Gronk free porn video

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Gronk by Arcie Emm It was a calm night, moonlight being disturbed, but rarely, by the passage of clouds. And nowhere was the result of this better seen than if one were to stand upon the stone bridge and look down at the reflection shown in the creek over which it crossed. Of course there was nobody silly enough to be caught upon that bridge at any time, little alone at night. The reason for this could barely be seen, floating beside the bridge, his grey skin almost matching the darkened colour of the water. Thus camouflaged he would have been impossible to spot, if not for the long nose sticking out of the water and the platter-like eyes reflecting moonlight he would not have been visible at all. Not that Gronk the Troll was interested in the night, beyond the fact that it did not rain like it had for the last week, which allowed him to pursue serious troll business. He was performing bridge inspection. Many young naturals, when they were making career choices, are often drawn to the exciting part of a troll's life, in particular killing and eating humans. Yet any troll worth his salt would quickly finish off such a task, scaring everybody except stupid adventurers away. Then life became much simpler, though more important to those with the true soul of a troll, it became time to care for and nurture his bridge. On this night Gronk was less than pleased to see crumbling mortar between some of the stones in the middle pillar. He immediately got to work fixing the problem. Diving to the bottom of the creek, he looked along its bed, his eyes still bright from the moonlight, at his rock garden. After careful deliberation, he picked a round stone, barely larger than a hen's egg, and swam to the surface. With better light Gronk examined the stone before holding it up to a batwing-like ear, listening to it. Hearing the stone give off a faint murmur, similar to the water passing under his bridge, Gronk decided it had cured long enough. Satisfied, he took a bite out of the stone, as if it was a crab-apple. Chewing carefully, he planning out his work. That planning ended just as he swallowed the last bite of the stone. Drifting towards the centre pillar, he began to use his thick, yet sharp talons, to remove all the cracked and crumbling mortar. And when he thought he was done, he dug away at it some more, knowing that even a bit being loose would mean he soon would have a larger repair job. Finally satisfied, he gave forth a great belch and regurgitated a palm full of the recently swallowed stone, now perfectly mixed with the bile of his stomach, into his trowel like hand. Then slapping the gunk onto the pillar, Gronk used fingers and the rounded, back part of his nails to work the new mortar into place. Hacking up a new batch as needed. Not until he had carefully packed it into place and smoothed away all roughness was he happy with the result. Satisfied with his evening's work, Gronk returned to floating on his back as he stared at his bridge. She was beautiful. Her twin arches, boldly thrusting upwards to sky, proudly proclaiming her bridgeness to all who dared look. Gronk dared, and as always was enthralled by the sight of her, feeling that he could gaze upon her endlessly. And that was what he was doing when something began to break into his concentration. Finally he recognized the sound from his distant past, when adventurers had thought to steal the the pleasures of his bridge. Hoof beats approached along the weed choked, cobble-stones that formed the road leading towards his home. Drifting to the shore, Gronk slipped from the creek's waters onto its shores. Pulling himself upright, he lumbered to the start of the bridge, his massive form effectively blocking all access. Then Gronk waited as the horse and rider approached. As they did he began to grow confused, for they were not what he expected, seemingly to be a different species than he remembered, for he was sure that humans and horses were not made of shiny metal. Yet he decided it mattered not what type of mutations the gadflies had experienced, it did not alter his responsibilities to keep them off his bridge. So with a great bellow he shouted, "Gronk not allow you to pass!" The metal human brought its metal horse to a halt and responded in kind, "Fie foul beast, whom art thou to deny my passage?" "Me said already. Me Gronk, bridge's troll." "And I am Sir Aethelrod, son of Sir Aetherir, son of Sir Aethelton, son of Sir Aethlafro, son of Sir Aethilie. None but my liege, the mighty King Aelambert, God Chosen Ruler of Medigo, Conqueror of Ninsk, Felimd, and Bolth, Slayer of the Dragon Golm, Bringer of Peace, gives me orders." Gronk burst out laughing for the metal humans words sounded almost exactly like the gurgling of his belly after eating cattail fed beaver. He replied, "Gronk not care what you fart from mouth, him still not let you pass." "Foul beast you dare to insult me? Prepare for death. MEDIGO!!!" Seeing the metal human point a long stick at him, clamp feet to metal horses side, and begin charging', Gronk reached to a willow tree at the side of the road and broke it off, so he had his own stick. Then with a battle cry of GRONK ran at his attacker. Seconds later he felt a tremendous pain in his chest, collapsing to his back he found himself thinking how unfair it was that his stick did not have a metal tipped point. This was chased from his mind by the realization that he was about to lose his beautiful bridge. Yet he did not despair, for he knew there was always another bridge in need of a troll, his mother would not allow him to be dead for long. As he opened his eyes, Gronk realized there was truth of his last thought. Looking about he found himself on the shore of an unfamiliar creek, wider than his old one, almost a river. Yet something seemed wrong, looking about it took him time to figure out what that was, but doing so made him feel like he had once more been stabbed in the chest by a metal tipped stick. There was no bridge. True there appeared to have been a bridge, he could see pillars in the middle of the creek and stone work on either shore, yet the bridge was gone. He felt great sadness that he had not arrived in time to save the fragile being. Then Gronk felt panic begin to well up, for though a troll could keep a stone bridge standing forever, he could not build one himself. And without a bridge how could he be a troll. Yet Mother had placed him here and wherever a natural was placed, there was purpose. Nervously he looked to the glass smooth water at the creek's edge, the shock of what he saw knocking him to his knees. Trilling out, so differently than his former bellow, he shouted, "No Gronk a troll, not a nymph!" *** Days later Gronk listlessly went about her duties. Despite her lack of knowledge about nymphs, she had felt a natural pull towards the plant life growing alongside and within the creek. She instinctively knew how to care for their wants and needs, but found them much given to complaining and dramatics, nothing like the stoic resolve of her old bridge. It was after one such affair, which had involved chastising a raft of greedy algae encroaching upon some water lilies, that she found himself climbing aboard a rock jutting out in the middle of the creek to have a think. She found herself wishing she knew more about nymphs. Her only prior experience had been visits from the nymph of the creek over which her old bridge had passed. Yet she could mostly remember ignoring the nymph, who had chattered away worse than a magpie with dementia. Her old troll self did not remember much beyond the nymph having worn a water lily tied about her waist. Assuming it to be some sort of badge of office, Gronk had obtained herself such an adornment. However, she had learned its true benefit was to serve as a pad for her soft behind when sitting upon one of the stones in the river, such as now. There she found herself in an all too common pastime, feeling bad about where life had taken her. Missing out on life as a troll and being turned into a silly, fluff-head water nymph. As a natural it seemed downright unnatural. Likely because she was fighting against Mother Nature, going so far as to not believe that she knew what was best for Gronk. After all, had Gronk not been top of the class in troll school? How could she now be a water nymph? Gronk had even dared to try and prove her mother wrong. On the second day of nymphish existence, she had been swimming in the creek when she had been surprised to feel the touch of water that she had felt before, not over soft, green skin, but over hard, grey hide. Suddenly she was struck with the knowledge of how to find her old bridge, just head up the watercourse from creek to creek, river to river. Excited at the prospect she had immediately headed up creek, against the water's flow. Yet when she arrived at the river that flowed into her creek she had been dismayed to find she could not pass into its waters, only then remembering that she would be tied to her natural place, the creek, not her old bridge. The journey had been made even worse as she realized her creek held a number of bridges at which resided trolls. Watching them from a distance she had selfishly resented their fortune to have such a respectable job, while she flitted about settling squabbles between idiotic plants. Almost she had found herself approaching them, overcome by the desire to find out everything about their bridges. Yet she had stopped herself before going forward like a babbling lunatic, remembering her own reaction to such a visit. No it was best to let the respectable fellows go about their business uninterrupted, nor did she want them to learn that she had once been amongst their number. It mortified her to think about the potential mockery. She just had to make the best of a joyless existence. So as she sat on the rock, in the middle of her creek, delving into the past for happy memories. While doing this she noticed what initially seemed to be a log floating towards her, one that turned into a river otter floating along upon its back, gnawing away at a fish held between its front paws. Already half in the past, Gronk was struck by memories of how much she enjoyed the taste of river otter. Before she knew it, she found herself sliding back in the water, adjusting her lily bum pad, and ghosting towards the otter. Approaching the unaware beast she raised an arm and brought it splashing down through the water towards the brown form. In that moment she was reminded how much she had changed. Gone was the great strength and huge hand that would barely have been slowed by the water before it crashed into the otter, instantly killing it. Instead all that she accomplished was to create a splash of water that rained down upon the startled otter. He jerked upright, dropping his fish, before looking at her with hugely round eyes, showing almost as much shock as hers at what had just happened. Then an otterish look of glee came over his face and spinning in place he swept a wave of water over Gronk's head with his tail. Battle commenced, Gronk not recognizing what had come over her, as she giggling failed to direct more water with her hands at the the otter than he could at her with his tail. It was a losing proposition and finally she found herself covering her head with her arms and shrieking, "I give. I give." With one more splash, the otter stopped with a smile. Then in the language of beasts, which was understandable by all naturals, said, "That was fun. My names Squinqel, who are you?" "Gronk." "Gronk? What type of name is that for a water nymph?" "Well actually I'm a troll?" "A troll? Babes, have you checked out your reflection recently?" Glumly Gronk replied, "Yeah I have. Why did you call me Babes?" "Well I can't really call you Gronk, can I? That's a silly name for a nymph." "But it's my name." "Sure thing Babes, so why don't you tell me how a troll came to look like you?" Gronk did, at least she began to tell the story, until Squinqel fell asleep in mid-sentence. Never-the-less on that day Gronk made a friend, admittedly a fun obsessed, scatter-brain, but having someone to talk to kept her sane and mostly kept her out of the past. Plus Squinqel had more experience with nymphs than her, the pond in which he was a pup having a nymph of his own. So considering himself an expert he was always offering Babes advice, some of which was valid. Still Gronk found herself going along with most, even the silliest thing, stopping when Squinqel could not longer hold back his laughter. So it was that the two of them were together when once more Gronk was trying to bring peace between the algae and the lilies, Squinqel offering all types of unhelpful advice. She had just gotten the two parties talking when she heard the clip-clop of hoofs along the shore. Turning in that direction she saw a metal human riding a metal horse, but what caught her eye was the symbol on the board hanging from the metal horse's saddle. She recognized it. Suddenly seeing the figure of Sir Farts-from-Mouth, all of her rage and loss came crashing back. Completely forgetting that she was now a nymph and not a troll, she rushed to the shore and reached for the nearest willow. Bending it over with her momentum, she had nowhere near the strength to break it off. Instead it recoiled and with snap she found herself flung into the air. Shrieking her dismay, Gronk tumbled ass over tea-kettle through the air, her lily bum pad snapping loose from her waist as she cartwheeled towards the creek. Fortunately for her, the conquest-minded algae raft spotted an opportunity to earn favour with the authorities and it flowed outwards into the creek. Therefore, instead of splatting down in a belly flop, Gronk found herself gently cushioned as she landed. Sitting up she spotted Squinqel watching her with awe-filled eyes. Clueless as to what had started her misadventure, he said, "Babes, that was the most amazing thing that I have ever seen. Doitagain, doitagain." However, before she could respond, they learned the metal human had been attracted by her shriek. Having moved his metal horse to the edge of the water he shouted, "Who goeth there? Show yourself or face my wrath." Hearing Gronk's whispered explanation about who was on the shore, Squinqel said, "So you decided to go troll on his ass? Babes, that won't work. Rotting fish knows it didn't work when you were a troll either." "What should I do?" "You're a nymph, seduce and drown him in a watery grave." "What's that?" "Remember when Linqel came by to visit me last fall?" "Kind of. Umm, how do I seduce him?" "Maybe offer him a fish." "A fish?" "Well that's what I did with Linqel, but then this Sir Farts-from-Mouth may not be as discerning as her. Wait, wait, I know. I remember the nymph in my Ma's pool saying that humans are suckers for songs about love, even better with lost love." "I don't know any songs like that." "Come on Babes, you can do it." And suddenly a song was there. Opening up her mouth, she brought forth all her loss in a beautiful, warbling voice. Alas, human, you do me wrong, To chase me here discourteously, Making me sing this stupid song, No longer where I want to be. Grey bridge was all my joy. Grey bridge was my delight, Grey bridge was my heart of stone, And where is my lovely grey bridge? "Babes, what are you doing? You're singing a love song about a bridge, I don't think that will work." Whatever else the song may have done if Gronk had been able to finish it, the little bit sung had drawn the attention of the knight to the nymph on her bed of algae. Pure-hearted and stone-headed, the man instantly knew it was his duty to rid the world of the beautifully, evil, magical creature. Dismounting and taking sword and shield in hand, he moved down to the shore of the creek. Seeing the shallowness of the creek's bed, all the way out to the algae, he took a step into the lily pads along the shore. They, being cognizant of the favour gained by their enemy, decided to act. In unison they entangled the man's legs in their roots, causing him to trip and fall. Additional roots latched onto arms, neck, and torso as he thrashed about, further hindered by the weight of his armour. Slowly he began to move less violently, then came a point when he moved not at all. Watching with wide eyes, Gronk suddenly scampered across the algae and out onto the water. Pulling Squinqel out of the water in a hug, she spun him around shouting, "We seduced him! We seduced him!" Struggling to keep his breath, within Gronk's tight hug, he finally squeezed forth, "Babes, I don't think that is how you seduce a human." "What do you mean? He drowned in a watery grave." Squinqel could not dispute that, besides he found it fun to spin in circles, so he joined in the chant, "We seduced him! We seduced him!" Finally growing hoarse, and beyond being dizzy, Gronk allowed the two of them to sink once more into the water. Laying on her back and regaining her breath, she said, "You know Squinqel, I think I'm finally getting the hang of this nymph business." "You're doing great Babes." The End.

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We searched high and low and finally came up with some small metal drums with well-fitting lids. Each of the small drums held 50 gallons, so we were able to put about 45 gallons into six drums. I wanted to leave some head space in case the liquid tended to expand excessively when it got warm. Each small drum still weighed about 300 pounds, so it was a pain to handle. We used our empty carts plus one other after we rearranged the loads among the carts. Around 600 pounds aboard each cart meant...

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Boyfriends dad had me

It all started when my (now Ex) boyfriend parents invited him and I on holiday over 15 years ago. I was 19 and my ex BF was 21 and his parents were probably in their late 40’s. They were called Thelma and Jim and were pleasant enough. I often caught Jim staring at me and I found it quite amusing that he was getting turned on lusting after me.It was August and Thelma and Jim had booked us all into a Bed and Breakfast in Margate for 4 days and I must admit I was looking forward to the break, some...

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KarenChapter 4

“Oh, Karen. You are so soft, so warm.” “Yes. Right there. Your fingers are so gentle.” “Yes, darling. Yes, Karen. Feel it! Mmmm.” “Mmm. Ah ... Ahhh!” “Darling. I love you. You looked so sweet then.” “I love you, too. You’re so good to me.” “Do you want to be good to me, too?” “Greg?” “Just feel it. It likes you. Don’t you like it?” “Well...” “When you pushed against it during the slow dance, you grinned at me.” “Well, I like knowing you respond like that to me.” “Of course I do. I...

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Mama does daddy

"What was that noise," Brenda whispered to Morgan after poking her in the ribs to wake her up!?! "W-what time is it," Morgan asked sleepily, "I don't hear anything, go back to sleep!!!" "Wake up, girl," Brenda implored once again, "I'm not sure but it sounded like someone might be in trouble!!!" Morgan rolled over onto her side, and after wiping the sleep out of her eyes commented, "Are you sure you weren't dreaming, remember last summer when you thought there was a man with a gun hiding in...

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Friday afternoon in the office

It was a quiet Friday in the office, I was dozing and dreaming of the weekend and wishing away the last few hours of the working week. I didn’t have anything special planned I just wanted to be out of here and away from the temptation of my work colleague, who as per a typical Friday had come in wearing jeans and a loose fitting top.She is thin but nicely curved, with a fleshy bottom and pert breasts. Brown bobbed hair, glasses and a really pretty face; she is bubbly and full of life. A couple...

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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 41

“Hello the cave! We have a visitor seeking High Chief John.” John turn to look out of the cave, saying to himself, “Another visitor?” As he peered down the slope, he saw the merchant Awabee, but he was not alone. There was another, older, man with him, and was led by Fresno. What was this about, John wondered, but had to wait for them to get to the cave mouth. Numa had been called, and was right behind him. “John! Get yourself to your throne; this may a higher level meeting.” Accepting...

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Bhauja Kantha Ku Aaujo Odia

Hi friends, mai Amit odisha se hoon aur ye mera aur ek real story hai jo mai aap sabhi ke sath share karna chahta hu mai Indian Sex Stories ka regular reader hun haan meri baat age-21, height- 6’0″ colour fair body- athletic, handsome, Smart and bahut hi khush mijaj insaan hun jaisa ki mere dost kehte hai ye meri pehli real sex story please aap logo comment karna meri email id Friend amo paribaro re 5 mamber papa,mummy,bhai,bhauja aau mu. Aae story mo bhauja nka ro tanko age 24 height 5.1...

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Desires Unwrapped

Becky eyed warily the plain wrapped package on her table. She was expecting it, anticipated it but now that it was here she was afraid to open it. She felt like Anastasia in “Fifty Shades of Grey,” and that she was about to enter a strange new world. “It is only underwear,” she muttered to herself and smiled. Becky felt guilty. Why did she buy this underwear? She knew why but didn’t want to admit it. She wanted just a little adventure in her life. She wanted to spice up her sex and fantasy...

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LiveJasmin Teen

Live Jasmin Teen! There’s nothing quite like watching a camslut fuck herself silly and doing the very same shit you asked her to do moments before. It’s fucking thrilling. You don’t get nearly the same experience out of any other form of porn. With camwhores, you can interact with them, ask them dumb-ass questions, tell them to flash their tits for money, or you can even take these babes backstage and have them watch you jerk your cock for 30 seconds until you bust a nut. It’s a whole different...

Live Teen Sex Cams
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Sins of the Father D

'Dale, we are on for Friday night'. 'I showed Lucy the pic of Keri and her mouth fairly watered'. 'She thinks I am a total bitch and you are a fucking bastard but wants Keri as bad as I do'. 'I told her how good she came on the flight, how deliciously sweet and tiny her little pussy is'. 'Friday night eh'. 'Where'? 'What time'? 'Lucy is afraid she is walking into a trap, you raping her so she wants me to bring Keri to her apartment at 8pm'. 'Then you can come around...

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Naukrani Ki Beti Meri Rani 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Sohan hai, main Delhi mein rehta hun. Main mere mummy aur papa ka ek lauta beta hun. Ye un dino ki baat hai jab meri shadi ki baat chal rahi thi. Meri umar tabhi 28 ki thi. Papa mummy mere shadi ko leke pareshan the. Bohut sari ladkiyan humne dekhi magar koi bhi pasand nahi aati thi mujhe. Hume ek aisi ladki chahiye thi jo sundar ho, humare ghar sambhale aur thodi padhi likhi bhi ho. Hume bilkul dahej nahi chahiye tha. Humari ladki ki talash jari thi. Humare ghar mein bohut salon se ....

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My Lust Helped Me To Have Sex 8211 Part 2

Hello friends mera nam Rohan aur email ID Mere story ks part 1 intro tha. Part 2 me mane kaise usse chooda iske bareme he. Meri story ka part 1 please page. Ab story continue karta Hu. Vo apni security me bohot mahir thi. Fir jaise hi vo darvaja band karke vo palati, seriously me usko dekhte hi s rah gaya. Usne silk material ka gaon pink colour ka sleevless gaon pahna tha. Pink colour ka gaon uski gori skin pe bohot jach raha tha. Vo ek pari ki tarah dikh rahi this. Us gaon ka gala thoda deep...

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Young Exploration Part 1

Introduction: This is the story of 2 girls discovery and exploration of sex. If youre someone whos looking for just sex, youre not going to like it. If you enjoy a story, with natural sex, enjoy, because thats what I hope this is. Its very long. Itll be posted in parts, and its a slow mover. Notice that Kacey is alternately called Kacey, and Kase. This isnt a typo or mistake. Kase is a diminutive of Kacey, like Kate is of K/Catherine. The smell of freshly mowed grass assaulted Kaceys nose as...

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We got us some sort of sissy fag here

Check Your Taillights It all started pretty innocently, at least by my standards. For many years I have been a closet crossdresser and like most, I thought there must be something wrong with me. The usual bag of emotions and guilt. One day I did an online search to see if there was a forum for crossdressers and sure enough there was. My whole world changed. Not drastically but change it did. I found there were many others who felt and dressed as I did and I finally found out I...

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My Hot Sex With Bisexual Foreigner 8211 Part 1

Hi Readers. This is Jeeva from Bangalore, going to narrate a True Incident that happened in my life in September 2015. It had completely changed my life. About me, I am fair, good-looking guy, obsessed with sex. I watch porn and got interested in reading and watching gay porn. That is when I started feeling like a gay bottom and wished I had someone to live my fantasy. Like most of us do, I have created a facebook account with a women’s name, posted sexy pics and all to attract men and...

Gay Male
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Divine Love

Sister Divine took her faith very seriously. The Lord God had given everything, His love, His dignity and His life, for His people and it was only right that she should give up everything for Him in return. And so she had chosen sisterhood in the Convent of the Blessed Mary, in the very ascetic order of the Damascene Nuns. Here there were no soft options in her dedication to her faith. Her possessions were left behind in the secular world beyond. Her hair was shaved off her head and off her...

2 years ago
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500 AnniesChapter 5

"Good evening, listeners. This is Barbara Barnes, host of the newly syndicated Book Report, on PRI, coming from WORD, 86.7 on your dial. This is our very first broadcast, and I can't think of anyone I would want to be my first guest more than Joe Williams, author of '500 Annies, and 'Average Joes', both best sellers. His series of interviews with me eighteen months ago actually was the catalyst for launching my new program. As you may be aware, the program got us two PRI awards and a...

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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 14 Dig This

Professor Stanley P. Keeler splashed water from the washbasin onto his arms, making a feeble attempt at cleanliness. This site in Alaska was far from clean, however, and it would take more than a simple splash to make him clean again. He sighed as he looked around the excavation. So many of the best and brightest students were avoiding archaeology nowadays, preferring to specialize in studies thought to be far more tempting to the Confederacy. Also, it was becoming difficult to get competent...

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Runway 5

Chapter 5 Nine AM found Brenda in the offices of Universal Modeling Agency wearing her charcoal gray suit with a knee length skirt, charcoal panty hose and black pumps with four-inch heels. Her makeup was perfect as was her now almost shoulder length hair. "May I help you?" asked the very pregnant receptionist. "I'm here to interview for the job opening," responded Brenda. "Oh, could you please fill out this paperwork and when you are done Miss Benson will interview...

1 year ago
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I was attracted to my maid and every inch of her skin

It was 12 am at night and I just couldn’t get my eyes to close. I was thinking about Shari, how hot she looked tonight while setting up for dinner. She was employed with me and I was attracted to my maid. I couldn’t explain it, but it was there. She had come to me a year ago seeking employment. She studied during the night and worked for me during the day. She must be studying now, I thought. And my cock just lurched. I had watched her from a distance for 11 months and last month I had kissed...

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Sexy Sex Journey

Friends, I have been great fan of ISS and would like to narrate my experience. This is the true story that happened in bus while travelling from hassanto Bangalore in semi sleeper bus. I observed this girl climbing bus and placing this, she had amazing body, large back, slim hips and amazing breasts. She was wearing tight salwar. She had long hairs and large thighs. I was listening to music and had glance at her face. I felt she had resembling face. She looked at me and smiled and I too smiled...

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The ParkersChapter 30 Jack his older sister his brothers and his sister

There they were. Naked. In Matt's bedroom. Matt, Jack, Martin, Sally and Jill. All naked. Jack was surprised. He had just had sex with Sally; he had sex with Matt a couple of days before, but he had no idea that... Martin and Jill were there. Naked. Wow! They both had beautiful bodies, and Jack's cock started to grow. Jill's tits; Martin's cock, wow! Sally closed the door, in silence. Jack couldn't say anything, he didn't want to spoil the moment. So Matt said: "Come here, Jack....

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More than a Handful is Not Wasteful

With the online easy hookup board now censored, my P4P has been more challenging. I reverted to some old numbers on the off chance that someone had picked up the hook up number. Hit it lucky about the sixth call. Could not recall what she looked like, but she said I was repeat so she said “Come on over” after she asked if I really liked her type. Of course my little head was screaming yes, so I said I did. She texted me an address, and it was in an apartment complex close to downtown. I had not...

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ProeliatorChapter 15

The priests had come out because this was a battle and men had died. The Germans loved battle even if it meant that families went fatherless. The children and wives may have other sentiments but they would not be far from what the male of the household thought. When considering other battles I enquired about our sovereign and found that Clovis had still not arrived and I was worried even more. When all the weeping was done we made the walk back to Hildestun. Astrid and Dagmar rode beside me....

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Spanked as an Adult

This is a true storey that happened many years ago when I was nineteen. I was still living at home and my parents had gone on hols. One evening while I was sitting at home watching the tv the door bell rang , I answered the door to find it was the local councillor who lived a few doors up the road. he was in his sixties, and about six foot , balding ,and overweight. He said my parents had asked him to keep an eye on me whilst they were away , and he needed to come in to talk about something...

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The Raindrops

The raindrops fell softly on the window sill on the other side of a thin pane of glass. The pitter patter of the each drop echoed off the items that filled my room. When I closed my eyes and listened quietly I could hear the raindrops play the rhythm the world moves in time to. The sound was intoxicating. I took a deep breath of the fresh air coming in through my window. The rain had scrubbed the air clean and it tasted like a drink from a clear fresh water spring. The air in my room was just a...

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My heartfelt thanks goes to Teddi Sue for translating my English into Standard English, and her continuing friendship. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is unintended. Any comments are welcome. This story contains adult situations, describes sexual activities, and deals with cross-dressing. If such material upsets you, or if it's illegal for you to read this - DON'T. Humiliation By Constance Grant Copyright (c) 2000 by Constance Grant,...

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A Second ChanceChapter 27

"You have to stay here." Here being the Alden 66. "I need to go to work." Work was the Vanderbilt Chicago boat. "No ... you need to stay here." "I need to go to work." "Let me check your pulse." I held out my hand ... the cuffs went click ... the other end went around a ringbolt secure station. (They're all over the boat ... a place to hook lines to during a storm so the thing hooked doesn't roll around.) She looked a look of pity..."The next time I tell you, you have to...

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Not a young thing

Firstly before you decide to give negative comments this story is aimed at very open minded people and gay men, so if this not for you then stop now thanks. From the very first feelings I had about my sexuality I realised I had a strange fetish toward older men, the fatter, the hairier the sweatier the better, well within reason but I understood this fetish very well so much so that I avoided almost all contact with people my own age or younger than me in any sexual manner it was something that...

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2nd Hotwife breeding Success

2nd Hotwife (breeding Success)So about a week after my hotwife experience at the swingers party, (don't think I posted that in this group, but you can read it on my profile I posted it in a few groups) I got a call from Tamika, saying she wanted to invite me to a party down in Washington state. I had got a taste and swing parties and I was like fuck ya!! Then she said this one is a little different. I asked her how so, well she said she had confided in a friend about her and mine little weekend...

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Stop WatchChapter 8

After I had cleaned all of my cum off of my daughter’s gorgeous body (I have to admit I took more time doing so than was strictly necessary), I plodded my way downstairs, trying to remember what I had been doing before I had stopped time. It was beginning to get harder to recall; particularly when I was enjoying myself as much as I was in this frozen world. In the end, I just sat myself on the couch in the living room, restarted time, and relaxed in the afterglow of what I had just done. I...

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