Dominating Miss Davenshaw
- 2 years ago
- 29
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‘Good morning, Miss Davenshaw.’
She halted in her stride momentarily. She was somehow aware of her nipples tingling under her bra, and of what could only be described as a faint tingling between her perfectly toned legs. Her breath caught,
‘Uh…good morning, Edmund,’ she replied.
The faint quiver in her normally confident, authoritative voice would have been missed by most but he was glad to detect this ever so subtle sign that the hypnosis still had an effect on her. This was a deeper set, more long term effect besides the short term effect of last night. Edmund couldn’t help grinning at the memory of that, a memory that was, for now of course, denied to his beautiful boss.
Miss Davenshaw meanwhile tried to reconcile the annoyance of his smirk with the fact that she was, somehow, and despite herself, aroused by the sound of his voice. The possibility that he might even be aware of this effect that he was having on her only irritated her further. She resolved to give nothing way. She’d been involved in high level business negotiations for longer than many would have thought possible for a woman in her mid-thirties. This was no different. She decided to reassert herself,
‘Edmund, have the report for the forthcoming trip to Zurich on my desk by noon if you would.’
Her tone made it clear who the boss was.
‘Of course, Miss Davenshaw.’
Satisfied that she had received the professional respect that was her due, she regained her composure and strode off. Edmund watched in admiration as her heels clipped their way tersely across the thin carpet, her pert behind evident yet perfectly respectable in her sharp knee length skirt. He stirred at the memory of last night. Miss Davenshaw would be the best prize yet.
‘Of course Miss Davenshaw.’
She was of course aware of his eyes behind her. She was so used to admiring looks from men as she passed them and left them for dead that sometimes it barely registered. This time, however, she was very conscious of his gaze. Normally, she would have turned around and shot him a cool glance, a common tactic she used for deterring predators or competition in this cut throat jungle of London’s financial district. But this time, she didn’t. His voice seemed somehow to be permeating her mind, getting inside her head, putting her off. What was going on? Almost imperceptibly she quickened her pace just a little.
She tried to use the morning’s business to focus herself. A few phone calls, an email, a couple of incompetent subordinates in need of a dressing down. But no matter how busy she made herself she found her eyes being drawn more and more frequently to the clock, and for midday. She didn’t want to admit, not even to herself, that Edmund was beginning to have an effect on her. He’d been with the company just six months and though he seemed reasonably ok and competent she didn’t see him as particularly head turning. He was a bit quiet, nobody too remarkable. So…why?
She shook her head, snap out of it, focus! What? It was gone 12 already. He’s here. I sense his voice. She must wear what!? Yes, Master I am your slave. Who does he think he is? Yes, I will only be aware when Master tells me to snap out of it…
‘With respect, snap out of it, Miss Davenshaw.’
It wasn’t the insubordinate tone that shocked her. As a woman at the top in this male heavy, aggressive world, she’d learned to deal with that pretty effectively. What shocked her was that she was wearing somewhat different clothes to the ones she’d come to work in. Gone was the sharp power suit and high heeled business shoes. They had been replaced by a tight leather jacket that barely covered her chest. A peephole bra offered scant protection to her thrust out breasts while the skirt she now wore was considerably more mini and significantly tighter than the one she’d worn this morning. Knee high, high heeled boots completed the picture.
‘Oh my god, I look like a slut.’
But that was not the worst of it. She was standing at the head of the table. Addressing the senior staff! She was uncomfortably aware of their leering grins. The sleazy thoughts of the eight men around the table were evident on their lecherous faces. Edmund, Luis, Daniel all looking at her, not as their boss, but as a piece of flesh. The professional respect that she’d fought so hard to get from them was, of course, nowhere to be seen. They looked at her exactly in the same way they must look at those strippers, call girls, and other professional (and not so professional) women that she frequently overheard them talk about.
‘I…I…er…’, she began to flush.
She felt so helpless, so exposed in front of these men. For once, they sensed weakness. Her normally rock solid confidence was beginning to totter in the same way that her whole body was beginning to totter in those ridiculously high heeled, fuck me, slut boots. She could see Luis, the worst of them, literally lick his lips in sleazy anticipation. She sensed water forming in her normally ice cool blue eyes.
Oddly enough, Edmund came to the rescue.
‘Well, it’s clear that none of our minds are completely focused on the Zurich trip right now,’ he said with somewhat sardonic understatement. ‘Shall we reconvene again at 4?’
Gratefully, she took the lifeline offered her. Mustering what composure and confidence she could, she pathetically pulled the leather jacket around her, awkwardly adjusted the tight leather skirt and sashayed ridiculously out of the room. The heels seemed to cause her breasts to bounce and her behind to wriggle provocatively. To make things worse she had to run the gauntlet of the whole of the long table to leave the room. As she left the room, low wolf whistles were replaced by increasingly loud laughter. Looking back through the transparent windows of the conference room she could see them all laughing and talking. She couldn’t help noticing that many of them were coming up to Edmund, shaking his hand, slapping him on the back..
Back in the office, she allowed herself a few sobs but quickly composed herself as she heard May, her PA enter the office. It was obvious that May knew what had happened. The mixture of awkwardness and disappointment that her assistant felt was obvious on her face. She’d always admired her boss for the way she’d risen to the top and looked after herself in this testosterone charged world. How could she cheapen, degrade and humiliate herself in front of them like this? This was more than just some wardrobe malfunction.
‘Can I get you anything, Miss Davenshaw.?’
‘No, no thanks May.’ Miss Davenshaw pretended to be looking in a file, anything to avoid eye contact. ‘Could you give me a minute?’
Miss Davenshaw had noticed that her tears had a reddish tinge to them. Looking in her mirror she could see that her fine face had been marred by too much rouge and eyeliner while bright red lipstick seemed to scream ‘blow job’ to anyone who looked at her mouth. This fresh revelation caused anger, no fury, to well up within her where it merged with an equally strong feeling of humiliation and a catastrophic loss of confidence. Trapped in a moment of helpless indecision she raged around the point that much as she yearned to do something about this, she seemed, for the first time in a very long time, to lack the confidence to do it. Nevertheless, although she had just been humiliated, she had not been broken. She would find out and get payment for this. Her eyes welled but the tears broke against the wall of her inner strength.
After an hour of frustration and torment, she received a message from Edmund. The email read,
‘Coming up to your office now.’
Quite a presumptious way to address your CEO! But, after this morning’s events, it was, she painfully acknowledged, somewhat inevitable. Hmm, Edmund. He was the last person
she saw before that humiliating meeting, wasn’t he? It was clear something was not right, and she had a feeling it was something to do with him.
As she waited for him, she realised to her horror that she had not yet changed back into her normal clothes! How the hell had she forgotten to do that? She didn’t even want to think about the possible answers to that question. In horror, she realised she would look ridiculous confronting him like this. Meanwhile, she juggled the ferocious instinct to kill him on the spot with the need to find out what had happened to her. What he had, she was sure of this now, somehow done to her. She had even considered trying to remain calm in the interests of finding out the latter but when he just swaggered into her office without even knocking, as if he owned the place, her fury got the better of her.
The slap was hard and took him by surprise.
The second slap was less surprising but was even harder.
‘You bastard what have you done? I know it’s you!’
The anger and strength in her blue eyes was beautiful. To capture it, to harness it would be worth a million such slaps. He stared back into those eyes with their incredible mix of female power and vulnerability.
‘You know what’s me?’
‘Don’t give me that bullshit. You’re fired you understand. Fired!’
‘You can’t fire me.’
‘I can and I have. You will tell me what you have done and then being fired will be the least of your worries.’
‘You cannot fire me, Miss Davenshaw. How can a slave fire her Master?’
Edmund savoured the sight as her strong blue eyes glazed over, rather like a thin sheet of fine ice covering an azure blue pool. Her anger and resistance were still visible but seemingly trapped in their icy prison. Her blonde head lolled forward as her fine lips parted ever so slightly. She stood there motionless as if her stiletto heels were somehow fixed to the ground. Edmund took a moment to appreciate the sight of this beautiful, blonde Goddess falling under his hypnotic power yet again.
‘Very well slave. You will soon begin to find out what I have done to you. But first you must remember your lessons. What are they?’
It sounded like a completely different Miss Davenshaw. From within her she said,
‘I am your slave. You are my Master. Your voice arouses me. Obedience brings me pleasure.’
He looked for that invisible flicker of resistance in her transfixed eyes. It was enough to just sense that it was there at the bottom of the deep hypnotic pool he had immersed her in.
‘Yes, good girl. And my voice is arousing you now, isn’t it? In fact, it has been arousing you bit by bit, more and more, since we first met this morning.’
Rooted, immobile to the spot, Miss Davanshaw’s enthralled body began to feel incredible waves of arousal pulse through its insides. Involuntary, pleading moans emitted from her helpless lips.
‘I know you want to touch yourself slave. You may beg for permission.’
Meekly, helplessly, desperately, Miss Davenshaw dropped to her knees. Edmund couldn’t help but marvel at this incredible power which had turned such a strong woman into a desperate, pleading, grovelling slave.
‘Very well slave.’
Miss Davenshaw moaned from within an incredible mix of frustration and pleasure. Edmund felt himself stir further as he saw her run her hands over her firm breasts and taut nipples. He watched as her hands detected the growing dampness between her legs.
‘But, as you now know, slave. Only obedience can give you true pleasure,’
God, his voice was arousing her so much! It seemed to spring up from within her own mind and course through her whole body. Yes, obedience! Master please, give me a command to obey! She desperately wanted to scream it out but at the same time couldn’t bear the thought of doing so. She both desperately yearned for it, and was horrified at the thought of doing it. It both defined her very being, and made her hate herself at the same time.
He saw this battle play out in her keen, strong, intelligent, and yet deeply hypnotized eyes. At his command she crawled over to him, her behind sticking up in its tight skirt.
‘Now, slave, a small addition to your wardrobe.’
He attached a thin, black collar around her neck. He manipulated it just enough to show her that he could make it very tight indeed before going down a notch. She could still breathe comfortably, just about, as he fastened it. He noticed a flicker of anger, or defiance, flare up in her eyes as he then produced a lead and fastened it to the collar. Miss Davenshaw was overwhelmed by an unmanageable mix of emotions. Of anger, of indignation, of humiliation, of helplessness, of defiance, of shame, but also of growing submission and arousal. The lead wasn’t particularly strong, but it didn’t need to be. They both knew it was merely symbolic of the growing mental chains which he had entrapped her in.
‘You are my bitch,’ he tugged on her leash.
‘I…am…your…bitch,’ he smiled wickedly as she tried, and failed, to resist his power.
‘Would you like to go out for a walk, bitch?’
Out here? That would make her earlier humiliation seem like nothing. Led around on all fours, in these slutty clothes at the end of this leash? In front of everyone! She could never show her face here again. He tugged her again. Tears began to form, she hated herself for letting him see them. No! No! Her eyes desperately pleaded. But she knew that she would be helpless to resist his command if he so gave it. After a nanosecond of helpless resistance, her blonde head bowed in meek submission. He pulled her towards the door, her eyes looked beautiful.
His hand paused on the door handle. Her heart was in her mouth. She was completely at his mercy. Dependent on his whims.
‘Perhaps, slave, you are not quite ready for that. But I am glad to see that you were ready to obey. Obedience brings pleasure.’
‘Yes, Master.’
She was sobbing quite openly now. She was ashamed but couldn’t help it. Despite herself, she found herself beginning to feel gratitude to her tormentor for saving her this latest humiliation. Looking into her eyes he could tell that he had successfully taken her down the next step to complete enslavement, where eventually she would grovel not just in fear, or through his hypnotic spell, but in gratitude. The tears trickling down her cheeks showed that he had made cracks in her defensive wall but that he also hadn’t broken her entirely yet. No matter. He didn’t want to break her yet. He savoured the challenge, the long process of enslaving such a beautiful, strong and intelligent woman. He’d admired her since the day he first met her. Eventually, she would be his completely.
Meanwhile, somewhat baser thoughts were swelling up at the front of his trousers. Pointing down at them he suggested that she knew how to show her gratitude for him sparing her the humiliation of a walk outside. Still showing signs of hesitation and resistance, but also this time of a kind of keenness, she unzipped him and began to suck and lick his erect cock. As he spoke, she found herself getting more and more aroused, like a bitch now conditioned to her Master’s voice. Following his instructions she couldn’t help but find herself feeling more and more pleasure in her own body as her lips, mouth, and then throat worshipped his throbbing manhood. She was very wet now and juice began to run down her thighs. Sensing this, he commanded her to stop and withdrew, his own cock twitching in excitement.
‘Would you like me to enter you slave?’
‘Yes. Yes, Master. Yes, please,’ The words were alien to her as she heard them yet also seemed to define her very being.
‘One day, slave, when you learn complete obedience, I will give you that complete pleasure,’
‘Yes, thank you, Master’
‘But now you will have to make do with a smaller reward.’
‘Yes, Master,’ she moaned in desperation.
Pulling her towards him on her leash he roughly tilted her face up to him. Staring up into his eyes from down on her knees she was commanded to suck again until he told her to stop. The sight of her desperate eyes both helplessly defiant and submissively eager to please, a combination only possible under hypnosis, brought him near climax. As her lips and tongue performed for him he withdrew. Twisting her leash around his hand he exploded onto her face. His jism ran down her face in rivulets as she knelt there totally humiliated. Sated, he then commanded her to lick and suck him clean.
‘Good girl.’
Despite her state and to her shame she found herself pleased to have been praised by him. Strangely, despite her repressed anger she felt somehow satisfied that she had pleased him. He enjoyed the sight of her kneeling there, his cum still on her face.
‘Now, Miss Davenshaw, your Master is leaving. When you hear the door close behind me you will awaken from this trance. You will have no clear memory of what has happened while you have been hypnotized but you will continue to feel aroused by the sound of my voice and aroused at the very thought of me. You will also continue to associate your obedience with your own pleasure.’
‘Yes, Master.’
Satisfied, Edmund left. Miss Davenshaw continued to kneel.
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Little Sis Pays the Price By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Clint Elliston I had my queen and my concubine perched on my naked thighs, both girls nude, their pussies hot and juicy on my flesh as they squirmed, their arms around my neck, and their breasts thrust right into my face. Both of their nipples were hard and beading with that creamy treat—breast milk. They were the first mothers of my...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Older Sister's Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Carmelita Campo Such rage surged through me at my little sister. That fucking dyke-slut thought she could set me up. That she could get that asshole Clint and his skanks to film me, make it look like I was raping my sister instead of putting the little lesbian-whore in her place. I knew she wanted to lick my pussy. Like all the other...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Sister Submission By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Carmelita Campo The tears wouldn't stop coming. Everything was all so screwed up. I was screwed up. I should have loved fucking Clint's dick. Or at least wanted to do it more than licking my sister's, or another girl's, pussy. I was straight. I had to be. My sister stalked off, my cheek stinging from her slap, from the disappointment in...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Big Sis's Humiliating Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Carmelita Campo The dildo stretched out my pussy, my flesh spasming about it. I groaned and gasped, my wrists twisting in the handcuffs, my asshole clenching down on the invading butt-plug. I shuddered, groaning, gasping, my lips stained with pussy. Zoey's pussy. My little sister's pussy. Alicia's. I had eaten so much pussy...
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Hello all, Firstly thanks for all my readers for giving great response to my previous story,received great feedback from many readers and now I am going to post my second incident, hope you like it and give me a great response again. About me – I am a decent, good looking, educated bisexual(versatile switch) guy from Mumbai.I like to have fun with couples and women and enjoy with them. So I was just surfing on internet watching porn and reading stories on iss , I use to watch master/slave...
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Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Carmelita Campo The dildo stretched out my pussy, my flesh spasming about it. I groaned and gasped, my wrists twisting in the handcuffs, my asshole clenching down on the invading butt-plug. I shuddered, groaning, gasping, my lips stained with pussy. Zoey’s pussy. My little sister’s pussy. Alicia’s. I had eaten so much pussy today. I hated how much I liked it. I shouldn’t like it. I wasn’t gay. I wasn’t. But my bitch of a little sister and that...
As usual these are stories and the belief in the truth is up to the reader. These are in first person and UN Edited. They are all also copyrighted to the writer and not to be changed without the writer's written permission. I was in the third day of a 5 day leave, and had just tumbled into my cot drunk as hell with all the rice wine we had been drinking at Chung's village. I dozed off into a drunken haze about dawn and was asleep when someone started knocking or should I say pounding on my...
Copyright 2003 This is two stories as told to me by Charlene. One of the most amazing things that has ever happened to me when I was 18 and went on a boat, not a big one, it held about 6 people. I was with my friend, Amy and her 45-year old father, Michael. I look back now and what I really knew I liked was being dominated. It turned out that the propeller on the boat broke as we were heading off to this island about 2 hours from where I lived. We ended up going very slowly to the island, it...
Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Carmelita Campo Such rage surged through me at my little sister. That fucking dyke-slut thought she could set me up. That she could get that asshole Clint and his skanks to film me, make it look like I was raping my sister instead of putting the little lesbian-whore in her place. I knew she wanted to lick my pussy. Like all the other lesbians I had humiliated over the years, dominating them, making them eat my cunt. I was just giving them what...
One of the most amazing things that has ever happened to me when I was 18 and went on a boat, not a big one, it held about 6 people. I was with my friend, Amy and her 45-year old father, Michael. I look back now and what I really knew I liked was being dominated. It turned out that the propeller on the boat broke as we were heading off to this island about 2 hours from where I lived. We ended up going very slowly to the island, it taking us over three times as long to reach our destination....
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Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Carmelita Campo The tears wouldn’t stop coming. Everything was all so screwed up. I was screwed up. I should have loved fucking Clint’s dick. Or at least wanted to do it more than licking my sister’s, or another girl’s, pussy. I was straight. I had to be. My sister stalked off, my cheek stinging from her slap, from the disappointment in her words. Disappointment. She ... wanted me to admit I liked licking pussy and hated sucking cock. Clint’s...
This particular story is graphic so be warned!! All disclaimers apply so it is up to the reader to decide what is real and what is false. Names as well as regions and topographical locations have been changed to suit the story. This is told in first person and UN EDITED. I was sitting in the Captains office watching as the orderlies poured our coffee. The Captain hadn't said a word since the runner had brought me in. I was beginning to wonder what was going on since the Captain had always...
I woke up with someone pounding on my hooch door. This is getting old I thought to myself. We were supposed to be on a three day break between missions. When I answered there was an MP standing there and I immediately recognized him as working for the Captain running his errands. "Sarge, Chung is at the gate and asked to talk to you. I tried to tell him you were still sleeping, but he said it was important." "Ok, tell him I am on my way." He left and I started getting dressed. I...
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This morning I woke up with a tingling feeling on my dick , I opened my eyes to see my sister-in-law Tania sucking my cock , she was just 19 , short hair , fair , and small but growing boobs , with a nice ass , I don’t remember fucking her last night at least , but now she was sucking my cock , I was hard , my 6.5 inch cock was pointing right in her face as she began licking it and sucking it , I got up and she smiled at me , I instantly pulled her hair and made her suck me deeper and harder ,...
I have another profile but i cannot post under it...So a young hot asian couple from ny messaged me about dominating the wife infront of her husband.. I had this hot young asian couple message me here on xhamster based on another profile's comments and videos.. i told this smoking hot asian to email me photos herself in all types of poses, ass spread, inside pussy, wet pussy, on the toilet, and anything i could think of to see if she'd be my sub. he was 5'6" 105 lbs small b's zero fat and...
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This morning I woke up with a tingling feeling on my dick , I opened my eyes to see my sister-in-law Tania sucking my cock , she was just 19 , short hair , fair , and small but growing boobs , with a nice ass , I don’t remember fucking her last night at least , but now she was sucking my cock , I was hard , my 6.5 inch cock was pointing right in her face as she began licking it and sucking it , I got up and she smiled at me , I instantly pulled her hair and made her suck me deeper and harder ,...
We were still sitting in the chow hall and Chung was again teasing Gunny who was giving him hell. The conversation broke off as the Cookie approached our table looking for me. "Sarge, the Captain just called and he wants you to report to his office ASAP." "Ok Cookie thanks." I told Gunny and Chung I would meet them back at the armory as soon as I was done and maybe I might have some more information for us. I double timed it over to command and was surprised to see two MP's on duty....
I was sitting in the Captain's outer office waiting to see why I had been called in so soon after debriefing. I was half asleep after a hard ten day jaunt into Laos where we were chased by VC patrols almost from the time we were dropped off. I had just sent the team back to the village to unwind and get some sleep and was on my way back to my hooch when an MP had picked me up saying the Captain had sent him to catch me before I went to sleep. Although this was strange I was too damned weary...
Note to Readers: A lot of the facts in this one are true and also a lot of what is described actually happened. The VC were cruel and hated the hill tribes with a passion. ARVN troops were almost as bad as the VC and it created a lot of tension with the teams working in the bush. LZ Hardtimes was a firebase and thus the VC gave it hell every chance they got to do so. I had just come out from putting on my camo's to go back to my hooch when the tail end of a conversation between Chief and...
It came as a big surprise the following Friday when my girlfriend Jane and I came in late and heard some moaning from both Missy and her date when we came home the following Friday night. Missy was our roommate. She was a petite little redhead, with a cute round face, small, lovely breasts and a bottom which set a standard for female backsides everywhere. Cute as button, and hot as a firecracker Missy had a date anytime she wanted. But for all her dating she hadn't ever brought a guy home...
Exhibitionism(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Sister-Slave's Domination By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Carmelita Campo The vibrator died in my pussy. I shuddered, moaned, the rapture still rippling through me. My every breath was full of the scent of piss. That acrid reek. So much pee. It covered every bit of my body, soaked my hair, drenched my pussy. I tasted it in my mouth, felt it in my stomach. I hated how hard I had cum as Clint and...
Note: The conversations were in Tamil, but translated to English to cater to a larger readership. Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve always wanted to dominate a woman. Just the thought of getting a woman between my legs (forced or otherwise) and having my way with her used to arouse me to no end. But, given the fact that I grew up in an overpopulated country, my desires remained a fantasy. My luck took a positive turn when I finished my MBA and got a job in a company in Chennai. To tell you a...
My life in high school changed a lot, for the better I might add. I was very active in Jiu-Jitsu and was losing a lot of excess weight while attractively toning my muscles. I gained more confidence in myself and was finally starting to fit into groups of friends. The summer before freshman year, I met my future husband, Ryan, and we flirted back and forth like crazy. He was the sweetest guy I had ever met and I wished upon all the stars in the sky that he liked me as much as I liked him. He...
Adam - (myself) 23years. 7” long dick, 7” girth. It had been a few days since I broke Sam in. After that night I moved back in with her. The other housemates were surprised, but we played it off. There wasn’t anything Sam could do anyway. She knew her place and regardless I blackmailed her to silence with the video and pictures. I had been letting her ass and cunt heal up since that night but was getting very restless. Yesterday I rearranged the furniture in her room so I could install a...
Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Carmelita Campo The vibrator died in my pussy. I shuddered, moaned, the rapture still rippling through me. My every breath was full of the scent of piss. That acrid reek. So much pee. It covered every bit of my body, soaked my hair, drenched my pussy. I tasted it in my mouth, felt it in my stomach. I hated how hard I had cum as Clint and his degenerate harem had urinated on me. And I hated that huge smirk on my Mi ... little sister’s face as...
When Chung walked up to the jeep he was still laughing at me and Jenkins. "Sarge, you have problems, first you shoot at big mouth and no hit. Now you make team doctor mad, better hope you no get wounded or he might sew something in wrong place. You need get drunk and relax." "I don't think so my friend. This whole mission is getting too big and complex for me. Come, let us walk and I will explain what is going on." While we walked around the village I was explaining to Chung all that...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Six: Daughter's Ultimate Submission By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Such pride surged through me as Daddy led us out of the massage parlor, his hands clutching our leashes. Every time he tugged on it, my clit flared with pleasurable pain. The black leash clipped onto the thick, gold ring pierced through my bud and nestled between my folds of my snatch. Proof that I was Daddy's sex...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Humiliating Big Sis By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Juana Campo The collar jingled about Carmelita's neck as she walked through the cafeteria, heading away from my side. My obedient sister-slave strutted, her tight skirt gripping her curvy ass. Dark-brown hair bounced about her shoulders. Students glanced at her, boys with hungry eyes. Maybe I'd sell her ass to a few of the boys. My lezzie...
He always had sick depraved sexual thoughts. He always wanted to dominate some high class stuck up bitch and treat her like the whore she was. It all started with his boss.She was very beautiful. She was tall about 5'7 and had the perfect body. She was about 140lbs and had milky white skin.Her hair was a beautiful shade of red hair and blue eyes,it was the perfect combination,but she always thought she was better than him just because she was rich. He wanted to teach her a...
He always had sick depraved sexual thoughts. He always wanted to dominate some high class stuck up bitch and treat her like the whore she was. It all started with his boss.She was very beautiful. She was tall about 5'7 and had the perfect body. She was about 140lbs and had milky white skin.Her hair was a beautiful shade of red hair and blue eyes,it was the perfect combination,but she always thought she was better than him just because she was rich. He wanted to teach her a...
It was a month from graduation and I had been spending many late nights in the college library working to finish my senior project. As I walking into my silent dorm room, I scanned around for Bill, my roommate, and seeing no sign of him felt relieved. Bill was a sophomore and a horrible student, spending most of his time partying and staying up late. He was an okay guy but his late hours and loud music was something I didn't need to deal with this close to graduation. The apartment was dark and...
BDSMWe left our neighbours house late in the night, our minds in turmoil. We'd spent an evening I never imagined possible in our marriage, and had come out the other side invigorated and liberated. We returned to our empty house, and climbed into bed, exhausted, smelling of sex.The next morning I had great difficulty focusing upon my work. My mind forever wondering back to those erotic scenes of the day before. I was sure Sophie would be in the same state of mind, so I picked up the phone and rang...
I am at this birthday part for a hot little virginal blonde girl who just turned 18. Her brother what to watch her get fuck hard, see her get fisted and take my cum. So, I was up for some fun so I said sure.I started to chat up the tight sexy blonde birthday girl. She said she knew nothing about sex except how to give boys lap dances and suck there cocks. I could feel my cock grow as I was talking with her. She had a sweet innocent voice. When the party was coming to a close I asked if she...
So, it was one more thing to tick off my list.BDSM.I asked what did they all mean? I knew a basic understanding of those 4 little letters but reading between the lines was all about experiencing and gaining a true feel for BDSM.BD = Bondage & Discipline DS = Domination & Submission SM = Sado Masochism Before we even started, I was asked via text what I wanted to do or not want to do.I said I wanted to try it ALL.However, due to my European background the thought of being spanked did not...
I was sitting in the Captain's office waiting to be called in for my mission briefing. I had been sitting drinking the lousy coffee for forty five minutes already and I could hear the Captain shouting at someone in his office. I don't know who the poor soul was, but for the Captain to raise his voice above a whisper, he must have really gotten him pissed. I was somewhat pissed myself because I was still looking for a second and still hadn't found one I thought I could work with. The few I...
Amy was one of the sexiest black girls Missy had ever seen. She'd met Amy through her brother, Ron, who had started dating her and on this particular evening, Ron and Amy had come over where Missy and Amy's brother, Larry, had settled down to watch a DVD and enjoy the evening having sex. When Ron and Amy showed up, Missy had intially been very upset but when they started passing around a toke of marijuans, Missy felt herself becoming noticeably much more mellow and at ease with having the...
We were having another great day out by the lake; now it was time for some lunch. With all the fresh air and exercise we were enjoying, the food would surely taste extra-good. I picked up the tray of cold drinks from the scrubbed kitchen table, Rob hefted the covered basket of cold cuts, potato and rice salads and slaw, and Ed brought up the rear with the plates, napkins and silverware on another tray. The three of us headed back out of the cabin towards the small dock on the lake shore,...
I woke to the sound of the flaps coming down on the civilian transport plane landing back in Nam. While I looked out the window anticipating being back, I had to admit the ride back, although long, had been well worthwhile. I had been officially inducted into the mile high club by the cute little brunette who seemed to have latched on to me as soon as I boarded. She was a cute little stewardess who talked my head off for the first hour then invited me to tour the galley, and it had went from...
Dammit I thought why the firebase can't find some indigenous personnel that knew what they were doing. Seemed like this was the third trip this year to Dak Seang. The last time we had been sent Chung almost beat the Hmong head scout to death. He had met our chopper when it landed and told Chung he wasn't welcome in their camp. It had taken me and Ling both to pull him off the idiot. When the Captain came over and started chewing me I had told him the next time that ass jumped one of my men...
Notes: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Such pride surged through me as Daddy led us out of the massage parlor, his hands clutching our leashes. Every time he tugged on it, my clit flared with pleasurable pain. The black leash clipped onto the thick, gold ring pierced through my bud and nestled between my folds of my snatch. Proof that I was Daddy’s sex slave. I walked between my submissive mother and my half-sister Georgia. All three of us were naked (well, Mom wore her black...
Katherine Jackson stood behind the curtain with two other contestants as they waited to be ushered onstage. As she went through the Mrs. Missouri pageant; she thought about dropping out multiple times. It was an unforeseen financial strain but Fred was excited to have his sexy wife compete. He encouraged and supported her during the entire process. She wanted to win for him but enjoyed the attention that the pageant gave her but yet her mind reflected on the past few months. The fear and...
NOTE: There is no sexual content in this story. * It all started back in 7th grade when I moved to a new school in a totally new area. I had to leave all my friends behind and start over from scratch. Now anyone who’s anyone should realize that 7th grade is NOT a good time to move! Kids are evil to each other in those years, though, as I learned later, the teasing and torment I went through then was nothing compared to the torture I was to endure years later… I settled into the school and...
Samantha - 22years, blue haired punk, nice round ass, small tits, 5’ 7”. Natalie - 21years, green hair (often mohawk), amazing legs, C cups, 5’ 7”, Sam’s friend. Adam - (myself) 23years. 7” long dick, 7” girth. The summer sun had just fallen as Sam and I started our walk down the street. The destination wasn’t far. Sam was dressed in a pair of the small short shorts and a tight Star Wars t-shirt with no bra. She had a worried look spread across her face as we walked. It had been a...
Samantha. That bitch. That beautiful blue haired punk bitch. She is my ex girlfriend and soon to be sex slave, only, she doesn’t know it yet. Episode 1 Breaking Samantha Sam is beautiful, smart, tenacious, and a punk. She is only 22 years old, has big brown eyes, soft olive skin, and short messy blue hair. She only stands at 5’ 7’’ and her breasts are a very firm and perky B with nice puffy nipples. Good for biting. Her ass is the selling point however. Big, rounded to perfection, a...
to be continued
She had just started working at the new clothing store down the street, and her boss Matt was a dream, standing at 6'4, he had short red hair, with amazing blue eyes, he was built with a six pack and broad shoulders, he had a wonderful smile, his hands were thick and full of power. Tina had to have him she needed it have him. "Matt" she said to him in a sweet voice "I've been working here for a while, and I was wondering if you'd like to come to dinner at my place?" Matt just looked...
Not everyone in the yacht was a celebrity, some of them were just stunning models, plucked from their previous existence by the owner of the boat, one of the wealthiest men in the world. All of the women on board would qualify for Playboy and in fact many of them had. There were only a few men, the billionaire himself, a couple of the senior executives from his companies and a few random celebs who knew the billionaire from the parties he threw and were there to enjoy his largesse. Music blared...
This was the moment she had dreamed of all her life. Now she was on her way to the Pepsi Center in beautiful downtown Denver, Colorado to accept her party's nomination as their chosen candidate for President of the United States. She had overcome so much to get here. There were all the scandals she was implicated in during her husband's two terms in office that she managed to escape. Her own husband's sexual indiscretions almost ended her dream, as he was brought up on impeachment charges for...
This is a work of fiction. Jack off and enjoy!His former coach’s retirement party?I was past the point where if Will asked me to join him for a sexual adventure I would question it. I mean, I was fifty-seven and rarely had weekend activities since I knew so few people in my new neighborhood. Plus, my next door neighbor, eighteen-year-old Will and his buddies seemed to willing to always include me in their weekly sexual exploits. Why these boys wanted me, almost three times their age, to join...
The movies, what a great way to spend the sunday afternoon with no pressure what so ever. If life was only that simple hahaha would this story be here?Anyway nothing to do about that, so i wake up in the morning roughly around 7:30 am. i was woken up by the cold wind of the air conditioning unit, across my legs and up to my belly. The feeling felt satisfying, it was a combination of slow wind like you running towards a lake in the nude, and every bit of your body is being blown by the wind, as...
“My super bohemian parents have always insisted on walking around our house naked. So the first penis I was exposed to was my dad’s. Usually I’d see it when it was flaccid. But one day I walked into my parents’ bedroom when I was about five, and when my dad got up to go to the bathroom, I saw this thing protruding straight out from between his legs. He had a raging boner, a morning 'Woodie', something this little girl would learn later in life, was an early morning gift for good sex, as I...