Small World Isn't It? free porn video

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Struggling in vain against the two garish clowns that hold his arms Jerry Youngblood finds himself being dragged though a dark a place past vats filled with something heaving and unwholesome, the clowns make not a sound as they are joined by two other shadowy figures, a tall woman in a ringmaster costume, and an even taller glowering brute in a red & while shirt stripped just like the dimly seen roof of the circus tent he seems to be in, the two new ones grab his feet and host him into the air. Powerless he struggles against them; with a gooey splash they drop him Into something that starts to cover him like quicksand made from cream of wheat, the lady ringmaster's face comes close for a moment as something is shoved into his nose and over this mouth, he tries to pull it out while also doing the best he cane to rise out of the clinging gruel, but it's all hopeless as it rises over his face and swallows him. "Garrrrgh!" Gasps Jerry breaking out of the nightmare "Damn, what a dream!" he thinks as he kicks his already half off covers to the floor, goosebumps form on his sweat-covered body as the cool bedroom air hits it. "I've had some bad dreams, but that was a dozy," he thinks to himself, "it was like those circus people really had me and were drowning me in slime or something. "Man is my bladder full," feeling both that pressure and the need to get his mind somewhere else, what better to drive the cobwebs and crazy clowns away than a four a.m. leak he thinks? Doing his customary roll out of bed Jerry is shocked when instead of his feet hitting the floor as he springs up, his whole body falls what feels like a couple of feet as he lands face down on the carpet. "Awwww!" yawls Jerry more from shock than pain, the exclamation sounding strangely high, "what the hell was that?" he thinks more as a complaint than a question, "that damn dream must have messed with my head, I should never have eaten all those cheap hotdogs at the circus yesterday" remembering that brings back thoughts of the dream, "that's were I saw that woman in the dream!" he thinks "she was the one in the getup with the top hat, heels and fishnets in that barbershop tent across from the civic center where the circus was. The one where I got a shave I didn't need just so I could check her out, damn, why couldn't the dream have been a wet one?" His bladder reminding him why he was on the floor in the first place, Jerry gets up and heads for the bathroom, for a moment he almost falls again as a wave of dizziness comes over him, something seems odd as he walks down the hallway. Reaching the bathroom Jerry squints in preparation of the pain and hits the light switch, or would have except instead of the switch his hand just meets smooth wall, "Now what?" he thinks rubbing his hand over where the switch should be, somehow it keeps escaping his touch. All the while the pressure below grows worse, "Damn" he thinks "I know where the john is, this is getting ridiculous!" Hopping to where he's sure the can is Jerry doesn't even bother to grab his member to pee just points in the right direction and let loose, along with the relief Jerry feels his feet being anointed with his own water. "DAMNDAMNDAMN," he says out loud, "now what?" cutting off the stream mid point with an effort, Jerry is surprised at the strange high sound of his own voice. Knowing he'd been over confident, with one, and ignoring the other, Jerry grabs for his penis to direct the flow, and fails to find it. Jerry doesn't say anything; he didn't even produce a human thought as he pats himself looking for something that can't be messing while feeling only hair and skin. Sure now that something is going on, but not sure what, Jerry feels a sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach, his eyes at last having become accustomed enough to the dark to be able to make things out, he looks to his right where he can just make out the dim form of the light switch he had been unable to find only second before. Somehow it seems to have risen what looks like 2 feet higher than it should have be, whatever the case he makes for it, "am I in the wrong apartment?" he wonders to himself as he hits the light switch and his eyes are assaulted by the glare while he does the best he can to keep them open. "It's all just a leftover from the dream; it's all just a leftover from the dream!" he chants mentally while his eyes adjust. Adjusted at last he sees he's indeed in his own familiar lavatory, but there was something odd, everything seems off kilter, as it things had gotten larger, no, it was like he was looking at things while standing on his knees. "I walked in here on my knees?" he thinks not believing it for a moment, however because of the crazy night he was having he looks down just to be sure and there are his feet, or a set of feet, small wet feet, that support two hairless somewhat stubby legs that rise to meet a much plumper middle then he's use to, where he stares down at a vagina, A VAGINA below a torso that has a figure that isn't familiar to him, nor are the two pert breasts, all this adding up to a very compact and exceedingly female form. "Narhhhge" is Jerry's articulate response on seeing this, the body was his alright, he could feel his wet feet, the toes of which wiggle when he wiggles them, and as he was the one doing the wiggling, the toes then had to be his, as if further proof were needed, he raises both hands in front of his face and watch's with something a good deal stronger than fascination as he wiggles his now also stuffy seeming fingers on those small hands which, despite the old saying, are not as familiar as the back of his hands. However he knows for sure the strangely small and soft digits that are Squirming about on his now plainly undersized hands belong to him. "Okay, what fresh slice Hell is this." thinks Jerry, taking a deep breath, making his new petite breasts heave in a way he would just as soon not feel. Turning to his left he readies himself to see what he will find in his Bathroom mirror, and looks straight at the surface of the sink, finding he has to look up to even see the bottom of the mirror, in which all he can detect is part of the top of his head, while the round bit of chestnut hair was at least somewhat familiar, being able to only see that is far from reassuring. Trying to boost himself up to get a better view Jerry finds this no easy task, besides in trying to do this his newly discovered knockers press against the marble of the sink convincing him this is not the route to take. "The bedroom mirror!" he thinks speeding out of the john and heading back to where all this started, his arms held out from his body like someone playing airplane due to his fear of making contact with the unknown body he seems to be living in. Walking down the unlit hallway, the light from the bathroom fading, he comes to the dark origin of this waking nightmare, he stops and backs away, "GOT to look!" thinks Jerry, to his right was the hall light switch, finding he has to stand on his toes to do it he flicks the light that reaches into the bedroom enough so he can see there is no height or dick stealing monsters lurking there, just his room, with his rumpled bed in view. Taking a deep breath Jerry announces out loud "Alright let's do this," then gasps as he hears a high pitched female voice in his ears. In his room, another on his toes hop is needed to flick that switch well, now he can see why he fell when he got out of bed, where the night before it had been at knee level, now the surface is level with his bellybutton. Moving to his left to stand in front of his closet door where a full length mirror is bolted Jerry at last sees his reflection. He stares into the eyes of a woman who looks just like him, or what he would look like if he had been born a woman, a dwarf woman, "no, is that's not right? The word these days is little person isn't it?" Thinks a now oddly calm or perhaps numb Jerry Youngblood. The woman he sees looks silly standing there with her arms out as if about try to take off by flapping her arms, so she lowers them, just as Jerry had feared, even though at the time he had not known he feared it, her hands run themselves over her body, unlike a dream he feels every sensation. Stepping toward the mirror, Jerry thinks "it's me, it's really me, but I'm a woman, a little woman," burying her face in her hands Jerry closes her eyes and rubs her hands over her face as if washing it. "This can't be real!" the he inside her head thinks, there, where at least he sounding as he should, lowering them he takes another hard look at her body which she starts to see is indeed real, and his. "NO CRAZY! CRAZY! CRAZY!" She screams running around in a circle unable to stop, but also unable not to stand still as the panic attack jumps out of his back brain and takes over. "Not real!" she shouts, jumping up and down slapping herself "dream, illusion, somethingsomething notnot ME! AGGGGhhh!" she finishes next to the mirror, propped up by her two small arms looking up and down at her little person's body as it breathes heavily. Jerry shudders, takes another deep breath, while not over, the panic attack at least takes on another phase, "this can't be real, therefore it's NOT real" Jerry tells her reflection with her high woman's voice, "the hospital, that's were I need to be, somebody drugged me, that's it, I get to the hospital and they'll give me a shot or something, I'll go to sleep again, wake up, and all this will go away just like that." But not nude, showing up at the E.R. nude would hardly be the best start for a climb back to sanity. Remembering where he put his clothes when he was sane, Jerry looks at the chair he keeps in he's bedroom, and there they are, just where he left them last night. Shoes, socks, pants, belt, shirt, they're all still there, only as he picks them up he sees nothing to help calm him, the Nikes are still there, and they fit his hands like they look right, like they should have if everything were normal. Were they normal? That had to be it, the shoes were his, they fit in his hands, and they would fit on his feet therefore this was all some sort of crazy hallucination, but the room still looked bigger to him, he was still? still a woman, as far as he could tell, but it had to be a delusion of some sort, dragging in and releasing a huge sigh Jerry knows things are messed up in his head but it can be fixed, sure it can. "Just get to the E.R." he says frustrated to still hear the woman's voice his ears "and no more talking out loud" he continues silently, "just get dressed," this course of action soon tips the world back out of kilter. While his shoes seem to be his Nikes, where his socks should have been laying he finds a pair of women's socks height hose, his jeans are still there but they are a pair of women's jeans. "Just get dressed!" he tells herself, then he comes to his shirt which, the night before had been a black T-shirt he had tossed his jeans on top of, now he finds and holds up a red & yellow woman's blouse with poofy sleeves, under the blouse are revealed a pair of white woman's panties & a bra. "Okay?" he starts to say out loud then stops herself, and thinks "Okay, this is all just too unreal Jerry, get something from the closet that'll be just the thing." He assures himself mentally. Reaching up to opened his closet, an action that does nothing to assure him that none of this is real, as if he were not really a little person why does he still have to reach up? Then things get weirder, where his mind tells him he should be greeted by his always carefully hung fresh clothing, what she sees, looking up, are a few empty coat hangers, while piled on the floor before her are stacks of clothing, shoes, and unopened hosiery & underwear packages, as if some packrat had stolen all his things and hastily replaced them with what he sees at her feet. "Hell getting my stuff from way up there would have just been a pain anyway," she says out loud, not because she is now comfortable with the sound of her voice, but because of a numbness that has settled over her in place of the panic attack. "Get to the hospital" is now the driving motivation of his life, with the dull calm suppressing everything else Jerry raffles through the clothing at the bottom of his closet and selects an armful, with glassy eyes she even goes back to the bathrooms and washes off her legs and feet, then even struggles up onto the toilet and takes care of the momentarily forgotten full bladder, by the time she is done the trance is even deeper. Before he knows it Jerry is back in her bedroom dressing herself in the Items picked at random, there is a brief spark of the former alarm when on deciding to skip on one of the alien bras, he is brought up short on feeling her breasts rub against the fabric of the top as she puts it on, thankful at least it's the type that hooks in the fount. Still numb, but starting to cope, Jerry takes a look at herself in the mirror, he sees a little woman in her middle 20's, the faces is his, but feminine, with the bone structure of a slightly changed by whatever sort of dwarfism she has, the change is so striking Jerry doesn't even notice his hair having been given what would be called a pixy cut, dressed in a simple dark gray blouse with a V-neck, matching dark blue cotton pants, and red nylon knee-highs which make it up all the way to just under her kneecaps, the package ends with a pare of brown shoes with very girlie straps & buckles. "All right then" says the woman in the mirror addressing herself and almost not caring that it's a woman's voice saying it, after all his voice coming out of that cute little woman would be even more disturbing. "I'm relatively calm, I'm dressed, and I still seem to be a dwarf woman, now lets see what they think about this down at the hospital." Finding his keys in a pocket of her woman's jeans, another brick in his growing wall of craziness, Jerry makes his way to his car, opening the car is a problem that further insists that he is in fact a small person now, not the five foot 10 inch man he feels....knows, himself to be. Jerry makes it into the car, keys in hand, and finds the pedals too far away to reach with even the tips of her small brown shoes, that's when Jerry really looses it. The clock shows it to be 4: 23 in the a.m. as resident Dr. John Graystoke, signing in for both his first psyche rotation, and the late shift at County General Emergency, steps out of the elevator to take his first call of the night. "What have we got?" he asks the one who had called for a psyche evaluation, Dr. Vatchic, another resident, only taking care of the more physical concerns of gun shot wounds, gastric distress & drug reactions that take place in large city during the witching hours. " hysterical woman in her mid-twenties, police found her in a car in a residential area, when they couldn't calm her down they called in the paramedics who brought her in, we took her vitals, and started blood work, she's not on any drugs, or medication, and she settled down a little after she got here, but she hasn't says much after she gave us a wallet and asked to be helped with what had her upset, wants to speak with an expert on the matter, we figure that's you " explains Vatchic handing Graystoke a chart, and wallet the driver's license already removed and on top of it. "I see," he replies "sounds simple enough; if she's calmed down, why call me?" "Notice the I.D.?" asks the E.R. doc, Graystoke looks seeing a bad picture of a woman with her eyes closed, the details read: Jasmine Ellen Youngblood 1509 15th Ave South Chicago, Ill 60601 Sex F Race W Date of Birth 04 - 04 - 81 HGT 3' 10 WHT 88 EYES Grey HAIR Brown RESTRICTIONS N (built up pedals) "Alright?" says Graystoke making the word a question, "And" replies the other doctor, "she's calm now, and insisting we help her with her problem, seems to think she's really a 5 foot 9 inch man by the name of Jerry Youngblood, and something happened during the night that's making her hallucinate she's a little woman." "I see" says Graystoke "I'll go talk to her." "That's why they pay you the big bucks" says Vatchic. Taking the chart, Dr. Graystoke turns to go to where the chart says she is, examination room 2. 34 MINUTES LATER "I'm glad you're seeing things more clearly Ms Youngblood" says a weary Dr. Graystoke "I'm recommending you stay with us for a few days, I'm sure you finding your car extenders missing was the cause that set off the stress that lead to your dissociative episode, we'll watch you and talk more over the next three days, I'm confident we'll soon have a treatment plan. I'll go and arrange things while you wait." Jasmine gives a weak smile that says she's embarrassed by the whole thing and ready to come to grips with it with the help of modern psychology, after the doctor leaves Jerry fingers her telltale drivers license that proves him to be a her after all. "Yeah, screw you too doc." says Jerry clambering down with difficulty from the E.R. table she had been setting during the exam and interview, on shucking the paper gown they had insisted on her wearing, even though they obviously just thought her a nut, and putting back on the alien woman's clothing Jerry carefully peeks out the door to see where the doc is. She sees him talking to another doctor, unfortunately both are standing so she can't leave without them seeing her. Closing the door Jerry waits for her chance to bolt, this gives Jerry time to really give a hard look at the damning license. "Jasmine my ass" grumbles Jerry mentally, looking at the card, then she noticed something, "Hold the phone!" says Jerry aloud with Jasmine's voice as she pecks at a corner of the laminated card with a fingernail. Sure enough it comes loose, with a little more work it comes apart, with smell of fresh glue hitting her nose, a grin spreads across her face as bits of the proof that's she's a woman named Jasmine fall off the card and float to the floor to fall around the buckles of her shoes. Revealing is the fact that everything but the official seals has been covered up, beneath that is revealed his old self, Jerry Earl Youngblood, 5' 9! somebody had faked his I.D. to match up with the changes in his body, "was it done to convince others or to convince me?" wonders Jerry, however after the ER's physical exam, the long talk with the doctor, and even longer wait under the uncompromising hospital lights Jerry has dropped his idea that this is all some kind of fever dream, but how could it have happened? And even if it could happen, why would anybody go to the trouble of faking a new I.D. thinking about those questions Jerry knew what the next he had to do would be. First however Jerry knows he has to stay out of the psyche ward, peeking out the door again she sees the doctor has ended his conversion and is across the room on a phone, "committing me doc?" says Jerry, "not just yet." For the first time since loosing 23 inches her new height proves an advantage as she is able to walk quietly past the registration desk below the sight of Dr. Graystoke by just keeping her head down. With a whoosh the automatic doors close behind her after letting her out, "Now what?" she thinks after the satisfaction of escaping passes. "Okay," thinks Jerry walking down the street to distance herself from the hospital, "what does a dude who's been turned into a girl, who's a little person do after dodging the loony bin, and finding that his identity hasn't been stolen, it's been altered?" She walks and thinks griping his wallet, the female cut pants she's wearing not having pockets. "I haven't got the foggiest idea." she says out loud. Then Jerry sees a bank of pay phones, "Chicago at 5:00 in the morning is no place for a girl like me, let's get home do some hard thinking on this." As Jerry walks the block to reach the phones her situation again dawns on her, getting use to being under four feet takes more than a few hours it seems. Jerry stands before the phones that rise above her, she sees she can get hold of the ear & mouthpiece only by reaching up and tugging on the cable connecting it to the main body of the instrument, the coin slot however is impossibly beyond the reach of her body. "Crap!" says Jerry propping her head against the body of nearest phone sagging into on herself "What's the point anyway, I don't even have any quarters on me." At that Jerry knows for sure he is about to start crying, "and here they'll find the crazy dwarf woman, then they can take her back and give her the pills that'll made bad old Jerry go away." "Hey honey!" booms a loud woman's voice from behind her, startled Jerry jumps as if hit by a live wire, turning to the voice after imagining for half a second the jump had been high enough to almost take his small body to it's old height, Jerry looks up into the face of a woman leaning out of a taxi, apparently a gypsy cab from it's beat-up appearance. The woman is fat, smiling, and the owner of the tallest beehive hairdo he has ever seen. "thing must be half as tall as I am now." thinks Jerry looking at it. "Sorry for the scare honey, need a ride?" she asks. Swallowing Jerry thinks "some good luck, about time!" out loud she says "Yes, yes I do." At that reply the large woman gets out, both opening the door for Jerry and helping her in. Situated in the back of the cab Jerry gets a very strange feeling, and not just form the weird experience of setting in a car and not being able to set back and have his feet touch the floor, "I've seen this woman somewhere before, but where?" "Where to hon?" asks the woman, Jerry gives his address in reply. "Heading home huh Jerry? " She asks, "yeah sure" is his response, already he has started to ignore her to concentrate on what his next move will be. "Hire a detective? How will I pay for it? I don't have that much money, and I sure can't go to work today, my god! What are the people I know going to say? Will anyone even believe I'm me, and dad, we haven't talked since mom died, he raised cane when I just told him I haven't been to been to church in since I started collage, what would me showing up a woman lead to!" Then Jerry's train of thought is derailed by a realization "Say!" asks Jerry speaking to the woman driver "How did you know my name is Jerry?" "Oh honey." she says in answer, "we know more about you than you can guess, let's go inside and talk about it." Looking over the bottom edge of the backseat window Jerry sees that while he was thinking his deep thoughts the cab has gone a route that has taken him nowhere near his apartment. With the early morning sunrise just starting to redden the sky behind it, Jerry sees the circus tent like barbershop where he had gotten his shave from the sexy deep voiced woman in the ringmaster outfit, in fact he sees her standing outside the tents front flap, then two more figures step out. Two clowns from his nightmare that he had been having not 2 hours before, on seeing Jerry's small head peak up out of the back window all three smile and wave, the one's on the clowns sending a shiver down her spine. "Oh sweetie we're got a lot to talk about!" says the large woman pulling up in front of the tent. Jumping across the seat of the taxi, Jerry grabs the handle of the door opposite from the one facing the tent and the frightful people in front of it, to his dismay it refuses to open. "Oh honey, don't be that way!" says the fat women opening the other door, "Mike, be a gentleman and help the little lady out." With that the biggest man Jerry has ever seen comes into view, reaches out a hand at the end of a long arm and with no visible effort puts it around Jerry waist and halls her out, carrying not like a child but a doll the man takes Jerry and moves toward the open door of the tent. "So we've not another live one ah Sadie?" says the tall women wearing a red tailed ringmaster's jacket, top hat, fishnet hose and incongruously, a beat-up pair of work boots, and who, in much more normal looking attire, had given him his unneeded haircut not long ago. While saying this the two clowns, which Jerry, who having given up his struggling, can now see are made up of one male, and one female clown both of whom give the thumbs up sigh. "Yeah, I been following this one since we let her loose doing our usual follow watch, and I could tell she's one of the rare ones." "Well, Ms Youngblood," says the tall women speaking to Jerry, while at the same time holding up her hand to stop the big man who had been carrying her toward the open tent flap, "welcome back, you're one of the few to dig beneath surface, most people, even the ones who get the stranger remodeling jobs," on saying the word "stranger" the woman putting noticeable force behind the world, while the male clown standing to her right grins even bigger and honks his horn twice, "most just drool for a few days, then dive into denial and become what we've made of them, and of the few like you that do resist, well! You're the quickest to do so yet, most take months before they come looking for us, and fewer still make it." Making a come this way finger wiggle at the big man, the woman in the top hat makes a sharp right turn and walks off, "That's why we'll be taking Ms Youngblood to tent number 2 first, I think she can handle a full disclosure." Without a word the big man holding Jerry under one arm like a loaf of bread follows Top Hat woman, the two clowns and the fat woman closely behind him. Having calmed down on seeing that, while weird as scuba diving cats, these strange people don't seem to be about to harm him, Jerry speaks up. "Great, in that case since I'm so sharp, and we're such big buddies and all, how about letting me down so I can walk on my own?" "We like you, but we ain't stupid," says the big woman who is walking just behind the one called Mike. Saying this she reaches out a hand and pats Jerry on her round butt, "But I don't like running and you might try to scat." "Honk Honk" goes the male clown's horn, "giggle, tee hee" goes the female clown. "Don't worry, Jasmine" says the Top Hat woman, as soon as we're in tent 2 Mike will let you have a seat, we'll have a nice talk, and all this will become clear to you." So, as if she any say in the matter Jerry stays as calm as an adult being carried by a near giant can and looks around. As they move around the first tent, which, on going past the open flap, Jerry is able to see is the one that holds the barber chair, popcorn machine, calliope and other paraphernalia he had seen when he got his haircut. By the time the Top Hat woman is done with her speech they are behind that and Jerry sees another tent even bigger and shabbier than the first just behind it, with three mobile homes and a scattering of trucks and cars between the two. "Welcome to the Traveling Hippodrome of Hair!" says Top Hat woman in tones that almost seem to expect to be followed by a circus band sounding a fanfare, "You've seen the face, now meet the heart!" With those words and having reached the front of the larger tent, two flaps are opened, pulled from within as if on cue by two new people, a tall, but not as tall as Top Hat woman, elderly woman, and a little person, a man. "You people practice this?" asks Jerry, in response the giant gives Jerry an uncomfortable squeeze, while the fat woman gives her rump an even harder slap, Jerry's other remarks remain unsays. However it's unlikely that Jerry would have had anything else to say as by that time they are within the tent, and he can see what's in it. The long, low red & white stripped tent is filled with what appear to be the tubs of his dreams, only his fully wakeful mind and eyes now see them for what they are, six small, high sided, swimming pools, like you might buy at a K-Mart for a child, arranged opposite each other down the length of the tent with a path between them leading to a small brightly lit area with a few chairs and tables. While they now seem far more mundane, the rest is even more appalling, because of his clarity of mind he is now able to take in the whole tableau. The air is filled with a most, organic odor that reminds Jerry of a swamp he once drove by, while at the same time the air is filled with a symphony of hisses, pops and gurgling sounds. "I think Ms Youngblood may be starting to be impressed," says the ringmaster woman, "give him a quick peek at our two latest guests Mike." Moving up to the second to last pair of vats before they get to the well lighted area, the giant called Mike holds Jerry out over the vat on the right, looking down Jerry sees that it's filled almost to the brim with a cloudy liquid that, or so it seems to Jerry, is making the noises while giving off the smell, which, as Jerry finds herself suspended over it grows much worse. Submerged in the liquid, in the vat, which is the color coca diluted in water, Jerry sees to her horror a human form. "These freaks have drowned someone!" thinks Jerry, her eyes widening, then she notices more, then one of the legs of the figure move in the vat showing it's not a corpse, it's a woman, and Jerry can see what looks like a transparent oxygen mask fitted over her mouth, at the same time two tubes run up her noise, all of which run to a gas tank and other apparatus supplying oxygen, the images from his dream comes back to Jerry, only now she can plainly see what they really had been, then Jerry takes in the woman. Of average height, the woman is nude and has skin as white as an eggshell, around her head in the liquid her hair floats around her, it appears to be sky blue in color. "One of my little projects" says a voice that sounds like Mini Mouse playing with a helium balloon. Startled, Jerry looks up from the women in the vat and sees the female clown has come up to the edge of the plastic receptacle holding her. "I like making girl clowns, I don't care if they start out as boys or girls, I like making girl clowns," absently the garish woman, who appears to stand just a little over five feet, but has a figure that would challenge one a foot or more taller and is dressed in a shiny clown costume composed of primary colors, disturbing Jerry even further he can see that the clown woman looks nude under her costume, her breasts pressing against it reveal that her form does not come from exaggerated clown padding, as she talks she trails a day-glow yellow gloved hand though the muck the unconscious unreal looking white women is suspended in. Pulling it out she sees it's now covered with a beige film, giving it an angry look, she slings her hand and the glove flies off hitting the dirt floor, Jerry sees that her exposed hand is whiter than the women's in the vat, "but Hoyt and Cyrus want let me make as many as I want to! They say they're too hard to? integrate! I wanted you! They let me have Jennifer Robin?" "That's enough Yum Yum!" says Top Hat in a commanding voice before the clown girl can say the woman's full name, "Mike the next vat, please" continues Top Hat, and with a pivot Jerry finds herself over the one opposite it. Like the first, this one is filled with a bubbling murky liquid, with clumps of something mossy looking floating in it that gives off a moldy earth scent, the surface of this one however is disturbed by small waves, the source of which Jerry can see comes from a pair of amplifiers bolted to the far side of the vat, with the speakers touching the side of the converted kiddy pool, whatever sound they are producing to muffled for Jerry to make out, but whatever it is, its loud enough to vibrate the brownish water. Beneath its ale colored surface Jerry can make out another woman not as bizarre as the first figure, the thin nude woman however is just as unconscious, as well as fitted out with the oxygen ensemble. Of average height, with long straw colored hair, she has almost pretty, if pinched looking features, other wise there is nothing to distinguish her someone you might pass on the street. "Not one of our more outr? subjects" says Top Hat, "Mr. Cooper is just another of a particular breed of bureaucrat that seem to feel the need to vex us from time to time, we have a special blend for them which he is at present soaking in, it's well on it's way but he still has some cooking to do, we call it our `Carney Special.' The sound system helps with that, our usual policy is to keep things quite for our guests as our Stuff is quite psychoactive and there is no telling what effect things heard while in it might have. With his sort however we take full advantage of that property, so that when the snooty, demanding Mr. Cooper wakes up far from here as Sally June Cooper, in her cut offs, tank top, flip-flops, and a backwoods accent thick enough to spread on toast, that will be all we'll hear of her." "Yeah, another hour and it'll be time to take her out so I can give her a Dolly do," says the fat woman to Top Hat while stepping up to look in the vat. "I think that's enough so that our friend can better appreciate our talk to come," says the tall woman to the giant, "let the young lady have a seat Mike." Thankfully no longer suspended over the grimy vat containing "Mister Cooper," the large man takes Jerry to the well lit area and places her on one of the low tables there, her back to the tent facing the strange crew who line up in a semi-circle behind Top Hat who, like her, face Jerry. "I guess introductions are the first order of business," says the woman who seems to be in charge. Taking off her top hat she points it first at herself, then at the others in turn from left to right as she says, "Myself, you can call Cyrus, but let me present, Hoo-Ha, Yum-Yum," the female clown strikes a pose while the male one honks his horn, "Sadie," the fat woman with the big hair salutes Jerry, "Golda and Mike," the older woman and huge man barely acknowledge Jerry, "and my long time partner under these the not so big tops, Hoyt!" "The situation you find yourself in was mostly my idea," says the little man, the only one to speak, if you discount Hoo-Ha's horn honking. "If it had been Sadie's turn you would be a 600 pound man now, Yum-Yum's and? well you've seen the vat. I expect at least a thank you from you before this is done, in fact considering how well you've turned out I wouldn't be opposed to introducing you to finer details of your new? situation." He concludes leering openly at Jerry, or rather the Jasmine she now is. "Cut it out Hoyt!" says Cyrus the circus ringmaster woman rolling her eyes, "how many times have you tried that with our guests? Finding themselves at eye level with you isn't going make them see eye to eye, try reading Dale Carnegie. But lets stay focused, I have things to tell the former mister Youngblood." Taking one of the folding chairs that scattered in that end of the tent, Cyrus turns it around and sets down straddling it, the man called Hoyt, looking slightly angry, finds another chair and plops down with his arms crossed staring at Jerry. "If we're going to get everything ready in time for those two," says Mike speaking for the first time while jabbing a thumb over his shoulder at the two vats Jerry had just been horrified by, "we need to get some things moving, we still don't have all the clothes ready for them." "I'm sure Hoyt and I can handle this," says Cyrus, "you and the rest do what needs to be done." As soon as the others have disappeared into the gloom that takes up most of the big tent Cyrus turns to Jerry and says. "So? Questions?" Jerry, her small legs dangling over the side of the table on which she has been placed, and who by that time was sure she he could not be surprised by anything else that might happen that night, finds there is still some left and uses it to be surprised at the question asked. "A few!" says Jerry, the indignation and anger she feels becoming the most conformable and reassuring emotion he has felt that night. "I'm a man, I've been a man on my own since I was 18 and left for collage!" "We know," says Cyrus interrupting, "You didn't know it, but the water we used on your hair during your trim was a very mild offshoot of our Stuff, makes people spill their guts, I know all about your estrangement from your father, your lack of other relatives, friends, your job?" "can I continue?" asks Jerry interrupting her with some heat, the look she sees in Cyrus' eyes making Jerry feel even better. "As I was saying," continues Jerry, "I've been my own man for over 8 years, I take in your stupid circus," "not our circus," says Hoyt quietly, Jerry glares "I went TOO the circus and got a haircut in that other tent, I go back to my apartment, go to bed and wake up and find I'm a women, a woman who has to reach up on HER toes to turn on HER own bathroom light, a woman who can't even reach the gas peddle on HER car! Then I find I've got a fake ID calling me Jasmine Ellen for Christ's sake! Yeah I have a few questions, such as what happen to my dick, why am I three foot, fucking ten instead of what I should be, how and why did you do this to me and how soon, are you going to change me the G&@!*%N, M*|&$#$@*G, F|#K BAAACK!" Having vented his feelings in a question that ends with Jerry's new voice bouncing back from the dark corners of the huge tent, she not caring how feminine the pitch is, or the rounded breast she feels under her blouse when she stops and holds her chest needing to stop and breath heavily, her tirade going so long that she has run out of air. "Damn baby," says Hoyt his anger at Cyrus gone, "You're hot when you're furious, I like that in a chick, you sure you won't let me show you how the new gear works?" Jerry, not caring if it means that Mike the giant will jump out of the dark and stick her head first in one of those vats without the breathing tubes and masks points a stubby middle finger at Hoyt and says nothing. "You're upset," says Cyrus, "that's understandable, you had a life, not much of a life you'll have to admit, but one you were use to. And let's face it Jerry, you know there was not likely to be much changing in it anytime soon. But look at you now!" she says gesturing at Jerry with her top hat which she still holds. "Now when you walk down the street people are going to notice you, you're sexy," Hoyt leers again, Cyrus holds up her hat free hand to keep him from saying anything, "and you're beautiful, and you getting on the trail to us fast as you did shows you're smart, now you can go some place, now you can leave the mundane behind! Embrace this, make it your own, there is no going back!" Her speech ended Jerry sees a light has entered the strangely dressed women's eyes, while before all of the odd people he has meet since being dragged out of the taxi had had a peculiar look about them, now in the woman's eyes, and those of the dwarf setting near her, it has taken on a new quality, reminding Jerry of religious zealots he has met in the past. "But how did you do this to me? Why did you do this to me? When are you going to changing me back?" says Jerry the tears she isn't shedding sounding in her voice. The look in the eyes of the woman dressed like a circus ringmaster, while retaining this peculiar light, also grow sympathetic. "I understand but you have to face it, you are Jasmine now, there is no going back. I've gone though something like what you've gone though myself. You can't tell it by looking at me now, but I'm over 60 years old, though now I only look to be in my 30's, and I use to be a man, I've only been a woman for a little over a year, while I spent more years than you've been alive being a man, but believe me, you get use to the change." Not knowing what to think, Jasmine asks the first question that comes into her mind, "has he always been a little person? Or did you people turn him into one? Why isn't he a woman too?" the former Jerry Youngblood thinks for a moment, "he didn't use to be woman was he?" "No," says Cyrus, "that's how Hoyt was when he was born. Here let me start my story, that will tell you what you want to know I think." Getting up she moves to a corner of the tent near the table where Jasmine is seated and returns with a metal bucket covered with a wet cloth. Setting it beside Jasmine she pulls off the cloth. "First look at this, this is what has made you, and me, the women we are today." After Cyrus removes the cloth Jasmine again smells the earthy scent that rose so strongly from the bubbling vats, and which, to a lesser extent, pervades the air of the tent, looking in the bucket she sees that it is half filled with a greenish brown lump of? something. "Fungus'" Says Cyrus, "Doesn't look like much does it?" Cyrus, still at the table with Jasmine, jabs a finger at it, "but it's the miracle of the ages and it showed itself to me, me!" stepping away from the table and looking not at Jasmine but a space above her head, Cyrus begins talking, telling her a story that, if not told a thousands time, must have certainly run though the speakers head ten times that or more. "I was a nobody," begins Cyrus, her eyes looking up but unseeing, her arms held out at her sides, seemingly as if waiting for a stop light to shine on her, Jasmine Jerry half expecting one to appear, "just a boy really, with no future to speak of, coming from as poor a family as I did, and from such a small town, a town with few jobs to speak of and it most notable feature a nearby swamp, I won't say where this was, you wouldn't know the name if I told you, but far from here." "One day while exploring a part of the bog I had never been through before I came across a tree, but that's not what's important, what is important is what was growing on that tree. Running up and down the whole trunk I found the fungus like what you see in the bucket, I thought nothing of it, and would have walked right past it and forgotten it, only my old beagle Jimmy detected something more to it with his noise than my eyes were telling me. Jimmy went right up to the nasty looking stuff and started wolfing it down; I had to pull him off! After that I took us both straight home, I didn't know what to do. Could fungus hurt a dog? I was worried. The next day however I was amazed, I got up having forgotten about Jimmy and the tree fungus and found him frisky and ready for more summer exploring. By the way, Jimmy was over 14 years old, and most of his friskiness was gone, that it was back was a surprise but not amazing, what was amazing was his tail, which he had lost to a bigger dog when he was a pup, it was back, overnight he had grown a completely new one! One that was healthy, and wagging and as blue as a robin's egg. I knew the only reason for this had to be the fungus, I knew it had to be some kind of wonder maker, what I didn't know was what to do about it. One thing I knew however was that I wouldn't be telling anybody about it. I knew if I told anyone they would take it away from me, and it had found me, not them, so it was mine. So I kept the secret, I found that with a little water it thrived apart from the tree quite well, and so I experiment with it. That's how I found that while it was unaffected by water, if you added just a little bit of vinegar it broke down into a liquid that still had it's wonderful properties, and that once turned into a liquid anything could added to it, and that what was added to it made it do new things. By itself it made things younger, and caused their hair and skin to become different colors, it didn't take long for Jimmy to grow back to being a pup, and blue all over, that was the sad part, having to take him into the woods and leaving him so my folks wouldn't see. Though if I had just waited for a bit it wouldn't have mattered as he would have fit right in. My tests lead to a lot of green, purple and pink dogs & cats wandering the neighborhood. That was when I found that different things mixed in with the fungus juice let it would do other things, before long there were housecats as big as goats chasing by six legged dogs. Most everyone just pretended it wasn't real, or blamed it on the nuclear reactor, even though the closest one was up river 20 miles. That's when I found that most people when running into something like this do their best to pretend everything is normal. It was also at that point that I found," with that Cyrus stopped looking off into space, dropped her arms to her sides and looked Jerry in the eyes, "that animals and humans can only take one dose of the fungus, one change, and one change only, another makes them sick, a third kills them, that's why you're staying the way you are Jasmine," a pause with a raised eyebrow from Cyrus then, "but let me get back to my story, I'm just getting to the meat." Returning to the chair she had started in, Cyrus folds her arms over the top of it, and still looking at Jasmine resumes. "By that time I was almost out of high school and had one burning question, what would happen if a human who consumed the fungus? I was not about to try it myself, and hardly likely to find any volunteers. However while I was the only one who explored it for fun, I was not the only one who used the swamp, there were more than a few illegal stills secreted around in it. Having grown up less than a mile from the swamp, and knowing it better then almost anyone, I knew where and how to get into, about, and out without being seen. So one night I went out with a handful of fungus, and a coke bottle full of one of my mixes, and flavored two illegal stills. In the first one I just dropped in the raw fungus, as by that time I found it dissolved as well in alcohol as it did in vinegar, while in the next still I put in a mix of the liquid fungus that, in animals at least, bleached out all the color in them. I figured that once the moonshine was sold, word would get around about customers getting healthy, and blue-green, or becoming albinos, it was after all a small community. Sure enough in less than a week things started to happen, however I had forgotten to take into account that most anything added seemed to have an effect on the result of the fungus, and popskull White Lightning is a pretty powerful additive! That's when the first sex changes came about due to the fungus. First in ones and two's, then a dozen or so of the customers of the first still I added the straight fungus to started to go though changes, seems they would be talking down the street, or in bed asleep, or knocked out here are there by the rotgut, and explode out of their clothes, gain 300 pounds in just a few hours, while at the same time turning into women. Now that folks noticed!" For a moment Cyrus stops, laughs nostalgically, then resumes, "But not as much as the ones who sampled the other batch, which had the bleaching effect mix, until the hooch sent it off on a tangent. Not as many of those turned up in public, seemed that while the public at large could deal with fat ladies, even if they use to be man, what happened to the others was more? well more than they were ready for. But I saw one fellow who got struck by that special brand of White Lightning, He wasn't an albino, it was more like he had been white washed, but only his skin, his lips and nose had swollen up to three times their original size and turned a bright red, his hair became frizzy, and turned a bright electric blue, his feet grew to twice their normal size, while his voice sounded like a cartoon character. Oh? and he wasn't a man any longer, he had become female, and what a female, had a chest she could just barley see her toes over, but only because her feet were so big, and? well you've heard of having a butt you could set a shot glass on? You could have set a whole pitcher on hers! He had turned into a living breathing real life lady clown. I really felt bad about that happening to my father, how was I to know he sometimes liked to sneak a drink of shine? But it did give me a chance to get a close look at one of the people who were effected by the fungus." Seeing the look in Jasmine's eyes Cyrus stops, "you think?" a laugh "No! No Yum-Yum is not my father! That would be too bizarre working with him. No, this was many years ago, my father retired years ago after finding a job with the circus, which is ironic, as back then he had never approved of my interest in that institution, but let me get back where I was." "Never on the strongest financial footing this sent the family into a spiral, until she, my father that is, was able to get a job with the Raptor & Wildman circus, not a big show, but open to some of the? graduates of the Hippodrome's work, they're still limping along to this day. "Whatever the case dad was off doing that, and mom followed along, high school over, it was taken for granted that I would just have to do the best I could. I was able to scrape together enough to go to barber school and made a living doing that. But what I really planed on doing was exploring my fungus and what it could do. This went on for years, during that time I found the most impossible things were made possible with it, an artist and his clay are nothing compared to the changes that can be placed on the human body with it. The mind as well, because by that time I found that a very mild mix of the fungus, and two other ingredients creates something that, while having no effect on the body of the person it's used on, does effect the mind. One squirt and they can't shut up, can't lie, and are willing to tell anything; two squirts and you go into a dream like state that leaves the psyche open to probing, three squirts, and your out like a light. It's how we find our candidates, it's how we found Jasmine, and how we got you here and back to your place with no problem, but don't worry!" says Cyrus seeing the anger once again replacing the almost slack jawed disbelief she had been listening to Cyrus's story with, "don't worry, no lasting effects, and unlike the big change" she says while giving the charades `quote' sign with her hands, "and it can be used more than once without harm. But where was I? Oh yes!" "Its years later and I'm working as a barber, I'm still fiddling about with the fungus, but have to admit that by that time I'm out of my depth, I just don't know what to do next. Then I meet Hoyt here." Gesturing toward the small man who until then has remained quite though out Cyrus's talk, taking up the story from the top hatted women. "I was a student of chemistry back then," says Hoyt, "Cyrus, who at the time, was this tall skinny redneck sounding guy, worked in a barbershop shop just off campus, didn't even own the place, just worked there, I don't think he was even the head clippster, anyway I didn't pay any attention to him, I mean I'm a chemical genius, and this guys working for tips! " now it's Cyrus's turn to look cross, as he interrupts Hoyt. "Yes, not my most auspices days," says the woman taking back control of the floor, to tell her story, "however I was busy looking for people who could help me, and it turns out the university was just the place to do it. I had been sneaking in sprits of my tongue loosing mix from time to time and grilling the guys who came in, that's how I was able to tap into the bottomless well of resentment that was young mister Hoyt here," at that the small man smirks, interrupting. "Yeah, I've had a barely restrained grudge against the sizeist jerks I've had to deal with my whole life, and to tell you the truth with a little prodding I would probably have told Legs here all about it, if he had just had better people skills. But I had it well bottled up; Cyrus here contacted me later and says he wanted to help me do something about it, mind you in return for helping me he expected me to help him with something." Hoyt's smirk turns into a genuine smile as he settles back in his folding chair and continues "He showed me some of the stuff this fungus could do and I was knocked backwards by it, he showed me pictures he had taken in secret of people who had been exposed to it, wild stuff! I had to be part of it, I don't know if it was the spray, or just all those years of resentment finding an out, but I knew just what to do." With no visible sign of him being done, Hoyt stops talking and Cyrus takes back over. "In just a few months Hoyt came up with more things that could be done with the fungus than I had in the almost 20 years I had been working with it, as well as new ways to administer it. Injections, lotions, sprays, all sorts of things, less than a year and he had added fifteen new effects to the thirteen I had found. Then he got ahead of himself." Hoyt on hearing that rolls his eyes into his head and waving his hands in the air saying "Yipes!" "Yipes indeed," says Cyrus continuing "It seems that Hoyt had found an outlet for his resentment, and revenge and on a scale that I had never even dreamed of attempting. He injected boxes of expensive chocolates, with a concentrated form of the fungus mixes and left them as gifts for different groups around the campus." "The football team, two sororities, the chemical faculty and senior chemistry class." Says Hoyt interrupting, a huge grin on his face. "Yes, a lot" says Cyrus continuing "within days the whole campus was disrupted as students and teachers didn't show up, and then when they did show up it was as people like mister Hoyt and yourself now." "Yeah, all of a sudden I was the big man on campus" Says Hoyt. "It was chaos," says Cyrus, "when these things were one or two strange transformations spread out over years, people could convince themselves to look the other way. When a third of the schools football team, over two dozen of the schools most popular girls, as well as random students, and professors go to bed with aches and pains and wake up in a pool of their own sweat, to find themselves little people ranging in height from 3 foot 3, to at most 4 foot 6. Well?. Emotions run high, you can understand that can't you Jasmine." Jerry Jasmine just looks at the two speakers unable to think of anything to say, Cyrus don't wait for her to respond. "Even a school with as weird a reputation as little Miskatonic U finds it hard to absorb something like that," says Cyrus continuing her story "in a flash the school is the host to an army doctors and other experts from the World Health Organization, as well as every outlet of the media in the known universe," "I got interviewed by Diane Tomasina Sawyer, Wolfgang Blitzkrieg, and reporters from the New York Times, the Enquirer and Grit when they thought I was one of the victims." says Hoyt. "All we knew," says Cyrus, "was that sooner or later the FBI, and who knows who all else, would be called in, and there was no telling what they would find, so we ran." "Also as far as we know they never did find out what caused it," added Hoyt, "Miskatonic really is a very, VERY, odd little university." "We haven't looked back since then," says Cyrus, "over the years we've picked up the rest of the Hippodrome here and there, surprisingly enough only myself and Yum-Yum have been exposed to the fungus." Cyrus stops seeing a look in Jasmine's eye, "No really, just myself and Yum- Yum, Ho-Ha is just an? eccentric guy. Eventually we'll all climb into a tub, Father Time waits for no one, for now however we're to busy running the Hippodrome." "As I said I did it just a year ago, I had put together what I called my Fountain of Youth mix, it should have just halved my age. But the elderly lady you meet early, the quite one, it's always the quite ones isn't it? She added something else and I became the woman I am now, only fair I guess. And here we are in this city, we follow different circuses around the world, but are not a part of any of them, and they don't know what we're about. Which brings us to the present, when you can in, you and I talked for the longest time, though of course you don't remember it. And I found out about how you have no one, no friends, no family, no girl friend, and you told me about your frustrations about how you feel no one will ever notice you, so we came to your rescue. As it was Hoyt's turn he picked the mixture that turned you into Jasmine, and we used our other skills to fix your ID, and we supplied you with clothing, and now all you have to do is run with it!" "Run with it," adds Hoyt in a more quiet tone. The woman in the ringmaster's outfit, fishnet hoses, top hat and work boots, and the small man look at Jasmine, Jerry, who is now Jasmine, stares back at them for almost five minutes. "You're fucking kidding me." She says at last. "That doesn't say why you did this, why, why in the world would you turn a perfect stranger into a woman, a little women?" "Because we can," replies Cyrus without a touch of irony in her voice, "because me finding that fungus could not have been a random happening, because my father buying and drinking that moonshine, and ending up in the circus, the place I had always wanted to be, which lead to him, or her then really, and my mother going off on the road with them, which lead to me having to change my ideas about what to do with my life and becoming a barber, a barber!" shouts Cyrus seeming to feel that Jasmine should be as indigent at that as she, "which lead to my meeting Hoyt, which lead to the Traveling Hippodrome of Hair, which lead to you becoming Jasmine, and lead to you Jasmine setting on that table, which, by the way, is the same table we laid you on after your change, which lead to you being taken to the trailer where Yum-Yum and Golda dressed you and Sadie fixed your hair, which lead to Mike taking you back to your apartment and putting you back in your bed and laying your new ID on your new clothes, which of course lead to you finding us again. It happened because this can't be chance Jasmine, it's God, or the Universe, it's what I call Destiny with a capital D, I was meant to find that fungus, we were meant to form the Hippodrome, you were meant to be Jasmine!" At that Cyrus stops talking as if there can be no auguring with what she has just said and just looks at Jasmine waiting for her to see the light, Jasmine looks back at her. "This is really me?" asks Jasmine breaking from the staring match between them, "It can't be real, even if I am a woman now, where did the rest of me go? I was five, nine; I weighed over a hundred and eight pounds! Where did all that go?" "That's the amazing part," says Hoyt, who unseen by Jasmine has come to stand near her while she was captivated by Cyrus's rant. "The fungal liquid seems to become a part the person placed in it, during the first 30 minutes it's almost as if the body dissolves, becoming almost like a human shaped chrysalis, unneeded mass is shed, or as the case may be, drawn in from the surrounding liquid and in just minutes this new plastic form becomes a new person, whole, healthy and younger. Your ID said you were 26, now I'd say you were more around 22 really, and perfectly formed. By the way I'm still waiting for that thank you from you for my excellent work." As Hoyt says this he runs his hands up and down Jasmine's left leg, Jasmine jumps back from him upsetting the bucket filled with the fungus beside her, spilling it out as she moves away from Hoyt, her right hand lands in the stuff that oozing out, which stops Jasmine in her retreat as her hand sinks in it up to her wrist. "Cut it out Hoyt!" says Cyrus, sounding genuinely cross, "You'll put Jasmine off my offer to join our little troop, and if she does say yes I would hate for her first action to have to be to start a sexual harassment complaint against you, being a witness as I am I could hardly ignore it. I'm thinking the proper redress would be to either give you to Yum-Yum for remodeling, or better yet, once Ms Youngblood has learned the ropes of the Hippodrome let you be her test subject for her first turn!" "Jeez! Just showing I can be a caring person too!" says Hoyt raising both hands and backing off from Jasmine. "Join you?" asks Jasmine. "Seems a reasonable idea," replies Cyrus getting up from her chair and going over to stand on the other side of Jasmine, "after all, while you had that horrid job at that temp agency, Jasmine I'm afraid is unemployed. Now we can help you fake the papers saying that Jasmine has the same degrees in, what was it now? Oh yes. French Literature, with a minor in computing, but you're still going to have to go job hunting, and who wants to do that? Join us in our travels. The pays not so great, but you meet such interesting people." Jasmine's response is to just look open mouthed at Cyrus. "By the way, If you're thinking about going to the police, forget it!" says Hoyt having retreated to stand by his chair after his rejection, "Trust me, no one will believe you, and we're more on the beam then you know, we've got connections and skills and Golda knows more about computers than that crummy little minor gave you and has already hacked into some government data banks making Jasmine real enough to land you in the loony bin if you do." "You're really not helping my cause," says Cyrus tossing a rye look at Hoyt, who shrugs his shoulders and replies with a "what am I suppose to do?" expression of his own. Turning back to Jasmine she continues. "I'm serious Jasmine, come with us, we're changing the world one or two people at a time, you can have a say in that." Looking from Cyrus, and her openly sincere look, to Hoyt and his barely suppressed angry one, Jasmine takes a middle path and decides its time for her to do something. Getting down from the table with a jump, that as the old Jerry would have been no more than a hop, Jasmine lands on the dirt floor under the tent. With her left hand she checks to see if her wallet is still in the waistband of her pants where she had placed in on getting into Sadie's cab. Finding it still there she starts to walk backwards toward the vats and the darkness she had just been brought though to the pool of light where she is now, and the final shattering of her life. As she backs up she looks back and forth between the strange pair before her. "Look," she says the calmness she hears in her tone more surprising to her than the sound of a woman's voice coming out of her, "I'm sure it's a real hoot traveling around the country, and the world? Yeah the world, kidnapping people and turning them into this that and the other thing. Better than anything you can pick up in your local hobby shop I bet! But, no offence mind you, it's not my thing, but you carry on and all, me it's not what I'm looking for, I'm really more?" Then with a quick about face Jasmine sprints into the darkness between the vats to make her escape. And runs straight into a tree, knocked back a few paces with grunt she looks up, and up, to see that it's not a tree that she has run into but the right leg of Mike, who had either been standing in the darkness listening, or just coming up on them. In his left hand he holds a plastic sack, in his right he holds what looks like come kind of blocky club. "Oh crap!" Thinks Jasmine "they're not going to let me go, this ones going to beat me to death with a club, they'll probably stuff me and put me on display as Jo-Jo the girl faced boy or something!" Her mind frozen Jasmine stairs at the thing the giant holds in his right hand, for a moment she thinks about charging in a desperate attempt to get past him, but she knows that even as her old self of Jerry that would have been pointless against this brute. "Sorry, we forget this the last time you were here," says the one they called Mike, sounding more gentle than brutish, holding what he had in his right hand in front of Jasmine where she sees what looks like two wooden blocks with attached straps. "We were so busy I forgot your car needs boosters for you to reach the gas and brakes now, these will be easy to put on." Then he thrusts the plastic sack he holds in his other hand at her. "Sadie felt bad about the rough treatment, so she made you a couple of egg sandwiches and put in an tangerine a

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Techno CultivatorChapter 44 War of the Worlds

The next two months, until the War of the Worlds, passed rather quickly for James. He spent most of his time training his combat and practising forging and alchemy. The incident with the mercenary army spread far and wide, and the tickets that had been bought up for the war of the world started to find their way onto the black market or disappeared from the hands of the smaller factions that had managed to nab one at auction. The two nations of Soel and Hastoel were starting to flare up even...

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Corruption of Worlds

There are many worlds out there. Some are shining examples of science, allowing us to travel between the stars and meet new sentient species. Some worlds are pure magic, and the swords and sorcery of mankind constantly battle monsters that have long gone extinct in the worlds of science. Finally we have worlds almost exactly like yours, except they may hold hidden worlds of magic, are home to aliens from other planets, or be the battleground of superheroes and supervillains. I turn your...

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Gender Role Reversal Many Worlds Inc Part 1

"Oh men have it easy do we?" Brian shouted at his wife as he sat at his vanity table applying his makeup. "Yeah sure," he said sarcastically. "It's great having women stare at you all the time just because of the way I dress. Or how about being wolf whistled on the street on my way to work or getting my bum pinched whenever I go out to a club." He paused catching his breath "For once I would like to have a nice night out with boys without being hit on or anything like that. Brian was...

3 years ago
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Underworld of the Chevaan

Satyra Underworld of the Chevaan Chapter 1 Devil's Bargain Raising her head Satyra shook her head to clear it and flexed her fingersbehind the wooden stocks. For the past two days she had tried to use her magicto free herself, without success. Now she tired again, focusing all her strength,her knowledge, her will, channeling them as she pinpointed her desire to sunderthe metal bands holding her. Nothing happened. Satyra slumped back against the frame in defeat, but almost immediately shesensed...

1 year ago
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When Worlds Collide

When Worlds Collide Deanna Lea (c) 2002 This is a work of fiction, it does contain adult language, which is why I have chosen to give it an "R" rating. If you feel this subject matter is not for you then please find another story to read, or a site to visit. He was full of fear Filled with doubts and no Place to hide. She was free from A burden that really changed her life. On a fateful day at a certain time They were to meet and that's When their...

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Welcome to PornWorld

Warning! This will be an extremely depraved story centered on gooning and porn addiction. This story will focus on endless mind numbing pleasure, and probably won’t have much plot or conflict. Only pleasure and the pursuit of more of it. “Nnggg!” You moan out as you come down from another edge. Your brain is absolute mush as you pump your cock with your Angela White fleshlight and fill your retinas with copious amounts of porn through multiple screens in your vr headset. You’ve been going at...

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South of Bikini Homeworld

South of Bikini Episode 7 "Homeworld" 0800 hours, Ni'ihau, Hawaii, May 8th, 1944 "Good morning, Empress." "Good morning, Corrine." "'Morning, Empress." "Good morning, Jamie." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, Tish." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, already! Oh, et too, Alex?" Allie seemed a little upset this morning as I approached on an intercept. We were both on course for breakfast. As usual, the...

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Three Square MealsChapter 47 They arrive on the Maliri homeworld

John sat on one of the sofas in the Officers’ Lounge, with his feet up on the coffee table, and Alyssa and Calara cuddled up beside him. The other girls were spread out on the adjacent sofas, and they watched the colourful expanse of Maliri Space drift by, through the long windows that flanked the room. “John...” Dana said tentatively, looking over at him from the other sofa, her beautiful face burning with curiosity. “It’s nearly time for bed, have you got something planned for...

1 year ago
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Otherworldly Encounter

It's been a long, stressful day at work; I need to get away. My boss is a prick, annoying coworkers never quieting and Dan, from the cubicle one space over from mine, keeps leering at me with his peering, beady eyes. So, unsurprisingly, I was SUPER exhausted! I clock out and head for the car.After getting in my car and driving aimlessly, I find myself suddenly at the city's lake. I smile, the first time today, remembering all the hot, sunny days spent in this serenity. I shut off the engine,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Otherworldly Encounter

It's been a long, stressful day at work; I need to get away. My boss is a prick, annoying coworkers never quieting and Dan, from the cubicle one space over from mine, keeps leering at me with his peering, beady eyes. So, unsurprisingly, I was SUPER exhausted! I clock out and head for the car.After getting in my car and driving aimlessly, I find myself suddenly at the city's lake. I smile, the first time today, remembering all the hot, sunny days spent in this serenity. I shut off the engine,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Different Worlds

Although they came from the same planet, lived in the same town, and were both Seniors in the same high school, they were from different worlds. Clarissa was a brain. Smart as a whip, turned on by anything scientific or informational. Her favorite activity was learning, and her mind was constantly analyzing her world and how she was living in it. Her grades were good, but not perfect, because she operated above the concept that she needed to prove her intellect to other people, especially a...

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Different Worlds

Although they came from the same planet, lived in the same town, and were both Seniors in the same high school, they were from different worlds. Clarissa was a brain. Smart as a whip, turned on by anything scientific or informational. Her favorite activity was learning, and her mind was constantly analyzing her world and how she was living in it. Her grades were good, but not perfect, because she operated above the concept that she needed to prove her intellect to other people, especially a...

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Small WorldChapter 4

Jones took Jo into a small room and placed her on the bed, and then he left Josephina to deal with her daughter. Jones was feeling hungry and found his way to the kitchen. 'You need to make a broth for yourself and the girl.' Hal advised and Jones began searching the kitchen for ingredients as Hal directed him. With a skill that he didn't know he had Jones quickly diced and sliced the vegetables and then part-cooked the meat. He then drew water from the well outside and poured it into a...

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Jims WorldsChapter 5

Sen. Douglas Mason looked like a zealot as he said, "Of course I'll help! I can't imagine a better way to spend my political life! "We need more people, though. Can I bring in Bill Smith? He's as honest and ethical as you could find in the Senate, besides being from Alabama." "Certainly, bring in Senator Smith and whoever else you think that we can use and trust. Washington will be your responsibility for Trans Worlds Trading; we'll do whatever you suggest. How about getting four or...

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The Underworld

He sat lazily in his black stone chair, his dark brown hair messily combed only so it would stay out of his bright emerald eyes, giving him the appearance of a much younger man. The chill of the Underworld never got to him, he was used to it by now. His eyes drifted closed as he sat there, straining to find some time to sleep in his endless days. Of course that was when the doors to his throne room were thrown open, two of his guards bursting through supporting a young petite blonde between...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 2 Best of Both Worlds

Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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League of Legends Worlds 2019 Chrissy Costanza and

This story happened back at Worlds 2019 (League of Legends Championship) in France. I’ve worked a long time for Riot and then mostly for the light and sound at big events like Worlds and MSI (Mid –Season Invitational) but I was still just 24. Today had to lead the technics for the song Phoenix (The theme song of Worlds 2019) by League of Legends, Cailin Russo and Chrissy Costanza. That morning I drank coffee with the teams if the songs Awaken and True Giants. After the coffee I went to the...

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Friday Afternoon in Parallel Worlds

If the fate exists and there's only one path for you, one choice you are destined to make in your world - then would making a different choice create a new world for you? Or would it have always existed with you in it? The choice you made the only logical one to make? If so - let the choices define you, and let them define the world you live in! Which world will you end up in? One where all the women are naked? One where all man are? One where owning humans is normal, or the one where all...

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Worlds of pleasure

You wake up like an other day but something feels different like your no longer in the same world anymore. You look around and everything looks the same and you don't feel any different. All you can think of the feeling is it must be your imagination. But that feeling that your world has changed has happened and you have arrived in a world of pleasure where sex is the norm. Pleasure takes priority in these worlds where everone is game your mother, father, sister, brother, your friends,...

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When worlds collide the training of John

Arrival John came to he felt fuzzy, he remembered fragments from the night before, a white light, falling, just some terrible dream. His head felt like it was swelling like bad popcorn and cracking out of this skull. "Hay you,hay you", John heard a man's voice. This wasn't his bed he realised. "Huh?" "What's your name?" "John, John Evans" "My name is Richard Shuttleworth. Look we haven't got much time. I know it sounds strange but you've fallen through a rift in space time...

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Girlfriend With Testing Device 10 The Breast of all Worlds

Author's Note: Okay, let's get back into this for reals this time. If you want to see more, I have everything up to chapter 17 (!) posted at and chapter 18 on Warning: The following chapter is rated a sexy R and contains boobs, tits, forbidden fruit, lusty stares, venus envy, handsome ladies, sexy dudes, cheerleaders, stripping, job swaps, crossdressing, makeup, motivational speeches, body swaps, more boobs, jealous friends, amateur pole...

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Naked Girls In Other Worlds

(Cover Art by SINccubi. Check out his art here: The premise is simple: A random woman receives an anonymous invitation to visit and travel a parallel world with one big caveat: They must do so completely naked. However, there are a few ground rules. This is NOT an ENF story. While the lead may be embarrassed to be naked at first, she should let go of her shame over the course of her route, and maybe, learn to enjoy being naked. As a follow up to the previous rule,...

2 years ago
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Small WorldChapter 11

"Everything's arranged. We fly out of Atlanta this Friday and we'll be married Saturday." Michael's announcement was met with broad smiles all around. "And now for a very special surprise," he said, smiling. Jan and Sheila looked at each other, shrugged that neither knew of this surprise, then looked back to the handsome man soon to be their husband. "As you know this ceremony is for us. It has no legal status and we do sort of stand out in a crowd." "Really, I hadn't...

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The Worlds First Futa 05 Futas Public Delight 2 Futas First Naughty Trick

Chapter Two: Futa's First Naughty Trick By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So perhaps before we talk about your interview with Amelia McCreery,” Adelia, the caramel-skinned talk show host, said, “we should give some background on why NBC fired her.” “Right, right,” I said, loving how her hand rested on my knee. I couldn't help but stare at her own thighs, just a hint of my pearly futa-cum squeezed out between them as my seed leaked out of her snatch. I still buzzed from...

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The Worlds First Futa 03 Futas Big Surprise 1 Futas First Hot Surprise

Chapter One: Futa's First Hot Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Let me just touch up your makeup, Madam President,” the young man said, his black hair spiked up along the top and buzzed short on the side, a thick, gold hoop dangling from his left ear. I sat still on the couch before the live studio audience, my heart thudding. The ache in my futa-dick, tenting the front of my tight skirt, eased as the man rubbed liquid foundation on my face, thicker than what I...

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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 12

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

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Small WorldChapter 5

At breakfast the next morning Jan tried talking with Tim, but he obviously was still angry, ate his breakfast in silence and left without kissing her. Later that morning he phoned. At first Jan thought he might be wanting to make up, but instead he rather formally announced that, because the analyst who was scheduled to go, had had a death in the family, he had been asked, at the last minute, to attend a three day conference in St. Louis. His plane would be leaving that evening and he would...

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2 Beneath Orion Worlds Apart 01

Book Two — ‘Beneath Orion, Worlds Apart: The Diary of an Underdog’ — will continue with the main characters from Book One. However I cannot emphasize enough how different Book Two will be from Book One. With exception of a flashback or two, be warned that the high school phase is over, so if that’s why you started reading, you may want to end your reading experience with Book One. Please consider carefully if you are willing to continue reading about where Luke and Kaylee go from here. This...

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Best of Both Worlds

THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS I guess it all started about three years ago when my company sent me to Sydney, Australia, on an extended posting. I work in the mining industry and whilst I had previously visited Perth, this was my first time in Sydney. I have worked for my company, TransWorld Mining, for about twenty five years and am now in my middle 40's. If I am honest I have to acknowledge that my career peaked some time ago. I am no longer "up and coming", but, fortunately, neither am...

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Gender Role Reversal Many Worlds Inc Part 3

"Babe?" Jessica asked looking up from her steak and saw her fianc?e lost in thought. "Is something wrong?" Brian realising that Jessica was talking to him, shook his head. "Oh no honey. I was just thinking about a conversation I had last night with my friends." Jessica looked puzzled "Oh?" She asked. "Do you remember the argument we had last night before I went out?" Jessica nodded wondering where this was going. "Do you remember how you didn't think that we'd ever be able to understand e...

2 years ago
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The Best of Both Worlds

THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS A short story by Tamsyn A crossdresser wakes to find himself tied and gagged and at the mercy of a masked sadist. But is everything as it seems? The sound of laughter, the clink of glasses, soft music... Slowly I came to, consciousness returning to my befuddled brain. It was like trying to claw my way out from under a heavy tarpaulin or a rockfall. I opened my eyes. It was dark, pitch black, but the room still seemed to swim in front of me. Had I...

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The Worlds First Futa 05 Futas Public Delights 1 Futas First Wild Ride

Chapter One: Futa's First Wild Ride By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 Before the cheering studio audience, the host interviewing about my life for the last hour, was lost to her lusts. The sexy, caramel-skinned Amelia, pushed me down on the couch we were sitting upon. I didn't fight her, my futa-dick throbbing so hard against my dress. “Oh, Becky,” she groaned, her perfectly coiffed, brown hair spilling about the wild passion of her features. She had that delightful,...

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The Worlds First Futa 04 Futas College Cheer 2 Futas First Naughty Pep Talk

Chapter Two: Futa's First Naughty Pep Talk By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “September 15th, 2018 was a memorable game in NCAA college football history,” Adelia, the caramel-skinned talk show host, said. She sat beside me on the interview couch, the studio audience watching on with breathless anticipation. “It was the first time an act of futa-sex was broadcast on any national television signal, whether here in the United States, or across the world.” I smiled,...

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Between Two Worlds

So I live two lives, both in Georgia. One in the twenty-first century, where I’m Mr. Politically Correct, rubbing shoulders with all races, colours, creeds and sexual persuasions; and one in the nineteenth century, where I am - like almost all moneyed white gentlemen - a slave owner.I discovered the ability to step between the worlds when I was but a teen. The first time was an instinctive flight response to a threat (a mugger). It took me some time to figure out what had happened, and even...

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Walker Between the WorldsChapter 17

Angels Camp may have been the place I'd picked to hide out on Earth, but it was Boston that I seemed to keep returning to, and not just because Chris was nearby, though that was a nice bonus, at least for now. McKesson Industries owned a variety of properties in the area, from office buildings to high rise apartments and residential homes all the way down to a good number of empty lots. I finally picked a beach front condo apartment in Dorchester Heights. I'd spent the past two days...

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Walker Between the WorldsChapter 21

It's misleading at best and just outright wrong at worst, to think of the facets that exist around us as if they were simply an infinite, three dimensional honeycomb of connected facets. Using this analogy of an infinite honeycomb, you could easily think of every cell of the honeycomb as being at the center of an infinite universe, and for practical purposes, there is some value in this way of looking at it. For most of those who travel the facets, the image of where they are and where...

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The Mosaic World

I wrote this story largely as an excuse to play around with both virtual reality and multiple genres in one story. I don't think that it's one of my better stories, but I had fun writing it and hope that you find it amusing. The Mosaic World By Morpheus I paused in front of the gates of Virtutech Industries, frowning deeply as I did so. It certainly wasn't the first time that I'd stood there since it was the same place that I'd worked for the last two years, but this time was...

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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 03 Futas First Taboo Pleasure Chapter 3 Rebeccas Bondage Surprise

Chapter Three: Rebecca's Bondage Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 October 14th, 2041 – Rebecca Miller My stomach clenched while ice seemed to spill down my spine. Everyone else at the breakfast table, my half-sister, my mother, Anya, and Ramona were oblivious to what Lizzie had just sent me. Lizzie, a black-haired girl of eighteen, had a grin on her face as she held her phone. She, along with Anya and Ramona, was my sister's friends. They had spent the night to celebrate Brita...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 6 Futas First Naughty Soulmate

Chapter Six: Futa's First Naughty Soulmate By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “As we bring our retrospective look on the life of President Becky Woodward to a close,” Adelia said, staring into the central of three cameras filming us for the stream of her talk show, “I think we should end it on what, and I think Becky would agree, was the most pivotal moment in her life. We've all gotten glimpses of it these last few years, but let's hear it in her own words.” “Thanks,” I...

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The Worlds First Futa 10 Futas Wicked Campaign Chapter 3 Futas First Wild Debate

Chapter Three: Futa's First Wild Debate By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So it's the Saturday before the election,” Adelia said, the caramel-skinned talk show host who was interviewing me, “and you're finally included in the final presidential debate.” “Yep,” I said, shaking my head in disgust. “The Republicans and Democrats were both sweating. They felt the heat of my campaign. They didn't want me out on stage, didn't want to give me more of a platform, but they...

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The Worlds First Futa 06 Futas Beauty Pageant 3 Futas First Naughty Award

Chapter Three: Futa's First Naughty Award By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So I think everyone in the audience and watching live around the world is interested in who won, Becky,” Adelia, the talk show host interviewing me, asked. “Which one of the three finalists impressed you the most?” “Well, it wasn't an easy decision,” I said. “All three of them blew me away with their talent portion of the contests. They were all so eager to win and be crowned Ms. Bred 2019. Their...

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The Worlds First Futa 06 Futas Beauty Pageant 1 Futas First Naughty Pageant

Chapter One: Futa's First Naughty Pageant By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Welcome back to our celebration of President Becky Woodward's forty-eight birthday,” Adelia said as she sat beside me on the small couch. We were over an hour into our interview, streamed live across the internet to the world, and so much naughty fun had happened. I still buzzed from fucking my young wife, Sharron, up the ass with my futa-cock before we took the last commercial break. My pregnant...

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The Worlds First Futa 05 Futas Public Delight 3 Futas First Naughty Live Interview

Chapter Three: Futa's First Naughty Live Interview By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So I have a question for you, Becky,” Adelia said, her hand stroking my thigh with such a familiar fashion, “and I am sure all our viewers and in-studio audience are wondering the same thing.” “Shoot,” I said, my clit-dick aching beneath my skirt. I felt the eyes of the world on me at this exact moment even though Adelia leaned her caramel-hued face closer to me, invoking an intimacy...

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The Worlds First Futa 04 Futas College Cheer 3 Futas First Wild Cheer

Chapter Three: Futa's First Wild Cheer By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 My wife was such a distraction as I tried to focus on telling my story. She stood just offstage, the young, pregnant beauty grinning at me as she swiped up my futa-cum leaking down her thighs from beneath her skirt. During the last commercial break—before I started talking about being a cheerleader to the studio audience,and the world watching the show streamed over the internet—she fucked me to help...

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The Worlds First Futa 04 Futas College Cheer 1 Futas First Naughty Practice

Chapter One: Futa's First Naughty Practice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 The moment the talk show went to commercial break, my young wife, Sharron, bustled out from backstage already hiking up her skirt. She still held my panties in her hand, having stolen them from me two breaks ago, leaving my futa-cock to tent my skirt. “Two minutes,” the producer said, a young man with his hair dyed and spiked. “I'll get her off in two minutes,” Sharron said, her...

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The Worlds First Futa 03 Futas Big Surprise 3 Futas First Naughty Sorority Party

Chapter Three: Futa's First Naughty Sorority Party By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “How interesting,” Adelia, the caramel-skinned host of the talk show, said. She was interviewing me on my forty-eighth birthday, delving into my life story as the world's first futa. “And I think we all know why a sorority was calling you.” I grinned at her while a titter ran through the watching audience. They were dark shadows to me thanks to the stage lights shining down on us. But I...

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The Worlds First Futa 02 Futas Wild Day Chapter 1 Futas First Teacher

Chapter One: Futa's First Teacher By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 My young wife, only twenty-three years old compared to my forty-eight, sucked on my futa-dick with such hunger. Her blue eyes stared up at me with such love in them. Her strawberry-blonde hair fell about her fair cheeks, rosy with her excitement. She wiggled her ass, clad in her tight skirt and pointed at the watching studio audience. I could feel the excitement bursting through the audience. I...

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Aliens and CowboysWorld Peace Initiative

Back on the Poseidon and ready to return to Earth, Mark could tell something was bothering Rayven. Figuring it was because he had left her on the ship today, he apologized for not taking her to the surface. Rayven just hugged him and said that wasn’t what was upsetting her, as she started describing the call she just had with Annabelle less than an hour ago, “There had been a situation at the Port of Atlantis with a couple going through security. The man went through security first and, as...

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2088 Its a Sissy World

2088: It's a Sissy World Charles Pauline - Data Processor Cindy Pauline - Charles' wife Ms. Miriam Jensdotter - Charles' Boss James Marie - Charles' work friend Ms. Marysdau - James' boss Creampuff - A Sissy Store Worker Babykins - A Sissy Store Worker Suzi - The Sissy Store Owner Butterscotch - Creampuff's Roommate Supervisor Gabriellez - Creampuff's Apartment Supervisor Janice and Roger - Passengers on the Looper Ms. Hardcastle - Milking Salon Director Nurse Hamilton - Milking...

1 year ago
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Small WorldChapter 2

Jones awoke to Reveille; he got up and ran to the parade area for his morning calisthenics, running through the routines without thinking. 'Relax Scout, concentrate on the languages I'm passing to you and I'll control the body.' Hal said All too soon Jones found that he had a new set of languages in his mind, he was amazed as he couldn't even understand class-room French, an order was barked in one of the languages. "Attand soldat, sprak aut." It said and Jones understood it to mean...

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Underworld Eternal Kiss

Disclaimer: I am not the owner of the Underworld Franchise and am in no way making profit from this piece of Fiction AN: This story is dedicated to my Good friend Kayleigh in celebration of her 18th Birthday. Eternal Kiss ‘Who started the War?’ Michael finally asked, breaking the uneasy silence that he and the Vampiress had been sharing for little over an hour as he looked from the silver plated torture instruments that rested on the tray beside him. An almost forgotten warmth begging to...

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Forever in the Underworld chapter VI

The first feelings of doubt have entered my mind. I have never felt this before. My life is miserable, but I have never regretted my decisions before. Why does this come to me now? What has triggered these emotions? I cannot find the answer. Stilling the hunger has become my only relief on these dark nights. I think of her every day. Even the wonders of the forest cannot hold my attention for long. I see a crowned elk reach for the dark needles of a pine. A loon moans through the dancing mist...

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Forever in the Underworld chapter V

I carefully place a branch of white blackberry flowers in his hair. “I am so sorry to have done this to you.” Tears flow freely from my eyes. They are not the sorrowful tears of a lost love, but tears of despair and regret. The fragile, bony carcass of my lover is lying before me. I knew this was bound to happen, but still I drove this poor boy into a torturous existence that could only be relieved by death. I don’t even know his name. Shouts and screams are closing in the distance, and I...


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