- 3 years ago
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I was a junior in high school when I met Alison. That's not quite right. I met her as a freshman but it was as a junior when I really noticed her. We went to Francis Drake High. It was a magnet school; students came from all over, and it was for high achieving students. That's different than genius students. Smart doesn't always equate to high performance.
I lived up in Noe Valley and had to ride the bus downtown to the campus. It was a pretty normal high school except for the homework and reading assignments. Most of the junior and senior level classes were college equivalent. In fact, the University of California accepted them as lower division work. Most kids from Drake entered college as juniors.
Other than that, it was a pretty normal school. We had sports teams and cheerleaders. The image of the bright student as nerd is really not true. A higher than normal IQ typically goes with better than normal physical ability. Sure, there are geniuses who can't throw a ball just like there are pro athletes who can't read, but it's all a bell curve. Our football team finished second in league. I was on the track team and we won our league two years in a row. Our cheerleaders were as hot as any and invoked legions of teen lust, and dad lust, at the games when they danced around in their little outfits. Come to think of it, since it was San Francisco, they might have invoked a little mom lust too.
That is enough about the school. The fact is the kids were like those in any other school, even though they were high achievers. There was this girl in my analytic geometry class, Alison. She sat one row in front of me so I was always seeing her from the side and one row behind. I could stare at her but she didn't see me. I thought about her all of the time. But she was shy. She didn't have any real girlfriends; as well, she never had a boyfriend as far as I knew. I wanted so much to take her out.
I hit the jackpot one day. My mom worked for the city Arts Commission. She would sometimes get tickets to various performances. On this fine day for me, she got two tickets to a Yo Yo Ma recital and she asked if I wanted them. Only if I could use the car to which she agreed. I had only had my license for a couple of months, so driving at night and all the way to Bezerkley was a big deal. I knew I'd have to put up with a lecture about how to drive and staying out of trouble in someplace likeBezerkley, but it would be worth it.
After class the next day, I made sure to walk out with Alison and said "Hi." She looked a little surprised that I was talking with her, but I persisted, which took a lot of fortitude. Normally, I kind of melted away from girls after getting tongue tied. But I really wanted to go out with her.
"I've got two tickets to a Yo Yo Ma recital in Berkeley this Saturday," I said.
She looked at me like, so what?
"I was hoping you would like to go with me," I said.
Alison stopped right there in the quad. "Really?"
"Yeah," I said.
"I've never been to a concert. My folks don't like classical music," she explained. The smile disappeared from her face as she said, "I don't know if my dad will let me go."
"Why not? It's not like rock concert," I said. "There won't be a bunch of people getting stoned at a Yo Yo Ma concert."
Alison smiled, "I know. But he doesn't let me date," she explained.
"Can you ask him?" As I said, I really wanted to go out with Alison.
She smiled, then a cloud came over her face and she shook her head. She put her head down and said quietly, "I'm sorry, Allen." She turned and walked away.
By the way, Allen, that's me. I'd even thought about how it would sound, Allen and Alison. It had a nice ring.
I knew Alison lived near me because she was sometimes on the same bus. That afternoon, I made sure I was on her bus. I sat in the back so I could watch. She got off at the next stop after mine. I got off after her and followed, discretely. But she wasn't watching for a spy and never even looked behind her.
It turned out Alison lived just a few blocks from me. I went home and thought. I wanted Alison to go to the concert. At school the next day she shyly smiled my way, but then looked away. She hurried from class so I could not catch up with her. That smile made up my mind.
That evening I went over to Alison's house. When I knocked, a nice looking lady answered the door. When I told her I went to school with Alison and would like to see her father, the woman looked surprised but she invited me in and had me sit down. She came back with a man. He asked me, "What can I do for you?"
"I have two tickets to a classical concert and I asked Alison. But she said you wouldn't let her date. I thought maybe if I asked you, because it's a classical concert, it's not like a rock and roll concert, you'd let her go," I said. Then I took a breath.
He looked mad but her mom was smiling. He looked over at her and saw the smile. I could see the thoughts going around. He looked at me. "No."
I was shocked and about to say something when her mom said.
"Frank," with a little emphasis.
"Oh Jesus," he said. He looked at her, "Margaret..." She just stared at him with a lifted eyebrow. He sort of hung his head for a second then looked back at me. "You know the saying 'A man's home is his castle, ' don't believe it."
"My dad says the same thing," I said. That at least brought a small smile to his face.
He looked back at Margaret. She nodded. "It sounds like Alison is going to a concert."
Margaret said, "Let me get Alison," and she went into the hall.
A few seconds later Alison came into the front room. She looked shocked, "Allen?" She also looked extremely hot wearing a pair of tight shorts and a tube top that showed off her breasts.
Her dad stood up. "Alison, it seems this young man really would like to take you to a concert. Since he seems persistent," he looked in my direction before continuing, "your mom and I decided to let him take you out."
She looked at her dad. "I can go?" He nodded. She threw her arms around her dad, "Thank you."
Her mom gathered up her dad and they went back into the house leaving Alison and me alone.
"I can't believe you did that," she said.
I shrugged. "Do you want to go?"
She nodded.
"I'll pick you up Saturday at five, if that's okay," I said.
"I'll look forward to it."
"See you tomorrow at school," I said.
Alison looked happy and she smiled demurely.
On Saturday, I drove over and picked her up. I expected the old meet the family ritual, but she was standing at the curb. She was wearing a nice dress that scooped low enough to show the beginning swell of her breasts, if you looked, and I sure looked.
Dinner was at a nice Thai place on Shattuck. Thank God I didn't have to pay for the concert because that dinner took a good bit of my ready money. My dad is a professor at SF State and he gets sent bugs from all over the world. I look them up in reference books, type up a specimen card and attach the bug, number it, log it, and put them in plastic specimen boxes. He paid me the same as he paid his graduate students, which was okay money for a kid. But this was San Francisco prices for the restaurant.
The recital was at the University and I had warned Alison to wear walking shoes. Berkeley is as bad as the city when it comes to parking. The concert was quite different being the Schubert Arpeggione in A Minor, D. 821; Shostakovich's Sonata in D Minor, Op. 40; Piazzola's Le Grand Tango; and the Franck Sonata in A Major for Violin and Piano except rescored down for the cello.
As we waited in line, Alison looked over the program. "I have always loved the Franck sonata. I never heard it on the cello."
I could tell from her breathless expression I had made a major hit. The Shubert was okay. Shostakovich was his usual ironic self. I loved the Tango. I mean, how can you not love a tango? It is sensuality expressed in dance. It is the rhythm of love. It is vertical sex set to music. I held Alison's hand during the tango and the heat of the music was reflected in the heat of our hands clasped together. I suspect that half the audience would have been naked and humping if they weren't in the middle of an auditorium.
The Franck Sonata, or as some classical djs call it, the Frank Sinatra, sounded even better on the cello. César Franck had written it using much of the lower register of the violin. Writing it down for the cello made it even more moving. Alison was floating as we left, holding on to my hand as she practically danced down the sidewalk.
"Thank you so much for taking me. My parent's don't like classical music so I've never been to a real concert before," she said.
"It was my pleasure," I answered.
We drove back to the city talking about the concert and how much she liked it. I dropped her off at her house. We stood on the front porch talking for a minute, then she said that she should go in but she didn't reach for the door. She stood looking up at me. Even I could figure that clue out. I leaned down and we kissed. It was electric.
"Thank you so much for everything," she said as she went in. I floated back down the walk to my car.
On Monday I walked with her after class. She talked about the concert and how much she liked it. So I asked her if I could see her again. She teased me for a second but then said she'd really like that. I invited her to dinner on Friday and hoped I wasn't pushing too fast. There was a pause, then she said "Alright."
The rest of the week I walked with her after class and we talked like nothing was wrong. I thought everything was fine until I got the call at 4:30 on Friday. "Uh, Allen, this is Alison."
"Hi," I said brightly.
"Uh. Allen, um, I can't come tonight. Maybe another time," she said.
I was stunned. "But Alison, I have everything planned."
"I'm sorry but I can't come," she said hastily and hung up.
What the hell was this all about? I tried calling back but if it rung, she never picked up. I got pissed.
On Saturday I went over to her house. I knocked and her mom answered. She invited me in. "I'll get Alison," she said. A minute later Alison came in looking like she was being sent to prison.
"You know Alison. At least you could have said you didn't want to see me again rather than lead me on like that," I said trying to keep my cool so I could be in right while she was the one in the wrong.
"But I did want to see you again," she said.
"You have an awfully strange way of showing that," I said.
That's when she broke down in tears. I don't know what it is but there is something deep in the genes of men so that when a woman breaks down like that, unless you have built up an immunity because she does it so often, it just fucks with your mind. Before I even knew what I was doing I was holding her in my arms soothing her, even though just seconds before I felt I was the aggrieved one. Go figure.
Through her tears she kept saying she was sorry. I finally got her to stop crying. "Let's go have some coffee," I said and led her to my mom's car that I had borrowed. I found a parking place right near Bernie's so we went there.
Alison still looked scared as we sat down with our drinks. "I'm not mad anymore I just want to know what happened," I said.
"Oh Allen, I just got scared. All the stories..." She paused to wipe her eyes. "You see, my dad never let me date before."
"Yeah, I know. Did he change his mind?" I asked.
She shook her head. "He was sure I'd get in trouble, get beat up or something. He kept telling me about ... girls getting beat up. It was scary."
"Well, you could have told me," I said. "Alison, I'd never hit you."
She nodded and looked down. "I know. I just wasn't thinking very well. I guess I'm sort of backwards when it comes to this stuff."
I was surprised. "Well, do you want to date?"
"Oh yes," she said desperately.
"Really? You won't chicken out on me?"
"No. I promise." She looked up. "I'm such a wimp," she said.
So we set up another date that night. I admit to feeling a lot less sure. But she had promised on her life and I expected her to keep that promise.
Saturday afternoon I was in total doubt. Was she just messing with me? Was this all for naught? I just couldn't get my mind off the wondering. At six sharp I showed up at her house. The door opened and it was Alison and my spirit soared. All was again right with the world.
Once again, she looked hot. I could tell she was happy so I leaned down and kissed her. She looked a little dreamy and I wanted so much to kiss her again, but I remembered her anxiety and didn't. Plus here we were standing in her doorway. Instead, I asked, "You want to watch a movie?"
"Sure," she said.
We got in the car and headed to the movie-plex. Alison snuggled into my side and I put my arm around her. She smiled as she settled in. Now this was going well. But I also realized that this girl had never dated. "Alison, I know you haven't dated but have you ever been romantic with a boy?"
She shook her head looking a little sad.
"Hey, don't be sad. Look at all you have to look forward to," I said.
That brought a smile to her face.
"I don't know how else to say this, but I don't want to do anything you don't want to, but..." I hesitated thinking and she jumped in.
"I know, but girls ought to do certain things."
"It's not an obligation," I said. "What I was going to say is if I ever do anything you don't like just let me know."
"Okay, and I won't try to be a stick in the mud," she said.
"I won't either," I said. The movie started and we sat in the back of the theatre. It was nice watching the movie all snuggled in.
After the movie, we drove to a place a couple blocks from home and I parked looking out over the city. We talked about the movie and laughed. She snuggled into my side again. I took that as a good sign and leaned down to kiss her. Her response this time was more enthusiastic. We kissed for a while. I looked down at one point and saw the swell of her breasts presented by the low cut blouse so I leaned down and kissed the base of her breasts. Alison gasped but didn't pull away. I kissed again but this time also gently cupped her breast toying with the nipple. It quickly grew between my thumb and finger.
The kisses were getting pretty hot now as I played with Alison's breasts. She seemed to be enjoying this so I moved my hand down to her leg and slid it up a bit. She grabbed it and I felt her tense up, so I pulled my hand away. That was the limit. I was okay with that. We were both pretty hot from the kisses when I pulled away.
"I want to..." Alison said and stopped. "I'm scared."
"What are you so scared of, Alison? Me?" I asked.
"I'm sorry, it's just that..." And again she stopped mid-sentence. She looked away. "I should be going home. Allen, I hope you'll understand."
"Alison, I understand. I'm kind of a little confused myself. I really liked kissing you and touching..." I couldn't say the word breasts.
She smiled at that. "No way was I going to miss out on that. I've heard the other girls talk about how much they like it when a guy touches them."
I drove her home and we sat in the car for a few minutes outside her house. "You've got me wondering, will I see you again?" I asked.
"Of course. Allen, I've never met anyone like you before. I want to ... feel comfortable. I just need a little time to be sure. Does that make sense?" she asked.
That sounded a lot more optimistic than I had been. I guess I could see that a girl who had never been allowed to date might be feeling unsure. "Sure," I said smiling. "Just don't wait too long because you are driving me crazy," I said laughing.
"Just so you know, I was going a little crazy too." She leaned over and we kissed, my hands found her soft breasts. Quickly her nipples stood up and rubbed against my hands. Alison was moaning as we broke the kiss. "Oh, Allen," she said dreamily.
"I'll see you Monday," I said.
"Please," she said as she got out of the car. I watched her walk to the door and open it. She waved as she went in.
I knew I'd have a near terminal case of blue balls when I got home. All I could think of was how lucky I had gotten. Second date and I already got to second base. What about the fourth date?
The next week at school we sort of became girlfriend and boyfriend without quite saying it. We started having lunch together. We made sure we rode the same bus in the morning and the afternoon. I rode up the hill with her and walked her home. We'd sit outside her house and talk and maybe kiss before I'd walk home. I realized I had a girlfriend, my first real girlfriend.
Wednesday my mom gave me two tickets to the Symphony. "When do I get to meet this girl?" she asked.
"Gee, I don't know," I said. I wanted Alison all to myself.
My mom looked at me indulgently and shook her head. "Here's the price for the tickets. Ask her to dinner here before the concert so we can meet her."
I'm sure I looked horrified.
My mom patted my cheek, "Don't worry. Your father and I will be on our best behavior."
"So, you want to go see the Symphony? I have two tickets Friday," I said.
"Yes, absolutely," she said. "Do they dress fancy?"
"Not everybody. You'll see a few people in jeans but they stand out like a sore thumb. You'll be happier in a nice dress," I said.
"I guess this is a good excuse to go shopping," she sounded happy about that. I could tell she was excited about the new dress and the concert.
"Um, one thing though," I said. Alison could tell by my voice that something was up and she looked intent. "My mom wants you to come to dinner at our house before the concert."
Alison looked a little concerned but took a breath and said. "I guess I knew I would have to meet your parents some time. But it should be easier than when you met my dad." We both laughed and it broke the tension.
Alison's mom dropped her off at our house on Friday. I guess she had been out shopping because she looked beautiful. I introduced her to my mom and dad and they looked impressed. My dad even said when we were alone for a second that I had done well.
Dinner went well; my mom is a good cook. Conversation was strained for just a bit until mom started in on music. Alison had recently discovered classical music and was lapping up everything to do with it. My mom was a fountain of knowledge as well as stories. Dad and I hardly got a word in.
The concert was Brahms and Nielson, a paring of brilliant upbeat works full of emotion and color. Both of us were dancing along as we left the hall. We parked again at our place and kissed. It didn't get quite as passionate as the previous time, mostly since we were both aware that our curfew was rushing up.
The next day was a bright fall day in the Bay Area. The wind was cool but the sun made it nice. My mom helped me pack a picnic and I took Alison to the local park. We ate and talked and wound up laying down facing each other. Soon we were kissing. My hand was under her sweater and feeling her breasts. Her nipples were hard and swollen as our kisses got sloppy. My hand wandered down over her belly, but she grabbed it and brought it back up. Once again anything below the belt was off limits. I tried to be patient.
Alison and I were now accepted as being an item by our families and at school. She had a younger brother who she always ran out of the room when I was over. It was almost like she didn't have a younger brother, only the back of one going out of the room.
My younger sister, Tracy, looked up to Alison and always wanted to hang around. I finally had to have a heart to heart talk with her. When I explained why we wanted to be alone, to make out, she blushed like crazy. But she was much more sensitive about leaving us alone although I was sure she was spying a few times.
We spent a lot of our out of school time hanging around with each other. Most nights Alison would be over at our house and we'd do homework together. The nice thing is our place had a den, perfect for homework, that was also separated by a hall from the rest of the house. It gave us some privacy. There were lots of times we'd be on the couch making out instead of doing homework. But the waist remained an impenetrable Maginot Line I couldn't cross.
I guess Alison was sensing my rising frustration. We had stopped at the same place we had arrived on our second date. It was a Saturday night and we were supposedly seeing a movie. Instead, we had driven up to the hills overlooking the bay and parked. We had been kissing and both of us were worked up. Once again I had put my hand on her knee and been rebuffed. I was frustrated but this time it was different.
Suddenly, Alison's hand was in my lap and I nearly jumped in surprise. She was stroking my hard cock. Shit, I was nearly cumming just from that. "Allen," she said.
"What?" I answered.
Alison was now trying to undo my jeans and I quickly helped her. I pushed them down and her hand found my erect shaft.
"It's so big," she said as her hand stroked it. "Allen, it's my first time so tell me if I do anything wrong."
My mind was whirling. I was going to get laid, just like that. I had no idea this was coming. I was going to get laid.
Her head bent down over my lap and I felt her lips engulf the head of my cock.
A blowjob! I was getting a blowjob. Her hand and mouth were moving in unison on my cock. My head fell back against the seat and my universe was centered on my cock. The sensations were beyond description. In just seconds I could feel the pressure building. I tried to warn her but nothing coherent came out, just a moan of pleasure.
Then like a cataclysmic explosion, my balls erupted spewing my cum into Alison's waiting mouth. She moaned as blast after blast of my cum exploded down my cock and into her swallowing mouth. My whole body had gone stiff as I experienced the most intense climax of my life. A few last spasms and I was drained.
Alison's lips were still lightly sucking on the head of my cock and it was so sensitive it almost hurt.
"Stop," I moaned. "Too sensitive."
She lifted up off my cock which was wilting now. "Did you like it?" she asked.
"Oh my God," was all I could say. "Alison, I love you."
"I love you," she said and leaned forward to kiss me. Our tongues danced together. There was something different about this kiss and I soon realized what it was. I could taste the leftover cum. I nearly pulled away in horror, but then thought, No, I don't want Alison to think there is something wrong with giving me a blowjob. So I kept kissing her and soon the feeling of weirdness passed. All that was left was the pleasant feeling of the blowjob. I had gotten my first blowjob. Wow.
I wanted to return the pleasure. "My turn," I said.
"No," Alison said sternly.
"But Alison, I want to return the pleasure."
"Thank you, Allen, but I can't," she said, "I can't explain, but I just can't. Please?"
"I don't understand," I said. But I was also filled with the lassitude that comes after an amazing climax so I didn't argue.
So a new plateau opened in our relationship. Alison was willing, no eager, to give me head. She seemed to like giving me pleasure but still nothing below the belt for her. It led to our first real argument.
I wanted to return the pleasure. Even if we weren't going to have sex, the least I could do was eat pussy. She recoiled at the suggestion. I couldn't figure out why, since I knew from reading that women really liked it. I accused her of not trusting me and I could see that hit home. We wound up not talking as I drove her home. I didn't even get a goodnight kiss. She didn't call all weekend.
On Monday, she was still frosty in class. I walked with her after class and apologized. That broke the ice. She apologized as well and then we were both apologizing and she was crying and we were hugging and all was forgiven.
The next day Alison asked if I could come over to her house after school since we needed to talk. Now I know when a woman says, 'We need to talk'; there is nothing worse in the world. But in my innocence, I had no idea, so I said sure.
We went back to the den. I was hoping for a nice make out session since all was forgiven. I should have known. Instead, Alison was serious. "We need to talk."
I just sort of shrugged. I'm a guy. "Okay," I said naively.
"Allen, do you really love me?" she asked.
"Yeah," I answered happily.
She wrung her hands, "I know you're going to hate me."
"Why?" I asked, now getting confused.
"When you find out," she said cryptically.
"Do you have another boyfriend?"
"No," she said. "It's nothing like that."
"Then why would I hate you?" I asked.
"I wish you would just guess," she said.
"You're pregnant," I guessed.
She looked shocked. "Allen, can't you see?" I stared at her trying to figure out what was going on. "Allen, I'm a transgender girl." She pulled back as if I was going to hit her looking alarmed waiting for my reaction.
I suppose for most young guys they would have really been shocked. But I grew up in San Francisco. You get used to having more than two genders. The idea wasn't especially shocking. Hell, we had openly gay and lesbians students and teachers in our school. You see two guys or two girls or a guy and a girl as a couple and it all seems pretty normal. I was comfortable that I wasn't gay so I didn't need to hate on gays.
Being from Babylon by the Bay I was aware of transgender issues. In San Francisco there are always three blocks for gender: male, female, and other. Okay, not really but there should have been. In school we had discussions about gender and gay rights like other places would about race issues. So I wasn't shocked. Surprised maybe but not shocked. And I didn't have that gut churning reaction caused by ignorance.
"You are?" She nodded still wringing her hands. "But, I felt your breasts. They're natural. And you hips, your voice," I said. I guess I still expected transgender to be more like my gay friends, they looked male.
"I always knew I was a girl in a boy's body. When I started puberty I was so unhappy my family took me to a counselor. He gave me a personality test and it said I was a girl. So he convinced my parents to put me on estrogen. I went through puberty as a girl. My voice didn't change, I didn't get shoulders or a beard, my hips grew and my breasts developed just as if I had been a girl. Do you hate me?" she asked.
"No. Alison, to me, you are a girl."
"Have you had a t-girl girlfriend before?" she asked.
"Now I get the third degree?" I asked. She blushed. "Alison, you're my first girlfriend of any kind."
"So you don't think I'm weird or perverted?" Alison asked.
"No," I said.
Alison smiled. "I was hoping ... You don't know how long I've been thinking about being able to really date a guy, a guy who would think of me as a girl. Every since I was thirteen I've been dreaming."
"And your dad wouldn't let you?" I asked.
"It wasn't prejudiced. I think he was disappointed when I decided I was a girl but he has my younger brother to be a son. He got over it pretty quick, I think. And once he accepted it, then he became really protective. He read about how some girls would get beat up once the guy found out. Some girls even got stabbed or shot. My dad was just afraid for me. I guess I got it from him," she said
"That explains a lot," I said as Alison nodded. I could see the suppressed tears, tears of worry. I leaned over and kissed her. And it didn't seem weird. She really was a girl to me. Alison flew into my arms and we kissed passionately. My hand found her knee and started moving up. She pulled away and slapped my hand.
"Hey," I said. "I know now. I want to, you know, pleasure you," I said quietly so I couldn't be overheard. I still didn't trust my little sister.
"You can't," she said. "I mean, I'm not a complete girl yet."
"Huh? I thought they did surgery," I said.
"I can't have that until I'm eighteen, even if my parents said okay. No doctor will do it until then. Something about liability insurance or something," Alison said.
"So, does that mean we can't have sex?" I asked.
Alison blushed. She leaned forward and said quietly, "We can, we just have to do it different. I have been reading these websites for t-girls and I know how." She blushed with that admission.
"Does that mean you want to?" I asked smiling.
She slapped my knee, then blushed again as she nodded. My cock went from flaccid to rock hard in seconds just thinking about getting laid for the first time. Of course, at that age a boy gets rock hard thinking about everything, but getting laid the first time really builds the pressure.
Alison saw the look in my eyes and said, "Not here."
I was disappointed but still interested. "Where?"
I was getting a little frustrated with university life; I'd been there for almost four weeks and so far it had not turned out to be the fuck-fest I'd been led to believe. Yes, there had been parties and nights on the town where the booze flowed freely but none of that had so far resulted in any bedroom action. That was soon to change, though...Thursdays were always quiet for me. I had no lectures or tutorials and generally had a nice lay in as the house was always empty. Today I thought I'd...
Straight SexIf you read Painful Piano Lessons - Part 4, you’ll know that I watched Alison being caned stark naked before she helped ‘Miss’ cane me in a most embarrassing way. As she was leaving, Alison pushed a note into my hands and made it perfectly clear that she would like to meet up with me again. I was not going to turn down that offer. I called her and we chatted for a while before I suggested we meet up. Alison told me that her parents were away for the weekend so I could go over to her house. I...
SpankingA new Story I've been working on, I've got a lot of it written already and i just need to format it A bit better. It's taking place in a Sliders type parallel universe where Women are 90% of the population like all my stories. It's femdom themed but "gender role reversal" more than humiliation or BDSM. Hope you enjoy it. Feel free to make requests. Full disclosure: it's written with AI DUNGEON. You are Tom, a low level employee at a large bank. Your boss Alison is very attracted to you and...
So I went with my girlfriend Alison to her friend Sandra's house. Sandra is a bbw. She has long dark hair, blue eyes, big tits and a big ass. Sandra's boyfriend Joey wasn't home so I hung out for a bit then I left. Alison stayed the night and then came home the next day. we hung out all day and when we laid in bed she said she wanted to talk to me about something. I said okay lets talk. She went on to say that Sandra showed her a picture of Joey's cock. She said it was huge like 10 inches. I...
Some of a guy’s first sexual experiences stick indelibly in his mind, like his first wank, his first sight of a naked woman, and the first time he shags a girl.I first got my cock sucked off by a girl called Alison. I went out with her for a while at university when we were both 20. Alison was a slightly plump girl, big and soft and very nice to be on top of. She had long brown crinkly hair below her shoulders. She had decent smooth legs, her boobs were quite large and she had a neat little...
I am a pretty average guy with two kids and a wife. We live in a small town in Nevada, about 30 miles outside of Las Vegas. If our story got out we would probably have to move. We have been married for over 10 years and our sex life was always boring. My wife Broomhilda (we will call her that) often joked, “I’ll face the wall and think of England.” She was a dead fish in bed and knew it. Don’t get me wrong, the dead fish thing will work if I just need a release. Sometimes I only want that...
CheatingThe first auction they went to provided Alison, the drudge. Jacqui's conversation beforehand with Kate had indicated that she wanted to grab the worst of the bunch who would otherwise end up in a mine dormitory, and she relayed a little of Violetta's story as her reason for doing that. Jacqui was surprised at how young the first one was. Alison was thirty years old according to Kate and was a nondescript little mouse of a woman with no tits to speak of. She could have been any age between...
“we shagged in every position we could think of with plenty of kink but that's another story.†When I moved to London for work as a single man aged thirty I lived at first in a big old house in north London. The ground floor had been made into several cosy, decent but cramped self-contained rooms one of which I occupied. The upstairs was one big apartment where the house owner, a woman called Alison, lived with her son. Alison was an attractive woman of around forty with a pleasant face, brown...
StraightTwo days after I’d fucked Alison’s dad she came up to my house after school. I couldn’t get it out of my mind that we’d been snogging, and I wanted to know if she fancied me or not. After seeing mum and her best friend I was intrigued. We got ourselves a coffee and made our way up to my bedroom which was in the attic.As we took off our school blazers Alison sat on the bed as I put some records on, we sat crouch up facing each other as we chatted about everything, the conversation soon turned...
I’m a 60 year old man and still have more passion and desire in me then most people half my age. My neighbor Alison always comes to me when she has any kind of small home repair to do. She divorced her husband two years ago after she found out he was screwing other women. This time she called me over just to change a light bulb in her ceiling fan in the master bed room. Nothing that she couldn’t do so I think that it was just an excuse to get me in her panties. I was wearing a t-shire...
Always Alison I Vanessa and I were always two separate souls but we were too much in love to understand that. She had more college degrees than I could keep track of and at the age of 28 was an up and coming star at the law firm of Barnes, Harrison and Lynch. I had graduated with degrees in Education and American Literature and at 24 was teaching seventh grade English and Poetry to earn a living but aspiring to become a writer. While Vanessa felt...
Flowers for Alison Dear Diary, I cant believe I got picked! I'm so excited, I could just .... but I guess I need to back up a bit, since these entries will be read by the docs, I better start at the beginning, and introduce myself. I'm Alison Charles, and I'm getting too close to fifty years old. Oh yeh, I'm also transgendered. Girl brain stuck in male body, and brother, it sucks, big time. Especially since I would never pass well enough to transition. Which is why I...
Mark Jackson gave a yawn as he headed out of the front door of the Davidson's house, he was still tired and the two parents had just gotten home from there business trip to Vegas. He had spent two days wrangling there twin eight year old son's Jason and Justin and was happy to get out of there, he was also happy about the paycheck in his hand, they always paid him well with a sizeable tip. It was a clear summer morning and the fourteen year old headed down the sidewalk for the mile long walk...
I started chatting to this woman called Alison. She seemed really nice. We shared photo's and dirty text messages for about a week. This was the first week after I had moved out from my wife. So when she asked if I wanted to meet her I jumped at the chance. I drove to mermaids wharf Cardiff, and we arranged to meet in the Japanese restaurant. When she walked in my cock sprung to attention. I got us a drink each and we sipped and chatted.After about 5 minutes she whispered to me that she needed...
She would always invite me to go to her school dances. For a few we went as girlfriend and boyfriend, as no one ever knew we were cousins. We had a lot of fun at the dances and slow dances were the best. I let my hands roam up and down her back and a few times my hands went to her ass but she didn't mind. One night during the final dance of the night, it was always “Stairway to Heaven”, she whispered in my ear that she wanted to kiss me. I looked her in the eyes with a questioning look....
As a boss of a staff of about 25 odd employees in my office, I am in gal-company as I always put it. We have 14 female and 12 male employees.Anjana, my secretary, is in her mid 30s is tall & buxom (nice, round and firm D cup), mild tempered and an issue-less divorcee. Though mild tempered she enjoys bossing around especially, the girls most of whom, are much younger than her. She acts as a mentor and advisor to all of them. She is a kind of a motherly figure for them. She’s been with my...
My story began with the fact that one woman took over my work over me. Her name was Galina Konstantinovna. I jerked off more than once and imagined how she was naked jumping on my dick, shaking her huge tits and begging me to continue to fuck her. And at this moment I paw her lush thighs. And so, I am sitting in the office. I am doing what she told me to. Galina Konstantinovna herself began to drink tea. I was distracted from work and looked at her sitting at the table. The gaze immediately...
FetishI met her when I was working in Grozny on a programming contract. This was well before the war there. I was walking down the street one summers Saturday, and made eye contact with her. Neither of us could break the eye contact, even as she passed me. Our heads turned, she took two more steps, and promptly fell over with all the grace of a baby giraffe in high heels. I ran over to offer assistance. She wasn't badly hurt. She was wearing a bright yellow sundress. As I examined her, I was able to...
First TimeAh shore was lucky to live next door to Betty Lou. And ma pecker was the luckiest of all. Just a lookin at thet lil bundle of woman flesh, yew would never guess what’s inside. We’ve grown up as naybors. Ah’m seventeen, Ah think, and Betty Lou is a year younger even though she’s a way head of me in school. Ah’m about six foot and a few while she’s a foot shorter. But doan let thet fool yew. Just look at them big titties and bubble ass and thet carrot top. Fer shure them’s signs of a reel...
It was nearly spring, and I was rapidly approaching my 16th birthday. I was growing more and more anxious as the day approached. Not only would it be my sweet 16, but I would have finally come of age and be eligible for marriage... almost. Only one thing stood in the way, my Rite of passage. The Rite was a law and a religious decree, "No girl may be considered eligible to marry unless she has undergone the Rite of passage and been sanctified into womanhood within the first fortnight of her...
Wyoming/Ute, Intergalactic Roller Coaster By: Malissa Madison Coyote was sitting across from Otter in the joint Trucking terminal when Little Elk called from Earth. He was wanting to discuss something big with Tim and Old Elk. "Yo, Jumper, you got your ears on?" asked Coyote over the long range Interstellar Radio. "How about it Bull Elk you copy?" began Otter. Bull Elk had just dropped through the Lyconian Portal to the Terrellian System. Jumper was...
Hi friends….How r u? Sorry friends am not a regular visitor of this site but I visit occasionally.. N if my English is bad please co-operate..Frankly speaking this is a very good site to share our feelings without revealing our true identity.. Please give me your true opinion. Ladies I want u to comment on me… Please help me out…Please let me know can I love any gal again? Am i still trustworthy? Please let me know… This is not a story it’s a true incident happened in my life.. Hope you’ll try...
Some may recall we had a wonderful encounter we had with 5 guys in a used bookstore. A few days later our privacy was invaded and sort of scared us. If you didn't get the write up I did, let me know and I will forward it. We decide our next endeavor had to maintain piracy but neither of us like the idea of a set-up type of Gang Bang. It lacked spontaneity, excitement and it just seamed to be fucking for fucking sake. We decide we would rent a car, go out of town and see what happened. We...
Hi people of iss, thanks for all your replies and feedback. Please continue to read and give me feedback. I’m Kishan and this is my story. I live in Bengaluru and working in a private company. I live alone in a 1 bhk flat in good locality of Bengaluru. Like any metro cities, even here we’ve all sorts of individuals from people who hate sex to people who love to talk about sex. All are waiting for an opportunity and when it comes we realize their true nature. I happen to have very few relatives...
IncestHello all, I’m Kishan from Bengaluru, back to tell my sex saga in a story series – Bengaluru diaries. Thanks for all the responses which mean a lot. This is a continuation of my previous story. After spending a weekend in Ooty with two gorgeous girls, I came back to Bengaluru. After 3 days of total fucking exercise, we were so tired that we didn’t even speak to each other for 2 days. By now our college days were getting over so we had to use most of our time together. One morning as I was...
Hello, lovely people of ISS who read and give wonderful feedback. My name is Kishan and I’m from Bengaluru. This is my story which happened in college. All the characters are real. This is a continuation of my series of stories which happened in Bengaluru when I was in college. After I joined the college in Bengaluru I was alone for few months as I didn’t have any friends. By the end of my 1st year of college, I met this nice girl who later went on to introduce me to many more girls from her pg...
Intergalactic Roller Coaster, 5 By: Malissa Madison Sitting next to her sister inlaw Tarriana beamed with pride as she watch the last TCP Scout deactivate her TCFB, flip the base up with the toe of her boot and catch it on her shoulder as she turned to sprint for the transport as it started past. Already Tom was sprinting for the rear door, his own TCFB in his right hand, his left reaching for the hand bar. "Scouts recovered," reported Saniya. "Transport secure, Commit Markers...
Some may recall we had a wonderful encounter we had with 5 guys in a used bookstore. A few days later our privacy was invaded and sort of scared us. If you didn't get the write up I did, let me know and I will forward it. We decide our next endeavor had to maintain piracy but neither of us like the idea of a set-up type of Gang Bang. It lacked spontaneity, excitement and it just seamed to be fucking for fucking sake. We decide we would rent a car, go out of town and see what happened. We...
Britney Spears was singing her heart out on stage, with fans roaring all around her. She was pumped up and getting horny. She looked down off the stage at a hot blonde girl, and the girl yelled at her, "Britney, you're so hot! I wanna fuck you so bad!" Britney was tempted to jump down and start fucking the girl right then and there. Her song almost over, Britney ran to a pole in the middle of the stage and did a short dance. The song ended, and the fans raised the roof with their cheering....
Anjana at this was excited enough not to let go this opportunity of going ahead with the encounter…..she later told me, that it was a point of no return for her…..she awfully turned on and wet.Having made love to so many females from across the globe, I had sensed it. “Now go slow” I told myself….take your time…..she’s all yours!I pulled out a pint bottle of beer from the fridge and we shared the bottle as we sipped the chilled beer on the settee. I drew her towards my body with only my...
I’m 19 years old boy from a small family. Mom dad and myself. I was studying for my examinations when this incident was happen. My dad is an engineer and was working at abroad and coming only once in two years. He is having medium size body and in his mid 50s. But mother, Sulochana is just 42 and still having very lusty figure. She is very fair in color and a typical Indian lady with plump body. Her gorgeous figure was around 40/34/44. And her butt was the sexiest assert she had. It was so soft...
IncestMany people watched her videos online and they were most popular especially with her wonder woman fans
As we continue from the last story, it was Wednesday. Weeks of fun with my Bengali landlady bhabhi Mouni looked like a lifetime and I planned to enjoy every second of it. After cumming, we cleaned the cum with water and then cleaned each other one by one. After clearing, we kissed like a newlywed couple. Then I came out of the shower, but Mouni wanted to stay for a while. Then I cleaned the water with a towel and put on the bathrobe. I went to my room and changed my clothes and sat on the bed...
Hi im john. Age 21. Studying in mangalore. New to this site and new to such sex experiences:-) looking for some advice from experts here:-). This happened a week ago. It was a marriage season and buses were flooded with ladies in flashy dresses. I was seated in the side seat of a bus to my place kundapur. A fair sweet looking lady in a blue sari sat next to me and took a ticket to a place one stop before mine. It was to be a 4 hour journey. I was happy:). The lady was sitting almost hugging me...
It was a fine morning somewhere at Thane in Maharashtra. In fact, I hired a room in a Hotel at Thane. I am in sales working for a multinational stationed in Mumbai. I had to see my clients at Thane. At around 8.30 am someone banged at my door. I opened the door, Wow! To my utter surprise the visitor is a young lady may be in her late twenties. She is hot, sexy and God has created her with lots of time with a perfect 10 body. She was wearing tight jeans with a yellow embroidered top. Her Boobs,...
Ami class xii er chatri, ei bochor higher secondary porikhya debo. Kintu school test porikha te onke fail kore boslam. Ekta subject-e fail korei school theke test-e allow kore na. Kintu ei bochor amar hs pass kora ta khub-i joruri. School er record-e amar boyes du bochor komano thakleo amar boyes 18 periye jachhe. Tai onker master mosai sadhon babu ke giye dhorlam. Sadhon sir school er managing committee-r member-o. Thaken school er pechone ekta bari te, ekai thaken sekhane. Dorja te knock...
I’m Kishan from Bengaluru and this is my story. This event actually happened in March this year with an elderly woman. Thank you all for reading this and also please feel free to give feedback. After I started my relationship with Madhavi, a beautiful married woman in my building, she introduced me to her friend Renuka. Renuka also wanted a sexual relationship with me but nothing emotional which I was fine. I don’t know what is the actual problem or should I say that it was my luck that very...
Hello ISS readers, following is the continuation of the series of my experiences with my fuck buddy Pavana and her friend Sahana. I’m Kishan from Bengaluru and this story happened in Bengaluru. I would like to thank all the readers who appreciated my previous stories and gave good feedback. Hope you all will like this one too. After my initial fucking week with Shilpa, she went and spoke to me with her friend Sahana. She was a working professional in a software company in Marathalli, Bengaluru....
IncestThe next morning, on my way to pick up my prisoners, I got to thinking about the piece of shit needle gun I had bought. I was mad at the way it had misfired, the first time I had used it. Since I was spending so much to get into this bounty hunting business anyway, I thought I might as well do it right, rather than use a weapon that might misfire or jam. That could cost me my life. The first thing I needed to do was replace it. Then maybe I should pick up a few others, also. Stopping at the...
Intergalactic Roller Coaster, 3 By: Malissa Madison In the second convoy Prairie Flower was positioned between Nipper and Snag on each side. Primrose however wasn't answering any calls from Horn Swallow. But he did let his driver's mother know where she was. On their way through to check on Field Mouse and Porcupine and to invite them to dinner, Swallow and Otter paused to leave her a note. "Your Daddy would like to see the three of you before we reach Titan....
Now, we continue from the last night incident. I fucked my Bengali landlady bhabhi Mouni very well last night and then slept in as yesterday. As usual, I woke up early in the morning. Mouni was still sleeping on me. She looked like a sleeping angel. Seeing her boobs slam on me almost woke my devil with hunger, but I controlled it. I still needed to recover from last night. I was having a lot of sex on a very short time. Even with viagra, it was still taking a lot of time! I needed to take it...
I sure as hell had no idea what I was getting myself into when I signed up for this crazy gig. I was riding my moped home from high school when it happened. I was tooling along at about 35 MPH in a 25 MPH zone as any self-respecting sophomore would do, when the pavement simply disappeared from in front of me and I tumbled in head first. I later was told that there had been a water main break that had washed out a hole under the street, and I just happened to pick the wrong time to be riding...
Hey, guys, it’s Ashwin, just uploaded my sex story on how I was getting hot with my cousin and we were moments away from penetration. However, we will put that story on pause just to keep you guys stroking and girls rubbing a little longer. In the meantime, let’s have a little recap. You guys know about my Kausi chitti, if not go search up: Kausi chitti how it began Kausi chitti sex mania almost got caught Where I also mentioned my Kausi chitti’s sweet teen daughter but this next bit is not of...
Hello everyone this is a story about a bengali housewife that I am going to narrate to you. I am sure u have read many stories related to them. And to be honest it is not a fault of the writers it is just that these women have a sex appeal that can melt even diamond. Before I start let me introduce myself. My name is Nitin im from Bangalore, im 29 year old man. Sex is not an obsession for me. But the whole idea of having sex and interacting intimately with another female makes me high. A female...
CONJUGAL I'm so glad that horrible trial is over with. The judge really had it out for me and Joey. It's unfair, because all I did was drive and it wasn't like he did more than threaten that lady. But because Joey already has a record waiting to be sealed, they got to decide he was a dangerous case and needed some kind of special rehabilitation. On the plus side, they said that once Joey finished his 9-month rehabilitation at some place called Rosemond, his record could be...
She was waiting to see him. Her breath caught in her throat as she walked through the sterile prison halls. This wasn’t the main compound, where the prisoners were kept. This was a special building made specifically for...visitation. Conjugal visits are commonplace around the world but not in the United States. Only five states maintain the right of conjugal visitation, believing that prisoners were “unredeemable”. She didn’t really want to come. But she felt...regret. He wasn’t the greatest...
CheatingClitoris, Genitals, Glans, Hymen, Labia, Mammary Glands, Penis, Phallus, Mons Pubis, Scrotum, Testicles, Vagina, Vulva, Womb. We were sitting at the kitchen table with our biology books open to the full color, translucent pages in the middle of the book that showed the human body in stages from the skeleton to skin. It was the last few weeks of our Advanced Biology class and we were studying the human reproductive system. We’d gone through the human body from Epidermal to Skeletal and were...
Hello dear friends, Thank you for all your responses and keep reading my stories. I’m Kishan from Bengaluru and this is my story. After our night out in Chaitra’s home, we decided to take a whole weekend off to nearby hill station so that we can spend some alone time inside each other. Chaitra planned the whole trip to Ooty. It was a three-day trip filled with sex, sex, and more sex. I was really looking forward to it. I and Chaitra spoke about it until late night having a nice phone sex. We...
The brass decided that I had enough seasoning with my super AI by now, so I was told of my future with the Galactic Rangers. Specifically, I was transferred to the Intelligence Branch to become a field agent. I liked this because it now let me be the one who provided the essential information for a mission, and I was pretty damned sure that I could do a better job than those clowns that I'd had to suffer with. Unfortunately for me, this now cut Anfon loose from direct ties to me. She was...
Intergalactic Police / Prison Transports Terrellian Transports: Reaper; Terrellian Mark III (TM III) Otru Demure, Commander Klathnar, Arlina, Taro; Goths Drivers, Saniya/Dessi Demure Wraith; TM III Lorrna Shaye, Commander Goth; Frill Layella Dellorre, Primary Driver. Princess of Pain; TM IV Commander Tyree Shale Bondage; TM IV Tabitha Springer Nightmare; TM III Andorra Nikkei, Commander Curtis Volk, Spouse Ellora, Driver Keeza, Driver Reanna Nikkei daughter;...
Intergalactic Roller Coaster, 4 By: Malissa Madison As everyone began preparing to start the next leg, Little Mack zipped over to his newly repaired trailer. I was watching as he backed in, the king pin clicking into place. But before any of us adults could react, Talia hurried in and tripped the locking pin. Then leaned in inspecting everything. "How does it feel LM?" she asked. "It feels much stronger than it was. Please thank Zappy FJ for...
I'm in my 40s and have been together for more than 16years. We have both been faithful to each other and have never had sex with anyone else. Having sex with someone else has always been consider as wrong due to our belief. However, as always you start having different feelings when you see other people around you from different faith and that will eventually become a starting point.I was introduced to XHamster by a mate when we were having lads talk . That’s it.. I started watching all...
Hello friends,I am Aditya Basu,22 years old from Kolkata. I am good looking,tall with a good dick size. This is a real incident which I am going to narrate. It happened on 27 th December,2014. On this memorable day,I lost my virginity to our long time maid,who is 10 years older to me. About the maid : her name is Rita, 32 years old, with big round boobs, chocolate colour nipples, good big asses, deep cleavage & she is a bit in darker side but she is amazing & sexy, perfect to be called as a...
Hello friends,mera naam shanky hai or mai iss ki stories ka 2 saal se diwana hu or daily padhta hu. Pehle me apne bare me batana chahta hu mein calcutta university se b.Com(hons) kar rha hu . Meri umar 23 sal hai, height 5’11’ hai or athletic body hai having penis of 12 inch long and 4 inch thick. Ye story meri samne wale ghar me rehne wali bengali puja bhabhi ki hai uska pati ka garments ki shop hai or ye incident 5 saal pehle ki hai jab meri upar sirf 18 saal ki thi aur maine apni 12th ka...
I am writing the story about the Bengali actress Rituperna sengupta. I find her very sexy because of her thunder thighs and ass structure and her willingness to expose even after marriage. So here is the story and its total fantasy will try to make it as erotic as I can. Maine New York Film academy se diploma khatam kar India vapis a gya. India akar maine kafi director se baat ki unke sath assistant director ki tarah kam karne ki par kuch nahi hua. To aise hi struggle karte waqt mera ek dost...
Hi Friends, I am recounting below one of my most exciting and fabulous experiences. I had earlier shared my experiences with all you lovely people out here. I had got great response to my earlier stories and I am now inspired to share another sexual experience with you. I am a system admin in Mumbai office and here all the Apartments are built in a planned manner. Some of the apartments are closer to each other. It was vacation time and I was alone at house. My wife had gone to her mothers...
How was your first sex.I had mine in the winter of 2017 when I moved to Delhi city after my school in search of job.And rented a small room in a cheap suburb of Delhi.Mainly the people who live here are from the lower class families.Hardworkers and low earner.Street hawker,rickshaw puller , driver , domestic help and other.After few days of struggle, I got a job as a sales man with a small companyseeking mosquito repellent, in which I used travel a lot in entirecity.I worked like a dog for...
Introduction: This is my first atteempt at writing anything. I hope that you think it is as good as I do. This first chapter is setting the scene. The sex witll come in the next chapter. Your comments, constructive critisisms are welcomed, but please keep inmind this is my first time. ,) Katie threw open the patio doors in the master bedroom and inhaled deeply, filling her lungs full of ocean air. It had been years since she had been to the beach and she really needed a vacation. She had done...