Festive Revelries free porn video

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"But, Harry, you agreed last year that you would do it." "I can't remember..." "Well it's a good job I got you to sign this then, isn't it?" I picked up the note. My hand was shaking for some reason. *********************************************************************** I hereby agree that next Christmas, I will be mother and do everything that Jane does normally; that includes everything. Signed Harry/Harriett. *********************************************************************** "Clear enough Harry?" "I suppose so. I must have been drunk." "Well you did have several gins and tonic." "But will the Mother-in-Law From Hell, play up?" "Don't worry about her; she knows you dress-sometimes-well, a lot really- Let's face it, the whole town knows about you after the "incident." "Don't talk about 'the incident'. You know it embarrassed me no end and that picture in the papers..." "I wouldn't mind, but when you dress, you look prettier than me. The kids think you look great and remember, the milkman fancies you something rotten when you open the door in a negligee, I'm quite jealous." "Enough, I'll do it." We went to bed in matching pink satin nighties and were soon asleep in each others arms. ~*~ It was a cold night and I wakened after a nasty dream to do with a huge turkey and stuffing. I got up and looked out of the window. I shivered slightly in my thin nightie. The snow lay on the ground, all deep and crisp and even (it made me think of a pizza, Deep pan, crisp and even!. The moon was shining brightly, everything looked clean, fresh and bright. In the little village of Trumphampton there was no noise. It was as quiet as it ever was at two A.M. on a cold winter's night. For this was Christmas time: a time of peace and good will to all men, women and children. A time when you forget all your troubles, let your hair down and generally go all mushy. All the carol singers had finished demanding money with menaces, having gone to their homes to count up the loot dreaming, no doubt, of the next scam they can think of to dupe a gullible public. They were all asleep now and I wished I was. My thoughts kept returning to the note. How could I have agreed to do the Mother thing this Christmas? I promised myself that I would lay off the G&Ts in future. Our household was typical of houses up and down the country. The children were tucked up in bed dreaming about what presents would be awaiting them the next morning. We, the parents were sleeping fitfully and snoringly awaiting the five o'clock wake-up call from children who usually needed a crowbar to prise them out of their beds. Apart from me of course, wide awake at two in the morning and worried about whether the Yorkshire puddings would rise enough to please the mother-In-Law form Hell. Our household swells somewhat during the Yuletide season and this year was no exception. Aunts, Uncles, Brothers and Sisters, black sheep and a clutch of Grandparents all descend on the house like vultures picking off a prime leg of gazelle. It is a strange phenomena of the unreal and unearthly time known as Christmas that during its all too brief period we talk to and invite into our homes the most incredibly obnoxious and anti social creatures known to man i.e. the in-laws. My in-laws are Betty and Jim Dalrymple. Betty Dalrymple's whole life is devoted to undermining her daughter's confidence and blaming her for marrying a freak of nature like me; she did not approve of my cross-dressing and she told everyone who would listen that it "was not normal and I was silly calling myself Harriett when in a dress and-" You get the idea. Jim Dalrymple knows everything about everything and tells everyone about it. He's seen it, done it, is an expert in it and during a delicate operation could no doubt give a brain surgeon a few tips about it; if asked. I went back to bed and cuddled up to Jane, she was as warm as toast and after a few minutes I drifted off into a fitful sleep. And so it came to pass that at five A.M. the kids were awake and, of course, if they were awake they had to make sure we were. After little Timmy had bounced on my stomach several times, I got the message and got up. Jane stayed in bed for a few minutes and then after being threatened by the family dog who wanted to open her prezzies to, she reluctantly followed me downstairs. Christmas in the village was like Christmas everywhere. You got up-at an ungodly hour-to watch your darling little ones shout with glee as they tear open presents in just a few frantic seconds that took hours of painstaking wrapping. They then completely ignore the incredibly expensive toys from Argos and proceed to play for hours with the gaudy, crappy and crumpled shrink wrappings they came in. It's the mother of the household whose lot it is to spend most of the Christmas period in the kitchen preparing the traditional roast meal and this year was no exception. The trouble was, the Mother this year was me and I cursed silently as I surveyed the kitchen and thought about what I had in store for me today. Needless to say, I was not a happy bunny. I now realised what Jane went through at Christmas. I kind of wished that I hadn't put on a posh frock to cook in. I had on a nice frilly apron, but I was getting a bit splashed. My long blond wig was getting in the way and I had to tie it back with a scrunchie and I just knew without looking that my makeup was a mess. What possessed me to glam up at this time of the morning? Seven A.M. and I was yawning. Breakfast was being consumed by the hungry hoard. I had managed quickly to eat some toast and wash it down with a cup of tea whilst serving up a full English breakfast to the family. But somehow I wasn't hungry-just knackered already! I had the rest of the day to get through yet. I thought that by that time, they would probably have to collect me in a body bag. "God," I thought, "if this is what it's like to be the mother of the family, I'm glad that I'm only a part time girl." Nine A.M. Whilst being imprisoned in the kitchen, elbow deep in some cooking or washing chore, I thought dark things about the fact that my wife, Jane, was sitting down, enjoying herself watching re-runs of Christmas comedies past on the TV and not lifting a little finger to help her loving spouse-me! And the kids! Could they make much more noise? Why, oh why did we give Timmy a bloody drum kit? Hence there was much muttering and not a little swearing coming from the kitchen, and would anyone help? No, and if I heard bloody "Jingle Bells" once more... Three P.M. and so the meal came to pass, two hours late but I was hardly an expert and if they didn't like it-tough. It had taken 48 hours to defrost the turkey and a further fifteen minutes for me to extract my chapped hand and the still frozen giblets from the bird's icy rear end, without any bugger to help me. Two tons of potatoes, carrots, sprouts and other over cooked veggies later, I stopped and made mental note to see the divorce lawyers as soon as possible. The place was so steamed up, that it could have been mistaken for a sauna. Having spent hours in the kitchen, slaving over a hot stove and cooking enough food to feed a sizeable third world country, I was absolutely gobsmacked to find the mountain of food demolished in quick time by the human equivalent of the locust swarm known as "The Family', but not without a few hiccups on the way. After the ritual eating of the turkey, complaints about how cold the food was and what's happened to Granny's false teeth. It was time for the Christmas pudding. Promises of money hidden within the gooey mass ensured the complete silence of everyone but Granny who was gummily complaining that she can't eat Christmas pudding without her gnashers. She spent the next ten minutes searching the congealing gravy on her plate in vain for signs of her false teeth. While all this excitement was going on little Timmy had found a 5p piece and of course promptly swallowed it, causing a minor stomach upheaval on to the tablecloth and the triumphant retrieval of the valued coin. And so the meal continued: I will pass over the painful reading of the silly jokes in the crackers and the unfortunate incident involving the emission of methane by one of the adults who should have known better. Suffice to say the meal finally ground to a halt under the weight of all the food consumed. Half past four: It was then a time beloved by one and all adults. They sat around the TV watching Miracle On 34th Street. The fact that the film had been on the box a dozen times makes not a jot of difference, as immediately the TV was switched on, everyone over the age of 30 went into an alcoholic slumber. This left the kids to go and squabble over each others" toys. After running down batteries and failing that, smashing toys, the little darlings went outside in the dark and attempted to break their necks riding their shiny new bikes which were of course two sizes to big for them. The garden was flood lit so the adults could keep an eye on them, though it appeared that parental responsibility was in short supply as I was the only person to keep going out and checking up on things. I, of course was excluded from any thoughts of siesta because as soon as the dinner was finished and I had to single handedly polished off the mountain known as the washing-up, I had to also start preparing what is to some of the family the highlight of the day, "The Tea'. And so it was now half past six I had, several times, vainly asked for help but everyone had strangely gone deaf. I shrugged my shoulders wearily in resignation and slunk back to the kitchen. Mountains of sandwiches had been prepared, with all manner of fillings from anchovy to yellow pickle with a bit of cheese. There were things- on-a-stick, cocktail sausages, pork pies, dips, chicken nuggets etc.... Christmas cake, lovingly made by Jane the previous January was taken out of mothballs and iced with hands shaking from fatigue and the after effects of too many sherries. After everything was sliced, spread cut up and laid out I went over to the only chair left unoccupied, the one with broken springs and sank into it. At this stage I couldn't care less. I had had enough. The family, although still engorged from the ritualistic feeding frenzy of dinner, still managed to find room to pack more into their complaining and dyspeptic stomachs. They devoured the various offerings with the gusto and zeal of the truly greedy and glutinous. I was too tired and sick of the sight of food to eat and just slumbered in a sort of semi-coma like state, oblivious to the eating, belching and in the case of Granddad, unfortunately smelly gasses emanating from deep within his posterior region. Jane just looked blissfully happy that, for once, she wasn't the one to have to do everything at Christmas. She told me later in a fit of guilt that she thought several times that she felt a bit sorry for me, my pretty dress, cream coloured originally, but now peppered with the detritus of the various Christmas meals; but she held back, remembering all the times she had been in the same position as I was now in. It was now eight P.M. The younger children were now getting rather tired, having arisen well before the crack of dawn and had now reached that charming state known in the parenting world as "playing up'. Young Timmy started the ball rolling by pulling little Tracy's pigtail so hard that she screamed loudly and dropped her ice cream down Auntie Daisy's neck. Cousin Robert, not to be outdone by Timmy, threw his jelly at Bobby. His aim however was not too good and the quivering mass landed on the face of Mother-In-Law Dalrymple, leaving her for once speechless. All the children started crying and shouting at once, each blaming each other for the atrocities that had occurred. After a few judicial slaps followed by the blatant bribery of chocolate they eventually agreed to be good. A strange peace fell on our household, the only noise being little Bobby throwing up in the aspidistra plant pot and Timmy eating the contents of his nose. At long last it was cartoon time on the TV and the kids were super-glued to the screen. Thank God for cable. The In-laws couldn't think of any more insulting things to say about us and me in particular and bid us a not-so-fond adieu. Nine-thirty and I was, hopefully, in the home straight. Supper was now served and more food was thrown down the overworked gullets of the remaining revellers. Cold turkey sandwiches, sausage rolls, scotch eggs and indescribable things on little wooden sticks were once again served up and eaten with apparent relish. Jelly, blancmange and lumps of cake were strewn around the floor by kids and adults alike. Luckily the pet poodle Poppy was happy to oblige and did a very creditable impression of a Hoover or was it a Dyson, clearing up the mess in ten seconds flat. I was now on autopilot. Time had appeared to stand still in the kitchen and no sod had even hinted that they were going to help me out. I was shocked that Jane, wife of many years would be so vindictive as to hold me to the promise made under the influence of drink. I cursed the fact that I was wearing heels and my head ached and my stomach felt as if Vesuvius was about to erupt. I could have cried. When I went to the bathroom for a rare toilet break, I caught site of myself in the mirror. My pretty dress was a mess, my hair looked like a bird had been nesting in it and to cap it all, my makeup was badly smudged and my stockings had several ladders in them. I desperately wanted to change, but in a fit of nastiness, Jane had locked the bedroom door and had the only key. She told me that as she never had time to change at Christmas and she didn't see why I should. The evening was now well advanced. Cliff Richard's Summer Holiday, a seasonal old favourite was on due on TV. The kids were finally packed off to bed with the maximum of tantrums and cries of, "It's not fair!" They eventually go with promises of even more chocolate next morning if they agree to be good and not be sick all over their duvets. The evening dragged on into the night. Cliff Richard continued to sing along in his converted bus. One by one the visitors bid a fond farewell, promising to return next year and leaving the semi-conscious me to clear up the mess and the pile of washing up. I toyed with the idea of asking Jane to help but taking one look at her I could tell that my not-so-loving spouse was too inebriated and busy singing along with Cliff to give a toss about helping me. After taking one look at the incredible pile of plates, cups, saucers, glasses, half eaten scraps of food, dog ends, and other indescribable leftovers, I said in a voice, I think, full of pathos to nobody in particular, "Sod it." I took the bedroom door key out of the lifeless hand of my wife and went wearily up the stairs flopping on the bed fully clothed. I vowed sleepily to help Jane next Christmas and not just leave her to do everything. It had been a bit of an eye opener, this Christmas and one I think that I had learned lessons from. One thing we were going to get before next year was a state of the art twelve place setting dish washer. Before falling into a troubled sleep I groaned as I remembered promising to go to the sale tomorrow to pick up some bargains like Christmas cards, decorations and other festive memorabilia. For, as Jane always said, it's never too soon to start preparing for Christmas and there was only 364 shopping days to the next fun filled one. THE END My thanks go to Gabi and Kristina for proofing this story. Please leave comments - Thanks

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Am I Forgiven

"Why are you still bothering me slut"? The voice was icy and sent chills down her spine. The face which greeted her from the monitor was filled with distaste and made her cringe back into her chair. "I'm sorry my Master..... I have no excuses for my bad behaviour, I beg you to take me back into your heart to serve you as I know I can" Her tears fell and she hung her head not wishing to look at the cold face which glared at her. "Give me a good reason" The question hung in the air between them...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 10

“Good morning, Mr. Wainwright, it’s Jeff Matthews.” After the pleasantries were over, Jeff said, “Sir, I need to ask you something.” “Well, first thing, Jeff. Again, would you please call me Frank? Everybody else does. I’m not that old,” he finished with a chuckle. “Well, uh, thanks. Frank, my daughter’s sixteenth birthday is coming up in two weeks, and she has asked for something special.” “What is it? A Ferrari?” “No, thank goodness. Arlene wants to bring three of her friends out here...

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Milwaukee Cuckold and the Babysitter 2

Milwaukee Cuckold’s Wife and the Babysitter Part 2They were going to punish me for cumming after only 40 minutes but Andrea said why don’t we wait a bit. They got off the bed leaving me with cum all over me and went over to sit on the couch. I asked, “when are the k**s going to be home?” Judy laughed and said, “they went with your parents to the Dell’s for the weekend, so we have 3 days to have fun.”They left me laying there for a while and when they came back in I asked them if they were going...

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The Threesome

Chapter 1 JP had often pestered his girlfriend for the fantasy fulfillment of a threesome, joking about it whenever the topic came up, or citing every magazine survey in Cosmo or Maxim that hinted that lots of women liked to try it as well. Kelly, his long-suffering girlfriend, seemed to have finally decided that it would be easier to give in that to keep on resisting. She made it clear that on their next vacation, a February trip to Mexico, she was going to make it happen for him. He...

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Learning the Chocolate Life Ch 02 Black Mistress

It had been a week since my glorious encounter with Mistress Angie. I swear I can still feel my balls on fire. I had sent numerous IMs but no reply until Thursday. "Stop pestering me you little fuck. I'll contact you not the other way around. You'll just have to wait until I feel you are worthy of another session. Contact me again and I'll show your prissy, sexually dull, blonde haired, blue-eyed wife the little video tape we made together."Video tape? What the fuck! A video tape? Man talk...

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EverywhenChapter 4

[Friday, June 20th, 1986] Up in my room, I started with setting the box on my bed and pulling things out. I liked a few of the shirts she had in there, so it was good to see them again. I had no interest in the stuffed animals, but maybe Anne would like them. There were a few crystal animals in there, they would probably go to Anne too. One of them did not look familiar to me, hell, it probably came from some other guy. That’s kinda funny actually. I can’t be certain it wasn’t from me, but...

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Simple Fun To Rough Threesome

Hi, all. A brief re-introduction to the new reader. I am Abhay from Jaipur. 29 years old. Penis size 6.2″ long and 1.5″ wide. Any female interested can email me Now let’s start with the real incident which happened with me last week.My wife had went to her parent’s house for a week and I was craving to fuck a woman other than my wife. It was Saturday evening, I went out to look for some fun. I stopped at a five star hotel with a good DJ night. It was crowded in there and many hot beauties were...

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Bree 10 My Wife and My Ex Fiance

Introduction: Wife and Ex Fiance Unexpected Encounter with the dog My Wife and my Ex-Fiance by rodeotexas May 2012 This is the story of two ladies that have come to share my life, permanently, one my wife Kate, the other my ex fiance, Amber. In some areas of the story, time lines have been accelerated. PART 1 – INTRODUCTION My wife Kate is five feet nine inches, stunning dark cinnamon redhead, bright sparkling emerald green eyes, dark skin complexion, very firm high set full large breasts...

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My Cleaning Lady Chapter 2

It was the smell of freshly brewed coffee that actually woke me up. Had it not been for that, I know I would have slept for a much longer period of time. But upon smelling it, I knew almost immediately, that Val had already arrived. Rolling out of bed, I stumbled into the still open bathroom and hurriedly took a pee. Surprisingly, it felt cool, the heat from the day not yet making its appearance. Throwing on a short bathrobe with nothing on underneath as I always slept in the nude, I made my...

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Create A Fembot V20

This is AndroTechs automated custom fembot order system. Please input data for the robot you wish created. Base physical parameters. Options 1.Externally totally human (will appear totally human on the outside) 2.Marked (Will appear primarily human but will one or more small things marking them as not{Example: Corporate logo, Tattooed serial number, data port, etc.} 3.Hybrid (Will look human but have clear machine features{Example: sensors for ears, bits of metal or plastic here and there,...

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Die was wre WennApp


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2017 Christmas Eve ndash The Kiss

It was almost 11:00 PM and the guests were leaving the bar. Allen returned from dropping Deb at home and sat down on the bar stool in front of me as I started to pour him a drink. I inquired as to what happened and he bowed his head a second and looked up. “She is passed out in the bed as usual and I am tired of sleeping alone.” “Time for a cigarette and drink baby. Come on!” as I winked at him and grabbed my bag. We stepped outside and I could tell he had something on his mind. I started...

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My sexy secretary

My name is John Lampert. I've been with someone for like 4 years straight now. From one relationship to the next. You could say I'm dependent on relationships. I don't know why, but I've been that way since I was 26 and I'm 34 now. But at the time I was single. I'm 6 feet tall and have black hair and brown eyes. Since I really didn't have anyone to go home to, I worked late a lot. I worked in an office building as an executive. I have a secretary that I think might have a thing for me named...

Straight Sex
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veronicas gang bang part 1

We had been married for about 5 years and our sex life was getting a bit boring. Not just for me but for my wife Veronica as well. One Saturday evening we had been invited to a fancy dress barbecue at my boss' house. Well, as I said, things weren't going so well between us at this point and when Veronica tried to cry off going to the party, I just lost my temper and ordered her to 'get ready as we are going, whether you like it or not.' Well, I couldn't believe my ears when she just answered...

1 year ago
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Helen Space SlaveChapter 7 Punishments

As Frank went up the stairs early next morning, he nearly made a mistake. He assumed that Karl was in his own room, with or without Helen, and that he would have to rouse Paula. He almost went charging in to Paula's room, but some small sound alerted him. Opening a small cupboard door, he looked at the monitors which showed what was happening in the two girls' rooms; only Karl and Frank knew that they were covered 24 hours a day by cameras. In the ThreeVee monitor connected to the camera...

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The waiter

The party was in full swing 17 year old Cindy was not happy, she would rather be in town with her mates than attending the party, she hated the dress she was wearing, her mum had chosen it for her, it was a strapless dress so Cindy had no bra on and she was scare her boobs were show if she bent forward, her mum had said it would help her act like a lady. Cindy was no lady she was a rough hard bitch feared by many. Cindy saw that her younger sister Sara was looking unhappy she was wearing the...

1 year ago
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The whore is was meant to be

The Whore I was meant to be PT 1This is my true story I changed the names and location as too where I live so that I can protect my family .My journey into depravity started long ago when I was a p*****n . I would hear my older sisters(and I have three of them) talking about what happened on their date with their current boyfriend all the while I pretended to be sleeping . The images that when thru my head were vivid to say the least , I mean having never blown a boy before which all of my...

4 years ago
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Introducing Incest And Fucking My Family Part 1

Hi, my name is raj(changed). This story is family incest story, those who don’t like please don’t read. I am basically from Tamil Nadu. In this story, I am going to tell you how I fuck my mom, aunty, and sister. This is a fiction story only. In this 1st part, I am going to tell how I fuck my mom….   After reading mail your comments to Now let go to the story. First of all, I introduce myself, my name raj(21) I completed my degree and searching for job.  I have the normal physique and I come to...

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Jilnar Jardalys Sexual Healing

Hey, gang! I've head about this amazing thread so thought I'd share an amazing experience I've had with the gorgeous جلنار جردلي Jilnar Jardaly slut.After a couple of tours in Iraq (I'm a US marine) I returned to my hometown Detroit in a complete state of physical exhaustion. The docs told me about a new military hospital that was trying a brand new experimental procedure which was already having amazing results on ex-servicemen patients suffering my condition, so I signed up...I was put in a...

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I need help

I've got this problem I need help with. Awhile ago I met this girl at a party and took her home and she gave me a nice blow job. It was good but not particularly special. I'm always a sucker for a girl who's having a good time herself. I love a sincere blow job where she really wants me to come in her mouth. I hate those blow jobs where the girl thinks she's doing me a favor or even that she wants to please me. Anyway, she was OK, not super, but OK. About two weeks later I get a call...

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His Lovely Guest

Cole Goodsell had come recommended to Liesel by way of her editor, Rick. Rick drove a Hummer a distance of 2 miles from home to work and back every day but prided himself on eating only organic, and this included his weekly trip to the local farmers market. ‘I reached out to some of my contacts, and I was given his name. He’d be happy to speak with you.’ Rick slipped her a number from across the desk. Liesel presumed by ‘reaching out to his contacts,’ he meant that he’d chatted up some of the...

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Conference Stress Relief

As a middle-aged married professional, I can usually only play when I am out of town on business. This was the case when I recently traveled to downtown Louisville, KY to attend a conference. I was somewhat limited, since I traveled with several fellow employees. My hotel was within sight of an adult bookstore/theater, but I dared not go there for fear of being seen. I did however arrange to meet someone whom I had contacted online. My schedule was hectic, but after the day’s meetings and...

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Raped by my own dog then left with an Itch

was younger. His dog was a 1 year old boxer that he was given as a 6 month old puppy. Jimmy named him Frosty because they gave him to him at Xmas. Jimmy was always playing with his dog. He was playing fetch with him in his room one day when the ball rolled under the bed. The dog was trying to get it but couldn't get under the bed to retrieve it. Jimmy went to the edge of the bed and bent down to look for it. As he was bent over he felt his dog jump up on him. He started tugging at his...

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Sissy Trap

Sissy Trap Everything had went so terribly wrong from my long anticipated shopping experience. I had been a lifelong cross dresser not remembering my first actual endeavor into slipping into my mothers or sisters lingerie drawers. Over the years I had kept this well hidden from my family and friends and had even ceased dressing for 6 years during my ill fated marriage. When my marriage ended I found myself with the passion, time and means to fulfill these long hidden desires. In no...

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My Girlfriend and I get into some pretty kinky things, but a threesome with one of her friends taught us both what kinky really meant. I was in my dorm room talking to my roommate when the phone rang. "Hello?" "Jack?" It was Brenda, my girlfriend. "Hi babe. Where you at? Been looking for you for a while." "I'm at Jill's house. Her parents are out of town for a few weeks and she wants us to keep her company this evening." "Okay. That's cool with me. I'll be over in a few." "Bye." I hung up the...

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Should A FatherInLaw Be Seduced 8211 Part 4

We quickly got out of the house. Ria, my sexy bahu in her tight black dress (barely reaching her ass), walked in front of me with her high heels. Those high heels made her tight ass sway in a sexy way. Oh, I couldn’t believe her ass was so round and perfectly shaped. The thing about a well-shaped soft ass is that it needs to be displayed in the right piece of clothing. The tight black dress did just that. It was all over her tight ass-like skin. It gave a perfect visual of the shape of her two...


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