Ken's Destiny free porn video

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own the rights to any anime or anime characters mentioned, especially Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, the character of Nene Romanova (Both property of Studio AIC), or Evangelion's Misato Katsuragi (Property of GAINAX) or their voice actors. The Ken character however, is based loosely on me. May contain traces of OOC, and slight 2040 and EVA spoilers. KENS DESTINY By Apsm My name is Ken. Well, it used to be, but it's the events of why it used to be that way, which may interest you. You see, I was a normal young man, having to take a university course in writing. I didn't enjoy it all that much, but man you got to find a living somehow. Anyway, I didn't have too many friends, which I usually typed over the internet on forums, and met at anime clubs. Yeah, I'm an otaku, even with my new life. Sailor Moon you can blame, but I would later move onto the 'harder' stuff, like Evangelion and Fullmetal Alchemist. With a few exceptions, I've found most anime artwork attractive, especially with the females. Ah yes, the ladies. For years I've admired Ami Mizuno in her tight Sailor Fuku, Rei and Asuka in their plug suits, the harem beauty of Naru, or the cuteness of Mikuru Asahina- no matter what the outfit-as well as countless others. Many of which have a place in 'spank bank'...yeah. Don't worry I'm not one of those predators who looks for loli porn or some sick tentacle rape. It may turn some others on, but I'd prefer to stay outside of prison. It's just that I have hormones, and being a virgin and all at 19, well you have to release tension somehow. But in a way, I also felt envious of anime. The adventures, weird occurrences, and the fact that the average Joes always get their girl, never seemed to happen in real life. And of course, I would sometimes fantasize on what it would be like to BE the girl. Maybe it's their doe eyes, their smooth skin, or those lovely set of curves, but looking at them made me look at my average body with disappointment. I was too skinny to be fat; too fat to be skinny; due to a lack of exercise, my body wasn't too defined with muscles, but was healthy enough to be modest. My face would usually have that mop of brown hair, just short enough to be boyish, but also having that wavy detail. The face itself was rugged in appearance, accompanied by hazel eyes and stubble along my strong jaw line which grew back after every shave. Everyday I'd wake up to this form, and be bummed that there was nothing special about it. But each time, I'd remind myself that I could've been worse and carry on with life. It wasn't the best life either, but it would do. * Anyway, I could ramble about my life story all day, or I could tell you on how I started my new life. You see, it all started on a normal day; a weekend. I'd just spent most of the previous day working on this assignment. As a reward, I decided that I would buy myself some anime of my choice at the nearby DVD store, with the combination of money that I received from various odd jobs and generous relatives from my recent birthday. So after a quick breakfast, and creeping off without reminding my parents, I walked to the store. Now with local DVD stores, there usually isn't much on offer. But this one was plentiful enough (a shelf about a third of the rooms length), and always updated on the new titles. Looking through the titles, I tried to see what was available: "Hmmm, Full metal Panic? Got that. Outlaw Star? Ditto. Ergo Proxy? Nah, not my type. Black Cat? Nah, saw that on Adult Swim. Where's that Please Teacher from last time? Shit, someone must of taken it. While we're at it, I want the FIRST season of Orphen!" Finding nothing of my fancy, I went to the shop desk to see if anything had come in, (and maybe order that Please Teacher anime.) but found an unfamiliar face. Usually there would be this slim man in his twenties, with red hair, and went by the name of Greg. When I visited his store, we'd always have a chat about anime, like most nerds do. However instead of Greg, there was a woman standing there. She was clearly older- maybe in her early thirties- but still had a hot figure. I also noticed the strange something about her appearance. Red jacket, crucifix, dark, borderline purple hair cascading down her back: A live action version of Misato Katsuragi anyone? This good bit of cosplay was made even more accurate when she said to me "How's it going." It sounded like the peppy, but Texan sounding portrayal of voice actress Alison Keith. I thought that this was a spot on impersonation, maybe even creepy. "Uh," I replied "Where's Greg?" "Oh him." she answered, still in that familiar voice which was making me more nervous "He's sick today, I'm his cousin. What do you want?" Remembering what I'd come for, I stammered "Oh uh, yes I... I was wondering if you have any new anime in stock. Maybe another Please Teacher?" "Okay!" she smiled, typing on the computer "Well, we don't have that Teacher anime, but if it's something new you want, then follow me." And she walked through the back door. Of course I followed her, noting that she was wearing her black dress-I didn't see any shorts- and went through the door to see this room filled with shelves of boxes. The woman-let's just call her 'Misato' to avoid confusion- was reaching out for a box at the top, making me want to peek at her ass. "Enjoying the fanservice?" she suddenly piped up, face away from me. Startled, I looked for an excuse "Oh," "Oh come on" she teased "If you're going to say no like that, you're might as well be saying yes." Startled by the fact I'd heard that voice say a similar line, I blushed at being caught out. "Well, maybe a little." "Uh oh, I think I embarrassed someone!" she giggled, as she finally got the box down, and started to search through its contents. I came up to her, to see if any titles rang a bell. However, I took this as an opportunity to ask something. "Say, you wouldn't be a fan of Evangelion, would you?" "Uh, yes, you could say that." She replied back. Curious, I then decided to test her. "Alright, when's Shinji's birthday?" "June 6th." She answered without flinching. "Whose mother controls the Magi system?" "Ritsuko's." 'Okay, two for two', I thought. "True or false, there have been three Rei's." "False, there was a whole tank of Rei clones under central dogma." Okay, even the trick question. She's good. How's the rest of her knowledge? "Okay" I said "What do Light Yagami and Tamaki Suou have in common?" At first, the silence suggested that she was stumped, but then she looked around, a smile on her face and cheerfully replied "Same Japanese voice actor!" A hot woman who likes anime? Jackpot! Eventually, I decided to help her search, and started sorting through titles. Then I saw it. It was a black DVD, which on first look was plain, like an unlabeled bootleg. But then, colours started to explode onto the cover, a palette of reds and yellows, followed by a strange title: Ken's destiny. Okay, the Misato impersonation was odd, this was weird; a DVD suddenly gaining a cover, and a title with MY name on it. It seemed 'Misato' had noticed my stare, as she disrupted my stupor, "Ahh, looks like you found what you're looking for." "Uh what?" I cried. "You were looking at that DVD there. It seems to me that you were fascinated." "But but, colours just appeared on it!" came my unbelievable explanation, only for 'Misato' to dismiss it as, and I quote "Just seeing things." I looked back at the DVD, the colours still there. 'Ken's Destiny' I thought, "I wonder..." I lifted it out, and found that there was no pictures anywhere-just some sort of psychedelic pattern- but the blurb was just as alluring: 'Ken has a normal life, and as an otaku, envies the weird and strangeness of the anime world. But when he finds this DVD, everything changes...' It sounded just like my life at that point. Well, except for the 'everything changes' line. Should I try to see what this is about? What if it's some sick joke? What should I do? 'Misato' answered my question. "If I were you, I'd try it." "You think so? "Why not," she suggested, "maybe you'll enjoy it." Well, in the end, I went for the DVD, buying it with another title just in case the first one didn't live up to the hype. Before I left the shop though, I turned to the shop keeper. "Oh, wait." I said "I didn't get your name." "Oh, but of course, it's Misato Katsuragi." Now, hearing that I initially thought it was a joke, so I asked her again only to get... "No really, that's my name!" In disbelief I joked "If you're Misato, then I must be Naruto!" "Hey! I've met Naruto, and you're not as annoying as him!" I thought that statement was a little weird, but shrugged it off as another joke, or maybe she was reliving some convention anecdote. "Never mind," I dismissed hurriedly, "I just hope I see you again." "Oh I think you will." She replied, maybe a little mischievously "Alright then, bye." I called out, adding "Good cosplay by the way!" before leaving the shop. * As I was walking home, I thought about my encounter with the woman, her uncanny resemblance to one of anime's hottest characters, and the strange DVD. What was going on? Well, I wanted to find out now and soon I was running home. When I did get there, I found that my parents were still present. "Kenneth!" went a womanly call as I entered the house. "Yes!" I called back. "Where you've been?" "To the store, Mum." "Oh I see, that animation stuff again." Don't you just find it embarrassing when your parents know about your passion for Japanese animation? "Yes mum! I'm going to my room now!" "Alright then, just remember to put the rubbish down later!" "Okay, Okay! I will!" I called back unenthusiastically, but I was already at my bedroom door. My bedroom was typical of your anime fan; a shelf full of Manga; another of anime DVD's; computer with internet access on the desk; curtains closed; walls sprinkled with the odd poster of a favourite series. Somewhere was a book bag lying around, but I digress. So, I took the DVD's out of the bag, and again looked at the one titled "Ken's Destiny." Reading the blurb again, I wondered what this anime was all about...or considering the lack of pictures, if it was even anime at all. "Well," I said aloud, switching on the DVD player, "might as well see." Next thing you know, I was sitting on my bed, waiting for the beginning. Well, it seemed normal to begin with. The copyright warning. Check. Distributors. Check. Language option. Check and English. Finally the menu shows up, and I see something a little odd. No episode selection, no extras, just a single caption: START. Well, seeing it was the only option, I clicked using my remote and waited. For two seconds, darkness, then a slight light appears. It grows bigger and bigger, filling the screen in those familiar reds and yellows, before a male voice out of nowhere calls out "Begin scanning sequence." "Wait what?" I could muster, before a light shined out of the screen, and suddenly moved down my flinching body. Eventually I looked again when I heard the voice go "Scan sequence complete." And when I did, I saw that it had made a profile of me on the screen, complete with picture of my face in a frame beside my statistics. Name: KENNETH SPIRES Age: 19 Gender: Male Size: 1.75m Weight: 71kg Okay, now I knew something wasn't right. DVD's don't just scan random people, unless this was some sort of Government conspiracy, and I was some sort of unwilling experiment. "Identifying subject's favourite character" the voice called out, as it went through the profiles of a calvacade of anime characters, of all the anime I'd seen in the picture frame. It then stopped at one. Short neck-length blonde hair; green eyes; youthful expression; female; immediately, I realized who it was: Nene Romanova. * For the Noobs, she was from Bubblegum Crisis. For the pure otaku's, I mean the 2040 version, as the original from 2032(Which I'd never watched, but heard of.) has long red hair. Seeing as 2040 was the only Bubblegum Crisis I've seen, then it was the blonde version I was looking at. If you think that version (of the show I mean) sucks, then hey, blame the writers for the dubious ending. But again I digress. Again to the noobs out there, the show followed these female vigilantes, who lived in Tokyo in the year 2040 which only years before had been destroyed by a massive earthquake. Basically, they don't trust the advanced robots-Boomers- which helped re-build the city, as they uncontrollably go on berserk rampages. This proves to be difficult for the police to control, and so the vigilantes-known as the Knight Sabers- fight them off, using suits of armour designed to defeat these Boomers. Okay, that's the synopsis. The point is, was that Nene, despite being the comic relief and not being the most physical fighter, was the one I adored most. Cute, playful, a genius in computers(she's a hacker- think a playful Ami Mizuno) and a useful ally, I was amazed that she'd be chosen as my favourite, considering Haruhi Suzumiya and Yoruichi also ranked highly on my list. Also, I'd never expected her to outrank my favourite male characters Toshiro Hitsuguya, Edward Elric, or even Sousuke Sagara. 'Must've been for nostalgia reasons', I thought, forgetting the logic that the DVD couldn't have known the human concept of Nostalgia. After all, I had seen some weird things already today, so screw logic! * Anyway, Nene's face was on the screen, and I was now wondering what she had to do with the plot. The next line answered my question, but confused me at the same time. "Begin metamorphic sequence." "Metamorphic sequence?" Went my confused reply "What do you mean?" However, before I could say another word, the room turned blue. Freaked out, I went for the door but found it was locked. It didn't even have a lock! I banged on the door, screaming "Help! Help! Someone let me out!" But the lack of response easily meant that no one was around. I was also starting to feel hot. Hot enough to take off my jacket; and my shirt; and my pants. Eventually the heat was irritating enough to take my boxers and socks off. By now, I was as naked as a porn star. Looking down at myself, I initially didn't find that anything different, but the irritation continued to flare up, forcing me to start scratching myself. It was while scratching that I noticed the first change; coming off, it was faint in the light, but the loose hair on my hand was evidence enough; my body hair was falling off. As I continued to scratch uncontrollably, more hair went and dissolved- arms, legs, my midriff- even my pubic hair came out in clumps. Soon my whole body was looking bare. Eventually I was rubbing the last of my facial stubble, when my body started to feel ice cold. Shivering all over, the feeling passed just as quickly as it came. Examining my body, I saw that my skin looked smooth. Upon touching it, I found that it felt like silk. Before I could comprehend anymore, a strong pressing feeling struck my arm, attracting my attention. To my horror, I saw that my already skinny, but masculine arm was compressing itself to an even slimmer size. Soon the same thing was happening to the other one, before a snap splintered through my hand. Looking at it, I saw that my fingers were trimming to a slight shape, and the palm compressed to match. Finally, my fingernails evenly manicured themselves. The end result was two delicate looking arms; a woman's. "I'm, I'm becoming a..." I stuttered, but then had to force a scream, as a sharp pain exploded in my stomach. Bending over, I clutched my stomach. "Ow ow ow ow." I could only moan as my abdomen caved in, the slight fat of my belly being sucked away. The sharp pain then gradually crept up to my ribs, which then compacted and squeezed to a smaller size. For a brief moment my breathing felt constricted, but soon the pressure relieved as my lungs and heart re- shifted to fit. Just when I thought the torture wouldn't end, I felt a jarring sensation in my shoulder "Agghh!" I grunted as sharp pain hit both my shoulders, as they narrowed to my grimace. The pain quickly died away, allowing me to sit up. Upon observation, I found that from my waist up, I my body had slenderized itself, plus my stomach was flat. "Please stop." I pleaded to no one, but my legs now felt constricted. I could only gaze downwards, as the muscle tone from my legs deflated into more sinewy shape, followed by dulled ache from my feet, as they too were compacted and chiselled down to a dainty form. When that finished, I found that apart from a minor curve on my hips, plus my normal sized cock, I now resembled an overgrown child. Straight after that notation however, an ice cold shiver ran down spine, and my abdomen sunk downwards, making my surroundings taller: I was shrinking! My legs soon followed with a few pops and cracks, but remained long by comparison to my torso. As if to compensate, my long skinny arms also reduced in size with another crack. When the pain stopped, I finally decided to stand up, and immediately noticed that I felt a little unstable on my feet; a side effect of being a smaller size. As I supported myself against my desk, adjusting to my new centre of balance, I guessed that I'd lost a good 10 to 15 centremetres. It was then that I noticed the television was now reflecting an image; my small, lean, nude self amongst my bedroom. Quickly I kneeled towards it, and looked at my own frightened face; it was now devoid of stubble and any small acne I had. "Why is this happening to me?" I asked myself, when a slight pinch hit my nose. "Hey!" I cried as another pinch bit my cheeks "StoP It!" At the sound of my last cry, I clasped my neck. My voice had just broken! To add to my troubles, my face was beginning to look gradually different. My nose was now petite, my cheekbones were higher, and my brown hair had faded to a light brown. I couldn't take the changes anymore, as I vainly begged at the television, my voice now sounding like a pubescent boys "Please change me back, I don't want to go through THIS PAIN!"Again I clasped my mouth, as my voice squeaked to a child's pitch. Then I felt a pinch along my jaw, as it relaxed itself, allowing some puppy fat to give my face a rounded appearance. I continued to watch the changes on the screen. My now sandy coloured hair crept down my temples, and built up in volume at the back, as long bangs obscured my forehead. Then everything went fuzzy "My eyes!" I cried in an even higher voice, before my vision suddenly returned. Upon inspection, I saw that my eyes had changed colour. Instead of hazel, they were now green-blue! What's more was that they'd become bigger, widening in wonder as fuller eyelashes grew out of them. Meanwhile, my hair had lightened to a fair blonde, continuing to become longer along the sides, framing my beautiful face...which I was starting to recognize. "It couldn't be!" I shrieked, when I felt a tightening on my neck. Doubling over once more, I hoarsely screamed "My throat!" as I struggled for air, fearing asphyxiation. However, the strange force quickly let go, allowing me to take a few frantic breaths. Feeling my narrow, swan like neck, I aimlessly let out a "Fudge!" and froze. My voice stayed higher, but it was the accent and tone that struck me as different. Hesitantly I spoke again "I...I...sound WAY!" Hoisting myself back up to the screen, I anxiously stared at my reflection. Now I realized what was going on. Despite the live action appearance, the now feminine face staring back at me, with short neck length blonde hair could only be one character... "Oh my gosh!" I yelled "I'm becoming Nene!" I couldn't believe what was happening: not only was I becoming female, I was becoming my favourite character. Even my voice had been altered to match the youthful tones of her English voice actor, Hilary Haag. Since hearing her cute voice as Nene I'd been a fan of her work, but now I was stunned that her voice was coming out of my larynx. I wondered if I could speak Japanese, and tried a simple 'konichiwa' and found I could speak like her seiyu (Hiroko Konishi) too! In fact, I suddenly remembered that I knew other Japanese words, which I never knew before. Also, through a fast paced montage of images and words complex knowledge about computers, previous missions, and the hard suits was starting to become common to me. Even simple girl knowledge, such as how to go to the toilet as a girl and proper sanitation crept into my brain. I was becoming her mentally as well! This change was also affecting my attitude as feelings of immaturity and perkiness re-worked my brain. "Oh!" I found myself childishly groaning as my looked down at my body "It's not fair! I look like a kid!" Before I realized what I'd just said, my buttocks started to throb. Taking my now smaller hands to my rear, I felt that it was slightly bigger than before, and was still pushing outwards. "Wait, what am I doing?" I reminded myself "I'm still a boy. I shouldn't have this!" But my train of thought was stopped when another crack happened below. "Ow!" I cried, now in annoyance as my hipbone started to widen. Quickly I held my hands to them, and was surprised to feel soft fatty flesh caressing my sides. I saw that my legs were also benefitting from this, as my calves and thighs slightly plumped, resulting in a shapely look. I was irked, but also excited to find that I was becoming aroused from the sight of this. I went back to my buttocks, and I felt its firm cushiness under my touch. "Ah!" I said uncontrollably. "That's more like it!" 'What am I saying?' I thought. 'I'm not a girl. I'm a boy. I still have a penis...and wide child bearing hips. Child bearing? What am I thinking? I can't get pregnant.' But then my chest tingled, and with dread, I suddenly knew what was happening. Looking down, I saw to my combined horror and joy, my pink nipples were sticking out and the skin surrounding them darkened. Then, the areola's started to stand out into two little puffy lumps. "I'm...growing boobs!" I could only say, tentatively putting a hand to them. I tried to deny that this was happening, but with a gentle touch, I felt a thrill shoot down to my groin, giving me an erection. With a little yelp of surprise, I finally accepted there was no turning back: I wanted them. Out of perversion I kept touching them, enjoying the electric arousal from them, and even groaning as the areola's puffed and swelled up to two small conical mounds, the fat increasing in my grope. "Come on, grow!" I found myself willing, as I laid myself on my bed "I want to show Priss that I am grown up!" Ignoring this more Nene like thought, my breasts soon expanded pass A cups, and gradually, their size increased to B cups. Finally, they slowed down in growth, and rounded in shape, stopping to what I could only guess were BB cups. Looking down to observe, I smiled. "Well I have breasts." I accepted, squeezing one and sighing as the feeling of spongy flesh made my erection feel wet. But that sensation didn't last long, as I felt a tightening in my groin. Realizing this, I anxiously peered down and as I suspected, saw my testicles rising into my body, obviously to become ovaries. On reflex, I touched my hand down there and grasped my penis. However, to my disappointment it now felt limp, and I knew that my sex drive as a man was over. I was bothered at this thought but was surprised on how well I was taking it. Somehow, the idea of a penis didn't feel right. In fact Nene wanted it to go. In fact, I soon found it the most pleasurable part of the process, as I felt a relieving release inside, caused by my uterus and cervix opening up. "Come on, don't stop!" I found myself moaning, as my penis started to retract into a chasm my groin was forming. Sitting up, I spread my legs, to have a better look at my manhood's demise. While I was transitioning towards womanhood, in my mind Nene's life memories flooded my neurons, whilst keeping my own...her childhood; the earthquake; meeting Sylia for the first time... My one inch penis started to convulse into the chasm, with loose skin from the scrotum forming a hood right above my shaft. ...Her first mission; her other teammate Priss; working undercover for the police; teasing Leon... My penis drew level with the chasm, before the urethra split in two, the bottom half opening up to my delighted gasp, to form my new vagina. ...more missions; Linna Yamazaki; that bet with Priss; the final battle against Galatea... Finally, part of my foreskin separated from the rest of the vagina, and repositioned itself to the clitoral hood. In curiosity I placed a finger on my new clitoris and blushed as a few slight jolts of pleasure entered my body. However, my mind wasn't done yet, as Nene's memories still placed themselves in my brain, sharing with my own. But it was the last memory which inserted itself into my psyche, which saw me respond to the most; one of a handsome young boy wearing a headband...Mackie Stingray. I remembered how he lay there before...before... Just then, a sharp pinch struck through my groin, as the last of my scrotum reformed around my new equipment to become the folds of vulva lips. Clutching the sheets, and with tears in my eyes, I screamed "Mackie!" as I became a complete woman. I opened my eyes in realization to what I just yelled. Before I could grasp why, I was rudely interrupted by the same monotone voice. "Metamorphosis complete; subject confirmed to be character in mind and body" the screen confirmed, as the blue light dimmed. Looking up from my bed, the television now brought up a new profile. NAME: NENE ROMANOVA AGE: 18 GENDER: FEMALE HEIGHT: 160cm WEIGHT: 48kg Again I looked down to see the final result. The sight below me was a woman's body: hips, boobs, pussy and all. Getting up, I came back to the television. Staring at me was a teenage girl's face. "Is this for real?" I asked myself, pinching my cheek just to be sure. "Ow! That hurt!" I yelped, as reality set in; it wasn't a dream; I was truly Nene. Looking down at myself, I suddenly freaked out. "Oh my God!" I panicked "I'm Nene! I'm truly her! And naked! What will Mum and Dad think? What will the anime club think? Do I have to like boys now? WHATS GOING ON?" * Just then, a voice interrupted, this time one with a more familiar sound "Welcome Miss Romanova!" "Misato?" I asked, puzzled. Then, another bright light flashed from the television, but this time, it grew larger, into a large door, where a figure was standing. I cowered back to make room for whoever was about to enter, and considering I was nude, tried to hide my exposed areas with my arms. Then, the light faded away to reveal a figure I'd met earlier that day. "Well, I see you made a successful transition!" said Misato- the same I'd seen that day. "What do you mean transition? What's going on?" I cried. "Now now," She assured, "I admit I was like that when I first became the bombshell you see here. But don't worry, I had help." "Hang on." I asked "You weren't always Misato?" "Does the name Greg ring a few bells?" "Greg!" I called in surprise "Is that you?" "Yes" Greg/Misato replied "But you can call me Misato from now on!" "But how?" I asked. "Oh, right, well you see, last week I was going through the new orders and found this new DVD. And I think as you can see, I became this." "But why did you give it to me," I howled, "and why this form?" "Well, I thought that you being an anime fan would get a kick out of it," she explained, "plus, I think the DVD chose Nene as it's your favourite character." "Couldn't it have turned me into a MALE character?" I yelled back. "Well," pondered Misato "I can only presume that either you have a transgender fetish, or the anime world needs a replacement..." "I do not have a fetish!" I naively shouted back in denial "And what do you mean anime world? Replacement?" "Now now," Misato calmly spoke, crouching over, "all in good time. I know you're confused, but I'll be your guide. Now just ask me a question, any question." I decided to go with the most obvious question "Will I change back?" I asked, and yet knowing the answer. All Misato did was give a sigh, and placed a hand on my shoulder "Well Nene," she said, "unfortunately, from what I learned, the magic of the DVD can't reverse what it started." 'I knew it', I thought. Never again would I have a guys body, but for some reason I didn't mind that. "Cheer up Nene," Misato assured, "don't see this as a snag, but as a beginning of a new life." "How?" I snapped. "I'm a freaking anime character! No one will know me as this!" "Calm down," hushed Misato, "and let me continue. Now, do you remember how you told me that you were sick of normal life? How you wanted to be in an anime? This is your chance!" "What do you mean?" I implied. "I don't know if you're going to believe me," she continued "But there is a universe for anime characters, crossing all cannons." "No way!" I retorted in disbelief "Yes way," She answered, "and it's on that DVD you're playing right now." "Okay," I exclaimed, "but even if such a world exists, why would the anime world need me? "Well," she continued "recently there was this...accident. A demon had escaped, ran riot, caused massive damage, and unfortunately killed a few." "Where do I fall into this?" I impatiently asked. "I'm getting there," she snapped back "anyway, in the accident, one of the people killed was...was..." She then took a breath before continuing "" "ME!" I screamed "But I'm still here, flesh and blood! Surely I can't be dead!" "Relax," Misato clarified, "I don't mean you; I meant who you've become." I froze at that those words. Nene...dead? "Well," she corrected, "not anymore." "You mean..." I gasped. "Yes," she finished "The anime world can only allow one version of each character at any one time, and when that character dies, a replacement has to arrive. From what I can understand some just appear out of nowhere, but sometimes the DVD chooses lucky people from our world to play those characters. From what I see, it seems to have chosen you to play Nene's replacement." "Me? A replacement?" I questioned. "I'll suggest you take it," Misato responded "those Knight Sabers aren't going to wait for your expertise you know." "Knight Sabers?" I further exclaimed. "Yes," Misato nodded, "they need your help." I thought about it; an anime world? Spending my time as a Knight Saber, who to my delight, needed MY help? "Will I still have to go to uni?" I asked. "You can quit." she suggested "After all, Sylia has assured me that you will get payed." "But my parents," I cried "I don't know if they'll let me." Then I remembered "Oh poo, they don't even know what's happened to me!" Misato smiled, and assured me "Don't worry I'll explain everything to them!" "What?" I snapped back, amazed. "But how will they believe you?" Next thing I knew, a quick flash blinded me, as Misato took a Polaroid of me. "This," she assured me, holding up the photo "Plus I can use the DVD's power to travel through televisions." "But won't they freak?" I worryingly cried. "That's the point." She smiled, before she clicked a button on the DVD player, and the door of light appeared again. I thought I heard a slight shout from the other side, as she entered. "Hey, what about me, Miss!" I retaliated, in some sort of bratty manner. "Dress up!"Misato cheerfully advised, looking at my immature scowl "We don't want your father to get a nosebleed!" she then added "But wait, those clothes don't really suit you." And she tapped the television politely, "Clothes module for Nene Romanova." she instructed before leaving the room. "CLOTHING MODULE START." the voice from the DVD started, as another light bathed the room in gold. Immediately I looked across the floor and found that my boxers were shrinking into some graceful panties. Grabbing them, I slipped them over my smooth legs, blushing at their silkiness as they went over my bare crotch. Then, I felt a slight lift from my breasts, and a cotton bra appeared out onto my chest. On top of that came a grey singlet. I managed to find my shirt, and found that it had grown sleeves, and strangely a zipper to become some sort of light blue blouse jacket. Slipping it over my body, I looked around for my jeans. The closest thing I found were a pair of orange shorts, complete with belt. "At least it's not those revealing policewoman's skirt that those perverts at HQ supply." I said in relief putting them on. This was followed by my socks, which had turned into white stockings. My jacket was now a simple brown vest which I admit, found fetching on me. Lastly, out of nowhere, some boots had appeared on the floor, allowing me to slip on my feet. As soon as I was dressed, I finally got out of my room, and went to the bathroom for one last check up. Admiring my form for one last time, I gave myself a wink, and displayed the peace sign. "Hmmm," I thought "I could get used to this." * I entered the kitchen with caution to my parent's reaction. They were sitting in the kitchen, looking a little bemused at my appearance. "Uh, hi Mum, Dad" I introduced myself sheepishly. "Kenneth?" asked Mum "Is that you?" "Uh, yeah," I said, "but I now prefer the name 'Miss' Nene." "Come here" gestured Misato, as I took a seat. I looked at my kin, wondering what they must be thinking. My Dad in particular was looking in disbelief. The slight awkwardness was cut, when Misato spoke up. "Okay then," she slowly said "I was just explaining to your folks here about your condition." Dad was the first to speak. "Well, this uh Masatu, or whatever she's called, has explained to us a very interesting proposition Kenneth, uh I mean Nene." "Uh that's right." I replied. Mum piped up "Now we've been told that this new job is going to be dangerous. Are you going to be okay with that?" "Oh don't worry," Misato intervened "She'll be alright, I know her fellow employees will be protecting her. Plus she'll be supplied with whatever she needs." "Kenneth," Mum turned to me, "are you sure you want to do this?" I knew this was coming up, but I'd been weighing it in my head for the last few minutes. I wasn't enjoying my studies, and life had been so and so. But now, it seemed fate had thrown me a bone, with a new body, and the promise of an exciting new life, even if it was life threatening. Eventually I made my decision. "Yes." I proudly said "I want to take this opportunity." I looked at my parents, who looked disappointed. "Unless," I added, "you want me to stay." Silence followed. Then, Dad finally spoke up "Well," he sighed, "If you feel you're happy then yes we'll let you go." "Really?" I piped up hopefully. Mum nodded "As long as you come back here for a visit." "I will." I happily replied. Then, punching the air in joy, I gave out a yell "ALRIGHT!" And so, after some final agreements with the old folks, and me having to take out the trash (to maybe some awkward stares, we went back to my room. There I did cancel my application via internet, and said some goodbyes to my forum friends (excuse: I was moving.) before the time came to be ready. I was told not to bring anything, as an apartment had already been prepared for my arrival (Magic of the DVD I was told.) Turning to my parents I sadly admitted "I'm sorry if I have to leave in these circumstances." "That's okay," Dad said, "as long as you are happy son..." "You mean daughter!" I corrected him. Seeing his mistake, he laughed "Oh yeah, anyway, as long as you're happy then we're okay." "Just please be safe." Pleaded Mum. "I'll try." I assured her, as the door of light shone behind me. We then hugged in an emotional moment, as a final send off. "Don't worry though." I tearfully said "I'll come back whenever I can, okay." When they agreed, I was allowed to be taken into the light. "Are you ready to experience your new life?" Misato assured me. "You bet!" I eagerly answered. And with that hopeful message, we entered the portal. * "Romanova-chan, welcome to the anime world." When I came to, I was met with a small town, which was normal, except that it was completely animated. Everywhere I looked, I saw a series of humanoids, all of which differing in style. Soon I saw some familiar faces. "Is that...Light Yagami-san?" I queried, still clinging onto my partners sleeve. "Yes it is." assured Misato "But don't worry, he knows me and I'm still alive right? Just don't try to arrest him." "But isn't he..." I quipped, and was startled that Misato herself was now animated. Her eyes were bigger than in real life, chin more of a faint point, her nose sharp. "Misato-san," I cried, "You've changed!" Looking down at herself, she didn't seem fazed at all. "Oh, so I have." She said "It's a slight side effect, but I wouldn't worry. Here, everything still tastes and feels as it should in real life." She then looked at me "Ah, I see you've changed too!" Quickly, I looked at a store window, and sure enough, I too was paint and ink. Big eyes, pointed nose, the works. I touched my cheek, and felt smooth flesh. "Come on, Nene-chan," interrupted Misato to my disgust of the term 'chan', "I must show you around." and she proceeded to drag me through the town. It was a normal town, surrounded by a forest. Misato explained that's where shows like Inu-yasha, Pokemon, and some fantasy/ historical titles were likely to be happening. There were also oceans where other lands were (and maybe a certain duelling academy I'll avoid.) plus the universe around this world contained planets and futuristic places from sci-fi titles. I was told the town was also a target ground Hollows, Angels and Boomers ("Not on my watch!" I joked) but I was fortunate that today was a normal day of sorts. I was shown around the usual sites, especially Tokyo Tower, which was located at the centre, (Of course!). I also met characters I'd never thought I would meet. Firstly I was a little shy when I met characters such as Ichigo Kurosaki, and later Hitomi Kanzaki, but soon my characters outgoing personality was bowing at every one I saw. * Eventually, we arrived at my apartment. "Well, here's your room Nene." She said "Tomorrow I'll help introduce you to the Knight Sabers. But if you want me, I'll be just a few doors away." I was about to speak, when a familiar voice entered. "Hey Misato." it called. I turned and unconsciously blurted out "Mackie-kun!" However, it wasn't Sylia's young mechanic brother that I saw: it was his sound alike, Shinji Ikari. For some reason, I felt slightly disappointed. "Ah, Shinji-kun," Misato cheerfully replied, "I'm just introducing another lucky soul to our world. This is Nene. Nene, I think you know who this is." "Konichiwa Shinji," I bowed politely, and as encouragement added, "I've seen you in action, and I just want to say that as long as I think you rock, then you're doing okay!" "Well, uh thanks." Shinji blushed "I do my best." "Hey, don't make baka here too cocky!" came the voice of a certain red- head. I gasped "Why it isn't Asuka Langley Sohyu!" and I came up to greet her "Hello, I'm new here, I'm Nene, but you can call me Miss Nene!" Asuka just looked at me like I was insane, and said "Let me guess, new here?" "Yeah," replied Misato "Please treat her gently, Asuka. That new Shigure Sohma of ours is still hurting after his first meeting." "Well he was being a pervert!" snapped Asuka, turning to Shinji "Okay third child, don't you have dinner duty tonight?" "Yes." Shinji sighed, and he left. Before Asuka left though, I grabbed her arm to stay a little longer. I wanted to smooth the tension between these two. "Admit it Asuka, Shinji-kun is cute right." I suggested. Asuka seemed to face away from me in defiance, but I continued regardless "Well I know for a fact that he admires you too, and if I were you, I would try to open up to him." Asuka seemed a little stubborn to respond, so I decided to leave her to think about it. "Playing matchmaker huh?" Misato asked, as I returned to my room. But I was wondering on my recent actions. I'd just called Shinji cute, and since I became Nene, was anxiously thinking about Mackie. However, being born a boy wanted to still like girls, but there was something about Mackie that made me feel emotional inside. "Ah Misato?" I asked. "Hmmm" "I know I'm a girl and all now, but do I have to like boys?" Misato looked at me in concern and answered "Think about it, who do you want to sleep with: a guy or a girl?" I thought about it. I tried to picture a girl, but my new mind had other ideas, as the image of a young man with blue eyes entered my thoughts: Mackie Stingray. "A...a," I hesitated "a boy." Misato gave a hum of approval. "I know it's tough to accept, but believe me, you're a straight girl now. You once stated that you didn't swing that way, for God's sake." I sighed, but I knew that it was just a part of my new life that I had to accept, as I said "Good night," and entered my apartment, taking my boots off at the door. The apartment was an okay place. There was a kitchen, a bedroom (complete with a casual wardrobe of clothes), a bathroom, and of course a small little office area, complete with Nene's trademark small toy 'weasel-chan'. I knew that eventually, this place would become a little messy, but I decided I didn't care. It wasn't like I was sharing this room or anything. I won't bore you with the details, but I made a small meal of ramen, looked at the internet (They have You Tube in this world too.) and eventually went to sleep on my bed. * The next day, Misato and I arrived to the replica of the Knight Sabers hideout, the Silky Doll. It was there that I met my teammates. There was the athletic country girl, Linna; the bitter J-Rock singer, and main fighter, Priss; and the founder of the group and scientists daughter, the white haired Sylia. "Welcome back Nene." She said offering a hand "We were waiting for you to come." I accepted Sylia's kind offer "Thank you, I heard about what happened to the last one, and I'm sorry to hear about it, but I'll try my best to help." "Don't worry," said Sylia "Any soul that we lose here goes to soul society, and thus can be reincarnated as someone else." "Soul society?" I remarked "You mean you can come back?" Linna took over "Well, yes you do, as was the case with the one that came before you. >From what I understand, she's taken on a new persona. Sylia explained to me that some choose to go back to your world to resume normal lives. I wouldn't be surprised if that's why the DVD had you destined to become Nene." "So you mean I could later choose who I can come back as?" I asked. "Relax kid," said Priss, scowl on her face, "As long as you don't screw up like the last one, then you'll be okay. Just don't think about it, alright." "Anything else?" posed Sylia. "Yes, are we still fighting Genom?" I asked "Like I've seen the show, and you know the ending." "Ah, interesting question" Sylia pondered "Well, Genom is no more here, but there's still a few of those rogue bastards out there, not to mention the odd monsters that appear, which some teams need help at." "Your still our main hacker," added Linna, who I knew was a good friend of Nene's, "even if the AD police did branch back out into the police." "Plus, you'll still get paid here." Priss finished. But there was one last question Nene, no I, needed to know. "Just curious, but is a certain boy here?" "You mean Mackie?" replied Linna. "Yes." I said hopefully. "Well..." It was then that a door opened behind me. "Hey guys I've got...Nene?" a voice called out. I looked around in hope. Could it be, despite everything? What I saw was a young man, with big blue eyes, a headband around his brown hair, and holding a couple of bags in his hands. "MACKIE! YOU'RE ALIVE!" I cried in joy, and (never thought I would write this.) glomped the young man. "Well there goes lunch" I heard Priss say, but I didn't care, I was proud to see him again, despite the fact I had seen him alive at the end of the series, I just wanted to be sure. I may've still had my male memories, but I had a girl's emotions, and right now they only cared about him. * Well, eventually I settled into life new life. By day I'm a member of the police, at other times, I'm assisting the Knight Sabers. The suits worn took a little getting used to, but actually felt very powerful, and flexible in the heat of the battle. Mine in particular has been equipped for analysis, and come very handy in a couple of sticky scenario's. In all my time here, we've fought boomers, as well as an occasional rogue demon, ninja, and even homunculi (Hey this is a crossover world, deal with it.)Sometimes I would explore my surroundings, recognizing the Nerima street of Ranma ?, the leaf Village gate from Naruto (Yes I have met Naruto, and man he's louder in person!), the central building of FMA, and even stopped by the school where the SOS brigade room was. I've seen Gundam's the Outlaw Star, Evangelion battles (I found it annoying how we can't help there.), Soul Reapers, Sailor Scouts, The planet of Gaea, and many other things. Sure, I still visit my world if there's a boring day; all I have to do is knock on my television lightly and say the name of my address. However, I'm good here. Greg/Misato is still a good friend of mine, and we spend our free days talking about any new shows which came out recently. I've kept my otaku reputation, finding any DVD's or manga in the stores, and I like to search the town for any familiar or new faces. Why, the other day I saw Lelouch playing chess with Satoshi Hiwatari. I suppose even rebellious figures have time to rest. I've even had some responsibility placed on me. On one occasion, I had to return to my world, when my television told me that a young female fan, had found the DVD. In a reverse of my fate, she'd become one half of the Hitachiin twins from Ouran (Can't remember which one though. But s/he was taking a good shine to his twin when I last saw him.) As for sexual life, I haven't thought about losing my virginity any time soon, but I've enjoyed the time spent with Mackie. I never thought that I would fall for a boy, but since I was a girl now, I suppose that makes sense. We haven't gone that deep yet, considering I used to be male, and he...well I could spoil you why, but I'm not THAT mean. In short, I've had a good life and lucky to be alive. For nineteen years I felt that life had screwed me for a lack of excitement. But that fateful day, and the year since have been the best of my life. And all I can thank is my love for anime. Isn't that right weasel chan? "You got that right Miss!" The End.

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A Schoolboys Secrets Day Six Collision with Destiny

We couldn’t get off each other. The whole day was full of people playing games; that excitement of Christmas Eve was running right through the boys at the house. But our priority was making up for lost time. As soon as I got to see his gorgeous features again after his endless vacation, I couldn’t help but devour his luscious lips. He felt pretty much the same. At lunch we caught up so much, he told tales of his wonderful trip to the Caribbean and meeting the hottest tanned hunks ever described...

3 years ago
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Power ladies destiny

"Man it was warm!" She knocked again. There were sounds inside and Jezebel looked up and down the dirty run down street, the row of homes sprouting washing balconies and loud rap music. She'd been working her way along the houses for maybe an hour. The street was experiencing power problems and it had not taken long to decide someone was messing with the power companies fuse boxes. Someone was probably tying to over ride the meters. That always seemed to be the case. A stunted...

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Michelles Destiny

‘Clothes shopping, with two kids, no less’ Michelle muttered as she moved from store to store in her local mall. Kids in tow, she continued thru each store hunting for back-to-school buys. As she flipped back and forth between the racks of clothes, her eyes locked on the back of man’s head. Wavy black hair, broad in shoulders – a weightlifter’s build walking at the very back of the store. Her heart fluttered – ‘that’s exactly how I picture him,’ she thought. Her eyes closed as she melted away...

2 years ago
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Many thought they have experimented with the idea of love and sex but never felt the passion another can give. Is there really anyone out there that can give both to another and the same back? Sometimes thinking there is no hope and just wanting to give up, all emotions are pushed aside and just go on with life as best as they could. Until one night, everything changed and she would never be the same again when she met him. He had piercing hazel eyes and a voice that just melted her away with...

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Serpentine Destiny

Aris walked along the secluded section of Grecian shore, enjoying the view of the ocean after a breathtaking sunrise.  All too soon, he would have to return home, and he wanted to fix the splendor of his ancestral homeland firmly in his mind.It had been a great stroke of luck that his far distant relatives still living here had made contact, providing him with an affordable place for an extended stay prior to entering college.  The icing on the cake had been the leader of the dig site he’d...

Monster Sex
3 years ago
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Cheerleader Destiny

You sit at the back of the bus, looking at the book in your lap with bleary eyes. It's after midnight and you've been on the road for an hour, but instead of being tired everyone else on the bus is acting like they're at a party. You're the only guy. Being the only guy is the one perk of being the manager for the school's senior cheer team. The girls are shouting and passing around several bottles of Scotch, celebrating the basketball team's big win earlier. "Girls!" yells Ms. Samson from the...

Mind Control
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Rules of Destiny

Kairi had been friends with Sora and Riku for years now, but it was always frustrating trying to shop for birthday presents for him. You'd think the youngest person of their little group would have tons of things he'd want for gifts, but apparently he'd been a buddhist monk or something in a past life, because there was never anything he seemed to want much. Well, other than adventure, but you can't really box that up and give it to someone, now can you? Even with Selphie's help brainstorming,...

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Michaels Weekend of Destiny

Michael Scott was sat at his desk looking out of the third floor window of his office. He could see Portsmouth Guildhall which was a large building built around 1900 or so and unlike the 1960's style of the Civic Offices it was quite gothic looking.It was a medium sized venue for music and theatre but most importantly he could see the large clock on the tower and it was getting close to 4pm and it was Friday. Michael was happy because he could leave behind the very grey and dull world of...

4 years ago
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Manifest Destiny

My name is Marcus Smith. I am the 12th son of a very large family. We smiths have always been good breeders. But in the Europe now a days with food becoming scarce and land expensive. Our very way of life is being threatened. Sure you have your Aristotle's with their philosophy and your Galileo's with dem science doo hickeys. But the only thing we Smith's know how to do is have sex and babies LOTS of babies with LOTS of different women. Bedside's with my father going around humping every misses...

4 years ago
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Morris Family side story Yuukos destiny

This is a spin off of the Morris Family, I wanted to put some background on Yuuko. Thanks to frogprince for his help editing it. I was raised to be the proper wife of a person I had never met. Behave well, don’t talk unless spoken to and don’t think more than what I am told. That was until I got the opportunity of my life and a view of the world that had been hidden from me forever. During my last year of high school, I won a scholarship to a university in the US. Without thinking twice I left...

2 years ago
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It8217s My Destiny

Hi friends I am harry again with my new experience …friend if u have liked my previous stories plz message me on planet Romeo I’d harry_brar120 and plz leave a feedback for this story as well in the comment section as well as on PR ….one thing I want to tell u I don’t write any fake story and am always looking for new experiences so that can write a story on it …’s a hard task and only ur comments will encourage me to grow … Now coming on to the story …as u all know I am a slutty bottom gay...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Maid For Each Other In The City Of Destiny

Hello everyone. I am Sunny (name changed) and i currently live in Delhi. This whole episode happened when i was a young teenager aged 18. Since my dad has a transferrable job, we keep shifting every 3 years. It so happened we had to move to Vishakhapatnam and my dad was posted in a township 20 outside the city so we moved into a good house and were looking for a maid and found one called Paaru. She was 18 when she joined. About her, she had a really good figure, i believe she was 34-28-36. And...

2 years ago
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When Love Meets Destiny

This real life story is dedicated to all Saluting cocks & Hungry pussies. Here comes the Passionate Lover with a new story altogether. Just to give you a short intro, I am Neeraj presently in Hyderabad, working in an MNC. I love Passionate Love Making & hopefully searching for someone matching my needs. do contact me at : To start with the story, this happened when I was about to buy a new Sim Card.So I E-mailed the customer care expressing my interest in buying a new vodafone postpaid sim...

2 years ago
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The Melons Of Destiny

Hi guys , i am jake bringing to you my 1st story..i am 20yrs old and live in Bangalore still doing my 2nd year ! We often wonder why we dont have a girl when we are single and it was one such day . I was walking on the first floor of a mall and it was then i looked into a window advertisement looking at a hot girl in the cover . Wow she was amazing ! I am very good looking 5.9 feet tall and with an athletic body and i have been in many relationships, as i was saying i was looking at that...

4 years ago
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Alicias destiny

It all started 10 years ago.  I was 14 and a young girl in a medium sized city in Belgium.  Not the most popular girl, looking quite innocent (what I was at that age), athletic and doing the girlish things girls of that age do.  I had quite some girlfriends at school and as school was mixed, I also got my first kisses at that age.  I said athletic, because back then, I was the top sports girl of my class.   After school I trained athletics in a local club.  I was especially well trained in...

2 years ago
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Before i actually start writing the story, i want to make an announcement! Ok, hi there, im new here! Im not exactly an experienced writer. Quite the opposite actually. This is my first story that ill be writing. So if you see any form of mistake, that be grammatically or in general please let me know. (I've probably butchered this first intro already) I don't really have much of an aim for this storyline, its more like an experimental story if you catch my drift. If this goes well, or you guys...

4 years ago
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Chapter 1: The accident It was drizzling. The weather was as gloomy as my heart. Well, almost as gloomy, as nothing could be as dismal as my feeling. I turned on the headlight, switched on the wiper, and continued driving home in silence. Linda was also silent, staring at the traffic ahead of us. We were returning home from the cemetery, where Linda's mom Brenda was lying in peace. What happened exactly one year ago, the biggest tragedy in my life, seems like it just happened the day...

4 years ago
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Facing Destiny

“I assume we have reached a bargain, then?” Darkniciad asked. The man before him pursed his lips for a moment and his brow furrowed. He took a breath, nodded his head, and said, “It’s a square deal.” “Excellent,” Darkni said while extending a hand. As he shook hands to seal the deal, he said, “We shall stay in touch so you know when to be ready to take delivery. There is, of course, the matter of the advance payment.” His customer nodded. “I’ll go fetch my gold.” “My father will handle...

3 years ago
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Serpentine Destiny

Aris walked along the secluded section of Grecian shore, enjoying the view of the ocean after a breathtaking sunrise. All too soon, he would have to return home, and he wanted to fix the splendor of his ancestral homeland firmly in his mind. It had been a great stroke of luck that his far distant relatives still living here had made contact, providing him with an affordable place for an extended stay prior to entering college. The icing on the cake had been the leader of the dig site he’d...

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Nadia walked into the cold, dimly lit dungeon like room. The dampness hung in the air like a heavy stench suffocating anyone in its path. Water leaked from the ceiling, dripping onto the stony floor making it colder than it should have been. She never would have known about this place if she hadn't overheard the girls in the locker room mumbling about a guy they had tied up for eight days. The knowledge made her gasp, but she was careful to make sure no-one heard her. How could they do such a...

3 years ago
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Chosen FrozenChapter 20 Date with Destiny

Aside from the fact that one of the participants was the single highest-ranking officer currently on Thule, this was not all that much different than any other date meeting that two underage kids had dragged their parents into in the history of Thule. Samantha wore her "home" hockey jersey, a pair of sandals and a winning smile. The jersey covered more than a concubine shift, but also allowed her to quickly adjust her dress appropriately if it turned out that the pod was full of naturists....

3 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 18 Destiny

SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 2001 Four weeks of camp. Almost a month away from the real world. No email. No IMing. Probably not any phone calls. No more seeing Megan, Cassidy, and Adrienne on a daily basis to remind me how much I'd sabotaged my own happiness. No seeing Abbie and Allie to remind me that this wasn't just a game and how close I'd come to ruining my life. Sure, I'd miss my friends. But I needed a break. Last year, I couldn't read in the family van while we cruised up Highway 5...

4 years ago
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Little IndiansChapter 22 Manifest Destiny

Penn awoke in the darkness of the cave. He knew that he had been unconscious for a long time. But how long? There was no natural light in this place. He might have been unconscious for an hour, or a day. Who could know? Maybe a thousand years had passed! The cave was quiet, and Penn thought it deserted. "Penn, my love. I am glad you are awake." It was not Pamela who spoke. "I have been waiting for a long time to feel you, to really feel you, Penn. It is a memory I shall treasure...

1 year ago
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100% fiction! After shifting to village i was quite upset. My new college in the village too was boring . There was only one bus as a mean of transport. The only thing exciting me was i was alone with my mom. She is a lady of 40 with 40 d breast size. She is an awesome figure which will make every man who see her to take her to bed. My dad was such a fool that he divorced this awesome figure. Finally the college day came to an end and my vacation started. It was awesome summer. Mom had bought a...

4 years ago
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Tokens The Bitch

The Bitch By Morpheus Corey nearly cringing as his Dad stared intently at him, intently wishing that his Dad had been home from work even later than he already was. Then his father might have been in an even worse mood but he probably would have been too tired to give Corey much shit about the black eye that decorated his face. "How many times have I told you not to be fighting?" Corey's Dad growled. "Yet you still go out looking for fights." "But Dad..." Corey tried to...

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The Domination of DestinyLynn

    I had my first real experience with sex when I was 16. I didn’t find out till sometime later that it was called being dominated. That summer I was staying with my Uncle. He and my Aunt had divorced and technically he was no longer related to me, but to me he was & still is my favorite Uncle. Uncle Bill was that cool Uncle that all my friends wished they had.  He liked to party, and he had no problem letting my cousin Mike and I do it too as long as we did it with him. The first night...

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Wayne Finally Fucks Destiny

It was late on a dark story night, and Destiny’s fantasy was about to become reality. Wayne leaned in towards Destiny and his sweet lips met hers in a passionate kiss, Destiny melted in his arms. Wayne’s hands with those long fingers of his traveled down her sides, and rested on her hips for a short moment before he began to remove her sexy black lace top that didn’t leave much to the imagination. He began kissing down starting from her lips, to her chin, her neck, moving down slowly kissing...

4 years ago
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The Domination of DestinyLynn

I had my first real experience with sex when I was 18. I didn’t find out till sometime later that it was called being dominated. That summer I was staying with my Uncle. He and my Aunt had divorced and technically he was no longer related to me, but to me he was & still is my favorite Uncle. Uncle Bill was that cool Uncle that all my friends wished they had. He liked to party, and he had no problem letting my cousin Mike and I do it too as long as we did it with him. The first night it...

4 years ago
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Frankenstein Meets The Mummy

FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE MUMMY by Throne The young man was short and slender, with soft features and a delicate way of walking. The mature woman accompanying him was taller, full- figured, and had a confident stride. He wore a close-fitting, colorful shirt and tight pants, along with slip-on shoes. She had on a cable- knit sweater and designer jeans, plus shoes with two-inch stacked heels. His hair was soft and pale blonde, worn at collar length. Hers was red -- not ginger but a...

2 years ago
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Ken 04 ndash A Visitor and My First Real Test

I always felt that Ken was plunging me into situations with little or no preparation. The first night we were together he had me strip naked in front of him, masturbate, piss on the floor and roll around in it. There had been no warning, no easing me into it, just a gentle insistence. He just quietly told me what to do and I did it. Not without some hesitation and some serious doubts, but I did whatever he told me to.It felt like diving in the deep end but with a gentle push from Ken. I still...

3 years ago
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Ken 02 ndash Breaking Me In

I waited an agonizing three days for Ken to call me after that first night. I stared at my phone, willing it to ring. I kept taking out his business card, holding it and turning it over in my fingers. I tried to call him countless times but never completed the number.I was certain he would call me the next day. I don't know why but I was convinced he would. By the third day I was becoming frantic. I began to think he had set me a test and I had failed. I didn't understand. I had done everything...

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