Ink! free porn video

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My name is Joe. I’m going to tell you a story. No, not about me, I’m just your ‘average Joe’. But I have a friend who is really something else! His name is Leonard. His friends all call him Leo.

Leo & I worked in the oil fields in south Texas. I’m a roustabout while he is a high rigger. I don’t have any special talents, but Leo is an artist. Not a painter or a sculptor, but he can draw anything you want. A flower, a butterfly, animals, fantasy creatures, or just intricate abstract designs. Everyone who saw his drawings told him he should become a tattoo artist, and put his designs on people, instead of just on paper.

Leo thought about it for a long time and finally decided that if he could become a great tattoo artist, he would get to do what he loved, and maybe make good money. It would beat the hell out of working in the oil fields. He started savings his money.

When he had a fair sized stash, he sorted out the minimum amount of stuff he would need to take with him, and put everything else in storage. He didn’t want to have trouble on the road so he gave his old Harley a quick once over, after all it only had about 40,000 miles on it.

He packed his saddle bags full, put his clothes, mostly jeans & t-shirts, in an old duffle bag, strapped it to the back of his Road King and took off.

Hell, it was less than 1500 miles to Miami. Being the iron-butt rider that he was, it would take less than two days to get there. On Saturday morning he headed north for a couple of hours to get on I-10 headed east. He could follow it all the way to Florida and turn south on I-75 which would drop him down to Miami. If he was going to learn how to tattoo, he wanted to learn from the best.

Leo arrived in Miami Sunday afternoon. He’d had good weather all the way and his trusty ride had just kept on motoring. He got a motel room for the night, and figured he would start looking for someone to teach him the art of tattoo and find a place to stay on Monday.

Monday morning Leo was up early to get started. He found a nice little studio apartment on Biscayne Blvd, about half way between Miami & North Miami. Biscayne Blvd is also known as Highway 1.

The apartment was fully furnished, complete with linens & dishes.

He emptied his saddle bags and carried the duffle bag into his little haven. He went to the store and bought the bare basics of what he would need to set up house-keeping and a few groceries. Leo was a pretty good cook.

Next morning he dressed like he always did, jeans and a black t-shirt, his vest, boots and ball cap. He checked the yellow pages and tore out the couple of pages that listed tattoo parlors. He got on his Harley and headed for the nearest one. He had to check out several before he found one where the owner was a master tattooist with years of experience, and the owner liked Leo’s drawings that he had brought with him. Just a small portfolio, but the owner was impressed with Leo’s talent. They struck a deal. The owner would teach Leo the art of tattoo in exchange for a quantity of Leo’s original designs.

Leo was a good student and a fast learner. He had the natural talent and just needed to learn the technique. It wasn’t long until Leo was turning out excellent work, making for very happy clients. The owner of the shop was happy with their arrangement. And now that Leo was actually doing some work, he was also getting paid. Sure beat the hell out of working in the oilfields of south Texas!

One Friday, while Leo was working at the shop, and the owner had gone to lunch, a lady walked into the shop. This was not just any lady. This was one gorgeous woman. Leo greeted her, ‘Hi, I’m Leo. May I help you?’ Leo was awed by her beauty.

She had flawless alabaster skin. Her hair was shiny black, which she wore in tight curls to frame her face. She had an impish smile which made Leo wonder what she was thinking. Her lips were full and she was wearing pale pink lip gloss. She reminded him of a porcelain doll. He guessed that her breasts were a full D-cup, but still stood out like marvelous twin mounds. They were capped by nipples which jutted out about half an inch, making little peaks on her blouse. She was obviously not wearing a bra. Her ass was the classic apple shape below a tiny waist. She wore a skirt that was several inches above her knees. All supported on long, curvy legs and dainty feet.

She wanted a tattoo. She knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted a medium sized butterfly, to tell the world that she was free! She wanted it centered on her cleavage, so that she could wear low cut tops, and it would show. Leo explained the process, and what it would cost. She didn’t even hesitate, and asked, ‘Can we do it right now?’

Leo didn’t have any appointments for the afternoon so he replied, ‘Of course I can.’ He probably would have cancelled any appointments he might have had, to get to work on this gorgeous woman.

‘I just need to know that you are sure, since a tattoo is permanent.’ She was sure. He led her into his cubicle and set everything up. She unbuttoned the top three buttons on her blouse and told him, ‘Right here!’. As she placed her hand between her breasts. Leo was ready.

No artist could ask for a more ideal canvas.

They talked as Leo worked. It would take most of the afternoon, because she picked out a butterfly with lots of detail from the ones Leo offered to her. Her name was India. She had just recently gotten out of an abusive relationship with a man who was older than she was. She had finally had enough, packed her things, got in her pick-up truck and moved out. Actually she had moved about 500 miles, from Tallahassee. She did not want that bad man to find her!

Leo was totally enthralled by India’s beauty. He couldn’t imagine how any one could abuse her. He knew it was against the owner’s policy, but when he was finished, he asked her if she would honor him with her presence at dinner. He knew of a quiet little place not far from there, and the food was excellent. She thought about it for just a few seconds, and then said, ‘I’d love to.’

Leo’s boss had called the shop while he was at lunch, and told Leo that since they didn’t have anything scheduled for that afternoon that he was going to take the afternoon off and for Leo to lock up at closing time. Leo hung up the closed sign and locked the door. They walked to the little restaurant as it wasn’t that far.

They hit it off marvelously at dinner. Leo being the perfect gentleman.

They talked about where they were from and where they someday wanted to be. They had a lot in common. Dinner was followed by a couple of drinks and more conversation.

Leo looked at his watch, and it was almost 10:00. He said, ‘This has been a wonderful evening, and I hate for it to end, but I guess I better walk you back to your truck and let you get on home.’ She teased him, ‘Remember, I ran away from home. I only got to Miami today.’

Leo was speechless. She continued shyly, ‘If you have a spare room, I promise not to be any trouble.’ When Leo was finally able to speak he said, ‘You are more than welcome to my bed and I will sleep on the couch.’ They stood up, Leo paid the tab, and they walked out hand in hand.

When they got to India’s truck, which was parked in the shop lot, she asked him what he was driving. He pointed to his Road King and said, ‘That’s my ride!’ She smiled and said, ‘You’ll have to take me for a ride some time. I’ve never been on one.’ She agreed to follow him in her truck. He fired up the Harley and waited for her to get her truck started. He only lived a few blocks from the shop. When they got there, he parked his bike and showed her where she could park. Leo grabbed her two suitcases out of the back of her truck. They walked to the door, Leo unlocked it, opened the door, and stood aside to let her go first. ‘Nice’, she thought. ‘A gentleman.’ She was not used to this kind of treatment.

When he turned on the lights she
looked around at his little haven. She saw a kitchenette in one corner, a double bed in one corner, a couch, chair and coffee table along one wall, and a TV on a swivel table. There was only one door, and she could see that it went to the bathroom. She spoke up, ‘You only have one room!’ Leo closed the door and leaned back against it. He had a devilish grin on his face.

‘Yes, and you are welcome to my little haven and my bed. I’ll sleep on the couch and we will try to get you situated tomorrow.’ ‘You are perfectly safe here.’ Some how she knew she could trust Leo. She went into the bathroom and changed into her pajamas that she had always slept in. Leo turned back the covers for her, tucked her in, and kissed her lightly on those luscious full lips. Leo said, ‘Good night and sweet dreams.’ He grabbed an extra blanket to cover up with, turned out the lights, undressed, and lay down on the couch.

Leo lay there on the couch, contemplating the events of the day. If some one had told him what the day would bring, he would have told them they were full of shit! But it had happened, and he wondered where it might lead.

India lay in bed, wondering, ‘What am I doing here? I hardly know this man! I hope he’s a man of his word. I could be raped!’ But, she felt safe, and felt that she could trust him. It had been a long day, she was very tired, and quickly drifted off to sleep.

When India awoke on Saturday morning, it was to the smell of coffee.

Leo was already up, dressed, sipping on a cup of coffee, just watching her. It took a minute for it to soak in, as to where she was and how she had gotten there. Then she remembered, and smiled at Leo.

‘Care for a cup of my best this morning?’ he asked. She answered, ‘That sounds wonderful.’ She got out of bed as he handed her a cup of hot steaming coffee. She sat down in the big comfy looking easy chair and tucked her feet up under her. She asked, ‘Where do we go from here?’ Leo looked at her for a long moment, then spoke, ‘I’m in Miami, alone, you’re in Miami, alone, our evening last night was the best evening I’ve had since I left Texas. Want to just stay here and see where it might lead?’ ‘I think we could be great friends. Say yes.’

India had been dreaming last night about this very thing happening. She didn’t even have think about what might happen. She believed in fate, and was willing to take the risk. In a very serious tone she answered, ‘I’m willing to give it a try on one condition.’ Leo had no idea what her ‘condition’ might be. So he asked, ‘And what might that be?’ She smiled and replied, ‘You NEVER make me sleep alone again!’ They met midway between the couch and the chair, locked in a tight embrace, and shared their first sensuous kiss. Each one wanting, wishing, hoping that they were making the right choice. Fate had brought them together. Now, it was up to them to make it last.

Over the next few months, they agreed that fate had treated them well. They had both gotten lucky that Friday! Their love for each other developed, and got stronger and stronger. India was now working as a waitress, pulling day shifts so they could be together every night.

Leo was mastering the art of tattoo, and asked India if she would be his masterpiece, and allow him to put his grandest designs on her body. She loved Leo, and gave herself to him, literally ‘body and soul’. The process took a long time, but the results were worth it.

Leo decided that he wanted to open his own shop. He certainly didn’t want to go into competition with his teacher. He discussed it with India, and she agreed. They would move back to south Texas where Leo was from, and open a tattoo parlor. They knew they could do it.

The both gave notice at work that they were quitting and moving to Texas. Leo’s boss, and teacher, wished them well. They put the Harley in the back of India’s pick-up, hitched a u-haul trailer on behind, and loaded their possessions into the trailer. They turned their apartment keys in to the manager, and he wished them a safe trip.

Three days later they were in south Texas! Leo was home again.

They found a barber shop they could rent, that had an apartment upstairs. It was perfect. It had two barber chairs, sinks, cabinets, a front counter, and was in a good location. Leo had bought all the equipment and supplies he needed before they left Florida. He got the required licenses and permits, and put up a sign in the front window which read, ‘Tattoo’s by Master Leo’. Leo was in business!

Now what he needed was advertising and some customers. He knew where to start. Leo had worked his magic, and India was now well on the way to being ‘his masterpiece’.

Leo was satisfied that his creation, or creature, was far enough along to put on display, he dressed her in the absolute minimum of clothes which would show off his talent, but not get her arrested.

The first time he took her out was to the old bar where he and all of his biker crowd had hung out. It was Saturday night and the bar was busy. Most of Leo’s old friends were there. Everyone was glad to see him back in town. They couldn’t believe that this gorgeous creature was really his partner. He told his old crowd about going to Miami, becoming a master tattoo artist, and that they were now back in town and had just opened a shop down on Ocean Drive.

India was wearing strappy, high heeled black sandals, with the straps winding up over her shapely calves. Her black skirt was the shortest micro-mini he could find. It hung low on her hips, barely covering her skimpy, red thong panty. She was wearing a supple, black leather vest, V-necked and held closed only by three snap chains at the bottom. She was covered, but just barely!

Leo was proud of his work. He was more proud of India. He had taught her that not everyone was mean and abusive like the man she had been with. He had given her self confidence. She knew that he would ask her to be his best advertising again and again. And yes, She would bare her body to the world if he asked!

Dressed as she was, India could easily remove her top, or lift the hem of her skirt up, and expose 98 percent of her body, showing off everything except her pussy, which was her one private place,

covered by her skimpy, red thong panty!

The group of bikers, bad boys and babes alike, stood in a circle at the back of the bar, so the bouncer and the manager could not see India in the middle of the circle.

Leo said in a firm voice, ‘India, it’s time to start the show.’

India obeyed! She always obeyed.. She slowly and sexily unsnapped the three chains which held her vest closed. She took it off it and handed it to Leo. Those behind her saw that her right shoulder was a tangle of vivid green vines and two bright red roses.

But what caught everyone’s eye was the body of a fantastic dragon, sitting on his haunches above her left hip. The dragon had one small arm tucked in, but the other was reaching out for the back of her neck. His long neck went over her left shoulder.

Those in front of her saw the dragons head, with fiery eyes and a mouth full of sharp teeth, resting along the outside half of her left breast. Its long tongue was stretched down to lick her nipple. The left nipple had a short gold barbell horizontally thru it and a longer gold barbell piercing the nipple vertically forming a cross. This really gave new meaning to the phrase, ‘Cross your heart’!

The outside half of her right breast had an intricate abstract design on it. The nipple in the center was in a permanent state of pointedness, with a small gold band circling tightly at the base of her nipple, keeping it hard and standing proud! And nestled in the valley between her breasts was the butterfly. It had been the cause of everything

that had happened with she and Leo.

India gracefully turned a full circle, so everyone could admire Leo’s talent. When she finished, she pulled the hem of her skirt up and tucked it into the waist ban
d. Those behind her could now see the dragon’s tail, whipping back and forth a couple of times, with the end pointing directly into the crack of her ass, which was covered only by the narrow strip of her skimpy thong panty.

The white cheeks of her ass were bare, waiting for Leo to decide on the proper design to show them off in the best possible way. As she turned around again, those in front could admire the rest of Leo’s work.

When the bouncer came over to see what was going on, Leo handed the vest back to India. She slipped it on to cover her breasts, snapping only the top chain. She un-tucked her skirt, allowing it to fall into place.

As the crowd returned to their seats, the bouncer admonished them, ‘Anyone exposing her tits will be thrown out.’ To which India coyly replied, ‘But they’re just titties! Every one has them.’ The crowd roared, and a frustrated bouncer went back to his post by the door.

Several of the others stretched this piece of clothing or that to show off their ink. They were all amazed at how good Leo was. A couple of the ladies told Leo that they would definitely be coming to see him.

The manager of the bar came over and complained that if a cop walked in and saw what was going on that she could lose her license.

After a brief silence, Big Dave spoke up. Yes, Dave was big, 6′ 4′ and 265 pounds. He was married to Carol, who was about 5′ 4′ and 110 pounds. Quite the couple. They owned a business and were very successful.

Dave said in a voice loud enough for everyone in their group to hear, ‘Let’s take this party to my house. Carol and I have a large home just west of town. We have a big pool that we keep nice and warm. Our property is large enough that we don’t worry about the neighbors. Everyone who wants to come can show off ALL their ink!’ Dave continued, ‘My bar is well stocked, and I don’t charge my friends for what they drink!’ He downed the last of his drink, took Carol by the hand, and headed for the door. ‘You’re all welcome. Whose coming?’

A couple of people complained that they would like to but that they had to go to work in the morning. The rest of the group, about a dozen, including Leo and India all followed him out the door. Big Dave fired up his custom chopper and yelled, ‘Follow me!’ He had to yell because that sucker was LOUD! Eight bikes roared to life, an FSX Low Rider, a Heritage Softail, an Electra-Glide, a V-Rod, an old Shovel Head that refused to die, Crippled Charlie’s Trike, Carol’s Sporty with its short shocks and custom seat so her feet could reach the ground, and headed out of the lot chasing Big Dave. Leo and India were on his Road King, about the middle of the group. Nobody wanted to miss this party. Being south Texas in the summer it was warm out.

After a short, fast ride, they got to Dave and Carol’s. Dave hit his remote and opened the large iron gates. Everyone went thru before the gates closed behind the last bike. They all parked in the driveway and headed for the pool area. It was nicely lit with lots of chaise lounges and chairs. Off to one side was a bathroom. Co-ed of course!

Dave went into the house and opened the sliding glass doors to his game room. It was complete with a pool table and the bar he had mentioned. This was going to be some party!

The next thing everyone saw was Carol, coming out of the game room.

She was as naked as the day she was born, except for several colorful tattoos. She headed straight for the pool and dove in.

‘Damn this feels good!’ she said. ‘Pool rules, Ya gotta be naked!’

These were all friends, and the clothes started coming off so fast you would have thought they were all professional strippers. No one was shy. Some went in the pool, but others went to the bar where Big Dave was setting them up. Everyone was comparing their ink to the others. There was such a diverse bunch of designs, that the only repeats were butterflies and roses. One couple had matching Celtic knots, to represent together forever, with no beginning and no end.

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"Don't, stoppit!! lemme go!!" Faye demanded angrily, but he just kept on walking untill he got to his horse carriage. "Your not going to get away with this!" she yelled as he threw her in carelessly. " Well i already have..." he laughed in a low hollow laugh. Faye sighed, he wasn't going to change his mind. As the huge castle gre smaller and smaller into the distance, Faye tried to think of an escape plan, but a few minutes later she just gave up. So she tried rattling on the bars,...

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Jenny was really tired of it, but it had become so much of a routine, she had long ago quit fighting it. Jenny was forty. Her husband was in his sixties. She had married him after a disastrous first marriage. Jenny was a late bloomer. She was fairly tall as an eighth grader; very skinny; no boobs; but could run like a deer. Her face was as good as any model. She was as good as the two youngest Jenner girls, only she had reddish brown hair. She was pretty insecure in junior high, but soon began...

2 years ago
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So, it seems that I’ve developed a new fetish that I didn’t even know I had! It happened something like this….. I was at a bar, and had had four-five beers. Needless to say, I had to pee pretty badly. When I got to the bathroom, there was someone in it! I waited, and waited, but nobody came out. I was to the point of crossing my legs, to hold back the urge. One of the bartenders walked by and asked what was wrong, and I told him that I had to pee. He said, ‘It would sure be a shame if you...

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Hey everybody! This is Raman & I wanted to share this experience with you kinky readers. I was working as a personal trainer in a gym, so I had a few personal clients whom I used to train one-on-one. One of them was Naveen, in his mid-thirties who started treating me like a friend. He started telling me everything about his life. Things like where he works, what he does, about his wife & k**s and pretty much everything. He was a nice guy who had everything but only one problem. He was...

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Sirius gripped his hard cock in a tight fist, moaning and thrusting up into the air. He hadn't been with anyone since his escape from Azkaban, and he had needs. Well, one need more than ever. He closed his eyes, remembering the feeling of being dominated, of being pounded to completion. It hadn't really mattered who was pounding him, be it another prisoner, Malfoy, Lestrange. All that had mattered was that he didn't have to be in control. In his dog form, they had no idea it was him. And he...

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I use to work for a campground about 10 years or so ago, not long after I turned forty. One of my duties was to lead a weekly bird watching tour. This usually occurred on Saturday or Sunday at dawn. Most often nobody showed and I would go off by myself. Later I would report to the owners that half dozen or so people showed. During this time I use to explore the campgrounds remote areas and some of the neighboring property. I would also keep a list of the birds I saw just so it looked like I...

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DrINKING byJhMcKn©I was coming into the house and as I did I looked at the kitchen doorway and saw my mother, Margaret, staggering through the doorway. She was wearing a sheer black garter girdle, sheer black stockings, high heels, and a sheer black cut out bra that clearly showed her very long red nipples plus some of her teats.As she staggered through the doorway she saw me and gave me this funny grin and asked "What the fuck are you looking at? You've seen me before in this outfit. I have to...

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I wrapped my coat around me tightly, and blew my warm breath into the palms of my hands before rubbing them together. December was brutal this year. The cold, misty air bit at my pale face. Little streams of tears cascaded down my cheeks as the harsh wind blew against me. I took cautious steps, almost as if I were too afraid to touch the pavement beneath me. My toes were numb so every step pained me. My body longed for some cosy warmth, but I was still a few minutes away from the bar. I toppled...

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 “Alamak! So sexy what!” grins Aini, eyes squinting against the tropical afternoon light as she looks up from the pool. Her bathing costume is a modest maroon one-piece affair, melding into the rich dark skin of her short round body, carefully conserving her full breasts from view.Her friend Heidi grins in reply, pulling off her towel and giving her tight buttocks a brief twerk, as if to prove a point. She wears a bright pink bikini, the ruched top barely covering her small pert breasts, the...

First Time
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Mom, dad, s*s and I had been having sex as a family for a long time now. I was about twenty and must say that I enjoyed having mom and s*s avaible for my cock whenever I fancied. Dad did keep strick rules in place one of which was that no one but him could nut inside the women. So I had to wear condoms whenever dad was present but mom and s*s would would let that slide when dad was not around.They had also taught me how to install the condom wrong so that it would break during sex allowing my...

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Book One: The Awakening Chapter One Somewhere in the Indian Ocean, 1793 Rose lay quietly in the darkened room, unable to move or speak. Three timesa day, a pretty young concubine came to feed her and, once a day, at first,to bathe her. After a few days, the frequency of the baths increased, and eventually,she began to sleep in Rose's rooms, bathing her whenever she pleased, whichwas often. Rose hated the baths, because the concubine always took the washclothafter she used it to bathe Rose and...

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DrinkingWhen I was younger me and my mates would all meet up and go out on the lash and get pretty hammered, in our stupour we would hit on the girls and see if we could get lucky. This one night I was chatting to this girl and she was shit faced drunk, she could hardly stand so I figure I am in here HA HA. So I get her in a cab back to hers she was sick in the cab dirty bitch but i was not put off. I finally get her in to her bedroom and she starts kissing me with her stinky sick mouth so i...

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--- Drink (mf, 1st, blackmail, caution, inc, magic, mc, nc, oral, reluc, f-solo, m-solo) by Krosis of the Collective --- 16-year-old Darryl stepped out of the strange store and heard the bell above the door ring as it closed behind him. He strode away quickly, his hands in his jeans pockets, feeling the small glass bottle that he had shoplifted. He had found it on a shelf in the weird knick-knack shop with a small piece of worn paper attached with twine that said in a spidery ***********,...

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Pleasing Sir

Robbie Helm knew when he went through puberty, he was gay.  He did have a few girlfriends and did lose his virginity with a girl.  He just was not satisfied by women.  He liked looking at women but did not get horny around them.He enjoyed when they gave him blow jobs but sticking his cock into their vaginas did nothing for him.  He dabbled with straight relationships until he was twenty but after that, he decided to just be with men.Robbie also liked to be submissive.  He wanted to find a...

Gay Male
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I Dare YouChapter 1

"I hope I'm not the last virgin on earth. Nobody wants sex with me," says Anna. "Well, you're not alone. I haven't had sex either." "There's just nobody at school I'd trust enough." "Well, why don't you do it with my little brother; he's horny all the time, I know he masturbates all the time." "You're kidding, Alexis. Your brother, Noah?" "Sure, I dare you, Anna. Just do it, make a play for him. The little bastard would jump at the chance to get in your panties." "I...

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Two DiariesInterlude

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My days in Thailand part 4

“You, two, you understand English?” They looked at each other and nodded. It was Pannai who spoke: “Understand….speak no.” I laughed a evil laugh: “Good…..I love bitches who don’t speak too much…. Lie down, both of you! And spread your legs, so I can see your cunts!” As they lied down, I took two handfuls of ice and started to press it onto their tits, tights, all over their flat young bellies. Goosebumps rose all over them, and their nipples got hard. I threw away most of the ice, and...

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Wayward Daughter Returns

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Did I Dream all of this

I was busy at the kitchen sink, when suddenly I felt a hand sneak under my hemline and start to stroke my right leg, up from mid thigh and up and up across my stocking tops, stop to stretch a suspender strap 'Twang' and then my freshly waxed thigh to my pantied ass. Then i felt my skirt being raised by another hand and SMACK, SMACK, oh oh i bent further over the sink pushing my ass outwards, thinking to myself, just another 2 spanks pleeeeease, but no.Then the pair of hands pulled my silky...

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Riya8217s Paradise

Riya is in early thirties, her husband is in the merchant navy and is away sailing. She is a super hot woman, stands 5’6″ tall with very sharp features, flawless skin and the biggest assets are her heavy melon like boobs of size 38 DD. She had a slim waist and a round ass. Even though her boobs where big it was in a perfect shape with big nipples. She is horny 24 x 7; unfortunately her husband gets a holiday only for 2 months in a year. She stays with her mother-in-law in an apartment. Once her...

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Shelly Hugh DriscottChapter 6

Fourteen months after we went through the gate the first time, we were prepared to go once more. Our internal structure had changed. Jonna was the most dominant of the women. She listened to me and issued my orders. This was basically what she had done before for the Church. Fislu and Selna were bright and eager to learn and did so without supervision. They took to role playing games. This brought out a woman's natural, devious nature. They learned to see plots within plots. Lauren,...

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The Neighbors Boy Chapter 3

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 23

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Lap DogChapter 4

Angela lay on her back in bed, eyes wide open, watching the bedroom slowly turn light around her. A few minutes ago she had not been able to see the chair over by the door, brut now it began to loom out of the semi- darkness like the wreck of some old ship under water. Little tendrils of soft light were sneaking around the edges of the window curtains, spilling down onto the carpet, being soaked up in its dark nap. The young wife had been lying like this for several hours, ever since about...

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Second That EmotionChapter 30

I fumbled with the door knob; my arms and hands filled with bags made gripping the silly thing an effort, eventually getting it turned and pushed the door open. I stepped in and headed down the hall towards the staircase. Anya followed me around the pond and up the stairs to the master bedroom where I deposited the bags on the unmade bed. "Put the box down on the bed, Anya. We'll sort everything out later." She set the box down on the foot of the bed and looked around. "This is the...

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Drawn to YouChapter 12

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Empty LandChapter 14

Their first torch was more than half gone when at last Mak and Riggan reached the bottom of the stair. They would soon have to light the spare that they had snatched from another holder farther down the corridor from Riggan's cell, and there wasn't any too much left of it, either. Mak could only wonder at the labor it must have taken to carve these interminable steps out of solid rock. "They wouldn't have worked that hard if this didn't go some place," he grumbled. "I only hope that...

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Sister Seduces Younger Brother 8211 Part 3

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No Emotion No Attachment

I turned 19 in the summer of 2011. I had just ended a relationship with a skank who cheated on me after couple years of being together. I didn’t care too much, why waste my time on a whore?It wasn’t long before I was back on the prowl. I didn’t want a relationship. I was finished with those for a while. I was looking for a bitch who would suck my dick - anywhere, anytime - a slut that I could have coiled around my finger. No emotion. No attachment.That’s exactly what I found in a old friend of...

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