Chastity 1 free porn video

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i arose at 5:30, my normal wake-up time, thankful that Domina

Andrea had been so kind to me the night before. A few weeks

earlier i had been unable to refrain from playing with my naughty

member when i completed a task ahead of schedule and had a rare

moment of time to myself. To my mortification, the Domina’s

Handmaiden chose that moment to come in and check to see that i

was carrying out my task (cleaning the toilet with my tongue,

which i must do three times weekly). Of course She had no choice

but to report my infraction just as i had no choice but to accept

my punishment for the error of my ways. Actually my penance had

the potential of being scarcely noticeable; but note that i said

only “potential,” not that it would not be noticed. Far from it!

It also, to my great regret, had a high probability of being very

painful. And either way, i would learn to control my errant male

member far better than i had in the past. For what Domina Andrea

elected to do was to install a Goddess Teeth device on my male


Of course, you know what the Goddess Teeth device is. you say

you don’t? you must have failed to keep up with your lessons and

the reading you have been instructed to do on a regular basis,

else surely you would have known about something that might

affect you so severely at some point in your life. It’s a simple

little sleeve with a locking ring that can be fitted over your

penis. That wouldn’t be so bad, but the inside of the sleeve is

lined with a number of sharp, fortunately not razor sharp but

definitely pointed, protrusions. So long as your penis stays

soft, you don’t have any problem because the points aren’t that

sharp. But let it start to swell and grow and things change

fast! With the least bit of real pressure those points really

dig in and it hurts! So guess what? you tend to shrink again

real fast. During the day while you’re awake it’s not too bad.

you learn how to keep it down real fast; but at night it’s a

different story. you’ll find that getting a good night’s sleep

is next to impossible. Every time you start to have a nocturnal

erection the points dig in you hurt, and suddenly your wide awake

and wanting the pain to go away. And, in spite of the lack of

sleep, you have to get up and do your duties the next day,

shrugging off your problems and smilingly pleasing the Domina.

Anyway, last night Domina Andrea concluded that i had probably

learned my lesson, that one instance being the first ever like

it, and She removed the Goddess Teeth from my miserable member.

She didn’t have to remind me about what to expect should i

misbehave again. i knew that the next time i played with my

clitty without permission or without being instructed to, i might

never be able to play with it ever again - the Teeth might go on


To continue, i woke up this morning having gotten the first good

night’s sleep in a long time, so i really felt good. my

adoration for Domina Andrea had increased as a result as well,

something i wouldn’t have believed possible, but Her kindness to

me to have taken the Teeth off when She might never had done so

touched me very deeply. Hence i went for my morning shower with

a song in my heart - a hymn of praise to Her - that morning. A

respectful servant would never approach the One Who owns it in an

unclean state and my first duties of the morning revolve around

Her as you might expect. (Although in truth, everything about my

life since She has owned me has revolved about Her

i was afraid that i could not trust my self-control completely,

in spite of the fact that if i misbehaved again so soon i would

displease the Domina terribly, so i put my decided that it would

be best to remove temptation, and at the same time improve my

appearance, by securing my over-sized clitty in my harness and

tucking it back away out of sight and reach. Otherwise my pent

up desire for orgasm might overcome my limited male ability to

control myself and get me into real trouble. Further, Mistress

usually finds me most pleasing in Her sight if i am at my most

feminine self in appearance. i then quickly completed dressing

by putting on my (short-skirted) maid’s uniform, stockings and

shoes and set out for the kitchen.

My morning duties begin with making coffee, setting up for

breakfast, and warming sweet rolls - if i’m lucky and/or

especially pleasing each morning i may even be treated to one

after She and Her Handmaiden have had what They want. Once the

coffee is ready i pour Her a cup, and prepare a tray with coffee

and a sweet roll for Her to have in bed to begin Her day.

At precisely 6:15 i awaken Her by gently rapping at Her door,

entering only upon Her command, upon which i set the tray beside

on the table beside Her bed and kneel beside the bed to await Her

next command. Usually this is something that is a great honor to

me, an act that permits me something few indeed are ever allowed,

contact with Her Nether Lips, Her Glorious Labia, as i perform my

normal toilet duty for Her. Thus i am doubly honored by being

given the privilege of such intimate contact and by being allowed

to drink Her golden nectar as the start of my food and drink for

the day. Then as She enjoys Her coffee and sweet roll i go to

draw Her morning bath. i always hope for privilege of washing

Her back (and perhaps even more) but i have to have been

exceedingly pleasing over the previous several days for Her to be

awarded such a prize honor. In honesty, i must admit that i am

normally dismissed after drawing Her bath and Her Handmaiden is

privileged to do that which i so enjoy on the rare times that i

am given the opportunity - but She does allow men to dream!

So as usually happens, She told me what She wished to wear that

morning and i set out to complete the task of laying out the

clothing She has selected for the day. Her Handmaiden

dries Domina after Her bath and helps Her dress. If favored am

allowed to stay to do such things as rolling on Her stockings and

such that require stooping and kneeling. But always, as She

begins to apply Her make-up i leave to go down and complete the

preparation of breakfast - Hers and Her Handmaiden’s, not mine. i

get the scraps to eat as i clean up the kitchen after They have


i then perform my morning’s second toilet service, washing down

by breakfast repast with more of Domina’s fantastic nectar. Oh,

you ask if such drink is not repugnant and thus must be an

acquired taste? Indeed not! That was simply not so - Her nectar

is truly divine and was from the first instance She graced me

with it. i admit that i had my reservations when She first told

me that She was going to allow me the joy of having the task of

doing toilet duty, being Her toilet slave from then on - no,

rather my momentary reservations came when She told me just what

was meant by toilet duty. However, those reservations were

quickly dispelled when i was immediately called upon to serve

Her in the fashion of being the repository for Her fantastic

effluent. i then discovered that not only was it not unpleasant

but was to be desired and was something to look forward to with

yearning. (Which was most fortunate, because i was to be my

regular duty regardless of my personal likes or dislikes. But it

was a definite plus that it was in fact so good.)

By now it was time for my daily house cleaning and maintenance

chores to begin, but first Domina Andrea decided to inspect my

person to be sure that i was dressed to suit Her wishes - not

just visibly but my in my choice of lingerie and accessories.

Naturally She took note of my clitty harness, but i thought She

would think it acceptable and say nothing about it. At other

times and in other circumstances She had made me wear it ( but

that’s another story). To my surprise She instructed me to

remove my panties and to put a clitty bell on the end of my

member, saying She wanted to be able to tell where i was and that

if i was slacking off at any time during the remainder to the

day. i personally thought that She just wanted to put a little

more pressure on my self-discipline and see if i had truly

learned my lesson about unapproved playing with myself. The fact

that the hem of my Maid’s dress was just about at the level of my

clitty and that it’s state was clearly visible to anyone who took

the trouble to look was not lost on me. i resolved to be very

careful to not touch it except to be sure that it was situated

correctly when i sat on the toilet to pee and then once more to

wipe myself each time i did. i was not going to fail Her again,

much less on this first day since She removed the Teeth.

Otherwise, she found my attire to Her liking and instructed me to

go on about my chores.

So i set out on my normal morning rounds of household chores

leading to lunch time. What were they you ask? First, going

about the house with a duster, making sure that no dust was

allowed to collect on any exposed surfaces. Including my little

thingy. No that’s just a joke; i was just pulling your leg.

Using the duster on that would have been to much like touching a

hair trigger after so long in the Teeth (which had begun to make

me feel long in the tooth). While dusting, i also straightened

up and made the beds in all the bedrooms. What with all the

moving about, the bell made for quite a musical morning; one

which left me feeling quite virtuous by having kept my mind off

that type of activity by which i had so disappointed Domina

Andrea a few weeks ago.

After completing the dusting, bed making, etc., it was time to

prepare lunch. That day the job was a little more involved than

usual because Domina Andrea was having Guests over to dine with

Her. Unknown to me at the time, She also had a little

entertainment in mind - to be provided by yours-truly. i was

instructed to stay in the kitchen and make sure that i had

everything ready to serve at 12:30 - that Her Handmaiden would

take care of greeting the Guests and seeing to Their needs until

it was time for lunch to be served. And that i was to wear the

outfit i had worn through the morning when it came time to do the

serving. It went without saying that i was to be at my best

behavior, with my clothing neat, and properly made up when it

came time to serve the meal.

i timed things just about right, so that when Domina Andrea rang

the bell, signalling that i should begin serving, i was ready to

take the first course to the table. Imagine my surprise when i

realized that the four Friends that Domina Andrea had invited to

eat with Her were the same four that She’d had over the night She

installed the Teeth on me as all of Them were interested in

learning more about the device. It’s something new and although

They had heard about it, They had not seen one on (not in) the

flesh, so to speak. Apparently They had expressed a desire to

see what its long term affects might be so She had invited Them

over so that They could see for Themselves soon after She removed


As i served each of Them, each in turn took the opportunity to

examine my over-sized clitty to see what wearing the Teeth for so

long had done to it. i knew from my own examination late the

night before after the Teeth had been removed that there was

actually little visible evidence of its having been there, They

all seemed greatly surprised at seeing my penis’s having

sustained so little damage; They had expected a lot of recent

cuts and scarring from older ones. And because of all the

handling it got as They examined it, i found that it was

impossible, try as i might, to keep it from expanding fully so

there was no part of its surface that wasn’t clearly exposed.

(Now i knew why Domina Andrea had wanted me to wear such a short

dress today. She wanted to make it easy for my penis to be

examined.) After remarking about this among themselves, They

asked me how i managed to keep the Teeth from more or less

chopping me up. Ah, and you want to know the secret as well, you


Well i hate to tell you, but as i told Them, there is no real

secret. i had erred that fateful day and briefly lost my self

discipline and indulged myself with a little pleasure by playing

with it a little. That was wrong of me and i was disciplined for

it by Domina Andrea in a fitting manner, as i would expect Her,

or any Goddess, to do under similar circumstances. But, She is

not an ineffective Instructress and had been developing a

discipline of control within me that, for the most part, was and

is very effective. As a mere male, i need the control and

correction provided by Feminine Authority, but i have made, i

must modestly admit, significant progress under Her tutelage and

discipline, so that Her control remains effective over long

periods, even when i’m left to my own devices. my misbehavior

was truly an untypical event that i had no doubt would not have

been repeated, even had She used such seemingly extreme measures.

Thus, most of the time, i had been able to keep myself from

growing dangerously large in the Teeth. i’m sure that control

came only as a result of the expert training i had received as

part of my FS schoolwork and exercises. Only at night when my

u*********s mind was free to work on its own did i have any

problem, and even then i was always awakened before any of my

nocturnal erections grew to the point of causing more than a

slight pain. i did not tell them, because it would have seemed

to be a boastful male thing to do so, that Domina Andrea had Her

Handmaiden deliberately try to excite me several times over the

weeks just to test how well i had learned to control myself. And

was i glad that i had applied myself diligently to my instruction

and done all assigned exercises thoroughly and completely.

Otherwise i fear that i might well have fared as Domina Andrea’s

Friends had expected me to and found myself in lot of pain.

Well, having said this, i hoped the subject was closed because i

knew how close my pent up needs had come to making me lose

control. And that would not have pleased Domina Andrea at all!

But my wish was not to be. One of Her Friends asked, “With Your

permission, I would like to test the limits of this control that

You’ve imposed on stacy. It is clearly better than that of most

slaves that i’ve encountered. If it really is as good as it

seems, I must have You tell me Your techniques because I know

that I haven’t had Your apparent success.”

To which Domina Andrea replied with a simple nod of assent,

making me sorely afraid - i knew how precarious that my control

had become.

Having been given the go-ahead, the Friend, Whose name i had not

been told, beckoned me over and signaled for me to kneel and play

with my male member. Knowing that was the position that i would

usually be in when rewarded with an orgasm, i’m sure She felt

that after being denied one for so long, i would not be able to

maintain control when i was having to play with myself in the

position that i was programmed to associate with such personal joy.

i reddened slightly, blushing all over, for this was a new

experience for me. i had served at meals and parties before for

Domina Andrea after having completed the required SFS training

for such activities, but had never had to exhibit myself in this

way. i wanted to steal a glance at Domina Andrea, hoping for

encouragement or some sign of help, but knew better than to

depart from my “eyes down” position. So i began manipulating my

oversized clitty, trying my best to employ the techniques and

training that Domina Andrea had imparted so as to not let Her

(and myself) down. To my own surprise, i found that the training

must have taken even better than i had realized, for i was able

to continue to suppress even the slightest rise of my member.

Continuing to manipulate it, i just hoped that my relief did not

show and thus give away the fact that i had been at least a

little unsure of my control. That appearance would have

reflected badly on the results of Domina Andrea’s training

because failure is not permitted. After several more minutes i

finally received the signal to cease and assume the “wait”

position. i didn’t have to be told twice and immediately ceased

my actions, put my hands behind my back and relaxed, quite sure

now that the exhibition was over, and feeling quite proud that i

had been able to showcase Domina Andrea’s expertise as an


Then to my chagrin and frustration, the Domina Who had first

asked to test my control said, “Now I would like to really but

stacy to the test. I see that his control is excellent when he

is the one stimulating his achilles penis, but so You honestly

think that he could control his miserable male thing if one of Us

provides the stimulation?”

Outwardly i tried to show no reaction, but inside i cringed.

Could i possibly control myself if a Domina, a Goddess, set out

to induce me to fail; and i was sure that if She was allowed to

put me to Her test, it would be a real trial for me and my

training. Although i was still “eyes down,” Domina Andrea turned

slightly to give Her answer and i saw a small smile play upon Her

face as She replied, “Go ahead and do Your best. We’ll all see

how well-trained he is. This is a stiffer test than i had

planned to give stacy at this time, but it will be interesting to

see how she does. So You have my authorization to proceed. Do

what You will and We’ll see what happens. stacy, rise and stand

before the Domina so that your naughty thing is convenient for

Her to work on.”

So with mixed emotions and trying not to show my uncertainty and

fear, i rose and stood facing Her, again putting my arms behind

my back.

Just to make things as difficult as possible for me, i thought,

She reached out slowly and sensuously and began to lightly stroke

my member. As i had been taught, i thought of swimming in cold

mountain streams and of the faults i had yet to admit at my next

confession and of my fear that if i failed to control member, i

might once again find myself wearing the TEETH once more -

anything but what was happening between my legs. For a short

while i thought my training was working really well, but then,

unmistakably, i felt a stiffening down there - the beginning of

an erection! i was in trouble now! i knew that i was in for it.

i could feel myself beginning to tremble - not the prelude to an

un-authorized orgasm, but from fear of the consequences should

one occur. Then i began to mentally review the ten rules of

servitude to try to keep myself in some semblance of control -

“1- thy shall put thy own pleasures last

2- thy shall not dictate to The Domina

3- thy shalt not demand attention

4- thy shall work for The Domina in any way She desires

5- never estimate thy degree of servitude - it is total

6- thy shall forget thyself & allow power of The Domina to

take thee to new heights

7- thy shalt not assume or take anything for granted,

just obey…”

And i found that my efforts were paying off. Although my

erection did not diminish, Her efforts were not causing any

feeling of imminent orgasm either. Not even when She also began

to gently squeeze and fondle my testicles. This “standoff”

continued for several minutes; my erection not subsiding, but no

orgasm taking place either. After some time, i could feel my

clitty beginning to become somewhat numb and insensitive and

realized that i had made it! i had held out, even after so long

without an orgasm! i was so happy to be able to obey Domina

Andrea so well, to truly forget myself and allow Her power to

direct and guide me. And, in spite of Her efforts, my clitty

began to sag and shrivel; at which point She conceded that i had

indeed been very well trained and was a credit to Domina Andrea.

At that Domina Andrea awarded me a rare, “Well done, stacy.

Dismissed!” And i retired to the kitchen to begin my after

dinner cleaning chores. At the same time, i was thinking to

myself that perhaps Domina Andrea might now give me another award

that evening. Maybe she would grant me a slave orgasm at long

last! The very thought made my clitty begin to ooze slightly, so

i quickly turned my thoughts to other things, meditating on my

latest lesson: one on Goddess Spirituality.

About the time i had finished washing and drying the dishes and

cleaning up the stove and cooking area i was again summoned by

Mistress. This time i was told that because i had done so well

during Domina Andrea’s demonstration of how successful Her

methods were, i was being awarded the honor of providing toilet

service for each of the guests. Although i might be just a

little prejudiced, afterward i thought none of the Other’s nectar

was a sweet or delicious as that of Mistress, but all were tasty

and They left me with ny thirst completely sated for remainder of

the afternoon. After carefully using my tongue to clean and dry

each of Them in turn, i was again dismissed to return to my

normal chores.

Oh, you ask what these were? Well, the rest of the afternoon was

spent vacuuming the house (except for the room They were in and

the one adjacent - i didn’t want to disturb them and had cleaned

them thoroughly the day before. After finishing the vacuuming

and emptying the vacuum cleaner, i made my afternoon walk to the

store to fetch fresh vegetables for supper.

Oh yes! your quite right, i did change to go to the store.

Mistress has no desire to see me picked up for “indecent

exposure,” though of course i still had to wear my collar. And

as usual, i drew a certain number of stares from some passers-by

to whom someone wearing a heavy, locked steel collar evidently

seemed an oddity.

After getting back to the house at 5:30 pm, i began cooking a

light supper. Handmaiden sharon had given me word from Domina

Andrea that She was not having any guests in for supper, and

having had a hearty luncheon (at which i had been the prime

entertainment), She wanted something light and simple for supper.

After serving supper at 7 pm and cleaning up about thirty minutes

later, i was allowed to eat my meal for the day. Domina Andrea’s

Friends had eaten lightly at lunch, leaving me with a veritable

feast for my meal that evening. But it was a feast that had to

be eaten quickly; so i rapidly got undressed - you know slave’s

eat nude, on all fours, from their bowls on the floor - and (like

a typical male) pigged out. Even stirred all together in my

doggy bowl, i could tell that i had outdone myself when i fixed

lunch. It was scrumptious!

Having licked my bowl clean in the allotted quarter hour, i set

out to clean the kitchen completely: washing all the dishes,

cleaning the stove and sinks, wiping down the counters, and

scrubbing the floor with a brush, followed by a good waxing.

(Speaking of waxing, i was very thankful that today wasn’t my

weekly hot wax day. Mistress Andrea doesn’t like body hair on

Her slaves - She finds it most unattractive - so once a week i

get the treatment. Let me just tell you that the only pleasure

it gives me is that it pleases Mistress. She seems to find it

most amusing to see me flinch and squirm, making me feel good

that i can provide Her with such a seemingly pleasing diversion.)

By this time it was about 9 pm and time for me to do a load of

laundry. After starting the heavier items in the washing

machine, i was able to do one of most enjoyable tasks: hand

washing Domina Andrea’s and Handmaiden sharon’s delicate

lingerie. The soft, smooth feel of it always leaves me with a

sense of awe that one such as i could be so honored and

privileged to be allowed to touch such finery. Doing this is one

of my greatest joys. Being able to savor the aroma of Her

panties and other underthings before washing them - the intimacy

of it all. It brings back fond memories of the time when i was

enrolled in the FS postal training courses and learning the

basics of proper servitude as prerequisites to being allowed to

serve in person. At that time the possibility of being allowed

to perform panty worship or pantyhose worship seemed to be the

most marvelous acts imaginable. Little could i know, must less

have any expectation of how much more might be in my future at

the time. In-person service was too great an honor for any mere

male such as myself, never mind live-in servitude. To have been

granted the ultimate joy of live-in slave status still seems

unreal and is surely more than one such as me ever deserves.

By 10 pm i had completed my laundry work for the night and i went

on to the last regular item on my daily list of chores - turning

down Domina Andrea’s and Handmaiden sharon’s beds. After

completing that task i retired to my room to work on my FS CMS

studies until 11 pm, when my lights-out time arrived. Until 11

pm i was still on call and had to be alert in case one of them

needed me for something - fetching a drink, performing toilet

duty, relaxing stiff muscles with a soothing massage…

When needed for any such late evening services, i was always

summoned by being called. So when Domina Andrea entered my room

that night my first thought was, “Maybe She’s going to reward Her

servant for doing so well at Her luncheon this afternoon.”

Then when She said, “stacy, I have a little surprise for You

tonight,” i just knew that She was going to allow me my first

orgasm in weeks.

you can imagine how much of a surprise it was when She pulled out

the Goddess’ Teeth and, putting them back on my clitty, informed

me, “You did very well today, but i expected it of you. you know

that failure isn’t permitted and i knew how well-trained you

were. Today was the first of five days of such demonstration

sessions so show how well this new technique of developing

control in a slave works. In order for the demonstration to be

as effective and as impressive as I wish and know it can be, you

can’t have an orgasm until after the entire series of

demonstrations is completed. It just wouldn’t be the same if you

had relieved all that tension that’s been built over the past few

weeks a day or two before a demonstration. I’m sure you wouldn’t

deliberately let me down, but we have no way to control your

dreams with any certainty and you just might mess up with a

nocturnal emission and invalidate the severity of your upcoming

luncheon tests. The results would be considered flawed of void

if you had an orgasm before all were complete, because that would

make you less needful of the release that the first one after the

long period of abstinence would provide. So for the next few

nights, until these exhibitions are over, you’re to wear the

Teeth from immediately after each demonstration until the next

morning. Who knows? We may even find it worthwhile to visit each

of the Matricenters and demonstrate My methods and its results.

That shouldn’t take more than maybe six more months. Now sleep

well. I want you to be well rested and alert tomorrow - and

please awaken Me 30 minutes early in the morning as I need time

to make a few phone calls tomorrow morning.”

The She awarded me with a brief smile, turned and left me to

offer my evening Devotionals before going to bed.

- The End -

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A Persian Princess FallsChapter 4

Boris and Jasmine were in the bath tub having warm bubble bath and Boris was washing over Jasmine's body as she rested her back on the end of the tub while he crouched in front of her. He now allowed her now to speak freely and not refer to him as master anymore. "You hate me right," he asked her. "Yes Boris. I actually still hate you for what you did to me. I don't know if I can say that you raped me because I am your slave and you can express yourself in any way with me as you always...

3 years ago
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More than I paid for

I'm an older man in my early 50's and it just seems the older I get the hornier and kinkier I become. Married with a couple kids I've played safe off and on through the years around my sexual but unadventurous wife. This has include some play with professionals and amatuers alike, including some couples and a few single guys. That's where this story begins. I've been with a few guys, mostly give oral and just a couple willing to fuck me. Yes, I'm one of the thousands of mostly...

1 year ago
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In search of my Master dedicated to LeraV my ugly

This is the view of the submission from a real slave, take a while and read it, maybe this can improve your thinking about what a Master means to be.In Search of my Master How do I know I'm submissive?Just two months ago, I didn't even know what BDSM was. A series of coincidences, they took me to an Internet page: ******, and that's where it all started.That page, little by little, was turning into opium for me. He could not spend a single day without going in and seeing his photographs, his...

2 years ago
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Incontinent Ia

Flashbacks of the transformations will come later. Incontinent Ia Elliot woke up to a stiff back, she had gotten used to her weakened female back. She also got used to the gigantic mounds on her chest, giving her added stiffness to her back. She had even gotten used to sleeping on the ground, always on the move. What she couldn't get used to was the constant fighting and energy she had to expend when meeting with the undead. Three years and the zombies had not become any...

3 years ago
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The Crimson King Ch 11

When Mary awoke, she felt the urge to scream but bit it back when she saw the last vestiges of daylight curling around the velvet drapes and realized that she was back in Thorne’s mansion. The baby turned in her stomach, kicking momentarily before finding a comfortable spot and lapsing back into stillness. She smiled, running a hand over her bloated abdomen. Her baby was safe. Her hand touched another and she realized with great joy that Leon was sleeping behind her, his strong body plastered...

2 years ago
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Child MagusChapter 11

Milena had to go back to the office to finish filing our paperwork. Once she was gone, I got dressed and brought up my concerns with Jordan. I didn't want to scare Danielle, so I waited until she left with her clothes to take over to their new apartment. "Jordan, I have to ask you something," I said. She looked up and smiled. "Are you trying to get out of work to go help Milena with the filing?" I shook my head. "No, but what I need to know involves her, as well as the rest of...

2 years ago
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Intrusive DelightsChapter 9 The Barracks

One bright morning the Emir rose at an unusually early hour, to the dismay of the concubine in his bed, and announced to a startled Kamal Qumsiyeh that he intended to visit the barracks that very day, and within the hour. "Our military establishment is important, and it is part of my duty to the people to see to it that the armed forces are properly housed and trained," he announced, "A surprise inspection might just have a salutary effect on them, if such is needed." General Mustapha...

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Peeping Tom Scared Straight

Peeping Tom Scared Straight This is a story about the most exciting, and terrifying, thing I ever did. I had just finished my military service, and I was staying at my parents’ house. I was restless and horny, and still reorienting to civilian life. I would frequently take late night walks around my sl**py town, just to think. One Saturday night, well past midnight, I strolled down a quiet street. Most of the houses were dark, but this one house still had a light shining in the first floor...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Hot Big Tits Bhabhi

Hello iss readers..!! This is love again back with another erotic real story of how i fucked my bhabhi while bhai was out..!! I hope this story will definitely make guys and gals masturbate more and more..! And girls and aunties needing sex in Gujarat can mail me up freely..!! You won’t be disappointed, that’s a promise..!! Well to start with, me a 22 year old guy..!! Recently completed my studies and into business now. I have a 6″ long thick dick that can drive any girl crazy..!! I am...

3 years ago
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my bitch mom avani

My name is suneeth and I am a 15 year old guy studying in the final year of school in hyderabad, India. During the summer season it is sweltering hot and sweaty inside the house as we don’t have air conditioning. Hence I go up to the terrace to study under the light next to the stairwell. We live in a 4 storied apartment building and the terrace is shared by 36 other apartments. We have about 24 such apartments in our area. There are lots of young students in college and schools in our area and...

2 years ago
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Double Seduction

My wife and I had discussed her attraction to my best friend, Paul. He was a bit bigger than me at 6', with curly blond hair and had a thin but athletic body. She thought he had a cute ass and his clever sense of humor tickled her. I had teased her with the thought of a threesome for a long time but I had never mentioned it to Paul. And we had never done anything close to a threesome because Jen was basically a shy almost insecure person. But the fantasy made for great sex. This hot summer...

1 year ago
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Ask Reddit After Dark

Ask Reddit After Dark, aka r/AskRedditAfterDark! Sex stories have been “most of” the hype recently in the porn industry. A lot of people have considered making them their Friday night porn highlight because not only does it take longer to read through them than it would to watch a cut-out XXX video on a porntube, but they also provide much more depth and richness. Think about the Harry Potter books. For example - many fans of the franchise will tell you that the books are worth far more in...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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A young girl seduces her friends brother

I sat by the table, looking at him as he walked towards the kitchen. I held my breath and felt butterflies emerge in my stomach; he was so cute, so desirable. His eyes flickered toward mine and I giggled, looking down at the table and putting my hand over my mouth. When I looked up he was already gone and standing in the kitchen. His sister was sitting next to me, laughing at my reaction to seeing him. “Did he notice me?” I whispered, trying to see if I could see him in the kitchen. “I don’t...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Heavenly Kim

Don't get me wrong, here...I love to be teased. But I am human. There's only so much teasing a person can take before their hormones blot out every rational thought they might otherwise have. When that point is out. All hell could break loose. And believe me, over the years I've had moments where I'd been overly stimulated to the point where I tried to do things that were physically, humanly impossible...and almost accomplished them. Under this type of stimulation, the old...

3 years ago
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The House that Jo Built Chapter Two The Devil Wears Satin

"Well, we all went to Ant's house like usual because both his parents work and don't get home until after six. Usually we play some PlayStation first but today everybody was sort of on a mission so we went straight to their basement where we all usually hang out. Blake got a tape out of his bookbag and put it in the VCR while Anthony slid the Hustler out from his science book-cover. Blake had to reset the counter on the VCR so he could rewind it to where it was last so his dad wouldn't...

4 years ago
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The Little Princess Part Two

The day had started off badly for the Little Princess and although she’d not started work until 10 AM but by 10.45 she was on her knees sucking her bosses cock after agreeing that she was in fact a slut. As she sucked Toby Whitehall cock he gripped her head and she could feel each of tips of his fingers as he pressed against her skull it felt uncomfortable but it wasn’t painful. The Little Princess could hear his groans as they got louder so did the pressure on her head and slowly at first he...

4 years ago
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Ooooh ice cream

My God, it’s hot today! Unusually hot for this time of year and I’ll be glad to get home and get out of my boring, stuffy office clothes. I pull into the drive and park next to Richard.  He’s had the day off – lucky sod! As I go in the front door, I hear him shout ‘I’m in the kitchen!’. ‘Hi there. How was your day?’ I ask as I walk through.  He’s standing there with a beer in his hand, smirking. ‘Good.  I’ve had a very lazy day – just lounging around waiting for my wife to come home.’ he...

1 year ago
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Casino gaming hasn't evolved in what feels like fucking forever. It is goddamn ridiculous if you ask me. From video games to those boring ass card games your grandmother plays, every facet of gaming has changed with the times. But not casinos. Even when online gambling has been trying to break out and have its moment, countries like the United States have kept it from evolving.But thanks to COVID-19, it looks like online gambling becoming the norm is a certainty. And while online gambling sites...

Betting Sites
2 years ago
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Turning PointsChapter 2

Kerri turned on the wipers as the first drops of rain began splattering on the windshield. Her mind was racing back over the conversation with the psychologist. He was clearly worried about Kyle. So was she. She had seen him spiraling steadily downward, especially for the last four years, since that awful night in the park. For the thousandth time the images and sounds played themselves out, assaulting her delicate psyche with crushing hammer blows of pain, helplessness and guilt. The tears...

4 years ago
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Amour Propre

Have you ever wanted to change something about yourself? Like your nose maybe, or the color of your hair. Be a little taller, of have bigger breasts. I did. I saved for it, the way other girls saved for college, or a car, or even a pony. I saved for self-improvement and I'd look through magazines like Vogue, rich with tall wisps of supermodel beauty, and I'd try to imagine myself like that. All pale and blonde with puffy lips and big tits, with big hard nipples ... But it never worked. It...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 65 Mounting Crises

The seven women found themselves eating alone, much to their displeasure. The king’s official cabinet was meeting behind closed doors and the others had enjoyed a soft mattress so well that they continued to sleep well past sunrise. The previous evening had not gone to plan. The ladies had found the history of Azkoval to be interesting but they had bigger goals for their time at the pool. Now Joseph was locked away with his advisers and it didn’t appear that he would return any time...

3 years ago
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Chloes Sex Lessons Ch 03

Randy then said: ‘You know Chloe I have never come so quickly in a girl’s mouth than I have now done with you so I have to give you an ‘A’ in this lesson. I am sorry I could not prolong the lesson.’ ‘Oh I don’t mind’ replied Chloe, ‘after all I got to taste your delicious cum that much faster and that is my reward.’ ‘You really do enjoy the taste of my cum?’ ‘Oh yes indeedy! It certainly is pungent in taste with a hint of saltiness and the smell is overpowering. But the taste & smell...

2 years ago
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Mom and I squeeze in

Mom, dad, and I just finished our first week of vacation in the Bahamas. It's been amazing so far; we spend every day lounging at the beach a few miles from our hotel. The only downside is that we have to take a bus to get there.Dad wasn't feeling up for another beach trip this morning, so only mom and I shuffled into the bus. It was more crowded than usual; apparently, a big group of tourists had just arrived. By the time mom and I made it to the back of the bus looking for seats, there was...

4 years ago
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257 A few precious months 10

257 A few precious months 10 The rings enhanced the sex for Kelly and whoever was her elected partner each night during the next couple of weeks, her symptoms were now rapidly showing themselves and we knew the time was fast coming when she would demand the ultimate sacrifice from me. I still had no ideas as to how I could carry out this ultimate wish, as she wanted to go out on an orgasmic high! But how, we racked our brains, whenever the three of us were together without her as we wished the...

3 years ago
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Proud Slave GirlChapter 2

Fancy Francine wanting to be a slave! Diana laughed out loud as she drove home through winding country lanes and sheets of driving rain. The drought had certainly ended very spectacularly this last week! Diana lived in a large house all on its own at the end of a mile long lane. She enjoyed the solitude, which was greatly alleviated by the presence of seven cats. As she reached her open gate and drove up to the garage, she saw three of the greedy creatures waiting for her, sheltering in the...

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Clubhouse Part Five Stud at school

The following week at school, it was almost like there was an aura about me. Girls who never talked to me were hanging around and hanging on my every word. In the afternoon I went to Art class with Mrs. Hunsaker. She was a beautiful woman who had a bit of a whispered about reputation. I had always liked looking at her in less than an appropriate way, but now that I was a stud and had fucked both Emily and Trudy, I was interested in seeing if the whispers were true.I was very good at art. ...

3 years ago
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Kindred SpiritsChapter 3 Settling In

Errol and the Barkleys quickly and easily settled into a routine. He'd usually leave his car parked and ride to work with Lulu at about a quarter to six in the morning, then she'd either bring him back to the house after his shift, or he'd walk if she was tied up at the restaurant. It was less than a mile, and that was something else he liked about small towns. School was out for the summer, so Gretchen was pretty much on her own. Of course, girls that age always have a thousand things on...

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Losing Virginity To Boyfriend

Hi friends I’m Swati I’m 25 year old with a very sexy figure of 34 29 36 and very fair color and today I’m going to write the incident of my life at the age of 20 years. I was living with my maternal grand parents in and was studying there I was so young and sexy that every guy was crushed upon me and I was crushed upon my classmate lets call him Janu. He was 6 feet tall with good muscular body and a very cute face in fact he was a real dude in 2nd year. We both got to know that we like each...

4 years ago
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Last In Line Part 2

The Head took some time to drink in the sight before him. A pretty girl, d****d on his punishment bench. Golden curls framing her sweet face, as she sobbed silently. At the other end, a pair of fine legs with what must be said were chubby, round thighs. And a rather nice bottom, completely pale white and blemish free. The Head surmised that Alison took little exercise, what with the roundness of her thighs and the padding on her rump. But overall this meant a larger canvas for his art.For the...

3 years ago
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I Thought We Were Friends Part One

I laid in her bed, next to her brother Jason, and Dillon, whom was a friend of all three of us. "No," she said. "I know you're going to use it for pot. You smoked up in my room, you're being a dick, I'm not lending you money." Jason laughed, "Lend me the money or I rape your friend." "Fuck off, Jay." At that, Jason grabbed me by my hair, stuffed my face into his crotch under the blanket. He began thrusting and I felt a wee bit of a boner against my face. "Jordyn! Jordyn!...

1 year ago
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Cuckold in Milwaukee visits his wifes therap

Judy and Tammy were laying there after they had me lick out their cum filled pussies. They came a few more times and lay there talking after tying me back upTammy asked Judy if she had been getting much lately and Judy said she had been too busy and the only thing she had gotten was her ther****t when she was there complaining about my size. Tammy laughed and suggested they go out and see if they could arrange some fun. They got up naked and said they were going to go have more fun. I asked...

2 years ago
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Wicked stepmother part 6

Ella had woken up in the morning to find her lying next to Crispin in the bedroom of her luxury hotel. Crispin was not very experienced with women as he had pointed out but he was a very quick learner. Ella smiled to herself it was a new experience being the seductress. It was only months ago that she had been a virgin schoolgirl yet now she had experience of both men and women sometimes together. What she had discovered was whilst she still managed to look demure she really wasn't.Crispin...

1 year ago
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The one that got away

I had some really heavy furniture delivered a few years ago to an apartment on the 9th floor.It would not fit in the elevator.It was delivered by two teenagers around 17 and 19 years old.The 19 year old was the driver and the other was the helper.They had to go up the stairwell on a very hot day. The first pieces arrived easily,I noticed that they where beginning to get hot but they said they where OK and continued on.They where very well turned out for a delivery job in beautiful new tee...

1 year ago
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CoupleSwapping Hazel Grace April Olsen What8217s Mine Is Yours

April Olsen comes down the stairs to join her boyfriend Seth Gamble in the main hall. She nervously asks if she looks alright, and Seth kindly replies that she does. April admits that she’s pretty nervous- she’s never done anything like this before. Seth assures that there’s nothing to worry about- he’s sure it’ll all go splendidly. April loves how reassuring Seth is, and as she runs her hands over his chest, tells him that she’s excited for him to see her...

3 years ago
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My Virgin Ass

I sat in my car in the club parking lot, not able to move. I was dressed to the nines and my plan had been to enter this club and find a date for the night. A male date. It was a club that encouraged Transsexuals and Cross dressers as patrons to hook up with straight or bisexual males. I am not sure if I am a Tran sexual but I sure was crossdressing tonight. Why was I hesitating? This is what I desired right? Earlier I had spent time getting ready over at my friend Courtney’s house. She was a...

3 years ago
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Making It Work Ch 07

It’s been ages since I’ve update. I haven’t had the time and I won’t have the time in the future because of work and life, I’m sorry, therefore, it is with regret that I inform you all, my loyal readers, that upon the completion of MIT and Unleashed I will no longer be writing for Literotica. Thank you so much for all of your support and for enjoying my works. I really appreciated the encouragement I received and even the negative comments. Everything has made me stronger. Cassandra ...

1 year ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 2

Amber had been right about the water temperature - Tyler was able to adjust it to his liking, anywhere between hair-raising cold to scalding hot and everything in between. Thank God for the gas mining operations on Saturn's moons! He played with the controls for a bit before stepping into the falling water of the showerhead. The first thing he noticed was how much water his new hair could absorb. He combed his fingers through his new auburn tresses, pulling the water drops through as...

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Bounty Hunter for Hire

The place is always different, but's somehow it always feels the same. A shitty bar on Nar Shadaa, a rundown Cantina on Tatooine; it really doesn't matter. The music is always too loud, the drinks are never strong enough, no one smiles when they see you. Big wide galaxy, but nothing really changes. Sure, the job might be different. Sometimes it's a fool who borrows money he knows he can't repay, or a "virgin" daughter runs off with a handsome smuggler. But someone's always trying to find...

3 years ago
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Favourite Fantasies 21

I have never written anyone on a subject like this before but was so pleased to see so many of your female readers honestly expressing pleasure in expanding their sexual en-joyment, that I’m glad to see you explore the little-known subject of men’s fantasies, and want to contribute my own experience to the search.Since my wife and I have raised our c***dren and seen them happily married, it has been our custom to take half of our vacation together and the other half separately. She usu-ally...

1 year ago
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JackpotChapter 2

After an early dinner at the casino next to us, I led Darla to the card room. She was holding my hand and wouldn't let go. Several times I tried to explain that maybe she should not come with me to the card room this first time after our progressive win, but the hurt in her eyes immediately made me stop. I lamely said, "I just don't want you to be bored." I went up to the poker room desk and asked if there was a seat open at the 20-40 Hold'em game. He grinned and said, "We have been...

4 years ago
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Sticking Plaster Part 1

This had better be good” Beth muttered under her breath as she reached for the telephone. Who the fuck would be ringing her during “Big Brother” anyway? All of her friends and family knew to avoid calling Beth at this time as Beth was highly likely to become most unreasonable, like a bear with a sore head whilst menstruating and she didn’t take too kindly to being disturbed. “Yeah?” Beth almost sang down the phone. If this was some marketing call, she’d rip them limb from limb. If she wanted...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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The Book Club Project

A/N: I just added chapters, that use the score system of CHYOA. I hope everything works as intended. But if you notice something, feel free to contact me. Either in the comments or via DM. Thank you and enjoy the story! Update May 22: I implemented a kind of game clock, that should make it possible to play the story as a game from now on. Obviously, there's still a lot of content missing, but if I did everything right, you should be able to sleep at the end of every day and start a new...

1 year ago
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The Muse

Author’s Note: Thank you to all those who have encouraged me to continue writing. Thank you Tim413413 for the hours of editing. ***** Sleep wasn’t coming. Reading almost worked. My eyes would close and my mind would drift, then reality would slam back in. I rolled over and looked at the clock. Eleven thirty. At least it wasn’t too late yet. I could still get six hours’ sleep if I could just calm my mind. I took a couple of deep breaths, trying to slow my active heart. I relaxed my eyelids...

4 years ago
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One Of My Readers Made Me Her Sex Slave

Hello everyone, Rahul here. It’s my second story here in ISS. Anybody who wants to contact me can contact me on . So let me begin the story. I had submitted my first story here in ISS. A few girls and aunties replied to my story and one of them really wanted to meet me and make me her slave. But before that, she wanted to text and know about me, tell each other’s fantasy etc. And one fine day we finally decided to meet after a lot of texting and being comfortable with each other. Let me tell...

1 year ago
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Hey Rodneeey

I thought I heard my name so I turned around. Sure enough, there it was again, “Hey, Rodneeey”. I saw Conchita, who would rather be called Connie, waving to me. We’d had a relationship, if you can call banging four or so times a week a “relationship”. A boyfriend had moved in about six months ago and I think she would still have “gotten naked”, one of her indirect ways of referring to fucking, with me but he was the jealous type. When I got close she asked, “Can we talk?”, another euphemism...

1 year ago
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After Midnight chapter 15

Candice made breakfast, while Andy showered, and was watching the early news when a text arrived.‘Do you want to be here for this?’ The text said. Candice stared at it for a minute. Marsha must mean that she was going to do a pregnancy test. Trying to calculate dates in her head, Candice thought there was a good chance the test would be negative, but Marsha was a nurse and she’d done midwifery training, so maybe she knew something, or was making an intelligent guess.Candice, feeling...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Lilly Bell Intimate Fuck And Facial

Lithe, sweet-faced blonde Lilly Bell seduces in fishnets and a barely-there bikini. She shares an intimate, unscripted private encounter with top director/stud Mick Blue — with no porn crew on hand, he shoots lots of POV-style footage. Lilly engulfs Mick’s big cock with her mouth to dole out a bitchin’ blowjob. She strokes and swallows his massive, uncut tool. The dirty girl rims his asshole, and then she squats on his pole, taking him deeply in her hairy snatch. Mick fucks...

1 year ago
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English Girl Rides the Subway

Holding hands, they left the Center for Performing Arts, and walked towards the subway station. It was snowing lightly, the night crisp and sharp, and Hayley felt giddy, like she wanted to skip, and couldn’t stop smiling. They had just seen the Nutcracker, always a dream of hers, and it was a Saturday night in New York during Christmas! At the stoplight, still holding hands, she pulled him close and kissed him.  That earned her one of his good smiles.  She asked, “Did you like it?”  He...

1 year ago
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Special Report

When the night came she dressed up in one of her top outfits, complete with matching bra and panties, and headed to the location that her agent had given her. Once she arrived she looked around the parking lot at the rather squalid but otherwise unremarkable broadcasting station. The only thing worth noticing was how many cars were parked in the parking lot, something that filled her with an odd amount of dread. She gathered up her things and headed inside. The station was like any other that...

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