In A Single Moment free porn video

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Big changes in a person's life can happen slowly, over a few years. You start a new morning routine, you get a small promotion, you make a few new friends, and a few years later you look back and realize that your world has taken on a completely new face. You realize that you've grown and become a new person and you didn't even realize it. Or there are the changes that happen suddenly. These are the changes that happen so fast you hardly have time to think about them before they've completely warped your entire existence in a matter of minutes. These are the moments where you close your eyes and think to yourself. This is a dream, this isn't my life. This is not happening to me, it can't happen to me. It's a moment so foreign that you can't even begin to figure out the consequences while it's happening. You tell yourself those big moments are not real, even though you know they are, because it delays the inevitable realization that you're leaving your comfort zone and entering a strange new world. And you can't stop it. You feel those moments physically, in your gut, and you try to comprehend them, but comprehension won't come for weeks, months, even years. Those are the moments where you have to let go of rational thought because nothing that's happening to you is rational. You forget the past that you're no longer a part of you and hide from the future that is so unknown, you give up everything but the moment. You hold on to the now, the sights, sounds, and feelings of the moment. You let your muscles carry you through the motions as your stunned mind tries to cope with your new reality. The day I found out that my best friend was murdered, that was one of those moments. The day I destroyed my first car weeks after I got it, nearly killing three passengers, that was one of those moments. The day I got my first real girlfriend, that was one of those moments. And last night, last night was one of those moments. Right now I was sitting at home, in my bed. Or my old home, my old bed. My apartment looked so different to me now, after what had happened. After that fight two nights ago, after that... creature, demon, whatever it was, after it turned my life completely upside down. I was out at a bar, a pub, in the city. It was a hazy place with a few too many guys out looking for a drunken roust with a girl from the nearby college. The atmosphere in the room was tense, it was quiet for a bar, that night. I was out alone. I still had a year left before I got my degree, I was only recently 21, and drinking was still a novelty to me. Drinking legally, anyways. But the atmosphere in this place had just been too dark for me to handle, it felt like a fight waiting to break out. So I left, it was around 1 A.M. It wasn't really dark outside. The sun was down, sure, but all the lights in the city reflected off of the haze and low-lying clouds back down onto the streets. There were lights every hundred yards or so as well, and the lights from the signs of the bars and convenience stores shone out dully onto the roads. The effect was that the world around me took on the burnt orange of the streetlights like a chameleon would brown on tree-bark. I'd only had two drinks, so I certainly wasn't drunk. I wasn't feeling all that well and I was glad to have consumed so little alcohol. It would be a much brighter morning for me. I had a report to write anyways, and homework and hangovers never mixed well. I could also get a morning run in. I'd been good about running every morning at the rec center for the first two years at school, but since the internship that had kept me indoors all summer, I'd gotten a bit lazier. I hadn't gained wait yet but I knew that was just around the corner for me if I kept it up. I'd been a runner for a lot of my life, doing track and cross country in high school and still keeping fit through university. I was good at soccer and basketball but I hadn't focused on team sports, too much time and devotion. I preferred an evening with my friends and kept a lot of time up for study. I wasn't a nerd but I was intelligent, I knew when to get my work done. I kept that my priority through high school and college, but I still found time to make a lot of friends, do community service, and I was a member of a debate club that never really held debates, despite many good intentions. I was an average white college student, I don't think you could have found a much more unremarkable person than I was. I was smart, funny when I had to be, friendly enough with people I liked, athletic but not an athlete. I was 5'11", an average height, my hair was dirty blonde, and my clothes were all tees, polos, and jeans. I was calm, life was good, and I had a steady routine and enough money saved up to serve as a cushion in case anything serious ever happened. But as I walked down that dark, orange sidewalk, something was about to happen that no amount of money was ever going to get me out of. I was watching my feet, the streets were empty for the most part, only a few bar-hoppers moving down the sidewalk, making a lot of noise, but none were near me. I prodded along slowly, enjoying the ambience of the humid night, enjoying the simple sensation of walking alone. I passed an insurance agent's office with her round face smiling broadly from underneath her very precisely permed hair. As I looked into her blue eyes, I heard a muffled noise around the corner and down a narrow alley. I peered around the edge of the brick building into the blackness. My eyes adjusted slowly but I couldn't see further than a few trash bins five feet in front of me. I strained to hear the noises down at the other end of the alley. I could make out two distinct voices, they were arguing. One was very obviously a man, his voice was deep and gravelly. The other was a girl, who sounded quite panicked but still kept her voice low. I always carried a can of mace on my keyring, and I don't know why, but at that moment I decided that I should play the hero. If this girl was being robbed or abused by her boyfriend, I was going to step in and save her. I stayed tight against the wall and slowly walked deeper into the black of the alleyway, feeling out any obstacles in my path that might give me away. As I approached the pair, or what I was assuming was a pair because only two voices were evident, I could make out more of what they were saying. The man's voice was raspy, and very deep. It had a quality of menace about it that chilled me as I got nearer. The girl was talking fast and breathing lightly, she was scared and rambling. She was trying to talk her way out of something. "I am tired of your whining, girl." The male voice cut the girl off with a very threatening tone and red-hot anger. "I was summoned for a purpose, I fulfilled my end of the bargain! I will not stand for your excuses any longer. You will meet my needs quite well enough on your own." "No!" the girl screamed, and the next instant I heard her footfalls, running, sprinting, right at me. I was only about 30 feet away, and before I could react she collided with me, sending us both tumbling roughly into the concrete. The ground was sticky and the girl was struggling back to her feet. I couldn't see a thing in the blackness, but she felt small, and her long hair tickled lightly across my face as she threw herself to her feet again. "Wait!" I yelled, jumping up. I grabbed the girl and shielded her behind my back with one arm as I grabbed the cold can of mace tightly in my fingers. I faced the direction the girl had come from, ready to spray her attacker and then run as soon as I knew he was incapacitated. I don't know why I was brave at that moment, but I felt sure that I could take this guy with the mace. The man-with-the-gravelly-voice's footsteps had been approaching, slower than the girl's, and much heavier. As I aimed the can toward where I assumed his face was, his voice boomed out so loudly it hurt, physically. It's almost funny looking back, but I swear it had shouted "Newfoundland." Anyway, I dropped the can of mace and grabbed for my ears as a white light flashed in front of me, illuminating the man for just a second. But it wasn't a man, it was like a man, but it was scaly. In that flash I thought I was crazy, it was like I was looking at a walking salamander with the scaly face of a man. It must have been a trick of the light, I knew. But still, it chilled me. After that flash of white light, I felt my legs grow numb, cold, and weak. I fell the ground again, without control. It was black already but I knew that my eyesight would have been fading as I felt the familiar sensation of passing out. I was unconscious a moment later. That was the moment that shook my life in a way nothing ever had before. I woke up in the alley sprawled out on my face. Their was a deep ringing in my ears that slowly faded as I woke up and began to recall where I was and how I got there. It was still pitch black in the alleyway so I had no way of knowing how long as I was out, but it seemed like I had been sleeping forever. I still felt a weary grogginess and a bit of nausea from the experience of passing out. I wondered if the flash of light I'd seen had been a gunshot or a camera, but it was too big to have been either. Everything had been lit up, in front of and behind the man, or dare I say it, the monster that had been there. I knew that was a stupid thought, as were about ten others that ran through my head in what must have been a three-second period. I got up and crawled around, feeling for the girl that I had been holding on to when I passed out, but I felt nothing. "Is anyone there?" I cried out, hoping to hear a girl's voice and not the response of the guy who had knocked me out. To my surprise, my voice didn't sound anything like normal. It was, well it seemed to be a lot higher than before. I tested it out again and my voice had definitely changed. It sounded like the voice of a girl, as silly as that sounds. A Tazer! It hit me suddenly, that man must have stunned me with a tazer. That had to have been the light I saw, and I figured it explained my voice. That current had probably stretched my vocal chords or something. I knew it sounded pathetic, but it was really the best explanation I had at the moment. I slowly pushed myself to my feet. I definitely felt very strange, my whole body felt more sensitive, everything irritated me, to the distant sound of a fight on the street to the rubbing of the fabric across my skin, to my long hair brushing across my face. But I didn't have long hair. I jerked my hand up to my face. Yes, long hair. Hair down to my shoulders, maybe even farther. I yanked at it and let out a little yelp of pain. It was definitely attached to my head, and it was definitely real. This was getting too strange, I thought as I walked out of the alleyway and made my way slowly back to my apartment, constantly fighting the urge to throw up. The grogginess remained with me as I finally dragged my feet into my apartment and ignored everything and walked straight into my bedroom where I collapsed almost before I could finish taking off my shirt and jeans. I woke up and my eyes took a moment to adjust to the light. The sun had filled my room and I knew that by now it was at least noon or 1 o'clock. Ha! I said to myself as I turned to look at my alarm clock, try 2:15 in the freaking afternoon. There goes that morning run. I never slept for that long, but again the strange events of the previous night came back into my mind. I knew it was a dream, it had to be. How strange was what had gone on, who would really freaking Taze me? The first thing I did was to reach for my hair. I remembered the strangeness of the walk home with that foreign hair falling into my eyes with every step. And yet... the hair was still there, the long hair that flowed past my shoulders still hung there. I sat bolt upright, startled. And right then I knew, I knew that what had happened the previous night was real. I wanted to deny it, but there's a difference between reality and dreams and I knew that what had happened was not a dream. The sensations were too real, the logic of it all had just not been dreamlike. Not like one of my dreams, at least. As I sat up my whole body felt strange, not just the hair that fell across my back. I looked down at myself to see if I could figure out the problem, and yeah, as soon as I looked, I knew what the problem was. I was wearing a bra. And not just wearing a bra over my chest like some clown at a frat party, there were breasts in the bra, breasts that filled it completely. It hung there, off of my chest, off of MY chest! I had breasts. And now that I paid attention I could indeed feel that, yes, they were mine, and that the bra really was on me. I could feel it. I looked over at the floor where I had thrown my clothes off the night before and saw that they were not my clothes at all. For one they were much too small, and I certainly did not wear a top like that, it was a girl polo, light blue with very shortened sleeves and buttons that went a little lower than they would have on one of mine. I think it was about four minutes before I breathed again. I just sat there, shocked, not wanting to accept the reality of this, because it had to be a dream, only I knew it wasn't. I had to deal, I had to figure out what was going on, and I had to do it calmly and logically. When my best friend had been killed it had been tough for me, and I wanted to pretend that it hadn't happened. But I knew that the only way to deal with it was to face it up front, and to make sure that I didn't ever ignore it. I kept shoving it into my face, I reminded myself of it often, and in that way, I coped. I had to do the same thing now, because no matter what else I wanted to think. This was one of the moments that changes a life. For whatever reason, god knows what reason, I was a girl. And I say that because I was definitely not a woman, I looked over into the mirror and this girl, well, me, I was no older than eighteen. In fact, I was probably closer to sixteen. My face was slight and very effeminate. My first thought was what a cute girl I was looking at. Then a second later I thought of what a stupid thing that was to be feeling, because I was staring at myself. Me, me, me. That girl was me. I kept repeating it in my mind, making it sink in. Because no matter how stupid and ridiculous and insane this was, I knew that it was my reality. So I was cute. My cheekbones were prominent but my face wasn't bony, it was full. My eyes were blue and my eyelashes were full and my nose was slender and my lips were red and inviting. My hair was a dark blonde or a light brown, with highlights running through it. I don't know bra-sizes, but the breasts I was looking at certainly felt huge to me, though I was pretty sure that for a woman they really weren't anything above average. I sat on my bed staring and moving my mouth and arms and watching the girl in the mirror do the same. It was strange every time I looked back into the mirror and expected to see myself and instead saw her. I also tried talking, and even though it sounded a bit different coming from me, I recognized the pleasant female voice that I was using. It was the girl from the alley last night. So I was the girl from the alley. That didn't make sense, but I had to accept it, because it was the only thing that I could think of and nothing made sense to me anymore. Finally, I decided to do what I had been dreading since I realized that this whole thing was real. I could already tell that my male parts were gone, something felt very different in my private region. But I decided I had to get it over with and look. Heck, why not, a free peep show, right? I closed my eyes and raised my head toward the ceiling and lifted the covers. The air was cold on my legs and I felt goosebumps form on my skin. I reached down to my leg and felt the goosebumps and moved my hand slowly down. My lower legs were covered in short stubble from where they had been shaved a day or too previous. That was too weird. I opened my eyes and willed myself to look down at my spread legs. I was wearing women's underwear, obviously. They were light pink with a pattern of stars and flowers. They were very girly, but to my eyes, they didn't look inappropriate at all. They were panties after all, I was wearing panties. I would have been very aroused to see this sexy girl sitting spread-eagle on my bed before, but now I was more afraid than anything. The panties were hugging my skin, and there was very obviously nothing masculine underneath them. I had a very prominent mons pubis and underneath it the surface of the panties were smooth as they wrapped around and disappeared underneath my body. After a moment the fear started to wear off and as I stared I began to get curious. This could be a very interesting experience, I might be able to learn a thing or two. As soon as I thought that I was a bit disgusted, but, I was a girl now, I told myself. You have to come to terms with this, You're a girl, so be a girl. I reached my hand out to my smooth thigh, and rubbed in towards my panties. I was becoming quite aroused, I realized. This was a very interesting situation, and since it was real, I knew I was going to have to explore. Who wouldn't want this opportunity, just once? I stroked my thighs some more, becoming more aroused as I stared down at the sexy girl's body beneath me. I leaned back into my pillows and spread my knees wide in the air and moved my hand from my thighs onto my underwear. The more I thought about this situation the more it turned me on. I was a girl feeling herself up in bed. I was also watching a girl feel herself up in bed. The feelings were strange, somewhat, but my brain was adapting itself well to this body. They say the human mind can adapt to about anything, and they're right. The sensations were different, I felt a warmth in my pelvic area, a growing warmth that grew as I rubbed my thighs and thought about sex, even sex as a girl... The feelings were building and now I really wanted to see what lay underneath the panties I was wearing. I laid my hands first on top of the underwear, feeling for the first time this new genitalia. The first thing I noticed was that my panties were warm and moist. I rubbed my hand against the labia, my labia, for the first time. It was strange, instead of my penis and testicles and everything sticking out down there it was strange feeling this hollowness. The fabric of the underwear rubbed against my labia and I felt good. I pushed one of my fingers up against the spot that my body was screaming for me to touch. Even through my underwear the sensation of that first touch against my clitoris was incredible. It was similar to what it felt like to stimulate my penis, but it was different, different in a way that I liked. I continued rubbing the clitoris, and god it felt good, but as I did I felt a strange desire, almost like a hunger, in my gut. I knew that my body was calling for a hard, throbbing penis to be inside me, pushing in and conquering me... I was intrigued and disgusted with myself at the same time, for thinking that. I felt down below my clitoris and pushed through the fabric of my panties at the swollen lips of my vagina. God it was strange, and my panties were definitely wet by this point, but it really felt good. I reached my hand up off of my underwear and squeezed my thighs once, desperately wanting to fulfill that hunger that I felt in my pelvis. I reached my hand back down and slid it underneath my panties. Whoever this girl was, she didn't shave her pubic hair. I reached down and around the mons pubis and felt for the first time my bare labia. It was so soft, and there was so much skin. I reached into the folds and felt for the clitoris, very easy for me to find now that I was a girl. I'd always had trouble finding the right spot on my girlfriends before. I continued rubbing myself at a steady pace, and the hunger in my crotch grew even more. Finally I reached my hand down past the clitoris and probed with my middle finger. My vaginal lips were swollen, moist, and very inviting, and I had a carnal need to satiate the desire I felt. I slowly drove my finger inside and began probing. It was a strange feeling, but it felt so natural, like eating or drinking when I was hungry or thirsty. Soon I stuck in another finger without any pain and began working around. The inside of my vagina was smooth, and I couldn't really feel anything with it, but I still felt the need to keep going. After about five minutes lying their fingering myself, I had to stop. I was exhausted, and I could not believe what I was doing! An hour in this body and I was already masturbating with it. I knew that I should go and figure out what had happened to my old body, to find that creature and try to change myself back, but... I didn't want to. I felt okay in this body. And not just because I had enjoyed playing around with my new vagina... something was different. My mind felt different. As I looked around my apartment, I saw that it had changed. It wasn't a guy's apartment anymore. It was a girl's room, with pictures of me, the new me, and other girls, and a picture of me kissing a really cute guy. A cute guy? I questioned myself, shocked that I had thought this. But I couldn't deny it, looking at that picture turned me on even more. He was really cute and he cared about me. I almost felt as if I remembered being with him, kissing him... I realized that whatever it was that had changed me, it was still working on my life. It was changing the world around me to fit this new reality. Which was impossible, but it felt like it made sense to me. I laid back in bed and felt very calm and peaceful, and, soon, tired. Even though I'd been awake for less than an hour and a half, I fell back to sleep. I sat up in bed, and looked at my clock. It was 9:30 P.M., which meant that Jeff would be over soon. What? I thought, but only for a second. Jeff was the guy from the picture. He was my boyfriend, and I was in my bedroom. Not my apartment. I was only 16, I didn't have an apartment. I lived with my parents and my name was Jennifer and I was waiting for Jeff to get off of work so we could go out to the drive in theater. I knew this wasn't really my life, but it felt so natural that I didn't care. I slipped into the role of Jennifer as easily as I'd slip on a pair of loafers. I was still me, but now I was her too. I got up out of bed and looked down at my body, it didn't turn me on at all, and I really had no desire to masturbate like I had earlier. I tried something, I thought about Jeff, and kissing him and making out with him and the way his mouth felt on my neck... Yes, I felt that warmth growing in my crotch. I was turned on by a guy, but I was a girl, so that was normal. I got dressed quickly, throwing on a clean set of underwear and my lowest riding blue-jeans and a top that went lower than my parents would like. I put on my make-up like a pro, going for the classiest, sexy look I could muster. I was a girl on a mission. I thought about my experience earlier, and about kissing Jeff and him feeling me up... I wanted to go all the way. I had to. My life was completely changed, and I knew it was some bizarre coping mechanism. But I knew that if I had sex with Jeff, everything would be complete. That was the key, that was what was going to settle me down completely in this new role. 10:15 came and promptly the doorbell rang. I was waiting right there to avoid my parents and I slipped out with a "Goodbye!" before they had time to say anything. "Hey Jennifer, how was your day?" Jeff asked me as he threw his arm around my shoulder. "Oh, you know, same old," I said as I leaned into him. We walked to the car in silence and as I sat down he leaned over and kissed me on my cheek, sweetly. I turned into him and kissed him, giving him just a little bit of tongue for a few seconds, a teaser. Strange that it felt normal, kissing this boy. I was very turned on at that point, I knew there was something strange about it, that I shouldn't be so intent on having sex with him, but I knew I had to. Maybe it was magic or maybe it was strange way to cope with this sudden change, or maybe it was just out of control teenage hormones, but I wanted him to throw me back and take my virginity. I was a virgin. I could feel that, I remembered it. Not in my old life, but in my new one. The drive to the theater was short. We parked in the back, a few car lengths away from anyone else. Jeff didn't want to, but I had insisted. He'd agreed quickly. I didn't pay attention to the movie at all. "Jeff, let's move into the back seat and we can snuggle," I suggested coyly. We climbed into the backseat. I always loved his mustang convertible, maybe even before I loved him. As I settled into his arms, I felt so safe and secure and comfortable. I knew that whatever change had happened to me, it didn't matter, here in his arms. Nothing could touch me here. Except him. His breath was warm on my neck and I was again becoming very aroused. I stared at the screen for a few minutes, not watching the movie, as every breath of his made me more aware of the growing wetness in my crotch. I tensed the muscles in my pelvis, feeling that foreign longing again. I rolled over and looked up into his eyes. He looked down at me, and we kissed. We kissed for about five minutes and I couldn't help it, I started grinding my crotch up against his thigh, it was just instinct, I needed stimulation, I needed fulfillment. He stuck his hand up my shirt and I could tell he was a bit surprised when he discovered that I wasn't wearing a bra. As his hands massaged my breasts it was old and it was new. It was a whole new erogenous zone and it felt strange having those familiar feelings come from a different place. But oh, god it felt good, the way he massaged my nipples. It brought my arousal up to another level. If I had still been I guy it felt like I would have come right there. I ground my pelvis up even harder against his thigh. I responded to his play by carefully unzipped his jeans and freeing his cock from his boxers. It felt strange, my hands were smaller and his penis was larger than my old one had been. It felt huge in my hands, and as I started to massage it I imagined what it would be like to slowly insert it into my swollen and moist vagina... It was strange to me but it felt like exactly the right thing to do. I had to have it. I went easy on him, ensuring that he wouldn't come yet. After a few minutes of playing with him, I told him, "It's time. Let's do it." He whispered softly, "Okay." I sat back up on my knees while he began to pull his pants down. I unzipped mine and pushed them down to the floor of his car. We were in the shadows of the woods that surrounded the drive-in and there was definitely no one that would see us. I had worn a skimpy thong and Jeff definitely looked excited as he stared at me in my underwear. I realized that I had been subconsciously rubbing my labia, I was definitely highly aroused. Jeff reached up and grabbed my hips and spun me around, lying my on my back and getting one good squeeze of my butt cheek in. "You're beautiful," he said as he slipped my panties off. He leaned down and gave me a deep, long kiss. I spread my legs out slowly, exposing my vulnerable vagina, open and willing. I looked down once and I knew that as a guy that was one of the most exciting scenes I could imagine, a beautiful girl with her legs spread so open, so hungry and ready and willing. But what really got me excited was his penis, at this point glistening with his precum. I looked up as he grabbed his cock and slowly set it up against my opening. He gave me one last kiss as he slowly drove his penis into my new vagina. It was a wonderful feeling, satiating that hunger that had grown in me all day. At that moment I knew that I was Jennifer, and that the me, the boring guy of yesterday, was gone forever as I sank into the seat and then tensed up my pelvic muscles tightly as Jeff began to work into me. We were both sweating and we gave each other sloppy kisses every once in a while, and when he began to kiss and lick and nibble on my neck I started bucking my hips with his rhythm. I felt a growing tingling sensation growing in my crotch, and I ground up against Jeff's groin furiously, and I got hotter, and hotter, and suddenly I burst, it was like the floodgates of a dam busting open, the rush of electricity that coursed through every nerve in my body. It made me shake, and convulse, and I moaned in absolutely pleasure as Jeff began to come inside me, we orgasmed together and it was the most wonderful, satisfying experience of my life. As we both came back down he lay on top of me, still inside me but becoming limp. He looked into my eyes and I stared deep into his. I loved this boy, and I surrendered every bit of my being to him. My name was Jennifer, and I was his. I never found out the truth about that creature that night, or what dealings Jennifer had had with that demon. I had looked a little but really, I loved my new life, my new life with Jeff. I needed him and I couldn't have him if I ever got my old body back. So I let it go, and yeah, life was great.

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Single female in a sex club

I had been invited along to sex clubs in the past, and had always dismissed the idea. As a hard working teacher I was too scared I would meet someone that I knew. This is the story of how my exact nightmare came true. I was finally going to do it. Visit a sex club, on my own! As a single woman, the idea of going it alone was intimidating, but exciting. I chose a club that was close enough to get to, but far enough away so there was less chance of getting caught. First on my to do...

3 years ago
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single breasted SIL

In 1996, I was then resided in service quarter at Rajshahi. The quarter was a long tin-shed building along with an inside road. Each quarter has 8 feet wide verandah at the both sides and two rooms. The indoor space divided with a small yard (compound) in half portion and other half was occupied bath, toilet and kitchen. The yard was ended with a 10” high boundary wall. There was a steel door with the wall to go outside (back of the quarter). At the backside every quarter allotted with two...

2 years ago
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Single Mother Encouraged by Her Son

I’m a 33-year-old single mother living with my 16-year-old son; I fell pregnant with him on the first time of having sex and have never had a man since. Caring for my son, on my own in the early years, took up all the time that I had and a social life was out of the question, I’ve never really think about men now. We have a good relationship, me and my son, we have always done things together, especially in the early years, like having a bath together, sleeping in my bed, I only stopped it when...

2 years ago
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Single Breasted Bhabiji 8211 Part I

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

3 years ago
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Single Again

After twelve years of marriage and three years before that, I was suddenly single again. My open marriage with my first wife was at an end. I missed her warm plump body in my bed and her company around the house, too. We had just moved to a bigger house and now it was empty. To help pay the bills, I invited Roger, a colleague from work to move in. As soon as possible, I sold out and bought a small flat, all paid for and all mine. It was just after the New Year when Roger came over with his...

3 years ago
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Jenny could not believe her luck when it came to finding submissives and her ability to sense latent subs. She could sense it in this guy, Malcolm, ever since he turned up on her show tonight. She had been teasing and trying to pull him up. She even got the participating girl to ask him a really humiliating question and his slight blush while answering made her even more sure. She was feeling really hot tonight and she was sure she wanted him. He had admitted he was a virgin and she would love...

1 year ago
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Singles apartment complex

I had just moved to Portland and didn't know anybody. I accepted the job because it paid well and I knew Portland was supposed to be a great place to live; lot's of beautiful scenery and a sizable young professional population.I moved into an apartment complex that was geared towards young professionals. The facility had a small lounge in the complex along with indoor and outdoor swimming pools, volleyball courts, tennis and an exercise room.I ran into a bunch of about 8 guys; all of us in our...

2 years ago
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Single Rooster

Singles: Rooster Author's Note: This is a stand alone story which ties into my story "Single: Given to Fly," You do not need to have read the first one to follow this story. ************ "Sweet, you booked us to use the AK-47s at the shooting range," Heath said as he slammed on his breaks and felt his car hit something. He focused his attention and saw a man sliding down the hood of his Charger, the pride and joy of his life. The concerned man got out of his car and went to check...

2 years ago
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“Faster, faster…”Denise careens through the night, slicing through the darkness and the traffic. Speed feeds her hunger for thrills and it defies the rattling frame of her nerdy-cute commuter bike. It was built for a leisurely ride through the park or errands to the market. At this moment, however, in Denise’s mind, it’s a sleek and sexy racer. Although it had required a bit more effort to get the thing moving at a steady clip, Denise definitely has “oomph” tonight.As she whips around corners...

2 years ago
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Single Parents

By: teufelturm© It was Friday, it was a sweltering hot day, and because I hadn't been able to concentrate on my work, I'd decided to take the rest of the day off. This wasn't hard to do because I work at home most of the time, with just a few occasional visits to the company for meetings. There was another reason for my inability to concentrate, but that would be rectified on Monday. My daughter Jenny and Anne, her friend of many years standing had retreated indoors some time ago in...

2 years ago
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Single in New York

I had just divorced my husband of 10 years because of his infidelity, and the fact that he was having an affair with my best friend, certainly did not help. That was not a nice thing to find out, but it happened. We had no children together and I guess in a sense it was a blessing not to have a young child or young children feel the pain of parents separating and then a divorce. Friends of mine seem to always want to get me out of the house. Most of my girlfriends are single by choice, and...

4 years ago
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Single Mom Dont Lie

Rochelle was up early this Friday morning even though she didn’t have to be at work until 2:00 p.m. She was making French toast, turkey sausage links, scrambled eggs with cheese, onion and bell pepper, and strawberry compote. She fixed a plate and stuck a candle in the middle of the bread. She called out for the boys to wake up.When her younger son, Jeramiah, entered the room she yelled, “Happy Birthday!” She handed him a party hat and showed him to his seat.The birthday boy’s older brother,...

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Single Mom Gmommas Funeral

“Hey, baby,” sniffled Linda Perkins.“Hey, mom! I missed your calls. I was seeing patients,” Rochelle explained.“It’s okay. I was just calling to tell you G-momma passed away in the nursing home last night.”“Oh my god! I’m so sorry, mama!”The older woman sobbed, “Thank you! I’m workin’ on the arrangements with Paul and Dianne. I’ll let you know when the service is gonna be.”“Okay! Take your time. Is Clarence around,” she inquired about her mother’s husband.“He’s mowing the lawn.”“Alright. I need...

4 years ago
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Single mom just move down the street

Helped her move in the little house. Single mom about 19 and her little girl. Her mom and dad put her out and paid her rent. religious people feeling her pregnant did not look good at the church. I stopped by and talked with her. She had NO friends and family came by rarely. She was alone with her baby to talk with. Walking between her house and the neighbors I hear her moaning. In her widow I see her back arched up and finger working the clit out. She has an orgasm and lays down. Get some oil...

3 years ago
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Single Mother Turned Into My Fuck Buddy

Hello there, this is Aakash and I’m back with another story. This story is a real incident that happened to me. It made my rather boring, lonely life filled with sex, pleasure and gave me a friend with benefits with no strings attached. Now I spent most of the time with her. The main character is in this story is Anjula (name changed), a single mother to a 4-year-old daughter, with best stats any woman can have 36d-32-36 5’6’’. She has an Indian-brownish complexion and an ass to die for. The...

2 years ago
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Single Breasted Bhabiji 8211 Part III

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

2 years ago
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Single Breasted Bhabiji 8211 Part II

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

3 years ago
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Single Mommy

Its yet another Friday. The clock in my computer monitor ticks 6:30PM. My office is already empty. All fathers and mothers have left to collect their kids from day care center. All girls have left to party with their boyfriends. All good looking guys have also left to tango with their partners. Few, like me were still in the office. I locked my computer and started to leave. I reached the parking lot, got into my car and left the office. It was raining heavily. I like to drive when its raining....

3 years ago
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Single Mother Needs To Make Ends Meet Chapter 3

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities of desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Arriving home, I woke Julie and helped her walk to the house and then straight to her bedroom. She fell on the bed, her dress bunched up around her waist. I saw cum still oozing from her pussy. “Oh, my God,” I heard. I hadn’t realized Susan was standing next to me. “Mommy,” Susan asked, “Is that cum?” God, her questions were always straight forward. I have...

4 years ago
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Singles on the Couch

There's something sweet and personal about holding a lady in your arms whilst she sleeps; her tender breathing, her occasional snuffle, and the gentle merging of her shape with yours every time she relaxes a little more in her sleep. I met her at work. We were having an offsite meeting, and through the course of the day we'd related well; our ideas meshing and our support for each other evident. There's very little as seductive as a pretty and clever lady. And she was both; witty,...

2 years ago
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Singles American Girl

Author's Note; This story is a dedication to Tom Petty. Song meaning to me are very subjective. I can take someone different out of song than someone else. I can even take something different out of a song depending on my mood. So with saying that this story is how I filled in the blanks of this great song. Debra Webster was an American girl who was raised on her mom and dad's promises.These promises were being able to be whatever she wanted to be in life, and their daughter would...

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Singles Anna Begins

Anna Begins I got the inspiration for this story from the Counting Crows' "Anna Begins". I hope that I did the lyrics and music which Adam Fredric Duritz, Charles Thomas Gillingham, David Lynn Bryson, Lydia Holly, Martin David Jones, Matthew Mark Malley , Steve Bowman and Tobias Hawkins created justice. ********** My friend assures me right now it is all or nothing with Anna. My friend is worried about nothing. My friend is just being melodramatic. I have time and there is...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Erotic Momento

The memories flashed through his mind as he was sitting by the window finishing a round of sex with her whom he proudly called his. A gorgeous lady was on the bed in her birth suit looking gracious as the days of the setting sun fell on her. She looked completely satisfied by him. He was 29 years old, an introvert who always used to be shy while speaking to women but that day changed it all. Finishing his tasks for the day which included a dinner meeting with his best friend, he boarded the...

2 years ago
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Momentum by T:M in 2005 Kennen Sie diese besondere Situation? Oh nat?rlich, wie dumm von mir! Wie k?nnen sie wissen wovon ich rede, wenn ich es ihnen nicht erkl?rt habe? Ich meine diese Art von Moment, die sich ereignet, wenn einem etwas pl?tzlich in den Sinn schie?t. Etwas, dass man eigentlich schon vor Stunden h?tte tun oder denken sollen. Mir pers?nlich ist das in der Schule sehr oft passiert. Da hat man irgendwo in der Pause einen schmutzigen, durch und durch unsittlichen Witz aufg...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 104 Momentum

The campaign continued to gain momentum after the diner incident. During the next month I picked up another fourteen endorsements from various local police chiefs and fire department captains. We were on a roll! Okay, the Sun had endorsed Stewart, but everyone had known that was going to happen. He was a Democrat, and the Sun was a city paper, which heavily favored the Democrats, and they had endorsed him for every election he had run to date. It wasn’t an issue for us; we didn’t expect it to...

3 years ago
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Small Moments

Sometimes I don't know how to say things. It's always been a problem of mine, meaning the people who get close to me think that I can see the outsides of things and never the mysterious textures beneath. I can see them, the countless shapes of things inside that spiral and collide with one another and constantly form anew. I can see them and feel the energies they are made from. But the words, once formed, have trouble leaving my mouth. I think we say things in other ways, the unseen things...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Single Again Ch 11

As I pull onto the highway towards home I try to call Summer. I’m a bit surprised I haven’t heard from her since she left but figure she’s just busy with her family. I begin thinking of what our reunion is going to be like next week. I can imagine her tight body against mine, the taste of her lips, the feel of her small breasts. I start to get a bit aroused thinking about kissing my way down her body, between her legs and tasting her sweet juices as they leak out of her tight pussy. I can...

3 years ago
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Single once more

Story until nowI had caught Sue cheating with Al, one of my employees. She had been warned not to do so. I had packed her off back to her mum and dad’s place in the east. Since then there had been little contact with her but I had spoken to the kids and Sue’s father at least once a week. He had told me that Sue was living it up. Going out each night and returning home late and usually quite drunk. He was concerned about the welfare of our baby that she carried and had told her so. She simply...

Wife Lovers
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Singleplayer Campaign

Welcome to a great wide world of possibilities! A world which a great adventurer like yourself will be able to take advantage of. this land, which shall be called henceforth... This Land, is a place of danger and hardship, but also reward. Foul magics have been released into the world from the land of spirits, the disgruntled dead walk with the living in a dark disharmony, and lay terrible magic curses upon them. You are one such cursed being, although you do not yet know it, and in truth your...

4 years ago
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Single and Expecting

To start, I had turned eighteen in May of this year and just graduated from high school the first of June. I had planned to go to college this Fall but that all changed a few months ago.Last October my best friend and her family invited me to go on a trip to Jamaica. It was a birthday present for my friend that she had requested as an early graduation celebration.We flew down on a Saturday for a week at a very nice resort. The first day or so we did a few excursions around the area, relaxed on...

First Time
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Single Mom Brunch Meeting

“Good morning, my lady,” Hugo Alazar said yawning as he spied Rochelle waking.“Hey! Good morning,” she returned in kind.“Sleep well?”“Yes. How about you?”“It was good,” he said pulling her close to him.“Hold on,” she protested. “I have morning breath.”“So,” he kissed her anyway. “Last night was so good!”“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” she giggled.“Hell yeah! I gotta get some more of that.”“You will.”“Now’s as good a time as any,” he remarked placing her hand on his engorged manhood.“I see,” she...

1 year ago
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Single Mom Black Gold Ball

Rochelle placed the order for a champagne-colored jacquard ball gown with a beaded halter neckline. The classy floor-length number was made by Eliza J. She was planning to war it to the Black & Gold Ball where her twin brother, Randy, lived. Randall Stewart, M.D. was the correspondence secretary for his alumni chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He and his wife, Leah, were on their way to a full reconciliation - so much so that after he completed one more month in sober living, he...

4 years ago
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Single Mom Corees Questions

Coree walked into Jeramiah’s room. He asked, “Did you hear what mom said?”“Yeah,” admitted Jere.“You cool with that?”“I guess I am.”“Me too. I guess.”“You don’t sound good.”“Huh,” Coree stuttered.“You actin’ strange. Ma is ma, yo!”“You right. She said you can talk to her. Go do it.”“Maybe I will.”“Can you believe it though.”“I’m not really thinkin’ ‘bout it,” confessed the eleven year-old Jeramiah. “We ain’t never had a life this good.”“You right, li’l bruh. I guess I need to talk to...

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Single Mom The Reveal

“Clothes,” Rochelle hissed at her oldest son and his best friend Ty as they emerged from the upstairs game room over the garage. Each was wearing a white tank top and long leg performance boxer briefs. Her son, the fifteen year-old Coree, wore a pair of Russell brand with a lime green and grey print. His best friend, sixteen year-old Ty, had on Fruit of the Loom black ones. Their taut, chiseled bodies were coolly displayed as they entered the kitchen to forage for food. The muscular legs and...

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Single Mom Step Sisters Visit

“Hey, Mr. Cee,” Rochelle answered her phone.“How you doin’, Ro,” her mother’s husband inquired.“I’m doing pretty good. And you?”“Can’t complain.”“What’s up? I know you don’t usually talk on the phone too much.”“Yeah. That’s the thing. You know I speak with my daughter about my financial planning, right?”“I’m with you so far.”“Well, we were talkin’ this mornin’ and she said that her and Kerene are going to Persopolis to watch the Mountain Lions play. They’re takin’ their new exchange student to...

3 years ago
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Single Mom Faith Herron

It was a Saturday night.Herron Owens had just arrived at 1203 Hummingbird Lane in his black 201 Cadillac Escalade EXT sport truck. He walked up the steps to the above-the garage-apartment where Faith Moreland was staying. The five-foot-six, blonde-haired chick opened the door. She was eager for him to come inside. There was an overwhelming smell of marinara sauce in the air. She had made mozzarella-stuffed Italian sausage meatballs. They were resting in a warm pan with a store variety...

3 years ago
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Single Mom Date Night

It was Friday, mid-morning. and the five-nine, slender, yet curvy Dr. Rochelle Stewart had been off since Wednesday night at 10:00 p.m. She was due back on duty Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. Today, she was taking it easy while the boys were at school. The only item on her itinerary was an early afternoon appointment with her ther****t. The cleaning lady, Mirella, had left only ten minutes earlier. She employed the Ecuadorian to dust, sweep, mop, vacuum, and tackle the baseboards every two...

2 years ago
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Single Mom Opening Game Intrigue

“Hey, retard,” yelled Coree.“What, stupid,” hissed Jeramiah.“You need to pick your towels and shit up in the bathroom, mane!”“I do, bruh,” the six-foot thirteen year-old stood up. “You’re the one that be stinkin’ the joint up with your smelly ass.”“Fuck you, nigga!”“Fuck you too.”The sophomore threw the towel at his younger brother. This enraged Jeramiah who already struggled with anger management. The middle school cornerback charged. Now, they were in a full brawl.“You get on my nerves,”...

3 years ago
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Single Mom National Park Part I

Dr. Rochelle Stewart yawned as she walked through the parking garage. It was 6:09 a.m. and she had just finished an overnight shift in the emergency room at Mercy Memorial Hospital. It had been a busy night - two stab victims, a pediatric ear ache, one boil laceration, three patients from an automobile collision, a heart attack, and a serious gunshot wound. She had done everything she needed in the fast-paced environment to stabilize all of them and then move those that needed surgery to trauma...

2 years ago
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Single Mom

Rochelle Stewart wiggled slightly in her seat. She waited intently for the social worker to return. The emergency medicine physician was on Day One of her three-day block of off time so she wasn’t really paying too much attention to the clock. As she sat patiently, she texted back and forth with her gentleman friend, Lynton. Finally, the lady entered the office.“Doctor Stewart,” began the c***d services professional.“Rochelle,” she corrected her.“Ah, yes! Rochelle. I have good news for you....

4 years ago
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Single Daddy

Empty nest. Where did the time go? Seems like only a minute ago I was walking in the park with the girls. Now they are away at college and all I have is this big empty house. Nobody told me this adjustment would be so difficult. Leslie has only been gone a month, Alice is on her second year. Sure, I get the holidays and the off times. It’s just that when they are here, they have their own lives to live. And I am increasingly less and less of that. I am thankful that I don’t have to split the...

2 years ago
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Single Guys The Married Woman

This story is 100% true and happened last month, May 2015So all my adult life I swore I'd never cheat on anyone or be the reason that somebody cheated. I don't know if something changed in me personally (or shall I say specifically as a lot has changed), or if it will remain as a one off as I so swore, but last month I ended up in bed with a woman I knew from a place of employment back in 2010-11!The brief history was that Julia - a BBW aged 36 with huge perfect tits and smiling grey eyes -...

3 years ago
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Single Working Milf On Periods

Hi, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, this is Raj again with yet another true sex story, which unfolded last month. For people who don’t know me, I am Raj, a married man, 28 years old, 6 ft tall, well built, dusky skin tone and an 8-inch tool to satisfy. Ladies and couples from Bangalore who wants to bed me for ultimate satisfaction can contact me on Coming back to the sex story, I keep receiving a series of emails from you wonderful Indian Sex Stories readers stating how good my story was...

1 year ago
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Single mother needs to make ends meet Ch 1

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities of desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Marsha was sitting at her desk in the den working on her bills. She kept readjusting her budget. ‘How am I ever going to make it?’ she thought. ‘In two months, I will be $500 dollars less. Julie will be eighteen and child support for her will end. At least Susan is sixteen and I’ll have her child support for two more years. I screwed myself by divorcing that...

2 years ago
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Single Mother Needs To Make Ends Meet Ch 2

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities of desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Marsha drove to work knowing she was taking on a part-time an escort. She preferred the term of escort over prostitute. She was still worried what would happen if her daughters learned that their mother’s part-time job was an escort. Her pussy tingled as she knew her customers would only be black men, distinguished business men. They would be hand picked...

4 years ago
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Katey The Moment

Katey was my sister’s best friend.   She always seemed to have a smile for me when she came to our house and I guess I kinda just grew up knowing her.   She was only two years older than me but always seemed much older, as girls do.   Katey was always kind to me as I grew up, sympathizing with me when my sister didn’t, throwing a ball with me when there was no one else around.   I always thought it was because she didn’t have a little brother of her own.   It never crossed my mind that she...

3 years ago
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Katey The Moment

Katey was my sister’s best friend.   She always seemed to have a smile for me when she came to our house and I guess I kinda just grew up knowing her.   She was only two years older than me but always seemed much older, as girls do.   Katey was always kind to me as I grew up; sympathizing with me when my sister didn’t, throwing a ball with me when there was no one else around.   I always thought it was because she didn’t have a little brother of her own.   It never crossed my mind that...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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In That Moment

“You can't save her Paul. You need to understand this. No matter how much you want it to happen, no matter how hard you try to make it happen, you can't stop it. Clara can't be brought back. This is not what I'm offering you. I'm sorry.” Paul sat on the sofa and leaned forward burying his face in his palms. He breathed through his fingers and then sobbed once...but his tears had dried up long ago. He was spent and raw inside. He curled his hands into fists then rapped his knuckles against his...

3 years ago
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Rebeccas Moment

Rebecca stared blankly at her showerhead as the blisteringly hot spray loosened the blood from her supple skin and carried it down her hourglass form and swirling into the drain. She stood there for a long time, mouth slightly agape, eyes defocused as the water scalded her, punishing her for her sins, even as it comforted her, held tight and purified her. Took away the blood. She didn’t try hard to understand what she had done only minutes before, instead simply embracing the heat wrapping...

2 years ago
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The Book of DavidChapter 12 Leave The Moment

KAUAI (May 2005) Love. New love. Deliriously happy, I-could-fly-to-the-moon love. I'd forgotten what it could feel like. Neither of us said anything funny. And yet, every time I looked over at Claudine, my heart burst and I started laughing like an idiot. There was simply no way you could take the smile off my face. And from the way Claudine would look at me and laugh right along with me, I knew she was feeling the same way. Hand in hand, we practically skipped down the road to my...

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