Jennifer's Story 4 free porn video

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Jennifer's Story (4) Several weeks later the phone rang. Steve was out so I answered it. It was Rob. 'Hello Jennifer' he gushed 'Its good to talk to you again. How are you?' My mind flashed back to the last time he had rung and how brutal he had been with Steve. I determined this was not going to be an easy conversation for Rob. 'I'm fine thanks but Steve's out tonight.' 'Never mind, it's you I really wanted to talk to. I was going to ask to speak to you last time I rang but I got cut off.' He paused but when I didn't say anything he continued 'I was hoping we could continue our bedroom conversations when I was last over. I would love to know what happened.' This time I gave him an 'Oh?' so he ploughed on 'Has Steve had his birthday and his sexy present?' 'Oh yes, that was sometime ago.' 'Did he enjoy it?' 'Yes, I think so' 'How did you cope, you said you weren't looking forward to it.' 'Oh, no problem' I replied. 'Oh,' Rob grunted 'tell me about it? Did he look ghastly?' he carried on eagerly. 'No' I replied. Rob was getting the message but still persisted. He asked what Steve wore, what we did, did I let him touch me, did I sleep with him. When he got noncommittal answers to everything he asked he tried to turn on the charm. 'Oh Jenn, talk to Rob' he cajoled. I jumped on him and told him my name was Jennifer and only Steve was allowed to call me Jenn. This threw him. His arrogance couldn't understand why his charm and previous prowess were not working. 'What's the matter?' 'Nothing.' I replied in that tone we women use to signify the opposite. Rob spluttered a bit and tried to move the conversation forward. 'Did you take any photographs of Steve on his big night?' he asked with a hint of spite in his voice. I paused and then said 'Why would we do that?' 'Oh, I was hoping to see what Steve looked like in women's clothing and my present.' I didn't say anything but started to feel really wicked. 'Jennifer are you still there?' called Rob. 'Oh yes' I replied then twisted the knife 'As your so interested in our love life, how's yours? Have you got a new girlfriend yet?' 'I was hoping it was going to be you now Steve has released you.' I laughed at him. 'That's very flattering but I've already made my choice.' 'But I thought we got on so well together. I really enjoyed sleeping with you.' 'Enjoyed sleeping with me because I was Steve's wife or because of me? It seemed, in your last phonecall, you were more interested in scoring points off Steve.' 'Why are you giving me such a hard time Jennifer. We gelled so nicely when we slept together, not that we did much sleeping, and I was hoping we could do it again.' It was time to draw the conversation to a close. 'Any message for Steve?' I asked 'Do you want him to ring you back?' 'It wasn't important' mumbled Rob. I then gave him a ray of hope 'It's no good ringing Steve on a Thursday night, he normally meets his friends at the driving range. Bye' Rob gave a very disgruntled 'bye' as I rang off. I had no doubt that Rob would ring again on a Thursday. I had enjoyed the conversation with Rob. A surge of power and pleasure coursed through me not only was I controlling Steve but defending and protecting him. Rob wasn't to think that just because I had seduced him once he could rule the roost. In fact I was determined to bring him down a peg or two, Steve was mine and nobody was going to put him down. I humiliated and tormented him because, deep down, he wanted it and I enjoyed wielding the power. I don't think I would get any satisfaction out of really fighting Steve for control. When Steve arrived home that night I didn't tell him about Rob's phonecall but gave him a long kiss and told him to lock up. Steve looked at his watch and then at me. 'I think we should have an early night' I said before putting my arms around his neck and giving him another kiss. Steve didn't argue but scuttled off to lock up. I was already in bed with the lights out when Steve came in. Very soon he was lying in bed along side me. This power thing drove through me again so when Steve turned towards me in bed I pushed him back 'Lie still Girly, Jenn is going to take care of you.' Steve froze momentarily at the mention of that name, but my hands were already raking his chest and squeezing his nipples as he did to me when he was in the driving seat. He just relaxed and murmured 'Oh Jenn' Thoughts of how I had spoken to Rob dominated my thinking and drove me forward. I made Steve spread his legs and bend his knees up towards his chest. I played with him like that then positioned myself between his legs and felt him slide into me. It was a bit awkward to begin with but soon I could feel Steve reaching the places I needed him to. I reached back between my legs and stroked his bottom. I could feel his excitement growing and whispered to him 'There Girly, almost like a real woman'. He gasped, I felt him pulsing, then explode massively with a loud grunt. I came immediately after him. I just lay on him as we subsided and caught our breath. I kissed him, untangled myself and lay along side him breathing heavily, then turned to him and said 'How was it for you?' in a parody of the age old question. Steve looked at me with hurt in his eyes then turned his back to me. 'What's the matter?' 'Nothing' 'Well you don't seem very happy' 'It's ok-- just leave me alone.' I snuggled up to his back and ran my hand over his chest 'Don't tell me you didn't enjoy that because your body gave you away.' I still had no response from Steve, and was a little upset. It was obvious we had both enjoyed the lovemaking. 'Perhaps next time you should wear a nightie' Steve groaned at this torment 'Please don't Jenn' 'It was like Rob and I in bed but in reverse, except I locked my legs around him towards the end.' 'Stop it please Jenn, Stop it.' 'Why, don't you like being made love to as a woman?' I pinched his nipple, then turned away from him and went to sleep. The following morning things were back to normal except for Steve being quieter than usual. I was curious about Steve's reaction last night, What did it mean? There was no doubt he enjoyed it and had been extremely excited but why was he apparently upset when it was over. I felt sure we would repeat this but next time maybe Steve would wear a nightdress. Since Steve and I had discussed what was happening I was much more comfortable with what I was doing and enjoying, but I still wondered why I did it. It was really now between Steve and me, and although I didn't rule out another night with Rob it was no longer the overriding passion it had been just after the event. I had learnt a lot more about Steve and myself since then and no longer looked with dread upon the thought of Steve dressed as a woman. In fact I felt I would like Steve to dress properly again soon. I suppose my initial reaction when it was first suggested it was the fear of the unknown. Soon after this Steve mentioned that Sara, his assistant, had invited us to a party on the Saturday before Halloween. I had not met Sara but Steve had often talked about her and I was keen to meet her. 'That will be nice' I enthused but Steve said he had already refused pleading another commitment. I stared at him 'But we have nothing else on then have we? Why shouldn't we go?' Steve would not meet my eyes but mumbled about it being fancydress. 'What's the matter with that?' I demanded. 'It's to be a traditional Halloween party with all the men dressed as women.' Steve mumbled. My face broke into a slow smile 'And what's the matter with that my girly man' I enquired 'we both know you can do that.' 'But not for others to see' groaned Steve. 'I would have thought you would like that, after all the other men are going to be in the same boat. It should be fun and it will give me the chance to meet this Sara you keep talking about.' Steve kept grumbling he didn't want to do it and then I had an idea. Steve had always looked longingly at high-heeled shoes. I had nearly bought him a pair for his sexy present but I thought he would not have time to get use to them and would feel uncomfortable in them. 'How about we buy you a pair of heels for this party' Steve tensed again and was about to say no but paused. I jumped into this pause and said 'Its all right, we can order them over the web, or through mail order. There are plenty of addresses in my magazines. Let's have a look shall we?' Steve was still reluctant but I had guessed correctly, his love of high heels overcame his reluctance. Soon we were looking through the magazines although Steve kept moaning he didn't want to go. Soon we spotted a pair of pale pink open toed sandals. He didn't say anything, but I sensed his interest. 'Their very feminine' I said pointing at the pink shoes 'but they're not very practical unless you choose to wear your pink dress to the party.' Steve gasped and said 'No'. I teased him further 'Why not. It's very feminine and I didn't say every time you wore the dress it was because you were to be punished.' Steve still objected and although I felt the dress was not a suitable choice, I did enjoy making him feel uncomfortable 'After all it's a very sexy dress and I think Sara should see you at your best.' I added pointedly 'Perhaps you feel Girly should only wear it to be punished.' 'Stop it Jenn, please stop it.' I giggled. At the bottom of the advert, a small note that said they were also available in black or white. 'I think we should get you these shoes' Steve looked at me with doleful eyes 'I am not wearing the pink dress to the party.' I looked back at him noting that he was no longer saying he was not going to the party but what he was not wearing. He lowered his eyes 'Please Jenn.' I paused long enough for him to know he was not going to dictate to me, then said 'You can get these shoes in black or white. I think we should get you a white pair.' I tried to keep a stern expression on my face but inside I was bubbling with laughter as I continued 'If you are coming out with me then you will be properly dressed and behave yourself. Understand?' Steve put his hand on my arm and squeezed gently in a gesture of submission. 'Tomorrow you will thank Sara for the invitation and tell her we will be happy to come. Oh, and ask her as the men are dressing up what would she like the women to wear.' Steve looked at me again and pleaded 'Please Jenn, don't expose me.' I felt the familiar power feeling surge through me but now I just wanted to keep it at that, I didn't need to convert it into sex. I patted his arm and said 'I'm going to bed.' Steve continued to look at me with his big doleful eyes and a protective feeling complimented the feeling of power. I gave him a quick hug, stood up and left Steve to lock up. Later in bed he clung to me as if for protection. On the following Saturday the kids had been invited to a birthday party about half an hours drive from us. They were to be there for late morning and we were asked to pick them up around six. Steve was all for taking them then returning and going back later to collect them. From the hints he had been dropping I think he thought he might have the chance to dress again but I decided I was to be the one who would control this. Anyway there were some nice shops in that area I had not visited for a long while, so I told Steve we go together and spend the time looking around. Steve whined about this but I told him we were not going to spend the day at home but gave him a crumb of comfort by saying perhaps we could do something different in the evening. Steve was not very happy but gave in. On the Saturday morning the children were all excited about the time they were going to spend with their friends but Steve was grumpy about spending the afternoon shopping. I was feeling wicked and Steve wanted to dress so lets combine the two I thought. I put out a soft bra and some lacy panties. He looked at them, then at me and gave a puzzled frown. 'Your already dressed, Why are you going to change into these?' I giggled, enjoying his bewilderment. 'Their not for me silly, their for you.' The puzzlement went from his face 'Oh Jenn' he said 'Thank you. I'll enjoy wearing them this evening.' He came towards me to give me a hug. 'Their for you to put on now.' Steve stopped in his tracks and looked at me as if I had taken leave of my senses 'But you said we were going shopping.' 'We are.' 'But I can't wear those out. People will see' 'Nobody will see anything under your thick, loose lumber shirt, and as we are going to Sara's party I think you should get use to wearing lingerie outside.' I emphasised the lingerie with its very feminine connotations. Steve looked at me aghast. 'No Jenn, you can't mean this' 'I can and I do.' I replied and pointed at the underwear 'Put them on.' Once again I was seriously enjoying myself. Since Steve's weekend of dressing I had come to think of him dressed as cute and definitely needed to be told what to do. Remembering his humiliation on the Saturday night and the image of him over my knee on the Sunday was extremely powerful. 'Please Jenn, No' 'Put them on' Steve stopped, hesitated, then pulled himself erect 'No.' I smiled inwardly at the expected resistance, stared back at him with a look that I hope expressed my inner resolve. 'Yes.' Steve moaned 'Please Jenn' I softened my tone but kept the resolve 'You know you really want to Girly. You wanted to spend the afternoon all dressed up but that's not going to happen. This way you can get the thrill of being dressed in public without anyone but us knowing about it.' Steve's manner started to wilt. I pushed my advantage and hardened my tone 'You can forget anything happening this evening unless you put these things on now. Now hurry up or we shall be late' I knew he really wanted to wear the lingerie so I cajoled him further 'Really, with your lumber shirt and baggy trousers no one will see anything and think how exciting it will feel walking around in your sexy lingerie.' Steve just stared at me 'I can't Jenn' 'Yes you can and you will. Now get on with it or I'll get your stockings and garter belt out as well.' Steve gasped and stared at me. My voice altered again to the cajoling whisper 'Just think what could happen later' Steve reluctantly started to undress. I knew I had won and had to sit down and squeeze my thighs together to enjoy the feelings running through my body. I watched with great satisfaction as Steve pulled the lingerie on. When he had finished dressing he spent a long time looking at himself in the mirror trying to see if any part of the underclothes were visible. I interrupted his examination 'I told you nothing would be visible Girly' He stared at me with a frightened look 'Please Jenn' I giggled again 'Lets get going.' Steve's shoulders slouched and he went to the car. I wondered when he would realise that I would not do anything to seriously embarrass him in public. We dropped the kids off, parked at the shopping centre and window shopped for a while. I pointed out various dresses and suits and asked Steve for his comments. In a shop window there was a particularly feminine bra and panty set complete with a deep, very lacy garter belt. I moved closer to him, put my arm around his waist, and quietly asked him whether he thought he would like wearing it. He tensed and tried to move away but I held him close. 'Stop it Jenn' he hissed. I let my hand drift down from his waist to his bottom. I could feel the lacy edge of his panties. 'I think those panties would feel very sensuous and sexy around your bottom.' 'Jenn' he hissed. 'It's a pity we don't take the same size in underwear' I whispered again after a pause 'or we could share them. I'm sure Rob would like to see me in that.' Steve froze, his shoulders drooped, whilst I twisted the knife 'Mind you I don't think the bra and panties would last very long. He's very good at getting them off.' Reminding Steve about Rob was a very effective way of keeping control. Steve shuddered then groaned but before he could react any more I brushed in front of him saying 'Lets go in here' and entered the department store. Steve stopped in the men's section to recover whilst I moved into the women's section. As I wandered between the rails my mind drifted to considering what had happened over the last few days. Steve had agreed to go to a party dressed as a woman, he had been persuaded to come out shopping dressed in women's undies, and hadn't walked off when I reminded him about Rob again. Previous to that I had made love to him as if he were a woman and although he had been upset after it he had obviously liked it. I thought back further to when I had seduced Rob. Steve had not protested or tried to stop me. After the event when I had denied him sex for nearly four weeks he had seemed upset but also he had a quiet resignation. At the time I thought it was because he wanted to dress but now I wasn't sure. Obviously the dressing was a big part of it but was it only a symptom, a crutch so he could be seriously dominated. And what were my feelings in all this? Fortunately the guilt trips had stopped after our talk but I was unsure where we were going and what I wanted from all this. I enjoyed the domination and the being in charge but I felt there was more than that. My sexual excitement seemed now to be coming from domination. True it was mainly Steve but I remembered how turned on I had been after taking Rob down a peg or two. I realized that I was becoming what is frequently called a bossy bitch, not an unkind one, but one that was going to get her own way and her own satisfaction. I didn't feel unhappy about this as long as it fitted in with Steve and he and I continued to be together. The question now was how did it continue and how far did both of us want it to go? Perhaps the bigger question was what if one of us wanted to go further than the other? Whilst all these thoughts had been going through my mind I had been scanning the rails. Suddenly I focussed on the contents of the rail in front of me. It was a sale rail of last seasons clothes that contained some interesting dresses. I started picking out very feminine ones, not ones I would wear now but would possibly suit Steve. On cue Steve appeared on the other side of the rack. I grinned at him 'Decided to join me?' Steve gave a grunt that could be interpreted as anything but did not look me in the eye. I held up a pale blue, high waisted dress. 'Do you like?' I enquired He showed a glimmer of interest 'It's Ok but I wouldn't have thought it was your style now.' And with a spark of rebellion he emphasised the now. I didn't react but put the dress back and continued looking through the rack. I picked out a dress with a full skirt and a button up bodice. The buttons on the bodice stopped mid breast and the bodice continued into shoulder straps just a little wider than bra straps. 'How about this then?' Steve looked at it and it was obvious he liked it but there was a puzzled look in his eyes. 'It looks very feminine.' 'Hold it up for me will you' Steve looked at me in a wary sort of way then held it up by the hanger. 'Not like that silly, hold it against you' Steve blushed and looked around then pulled it closer to his body. 'Oh Steve' I complained 'Co-operate please. Hold it up under you chin and pull the skirt out to the side so I can see it properly.' He blushed more deeply and looked around again to see if anyone was watching. He then held the dress against his body whilst trying to hold an expression of complete detachment. 'Hum' I said 'Perhaps. Put it on the end of the rail please.' I then spotted a royal blue dress with a high neck, no sleeves and a mid calf hemline. I checked the size and pulled it out. I looked at it properly when it was clear of the rack then held it out to Steve 'Model this one for me please' I simpered at him. Steve was still embarrassed but getting more into the swing of things. Steve's embarrassment surprised me somewhat as he had often helped me clothes shop but had not been shy like this before. I inwardly smiled and wondered if the underwear had anything to do with it. I studied the dress carefully as Steve held it against him. It looked good. 'Fine, we'll take that one.' Steve started looking around. 'What's the matter?' I asked 'I'm looking for the changing room so you can try it on.' 'We won't bother. I'm sure it's going to be OK.' Steve just stared at me, I never bought dresses without trying them on. 'Come on' I chivvied 'Bring the dress.' I smiled at the way he carried the dress. It is the particular way men carry women's clothing that is suppose to say its not for me, I'm just helping out. His embarrassment increased as I grabbed his hand and led him into the underwear section. The thrilling thing was that Steve was creating his own embarrassment as no one was taking any notice of us. I wandered up and down the rows stopping to examine sets that interested me. I kept a tight hold on Steve's hand as he seemed reluctant to share my interest. Then we came to a gorgeous set in pale pink lace, the set we had seen in the window. Besides the bra it had three types of knickers, proper french knickers, panties and a thong. I picked up the pair of french knickers and held them out to him 'Don't you think these look feminine' I asked. He started to blush and mumbled something. 'I think we shall have a set of these' 'I'll wait for you by the till' mumbled Steve and went to walk away. 'Stay there' I said in a threatening whisper 'or I shall start talking out loud about what you have on underneath your shirt and then everyone will look.' He tried to fade into the background as I went through the bras and picked out the correct size and selected one each of the knickers. I also picked up the suspender belt. The old feeling came back as I watched Steve whither under my control. I don't know why it made me feel good but it did and I wondered why Steve apparently wanted it. He had intimated he thought women should behave like that but I felt there was something else there, something perhaps he didn't even realize. We had moved to the checkout and the girl ran our purchases through the till with the normal sales girl comments about have feminine the underwear was and did I plan to wear the dress somewhere special. I gave the usual replies and when she presented the total I turned to Steve and said 'Their for you so aren't you going to pay?' Steve blushed and searched for his wallet whilst the sales girl kept up the comments 'She will look nice for you in these sir'. Steve fumbled with his card and completed the transaction going red again. I gave Steve the bag, said goodbye to the sales girl and walked out. Steve trailed along behind. As soon as we were outside there was a very angry whisper from Steve 'Jennifer, how could you. That was totally out of order.' 'I thought it was only right that you should pay for your own clothes.' He had been about to elaborate on my being out of order when he gasped and said 'My clothes?' 'Didn't you notice. All the clothes are in your size.' Steve just stared at me, then his shoulders slumped, 'Oh no.' I giggled, took his hand and said 'What's the matter, don't you like them? I thought as you were going to a party you should have something new and nice to wear.' Steve groaned but didn't take his hand away. 'Come on, as you have spent so much money on yourself, I'll buy lunch.' We wandered around and found a nice looking place for lunch with a small table at the back that was reasonably isolated. During lunch I kept up a steady conversation about women's clothing and asked Steve how he felt in the underwear. Steve was quiet but seemed resigned and although he did not contribute greatly to the conversation he did join in. After lunch we wandered around some of the smaller streets looking in interesting little shops. Then we came across a real leather merchant's with bags and belts on display in the window. I was looking in the window when someone opened the door and came out. That smell of fresh leather drifted out. 'Lets look in here.' As we entered that glorious smell of leather enveloped me. I started examining the display of bags and briefcases and enjoying the craftsmanship. Towards the back of the shop there was a display of belts with a whole stand devoted to women's belts. They ranged from thin strands of coloured leather that were gathered and knotted together, to wide belts with elaborate buckles. I gazed at them then turned to Steve 'Aren't they glorious?' Steve mumbled something about not being interested but I continued to explore the belts. Suddenly a voice behind me enquired 'May I be of any help?' I turned and there was the shopkeeper in his leather apron. 'I was just looking.' 'Please carry on' he replied 'I pride myself on having the best selection of leather belts in the area but if you know what you want and its not there I can make it for you.' 'Do you make all these?' I enquired fingering a medium size belt in very supple leather. 'Most of them. The one you are holding there is in one of my favourite leathers. Italian, it's so soft and tactile I believe it complements the femininity of any woman that wears it.' Steve started shuffling his feet but I ignored him and turned towards the shopkeeper. I was about to continue the conversation when I was struck by how attractive he was so I lamely continued 'You think so?' 'Oh yes. I think women should have a wide range of leather belts to compliment their feelings. The different leathers and sizes emphasise the mood of the lady. For instance if you look at these wide belts they are still feminine but wearing one indicates you are not to be messed with.' He carried on talking but I wasn't listening. I was just drinking in the sexiness of this man. My body language must have given me away as Steve interrupted quite rudely by asking did they have any men's belts. The shopkeeper paused, turned to Steve 'Yes sir, over there.' And pointed to a rack on the other side of the shop. 'Steve why don't you go out and see if there are any other interesting shops. I'll join you shortly.' My hands had inadvertently moved along the display until I was holding one of the thick wide belts. Steve looked at me and I hastily tried to think of a face saving line if he challenged me but after looking at me for a short while, he almost pouted then turned and walked out of the shop. I turned back to the shopkeeper and noticed his nametag, Christopher. I gave him a smile 'Sorry about that Christopher' I moved closer to him whilst apparently studying the belts. He smiled at my use of his name 'You're a very forthright lady' 'Sometimes you have to be' I replied and looked back along the display. 'Which of these belts do you think would suit me?' He paused, stepped back and looked at me. I moved into a more suggestive pose. He picked out one of the belts I had first noticed 'I think this would suit you.' He handed me the belt 'Let's see how it fits.' I put it on but I could only fasten it on the last hole. His hands moved to my waist and ran around my waist checking the fit. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Steve peering into the shop window. I moved around until I was between the window and Christopher so Steve could only see my back. The shopkeeper grinned at me as he realised what I had done. 'I'll find a slightly longer one.' He said still grinning. He went back and pulled out another in the same leather, measured it and said 'This one will be better.' I took the belt from him touching his hand as I took the belt. When it was on he looked at it 'That's better' and once again he ran his fingers around inside the belt. Was it my imagination or did he take longer this time? 'That feels nice' I commented letting him work out whether it was the belt, his fingers or both. 'That's better' he said after a pause. He looked into my eyes and smiled. I almost melted but I decided regretfully that that was enough for today. 'Oh well' I sighed 'It looks as if I shall have to rejoin my husband, but I'll take the belt'. He shrugged 'I understand.' He then gave me a dazzling smile 'I would like to give you that belt but I see it could be awkward if you leave without paying for something so how about I sell you the belt your are holding and give you another one free. A sort of two for one offer.' I smiled my thanks and picked one of the strong wide belts. I paid whilst Christopher packed the belts. 'I've put my card in there. Give me a ring and perhaps you could come back sometime, alone.' I gave him another dazzling smile and said coquettishly 'Perhaps.' Steve accosted me outside 'What were you doing in there?' he demanded. 'With my husband dressed in female undergarments, and just having bought lingerie and a dress for himself, you have the cheek to ask me why I've bought two belts.' 'But, but he was all over you.' 'He was fitting a belt on me. Now let's have less of this attitude, or' I said darkly 'you will be wearing the pink dress tonight.' Steve was not happy 'Why did you send me from the shop?' he demanded with something like his old spirit. 'Because you were getting in the way and Christopher was very attentive.' Fortunately this little street was very quiet and so Steve's restrained outburst was not attracting any attention He suddenly collapsed 'Oh Jenn.' He moaned, then very tentatively, he asked 'Are you going to see him again?' 'I don't know. Do you think I should?' Steve didn't answer but started to sulk. We walked back to the car, collected the children and drove home. Steve hardly said a word to me during the drive home but that was not a problem as the children kept up a constant chatter telling us what fun they had had. All we had to do was slip in the odd comment or question. Back at home I thought about the day. Steve sulking was something new. Before he had always faced up to a problem and either resolved it himself or talked about it. This morning I had expected a much bigger fight over him wearing lingerie. I had even been prepared to back down as it was the first time he had had to face such an embarrassment. Naturally I would not have let it drop and would have forced Steve into a promise of something equally embarrassing to him but none of that had been necessary. Steve was changing and although I was not unhappy about the situation at the moment I would have to be careful as I didn't want Steve to change too much from the person I had married. Now I just wanted to be in control. Steve brightened up after the children had gone to bed. I asked him to pour me a drink. He brought it through and I sipped it appreciatively. Steve had brought himself a soft drink but he was quite agitated drinking it. I soon discovered the reason when he blurted out 'Should I try on the dress I bought today?' I wanted to say no but it did make sense that if it was not right we could go and change it. 'You think you deserve that after your behaviour this afternoon?' I waited but Steve just stared at the floor. I sighed 'In future there will be no more of this sulking. Give me a top up please, then go and take off your clothes but leave your bra and panties on. I shall join you shortly.' Steve suddenly came alive, he took my glass and refilled it, gulped the rest of his drink then went to the bedroom. I followed on after I had a few more sips of my drink. He stood there in his underwear and arousal. The dress was lying on the bed with his new lingerie. I pushed the underwear aside, unzipped the dress and held it out to him. He stepped into it and I pulled it up, helped him get his arms in the correct holes then pulled it up and fastened it behind him. He moved away and looked at himself in the mirror. There was disappointment on his face 'It doesn't look right' I studied him and realised there was no shape. 'Hang on' I unfastened the dress, got two pair of socks from his sock drawer and went to push them into his bra but he moaned 'Can't we do it properly.' His meaning was momentarily lost on me then I realised and got the breastforms. 'I'm not sticking them on,' I told him firmly 'I'll just put them in the cups.' I zipped him up, he twirled in front of the mirror and a look of contentment spread over his face. 'You can consider yourself lucky you're not in your pink dress' I reprimanded him 'after your behaviour today.' He lowered his eyes and mumbled something 'What was that?' I asked sharply. 'Nothing' he whispered. 'Yes it was, what did you say?' Steve visibly wilted and muttered something about my behaviour. I was already feeling horny after flirting with Christopher and the prospect that I could take it further. Now Steve complaining sent a surge of power through me. I pushed Steve further and he blurted out 'You almost undressed him. It's not fair.' He metaphorically stamped his foot. I giggled, which did nothing to improve his mood, and waited for him to continue. But he didn't. 'How many times have you dressed?' I asked 'You said you were going to be faithful to Rob.' He flung back. I smiled 'Maybe I've changed my mind.' He stared at me dumbfounded then collapsed 'Oh Jenn.' he moaned. I went to him and gave him a big hug. I really loved him but he had to learn. 'Lets get undressed and go to bed. You can be the man tonight.' He looked at me and then submitted. 'Will you unzip me please?' When he was naked I asked him to undress me. With images of Christopher in my mind I lay back and enjoyed the next hour then slept soundly. The following day Steve seemed to have recovered. When was he going to learn it was only sex and that, coupled with his feelings of possession and pride, was the weapon I used to dominate him. On the following Thursday the telephone rang. With a feeling of excitement I answered it. It was Rob. He had phoned again as I had been convinced he would. I kept a neutral tone in my voice as I kept up the pretence from the previous phonecall and reminded him that Thursday night was Steve's night out. Rob said he'd remembered but wanted to speak to me not Steve. He told me that he had found it exciting being seduced by Steve's wife, had thoroughly enjoyed sleeping with me and he really wanted to see me again. My head started to spin with all the complementary things he was saying to me. He hardly mentioned Steve except to ask did we enjoy wearing the presents he sent. I replied I couldn't answer for Steve but the bracelet was lovely and I wore it on special occasions. By this time I had let Rob know that I was not averse to him phoning me but also that I was not going to fall into his arms at the earliest opportunity. I brought the conversation to a close but not before Rob had again mentioned he was sorry there were no photographs of Steve wearing his present. Once again I didn't tell Steve. He would find out when I was ready. As Halloween approached I reminded Steve he had not told me how the women were to be dressed. He mumbled something about asking Sara. 'You have told Sara we're coming haven't you' He looked at the floor but didn't answer. I laid down the law. 'Tomorrow you will tell Sara we are coming and you will ask her how she wants the women to dress. Do you understand?' 'Yes' he muttered in a very unconvincing tone. I moved close to him and whispered in his ear 'If I don't have an answer by this time tomorrow you are going to have a very painful experience in your pink dress and I will not be using my hand.' I felt the familiar surge of power ripple through me as I saw a mixture of fear and excitement reflected in his eyes. I confirmed what I saw by squeezing the front of his trousers and felt the familiar stirrings. I drew away once again confused by his excitement. 'I'm going to bed' I declared and as I saw the look of expectation sweep over his face I added 'To sleep.' The look was replaced with frustration and disappointment. I fell asleep quickly but woke up in the early hours wide awake. Steve was in a restless sleep along side me. My mind drifted back to our conversation the previous evening. I couldn't escape the fact that I was aroused by my control over Steve but I couldn't understand why he accepted it and appeared excited by the thought of being physically punished. Once again there was this dichotomy. Was Steve turned on by the punishment, or the domination, or both? The time I had spanked Steve held erotic thoughts for me, not only the domination turned me on but also the physical act of spanking. It established my control over him. But was there another punishment that I could use as well? Something that would separate the domination from the physical punishment? Perhaps another night with Rob? My mind kept churning with the problem. I loved Steve and didn't want to do anything that would prejudice our love but we both seemed to get satisfaction out of my domination. Whilst these thoughts were running through my mind, I remembered how I had felt when I was angry with Steve for not trying to stop me sleeping with Rob. It had been a very powerful feeling denying him sex and contact with me but I realised it was I who had broken in the end. I had missed the love and the sex. If only I could find a way to control Steve by denying him sex but have my desires satisfied that would be a better punishment. The obvious way was to have a lover but I didn't want that on a permanent basis as when Steve was not being punished I didn't want to be tied to sex with someone else and I wasn't really into casual sex. People like Christopher only come along very occasionally. These thoughts kept churning around in my mind until, exhausted and with no solution, I fell asleep. The following evening, after the kids had gone to bed, I asked Steve what Sara had said. Fortunately he had the answers so my uncertainty about physical punishment did not become an issue. Steve did appear to be in some doubt as to whether to tell me or not though and I realised I would need to come up with an answer soon or give him another spanking. That Thursday Rob phoned me again and immediately started asking when could he see me again. I wondered how Steve would take it when I told him and would he assume I had sent Rob a photograph. He had skirted around the subject on a several occasions but had not asked me directly. Why didn't he ask outright? As Halloween approached I asked Steve would the rest of his team be there and what were they wearing. He said all the office was going, and the lads were generally hamming it up a bit. He didn't know about their partners but as the women had been asked to dress as ghosts or spirits he presumed that's what they would wear. I asked Steve what he wanted to wear. He said he thought he was wearing the dress we had bought. 'Do you want to? Don't you think it's a bit too formal compared with what your colleagues will be wearing? How about wearing a blouse and skirt like you wore when you first dressed?' I could see a mixture of relief and disappointment in his face as he said 'But I thought we bought the dress for this party?' I persuaded him that a skirt and blouse would be more appropriate and enable him to fit in better. I also suggested we ask his mother, who had again agreed to look after the children that night, if we could pick them up on the Sunday afternoon. Then he could dress properly in the morning and wear his new dress if he wanted. Steve agreed to this and I was happy as it fitted in with my plans. The day of the party arrived, the children were taken to Steve's mother and I started to get ready. I had decided to go as a spirit. I wore an old white nightdress with a tight button up bodice. My makeup was pale with dark lipstick, eye shadow and nail polish. White stockings and shoes completed my ensemble. When Steve saw me he groaned. 'What's the matter?' I asked worried there was something wrong and hastily checked myself in the mirror. Steve lowered his eyes then mumbled 'You look gorgeous. You are going to behave yourself tonight aren't you?' then continued in a more petulant tone 'These are the people I have to work with.' I looked at myself in the mirror again. I did look good with the bodice tight around my breasts and waist then the skirt falling away in folds emphasising my hips. I grinned at him 'I'll try and remember. Now lets look at you, I don't want too much competition for any man I fancy.' The familiar haunted look appeared on Steve's face. 'Please Jenn' he whispered. Steve was dressed in a white blouse, red, mid thigh skirt, nude tights and his new, white shoes. I agreed he could wear his new underwear. He had wanted to put the breastforms on but I suggested that would look too good and persuaded him to stuff some of my old tights into his bra. I reminded him he was dressing properly tomorrow. He saw the sense of fitting in with his colleagues and when I suggested he did his own makeup he readily agreed. The result could best be described as amateurish but he certainly would not stand out amongst the other men. The only thing that had concerned me about this party was Steve, after his initial reluctance, would want to do it properly and there was no way I wanted any hint of Steve's little peccadillo being evident. I smiled encouragingly at him 'You look good.' I said but not answering the question posed by his eyes. 'Lets see you walk in your new shoes' Although he had tried them on, and walked in them, when they were delivered, he had not spent much time in them. I watched him wobble around whilst suggesting he took smaller steps. That looked better but once again I was pleased to see it did not look as if he was use to wearing them. Half an hour at the party I thought and he will be walking around in stockinged feet. I drove to the party but Steve already knew he was going to drive back. We found a parking space and had to walk back. Steve, in his anxiety, tried to hurry and almost fell off his heels. 'Calm down' I told him. Sara saw us arrive and hurried over to welcome us. Steve gave her a kiss on the cheek then introduced me. I felt a pang of jealousy, as Sara was certainly one hot young lady. She stepped back and looked at Steve 'Very convincing' she laughed then turned her attention to me 'You look lovely, too good to be dead' and she held my gaze for a moment before telling us where the drinks were then excusing herself as other guests arrived. We provided ourselves with drinks and went to join the group from Steve's office. I chatted to those people I recognized and was introduced to people I hadn't met before. The names, as usual, disappeared in a blur. After about half an hour the group had partially separated into those that worked together and those that were the partners. A certain amount of gentle horseplay developed in the former group and I saw one of the lads squeeze Steve's bosom. I was right I thought. I started looking around. There were now quite a few people there but the largest group was from Steve's office. I scanned the men trying to pick out which was Sara's fellow but none of them seemed to be in her league. Suddenly a voice beside me said 'Eyeing up the talent?' I turned and there was Sara. I smiled and said 'Not really. I was trying to pick out the man you were with, but' I added hastily 'none of them seem to measure up.' Sara gave a short laugh 'You will have to look for a long time, I don't have a partner.' 'I'm surprised.' I stated. Sara just smiled. 'Steve looks good. His longish hair makes him a natural for this.' I smiled and was about to reply when Sara continued 'I thought you would have helped him with his makeup though.' This time I laughed. Sara was an easy person to be with. 'I thought it was time he realised what we go through to make ourselves presentable.' She laughed. 'You don't have to do very much.' Momentarily I was lost for words. This was the second complement Sara had paid me and although I was use to responding to them from men, this was from a woman and a very attractive one. Fortunately I was saved from making a comment by Steve walking over to join us, his shoes in his hand. 'We were just talking about you.' Sara and I burst out together. Steve looked startled and I gave him a moment. 'Giving up so soon.' I chided him and pointed at the shoes. 'We were just commenting on how good a woman you make.' said Sara smiling 'A better job on your makeup and more practise in your heels you would be quite passable.' Steve shot me a terrified glance 'Put your heels back on and let's have a good look at you.' commanded Sara. Steve reluctantly did as instructed and stood, sheepishly, in front of us. 'Wonderful' continued Sara 'just stay there a moment while I get my camera. I must have a photo of you both.' With that she was gone. Steve turned to me in a panic 'What have you been saying?' he hissed. I smiled at him and tried to calm him down 'Nothing. She is just pleased we made the effort and its obvious she's fond of you. I'm sure Sara will take photographs of all the people here tonight.' Steve was still not convinced so I continued 'If you carry on making a fuss people will suspect something. It's just a fancy dress party so relax.' Sara took the photograph. 'Is everything your wearing tonight feminine?' she teased Steve. Steve started stuttering an answer so I replied 'Yes, all authentic.' And smiled at her. 'Excellent' she mused 'I will say it again with a bit of an improvement you would make a lovely woman.' I started to feel wicked 'Indeed, what would you improve?' 'Well' said Sara getting into the teasing spirit 'The makeup obviously. Its all there but not necessarily in the right places.' Steve looked even more uncomfortable as we laughed. 'The breasts I presume are tights, some falsies would give a much better shape, and the waist could be emphasised more. But' she continued ignoring Steve's embarrassment 'those legs are great.' Steve looked extremely uncomfortable during this but I detected a spark of interest in his eyes. 'Yes, I see what you mean, and maybe some curls in his hair?' 'Yes' said Sara laughing 'I don't think I will be able to look at you in the same light again.' Steve didn't respond but made some excuse and walked unsteadily away to rejoin the men. As soon as he got there he took the shoes off again. 'Oh dear' said Sara 'I hope I haven't upset him. We work very well together and I wouldn't want to jeopardise that.' 'Don't worry' I said 'I'll sort him out.' Sara just looked at me for a while then said, not unkindly, 'I'm sure you will.' Suddenly there was a commotion by the door 'Excuse me, it looks as if there are some late arrivals. We'll try and talk more later.' I wandered back over to join Steve and as I came up behind him I pinched his bottom. Steve jerked and nearly spilt his drink 'Hi gorgeous.' Steve, when he realised who it was grumbled did I have to do it so hard whilst his colleagues laughed. Later on Steve relaxed and we danced. As we were leaving Sara gave me a hug and went to kiss my cheek but missed and almost kissed me on the mouth. 'That was nice.' she said then continued unabashed 'Do you fancy meeting for lunch sometime?' 'Yes, lets' I replied On the drive back I questioned Steve about Sara but he was not very responsive. I thought he was probably trying to get his own back. We went straight to bed but were too exhausted to do anything except go to sleep. I did however give Steve a nightdress to wear 'May as well finish the night off properly' I sniped. In the morning I gave Steve a hug then took him to the bathroom for a depilatory treatment. When he was shaved we stuck on the breastforms, put some curls in his hair, then dressed him again in the nightdress and robe and went for breakfast. I was making a special effort to give Steve something to remember this time. After breakfast and he had dressed I did his makeup for him then changed into my pants suit. We spent a relaxing morning just being together which culminated in me taking him to bed. After lunch and when normality had been restored I went to get the kids from his mother. She was surprised when I turned up and pointedly asked where Steve was. I told her he wanted to finish some chores so I came. She did not seem convinced and wanted to know that Steve was OK. I had to promise her Steve would ring her later before she was pacified. When we were relaxing that evening I told Steve that Rob had been phoning me. In his relaxed state it took a little while for Steve to understand what I had told him but gradually realisation dawned. He gasped and struggled to get his emotions under control. 'How long has this been going on?' 'He first phoned me just after your birthday.' 'That's well over a month ago. Why didn't you tell me?' Steve said gradually becoming more agitated 'and how did he phone you without me knowing? Was it at work?' 'No. It was on a Thursday evening when you were at the driving range.' 'Oh Jenn.' he groaned 'How did he know to phone on a Thursday?' 'He didn't to start with, he phoned one Thursday to speak to you but I told him you always went out on a Thursday evening.' Steve was becoming more and more despondent 'What do you talk about?' I giggled 'Me mainly and how much he wants to see me again.' Steve seemed to screw up his resolve as he said quite forcibly 'And what did he say when you said no.' 'I don't know.' Once again I had this marvellous feeling of power as Steve wrestled with this 'What do you mean you don't know?' he almost shouted. 'I don't know because I haven't told him.' I replied equably. Steve huffed and puffed and eventually said 'Well, when are you going to tell him?' Steve was now pacing around the room. I went and stood in front of him 'I'm not. In fact I'm making plans to meet Rob again for a weekend.' Steve just stared at me dumbfounded, but he must have been expecting this. 'Oh no' then pleaded 'Please Jenn, you can't do this to me.' 'As I remember I can. We agreed there was no limit put on the number of times and you have enjoyed dressing on several occasions.' I giggled 'Anyway I'm not doing anything to you, hopefully it will be Rob doing things to me.' Steve just stared at me. This bald statement of what it was all about left him speechless. He sat down and put his head in his hands. I went over and put my hand on his shoulder 'What's the matter? You didn't make any fuss when I seduced Rob and sent you to the guestroom for the night. If you had made a fuss then maybe it wouldn't have gone any further.' I said pointedly. Steve said nothing for a while but then said hesitantly 'I suppose you will talk about me and what you did to me.' He paused as another thought hit him and he continued with dread in voice 'And show him the photographs of me.' To be honest the thought had not crossed my mind and just as I had not sent the photos off to Rob, so I was not going to give him anything more to torment Steve with. That is if they ever spoke to each other again. Although I knew there was real anxiety there about me spending time with Rob, this last response angered me. I took my hand away. 'It would appear you are more concerned about Rob finding out about what you have been up to than with your wife sleeping with him. Thanks very much.' Steve hastily backpedalled but I was determined he was not going to get off so easily. 'I think it's time I went to bed and perhaps you had better think about where you want to sleep tonight. Goodnight.' With that I marched off to bed. I dozed fitfully with thoughts of what I had just done chasing around in my mind. When I had seduced Rob it had been quick and although I had doubts, Steve did not know about it until it was happening. This was different. It was planned for sometime in the future, Steve would have plenty of time to think about it and consider what to do. If it came to the crunch and Steve said stop what would I do? I couldn't imagine life without Steve. Was this a step too far? Once again I had caused myself to have a troubled night. Was he going to sleep with me tonight or was he going to respond to my jibe and sleep elsewhere. I had not heard him walking around but he could have gone to bed whilst I was dozing. I considered getting up to find out if he was still in the family room but that would be admitting I was worried. I continued dozing fitfully with these thoughts chasing around in my brain creating impossible mind-chilling scenes. In the early hours of the morning I heard him creep in, get undressed and slide into bed. Instead of moving up close to me as he usually did, he turned away from me and lay on the edge of the bed. At least he had come to bed. With that I fell asleep. That Monday relations between us were strained. We were polite to each other and spoke when we needed to but that was all. We did however go to bed at the same time although Steve slept on the edge of the bed again. I had now convinced myself that Steve wasn't worried about me sleeping with Rob, in fact he would probably get some erotic thrill from it, but was concerned about what I would tell Rob. I now felt hurt and abandoned and as such was not about to make any peace moves. Things thawed slightly between us during the week but we were certainly not the couple we had been. No loving contact was asked for or given. That Thursday Rob phoned. He nearly dropped the phone when in answer to his usual question I replied 'How about two weeks this coming weekend?' We started making the arrangements. This time I thought a hotel would be best and we agreed he would book a room in a town about an hour away. I didn't want to risk running into anyone I knew. He asked if Steve knew. I said he knew I was going to spend a weekend with him. He snidely asked how he responded. I replied not very well. Before this could develop I cut the conversation short by asking him to ring me next Thursday with the details. He promised to do that and eagerly followed on with was really looking forward to seeing me again. Steve burst in soon after I had hung up, he must have dashed off immediately they had finished and had not stayed for a drink and a chat. 'Your early' I commented. 'Yes.' We snapped 'Well?' I didn't mess about. I knew exactly what he meant 'A fortnight this weekend. We have nothing on and I will tell everyone it's a work conference.' Steve just stared at me then declared he was going to bed, would I lock up. I watched him walk off. I sat for a bit wondering again had I gone too far, should I call Rob and say it was a mistake? But my pride would not let me do that and anyway I had thoroughly enjoyed having sex with someone else. Also I remembered I needed to see how far Steve wanted this to go, or would be pushed. It was up to him to call a halt. I really needed to have some sort of insight about what Steve would do. At least then I could be prepared. I went to the computer and searched on female domination. Most of what I found was useless. I was just about to give up when a heading caught my eye' 'Control your man through his Penis'. Hardly original but it just fitted what I wanted at the time. I discovered it was a site selling male chastity belts. I grinned when I saw them and started looking at what was on offer. To me they looked like medieval torture implements but there was a note along side them stating they were comfortable to wear. Oh yeah! I thought but then realised they had to be reasonably comfortable or very few would be sold. At the top of the page was a preamble listing some of the reasons why you would have your man wearing one of these. Included in the list was as to give a smooth panty line, a punishment and to prevent masturbation. This is great I thought and felt the laughter bubbling up inside me. I looked at the types illustrated and decided on a cage. One size fits all was the description. Would they work or were they just a plaything I asked myself. I decided I had better find out and ordered one. Slowly, through the weekend, things returned to normal, that is apart from intimacy. Steve only mentioned my weekend once and that was to tell the children mummy had to go away for work. I felt annoyed that he had told them, surely that was up to me. My resolve to go through with it increased. On the Monday he cracked. He hugged me and told me he didn't mean to imply he was more concerned about what I might tell Rob than about the fact I was going to sleep with him again. I was not going to let him off the hook that easily 'That's what it sounded like' 'It wasn't meant to. If I could stop you sleeping with Rob I would but you were right, we made a bargain and I have enjoyed the dressing sessions. I don't like it but if you want to sleep with Rob again I can't really stop you.' He waited for a response from me but I kept quiet. He had summed the situation up perfectly. As there was no comment from me he added spitefully 'You obviously want to get your excitement by enjoying someone else.' I ignored that and gave him a kiss and a hug 'The excitement is in the fact it's different'. We sat for a little while not saying much. 'Lets have an early night' I suggested. Steve looked relieved and went to lock up. I went and got into bed. Soon Steve joined me. We were relaxing afterwards and for once Steve did not fall asleep straight away. We started chatting but I felt there was something Steve wanted to talk about. Suddenly, out of the blue he asked 'Why won't you tell me about your night with Rob? You know all about what happens with my side of the agreement.' I was about to snap a reply but paused, maybe he had a point, so I replied 'Because it was private and nothing to do with you.' He gasped at this put down then, turned his back on me and tried to go to sleep. (c) 2006 by Mrs Anyonamrs. Comment is welcome on both this story and Miss Anyonamiss' story

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My days in Thailand part 5 A Thias storyy

A NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Following story, although it changed to different girl in different country is true. It is slightly changed to fit the storyline. A word of caution: THOSE WHO DON’T LIKE ROUGH AND EXTREME SEX, DON’T EVEN START. - Master, why don’t you slap me sometimes? – asked Thia once in the middle of cleaning my room while I was working on some project drawings. - Excuse me? - Well…. I know that you love rough sex……and I know that you have some rough games with some girls….Sora...

4 years ago
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(These poems have all been posted elsewhere on the internet, years ago, but I decided to string some together to partly tell a story.) I had dated Jackie David perhaps a half-dozen times before we went dancing. I had found her more and more attractive each time, but had gone slow with her in the hope of building something solid in the way of a relationship - since she seemed to have more substance than any woman I had dated for some time. But the night that we danced I...

4 years ago
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Last Stop Bubbles A Purple Sidestory

- JALEN /-It’s the rattling of chains that wakes me, knocks me back down the hill like Sisyphus’ fucking bullshit rock. Yea. I know Sisyphus. Paint him black and you get the inner city version where the damn rock is America’s racial aggression that never quite dies. Double down by making that sad fuck an addict and shit, there I am, up the hill, down the hill.I groan, head pounding, and pull my face from the salty sweet embrace of a still moist cunt.Nose twitches.I fight back a sneeze. Realize...

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During colleges I worked famous coffee shop, young and sexually active. I had crazy nights with plenty of young college age coworkers, but one in particular she had a boyfriend for a few years and was pretty wild but she never cheated on him. After one day she cracked and we became like rabbits almost every other day,we fine any opportunity to be alone... Fast forward 6 years into the futer... I just broke up a 4 year long relationship and I came back to my old stomping grounds, I was at my...

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you were sitting on the couch watching me undress. i unzip my pants and the back down, revealing my round, plump ass. you like that im wearing a lace thong, think its sexy. i took off my pants and bend over infront of you. i pulled the thing crotch to the side, exposing my hairy glistening pussy. you told me to pull my ass cheeks apart so you can check my holes. i followed as i was told. you ripped off my undies and proceeded to finger my holes. you slap my ass and told me to get on top of the...

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Sex In Goa With Indian Sex Stories Storyreader

Hi how are you all iss story readers… All Male and female me fir ek story le kar hajir hu apko aur entertain krne ke liye or jyada maja dene ke liye.. Mera name Meet he.. Aur me ahmedabad gujarat se log pehli baar meri story read kr rahe he unko meri details de deta hu.. I m 26 yr old..doing business in ahmedabad..i m single… So now all readers me aab story pe ata hu.. Ya baat 1week pehle ki he.. Mene meri last story post ki”muslim housewife ki chudai”..uske baad muje kafi logo ke mail...

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Bi Beki TrueStory

This is the girl who is in this story with me : all starts off with me going downtown just by myself to a well known gay bar. I have been bi-sexual since I was about 14 and I am 18 now. I was wearing a burgundy dress which flared out a lot at the bottom and was showing a fair bit of cleavage, my legs were bare and I had black lace panties on and a matching bra. I was in the mood for a girl tonight seen as I hadn't had sex with a...

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My sister and I True story0

Nickerlover; My sister and IMy younger sister and I only 13 months apart in age,I was the elder.right from a very early age we would play in those days what we called mothers and fathers and would bath together our parents didn't ever notice that we would play with each others sexy parts and at that early age we new nothing at all about sex. but as we both got a bit older in our later teens we got to play with each other and feelings were starting to become better when we were touching each...

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Turok the Tormentor story1

TUROK THE TORMENTOR By: ROBO Turok sat upon his throne over looking his domain. He was the supreme Demon in the Universe and had no equal. He had defeated and destroyed all whom had opposed him. Ever since he had destroyed Satan his life had become boring and dull. He had conquered everyone and everything and now had nothing to occupy his time leaving him with a dismal boring life for eternity. "Bring me an advisor......NOW!!!" he roared. A man came running up "Yes Sir, your...

1 year ago
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Turok the Tormentor story2

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 2 By: ROBO Bruno was sitting in his Limousine with his maul Tiffany watching the drug deal go down. His father Franko Costintino had finally trusted him with an important task in his drug-dealing cartel. The Asian Gang was purchasing one million dollars worth of Heroin for distribution, after this Bruno would finally prove to his father that he could take over as head of the cartel. Bruno was 21, short black hair, and a muscular build and he was wearing a suit....

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Turok the Tormentor story3

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 3 By: ROBO Turok emerged from the portal into a vacant downtown alley. He did not bother to shift out of the visual plane as there was no body around. He was looking for another victim but he wanted a special someone but did not know who he was looking for. As he walked down the alley he heard "Hey, Buddy have you got some spare change?" John was an old bum who was covered in garbage resting when he had seen Turok's boots. He asked for the change and saw...

3 years ago
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Two lsquomomsrsquo tell this true story2

My son Ken was 18 now, and soon got his own apt. and a room mate….Jen. Lynn and I still have visits from them and we stop by their place. Our husbands who had lost interest in sex, got use to Lynn and I, (Julie), spending the night together a lot. My husband and I have a guest house and Lynn I used that to have our ‘sleep over’s in. Her husband was always gone hunting or fishing and was never there on weekends. Our story telling continued and we kept going further with our mutual masturbation....

1 year ago
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My warstory

This story is purely fictional, and if you are under 18 years of age, you are to stop now. My warstory This story begins just before the war. I was a shy, slim boy at almost 18 years, living in a forsterhome for parentless boys, and I wanted to do my part. I had alway been a strange boy, feminine, slim, with something that might look like tits. I was focus for a lot of attension from some boys and teachers, they liked my apperance. Basicly I wanted to get away. So I joint up for...

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The Rescue of DBStory

Copyright© 2002-2004 by DB. The doorbell rang unexpectedly. I was surfing the web to see if Elf Sternberg ( had posted anything new on his latest AI (what I generally call robot) storyline. Although he recently, publicly referred to my writing as "abusively shallow", he also admits that it has affected him enough to provoke him into writing stores in response, so a lot of good has come from this in unexpected ways. Besides, having Elf as a critic is an...

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When I was about eight, I loved to climb poles and ropes. I discovered that I got this extreme feeling of overwhelming pleasure in my pubic area when I climbed them. Then, I discovered I could duplicate that pleasure with my hand on my pecker. When I was nine, my mother found me jacking off in my bedroom and told me that it was a sin and I would go straight to Hell. She also said that I would go blind if I continued. I thought about it for a time but then decided I would continue until I needed...

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For years, since I was around sixteen, I had the knack of convincing girls, and then women, that I could be trusted not to ever repeat what was revealed to me. This information gathering proved to be very useful over the years. I learned that the female gender needs to vent, and be listened to, their questions answered, but they don't want any advice, so I used this to my advantage. Once the word got passed around that I was a trusted soul with a lot of valuable information and a great...

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I went home, got married and started a family, one every year until we reached six. This was enough for me. My wife originally wanted a dozen but she settled for half a dozen. I had a good job and got promoted quickly, mainly because my personality made me learn everything I could about the company. In eight years, I made it into management in charge of the company's production planning responsibilities. Throughout my working career, I liked to flirt, talk dirty, touch provocatively, and...

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Stiffkey BluesChapter 4 Storyboard

Madeleine Roth, posting under the name of Fatima, was putting the last touches to her daily blog. Eastern Promise, the web site she ran with a number of her friends, took up most of her spare time. She and Krista Collins had founded the site almost three years earlier as way of publishing their fantasies of life in the east, veiled and enslaved as part of some potentate's harem. Over the years they had created a series of stories. They, in turn, had attracted other, like-minded, authors and...

2 years ago
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HouseChapter 5 Storyhour

Evidently, I didn't miss storyhour. Jason was just finishing his breakfast in the hotel dining room. I took a vacant seat at the far end of the counter, by the restaurant front door. One of the "J's" dropped a cup in front of me and filled it. She added a spoon, a small stainless pitcher of real cream and a glass pour jar of sugar, rubbed my head and hurried away. I wonder which one that was? For a town totally isolated by tropical storm flooding, there were sure a lot of people having...

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TG Storytime

TGStorytime! I had this crazy dream where I found a remote control that let me alter the very fabric of time and space. I could have used it to rob banks, bang several of my favorite pornstars at the same time, or really do whatever I wanted. All I wanted to do, though, was turn my penis into a vagina and grow rabbit ears and a fluffy tail. That could mean I’ve been reading too much TGStorytime, a user-contributed library of transgender was established in 2011 by Joe...

Sex Stories Sites
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Hey, this is just the starting point of hopefully a bunch of crazy and erotic stories. Feel free to just skip this part and start by choosing a story path of your liking, wether it might be for reading or adding chapters. We would also like to encourage you to add your own stories, if you like. No matter how short or long, how explicit or tame. We could just end the introduction here, but we'd like to remind you that all characters that take part in any sexual action are grown ups, 18 years or...

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Husband Turned on by Storytime

She then said, “It was Storytime night and that always ends with us having smoking hot sex”. Curious to what that meant I asked, “What is Storytime?” She said, “OMG it is so hot. John loves it when I tell him a sex story from my past or tell him a sex fantasy while I lay next to him and play with his dick. It is such great foreplay and it has really improved our sex life. We both get so horny. You should try it sometime”. This story is about how I discovered a kinky way to turn my husband on.

3 years ago
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Jenniferi. The a*****ionJennifer walked slowly back to her dispatch area. When she got back to the office, all of theother runners were out. Jennifer sat down at the table and pulled out her MCAT study guideand began immersing herself in preparation for the upcoming test. Jennifer had alwayswanted to be a doctor. She had already completed a degree in Chemistry with a minor inBiology and was going to become a doctor. These few facts made her feel superior to mostof the uneducated people she...

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Jennifer was an attractive girl. She was 5’ 3" and weighed about 110 pounds. She was admiring her naked body in the mirror of her room. She had a reasonably shapely body for a 17 year old girl. Her brunette hair hung down to her shoulders. Her breasts were good sized, about a c cup. She didn’t like her legs; she felt they were a little to short. She felt her greatest asset was her ass. She turned to look at it. It was well rounded and firm. It had kind of a heart shape to it. She turned back...

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Jennifer Part 2

Michael was at the gun range close by the Sheriff’s Department. He was there to settle a bet with one of the older, more experienced officers. The bet was: who was the better shot? Several other officers, having little to do that day, decided to tag along and see who would win. Michael wanted to wrap this up fast. He was catching a plane to Colorado in a few hours, and he needed to pick up Jennifer on the way there too. They had been secretly dating for several months now. So far, they’d...

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Jennifer a slow starting tale of how a young graduate finds her place in society. Any similarities between the characters or corporations depicted here and any characters or corporations which actually exist is entirely unintentional.Part One.Jennifer walked slowly down the long brightly lit slightly curved corridor of the Walthers building looking for Mike Gordon's office, it was almost ten thirty on her third day at Walthers and Walthers. and her first day working as Mike's PA her first job...

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Jennifer8217s Surprise

Jennifer Smith couldn’t wait to get home. The assistant sales-director got a phone call from her husband Tim during the day and she’d been feeling giddy ever since. It was a long working day, but Tim’s phone call really made her feel better. She loved her husband very much, but in the last couple of years they’ve had their problems. Without either of them knowing it, they were both feeling dissatisfied with their sex-life, until at one point they had an argument which...

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Jennifer Has a Plan

Jennifer has a Plan They were to be spanked, all of them. Tomorrow, after breakfast, in the changingroom, on the bare bottom, with a gym shoe, by the head prefect. Such was themessage delivered to the girls of 6A, on that wet and miserable afternoon inFebruary, by Miranda herself. With her chestnut hair tied with red ribbons,and already in her games tunic — for this was the day of the match — shestood among their desks and told them their future. 'Let's see if this helps you remember,' she...

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Jennifer Lawrence and an old high school friend go

Dominic Bryan sat down in the log cabin hidden away in the Los Angeles countryside. His ears picked up as the sound of a car rolled up the drive, collecting gravel in its treads as it went. He stood up and moved away from the desk, peering out of the large window, Dom saw a big green SUV slow to a halt outside of the resort. Two people got out of the vehicle and walked to the back of the car. The larger woman opened the back of the car and hoisted a large bag out of the back. That must be the...

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Jennifer Part 4

Chapter 4 That night she dreamed of having a master who was having sex with her. She woke up several times only to realize that it was a dream. It was peculiar, however, that she felt a certain feeling in her vagina. She wondered if perhaps she hadn’t been masturbating in her sl**p as she had seen in the illustrations in the book. When she got to that section she tried what was shown and decided that she could do it if asked but that it didn’t feel good as the book indicated. The next...

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Jennifer Part 4

Chapter 4 That night she dreamed of having a master who was having sex with her. She woke up several times only to realize that it was a dream. It was peculiar, however, that she felt a certain feeling in her vagina. She wondered if perhaps she hadn't been masturbating in her sleep as she had seen in the illustrations in the book. When she got to that section she tried what was shown and decided that she could do it if asked but that it didn't feel good as the book indicated.The next morning...

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Jennifer and Allison Part 3

Her breathing came in ragged gasps. She tried to be as quiet as possible, but it was really difficult with Ryan's fingers buried inside her. Ryan and Jennifer were in the high school drama room off the back of the auditorium. Jennifer was wearing a tight black tank top and a short denim skirt that only came down to mid-thigh when worn properly. Right now though, Jennifer's skirt was bunched around her waist, her lacy black thong exposed. Ryan was standing behind Jennifer, his groin...

3 years ago
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Jennifer and Allison Part 2

Jennifer gazed down at Allison, who was completely exhausted, and almost completely naked except for her bikini top pulled off to the sides of her breasts. Sweat glistened across every inch of Allison's body, and cum was dripping lazily out of her pussy. “So...” said Jennifer tentatively, after awkwardly making eye contact with Allison, “do you think he would let me try some of that with him, too?” Allison sighed, still coming down off her incredible orgasm of only a minute ago. “I...

2 years ago
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Jennifer and Allison Part 1

"I know," Jennifer hissed back when Mrs. Miller, the algebra teacher turned her back to write another problem on the board. "It's like torture having to sit here listening to her voice when we could be at your place laying out!" Allison continued at the next opportune moment. Jennifer's house had a great backyard with a pool, hot tub, and big lawn. The weather in central Florida was perfect for swimming this time of year, and the two best friends couldn't wait to get to the...

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Jennifer Part 2

Chapter 2 ‘This one is 20 years old. Purchased on Alaytia for 250 credits. As you can see she is of nominal stature for an Alaytion. From the marks here it looks like an attempt was made to train her,’ a man said. ‘Is that because she was a problem?’ a female voice said. ‘We don’t know. Occasionaly one of the Alaytions will train their daughter before they sell them, thinking they will get a better price,’ the man said. ‘Give her the standard training course,’ the woman said and walked out...

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Jennifer Part 2

Chapter 2 "This one is 20 years old. Purchased on Alaytia for 250 credits. As you can see she is of nominal stature for an Alaytion. From the marks here it looks like an attempt was made to train her," a man said."Is that because she was a problem?" a female voice said."We don't know. Occasionaly one of the Alaytions will train their daughter before they sell them, thinking they will get a better price," the man said."Give her the standard training course," the woman said and walked out of the...

4 years ago
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Jennifer Brings Over a Friend Club Wives 8

“Hey what’s up?” Came the text. Jennifer might be an amazing woman, but she was still a 20 something. I didn’t really care for texting all that much, but it was a necessarily evil. A week had passed since my adventure at the club with Rochelle and 2 weeks since I had seen Jennifer. I was beginning to miss her and I was happy to hear from her. “How’s it going? Things ok with the roommate?” I asked. “Yup. I’ve got news.” came the reply. “Call me.” I said. Jennifer called me. “So what’s...

1 year ago
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Jennifer Chapter Two

Less than twenty four hours later, Jennifer Salvatore checked her mail on the computer in her bedroom at home. She maintained a couple of hotmail accounts, but the one that was of most interest to her just now was the account which she used primarily for her growing relationship with Rotter, or Jeff as she increasingly thought of him. It was also the address she had written on the mirror in the charity shop, hoping to hear from the guy who had watched her so intently the day before when she was...

2 years ago
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Jennifer Lawrence researches a sex addict for new

I am a sex addict.Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds. Yes, I know that most of the male species qualifies as sex addicts too. But however debatable it is to say sex addiction is a mental illness, I still fall under the parameters. It's only due to treatment and counseling that I can keep it under control -- and still enjoy sex without going overboard about it.Maybe that's why my doctor thought of me when Jennifer Lawrence wanted to research sex addicts in October 2011.She needed to do so...

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Jennifers Need

Jennifer arranges to go and visit Katherine, but has an adventure along the wayThis is a continuation of the story in Jennifer's Shame, so if you've not already read it, I suggest you start there.As always, all comments and scores are gratefully received.When she got home, Jennifer went upstairs and ran a bath. Easing herself gently into the warm water, she lay back, closed her eyes and let her mind drift back over the events of the afternoon. She could almost hear the sound of the swishing...

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