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Inked by: Serenity The hustle and bustle of the crowded streets of Bangkok's red light district drowned out the rumble of the poorly maintained engine putting the cab along. Through the windows of the back seat Mike and Daniel peered at a scrolling show of neon lights and alluring women. Mike grinned and elbowed his buddy, then pointed at a blonde hooker outside, flashing her considerable, if fake, tits. Daniel shook his head, embarrassed and excited at the same time. This kind of thing would be a first for Daniel, and even though his best pal Mike was a great friend, his idea to finish their Asian vacation with a stop at one of the worlds most renowned red light districts. All throughout their vacation, Daniel heard of the supposed acts that went on on these streets, how these women knew tricks that no other hooker anywhere could do. With Mike practically drooling out of his window, Daniel reflected on how even if a superhooker threw herself at him, he would have hardly any idea what to do with her. While mike has ridden his bike around the block more than a few time, Daniel hadn't taken off his training wheels, with a few make out sessions being the height of his sexual experience. While he never told Mike this fact, he had an inkling that this leg of the trip was planned to remedy his lack of experience. Mike saw yet another treasure trove of hot tail sail by his window, and he patted his knees with his hands, full of excitement. Oh, the crazy crazy shit he was going to do. Mike was also excited to get his buddy laid. Sure, Daniel acted like he was a stud, but anyone could tell the closest he got to pussy was the kitten department at Pet City. If he didn't know better, he would have thought Daniel was gay, but he knew he was just afraid. Of what, he'd never guess. So, he brought his pal here. These gook chicks would do anything for five bucks, Mike thought. Anything. And he was going to find out just what that entailed as the cabbie slowed the car to a stop. Mike and Daniel exited the car, their senses assaulted by the sound, the smells and the life of the street. Mike slapped his friend on the back, and yelled at the sky. Daniel laughed at Mike's enthusiasm, and started looking at all the strange signs, their odd letters so foreign to him. He loved the beauty and strangeness of the written language here, not to mention the beauty of the woman who just walked by. He craned his head around staring at her perfect ass, swaying while encased in the tightest skirt possible. Man, he wanted so bad to be like his pal Mike, who was already talking to a small girl in very big heels. So carefree and confident with the girls. If he could pull that off he'd be able to get laid all the time, he just knew it. Mike motioned Daniel over and introduced his friend to the young working girl outside of what looked like a tattoo parlor. "Danny!" Mike yelled over the Din, "This Sun Yi, and she said she would love to show us around!" Daniel looked at the pretty young girl, her body perfect, her clothes alluring, but damn didn't she look young. "Isn't she a bit young" Daniel spoke into Mike's ear. "She looks fourteen, man." "Oh she just looks young pal," Mike yelled again"Besides, man, here girls are absolute sluts by the time they are five." Daniel looked around as his buddy was being way too loud, and hoped that no one could understand Mike, who had his idiot hat on at the moment. The girl though, just smiled demurely at him, and twisted her foot coquettishly. Daniel did think she was awfully pretty, but there was no way he could touch her. His friend Mike though, had his hands all over her ass. They were whispering to eachother, and Mike yelled back at his friend. "Dan buddy, go look around, this hot slut here and me have some business to do." "Whatever, man. I'll be around. You sick fuck," Daniel said, half joking. Mike just laughed and replied, "You need a little 'sick fuck' in you too buddy, you'd have more fun." As Mike walked into the tattoo parlor with the little hooker, Daniel found a bench and sat down, looking around. He felt a bit dejected, knowing he could be fucking that girl, if he was a little more like his friend. Instead he was sitting on a dirty bench, surrounded by dirty people, the only guy on the street who wasn't looking to get laid. He sighed, and stood up and looked at the tattoo parlor. Inside he saw an old man behind the counter, and no one else. There must be a back room. Daniel walked in and asked the old man where his friend went. The old man just looked at him. Daniel could almost feel a hatred coming from those aged squinting eyes. Daniel found himself asking again, this time yelling the words slowly. Like that would make this guy understand him any better. Daniel felt like he must have come off as a huge dumb asshole, and he hated himself for it. He decided he would just wait and look at the panels of art lining the walls. Mike couldn't believe his luck, here he was stripping off his clothes, staring at the freshest, hottest piece of ass he had ever seen. Sure, Daniel was probably right, she was a touch young, but who was gonna know, right? As the little thing began so strip off her clothes, Mike couldn't help but gasp when he saw just how big her tits were, how perfectly perky, and amazingly, perfectly natural. The rest of her body was just as inspiring, but those tits were heavenly. As he took her and laid her on the bed, she just smiled, looking deep in his eyes. He penetrated her, amazed at how tight she was. Mike had bought his share of sex, and for a hooker to feel this tight, this good.... He couldn't believe that his pal was missing out. He flipped her around and started to go at her doggie style, she flipped her hair around and looked back at him. Mike saw a tattoo on the back of her neck, some sort of letter or word in Thai. Funny, he thought they were only popular among ignorant college kids. He wondered what it said. From the cock-drunk look in her eyes right now, he didn't think it said "Wisdom". He laughed at his own joke and started to fuck her even harder. Twenty minutes later Daniel had looked through the skull tattoos for the third time when his buddy came out of the back room. "Holy shit, did you miss out. That whore can really take a cock, man. You wouldn't believe what that dumb slut would do for ten bucks!" "Nice, pal. I hope you wore a condom pal, she was probably crawling with disease." "Oh, fuck no. That ass was perfect! I'm telling ya, you need to get back there for sloppy seconds." "Gross, Mike. Gross." "Oh whatever, I swear you're a queer." "Because I don't want to pay a fucking dumb slut for sex? Really? Yeah that makes me gay." Mike had been looking over the tattoo selection, impressed with the art. "Dude, if your too much of a wuss to get some tail, how about some ink." "Not my thing man." "Oh come on, killjoy. Let's get cut!" Mike went to the old man, and handed over a twenty, the pointed at a tiger tattoo. The old man just nodded, and pulled open some curtains to a small back room with a chair in it. Daniel couldn't believe Mike was going to get inked here, though the art was amazing. "Have fun, asshole," Daniel said. "No way pal, this ones for you! I even paid for it, you go in, I'm next." " I don't want a tattoo, man." "Look buddy, you want to be more like me, here is step one, now in you go." Daniel tried to protest, but found himself in the chair, with the old man and a buzzing needle behind him. It took a while, and it hurt, but it was over soon. Daniel was disappointed he couldn't see it, since it was on his back shoulder, and the old man covered it with gauze and taped it down. He walked out and flipped Mike the bird as Mike entered for his turn. "You're gonna regret this, buddy," Daniel said. "Whatever, you pussy," Mike replied punching his pal in the arm. As Mike settled in for his ink, the hot hooker walked in and said something in her sing song language to the old man, they talked back and forth for a while, and then the girl smiled at Mike. She ran a tiny hand over his crotch. "You fuck good. You love good cock," she said in broken english. "You mean, YOU love this cock, right princess?" Mike said. The young girl just smiled and walked out. Fucking weird, thought Mike. Then there was sting and the tattoo began. Outside, Daniel waited for Mike when the hooker walked out of the back room. She walked up to him and stood on tiptoe to whisper in his ear. "You're friend not good man. You no good man." "Hey now, I'm a good man." "No you call me dumb slut. I understand. You no good. You get pay, you see." She walked back out on the street and began catcalling the passing men, showing off her wares. Daniel wanted to go after her to apologize, but she was off with another man already. So what if I called you a dumb slut, thought Daniel, it looks like the shoe fits. In no time Mike came out of the back room, scratching his shoulder. "Hey pal, let's bag. I want to go get some noodles." Mike and Daniel sat down at a counter in front of a streetside eatery, setting down their bags. Both absently scratching their shoulders. Mike looked at the menu behind the cook and ordered chicken and noodles for the two of them. He didn't notice that the menu was in Thai, and that he just read it with no problem. He didn't notice that the din of foreign voices started to become a din of familiar voices. Conversations melting into eachother, catcalling of the streetwalkers trying to get some money from the dumb tourists. Daniel reached for his chopsticks as the noodles and chicken came up, and clumsily tried to eat with them. He noticed that Mike was eating like an old pro, using those sticks like he had his whole life. Even with his longish nails. Daniel was so jealous. Mike was better at everything. Better at sports, better at work, better at getting laid. Daniel flipped his hair off his shoulder and scratched at the gauze on his shoulder. Mike finished his noodles and sipped his tea. He turned around on his barstool to watch the crowd walk by. Man, those girls had their act together. He thought. A little shimmy, a little shake, and they are ten bucks richer. That and they get laid all day. Real tough life, he thought. He looked at one of the whores near the diner, noting how every aspect of her outfit was carefully coordinated to compliment the package. He loved her platform boots. The way they sculpted her ass must really help pull in the johns. A whole lot more went into hooking than a whole lot of people realized, Mike thought as he scratched at his bare knee. He was chilled, and wished he had a set of thigh high leathers to keep his legs warm, and make his calves look nice too. Daniel was still trying to eat his noodles when he looked over at his friend. Something seemed strange about Mike, but Daniel couldn't think what is was. He looked the same, maybe a bit thin, but maybe not. His hair was the same chin length jet black, and his skin was the same olive as the other people around here. Daniel just couldn't think what was wrong. He felt sleepy. "Mikey, where are we, like, sleeping tonight?" Daniel asked "I don't know. I'm sure we can find a room anywhere," Mike looked around. "There, that place has vacancies," Mike said pointing a painted nail at a building across the street. "Right, how can ya tell, Mike?" "The sign says so, dummy." Mike shook his head. Danny could be such an idiot sometimes. "Since when could you read that gobblygook?" "What? Since forever. What wrong with you?" Mike shook his head, feeling his hair sway as he hopped off the stool, pulled down his spaghetti tank top to cover his belly, and started to walk across the street to the hotel. Daniel followed suit, then stopped and hurried back, almost forgetting his purse, er, bag. My purse? Thought Danny, what the hell is wrong with me? The two friends checked into a room, and sat down on their beds. The set their back packs down, and unpacked into the small dresser along one wall. Danny's head was swimming, like the whole world was spinning and melting around him, everything seemed so wrong. He rubbed at his temple, his long blonde hair tickling his arm. "You OK?" said Mike. "You no look good" "My head feels funny, and my tattoo is burning up." Mike walked up to his friend and turned him around. "I look at it, maybe infected," Mike said. Neither one of them noticing his broken english and deepening accent. Mike peeled away the gauze and laughed out loud. "What is it? Is it, like, infected?" "No, but it no tiger," Mike said still laughing. "What is it?" Danny said craning his head to see, his hair in the way. "It say 'Dumb Slut'" Mike laughed. "You got ripped off!" Mike kept giggling. The Words on his friends back were well done, but it seemed unfinished. The word 'dumb' was covered in flowers and butterflies like his, but 'slut' was plain. "What about yours? Is it all wrong too" Mike went to the mirror and turned around, slowly peeling off his gauze pad. He noticed how nice his ass looked in his skirt as he read the tattoo in the mirror. Mike laughed even harder. "Mine 'Whore'" Mike laughed. The letter was halfway adorned with flowers and butterflies, the work of a real artist. Danny looked at it. "It is sooo pretty though. Does it really say, like, whore?" "Yes." "Maybe we should, like, go get our money back." Danny felt off balance and sat down on the bed. "No, you stay here. Rest. Mike go get money," Mike said. Mike sat down and zipped up his calf high boots, rubbed off a scuff and walked out the door. Danny laid back on the bed, closing his eyes as the world spun around him. He felt like every thought was coming through cotton, so fuzzy. He thought about his tattoo. A spark of intuition filtered through the haze. My tattoo says 'Dumb Slut', am I a dumb slut? Danny thought. This fog sure made feel dumb, but he didn't feel slutty. Thats good, he thought. Besides, it's only a tattoo. He slowly started to fall asleep, his chest rising and falling as he slowly faded away, not noticing as a small swelling began under his shirt. Mike strutted his way down the street to the tattoo parlor, swaying back and forth. He saw a perfect ass walk by, and he craned his head to watch it walk down the road, pulling at the jeans encasing it. Mike looked at the rest of the body attached to that ass, and swooned a bit at the large rippling arms and fit back. Definitely a keeper there, Mike thought. He caught himself wondering how big that guy's dick was. It seemed a strange thought for a moment, but Mike couldn't think why. He pulled at his underwire, pushing his tits up as he turned into the tattoo shop. He walked up to the old man and said in perfect Thai, "Mister, I came in for a tattoo earlier, and it's not what I wanted. I need a refund." "I gave you what you need, not what you want." "I don't understand." "No, you didn't understand. Now you will," said the old man. Mike noticed that the old man seemed taller than the last time they met. "You understand how hard life is for girl on street. Your friend want to be just like you, soon he will be." Mike pushed out a hip and wondered what this man was saying, of course he knew how hard it was on the street. He has worked it for what seemed like years. Until he met the American girl, he had worked alone. Soon he would make enough money to move away, maybe to America with his friend, even if she was as dumb as post. No, that wasn't right. His friend was Dan, they were here to...what? He couldn't remember. He felt so confused. The old man reached down and grabbed his chin, tilting it up to look into his eyes. "Your name is Meko, remember?" And She did. Meko. The name Mike fell away. Mike, Mike...Who was mike? Maybe a john? Did she fuck a Mike? That must be it. "You worked here for years to pay for those." The old man pointed at her tits. The tattoo on her shoulder burned for a second, then she felt a sharp pain as the flesh under her tits became two small scars. Her boobs swelled out suddenly, taking on the shape of a perfectly done tit job. Meko, pulled up on her cami, exposing her pierced belly button. She loved her tits, they made her so much money, and they felt so good. "You met your friend here at the shop and took her in, she was afraid of men, but you showed her how to work the street." Memories flooded her brain, memories of countless johns, and of the blonde american here on a church mission. How delicious it was to corrupt her, and show her the bliss of a life on the street at night. How the money and sex were addicting. Sure, she couldn't understand half of anything, typical American blonde. But she would be a hit with the local men. They loved her hair and alabaster skin. Did they? Meko felt that doubt again, that something wasn't right. She looked at the old man, memories of him taking her in, of him taking her. She looked in his eyes and felt his power behind them. She remembered now. This was her Master. The money she made wasn't for her, it was for him. All for him. He motioned her out the door, and Meko knew what she had to do. She strutted back out on the street, pushed out her tits, and crooned at the foreigner men walking buy. "Meko fuck you real good. Meko good sucky sucky. Ten dolla!" One of the guys walked up to her, but his friend pulled him back. "No way dude, she's like 15." "But look at her tits!" They walked away, and Meko pouted a bit, that John had a nice bulge, and would have been a fun time.Besides, she was 16, thank you very much. Danny slowly woke up and shook his head. That cottony feeling was still there, but it wasn't too bad. Oh! He had to pee. He hurried to the bathroom, just a hole in the ground, and squatted to pee. Afterward he went back to the room and looked around. It was still night, but Mike wasn't back. Something tugged at his mind, Mike? Is that right? Danny felt that cotton crowd his thoughts. No, not Mike, Meko...Silly Danny. He thought. I get so airheaded at times. He turned on the shower, and went to the other room as the water heated. He sat on the bed and peeled off his nylons, laying them neatly on the bed next to him, he pulled off his mini, and his tube top, all covered in sequins. Sooo cute! He picked off a bit of lint from his left breast and went to the shower. He wet his hair and shampooed up, loving the strawberry smell. Then he rinsed and set in some conditioner. His tattoo burned for a second, and he felt a slight pinch above his tiny penis where a small butterfly appeared in colorful ink, and above his ass where an intricate latticework appeared. Meko called it his tramp stamp. He had no idea what that meant but Meko was always sooo much smarter than him. He giggled in the shower and started to lather up. He was always kinda ditzy, and Meko handled all the hard stuff for him, numbers, money, all the tough stuff. He felt lucky to meet such a nice friend here. He felt like he knew her his whole life. Confusion set in as he remembered a man named Mike in a cab. His friend Mike...Then it faded behind a rainbow cloud of cotton between his ears. He rinsed off in the shower, and turned off the water. He wrapped his hair in a towel, and wrapped the other around his smallish breasts. He wished they were bigger. He wished he was more like Meko, every day. She was sooo cool, sooo sexy. He knew that Meko showed her how to bait all the men she could handle, but for some reason he couldn't remember ever doing it. Sometimes being dumb just sucked, thought Danny. His tattoo burned again, and he looked at it in the mirror, it was soooo pretty. He couldn't remember what it said, but he loved the flowers and butterflies that adorned it. Ouch! He stuck his tongue out and saw his crystal piercing. He didn't know how he knew, but he knew the men loved it. He was so confused. He heard a noise from behind the bathroom door, Meko must be back, Danny thought. Danny walked into the bedroom, not noticing that it looked much more lived in than when he went into the bathroom, with the closet and drawers filled with sexy clothes. As Danny came around the corner he saw Meko with a john. It seemed so normal to him, but somewhere inside, he knew it shouldn't. The man was cute though, Danny thought, admiring his muscles. He was already doing his friend, and by her moans, doing her well. Meko turned her head to Danny, her almond shaped eyes clouded in lust. Danny was so jealous of Meko. She was sooo beautiful, her titties were so big and just wonderful! Danny looked down at his smallish A-cups. He wished so hard that he could have had the same money making tits that Meko had. The john had begun to grunt, beginning his climax. Meko moaned and pulled him close. Then just like that it was over, the john began to get dressed, Danny noting that his cock was awfully large, blushing. The 'dumb' part of tattoo might be true, but she sure wasn't a slut. Danny thought, remembering what the tattoo said. He remembered being sooo mad when he was told by Meko what it said, but now she was just used to it. The john left, and Danny walked over to his friend, who was lounging on the bed, enjoying a afterfuck smoke. Meko dipped a finger into her pussy and pulled out a glob of cum, then licked it off. Danny watched, and felt strange, like it was him who wanted to taste that, but he was a guy, guys don't eat cum. He looked down at his tits, trying soooo hard to think, what was going on, why did he feel so weird, he had closed his eyes in thought when Meko shoved a finger in his mouth. It was cold and wet, and tasted so strange. Salty, musky. He felt like he had tasted it a hundred times, but this was the first time. He opened his eyes and looked at Meko's huge tits, still sucking on her finger. Meko, pulled her hand away and leaned back spreading her thighs, offering her pussy to him. Something told him that no, this wasn't right. But that something didn't get through his cottoncandy filled head. He reached his small hand, with its pink oval nails down to Meko's pussy, and scooped up a glob of cum, and slowly brought it to his mouth. He moaned, it was sooooo yummy. So oooey gooey and delicious. He moaned again, not noticing his soft feminine voice. He went to scoop up more when Meko slapped his hand away, and grabbed his long golden hair, pulling his face to her wet cunt. Danny lapped and sucked away at her. Sure, her pussy tasted good, but he wanted the cum, the wonderful tasty cum. His tattoo began to burn, the word 'Slut' Growing flowers and butterflies. Danny felt a sharp pain in his nipples as his nipple rings rubbed on the bedsheets, his small tits squished under him as he lapped the last of the cum from his friend. His mind began to flood, his attitudes shift. He wasn't innocent and dumb, not anymore. When he came here on a mission for her church he met Meko, and tried to bring her to the light. But Meko was so, sweet, so cool. She was sooo smart. Danny felt so close to her. When he was robbed on the streets, Meko showed him how to make money, and when Danny told her he didn't want to be a whore. Meko introduced him to the old man, who took him under his wing. He fed him, and let him work in the shop as a countergirl, since she didn't have the body to work the streets. She? Danny sat up, shaking his head. He was a he right? He tried so hard to think, but could only remember the old man making him suck him off in the back room, he remembered hating it at forst, how it went against everything he loved. He remembered beginning to crave it though, and one night quietly begging the old man to let her work with Meko outside the shop. He remembered the old man saying that he would never get men with his tiny tits, but that he could fix it. Danny gasped and looked at Meko, feeling his tattoo burning brightly as his smallish tits swelled magnificently, their weight a blessing, his nipples standing out like little thumbs. He remembered how proud he was to get his tits, how proud the old man, his master, no, HER master was. Danni remembered how shocked her pastor was to see her sucking off a stranger in an alley. And how she used her perfect titties to bait him into letting her give him a blow job too, and how sweet his cum was.She remembered being a goody goody, but being a dumb slut was sooo much more fun. She spent so many nights with Meko, sucking so many dicks, barely quenching her thirst for cum. That's why she got her tattoo, because she loved finding her true self here on the streets. Danni sat back on the bad, savoring the taste on her tongue, when the door opened and her Master walked in. The old man walked right up to Meko and kissed her deep. Danni felt sooo jealous of her friend, she wanted to be Master's favorite. Meko pulled out a wad of cash and handed it to the old man, who tucked it away. He looked at Danni smuggly, and walked up to her. He seemed so tall and powerful. He pulled down his pants, and Danni gasped. She almost forgot how magnificent her Master's cock was. As she lowered her head onto it, licking and sucking it to an erection, Meko began to get dressed, getting ready to bait another man. Meko loved the life of a whore, so much fun, picking out the right clothes, finding the best men. She loved taking her friend and turning her to the cocksucking slut she was. Meko saw with satifaction that Danni was already swallowing her Masters cum. She lit up a cigarette and left the room. Danni licked off her Masters shaft, loving every little taste she could get. "You love to suck cock, Danni." And it was true, she did. More than anything. "You love getting fucked in pussy too," said her Master. And her tattoo burned so hot, and her tiny penis became a well used pussy, her inner lips puffy and overworked. Sure, Meko had nicer tits, thought Danni, but my cameltoe drives men wild. Her mind filled with sex positions, of the best way to get the cock to rub her G-Spot. How much she liked it from behind, her huge fake titties swinging under under cottoncandy head. Thinking of a hundred good fucks got Danni so hot and wet, that she was practically mewling in front of her Master. As the old man began to work his cock into Danni's pussy he smiled to himself, knowing that hours before the squirming mass of hair and tits beneath him was that ignorant foreigner in his shop, yelling at him in his dumb foreign tongue and that him and his arrogant friend will now be making him richer by the hour. Danni just rode the wonderful cock that was working her, reveling in every bump and ridge, a slut to the core. The old man loved white women, but it was young local girls who made the most money, and he loved money more. He bent over and whispered in Danni's ear just as he filled her loose cunt with seed. Her eyes went wide as her tattoo began to burn, and she turned her teenage face to kiss her master, her hair rapidly darkening, her almond shaped brown eyes clouded in lust.

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Hello everyone This is my first story here..And its based on true incident..So its all upto you, if you wanna believe or not and of course the story will be in Hindi… And it will be lengthy as its a true incident…So it took time to impress anyone..So please co-operate and be with me… I am pankaj,23 year old, from Pune, shifted to Mumbai for job purpose to baat 1 saal phele ki hai. Jab main mumbai me new aaya tha.. I was 22 year old Job lagne ke baad.. Main aur mere 3 friends. Flat dekh rahe...

4 years ago
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homicidal sociopaths are often the most charming of men

i followed him down the thin, winding dirt path, snaking its way through the park. he was walking a few steps ahead of me, with his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his low rise Levis. dawn was just barely breaking, the droplets of dew on the surrounding blades of grass glistened, it looked as though the earths surface was encrusted with thousands of microscopic diamonds. his footsteps were heavy, almost violent. the beat of his clunky vans against the crust beneath him matched the...

2 years ago
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Johnny Be Good Pt 2

Johnny Be Good Part II Dee Cypher Well, I guess it's time to get cleaned up, Johnny thought to himself. As he made his way up to the master bedroom, Johnny was relieved that his father, now husband, was out of the house running errands. He was sure it was only a matter of time before they had to come clean about what had happened, but for now, he was going to be able to get his bearings in his new body. Luckily, the master bath was connected to the master bedroom where Johnny was...

3 years ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 6

As we stepped out of the archway and into the light, I was amazed at the sight laid out in the vast expanse before me. Grasslands stretched as far as I could see, and for a second I forgot that I was inside a tower. They reminded me of pictures I had seen, before my untimely death, of New Zealand and of areas of Great Britain. Warm light filled the sky from high above, almost like sunlight, and I could see what Amenthia had meant. The structure of the Dungeon outside did not look even a tenth...

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Boyfriend Ke Bhai Sath Mast Session

Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main aaj ap sabko apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main apne boyfriend ke bhai se chudi ye meri sacchi kahani h ap sab meri kahani ko padhne ke bad muth marna aur mujhe mail karna aur batana ki meri chudai ki sacchi kahani kaisi lagi main ap sabke mail ka wait karungi ab main kahani par aati hu. Ye kahani mere aur mere boyfriend ke bhai ke bare me kaise mere boyfriend ke bhai ne mujhe choda. Agar koi mujhse sex chat karna chahta h to mujhe...

4 years ago
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the Night Whispers Index 3

I was awake at least an hour before I dragged myself out of bed. It took a great deal of willpower to do so. My body ached and my mind was thick and cumbersome. I had stared at the ceiling trying to weigh my thoughts, found no anchor to the way my fears and doubts colored everything. I had to have been losing my mind, I was sure. I even called out to Jackie several times, hoping to hear her voice in my head, even if it was only my brain playing tricks on me. There was no response, and I finally...

2 years ago
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Modern Family Mannys PillsChapter 7

It was two days after Manny’s pain-pleasure solution at the Dunphy household. The spanking therapy had worked to help the family reduce their hypnotic induced cravings. The frequent application of pain and humiliation of having to bare their asses and ask for a spanking from each other had somehow blocked their mental instincts to carry out their conditioning. It hadn’t worked perfectly, though. In part, because the family loathed the spankings and didn’t apply them consistently. Alex worked...

1 year ago
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GF In Charge PT3

In no time Beth had found a Web site that hosted videos of amateurs having sex and uploaded the video of her fucking my mouth with her dildo. I was pretty embarrassed to have a video of me blowing anything, even a strap on attached to this beautiful woman, posted on the internet for all to see. But a part of me was also pretty turned on by it! And really, that was the best attitude to have about it because I didn't really have a say in the situation anymore."Ok, we need some more videos to...

3 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 59 Challenging the Cuckolded Centaur

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Forbidden City, The Empire of Shizhuth The arrow hurtled at them. My stomach clenched as Nephi darted to the right, kicking up sand with her paws. In...

1 year ago
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Darkness Within Chapter 2 BloodLust

My eyes turned pitch black in that one moment, life seemed to still and nothing seemed to move, and nothing seemed to matter anymore. This was my life, this was what I truly was, a monster, to only walk in the night and sleep by day. I couldn’t control myself around him, the want of his blood… no, the wanting of him. To know I wasn’t alone in this barren world, to know he was there every step of the way, to know that I couldn’t scare him off with what I needed to do to live, if that’s what you...

2 years ago
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Becoming Anamika 8211 Part I 8211 Discovered At The Theatre

Hello dear ISS readers, My name is, well, my real name is not important anymore. A little introduction though. I belong to a small city in the state of Kerala in South India. Anatomically, I am a man. But since I was about 10-11 years old, I have always fantasized about being a girl. Typically, I didn’t have a lot of friends in school. When I hit puberty, nothing major happened. Only my ass grew big and round. I was continuously teased about the big ass. Anyway, since I pretty much kept to...

Gay Male
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Giselle a conquered wife Chapter II

The story so far: Giselle’s Italian husband, Francisco, is useless in bed, and can no longer satisfy her sexually. Her friend Becca, suggests she gets an African lover.***Giselle laughed with delight at her friend’s suggestion.“Ah Becca, please don’t make fun of me,” she said. “Tell me honestly; is the myth about African men really true? I mean, do they really have such huge penises, and are they such great lovers? I’ve always thought it was just people’s imagination. And are they as...

4 years ago
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Cuckold Via Video

I love technology. From my office I logged onto my new remote security system video feed. I had the system installed a few days prior and was playing around with it. The guys installing my new flooring were to be at the house so I figured I would use the system to check their progress. I clicked on the camera that covered my living room. There where the two men finishing the final touches on the floor as my wife, Lydia, walked in from being at the gym. She was wearing her black yoga pants and...

2 years ago
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Dads Best Friend 2

As I awoke the following morning, all I kept thinking about was, did I dream what happened between me and Mike the night before? Absolutely not possible. I got up, got dressed and that’s when I realized it was no dream. My entire body was sore. ‘Good morning mommy!’ I said as I walked into the kitchen. ‘Good morning sweetie,’ she answered. ‘Where’s dad and Mike?’ I asked looking out the window for dad’s truck. ‘They left about two hours ago headed to work. Why?’ she replied. ‘Ah, no reason,...

3 years ago
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Covid Cunt 1

Covid Cunt #1It was still Winter and they seemed to get a few inches of snow every week. Beau was pulling his cock from Tabby's asshole having fucked her there since she was on her period. “Feel better”, she giggled “I'll be off my period tomorrow”. Unknown to them, her long lost son Chubby had found them. Being internet savvy he had back traced Beau's inquiries, got their ISP address and charted their activity. Most was normal but a frequent login in to FetLife late nights caught his...

1 year ago
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Mother tricked into sex with son friend and dad part 2

100% fiction! I told the boys that when they hear the stereo, that's when they can come back in if they wanted to. Jennifer just started up the stairs with our wine when I went back in the room. i went through her dresser until I found her "pleasure" drawer. She had a lot more toys than before. Looking at some of them, I was quite impressed. I was pulling some things out when she got in the room with 2 bottles of wine. She asked "What are you planning on doing now?" as she filled our glasses....

3 years ago
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Maya 8211 The Perfect Slutty Cheating Wife Part 1

Everybody loves great sex, it’s just that nobody says it out loud in the open. Hello everyone! The problem with sexting and in this country is that most people cannot express what they want to and hence, much of what they want to implicate remains unexpressed. Maya was one of the most beautiful girls in her entire circle. She was also the sluttiest, it’s just that nobody knew about it. She was married and cheating on her husband gave her a “kick” that she couldn’t tell anyone about. Meera was...

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Mom and son go to doctor

Diane and Brian Adams married young. Soon after their honeymoon Brian got a promotion and they purchased a bigger house. They moved away from the city into suburban Long Island. Diane was a good mother and very devoted to her family. family activities were rather normal: picnics on the beach during the summer and ice skating during the winter. Brian kept excelling at work which he paid for by having less time to spend with the family so Diane played a major role in raising their k**s. She was a...

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Penthouse Passion

We had only just moved in to the penthouse apartment, and hadn’t yet had time to try out its most luxurious feature. We had spent the day unpacking boxes, deciding on furniture placement, choosing paint samples for certain walls, and generally preparing the love nest. By the time we had eaten some takeout, sitting cross legged on the bare floor of our new home, we were too exhausted to work anymore. You leaned back on your elbows and looked across the floor at my beautiful smile. My blond hair...

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Tim And Abbie 68 Abbie And Grace Playing DressUp

Earlier in the week, Brian called Tim, inviting him and the rest of the ‘gang,’ including Sam, to a football game on Saturday.  Not just any football game but a match between ‘their team’ and the one that Brian roots for.  They are terrific seats as they are comps from the bank.  Brian also is hiring a van and driver to take them to the stadium about fifty kilometers away.Matt, Luke, John, Peter, Mark, Tim, Sam, and Brian will make a day of it.  The van is picking everyone up in the morning and...

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Letters from a Friend in Paris letters 18

I got back to my room without being observed, chuckling over the fact that I was now completely initiated in all the mysteries of the family, and was an accepted participator in all the exquisite excesses of their incestuous intercourse; yet still there wanted the complete enlightenment of both Papa and Mamma as to my relations with both Fred and Sophie. Mamma, who was as capricious as a young beauty of twenty, had taken a fancy to have Fred the following night, and Papa had been so...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the PotheadChapter 4

I had to pinch myself when Summer opened the front door for us and attacked me with her mouth as soon as the door slammed shut behind us. She didn't waste time at all, especially with the kissing part. After such a serious dry spell as I had, it would take a long time to get back in the habit of taking sex with women for granted. I was even a bit rusty with kissing girls. Prison sex, what little there was of it, is not exactly known for its romantic side. Summer nearly raped me after a few...

3 years ago
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Aunty teaches the route to heaven 3

Dear Friends hope you all a nice time enjoying. I wish to thank for the nice response and for including in messenger for chat. There a mail from a lady who had narrated her experience after her marriage. I will be writing that mail in site sometime latter and I have her permission to write. I anticipate lively comments from you readers to Then we three of us planned ourselves for the next move. Given the character of Reena auntie, we decided it better to pursue it first with my last auntie...

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Always hard the beginning Chapter 5

A Learning Process • Cumming Too Soon with Filly • July 1958Filly Gasperi-Bongiovi was one of those women you never thought about fucking. For one thing, she was married to another guy and presumably fucking for him day and night. For another, the daughter of his mother’s cousin wasn’t too fond of the k** she once caught playing with himself while he ogled over her big fine ass. That was six years earlier when he was just thirteen and Filly was a nineteen-year-old happily married newlywed. ...

4 years ago
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For Starters 7

CHAPTER 7The day started as many others, I got up, took a shower. For a change I wasn’t wanking any longer in the morning, I had learned that even being almost 23 years old I needed to preserve my strength for the long and tiring day in front of me.In the hotel I was bell boy, waiter, assistant barman, the girl/boy friend for both managers and the hotel whore, always ready to give pleasure to any lonely guest.I’m already working here for 2 months, without time to get bored. The first days were...

1 year ago
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Pillbox Sex Dungeon Chapter 3 Introducing a friend

This is the third chapter in this series. There is a short paragraph setting the scene and you can certainly enjoy this story as a stand alone but to fully appreciate it please read chapter 1 and chapter 2. Enjoy Pillbox Sex Dungeon - Chapter 3 - Introducing a friend Teen, MFF, threesome, oral, anal The steamy weekend sex sessions and occasion weeknight meets continued. Our loved up and sex crazed couple have now been dating for close to three months. With each visit to the pill box Dan...

3 years ago
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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 14

Allison was assigned the room in the hut where the girls slept, but she alternated where she slept the same as the girls did. The reasons any of them ended up in one room or the other varied from talking and falling asleep there to wanting the company of Nathan and Kathy, or sex was definitely desired. Sex was not reserved for bedtime, however. Any outing to the pools, any swimming, or any recreational activity was assumed to involve sex, albeit not necessarily the main purpose. On one...

2 years ago
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Civilised beast to the girl who dares

This is an open letter to girl Priya from Gujarat who responded after reading my stories on this site. She asked me to write to her, describing what I would like to do to her. As she confessed she enjoys voyeurism and I admire her desire to explore all pleasure of sex. Thanks to all those amazing responses I keep getting, I try my best to reply all but let me say Thanks to all, if at all I have missed anyone. To all the ladies, your talks are amazing and have taken me by surprise, you all are...

2 years ago
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TimeChapter 37

It took three weeks to get to Japan, for I had business meetings in many other countries too. In Tokyo, like in Europe, I found the war damage still very visible. There were still raggedly dressed people wandering around but the economy was starting to recover. I had conversed over the phone with three drug companies and one seemed to be the best choice. When I and some accountants were able to see the books firsthand, I made them an offer in cash and a licence to make the vaccine. It took...

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Sisters Horsey UrgesChapter 6

Jackie arched her back, raising her body above the mattress so that only her shoulders and heels stayed in contact with the bed. Bodego was touching her in all the right spots! She felt him barely licking around the base of her pussy, increasing pressure as he brought his tongue around the quivering, wet flesh between her inner and outer cunt-lips. Then he touched her clit, licking up her tiny sex-spindle, making her cry out again and again while she beat the mattress with her...

1 year ago
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Main Aur Meri Silk Poja

Hello dosto, Mera naam sammer hai aur main varanasi ka rahne wala hu…Maine khanaiya bhut padhi pr ab soch raha hu ki apni kahani aplogo se share karu. Ye kahani suru hoti hai jb mere ghar me phle aur naye kirayedar aaye……Unka family choti thi…Miya,bibi,1 ladka,1-maal meri pooja. Jb shaam me main ghar aaya to maa ne btaya ki kl subah naye kirayedar aane wale hai main soochne laga agar koi ladki ya bhabhi hui to chandi ho jayegi aur hua b aise hi maine maa se poocha kaun-2 hai family me to...

3 years ago
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The Sweater

I sat at the table re-reading the letter for the tenth time. I still couldn't believe it. My dad's sister, Marie, whom I'd never met, had passed away. According to her lawyer, she left me her house.My dad rarely spoke of Aunt Marie other than to say she was a bit eccentric. He had told us stories about her when we were kids. She lived alone in the countryside, in a large house. She had lost the love of her life before they could get married. They planned their future in that house, so she...

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Sexual Problems In Middle Age And Proper Solution

Kumar and Vijaya are happily married couple working in prestigious organisations in the town. They maintain a healthy sexual life too. But for last one year, Kumar was having some sexual issues related to lack of erection or early ejaculation. That disturbed both of them a lot. So they took appointment to a reputed doctor nearby in that particular field of medical science. Being the last patient of that evening, they came out of their residence at 6 PM sharp as per the time given by the clinic....

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Fender Bender

Lainey’s fingers dashed across the phone screen. She hit send on her message and began to type out another lengthy response before Dylan could reply. That bastard had spent the better part of her shift at the coffee shop arguing with her over text. The fact that she was now driving home did not stop the argument. It was now in full swing now.Lainey had called him out for flirting with his coworker. She found the text messages to prove it. Of course, she should not have been snooping in his...

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Confessions of a Catwoman

CONFESSIONS OF A CAT WOMAN By Natalie Wilde Someone once said that the life changing events will not come when you expect them but rather will sideswipe you on a Friday at 3 in the afternoon. Well for me that was true, except it was Thursday. And what seemed like a normal October afternoon would soon have major implications. I am writing this, as way to try and make sense of the things that have happened to me and how my life...

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I Am a Gangbang Whore for My Master and His Friend

We've been talking about doing a full-on gangbang for a while and today it's finally going to happen. In my fantasy it's so rough and I am so helpless against a group of men who just want to beat me and use me to get their cocks off. I'm just their little slut, eager to please in any way and do whatever they want. I know it's your fantasy too. I'm scared but I'm also so turned on thinking about it that I can hardly concentrate on anything else! You arranged the evening yourself. I'm not sure...

2 years ago
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Meri 18 saal ki naukrani

Hello Friends! My name is Lucky Qureshi.I study at a college in Delhi.Now, Iam going to tell you about a real sex event.I returned my home after my classes,I found that there was no one at my home accept my maid Chandni.She is 18 yrs old,wheatish complexion, 5’3 height and Figure of 30,28,30 approx.She told me that my mother is out for shopping.Then,I took my laptop at my bed and started watching nude wallpapers,I was so deeply watching them that i forget that chandni was sweeping my...

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Softball GirlsChapter 2

Copyright©1999 by Dael The seemingly endless day dragged for Richard as he moved from meeting to meeting and spending endless hours on the phone with customers. Finally, it was time to leave the office and he knew he'd just make it to his daughter's softball game. With his son long graduated and somewhere in Italy onboard a nuclear submarine he missed watching baseball, his first love. Instead he found himself watching girls fastpitch softball ... and enjoying it more every day! He enjoyed...

3 years ago
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The Bookstore Ch 6

Marie awoke with a start. This was a shock in itself, as usually for her the transition from sleep to waking was a slow, drifting affair filled with vague half-dreams which vanished as soon as she opened her eyes. This time she went from sweet non-existence to wide-eyed alertness with a gasp and inadvertently tried to sit up......Only to have every joint and muscle in her body shriek with pain and stiffness, and she groaned out loud as she fell back and attempted to remain completely still in...

4 years ago
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Sometimes words can be more arousing than deeds but not always. She is tall and not always happy about it. Many tall women wish they were shorter just as shorter girls wish they had a few extra inches. Few people are entirely happy with their bodies. But to the submissive, lying on the bed, the tall, beautifully dressed woman was a dream fulfilled. Not that at this particular moment she could see her. Her eyes were covered in a black silk mask. She was wearing a black leather collar that...

1 year ago
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Scene Two at the Boarding School

As I entered the dorm building, I couldn’t help thinking what just happened to me. I was sent to the Head Master, Mr. L., for punishment for missing a drill and not paying attention in class. He spanked me then made me suck his cock. Then he sucked mine and also fucked me. I was no longer an eighteen-year-old virgin geek. I was his to do with as he pleased. His last words were for me to report for another spanking tomorrow. I couldn’t wait. I went up to my dorm room and stripped down. I grabbed...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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And the Stalking Was Hung by the Chimney With CareChapter 3

The morning of Christmas Eve showed some promise of ending the snow storm. For awhile the sun was even out and brightly shining, but it apparently wouldn't last. More snow expected for later this evening, according to the weather report. Still, since there was sunshine for the moment, the odds of another Shadow attack soon were remote at best. Most Shadow creatures don't possess a whole lot of self-will, but they have a strong sense of self-preservation. There isn't a big enough whip to...

3 years ago
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Building a Dream Part Four

Having grabbed the carrier bag, I took the stairs and having reached the bar, asked for a couple of cold bottles of white wine and four cans of Guinness. I had a feeling I would need a good drink myself before I get around to having my turn in fucking Jay I looked along the bar and saw Simon and Jim having a drink and looking dressed as if they had just come from the office. ‘Should I say hello?’ I thought to myself. ‘Be rude not to.’ Having paid for the drinks and put the drinks in the bag...

1 year ago
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Christmas Eve

I guess my problem started during Christmas vaca- tion when I was 18. My parents were on a two week second honeymoon in France, and my Aunt Jill had agreed to take care of our rather large house and of me. Jill, who was 28 at the time, was still recovering from the shock of losing her husband in an automobile accident, so I was skeptical about my chances of having a merry Christmas in the midst of so much gloom. To my great surprise, though, Jill's spirits were high, and the two days before...

3 years ago
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The Boys Story Chapter 10

"How is the feeling now?" he asks me and I say it is getting stronger and he says "Same" but he decides to wait some more until it feels very strong. I know when it is strong for both of us he will want to play with my arse again and because of the feeling I am looking forward to it because I know it pleases him." Chapter 10 After watching porn for about 15 minutes he decides that the feeling is strong enough and I have to agree with him.. My eyes are not focussing properly and I feel like I am...

1 year ago
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>>>>>> I did talk to the girls, lining them up as I cooked a pound of bacon before frying two eggs for each of us. After my “discussion” they all understood to mind their own business and not Amy’s and mine. I kissed everyone goodbye afterwards and drove off to work. Fridays are always hectic. The men turn in their time sheets then Carolyn and her assistant Barbara review them, compute their wages and withholding for taxes and benefits using a payroll program I had bought last year. ...

2 years ago
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Heathers Horny Pets

Heather Locler sat on the porch of her farm-ranch house and surveyed her lot. She felt a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. She had been bequeathed this farm-ranch and had managed to not only keep it going and maintain it but to actually turn it into a thriving enterprise. It had not been easy by any means. The farm-ranch had been thrust into her lap. She had been living and working in the city, when, out of the blue, she received news that her uncle had passed away and had bequeathed...

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