Grow A Pair free porn video

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Mild warning: there's some retroactive incest. I don't want to spoil too much, but nobody has sex *while* they're related to the partner. If you still think this will bother you, don't read. This story is kinda/sorta an experiment in using the present tense. I usually almost exclusively write in the past tense. Please leave comments as to how well you think I pulled off present tense in the reviews. :) **Grow a Pair** "Lorena, I need to talk to you, please. Can you get into my office?" I set down the receiver and in the few moments it takes for my secretary to get out of her chair and through the door that separates her enclave from my office, I am already arguing with her in my head, albeit in a far more understanding manner than I would in real life. "Yeah, I know, I've only been marketing VP for five months, and you're already my fourth secretary. It isn't your problem, it's mine." "You work me so hard! You give me tasks that aren't in my job description!" "I know I do, I know it. But I pay you an extra five thousand out of my own annual salary. You get paid better than every other secretary in this company, even Old Man Glenn's secretary gets less than you do. I ask more of all of my secretaries, and that's why I make sure they're properly rewarded. Please, stick with me and you'll get what you deserve in the long run." The door creaks open and I wish I could speak like that in real life, but it never comes out like I want, particularly when I'm stressed. And I've been stressed ever since getting this promotion. "Yes, Mr. Arditti?" Lorena speaks as she approaches my desk. "Lorena, about the Viacom account," I start, "I needed you to get the investor information from Mr. Baum in the 52nd street branch so that I'd have some background information on what these people need. Without that, I'm going in blind." I wait for a response, but she just looks at the floor and says "I'm sorry, sir." "'I'm sorry' isn't good, Lorena. I just got off the phone with Baum, and after talking all morning I've got the info, but I had to drop my meeting with the Kroger's people, so that whole project is going to be delayed a week. Why didn't you talk to him like I asked?" "I--" she starts. But I want to finish my point, so I cut her off. "Look Lorena, I like you but, pardon my language, you really need to grow a pair. I mean, I'm here in the office, working my balls off, and I can't follow up every time you don't get things done." I want to say some more, but I start getting a weird feeling in a rather sensitive place. "Look, can you make sure something like this doesn't happen in the future? If you get stuck for some reason, just ask me. Or one of the other girls." I take a breath, and give her a chance to say something. She doesn't. "You can go back to your desk." She leaves the office without a word, and I'm squirming in my chair. My crotch is on pins and needles. I wait about thirty seconds so it doesn't look like I'm following her or anything, and then leave the office for the restroom. As I pass by Lorena's desk, I notice she's not there. I reach for the knob of the restroom and the door pushes out from the other side, knocking against my hand. I look to see who it is, and receive an eyeful of Lorena's stare. It's a bit startling, because this is the first time since I hired her a week ago that she's ever looked me in the eye and she apparently has a really hard glare. She brushes past me and I make my way into the bathroom and drop my pants to find blood on the outside of my briefs. Not much blood, but with no explanation I'm concerned. I lower my underwear, and see more blood on the inside crotch, and two small orbs. Panicked, I shoot my hand to my own crotch and find both good news and bad. On the plus side, I couldn't feel any blood, so if I had been bleeding, it had already stopped. On the minus, my nuts are missing. My dick is still there, but below it is just smooth crotch. I sit down on the toilet, take off my shoes, pants, and briefs, and go for some further investigation. To my complete disgust, I realize that the things in my underwear have got to be my balls. Confused, I explore around my nether regions again to see if there's a scar or a wound, or anything, but it feels like my balls just worked their way off of me on their own. I lose my mind for a second. "Does this happen? Have I heard about this disease somewhere? Should I be concerned? Of course I should be concerned. How concerned should I be? Do balls grow back? It didn't hurt. I guess it can't be too bad. I'm behind as it is because of Lorena, so I guess a doctor can wait until I leave the office." Calming my mind, I focus on figuring out how to get through the rest of the day, one step at a time. There's no way I'm going to wear a pair of bloody underpants all afternoon, so I wrap the bloody little balls up in toilet paper and set them aside, then turn to the trash can. But before I drop the offending garment, I notice something: a clean pair of white briefs sitting in the bottom of the otherwise-empty receptacle. They look like womens' briefs, but I'm not being too picky, so I grab them and put them on before dumping my soiled underwear. Fully clothed again, I make my way back to my office. As I pass by Lorena's desk, she glares at me again, and it unnerves the hell out of me. I hope I didn't go too far with her. I try to push the recent events out of my head and get back to work, but after just a few minutes, my office door opens and Lorena bursts through. Before I can say anything, she starts, "Mr. Arditti, about the Viacom thing--" "Lorena, I--" "No, let me finish, sir." She's almost yelling, and her fierce stare makes me back down. "The reason I didn't get the Viacom information was because I just found out that my mother was in a car crash visiting family in Puerto Rico. I felt you should know that instead of getting your precious information," she put a sarcastic bite into the word 'precious,' "I was contacting my insurance company to find out how I'm going to pay for her medical bills, because, as generous as your salary bonus is," she put the same sarcastic emphasis on the word 'generous,' "it isn't enough for two people to live on, on top of the night school I have to attend, and now my mother won't be able to return to work for probably a year. This was why--" I'd been trying to listen, but my mind is on, erm, *other* things, and I need to shorten this conversation. Without thinking, I stand up and say, "Lorena, do you want this to be a bigger dick contest? Fine, you win. But this is an office, and we need to be professionals." Her face takes on a shocked expression for a moment, and she shifts her weight a little bit. At the same time I get a strange feeling down below again. I want to rant a bit but I cut myself off, "If something comes up, you notify me. I don't care what it is." I dismiss her again and wait for the door to shut behind her, then quickly undo my belt and pull down my zipper. I pull my shirt out of the way and lift the waistband of my commandeered underwear to see my penis shrinking right before my eyes. Now that I can see what's happening, the feeling is even more horrible, like something sucking at my crotch from the inside, and it's all I can do to ignore it as I put my clothes back together. Right. At 5:00 on the button, I am in my car headed for the doctor's office, I decide. As soon as the sensation goes away, I try to figure it out. What could be causing these horrible changes? What was I doing when they happened? Well, the first time, I was yelling at Lorena for not talking to Baum, and the second time I was-- that's it. It's because I've been getting mad at her when she probably doesn't deserve it. Someone up there is testing me, pushing me to realizing my faults so I can work to fix them. I'm not religious, but the things that have been happening today are making me re-consider. I just need to go out there, apologize, and be civil with Lorena, and everything will be back to normal. I step out of the office determined to speak to Lorena like I think in my head. The nice me that talks in even tones, instead of accusing ones. The one that understands the person in front of me, instead of ignoring them. I turn in front of her desk, take a breath, and say "Look, Lorena, I'm sorry I yelled at you just now." I pause, waiting for a reaction, and she picks up her head towards me and gives me that glare I've been hating all afternoon. I shiver a little, but I move on, "Actually, I'm glad you shared that information. I feel like maybe, now that all that weight that's been on your chest is on mine too, we can use this as an opportunity to--" I feel that weird feeling again, but this time on my chest, and I stop mid-sentence to look down at myself. It was right then that Lorena stood up from her chair, slammed her hands against her desk, and yelled "Mr. Arditti, I don't know what kind of gesture you think this is, but I don't need your ear, and I don't need your pity. I am head and shoulders above you, sir. I have worked viciously for everything I have earned in my--" I hear her gasp and I look up just as my shirt begins to tent out in front of my chest. My next shock is that, despite the fact that I'm standing straight and she is bent over her desk, I have to look up a little to see into Lorena's eyes. As my mind is spinning, I see her eyes flash and she straightens up. I notice that my view is now level with her chest. "Head and shoulders..." I mumble, figuring it out just a moment after Lorena. "You shouldn't worry your pretty little head, Mr. Arditti," she says like you'd say to a puppy. The weird feeling envelopes my whole face, and I can feel my bone structure, my whole skull, shifting. As the feeling goes away, I push my shoulder-length hair behind my ear. I didn't have shoulder-length hair a moment ago, but for some reason, I'm not worried about that, or anything at all. Lorena continues, "You know, I think we'd be able to understand each other much better if each of us could just see things from the other's position." She waits a beat, then grabs the nameplate off of her desk. She cries triumphantly as she shows it to me. It says "George Arditti, Secretary to Vice President of Marketing." I turn around and look at the door to my office, but it says "Lorena Melendez, V.P. Marketing." I guess it's not the door to my office anymore. I know I should be worried, but I'm not. I just make my way around Ms. Melendez and sit down at my new desk, starting to go over next week's appointment schedule as my new boss bounces gleefully into her new office. * * * My little radio clock strikes five, and I get up to organize myself and get out of the office. Ms. Melendez walks out of her office and compliments me on my work, and I do my best to avoid eye contact. She holds the elevator for me, and I'm nervous for the entirety of the 10- floor ride to the garage basement. I've completely forgotten about going to the doctor. I find my car, parked in the same space I left it this morning, but it's not my car. I mean, it's my Camry, but it's my old one, the 1998 model that I traded in back in 2003, for the car that I traded in last year for my current car. As I unlock the front door, I can hear Ms. Melendez ejaculate a short, forceful laugh. I look up, and she's bouncing in glee over a new-looking BMW, using a button on her keychain to unlock it, lock it, and unlock it again. The chirping gets to me. Trying not to be noticed, I climb into my car and take the long way out of the garage to avoid passing by her. Back at my apartment, I notice some things are wrong. Just like my car, any of the furniture I bought in the last five years has been replaced with whatever I had before then. And the five extra years of age are visible on them. My dishes are from three different sets, my silverware from four. My livingroom even sports a VCR where my DVD player used to be. I guess this is what I have to work with now that I'm on a secretary's salary. I step into my bathroom and see what I've become. I'm shorter than Ms. Melendez used to be. I feel like a kid. My face seems smaller, more compact, except for my eyes which look bigger. My hair is in a short bob. My chest is... bigger. But other than those changes, I look about the same. It's depressing. A little bit later, I'm turning off the stove and bringing my stir-fry over to the couch when my doorbell buzzes. I look through the peep-hole and see that it's Ms. Melendez, carrying some bags. Reluctantly, I open the door and she barges in. "Where's your bedroom?" she asks. I point, and she rushes through the door, dumping the contents of the bags on my bed. There are a few skirtsuits and several articles of female undergarments. She rushes to my dresser and starts filling her bags like she's at the supermarket. "Um, Ms. Melendez, how did you find my apartment?" I ask. "Your address is listed on your CV," she says, "which I still have on file in my office." "Oh," I say. "Ms. Melendez, what are you doing?" "What, you haven't noticed?" she asks, "Look at yourself, your clothes are ridiculously big. I have no idea how I've managed to walk around all day squeezed into clothes which are more appropriate for someone a whole four inches shorter than me, but there's no way I'm fitting into anything that's in my closet, and I doubt you will either. So for now, we're switching." I can't help but notice that she'd only left me enough clothes for a few days whereas she seemed to be cleaning me out, but I can't muster up the nerve to say anything. I want to ask why she left me her bras and panties, but I know I'll need them, and I have to accept this fact. She stops packing with almost my entire work wardrobe stuffed in her bags, but I'm glad that no weird changes happened. As I see her out the door, she takes one final look around, winks at me, and says "I swear, it almost looks like a college student lives here." My heart sinks as I feel the tingle all over my body as she slams the door shut, and fifteen years are erased from my life. I get back into my bedroom, and the BA and Masters in Business that used to hang on either side of an old family portrait are missing. I look closer and see that the old family portrait has been replaced by an even older one. I go back to the livingroom to finish my stir-fry in front of a re-run of Dawson's Creek on TBS. I used to love this show back in middle school. Wait, that can't be right. Those actors probably weren't born yet when I was in middle school. I take out my driver's license, and it says I was born in 1985, and suddenly I can't remember any other year as being my year of birth. This is starting to mess with my head. I need to do something about it. I decide to spend the rest of the night trying to figure out what I can say to get back even with Ms. Melendez. 'You're nothing to me?' No, then she might just disappear, and that's too close to murder for me. 'You're such a bitch?' While it might be true, turning her into a dog isn't much better than murder. 'I eat people like you for breakfast?' Geez, that's even worse than murder. Before I can think of anything good, my alarm clock goes off. "Shoot, it's 6:45," I say to myself. "Gotta be out the door in 15 minutes if I want to make my night school class. And I'm still wearing this giant suit. Dammit." I go back into my bedroom and realize the only things that will fit me are the skirtsuits Ms. Melendez left me. I take the jacket off, and wonder how my arms managed to get to the ends of the sleeves. Curious, I try to put it back on, but now it's obvious I'm swimming in it. Reluctantly, I take the rest of my clothes off, leaving me naked aside from the panties from this morning. I notice that the front is flat and quickly lift the waistband to check up on George Jr. "Jesus," I say to my pseudo-dick, "you look like you belong on a--" I stop myself before I could get the word "toddler" out. Who knows what I'd do if I end up a three-year old. But that does give me an idea. I quickly get dressed in the first outfit on the pile, and head out the door, stumbling a bit in Ms. Melendez's one-inch heels. Class is class, and I leave there a little smarter than I went in. I'm a little surprised nobody thought a man in a skirt was suspicious, but a little relieved, too. I'm still not worried, though. I haven't worried about anything since this morning, which still weirds me out. After a full night's sleep, I wake up, shower, and drive my dad's old Camry to work. I'm wearing another one of Ms. Melendez's skirtsuits. There's only one more clean one left now. I'll have to go shopping before night school tonight. I need some casual stuff that'll fit me, too. I get to the office before Ms. Melendez and pretend to work, rehearsing in my head what I want to say when she gets in. I type it over and over again in a blank Word document. A few minutes later, I hear the elevator ding, and recognize her voice coming out of it. Just before she gets to my desk, I start talking without looking up, "Hey, Ms. Melendez, that's a nice suit. Whoever bought that should be--" Suddenly, her giant hand is covering my mouth. "You're not going to finish that sentence, George, because you're weak and you're soft," she spits out before I can even blink. I try to struggle, but I notice that most of the muscle in my arms has been replaced with fat. I'm soft, and I'm weak. And I know I'm not going to finish the sentence. She removes her hand, and as I feel my best chance slip away, tears start to form in my eyes. Ms. Melendez doesn't miss a beat. "Jesus, George, you act just like you're on your period." I feel my face reddening in embarrassment, as her sentence triggers a cramping in my belly and a wet feeling in my crotch. I jump out of my chair and hurry away from *her,* and towards the restroom, hot tears streaming down my scrunched up face. This was worse than anything that had happened so far in the last two days. I can feel something moving, like some kind of worm inside of my lower abdomen, and I can't decide whether I should grab my stomach or cover my face. In the bathroom, I hike up my skirt and lower my panties. Too late. Stained. As I sit on the toilet, I throw out the second pair of bloody underwear in as many days. I fall back leaning my head against the wall, and cry for a few minutes. This time I'm not thinking about anything. I just need to let everything out. I wipe my eyes with toilet paper and reluctantly inspect myself down there, and find out that George Jr. is completely gone now. I'm 100% female. I grab some more toilet paper to wipe myself with, but no matter how much I wipe I can't actually get fully clean, and it starts to hurt a bit. I stuff a wad of toilet paper in me and hope it'll hold, then slowly and uncomfortably make my way back to my desk. At the desk, I see my nameplate has now changed to "Jeneveive Arditti." I guess officially changing genders earns you a new first name. I walk around to sit back down in my chair, but stop as I notice a small paper bag sitting there. I open it, and find a new pair of panties and a tampon, with a note "thought you might need these, -L. Melendez." As I hurry back to the restroom, my embarrassment slowly converts to rage. She's just playing with me, using me like some toy. She has what she wants, but she still needs to make my life even more miserable. I sit down on the toilet again, and am surprised at how easily I put in the tampon. I pull up the new panties. They're a bit frillier than what I've been wearing since yesterday. I push it out of my mind, and focus everything on Ms. Melendez. Once I'm decent again, I march right past my desk and into Ms. Melendez's office, probably mirroring her own actions from yesterday. Before she can say anything, I start, "Ms. Melendez, about what you just did to me--" "You know, you're sexier when you're angry." "No, let me finish, ma'am. I feel--" Wait, what did she say? A draft blows over my legs, as my once knee-length skirt becomes mid-thigh. My jacket shrinks upwards, forming into a design that emphasizes my boobs, as the top two buttons of my blouse disappear, revealing the edges of my T-shirt bra. Noticing these changes makes me even more upset, but that just triggers more changes. The skirt adopts pleats and turns to plaid. The jacket disappears. My shoes morph into Mary Janes with 2-inch heels, as my pantyhose change into white knee-high socks. I'm now a spitting image of your stereotypical Catholic schoolgirl. I clench my fists in rage, my face red with tears and heat as I choke out "How dare you!" But as soon as the words leave my lips, my blouse works its way out of the skirt, unbuttoning everything but the one button resting in front of my cleavage as it ties itself into a knot just below my breasts. The skirt hem inches higher, threatening to reveal my panties, and my hair spills down to mid-back. Ms. Melendez glides out from behind her desk and positions herself right behind me. She's visibly curious. I'm paralyzed with rage, and I don't so much as turn around. I just stare straight out the window, tensed up and fuming. I feel my hands unclenching involuntarily. I try to hold them even tighter, but they aren't responding. They're moving on their own, rubbing my bare belly in an incredibly delicate manner. It feels like someone else doing it. I fight it, but then my arms start moving on their own, letting my hands trace the contours of my sides. I get shivers, but this just sets my determination stronger as I set my eyes on one rooftop outside and concentrate on regaining control of my body. Then my hips begin to play back against my hands, starting a little dance. My fingers flip up the back of the skirt, showing off plenty of panty, and I clench my teeth as the whole skirt drags itself up my waist, now revealing half of my ass even when completely flat. My blouse disappears, and my heels grow to three inches. By now, my whole body below my neck has joined into that sensuous little performance I started putting on. I grunt out in absolute impotent rage, but the only place I can express it is my face, and then I feel fingers pulling aside the seat of my panties, and a fully-engorged dick slide its way over my ass. 'Why does Ms. Melendez have...' but the thought is buried beneath a redoubling of anger, as my ass responds by rubbing itself into Ms. Melendez's crotch, at the same time growing outwards into a rounder, womanlier shape. My hands are still caressing my sides, and I can feel my whole body shifting into what must be a sexier form. My bra becomes thinner, growing lace where cotton once was, and my panties follow suit, as what is left of my skirt shrinks upwards again and changes into a garter belt. The knee-high socks change into stockings and latch themselves onto my new garter belt, as Ms. Melendez begins to pump in and out of my ass, and my body responds energetically. Ms. Melendez leans down and whispers into my ear, "You know, girls are sexier when they're off their period." I feel the tampon disappear, as my panties shrink into a thong and my bra goes strapless. Both go from white to bright pink. The last words out of my mouth are "fuck you," before my clenched face begins to soften and my mouth betrays me by letting out a moan. I feel my hair drop down to my hips, getting in the way of Ms. Melendez's work. I feel my arms rise up, and as I look at them, I see that big, pink, poofy scrunchies have formed on either wrist. I can feel my hands tying back my hair into pigtails, and now my ass is unobstructed again as my hair hangs to either side of my hips. I let out a moan, and realize that my face has now betrayed me. I'm literally seething inside my head, which is the only place I can seethe anymore, as my hands move to massage my breasts, which I discover are now bare. That's when I realize that my toes are touching the ground, without stockings or shoes in the way. I'm naked aside from a flimsy pair of panties, which are offering absolutely no resistance to my boss's penis. She bends her head down again and whispers, "I'm almost ready." At that, my body pulls away from her and I feel the back of the thong snap deep into my asscheeks. My hands press my hair over my bottom in a display of false modesty. I can feel a coy expression take over my face, and I can't do anything to stop it. I thread the hair between my legs as I turn around to face Ms. Melendez in one smooth motion. I pull on the hair from the front, and it gives, and grows with my arms' urgings, lengthening so that it doubles back up to my boobs again. I fan my nipples a little bit with the ends of my hair, which now incidentally has highlights, and hold that position for a moment, covering all of my naughty bits. When I let go of my hair, I'm completely naked and looking expectantly at the penis which is peeking out through Ms. Melendez's fly. I wiggle up to her, and kneel down as I strip off her belt and lower her pants and briefs. I have to stand on my tiptoes to reach her engorged member with my crotch, but then my legs grow longer, and my upper body shrinks to accommodate. I do all the work, and she just stands there like a rock. I'm gyrating on her member, as my hands unbutton her shirt, revealing her still-feminine frame and her bra-encased bosoms. I find myself pulling down the bra cups and sucking on her nipples, as my own nipples mash against her middle. I can feel we're both approaching climax as she whispers one last thing into my ear. "You know," she says, "the sexiest girls enjoy it to the core of their being." As she shoots her load, I feel myself cross over the edge as well. I cry "Yes!" and my inner bastion of rage is assaulted by a wave something else. I scream again "Yes!" and my anger begins to shift into genuine arousal. A third shout of "Yes!" and the bastion is now a sandcastle crumbling in the waters of horniness. A final cry, "YES!" and, like Ms. Melendez said, I'm enjoying it to the core of my being. As Ms. Melendez pulls out, my anger is replaced by sexual gratification. The more I calm down, the more I revert back to "normal." A thong re- forms over my crotch, as my hair shrinks from below my knees to just past my ass. I grow a strapless, lacy bra, as a garter belt forms on my waist, and stockings extend from its straps. My middle expands, as my panties shimmer out of my asscrack and over my bottom, changing to plain white, which my bra follows suit in, growing thick straps that make their way over my shoulders. My legs shrink, but my torso doesn't grow in kind. Now I'm even shorter than I'd started out. I'm probably a midget. My whole body expands outward as I take on an extra layer of fat, and my hair moves back up to mid-back and combines into a single ponytail. The garter belt spills out into an ankle-length skirt, which now fits my expanded frame, and the stockings revert back to pantyhose as simple flats encase my feet. A blouse appears over my torso, buttons itself all the way to the top button, and tucks itself into my skirt, just before a practically shapeless suit jacket drops itself over my shoulders, and glasses appear on my nose. It isn't until now that I realize I can move on my own again, but my movements are decidedly feminine. I'm a girl inside and out, now. I bow my head and demurely thank my mostly-naked boss, as I walk back out the door and to my desk. As I sit down on my plump rear, I can hear her cackling like a madman. * * * I slip into my new role easily. I'm now a naturally cheerful, if shy, girl and I know everyone in the office likes me. I call my mother on my lunch break, and she doesn't seem to remember I was ever a man, or that she should be significantly older than she is. Ms. Melendez walks out of her office without even looking at me, and I notice that, while she's wearing my old suit, she's still got on a pair of her shoes. Hard black, pointy flats that could easily be mistaken for men's loafers by someone who wasn't paying attention. I decide to compliment her on them and hold my hand against the receiver so my mom doesn't hear. "Those shoes are cute, Ms. Melendez." She turns around and smiles at me. I don't like her look, so I quickly turn back to the phone and say quietly, almost to myself, "they're just what my mother would wear." Ms. Melendez's scream brings my attention back to her, and the room goes weird. Time stops, and the whole world seems to shift around the two of us. It feels like that double-vision you get when you're drunk, except I can see Ms. Melendez perfectly clearly. Grey and white streak through her curly black hair as her body twists around like it's in pain. For a split second I can see her face, and it looks as if the combined 30 years she stole from my mother and I are being given straight to her. But I just get that one split second before my own body starts twisting, and I fall out of my chair. I can feel myself changing. My face re-arranges itself, and my makeup changes appropriately. I can feel an itch starting at the top of my scalp, working its way across my body down to my toes, and my skin grows darker with it. My formerly-straight brown hair matches Ms. Melendez's previous jet black curls. My skirt shifts to black while a rose pattern knits itself down the side. My jacket turns into a matching black blouse, and my blouse turns into a deep red camisole. By the time I collect myself, the world has stopped spinning, and I can hear a voice coming from the phone receiver. I pick it back up, and to my surprise I find myself saying into it "Uno momento, papi." I stand up and put the receiver down on my desk, then brush myself off. I look up and see my mother, Lorena Melendez, doing the same. I've been interning as her secretary since the beginning of semester, and we always go out to lunch together. "Creo que papi quiere hablar contigo," I say to her smiling face. Papi wants to talk to her. I hand her the phone and step out from behind my desk. Watching my mom talk to my dad on the phone, I still remember being George Arditti. I still remember my old life, my old parents, my old everything. I remember everything that's happened since yesterday, too. But somehow, I'm happy with the situation I'm in now. I love my mother. What daughter doesn't? That person that acted so viciously wasn't my mother. I know her better than that. It was a different reality, and she was a different person, just like I'm a different person now. I'm doing well in school. I'm going for a teaching degree. I'm bilingual now. I don't have a single worry in the world. But that might be a carryover from something else. As my mom hangs up the phone and turns back to me, I can see in her eyes she feels the same way. She loves me, and wouldn't trade me for anything. She has a great career, a loving husband, and aside from me she's got two more kids still in high school. I don't know what thoughts are going through her head, but all of the animosity I'd seen in the last two days seem to have completely evaporated. She takes my hand and says "Jennifer, you are the best daughter a mother could ask for, and I will never force you to change," confirming everything I had thought. Somehow I knew that statement worked. Nothing my mother would say could change me like they had been recently. I lean my head on her shoulder and say "You too, mami. You too." I'm pretty sure that broke the spell on her. We look each other in the eye for a few moments. She cracks a smile and wraps her hands around me. She's still eight inches taller than me, and I gently rest my head against her collarbone as we embrace, careful not to smudge my makeup on what was once my business suit. Two days ago. A lifetime ago. It never really was my business suit.

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The Repairman

We had just arrived home from a three week vacation. It was mid-August, and the temperature was, at 11:00, over 100. We were expecting, after 24 hours on an airplane, and a 3 hour drive from the airport, to lay down in cool comfort, in our own bed, and sleep for a while. Instead, we came into a house that was hotter than blazes. We checked everything that we knew how, and still couldn't find the problem. It was now nearly noon, and was getting hotter by the second. I, finally, at my wit's end,...

4 years ago
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The Repairman

Chapter 1 Jane’s large breasts were swaying, and she was cussing as she struggled to get the dirty dish water in the sink to drain. After ten minutes of struggling to un unclog the drain she did the only thing she could; she called a plumber. The lady on the phone said she would send one right away, so Jane went to get dressed and put her makeup on before he arrived. But before she completed her makeup the doorbell rang. Shit, Jane thought, naturally I’m not dressed yet and he is here. She...

1 year ago
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Stephanie And The Repairman

Stephanie wakes up bright and early excited to get the day going. It's been a couple of months since Luis left. Being alone for the first time since they married has had her feeling a little down. She got a call last night finally and Luis told her he was finally all settled in and could finally Skype with her. He wasn't sure what time would be but promised he would be calling.Stephanie is now extremely happy. She decides to make a quick breakfast and get that out of the way. After breakfast,...

Wife Lovers
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Karens Repairman

These afternoon card games are getting out of hand thought Karen as her fingers slipped under the table, her cards forgotten. First one finger, then two as listened to her friend Becky. The fingers slid in easily, her pussy already wet from the visions that Becky's story conjured up. She could just see it happening to Becky as Becky described it. "I looked him up and down and saw the tent in his trousers and then I just said, "Sure honey, why not. I've never fucked a nigger before." "Oh...

2 years ago
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In the depths of dispair

My first submission – hope you like Was it fear or trepidation? His tortured soul had never known love, but tonight. Tonight it may be different. Although he had never met Susan69, they had flirted over the chat rooms. He had bared his soul, told her secrets he had never told anyone else, including his therapist. Was Susan69 the person who could break him free of the maelstrom of despair? A beacon of hope to light up his darkness? The taxi pulled up at the address she had given him. He...

3 years ago
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My wife and the repairmen

It was a lazy Sunday morning, the schedule is that our electricians will fix some wirings in our house. Me and my wife was still sleeping and our two c***dren were out with my in-laws for a Sunday church and malling afterwards, it usually ended late at nigh so my wife and I are alone on Sundays. I was in my boxer shorts and Sando, my wife is in her nighties, a thin almost see-through satin skintone nighties.At 9am, someone is knocking on the door. I am so tire the night before so I didn't...

2 years ago
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The Repairperson

The Repairperson A drabble by Pamela The storm knocked down my phone line. The next day I could see the repairman up on the pole fixing my line. How funny, I thought, "he's" a woman working by herself. Later, I got a phone call. "I'm the repairwoman, checking that your phone is fixed." "Thanks," I said. "By the way, I can see that you're wearing a dress." Horrified, I looked out the window and saw her looking at me from two houses away. I shut the blinds and...

4 years ago
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In the depths of dispair

My first submission - hope you like Was it fear or trepidation? His tortured soul had never known love, but tonight. Tonight it may be different. Although he had never met Susan69, they had flirted over the chat rooms. He had bared his soul, told her secrets he had never told anyone else, including his therapist. Was Susan69 the person who could break him free of the maelstrom of despair? A beacon of hope to light up his darkness? The taxi pulled up at the address she had given him. He...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Erins Dispair

March 14, 2012 This story started out as a constructive comment to the author whose pen name is Vulvus and has written prolifically for Storiesonline I offered these changes for him to use as his. He did not seem interested. I believe he encouraged me to submit this on my own. The names of the characters and basic premise of the story are all his. I offer this story only as an alternative. I do not claim credit for any originality. You may read his story: "My boss wins, my wife and I...

4 years ago
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After Sam moved into his home on the top floor of an apartment block, he became fascinated with his neighbours. They occupied the far end unit and he lived next door to them. The six units on each floor were mirror images of one another and Sam, therefore, shared an adjoining bedroom wall with Tex and Gail. They had a very noisy sex life and Sam would frequently hear them cavorting after two a.m.Gail worked at a nightclub from six p.m. till two a.m., and after being collected by Tex after her...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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The Android Repairman

He had been in the business since its early beginnings.  James was more than just a repairman; he was an artist at his craft.  He started as an apprentice to another master.  Bruno was an excellent repairman too, but he always did things by the book.  He tried to instill that in his protege James but realized early on that he was much more.It was forbidden to alter their physical structure or programming, but James loved to tinker.  James would only dabble in unorthodox repairs with part units....

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Homegrown Fucking

I sat alone, semi-aware of my surroundings while I thought about my discovery. I didn't even know Delia was seeing a boy, she never acted like she was dating, she doesn't spend any time on the phone or texting any boys, all her time was spent with her friends, girl friends. Who in hell fucked my daughter three times? Did I just discover something recent or has she been screwing for a while? Was she being careful? That was the question that finally rose to the surface of the confusion and...

4 years ago
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Homegrown Videos Best Porn Industry Pranks

Homegrown Video is known as the original amateur porn company and for taking on industry adversaries like Acacia, but over the years Homegrown Video has also played some of the most notorious pranks on the industry. In the spirit of a good jest, neither taking themselves or the industry too seriously not to have some fun along the way, here are some classic punked moments from the annals of the world’s longest running porn series. 1. Don’t make fun of our names…Homegrown Video was approaching...

2 years ago
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RegrowthChapter 2

The dinner was excellent. It was some sort of fancy French food that I had never heard of, but it really tasted good. There was wine to go with it, and I had never experienced that before. It looked like they had put on the dog for me, and I was shocked when I was told that Janice had done all of the cooking, with only some minor help from her mother. Most of the dinner conversation was in generalities like the weather, etc. The rest was monopolized by me extolling the virtues of the food. I...

4 years ago
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RegrowthChapter 3

As the first item of business the next morning, Bill called me into his office to discuss the "accident" with the hoist. He wanted to know what I thought. After assuring him that I had no proof, I told him of my suspicions of Joey and why I figured that he was the only one who would and could have done the sabotage. Bill thought for a minute or so and said, "Jimmy, I hate to say this about one of my men, but I think that you are right. Joey was making too hard a play for Janice about six...

3 years ago
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RegrowthChapter 4

Six weeks passed with me becoming more familiar with how the shop ran. I was given more and more responsibility in my job assignments. I was becoming the best mechanic of our bunch, but I tried to fit in with the rest of the guys. They appreciated my attitude and were actually starting to ask my opinion on jobs that were giving them problems when Jay was not available. It looked like I was headed for Jay's position as shop leader when he finally retired. The new mechanic that Bill hired was...

4 years ago
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RegrowthChapter 5

I hated the expressways that we had to use to get to and from work, but Janice relished the challenge of driving on them, so I learned to keep my mouth shut. We were headed home one day on an expressway when we saw a car burst into flame. Of course, everybody was driving too damned fast for that much traffic, so there was a chain-reaction collision ahead of us. Janice proved that she was a superlative driver and managed to bring us to a stop without hitting any other cars or being hit. It...

1 year ago
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RegrowthChapter 6

This time, Janice delivered a daughter, Helen Mary Brinkley. We went through the same routine as before, and I covered for Janice while she was otherwise occupied. Helen did wind up with a double babysitting job, but she took it on with no complaints. We had three happy years before tragedy struck. By this time, I had checked Mary and found that my genes had passed on to her, too. Somehow, this got to Janice, and she decided that she did not want any more children. She kept muttering...

3 years ago
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RegrowthChapter 7

I started a new routine: one that my parents approved of. I went to work faithfully every morning as a mechanic; I played with my kids after work until they and everybody else went to bed; and I became a vigilante after midnight. The couple of hours of sleep I got between 10:00 and 12:00 o'clock was all I needed, and I eventually outgrew that need. At midnight, I put on whatever working clothes I had chosen for my mission that night. Either I dressed as a regular working stiff out on the...

4 years ago
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RegrowthChapter 9

I had told Billy what I had in mind for tonight before we left home. As far as I was concerned, this was his night. I was going to act as backup for him, but he was responsible for what action was taken. I did warn him not to be too vengeful, and to save the death penalty for when it was deserved. Yeah, I know, I had pushed that rule pretty hard on several occasions, but I tried to stick to the principle. We had been patrolling for about 45 minutes when we spotted a mugging in progress....

2 years ago
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RegrowthChapter 10

There had been a shift change for the guards, and no warehouse workers had shown up to punch in, so this was a good time for Billy and me to hit them. I was sure that the quiet day would lull the guards into a false sense of tranquility. With that, we probably would not have to kill any of them. Billy and I went back into the warehouse the same way we had gone in last night. By this time, all four guards were lolling away the last few hours of their shift by relaxing in the air conditioned...

1 year ago
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Home Grown Freaks! If this is the first time you are hearing about Homegrown Freaks, it is a free community of people who share a similar love for ball bursting amateur porn uploaded by slutty members. Even better; not only do you get to see everyone else’s collection, but you can also upload your own and show the world just how depraved you can be if given the opportunity. There are plenty of things to love about this porn destination and being the ultimate nerd; I’m the best placed to tell...

Black Porn Sites
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Fellas, let's talk about boobs. Melons, puppies, lady lumps, jugs, or whatever the fuck you call them. There is no denying that every grown man loves the sight of boobs. Why are fellas so obsessed with this specific part of the female physique? Well, I think the better question would be, why the hell not? I mean, if for nothing else, titties are sexual and aesthetically pleasing. Look away now, my gay readers. Y'all can go check out the gay content on See? The Porn Dude has...

Reddit NSFW List
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Grow Up

Grow Up a story by forced consent - [email protected] 4th May 2008 Sam and Rebecca have been going out for a few months, but she is fed up with his constant moaning and stroppy attitude. She decides that he needs to grow up and thinks of a great way to make her point... Notes: For US readers, a nappy is the UK term for a diaper. Quid is slang for pounds (currency). All the characters in this story are fictional and of adult age. No references to children are given...

3 years ago
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A Study of Relational Pairings

This is mostly true of sibling incest where The closer in age the siblings are, the greater the (opportunity?) for intimacy, this statistic is borne out by the higher number of sexual meetings between fraternal twins, that is, when one sibling is male the other female. As the age difference between the pair increases, the incidences of incest decrease until beyond a span of 3.4 years in age separation, intercourse between siblings is almost non-existent, then mostly occurs...

2 years ago
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Kristina Is Pimped Out By The Tire Repairman

The warm water cascaded down Kristina’s back before falling to the floor of the shower and flowing to the drain. She sighed from the pleasant feeling of being enveloped in a steamy cloud of wet warmth. Her flaming hair was piled high on her head to prevent it from being drenched from the steady stream of water. Though she liked nothing better than the luxuriousness of soaking in a bathtub, in the morning nothing could top a hot shower. It helped to waken her fully while at the same time...

2 years ago
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The Repairman

After Sam, Samantha, moved into her home on the top floor of an apartment block, she became fascinated with her neighbours. They had the far end unit, and she lived next door to them. The alternating units were all mirror images of one another, and Sam therefore shared an adjoining bedroom wall with Tex and Gail, her neighbours. They had a very active, if somewhat noisy sex life. Mostly, she would hear them fucking after two a.m., as I will shortly explain.Gail worked at a nightclub from six...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Electric Company Repairman

Electric Company RepairmanBy: Londebaaz Chohan Russel was damn lucky. He just got the idea form a gay magazine, he was only rushing through for making special kind of the wood furniture for the gay clubs particularly those who serviced their clientele for torture and survival kind of sex, playing Masters and their Slaves. He was of course gay, a self-proclaimed best bottom and to top it all off he had an undergraduate degree in wood working from the best Vocational school in the country. Russel...

1 year ago
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The Nosey Repairman

THE NOSEY REPAIRMAN Nearly 12.30 Dave thought to himself, this call then a break for lunch. He drove up the loose stone driveway ,parking his van between the Japanesesports car and the Renault people carrier. He knocked loudly on the large woodenfront door, which was answered by an oldish woman "Susan Alexander?" he asked, "Yes "shereplied "Ah good I`m here to service your heating" She led him into the house, he was already watching her large bottom, whichwent well with her incredibly large...

1 year ago
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The Repairman

It was four-twenty five, and the roads were jammed with the usual rush hour congestion. Nick reached down and turned the vents of his AC grille, directing the flow of air to his face, feeling the cool breeze across his flushed, sweaty forehead. It had been a very hard day; he had already done seven repair calls, and he was feeling the wave of fatigue that usually hit him at this hour of the day. He was looking forward to getting home and relaxing with a nice, hot shower and a delicious meal....

3 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 25 Repairs

"Fuck! The Admiral is going to be pissed," Captain Mike Bonnet of the USS Badger said. "I know, and I am going to have to tell him. It's my responsibility. As to your Mechs and Marines, the ship has been cleared of all Crytherians. Anyone left alive is outside and fair game. If you can get your Mechs to create a safe zone for us, I will get all my spiders initiating emergency repairs to get us back into space," turning he looked at Lisa and asked, "Lisa, how long until we get repairs...

1 year ago
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Evil Au Pair

Steve looked at the new au pair and liked what he saw. She was about 5 feet 7 inches tall, had long blond hair to her waist and the most amazing blue eyes. What impressed him most were the large breasts and legs which were barely covered by her short skirt. She smiled as Steve's parents Mike and Lucy welcomed her. He could see his mum frown at her short skirt and revealing top. "These are our two sons, Steve who is thirteen and our son Robert who is nearly four. Our daughter Rachel who...

1 year ago
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The New Au Pair

The second new story, just the first chapter. Please tell me which of the three I'm posting you likeThe New Au PairNikkie SilkChapter 1“Zip me up please, darling.”Steve did as he was asked, zipping up his wife's dress and admiring the curve of her back as he did so. She had recovered her figure quickly after Ben's birth, albeit with the help of a lot of hard work in the gym, and she had kept it that way. It had been Susie‘s body that had, after all, attracted Steve in the first place. He had...

4 years ago
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The Au Pair

The Au Pair by RH Music Author's Note: Hey everybody. I just wanted to emphasize that this is story has no sex, kinky or otherwise. It's just a sweet TG novel. Enjoy. -RH Chapter 1 ------- - -occupied- Ken locked the door of the airplane toilet. The overhead light and ventilation fan automatically clicked on. For the first time in his young life, Ken was completely free. He had broken free of society and its arbitrary laws which he had studiously observed every minute...

1 year ago
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How many times can you get caught sniffing 1 pair

I had a old friend visit over the holidays. We were watching a movie and the wife was still at work. My friend and I had a early start with the holiday cheer in a glass. We had just finished smoking a huge bowl, and were about to sit back down to the movie. I took a washroom break. While in the bathroom I noticed that my wife had left a pair of her panties on the floor, one of my favorite pair ;)!I instantly wondered if my friend had seen them? He had used the washroom more than once today.. I...

3 years ago
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My Despair

My Despair Synopsis: When pre-op Jerri Lynn is violently raped by the mayor's son, which caused Jerri Lynn to be ostracized by the community. When the case is dismissed due to improper handling of evidence, she plans a revenge that only her best friend's Love prevents, leading to her finding peace as she gives up her anger and embraces Love. [*][*][*] Well, here I am, in the afterglow of love with my beloved husband, Grant who has never doubted me, or our Love. But it was not always...

2 years ago
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DC Universe Pairings

The DC universe is a big place with several heroes and villains that call it home. As in real life, sometimes things happen and people get together. These stories are meant to detail the moments where two DC characters engage in various different sexual encounters!

3 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 98 Fantasy Pairings

After the excitement of the morning, they decided they needed a rest. Even those who hadn't been involved since early in the game agreed to a cooldown period. Since they were in no rush (other than Jeff), they decided to take a break from their sex play. After lunch, they all headed out back to go skinny dipping. It was particularly fun now that there was no pretense of propriety anymore. First, the girls had fun rubbing suntan lotion all over each other, and the men. Then they all hopped...

2 years ago
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Au Pair

I felt the vibration of my iPhone in my flight suit before hearing the sound of it ringing. The screen indicated it was an unknown number. That usually scared the shit out of me as it could only mean somebody was looking for money I owed, the IRS or whatever scary shithead who does not want me to know who he or she might be. Which were calls I often got as, due to my extracurricular activities, my quests were never limited to the single members of the female species only. However, I endeavoured...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Car Repairs

Ok, so I have an older car: 2002 Ford Taurus. It’s getting up there in age and things just happen to go wrong. I’m tired of taking it to the Ford dealer to get my repairs. My friend Stacy told me about the shop her dad goes to. She gave me the phone number and said to ask for Jimmy.The next day I called. A nice man answered the phone. “May I please speak with Jimmy?” I asked. “This is him, how may I help you?” Jimmy said. “A friend of mine told me to call and see if you could possibly...

4 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 33 Jessica and Repairs

Down in engineering, Chief Engineer Samantha Wayne looked at the damage report and them the schematics and back at her engineering team. The readings were still saying the same thing. "Look, I don't care what the diagnostic says. The shield generators should have resisted the four hits. However, for some reason they were only putting out ten percent of the power, and the diagnostic was saying they were kicking out one hundred percent. Therefore, we have one of two problems here. One is...

3 years ago
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Overgrown Sexually Rural Boys

Overgrown Sexually, Rural BoysBy: Londebaaz ChohanBy now, Mr. Jack Shultz was almost huffing and panting for his breath. He stopped and shouted, “Drop your jeans. I shall make you regret for this”. There was hardly any hesitation and Ralph quickly stood up, unbuttoned his jeans, pulled his zipper and slid it down his hips, leaning back over the desk but not before giving a menacing look to the teacher and asking him to hit hard as he could on the naked ass”.This made Mr. Jack Schultz go crazy....

2 years ago
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The Cable Repair

I awoke to the sound of the alarm clock screaming, I looked around the hotel room one last time, finally I was going back home. It was a great visit with friends but it was time to get home, I missed my wife and my own bed and frankly I was horny as fuck. I packed up my things and headed to the airport. My wife on my mind the entire time, her long black hair flowing over her ample 38 C tits, her long muscular legs, her ass round and firm, her shaved pussy just waiting to be fucked. After all it...

3 years ago
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Trishs Welcuming of the Computer Repairman

When he knocked on the door, she was ready for him. She had given birth just over a month before, and was ready for some hot fucking. Her big milk filled tits were needing a good sucking and she knew the computer repair stud couldn't resist her hot to fuck, slut charms. She had carefully piled her long bleached blonde hair up on top of her head so that her long, graceful and very inviting neck showed. The slut had put on a tiny black string bikini that was way too small...

1 year ago
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TV Repairman

He turned as he heard her casually mention to her friend that her husband would be away again this weekend starting tonight. He saw her beautiful smile and golden blond hair and knew she would be the one. He cautiously followed her along her path that day at the mall; spending several hours noting her tastes (Victoria Secret, Eddie Bauer, Rave?). He pulled his van out onto the highway just 2 cars behind hers as she left for her home at 4 Pm that Friday. Her home was in the suburban outskirts of...

4 years ago
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Text messages: GF: "Hey, where you going to be at 7 2nite?" Me: "I'm off early tonight. Prolly at the gym or home. Y? U ok?" GF: "I need you at your computer at 7pm xctly: Me: "Umm, ok. What's up?" GF: "surprise" Me: "K" GF: "7pm!" Me: "Ok!" 6:55pm that night: I pick up my phone on the third ring. Seeing that the caller is my girlfriend I answer, "Hey, what's up?" "I have a surprise for you, honey." "Um, ok." "Turn on your computer. I want to video chat...

2 years ago
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My days are spent looking, Searching for something; something I may never find. Even though the sun beats harshly on my head, and the miles pound into my feet the wind that blows 'round about me is chill; carrying on it the hopes and dispairs that lay within my soul. And sometimes, despair wins.... I struggle against it with my last force of will, with every fiber of my being, with my last breath. So far, I have not let despair defeat me; but who knows how long that remains so. Every...

4 years ago
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Oh Pair

Cast of Characters Grayson Wilder - 21yrs old,returning home from London,England after studing for 3 year of university. Amanda - Grayson's mother,a bit of a tigress when protecting her children.Willing to turn a blind's eye to Grayson and don's activities Don Wilson - Grayson's step-dad,runs a Delivery service Kristen - Grayson's 18yrs old sister,crush on Grayson.willing to do anything he wants Kimberley - Grayson's 2 yr old sister Marette - 19 yrs old au pair from Denmark.very protective of...

3 years ago
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My Stepsister 02 ndash Next Doorrsquos Au Pair

My Step-sister 02 – Next Door’s Au PairUnusually for me, if you want to follow the story you will need to read My Step-sister – How it all started! If you don’t care and just want a raunchy story please continue.It’s our sixteenth birthday. The age of sexual consent in the UK.I soon return to consciousness still spooning. Lightly caress my sister’s bum as I remember just losing our virginity. Inevitably I reach for her closest boob. Nichole takes my hand and wraps my arm tightly around her...

1 year ago
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My first ever masturbation experience using a pair

I'll tell you story were it all started. My first ever masturbation experience using a pair of knickers. My neighbours knickers. It all started, with my new neighbour, she'd moved in next door a divorced mother with three k**s. I wouldn't say that she was stunning or what they call a MILF nothing of the sort. She was around 5'7 strong jawline a long bubble nose with straight dark brown shoulder length hair bangs/fringe covering entire forehead so hair hung just over her eyebrows, hazel green...

4 years ago
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Quite a Pair

Modern living has advantages and disadvantages, and sometimes, one gets a bit of spice from the aforementioned advantages. The crowding of houses close enough to touch created townhomes and condos, and some advantages. I live in a townhouse and the neighbor's across the walkway moved out recently, and I was hoping that someone interesting would move in. I didn't have to wait too long, as a week later, Michelle and her friend, Jackie moved in. Their place is a small two bedroom, two bath...

2 years ago
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Inside Pair

My family, including my hot little sister, went off to the beach for a week and left me home to take care of my lawn-cutting jobs, and, of course, the dozen or so grass widows I had been servicing regularly. I was learning, and earning, a lot. I now could last twice as long before I came, and I'd swear my cock was bigger too although I hadn't measured it recently. It was not only long, which it had been since my last growth spurt, but really thick, like the handle of my tennis racket. The...

1 year ago
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The Bold Au Pair

Note : This story is completely fictional! I come from a wealthy upper class family which consists of father Stanley (a retired army officer aged 65 years old), mother ( an ill lady at the age of 64), sister Marianne or Mia (20 years old), and me (22 years old). My daddy has a well-built healthy body which is kept as such by tough daily physical training. My sister is so pretty that I am sure she will win any contest as a queen of beauty. We own a fascinating Victorian house, surrounded by a...

3 years ago
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Opportunity Comes In Pairs

Hi friends Vinay here, just turned 37 this year, age is just a number it is the hunger, desire and passion towards sex that should drive you, thanks for all the lovely comments & feedbacks you can reach me @ I can only tell that there is no better feeling for a female, to feel the arousal, to feel the goosebumps when being caressed, to feel the joy and sinful pleasure of a man rolling his tongue on boobs and nipples, the unbearable joyful sensation of playful adventures of a tongue and pussy &...

4 years ago
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Growing Anticipation

It was the beginning of summer. Time for sun and fun was here. Mom and myself had just arrived ata secluded cabin that my uncle owned by the lake. It was just going to be the two of us for a month.With as stressful as school was for me and work for her, it was a much needed vacation. The carpulled to a stop and we got out. I went to the trunk and pulled out the luggage and took it inside.Mom only took in a couple bags. She was the small type, only 5'2". Long wavy brown hair with deepbrown...

3 years ago
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Growth SpurtMonth 4A

"Do ya wanna run the 5K or the 10K, buddy boy?" Jenny asked as the sun rose casting its morning light across the running track. "I don't think high schools run the 8K, at least that's what I figured from checking out record running times for high school track and field events on the Internet last night." "What are the records?" I asked. Jenny checked her notebook. "13 minutes 44 seconds for the 5K and 28 minutes 32.7 seconds for the 10K. Those are the best times for all the high...

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