to the feeling of my cock being sucked. I opened my eyes and saw Alison as she swallowed me to the root taking my morning wood into her throat. I could feel something rising and let it out not knowing at that instant if I were going to pee or cum. I didn't care and I don't think Alison cared either. She held me deep into her throat as I fired off my shots until my limp cock finally was released by her mouth. I have to admit it's a nice way to wake up! "Tom, keep...

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My Affair with Alison Part 4

My neighbor Alison and I were having an affair. She was a sweet Southern Belle and athletic at the same time. Soon our fling would take an unexpected but pleasant turn. It was surprisingly easy to see each other at the kids’ school bus stop. It wasn’t awkward or tense at all. In fact it was mildly flirty as the kids played waiting for their bus. We made small talk, but sprinkled with little sidewise glances and easy smiles. She often wore tight black shorts like volleyball players, sneakers,...

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My Affair with Alison Part 2

I couldn’t believe that my affair with Alison was going to happen. It really wasn’t an affair. It was sex. Here was a deep voiced, blue eyed, beautiful, prim and proper yet athletic Southern Belle willing to spread her legs for me. How did we go from normal neighbors with kids and spouses to planning a secret primal rendezvous? The night after our talk when she agreed to go through with it was difficult. Or I should say it was hard. She agreed to have illicit sex in a hotel. My mind was in...

1 year ago
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Swinging with Alison

So I went with my girlfriend Alison to her friend Sandra's house. Sandra is a bbw. She has long dark hair, blue eyes, big tits and a big ass. Sandra's boyfriend Joey wasn't home so I hung out for a bit then I left. Alison stayed the night and then came home the next day. we hung out all day and when we laid in bed she said she wanted to talk to me about something. I said okay lets talk. She went on to say that Sandra showed her a picture of Joey's cock. She said it was huge like 10 inches. I...

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Anal AlisonChapter 7

When the work day ended, I left for home with two car loads of guys following me. I made them carpool as there wasn't unlimited room at my house. I had told others to do the same figuring that would hold the parking to seven or eight cars with a little luck. When I arrived, I saw Alison and Amanda were just getting out of a car. Alison was wearing a skirt and, when she cleared the car and I could see her, she lifted it to show no panties. Amanda moved beside her and did the same...

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Adventurous Alison

Some of a guy’s first sexual experiences stick indelibly in his mind, like his first wank, his first sight of a naked woman, and the first time he shags a girl.I first got my cock sucked off by a girl called Alison. I went out with her for a while at university when we were both 20. Alison was a slightly plump girl, big and soft and very nice to be on top of. She had long brown crinkly hair below her shoulders. She had decent smooth legs, her boobs were quite large and she had a neat little...

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My Affair with Alison

I am a pretty average guy with two kids and a wife. We live in a small town in Nevada, about 30 miles outside of Las Vegas. If our story got out we would probably have to move. We have been married for over 10 years and our sex life was always boring. My wife Broomhilda (we will call her that) often joked, “I’ll face the wall and think of England.” She was a dead fish in bed and knew it. Don’t get me wrong, the dead fish thing will work if I just need a release. Sometimes I only want that...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 41 Alison

The first auction they went to provided Alison, the drudge. Jacqui's conversation beforehand with Kate had indicated that she wanted to grab the worst of the bunch who would otherwise end up in a mine dormitory, and she relayed a little of Violetta's story as her reason for doing that. Jacqui was surprised at how young the first one was. Alison was thirty years old according to Kate and was a nondescript little mouse of a woman with no tits to speak of. She could have been any age between...

1 year ago
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Adventure with Alison

“we shagged in every position we could think of with plenty of kink but that's another story.” When I moved to London for work as a single man aged thirty I lived at first in a big old house in north London. The ground floor had been made into several cosy, decent but cramped self-contained rooms one of which I occupied. The upstairs was one big apartment where the house owner, a woman called Alison, lived with her son. Alison was an attractive woman of around forty with a pleasant face, brown...

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Anal AlisonChapter 4

The next afternoon, I arrived home around 4:45 and changed into shorts with no shirt. Two guys rode with me and three more followed in another car. Ten minutes later, two more cars arrived bringing four guys each. There were now fourteen guys waiting including me. The final car drove up with Jim and Tracey inside. After they came in, there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and there were Alison and Amanda in shorts and t-shirts. They stepped in and pulled the t-shirts over their...

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Anal AlisonChapter 9

Brad came in the door leading two huge dogs on leashes and followed by another guy with a satchel. "I brought two of Mary's friends and some toys for the girls to enjoy tonight!" Alison looked over and her face paled. Amanda looked over and blushed. Both girls panted a bit. The dogs headed for Mary who was lying on the floor still recovering from her double fisting of a short while ago. The largest put his head to her cunt and started licking her out. Mary began to moan and the other dog...

1 year ago
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DONNAMe and Alison

Two days after I’d fucked Alison’s dad she came up to my house after school. I couldn’t get it out of my mind that we’d been snogging, and I wanted to know if she fancied me or not. After seeing mum and her best friend I was intrigued. We got ourselves a coffee and made our way up to my bedroom which was in the attic.As we took off our school blazers Alison sat on the bed as I put some records on, we sat crouch up facing each other as we chatted about everything, the conversation soon turned...

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My Affair with Alison Part 3

I could not believe I was having an affair with my neighbor. I had watched her beautiful body at the neighborhood pool and I secretly watched her sun bathe in her backyard in a tiny day-glow orange bikini. We chatted every week at the bus stop and our kids played together, but I lusted after her. Now that I knew her curves intimately I wanted more of her. She had an uptight husband and she learned how much she liked dirty talk and taboo play time with someone else. After our hotel encounter I...

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First Night with Alison

I’m a 60 year old man and still have more passion and desire in me then most people half my age. My neighbor Alison always comes to me when she has any kind of small home repair to do. She divorced her husband two years ago after she found out he was screwing other women. This time she called me over just to change a light bulb in her ceiling fan in the master bed room. Nothing that she couldn’t do so I think that it was just an excuse to get me in her panties. I was wearing a t-shire...

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